I ( , , 'vJ' _ _ _ . . ,11 A UAU.AI > E OF A GIU } . YOU I'NOW. 'rho A"lrl thnt pln'lI. Dn rOil Imnh'r7 1'011 1411111 ( ' , All f It Is 11111111 'ou do , ' 1'h,11 "hull I lIut fol'tllwlth lufl'l' You ItHow hel' Sill 111 CUllllPtrh'/I. too. ' 'rill' plE'cO ) ' 011 nsk ( Ol"s alwlIY ! ! IIl'W AIHI rUllrSl' ; 01' old-seen It ! ! IIt'st ell\ ' ' ' : Shu'll ul\'u 'ou somC'thlll ! : else III lieu. ' \'ho 1:11'1 that IIlaI , 'fho AII'I tllllt plll1'1 Hhe 1'IIIIIIot ( ' 1'1' III JUdg'I1II'nt , taste , So hern' ! ! ) 'U\II' cue : PUl'e cuulI ) ' ns n eUIIIIUII < HC\II' \ 'I'hollult IIIUHlclIlI ) ' Il ) 'ahoo , 'j IlIdul''c Iter , tltoUl1t rOil 1I1'\'l'r ImolV 'rhe bl1 " l'lof (1'011I u uumphrnse , , \ ) ! . \lId 1IIIl"II thlllk'Cl'r well ur ) ' 011 , . 'rile girl tltut pa'II ] , ! , . . 'rill' ! tlt'l that 1111)1'Is ] \ l'111'JUl'r , , or 1'l' ' 11 thllt 1111\1'1' meet tit ! ' \'Jew ; , All l'XCelll'IIL IlItorlllct'I' At ( 'ulIII'1I Court , But , sad 01111 true , Thnt 'out of 1I'IIClll'I" bUA"lIhoo . Drl1111I1'1' : 1'1'0111 hcr hy IIItc8 ] : wa's ' 1'hall 1111 IH' ! ! ' 11I111410 Iatlwrs to 'I'ho gll'l that 1I1)'II ] , itr. . ! .r. . . No mllu 1'l'l11nlll1 101l hlIt'hoh' who , ' . . t. 1lt. r. . gr. . Wlthlll lIel' I'ItllgP I'lIl'hlllltCII 14la/I ; : ' v . vi'll SIll" : ' ! 111\\11)8 ' 1'1111111111 ; SOlllclhlllt ; ic . ! . . t. Lhrollull , ' , ' . . . . . 'fIll ! glJ'thllt \ IIlnYi < . 1 - Ed'IlI''v. . Darllnt.tl , I I A FANTASTIC - - . . . . . . . . . . . , . . " . . . . . . , , - _ . . . . - - - - - - . . - , . . . , . . . . - . - . . . ' _ u. . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . _ , "Whr don't ' \ 'ou wrt ! ( , stories , Ent ? " . . You are such a capital hand to ma1e I UII a stor ' that husn't an atom of tl'llth in It , and tl'll it in a most convincIng manner ? " "Thanl { 'ou for the comllllmpnt , " Eva reillied. " 1 might ue temllted to try it If I really though I could sell them. The fact Is , " she continued , "Ileollie are too willing to lhlten to a hit of scandal , are too anxious to find out something detrimental to their friends , and wlJl uelie\'o un ' I\lnd of 1slor ' wblch furnishes fuel for the fire of gossip. " "Whr , Eva Werner , do 'ou thlnl { I would believe. ovll It01'I's : told of my friends. I would not care to bear them , no matter bow well the ' were told. " I . "You are onh' buman , " rellJled Eva , "and the uest ofIS mar be tempt'd and fall. Dy the way , did 'ou hear that WIIJ WilItins Is on the \'erge of failure ? " j "Yes , Jack said yestCl'llay that bis I fl'lends were afl'alel be would lose the I remaining bit of } Il'opCl'ly be owns. It I feems ; strange that a man of his age and experience , whu bas had so much I mone ' to use , cannot malw a success I of some of bls'entures , " I F : - a few momenls tllC'ro was silence - once , then Eva said , \'err quietly , "Did you over hear that Wll1 came by his money In a vCl' ' peculmr manner ; that a negro woman-a heautlful mu- 1atto-who had been his grandfather's , slave , and had been educated by blm , heW control of the property during the life of Will's father ? AilCl' the death of 1\11' , WilIdns , senior , Wll1 was . obliged to care for the neg..ess until she died , In order to get possession o ! the mone " , " "I hl\vo never heard any sueh non. sense , " replied Irs. Hhodes , "I have I always SUPI > osed that Will's father loft him the mone ) ' , but I did not Iwow : : he has been such a Idnd friend to ttS since we moved here that I wottld netlike like to heliovo anr ill of him. " "We-H , there are truths stranger I than fiction , " Eva conllnued. "Havo 'ou ne\'er heard that she cast a spoil over hlm-'conjured , ' the