Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 21, 1904, Image 3
, , , , ' ' , ' ' . I , . 1 J ) I . , ' " , . ' " , . . , , ' ' ' " J I , L _ . _ . _ _ _ , II I I \ . , I . \ ' : , I.t It' ' . Youth's Ambition. : Juring last season's road tour of , . 'The I.Ittlo Princess" l\1l1lle James I lCcamo greatly InterestClI In one of the players In her fllIllwrt. Ho was a ; youug fellow engaged to impersonate one of the Lascar ser\'ants. He was good 1001lug ; : , earnest and rellable , ! Jut most mysterious In his habits. ! His principal assistance to the com- . . . Imny was In maldng the trans forma. ' tton scene In the second act. He had , 110 liMes tf' ) speak , but It Is so Impor- , : tl\11t that the scene should be changed ( } and properly that application was made by the mallagcl's to a dm. matle school for a ) 'oung man who 't wouill be reliable as the Lascu' , and . who could understud ) ' some of the , other parts. He was ne\'er seen In the da'tlme , " ( ) xcept when the company was tra\'el- ing , At night , except for the few minutes - utes he was on the stage. he stayed ! in his dressing-room reading , All ef- , I' forts to malw him sociable were re. b lffed until Miss James got his con- fidence. She found that he had made up his m 1111 to be a lh'slclan ) and was studying to that end , In the dar- I' light hours he malws cigars In his rooms , which he disposed of for a fir' t npp"arancl' as a n1l'mbct' or 1\101" r "s compan ) ' was In a small SOli' brotlc role In "KathleenIa'ourneen. : . " 'fho tltlo 1'010 wus 111a'oll b ) ' 1\1Iss N'1I110 Lingard. gramlnleco of the his. torlan a'nd essa'lst. MI8S Cnh11l and : \IIS8 Llngar became fast frlonds then , and the latter Is now a pIa ) ' reader fo ' Daniel \ ' . Arthur , I1ss Ca. hill's ma nagor , - Charles IIo 't's "A 'fin Soldier" was the first 1\11181cal pluy In which llsII C hl1l tool , a part. She pla'od the role or Pats ) ' , In thlH 111eco hm' worl. ( 'onalstell 1I10Stl ' of dancing , She graduul1) ' climbed to 1H'e.emlnence , and to.da ) ' Is the foremost woman ex- 110lwnt of the urond ret thoroughly logltlmato school of low cOlUodr founclell br 1\IIss l\lar Irwin.llss Cu. hill Is. artlstlcal1y spcal\lng , own sls. tel' to N , C , Golwln { , theil' methods often being startlngl ) ' similar. - - - - - French Tutor's Odd HAd. " Clrdo Fitch , the playwl'lght , col1ects In scrapbools speclnwl1s of the erl'Orl : ' foreigners muldng In < 1eullng with strange tongues. Ono of Mr. Fitch's scrapbools Is dovotcd to French.Eng- IIsh-tho sort of Engll h that Frenchmen - men sometlmos use. An addition was made to this \'olume the other dar. It was a French tutor's ad\'ertlsl'J11ont cllppe from a London nOWH1Ja1)er' , and It ran : " , A ) 'oung Paris man shall eslre to show his tongue to classes of English gentlemen. Address , " otc , - - - - Greenroom Gossip. 1\11' , II , V. Esmond'ls said to he-C : gaged upon a H\'e-act tragedr. Augustus Thomus IR writing a ne\\ ' plu ) ' , and Frank WOI'thlng Is to cre. ate the principal 1J1lI'l. "Gran ma" Is said to he the tltlo of the plur c110sen for 1\1rs. G , H , Gil- bert's farewell tom' next season , MIHlame Puttl will clear nearly lJalf a million dollars on Iwr tOllr-enough to Il'ep h ( > ( ' to an e\'ergrl'en old a e , I'\ora Dunhlane has won lralse ) f'Om the lIress In the lars < ' . cltlos for her . . . . . . . - . , ) , ) i ' ) , \ . ' ,1 , " . , , \ I ! 