Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 24, 1903, Image 7

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    I - . .
Helen Keller Is a Clall Orncer.
Miss 1Ielon Ketter , the blind denf
mute , Ims juet been elected vice pml. I
dent of the aonlor clnss at cllffl )
collese , the womnn'lJ dopnrtm nt of I
She Is four futl
Harvard , pursuing I
courses , two In Englloh nnd two In
Latin. She hns thus fnr passed nIl .
her examinations with a.s much credit
ns If ahe had e11 her faculties and Is
accompli shine moro In scholarship
than any other person In the 'world
DO handicapped ,
How's This ? .
We alrer One JInndred DoJl u Reward tor In1 eu.
of Catarrh that cannot be ourod b1 nall'l Cattarh
Curo. 1' , J , ClIENEY" CO. . Propl. , Toledo. 0 ,
Wo , the undenllfned , ha"e known lI' , J , Chene , for
tbe Jut l yea" , and belle , . him perfectl , hOnorlble
In all bUllneli tranlaollonl Ind nnRnelall , Iblo.0
carr , out an , . obllgatlonl made by their rm. .
\ WEST" TRUAX , WholeuJo 1 > rulI'gUI ! , Toledo , 0 ,
, I WALDIm , KIJ\'Nur A 11.1.11"1:1' , WbolelAlo l > rulf'
' . 1 ! { IIU , Toledo , O. I
nail' . Catarrh Cure II taken Internall" leUnll
' \ , . dIrectly upon the bloOd and mucou. lurt.ce. ot the
. , 'JUem. Teltlmonlal. .e1l1 tree , l'r1ce 7 o per
. " , : , tie , Bold b , alll > rulfllllli. .
f Jlall' . } 'amlly Pili. ara tll. heat.
, ' . '
I QuIet Reform ,
These Interested In the fall eloc-
tlons would do well to take n look at
nn artlclo In the November Every.
, body's If they are nt nil uncertaIn
reform administration can ac.
compllsh , In "Roform thnt Reforms"
, I ' Alfred Hoddor tells specifically some
; of the changes for the public good
thal have been brought about In Now
Yor durIng the present ndmh lstrn.
tlon-notably by the commlsslonors of
health and charities. 'rho qulot roe
forms of which the public docs not
hear are often the most slgnlficant-
the stopping of a leale , accomplished ,
; for example , ' by payIng fifty cents of '
the pUblic money for a gallon of al.
cohol In place of a former $5,76 : the ! .
rigid Inspection of drugs and groceries
to check adulteration. Rljform may !
make Its mlstnlws , but one 1s Inclhlcd
to think that these are ml\talws In an
uncommonly good direction , after con.
slderlng Mr , Hodder's facts.
Sensible Housekeepera
will hnvo Definanco Starch , not alone
because they get one-thIrd moro for
the snmo money , but also because oC
superior Quallt . .
It you stand nround and walt for
some Ol1e to shal.e tbo tree , you will
n ver fill your sucle. I
. , There ae some bluffs you can't af.
ford to call.
The best men are always'loolclng
tor the best ment.
The babyless gOocart' ' Is not yet In
Johnny Drummer , Who Is SldOo
Tracked to let the Limited Go
By , Expresses His Sentiments
Regarding That Superb
Train ,
"It has been my dream of joy lIuprema
To ride In plush uud , "elvot splendor
Parlor car for a swell tullonder
Plutform fenced with a swell brls5 ( tcnd
.0.1 the Hegulur Limited 1.'ruln
Electric bell right under 'our nOlls
. ! ) orter to como and brush , rour clothes
' , Grub in the diner the best that grows
" . A downy bunk for a night's relOSO
On the Hcgular Limltcdrram e
. , . .
J o 'C on11s
f , Bitt I Bung ! 0. mlle minute
No other mot hod of tra\'el is In It
I , vant to go rippinG' , skipping and zlppln ,
Away on the Limited ' 1raln. : "
These IIn s are not orIgInal with me.
They. are talen ; : from a tuneful lltUs
ditty sung In George Ade's comedy ,
"Pes-gy from Paris. " The jingle danced
through my brain the other day as wo
lay on the sldln nt PralrlA .Tllnf'tlon ,
or same such pluce , to let the antA
Fe's west bound CalifornIa Limited
go by , It was a gorgeous train of pal.
ace cars , and behind the plate glass
obser-vatlon wIndows beauty and fash.