cOOI'eli ! fells call It-becauGe , durinhOl' / last slcl , . ness , ho angered h ( > l' ? It slems ! ! that 110 was verr anxious to mal , ) , ' , but cpuld not do so becausc he hall no mOIH'Y , and the last night of her life , as h sat by hcr hedslde , sh ! . ' said to him : 'It will not he long , Wl1l , before I'll ue gOlll' , unll then 'Oll cltn have the moner to do with as YOII Illease. ' - - - : I "Why don't you write stories , Eva ? " Whlther he had heen dl'lnl\ng \ or was weary with watching and n\ll'slng , no tAt , , one Imows , but ho slHtlllwtl out : 'It seems lIke a thousand 'cars , and I am lIred of wul tlng. ' "At that the savage hlood , long dol" mant in her \'olns , began to boll , and whlto to the lips with coming death , : 'Ihe said , 'So 'Oll want mo to dlo , eh ? Well ! jllst remember , Will WII\lns \ , that , 1Il(0 the I'est of m ' race , I be , 110\0 In conjlll'lng , Listen to lIIe ! Yon shnH have the mono ' , but i\1lucll \ : will follow It ; ovcr ' time 'Oll make an in. vostmentlt will fall : anti I will alwa 's bo at 'our olbow. ' These words spol { . en , she fell bncl { on h I' pillow and In -'p " ' , -r ' ' J a fcw moments had lwccthed her last. "WIIreool'c(1 \ ( the moue ' aud , as YOII Imow. fall lire has folluwed all of hIs In\'ostmoutl ; , Did 'ou e\'ol' nollce a wur ho has of glancing bchlnd hllll , as If luoldug 1'01' some one'l" aslwd I va , : ' "Whr , 'cs , " repllod 1\Trs , Hhollcs , " ( 'omo to think of It , I have ! hut I novoI' hoard this stOlT befm'e , aud I tIe not hellevo In the 110\0'01' to con- jlll'e , although I Iwow many sOllthel'n' ers do , ospeclally the ne/I'o's / , " "Woll , " said Eva , rising , "I mllst be goln , As this happened manr years ago , I trust you will not repot It , for _ _ _ . " " . " \ \I\-.o& < EH I . - - ' - i "Well , Mr , Will , what did you want' ' of me ? " we are Yer ' Intimate fl'iendH of the family , and It ml ht lIIuliO trouble , " . "You may sUl'ely I'el ) ' on me-I shall novel' repeat It to an ' one , " : A week passed , dlll'ln which time E\'a and 1\I1's , RhodeH did not chunce to meet ; hut E\'a received a Iottel' from : \11' , Wllldns asking heto call at his ofllco. She went tu the ofilce and was surpl'lsed to find 1\1rs , Rhodes and her husband there , Qulclly dl. vining the meaning of h'r snmm\n ! . . she haHtll ) ' sainted them , then tUl'lllng to 1\11' , Willi Ins , she aslwd , "Well , 1\1\ ' . Will , what 11111 'ou want of mo ? " Ho loolell steadily at ho\ ' for a moment - ment and then ! ! ald : "Miss E\'a , If you cannot pro\'e lhe truth of the Htm'y 'ou told 11Rhodes last week I shall mal\O trouhlo for you. " Era , not II hit ahashed h ' his se- vo\'o tone , said : "I hnt'lll ' tlndOl'stund what 'ou meun ; Mrs , Hhode ; ; faith , fully IlI'omlsed T1e\'Or to repeat tbe . . I stoI told hel. . . . 1\1I's , Rhodes turned crimson , nnd In hOI' confusloll stammered : "WhI - 1- " "You'on - , " Eva said Inl1lgnant1 . , "aro neul'ly as Incapable of t\'uth as you ga0 me el'edlt for helng , W11I rou please repeat all that was said be , fOI'e I told the stOl' ' ? " With some stammering and beltat- : lng , 1\Irs , Hho es repeated what htll ( ueon said till to the time of telling the Btor ' , Then Eva Raid : "I nevel' told you It was trno. I merely aslwd If 'ou hall ev'r hcard stleh a stol'y about : \ 11'1IIt1ns , You admitted , afto\ I told It , that 'ou never had : nclther had I , and I made It tip to pl'OVO to 'ou the truth of mr ho , lief that we urc too wll\ln \ ! ; to hellove unr stor ' auout OUr frlclllls , I ! It is . well told , There was no harm In the story I told 'Otl If 'ou had l\Opt 'ollr promise , I shall surcly turn