Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 24, 1903, Image 4
, , , , . . . - . - - . ' QIu tct o. 1\cpublicQU _ Publllhcd evol'rhUffilay . nt Iho U lIIt.y : _ D. M. AMnnmnr. ! : . . 1 11Itor Q.\'l\lco , \ tn OOllor lHock.l/oorth " , . - . " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rntoted at tbo poetomco lit Uroken Uow , Neb. , . . IfICOl1d./lll\lll ! matter rur tran mlt loli thrClI\h $ ( the U. 8. Malle. - - - - - - - - 8U1HIOltU'TJON l'HlUJt : 000 Ynar.lnadv llco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00 - - - - ADVBIlTlSINU ItATltS. One cQlomo , ) Kr monlh , $7,00. Ono.halr cot. IImb per mouth 81.00 ( luuler COIUIIIII. ( IIr ! mOil { h , .c.o. ) LOM than Ilonrler column , r-.o . COnllll1r Inch ( , Dr monlh. Cat ! } . on QIet lll1Ko , to contI ! IJor luob , per monlb LoclII .d'erll lot & COli 1 per lIr.o cach II .er. tlou. tlou.NoUco or church rlllr. , Roeluble end outcrll\III' IIIPUr.Ohero lIIofl01 I. cllllrRcll , ollo.halr rl1lo8. , QoIOI ) noLlce. .ull lelnllllloo. . ooc'/Ialr ml , . . ' Wedding IJOlleel froe. hair 1IIIcI' ror tlllhll ulng lilt or PlCIIOOt. ! . IJealb nollco rreo. III'U priM ror IlUbllehlnJ/ oblluory 110tlceD , Dnll card. or Ihallk . lofIllIl UOtiCUI at ralill Ilr.hled hy. . 'lIlotell or Nehrull.lI. . - - - - - Thursday , Decembcr 24 , IfJ03. Scnator Dietrich's trial before the 11'ederal Court at Omaha . has 'been set for Januar.r 4. 'l'he Cuban bill passcII the sen- bX. a vote of 57 to 18. 'A major- ityof more than three to enc should be quite ! iatisfuctor ) ' to tti Presidcnt. . . - - - - - - - 'l'he Federal Grand Jury completed - pleted its ; , vork of a session of ncarly six weels at Omaha last weck. A larg { number of indictments - . . ments wcre foun . , - - Can 14eper changc its spots ? It will b the next thing to it should Old Missouri g'c a r - publican majoritj' for 'l'hcodorc Hooscvell and the ! tate tickct. . - - Congrcs man Kinkaid r has inro. ( luced a bill in Congress pro\'id- ing .for ( .40 . acre homestead lllw in the sand hill country. His prompt action in this mallct' is to be commended. 'l'hc other membcrs of Cqngress from Ncbraska should int rest thcmsch'cs. in the passage - age of this bill. - - - - Thc'decision of the Suprcme Court in sustaining thc rcvenue law meets the gencral approval of the peoplc. 'l'he law d ubt- , less , vill need revision bu t . tha t , can be done more intell gcntl ) . \aftel : the law has been tested. What the peoplc Wat t is eqttit- ab e sscssmcl1t of property . f the state. At the meeting of thc exec\- \ ! tive committee of the republican state centrul committce to he . held in 14incoln , Deccmher 29th , the wheels will again be put in , motion for the state and nt\tional , Cal1Jpaign. 'l'he natIOnal conven- tioa : being held in June , will re- quir ar1y conventions for the , counties and statc. I , . ' " . " - . . . , - f. th p oplc of Kcarney and .thc'StateBoard of Education call ' " " " ' . ' . "i Ajt'igtSitlc . .th'eir differences over - .iII ' > ij ' " ! h r 11l0uc1ing of the old build. "ingdonated , the boar < l are still 'I ll ! .ie Q 10 e .the. school at , 4I./U ok ! 1 , . : Oow , whcrr thc board . ltaY1 ' < crcise its own. swe < ; t' willi . : AIl i.Qd Ht1g the huilclingvithout. , .a word of disagrecmcnt , , . . . 