Ion and , youth \ and old age were . lolling
among the luxuriant cushions , some
vIsiting , some reading , some pleas.
antly dozing , some making wreatha
at cigar moke , Barno gazing dreamily
. through the wlndo\vs at the passing of
. . itIea , and fields , and forests and riv.
erl\ ,
1 teed on the rear platform of the
'lRt car of our train and watched the
California. LImited as she faded away
toward the golden west. And I
thought of the dIfference between
travel now a Bl travoi In tho.
days of ' 49 , when It toolc the
gold-seeker half a long , weary
oear , filled with all kln s at hardshIp
to travel the dlstanco that Is now
covered in three days. I thought of
the slowly mooml > wagons , the dust ,
the stones , the jolting , the thIrst , the
bunger , the homesickness , the snail-
11I(0 crossing of plains , the laborious
climbing of mountaIns , the weary
dragging weeks , the never endIng trail ,
In these palaces that had just glided
' by were people goIng to the sarno
( f' place to spend the winter months
where the cllmato Is perpetual sum.
mer , And they were not to endure a
slnKlo hardshIp on the journey.
When nllht came they were to lie
In beds whose sott embrace malws
l , sleep a luxury-nnd In the day tlmo
the velvet cushions oC their scats were
to be made deeper stili by plllows-
and ther wore to spend a delightful
part oC their time In the gilded and
gllttoring dining car , where every
" dainty that , ever tlcltled the palate Is
t enticingly served-In short , they were
. to have on the trip all the comforts of
; ! home-and of the best kind of home ,
> ! ( I stood there and watched them pass
\ : out of sIght whllo my soul was con.
sumed with envy , But I derIved some
consolation out oC resolving that some-
tlmo I , too , would see California , and
I promIsed m 'self that If lover dId go
i there It be would be over the Santa
Fo ,
Every widow exaggerates her mon J
' ) ' .
. . ' .
; .ii"
, m p\'U-a
Santa Claus in Larrigans T
A nALLAD OF TilE . - -F -
LUMBERING CAMPS : ; : ; B y H 0 1 man D ay 1
. , . . ,
Dumphy hnd l1ucl < ed..tho dQ\ 's-Du mphy had buckl'l1 nt benns ,
1"01' most ot n week ho wouldn't s\lc \ : , < , but ho chappell IIko tour mnchlnes.
Ire hndn't _ n word tor no ono , not oven
for mo "mI MIke ,
Anl1 whenever we spol < o or trlel1 to joke ,
ho nrowletl 1I\to \ 11 C'hessy t 'IC.
" 'hen DI1I , the P. , I. , 1111111el1 , or Charley
Canuclc would jig ,
Dumphy " ' 011111 crnwl to the dllrl ( 0' the
wall nnd sag there IIko a 1)lg.
Daytlmo ho chopped 1I\to \ -nlghtt1mo
ho huggel1 his bunk ,
-Ph 'soJ ; ' as long nil n board In' hOllso arm ,
and chnwln' S0ll10 bitter hunk.
Anl1 the deacon-sl'nt crowd It wonl1crcd ,
tor we sartlnly IIkcd the Ind ,
Dut he wouldn't let out whnt It all wns
about , though we I\W he was hl\vln'
It bad ,
S0ll10 allowed he was homesick , whllo
ethers sal 'twal WIISS ,
For Tote-tollm Jake had heard at the
lalto thnt 'twall sort ot fumll ' tuss ,
It 'twas tamll ' fuss " 1'0'0 were sorrwo
wondered how It begnn ,
And this as because 'ollng . Dumphy wns
our only tnmlly mnn.
'Na" , family men , I don't care who , belong -
long at home with their broods ,
-No hearts wl1l ache 1\01' grle\'e for saito
of 1.18 lonesome old chaps 0' the
woods'd I egg i n3
IIm'o's good health to 'e , famll ' . -the boss hung a rubber boot-
' mnn , ' 'Twas Christmas eve , and we made
'Wherever 'e've bllilt
your :
' believe , Jest the lark of a Christ.
