Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 07, 1904, Image 3

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    - - < j/ " . .
' "
u _ _ _ _ _ , . . . . . _ _ _
. . . Men , Women and Children Bu n d , Suffocated or Trampled Beneath
\ Rushing Feetww.People in Galleries Cut' Off from All Escape and
A wait an Awful Fatteww.Firemen and Police in Heroic Rescue
. , W orkwww ' 1\1ies Found \Pi \ ' - ed in Heaps. . " . . .
The stor ) ' of the destruction of the
" Iroquois theatm' h ) ' lire on the aftel'-
1I00n or Dcc. 30 , h ) ' which GOO lives
wore lost , Is as full ws : '
'rho theater was ulmost In darlmess
In the secOlHl act. The stage \\'as
IIghtod enl ) ' b ) ' the soft artificial
beams from the calcium , which lent
heauty to the scene during the sing.
Ing or "The Pale l\1oonilght" b ) ' the
I tdouble sextet ,
, A fialh ! : or fiame shot across through
' the mmsy drallCrlefl , stlI'ted : by'
II spark from the calcium , A show IL. : ; at : I
screamed hY/lterlcall ) ' , The sh" 7
! I stopped ShOl'p'\ but with III qr .jce ot I
) ! mind the d ' ) t } i 'nlcl' used the vol.
j' , ume of the q. l . sIC.
' Scores rO'3e ' In their seats as the
, stage man "er shouted an order ror a
' 1on tl nuat I'
Ion of the song. It was
, , I obeyed IUl feeble hearts. The brave
, I ,
. . ' "
tholr"shrles ! or agonizing ioar millgled
I with ti ? groalls of the d'lng the pray.
ers of U pllcatlon , In these darl mo'
111ents.100r . souls who hall perhnpH
lon mheeded rellgloll called \\llOn
Motl.1crs Plcnd for Babes , .
' ) : 'omen seized their babes In theIr
arlns nnd frantically clung to them , be.
se echlng ears that were deaf to en ,
. freaty to save them fl'om the terrible
rnto Impending. Had the ethers been
so disposed they could not have glvon
I the assistance so piteously besought.
, In the last hope , born of dosperatlon ,
l Jf < ? res climbed to the railing and
' "i ! ' ea to the pit of the theater , many
fet. . .below , 1'1lelr mangled bodies
were : ! 1nd long afterwRrd whell the
smolte cl rod away and the fiIemen :
could grolJl } their way with lanterns
Into the grew.m.e . house of death _
. .
I , " ' .
. ' t " \ ; "
" \.r , '
1 . \ , . , . (
. \
" . : ( I
, . ( , ;
? IIit. m- : ! -
' ) . " ,
I' 1\ I \ , f Crush at Second Balcony.
girls forced the words from their
throats until two or , their number
swooned. The audience could no Ion.
gel' be controlled.
Reassuring Words in Vnin ,
Eddie Fa ) ' , the prillcipal comedlnn ,
rushell from the wings to the foot-
Hghts , but his words of reassml\nce
were In v'nln , Clouds of smolw poured
irom the stage Into the auditorium , en-
velopln the struggling mllSf ! or pall'
I : c'-strlckAn men , women and chlldrell.
, ! I Be lnd the scenes a1l wus confusion ,
' . \ It required b\'t a moment to perceive
.hat tJlC : ire had gone too fnr to be
' . cJIquet'ed } ; by the amateur fire brig.
, ; 'I' ' [ 'f ' .ado formed by the stage hands.
, 1 In the dressing-rooms as high as the
' r
: . , Ixth storr were the scores of girls
'of Ihe 1)a1let , At the first alarm the
\ -cl vator hay lIed from his post and
\ ' ,1 ' the lIames soon shot upward In the
) (1 ( wings and made escape by the narrow
\ I3t'llrwDYs Impossible.
The screams and groalls of dosllllir
' : from the Imprisoned girls In the UPlIor
, ! rows of dressing-rooms came to the
' ( ! ars of the more fortunate below as
. the " rushed tll the stage doors. Some
stopped for a brier moment , thinking
, to give aid , but the clouds or s1110l\O ,
gJ"Qwlng denser and denser , forced
II them to fiee. Thoil' escape even then
was miraculous ,
tt : Escnpc from St < 1e Ecsy.
