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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1903)
I . . ; . . . " ' , . " , , , . . . ' . W" , ' , _ , . . , ' ' . " " " , , I' . t . . . . . . . - . . . . _ . . . - - . - . . . " - - . - - . - . . . . . . . . - . . - - . - . . - - . - - . " - - - - - - - - - - PRESIDENT ROOSEVEL 1"S JrtESSAGE TO CONGRESSe I To the "lIntr nl1l11011110 \ of ' ' ( ' ! ' tln'l : UI'l'roorlltn'l ' 'rhe l'ullltrj 1M to II' Innlrlt\ltll\ \ \ ' rb" nmount or 'lhllll1111 Iwhl\lellt ' ' lI Ihr ) ' holh UK : I'htlh hl ! nll'k pllL 'lllr U'/II'\t \ 011 rOlllll1.1 IH l'I'lurtl our dOIItlcolc Ih" l0st Wih 1111uI n' wlh I 111 \ " ' or th hOIIL" \nltntlllt IhllIIU 110"1' ! , , ' Iho l'OUIU'r hi rH- nl,1 10hl tlrlrol'e ' 10 ' ' whut hll vernlh' li' l'oljrllUlllell 01 Lhe or bCln ICCOlllliKlll1 11 Ilrelloll ror Ihl' ! or /lllervlHlul / : . rrhl1 ; Icrcle 0\1 thuI'elt CUIII'lllul ! 1111 cUlbl. or corlOrllloll1 cl nlell II 11' DnlolH terlLn to eOllerre , 'lho COl ! I eSI h/l crclte(1 ( the } elll'IHlt ( t tUllcrCe , thc oC Uur' 3ti 1/bor 1111111 lurelu , Cur Iho lulhor- pomloll wih IrlL LII ly tu Hecuro IlruIIlr Illhlcly of fulh prceltllJ1 of lhlsO 11'1 t cUI11rn Lu , I I the hnf lho l'llht 10 Iwuw I hnn Ilhlc Cor the eXllcllLl1 oC H/I\ tor t \ 10 elrOn'elellt of Ihe CILernl : Iltl' ' h ' ' ' Inw IL hUl ) nlolhl'l' 1111 ttlL Ilw' .eeU'cd cljull trenllelt to 11 Irllul'crH In thc trnllHlorLIloll 0 Lhrlr 1(1118 , thll tuldl I 1011 Httllu ( orwlrll Iu Inkll ! mcrco ( Uommldol Lho worl , , or the IltcrltlLe COl- 'l'ho csLnhlhdlll'lt ! ot the DCllnrLlclt , t ; , nIor , wlh the Bu olllCrCO nl ( , Inrks of U1110rnlo1H Ihellluler tnu II the Iln'I'Loll of Iloll ! ! rell ItVIICt thnt IIU881blo Cor the Ijllliol or the IIICMlo:11'Illy II , Ifrc'llcliuls \ ald worklrl Il'elllllry WIIO of II ' ur BIICII Coriiorulon8 tle the ' hus IhOWI the wlsdol at Il telll'tlelt crcltol 1uhlcllY II corllOl'lto . .anh'l wi telld to 110 I WiY wlh hlur. : nlrcml ' which IUce 111 wi ho fll'tl Lllwl ( IILlhJHt lelol IIY Ln- ' - 'l'ho Uepnrllcil uf UOIII'rco nlll bor wil ho 101 (11) ' thl' ceat11 hOI o tor Ilforlalol reJnrllll the IHlless o ! the IUtoll , hiL the cxccu' trlllncLulH til' O"CI'lleIL to 111 ill 11'1 ! trt ' Itrllllhelllll our IOICHtC Ild COI'el:1 ' , ' 011 trllsilurlntul DII'koIH \crfel'lill ' ' lel'chllt rncltes ' II hlllllll 111 CI' or , \ ' the fllrlle 'II \ru\'eltill ent\lCI 11111:1'1111 , II 11 11'0 V 11 I ullosllhle : , COllclcinl 1111 illlHtrlul eOlllLulH Iml In 11111111 toetler ' 01 e01111 grulll tholo leCetHII' 1III'IIel'I . - Inhol. 111 ! ! LII.llnl 1111 luhor. ' l'OIblelt Iluley o ! the nlLolul 'lo ; .0vellcll , hil fUI' 1t I hiI lho Ilwur , , II to hold ill Ilck Ihu UIHellltluIS mll whelher ' ' 01' ollllo'e ; hiL tu I ClbO tu wellwl'lmlvlllll illtltvu ' IIIIIII or l'rltho 1\IIILrlll Ilc- 1 t ! l'rl\ , ' ' ' feluplcll of tw CUIIU''c . rceollzo ' ' ' : 01' .1111 cul' thll thil II 11 el'l fellcl'ntoll , lu wh il'h L ' ' ' - " bllll tel II1n l'pitnllbtl' CO'- pomtlolHI 1111 111101' II Ollf hlVhl OIU tnclnl : oe LrclellolH IllInltnlco II ni I , ' ' Is ' ' celLI'rl leul'l recollltol I Illusu'lnl , lvcl the Cnl'rclehil ; bCIClhclt'UI'1 : which hnl hcci ICCOlllllbhel1 thl'olh both eOllol'atill1 nlll Iliol , nlil thu Ile 11 hutwrcl tiTelClt ( ' 0'10rltuls , IH betweou , Is It lTerelt 11101S Il WI ni , 1 18 IILI\'lel lifl'I'l'll lllvlLlnllj thlt II , It IH ' , the elCort chi lir1 UI 1'1111111 I ! ' ' to trcnt huLI 1'alizell cUllILl1 II ur'l ullcd Inlll' ulw ; ul1dul : 101hll ! save thut the Illcl'esL uf clch bhnl Ilu hl'oulhL I II to hnrlllY wih Ihe iulelcst or the , relCII I Ilhle , 1111 thut the cUlllleL ut tleh Ihul eOlrUl1 10 Iho fllllllcllnl flleH of oloLlelce to In\\ ' , uf Illvldull freedol , 111 uf jlltll'e 111 t'llr deltl' , ' ' ' ' \ ni Whele"er rih'r WI\'I , CUI'\II'n. \ tlol IllOl' 11101 or In,1\'ldlnl I 1110- Inrlls the law of ' ur Ill II n llliIlL nrll' trnry alil 1)11\1111 intll'hI'Ulel wih uthl'l'H , ' ' ' - the of ( rl/hls wholll'l' 'O'lora- . / ' , ' the CCll. 0011 ur 111\'llllllt tl'lhlo tnl O\'IH'IIlll 111 j 1111 lllol' , it wi .ee to It thlt the 11'OIlll'L , IH stolpcll , plll 10t the IIh t"Ht hC1'11 10 Lh ! IIOU\- ) , tOI ur Ilwcr of Iho cOI'lHl'ntol , the uulol or the IHlvhllll , hiL 111) ' , t' ole .Itll flet-Ihlt II , the Illcstol whulher or rot the ClIIIt of I I 11\'IIIUI or . . ( rell to I f 111llln II Is , II nccl'lllllO ' ' ' " .lh the Ilw of the 1111 I'el' ) II must ho 111'1111'111 hil Iherl ) ' nlll his tlcht tu 110 ns he IlieH wih hil IJ'IIerly or hiM 11111o IUII ni 110 doeH 10t 11- ' , Xo Is frlnGo the 1'1h1H of others mnl , abo\'o the law 1111 In 1'1 ' II helow Itj ' 101 110 wu nlk I I ' 111 'I IIUI'lilllol when we recluh'l' hll to obc ) ' It. Ohedl- enco to the n\\ ' Is IIClalllcl1 ni n rlchtj tot ISICll lS n fn VOl . Oo\rrllclt 1 lnunle [ "rol 11 MIII'el' : , lxcllHlve ! or tlle postnl Sel''e , Ihe cceilltl IC the 10\'ell' ( or the l lt ) ' ' ' hlcnl melt ! 