- - - - " , , ' - - " ' " . . . ' ' ' " : 4 > - I.r"r : . , " " - . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . TRAIN WRECK ON BALTIMORE AND OHIO ' 1 RAILROAD THE WORST IN MANY YEARS . . . . : : " ' ( . . , . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' , ' tif I , . The nwful dlsaBta to the Duquesno . . 'j" ' : .tJycr on the Dalt1pt9fo nnd Ohio mil. , , . ' , ' " . . . road . near , Dnwco Pa. - , } Joc. 24 , malcos a sad Cl rlstmns for mnny famllles. . \ I _ . . ( . It Is not only the lJ h railroad calam. . . : : ' . 1' Ity this yel\r but .ji worst In many . I . . . . \ years. There hn c meen thirty derail. ments and Q.0111s01 [ during the year , . where the loss of Hfe hns been oxcop. " Innally largo , bu tb ! ! c0111slon on the .tUg Four rallroa' ror No' : . 19 , when ' \ ' t1rty-ono ! were 1131l } and seventeen \ 1 ; ' Inj 'ed , had bconttl o worst up to thp . . : i'r ; : , pr sent. horror. I this ono twice b , : 't mnny were lellled and ttvo times ns . ' " man ) ' Injured. I ny bo Interesting I , , ' ' I in' connection wit hcse thirty ( lIRa : , , . ters to Imow thatJt. enty of them , ' . . , ' , . , : , caused by c011lsln8 , . . nnd ten b ) ' de. : ! ' ra lments , which " ulll seem to Inili. : , I cato that moro nt ' ! ntlon Is paid to the ' . , condition of the 'aadbed than to the j , . details of rnnnln& : - t alns. If there can b6 l.ijny consolatIon lu SUCh an ' [ ' which over three score accld9nt'I' ellled outright d mnny other1. weE , Injurcd , som of. ' : - ' " whom w111 , Ie , Uia In the t that It' do s not appear : nre ! Jeen the result - sult of carel953l c Jlll IneffiJ ( ! llcy A freight tra.l loadca with timbers find 'ust precer-cd , thel ssenger train , nnll some of.)11o tics ' : lad fallen upon the track , rTho DU l 1no Ilrer , running , " at wt speed , rp1i1Hled a curve , nnd , I'1 I' ; / tore the . - could slnclen ! i , ) - / flpeed , the ent'r ' train , except a : ' / sleeper and dill ! g car , was derall'll. . 'Tho timbers wet' "woller ! ) ' loadell , but if \ the brealdng or' ' 1. tay-a. contingency . ( . whIch ll rllY""c l.llll have been fore. seon-let some fl thc111 down. ' 1'he I ,1 , . , n \ 1 ( I , " ' ' \ , . \ . . . , . ' l t' ' t : , \ I I Jt- ' " } , ' " : , Dr. ' 1'homas D. l\lehard \ oC Conn ells- 'I' ' , ( j } ' vllle , Pa" who assisted In rescue worl { , t , ' " Q.nd attendell many of the Injurell In , the railroad wreck near that clt ) ' Dec. 24 , has given a sclentillc medical r , 'erslon of the cause of the deaths. He said : " : 'lany persons have been mlstalten 11S to what causell the deaths of the wreck victims , bellovlng the ) ' were due to scalds and burns. Asille from . . the onglneel' amI fireman , who died from crushing violence , the death of all the others was Ilue to the Inhnla- tlon of SUIJerheatell steam , tllllS caus. Ing an edema of the larynx anll In. crew of the freight train were not in .n position to Imow It. It was a horrIblE : > disaster. Men were crushed to death , scallled to death , bU1'l1ed to death. Cn1's were telescoped , smashed , burnell. Every detnll of horror nnd of suffering IJossl- lJle In a railroad wreele characterized this one. It Is not cl'edltable to sldIl In construction that cars should bo . lJullt of matcrlal which Is made all the more Inflammable by paint and varnish put on In profusion , and that they should be lJullt so lightly and go to pieces as easily ns a carllboard house. The old wooden vessels have largely given place to steel vessels. Why shoulll not the old w "uden cars lJe succeeded by steel cnrs , which will offer some resistance In case of accident - dent and reduce the risks of death and Injury to crew and passengers ? . CAUSE OF THE WRECK. Information Seems to Show Disaster Was Unavoidable. The wreck was causell by the break. Ing