mr at. tontlon to writing If 'OU who Imow that I revel In fIction cun swallow such an outrageous story about a frlond , If my storlos a\'e accepted b ' llubllshers as roadlh' as h ' ) 'ou my fOl'tuno Is made , and 1 thall ! , 'ou t'or It , " Tnrnlng to Mr. Wlllilns , she said : "I beg yo 11\ ' purdon11' : . Will , and hl.lpo 'tltI w11l forgive me ( or having drawn 'OU Into this , for 1 lIurely meant no harm , hut wished merely to provo my theory that a Il of gossip Is a.lwa ' 8 retlshod. ' OT DUlL T FOR TWO. Size of Telegraph Operator's Cage Puzlcd Convlvltr Gentleman , Wedged In a COI'nel' of ono ( Jf the entrances to Joffemon 1\1 \'I\'l Is IIttlo V.sltallClt telegrnllh onIce of the WOHtel'll Pnlon Co IItllUny. It Is snlc to ho the slnaHest olllco In New Yorl. find to do IIIl1l'e hUHlnesq In 1lrollorllol : to Its 1.111.0 than IIn ) ' othcr omco In the gl'cat S 'Mtl'lII that etends the lenstl nnel hl'oulth ; of the Intul. Whcn the mthel' tnlltHI comll ) 'oung woman In clulI'go or the olllc\ ! entm's 1'01' hUSlt1CRS evOt'y morning one of Iho cIeris In nn adjoining dairy pushes a chair In after' her and closes the tIOOI' . ' 1'hel'o Is room 1'01' no othm t'urnltlll'O except a small shelf for the Instrummlt and a hut IlOg , A strange opomtol' doing bUHlness with 1100'sons IlIIshlng tolegmms thl'ou h the IIttlo wIndow would need 11nl1s on her funn ' honoR , but the one there regu1al'l ' Iwows how to dodge the joists , "Sar ! " sall1 a JlorilT , portl ) ' mnn who had just hcon let ot ! with a rOIIl'lmanll In the nelghhorlng pOJlCO court , as ho cooled his i'ovorcd InshleH with a glass of hUUol'lnl\1 \ , . rrho operntIleellcd throngh the JlUlo window al hllll , "Do 'ou wish to sentI a message ? " sh ( ' I1slOli. "Nottel'da ' , " replied the man. "No messhage t'dar , I was onlr w\ul\'ln' how rou'd manuge , ollle I1ne mOl'llln' , II 'C'lI' 1IIa.'d . nllllo 'ou weal' an extra slill' ! al\l ( 110 up ro\ll' halt' In an UII' holstNotl TJOmllHloU\"l"-New : Yorl , Times , - - - - - - - BURIED BEAUTY IN OLIJ PARIS , Archltectur ll Expert ! : Find Much That Has Been Covered Up. It has heen Imown for fomc tlmo that the roae\mr ! In fl'Ont of the Ca , thel1ral of Noh'o Dume , In Pal'ls , if ! much hlghel' than It ol'lglnnll ) ' was , nntl that th < < . ' view of the entmnce suf , fers In COnSeIIICnCl' , 'rhe archltectnr , al expPI.t of the Lou\\'c IIuseum1. . I Hellou , has 11Iscon'rcd thaI the Lou\'ro Is also hurled beneath the groll\ul to n fur gl'cator depth thlln < lw original Illans warmntod , 1\1. Hodon concludes fl'olll his Investigations that , as plnnned at fIrst , thc 1.011\\0 was to have heen encolllllUssed hr n mont , the exca\'atlon or which was 11re\'euted hy the houses that sll\'l'oundell It Ilt the time , Aftel'\mrd , when the huuses \\'pro got 1'111 of , the IdC'a of the moat I was fOl'gotten , and the lanll rose nut. undlr to ItH present height , hilling 0\1' : )4 ) % fpct of the hulldlng , 'rhe Committee for the Presel'vatlon of Old Pm'ls Intends , IIIHlel' 1\1. Hellon's S1\ ' 11'l'vlslon. to clem' a war the earth mill ellHclose the magnll1cent Htonnworl , or whl'h the hase Is conRtl'lIcted-l'al'ls C01'I'l'spondont London 'l'olegl'allh , - - - - - - The BOGtonese For It. She was a. . slll'ctacled lassie fl'ol1\ \ Boston and had talOn charge of n cOllntl'r sehool. " 'VI'II , how arc you getting along ? " II < ' . aslC'I ) , "VC'I' ' nicely now , thank you , " she repliC'd ; "lIut It was hard at first. " "IR that so ? " "Oh , 'es , You see , III the blnlllng ; : I tried moral suasion as a correctl vo measur ( ' , hut fulling In that I I'esol'loll to n tallglille Instrul1Iontallty , " "A whnt ? " gasped the simple.mltlll' ed trustee , "A tanglblo Instrnmental1t ' , " she re- IllIed sweetly-"a good , stollt hll'lwl'Y switch , don't 'ou Imow. " Before Fame Called. 