1 _ . , f j ; \ 1 . . , \ ' I \ ' . I I . ' , , ' ( U. ; - ( 130tl1'IJr-l'TAG. \ ; ; , , 130tl1'IJrl'TAG.I / . . I _ _ _ _ 7 _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ \ _ _ . . _ . _ . - " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I f.und which 1) ( ' hopes will ( ' 11 11 hi. . . him , ! to enter Yale : \ll'dlral \ colc ! > gl. ? next fall. - - - - - - Cautoc : of the Troubl , " ' 0 are IndolJtl.l ! { to the press 11\1- \ reUll of tlH' Sa\'ago I'or es for this suggestion of callso for the recent In- tel'l1atlonul C0l111)lIcatiollH , l'osslhlr ono of Hell1' ' W'A ) 'ollng men Is I'e' sllonslblo for the Panama-Colombian- 'l'all.Tne press Imbroglio , nun : : ! the squlh : It Is surel ) ' more than a mOI' ( > o' Incldence-moro than what has Iwon , called "Sa'uge lucl-thut just all the \ 11ew Blossom.nobyn comle OlJe1'l1. "Tho Yanlwe Consul , " has heon launched with marlwd succcss the go\'el'l1ment 8110\1111 sct1l1 a lIeet of wurshlps to Puerto Plata In Santo Domingo , wllol'e the scones of the opera ure located , Puerta Plata hadn't hoon heard 01' In 'eal'R until " 'l'he Yanlwo Consul" was 111'oducod h ) ' lltmrr W , Sa\'age , But here is where the startling coincldenco comes In , It was no Dooner annollnced thut GOCI1'lO Ade anll GUBtaIlel'S ( had ' . . ahout completed "Tho ShoOlln , " a , . . - ; comic Olerll ) with scenes located In , COI'ca , for 11" SUYRgp than Rllssla 11I111 Japan rushed tholl' finest war. ships to Coroa and hegan to wl'anGle 1'01' its 1105BestJlon , ! I - ; ; Career of C hlll. " 111 \ liS 1\Iarlo Cahill , the saving gl'flCO , of "Kanc ' Drown , " " 'flS horn Il nrooltlyn , N , y , S'OI .t1) . aftol' hll' I , hab ) ' ( 'al'l'iuge da's site went on the. : stage In a IIttlo Brooklyn U'at1' Wl1er'l llarlo ' Mc..rry , a : , I''nle al'list , I Wr..J cC1 uctins a stocl , compau ) , Her J , , . " ' I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lJPI'fol'l11l1nces as fillth In "The 'Vorst " "oman In Lon on , " Elmond ( nOHtan(1 ( has almost com. lleted n llay ) for Coqll lIn which Is lromIB d at the Gllioty In Pads about Fob , 1. Tltlo ar.(1 ( nature or Ilia ) ' are SCC'I'ots , William Owen hus fUlly reco\'erPII fl'om hln I'l'cpnt I11noss and has re- jolnecl his company , During hire ah. senco his lIndel'shuly. IIa1'l' ' J. , 11a's , has heen Il11lng hlR place , llIry AndOl'sonI1's. ( : . do Na\'arro ) appeared In I.on on Dec , 30 , anll ga\'o an ente 'lalnment for the 4,000 children - dren of the WhltechaJel district. Miss An erson sang' . Viola AIltm Is dellghtell with the new play thut i\larlon Crawford hus ahout finlshell fOl' hel' . It Is , l\lr. Crn wfol'd says , a pia ) ' of mOllorn times , The herolno is u GI 0 I' ) ' Quail part. part.WIUlam WIUlam C 0111 o ! ' al1l1Iessrs ; , Weber & Fields ha\'o parted companr. The comc Jlan has not been the success that , his managel't ! oXIJecte(1 ho would be , owing. mainly. to dramatic yeh. Icles not adllptod to his pccullar st'lo , 1\1' , FOI'bos ' Hohol'tson wl11. on his I'oturn flOm America , 111'oduco a now play hy : \ 11sshll'gare : Young , entitled - titled "Tho ) dgo of the Storm , " 1\1la8 Young Is ono of the'I'ItC1'l \\'I'ItC1'l ! for the stab'Q who ha\'l' hall somc Iractleal ox. perlcnco of uctlng , Jean Slue'lIus , the most noted among the composers of Finlanll , Is abollt to finish 11 ylolln C'oncol'lo , which ho Intends to dedlrate to Will ) ' BllrnwBtpr , who will , of ( 'oun , , ' , ho the t j'st to IIlay thu no\ pity in SI'undl. 11ll'In , as \ \ l'Il u ! ! all 1)\1' o < 'rnHnin the course of the present Sl'aJol1. : : ) , ' " I . ' ' ' , , . " " . , ' - - - - - - - " - , : - - . . - - - - - - - - . - - - - WUJ.JJllU Wllldnson 1uul whnt hI' c'allC'd hl "lIttll' theories" on'aI'IOIIR Huhjl''t , I I , ndn a I'ltl1.c'n of Chicago. hi' nat1ll'nl- 1) ' hall his atte > ntloll calle > d to the bUI'g" 1m' lIutl holll.up man I1I1Ps11on 1\1111 he had his IIttlo IhcOI' ' ( 'onc'PI'lIlng thaI. lIe tool , th ( ' Ilo 1t Ion that : \II'H , WIII- Inson's systl'1II of household defenf'I" : : ollslutlng of tmotl'll ) ' and lIat.lron I11I1U tl'aJl and othct' Illgeniolls dl'\'I'e , was falluclou8 that hlll' II1I' ' : aR wall a sclenc ( " spttlng at dof1l1lwe 10cl(1I 111111 11.11'11 : of all 1 < 111l1J , loci , ! ! anti htll'H wcro 3upol'lIuous to a great degl'eo , 11111 Ideu WIIS to trust to IIICI , alld to a\'old excltlllg a nel'\'OUS hlll'glnr' , If enc shollid stmy 11110 the IlI'emlRell , the danger of pl'rsoual'Iolencl' In'lug' lu his opinion largely clue to thl' ahslIl'll condition of ) ) anlc to which hOllse. holdl1l's are suhject 11111101' such clt'cum. stuucc's , A few weclI ago \\'lIIdllson was afforded the OJlJlOl'tllnlt ) ' to uP111y his lIttio theol'Y , 1\1rs , WllIdnson anll the hab ) ' went awa ) ' to a fl'C sh'all' anll egg rl'sort In tl1l' countl'y 1111(1 ( left him In churge of the hOllse , Befol'l' Rhe loft lrH. Wllldnson cautioned hll11l)11I'- tfculal'ly about locldng lip ut night and he smiled eusll ) ' 111111 salll It wOlllel he all right. He dill loci , the hOlls ( ' hcforl' he sturted to town In the 11I0I'nlng' , bllt at I'ight he clld not e\'en lutch the sri'oen , Theil.'er ) ' 1)I'ollC1'ly. It hU1)pOne,1 that one night he waH Ilwal , < "lIed h ) ' the cracldng' of a 1.Ioard lu his room to ! 'oc a tlarl. Hgul'e stand lug hy hl hedRlde , 1"01' a momout his 1.Ilood ran cold 1l11l1 hlH heart thumped with slIch vlo' I"nco that It soomell that ItH heating' must 1.Ie lIerfectl ) . atllllhl ( ' to the hllrg- : lar as wel1 at : ! to hlms'lf. Then with au effort he stllle(1 ( the IIn\\'OI'lhy emo. tlou thut. lIoS&ossoll him , And It was with lJulte a Hrm'olre that hc' GJlol.l' . "Oood \'onlng' , " he said. It was beautifully done. 'I'her ( ' was , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -0- - - - - . - - - . - ' - ' [ r- Vlall1 Big Warr Game " . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . J - - - - - - - - - - - " ' = = : : : - = - : : : : : : : 1 Within 150 mill's of New Yorl. city eal'ly nC'xt SU111mer. says a Washington - ton dl lmt'h In the New Yorl , ' 1'rlh. une , tl1et'O will 1) ( ' held the gl'eatost exhibition of mimic warfare e\'el' at. te111ptl'11 on this Bide of the Atlantic , Gen , Cor1.lln , commanding the ,10part. mont of the I ust , with the alIIl'o\'ul of the war depal'tnwnt. Is mal\ln plans to 1110hlllzo 50,000 tl'OOpS , Inclllli. Ing all the regulars east of the lls- lsslppl and the militia of Now Yorl , . New Jorsey. Connecticut , Pennsyl- . . .anla and 1JCrhaps othel' states , to tal\O 1JaI'l In a land campaign slmllnr to the annual manou\'el's of Germuny - aUII Fl'anc ( ? , 'fhe plunll In\'ol\'e thf' esta1.lllshmcnt of great mllltul' ) ' encumpments for- i.r 01' fifty miles almrt. aUll a hostllo cum1I Ign 'lJetween the two hases , Rim. ulatlng uil the conditions of an nctuul stuto of hostilities , Nl'gotlatlons are uow In 11rogress with se\'el'lll railway lines to arrn\1ge thoh' schedules fOl' the period of opel'atons ! , 110 thut the opposing forces may seize sufficlont rolling stocl. and assume contl'ol of the right of way for mllltar ) ' purposes wIthout too serious Incon\'enlonce of regnlur tmffic , and propcrty owners " , . - . . . . . . . . . ; ; J > i jll t I'nllllgh HI 11'\,1'1 \ , [ < 1 ( ' In Ill ( ' tOlIl' to 110 jlllI'I' ! to thf' sllUlltiOll , Ill' was III pas , I1nl. though not "III' < llnl , eXIICU ) ' , alld c'I'lalnl ' uol frlghtt'lwd , "YOIl lit' RtllI and shllt 'o\n' \ hl'IIII , " salll 1 hl' hnl'glm' , " ! Jon't ho IIlnr'1I11'd , " Haill1I1dllson , coolly. "I hll1101 th. . . 