of the castings on a carlond of brldgo timbers on 11 westbounll freight train which had passell Laurel Run 110t moro thnn fineen minutes before the pl18senger train. The wrecl ; : occurred on 11 curve , and It was Imposslblo for Engineer Thornloy to see far enoulh ahead to detect. the obstruction on the tracls. The bl Atlantic typo englno plunged - ed Into the timbers at a velocity of sixty miles an hour. The englno plowoll Into the embllllkment , and the baggage and express cnrs were thrown J'I ' Into the Youghloghney river. The 1I . ; . . - . . ' smolwr followell the englno ! lnd Innll" od squarely on top of It , This allowf1d the escnplng stenm from the onglno to fill the car. ' 1'ho smolwr was pacl , " td to Its utmost cnpacltr , nnll nIl the passengers were coolwd allvo. Most or the 1\11Id \ ! were foreigners who were Ilterallr roaRted to death , the hnggago nnd smoleer t I coIJlng the englno and Immcllilltel ) ' catching iJre. Not n slrtglo passenger In the Cal" oscnDcd wltb his lIfo. and it Is ostl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mntell that nt least fort ) " oC the clend were In the smoleer. An operator nt "V It" tower on the Piltsburg and Lnko Erlo rnllroad , ucrOSB the Youshloghen ) ' rl\'er , was the first to send word of the accident nnll to Iend for relIct. 110 was watchIng - Ing the Duquesne IImltell ns It wns sp dlng nlong the Daltlmoro nnd Ohio tljnr.les across the river. Ho saw the cars plio high In the air und , then slnle bacle on the tracks. 'rho " reams of the Injured nnd d'lng were I alnl ) ' henrll. In another aecond ho ' sending word to the railroad oC. llcll1ls nt Dawson and Connellsv\11e. \ For moro than GOO feet both the \.enst \ nnd west bound trncles were torn up. 'rho engine was completely demolished - molished nnll' the big 7OOO'gallon tanl { on the tender wns thrown 100 Ceot ahead from the . ' ' . wreclengo. 1'he ba/ / : gage cnr was thrown Into the river , but was enl ) " sllghtl ) ' wreclwd. All t110 cnrs were doralled and the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a coil fish line , whllo fishing twenty miles ort shore. It. weighed , Wln er s ys , fQrt.fivo pounds. "It wns either a man.eater or the original lobster , " sn's Winder. All Atlnntlc City Is aghast at these happenings. CHANGE IN MEN'S DRESS. - Knee Broecheo Growlno In Favor With London Society Devotees. Men's clothes nre becoming moro and moro fnnclCul , nccordlug to n great London tuUor , who welcomes the growing ro\'olt against the "somber i snmencss" of e\'enlng dress. ' Society I mcn nre tnldng to Icneo breechcs I among other fnlls , and If the present craze leecps up a pair of long trousers will soon be a rarity In 1\Iayfalr. 'rho Ilng haa taleen a personal Interest In , the attemllt to mnlto men s dress moro becoming. Ho wcars ovenlng dress as lIttle as posslblo nnd upon every , - , . - : : : : : : : : - : : - - - " - - . " - . . < = , - - . . . - - - , tcrferlng with respIration , Ileath resulting - sulting from the want of oxygen. In other words , the victims Illell of all' starvation. " 'rhe word edema practically means an escape of the watery element of the' blood In the surrounding tissues. thus causing pressure on the opening from the lungs to the throat , In the place where the vocal cords are at. tach ell. This chnnge 111 the vocal cords nnd larynx , practlcnlly a scnld. Ing or cooltlng , causell the alteration In voice sounds emlttell by those who Inhaled the Ileadly steam. This death Is one of the most horrible known to mellical science. " trucks of all except the diner were torn completely from unllerneath the cars. cars.Few Few people were Injured In the Pull. man cars and the diners , although lew escaped wltbout at least some slight InjurIes. Hardly had the bodies of the dead been removed from