Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 14, 1904, Image 5

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. . . . ll
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats , hack-
lOR COU2hs , pain in the JUD2S.
h relieves con2estlon , sub-
, . '
. 'tl Pectoral
" Jt. , dues inflammation. It heals ,
, . stren2thens , Your doctor will
explain this to you. He knows
all nbout this COU2h medicine.
. . W. have , ulul "Jer' . CllenJ' J'e lnr,1 III
our tamllJ' tor 2 yeafl tor throat lIud lunfi
UoubleflUlrt think 110 tnelll lne equalt II , '
MIL" . A , l'owllRor , Appleton , . ' \lInll ,
.25 "We..91.00 J. c. ATEn co. ,
, . . . ' .
AlIltUllIlhh 1.0"1'11. 'Ilan.
for _
'Weak ' Throats ,
. # Ayor' & Pills greatly aid rocovery. .
Purely vegetable , Bently ' .Rxatlve. i
to tell if he should be questioncd.
'l'he captain examined his free
papers and finding them entirel ) '
, , , satisfactory he was permitted to
take passage , and the journe ) '
was accomplished without his
disguise being suspected by any-
one. In talking he could intimate -
mate a woman's'oice , hut he
, spoke only when spoken to. He
devoted him elf industriously to
his knitting and seemed to be in
I poor health. ' Some ladies upon
noticing- him said , "It is. too bad
for that sick old auntie to sleep
on deck , let him slcep on the
floor of the ladies cabin. "
And the chambermaid accordingly -
ingly put a mattrees there for
him. Arriving- safe at Cincinnati -
nati , he went to a colored boarding -
ing house he having mone. > ,
enough to pay his expenses there ,
bnt not cnough to take him to
Canada. Uncle I4evi Coffin was
( , sent for and after hearing his
story raised means to purchase a i
ticket to Detroi t. He was advised - I
vised to throw off his female attire - .
tire and resume his proper dress ,
but he declined saying th .t his
disguise had done him such good
service that he would. wear it til
he reached Canada.
It seems hardly posiLle ! that
some colored persons somehmes
turned traitor , but disgraceful as
, \ it is , occasionally one would dose
so , and UH.'y always met the result -
sult of their perfidy b ) ' condign
punishment administer'd hy
their own brethern.
On one occasion a colored man
attempted to pIa , } ' that role in
Cincinnati. He visited Uncle
Levi , whose olfactory nen'es
were in good working order and
who soon smellad I'a mice , to and
communicated to the colored
folks the result of his findings ,
vi : 'rl1at he had smelled a
Kentucky "nigger" traitor. Uncle -
, cle Levi had no scruples in calli ng
such as this one "niggers" because -
cause he knew that "nigger"
- - " ' -
A Uen tion
- . Fanners
" '
* .
Why remain in lhe } : urth
atHI stay in doors six Ulonthti in
the year consuming what ) ' 011
raise during the other six
months ?
Go Soulh where you can work
I , . out doors c\'ery month in the
, ; , ' . ' . yeltf , and where you are pro.
, : ltucing something the year
round. If vall are a stock raiser
? 'ou know jOllr stock are now
'eating their heads off" alul ,
I besides , have to be { lrotected
I from the rigors of1nter b } '
expensh'e shelter.
Economical stock feeding Ie
! quires the combination of both
flesh.fonning and fat-forming
, foods in certain proportions ,
Alabawa aUl ] Florida produce
, in abundance the vclvet bcun
and cassava , the first Ii flesh
. , producer , and the latter a fat
producer , amI they are the
cheapest and best fattening Utll-
terials kno..n to the world.
, i. More wone ) ' can be IIIlldt' 11111\ \
with less labor , in general fllrm-
- . ing , fruit and herr ) ' growlllg
I " ' , ( j lAnd truck gardening along ollr
" in South than ill '
" road the all )
other sectioll of the L'nion.
, , If you are interested aud dl"-
sire further information on the
I subject , address
" O. A. PARK.
Oen'l. ImmlKratlQn , and In-
, . dustrlll Alent. Louisville
" Naahvlll R. R. Co. .
- .
Louisville , Ky.
. . . ' .
. .
. .
OOW" ' . . _ >
. .
