Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 21, 1904, Image 1

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@ II C pltal Eyes Q
ure sometimes ruinel1 h ) ' illl-
proper glasses. Yon CUll get
new teeth , new hair , but ) 'ou
. can 110t get nclcve9 thnt } 'ou
CI1Il see with. 'rh y wi11 hclV ! :
to last ) 'ou all ) 'our lifr.
Don't You Think
, they shoul be c'lIrefully treat.
. I cd ? Yet how many people
' ' kind of
recklessly wcal' all }
glasses whether suitell to their
I cyes or' not. POI' ) 'our own :
: lakes we urge ) ' 0\1 to let \IS c -
amine ) 'our cves. You will
: lIever bc OI'ry' ill a\l ) way if
. \'ou cOllie 111 a\ld ! JceIS. .
. e We-.A
- : - : - . : : : . - ' - . : : ' : :
School Books ,
7f :
* .
? Tablets.
,1 ( . - -.1.NII-
? .
: S'ho ( 1 Supplies ,
< * -\1'-- ,
1 J. G. Haeberle's :
. .
: ! " - : -
, / t : : : . .
, , : ? /t. . ! Q,1 b . , ' -
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I - ; ; - : : : -O : ; ' ; I rj-
ing.thU1 . ! t)1 ) most thrillillg work of 8
It fiction 11 ! Il halll : Iook. , its t\l ( is g
S IIC\'CI' too long , or its pages too
: ( many , aud tlw long row of figures ii
so dry iu ot1wr books are intensely Q
intere ting in lhi1. ! llut ill ordt'r 8
to enjoy its pages each l11an IIIU < ; t 8 :
own his owu hook. The way to
do this is to opcn LUI IICC'Ollllt with
' ' '
lI's r 'N'ati ; lal Bank
S which ullmbers I1I110ng its .11.1.JOsi-
o tors lIIuny of the ril'he..t alld Slll-Irt-
8 est men in tht' city. I.c.t 11'1 takE'
S mrc of your monc\ \ II" we (10 ( their. . . fi g
S H. L.OMAX , Cashier. 8
J . : r..r..q.r.r.rJ" : Q' JJ
I f _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ . . - - L.l _ _
1. ASH ,
J .
.8'1 ( f ) ' ' : ! HJ ! > : i : IE18B.lI
or LhlrLy yeal" uporirnce. ( 'rlcs "BIt.S 1i1l.1 lU l.rM
. . .I'otlalty or IIl1cllora'l1rlllg fir , ,11 . : IIMCS. . CIIIl
011 or wrlle 11I0 t IIrokl1n IIJNclJrI I ; "
- - - - - -
P. II.11111"8 : \ Helllllllllt Sail' ,
Biggc ! > l remnant salt. evel'
known in Broken Bow. Come
everybody. Sale to commence
11'riday , January 29th , and to continue -
tinue until over twelve hundred
dollars worth are sold. Mo..t of
these remnants are direct from
. ea tern factoriC'R. First com ( ,
. tir.t scn' cl. 1' . n. Mur-m.
_ _ _ all.Y Block.
. Co ) , \ " . C. 'l'albot is rejoicing
, over the arrival of another heir
t in his home. 'l'he Co1. ha < ; two
I . . bo's anlT enl gi 1'1.
v I j lIt1IJCr.cct IlIcttK'CHUnll
. .i I M ans h > ss nutrit on aull in con-
1"cquencc - > le5 < ; \'ilality. When
tht. . Ih'er fails to secrete hill' , the >
, hlooc ! hecomes loaded WI t h hiliou !
. , , ,1'1 impaired add the bowels constipate -
" ! pate l. IIerbine wi11 rectify this ;
It glS tone to th ( ' stomach ,
laver and kidneys. str ngthens
the appetite , clears and imprO\'cs
the complexion , infuses new life
and vigor to the wholt' s'stem.
50 cents a bottle. Sold b ) ' Ed.
.McComas. Broken Dow and Merna
rn : : : : : : : : : :
. .
Personal taxe arc delinquent
aftet' February 1st.
' 1'he Woodman will g'e a
) 'Iasqurade ball Fehruary 12.
' 1'he connty board adjourne
'l'uesday eyeuing to March 22.
Samuel VanBL\skh'k \ of Merna ,
was a welcome cal1er at this oft -
t ce Yl > ' 1terday.
