/ ) ; ; . . . . - . .r:1 . : - - - - CUSTfR COUNTY RfPU LlCAN . - - - - - - - - - Dy D. M. AMSDERRY. I I DHOKEN now. . NEUHASK r Brlef T eleg1'a s I 'l'h ( ' Balar ' of the IJresldent of tho. . American Bnso Ball leal-\uo \ Is $10,000.i i Hobert Catcrson of Now Yorc ] 1'0' ( 'ontl ) ' IllIr < 'lll1sPcI the fur.fn1l1C'cI gran. Ite mountnln of 'rexas. ' I In 'Paris a youth ntloll1lltoll Icl11 his I fathPI' In OI'cler that as Il whlow'lI son _ _ ! ! .1 ght escnllo c01J crIJltIllI. - . CII j'llfefl 'j II. accorcllll to their state of presorvatlon. ns "proof. " "un. . . . . . " " " " " C'irculntl'll , "lIno , "gooll. .fnll. . and " ' " 11001' . .John Shnrp Williams , the now dem. ocmtlc lenllcr In the natlonnl house of rellresentatlvos , 1'I1rely , If ovor. loses hili tomlJl'r. According to the ( 'pnl-1us ta1\on \ hy i the prcfocture of the Sclno there are Ilt present In Pnrls 41 ,3rl0 Itallnns. 42"I I 000 Belgians , and 32i00 [ GermanfJ. Ar"brC " ; iinJ'hoi'1 1ln--t"I'Jrr ; i J H1Iil : ' . glglancl : , a nephew of .JosOIJh Cham. herlaln , has hoon touring Cnnncln , partly - ly on hU lnoss and partly on 1)lcasuro. ) Plans are holngma < < lo to erect a monument to the IlhllosolJhor Kant In norlin , to ho unvollod on the occa. (1lon of the 100th annlvorsary of hili death In 190-1. 'fho queen of tlolll\l1l1 has just ap. pointed an Engllslllonn , Hov. Klrsopp Lalw of LII1'oln college , Oxford , a the. ologlcal IJrofeSRor nttho famous Dutch university of Lo 'don. Ii' . N. H. 1\lartlnez , thl' musical and art critic of ttlO Now Yorl < Worlll , cllecl after a month's IIIneslI , resulting from Imralysls. Mr. 1\lnrtlncz was h01'1l In San Ii'ranclsco In 18,19. Consul Louis Kaiser wrltrs from Ma. znt1an , 1\lexlco , .June 1t , 190:1 : , thntthat port hils heeu Ileclared open hy Pres. Idont Dlaz. All rosl1'lctions on tralIie have now hoen rcmove < < ! . Proshlent Hoosovolt sent Miss Sarah U. Pl'Ovost. the prlnclplll of the Cove Necl < school at O 'lIter Bay , a che'lc sulllclent1y Inr o 10 glvo over ) ' pupil n handsome Chrlstmns ) lresent. Resolutions have heen adopted h ' the clmmbor of commerce of Pensa. colo. , PIa. , urging relll'l'senlatl\'ps of 1 lorldo. In congrosR to vole fOl' the rat. iflcntlon or thu Pnnuma treat ) . . Orders hnvu hcen recelve.1 . at San l rancl c from Wnshlngton 11) ' lornl trnnRorl ) oll1clnls to got the troop ! ! /l111R / Shel'lnlln 1\1111 Newport In rl'adl. ness for oOI'\'lco IlI1m0(1I1\1l'ly. ( 'I'he Ilolle has Issuell of h Is own nc' , corcl a note on the flulljecl of sacred JUuslc In churches , rocommenllng the Gregorian chant. ' ) 'ho note w\l1 \ ho puhllshcl1 In the OSrorvaloru Homano. WlllIll111 1' . Floro Of "Inlno 1I0mJln 01 . 1I0ing the only groat.grnullfal hel' the United Slates 11enate. a girl Ilnh ' having arrlve < < 1 at the honHJ. of his grnnclson , 'Vllllnm Fr 'o 'Vhlle. In 'Vashlngton. PI'emler Sciulun of New Zealand IR holng crlllcized for unloalllug his r'la. Uves nn the gO\01"11molll. It Is Ralll that ho aud eight of his rollltl\'OR are . . .raW11lg nn average of $2iOOO [ each In . salar ) ' . 