Yc'vo : - '
moro l-an 'ollr share of the
good things , ut there ! mas t 00 tI
" 'e reelmn It's all tor the be't ! ,
There's an arm tor 'OUr 1\ecle nnd a kif's tor II 'our check
'Vhen there's trouble nhl'arI or 'our courngt ! wcal. ,
And com tort nnd cOllrng-o anl1 grIt you wl1l need ,
'Vlth It wife nnd some 'ounkertl to house nnd to reed.
God bless 'ou with patlenco nnd peace und with goods ,
II ! the very best wish of us men 0' the woods ,
-Us lonesome 0111 bachs of peavleR IInl1 patches ,
Dl1Is , JimmIes and Jaeles , 0' the Ax.
The cook ho hnd hung 11 shoe-pac , thc coleco hung o'no , too ,
And Lanigan Joe u soc wIth n toc-tho enl ' whole sock In the crew.
Some others hung sleeves antI leggin'-
the boss hung a rubber-boot ,
-"rwns ChrIstmas cve and we mnde be.
lIeve ! Jest the larlc at u Chrlstmns
toot !
'We hlll1n't thought at presents-why , the
most of Us never hnd hung
A stocldn' up ut the chlmney-sldo even.
when wo were , 'oung ,
It was only n bIt ot roolln' , anl1 n pnrt of
0111' ov'nln' pilln
" "all a Sant . CIIIUS , IInd Dumphy wns our
enl ' family mnn ,
' \'e dllg him' out of hIs blnnkets and
hauled hIm Ollt to the 1Ig-ltt ,
-HIs eyes were red wllh tears ho hall
shed , but now ho wanted to fight ,
And scrl'nmlng Il strIng of curse ! ! , ho
Rtrllcle as ho ravel1 , nnd swore ,
Floore < 1 Joe I.acrosse nnd the swnmpln's
hal's , nnd announced ho was really
tor marc.
Dut 1\0 one WIIS 'speclnlly nnxlous and wo
bnelted aWII ' , becnuse
Good wl1l to men was not jest then In the
e 'e of 0111' Snnty Clnus.
The boss wns n-thlnkln' to swnt him ,
I hut allowel1 he hnd better 110t ,
For 'twas trouble bad that Dumphy had ,
whate\Oer It wns he'd got.
An screaming a string of curses , he So bacl. III his bunk he buttel1-unsoclablo
killd of n goat-
strucl < as he raved and swore
While our JJr 'III' coole was takln' n look
Floored Joe Lacrosse and the wamp.
at 11 letter thut dropped lrom his
Ins' hess and announced he was
cent .
rea d y for more ,
There's sometimes 11 crief lor 'o ,
tnmllr : mall ,
And It.s wlckNl "d bettel' hellcve. .
" 'hell ye 111111 thut there' ! ! trouble plied heavy nnd doublc ,
On the poor little home that 'e IpnOC ,
There ure sharks who are hUnIT ! when mone ) ' Is < 1ue ,
And 11. mnn Is awa ' III the woolls wllh lL crew :
Shiverlll' bnbles and henrt-bro ell \\'Ite
Don't hinder the Sh 'locks who're out wllh a Imlfe.
And the teur-spotted lettl'r thut cook chokl'd arlit real1 ' ,
" 'ns wrIt tram a poorhouse-lIlld "hab ' was l1ead , "
One after the other , we tort ' -nve men ,
Iilssed : where the Ich'ses were marked b ' her pen ,
I"lssed Oil the smooches of little olles' smacks ,
-'Ve lone ! < ome old baches ot pea\'le ! ! and patches ,
Dills , Jimmies und Jncks 0' the Ax.
Doss he tnlr , squnre blubbered-cook he blubbered , too ,
'rhere wnsn't a tace In all the JJlllc hut gllstcued with tears like . . . dew ,
And Joe throwcd gulley-est'art ! the duds the crew Iml1 hung ,
For we kllowed thnt joke to Dmnphy spoke of empty stock III's hun/ : ,
-'Ve all at liS saw a plctur' ot 'oungsters
wonderln' wh '
Old Shnty Clnus , tIe \ other frIends , had
pnssel1 that poorhouse by.
" 'e looked to Dumphy's cornel' , wher he
curled with burled hend ,
But his grlet alld tears 8toppe < 1 eyes and
enrs to all we did or ! ! ald ,
"Dang rnt the man that'll Recret , "
growled tle ! boss , "but others call
Be jest as c1us' ns that secret CIIStl , our
ouly tnmlly mnn , "
'rhen boss ho tetchl'd n llen-slocl. nnd
thawed the ynller Ink.