'I'hat the thorns and thlsties lining the war to success arc not soon fOI'- gotten is InstaneNI hr a romarof \ CI 'de Fitch to an IIPllllcant fOl' a 11111'1 In one of his III'oductions , "Well , " salll the 'oung lallr with a sigh of rollof aftcr havIng ohtnlncd a pl'Umlse of a 119rt In the I/Ia ' , "It Is so pleasanl to ha0 somothln to IIvo on hesilles hOlle-llarts are scarce this fall. " "Yos , " I'epllell 1'11' , Fitch , a reminiscent - cent , fara wur 1001 , In h Is e 'os , "I lived on hOIlO fOl' ton 'eal'sIInll , with a smllo-"so did m ' landlallNel \ ' Yorl , Times , - - - - - - - - - - - Three Words of Strength. I ' 1'bore nl' ( , Ihrl'l' 1t' nIlH r would \\1'111' , 'I'III'l' ( ' wor < l : < , II > ! wllh a 11111'111111 ; 1'11. III tral'll1l ; of . 'Ienml tI hl , t:1HIthe \ hearls IIf l11ell , Ha\'o lJllpe. 'I'hll' c\clllll \ > l 1'11\11'1111 1'0111111. . \nll ltlllrl < ' 1' hillp. 11"1' fnl'u III fI'nJ'II , Pul ofl" Ihc allllllllw fl'lIrn III ) " IIm\\ ' ; Nil nlHIlL hill hath It > l morn. lIa\'e FIlIlII , " 'hOI'O'I'I' thJarl. \ . Js < lrl\'clI- ' ! 'hl' 1'11 ] " , ' > 1 11I > l101'1. the temjl'st'l ! " , \1'1 \ h- KIIOW IhIH : Gol1 rulcs thl' hosts of hea\'clI , ' 1'he InlmtJllullt > l of ClIl'lh , 1111\0 J.ovo , Not 10\0 010110 for OIiP. Bllt mall , os nIlIlI , thy IIrolhol' call ; . \1111 srllllj" ' , III" , a ( 'IrollllSIIII / , 'l'll ' chal'ILlcon nil , -Schllll'r , England's AntlCorset Cru5ade , Although the latest anticOI'sot c\"II'1 Aade has not 'et I'cached I..onllon , Its : IIromoters are e'\I'I' : 'ln the cause Into Birmingham , whN'c t hey bOlle to I1nd champlonH amulIg hoth R'xes , "And why not among the men ? " the mem- . . hers Inqulro , .It Is fOI' tlw Clpti\'II' ; Uon of man that womou usually Ince , and If the stem Hex Is Imown to fl'own on the custom tlrn reslIlt onght to b9 uholltlon of tiw lracllce ) , " So fn 1' , however , the momhel'shlp of the Teaguo Is sml\lI ntul It 11i1S shown no Inlllcalion of accoml/lhlhlol ; any mOI'o than its lll'edt'eessors. - - - - - - - Bear No Match for HorGe. RondwUl'mI' , a well.lwown Cullior. nla race horse , li III ell a hear n few Ila 's 8 O , Roallwnrn1C'I' was ono of the at'lng of racorH that Halph Vernon wall tal\1ng to Covolo for the wllltOl' . When the hoar was In reach the horse squared around antl a battle ro 11.1 commenced , the horse usln ! ; his hootl to good allvantn/e / , WheIl Vernon manngetl to got the horse a wa ' the heal' WUR IylnIn / an IInrecolnl1.ahle I maIJ3 And the horse WUilIIlnjIJTcd. . 'VllY 'IIl Y 1'A ! YOR IT DEMOCRATIC FONDNESS FOR COMPETITIVE RECIPROCITY , It 13 Regnrdt'd as an Important Stcp In the Direction of Free Tr < lde , a Half Leaf That Iii Much Bettcr Than No I3r ad. Democl'lltlc leatlers In CcugreRs anti elsewhere 11\0 \ sitting 1111 of ul hts to ( ul\'anco the callHO of sOniothlllg of their C1WII tlo\'IHlnr which tlto ' 111'0 . . . . . . plensoll to cnll .I.ccillroclt ) . Ther sa ' It Is the roclproclt . mentloll11 ns Hn economic IloS811.J1l1t ' I.J ' 1\IcKlnle \ ' and Blaine. III the fIrst 1I1nce no re' puhllcan of wolght hils o\'er sUg e8tetl l'echll'oclt ' lu un ' form that could I Intorfel'e , In the sllglttest tlogree , wltb : the pl"Otec1llln of A lIIerlcun wuges , which m'o much the highest in the \\0 1'1 tl , 01' with fostel'lng the wh o de. veloplllent of Intlustrlcs on Ol\t. own ! ; ell , No llromluont rel1llhllcau hns 0\01' Il1'Op08etl rocllll'oclt . In nll ' ox. cept uOIIcolllllotltl\'e IIrOlhtcts , 8ml 1I0t spcclllcally in rcgUl'tl