'rho congregatloll of the PI'oll/1a11l1a / [ : ; has reculvQ(1 luforml\tlon that Arch. hlsholJ ChalllJellu will visit nonll' In the uoar future for the 1I\II'II08e fo oh- talnlng 11. dofinlte setlloment of church CIuestlon" In Culm a11l1 Porto Hlco. The Rtrl1t1ng union mluers nrrested at 'l'ellurlde , Colo" some time ago. with ' ' sahl to charged vllgl'l1nc ) , Ilre } I1.VO heeu all released Ilnd orlleroll to go to worl < or leave town. 'I'he ) ' hllvo noT. as 'et comliliod with the OI'clor , Announcement was made of I ho nil' polntment of C. 1\1. WatNs I\S sUllorln. tendont c , . the division of sah1l'Ics nUll allowances or the Iloslol11c-o doparl. men t. to SIc \ cII Georgl1 " ' . Bea VOI'IJ. 10 tnllO effect Janunr ' 1 uoxt. ; \11' . Waters Is now t'tlng Buporlntel1llunt of the II.vlslon. Bishop Thomlls Bowman of I as Orango. N. J , . the olclest IIvln 1\lelh. mllst 111 shOll , who hils just IlI\sscd \ hlR lHh ) ! } I\I.thda \ ) ' . has just macle 1I\IIIIIc a story In which ho tells how Iw warnoll President Lincoln that ho was In dan. gel' of hellH assasslnatell hy .John Wllltcs Booth five dn's hefore thl' trag. dy occurrel ! . The Harmony ohlll of Selttle. ! com. posed of 314 of the most IlrOlnl:1l'nt Jews In that city. has sent mrssllle8 of aplJeal to Preshlent HoosovC'lI , the members of the Washlnl-\ton \ dJlellItion In congress 111111 WllIlllm H. Heal'st of New Yorl" asltlnt : : aid a11d IntC'l'cosRlon in behnlf ot the Jews who nl'e In dati. ! ; er of massacI'o In I\IRhlnoff. : Prof. Glo\'annl L1vl , 11Ire'tol' of the state IIrchl\'ulI of Bologna. whll'h town 1s the 1II'InclJlal center of Dnnto's famo. has fOU1111 II pa1'chmont Ilated 1323. on which are two pen slet < ' 1lCs 1'OIIl'eRont Ing Dante crowned In Bolognll. ' 1'hls ' w\l1 \ ' of Inlm'ost dhJcovol'y Ilro\'o treat : to these who arc sel\rchln 1'01' 1111 au. thontlc portrait of the poet. Sir John Seo. the IJI'emle1' of N ( > \ \ ' South Wales , has alhlell a now Ilhmsc the loll tical'ocuhular ' . ' to ) \ ) U1'Iccl to bring pressure to hell I' Ullon thIJ commonwenlth govOl'ul11 ( > nt In II COl" taln cause , he roplled .lth worried nnd Irritated nil' that ho mh.ht ; JURt as"tl " ! "snoozo l1Ialnst UI1I11 f ] ! " , " In leavln his 1'eslcIuar ) ' ustute to hlA sons only. 1\11' . A. Holmcs , n Bin ! : . loy ( Eng1nnd ) hrower , said ho did tHJ not hecauso his sons wore delll'el' to him than his daughters , hut because ho conslclerCll that mon ha\'e a barder strug lo In lICe. . . . _ _ _ _ , _ M _ : " : ' w- ,56 , 4 PERSONS LOSE THEIR LiVES ' i' IN BURN NG OF CHICAGO THEATER FIRE Sf ARTS ON Sf AGE AND BURNS FROM PIT TO DOME ! With a Whirlwind of Flame Enveloping Floor and Galleries. Holiday Crowd of Plea.sure Seekers Fight Wa.y to Exits-Awful Scenes of Horror as Scores Leap to Street or Fall from Escapes-Exits Closed and Doomed Victinls Penned in Blazing Prison. . / 'Vo tnnr.1 go hn.1t to till' l'onvulslonn of nnln1'o fOl' a 1I10l'e dr nc1f1l1 stm'y of Hwlft donth Ihau OCCIIITOII Ilt the 11'0' CIllols 'rheatel' at Chlcllgo In lho mnt. Ineo ho\ll' \ of Dol' . 30. 