. . . . . . .
I meant a mean contemptahle per-
lion. Whcn thc brcthren got on-
I .
I to hUH thej' procecded to take
I him out of the city and administer -
ter to him a good and " 'er ) ' severc
whipping , after which he skinned
out for Kentuckj' and was nevcr
known to wish to repcat the dose
hc got that night.
The " arkic ! ; did not do things
by tlie hah'es in such matters ,
but give full doses and rub them
in with \'cngence. .
At another time a colorcd ras.
cal , rascal in womans clothes ,
called at the parsonage of a
Baptist church in Cincinnati aud
pretcnded he was flccing from
slaver ) ' . ' ! 'he Parsons wife was
a little suspicious of her la ) '
runaway and proceeded to scnd
imlUcdiately for Uncle f4ed who
was considl'n'd ! a good judge of
counterfeits , who whcn he arrived -
ed questioned 1 m as in a swcat
hex and Lecame satislied that it
was a man in wonlans clothing
and n'portcd hig suspicions to
the colored people who at once
divested the lady of her attire
and found it was a "hc-woman"
ga\'e him a severe lashing and
clothed 11 im in a good hea'y suit
made of tar with quite a 5prink-
ling of those things that geese
wear , that is to say , feathers.
[ n which condition he "was led
to the Ohio river and with mauy
exortations from thc crowd he was
made to pra ) ' for himself and
sincerely promise that he would
never make a fool of himself
again , he was bid to cross the
cold r'er. . for it \ as pretty cool
weather just thcn , and nev r
eros ! ' . it again on pain of--
I do not know. but it is said he
never dolated this his tOlenll1
So we see there are always two
sides to e\'erything and hUlUan
nature is much the same in all
whether its exprcssion comes I
through a white or a black hiele.
Of course the whole plan of
slavcr ) ' was rooteel and nourished
for the lo\'e of money , the root of
all evil , and it could hardly be
expected that all 1'he ' colered
people would be free from its
miserable results.
( 'ro mt CON'rINUJW , ) ;
' 1'lc. . UecUu..c1.
'l1e In\'ltutlon list of tlJu go\'ernor
generul of Cunu u Is mude out tltrlctl ) '
In uccorlinnet ! with IIt'eceliellt , hut Is
not kept up to tlute ul\'u's , tlie ul
WllO Ims t ( , sl.1ld till' 11I\'ltations out ,
' l ' Scotch.
gellerall ) un lIgllshmfill 01'
Wlln , lIot 1I1\\'U'o. ; helll ! : uu COUl'Ullt with
chllnges 011 tile list ,
Tlie lute Sit , _ \nlulul' nOI'lolI , ellle !
Justlcu of Qlleuel' , WIIS ollce 11I\'lte to
sowe I'ulletloll , liS WII IIt'opel' , but Llld ) '
DOIlulI : , who wa "ell II , \\'ns In\'lted
IIIwwlsl' . HIt.ntllllll' ucceph11 for
IJlmself , Ullt liecllm'd 1'01' hel' 11II1)'shlp ,
on till' gl'oulld thut Hlle " 'us III flJe
h' ' ' . Thl' ' ' ' , ho\\'e\'el' the
ceuw I' , } III'Xt ) 'CIU' \ \ \ .
eUUle mlHtulwus Illude ; HO tlw old
Judge \\'I'ute bul' ! > to the -Ile-rump
In waltillg ;
" 1'311' Antol lie lJOI'luu III'cept , elc. . but
lier lud'slJlp bellig still III HI. Alllle's
cemetery Sit. . \ ntulllt' Is cUlUpelled
. . . .
ogaln to dt'elllw tlw Itl\.ltutlull fur 11l'1. .
. \nolh 'I'UIIH' Fur 11.
'l'he'etl'rlllll' , } ' lIIulil' II cl'ltical I'X"
IlUllllntloll of till' 1111111 ; ; steel' ,
lIere uIIII tllll'I' , WIIl'I'e\'I'I' the e\tluI" \
catlull of n hOlll' wn'l : , 'hilule , Ill' nt.
tempted to Illtlt'h tilt' tklil.
Hut It wOllld 1I0t wOI'I. ,
"What Is the IUnth'l''lth It'i ! ' 1I\I > rlt
the OWIII'I' of the 8tel'l' .