1'1'111otl'sl In- lentlon of 1II'll'lllltatlng Ullr unlllc'al1' IIl1tll,88 , I Jllst want tn tl'lI YOII-- " "AI'l' 'ou g-oln' 10 shnl up' ! " Ilenl11\lIl. \ I ed tll < < ' ! IIII'gllll' , " 1'1l'a l' IIOlI't allorOlll'splr to gl'l lIl'I'\'OUS , " mlltl'lIId II'S 0 II , " 111111 tal" , that IIghl Ollt of m ' l''C'H If 'Oll IlolI't milld , You want whut'lIll1ahll's thel'l' url' III th ( > hOIlSC' , of "OllrSl' , I shull SIII'\'IllIlel' \ ! thl'lII. and of COIII'SC' latl'I' on I shllll 110 whut loan 10'eCo'el' \ tllC'l1I , 'I'll ! ' C'OnSI'IJIIIIIC'tJI may he dlsllgl'eo' ahlt' to YOII , for- " "It' 'Oll dou't I'helstJ It , " Halll the ' ' " 1'11-- " hl1l'ghll' . - - " 1.'t mi' I\nlsh \ , " sail1 WI11.llIson , "To hc'glll wllh , Ill're's my wat'hll1I1l'I' thl' IllIIow , 11 1- ; lIot'lIluahle , hilt I 1II'Iw It lI'ver-- " As he spo ] " , hl ralsell hlmHl'1f In lI'd IIncl thrllsl his hllllll 11111101' Iho pillow , As h ( > did so h ( ' { ' ' ( ( ' ' ! \'Iolent shocl. anll a 1111111011 SIIlI'S IInll comets dannecl befol'o his e es , When ho reo { 'o\'erell he coni IlIIwd : " ' lIe\'l'I'thl'lls" for lis , "I IIl'1ze It. \ ( " " as Boclullons , Jnd If 'O\I \ curc to allow me to I'ltaln 11 1- " " 1'hel'e , there. " said the > hllrglal' III a sWf'et , gentle \'olrt' , "Y 011 lilllltn't tull , YIt. ! 'I'he doctOl' said you WOl'O to l\el'll qnlpt. Let mc , put thlH on 'Olll' he > ad. " . WI11\nson \ olenecl his eyes In sur- pl'lHe ancl Haw that th ( ' hurgh\ ! ' was attl-cIl ; In a nlll's'H ( 'ostnnw , Ho looled urolll1l1 and 1IPI'c'l'I\'l'd that ho was In 11 , hos11Hal wal'e ! . ' : ow Willdnson has a thc'ory Ihat the JloJI'l ! ,1'll11rtnlC'lIt nl'eds'el'haullng , News , --Chicago - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In tl1P llIo1trl'ts ! to hI' olIplecl or tra\- I en'ol1 hy till' ( 'ombutants nm IJOin ! : wal'lld what to expect : \1111 whnt com- IJensation the war lIepnrtment will al. low t ht'm for the Incon\'enlence they mu ) ' suflor , All the brancheH of the nl'my will be re111'eHentol1 In the ma- ne11\'el'S , hilt the lIa\'Y w111 not tul\O 1lnrt. till' force a lIoat ha'Ing 111l1'el ) ' nayal 11rohlcms to01'1. . oilt next sum. mer , It is 1)I'obahlo ) that the uSllnl urmy problcms at FortH Hiler ancl Thomas next Sllmm01' w111 ho milch curtailed in order that thn war department mnr cOllcentrato Its resources to nmle the New Yor ] , camllllign mol'O memol'ablo , Oen , COI'bln , who Haw Secroturr nOllt abolll the lIrogl'llm , Ha'S ho cannot ) 'ct .lIsclose . Iho exact location - tion of the l11aneUVOl'R , hut It w111 be close enollgh to New YOI'I , to onublo mOl'lJ lIcoplo to wltneRs thom than ha\'o scwn any operations Il ( > retofore undct'tnlwn In thlH counl1' ) ' . 