'rho stntlstll's IIhow [ iGO hUmllna clellll , un < < 1 srol'os In. ' 1'hel'e ' ' hor. jurod. ha\'e huon grclltel' I'OI'S hylood. / . h ) ' vole'UIlOUS , hy lhe uJJ' risIng of natllr 's forces , hut If there was 0\01' a moro apllalllng l'IlIllltol' lI'n'ell to mall's 11111111 hIHlor ' falls to tull It savu In Ihe I'ecords of hallle IIlono. OfIn' / hOl'\'ors , liS thuy are - cJU1lI1only \ IUlown. l'orlalllly lIollllng 1110I \ \ over CJ'cu\1'edlll this country 01' all ) ' oIIlCl' . 'l'hl'ro 1111 ornate mllllon.dollllr thea. tel' , assuI'ell , of l'Ourso , as thoroughly /I / rp 11 1'00 1' . With III were 2,300 wOllJen nlld eillhlren. ' .1111 n fcw mell-a tYIlI. cal , me1'\'Y , holiday matillee alllllencu. o Ill' thoulllUlIl wuro III the gnllerles. 'rhero were mllny ontrllllces offel'lng tile IIsllal number of oxlts , all , of course , sufllelellt 10' dellolHllnlo Iho hulldlng In case of fire. Wo have all thllt oftull enOllgh the ' lIeun on 111'0' granHl. 'l'her.o Wl'ro II vo lI1en In unl. forms III lho nlsns ] , Ilrovtcl(1 ( 11y the c-Ily govl1'II11IC'nl. Il was a I'ult ) ) . . hnll' ' ' . 'l'hl'l'u'ns ' IIY sC'elll' \\'ns IL dm'lwued hlll ( ' ] , masses of 1111101\0. lIIany were IIlNlllly too 1IIII'II1yzud for 1I10\'omeuL uo thnt lit thl' cncl and lifter It'IIS 1111 over , therl' WIIS the ! ! lrnllge , grewHoll1o ' 01' doaLl lean. plC'turo IL spore or moro Ing sllenlly 0\01' the rnlls us II'sUII glanclnl ; IIt the ilia ) ' . Jlllt clown lit the dOOl'way It was a WIIVO haelcwnrcl of hUll1nn Iwlngslght. / . Ing for lho hlmming of life. What heroIsm waH shown of l1Ian for wom. I\n 01' of womnn fOl' phlldren wlllnevor ho Imown , 1'01' the trugedy was but of millutes. ' 1'hero waB the sweep , the crush , the wenlc fnllln al1ll the strong mountlllg. lho Inevltaillo dOSIJerato IlIstinct which accolllllllnios the grim law of soil' . ) lresorvaUon ; then the horror of IIl\1n. Ing dOllth behind ! l1H1 cruslling death heforo ; then the still outroachlng lIames , and , finall ) ' . II mllss of plledul' ' 1IIIIIIalllty , a few of the living ahove IIl1d the dead fnr holow. 'I'ho clolallH of the awl'ul hallilollings Insille ha vu IIeVPI' IlOell exceeded III thu awfulnesfJ of Buldell ( dl'\lh : In agon ' In all tI ) ( ' hlslOl' ' of modem tlmos. Frolll lho lIakollY III III gallorlos , wlll'rp then' \ \ as no morC' safety from thl'lame / IlC'at a1l'l'Ilug ) ! than on the Cla.ton. Vinton ; COhll , Mrs. .Jacoh ; COI'coran. - - ; Cooler ) , C. L. ; Call' tell , 'rllOlllaa. ; COOlieI' , Helen ; Coults. H. II. : CUl'I'an , May ; Crook , E. S : ; Caldwell , A. H. D. Da wJon. Mrs. ; Dlffelldorf , Leal1lIors , Lillcoln , 111. ; Doluu. Miss N. ; Dodd. 1\Irs. , J. I . , of Delaware , 0. ; Donald. . ' non. 1I. ; Donuldson , 1\IIss A. ; Deloe , i\lss ! Viola ; D 'renfurth , Huth : Dyren' furth , Helen : Dawson , Grace. E. I hel'steln , Frnnl < B. ; Elsenstead , Herman : Eldridge , Mort : ESllen. I IIIII : Espen , 1\1Iss Hosa ; Ellmhn. Hose. F. r'ltzglbbons , Anna : Fltzglbholls. John J. ; Fox , George S 'dney ; 1 lan- nngnn , 'l'homas J. ; Frnd ' . Leon ; 1.1111(0. Miss Aela ; Foley , H. ; Foltz. Helen ; FollwlIsteln , Miss GCl'trudo H. ; Follz , 1\IIss Alice ; Foltz , 1\Irs. C. 0. ; Fox. Hoyt ; Fox , 1\lrs. Emllo II.1yt , VlInllellm : Follz. Helen : Fracl { . elbol'n , Miss Edith ; Fraclwlborll , I lIa : F1'Id ) ' , "Irs. E. C. G. Gartz. 