Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 17, 1903, Image 7

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. I'
. . . ,
- -
. .
\ . AHPET.
, !
. .
11' . . l'r""lIl Ittl'jIIItr l'rllt'l'1I'II IIlntterll
" \ of l"fur.,1 nl Iho Nlttlll",1 COII-
' . .
Inl III COlIlrl' M IIlIlt 0111
of II.
, Con rcsslollal callers at the white
bouso are muilCc5t : III IlIcreacln. . . . In-
tl'ICSt In thl ! case Involvlnlthu ( seat
II , ( ) reuator : ; Smoot , of Utah , and the
lJdlcatltllls IIOW ure that the cou-
t st , which It Is asselted Is certnln
to r s' ' It , from I he present a ltatlo" ,
will rival In I uptlrtallce and earnestness -
ness the case of Brl lIam II. Hoberts
lIeCnle the house of rcpl' sentatl vcs a
few years a6'1' .
\\'blle Lhe IHesldent Is famlHar
with tbe devdqpelUent LIllis far In
the : -501001. case , no clfort I. . . beln
maCle by either side to draw blm
into the controversy , the reall1ntlon
tH lng eneral that It Involves a
iQurstlon whl\h the sellate must de.
ttermlne Cor Itseir.
That a thul " 1I h 10 vestlatloll ! of
itl'e subject will ue made hy the senate
! comlUlttee 011 prl vllelZes and electlol.s
'DOW ' appears to be beyund doubt. By
Ithose who arc pressln the In vestlga-
otlon it Is suld that It will be more
< : omprehellslyo and searchln ! ! than
any similar Inquiry ever has been.
An elrorl ; will tIC lII'ide to ascertain
.uccurately the aLtltudo of the MUI-
man cLllrch toward the Uullcd
States , and to learn whether or not
Ll mom bel' of that organization Is
buund by any plec1 e or oa tll , t be tak-
1nL ! of which Is IncomplIlIble wltll
his oath us a senator of the United
' : Stlltes
It Is bellevcd by some at ll'ast oC
'thoso who arc opposln Senator
( Smoot that all ' olfort. to pro e he IS
in poly atulstonl i rcsult III hi. .
f ! vor , and while that point Is be-
lIcved to have heen ahanrloned ab.
. 6olutely , It Is quite IIIely the opposition -
position will cOllcentrate Its eUorts
to prove I hat tJC : position he holds
ltn the ] , Iorman church Is incolu ,
, pltlblo : with the o.nh or alle ance
! 11e has tal\Cn to the United States.
'l'lmt proof must ho cOJclus\'e ! In
; the opinion of the senators , lJefurc
'be can be ullseated ,
Unless tile state department re-
I'elves fnrther ad\'lces frolll Consul
l' ; Davls , who had some tronole with
the police of Aloxamlretta , Asiatic
l'urkey , which would pace ] the matter -
, ter In a more serious light , It is not
.tto IlItenLlul1 of the nav ' department
, to send a vessel to that porI. The
Medltrrancall : lIeet at Berull Is now
: under orders to proceed with Its target -
: get practice as orllnally ! planned ,
Ibut the movement t.owud the \\'pst
; Indles will be deferrl > d lor a IIr".f
per 0 I. This Is Int.erpreted hero to
, moan that while the preserlt IIrlrler-
standlllg Is 1I0t to ha..e one of the
Jshlps u t.1 AleX lndretLa , It nas he n
\ l'emed ad visa ble to Ipep the sq uad.
, ron In eastern 1\1 ed I terranean waters
ra short 1I me loner ! for allY emer .
'Cllcy tua t may arise growl ng out , of
Itlle Davis affair. The S,111 1.'r.1nclscll
< and Dro lyn soon will leave Bel-
'rut ' for lort Hald where they will
itake on a quautlty of stores , the
4supply ship Alexander ha\'ln ala
4ready arrl ved there with them.
: 'l'ho house adopted a resolutlun
lreetlng Ih judlolary committee to
J I'qulre Into the ol1lcfal couduct of
Charles Swayne , jllci e oC the United
'Stutes ' dlstrlct : court for the northern
Idlstrict or IJ'lurlda , a nd to "repllrt
jwbetiler tbe action of Uw house Is
\fC \ < I11 Is I te. ' ,
Mr. Lamar ( dem. Fla. . ) , offered
1the resolution .nnouncln tbat be
fdesired tu Impeach Jllde ! Swayne ,
jA lively debate wus had before tbe
i . Ifrsolutlou was adupteCl , A numbllr
, ior members 00 tile majority side
6Ou ht to have the resulution refer-
led to the judiciary committee In
order that a recomUlendatlon might
be had from that commlttce before
votlog on Its adoption. 'he millor- .
ity slilidly supported Ir. Lam Ir In
I : . his oPP'lsltlou to the mollllJ to refer
unci se\'eral republicans voted ag Ilust I
ref 01 ence. There were few ellsien t.
, ing'otes on tbe motion to adopt the
I ; resolutlon.