"lIe hns whut wOllld Ill ! callI' ' ' 'COII
Bcr\'utlsm' III U lUll II , Hilt liS he Is Ullly
It dlmb ) ul'lIle we sny lie Is IIl1tehollll . "
-Bllltltllol'e nJeI'lcn .
- A II.
c I'r' 'I'"C Imoll " ,
"To sttlIe n uel , " sullt the \'Isltor ,
"lio\\ ' 10llg "n II U tutUI ! ; ( J wltholl t
' "
food :
" , \sk the \tIUII \ liver tllI'I'e , " suld tile
snu ! . . ! ' t'IUtol' .
"II ! Iw the edltul' who UIISWI'r ! ! ques.
tlolI ! ! 'i"
" ; -0.1 ; he's 11 poet. " - PlJlludelplJla'
Her hJcu or It ,
-ocrlch-1'lmt : picture' ! ! one of
tlJe old IIIltstrrl' .
: -ornh : ( till' 1II1l11Il-Wt'II , It CUII't
be of 1111) ' nihil' , 11I11'1111I. 01' Hllrr he'd
'uv' tltkell It will hllll wllill Ill ! 1I10'eI1.-
Hal'I ) ( I"'i rll II llIe ,
I.'ur C.ltod ,
1t1utl-1 IIl1tlet.tltuntl . ) 'ou url ! ubout
to lose the Y'JUlIg pllstor thllt has been
preaching ( or ) 'OU the IU8t ) 'eor or two ?
Iltbel-Yell , nes goltl ! ; to be war.
rled next wlek-Chleugo ! 'rrlbune ,
Husking mittens , gloves. huskers -
kers wrist bands , furniture of all
kinds , stoves , tinware , granit-
ware , queensware , stove pipe ,
dampers , coal buclcets , shovels ,
pictures frames , frames made to
order. JUD KAY.
South Side of Square ,
When in need of an Auctioneer
. see or write him ,
. '
. - '
" ' - " " . . . . ' _ . . . ' .
f !
- . - " . .
A J.lllulJer Ynrll ChUII I'1 ! OWIICI' ,
U. [ 4. 'I'urncr of Allianc , who
was fOflJlerly a resi < .lcnt of Bro-
l en Bow amI manager of the
Dierl s I4umbcr Co. 's bURiueRs of
thi city has bought ' { 'he P. n.
Smith r.4 t111bcr yards loeated tit
Brolen BowAusley and Ha\'cl1tta.
'l'he dlange of owuership will
date from .Thuuary 1 , 1 < < JO.f , whcn
au in'oice of the va rc s were . ' ! 'nrncrwill - locate
at llrolen Bow and make this the
main oflice. 'l'he price paid for
the three yards is S50OOO. Mr.
' ! 'ufner thoroughl ) ' understands
the business and heing well acquainted -
quainted here we predict for him
a liheral share of the husincRR
from the lirst.
.C. Bruucr thc managel' of th
P. n. Smith yardR , who r c'ntly
took charge here will continue in
the emplo'meut of 1\11' . 'I'urtler
hut will be transferred to Ausley
where hc will havc charge of the
yard at that place.
nOUNU " , . "
Carl I cc took Ol:1\'a : Nelson to
Bruken Bow last Sunday. and un
1\londay he left for Sweetwater ,
Edd nil bertson , a bret hcr-i n-
law to Martin lWing.on is making -
ing a vi it here 111 the \'alley.
Hl' lives in Iowa.
ll n l > aniclgon , who has bcen
\'isiting .his brother-in-law and
others here in H.ounifValle ) ' , . r-
turned Monday to Box Bute.
Oal Nash has now posted hig
shingel at John Sargent's ; where
he is to he found painting buggies -
gies , etc. He will very n nch
apprec ate Jour patronage.
Sarah Weinman is back from
Dedwood , S. D. , where she and
two of her cousins are running a
boarding honse. She is to make
a visit here for two or three
months with her mother. to get a i
well needed rest.
'l'here was a 'relphoue meeting
held here in the valley last Saturday -
day to elect officers for theSar -
geill and Broken Bow line.