011' nlll'cnlct l uoIInj : 'l'hl' I'X I 1'1 III'C : fOl' Ihe WlI'e ! * , ) , , the - 1110 Illrlol : UIOmUi HII- Cor thl' 'nl ' 1iUj , 11us f )111' 1111 : : ( ( Tile I11l'Illi : \ thut tIl' HIrIII ! fOl' hO preteut Ilwal ) ' 1':1' wi ho'l ) ' Ilnl , ! t Ille11 ihcle he ni ) ' KIlllt1'01 nl ) ' to O\'ellh'I' the "UCl'llll " fl'OI ( 'U : toml wcre , l\pllxllltel ) ' , 1110 mliol lell th:1 the ' ! Crom the 101111 : l'lcepll same ' Cor n ' SOUI'CI I'orresllUllll1 portol ot Ilst ) 'cnr , Sholil thll dCHcnso 1'01- the , the nt 8ame thlllholt tnuo rnto 8cnl 'cnr , the he ' ( ' ) ' thelrp11 W0111 I''tlcet ' . ' . bl , nJprodmntel thlrt ) 1110n dolnt. Ihoulc the re\'el1e 1101 ClllOIH Hufer mnch decrcnso the tlrther dlrlg lsenl 'Inr the Hlrplif woulll'nIIHh. . A Inr e lurll\us \ Is certllll ) IIteHlrhle , 'l'wo 7enrR 110 the wnr tlxes wcre tllccn of 'Ith the ! of ( eXlresl Iltlnt ol ellalzlll te go\elmcltnl rfl'cilltH 111 eXIIIII. tres , ntl tholh tl l rlt ) 'cnr therenr. hI 811 "howell 1 1111111 , I 10W ICel1 ' thnt oC ' ' Ikel > n HlhHtnlLl1 equnlty I'e\'o DUO nnd he . eXIId\uo wi nttniled. 8u(1 hell thu elHe , I II ot Jrolt 10- hoUI POlt to txerclHI efro nnL eCOlol ) ' , ID nllll'oprlntols 1111 tu ICln Ihlrlll ) any chnle I our fsel1 Icmno'ltem . , which mn > rcdlcc our 111011. 'l'he lee,1 etrlct ' Is tt eeOIOI ) II 011 expelditures omllhuslzcl by the flct thnt we Clllot aord to Ie 11181mOll011 11 whnt Is esseltnl to our provlcllf lr . being. Onrefnl erOIOI ) ' whel'ever Ilossl. ble wi nlone pevcnL our IICl0 trom below the polnL tlll rcqnllet II orol meet our nel'I , t gelulno ' ! 'l'ho Iltclrlt ) ' or 011 curreny Is be. , rend qnelton , Ild luler l1reselt contl , tlonl It would be unwlso nnneces Ilt Ilry to ntelllt I reCulHttleton or onr . entro monetlr HJsttl. 'rhc Hnmo lb. ) ory 8honld he Jrlltcll the Secretlry ot tl 'l'rcnsury to c'llol"Itt0I1 recelptl II gl'nntcI ! him II the deposit ot - l , . 10- celpts trum other ' 10lrel .1 lY les' ot Dce. , , I IIU ] ( : rnlet Itenton celtlin ot Ihe , t ICCtl fllncni sltllUon nd I nlln nll , thc COIHII\erton \ of the , , ConGresl fur thrHe (1lrSllolH : Ierclllt llrlle. A mljol'lty uf uur pCllle dellre that Iells ho tlken in the Illcn'tl or , \ ICr lnn hhl\llllj 10 Ihlt WI' 11) ' olce 111'e ' ' In the ' ' po flrll'l' rBUle 011 iiol 01'1'111 ' ' , ' ' the " cnrr111 1'lIlr Ilt hihl'l'lu 111101" .ncl'l o ! ' 1llilil1 ! 11 to the I'U 1'1' Iclwd \ \ or renddll 111" " 111 hu \ lcll " 0 whl thnt It \ ' . to ' hlH 1111\'c.1 IUlllol IJle 8eell' tht nlolltiol o 11' 1II'I 'I1ur Ichell' : view ' I ' llVII ; II tll'IO CIIIH , rN'II me"1 tlat the CIIjI' ' " ,111t ; the Sec' ' ot Iho XUV ' , the ' rutlr ) ) ' ' 1U lllilll' Lh'l' ' ' ' , or l ' ' ' ' ! ' erll 8111 , til' :1'II'IIr,1 ! , 'O\ll'I'I't' I II ' ' LiLoI nlhulltt,1 wlh I ' Ill 1'lln'leltl' tlol frol the HIU tl ' tl,1 , ' 1 0 I.01 H"II reHellltvc Q the l'IIPI'I'1 il It I wil dom 11) ' II elI,1 I I' , tl M'I'VO 11 I COl mlllol rol thu 111'11) 01 Il'cltilatll' and to Ihl' " nl rOllurtll l'ol"S" " ; " iK ! I"X , ' IH ; ' Hslol whlL Il'jiliutiou lclllhlc 11 Jtcul > nr ) ' til th , Ilnllll'lt ot lu Amere/1 Ilrehunt lul'iun lull . \111'1 emu W , ' ' of 10 I ICC 1111 11'lllellUI ) I 11 ' ' tloJnl ocell 111 I'I'\'lce or auxiary nl\'ul Irlll'r 1111 In\1 re . Whllo ' 18 . lerVel. luI'h a 101H\ro In eventIt ' Ieslrl tlo IIY II eSllll'hlly tclh'u I , at il event\ \ I vluw or lhQ tnct iu " . , : . , , . ' 011r ( llt O\'Crllllnlll I'ollrnct tor ' ! 11 \r 11Ith tu' Amer1 . , ! wi , IXIII' II JO ; Iorl'o\'r IICI or cnrjo "hip" 11'0 ot e\11 mnre hnllrlnlH'c tlll flHt 111 lilI' : , ' 11'1'0 f/r I" Ihc Ifltr Iln hI 1(11"1111,1 11"1 ' In ( I"lllh " Hwlf 1"mlry rll"II' " II til"r , wnr , 111 i ru t ll " 'c CIIIOI hn\I tOf , 111' I I I I iJI'nlol lt the rihl Idlt , 11,1 \ \ I IhOlll1 hn\ ' ! nt of Ihl' \ \ ' ; 'he IUIO 11 Ihl'101 : IIHI 1 ( t I ! to Ilevlso 1010 I'HIII hy whlll lule. "llhle 1111/11111 Ihll bc kCllt ont I'l- , ' ' : ' trlly whll' llllrlhl' ' IllhrllLH II'U . Il'ollerly ' . Llltrlhllcll 1II'ollhuIL COII. u'y. u'y.'ril ( ' \ ' : ( thc - 'ril 1111111 hl\'IILh/IIOI , Ilh- the Jlet of Illlrllzlllnl uIIl'r Ilr lllnl of ' A ' ' ' , the ( ' - 11' torll' < 111'11 Ilul 'OIKI- ( IIIIL prOSfI'I1oIH , re\'I'11 n COllllol or I for Iho IIIlcllnte Itcl- I fllri ulli of thc , " - 1101 Cnllrlll I"orj\re 1111 plr- ' Jurlel of fhnllcl'll 1111 1IIII'I1L chnrl ' IeI hn0 hltl Ilerlel Il tCII , 10t III ' In lho dllsC 1'lul'rl of 1011l11101 , blt , Ihllholt tle "OILr'j111 It If cHtnb IHhe11 hCJo11 dOlhL thlt11 > ' InlY IU' ' Iho ' 1'11111 111111 / Hlicd Hlntcl hn\'e 10 tle whltover 10 thnt rllht , 11HI nre IHII'rll nlil rljo 'II : thc henoltl nr the Ille throllh the ; roslet rru1111. 