J.V. . Scott of WeisRert , spent
Sunllay in the city the guest of
I ' . II. Huxtable.
l e\"Swartz of WeRter\'il1e , is
assisting Re'l'riteR in a geries
of mectingR in the M. R. church
hen' . -
Jas. trong of Buffalo county ,
has been \ ' siting with the familv
of .Jo . Pigman for everal days
thIs week.
U. [ 4. 'l'urner has arrived and
laken charge of the P. D. Smith
lumber and coal yard ! ' he rec nt-
Iy purchased.
W. n. O3boruc ! has purchased
the Claude Wabl property in the
, ou tll wpst part of the d t.y.
Consideration $900.
Dr. Da. ) ha purchasell a dosed
; arnage with glass front. It is
1ligbt rig and \'er. ) ' cOlwenient
15 weJl as comfortabl ( . ' .
ReW. . [ i' . Powers reports
.l num er of : : attle have died in
the vicinity of W issert recently
from corn : stalk dIsease.
R W. Buckner left Sunday
morniug on a Yisit to his old
home iu Kentucln' to sel' his
mother . 'lUd brother , J. , V.
John Scott of Wester\'ille , was
. .1 frienc1ly caller Monday. He
came up to bring Jlis and A. H.
Copsey's bo's back to college.
Major Elison of Ausley , who
has been speuding the winter in
San Diego , Ca1ifornia , writC > ! us
tlHt ! he expectR , to . le ? \1 \ m { > next
week. ,
l ev. C. W. Bohart of Hoosier.I I
was a friendh' . caller 1\1onday.
He was on hiR. way home fro111
Litchfield where his circuit is
located this year.
Judge Hostetler' has ordered
that no jury be drawn for the
Ii'cbruar ) ' term of court in this
count ) ' . A jury Gwill he drawn
for the June term.
'l'he Hepublican State Central
Committee decidecl to hold hut
enc cot1\'cntion. That will be
Ia11 ; . 'l'he uomination of a
candidate for U. S. Senator is
.T. O. 'l'aylor is reported quite
sic1e with typhoid fe\'pr at Ius
home near'Berwyn. . His many
frienc1R will join with the 1 F.-1
PUBLICAN in wishing' him a
Rpc'dy reco\'cr ) ' . I
'l'he RUl'UIII.ICAN has made ar- '
rangcments to club with' the Ne-
braRka 1i'armel' for $1.50 for the
two papers , or SL.W for the two
papel'R and a premium. Set. announcement -
nouncement next week.
S.or. : . Derris i : , now located
wi th his blac1esmith shop sout'h-
east of r yerson & George's store ,
where he is ready to receivc all
old.cllstomers , as well as new
ones. First class work promptly -
ly done.
J. W. SllIi th and wife of
lcrna , left yestefia\ ' 1I10rning-
for Tabor , Iowa. } , Ir. Smith
sol , ] his farll1 recentlv north of
lrl'lla and s'cral
spent s \ days
in the city } ) ( ' 1'orr leang" for his
new homc.
H. Latimer of Nokomb , Ills. ,
boug'ht a half section of land
north of the city last weel < of D.
A. Walton , through R. A. Hun
tel' , agent. Consideration S2OOO.
Before he ldt fol' home he rented
the land for Slhtl.
Silas 'l'hompsoll uf the South
Lou 1' . H ndly rL'mcm \ recl the
Rm'\N OffiCl' laRt Saturday.
Ir. 'I'hompson.i engagecl exten-
sivelin raisin1 ! stock. TIe is
feed ng SO heae' ' ! of cattle \tlc1
100 hog , , > for market.
John Wehling' was a cit\ ' visitor -
tor 1\lonl1ay. Mr. Wehlilig' has
bought tlw James Worth quarter
sectlOn of land joiuing' him on
the south for which be paid
SlSOO. 'l'his gives him 1080
acrec of land in.a body on the
i \Vest 'l'able. l\Ir. Wehling has
i emot1strate that farming and
stock raising pays in Custer
IU A. RRllt ! ) .