Those who Imcl becn slnlng ; on the
stage escaped easily , Two of tholl'
I ' numher who had falntell were carried
' : In the arms of the ethers , and were
. revived In the allo ' In the rear of the
, theat01' , In a tel'l'lfied anll hysterical
I' . - grou ) ) the girls clustel'ct1 In the narrow
i I pass ago ,
Ij Some hlld sisters and all had fl'lomls
,1' in the blazing hlllllllng- , The blttl'r
t ( 'old Illel'ced thom through ! lud
/ . through , for they wel'o dad enl ) ' In
, tholl' thin stagp gowns , with no1\s ancl
1' , : lrms wholl ' eXllosed , Nevel'tholes ; ;
t ' they had to be dragged from their sta.
I . . ' In the aIle ' and Into '
i ; , tlon ) 1l0ighbOl'Ing
f i stores ,
"t ' 1'he blaclened hodles which chol11
" "
t hc alslO3 and stairways , the IInos of
i" ) lollcemen Ilnd firemen carrying 11m ) )
I fOl'ms from the bulldlng , the o\'erlaxpd
, I I hospitals , the rows vr dead find d'ItIH
. . . , In the surrounding' hull dings , whll'h
I. . wel'o thrown ellen to the Rufcol'ers , 11,11
I " hrlefly the tale , Onl ' a fpw of the
: ' l1Cartrondlnt ; Incldl'nts will ( ' \'cr be
I Mats of Struggling Humnnlty.
I 'l'he first seconds or the rush for
IIfo Wl're quiet , say those who live to
tt'll the tale. Few If any In that throng
relil/zelt / what was to comt' , 'rhey
. . thou ht only of themsclvos and thl'lr
fra < 11'1\1' ones as they pus hod and 8tru > ; .
\ I ; , ! ; Iocl 1'01' every Inch as the ' all\'anpol/ /
. toward the exits ,
It was hut a moment until the stall"
Wl'S : leading from the halcony wpn' II
mass or struggling humanity , with
SCOI'CfJ b'hlnd constantly IlIIshlng
elosel' and fighting to get out. These
j In the \'an , unahle to Iwpp tl1l'lr foot.
lng , foil headlong , 'rhoso behind fell
( ) \'Ol' their prostrate forms , crushing
and snlfocatlng them.
I 'rho scello was then a vorltahle bed-
lam. Women and chlllh'en wel'o In the
majorit ) ' In the fighting cJ'owd , I1nll
The dense smolw llulcl\l- rose to the
top and addcd new horror to the
grastly spcctacle. To Il score of those
who had sought to jump from the gal ,
lerY.the smole was Itlnd. lor It brought
eath mOl'e qulclI ) ' . Their bodies
w I'e found hanging over the rail , their
faces distorted with agonies of death.
Fircmen Quick , but Too L 1 e.
I rom a dozen sources the alarm
went to lIre headquarters , but before
the vanguard of engines wheeled Into
the 8treet a dense crowd had gath.
ored In front or the theater. The 1Ire-
men were qulcl , to act , but hundreds
of boclles were alread ' motlonloss
within the walls of the playhouse ,
An awestrlclwn crowll stood fixedly
as those who hall been nearest the
doors rushed out their eyes willi with
fear. These ) 'elled "Fire ! " at the top
of their lungs , and the Cl'y was talten
up hy the crowd and carried far Into
husy State street anll the other ave ,
nues of commerce ,
None realized at that minute what
hud occurred. Each man asked his
nelgh Ol' If there had IlOen loss of life
01' Injur ) ' , Not until the first blaclHJned
anti 1111111 hody WIlS b01'l1e forth In t hc
nrms of a pollcemall did the enormity
of the cllsastel' hegln to dawn on those
In the street.
Rapid Growth of Dcath List.
In lIrte n millutes nineteen deall
bed Ips were canled out , Then they
cnme so rast that all COUllt : was lost.
"I allY of those IIrst hrollght out were
stili all\'e , Theil' pitiful moans stl'llcl.
tOl'l'OI' to the hcartH of these who wit.
nesst'd the HC'PIJl' ,
A restaul"aut next dOliI' was at enCl !