the coaches until thieves began robbing- the dead of jewelry and mone ) ' . Special officers were delJUtizerl , and with the aid of the Daltlmore and Ohio police force and Connellsvlllo officers the work of the ghouls was stoppell , It Is charged that the foreigners who escapcd serious Injur ) " in the wre le I1nmedlately sot nbout robbing their more unfortunate countr 'men , and the dead as well as Injured were robbed of their money nnd other \'nluables. THREE GOOD "FISH" STORIES. Sea Serpent , Monster Oyster and Man. Eating Lobster Arrive. Whllo returning to his homo late ) 'esterday , says a Illspntch from At. Inntlc City , N. J. , William Dlaclmnn ; : saw a long , dark object being tossed by the restless wn'es bt > atlng on the lJ nch at Ventnor. At last one hlg comber left It "tl'3ndell high on the sanlls. Dlackman approached. Defore him lay a sea serpent eighteen feet long and with a head twe1\'Q. Inches from ear to ear. Its mouth was the same size. The next momlng It coulll not bo founll. Residents are greatl ) ' alarmed. About the snme tlmo RIchard Dur- hage of Picasnntvlllo went o 'ster hunting In Lalw's ba ) ' . After a might ) ' struggle ho land ell a blval\'e , he 8a8 , which mensurell two feet In lenrth , fourtecn Indes across the lJncle. two1\"O Inches In depth , anll the meat In It weighed twentr-folll' pounlls. All Pleasantv\Jlo can hear witness thnt no o 'ste' evcr caught was Its cllual. Then Joll1l Winder pro\'ed the rule of thrl1e and made the c'clo compl(1te. Winder Is mate of the ) 'ncht Pitts. burg , and bo Dulled a lo.lster ) l on 1I 1 possible occasion he caUses the gentlemen - I men at tlto court to discard the dull blnck g rments Cor bright UIllIOrms. I 'l'o the Influence or the I\lng may be ascrIbed the Ilesfre of mnny men to be. come more artistically clothed. ARMY TO USE HAND ORGANS. S:1lvatlonlGtG Adopt New Method In Raising Funds. Hallan organ grInllcrs of New York are up In arms , ' 1'he Salvation Army Is about to encroach upon their do- mnin with organs and monkeys. There are many expert organ grlnll. ers among the sollliers , who , the ofllcers insist , should bo glvon an op. pox'tunfty to displa ' their accomplish- ment. and Incldcntally to allll wealth to the excllCquer. PoUco Commlssln. or Greene has received a communlcn. tlon from Charles L. Whitman , a com. manller of the Salvation Army , nsltlng him to recommend Innnce ' an or lIel'- Dutting members of the organlzntlon to grlnll hand organs in the streets of the city. The commissioner hns turned the letter o VOl' to Senior In. specter CortrIght. Minister Admitted to the Bill' . For years Rev. J. . Herman of Mil , ford , N. II. , has been studying law , and now he has been admlL ed to the bar. "I have done all this study , " he says , "without In any way slighting my duties as preacher of the gospcl. } o'or Instance , Monllay , Instead of being the so.called 'bluo Monday , ' was devoted by me to the fJtully of some branch of law. ' 1'he Imowledge of law Is help. ful to all IJrofosslon& and as much to the mlnlsl1' ) ' as any other. Is not ) 'our congregation the jUl'y and will not a convincing nrumont : CU'IT weight In mntters I'ellglous as In mattei's of law ? " Good Puns on the Weather. A Chicago man who has just returned - turned from a visit to Europe says that during his sta ' In Paris the \\'el1t1ler was atrocious. It rained , In. cessanUy for a weele and this Ilepres- sing state of aITalrl ) wns emphasized ono day by another American visitor , who on taldng leave of a French friend , said , "Au reservoir , " Instead of "Au 1'ovolr , " as he would have re" marked under moro ngreenblo climatic conllitlons. The Parlslnn , who Is thoroughly acquainted with the En , ; . IIsh langunge , entercd Into the joleo and repllell cordlallr , "T'ttnks. " Change In German Embilssy. Under the hanll of Its new mh ress. the American wife of Baron Von Stern. burg. the German embassy In Wash" Ington has emergel\ from the char. acter of a somewhat nondcserlpt hach. elor abolle It has presented of recent ) 'ears anll lJeglns now to have a cllb. Inet of Its own I1nl to reflect some. thing of the taste and Indlvl unllty of the woman to whom for the time be. Ilig It Is home. 