'I'here was not o\'er a half dozen
that attended tht' m eting.
'l'here is some caUSl , IHlt uoholl } '
cares to spit it out. .
( ) r ll Fay , a O/l ofIrs. . F , C.
Christie , died last Saturday night
of ' 1''phoid fever , caused hy ex-
tens \'e.smoking cigaretts , so his
lungs was entirely rUined. He
caught cold at a dance from
which the fever was contracted ,
His remains are to be burried today -
day ( ' 1'uesday. ) Here is another
warning to the young boys to let I
cigaretts alone. ' 1'her ruin the
brain and the bed ) ' together.
- - - - -
IUlpel'lccl IlIdhestion
Means lesg nutritton and in consequence -
sequence less vitality. When
the livcr fails to secrete bile , th ( '
blood becomes loaded with bilious
properties , the digestion becomes
impaired add the howels consti-
pated. IIerbine will rectify this ;
it gives tone to the stomach ,
liver and kidneys , strengthens
the appetite , clears and improves
the complexion , infuses new life
and vigor to the whole system ,
50 cents a bottle. Sold' b ) ' Eel.
McComas , llroken Bow and MCl'1Ia
, A-
- - - - - - -
Up-to-date Photognlph .
First prizc winner a't state association -
sociation 1')03.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E. J. CH F."XN' ,
Advertising agent aud hill pos-
ter. Orders solicited. Brol en
Bow , Nebraslm.
- - - -
DU. o. l . 1\1 ULI.ENS ,
Physician SurgeOIJ.
2nd Stair WilY rrom W8.t Iud In I1Plllly IIl(1ok i
re81denco , 3r < l wuft M. K. chorch , on IIlImu eld\ !
ot .troet , c.r 1Irokcu lIow. Nebrukll.
Wm iI IDnn ID . . ID ; oDIil.
Two IIlock" norlh or Oreall Uenlrlll 1101,1. I'AI.
rOlllaKIi eollclted , l'rlcell rea ouable.
ft0r9 'y ' e 8 U9C l1 l'
A1' LAW ,
Hooml Ii and II , lIeally lIIock. "rolten ! low , Neb ,
D1U3. H. 0. & W. E. TAIuO I"
01111) ; ) ovec Uaobullt" lhug 810re ,
tlroll'lI UIIW , . . Nlilln.lh. .
. . ' ' . .
. , - . " . , . , . . . . - ' - ' - . - . . . . " " .
_ _ _ . _ . . . : . : : ; : . . . . . . . . _ . : : . : . : - - - . ' . . . . ' " . . . . --.4 - . . - - .
. ,
, . I , , . . . . " \ .
. . - . . ( "
, , ,
' 1I 1 I .
J'aid Wit
to Wisdom" ' : "
" "A full stomach (
makes a ligh.t heart. " . '
LSaid Wisdom
to Wit- : : ) I
Uneeda '
Always good anet l'\'l'r growing better. I
- - - - - - - - - - - .
, ' ' ' . . .
tTl'tIlRIn,1 ! : / 1811111/ill'S (1\1 Rhurtnollrtl.
I'rokuu lIow. Nebrllskll.
_ _ , _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ . _ _
1I11l" ! ! 'Qm :1.n : ! 'lllBht tl hWl' .
_ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u'u _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ROSS G. l\IOI I' ,
A ttorney-at.La w.
Ihlll IIIItIH 111 , < 1 lullil ltrukl'r. IHUt' " III "lIullu
lock , IIwkch 110NdJfII.'II : ,
Physic'ian l Surgeon.
OIDce In rellr lit thll 11111111 01 ClIlIltnercu , Huel.
duncu dlh hOUIOU t or Iho , lal'llKl ' chulch.
IIrulioll lIuw , NllJrltsl1l1 ,
Dl . W. IT. COLlt ,
V eteri narian.
Oraduslo C'hlcftJ.:1I't.t"rlhary : 1:011"1 : : ' " 111. ,
e"'ull or alllhu 1"\Vur flllllllllitl Irual"ll. t'\Ieu ! \ In
WllklD lrull 'ilor. . , IIrllk"h lIow , Nch. ' 1'clu-
phoo" No AU. H. . ltltoe , ' , lIto hlol kH WO"1 ur
Houtb Sid" ! lchool 1I0uso.