: Oenator ; Gallinger Introduced a ! Jill
) prO\'icilng lhat after Marcil 4 , IOUJ , I
'llal'les or ' '
Sl'lIaIOlS , n'IH'rsenlall\'tS
Thc ) ' Rdust : to Tnll < .
ItIRING SUN , Ind. , Dol' . l-'I'he : : :
grand jury ynsteuIY ) , summoIJctl IIU 11'
illous witnesses ill COIIIIlCLIou with
, It 111' IlIvcsLlgation oC tllO 1II 'Herllius
1 : ! s:1 : slnatlon Oftlss ; 1 lIzahcth Gm-
b' pia , It Is statl'd als'l ' , that the In-
. . I q.\slLlIls \ huve been un'lble to learn
1:011111I' : mh lSuf lite Uiliesple r.tlully
, ' YLhlll..t MI GIIII'sPll' : II\1Y IlIl\e
, "aid flOm lilt ! tillle she \I'as ' SIIIH
' ' 'III4\&fIV1t II wltrlow , up t.O the Uloment
( T H , r ( lu. h ,
.IIIIJ II It ! llle8 I. . l OIl l. . . S hlltl H I.t'
$ ; , r.oO . 1 tU' IIIIUIIIII.
' 1'l1e tlrst of the apprnpllatlon b1119 ,
the pClIslotl bliP WIIS rcpulted to the
Au elTol t Ilaclllg ! mndo JY the post. . I
01111.1 < 1 deplrtment to brenk up the I
practice or some : ersons Ilnd t1rm or I
f endln their m311 lllitter Ollt uf the
jurlsllll'Llon of the 110stol1lce where
lIch IlIlItt1' pl1plrly ! shllllid bt' mnllnd . .
for tll'puSI tin SIIIIIO selected postol11co.
of the foulth ChlSS fur the pllt'pose or
Incrcaslng till' cutncensatlon uf the
postlllastor lit the smaller ul1lces.
AS n step III tills directilln 'l'hlrd
Assl tant Postmaster General Mud-
dun has IS5l1011 an order that here.
after cOlUmlsslnns on the cancellatl.1O .
IIC stallJps on matter wren ly dl\'erted
to fourtl1 class ol1lces will nut bo ai-
l ! OIlrth class ( I"stmast'rs are directed -
ed not to claim credit for sllch can.
cellatlon , and to report all cases of
this nature tUlether with the names
und addresses of the senders , to the
SAN DO lINGO. Dec. , 12.-
United States Mlnlstor 1'owe11 has
been utUc1ally Inrormed ttJllt the pro.
vlsillfJal j.\ovornmcnt \ is not disposed
to accept as final the settlements uC
t\merlcan claims made with the latL !
HlJvernment to lresldeot Wosy Gli.
Minister Powell hac ; replied that the
JlJvernment : of the United States considers -
siders tile Clses of the San DomlnJo :
company , the rJlhts of the Clydo
team"hlp Co. , nnder Its concessions
and the claims. of J.5a'a : ' . Uo , as
having been I1nal1 ' sl ttled ancl that
dlsclIss'on ' of these clalm will not be
'l'Lte minister has also informed the
provisIOnal o\'erument tllat his I-OV- (
ernlUent expects a full compliance
will ) all the ul-reelUents ( entered into
oy the United States overnment
wIth the former govelnments of Uen-
eral " 'o : > y Gil und General Vasquez
aud tllat his government will no ru-
cl/gnlze / the provisional govell1ment
until It aclwowll'dl'S : ; nil the agreements -
ments made wltll preceding almlnls.
tra I ions.
' [ 'lIe British , 1.'rench , German and
Belgian millisters Im\'e refused to re-
cOltnlze tlto provisional guvernmcllt
and will not give it t'olmallecugui-
tlon until similar action Is tal\Cn by
the United tates.
'l'lIe candidates for the presidency
arc General tllmlnez and Guneral
Iorales and fur the VI co pr'sl cn.r :
General Caceles nnd General PllJar ( : o
Quiet prevall'\ here , thu ) h tllo
financial coud I lion of tile plOisiuual
go\'elnUJeut is a desperate oue.
J\\nl < es Charge of Deceit.
: NEW IIA VE , Conn" Dec. 13-
Uounsel rUI ) Irs. BeuilCtt , wlduw of
Philo-5. : Henuett , yeslerday flied a
101l statement ( If HIe rea ons for lhe
appcal recelltly taltHl trom thj deel.
slcn of PlObate Jud o Ulevuland In
.relatlon to Mr. BonnolL's will.
In the formal nolice of appeal , It
was ulicny anuoLJllced tlJat OIJjections
would lie taken tu all or the uClluests
In the will prO\'idlng for trust tunds
lor educational purpfls"s tu be administered -
ministered by l\lr. \ and Mrs. Wll1Ialll
.J. Bryan , ancl also to the appoint.
ment of Mr. Bryan as executor and
trustee. 'l'hat statement was elabor-
ale in the document tiled yesterday ,
whlch , after repeating the clauses 01 .
the will to which ohjectlon Is takeu ,
says In elTect , that 1\11' \ . and Mrs.
Bryan " 1 nducerJ and persuaded" Mr.