1 Whilc ' 11 . I 'republicans gencra " y 'e'gr L.Uiat Mark lIanna's ltcallh is S tch ih't hc docs not 'feel jts. ; tined in retaining the chairmanship - ship of , . the national repuhlicau committee trough aIlother presi- < 1 ntial campaign , it is a maller of Fonsolation to Imuw that thc political situation is such that . . " - - - - - - - J 1\ \ . . \ -r" ' NO EED : f ttI Salltn ( 'Iml : ! , } . \ Just cuI up 1l7. : Or hcltcr 0 . . ! ltill , cOllie in ) 'ourself utilI pick l' : : " out somethillg from III ) ' . lnrgt : Ulltl well selectell stock. 'SOll\c- \ ' " .1 " thing pruclIcable as well'tis 8 S. prelt ) ' . S , : Sroken pow Souvenir peens , Stcrliilg Sliver , at ' Q , Cents. . . , I . " " . HA YE , JE"-V ; J : L lt , d. ; QJ , .a:1 : : .ti'C' . , . West Side of Square. S oJCO'"J'"J".N".r.r . . , I . ' . . I - _ . _ . _ _ T _ . the 5ucce5of ! the partj' does not dcpend upon him or anj' other Inan. Mr. Hanna hUH remaincd at thc hclm until the parly is safely estahlishcd on the high road of success. IIis arlte management - agement of the campaigns since hc has bccn chairman has hecn appreciatcd by the party hc has scrvcd so faithful alld while the 'necessity fOl' h ! rdirement is rc- grctted , the parly has thc assurance - surance that his loyally has not in the least abated allli that the party 1IH\lIagers will have the belle/it / of his counsel. Any gOOlt I Ihan of cxecutive ahility that 'iucceeds him will find with Prcs- ident l oose\'ell rcnominatcd that a pHI ) ' \ ' ctorj' will be casily at- I . Itained , . . - - - 'I'he state auditor's report 3hows the state again in debt to lhc tunc of S ,282fI)2.71. Qutic , l ( lilTerance to what the ftlsiou adlninistration lcft the state in- tree from de bl.Ca lJ a wa ) ' 'I'ri- bu ne. ' 1'hat would be interesting if lrue. Js it possible that Bro. Conley has just a wakened / rom a Van\Vinlde . slumher and does f 1I0t know that thc state has 1I0t bcen free from deht ill' his time and that the fusion administra- lion left debts of se\'tral thous- alld dollars of currcnt expenses fOl' the repuhlican administration Lo pro\'ide for whclI it releascd Its hold upon the statc go\'crn- lIient ? 'I'he Washington Correspond- cnt in thc State Journal in spcak- ing'of Conngre sman Kinka lI's bill for a homcsteall'of ( .40 acres in the Sand Hill country says : "Col1gfl ssmall Kinka < 1 is endeavoring - deavoring to de\.ise some means by which the caUle industry of thc Big Sixth ( listnct may e encouraged. and protectel1. I I Knowing that nature designed the sand hill countr.r solely for gra ing and not for agriculture , the judge seeks to afford an op- ' 'portunity to thc owners of small .her ts to get enough land upon Wll1Ch to , g-ra e them profitably. 'l'herefore. he has in contemplation - tion a. bill providing that homestead - stead entries in the sandhill country may embracc 640 acres of grazing land , upon proper showing that the quality of the land is such that a hOli1esteader could not derivc from HO acres sustcnance for himsclf and family. Judge Kinkaid has ; discussed the subject \yith oOicials of the interior - terior department and those of the agricultural dcpartment. Secrctar , ) ' Hitchcock did not com. lJ1it himself to the plan but ask- d the judge to submit authorities - ties showing that such a bill would not be class legislation ; and otherwise to present the merits of the propositon with proof that the peoplc of Ncbraslm would appro\'c of'such a measure. " AIIUlhl' . ' Bult llI'sI ( } hllll e 14. 