Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 21, 1904, Image 2
. \ } ,1 , _ . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . CUSTfR COUNTY RrPUBUCAB I ' Dy D , M , AMSDERRY , BROKEN BOW , . . NImnASKA - - - Brief T clcga s I A flrp of nnlwo"n origin Illtl $ OOOO dnmage to I ho clA"nr fnctor ) ' of the 1\lIchlllIn stttte III'IHOII , Secretnry 1111) ' mlulc his first 1111- 11001rnn'c nt. tI , . ItlltC ! IlelarUuIJnt ) TUesdn ' 'I or his Illness of t1w pllst fo" : WCl'k-h 1i'lro stlltcd three huslnoss IJloclC ! : ; 011tt'rrlmnc ! ltreet at Lowell , : 'IlItAS" t'ntlllllng 11 loss estlmllted nt. $200,000 , Flvo flrpltllm wert' Injuret } . 1"lgur's nre heln/ / { com pll(111 at Ow of1cps ! of the Union Pnclfic In Ol11l1hl1 . for the rcmollellng of t hl ofllce Iwllll. Ing and ml\ldng It more flrelroof. ! Senator Qun ' has Introlltlcpd IL 1,111 , nuthorlzlng the Ilresldlllt to nJIJUlnt ) I\lajor General John p , Brooltc , 11 JlelltelHlI1t general , on the retired list. After 11 suspension of Iwvf'ral weels for reJOlrs It 11.1 IInnollnced t1Hlt the Edgar TholtlllSOn steel worl < s Ilt Pltls. Imrg , 1)11" will resul110 operations In filII. The lg sltleller of the North AmerIcan - Ican CopJler comJlUny which dosell dO\\'n lit. Orllnll Encnmpn\ont , Wyo" for extenslvo repllirs Inst monlh , will resume olJCrations In April. The glove contest betwel11 YOllng Corhett and Jhnm ' Brllt will he fOllsht Imder the nusplccB of the Culmlt Ath. lotlc clllh of Sut : Francisco If present arrnngements nre cnrrled Ollt. Sonlltor I\lcCrellr ' of Kentucl\ } ' was not reported correctly concomlng his vote on the motion which confirmlHI the nomination of Buchllnan nB min. Ister to Panllma , 110 did not voto. Holllrool , J "IIIll , a solf.confossed forgel' and bank swindler , who Is wnntell In various 11I11'ts of the Unltell States on nllout one hundred 11Ifforent chnrges , was arrested In Snn l l'Iln. i cisco , Indlnn Commission , lonos has mlldo a report , In most llart. favol'llble to ) the bill of HOI)1'esontativo ) Burl\J of Soulh DallOtll , opening the : GOOOOO aeles : of the Hose ud rCBerVl\tlon to settloment. Thomlls II , Wlcl\Cs , vice president. . of the Pullman comlmny , 10 defendant i In 11 dl\'OI'co suit filed In the sUllorlor court at Chicago bj' : ,11'1 ; , Edna P. Wlc\Or8 ) , In which she , ohargos her ' hushnnd with cruolt ' , The city council of Clo\'olallll , 0 , . lIassed nn Cl'dlnance fixing the street car fal'o within the city limits at 3 cents , Outside of the limits , the fare will be cents , 'I'ho a.cent 1'111'0 will not Inchule a trllnsCCI' . J. C. Willcox , fOrlnCl' sterol < oollor oC the Southern I'Illlwa ' at Blnulng. hnm , Aln. , WIIS arrested on IIn Indictment - ment charging larceny of hrass and ether matorlal bolonglng to the South. ern to the vahlo of $38UOO , JameD Little Plume , who Illeaded guilty to the charge of murdel'lng ae\'en members of the Indian trlbo of BlacltCoot , ono of whom was his wlfo , was sentenced nt 11010nn , Mont. , to rortj' 'ears In tno Ilenltontiary. The organization of teamsters of the civil war will sOIlIl a 1I0tition to congress al ! : < lng for the pllSSllgO of n 1l1w allowing all toamstCl's on the lIay. roll during the war to recelvo n ptn. alon of not loss than $10 monthly. The board of health at LoclqlOrt , N , y" has ordered all local thoatel's , mnusement hlllls and ether Ilublle meeting Illncos closell nnll the IJllbllc IIl1l'11ry to cease Issuing lols ) ( , In or. dol' to guurd against