Bennett to sign a paper addrcssed to
William J. Bryan and to copy a Cou-
sideralllo portion of another paper ,
the said copy to u , ) addll'ssed to MIs.
Uennett. 'l'he papers refeJred to ale
the scaled letter by which Mr. DrYhn
and Camlly were tu be given $5LOU
by eonseut of Mrs. Bennett , and a
letter shullur 1 , purport which blr.
Bryan produced In court.
It Is del'lared tlmt the Rea led letter
addressed to Mrs. Bennett , ufurdll'r
mlsslates and Is mlsleaaln in that
Mr. Bennett did DOt then OWD nor
at any time tbereafler did ho o\\n
the Bridgeport houses rerCl red to , "
and Mrs. HeDnett will not receive
under 1,110 documen t proba te(1 as thu
will of Mr. Bennett the amount that
Mr. Heunett Intcnded silo shJUld
ha ve.
The statt'ment contained in the
letter to M rs Hen nett , which sa \ s :
"Jt Is my desire that no one ex'ept-
Ing YOIl and Ir. Bryan hln11elf , shall
kiloI01' this lettl'r aod bt'lU'Sl , " Is
declared to 110 . : : : becallse
it allej.ed : that lli. Bryan knew all
IlUlillt them.
- - - - - - - - - - Uu > ing Revolvcrs.
Tit ! NID.A n , Col. , Dec. I2-Mlln '
I tnllnns and lcl1illn stlllc' ' s wcru III
town , lJu 'ln re\'ol\'cIS aUfI alUlwltlOl'
an ! ) nHII It1\.r \ threats ( C ( urthl ! ! a" .
s IUlts on the empllj''s ( If I ho e. ; 1
cumpfillies. 'rhe united IIIlno work. 's
11 it'e l'oll1pletoll al'ruU\OIlIt'II1 : s t' , "puu
a dl'lht11 \ this city tur < 1lslrlbllllllH
supplle : ; to the strikers In the sur-
roundlll camps.
. I - . '
' 1' , . I'llt n III 1'lUlII ' NCl'nllOr. . 1 hnt
COIIIIII.,1 (11ft 1:1I..rllrlzul : :
' ' ' _
1'0 l'rulllulo Clr
WASIfI G'rON , D.O. , Dec. 14.
-Insuwnl'e peuple In Nt'braska and
policy holders In that state insured
by cUlllpallles which ha\'e not complied -
plied with the laws oC the state !
wlleleln the saW companies were in.
or porated , Ille mllid ng' protest
against n bill dl' yllllz the IIse ot IhE
lUalls to SIch : COHerlS : ' 1'hls bill
wns Introduced by Senator Dlydel <
durlu ! ! the extra session. It Is 1101
Duly lrectrd toward Insurance com
punlrs I ut It put the ban upon news
pupers that conduct lft.enterpl'lsel
to pronwtc circliiallou. It al-o In.
terdlcts Ille g'uesslLIZ ' contest. News.
paper publlshors , 1I0wc\'er , do no\ \
seem 10 he distil rued. 'l'tlO clnust
relating to the Insuraoce compauici
rearls as fl.llo\\ . :
"I\or shall any leLter , postal card
circular , phalllphll't or pUlJlIcallllt
loncerulng' the hi slness of , or au )
cuntract ur policy of II ro , 11 re or 0 he ,
insurance be carried In the mall out.
side of I he stale whl'l'eln the same II
Issued , or dellered hy any poslruasl el
or hit I' canll'r , oulslde Ihesttt
wherrtu the SalllC IS Issucd , unle'l ;
t"w tnnactlou oC such business OJ
insurance hy the Clncern : , IH'rson , 01
l1er ons professIng or ( tt
operate Ihesallll' isaulhorl , l'd uy th , !
laws of the slate , dlstlict , or tel'l'l ,
tOlY In which the ! Jt1lce fir the plilci
In and fl'IJlU whll'II the sJme : ale is
sued , ami IlIlIes'su ' h p. rson , pel'soul
III' eom'el n ha \ e P , uduced Crom till
dulv alltllorlwd ullkor of such stale
district or I cl'1'ltol'Y cl'rlilicaLI
ru'ly ! iss 'cd ' In pUl'sutlll'e of Sliet
I.'s. . \ . dilly authollzed sllch l1ers"II ,
prrso'ls or COUCCrtl or operate SllC !
\\'rcel. on the Burlington.
O'r'l'lHIWA la , Dee , ll.-Thrq
prrslllls W fl' Idlieel and t(1n IIIJllre
in \\'rrcl , aI , nli : ) } etllday n..rlllr .
UII tie ( ; hil'a\o \ , Burlington & Quil C )
rlad three ml\es \ west of Albla , Ia .
'l'lIe west hOll 1)(1 ) ( IIassF'ngcr 11',11 nVal i
In H me IIJH tHlel elt'T Ii le wh lie run
nine 'lito lhe Ceelar Crerk hrlll:1 :
anrl five cars wele wrel'led hy ( ' 0111.
slon with the steel I : riders ot I hi
hlldge. The .neckagc tuolIlre HIlt ,
so\'eral ur the \'Ietlms wcre badl
'l'he dead :
I 1Js. : W. g , l 'l'ClmN , Albla
1:1. : , hu riled to dl'H t 11.