13. Cl'alUer has sold his restaurant - taurant , to A. T-4. Clincbell and Leo Pool. l\Icssrs. Clinebell and and Pool took possession of their lfew purchase last week. 'l'he I l'uBT.cAN wishes the young men succcss in their new enter- prisco IIl1lillil'SS ' . l'hnllg ( ' III ( , ' 111111'Il ) ' . - \Ve understand that on Janu- .ary 1st there will hc scveral .changes hi' Callawa.r business circles" G. O. Bengel' , will go from the hardware store to hi farm. James B. Decler will lea\'c thc bank and go to the hl\'Il\\'are : \ store and r-.I. \ . Sclmer- ing''r will takl. . r-.l r. \.Jeclwr's \ placl. ' in thc hank.--Callaway Courier. - - - - - - - - - cuu hlul : ' Hl ) 11 c.ultlccl lJC'ulh. "IIat'ry Duckwell. ag'cd : ! 5 years , choke 1 to dea h early Yl..s. . terc1 aj' mor111n gat Ius homc , 111 the pr sence of his wife anit chill1. He contra ( tcd a slight l'olil a few c1av ago.u1I1 ; paid hut little allcnti n t ( ) it. Yestenlu\ morlllng he was cfi.ed : with : l , lit of coughing , \'hich contillllCd for some time. IIis wife sent for a physiciau but hcfore hc could arr'e , : lI1other coughing spell came on aud Dnclcwell died from sulTocalion.-St. r ouis Globe- Democrat , Dec. 1 , l'J01. " Bal- lard's Horehound Syrup wot\ld \ have sa\'ed him. 25c , SOc and S1.00. Sold b ) ' Ed. McComas . , llrolCn Bow aud Mcrna. NO'l'.CI\ . t ' ) ' \1' l e. , City ! -4aundr > will adopt the cash asts after J annal' ) " 1 , 1110,1 , All work will e C. O. D , \ , . . . . . , - ' " . . - - - I.ItlClIl1I 111c11' . . - fAn ofll , Nehl':1f11m ; [ ) ccemhel' 21 , JlJ03. Ncbrn'llca ! ' hag n. ncw relcnu law which is'ulill , praclical aitd u ! cept "le to cnforcell1ent. So sas the suprcme court in an opinion - : ion writtell hy Chief JUstice , Sull'an and conctlrt'cll in hj' Jtldg-e Holcomb allli .rUflg Scdg- wid. While the court hn held llll. ' act valid and refused to issu a writ to prc\'ent it' applkntion ; it is not to he infcm d 1'1'011I th ! ; tlta t cach atlll cvcr ) ' . s ctidn ; In the Icngthystatute hn heelt I I IHISSClt u pOll and a ppro\'cd ; 'l'l er ( ' - is still somc douht as to the right of the leg ! ; latnre to discriminatc : a'gaillRt foreig-n il1H1raucl ! : 1:0111- panics. hould a tc\t ' casc hl' nHlIle a 1111 It h foul1l1 that restrictions - tions may not be i m po ed 11 pen the corporatiom ; of'other statc-\ ! , iu 01 revclttle law lhe remedy will be plain aud i1llplc ; all that will r lI1a into bc donc will be f 0'1' the legislature at it..s next session to pass a separate actl'roviding ' for an occupation tax upon outside companicR , anl1 thc'cuurt in this opinion holds that the samc would bc suslained hy the law. Judgc SulIL\'an calls attention to th ( ' fact that some 300 stlpl'cnH' court cascs were triell licfore the 01(1 revenue law wu ; ; clearl ) ' in- tcrpretel1 011111 hc might have saill further that llU1IICl'OUS questiolls wcre still open at the time thc law was repealel. 