And he scratchlt o.ltcrntclH'd a wrltlll' am1
ho wunl < a wplUsh wlnle : ,
He. whispered , "There's an order tor thlr.
ty dnys o' m ' pa ' ;
It the rest at ye's mell ; ! toe'll talte that pen
nnd do 11 stUII my wa ' , "
" 'e lought to get thnt pen-slock , and
them as couldn't write
The ' hnd the boss attest their cross to
make their wrltlll' tight.
'Vhen nIl had made tholr pnpers , he
stnckel1 Il reg'lar dome ,
Says he , ' 'It's done ! Less rum and tun ,
but , bO 'I ! , therc la ' ! ! a HO ll ! "
Then he cllnchel1 his lIst nnd muttered '
us ho turlled to Long-gl'arel1 lIke , i
"Ye'ro Sant . Clnus for us , because Oe'\'e
g t the hl1 < e. J
" '
'fake snowshoes to the carr ' , entch tote. "It's a blame dark nIght , but ye're
' ' startln' NOW and If for '
learn to North 1'wln , ' any
Then hurr It agaIn to strIke the trnlll anl1 Them babies cry termorre night ,
cash th m orders III , G..wd help ye , Santy Clausl ,
Then stlvyer It to that 1l00l'house where
I'ho ' ! hns I1nld .the ' be- .
Yo'ro startln' NO\\ ' , and we 110n't allow tor slpep nor Atop.orts-seel
It's Il blame I1nrl. night , but 'e'ro slul'Un'O : : - \ \ ' , und It fOI' all ' cause
Them bahles cr ' termorrer night , Ga wd help ye , Santy Clnlls , "
Hero's a good health to 'e , famll ' man ,
From the depth ot our hearts and the woods :
Doughs for our bUlllcs nnd l'alL ' ! hess In junls
Anl1 Il , "cry light 10al1 ot world's goodlto
I"eep 'our 1\eck neUI' the IIrms and YOUI' che le near the kiss ,
And neyer come here to the troubll'i 0' This ,
God bless 'e with phmt . , nndtn'nth ! to the nrm
That shelters the wHo and the babies from harm.
'Ve've tnsted ot lICe and wo know whnt It Illcks-
' \'e lonesome old bnches ot pellvlts nllLl patches ,
Bills , JImmies und Jacks 0' the Axo.
t : g ] tW1
1 CWJ t : S3
.l-o - = '
Pe = ru = na Drug Co. , Columbus , Ollio :
OentlelDen : "I can clleerfully say that Mrs. Schley
has .ta/en Pe = ruana and I believe witll good effect. "
W. S. SCflLEY.-wnsnlngton , D. c. ,
AD\lIRAL SCHLEY , one of the foremost
notable heroes of the Nineteenth Century.
A name that starts terror in the heart of every
Spaniard , A man of steady nerve , clear head ,
undaunted courage and prompt decision ,
Approached by a friena recently , his opinion
was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna , the
national catarrh remedy , 'VVithout the slightest -
est hesitation he gave this remedy his ender - '
dor ement , It appeared on , later conversation -
tion that Peruqa has been used in his family ,
where it is a favorite remedy.
Such endorsements serve to indicate the
wonderful hold that Peruna has UpOtl the
minds of the American people , It is out of
the question that so great and famous a man
as Admiral Schley could have any other
reason for giving his endorsement to PeIl1J1a
than his positive conviction that the remedy
is all that he says it is.
The fact is that Peruna has cvercome all
opposition and has won its way to the heat:1a :
of the people , The natural timidity whi h
so many people have felt about giving endorsements -
dorsements to any remedy is giving way.
Gratitude and a desire to help others h s
inspired thousands of people to give publ c '
testimonials for Peruna who heretofore would'
not have consented to such publicity.
N ever before in the annals of medicine has
it happened that so many men of national
and intemational reputation have been willing -
ing to give unqualified and public ender e-
ments to a proprietary remedy. No amount
of advertising could have accomplished such
a result , Peruna has won on its own merits ,
Peruna cures catarrh of whatever phase or
location in the human body. That is why it
receives so many notable and unique endorsements -
dorsements ,
Address The Peruna Drug I\1'fg Co" .Co-
lumbus , Ohio , for free literature on catarrh.
sl ( Your Druggist for free Pe = ru = na , Alf1anac for 1904. .