M If. . . D HE l ) ll'l'C II Eit \ ree yea 1'1
old , hurned 10 dl'alh.
'l'IIU L\S BI'I.'TY , Inl1ed Ie
wrrcl , or slllollug car.
The InJllred :
W.I' . 'Tari Ill , Chicago , leg spralued ;
C. Eo Blair , LalllolJt , Lt. , hip III
J I' ! d : H.I'rt I'rl'gusou , ? Il1td'll )
I\eb. . leI. ! ulUlwu ; i\lrs. J. IT n"blll
SOli , Ottllma , had , sln'alnl\l ; K 'P.
8'ot.t , O-ceoll : , la. . three fiLs brol ,
en ; F. ' 1' . Browning. Yatls COllter
! Cns. . , hip IlIlurl'rl ; Gabriel All , n
CIlcao ; , walter dl"ln car ; WllIan ]
Branch , Chlea o eook rliller ; 1 : . Price
Chlr'a o , conk dlnel'j S. ' 1' , Williams ,
( hlca.1o , pnrtl'r j.
N. ne of the Iujured wJ1l elle.
Just what l'allsed the accidl'nt Is
lO\'stery. As soon as the elJglnee ,
lIotlcl'd tllere wa. , sllllJethlllj. { wren
he.IlIed \ tile air bralps , but was IIn
able to st"p the train. , File car ,
were ollrllplf'tely burned an : ) the re
fila I nlng coaches hadl y dilllla\cd. :
'l'he wo Ie or rcseue was ( , : Irt led ( It
with dlt1lclllty , us tile cals tnole flrl
hIlUlerJl'tC'ly ' after the 11I'l'lrlent , ane
the bl iclle ! Is a hl h ono. 'l'he Injllr
eel were takcllio Albla and Otlumwa ,
'I'hu train \\'n" In char e 01 conduc'
t'r ' It W. Hoblllsun alld EllgllJee'
William WlIlIact' .
Mildred I\Iltchrn , thc lIUln three.
yea -'lId 1'l111.1 'Jf lrs. W. g lItchen ,
was hUll ! ! looue . .t the hridge gIld
CIS and ullrtleel before the e 'ci or thl
uninjured p.lSS ugers and traillmen
When the tralr W.IS t'ralJed , ju..1 .
before reaching the hrldgo the sldel
01 lho cars StIIlC ] , the brldl.c ! ant !
w.'re WI n ou I. ' 1'h. . ' n'C l" al. , ' 1'1 rn
th : , to\'O werc sCllttf'rl d tl1I'I1I ghoul
the car. The l\llt \ , hun I'llilll f"1
thr II h the hottolll ot' the car , It I
clolhes I'u1chln { , ! 11)11 I' < lllr , WII. fl' II
elfed l'l.dly 101' It I II 0 h r. who hac
b .en Instantly 1IIIed in the wrecle
Plan : ; To Invade ,
PANA IA , IJl' ( : , ) .J --A < hlce5 ro
celllrI Iwrc "Olll " CartIi ! < 'lHl sathui
till ! Coil 1I11JI.tu Cl'uiSt'ls Gl'lIt n1 I'rh !
zou uld Carla elln 11(1\0 I'Indl'd.J ! (
IIl1'n Untll'r Geul'ruls UIISIUIIIClito alee
o I z ut C'pu 'J'I"IIIU " " at the 1II0Ull.
Ilf I hu A I'd ' to 1'1\01' , \ \ II h tile O jl.ct ( I
IIIILlIIl\ \ ! P Ilhs lIerl S5 lll. . . II1l1ulltall ,
to c , .f hlo tlw a 101liblan tl'liOpS tu II
(10 P. III II III I. / \ . I' " . II III\ : to II'c'li
a I I' , s th. I' I. . 10 Cal tagcua a slau
'II" ' ; a11llY ur I I ) U.
" " " Cllnllhj'IIII t " , . , rml'r HI'I'resl'nl"-
Illth' , ; I.wo. ACI'u IJlI uf 1I..lnl :
Oo-II'IW" " " III 1',1-
. . ! IIcu ( lrnfl" .
llcrlt\1 From Rlnlo Juurllnl.
O iAnA , Neh. , Dec. 11.-Thll
United : -5"Itcs gralld jllry , which has
belH ! 111 sl'silun 1'01 SOUIO Lime In\'esti-
! -alng : lwstol1lco urlber ' cases and tlC
ullcj.ed IlIeal ! fencJrIor ! : Huvolllment
IlIn < 1s In western Neuraska , } 'esterday
! partial rellorl to the court , re-
tUIIIIII twonty-two Indlolmnnts.