I hrown opell 1'01' temllOl'al' ) ' use as a
I : 'U8 _ " " "tn
hospllal. ' 1'he long tables offered ad ,
mlrable l\1ean8 of service , nnd upon
the111 the bloedlng , bUl'lled , and moan ,
Ing InjUl'ect wel'e laic ! .
Within a block UI'e n .101.en . reat
buildings occupied almost excluslver !
by doctol'S , and In a remarltabl ) ' short
time a great host of physlclnns came
to give Vohllltal' ' sen'lce to those In
distress , 'rile ) ' savcd the lives or
SCOl'OS of W0l110n and children , fren.
zled with pain. who would ha'e dloll
In the street 01' under the 1lndly shel ,
tm' or the nelghhorlnA'
Rush from Orchestra Seats.
The great majority of those who
occuplcd orchestra seats Illul escaped
wIth , their lives
, though sCOl'es were
baclI ) ' hurt In the rush , Some were
Imocl\C'd down , and , with brolwn limbs ,
were unable to rise , ' 1'he ) ' had been
left to die with a number of women
who fainted frol\1 fl'lght. With these
hoclles were found the corpses of these
who had leu lied rrom the balcony and
gllllerr ,
In the exits of the balconr and gal.
lc.rle8 the greatest loss of life oc-
cUl'red , 'Vhen the firemen wont to reo
move the bodies ther found 100 or
more plied In Indescrlhable mass In
each place , 'l'he cloth en were torn
completely away from some of the
bodies , Hero and there a jeweled hand
protruded fl'om the plio. AlI the faces
were distorted with the death agonies.
Moan from Heap of Dead.
From beneath this mangled mass of
humanltr there suddenlr came the
moan of a woman , It was a cr ) ' or
anguish , not of pain. 'rhe er ) ' , faint
though It was , pierced to the very
soul , sounding above the yulls of the
firemen , the moans or agony from
within the smolw,1l11ed audltorlnm ,
and the shrlelo-i of grief maddenecl
rathel's and mothers , sisters and broth ,
ers In the street without.
Trembling hands plunged their way
Into the tangle of hUmall forms , and
with a mighty effort pulle.1 . to the sur.
face the woman-could such a thing
be a human belng-from whoso lips
had como the crr , The blaclwned lips
parted , and a fireman bellt o\'er her
to cateh the words ,
Mother Love Is Uppermost ,
" \Iy child , m ' pOOl' little ho ) ' !
Where Is he ? Oh , o bring him to
me , "
'rlwre In that awful hour , her bodr
brulscd beyond recognition In the mad
l1gh t for me that followed thc lIrst
fiush of l1ame across the stage-there
was mothel' love uppermost , Again
the trembling lips 11U1'ted.
"Is he safe ? Tell me he Is safe and
1 can die. "
"Ht' Is safe , " the fireman muttered ,
and all Imew his reply was best.
She IlIed , nnd her hod ) ' was lIted
tenderl ) ' with those of the hundred
ethers In that one spot ,
'l'ho calamlt ) ' was so overwhelming
that the lIr01110n and the pollcemon
who wOl'e the first to reach the upper
Jlart of the houHo could not realize Its
astounding oxtent. 'rhe ) ' began hy
dragging- bocly 01' two from the terrl.
ble plies at the head of the stah'wa's ,
as If they did not Imow the. plies were
made of human hodles.
Gl'lldually the full signficance of the
catastrollhe dnwned UJlon them , All
the lights of the thcater had llCen ex-
tinguished. 'rhe lantprl1f ; of the 11re-
mell cast only a' dim. glow over the
} Illes of Ilelld , Fl'Om the hodlos llrose
small ( 'urs ] of steam , 'rho firemen had
dl'cnchccl thfJ plies heforc ther Imew
the ' were mad ! . ' up of human COl'11ses ,
Through the tlol's of dead nnd d'lng
In the hulldlng a1l ahollt men and
women searched with frenzied faces ,
N w allcl again a scal'cher would find
OUI' 1'01' whom Ill' looled , One ( 'onld
bllt turn the facu from such s'enos.
. . . ' . . . . , - -
. -
; . ,
r .
. .