CAll'H 'l'HH-nlUMnA UGII-A
{ - { - t
the residence of the brides parents -
ents of Lexingtou , Jas. G. Uar-
penter and Miss Marguerite
I'hc groom is enc of Broken
Bow's excmplary young' men a 1111
holds the position of manager of
the city [ , aundry. He iR a na-
ti ve of the st te of Nebrasku ,
having been orn in Sarp ) ' ,
county. It was in 1873 , the
wl' tel' \ . isited h iR paren ts in
Papilliol ! , Sarp ) ' county , on our
first trip to this state. IIis ancestors -
cestors tand high in the annals
of National Histor.r. Hi bride i
a lad. . . of tine appearance an culture - I
ture nd it is with pleasure the I
RHl'UnIICI\N extends to her a
welcome to Broken Bow ancl the
brst wishes fOI ; the future.
'l'he Dawson Count ) ' Pioneer ,
published at [ 4exington. g'es
the following' lCCOl1nt of the
welding , :
"Oue of the pretties we lliugs
of the new year occured on Mon-
clay night last at S o'clock at the
resilIence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Brumbaugh , this city , at which
time their daughter Marguerite
and J aml'S G. Carpenter were
unitecl in wedlock. 'l'he words
that joinell them together werc
pronounced ) ' l e\ ' . 1. 1 . Surface
of the Presbyterian church. ' .rhe
bridesmaids were Miss's Sadie
Wright , of l inggold precinct.
and Mamie Moutgomery of Lexington -
ington , wbile the best men , \'ere
I4ieutenant O. A. Fairchilds of
Kearney and C. F. Shepard of
this ci6' . 'rhe bride was gowned -
ed in beautiful white , as were
the briclrsmai s , wbile th ( ' groom
'and best men wore th com'en-
tion l black. A bout forty guests
' . and after the
wen' prcf.ent ceremony -
mony all partook of an elegant
repast prepared by Mrs. Brnm-
huugh. Numerous eautf111 ! aud
useful preRents were rece1d ) ) ) '
tb ( ' newl ) ' wedde couple. Un
'l'uesdaMr. ' . and .MrR. Carpenter
journey'e to Broke > n Bow wl ere :
Mr. C. is employed , and where
he and his wi fl' will IIlak tlt I'
future home. "
Jules Haumont went to Lincoln
'rnesclay to" attend the Rtate
meeting of county assessors.
Olllelol PillH'r.
The ClIrmt ! COUN'rRIWUlIIlCAN enjoys - I
joys the istinction of hcing the ollicia1 .
paper of the county for the ensuing year
hy tL unanimous votc of thl' cOUllt ) ' hourd
ot it ! ! rCCl lIt scssion. I
HuoseH'lt CIIIIJ.
All , irrcspecL of party , who want to
join Ii Roosevclt Cluh are requestell to i
UI et at thc court house next Munlll } '
lIight at 8 o'clock.
'I'ho RI vh'1l1 lUeetllls. ! ;
The meetings contilluc ill the 1\1. H.
church with unabated interest. Goo
congrcgations anci interest nightl } ' . Rev.
Swartz of 'Vesten'ilc , has been \\th us
thil ! week anI } greatly assisted hy his I
singing 11m } cOllsecrcatcl } work. Let \IS I
hope to have him with \It : ncxt wcek , :
Coming to liS for l\Ioll IlY night isl'rof. I I
S. C. Colburn , II sillger of world-wille
reputation with hi ! ; rich experience IIncI
reat ability LIS II singcr. ought to he un
lI1 ucement for everyone in the city to
com to thesc mcetings. All clnsses are
now comillg. Thert : ure other ! > who
ought to come. 'l'here is room uncI comfortable -
fortable accomUlodation ! > in our church
for many more. You an' invitel } to thele !
meetings ancl to Christ.
GRO. P. 'l'RI'ms. Pllstor.
. .
- - - - -
Cllurcll Hcrvlcclt.
\'RHS1l\"I'\tRIAN clluncu. I
Sen'iccs next Sabbath 1110millg lit II 11.1
m. In the moming the } Jastor will
prcach n sermon to the children. Sub. ,
Ject : "Samsons Ri dle. " vening ser-
\'ice at 7 : 0 p. 111. Y. P. S. C. H. at 6:30. :
The pubhc is l'oJially ( inviter1.
The mowing subject will he "Perfect
P ace. " 1'he evcning subject will bc
" \V11at can we Ieep1I The Sunday
School will be at JO a. UI. The Y. P. C.
l' . meets at 6:30 : , p. m. At Custer Centcr
the regular service \\11 be held at 3 p. III.