'rhe baroness was Miss l-a.l.ghlln : before her marriage. Justice Brown His Own Bootblack. 'I'hough a very stout man , Justice Brown of the United Stntes supreme court blaclca his own shoes nearl ' evel'v morning , 'rho justlco sa 's ho feel ; proud to hnltato Abrnham Lln. coIn even to that extent. On getting out of hod ho dons his unllcrwenr nnll SOCiiS , puts on hlH shoes and then 'plies the h1'l1s1l. When full ) ' dressed lhe dlstlngulahed jurlRt flnlls It. somo. whnt 1I1flicult to catch sight of his foot coverlll ! ; . , " . , . . . . . " " " - - - - - - AS TU WORlD I REVOLVES i . . . .ntt > IIft REV. BROOKE HEREFORD DEAD. Was Amen ! ] the Mos Prominent of U nltarlnn Divines. Announcemcnt wns mndo at Dos ton last week or the death In London of I Hev. Droolw Herefol'll , D. D" nt ono tlmo pastor of the Church of the ' slah In Ohlca1-o. Dr. Hereford Mes'l pastor of the nossl 'n Hill Challel. Lon. lIon , amI was born In gnglaud In lSao , As n Unltnrlan preacher ho r.ttalned the highest place nnd wns regn1'dell all n very pillar of strength to that de. nomination. Ills career In Bo : > ton. when ho was In chnrgo of the ArlhH ; " ton Street Chlll'ch , will long bc 1'emol11' lJel'cd for thc slIlendhi WOI'lc ho did. : Rev. Drooleo IIprefOl'd arose to ' prominence In the Unitarian chlll'ch In Englanll , and from tlanchester ho was cnlled to Chlcngo In 1876 , talclnt : chnrgo of the Church of the 1\1osslah. He romnlned In that clt ) ' until 1882 , when ho wClit to Boston to fill the 11111. pit of the Arlington Street Churc l , where ho was regarded ns ono of the l o H l ' : foremost ministers of the city. l or ten ) 'cars he remalncl1 In Doston , and then accepted 11 call from his native land , taldng pllstorate In Hamllsteall , LtJndon. Dr. I1creford was a writer as well as a pulplteel' , and was the author of three bools , "Tho I.lfe Story of 'l'ra. Vel'S Madge , " "Sormons of Courage alld Cheer" and "Tho Forwnrd 1\1o\'c- mcnt In Hell lous Thought as Inter. lll'eted bj' Unitarians. " Some ) 'ears ago Dr. Hereford returned to this country to attel1l1 the nallonal con. ferenco of the Unitarians In Wash- Ington. At that tlmo he silent nearlr two months In Boston und oll1er 1\las- sachusetts cities. . . - - - - ROMANCE REVEALID BY DEATH. New York Recluse Leav s Money to Unknown Daughter. Alpheus D , Dubois , for fift.threo j'cnrs IlrlncljJal of ! 1 IlUhllc school In Now Yorl { cltr , died the a tlle I' liar after Icalling the life of n rccluso for lIIany ) 'ears , It wns then lcarned that ho was wOI'lh about $ GOOOOU. ' 1'he petition - tition for jJl'Obnto of will sets forth that a widow , .Julla DUhols , sun'l\'ei > blm , Rnll there Is thla strange eIauso In the will : "I give and hequeath to mr daughter , Ivy Blanche , 111arrled , name and resldellco Hlilmown , $10. ' ODD , " No : , { 'fCt'cnco whm'er Is made In the wlli to the widow. 