110 says thOl'o will he n much greater force engaged than nt any time since the civil WI1l' , nncl that the cam1J1\Ign will he a vahmhle obj'ct 10sRon to ) astol'll people , 110 hopoll to mal\O n more oHnlto ann olin cement regarding his p1un8 In a short tlmo. - - - - [ s i I : _ .Ee e ] - - - . . . So manr false ancl foolish rcports abollt thC' Deall Sea-that strange anll Intl'I'osting Inlw-ha\'o heen clrclliatell Il\tl'I ) ' , that the trnth will , no dOllht. be aceelltable , Since the oarthllnulw in Palestine last AlIrll , someone clr , cllluted the stOl' ) ' that the mouth of the HI'e I' Jordan had heen so uffectel1 by the shocl { that th 10\01 of the rl\ ' . er had Iwon altm'ed to sllch an extent that at. the 111 ace where the historic 1'1\01' goes Into the Deal1 Sea there was now a waterfall of conslderuble depth anl1 Btrength , 'fhls Is altogeth' or fulBe , and no change whatO\'Ol' has talwn IIlaco at 01' near the mOlllh of the .101'111111 , ' 1'ho wrltel' hal'l jnst slH'nt some a's thm'e , anll ma o It his slelal bllsl- ness to lI1\'estlfato : this multOl" r.lllch hns also a1)pearell from tlmo to tlmo In lJa1)ers and 11Orlodlcals about steamhoats na\'lgating the Deall 11011. 'fhls , too , Is u fabl'lcatlon , 'fho only hout on the Deall IIca Is a small sail. Ing heat abollt twent ) ' feet long , . . . . . . . . . ' ' 1'hls'esr.el ; mulws trips , aF ! the wlnll allows. from the north l'nd of the seu to the hu ) ' on the eastl'l'I' " 1.1 , , nl' Ihn Inn. ' ' ' " Iltnt 11"'ll1nQ tit. . " . . . . , , . . . . . . . . .O" . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O".r" " ' _ _ _ _ " " , , , , , , , , HELPED TO DECISION. _ I How Railroad Commissioner Fixed Value of "Insult. " Senator Bullo ) ' of 'I'oxas Is rOllIons ; ; . hie for thla HlOl'r. whleh III going' tIl' ) rOllndH of the l'aUroac1 of11cos own- town : Not \'ory lon flgo al1 ex.member or the T < 'xas mllroad commission was \'Isitod b ' l'elrC'sontatve ! of a eel" tum rnlll'Oac1 cOl'llcrl1ton'hll.'h ! wan . ed the tmpport or the eOl1unll ! slol1er I j the mattt'1' of certain 1'rnn'hlll08 an' " ' Inn(1 ( gl'alltthpl : ; ) III ( , OllrtH , ' "AId ! 1 . . :1-111 : ; h. . J.ld (0) ) h'l YOIi 1111' " ha ) ' l.lll ) 1 1 shareR ot Hod. , It' all , ; " , , ; , " well , " "uld the \'bltol' 111 concltHllun , i - - - - - - - - watel' nl'UI' tIll' middle , lIen' at this t'rmlnllH 801ne , Jews arC' located , 'fhl' whole concern 11'1 , In fact , In the hands of .JewH , who , at 11 low rutc. 1J\1Y \ whout IIncl hurley from the ArallB , to h ! dollvol'ell on the seashorC' , From there It Is shipped to the .Jorlcho Bille , anll ( , ul'rlell on donlwys to JOl'llsalom , whel'e It HndB a realy ( Rale at a good 1Il'Ico , " 'hcn 1\Ch'l'I'Re wilids hlow , the little cmft Is In danger of heln ! : swamlwll , for the so.culled Dead sea hecomos a 1\\'lnl \ ; mast ; of wa'os , The \VI'lter recently Hilent 1'0111' nlghtH slIch 118 novel' w11l he fCJI'gntten on theRe " . 'I1ters , ntul the smal'lneSB of the 0111 man at the helm nnd hlR ho ) ' with the calls u ved liS from holng wl'eclwd again anll again , A chul'ge or ono Illljellle' (82 ( cents ) a tI'llI Is mallo for each II1188engel' , and for RIICh a unl < < 1l1e vo'ago It Is not exorhltant. ' 1'here is some tall , alJollt 1sn1llll stcam tllg IlOlng IJllt OIl the 11011 , hilt the IIlIthorl. Ilell 111'0 loth to gl'1lnt lIermlHHlon , It will Iw a great hoon when , If 0\01' , It does anlvc , as It w11l hl'lng the east a 11I1 west shlml or JOl'llan neurer to one another for com1l111nlcatlon and , . . . . _ , , , , , , , , I'n.l" " ' ' ' ' ' 'nan" 1 In r1rnnloln , . . . . . . . . . , . " " I'uu u-.u. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The ( , ulI1mlsslonor'US Indignant. "That , sllh , " nahl he , "Is an Insllit. It Is an Inslllt , 8uh , that ) 'ou shall 11ay donrl ) ' I'm' , I want ) ' 011 \IIuler'stancl , suh. that I ( \111 not to ho hought. You shall Jlay 1'01' that \\01'11 , sllh ! " "lIow 111uch ? " Balcl the \'Isltor coolly , 'l'ho commissioner paUficl1. 'I'ho quostlon toolt him nnu ware , Then C ! sl\1l1o cnnw OV l' his fuco , and ho IIn. flwel'cd : "Well. 8uh. I ran't suy jl\st \ ( lxlwtly bow much : hilt If you tell me what tt'lc Htocl , Is worth , sl1h. It might ! " 1)1 ) 1IIe > tu tiI.1 ! . CIIII : " AI"I I Ish/'f , .1) t ; tI. . , fraudI'M' " are .1UI , ' ( J K : \ . \ \ ' Yol' ! , ' 1'111\11. \ . . . , " . , , . ' - . - . ' ' . . . .J . . . . - - - - - \ VOUJjDYOnI ( lIARl\ [ - - - Er'rECT OF CANADIAN RECIPROC. ITY UPON OUR AGRICULTURE. With Free Accetoc to This l\1 < 1rket the Competition of Cheaper Wheat Grown In the Northwest Would Drive Amerlc < ln Farmera Out of uslnei. : : 'I'ho cost ot tl'anRportatlon from Manltuha tl' J.h'erllol I so 111uch grl'at < 'I' t hau that of 1I0nr fl'om the W'e1l1 ( , I'n American statoM to the Ramo lIolnt lhat t hero Is no prollt In cxport. IlIg It , 'I'hat Is why Canadh\l19 nro usillng' fO ! ' re , I\1l'oclt \ ) ' , It IR not to tJOIIl'Ht n\l'lc11n \ m11lI's h ) ' nuy mellns , hilt to aliI Canadian farl11ers. IIIIOI's want Caullcllllu l'Uln becauBo thor CIIIl bur It choallol' thllu A 111 0 l'1. can , not lH'cause It will heo11 U\1 \ 1lI'lccI or 10isl'n : COl11lHJtltlou , 1C the flll'l11l'rll In Iaultobll coulll 8011 the 11' wllellt In Al11ol'lcan 111l1l'lwlH , ha\'e It ground in Aml'l'lelln m11ls aud ox- l10rt ell to \'el'pool with Auwrlcan 110111' , then It wo1l111 surol ) ' compete with 011I' wheat 01' 110111' In that mar. hot , 111111 to the Bll11111r anl1 tOllll l\1roct. Iy to lower pl'lces. So long as the cost of tmuIIIIOl'tation Is as gl'ellt us at 1u'eHent It cuunot bo sold uolow AI1101'ICIlU g'I'aln. IInl1 so docs not af. fect Its \'alllo abl'oud. It Is th ( ' 8ur. pIlls of nllHsla , India 1111\1 Argontlna thllt fllrlllshcs the st'Ongollt COl11po' tltlon. ' 1'hnt II why a dut ) . on Manl. toba wheat aids nll\torllll1) ' In IW(1) ' Ing UI1 till ) 11rlco of Amcrlcan wheat. ' 1'hero Is anothOl' } Joint of vlow to thlll Quostlon , 'rho Cunadlan North. west is nn Inl1non8e territor ) ' , In which whont coulcl bo gl'Own to SUI- IHy the wOl'lIl's reqlliremonts wel'o It undl'l' cultl\'utlon , As yet this vast territory Is a wilderness with only a few towns and settlel11onts. Lund IB \'el'Y chea11 ; because Its lrodllcts ) can not bo gotten to mal'l\Ot at n 111'ol1t. 'l'he nelll'est 1113rl\Ot Ilt IH'esont Is . . . . . .r" , ' - I ' \ f _ _ _ . _ l _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ nnd enriching of a ( orolgn Innd at the OXIonSO o ( our own , As to the lInnOaloH3 ) m11l0r8 , there Is 110 110llbt of tholr bllslness entor- prlso and nblllty0 care ( or tholr own Interest ! ! . \\'Ith a 1'1'00 marl\Ct for tholr 11rOllnclfJ of 80.000,000 of } Jooilla allHtI1'ed th m , the ) ' cnn afford to ex. 1)lolt 1'orolgn mnrwls ] for tholr sur- IIItIS. D ' a ntrong combination they are > In a IloBI'uon ' to control the mill. Ing hllslnosR In the United States throllgh cutting down the cost of 1)1'0- dllctlon ami 10ssenlng the number of Ol11lllo'cs neccssar ) ' to condllct the hllHlness , 'fhen tholr sCl'oonlngs aud IIY'llrollllcts-hrnn and mlddllngs- are ( ; to Amcrlcan feeders dalr ) ' . lIIen emi fnl'mm's at the utmost } Jrlces at which theBo 11(01)10 ) wl11 conscnt to 1HII'chase , 'fhe Ironts ) on theBo by. l r0l1l1l'tll , which are HeneraUy sold be- ) ' 01111 tholr "UIIlO , enable those ml110rs to undOl'Rcll forolgners In their own mnl'lwts If there Is 110 tariff to 1)1'0' ) ' vent thom , It Is the farmers who ralso whont an,1 huy hacle the byollrodncts at high IH'lccs that enahle them to 110 this. Whllo the I11l11ln , ; s'ndlcnto Is cntltled to the allmlmt10n " , f our correspondent for their hllslness en. tOl'prlRe nnd shrewdness , ho nted not wllllte any Hympath ) ' on them uocaURe of theh' UPlIosed difficllltle : . under proscnt conlItions. ( The ) ' uro gonor. aUr mntlonalres , and the monuy they ha\e ) made has como out ot the pro , ducor nn constlluor.-Mlchlgan Parmer. Wrong Then , Right Now. SII' WIlliam Vcrnon Harcourt tIat. tel's hll11solf 1111(1111) ' In Imagining ho has 1I0no a great thing in digging up an antl'l1rotectlonl9t spoocl1 e\1\'ored by JODeph Chmnborlaln nea'rly nineteen - teen 'ears ago. It alpCarS that III 18S , In the corllso of a speech deH\ ' . erocI In Bh'mlngham , Mr. Chamberlaltl nalll : "It Is Improhnblo the working classes of this cOlin try will ever again su1.ll11lt to the sutTerlngs un < 1 misery InlllctecI h ) ' the corn laws. If this Is the pollc ) ' of the ' 1'orles we have oul ) ' WOULD RATHE R BE EXCUSED. , , / II &II Uncle Sum-'han\s ! , hilt I don't fcof 1I1e laltln a dl'lnl , : an'honot Ollt of thut bottle. DosllleB , I'\'e got some hllslness to attend to , " , , . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . lh'nrnn",1 fln.l H.n .lIal..n" I" an " "nnt I In rnn..11 II I"n' r. ' .I'n " ' M' 04" V. , , , 'V , , . . . . . . . . . UW. . . . . " . . . W O > V , . " . . . " . and the facilities for trnnllOrtlltion . so IImltell that settlel'lJ prel'or the i Northwestern States In which I.f' srow gl'1lln and hulld a home , Now with the Amct'lcan 1IIurlwts free to the farmerR of Manitoba thOHO willi h'1II1 ! ! wonld soon 1.Ie settled nil , anll their lro ) nctl\'o capaclt ' enol'mouRI ) ' III' creased. The result wOlllcl bo the Ramo to the whout growers of the Mill. dIe West al1l1 Wostel'l1 States as was tholr settlement to the wheat grow. ers of the Ellstel'l1 States , ' 1'ho ) ' wOllld surol ' ho 1Il'l\'en out ( If the hUHI. ncss or else com11011ecl to soli below lresent Ilrlces , Now cheap IlInds will alwaYR affect /oraln / gl'Owlng' In elder countl'leH III the same mannoI' , r.lanl- toha wOllld , with 1'1'00 American mill" ltetH , drl\'o the fa'III01's ! \lInnesota : , the Dlllwtlls alld lJther sprlllg wheat 1tates , out of the hllslnesH of wheut Irowlng , or comllol thom to )11'oIlIlCe It Ilt a pl'lco which would lea\'o thom IIttlo pl'Oflt. Even as the matter stands now the cheup lunl111 of the Canudlall NOl'th. west are attracting American farm- OI'S , who soli out on this side of the line an cross o\'el' to HOCUl'e chea110r land allll IIghtel' taxutlon , with the hope that when recl1)1'oclt ) ) ' comes they will have the Hamo mllrlwts to lIell In liS If the ) ' hall rcmllillell In the United Slates , TaIte the followIng - I Ing oxtractR from the Torollto 1\Iall allll Emplro as to emlgratloll to the : Canudlan Northwest anll the clllestion ' of l'ocllmlClt ) ' talCs on an entlrel ) ' : IlIfferent Ihase : " 'I'hreo ) 'earH ago the InllnlgrantH of all nationalities coming to tilO ( ' 01111- tr ) ' aggregatccl less thlln 4iiOOO , Now thut th Northwest has IJCon 1'0\'c'lIlell as the ChOlllJOHt lund In the world tllo ) armol's of Daltota , I\llnnesota , Iowa. Nohl'llslm nnd Kansas 111'0 Belling' their holellngs and