'L'ltat the law should be judicall ) ' inspcctcd ; ,11 c1 placell in working ordcr by the courts within a few 1I10nthsor ' . its passage , and when one ( { ltestion 0111) ' clouded in douhl , isa fact upon which evcry taxpayer ill thc state may congr.ltulate hill1.self-- I and the ; which ' legisl1fu e cm'pen- tercd the act-togcther in a coin- parativcly short time. More gratifying still to thc fr ends of the bill , 'al1d l1 morc confusing to its eitemics , . is 'th fact that the jndges in w i ting thcir opinions cannot rCfrnin 'from complimenting thc act , not only because of its legal sJrength but for its fairness to all classcs. ' , Critics of the bill and of the bodies which framed nd' passed it should remain silcnt' long cnough to peruse the following talCn from the opinion of Jtidge . Sull'an , a Dcmocrat : "As whole helicve the } a we ; l\V . to he a good one , and to ha\'c . been framed with the obje.d of reaching all propert ) ; ; in ttiis state , and to impose'UpOIl . all taxable , - able property its due share of.llIte public hl1nlen. " 'J'hat paragraph of the opinion dOl1bl1eR. was written in answer to Romc ( ) f 'th charges madc ill the , brief' and argument of Attorney BrccJdn- ridgc of Omaha , who referred to thc , lel as a "chapter ortniquity , " etc. . I COIU nissioner Duff ) ' , \vho in th trial before thc commission held advcrsely to the law. hc he- ing the enl ) ' enc Df sh jurists (0 t ll that position , now agree's with the tonrt proper that : the act idid i , aud as to its jl1st- neR he has said , in a wrillclI , . . O\"nlOl1 \ : "We belie\'e thc law to be not enl ) ' fail' to the taxpayer , but enc admirahly ; ulapted to the equitable - able distdbution of the burden of taxation among' the property owners of the statc. " Onc Hcpl1hlican jndg'e , 011 ( ' e ; pl1hlican cOIl1I11 ssioI1CI' . tWQ 1'11- , sion jUllgcs allil t w ( ) fusion COHt- : , missiotlcrs ha'c'l i 'hII HIli 1 . meastHed the law , al1d these , : Irc. thciropinions , so it mlt t.h..cou- ceded that thc hill WOll oltl on its mcrit , at1lt. thaI t ! eeL , , : r s i ha\'c. bcetlllhia'll ' . \ ! 'hr 1'IIt'tish ' - ship : _ . .T. l orrcst rarslon , thc pS lelto minister aud immrauce agcnt . so I earncsl y sotlgh l. hi I nsi\ral \ ) e ! \eput \ ' . Pi .rc f the atldilor ollicc , is in the.'toils at' mtl1\\'ood , the scene of tlJany of his alleged crimes , aud Uta ) . be.c . tlle 1 UP < Hl to face enough charges of fraud to ] ep him hehind stone walls for tIte remaindcr or' , his natural cxistence. ' . Since being lost sigh _ _ QJ h ) ' lr. Piercc , Marston has operat- , . . . ' . . . , ' --1 -4\ \ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.-- : . . . . _ . .tf . " " , - . ' . - ed aot SheHan , OibhClu , Chapll1\tI : , anrllllnhy pliler pointn in the wcstern pt\rt of the Stille , ' hilt linn l.v wa arrested at li'airburj' , . the c"cr bus.y ne\V5papcr heing i rc ponsi ) > le for hi ! ; detccti n. In i cach town he i\ ! said to havc held C'nallgelistic ( ' ( ! ' , Roll1 insur- auc ( ' plicie ( which ne\'er were cld'ercd , : lI1cl forgot to pay his board hills. At the tinH _ of 1\arston's [ arrcst he : \ ) ( ' ( , clIgagcl to prcach , in Kcamcy Oil the following Sun- day. . . . 'l'lte auditor's office ht rccc \ ' ng L'ongratllllltor } ' letters froln in- lIrnnce companies , al1l1 l\Ir. Pierc.e i ! ) Iling. highly compli-I IIIcntell bccau c of his penistcnt chase a Hcr a ! , ; lI1oot h ihtl'i'J utl : who has been c : ger1y al1l1 , vaiql.r sotwht b hy . insurance officialR of 0\1\1.1' \ \ statc . ! , Adjutant-Gelleral , pnlyer has l1el.-'lI ohligcd to 'l'e < JL es th , rc- turn of all : h'/lIS / , a11l1 CqUipI llt 19anetl. to t-I heels and collcges by th t'ate. 'J'hc . 