to the o , NOlie ltas o\'er touchetl on the sUbject sa\'o as a gcnerllllzutIolI worthy of thought , hut secontlar ' to ' ropubllcan 11I'otcc- lion , g\'ing" ! to that benol1cent llOlIc ' the full lIart . rocognltloll It Itas alwa 's hall , and alwars will ht1\'e' , nil' ' less the pnt.t ' mo\'es ot ! its old fOIl \ln. ( tlous , But \\'hllt SOl't of rechll'ocltr lire delllocl'atlc managers urging Ullon IlIlblle nttentlon , clulmlng to hn'e hul" rowed It fl'om l\11lnellt ! \ re11llbllcans ? It Is a. . slash at all 11I'otectlon , IIn en. tel'ing wodo ; to 1'111 1111 the D1nglo ' tal'fr ! In coml'tllI\'o ) 01' an ' othm' 111'011. ucts , It Is sltnpb' a reno\\'al of the fI ht , on shlnell ground , fot' dOlllocmt- 10 fl'ee tl'l1do , 'I'hus elolllocmts in Cong'l'ess are tle. clarlng that the Cuhan tariff conces , slon "Is tmquestonnhly ! a breach In the wall of pl'otectlon , " and that demll- cratlc'otes will go to the measlII'o 1'111' that , ronson. RelI'esClltntl\'o ) WII. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - I1Izat\lm \ : to tomllt thom to conUnu their 1 i.llnouR onO'CI'Ol1 pollc ' by 8)10' ) clal ltuluco\11ents \ for the ttlnllugo ot tuoh' sugar , What Cuba needs Is a dlvorsltlcatlon of prOlhlctl , wherebY slto may secmc \'arll'ty of custolllers. Il will he no all\'lIutngo to Cuba to IIInlo the AIIIl'rlcllu Su/u' / : trust the fole custolllCt' 1'01' Itel' 11I'lnellml lI\(1d. ucts , 'I'het'l' Is a del1clonc ' In the wor1ll'8 cotton HUIIlI ) ) ' , aud all conti , nonts are helng rlUtlluclwtl ror places where thnt stallio clln he Jlrolltnhly growu , ' 1'horo Is e\'hlonco that there Is uo holteI' plaeo thun Culm , 'l'ho lIIoulltaillou8 districts of Cuba arc 1II0st'aluablo grazing laud9 , whoso owners nro l'ostocldng tholll In the ex , ot ' ' IIssuretl 11ectatlou IIrol1t , propCl'I to thom b ) ' the Cuhan protectlvo tnI" Iff , 'rho proposed trellt ) ' admits Amorlcan cattle Into Cuba. . at 40 pOl' cent reduction fl"Om tarlIT mtes. Do the Cuban stocl\lnen wish to thus buy a ml\l'lot for the Cuban sugar SI'OW' et's ? Let UII stop our onslaught au Cubnn 1\1111 AmerIcan hlllustl'les for the benel1t of the . \morlcan Sugar trust and Its friends who h\\'e : houghl Rugal' ostntcs in CUbn-SlIn Fmnclsca Chronicle. WHY FARMERS ODJECT. Sound ReaGons for Their Oppollition to Frce Tr < 1de In Agricultural Prod , ucts. It is oas ' to tlndemtnnll that Canllda would bo glnd to enter Into a I'ecllroc- ) it ' agreolllont with the United States that should Inclilde naturnl Ill'Otlucts onh' , I CJuanr obvious Is the reason why she should decllno to s\\'all tmdo privileges III manufactttl'ed Ill'Otlncts , Her natural protlucts see1. It nenrlly marlwt , and It would ho tremendonsly to her udvantago if she coulll soli her ! ' : II\'plus \ In the United Stlltos Instead or shipping It to Eurolle. Dut In In. Ihlstrlal production she Is only a be. ginner. She is t ! ' 'lng to develop her mnnufacturlng" Industt'leIJ. In the c\'ent of free trallo In natural products Canada \\'ould do al1 the se1\lng \ an . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE MONKEY AND THE BUZZ SAW. ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IIams , the Domoeratic leader in the house , insists that the Cuban bill Is an oxulUple or reciprocity , allel that I''cllroclty ) Is a concession to the 'Ilomocratlc dOll1l1nd for unt.tLltlmeled trade I'elatlon , " A democratic 111\1101' relllarls that while I''clproclty Is a Iulbblo } and an anomal ) ' , It shoultl ho welcomed hr Democrlltfl as a step towllrd Ital'lft for re\'onuo onlr , and on the gl"Ounti that half tL loaf Is bet- tel' thun none , Pl'eslllont Hoose\'olt recommended the Cllhan