'rhe hOlly poltc CIIIIL he 101111 OHI heali ' If Inl , ' of ItH ( onsttIClt mcm- hers l'lall thlr ftnllll ! throljh the of the right Jrosltltnl hlJh nUl cnllg ut ellTCIHhll. I RIIUIII lell Rome' thll to hClolO n ell111 of the Uliell Htntl ! : eld II the Il'nC'CSI , nu loollholo whate\'rr Iholll he Ilf 011 [ to frnll1 , conncc- II lY Illt nnllni leSlnJC II tOI wih the flhjeeL of Ihl Iluo l'OIUII' 101 ot rOlhllllul ! of ( 'nplll whllh Irc or lay hole Iljlrlou to the 111 I c , I Hllerlnl Cor rlollelllell I nlJrollrlllol the bcter Clrll'lClclt of the nlt-trust In' 1f It IOW St llls , 10 he Ixpendell 11- tCI tll dlrectol of the A to'lcy Gel- l'nccollllly th\ COUJI'CH 11111'0' IHII Ivr hUllh'cd tholslnd ' , to he the ' Ilolnl's fxJelHlell Ilder Ilrec' ' 101 of the AtorlGelernl II the em. , ( loYlelt of s\cnl rOlllel 1111 Igeltl . II thc JeJnrhl'lt or .JItlce to cOHlueL Ilroeecclh'J1 IWf ' COIIII mil \lo elutls Ulied Ilter HIIII , I 10W rcrollclHl , 11 \ller of the lt , Uo t II\ortnlc'c 1111 urCllr , the exlll' . hm ! or thc ' oe thil I11tlOSl'1 1lllroJrla. tOl , 10 thnt It 11) ' he 1\'lluhh' , mHler the the A ' ' , " dlrltol o ! 011" ) GCll'lal uell , ' the ' ' nlll lil : 101' Ilul elfOI'lell'IL of the InwH uf Ih ! Unill'll Stltel II gCI- Hnl nUll C ! I' , \ ' of thr \ ' 111 - I < 1 1of 1\1 crll- to " Ilnl Ilws rllaln l"Ihlc Inlll' 1111 tl 11\\1 relllin ! tl lltll rrl\1 Ild ofelscs , nUll tie luhjll'L ot 111 LI'I I 11- HOI Hcclt Ilves1ltoIH hlvc IhlWI n dellorahle II n te of n ! alrs II theHe thl'cc ' ' vllnl ' ' , 1111'I'S o COll'l'rl B ' \1 11011 frllHIR 1111 I ) ' Corgcrles nlil 11"I'jurllH , thoIEIIIf , of 1'lCS of Ihe Ilhll' 101 I il , < 111'11111 1/\ls of (1f- ( ' ' ' ' fl'lclt chll':1Icl' : 111 Ixtellllthl'olh ' ' ' , \'II'loIS fef on ! oj' Iho COlltlr hlvc hN'1 411hollflr 11'llllcl1 I t II hlllll ) ' ' ) ' 10 ' C Ihe ' 01' - 1IJI'ISRnr I' 111101'tllC Ie- 1'0\11'11 : thl'e ,1Hhonst 1'llslloIS , I Itolel frol Ihl' ( elJlc , 1111 of JrOUllt ' nld dily 11111111 : the oII\lerl ' . . POltnl 11'111. I I Iplnk II Ilolher 11111 of thll 111- ll U oC the whllllc/Hl CI nH hy which i Lle Ilcl'e.1 . right or " I'l 111 I oh III II CIIsI'lv thnt ' I nlHOrlll1 1111 "lleHtlnln ! hr'ilJol Iller'\'II'11 10 hlHe II\l ! 1) ' Ilnllr lellH-thlt II throl/h CI'I1Hls , CollilR ' , h ' ' 1111 1I'jurlel Ild Ihlnllell Irihr'leH -Ihe 11\\1 rCllll ! to III Iltollcr CIHllct of the ' ' to Ilhlc IIH'vlo II Il'nlrl nltl the dlo 1tllllstmtol o the Postolo Dellrllelt , hl\o 1(1 10torIOUII10' Illell nlil 111) 1\1llll'ltl II\e heel CO\\l , nnll the ! ' Il'OSCluLlls I 11'1 II l'Olrse oC enllIJH'11 11 the e\'o ( . " the ' , tl (110 1"01 l'e/SOI' IIIS illlilltcll nlli IHI thnt thc : O\'II'III'It mnho , prc' Ilarell 10 ( lfol'e II'ollltl ' I I\I wlh the ' Ihe ' " Cor dil' Il'clcst eferl 11"llllcl I , slchIulntols of Ilnl1 to thll elli : wllh ' ,11 CullHhet 111elt II' trlleltlllll' : mil COlllIelt ( : I 18111111l' ' Cor , thl InstntoIH Int tlll. whll'h I" ' ' ' ' ' " ' wi 1'l'I'SlalJ' lt ,10I'I"'lt I11J 11111/ III ( llltrJ' , I IIe lInl tl' (01- ' Ihu ' ' ' or Jrc's 1I'I'I811J' Inl11 thl " ,111 nil' 1Hlprlltol 1\'nllhlp ( or , 1IIIdll ! " lS" ror 11 Hlc'h I I rlOI"tn I" "XI"'IIIIII 11lm' lhe 11111'101 Ir tl A I Il IJ"O 11 "Ill I Hlrl's hnn' , hl(1 la " " hv , I hI' Stntl 11- to or hrlhl'ry plrtlllt 1001,11t 11 Illdll 11 cxtllltnhl OtI'I U wi h rorpl1 ' , ; 10' ' ' II Thl Iccd Ir moll ( ITII'tVI trllh'K ' 11'11111 Ihll ( ' 1'111 IH Ilwlt"Ht Til ! I'X' . ' " ' ' ' K or ( 'or. IIOSII'I 1111 1"011'1'1 t 01 omllnl Ilptol II Ht lulll Mn. n1Ilhl'r \ , 'Ith' " 1111 SIII'I hlVl' , rllll.11 II n 1111111 of . jh'I'r ! uld 111,11 of 1111111 I'nllilt fll. ; , I h'l's ( ' ' II InlHII 'IIIH nrllm IrlhlrJ' lot ' ' ' tn'alh'H hl'll 11111',1 II l'xIllllnn 11re' 10for , ( ns Iho' 111(111 > ' ( or I hnl lot nrll' ( 'I \hlh' 111" IIIY In\1 hl'll 11 Illh ' ' , oll'lll t'lrrll'tol II Corlr YI'arH Ih'ro' hl11'1'1 101IIh'\'I'lnlllllf1 hl'llllht 10 lht "cltm'y II II IIII'llnt" 111 l'Olltl'Y'f pnt Ilnl II thl' , prl.dll/ I holil , ho thl' polky of I hi' Ullcd SIntl1 tn Iln\'e 10 Ihll'f 011 1II'Ih whl'l' I , 'orrllt Iln nlrll ! tl'OI thll ( olltry Ial rlt II 11111' , IH ' no ' ' Thlro' win not 11'1111 hrhlrJ' Iholll he ! ' , 1IIIIIeil II ni trlntI'1 IH . extrfltlhll Alu"lnn . " ( loll.lnry. For leHrnl YClrl the , dl\'elor' " rl\ll of AlnHu \ the IWlt ! nf IKtnh Ibhlllt of ! rowlnl A 111111 I Iltl/lu II , n'tlolH then' , " ' IISII'I'J'III nlil 11/erll'tlJ / klO\rl Ilto ' ' ' t Ie ' ' ' ' hroljht 1101111'11'1' Irll'lt 11'1'(1' ) ' n or . Ir ll 11rnltcal Illllrcntol thl hOII. l\nl'lls \ Ilt weel thl jlrlHII < lolS of thl nnll ' ' . Ulltlll Atltc Ol'l'lt Irlnll. the tn'ntJ' ot 1S : hlt\I'1 Orllt .lhnllh Brlnll nlil HI"sln , thl Ilro\1610nH ofhllh werc I'oilled trnty of , ' ' ' II thl ( 1111 wll'I''hr HII' sIll ' to the , 10nvlYI'II Ailskn . Ulltlt Ilnlll \\11 posltl'l' 11 to Ih. ! I'oltrl , nlst hy HII' 111 Ulr Inl'r hy tbl Ulitell AtntI , ot 0 of ' ' ' trl\1 \ frol l'rllolY wlHtcrl nlnlj thl Ihorl l'oltll'llnl 1111 to Ht , , InrtliHI Cnlnl MOllt Imll rolowilc 1111 ' tbl of thc "I'rOIUIIII IHllntltol1 eoull I\I Ilcl\lnl thf 1811\ls to the wlstwlrd , Is dslrlpton thl IllHlwarl1 mlrgll 01 the strip \ \ ' , ' the strip'IS Indnnll 1'ltng 01 Ulp' Ilosel e11stelCl or a cOltlllOUI 111:1 01 InIC" of mOlltnln sklrln& the const , & II In of tbe ' Iglrcll tbl lhnrts Inrly \ : It bnl II 10 tme to heln 1lhll , In\'Iltor Inrty II Ilterlt IlY lown 111111 thl Ilthorl or th. trllt , , lo , I lne 10 ohrlol81J 111ct nccordllC ls Irorlslols n8 to Mm Inll . the nsslnt of tbl otblr , I or nll.IJ of ' threl.folrths n lentlr ) thl uhsl'nce 01 tlnlll' 10lnl 1II'rl'sl dC'lnnll1 the I'X ( ' of ' ' on ' 'rese loslt\I' jlrlllll'lol I\hl'r 1111 or tbe hordr II'f thc 111lston Ilormnn\ J perllllnt 11 I IOH " I 101 , of the mater nnnl ) ItlnlI' Imllrlt\ Afer I 111 VI 1 I I ntrlph , to rl/ch In In dlrstolllg throlgh I lollt 1leh Commll , ' ' ' bJ' flol folowl'l bJ'lrOIOICld \ l'cotltoll IllHllclel1 II 111 ( I hi" Iplrl I l'Ol'ln tOI Il'twlll Unlell ttatll 1111 Ol'ln , ' I , , Irlnln WIS 11tIIII JII11IrJ' 10 : (10 "hllt tor ni ( xnlllntol o th" SI hJ "I' bJ' I IlsCI' ' trlhulnl Ir Ix m 11 I 11 thrl sldl' , with n'II'w to IH nlli 01 I 11 11 SIUOI I It I I'l tols WI'I'I' IxlhllI'1 01 ' , ' " the I ' llrl'h : lu'I whll'ol , WI Uo\'rl ' th'lr ' ' ' ' nl'lll IPIOlltlII rl'III'th'I' l1mblrH t I or ' ' Oi hI wlltlth Ol'loll'r n In or ' . , Jorly thl trlhllal 11/\11'1 / 1111 flnl. , ' thl' ' ' 111'111'11 01 ni qlh' toll slhmlt" 111 ' th , ' ' , ' thl 'J' thl l'rll If 111'ltln IJ' , 1\\lrd tH' rlcht 01 Ihl lnll.,1 HtnlH 10 th c Introl . , .f 0 ( 'tnt I 10 , I' iIIll Ir hlr.\'r 0 Ih. InllhlHI "I I r' klrlll ; 11 th ' Ihlr , ' ' ' , I Wltl'r ( 1IIItl " , ulI Illolltl's l tlc 'olst 01111"11 'Ihe t'lult Is IsI"flt'rr II I'rlry WU , I 18 ot grl'at 1II'risi Ilh'ltlll to OU 1"01111 In thl' Fil : llb\\lt , I hus 1 10\1'1\ trum thl 10'hi lt 1101'111101 111 , ' ' " ' to ' I"III' 1IIICI'r I Ilu"ltOI Ihlhl' hl'llm ' ' ' ' ' wllh , 101t ueu.'I ) ICC'I'IIUII'II l.ol1 IIH/II , ' , . " ' ' It hHH ) tlrllshl.1 I 'lr 1'11111' IlmM Ir\nr or tl ' fnlrlo'S nlil gO(11 wil wit . , ! tWI trlfIIII ' " " " " : whlh 11 lonH 111 1(1. 1111 ( , 11'1' , Im II 111118 11\"oh'lli Intolullot 'reClty Clnll"antIHt " 1'171111 , : hu ' ' tb I wil l'IUIIILI'11 thlt IIIII& se.'olil IlbHIOI lIt Ihl' Ilst CUIrl''S Gr"1 ' . ' ( ' ' UIIIUUY. 111 lnl ) (01'1111 ni 111 ' . ' ' for Ib , ' ' " Ih 111'1' Iurl'os" Ir hlollllg ' ot " othl' ' ' a l'OI'tl "III:1111 11 UIII ! BIll " mlI1S of f'MII 1' lB wOlld Il'cure u Blttl t tllut ot C II Ilnl dUt a tbey alt1II to eel - . - - . - - - - - . - - - tlll ft Ihllr "lhl"et , 'fhrlr I'111'OYll'lt o ( ' ror ' ' ' o ( ' ' (01'1' 11' 1'011'1101 \ , LI'RI' rllll111 , ' ' h ' ' IC'IIIIII',1 ) 11 1\11'1111 hrnllhl nhflt I . ' the . . . I hrl'l.h ' , hI 11. " 'II 1IIIolnttppt. " ' If ' Hlntl' " , ' "lt/1 I . tl' VI I "I ' ft (11'nl 1111 Ih. CO\'I'rll""t \'IIIIItll , I hl'll" h , ' " ' 1111 I Iltlltll whll'h'nH hlllll tn " ; I" " 111'I'I IIt ( titll , nlll whllh J' "POl ,117.1 Ihl' 1111'1' "r thl' ( 'olthlt , I'ul.r ! I hlH ' t " " ' ' I't I 11'1 Il "III1llla "C'I'Id II 11/11' I 1111111 11'I'I'llnll oC the 1'111011 1'1/111 / of Il If hlr llftl to hi' I 1111'11 II I IC IIJ'I"lt If , W 1111\1'1 ohlllll019 hI IHIIIIII",1 h ) ' ' mlJlt , IINI (011111' 11011 n\\olll'd Cor thnt 1"1tIIIC 10 hI dIl ! \ \ Crol h"r " , lot ollJ' 10 Ihl' Ihrll 1'1\\11 ' II , , rl'lll. whlsc Ilroll'ldllH 11IInlCII 1III1t ; ; 1"1 lnd rl'llltell II n 11111 oC Wil Imt nlso thl' , , , . to " " UII"11 