und eilidemic ( , ( smallllox , After charges and counter charges hl1vo IlOen made IIgalnst the consulllt..1 of Shllnghal , Canton nnll Amoy , fOl' a 'Clll' , the l'reslllont has o(1 \ OI'ell the state dCI'lI'tnwnt : to mlll\O a thorough Investigation of Ihom , 'I'he Investlga , tlon will Ilro nlll ' form the husls fern n complete change of the consullltos In the orient , . The national geograllhlcal assocla , tlon hns requested the nav ' dOllart. ment to have a warshlll meet the stelInor : Princess Irene on her IIl'1'lval ilt New York. 'rho Princess InJl1e l)1'lngtho ) ! romalns of James Smith son , founder of the Smhaonilln : In 'stltutlon , from Oonon , to I > c finall ) Interred at Washlugtou , 'rho Olllllhoma SUllromo court hal affirmed the doclslon In the CI\SO 0 . Asu. C. SharIl , former hllllan agent 0 the Poncn Indian reservation , convict ' ell of accoptlng I > rllles In roglll'l tl the leasing of cel'taln Il1nds In th , , I Ponca reservation anti who was Hon tenced to a tel'lI1 of fOllr yellrs III th' ' I fodeml Ilenltenllal'j' at Fort 1.e\\011 : I i \VOI'th , I\an : , I Lost Ulrd , the Indian habj' Irl , wh , was } llelwd UIIOI1 the hattlefloltl 0 WOllllliod KIlOO nnd IItloJted ) b ) ' Gel oral Coli ) ) ' , enterol ! All Saints' schol : at Sioux F'alls , S , n , 1.0Bl Bird I IIOW 13 j'cars old mill Is exceellln1 ! hrlght , 'rho mllchlnlsts , hlael < smll hs nn llUttorn mal\Crs In the three plant of the AmerlclllI Brltlr.o comllUlI ' I Chicago reCused to accollt u Hi l'e cent rcductlon In wages and went 011 on a strll\C. It Is eXllocted thnt th Blructural Iran worltcrs will take Bin nar action , _ _ - - - , . . - - " "UIWM _ _ 'READY 1-0 FICHT - PANAMA WILL MEET PROPOSED COLOMBIAN INVASION. TROOPS AHE BEING PREPARED Conscription HaG Been Complcted :1ncJ 12,000 F1oIJUno Men CrI" Be PlacecJ In the FIeld-Fever Amono U. S. Marines. z-mw YOHK-Authentlc InCol'lua. lion fro 111 the frontlet' Is I111xloll81y ILwllltell horp , nl the bellof Is wide. ! lIII'ead , cllhles the Irel'llltl's l'anl1mn corrosllOndont , thnt the Colomhlans ha\'e IIlready stl1rtOlI to mllrch upon the 18thlllllS , . 'rho I'l1nnlllalnll troops am rcall ' to on 11 1I10mellt's 1I0tlee , 'rho con. scrlptloll haa heen cOlUploted , IInll 12" ( JOO flghtlug 111011 CIIII ho 1IIIIcoII In the fiolel. 'rhere Is grent husLle III the 1I1'lUOI'y III JII'ellUllI'lIon for the nhlpmellt of rilles IInd ammunition to the IrJlllans I I of the Intel'lOI' , who have IIgreod to Join ngalnRt the Colomhlnn forces Colonel Parello of the Pnnnmnian army salel : "We , who were Columhlans untl ! 'osterdny , cannot ho dccolvetl hy nny tacticR the Colomblrl1ls mllY emploj' . Wo arc deeply grateful fOl' the aid th9 Americans have glvon us , eSJeclall ) ) ' ILS wo are uow IH'ellllretl to flght our own lltLlos [ on land with the utmost confillenco of victory , "l OIll' to flVl' hlllJllred mon , station. od In the only thrlO ! ) JllsseR I1vallahle , cl1n defeat an I1rmy , We have all the II1l'n wo nctuall ' need , for the fighting will lie done In the mountains. " \Vo eXlloct to repel the Invasion wllhout call1llg out nil the ayallahle. . trool1S , 'rho 1IIIIIIIno will certnlnly fight Oil our side 'I'he San Blas In. Ilinns , who are Colomllian allies , will not fight at all. " llIny light clIses of fever are rOIIOl"t- e(1 ( to alrenlly exist In the cllmJs of the Unltod Stntos mllrlnes , eSJoclnllj' ) alUong thoHO who hl1ve hoon Hcoutlng along the trail ! : ! . 