- . 1 _
- - -
President McKinley Quoted by COl ) '
gressman Hepburn to Prove That
the Only Sound Reclpro61ty Is That
Whlc" Excludes Competitive Prod-
The 1'lImbO ! ' nnd the names or the
Hepuhllcan rel1rosentatlvos _ 'ho volM
reluctnntly and lInder protest for the
Cuban rechll'oclt ) ' bill will nO\'or bo
Imown. It If ! , hOWO\'OI' \ , perfectlr well
Imown that a largo number , probahy !
: l majOl'lt ) ' , voted for the bill \I1\1ler
} lI"essure of one sort or another nnd '
against their l > otter judgment , 1\11' .
llephlll'n or lown , lUte the most or his
Usol'lates ! ! , Incited the coura o to
yote acccl"lIng to his convictions and
:1galust the bill , hut he hlld the caul'-
I'go to sa ) ' thllt 110 voted for It under
( 'onstralnt aud unw1l1lngl ) ' , In his
HIIOct'h of NO\'omber HI 1\11' . I1epb\l1'11
( 'onfessed that he waf ! ) 'Ieldlng to co.
OI'clon when he snld :
: \11' , Chairman , I ha'e Intimated
that I Intend to'ote for this bill , and
'ct I confess I do It with reluclance , 1
do It hecauso a largo majorlt ' of my
associates secn to thlnl , that It Is
IICCeSSnl'r , hecause the 1\llmlnlstration
\'CI' ) ' heartlI ) ' aPIII'o\es or It , because
thA Inst Republican stnte COll\'entioll
0 : ' : the State of lown declared In
Caver or It. 'l'horefol'o I Intend to vote
for It , but I am not sntlsfied with the
rClRoulug Indnlge In br gentlemen In
support of It. "
Uneler ordlnnr ) ' circumstances pea.
) 'Ie who IIISIlPIII'O\'O of a measure vote
Ilgalnst It. It wOlllcl seem , howo\'er ,
that extl'aOl'dlul\I'r clrcumstnnces must
have Impelled MI' . Hepburn and n hun-
drell 01' 1II0re jllst IIIw him to stille' convictions and help enact Into
law n bill which the ) ' Imow to ho hnd
In principle and vicious In 11ractlco.
1.l1w the gentleman from Iowa , all or
n ese unwilling Slll1110rtel's of the Cu.
ban bill did the wrong thing' with their
( 'yes wide Ollell. All or them III so
doing confessed that ther surrendered
to Influences stronger than their can.
, , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - - - - - - - -
sciences , moro potent than their con.
" . .Ictlonslr , lIolllmrn was neither
\\orse : 1101' hettt'r than his associates ,
so far liS his vote was concerned. 'rho '
WQI' ! ) n11 In the Rame hoat.
'I'll ( ' Hlleech of the Iowa congressmnn
was fnlI of good I'easons 1'01' sticlilllg'
tl' ht ! ! principles , lie denlecl that wo
ewe 11I1)'thlnl ; to Culm anti rlghtlr III'-
gIH'd that III sllcl'llIclng lIIany lives nllel
three 01' four hlllHh'cd millions of
trcaSlII'o'Ie InclII'l'cd tlO moral ohll a'
lioll to assassinate IIny or 0111' own
Indnstrlcs fOl' Culm's benellt. He de-
cll\l' (1 ( his heller III Rellllhllcan recl.
proclty-nllmelr. non'con1)letltl\'e ) reciprocity -
procity , the roclproclty thllt McKinley
'HI\'ocntcd In the last slleech he ever
uttered :
"Wo shonld talw from our custom.
( 'rH Ruch of theh' IlI'oducts a8 wo can
UBe without harm to our Industries and
1:11101' : , "
"That , " said Congressman I1elllm1' ,
"is what William ! lIcKluley said. " And
thl'n he aslwd :
"What Is there In that that glvcs
cncoumgenll'nt to men who claim that
the cOllllletltlvo .artlcle , the article
t Illlt docs harm to 0\11' Inclustrles or
l10es harm to our lallOl' , Is to ho the
buhjlct of reciprocal apreement ? "
And ret Congressman lIephurn vat.
en for tho'Cllhnll hili. But so lllll
1' ( l11ethlng oyer a hundred Ilepuhllcans
In the 1I0uso , 'rllOrc "Nas aill/lause /
and alllll'oval on the Hellllhllcan sillo
\ \ hen the eloqul'lIt sl10alwr dellrecnte1 !
t'o ! democratic fmo tmde Ilollcy which
"loolt8 to the SUI1IIOI.t of POOIJlo hc.