'accoutr mcnts arc the property of the gencr"l gO\'ernplcnt , apd after iss illg the ncw arlll ) ' rille to the state troo1'5 the war Itepartlllent has i sucd a requisition for the return of : i11 the ohsolt ( ' weapon . . - - - - 'l'he KcaTII y .nol'lllal ; ; ; ; ; heel bttillling' will hc constructc ( ] in a f\w \ 1I10.nths. 'l'l celay \ in gelling - ing thc construction W01'k startcd has been . cluc tu a . ' . . ' ; ; light differ- I cnce bdwecn the citir.ens of Kerney :11111 the board with rc- ganlto thc repairs on thc huild- ing donated by Kearncy. 'Jhis : . natl r : , was. adj ustcd Friday , Kcarnc.r.agreei , lg' to spend somc- .thing . ovcr $5.000. for the rcpair worl . . - - - - - - - - - ( Clrc J."ral . . . . .I. . . , - - I \V. S. , Baily : . P. O. 'rrne , ' 1'ex- . ds , write : > : " I ) ' wUe had hecn ! trr r tig i ve years with pandy- Sl ! ; I1t her arm , when I was pcr- snaded to usc Ballard's Snow Liniment , which cured her all rigl 1. I Ita ve also uscd it for otd sores , frostbites. . and sldn ern ptions. It 110 s the work. " 25c , 50c. $ t. 00. Sold by Ed. Mc- Comm ; , Broken How amI Mcrna. - . .ctH'r . ' , hU. , - - 'I'hc following is , the d ad lcttur list fot' thc . . . . -week ending Dcccmher 15 , } lJ03 : Charles Gilmore , Mrs. S. 14. MiIlcr , Letha . Ma.r Moss , Abram Wilson. , Parties ca1ltng for .the abo\'e wil ! pleasc say atlvertiset1. TN ] f. J'HWH'l"l' , P. l\T. - - - - - - . ! II' ( ial OIli'I' , . , - . ' \Ye hav madc.nrrang'enents ! with thc WceldStatc Journal sove can fUt'nish it 'and the RH- l'UBI.ICAN for S I. 20 a year. 'l'h is arrangem nt will give YOll th &tate as well as thc local ne\\'s 1'91' I1carl ) thc price of one. 'J'his offcr applies. to rencwals as wcl1 as new subscribcrs. - - - - - - - - - - - . LIVER ft@UILES "lftmt Tbel1ror ' Dlnck.Druugh ( , . , " "gooll mcdlclno tor 1I\'cr dlsonse. " - Itcllrcl1my fall oCter bo b:1d apcnt $ l00wltbl1octora. ItlsnU tbomed- 1elno I tnke.-\tHS. : CAHOLINE l\IAUTIN , l'nrh'ersbllrG' , 'V. Va. Jf 'ollr Ii'er clocs not nct regularly - ularly go to ) 'our clrl1 gi8t nml IJCCIll'O paclmgo of Thedford'J Dlack-Dral1/fht / : 1\1111 take a close tonight. ' .l'hia nrcat family llIetlicinc frecs the constipated ! bowels , stlra up the torpitlli\'cr ami callSCd n. healthy secretion ' I of bilo. I 'J'hc ford 'a Dlack - Draught will cleanEo the bowels of lIU- 'I' purHil's : tllliatrengthen the Idd- 110.ra. A torpid liver iuvites I colda , biliousness , dlills awl I fever find nil manner of sick1 110SS nnd conlagion. Wl'ak kid- , lle ' 3 result in Hrigbt'a c1iseuo : : I which claims'/18 many viclims I ns consumption. A 25.ccut J1aclmgo of 'l'hc ConJ 'a Dlack- l > raught hollitl nlwl1j' ba kept ill lho houso. " 1 u.ed Th l1tord'R DI ck. . . Drnurht for IIvor nnd kidney CO/n- , I . l'lllnts nnt . rOllnd 110tlllnl : to excel t.-WU.LIAM COr'I"AIAN " , : MarI - I bluhclIl : , 111. t T EiFOff : ' 5 6lAIcm I JRAu"nT I . . . . . - , . , , , . . - ! : : . _ ! , - - - - - " - - . - 1. _ ' 1Im u JnnWOUSU ) ( ) t\lImO.W. - lIyJlr. C. 1'lcllelt. CIIAl'TJCI ( V. Not olllj' the mCII , out the womcn also pI aycc1 a vcr ) ' i m por- t'lnt : pa.rt in thi5 dral1 a , Here is an instance which howi ! 