A ) 'oung mnn Intely atten\lol1 n par.
ty , and on his return homo complained
to his father that n girl sut on his
lap , -
. .
The wcll earned l'Clllltation nml Ineren9-
Ing po ulnrlty of the l..owlll' "Single
13lnllor , ' 8trnlght lie clgnr , 1l1uo : to the
mnlutnlncl high qUllllty IIUlI nl rceilition
of tl o smokor. Lewis' .Fllctory , 1 carin , IlL
The toasts at n. banquet often malto
It n case of "stuff and-nonsense. "
A rull dress suit Is especially full
on a tipsy fat man. ,
lIundrods of dealers say the oxtrn
'Qunntlty and superior quality of Defiance -
fiance Starch Is fast tnldng place of.
all other brands , Others say they
cannot sell nny other starch.
Too many high balls wUi lead 'ou
to the "threo balls. "
Debt Is the hangman's noose around
Beauty Is slttn dcep , and few have
thlcle aldns.
To Cure n Coltl in Ono ( lny , '
Tnko Laxative Dromo Qulnlno'rnblotll. All
drugglst/Jrofund money It it faUs toc\1ro. 250.
Making Glaas ,
The nrt at malting glass wan Introduced -
duced Into Japan about ono hundred
and fifty 'ears ago by a Hollnndor ,
who settled at Osnlcn. , For several
generations the lmowledgo oC the pro.
cess was confined to n Bingle family ,
and It was not until about 1879 that
the general employment of coal , instead -
stead ot charcoal , and the construc.
tlon of brick chImneys enabled the
mnnufncturers to Introduce Improve ,
monts which placed the Industry on
a substantial basis. Osalm has contln.
uod to bo the center ot the Industry ,
nnd now manufactures for export , boo
sIdes supplying the homo domand.
An Electric Printing Apparatus.
Berlin wilt soon have an electric
distance printing apparatus as an ad.
junct to the telephone. Through the
contract with the pOBtoffico dopart.
ment , of w.hieh , the tQlegralh and telephone -
phone system Is a parf , the Ferndruck.
er company Is able to establish a
specIal service for subscribers In Ber.
Iha and Its suburbs , who cnn exchange
communications In prInted type by
way of the maIn telegraph office. The
apparatus Is sImilar to a typewriting
machino. Arter connection Is made ,
communIcation can bo hnd by simply
manIpulating the machlno lllco n type.
writer , oven if the addressee be ab.
sent , the printing Is done as 1 ( someone
ono woer at the Instrument.
Well Remembered ,
Valley CIty , N , Dale" Dec. H-Two
years ago Mrs. Matilda M. Boucher oC
thla place suttered a great deal with a
dizziness In her l ad , She was cured
of this by a remedy cnlled Dodd's Kid.
ney PUis , and hlu not been troubled
Shortly afterwards she had n bad
bilious attack , and tor this s e used
Diamond Dinner Pills and was com.
pletely cured In a hort time.
In January , 1903 , she had an attack
of Sciatica , of which she says :
"I was almost helpless with the 8cl.
nUca , but romomberlng what Dodd's
rlldney : Pills and Diamond Dinner PillA
had done for mo before , I orhmen'ced
o treatment oC these medicines and In
three wel'ks 1 WIUJ rompletely restored
to hoalth. 1 have Errent talth in these
modlclnes , for they have been of so
much benefit to mE' . "
Dodd's KIdney Pills are very popular
In Bornes Count ) ' , havlnJ ; made a
, : reat many splendid cures oC Sciatica ,
Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles.
Many families use no other medicine.
There are so many ways ot becom.
Ing unpopular that It Is a wonder the
Ilverngo man has any friends at all.
"World's ralr. "
A St , Louis World's Fnlr Tpform . .
tlon Bureau has been estahllshed at
1601 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. , in
chnrge at Harry lJ : , Moores , whore nil
Intormatton will bo cheerfully rur.
nlshed free of chargo.
Plcccworle-tho vlo man's ,
. . NEW RIVAL" ,
Loaded Black Powder Shells
shoot stronger an reload better I
than any other blacl , powder
shells on the market , because
they are loaded more carefully
and made more scientifically.