trelIIHt north acrOHS the houndal' ) ' to hu ) ' In the Saslmtchowlln Valle ) ' lanel at old song IIrlcos supe1'lor to thr.t the ) ' ha\'o left In the l'nlted States , 'I'hey COIIIO nOl'th with capl , till a 1111 eX1JCI'Ience , With the Brit. Ish the ) ' 1'01'11I the 1.1 a cl < lJOn 0 of the \\'e t , " Hel1io\'e the han'le > I' hetwoen the two countl'leH b ) ' oonlnl ) ) ; OUl' mal'lwts to I CalJudla l farmol's , anl1 wo shall see ' farmers h ' 1I1Indl'ods Amol'lc1111 ) of thOtlSllll < < 18 Relllng Otlt unll 1IIo\'lng Into ! 'I1I11ula , Wlthollt those 1IIarl.ets , and ( bo ! i\1pp1) ' of grain becomln largoI' oaeh ) ' : U' and 111'lces getting lower RO at to afforll shl)111Ors ) a c'hance to .10 . ' hHlnC'Hs ; at II 1lI'oflt , tllP InduC'ementH ! ' , r AmerlC'an farnH'rs t. ) hl'0l110 Can. 1c1lan 5ctllcors Win s.n < 118app\ar , : " { ' ' ' ) ' ' the H"111rOc'II ) PllI1p ) 111t'an' } ImlWluf > . . . . I I , HI . " " " . . Ult > . . , , "U , J 'H ' ' ' 0 ; . . . . . . , , , wholl 1H'otectloll stal'vecl the 11001' anti the countr ) ' was brought to the 1.Irlnle of re\'oilltlon , " 'rho fact that a man wus wrong In 1885 dee ! ! 1I0t nocessltate thut he shollld he wl'Ong In 1904. The world haB mo\'od mightily In these nineteen ) 'ears , \'ellts have abundanti ) ' lIroved that the Chamborlaln of 188 was mls. tul\Cn and thut the Chamberlain or to.duy Is right. Se\'cral mrIllons of thlnl < lng 11001110 ha\'o complctely changed thoh''Iows ' \ I'egar lng free trade nnd IlI'otection In the 1IUst two decadcs. An Object Les3on. If Brother Chamhcrluln wants an ohject lessen showing' what protoctlon cun do ho will Hnd It In the official stUtlStiCR of the United States , Wo are not enl ) ' manllfucturlng 11 rent deal 11101'0 than e\'or before , hut wo lire ox porting vast ijllantltlos. ' 1'he reo port for Octobl'I' 1I1'Oves that last month wo Hold ahroud goods valu d at $1 GOOOOOOO , 'fho October total has hoon exceocled but once before , and the aggregate for the ) 'ear lIromises to heat the record. Yet thom was 11 tlmo when wo manufactnred practically - ly nothing and when onr (111) ' exports were agrlcnltural prodncts , Protec. tlon hllllt up 0111' Industries and ga0 liS the chance to compcte In the mar- lCts of the world , 'fhe stupendous figures relutlng to our domostlc anli . forel n commerce tell the stor ) ' , und a 1.Ietter' argllment could not he prosont. oIl hy any champion of lll'otectlon- ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'1'0) 1'lmos , What 'Ale Owe to Protection. Thh ! country cuu nevel' sulllclentl ) ' ho or the momol'Y of the mon who from the first Insisted that a bonus mllst 11.'alsed to mal\O us a 1IIa1lU- 1'actlll'lng a : ! well as a fanning people. We have re"T'I\ccl the honus hack man ) ' times In UIO cheuJOncd ) cost of o\'er'thing we bur hecllllso of Amerl. ean compotltlon , while , Instead of Occup'lng the IJOsltion of feeder and ton del' for 1 IIl'OlO that Cobdcn had as. " . signed to us , wo ha0 hccomo the great comll1orelal conte ! ' of the worl(1 ( oll1'sol\'os. lUul al'O Hole to 1001 , 01\ with cOlllplacent solf'satlsfactlon whllo Cohdoll'R SIICCOSSOI'S confess to 0111' sllgaclt ) . , concede 0111' l'llI1ac ( ) ' ntul commit. themsol\'es to OUl' pollc ' , - Dos Moines Hogistet' I\nl1 Leader. - - - - - - A Fact , A free > tl'ldI' : ( 'i1I'PS nothll1l : for wage l'al'llC'l'I' Paste this In your ha.t : . . ] ) IH QU1)CI't llu. ) n01Hlbllcm. I 'J " , l , . _ _ _ _ , . _ , _ : . . . . . . . .L - - , - - - . , . . ,