Warm we1coUll' . I , . I. . Epley. Pastor ,
Bihlt' School to a. tn. Diville wOIihip
II II. III. Topic "IJiviclelllh.II 3 p. m.
Junior U. Y. P. LJ. 6:30 : p. 111. Senior U.
Y. 1' . L' ' . ,1evotionul hour. 7 :30 : ) I. In.
Preachillg hy the pI1BtCH' . Topic , "Doing
Right , Hcillg Right. " Baptism will be
observecI at thc dose of the sermon.
WeclllesJay i :30 : p. III. Prayer mceting.
'l'hursclaYJo : : p. 111. 'rhc Ladies Aid
ocict ) . . Satllnlay lIight. Teachers
We hnll clllicllVOI' to 111 II Ia' these
scrvic s helpful all lIllifyillg to YO\l.
lhoicc aliI ! appropriate lII\1sic is instrn.
IIIclltlllln our woriih p. lIibl School ut
Ju a. m , COIIIU1unloll and serllloll II a ,
111. Youllg Peorles prn'er lIIeetillg 6'30
p. 111.1JracticLl lliscourse 7 :30 : 1' . 111.
Pra'er lIIecting at 7 :30 : e\'t.ry Thursdu ) '
e\'elling. You are con1ially invited to he
present I\t each service.
JcesSl : R. Teagarden , Pastor.
, \ . CI''t < t l WI'ltcHII ! ; ' .
A few of the immcdiate fricnds
of Mr. anc1l\Irs. Walter Wallace :
gathered at the home of these I
good people lu ; ! II'riday nig-h t to
celebrate their fiftecnth wedding'i
annivcrsary. ' 1'h ( ' c"cning was
spent in various games and serial -
al chat. A ro'al
) supper was cn-
joyed by all. 'L\he hridc anll
groom were the rccipcnts of a. .
large number of appropriate and I
useful preRcnts. A'ery pleasant
time is rcported. At a late hour I
the \'isitorR '
\ dcparted , wisillug'
Mr. and Mr1.Val1acc ! a happy
fuhtnncl that the ) : lIIa.etjo'y !
nH'lny . . UlOI't. ' wcdd\t1u' \ a n1l'er -
sa nes. 'l'hosL' prcsl' n t'l'I' ( ' :
l\lct > . .rs. und l\IesfllllllCS . 1' . Rogcr ,
J. . Moorc , J. Bcekwith , C. 11. Ilo1colllh ,
R. N. Norcutt , ] . R. 'l'cagll nh : II , . H.
I.unterlllall. J\1C-1sm. : Gl ( ) . null Wnlter
Herrick , Walter oore. St'hn Il'L' . cur.
ford Rogers , : \Iallricc R\'crsoll , Ruy 1101-
comh. 1\l sse-1 : Gcrtit' Ialtcrmall. ; : IfI l'
Norcutt. Myrtle Chnpin , Syl\11 ami I' : 1I t ) .
Moolc.lahc1 mill I\lhln I1olcomh. Com
antI Flom Beckwith Hlld Hllic Shinll.
_ .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
, \ l'Il' sollt 'J't'n I'll 1'1) ' . _
At the cosy little honll' ofInt
lIarry Bang-g , Weclnesllay .1 ftcr-
noon , JannaI'\ : , occurred \'l'ry
plemmnt c\'eilt , at which tinll' !
Mrs. Hangs and ! \lrs. Ah'1I1 Burk f
entertained a few of their lady
frieuds at an afternoon tca part , = .
'rhc afteruoon was spent in fan y
work and social talk. By request
Miss Pearl Liggdt favored them
with somc excellen { lIIusic at
the proper hour. A ( lainty lunc11
was then served by the hostesses
in the most '
All departe feeling manner'l
spent a most enjovable afternoon.
'I'hose present anel it1\ ' led were : !
l\1esllulllt : . ' ; CUUlCIOII Wa1l1 , Ed. 'J'iptoll ,
l\1mule SheppullI , Garlish , Frallk Taylul' ,
Macon Forsyth , HUicrsoll Purcell , Alfred
Sheppard , Ninc McComas111. , . Gilliugs.
lred Hayes , May Wilsou , Muude Farm ; ,
worth , \\Tnt. Osoonre , Roht. Wilkins , J\ .