'fhere Is sOllie yellow fe\'el' III Pllnllml1 now , but nOlle has appeared In the nrmy , WASIIINGTON-The IIIlVY dOIJnrt' ment haB rocolvod the following cahle- gram from Hellr Admiral GlaBs , dated Pallnma : "Colli or Nero at Pnrwma has been Injuroll by the Concord going ulong- side. Damage Is lIot serious anti tem. l'OI'ary rellalrs will be ml1lle , at Pnn. ama. Grounding the Nero at high water so as to bo able to work below the water line , " WILL CLOSE UP ALL CHICAGO What Bulldln ! ) Commissioner Says of the Ordinance , CIIICAOO-Seventeoll halls wOl'e closed Frlllay lIy order of Cily Build. Ing Commlsslonel' Williams , Non. compliance with city OI'llInnnces was the reasoll nsslgned , CommlsslonOl' Williams said : "The lIulllllng c\lIl1ance \ ( Is to bo enfOl'cod to the last lettol' , I lIelleve that it will II1'actlclIll ' close up all Chicago to cllforco the law , hut novel'theless we nro going to do It. FactOl'los , chlll'ches , schools , hospitals and busl- ness establlshmcJl1ts will nil como un. dol' the han of the bulllllllg law If the ordinance provisions are InslstedullolI , 1\Inyor Harrison has Imown that nB well ns I and hll8 told the council so , Dut the law Is now lIelng enforced ns fnst as Inspectors clln discover vlo , lations and 8ueh will 110 the rule from this time on. " EMBEZZLEMENT OF $100,000 , Charge Agnlnst a Building and Loan Secretary. ROCK ISI.AND , 1I1-.J , W , Wnrr , for several years OliO 011ol1no'f ! pl'Omlllent. e-ltIens , sCl'etary ot tlH 1\1011110 Building nnll Loan assoclatlm1 nnll 10a110l' III I'efol'ln , WtlS Itlllletell b ) the ! ; rlUlIl jury , sitting In Hoclt Isinul Friday , 11I11101' sl1venteon counts. chnl'g Ing the embolemollt of $100,000 11 his Clllll1clty ns secretary 01 the Bulill In ! ; nllll Loan association , lie wna nr rostell and ar'l'nngell to glvo b01l1ls , Arbitration Treaty , RO IE-Klng Victor Emnnuel 111\ nlgnod decrees giving Forolgn MlnlE tel' 'flttonl fnll Iowom In conncctiOi with the arhltratlon treaty lIetweol Hah' IInl1 Oreat Britain , which will h signell In Homo when the British all' bassallor has boon simllarl ' eml'OV. croll. Colonel MIIIop : Murdered. ST , LOUIS , Io-\ slleclal to th - ROllllhlle from Dallas , 'I'ox" sa 'R .J 'Wol'cl has llOon 1'0colvol1 from Hob e 'rex , . that Colonel : 'Ill11sol1. 0110 of th most IJl'omlllent cattlemen of west 01' Texas , WI'S nSHaBslllatel1 by some III l(11owlI mnn , 'rho aBSllssl1I cscalled , Indians In Tcrrlble Want , CHICAGO-A dlspalch to the Inte bCl'nn from Port Arth\l1' , Ont" Saj'f An 1I1I1Ian hns 1I1'I'IvoII In tOWII 1\11 tolll a hOl'l'lhlo tllo of dIe SUfio1'l11 amoll ! ; the membol's ' of hiD trill north of l.allo NOlllgon , Ho tolll ( whore ono family WIIS so dostltw thllt the ' mlll'llerell a 'ollng SIlUII two:1t ' .llvc yonrs of ago 1\1111 the re or She fnmlly ate heAt Ilrst h tale wns not belloved , hilt was ( ' 01'1'0 orall'd hy turoo whlto trailers who IJ , 1'1 vcd latl'l' , _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . - - _ . . . . . . . _ _ -&AOI. . . . _ CE VICE ION DILL , I The Measure That Hi1s Deen Intro , duced 1:1 : Doth Houes , \ \ ' ASHINO'L'uN-A eOlllUlltteo nI" " IlOlntoll III the last III1t1ollal enC'UlIIlI' 1II0at of the G , A , H , to 1I1'lnl ; to the , nltlmtlon of CIHIAI'l'H8 SOllie neelled ! Chllllgl ) ! ! III the 1II'psont lJn ) lolI 111\\1\ , Is III sesHlun hel'o 10 ch'aft the III olosed ) Il'glRl1I t IOn , AI ! Il. hlHI ) ' the c'onllr.lttoo cnllell entire tire IlI'eshlenl to IlIlr Its rl'l\lIectFl aUlI to enlist. the Intel'cwt Illul Intluonco In securing the l'nactmont o ( the ll'gIHln- tlon IleHlrutl , The Ilresitiont alslll'ed the comll1ltt. . , ( ! of his ellth'o H'lIIpath ' In Ihelr IIIl1lel.taltlng- . 