'fwo sisters living In New Yorl ; : are rualle resldu. ary lel atees , but the ' refuse to give allY Information regarding the 0111 ! man's rOm < i:1' = .1. BHICI : : FOR SPANISH KINa. Vouthful Davarl"n Princess Said to Have Been 5elected. According to the SI1Dnlsh 11ews. pajers II project IR on foot fOl' the mnr. rla o of King AlfoliHO to hl:3 : cousin , PrlncesHlnrle del 1'1101' or BavarIa. ' 1'he 111'lncess , who 10 ] 3 years old , Is I _ : r1iM- : ' . - - _ .71 ' 1 . /1/ BJJVac55 .I'/1UE .ZJE. cr . t11 1PM the only daughter of Prince nnd Prln. cess Louis Ferdinand of Bl1\'arla , Her mother wns the InfantaIarle : do la I Paz of 81mln , slstCl' of King Alfonso's I father. Career of Lieut. Perrill. I.Ient. 1Iarlan P. Parrill of the United States cl'ulser Atlanta , who toole a lll'omlncnt part In Il controver , si' with Gen , Daniel Ortiz , commluHIC'T ' In chlof of the Colombian fOl''os of the Atlantic and Pacille In the Gnlf of Dorlen , l'cfusll1g tp low'l' the slnr , . and atrlpos on the demanll of the ( 'olom- hlnn omlor : , Is a son of athull A. Per" 1'111 of Lebanon , Inll. Llcnt , Pel'rlll , with Vern B.-ran , an opprontlco , also of I.clJanol1 , has been on the Atlnntlc ! 'ltlCe the veHsel has been on Its pres. I ont cruL1e. Llout. Perrlll 'IS ; , ) 'eal'u ' old. I' - - - - - - . \ _ \ . - . - , . - _ - . , - , - - - - - - - : ; : : SISTERS Of CHARITY Use Pe-ru-n for Coughs , Colds , Grip and C t rrh-A Congressman's Letter. i I i ; , . , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In evcry country of Iho civilizell world Sislers of Charily are known. Not o'1ly do they minister to the spiritual nml intel- lectunl needs of the charges commltlClI to their care , but they nlso minisler 10 Iher : ixxlilr needs. \Vlth 50 many children to'tnlco care o { nnd 10 protect from climnle nnd disease. these wise nnd prudent Sislers have found Peruna a never failing safeguard. Dr. lIartman receives many letlers fro ! " Cath'Jlic Sisters from nil over the United Slatcs. A recommend recently receivcd from a Catholic instituHon in Delro t , Mich. , reads as follows : Dr. S , ffnrlmnn , Columbus , 01110 : Denr SIr'TC young { ( Irl wlw IIscd tilC pcrunn nons slIfferlng from 1l11'J'11:1. tis , nnd loss of 'olce. Tl1c result 0/ : . tile trentment wns most sntlsfnctorJ' , SI16 found { ( rent relief , nlld nfter fllrt1ler usa of tl1e mcl/clne wc flOpe to be able to say slle Is cntlrely cured. " - Sister. of Clwrlty. ' } 'ho youn girl was under the care of Iho Sisters of Charity and IIsed Peruna for catarrh o { the throat with good resulls as the above letter testifies. Senll 10 Iho Peruua Medicine Co" Co. lumbus , Ohio , for a free boolt written by Dr. HarIman. . . wr r. . . , . . . . ' } 'ho followin letter is from CongresSmlD Meekison , of Naroleon , Ohio : The Pernna Medicine Co. , Colnmbus , 0. : Genllemen : "I . _ - - - havc nsed several i4. ---f IJOttles of Peruna nnd leel creally : benefited thereby - - ' by from my ca- " - tarrhof Iho head , ff \ I and feel cncour-iJ" aged to lJelievo ' " that its COIl- - L ' -I : ; : ? t inned usa will 'i Davlll Neoklson. fully eradicalo n . - . . . - . . . . - - ( liseaso of thirly ycars' standing.David 1\1eekison. Dr. Hartman , ono of the hest known physicians nnd surgeons in the Unitelt Stales , was the first man to formulate ! 'eruna. It was Ihronch his genins and perseverance Ihat it wa ! ! introducell to the medical profesJion of Ihis conntry. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory - factory resull ! ! { rom the usa of Peruna , wrilo at once to Dr. HarIman , giving a ful ! statement of ) 'our C\5C and ho wilt bo pleasell 10 give you his \'alnablo all vi co sralis. Address Dr. Hartman , President of The HarIman Sanitarium , Columbus , O. no _ . . . . _ .nn " ASIC Your urugglsc lor II I1"CO l.JcrUnll.fUmllnaC lor lyuq. W fNCH&tf _ _ . - " ' .u r'f ' RiFLE ( b P STOL CAR. 