Hllt"S lrlee 111111 1,1. JIII , Ihe NIthlrlIIII "wl'lh'l nld orwny , 0111 ' " " , who hlli ' ( ' 1'x" 10t 1'lllloved (011'0 ror Lhe , ' ' of the I'd to 'ole'tol 11/119 nl lo lIl' tl C'lllll of 11'Ir (111els , A ' hJ' thc ' Il'llnlll WUI L11 Inle sClnlh't thnt the ' llHklll ; IIOWfl 'miS 111Irnln cII to he Ihl' to tlllr elLzels I ) ' Hllh mlxel ( 'Olllsllollholll ' hccurll'd In > ' - melt 11101 the fiI elnlml IJCoro ot nlY nl'thll W/S " Illhl lo"lllt ' ' ' , ' , Ihe l'OWlrl Vell7ll'la 1'111'1 01 otllr , thnt hr ' mid Ilslstell ni ( crl'lllorl Ihould he n ' ' ' . "uII " 1101 hllis If I'Xll't l'qunllY. thc l'orls to Hi lt [ nlllHt thll dlHlltl It \\'IS III/estll hy ! ' II IltIIHt / tl 10Wl'r ( . thnt I 8bOlhl be retl'I'r,1 tl le tor de. , hut I ( llon Wil elelrly of the opllion Lhnt wiRer courRo he to . tnI 1 , olIL slb. I.It Ull' to the questol Icrmllent COlrt or nt 'rhe ' , Arhlmtol In\uI' I seemll to to 1 le otcr 11 Idllrnhlc nlllortullty . ' the of lhe Itvalcl' Irctce Ilcleeul srtto. ' o ( ' to 11'11 ror tlslltl let WI'CI UltolS 1111 Sl Hnguc n clre II 'Irlhll11 Illor/hle ot ' ' , Iwrlnle 11 Ilrnctl'll 11101tnll'I 'he IIton9 Iltl'rested II thlontro'rry wen ! ' ' 10 1III'rOlR nlll II mllY IISIIII'II 10 powerfll ns to 111e I'hll'lt thnt hlll- l'I'HUlls celt wOlld tnlow trom thlr nil' Ilcnrnncc nt LI' 81UW tle hltore tbc bur ot tlnt UlllSt trlllli oC plICI. Our bOloes \ ' renl. II thlt rctlrd bl\1 Ircn 17ld , HIII Illd Ausull II , ! repl"'Helt'l th ' of II ( (1'rlols who Ihl Ilurlcd nJI dllln. , Illshet COnl\ISI \ tllhuIUl whie Grllt Irllln , t'lrlnlf' lrulce , Hpnll , Illy , IchIII , thl Nctbcrllllll , HWI'IIen . MexIco , ' NorwlY. ult L1 t'llll 'tuls , nli Vllzuuln lre reprlHeltll ly ' ' " , ' , tllr rllllel'tl'l 1lltH nlll 1011"1 ' good Cor the ' 'Ihlrc seCI9 grould hell't thlt Iheu hal hll'l I renl 1rowth nlll : , ' tbe ' of ' n l'llzl'll lutolH BlltlUt whl'h wi IIC'mlt n 1I'ltlni luhsUtltol ot other ' h or wur the Ilthot thnl tl' I It Ol II sllllolt or Ilhllltll I 18 10t Ilrtlllcll Ihut yel WI' ' u lS 11' lelr IlsitOI II whllh hi' 110 \ \ ' to ' ' ( ' , I wil Hlhll'hol , 1I'I'V'lt Wil or thlt just ' ' for I ' , ' I l'l II't 11 t 111 1ll'I'st :1111 : hlllr wi II 11 ( 'IBl'S Il'rllt of Ihe . .t 11'lelt of II I crl 1011 I IIsllltl8 hy II hltmtolut : ly 0 IlxtlC ut Ildelce 1111 1I'IIIB8 wltl WIMlll wc thlik It Is Illsslllo to 110 I wnyih llIl of tl prl\'o- ' ( or , nt Iltol 111 eXCIII' Wil 11t Iplst , II " to oth'r IIIY CUI"S luhbtllte SUIO Ult Cor of dlHllaH 1111 rtllni , mcthol lie setewelt Helntlll" will Tlrlc - nn,1 Chiln , 1arly In July , h/\ll le'cl\ctlltelljI'II'e , whldl ' ' ' 1111'IJ' 11'111 oul to ue oC tll IHHISHllUlol of lur Irroll'ouSI lt 111 I t , I t "II 11811 Il I 1\11 811tllirol II ' for ' ' ' ht he thlt III't Hl'I'1I' HUl1 ' UI I ; ' ' ' the rUllI 111\HHI'J' 11 Ilh'l1 Althlugh I 1 11 l 1 11 the Ifl' If 011 \ I e l'olsll ' , J"I't thc' ' 1111 10t Icll SllCI'SSCul 111'110 Wil ' ot of " ' SJ'llltllull I lllc IxCI"lt'lt 1111 1101'11'1 whih tClllc11 1IIItlutl' lt- , The ' or \ ' , ' the Illtol urrl'ul II'ebl'I / hl < ' ' , A of " ' ' ) lt hll111 l'I'blH CIIIIt 1I"'lrlt lt ' took CUI'ml'r the OI'I Ihl Illcl If llaIm . . U \I ' ' : ' ' "I e ' \ \ 011 OU.'PI' : \ Ol'lllly ' . , ' hJ' WCICCIIC ! tie CIlslllr 11.1IUI tie ' , ICUIII 1ll'.hulIs 1111 oUllllY IHsilesH . , The ' ' or r"lul\.1 Is leU\I , ( O\'Crll'll thc \ ' CO ' ' ' ' to tlllal hl'lrllg GI\'I I lS II 1'1'1 I' thl''III I'ltIUrJU ; ot "ur Ilulsll'r : .he of- lelul who11 llllblhle for \\11 11lllct 11 IC . ' ' ' 111' IlstlrhcII ( 'Ollllul of 11'11' : wus re. \ ' ' thc ' 1\\1'11 UII rlltols wih 111HI Uo\erlelt 1"11111 frl'lll ) Ulr of CIUIIS fnlll'll 01 1IIIIIItllle 1lIItl1It hOIO of ' ! 10 ue nlI sl'huo1 Ult IIHSIIIS , 1111111 II I ' ' ' ' ' IlrO'l'ss If uml'ahll' uIJutlll'lt ' 1he SI III1 uf I IIW cOllerclnl lrelly wlh Chlll , which IlulIllucl lt : hnnlhll the bLh of , for bUlls' 01 Uctuhlr II I cluse , ' , Ihe , of - fUCllOI 1hll 1lI resull lonl thl- cu.slll 11(1 11lUllllluu , 1111"cs ulr CUI' Ilrelul rcJulul1 wih Ihl Irlut Urleul,1 1lllre ; ou I lurl blllsflCIOl'J' Cuotllj 1111 Ihlf hu'e \\'Cr hereloforl "IJufcl I 11'0- \'IIII IUt 011) ' Cur Iho rtilur : rlshll 11 < ' \ ' " or dlillolutic cousulur 01. 