} IJnd the seas ratheI' than to the IntoI"
C'st and halJlllneRlI of 0111' own lJOollle. "
It waF a fille Rontlment lInel ) ' eXllress.
pd , Ancl ) 'et Mr , lIol1hlll'n and more
HUlII a hllndre1 ! others of hl8 1II1I'tr
voted to do that Idontlcal thing : "otell
In the Intcrcst of "Iwollio IHJ'OIICI the
Feas , mther than to the Interest nnd
:1llpl/lness : / of 0111' own 11001/10. / " 1.IIte
the reillctant dame described hy Byron -
ron :
"Awl whlApl'rln 'I will no'cr conscnl'-
consenlcd , "
- - - - - - -
Philippine Tnrlff Reductions ,
Senator Lolge has Introduced a hlll
.Iaclng all Phlll1llllno I/rodllcts / Oil the
(1'1'0 lI..t , C , I1t sugl\l' ulld tohacco.
and on t11CSO a dIHy of only 1)0 ) per
A- -
- - .
cent or the tariff Imposed on 1I1tft
IlI'odllcts from other foreign COlllltrle9
wllI bo Imposcd If the ! Jill becomes
lrl\\ ' .
'l'hls woutet menll a reduction of one-
hair In the dut ) ' on Sligar , and It woulc1
be n more Injurlolls blow to the Hllglli" "
b'ct Indllstry thun the lll"Ollosed redllc-
tlon of 20 )1el' ) cent In the duty on
Rugnr from Cllba ,
'I'hel'o Is nn fOllndntloll for n claim
that this rClltlction shollhl ho mndo on
Phlllllilino sllgnr. It wOllld ho made
at the OXllel1SO of an American I1lClus-
t1'y which needs protoctlon , Ir there
Is any 11\01'lt in the Ilrotectivo tarllt
them' ) ' at all It nPIIlIes In the caBO oC
the beet RUJar hHlllstr ) ' ,
As a roslllt or the IIl'oI10S'JlI redllc-
tlon of O Ier ccnt In the tarllt on
Phlllpilino sngar , great sugar ) ) hmtn-
tlons would ho stal'ted In these Islnmls
and it Is altogether posslblo that ] ,
Islo.tlon would he crowded through
permitting the Imllortatlon or Chlneso
labor Into the archillolngo for the
purpose of worl\ng ! Huch Ilantatlons.
The Phlllllpines are costing the pee ,
plo oC this cOllntr ) ' 11111110ns or dollars
ever ) ' ) 'oar , and It Inures to the benefit -
fit of t.he Inhabitants or those Islands
rnther than to the people or the United -
ed Stntes. Certnlnly wo should not
bo IIslwd to go farther amI destroy
ono or 0111' Indllstrles In order to mnlO
the SUiar plantations or the Philippines -
pines maI'O ) II'ontable-Detlver Repn ) ) .
To Attack the Tariff.
The majority or these who are con-
etmtty sO\1I1llh1K the llrnlses of recl.
proclty have no other PllrIlOSO excellt
to attacl { the tnrllt by the only mealls
at hand. Of COIII'HO there 111'0 a few
who honestly bcllevo that recillrocity
In comlletltl\'e prodllcts Is conslstont
wIth a protectlvo tariff. But there are
not mnny or that I\nd. ! Heclproclty re.
minds one of the men who used to call
themsel\'es "blmcta1llsts. " 1\Ien uscd
to stand arollnd and SIlY , " 'Vo are In
favor or the use or gold and sliver
both : wo are blmota1llsts , " ' ! 'hey
would lll'oceed to say that there was
not gold enollgh In the country to
111al,0 IL currency , therefore sliver
must he nsed. 'I'lme demon8tratod that
a1l slleh mon were silver standard
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
. . . . . -
- - - - _ . . , . ,
men , In this Installce time will dOIl1'
onstmte that the mcllclII advocat08 of
reclprocit y will necessarll ) ' land In
the Democl'atic IJIlI'tr-Dcs 1\Iollle
Cal/ital / ,
- - - - - - -
Would Injure Eighty Per Cent.