1 There will he Introducell In eon , gresB , In the senate hY 1t' , Dol1lvCl' of 10wl1 nnll In the house byIt' : , Cal. derhead of KnnDlls , 11 sel'\'lco lJOnslon hili , IJllclwd hy the Ol'l1nd Armr of the HeIHlhlll''hl'h , If enncted Into law , will give a pension of $12 a month to over ' oltl Roltllel' who sOI'\'ed nlnoty tlllYs In the union army during the civil Will' who wall honoruhlr tllsl'hllrg. od thOl'ofl'Om llIul who hils attnlned the IIgo of slxtt0 'oarH , A 11I\0 ponslon will he given the widows of Buch 80ldlorll In nil caHOS where the mal'l'lngo tool , plnco 111'101' to Juno 27 , 18DU. 'rho Intl'oduct Ion of the hill Is the result of the meotlng In Washington of the cOll1mlttoo of ponHlouB oC the Grand Arm ) ' , 'rhe commltteo hall an extended conference with the Ilresl- dent and the latter lIsured ! : ! thl'm of his entlro 8)'mpath ' In thoh' undOl" taltlng. 'rhey al80 tllllted with Pension - sion Commlrslonel' 'Vllre ahout the worlt. 'fho hilI , It IF ! l'xplalnod , Is 'not lIe- signed to IntOl'fOl'e with existing pen. olon legislation and It Ilrovlllos In terms thllt no soldier or widow reo celvlng 11 pension ' 11111101' Its pro\'I- Hltms shall he ontltled to 11 ponslon undol' an ) ' othCl' I'w , CHINESE.AMERICAN TREATY. . Seal Affixed at Peklng-BecomeG Ef. fectlve at Once , W ASIIINO'l'ON-SIt' Chontllng LI. ang Chen , the Chlnose mlnlstor here , called upon Acting Secretary of State LoomlB l te 'ruesdaJ' afternoon nUll Informed him that he had recolved a cnble dlslll1tch from Pellng stating thnt. the ell1poror hnd fixed his seal to the Chlnese-Amorlcan trent ) ' , and" fmthor , that he had ae-celled to the I request of the American go\'ernment through lInlstor' CongOl' fOl' the 1m. mediate o'hange : : of l'I1t1ficntlons , 'I'horefore , without awaiting the ar. rival In Washington of the COllj' of the treaty f'Om ! Peldng the minister and Secretary Bar will within 11 day or two sign It Ilrotocol eqllivalent to I'I1tHlcatiGns of treath s , and , the H'Of ! ' Ident's IlI'oclamation holng IsslIel ( , the convention will go Into effect nt nco. 'rho minister's nd\'lceJ ! Induc9d the state delll1rttnent to change the plan it had fOl'lnel ourller In the daj' to I1wlllt the arrl\'al of the mall copy or the treaty , GPENCER'S C.UHIOUS WILL , Wants Loose Lid on His Coffin and No Religious Ceremony , LONDON-Horllert Sponcer's will Is 11 cllrlous docllment. It directs that his hod ) ' Bhall ho placed In a cof11n wllh a loose lid and cremated and the nshe3 burled , all without any spocles of religious ceromon ' , All the rights In his 11001 , aUlI Investments nre glvon to the trllstees , Hon , Auburn Horhort , Dr , Henr ' Charlton Bastlnn and Dnvlll Dllncan , with Instructions to omplo ' the 'early I'o\'enuo In " 1'0' sumlng and continuing during slIch porlod as mn ) ' ho noedell for fulfilling my express wishes , but not exceodlng the life tlmo of all descendants of I Queen VlctOl'la , who shall ho living lit my 11eCOIIse and of the survivors of ; them and for twenty-one rears after ; I ho death of such survivor the IlIIh. I IIcntlon of the oxlstlng parts of my 1 'Doscrlptlve Sociology' I1nll the com. , 1111atlon nnll IJllhllcation of the fl'eEh 1 parts thereof followed in the lIarts ai- I . rondy 1Il1l1l1shed , " 1 TOURINGhTHE W RLD ON