11'1\11/8 111 / clrl hut ullo for UI Impurtnnt I'XIIISlul ot ulr CUIIerlU hJ IU"IIIHcl flclly of 10 ' , Cur Ihe ' UlCe6S Chlll'HI lurl8 IIHI rell'f or Ihe of " or 111111 II rllu\11 "UII til , ' hu\'c , ' ' wh11 \ 'IUIIIU.M't I II the , ' ' uf ' ' ' IllHt 'ie CII II'UHI'I 11\1011' Illt whleh ulr Co I 11 ' 1 11J rlhlCII J I'XICCt l'UI hurllJ' he luuc1 Cur Ill1 Ihc , ' of ' ' Il'Llellut Ile 1I'Is'I Ilmurmul slll ot Ihe : ' hut - Ih11'1 II 1:11111' : Lhl COludl- 101 1111 fur bleh dlvcluplllt his nt IUlt lccu Hlrul . I r"o Uclvcr , . ' 1he 10111 frcl'.dcl\cry 1ll'\'lce hnl IcCI fl111J l'XIIII"II " , The nleliiol of Ihl l 'IOrl S 19 to Ihe IIClllol of the ot the lutlcr ' CUllllcl ulol cur'lcl nli clel'lo IIUIct il IIc 11 IUI . hll'\'lee , ebllC' Ihe \ \ ' ' roule , clll ) Oi 1111111 trcl.lclh'lr ) Ioro ' the roUll'o Iuve 11\1 11 IUlcl bilee Ir.t of JIIJ' IUKt IIul II IIJ' 11.1 Iwrlol the ' ' ' ' ' . U duc II ll'llrt 1I'It'I hIIIUI'J' \hlo rlglrt to CCUI"I ) ' Ilst he 1"111 II Ilml , ' II Ihe 1IIIhllblllII ut lew rUlles ) 'ct the extelrlOI of the rlral flle-lelnr ) ' " ( ' , for ' ot ) Hlel Ilst le 'OIIIIUlt l'elrOl1 hllHI Illhlcolc ) ' . \U\'CrIIIIIUI UIOI CICII ot rl'I'elt ) 'cnrr hnl l'IslllII II ' ' 10 Ilcuilic or & 1111'1' IllCIIll uellli Ihl , frce , IIe cUlllry IIsIr1elK Hlrll telvcry the , tlkll II cOllectol wlh tCllplOIC ' , ' , Ihe IJ blcJ'cll nut troleJ' uCCOllllrbes h' ' Iha of Ilch 10WI\t , , 111t IsulutLI flrl lfe Iml 11 Ig II lrlghler nlt more ' ' . ' ' nLIUeth'I' Hlrll Irle etl\'crJ' II 10t olly n 1001 IhluJ II Ilelf , lut II ! oed ueculbe H II ole ot thc rllses whleh , cbcck thlK IIWhollHOl1 Ilndtlc ) townrll the Irbun , IUIC'ellrntol of our Ilopllntol ut tht cx Ilel I' If thl' counlry 111111118 , It II for Iho unlc rtlSOI thnt we 8YI nthlze wih I\I , nllprOf , ot Ibe Ilolcy of buldlu& 1001 1111 hl"lnr 10""csstOI' I cal Aln8kl. Ipeclll 'rbe country I to 18 tl dlrlop' 'reI- II ! ruPllJ' , nle It bUH 11 II"Urlll fllurc. 'Ih ( ' Ilnlrnl WIRlh 10 grlat Iml Ion ni yet . hlrdly hl < Ilppell , ' 'he t8htrlcs , It wise. . Iy lu\let 111 kept Ilder natonul con. 1101 , wi be a blslle8s 11 lermnllnt a8 nlY other , and of thl Itmost IUllorlanee 10 tbe , 'lbc torestl I \ Irolerly gunrded wl form II0tber great BOlrce of . ' of for wealb. I'orlols Alnlkl lre ftlt Calllg 0111 810ck rllslui , although tbe r Ilthots Illt he IdnlJel to Ihl leculnr cumllonl of lbe countr1 Alnskn Is sll' nh-II II the fnr 10rlh ; Ilt 10 ae Norwo , , Ilt Swelln 1111 Fllllnll : Ind Alukn con rro lllr Imllny 18 pnrt In tbt I\ . \01 II Jlst n8 Ih08e Illonl hnre prolper. Il nlila111 their portl . II the Ot0111 or ' 011 Ilslllr II'ssI'.alons Ihl Ph I ' 11011 Iml Porto 1co I 18 grltfylnt 1' IUJ tblt tbelr steel ) ' Ilrogrel8 bUl hleu Ilch us to 1111 H 1III'ce" In II1h lilI In IIICllMllg thel SIIII1 l'olJreM 8bOlli I\'er k"lp II mlnll thnt I plclllr ohltllol 11.10 11'01 11 10 ril- ' ' ' thl' " " ) or Ihlr II 1'1) WIJ' wllflrc thlMe . 101 I I 111 IS , ' 11 Ihlllll1111'8 8hnlhl be ' . closer to b ) arrn kll 19 turlO I. \ , ' , be 1tllenl I WOIILt COlrll' 1lllO"slhll' Ilhlll' IJ' to rlIH , ' Ihl 1"1,11 oC Ihe Ihilmls Iu Ihe high Illtcb of 1111811111 II'I I.rl ) ' Ild of ' ' ' ' ' lu ' ' gU\lllClll1 l'II'I'II'J' whl'h thlJ' wl II thl' 111 bJ' ' clrt'18 nloll ; Ild lhe enl- ton 1011'11111 IhuWI II 111\lloplut I hnn' hl'l'n Ihe mlil . tll 11011 111.111 ' I hl8 . ' \ ' , ' ' hns ' 1 hllll'rlo ' \hJ' 11.\10\11'11 tole , 'I ou " 0 Iloolhl1 Slrlpllol ( 'urIn 1"1'1 Iw ' ot \ ' ' ' ' , " 1 I I I II , thl 111(1' IO\'I'rlll'llll U1I'III f 111 Ih ' "lllle 1'1111111101 ot l'IrlKII ' " 11'1 frol Ihllhll elll'I Thl' COIII 1101. " , Iou ut II , ' 18111tl'r. II II IHIl'rl , I I thlls ' \ ' \ \ til hll'r HII 1\,1 UICII' hlc Illr , , , . , ' . 11\1'1111'1111 111 Il 'el 11 : nlhl lurl 1.1 \ ' " 1110 kl'll 111'1' wl h 111'11 1IIIerlli \111" I111" , . , I . ' ' , ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' " 11.1'411'1 :1 ll' Il'opl' 1'\11 hl'n'III.t 11 . . olh'r p.l'III' Ilurl Ihll WI' ha\-I hl'nlfll.1 ' ) ' ; ' " ot ' e 1 Fll\llo 1) tnkll l'081"NSlol 11' I "I Ilhle 1'111 IIW" . t I xprlelcl hnl luwl Ihll , II the \st , ' , . ' ' ' Ihe ' erl IInl'H Ilel81'I'CH 18 n'l 1M II ' thl' ' , ' Is ' l'lsl If 1'01111) tl'rl wl'II llrlI1 ) . ' ot . ' \ ! - l'ul\.lol , Ihlt C\'rllln tl Ilhl.-11111 Ihl' ' ' ' 10Wl 41,1 11'8111111 111/111011111" Ilrnl' tlCl' ' ' , ' ' ' ' , Th 1 10 11111'1 11'1 thl1'11'11 , 11I'Ib , t 1'1111111'1 1111 I I'S ur Ih ' relnllllJ Illb , ' whh'l uf IhE ( Il lulh < lll'r , frOl1 11181 " ' whlh , 1'&I"'l'l , e l"lhl'e IIIII > ( ( UltIi hl,1 I I I vIew whll thcsl' II WI w"r\ ' \usHell , ThE 'I ot 1 of IbE ! ' rllllly hllrlsslll rlll Ilsros - rublc Ilnl I , lot tolowed lT a corn , - 110nlllJ , Inlrlnl ( In hnme 111 ll ni 'hr ! i lo n 1I'"III'y II Jn A In ' 11111' hollll 1"lhll II IlS " "I"lnly trl.r 1111 crI7,11/ t , 11111 nlll 11r.IY 10 rllRrd hllo'll'nl , I rlllIV 1111 IIhISI11 lY rlllmllfllltnn Int ) ' ' Ihul0 fnr ) ' ' ' . o ! 