D. llaug . l dsoll Palmer. VrnnkVanac , I
Dr. C. J.lul1in : . Wilblll Holcomh ,
Jes $ Wilson , H . : I\Ioore , DI' . Willii ! Tnl-
bet , 'fblAukfu1 Day , Lute Sheppard HUll
sister. Stelll1l\Jiller of Omaha , andli 9
PearUiggett : an Gr ct : DOllgI\s (
ONIt 'VHO \ \ ' , \ 1'uJoItli. :
C..I.I. 'v. . . . ' .
I obert Gordon , olle of the prosperous -
perous farmers residiug weRt of
this place , is erecting- bran new
frame dwelling.
Uncle J.'rederick Schreycr , one .
of the t rst settlers in th ( : f40UP
Valley , i reported very low with
pueumonia , and owing to his ad-
vanced age his rccovery is'cry
Miss Jennie Grimes , who has
becn teaching near I40max , ar-
rived in Callaway last aturda. ) '
to spend a two week's vacation
with her parents before opening
up her spring term.
Mrs. Halph I 'arrell and sister ,
Mis ! ; Maude 'l'hornhurgdepart -
ed the first of the week for their
future home in Graull Island ,
wbere Mr. Farrell has accepted a
pORition on the road for the
Grand hland Crea.mery Compan ) ' ,
and where he will malcc his heae- !
While lifting" a pail of water
one evening recently , Jas.
Shroads dislocated one of the
tendons at his elbow , which
caused him no small amount of
pain for some time after the doctor -
tor had replaced it. He is yet
carrying his a I'm in a sli ng as a
So rapi l ) ' is the population of
this city inr.reasing that a ne w
census will have to be tal n evcry
two wccks to ascertain just how
rapidly w ( ' are growning. A new
boy at Loltle An erson's , a girl
at Dr. Hoskin's and a girl at E.
E. I maPs have been recorded
within the past week. i i '
Monday appeared to be moving
day in this city , James Greer ,
who is the represtath'c of the
Grand Island creamery at this
place , mOng to the eastern part
of the city. while J. D. Campsey
moved from the Episcopal rectory I
to the north part of town , and
Rev. 'l'yrer , the new Episcopal
minister , mo\'e into the rectory.
II. II. An rews , who has been
a conspicuous figure in bussiness i
and social circles e\'er since the :
ad\'ent of the town , we arc informed - !
formed , is to 11epart soon for the I
extreme weRt , where he is inter-I
esteel in the Oregon glectric I
Power Company , of which he is
the gencral manager. 'I'he tOWII
wiU certainly miss him anll his
cstimahle wife when they arc
I A. C. Gritlith , who has heen
lm > 'ing slock ofT an ou for the
- . . -
, .
, , I
. .
.f ,
# J'tj
k . jO - ,
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: 'J i 1- = ; U ; I j
Yo ! i ! ! 00. 1II1@00. ' ! I'M rn.WI < ID. 'Ir n mw. JPJ\IT. II ! b.1f. . .
.1. 2 I
345 6 7 S 9
9 A 2 5 4 5 6
.11. . 7 .1.8 . :1.9 : 2 = 0 2J. 22 25
- f
4 5 26 27 28 29 50
'l'he ( i'ourth Storll1 Period that was predicted to be central on ' "
t hl' 20th , hit this locality the hardest on that elate. It was decid. .
edlcol , and dhmgreeable. A portion of the clay , the air was fille
wi th snow , bu t not enough of it reached the ground to cover it at
anytill1l > . marly in tbe morning mercury dropped to ere but soon
recovered and hun around. 10 to 15 degrees a OV . With the
night the weather moderated and a clear sky - with a winter's un
ma I e it 170111 fort l ble for on t-dool' work.
, ,
ll'ifth StOl'l11 P riod-'rhc 25th , 2&th and 27th al'c' th c lltral
day. . . of lid ! ' > Pl'riod , I xr.ttpt tll ( ' f'ontilllll'd inlluence of the Venus
1 'lIU1JOX , this period is Lomparati\'dy : free from di tur1jillg' tauses. :
'l'heoon ] is in quadrature , at first quarter on the 25th. and greatest -
est declination north on the 2C th. At this as well as other storm
periods , a preceptiblc rise in temperaturc will set in earl ) " in the
west , falling barometer wi1l CJuickly enRue and cloudiness , with re-
turn of rain and snow will make their rcgular march eastward
aeros ! ; the ountrJ. Ueforl' thc cloud amI storm areas have fairly
reached the central to eastern statcR , high haromcter , cold winds
and clearing' . . weather will he following close in the rear in the
nort h weR 1.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
past two or three years throngh-
out thc count ) ' , has put in a
stock yard at tbis pluce , and will
go into the bURiness permanentlJ.