FOOT. - Roumanian HaG Elaht Years in Which to Make Trip. \ \ ' ASHINO'I'ON-Baron Sternborg , the Oermnn amllassador , Iresentell to s the proshlont DI' , Osl < nr Uadvaner , a I' Roumanlal { , who Is maldng Il. tOUl' of II the wOl'ld on foot. lie Is n r'opresent. t1 atlve of athletic socletlos or Uuchar , o ( 'st , having hoen selected to mnl\O the i I' . trill from 200 candhlates , lie has . " IICon on the road fOllr renrs , visiting In that time nil of guropo nnll Asia , 110 will visit 1111 of the cOlllltrles ot NOI'lh 1\1111 South A1I101'1'a ntH I thotl o will go to the 'I'r'ans\'anl and Austrn' : Ila , Ho Is ollll/ed / to l'omllloto hlf , ' , trhl In 1111 nggregnte time of 0lgh1 o 'oars , PI'cldont ! : Hoosovelt chattoll II with him hrlell ) ' 1l.r.ll Inscr'lbcd hiE I , lIall10 In the I1Ilto1rnph . . . iJoolt or DI' HI\II Valll'l' , . Con91'css of Mothers In May , " . .1 W ASIlI G'1'ON , D , C-At 11 n\l1et i : Ing of the cxe'ntlvo commltteo of thc Id Natlonnl Congress of MotllOl's nr1'llne ! Ig monts were made COl' lho anllual meet o. Inof / the lotllCrs' congreRs at Chi : -If ca o la ' 11 to 1,1 , anll for l\lothors to Congress Ila ) ' nt tlto Worlll's fall' , St w LOllisIar : : W , A l\lotltcrll' congl'esi st 1II0eting Is nl1'o to 1 > 0 held at Bostol It ; 1"0111'11111' ) ' 18 , , h. I\1rs. C , L , Grout was ele'ctell as till . ; I rcprl'sonh\t\'o ! cr Nebl':1slm : 011 thl II > 0anl , . , , , , - _ . . . . _ . . . - . . _ _ . . . . . . WANT THE CANAL THE PRJSIDENT IS THANIED FOR WORK HE HAS DONE , IT IS A GREAT ACBIEVEMEUT Such Is Terms Utcd to Dcccribe Com. pletlon of'lsthmlan WaterVJaLeg - Islatlon In Intereot of Live Stock Industry DlcC'ussed , PORTLAND , Ore-The first action of the nntlonal live stocl , ( 'onventlon Wednesday wns to unanhnollBl ) ' adopt n resolution eUdorslng PreBlllent Hoosovelt's pollc ) ' rf'lntive to the con. st ructlon of the Panama eanal. 'I'he resollltlon , a COllY of whh'h was OI'llered sent to Prcsldent Roosevelt , follows : "Hcsolvell , 'I'hnt the sincere thanks of the ontll'e momhorshlp of the Na , tlonal Llvo Stool , aHsoclntion In con venllon assomhlell , Is herehy , .nthusl nstlcall ' ten de rod Presldont. ' ) 'hoodoro Hoosovelt for his untll'ln ! ; anll success , fill efforts to bring ahout the hulldln of the great Panama mnal , the con. tomllatlon ) of which will , In the judgment - mont of thlH organization , he the ( 'I'ownlng nchlevement of the twentieth centurr. " Legislation In the interest oC thc live stocl < Industry was the general topic of cllocusslon during the session. 'rho leglslntlon desired Is prlnellllllly In connecton ! with the handling or live ! 'jtocl ' , bj' 1'lIlIroads , the lIassage of the hill providing for a classified cen. SIIS of l1..e stocl , nnd measures In re , latlon to the UBO of government 1'0- SCr\'eB for grazing range , Many sug- gestlolls as to how deolred loglslatlon mny be sO'lIrell were made , Hesollltions fnvorlng the IlIIssage ot the Jluro food hili I1nd domandlng the transfer of the control of government. reserves from the department of the Intorlor to that of aI'lcllltlll'e ! passed , A , C , Halliwell , editor of the Chicago - cage Dall ' Live Sto'k WorM , deliver. ec' a hrlef address on the subject , "The Tariff ns It. Affects the StoC'lt GrowlI's , " Ill' aM In part : " 'I'l1e Jlrollosltlon to throw down th ta'lfr that now serve to limit , i o 'l'n In 1\ small degree , the number of South American and othcr rorelgn hhlco thnt reae-h this Is countrr , u