concession as 11 "unlquo" provision to uHslst anew now nation which this country creatd ! IInd ovel' which this cOllntry holds a [ 1I1cullar restmlnt. Few rOll\lhlLcanfl thin I. that the Un It ( > (1 ( : : :5tates : Is still \lillIeI' liseal ohllgatlons to Cuha , 0\ \ ' that nny llOiut of honor is luvolvetl In the action of Congress yet to cOllie. As fll : ' as the domocratlc parlr Is con. cC\lCd \ , It Is fI/htlnl / III'otecUon , not I 1' 'lng to henellt Cuba , 'rhol11l1s B , Heed's last magazine aI" tiele , IJllhllshell IIftcr his death , which occ\ll'l'ed less than a 'ol1r ago , was a IIOWPl'ful argument against rOCIJll'Oclt ' 1 as far as It had hoen defined within I his experlonco. "If you will eXllmlne reclll"Oclty ) In dptall , " ho Wl'oto , " ) 'OU will find thut , In nearlr evC\'r \ case , the national revenue is Hllcl'il1ced for the henollt of Individuals. " I'rohllhlr the Cuban bill , It It goes through , will work thut way , 1\0 mnlter whllt scntl- mont o ! sUlposed ) honor /ollCroslty / Is felt by an ' of ! to advocl1tes , 1\11' . ! loed opposed the Cuhan tariff reduction - tion In these Inclslvo words : " 10'01' the reluul1caus ) to des'rt the IlOet r.1\1 \ ar 1ntorest Is to desel' ! the fa rmer In the one conllilicuol\s \ 111\11 clear cnSH where his Indl\str \ ' Is fostcred. Under the tnrlff ao It now Is all the sugllr lIodcd ! br this countr ' clln be mllde h ) ' the people of tlI19 countl' ' , 'rhat Is In nccorll with 0111' srstOtn , When we throw our mal'wts ] ellen to the worltl In all thln R , then It will ho tlmo to do It for sligar , ' : \11' , Reed wns II r.lateSlI1nn of IOllg pxpel'lollco In Con. re R , Senator Allison , with slmlllll' tl'lllnln , Hallt I'econll ' : "Heclproclty Is : t heuutlful thcol'r , but I 11m convlnc- od tllnt II. rannot ho put Into ! l1'It'tlce. " HC'cll\'ocll \ ' has gl'own a Jlttlo moro d"l1nllo III ono l'esIICJct. It Is dome , cmllc aml11unltlon , and seized h ' tholll wllh eUgcl'l CH ! us a national call1ll1\l 1I Ih'awli nO:1I' : nd finds thom . . . . .lthollt an Issue , HUlllIhllcans de. cllllfJ to llanll thol\1 an ISHIIO on a recl. I\'or\t \ \ Y ofl''O tJ'allo plattm'-St , LotllH mohe Ibnocrul. . _ - - - - - - - - - - Bad for Cuba. . \ R01' the' ( 'u ha ns thl11sel'es , It YUlllel : dmost. UI' a crlmo IIgalnt. ! r.v - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - none of the huylng , wh110 fruo trade In lUunufncttll'ors W01l111 swamp every ouo of hel' youthful Indllsh'lell. ' 1'ho I American farlllcl' objects to reCIlrO' } elt ) ' rosh'lctell to Jlutural products olll ' , With goot"Cason ! ho objects to ha\'llIg ull of Canada's surIllus of grnln tUlllllOd ! on the Amorlcnn mal'lwt , Ho Iml/Wfl that to l'OIllOVO the protectlvo tnI'll ! from Canadian cercllis woulll not only 1m dlsulvunta : eous to his Intol'- PHtH now hut \Vollid In the noul' future help to lIulld up a comIlCtition OYcr- \ \ helm InIII / Its magnitude , Canada's I'aln-pl'odllelng ] loslllhl1\ \ . ties 111'0 III'actlemll ) ' unlimited , 'I'ho total 1H'l'oa e of the lands In 1\lanltoha 1'1111 thellCo west to the Hoclt1oE , and . 1'\I1nIIl GOO 01' 700 milcH north of the ! , olllldaI'Y 11110 Is 2,2:10,000,000 : acrm : , Of this abl/ut : )5,000,000 ) nct'es are he. In , ; utlled ( ; : or ha\'o been tmnsfOl'l'ed I.y the crown to rallwa 's , fOl' hOl1le' rteads ant ! other 1IIII'poseH of prolluc , 11011. or HreHa 2 , OOOOOO this real' enl ' , l2t.ji : ( ( : : a're8 were tinder cultl. vatlon , 'rho actunl 'lel(1 ( of grain or 1111 Idnds thlH ' ( mrVa ! ! 