'fRiDGES. r ; i : "It's the shots that hit that count.II Winchester ; , . . . : f' . , ; ; ' Rifle and Pistol Cartridges i all calibers hit , that is , : : ( " . . . : Od , " t . ; they shoot accurately and strl1tc a go d , har , pe e- : : 'le { trating blow. This is the kind of cartridge you will get , if \ if you insist on having thc time-tried Winchester make. LL DE LERS SELL WINCHESTER MAIm OF' CARTRIDGES. Jl o.r4flr elear HeatP BRONO Sf TZE , .fO OLDEVERYXYHERE _ " " " - _ _ 'rho follow who would mnrry for monor finds It pretty hnrt ! wOl'le. 11 I e Water : } Thompsonts Era L okftng or fA > ome 1 Then why nat keep In view the feet thot tl10 f rmln Innds or YJestern Canad arc sufficlenl to support a popul.tlon or 50,000,000 or o\llrl The irnlUl ralion lor the pail , Is ) 'ears bas been pheuomenal. FREE Homestead Lands easlb accessible. while other lands may bo pur' cllue" from RallwRyon.1 1.ond Companies , The Er ln and ErnzluE lands \.lIem Canada arc the LesIon th. . conllnent. i > ro IlclnE Ille Lest Eraln. an,1 , callie ( red on Erass alonc ) ready lor markel , 1I1II1'lot't" , HdIllOI , HlllhvU3'H 111111 1111 lit her COllIlIlllIlIS mlilm \ \ ' ( , ttJ1'1l CIUlIIh 1111 clivI- uhlo 8J.ut tor the HotUo1' . \Vllto to Sup..rlnlendent ImrnIEratlon.Ollowa.Con- ada , ror a " . . .crJpllv. . All" . . Olulolherlnlollnallon. or 10 1110 AIIII'ollled Canadian Go\'ernmenl AKent- W , V , lIenncll. 801 NUl ? York Life JJulldiuz. Omaha. Neb. CAPSICUM VASELHIE ( I'UT VI' li eOllAl'SlnLH TInES ) substltuto lor and WI'erlur to II1l1stalil or any other 1Iaster , anl will not bll'lur Iho most delicate skin , The l'all1-allll'lnl/ curollve qtlalilles of Ihls unlclo arc wondclrul. 11 will 610p the toolhoche at onco. and rclleve head' I1l'hu and sciatica , We recommend It as the IIC51 .lI1d salesl ellernlll counter-irrltanl known , al\o 119 on esternal remely ror paIns In the chest un610mach IInd all rheumalil' neurnl lc and Eotlty c0ll1111alr1l9 , A trial will PIO\'O whol we claim for It. IInll It will ho roun,1 to bo hl\'alu- able in the hou5ehol < I , Many IlclJPlo sa ) ' "Jc Is Ih6 hest or all your prcparaalons. " I'dl'o J cent. , at all dnl ists or olher dealers , or by , endill llhlS 011I011I11 (0 usln 1)0 lnE05IaIl1I'S we \v.1I scnll ) 'Ou n tul > o by nlllll , No urllcle should hI : ncceled by lho l'u"lio IInle5S the sa III II carrles our label. os otherWI5o it IS not Jenuine. : CIILSmUwUotl ! 'PJ. CO. , n Stale SUlIOt. NEW \'OUII : CITT. _ D : > II-- _ , BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH I SYRUP cures coughs and colds. CAY JU Vlew ef AllaIlIlClIl ) ' ollu "MI 111 II II cd to IIlIyunu McnlIl1r , ; II. naMO L I F E and oddrrl8lJr two or lIIoro rrlt'D who ere urrerlul : frolll Catarrb. FREE oJ. C. RICKEV & co. HI ! WUi\tT R'r. I'naLA ' , . FOR WOMEN A Ba ton ph'siciall'/I dis- " ' ; . > covcry which cleanses and heals all inflammation of the IuUCOUS mcmhrane wherever located. 111 local treatment of female ills Pax- tine is invaluable. Used as a douche it is a re\'clation in cleansing anll hcaling power ; it kills all disease germs which calise Inflammation : md discharges. ' ! ' ! Jousuudsof letlf'rs from women ' \ ' thut It Is the rcuto'lt CU1'O for l'ro\'e oucorl'luxm ever (1I5covorod. Paxtne ! never fails to cure pelvic catarrh , nasal calarrh , sore throat , sera mouth and sore eyes , hecause these diseases arc all caused by Inflammation of the mucouo ; memhrane. For l'IeanslllA' , whltNllnlt arll1 pro- lIorvlll the tooth wo clmlllJlIgo the world to IlrllIco Its clIul. I'hysidans and specialists everywhere prescribe und cndor.e Paxtine , anll thou. sandsotestlmonalletters ! prove ils value. At Ilruggists , or scnt pstpald So cts , A Inr o tl'lnl pllcJm o nml boole of Instructions IIbsolutol ) ' fl'eo.1'lto The R , Paxton Co" Dept. 5 , Doston , Mass. - , - - - - - - - - THRIFTY FARMERS lire 111\ lIe < 1 to eltlo In Ille lIatc ot Murrlnad. wbero the ) ' wlU ntHI a .tell hrrul anll heullh ) ' cilmalc1nrU' clu. . lIIurkete f"r Ihelr Jlro < 1ucl lIud J1leaty ( ) ( laDd at ( I''nlllllo I.rlcu , hJ1 8u < 1l1u.erlpth'o J1BlIlpb' lell will I > u .eut freD nn uppllcnlollio ! II. DADENIIOOP , Sec' , Stale Doall ! ollmmloratlon. BALTIMORE. MD. W. N. U. , Omaha. No. 1-1904