1'11 /0 ni Ihl lre 'J'ol. , ' for Ihll' Igrlllul II I hrlall ' t 81IRe , 1111 10 whnll\'lr , , , Ihl' " ' 1111 Ihlll" h ( ' re , f'lnllld 11,1,1 1III0lni nilnl tl' rllnllln IHhlc Inllo , IhUII.1 . hI Ilwl ! hel . 1111111 tor Ih ( ' hOle hllhllr , ' t I he ' 18 1hl ntln. , 111 If CUII' ) 1 dlrII,1 : 11/leclnl / ( ( . 10 the tmlHr nlHI "tlll n \ II" III ert. Ilnll In W , nl11 I he eOllltnlol Ilnuse or Ihe hUI"sllnd Inw , wllh II thllr ' ! hn\ ' " " ' l\lrl' 111 II IIIY rlAI"111 . , 10nlctld wih wl.1 IIlhl-lnlll 1Icr 'Ih\ work or reclnlnton or th ( ' Inldk of the Wllt II ! nrll prolreR8nl steldl1 1111 Kltlrlltoriy ntllrr Ile tlrlS of the ( IIWelll ; nHlle tllrlceCII , ( rom the , (111)1811 plhlc Inldl 811'CYI RIII IX 111111011 lre Irolrl/Rlnt the ' tlrul/hout , 1111 Illlel 1111 1lrrltorlcs IIlnlK tor 1 ( CIIIIII worlH hcll ' ; ! Ilrll'nrlll nlli plsll by uf hOlrlls 111111111 heore \ " 11101 , the Ilcretnry or the Illcrlor , In Arhonn nml ' . : Nc\'ndn. II ' 10cnltl'I whlre Ilch work II Ilre-emilelty 11led , con. Mtrlclul hnl 111'ncly leel bllun , In othl'r of urhl West IlrlR tl" vnrlous arl' IroJect ! 1\11 Idrnm'cd towlrd Ihl drnwlnl 111 of , thesc hclng In cOltrlels tlllyet nrt by ' or ( , leelllltl's renlhill ncrlcleiis or un derslllllng ni rlJnrd ! rich Is of wnT or ' of , rlnl le'1118110n clntl 1urlll Ihe yenr Inllld , Tunr IIAt , 21" roerSOII \ w're 1IIIIOlnlld throulh com. pell re elmlnntonf 1I11r the ' ( ' - I'lcr rulll ' 'hl ! WIA 12,012 clrl'/'r- Ilnl Illrlnl thc prceclnl Yllr , nnd 40 celt or who . Ulole thl IIARld enm natons. Tbll Ibnormnlrowlh WI Inrlely OCCI' the ot ' /ionell rxIlnllon to / hf , I'lnsllnnton Ihe ' ' . 1111 trledll\'lry lel'lee 001 Ibe np. polntmllt InAt ) 'IRr o orcr 1,00 rurnl cnrrlers , A r'rlliol ot thl clrl'lcr\'lce rlics took Irect on Apri Hi Inst , wblch bnl gret1 Improred tl'lr ollrnlon. ArmIfll Nnv , The eIcet of Ihe Ilws providing I Oen. Irnl Itlt tor the ArlY 111 fnr Ihe morc \ ' at Ih ( ' Ounrll clecl\'l 111 ntolnl his heel excclnt. Orlnt 1111roremelt his heen mlte II the IlclcnlY of our Army II relelt yen Il , Huch 8ehools ns Ilse erectcd " , ' . ' lt 1"011 1I\'elworth Ild I.'ort 1- ley 111 tbl Inlllltol oC tll IlneU\'Or work , ' 'he Iccomlsh sntsfnetory reslltH ' of thcsc the Iood eleet mnlClvers Gunrd I mnrkel\ \ , 1101 - ! nlillc : ntolnl mnrkel111 111- to the Ilro\rlatol 8hOlil II mnle el11le \ julrdslln ot the e\rnl Stntcs to shure II tbe helef. Thl gO\'erllllt Ihould ns 1001 lS Illslhle scclr" 8ullhl ( ' pI'rml- nent cnmll IlcR Cor mltnry 11 I el rerl II Ihe of Ibc , ' Ihenrloll secton coullr 'rhe fenlce thcrehy renllerC1 not only , to thl , ' A ) ' , hut to ' OUlr11 11'lllr 11) tH' Nutolli ot the several SIlIes , wi he so trent ns to repny over the ' InlY tles lelntn'ly " ' , We - lnl "XPI'UIC Mholil lot relt sll h Ilune , , led wl whlt his 1111 howlrer 'Ihe on I 110le who lre n . ) ( COllelllt wlh ' ot ) 'stel 111011101 Iy 1111 8cnlorl1 nro I hosl who II' eonlenlct wlh lie Ir1ulph onr ( ' , On the o 1lllolrlJ ( ] 'II\lec olh'r ' , hlli n S I'"tll wlllh "lcolrl/ell Ihl / 1lclse of HOl nl ur ( llllcal to\orilHI II II'UlIliols wOlld he e\'el WO 1 e , Blt It wOlhl 81rlIy he ( 'nsy to le\ll ( n Iltho,1 uf prololon trolrnll. . II Irlll' II "h'lh ' the of thl' hlber Olllllon of Ihe : ofr1 . . , s.'r\'II' "l'on Ihe Iln.lllnlel Ihollr hl' , ' IIRh' , ' the nnll l Ipon thelllHllg 11rololon Ihl Iltlr , JURI slch I sJ'slel now oh- " ' Inlll lt 'Irt Point I blnltly eontrIIJ : " Ihl (0111188 uron the ' 's stl'lty IJrogr < II hulhllt thl II , Am"rl"11 : I\ ; \I , C'II lnt nfor,1 I I.t np \orl ; stlml jrlntorl 10 , stl 11111 10 10 hlI ; , 'h"re Ibonl1 I" 10 Ils llon II 111111 to thl ItI't\1 Inll or thl nJhtlg ot thl' nl't " the \ ' slrlljth :1"II1hll :1\'y 'UI'llnrtlllt nlli thl nm"NI of Ihe :1\'y 11 t011 wIl ' port ' ' " - ( tl'lr hJ (10'1'111 01- ' nt " stlntII'le S"I umllr lonl1lou1 Ildl to tbos" 01 nl'hli wnrtlrt , 011 omclr Inl Illstl'l 111 111 1'lrln ! to hnllle the hatle HhlH , (111 erH , IUt torpelo bllts with hlh In ( nnd forlntonH ! , clrlllJ Itllllnrl t1t or mnrkslan Iqlnlrol shill Is ' heilt ftllll 11/111 Is , ' ' , , thnt I 'lhlllly llslrnllll' bO\I\cr Ih"r" , ' \ ' n \ ' Ihonll I ! nU\11 . Iel.rnl , or In ' or Uen StlO 1118 ii 11 II 11011' thl ernl lately ' ' Cor tbe . Stnr ( ! 