Ono Is against 1'ufluer Stlltu He-
presntat1\'e Blliutt LO\\c , 1lIargllll : {
larther ' in r.ollnectlon with thn up.
polntment oC \lostol1lce \ at AIIIIU ,
Neb. ; ten aru ugainst ranchmen
ehurJlng : Illegal ttnclu : und the
others were Indlm : cases , mostly or
.a III I nur cll'l racter. 'l'lIuse lI allist
ranchmell Iliciudo true uills agaillst
Barllett Hlchards , president of the
Nebraska Lanll allcl l'eedinlco ! ( m-
panyj W. G. Comstock , vice Illesl-
dcnt or the slime cumpany , and secre-
tllry Charles U. Jameson , all or
Ellsworth. . Neb. , ami Former Sta to
Henator Frank I. CUll'le , lare , : In-
dlvl ual catlle oWlier of Brolen
Bow , Nell. 'l'he other se\'en Indict-
mell ts are agailist l'xtensl ranch-
lUen of Cherry IInd Custer clluntles.
The foreman or the I-ralld ( jury
slate tu the court thut It wUllld
liter h:1\'o : a supplementary rl'port
aud It Is stated this addition will III-
CI.Hlo se\'eral lIIore 11I lctmelits of
promlnellt lanchmen , and abe 0110
: Igainst a forlllcr state onlelal , who Is
clHlt'ged with disposing lf , a COli-
sldCtaule umoullt ot gorertJmelit
III ill tary Sl1l1\-1llcs \ \\'illllu ( rualtlng
a repol't < ; 1' tllo dlspoitlun of the
' ) IInuy.
'l'l'e Indictment lIg'alnst Formel
State Hcpresentutlve Lowe cUlitaln-
uO t\\O counts , IIlld char es eOllsplr.
: U'Y to violme : scltlun : Ij81 of the
reylsed statutes , b } ' cunsplrlng to
lIrlue Henatul' Chules : II. Dlerl'ieh , ]
by acllng as Intermcdlary In tllo
paYlllcnt of $ OO III cOII lderat1on hf
\\hlch J. B. BIllIngs , wllo Ilt tIle
time ot the alleged trans 'cLlon ' was
Jjustmaster at Alma , Nee" was to
recelvo Ih recullllllendaLion h } ' the
seuator for reappullltIlCII ( . aile or
the CI IlIlls char es llw payment oj ,
$100 lIud the olller ( If : JUU. The e\'I-
d ncu on which Lowe was indlctc d
Is sa ill to hi ! vo hern J. : 1\'en by , J II.
Billlllgs. forlller poslmaster at Ahlin.
One Vust Company.
OIlJCAGO , Dee. ] I.-FIIIIII ar.
ranlOlllcnt'wert ! ) marle y ! sterdny for
the Incorp lratlou ur the IlIterstaLe
'J elcph uc assol'lalion lute one cllm-
pan I' . This lIIeans llJe amalal { '
Illation of o\'er four thuusancl In-
depPlidallL leh'phonos compuole" In
1111110ls , \ \ scolI.ln : : , Keutlley ! , Mis-
sOlll'i , IIII\a , ludlanil,1 > ellnsl\'anla ,
Nebraska , Mlllliesota , Ohio and
l\lIchhwn. \ / . \ ' , ) \ ' 11"'prrty vulued
at more tllan $ UOOJO ( OUO , 'I'll Is
al' ! Ion \\as lal\IJu lit tlw closing ses-
SIIHl hern of thn assoclltllJn. : . \ per-
Wllnellt cOlllllllttpoas appolntl'cl to
worle upon plans or action for thl'
IICW COlllp'lUY.
"One of the first thin s to he
dpne by Ihe new C'lllP'lIIV will be to
form a conuecllnn" Ilh the lllinois
' 1'elephonc and 1'clt'gruph compalw'a
lines lu Uhlcago , bringing our company -
pany ill direct cOlllllCtltI'n with tllO
Bell IInps In Uhlcago , " said Pre"l-
C1ellt Hull of the association. " 'l'ho
II II nols ' 1'ele raph and Tclephone
company , which Is now operatln
! lnes In the clowntown districts In
Ctllealo , wllllollllect : Its wires with
tho.e of our company at Hyde Park
eurly In the spring. 1'he two com-
pallies will then build lilies to the
Uhlcago city limits , where they will
II ( ' lfllIIected ! , with those or the Inde.
p uclent 'l'elephono I'olllpany's. Wilen I
this wI1l'k Is cOlllplett'cJ we will have :
aCl'lIm lilishl'd wha t we ha ve bl'en en-
'ea\'orlng to do I'or lIIany vears-that
1'1. to ( 'onneet Chlralo with L1HJ Indo-
pel.deut . COlli pa n Ie : > nlJu hout 1111-
[ ) III /Inri adj il.llIg slates , 'j'he I'e-
-lilt or this flJllon th. . . part or the
IlIrll'prdellt COlli panics \ \ 111 ho fu
re\I'hln auclus l'1JJn liS our lilli'S are I
, , 'arty tll COHlIII'tl ! wit II I he p/esf'nt I
Sotl'lII ! In CIIiI'agn there wllllJe a de-
cc.d , ) IcducllOIJ In the present telo.