1\lllr ) ' Dorotheu ; Gartz. nar- hJrn ; Gl'row , 1\lahel : Genl' ' . 1\lIss \ . L. Lal < e. 1\1rs. Lena : Lnl < e. 1rs. \ . A , ; Lang , Irene ; Lnng , Hortense ; .lIngo. ) \lss ! Agnefl ; Lindell , Ellen ; catln , Fred W. ' M. 1\lolonoy , Mrs. .Iames D. ; Mal tin. 1Iarold : MurUn , .J. ; Martin. W. ; } ta. lonoy , Alice , Ottawa , 111. ; Martin , ROI ) . crt ; 1\IcCaughan , Helen ; 1\IcCletlan , Joseph : McClelland , James ; McClurg : ' noy ; 1\lcKenna , DernnrLl ; McKenna , Bernard : Muir. Annie , Peoria. 111. : Mc1111lanIahel : ; Meade , Lillian ; Merrlel , 1\11'11. : Morrlen. 1\lI1droLl \ ; 1\1 ) ' , ses , EHI1Ie : 1\11111' , F. A. ; " 10I'eh01lRf' P. ; 1\1oore. II. P.tendel : ! , 1\lrs. Middleton , Clltherlne ; ! llci MOI'lon , Edmund " ' . N. Newhy. - ; Nort , Edith : Nor. ton , E lwurd W. ; Null' . - . O. O'Donnell , 1\lrs. \ Patrlcl , P. : Olinger , 1\1rs. Dessle ; Olson , 1\1rs. Oscar : Owen , William l\1111'ray ; Oxman. 1\lIss Ii'I or. cnce. P. Page , Harold ; Page , Chnrles T. ; Pat. ton , Lillian ; Peterson , Fornello. : Poults , R. H , : Phadwr , Wnlter ; Poll. 'e' 1t1t.IIVj : ,1Ir , : i ID4tUWll " " ' , , ! : tr.i : J ffi1J. : . t'f ) } IMtC.fl " " ' - 'UIJ ! 1IIl , ; t. f I : Death Trap at Main Balcony Exit. Dlago. t1ll'rl' WOI'O a Ilown singing l1.alllens anll a 11011111111' ( 'ompdlan sing. Ing II POIIIIIIII' all' , entitled "In the PUll' 1'loonllght. " Now whnt haplJCnoll ? A fllse or two IIlew from the caJc > lum light that mallo the palo moon. The 8Imr ] , strllcl , the glnger.urend ' ' ' scenm' ; the scener hazerl ] to the stage , An Urn of Fire In Five Minutes. And then ! WolI , Ihen In IIvu min. utos this costl ) ' Illa 'hous ( ) uecnmo a I'ell urn of fire and 1grent , heart. lll'ealdng CI' ' . Rueh a cr ' 118 81111ts the stone of a Caesar's henrl. uro u In that bllll < < lIng. It was the cry of the man or womnn , ( 'lInglng to a storm.swopt raft , who sees the ( ) thers go clown hofol'c him. 'I'ho srene was somothlng Ihat no human pen can tell , A clrclo of IIamo swept frum lhe stage nroUlul the hal. cony and galleries , \rlven \ Inlo a whirl. wind b ' six gr nt automatic ventll. Ilt01'S aUlI the open doors. It 1Il0\'ell faster th1ln the ( 'al\lIm \ o ( lho pale moonlight und a8 Ilel'l'l' liS n hlazlng l11elror. ' 1'hol'o was 11. wild , mUll , 1"lgln , I trampling rush for IIfo. It IB not eas ' . 10 f1lnc ' whnt ono would do In Rll'h 11 s'eno , lJut 1111 Reemlngly al'lclI to. . gethm. . 1\lon \ nnd women fOllght 111\0 ullleashell hOl11ulH for the Ilrst exit : IIttlo chll < < ll'en were crushed In the at'mR of thol1' mothol'lI ; clothes anll jewels were lorn fl'om the ownel'S , lorgnettes and Jlllrsos were tossed on Ino 1100l'B. Oattle for Life In Balconies. This was the Ilrst s'eno. On the main fiool' the Imnll' WIIS qllito as fiOl'ce all ( 'Isowhol'e , bllt os'apo was Oil RioI' . It waR In the Imlconlf's that the bnttlo fOl' life was hardest , and I hore. Indeed , WU8 Rcurcely II chullce 1"01' escallO. 