'l'his is a move that will be ap.
predatcd b ) ' the farmers in gen-
el'al , as thc local market has
always gone up from ten to
twenty-fh'e per cent when Mr.
rifiith was buying , and the
farmers will now be insured all
that the market will allow.
uuUNU ( ; U.VI ,
Will and Albel't '
Heapy l"ang'
linished putting up their ice.
Dave ! \Iyres had a puhlic sale
last \Ve nes ay at which he sol
his personal property. He intends -
tends t ( ) 11I0\'C to some other part
of the statc bllt we hn\'e not
learned the plac ( ' .
'l'hc 111 a il 1'011 te is IIOW III opera-
tion. All that you need to do is
to walk out to yonI' box , post
.rot r letters and rccei ve your
lI1all. The woncler now is how
we ha\'e done withont it so long.
J. K [ .ang and .Al ert Dicleer-
, on shipped a car load of fat ,
cattle to Omaha last Sunday.
Also the Howard Bros. shippe a I
'car. 'rhe latter gentleman have
quite a number left for'shipment
1 a tel' .
A huu t 35 young people surpris-
ecl Han'e Lang last Fri ay.
' { 'he partr was given in honor of
his 19th birthday. 'l'he surprise
was pretty well planned. Han'e
had been in uced to go skating
that c\'cning' and on returning
found the crowd playing gamcs.
'l'he l'\'ening was very pleasantly
Bpent. Surpris s seem to be in I
order aVa lter Si I11111on5011 was
talccn unawares on the following
Monday ( \'cning- It ) ' aimilar ! \
gathering' .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What is the mattel' with Nt'-
hraslm wether.
C. D. Day is "hrcdding his
I fodder this week.
. 1C. . mbrce an wife were ill
Broken Bow Saturday.
I' ' . C. Embree los t two hea of
cattle hH t week , Rupposed to e
Rtock poison.
J. A. Moon. aUll li' . C. Embree
s.tipped ! a car of hogs to Sou'th
Omaha today.
Miss Eva Johnson will give a
party this ( 'l't\csday \ ) evening to
her young fricnds.
Milliard Hill an 1amilr , F. C.
Embree and famil ) ' visited with
Mrs. Ashaugh Sunday afternoon. .
Miss Ethel Ashbau'gh gave a
social to her frien s last Friday
evening , tlw evening was spent
in singing , and intellectual
games and an enioyable cvenin :
was spent.
Will. A. MallsJield of Gan y ,
NebI' " atHl a cousin of J. M.
Fodge , came down Monday to
visit with relatives an especially
his alll11\1rs. B. A. Calliso ,
who is still visiting her nephew.
CII red LUlllb K'o.
- - -
A. B. Catllnal1 , Chicago , writes
March 4 , 1903 : "Having been
troubled with Lumbago at different -
ent times and tried one physician
after another ; then different oint-
'ments and linamets. gave it up
altogether. So I tried once more
and got a bottle of Ballards !
Snow Linament , which gave me
aimost instant relief. I can
cheerfully recommen it , au
will add my name to your list of
former sufferers , " 25c , 50 an
S1. li'or sale by Ed. McComa 1
Brolceu ow and Merna.
l"urkcl nCIJurt 'nr 'l'odO ; ) ' .
WbullL . . . . . . . . . . . " . , . . . . . . . . . . . .IS .S
1I8Iley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! !
Oalll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . :1 :
ltytl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 1
HOIl" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.15 &
BleOrri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 C 1. 3.30
eOWri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ! .5' @ : : .75
Cilloktlnd , per 1'0111111 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05
'rurl.oye , per II0UOll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0'1
HuLler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; 15
HKI : " ver tlUZUII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . .
MlriCItLLAN 1:0t/8- /
l'olalood. per lIusl1l1l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o
OlLloDI. } Jur budnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
1I"y , pur IOu. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . " .00
trl\wvor cwl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
I : juiar , UrlWwatul1 , VU UWL.$5.W U 6.15