phoIJo I lites. "
flJol Our rowth of Strll.e ,
UIflCt\C10 , Ill. I ) Jec. . - a riot
j'csl'rdJY , " , wln Ollt of the l'l'eellt
strllec on tllC ( ' ! I'a o Clt\ ' railway a
ea'a. : . , wrecl'l'd UV n llIoh of IInlulI
svmpat hlzers , whll ( ul'lhusly attackecl
tIle nOIHtulnn cIJllductor aml mhtor-
Ulan , uldh Injuring tJoth. ' 1'lle crew
or the car cllcllpecl Into 1\ near hy I
blJllclin , where tlloy were ( . ( uardod '
It } ' lollce. 'l'ho rIot ( Jcclll'l'ed on the
Il.l1stclid street liue , near Archer )
- .
tUItl < ) 1"Uit V.\Nl'l'Y ,
, ne Brolwr-"Sny , old \oy \ I Do 1lI0
in fllvur , will 'Olt ? " II
, Scrlhbler-IiCertnlnl ' . Wllnt Is
' ( "
"I nm to bo married shortly to
I Mlsq Dc Style'llHI , she luslsts un 11
i r.lshlunnhlo wedding ; but I can't
I stunrl that sort ot nOlllOnSO ! , ) ' 011
I < nlJ\Y , "
II Well ? "
lIrust slip nr1l1nd to her house nnd
ask hur fur her photl'grnpl1 ' for yuur
11.1 lIe r. "
" 1'11 go at once. "
" 'l'hnnk ) ' 011 l'ten ! I'll coB thor6
this eVll1ln nncl shuw her the mou-
stroslt } ' your paper printed today of
llss 1I1ghup , OUess sho'llllleCor 11
prl'ate ceremony tlten. ' ,
A recent seizure ot a lot ( lr "cllel1p"
haklng' powder.i by the lIuthIJrltfes era
a nelrthborlug ; city has exposed Ihe
eharllcter lIf the low priced brauds of
baking powders which many manu-
tlcturcrs nro oITulln lhroll huut the
Iountry. 'l'be prlco of the powders !
llrst I1ttruclcd nttentlon to them.
Samples were tnleeu unci analyzed.
'l'he ol11oilll report of the nnalYRls
showed the stul ! to be l'U1l1111 pow.
denl , " composed chlel1y Ir ) IIll1m , sui.
phllrlo acid IInrl tllth-erb.ed rock ,
'l'ho powders were declared dallloelOU9 :
to health und se\'eral tho\1saud
pllund were coullscated IInd destruy.
Physlelnns ha\'e rrequently cau-
toned consumels against mlxlnJt food
with these so-cal1ed "che IP" baking
pnwders. ' 1'hey ure all fOUlld , when
uualyzed , to cootnln hH e preoent.
ages or ulum IIlId 8ulphurlo acid to
which nre aC1ded vurlous sorts of 1111.
In matter sOlUelhues both injurious
aud nasty.
The high class , crearn or tartur
hallng puwders , ule the most el'O'
nomlcaluncl whnlesllmo unel should
always beselccted tor use. 'l'hry will
be foulld cheapcr In the end , besides
mlll,11J1 ! the food better I1nd mor (
Kuns IS City will have ns Its cen.
trul teature III Its hlllllllnlo : at the
\\'orlll's Fall' 11 topllg'ralJhlcal rdlet
map ur tlaut dty. " 1 he map will be
21 by : J3 feet , on II scale cf 85 feel
to the inl'h. . '
Dr. Warren W. Floler , instluctor
In G < , rman In the University of
M\chlloan \ : , has pr'Iued : a phalUlhlet
-"Questic.ns 011 Thomas's Grammar
und ESSl'ntlals of Grammar In Ger-
mall. " 'l'he LJoo1c Is puullshed by
GellrHe Wulu , hun Arl/llr , Mich.
Fame Iz the poolest w. . . es enny
llIan e\'or wor l\Cd for.
'l'ho fllst Iml ! ov IUOSt people's 11 ves
Iz spent kuocllng holes In their con-
stlln hun , IInd Iho secuo huff in
stopplll the leaks. . .
Wife FeU In I.n\'c wllh IIl1ehnncl"AII
Over AU'nlll. "
'ho wlCc of a wl'll.lmown nttol'JwJ
H law or Scwarll , Nell. , tdlii the tall'
1\.01th reulnlr : ! : " r ' hllatJallll was a
o1tljer In Ihc Civil 'Vnr. allli WUS , ai : !
'Ie ' cnlle(1 ( hlmsl'lf , 'un olll COlTl"C cooler"
nll hall ulwa 'B 1l1'unk vcry strulI ! :
: olTce. '
"Ahout n 'ear ugo he COmllnlnell ot
rl'I'In ; of Cnlntness every lime ufter
l'lImhlJ1 his olllel' stalr'f ! , anll was allo
Ii outJlell hy tC'l'l'ltJlc hcn uclJes tllat almost -
most Ilrove hIm wllll.