Senator A1lIson Is all aclmcwlodgod
allthorltr on economics. He ILlways
It1JO\\'H what he Is tal1tlng ahollt. lIe
saYI ! that cJIIly : W PlJl' cent of goodH are
made hr trllsts In this countl' ) ' , nnd he
clcals In facts bccallHe ho lt1Jows. In
other words the tariff has nothing to
do with the fOl'l11utloll of tl'lIstS. 'rho
tariff Is Intpn cd to hoep , cOlin tries
whore labm' allCl material are cheall
from fioOIII1g' ! 0111' cOllntry with art ! .
cfes which will ! ' '
hall\rllilt 0111' IlI'odllC'
' anll forcc lallol' Into '
OI'S IdleneHs. 'fo
rel110vc the tariff , he says , from trllst
1I1ade goods would remove protection
from 80 pOl' cent of goods made by In.
depenclent 1I1l1nllfactllrers. I.'reo trad.
C'rs should give this slIbjcct s01'lolls
thollght.- \ ' HClllhllcan. }
- - - - - - - - -
Hangs to Calamity.
The Waterloo 'rlmesTrllluno IR a
trllly Democmtlc neWSl1aller. Undcr a
II10clt head entitle ; ! "Hot shot for the
ilroslJCrlt ' mal < Ol"s , " It puhllshes a. col.
umn 01' so cnlamlty ItOIllS. Since the
mhwl'l\hle fall1l1'o of the last Cleveland
uclmlnlr.j ration It Is wOIICICI'ful with
what tenaclt ) ' the Democratic party
hnngs to calamltrVinton ( Iowa )
- - - - - - -
The Better Wny.
'fhe caFe IR elear , It Is hetter to
IlI'otect ) ' 0\\1' \ own and tal\O chances on
other natlonfl lIu'lnlor ; ) 'OU than to
throw Oilon 'our InchlHtl'les to furelgn
cOlIIlJetitlon , with the possibility of
not 1II'0ducing any mnnufacturos
whleh they want to lIul"chase.-Troy
The Democl'l\ts claim that free trade
will callturo the tl'lulo of the worl.1 . for
the Unltell States , ' 1'0 do so Il will ho
necessal' ) ' to cut the Incomes or Alllor.
Ican wllgo.ea1'llel's on a lo\'el with UII'
.Icrmlll . ) fOl'elgn lallOl' , Which do ) 'Oll
III'del' , gontll'm"n ? Da YCnllol't ( luwa )
I nCIJlI llcl\l\ '
Height t > f Wheel 1nd Draft of Wngon. '
'fJlls is n sllbject regarding which
there Is consldorahlo dllterenco oC
: Jllinlon , Ba'S n bulIotin or tbo U. S ,
Departmellt of AgrIculture , The 1\I1s.
1I0uri Station has put the matter to
Ill'llctical test III a sorles oC trials
made on macadnm , gravel , and dirt
roads In all conditions , and on mead ,
O\Ys , pastures , cultivated fields , stub.
1110 land , otc. Wlth n net load of 2,000
. . IlQIll1dR in all cases , three sots or
' . . . .
.wh el.w ' tpsted tallows :
, . . . . . . , as
"Standard-front wli Ns. . . . . 44 Inches ;
rear wheels , Inches. Me Cl1D1.--tl"o : : : : t
wheels , 3G Inches : rear wheels ' ' '
Inches. Low-front wheels , 24 incbos ;
" "
rear wheels , 28 Inches , " 'I'ho results
obtained nnd conclusions reached - -
were , III brief , as follows :
For the sarno load , wagons with
wheels ot standard holght drew Ught-
'er than these with lower wheols. 'rho
dllterenco In favor of the standard'
wheels was greater on road surfaces
In bad condition than 011 good road
surfaces. Low wheels cut deeper ruts
than UIOSO of standard height. The
vibration ot the tongue Is greater In
wagons with low wheels. For most
tlurposes wagons with low wheels are
maI'o convenient thlln these ot stand.
anI height. Wagons with brond tlros'
ntHl wheels ot standard height nrol
cumbersome and requlro much room'
In turning. Dlmllllshing the height oC
wheel to Crom 30 to 3G inches In front
and 40 to H Inches In the rear did.
not Increase the draft III as great pro'
portio 11 as it Increascd the conven.
lenco of loading and unlondlng the or.
dlnary farm freight , Diminishing the
holght or wheels below 30 Inches front
and .to Inches rear Increased the drart
In greater proportloll than It gained in
convcnlenco , On good rends , Increas.