so- rlolls thmst at the husiness of the live sto'k grower , "The olle certain thing In a rednc- tlon of the dntj' on hides would he that ranch men nnd stoclt farmers would have to foot the bills , "The hide dealers and tanners are not slow to mnl\O tholr demands for free hldos , , In their efforts to follow pornlclou9 , rractlcos of the financiers who tr ' to mal\O $1 of capital pay fat IlIvldeud\ \ nine of water , they have tal < en adnmtuge of the consumer and wOllld now plI t additional screws to the Ilrolu'ol' ( , Boots atHl shoes cost much i03s thl1n ther used to , but they do not cost the wearer anj' less , "The IIvo stock 1II'OIlucers of the United States have 1\ right to demand that what the ' produce shilll enjor ns much tmde protection as Is given te those who engage In the final pl'ocess' m : of mnnllfacture. " BANK STAYS OPEN AT NIGHT , Busy Paying Off D posltors Who Make a Run on It. SUPERlOH , Wls-A run was start. ed on the savings department of the First National banlt 'I'uosday morning. and In the afternoon the doposltors ex. tended out In the street. A notlco was Issued by the banl's officol's stating that the banlt woulel remllin 011en ' 1'uosday night until the last. Ilorson in IIno had boon pale1. The banl < was stili open nt It late houl' Tuesday night and a lon IIno of cllstomers were I > olng IHlItI lhelr de- Iloslts as th'j' WOI'O demandcd , President Banl < s said he could l\Cep open aII night If ne'essal'Y nnd IJI1 ' O\'oI'Y ono In gold , ' 1'he hanlt Is the oldest In the ( 'It ) ' , and has a caJlllal of $2UOUOO , with deposits - posits of about n million and a hnlf. 'I'he banI. paid out a vast Slim , but business mon made hoavr deposits. The c. use of Ow run Is uot l\11own. FIND CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE , Arretts to Be Made In Connection With Clallam Wreclt , VICTOHlA , n. C-Appllcatlon waR mndo at the coronor's Inqull' ' lute the I , ClalIam IlIsllstor fOl' warrnntB fol' the arrest of Captain Hoborts and others who are ltolll 1'0sJlonslhlo fol' the , \\'locl" on a ( 'll\l'go of m\lIslnughter ! , I Counsel ropl'esentlng the Dominion government. : ; alll that sufilclont evl , denco hilt ! hl'on socul'od to show cl'lm- Innl upgllgencc , and ho woultl tllll1l ) ' to the 1'rovlnclal go\'er1Huont , on boo I half of the DomlnlJu government sooltlug the nl'l'ost of the cnlllain anc ! othel' ; ; helll to bo l'I13110nslblo , Blair ecovers His Health , S'I' , 1.0 U I S-.I nmes I , . Blair , forll1CJ ) genc'al : cOllnsol fol' the Worlll's fall' who , aflet' being hllllctell here on tIll charge of fm'g'l'j' wont to PIOI'ldll. 1'01 his health IlClullng his trlnl , Is now h Now 1'01'1 , cltr , nccol'llln ; to n memllo : of the famll ) ' who retul'rlOll from tllIl clt ' , tI' : nnll Irs , B 111 h' , with thol 0'.110 : ' SOli , 111'0 HtollphH at the homo 0 II'R. ( ' , : \ \loxllllllor In the St. Pall ! \lhll'tment8. 219'ost 1 lghteontl utl'el't , Ir , Blair II : ! suld to have large I ' regained hlH hl'lIlth , . . , ' . , " . . . , ' . . . , I" ' ' , . ' ' ' ' . ' , . ' ' . , . . , , . " ' , ' . ' " - 'f' ' , . . to' . . I . . . . . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GENERAL WE\LEJR'S : REASONS.IN IN BRIEFo' TREATY IN fORGE ! RATIFICA.1 ANNOUNCEME OF . TION OF THE AGREEMENT , IT ASSUnES US TWO PORTS - I The President Has Selected Men for I : Consuls at Both Places Open for Trade - Berlin Fears Immedli1te Hottilltles , WASHINGTON , - Ratifications of the Amerlcan-Chlnose commercllll i trellty were cxchanged at the state department Wedne.Hll1r : b ) ' Secretary Iraj' and Sir Chen Tuug Liang Chens , the Chlneso mlnl tor herl ! , ' 1'he treaty pl'ovldes for the opening of the ports of 1'lul < don and Ant.ung. hi l\Ian. chnrla , to the world's commerce , 'I'he treatj' Is now un accomplished : fact , the pr'sldent haYing signed the proclnmatlon as reqllired bj' law , The prcsldent has selected men as consuls atIulllon : : and Antllng from men of I experience already In the cOllsular I service and consequently able to open up the now field to trade with the least Ilo slble delay , Tholl' names will bo sent to the senate ns soon ns congress malws pl'ovlslon for their salary , which the Stllto department hopes will he dOlH' speedily , It Is regarded as very deslrahle I hat such rIghts as we have acqllired In Manchuria as to China Rhalle : fully estallllshed and assel'ted In IlIlnmce of any posslhlo war that might affect thal terrltorj' to the extent of a' change of sovor' elgntr. The ceremony of exchange tool , place at the stnte dOllnl'tment by ap- polntmont at 11 o'cloc ) " 'I'he Chinese mlnlstor was accaml1anled by his sec. retar ' , Everything had been arrang. od and : 'III' , Conger had notified the de. plrtmont : that the Chinese government - ment had placed an exchange cop ' of the treaty In his hands , This Is held to ho equlvalont to the dellvcry of , the document to the Unltod Stntes government as rellulroll bj' tho' treat ' Isolf , 80 Secretary Ha ' and the Chi. nose minister joined In the signature 'Of the protocal reciting the fact t.hllt ratifications had tJOon exchnnged , 1'ho Chlnoso minister wll1 he glvon a copy of the treaty hy the sta to depart. ment , which ho111 forward to his government for delOslt In the 1m. porlal archives In Poilng nnd when i\lr. ConO'cl" " copy reaches Washing. ton It will he Dlaced In the state de. lIul'tmont IIl > rary. 'I'he Jl\lmnoso mlnlstOl' states thnt the rOllOrt that a Ilemllnd has heon mUlle on I > ehnlf of the JnlJllneso gm'- ornment upon the emperor of Cm'ea that ho l'ecognlC a Japancs protoc. torato ever Corca It without founda. tlon , Permanent Camps of Instruction , WASHING'1'ON-A 1 > 111 Introduced I lIy Roprosentatlve I sch ( Wis. ) pro. vldes for the establlshmont of pormn. nont camlls of I nstructlon and I manoll\'CI'lng of Unltod Stat os troops ; nt or near Fort Sam Houston. 'fex , ; Camll Dougla : , > . Wls , : Canowago Val , Ie ) ' , Pa" and Nlclemto Hanch , Colo. Free Tr dcrs Win , LONDON-Tho b 'o l'le'tlon In Nor , wlC'l1 for a suecossol' tu the late Sir Hm'r ) ' 13l1l1ard rcsultoll In the free tl'l1der8 gaining the scat , The "ote ) tollows : 'I'\llott \ , IIl > eral , S , OG ; Wild , , uulonlst , ,71i : Hohcrts , lahor , 2-14U , Tell Cause of the Advance , CmCAGO ; lll.-Hepresontntl\'es 01 , largo compnnle3 , tostlf 'lr.g 1I0foro the Interstate commerce commls lon 'I'uca , 11ay In regard to Hli IId"anco In fl'olShl mtcs on grain fr.m : 'IlIssolII'l river r polntn to Chlcllgo h ' western ran 1'01\111.1 , contrlIltctell : : stlltomonts made 3 commission h ' ' . IJoforo the I'a\lwa \ traf1lc managers. 