1I0t only the quicl wit but also the great rRcarcelul powers of the ' wonian lI'iind. \ At une time two l'ttnawa ) ' la ves were tradHI to : 'IT 1' . Volli nR door by those cngagcII in 1'Lllllling tltem down n tit 1 for monc ) ' de- livcring them tip to their cntel ma\ter ! . At the lime whcn these th i ng $ occt1rclt t hc 'ltllies : prilled themseh'e 011 t'lte heighth of their fcuthc hcds alld of course. it w ; s no tlnC1111110n thing to see ' 1\\0 -lncl sOl11e limethrce ! fcatller hCtlR 011 OIlC bCl1 stead. So it was in this base for AUllt Jat'S" was a superb housekeeper and \'hen , those two sla\'es callie 'In closcly . . ptlrsued h ) ' the hunters : sh " lJaccd them betwecn thc feath licks , sprefHl upthe hed . ill like shape :1I1d whcn thc 1t1n- . " . tel'S came 111 s Ie was s.tanc t. 1I1g hy tltc Iell'cr ) ) " husy : cutting out , a drcss , allli the ( tiffcrc'nt picces were scatterclt o\'cr the bcd. 'l'he hunters seeing that thcrcVas no 0 1C in the hotlsc , as thcy thought , btlt a WOl11ell who wa more than ordillarl ) " polite , asked If they coulll look the housc o\'er for fugith'es. Shc said' said'ccrtainl \ ' an if JOu fil1lt au ) ' yotl call tale thcm ' , for she di ( tlot want any- ho'dy ahout the hOl1sC that \\'a a law breaker. So thc ) ' examincd th propcrty in thc house and in the otlthuild- ings'and fotlnd n truants. ' 'L'.he bed was so plump andnicc that thc ) ' nc\'cr thought. to look there and SOOI1 left , aftcr thanking - ing Aunt Kat : ; for her kindness , an l she fceling quite thallkful. hut for dilTct ent reasons. At one time there.livclI a mal ) one mile from , m ) ' father's farm who was in the habit of saying some thitlgs that he had not learned from t hc preachcr but who bc1icet1 in frecdom for al1 irrespecli\'c race , sex or color and who Gould hide a darkic as well as anyone. 'l'his lUan like e\'erybo(1'y ( else had a g-ood big wood pille ncar thc kitchen door , on this particular - ticular occasion the pile consisted of poles' some ] 5 feetlcng and werc stood on cnd that thc ) ' might the more readil ) ' elr ) ' , In the middle there \ a ; a hollow space where a mati cuuld stand 'Itlite comforta.bly if hc did not . ha\'c too large a bay window on thc fr nt , ide of his anatomy , which was s ietom ( hc case with e.x-sla\'es owing' to haTd work and little to cat. One etay jtlst as our lcighhor } hall l nishcd his dinncr and steppcd out to the wood pile thde ho\c in . sight a < lark object which pro\'ed to he a rtlnaway sla\- man , long , lank and htll1gry closely pnrstlcd by hiR master and another man. IIC7 hac1no wa ) ' but to throw.himself on our ncighhors good or had will allli talce the COnSelUenCCs which he did in 'a twinkle and was slipl'ed into the , hollow of the " , 'ooll pile and the poles rc- , _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I" ( : llU1. A. It'OI.I ) IN ( ) It U.t. " . 1'IIkn 1.11'\11\(1 HI'OIl' " tVllnhu. 'fnh''I. . . \11 , rIIllh.lri r rllh ( ' Iho 1011I.\ ) ' Ie It fllll I , ' ! "rO , I . W lrt\'U',1 ; 1 n\tllr ltI 011 ( 'MII hoX. 2 = > . : . - - - . _ . . . . . ! ' . . . . . . . . , ' , . . . , . > , . . ' ' ' - - plttci . I l ! ! IO i , " Hll. ' ; . h - \\al' \ : c'nt relj' , : It HI. . ' f . I . ' /'Now sir , " n1tl. tc""darn " you , don't cheap nor hreath loud or I j OU arc'a gonc succor. " In five miuutcs the m n in pursuit wcre seen hut onr ncighbor ; man wao ; chopping' as dClI1urely 'as a saint and laughing' iu 'his slecve wlten \ I the mcn says : "Have you seen : i n gger 11l. re latch' " H said , "Yes I saw oue pa s \ . not morc than /ifteen / JIIiuull's " 't\ \ " . . . . . ago , he wcnt that way , 'poI11l11lg' ' ' I l' gh t'towarls the