'fho galh'rles were , within I no tlmo at all. heulod : with a holple8s , I RlrllmlIng. Insane mass of Ileoillo. As I the IIlIInlng clrclo crept higher nl1l1 highet , cholclng the lIudlenco with \ , , floor 1)'low , people 1IIII'Ieli themselves downwl1l'd In their lenor. All , or nl'ar' h' nil , of th08e in the real' mot a fear , fill death. Firemen , lho Ill'u pl'ltrtlral. Iy oxllngulshed , fOllnd the ) ' wcre' lIut IlolIl'ln walor on heuJls of human Iwlngs. LIST OF THE DIAD. A. Adanlclc , Mrs. John ; Austrlun. Wal. terD. D. Bal'l < CI' , Miss mhel ; BarnIJClsel. Charle8 II. ; Bartlett , 1\11'11. C. D" Bnrl. lolt. III. : Deurtel , William C. ; Dl' 'ors' loth , Helen ; Bissinger. Wnlter B. ; B1\111Isle ' , "II's. H. G. ; BOllico. N. W. ; Browster , 1\IIss Jlllla ; Brlnclley , 1\I1's. Emma ; Buohmann. Margaret ; Bick- ford , C.1. : . ; Boise , Deane ; Busch wllh. I.oulso ; Be 'ers , - ; Butler , 1\1\'f ! . Hosa ; Butler. Hose ; D 'mfurth , H uth. C. Calm , : \1I8S I.uc ' ; Clarl" g. 0 , ; . . -.r. . . , . , , _ . . . Pauline ; Gerr ) ' , 1\I18s Wilma ; Gould. ! Irs. B. I . ' ; Gohan , J. ; GIILlerhaugh. i . St'phle. H. Bnll. Etnperl ' ; HarllroughIl1I' ) ' I , ; Ua vllllnd , "IIRs Lee ; Ha'lIand , Lee ; Harbaugh. 1\11'8. : HicllnanIrs ; , CharI os ; Holland. John ; HlJwal'll , ; \h's. 1\lary \ I . ; Hart. B. D. ; Henning. - - : Henry , "Ira. G. A. ; Hlgglllfon. Miss .Jea 1ette ; Holmes , Mrs. ; Hlggln. son , Hoer , : ; ; Holst. Allen ; Holst , Ger. truLle ; Hooper , 'V. 'V. , Kenosha. Wls , ; lIowar . ! llIss Helen ; Hollan , Leigh ; Horton. I dlth , Ontonugon , "Itch. ; Howurd , Hay E. ; Hudson. Harr ' ; Hl'11I1 , Otto. J. Jones , I thel ; Johnsoll , J. C. 1 < . Kaufman , Alice ; I ellr. Otto ; Kle. lor , Hnrvoy ; Kennedy , Agnes , Win- nl'tlm ; Kenned ) ' , Frances , Winnetlcn ; Koehens , J. A , ; KolI , Churles H. ; KI'j. ner. Louis IInd wife ; Ketchem. 1\1rs. ; Kranz , 1\1rs. Sarah. Hnclne , " 'Is. . , , . t. ' . . \ \ , . ' \ \ . \ ' \ t : , \ : : . . : . 1j , : J \ I . .1. II . ' . : i : .Jl 1llU 3"hVt1ZJ7' { N7 ifl : : . . . " ' ' " . .1"sr .l2KL'9I'Zli"fF.1 ! . , . , . Jael" LafaYl'tlo _ Incl. R. Hattl'r , William : HaUpj" , .J. ; r..eiler 1\1rs. G ; Rl'gensborgHaze ] ; Hl'gC'ns herg. ! lUss IIelen ; Hnlnglon : 'rllOmas ; HOSR. Ellnn ; Hollerlson1In : ; Heed. W. 1\1. \ ; RIchardson , Rev , H L. ; Hollerts , Theodorn ; Rogol'S , Ho ( K. ; Hathor. William ; Hohlnson , 1\lln nle : Ross , - , Hi j"ears old , daugll tel' of DI' . Hoss. S. Saville , Warren E. ; Saj"ore , Carrie J. ; Spring , : \Irs. W. A. : StingIer. Irs J. H. ; Sn 're. Miss Carrll A ; String , 1\lrs. Winthrop ; Spin dler , Burdette ; Stud Ie ) ' , Rev Geol'go II. ; Sutton , Harr ' D. : Saw 'er , - - ; SCllIlI , Warner , 12 ) 'oars old Kanlmlcce , III. ; Smlthborr ' , Wilma Smith , Mrs. - . Des Plalnes. 111. Smith , 1\11ss Murine , Des Plalnes. III. Sheppard , Lola , 12 'ears old ; Scott Bun' : Shahbard , 1t'tle : Shahllard I.ulu ; Sherr , - ; Sprang. W. N , Htern. 1\11'8. ; Sutton. Harr ' P. : Squier Olive ; Saville. Arthur ; .Sprlng , Win thl'Op ; Schmidt , Rosa. T. 