- - - - - - - -
- - - -
America's Greatest Weekly ,
' 1"T l J
Toledo Blade
Toledo , Ohio.
New and Larger Building , Now
Presso5 , Now Stereotype Plant ,
New ami Modurn Applla.ncu.l
In every dopartmonl.
- -
'l'hc'I'olL'lo } Blade is now installed -
stalled in its new huilding' , with
a 1IJ0tlcl'n plant ancl equipment.I I
and fadlities equal to an ) ' puhll-
cation bctween New York and
Chicag-o. It is the onlj' wl'cldy
newspaper editcd epressly ; for
c\'ery state and tcrntory. ' 1'h ( '
News of the Worlel so an/anged
that busy l'l'ople can more casily
comprehenl . than hy reading
cumbcrson columns of elailies ,
All current topics n1 < lllc piain in
each issue hy special editorial
matter. writtcn from inception
down to date. 'rhe only paper
published cspl'dall y for people
who 110 or 110 not reilll daily ncws-
papcrs , and yet thirst for plain
facts. 'I'hat this kinll of a uews-
paper is popular , is pro\'cn hy
the fact that" the Wccldv Blade
now 11:1' : ; o\'er ) ( IOOOi ( ycarly
suhscrihers , and is circulatec } in
all parts 0 r tlH' l J. S , J n adcli-
tiort to the news. thc Blalle
publishe ! ; short arlll serial stories ,
and mall ) ' departments of mattcr
suited o e\'erj' member of the
family. Onl ) ' olle dollar a ycar.
Writl , for I fl' " spl'cimen 1'0PY ,
Address ,
'l'oll'do , ( ) } \ o.
'I'hl' I 1\ \ I'PIIUl'\ alld 'J'oh > t\o \
Hladl' , Olll' . " ( 'ar. $1. : 5.
- - - . - .1
- - - - -
s. 1\1. \ DO RBIS ,
mllWlW&jmil-ann. ; : :
AI. klnlM , or work In our line Iione pruwltI , ,
111111 IlL IIr t-duMa "fllt'r'f"Hotl ! : Ibol' UII bu
CIrllt'r woat CII the hOle hUUBU.
tn'\'I > : tIN.TnIAI. - . ,
Urol.ulI How , - - NlJbra. . . .
CITY BAIUHtH : : ; 1l0P ,
II , 0 , IIlJ'I"rO l. I'roprllJllIf.
Flral-olli s work , HOl1r Uuum ot 11'0" " " UI' ' '
HIM" IIl1nk , IIrolHJllllow , Nlllmskh ,
_ . . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
) .1. HN\1 > H ,
] DJi ] ; , j [ } ffiJfJ , lI'lfJh\'Ll ; C
ldO .111 tlct1 or Ihu I'Qfll'O , SPCClllllit\untlI11 \ : 1l1.000
In rollt'ctionH l'IIIIIIMlllon tak611 , Ienslnll vnuc ! ! . ,
'I , . , ,11) ' " ! " "IIIt.1 101111 1111 Idnds . .t 11'lIIII'RI''r. !
. . .nl. . . . . IhUOOIII Ihu ft ' " , .r . , tlllilllUrc , . ,
IhokOIllUll' , Nuhra kll ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ponch for WURt will Clll8U ut 11 1' , III. , except :
8nnday whun It will cloao at : 16 I' III.
PuuCh , OUdt tor Iralll No.4 : : 010H88 at II . . WI
IIlul tOI No. H clo.o'i lit , , SO 1i.III , Mall tor AlldttV'
aullIollIl'l OhMI lit llraUlllBlslll1 oarrl"llIu traill.
No. 4 .
'OcOllto , III or lIyuo 111111 'I'uclturvllltt. lIa\ly \ IIJ [
cUllt SUII.JIIY cloBuli. lit 7 Ii III : ruturnlrllC HIIII1U dllY
Colll1wuy viII , MC'lUnl"y 110.11 , IJXOUp' tJuodllY'
cloRe" at 7 a III , retumlnK HUnl ! ! 11uy.