110UOOOOO O\'PI' laHt ) 'eal' , 'rhe wheat 'lo\f1 \ was t)7,1 nlO2 : : ! bllllhols , un Incl'easo of ahout 'IUOOOOO , As'Uilldl ) ' liS Imml I'ation can ho In dllcoll IInll lunels Illnced tinder ( 'ultlva , lion these cOlllltll'SS millions of act'OR are to ho lItdod ! to the wheat.produc- 111 area of North America. It Is th& llrcam of ClIlHula. . to hecomo the greal wheat-IJ'odlle'ln cOlmtJ' ' of the wor1l1 , Heclp\'IJclty In IInturnllrllucts \ ( woulll I'eatly hasten the renJization or thlR , lream. Ah'Plldy Im'go numuers of farmers from the United Stutes are lIIu\'lng over to the Canadian North. wpst and locating 1111111I lands within reach of \'U1I\'IJuel ' \ \ tl'Unsportatino. There will ho , moro rallmalls. moro :1ccesf'lhlo lands , moro farnwrs 1'118hlnl ; ever to tulO and tll\ \ them , 'l'hat Is \ \ hat Cana a wantH. It Is not , how. ( ' \01' , what the American farmer ' . \ ant ! ' ! . 110 ] lI'efOI'H to I'etaln as long aH I lIOs91hlo the advantages which the I 11I'I'HOllt tal'lff gives him In the mutter ot a 71rol1tllhlo mal'l\Ot fOl' hIs foOl I . ! 'tHrrs , Hence bl op\losltlon \ to recl. ] ll"Oelt . III lIattll'l1 IlroductH , Is It ullreasClnl1hle 01' ullnuturul that I1noth'r great hodr or Amorlc:1II : farm. PI'S should ho unwilling to rellllQulsh I the advuntagos which the Dingley tar. Iff rlves thelll , and to 8UI'rOl\ller to fOl" < 'llJn comlletltol'8 the control ot the I Inul1Jl1so mal'let fCII' their SUL al' cline , tl.oil' sugar heots , their oal'ly fl'ulte : and vcgotahlen , theil' ol'anges , lemon I : lnd plnealllI's , D nd their tobacco 1 Some 1))01,1:1 : UI'O 10 bo tastt.'d , othel's I , to Iw IIwallowC't1 , :11I11 some few to ue ! I clo\Vctl antI dlgeJtctI-llacon , - , 'c. "C-- : ; , , ; ; , - ' , - " ' , , . . . . , . - - - ' . - i.-- , . , aEV NTEEN AR DEA Rock lal'lnd : Trains Mcet NCJr WII. lard , Kan" with F tal Results , 'rOPI I\nll-80vOlllo1I IlCrsons wOl'n 1\llIl't ! I1nt ! nf1 "HI'v'n Injured III till' Hoe1 \ 1 lalul wl'c'l , lit Wlllarel \\'cllnr'slln ) ' IIIm'n I II ! : Iost 1ft 1 he III' jlll'ed 111'\ III hoslltnlH ! III TO\leln \ , 'rho tOCIOl'R ! nnnouuce that 1111 will recover. CnrolossnosH or trainmen cllused lho \\'I'l'cl" IlIsII'llI'tp(1 ( to meet u speclul tl'lIln nt'llllll'd , thl ! ol1glncCanll \ cOlulllctor of I ho III.fnted I1lSHenger : , notln ! ; thnt a fl'elght train stoot ! on the Bhlet rucl , nt Wlllnrli rushOlI throllJh , thlnllng Ihut the ( ) ars the ) ' had selm wel'o the ones th ! . ! ) ' had heen Insh'uclod to ItaH. I'allurll to oct'utln. ' l1.e the numbl'I' of the onllno was tIlt'ocll ) ' l'eRllonHlhle fill' the collision. j j Had the onglnelr ! c01l1pUl'o(1 ( till' nU1l1' t her of the tJ'nln at Wlllartl with hlH 01" d'l's the tJl'hlent ) wo1l1t1 ha\'o heen It voltlll\ \ . UpOIl Hoeing ut'llhml n frolght. \ tl'uln on the sltlnl ! Englnc'r Uenjumlll thl'o011l'I \ Iholnotlle \ a1ll1 IItltlor the 11I1\1etlls \ of filII Rlcnm the IJIlSenror traltt 1011110d out Into the IlarlmesJ nt a l'utO which the IIIIHSentOrR Iloclal'o to hnve heen full ' IIlxty\1\'o : \ milcH an hOlll' , Not a. . note \\'lIrulllg of fonr. 1IIIIIonlllnl ; dllngl'I' O\I' ! mndo Itself l\tIown to the IHlfi'l'rm'H , < Jenel'1I1 SU\ll'I'lnlenll'nt \ ! Gruhor of th Hocl , Islunll 1I1ntll' this statement to thl' Assorintcll PrcsM. "Thl' onglnel'r of the llUssengor tmln 111111 lII.tlOI'S 10 wllil lit Wllhu'lI fol' the oxl ra Hloel , t mln , 110 llUlIMClI Oil , 1I11s1111dllg u ft'el ht trllin Oil the siding lit that IItntion : ror the extra ntocl. train , 'I'hls calls'el thQ wre l. , NolHHly ohlC Is tu 1111111I0. so fur ns 0111' Inful'lIIatiun goes. " TO ANSWER R VES NEXT WEEK. Sccretary Hay Has Completed Revl. sion of Reply to Colombia. WASHINGTON-Socl'elary I1n ' has c01l111otoll ] his \1nnl \ I' vlsloll of the IUlSWOI' to 110 made IJr thc American go\'el'1I111ellt to the ] ll'otest lIIod hy GellCl'1l1 Hafnpi Hl' 'es , the Colomhlan minister , I\gl\I11Ht the action of tltu United Slates r'gl\lIl1 : ( a ITa II's on UI'J Isthmus , . 