"He gt'uIlllally ! 1'C'W wenlcr nnd
WealwrI1ll1l his n/llictlon / culmlnllll'1l
In lIer\'ous collllllle , nnll for weels he
5l'rnwll to ue fallln nWIlY rloom us In
51111l' or 1111 our cn'orlg" "
" " ] 'he 111I 'sll'IHm ; pronouncc < l him
ftrung nnll well , with no ol'gnnle trou-
hl whnleyer , nnd there seeme to lie
nJtbln the mnllcr eXccllt tile com-
lilt'Il' gh'llIg out of his ne1'rOUII Nystem.
" ' 1'he 11.'tOI'R . I1l'Chll'll tllat COffl'O was
lit the hottom of nl1 his trouble lIull
ordel'c < I Po rtum CC'l'enlln Its Xllaee. lIe
Imllro\'el1 dully since he f/ultculTce / Ilu.l
he au drlnklug Poslum , and now : lY
hi' COP1R hettcr thun lie hns f'It tor 20
'eltl' ! ! . headaches nre gone , no mor'e
r.lIl1tlllg 8pe1 S , nnll 11'1 ' gaining In t1 sh
c\'er ' day , Ilnd he 6 < 'ems so mucI
) 'oullger nnd hC1Jrtler nnd haPlller tllull
he hus for years thn t I hn vo tallen In
lO\'e wllh 111m over ng-l1ln.
"Now for my hrother's CI1Pro ; n te"
fcoars ngo he hn n pecullnr trouhtc
Ills tongue wail swollen nlll1 sore nt 1111'
roots null con'red uD erlle-ath with
" 'Ile tJloug1t biB nmlctlon " , V S of n
rl1nCerOUB uulme and bls doctor WIlS of
the slime ol1ll1lon. Ill' col1111 fcnrce ; ] '
< 'at nD .thlnJ ; nnd hec'l1me so poor aud
ruu < 1own he " "I1S "Imllly n nerVOUK
wreck. Ill' colIsuIll' varloufl ph ' 81-
clnns , hut none wrre HtJh 10 lll nosl'
his cuse or help him In the lellst.
"At Inrit a llo'tor to whom he al ) .
[ 1l1ell sa Id lie bllle\'l , { ) my hrollJl'r wns
( 'oCfee pols ned I1lul nd\'lspdlllm to quit
colTee nllll drlnl ; : I'Mtllm. III' gnye him
no melllplne , Imt told him to glYP
PostUIII fair trlnl I1lH1rl'turll to him In
( } wlok ! ' ! . I ' tJl'fItller hlill u < ; Id POS111111
ollly ahout t < > u da 's WllOll the fe tl rs
dJsnppeul'N.I Crom his tOllgUt' , nIIIl at
the f 11,1 or two wepls ; : the frt'IICYfI ! and
' ; 1olllng W ( > 'J'e ' gUile II lul he hegun IIJ
IIkk up In tlt'sh alllI qlllits.
"Ill' hils IW\'cr louchpd coerce slu'f' , .
hut I1l' . Poslum nlJ the lilliI' on I
has l1l'\'er hila tIll : BII htlt 't return 01
Iho Irouhle.
" ' 1'0 lool at nI ' OXIHJI'I"flce It ; It tI ) )
: wontler r can write III'tll.trl'lt \ tNtI
100111111 for Postltlll'i"nme I\'CII 11\ ,
( > ostUnI C , ) . , nattle Creek , 1Ic11.
I Loole In < , nl II l'II'koe : ! : tor a Clp ' of
the rOmOUR lIttl book , ' ' ' 1'110 ROUll t.c
Wdl'tI,1u. "
" '
! ' ; : ; IZT : ; ;
. . . . . . . . . . . + + + + + + + + ' : u ! . ,1,1 - -\0 + -1' + + ' H-
Will II , tlllry of Nohrllslm CIIY
H'I ! ' lensl till' Callawny ( Julltler , nnd'
1\111 taku charJ.u : at ollce.
lIell , ! r'lles ' , sllt'rllf IIC Pineo COUllty ,
Urlstl'd ! Cilluies Alllielson 011 acharle
of bl'atlng his wire.
UhartJ' ! ! I . Coburn and Miss lIlCR
! 'toll were married Ilt Bentrlce tJ"-t
dar , the HoEcllar : Prlcu ol1lclatln .
' 1 he SOllthwestl'rn NI'brnska 1'0111-
try nssoclaLloli wl1111u1l1 nn cchlhlt
nt Heatlfce 1JeCl'Ulbor J5 0 19 Inclu-
sl0. .
Arter n lingering illness of twol
montlJs' duratlun. Noah Weluh , ur
Callaway died.
111 rs. \ IUllndll Ohnr901l , nn n ed' '
lady IIvltlll with her sun , WUB foulld
dellclin bed at ber homo ut Nebraska
Sklnnor . Ashley or Beaver Ulty are
I'tedln ! 3,000 shcep tor the &prll1l {
mnrlet on their ranuh one 11I110 west'
or Beaver City.
lercy Aunew ot PlattsUlouth hag
oue to lhoenlx , Ariz. , where lIe will
try to reU/l111 / his health. rIe hl18
been S II Ifor In Crom lu II ! ; tl 011 ble.
At llt'rco , Grand Army post 191/ /
I held n call1pfl re In Inhelder's hl111.