Ullulld VlIlluJ' via Oreun Rnd Ellen 01111" 1117 II' '
UI.TauadllY , Thureduy 1I1It1/aturdliJ' : ! . rutnrQlnl ( :
aaIr 0 , lay.
HUtllnur VllGumB"y , UUIlrKelOIVU an < l U\ltolll \
, srlrlVlld al II. 30 , 'ruuMllo 'fbur Juy aud ! Jalur.
dllY ruturulrlK IUluoe 1111:0,80 : , olllllloy.
OttJlB hour" from 11,01111 IU to 8.00 I' III , ! Jun. .
. da8 rrom 5 : r. p. tn , 10 f1 : 11 p , III , Lobhy upell.
wl'"k day rrom j' II , m. to II " /II. HundaH S : SII :
II , III 101111. III. UUlloral del \ 'lOry Del IIpun Han. .
rlay ruornln a Iwrotororu , L. lJ..1I1warr. 1',111'
- - - - -
. I
1\1111 ) ) lIroo Joreey 110g IIro,11I1II1801l1. 1Inll111ood
uUhclrclaHe. Athlre , , O. K , O.\UWIU.I"
Broken 11011' , Nobrlu"a ,
u. OONnAD , {
. . . . . . noalur In , . . . I
. I'ump. , WIIIII , MiliA , 'l'anllH , J.'lttlIlKI , UluollDI I
I ROIlIIIO. , Itlo. elc.
IIrokeu 11011' , Nehrukll ,
I' !
, ,
- - - -
BltOl0 N BOW. N ltB , ;
. Ite. " '
1.1":0111 , ' ( ,
"Iuulan , " .el u. . .
CllIcnKo , uuttc.
Mt , JONeph. . .orUnntl ,
KIUIHaM CII , . . "ult I.Bkc City , !
tit. LouIH , And ttlull'l'uncllt < < : u "
All . .olulM ItRlU And All poun. ! I
. . .outll WeNt.
No , . ( :4-\'OIsl1bull',1 : uSIruu , dally , Lincoln , Ullla. I
ba , IdC , JOlIl\lh ! \ lialua City. St , loub Ohl. I
oaKo anllalll'ullll."uetnnd ' aoutb. . . . tj IJ a.w. d
J No. 44-Looul "XI'ron .hllly. Llocoln. OlUllha , I'
CIIIC IlO 111111 all polllU oa t and doUlb.U1.u 1t.11I. i
No. 41-Vestlllnlo.l oJpre ! dally. 1I010na , al' 'I '
Uu , IIUIIO , I'ortillotl UIIII 1111 l'acll1c Coalt
Iloln\.ll. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .flHClm \ ,
No , 43-I.ucal UXIJres dally. AIIIIIIII'u anll I :
Intermcdlato 1I01ul , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It fitj U&
Hlool'lnK. ' dh.lng Mnd rocllulog chair cuu ( SOli"
freu ) ou tllruujh trahlM. ' .rlcku ! lold and bl' ' "
gage chock"tl to lillY I'olnl In Ih Unllod Mlat" . t
and OllolLda , \ ,
laformatlon , mOIe , tlmu tahle. and , Icket I
cAli on or wrllo to U. L. Ormelly. agoul , or J j
lI'rllucli , II. I' . A. . Omllhv. Nobn kll. I
! 11 L , OIUleDY. A unt.
, - I'
. . . _ -
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Weakly World-Herald , Omaha , Neb. '
.Fil , t Prjte. ; . . , . . .10 . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . $50.00
Second PI'jte. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . , 25.00
Third Pl'jtt' ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
Fourth Pl'itc ; _ . . . _ . ' . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . 10.00 .
Fift } to I 'oltl'tcel-rth : Pl'jtes ; , each , . 5.00
'I'ho al.lolJI'iZt'Ji al'I' un'cl'HI III ncW Ut. uld : mlJ\'t'lhtI'K. : ! wllo lIIak" the lal.c t
nurnlll'l' of WOI'.J 0,1 lOr II" , INt"I' III tilt > phul' . II ( > IIIPl'lz,1I will 110 awarded
Htl'lt'tly UII IIWIII ' 1'1 , , ' I.u'"c ! ; ! Ihll WIUlllhu Ilt'lIt IJI'lzt ! UIHI HO UII. In case or 11 u
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