'rho l'OllllllUlllcll1 Ion Is It 101lJ ; ono I\nll sots out III l1etall the position oe the ndllllnlstrntiun on the \'Iulous IHllntll l'lllsod nnl1 rl\"aneo'l : I'eclted h ) ' Gonel'al Ilorcs In his note Rllhmll. ted to the statl ) el'Pltrtmont In the Il1ttm' 111\1'1 of 1)0'e1ll1lOl' , 'rho relll ' hUH hl'l'n g'l'n"I'I' ! ' cal'nost eOllsltlOl" atlon hr the 1lI''sldent , 8 ( 'l'l'O I II I' ) ' Ioot. who nsslstell In Its III'eIHu'ation during the time See'rotal'y ITIIY was 111 , ami hy Secretary lla ' hlm'wH , The pa. \ll'I' \ , to gethel' with Gmll'l'al He yes' note , It Is I'XIICctld , will lie sent to , : ) ollgl'ess III'obahly lIext wo'I : , REPORTS' ARE DISQUmTfNG. Thrc , ltcning Activity of Russl\/1 \ C.'ul3crn . at VI < 1dlvotol : ( . 'I'OKIO-'I'he HlIsRlan I'Cllly to , Ju\lnn \ hils lIot IlI.'en l'c'OlvHI , It Is I'opol'ted fmlll VIUIJI\"ostol , that the HlIsslan SllIl1lh'ol1 ] thl ! 'e Is Ill'ollarJng (01' IICtioll , All extm edition of tIw Officlnl Ga. WitH has helm Issued. eontlllning IIl'my and na v ' O 'det'slmhlhlt \ Ing the Iluhllcution 01' any reports ahout movQo monts of tmops or Will' vessels from this tlmo on , Otherwlso the Japan. ese authorities nl'e 1I0t Interfcrint ; wl1 hlrOSH \ n1eSllages , Accm'llIn to IlnothOl' report , 11 Rus- IIlnn crulsOl' hos lefl POI' ! ' Arthttr with a smlLli mUItry force on hoal'd , its deslllll1t1on Is unlmown , hul Is 11roJ. ! ahly Chemttillo , KOI'OIl , ARBITRATION CONFERENCE. Prominent Speakers to Advocate The Hague Tribunal. WASIIING'rON-'I'ho Intomatlonal arbllra.tlon . confm'onco is to meet hero next 'I'lIcslll1 ' and on the afternoon ot that Ilay at the Lafayette theater a maSH 1II1'1'1lng wl1l be held In fttrthel" anco of the It\'hitratlon \ movement. Promlnont pel'HOnS frolll ull OVOI' the coullt.rr arn OXllocted to slleak on that. occasion , thosc 1I11'0llly : having promIsed - Ised to do so In'lnlilt1F ; Cardlnnl Glh. hens , Anllrew Cal'l\cle : , Hahbl IlIrsch of Chicago , PI'caldont WlhlOn of 1'rln'ton , OO\'I''nol' . DI1\'bln \ of Indl. ana , gdwarll g\-crctt Halo and Clarlt Howell of Atlanta , 'I'ho ohjoct or the conferencc Is to eonsltlOl' the qll'StiOIl of the adoption or a Ireaty llCtwoen ! the Unltod States and Great Britain by which the two nations wl11 agl'oo to I'esort to The Ha uo tl'Ihunl11 In a em'taln slleclfied ( 'laRs of casl'S , To Revise Drawback Gystem. W ASIIIG'l'ON , D , C--Helll'esenta. tlce LO'I'I'hllasH ( : , ) Introduced two hllls 1'01' IIII' I'ovlslon of the drawhacl. IlrtlvlHlons of the Dlnglo ' IllOliO h\11 \ Is doslgned to cneJlII'ago the ox. lIort tl'l1l10 In , Ii'll ! ; ! ! and chemicals hy r'l1Ilttlll [ . ; tlll' Intol'nal I'ovonuo In the shape of a elm wbacl , on Ilomestlc al' cohol used III manufactlll'cd articles fm' eXIIOl'1 H , The hccund bill l'elate3 10 Ih'a whllelis 011 Imllorted I'a w 111:1- mch raw material , IH finished. - - Sues C lptain Lemly. W ASIIING'l'ON - - Hohm'l Durton Hudne ) ' , a Imy.nastol' with the I'unl , urI lIeutenant ( 'ommantlC'I' on the reth'cd list of the nay ) " , hltll : IJrought slIlt for $ o.oon 11IUnltrrOI t1galnst Captain Sltm. 1101 C , Lomlr , jlulgo 1\llvlcato gone\'al ( If llw nit Y ' , 1'01' ulluge long ( 'ontInllclt "llol'lmla\'y 111111 naval grade lossel" alllt Itldl nlllell , The l'oll1plalnaut al. logo ! ; that Captnln l.oml ' has Itstl1'plJd Ill'al'lIcal Sllpl'l'nHtl' ' III the uaval de. pal'tment nl1l1 13 tlopl'lvlllg the com- pl1II1:1Ul ! : or Il'111 rights.