IlIg the length oC rear axle , so that
the frollt and rear. wheels will rUIl in'
dlfforcnt traclts to avoid cutting ruts :
did not Illcrea80 the draft. On sad , .
cultivated ground , and bad roads
wagons with the rear axle longer than
the front ono drew heavier than anD
having both axles of the same length. .
Wagons wiUl tbe roar axle longer thall' '
the front ono roqulro wider gateways
and more careful drIvers , and are , on
the whole , very Inconvonlent and notl
to be recommended for farm use , 'rho
best form of farm wagoll is ono with'
axles or eqnal length , broad tires , and
wheels 30 to 3G Inches high In front'
and 40 to 44 InchoR llehlnd.
Application of Fertilizers.
'I'ho question as to how fertilizers
should bo applied Is somewhat dlffi.
cult to answer because It depends all
a number : Jf conditions , ospeclalIy the -
Idnd or fertilizer and the amount to bo
used. Phosphoric acid and potaah ,
even III water soluble forms , do not
leach out of the soil to any approcla-
blo extcnt. On the contrary , they do
not dlstrlbuto themselves well , enough ,
and therefore should bo appUed to
some depth. Nitrogen , on the ether
hand , finally leaches out of UIO soil un.
less talten up by the roots of plants ,
In some materials , however , tl Is
much less readily soluble than In
othOl's. 'fanltage , for example , should
be illlplled deep , and It Is well to mix
cotton'seed meal and blood with the
soil : but nltrnto of soda and ammonium -
nium sulphate should nearly always
lQ applied as surface dressings , Only
0110 uppllcatIon is advised for ammo.
nlum sulphate , but when largo quantities -
tities , over 200 pounds to the acre , at
tIItrate are to bo used , two appllca-
tlollS of 100 ponnds each 11.1'0 often'
made to advantage , ono when the
plants are l1rst coming up and the
other two or three woelts later. Pot.
ash salts when used in quantity , 100
pounds or moro to the acre , arn well
applied in the fall , 80 that the 'wInter ,
I'alns may talto out the chlorine , widch
when combined with ellhor Hmo or
magnesia acts In a detrImental mau'
ner to plant growth. Limo Is also well
applied in the talI. Acid phosphate
when used as a tOil dressing may bo ,
applied either In the fall or In the ,
early aprlng , When a amnll amount
of fertlllzer 10 to bo used it Is best
applied as the seed Is sown or as the
plants are set out , In the row or In the
11m or , when practlcablo , drilled with
crops which are drilled. As a general ,
rule only a heavy application of II. complete -
pleto fertilizer , say 1,000 pounds or
maI'o to the acre , Is recommended to
be applied broadcast and worlted Into
the soil for crops which are planted
In rows-Dulletln or 'rennessee Sta-
Wisconsin Butter Makers.
Th J Wisconsin Butter \lalters convention -
vention Is to bo held at l'au ' CIIlIre
on l ebruary 2 to 4. Secretary } . ' . D.
l.'ulmer writes us that a great con\'en-
tloll Is expected , as the people seem
generally Intel'ested and onthuslllstIc ,
The cll ) ' In which the convention Is to
he hold Is located on three Unes or
rallwa ) ' , which means that It Is read-
By accessible. The citizens have al.
ready raised n llurse or $300 , which
will be used III sW'.3ll1ng the prl2es to
he awarded ror good butt'r. 'rho ses.
"Ions are to be holel In the Knights at
pythlns Hnl\ newly erected , and
which has a seatlns capacitr ; or 600 _
A good exhibit or butter'maklng machinery -
chinery Is ah ; belug arl'Cll1ged tor.
A woman feeh ! the distinction ot
rnnhs nnd station milch more In rela ,
tlon to hm' own sex than she does In
relntlon ' 0 men.