'I'nj"son , Huth ; Torne ' , Edna : Till' nero Mrs. Susan ; 'I'urbush , C. 'V. Thatchor. W. V. Vllllelr , Bernlco ; Vallellrs. : . J , T. Vunzeg'un. Edward T. : Valle ) ' . Misl Bemlce ; Van Ingen. John ; VIOII , Her mnll. W. Wolls. Donahl ; Wolf. Mrs. Leo. IIam mend , Ind. ; Waldman. , ; Woltma11l ) Otto ; Williams. H. : Winslow , C. A , 'l'hreo HIveI' Falls , 1\1Inn. ; Wells. Don ' 1111 : Wlnde:1 , Paul ; Wolff , Harriet , Welsl\Opf. gmma. Z. Zolsler , Walter U. Unldentltlcd Deld : Are M lny , In adllltlon'to the forogolng , therl 11\0 \ seventy bOdlos lit. the varlolli 11100'gU'S awallng ( Identillcatton. I _ - - II - _ _ _ IS A PRISON CIIILl } - - PATHETIC HISTORY OF L.ITTLE ALMA GREASON. - - Dorn In J llI nt Reading , Pa. , She 10- , the Pet of All Who Know Her- Her Mother and Reputed Fntl1er Under Sentence of Death. Alma Greason of Rending , Pn. , Is n. child wIth a strange history. She has novel' been otltsldo ot prIson walls. She Is two nnd II. haH years old. anci . . her mother and her reputed father aro- ' in now the sarno jail under sentenco- of death. Almn Is darlt sl\nned ! , hright and alP tructlve and she spealcs two language5- -English t the prison vlsltol's and . the Pennsylvania. . German dialect tl > her mother. Bel11g a , pet of the jail , the child Is. daintilY dresBed and has' the run of lho prison. She spends an hour down- Lltalrs with the ward on's fnmlly nnd the n xt hour up on the second tiCI' of cells with the death watch In cbargo- of her convicted mother. In 11.11 her jail IIborty she Is ne\'or permitted to see Samuel Greason , her father , In another part of the II. Greason Is a negro. Alma's ' " Is white , The murder of ; e'"lther , , w 1t. . 1 ! , he two were ( 'onvicted was that or th , 'yvman's htVdband. - J' _ 'fhe story of tn18 prIipn ! child's 11fo is unusual. even In crhnnlll ! hlstor ' . Her complexion at hlrth , , as to determine - mine the 11fo or denth of h f mother. . John Edwards , the husbaM of tbo womnn , was a whlto laborer 1 . .thO quarries of Stouchburg. Delng out 0 worl und shiftless. ho failed to support - port his wife , Knte. and thJir chll. dl'en. Greason , also a laborer. had monoy. When ho saw 1\1rs. Edwards' chlldrtJn going barefoot in winter ho provided money for their needs. In this way tholr mother came to have kindly feollngs toward him. Edwards' suspicIons were finally aroused. lIe accused his wife of hav. 111 ! ; boon unfaIthful nnd declared tbat If the child soon to be born was black ho would murder hor. Now 1\1rs. EdwardG Is a darl skinned woman. It was evident , therefore , lh t whethCl : her huslJand's supplclons were well founded or not. the complexion - plexion of the child might coat her her life. Some time before the child " , as born , In Jul ) ' , 1901. there was a party 1t the Ell wards home. Edwards drnnl it great deal of beer. The next day his hod ' was found in the cistern , ncar the house. Ho had heen strllclt ) II the head with some blunt Instru- : lent while sleeping on the porch after ; he party. : \Irs. Edwards told' , 'arloty of 'torles allollt his death nnd finall ) ' she tCCUSf'd GreaEOn