'I'ho railroad mOIl docldell that the ren:101\ : for the nil vllnco In rates WitS on accollnt of till Iea , , ) ' ntlvancl' In the prlco at rallrolH mnterla ! . GOVERNOR HUNT'S MESSAGE , Says American Occupation Lifts Up Patriotism. SAN JUAN-Governor Hunt's m : J- sage , which wll1 bo rend to the 10glBln- ture Tuesday , opens with , ; "ords of oncouragoment. The message will' urge that the future be 100l\Od fore , ware ! to with COIIl' ge and will point out thDt Porto Rico leads In domon. stratlng to the peoples of the West' Indies that American ccupatlon lIftl UI ) the patriotism of people , The gOY. ernor will advise strict cconomy an that only the liquor and tobacco taxes be Increased. The message recommends the adoption - tion of the American code of cl\1 \ procedure - cedure , a ! Jpeclal appropriation for the eradication of tropical anaomla , ' the creation of olectlon In poctors , 11 , t.rlnl of the contract system for the building of roads , the 'Immedlnto creation - ation of 11 s.eclal tribunal for the Ilrompt settlement of all questions be- tw on the Catholic church and the government , leases and not sales of government lands , the repeal of meas- nros I > Y' which roads are hullt h ' con. vlcts and an Incrensed appropriation for Porto 1\can \ roprosontatlon at the . St. Louis World's exposition , The message urges sur\'eys of lands : " and the advancement of oducatlon by IndustrIal schools. \ DEMOCRATS TRY ST , LOUIS , ( - . " " . National Committee Selects , World's Fair City , I WASHINGTON. - The domocratlc I national commltteo on 'I'uesday fur. nlshed a surprise , selecting Sl. Louis as the place for the national conven. tlon of HJ04 , The date fixed for the convention was July G , at 11 o'clocl < . Previous to the meeting of the committee - mittee It seemed a foregone conclusion that Chicago would 110 selected as the place of meotlng , I > ut Ilolltlcni exi. gencles entered Into the situation nnd a majority of the committee voted for St. Louis , For some honrs previous to the meettlng of the committee there was tall , In the cm rldors and among the democratic leaders tltat the conven. tlon In Chicago might find a strong neWSlltlJOr : Inlluence In favor of some pnrtlclllar cantlldate , 1\11' , Kuapll of the St , LOllis HCIJUl > lIc hinted at this In his spoech. hy saying tha. the can. vcntlon , If held at St. Louis , wLuld 110 welcomed by an nhsolutoly fair press , 'I'ho committee meotlng coyerClI con , sltlornhle dlscU3Sl011 of politics nnll thl' clalmB of varlou8 ( ' 1\I1I1Idat08 were ad- \'ocatell by their Ilarllsllw , 1.1IIt nothing IIIw favoring nny candidate allpeal'oll In the commlttoe proceedings , WORD COMES FROM COGHLAN , Reported Colombians a Band of Un. organized Mari1uders. WASH INGTON-Admlral Coghlnn cabled the nn vy Ilollartment from Co. Ion ns follows : "Report of the alp'nl'an'o nr a Co. 10m bltm force bet woen Colon anll Chlrllllli lagoon was IllIe to men now In that vicinity who 1I010ngell to to Colomllian for'os , who woulll not join Panama mell , hut tOOlt to tllO moun. talns hohlnd Da,11I and arc now un. orgulllzl'tl 1IInl'l1 udOl's. There WNO 01'- Iginnlly ahout 20U men , ome unarm. 1111 Illwo boon p-cen about Santa 1"0 anll Coolot 1'1'c r , e'ommlttlng dellrodu- lions. " Japilr1 Conslderfi Response , 'J'Ol\IO-'fhe finnl confe'on'o ho. I , fore the thl'Olio to dOcldo ilJlOn 1 he " 1J : I'esponse to HUiola ! began at 2 o"'lo'k Tllesday aftel'noon , It wns attendl'll b ' all the 1l10mbors of the l'alJln < , t , five of th 011101' statesmen , Admirals I Ito and ! juln. ul1d Genoml Kodamn , " 1'1'0\101111 to th ( conCel' < 'lloo Admiral ! 1 Yamamoto , rOllrcsentln PI'cml < : l' 1\at. i. SIIl'II , who Is Incllsllosell , hnd a pl'l\'alo IJ llIlIlIel1'o w\lh \ Iho omllcror , Forpl/n / , lInlstol' KOl1luI'II unci IMllllhJ Ito , also confcl'1)I'1vallly \ ) ,