Try them. They are
Telling n gIrl she has n heart of
stone is not equivalent to calling horn
n "veach , "
Uult Cough tn/ ; .
'Why cough , whcll tor 25e nnd this
notice 'OU get 25 doses ot nn nbHo-
lutel ) ' Ill\rnlltl'ld cough CIUO In tnhlet ;
term , postpnld. DR. SKIRVIN CO. ,
LA CROSSE , WIS. ( W. N , U , )
When Loubet Retires.
l\f. Ahel Combnrlen , secrotnry gon.
eral to President Loubet of I rance , Is
quoted as saylnE ; In n recent Intor.
vIew : "At the eXlllration of the ) Ie'
rlod of seven renre , for which he wns
elected , the pl'estclent will stop bllclc
Into the ! 'Units. 110 Is n plaIn citizen ,
whom the leOIle Imvo raised to office
for n givcn time , bllt he wOlltd can"
6161er It contrary to the spirit cf the
constitution for him to tnlO advnn.
roue or hIs present poslllon In order
to secnro reoeletion. "
Don't you Imow that. . Defiance
Stnrch , besides boltlE ; ahsolutely supo.
rlor to any othol' , Is put up 16 ounces
In paclmge and sells at lIamo prlco
as 12.ounco packages of ether lclnclu ?
'Vhen you nro cbeerlng' for your
country , as YOII suppose , YOIl nro prob.
c.bly cheering for Bomo big grater.
You cnu't see an Ideal of tenor than
on co n weele without scratching his
veneering ,
Rldiculo bas torn down more than
It has ever built.
Use the bOllt. 'flint's Why they IIIIY Rod
CrossDnU Bluo. A t 10al1l grQlul'H , couto ,
YOIl cnnnot cart'y a crool.ed rule
c.lon ! ; the straight rond.
110 became the Man oC Sorrows for
tbo Ol'rOWS of men.
Storeltecpers report that the extra
quantity , together with the superior
qnllllly of Deflanco Starch , malws it
next to Imposslblo to sell nn ' other
The se pentlno dancer doesn't care
to "see snnlws , "
"Don't .teol flattered that I laugh nt
YOllr jolces , " saId nn Atchison man tea
a jolOr. "I Inugh because I am goal !
natured. "
Feet Comfortnble Ever Since.
"I suffered for ' with .
veru's mv feet. A friend
rocomme1ll1e - .AT LEN'S I"boT-EASE. I
II-sed two boJWR ot the ) lowdnr , al1l1 UI ) . feet
have been onLlrelr comfortable 0\111' sillco.
AI..LEN'S . FOO1'-EASI Is certalnlv n od.
send to mo. ' ' 'm , T" Hwormstp t'VlIshlng.
kin , D , C , " Sold 1.Iy all DrugSlSts , 250.
The letter carrier Is not expected
to dlo at his post.
A mnn may use bls } Jen poorly and
hIs inl.woll.
To dog n mnn's footstels ) is enough
to malte him feel hounded.
IIro Invlled to l tIIO In the Itate ot ll1rylanll , where
they will nnll a dcllKhltl11 and heullhy cllmnte. nrlt.
clan markel. tor Ibelr l'I'olll1cII ' of land
at reao'lIIlIblo prleOI. ) lap anll aeticr / pUn pam ph.
leU will bo lent tree 011 . " "UcilUon to
Bee'I.Slate Board 01 Immigration , UALTIMORE. MD ,
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
. .
u .mlctedlth . Watn
lOre C10l , UI. lThompsonts Ey
. . .
: :0' :
WI-tEN "
j ,
\ ( K6 .B YI
A MINS.T lifNG .
. ' ( V II
' :
' ( ( J ' ' ' ' -
, -
lrJ ,
Smokeless Powder
, ' . . . NITRO CLUB' , . . '
% 1(7. ( . I
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. , & ARROW ' #
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i. arc winning
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'J. everywb-rc nt . '
the trap-shoot- 1 ; #
ingtournamcats , ' WA !
Loaded with
ANY slandml
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mokeless pow.
der , and for sale
Specify U.M.C.
5.nd IorcJtaJoz f/Yo
Tile tJu on Metallic Cartrldre Co.
rl"iCport , Conn.