of heing concerned In .t. Doth were convicted of murder in he first degree. The child was born in Ilrlson. ASI 1as been said. she has a Ilarl , sldn , t:1d they chrlsten'd her Alma Grelson. --Inr re1mted father has never scen hc" . Thrice Greason has bet n reprieved. . : hurches , Sunllay schools and calw- ; \'olls have raised moncy to pay his awyers to save him from the gallowH. H ( ' declar's that he was not at the , : dwards home on the nlgbt of Ed- i'-nrds' murdel' , He says ho docs not Imow " , ho , , l1Ied hIm. hut the t 1ron' of hIs frlond s tl1t t the wife and hel' elllest daugh. : C'r rilone lenow the true story of the leath of Edwards. Ills genernlly be. leved that Edwards was tnlll'dereLl he- ause It was feared that the child .vould lie hlack and that he woul arry out his threat to 1,111 his wife , And while Greason and 1\1rs. Ed- ; \'Ilrds arc growing fat In the shadow ) f the scaffold the little child Is joy- ) Usly praltllllg about the prison cor- Idors lIy day and sleeping In the , bosom of her mother h ) ' night Ie 11. ell , Some say the child will grow 'IP ' In the jail and never leave It. it : ho ] eve that Is shown for Alma con. 'inues developing , It will bo ver ' harLl :0 : 1mrt with the child In the years to , r.me. wlll'n her parents have paid the penally of their crhne. SUCCCSG h. Lllce a Distant Hili. SUCe'eR ! ! Is lIIe n fnr.oIT hili. Sl'rPI'ly wrNlth.(1 In mellow hnze : 't hems 1\11' \ ( ' , 111m nnrl dIstant. still 'Yhen. after many tl'yln dnys. With wnnlng' hopes nnd Ihnttered will , \ \ 0 lilt OUI' wear ) ' hen.11 ! and gaze , Anll 111 ( ( ' the tar-oIT hili that throu h 'I'he oflenln haze shows entlellopes , rhe e'louds art hide It from his view . 'I'h"t In Ihe darlcned valley g-ropcs ; rhe road wInds muc)1 ) in len.lIng- The hlght whereon he sets his hopes. rhl' hll\ \ that looms bl'ore us. tar A way ncross Ihe misty RpaC'l. ; hews not a gap nor bl'l'ak to mar ' 1'hl' even beau I ) ' of lis face : , Dut w\Jen \ we reach It1Inn ) ' n scnr And cJert Its rOllch steells interlace. Success i ! ! lIIe the hllwe \ Sf 0 Far err , where might ) . rivcI' ! ! spring' , And few that reach it walt for (1' ( ' ( : , Fall" dl's the future If ! 10 brine ; [ t wll\ \ not come to liS 'tl ! ! we 'fhat ha\'o 10 do the trnvellng. A W < tr Office Anecdote. This story Is told to us as true. An Hlmlraltr cIerI , was giving luncheon :0 : a hrother official from tlio war of- 'ice. "Blacl < calfee ? " asl < ell the ad- 111rally clorl < . "Good heavens , no ! It . : rlell the other. "Why , If 1 were to ! rlnlc 11 drop of coffee at this hOllr or : ho dny I shollllln't get a wlnlc oC IlcelJ all the wear ' ufternoon-Lon- 10n Globo. Teaches Journalism. Dr. A. Koch , the professol' of jOllrnal- 1f1 at the Unh'ol'slt . of Hellelherg ! , lot enl ' lectllres on his sllhject , hilt , nalws his 1IIIII1Is \\1'110 editorials , re- ) orts , bool , l'o\'lows and crltlolsms ot mtertalnmonts. Municipal Tramway Profits. Thl' l.ondon clt ' cOline II now mallCs C G9.LOO a ) 'eal' from tram\\'a 's. Lrwcls oOl',01'l1t1on ! secllres from a slroll r louree an Income of .c 21,000. ,