wood pile , 'but the ) ' thought hc. JIIcint : up the . . , rO\ll : \ , bnt bei ng ; i li We fcarfrtl that lite ) ' might tose thcir , prey th , j' Haid , "Wc will . scarch yom I placc. " ' " i "All riJ'ht hut if vo'u get into b" m.Ijarrell of cider in the cellar ' I y u'i ha 'c' t : pa ) ' dearl ) ' for it ' ' " . " . \ I tell you. . After a pi t j' good , hunt.amI . findJIIg' 11'Otll'iug 'they wltnt't t1 and 11h.e darle\ ' was talcn ! > ack a' few uules to another statIOn and sent 4 on hv . a dilTerent route to Callada. . . . . . A ( .lay or two afler that Mr. Coat . the man of thc wood.pilc was telling 111) ' fathcr about it and in hi ) enthtls 'asm hc forgot fOT a 1JOI11Cnt that n1j' fathcr was a stl'aig'ht old quaker , he said : " 1 tell JOu Uncle Joe that was a d-n close call , " : My father 'vhose name was Josep1l aid : . . . . . "Thec ough t not to use such \ languagc c\'en i'f thcc is in a good -l catlsc. " , . . he f , old . I i J , - - - - ' m -I : ' Glow of the Coal ; , in UIl' grahtlInkl' ! ; the roOIll marc ' chc rful and inviting. But it is I accon1illg to the kirll1 of coal. 'rhe kind wc clI is the frcc Il\1millg. \ thorollghly st.'rccllcll klllll and t e\'cry tOll thlltJca\'cs our yanl COli- tuills tI t 0 thousallil poullth-all l'onl. IIl.agreat tllCasurc we hun , I the pric.e of cualcl / for liS , hilt we sell liS low as the market will I permit. We pay partirulnr ntlclI- Ii1 tioll to ,1c1ivcrics allil there is no 1 m dcJay ill fillillg onlct' ! ; which wc mc 1 ill fl'llly to I"'cl'ive frolll IOu pOll11ds upI Dierks Lumber & Coal CO , I I l3WION ! 13UW. - , ' NEBRASliA. i22 . : aaa : . ' ' " " " " ' " . - ! ! I - - F. : . ' t' ) ' : . , i ; t rsiEJ - . ' / ' ' ifl''i'i'I"Ii'P. ' ! ' ' ! ' " ii'i'ffirr ' , ! rt. . ' 71. ( ' " 111."m1"'rr"rr"'jmT11Trm-"nr ; ' 1 ati'/'l' , . : : I BAforc Vall BUltI , Consult. . . . . 1 li PAPINEAU & DRAKE , % ill I 1 ; ' , Con.tcactots : : aIJ.f.l : ui1cle s. i ' "l i ilia h' " F 11I"11 i. hoe ! I.'r.'o IV i t h Ph" , " a II. ! : ; ped lien tie II 'I "UJJ\ , " \J ' . , . , , . . . " \ ! l ; ! ! JI : : . : : : \ " ' " IUUU If _ _ _ tIil ! r , Rif4 . . .J \ . ) r _ : ! - WlUlU'WJ'LUlUIJJl0 - . r-E . lEtiID ! 1 , . I . . . . - - - - - - " " ' - - . . . . . . . - - - . . , : i ( 1 . : 1. . , ; . : , , ' _ . _ , . " . : . : . . ' . , ; ' . . ; . . , ; .ok ' : ; , " " " , . ! " ' , { tIr : ; ' 1 " ; . ' . [ . = ' , : It' ' . : t. J ; . ' . ' ' . . . ,0. ' : ; ( , : . ' : . . . . . : : . ' . ' , ' . ' ' 'l' 'fO. . ; . , . . to. . : . . . . . . . . . : . . : , : It : . . 'rt , : . : . . . . ; . " ' 1 ; ; ' ' , , ! . = Lv. : : , ' ' : ! ' ' ' iiL" . ' : : ii : ! i. : : " . : . ; : i. { : : ' f" , . / : i. . . i .t't./ . IM"Ji1 " ] . w-\f:1 ! ! ' . : . . . : ' . . . - . : . . . F \i.Jb : ! : : . .t . - - - - - - - . . . _ _ ' -I ; " ' J"l r ; ; ; . it ; , P.D . . . l"rM I T fI C O. : ' ! - - - - " ' " . . ; . i : : : ; . . . -rr - -.D.U-J wr"t'W" .1tv..N..z : = 'f . .L .I : ; i'U . . .l rt = : . : n , ; : . : . , , , ! ; r .F " , ' , .jr : rK . : . , . . . . . , . .0 ft . , Iii' " . ' " 4. , ' 'l'hoIiC 19 , " . . . V n. 'V" . .B-tI a . ; ' . ; ; : : : : : J ' 1 : : : : ? : T'r" 'I ' I. ; . : . i .i ' . . 4r"w. : ; ' : ; ' . ' ' : : . . , , . : ' ' : . . ; 't. ' " - . . . . ' ; : ) ' " _ hi . . . . : : : , , . . , . " , : ! . . . . , : . . 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