I'hero wUle a number ot stlrrluw
Henry Lenig , n young farmer or
Deoatur , slipped from n rout 011 hl9
hOllse Ilnd fell to the g rouud. Ho'
was plel.ed I1p Bc\'erely Injured.
Bobburs blew open tbo sa'o ' in thCf .
postul11ce ut New'astlo , Neb. carly
one UloruhlK IIl1d secllred $25011) cnsh
aud $1.10 : III stan ps.
The city council of Nebraska !
CIty has decided to Ilsk tor bids
11 111'0 huuse tu bo ' built on the slto
at thb ono destroyed two years 1lL0. !
W111111m Atwood ot lluttSIllOllth
celelJruted his eighty-sIxth blrthdllY.
Iliis wlCe , to whom ho was UJnrrll d 11\
IIB'H , nud his children and grau < I' "
, childum were present.
A t a hazaar given by the Indies o !
the First. l\I. \ E. church at Osceoll :
lasllnl { from lJ"'r1day uoon until S Itur-
day nl ht or $100 was clealcd 'and
enollgh stocle leCt ovcr rur another
bazaar in the ncar futuru.
Hay Bcem until recently mnntger :
of a nHlllufaet r1ng establlsluucnt ab
Kllnslls City , died at the resldenco ut
his Cathor at Hard } ' , Dr. 1 . D.
Beem , of consumptlou.
'l'lle IInuulIl meeting and rnl1y ot
thu Chrlstlau church was heid 116
, Beatlico. A dinner was served In the
bascmont of the churoh. There wer\ '
a lIumuer or uddlcsscs.
; lfss Kllthryno White died ot ty- .
plwle : le\'er at Nehra'llcn ' City at tho/ /
hllmo of 1101' 1II0ther , lilt's. MalY J.
While , Miss Whlto was In thosonior
1las'of ! the lIJ h schuol thero.
John Kelly , IIn ex-base ball playef\
nL Fremont , hus pleaded guilly to a
chlll'gu of abanrlulling his wlCo 1U1
has gl ven a bond to gu.uantce her
SUIIJOr'L lu the future. '
Word was recel'od at Deatrlce at
the deal II of Daniel Williams at
Uhlcago lust weele. W1111alll8 who
was 75 'ears old , formerly lived In
ill'atrlce au was 11 cunduetor on the
Burlington roael.
Uudjlph ( B. Schurman , who has
been mana ln ! ! au AII lIra gOllt rarm
at Klrksvillo , Mo. , reueutly sold Ills
hcrd to Il stocle raiser there and w1l !
t.o : Into business In 11'ru1ll01lt no
allll J uHns 1 < 'oelsong ; : ha'e formed
the l'llllUnt Cooperage company nnd
will munufacture bUlter tIlJs. ! A
building hils been lentcd In the fac-
rur.v district aud machinery Is
' ! Jelng installed Cor the plant.
'l'lIe puplli or Mrs. C. W. nene.
dlct of 'l'rellton a vo II musical at
the Cong regallonal dUll'I'h. The.
pro ram consisted of severnl numbers -
bers or piano IInd vocal soles I1nd
ducts A large and appreciative an l-
eoce ntteuded , . Alllong the hcsll
numbers were a thes : > lo by Miss GuU
'I'ilomni and the piano duet by two
11 ttlo buys , Ohestcr Collett and Gerald -
ald Benedict.
Mr. G. W. Smith ot Denver , Col.
hns h ! lIght the Interests ttt Durton &
Uurton In "The Commercial" at
'l'reuton , takln posseslon December
I . Hurton & Durton havc built up
a reputation oC running one of the
, best IlUtels In the valley They w111
enter the hulness elsewhere or fun a
dairY 011 a place just cast or to\\R.
ShAriff Ben Jones went out near the
\\'a'ne \ county line and arrested 0111I1'-
l's Allderson , a ( urmer 1i\'lu ill
Plelco cOUllty , who Is ch Ifged with
cruelly beatluJ , : his wife. 'l'ho war-
IUnt wus so\orn out hy the 1'atherot
Alldersl/u's . . . . .Ie. AlIllelson , It Is ,
a 11 t'lo : cd , hus bern in tllo 11IIhit lIC COIU-
III to tOl\'n and get IIn c.lIunle 11m ]
tlJen gOJUg hume and bcutJug his
wlfu , I
Johll McCool I1l1d 1I1111e Kennev. I
two 110rso thieve. . a\l'd : 22 : ltId 17 ,
' ) 'eals I'esppctlvely , havc heen l1'rlsted
Iat I D Imta City 'l'11l'y RIY : tllcy , vIII
plead \ : lIlIttu a l'Il.lro of slealJII a
telllll , Haruess and WIlJn. !
Prot'l'S.OI Gcorge Helhert ] > ' .111I01' . ;
of II ,1'wi has ucc"ltd } tlJI' 1t1\'lra-
tloll of Chaucollor A uelrews to dell \ ' rl j . ( .
tile addl''s : : at the mldwluter COUl. ' . .
mCUCl'meut and charter day , 1'e LJ 1'1 "
tHY 15. at tlIe state' university.