'II'd Arm1. IHthmhn COln I. By tbl lt of JIII 3 , IU , thl COlgres8 the ' to Inlo nuthorl1ld Irl'81dlIt elteI trlnty for Iho' of the wlh Colomlin blllllt ellni nCl'OSH thc IHtlll0 ot 1'11111 : I h'II Irovllll thnt II thp e\-clt of tliure to IC' Iurl Slllenty , lfter thl Ilpse of n t'n- " to folnlJe tme recolrse "honll bl blil IIIIIIt n Illnl thll/b : kulnjln , I hnl Iot this - lcel tl hllr IICISSII1 lol Ilrrnn- th'e , lS I nm cln"llll to IIJ' Iwore the "I'llte n trllty IlrO'IIIIj tor the hlltllg or 11 Ialnl 1\'rO ! the Ilthlll' If 1lnall , Thil WIS Ihl rOltl whlb cOumoldld IBeir to thl clhl'rnle jldllClt of thl' COIJress , 111 WI 1'11 IIW 1.'qlllc h ) ' tlllty thrhht to thl' ' , ( olstrlct 11111 rOlte Th 0\1 tlil ! 111'SLl01 UIW , ther'Coll Is 30t hy whlb th" , tor 10lte ISlhmll1 cnlli bhlil II hull thlt II'Slol hai bpeu Illlllely 1111 1110 \ol'lhly dechled , 'l'ho qlestul IK sImply cUlnl wlwlhcr , or uote ohnl hlvc ni Istbwlll When the COIjrel dlrlcted tht we slolhl tnl.I' the InlulH rUtl' Inll"r trlnty Colombln , the ' ' oC tbe - wlb I'HSCll'e COltl- , of , to \ ' ' - ton COUISe rltlrrll 10t tll OO\'CI'I- ' whll'b , 1I'It "oltmled thlt rllte hil to the rOlte Is'lf : to the tcrrltor , ur08S whlh the rnutp IIJ lot to thc 1II"hllh Cor lhe 10I\It thl' tlrrltol ' here 01 the 11111 , 'lhl' IUrpOf" oC thl' IIW was to ulthnl Ize Ihe 1rlldelt 10 mlke n t'nt1 wih the power II nd 111 cOltrl1 of the IsthmuB ot 1n 11 11 , 'Ihll IIIIIOSI hll hlln tllilel the this ' 11 ycar 18-1 GO\'lrllllt cn- 1pI'11 Into n trllly wih New Uranlll. the . ' ' ( ' the of ! IpOI Isthlll thl Ic. 11111 of CnJomlln nlt or the lu'cselt Hc- plhlc ot 1IIIIn , by which trclt It wns ' \ ' thnt \ ' ( ' , IJ'o\'lded tbl OO\'rllelt 1111 cltZIIS of ' tntl's nlwnys tw Ullt'd IhOll1 hn\o Crle 11t opel rlht ot'ny 01' tralslt nerOBI ot hr of tle hthlu8 1IIIIn nlY moies ht he ' , COIIUllcltOI thlt II l'olstruetet whie pcrrcct II rtur 011 ( O""llllt ulrlteel leutrllJ' tbl Ibore'len. toIlII Istlmls wllh thc \llw thut the Cree trllsit from the aie to tll other fel Ilgbt lot bl Ilterrpted or twbnrrlss'd , 'lhe trllty "est Il In tbo Unlh'd StUttl a 81hstnntli property rllht cnl'ld Olt or tl rlsht of 10vlehlty nud 'hlch NeOralnln thln bnd , ali prolery poO' orcr The fl81ld slll tlrrltory nlme ot Ne\r Ornllta bnl plsscd arny and Is terrier hns bell th'llel Il succeasor. tbe OoverlUent ot Colombln , bnl ceased to OWI any In the , A polert1 lutmus ICW Itlublc , thlt ot Ilnluna , wblcl WIS nt ole tlpe n 80verll11 Stltent nt Inotber Ilt dellrtlllt slccesslve ' - New Ornnnda I'olfl-derntonl knowl a Colomhll bnl 10W &lclelell to the nul rl/bts which frt enl and then the otber torllrl r11'rlsld Isthmll 0\(1 the tnllrts ISlhlUI , , mere But ns lOl , ! 1111 fnct of Its elstelce , the ieosrllh ant lecllar 1ll'Ist thcr"ln wllch Is eQulred by our 10siton , plrpetnnte the solem I contract whll Iilts tbe bolrers of the terrItory to retllelt 011 rl ht to trel'dom of nl'rU6R I , I nil ilntl 18 lu retlrn to trnsl sa glnnl for tb" IIthll8 the the 111 worll or Ihat ' , ' 'be txerlse Inestllhlelrl'lele ' \ true luterpn'tltol of the Ollllton UpOl1 wblh the UIIII Htnl's eutcn'd II thh ' of 1840 has ' ' ' tn'lty bl'll Il'el II the of ' ' n'llntcllJ ItlrlneeS Irl' III'IIS nld , , , ' of ' ' In Ilrl's lllc SClr'tlr ) CISS 18:8 of ' tbo of ' Icllly btll'd : Ilollton tlls OO\'Cr' Ul'lt lS tolowl " 'hl' l'rorlss ot ( rentl bns rc'nlcrell the ' ' " ' 81'ro < s the Inl'rollllh' I "Hul' \ ' ' InlrowOltoll to the l11 Il AIIha1 1 IJ' lullrlllt , , ' arid " ' ' ' to 101111'1111 I nli "SII''lnIJ' U ll " , I 811tl'S , wbose pos I'KHlnns Ixteml , 11011 thl' , .tlll , 11)1 Ia l I. , 'oaslH , II ' th ' " ' ' ' ( ' , ' 01 11'11111 11"'I'II'SI 111 'UHIIHt 10,1'8 CO ' I , the oC ' , I 1111'1 lUl Whie rl\hls 80\ ' ' : or th , ' StltlH ' ' ' \ . l'rl'IIIY ol'c'lpJ'II' 111. 111101. Rhnuhl 11\1\1 ue ' ' ' ' , ' t'X n'sll'l'l'l1 llal 1I'I't thllt IhlI' rlhls hi' Ix'rl'll'd II ' , 1 , 1IIIrl 111111 tl o"I'nOlnl 111 tIl' Wlitl , ' ' ' , , \ 1111 h'O'UUbtllf Ihlt 11Irhwl SO\ " , 1'111:11) , ' Illl Is dut.'s , ni \\1 11 I ! ut ' & ' , rllhlH Iml I ni I Ih1 10111 tI'lrl , " ' 1'1"1 I Illmlllsl'r"ll with 11'11 1' 10 thl' jn t Ih'lll1ls U ( ' lrl 0111'1 11 , Ih"y " ' , tln Ihll IIII hl"'I \olhl hI PI mllld , In n lllfll or 1-n6tlrl : IHolnton , t ( ' th" ' of ' . ' the' rloll' 11'r.'olrl" ' ! , 1110'1 Oi Jrlll hllhwlYS or tll worh nlll JusUfy the al'l I hJ' ' thnt ' 11' SrtIIIIIOI tlSI II'IIIlS 01 I Irnlll ni tln" heloll to tl(1 Ild thll thl'J' . Ihtosl to shut thri , or , wblt 10 nl o II.t I'qlh'nlllt\ \ CIIU I hI I thl'l wiL . sll'h IljUSt , Ul' 1' 01018 n wOlld Ilrevcul 11'11 Cl'l'rll ! HI'\'I'I ' 1111 Iltlr , In 18 , Mr , 811\nr1 h ! ' tbe dlrl'rllt tok COlIlllclton8 IIOFllol : tolowlli , " 'be Un1 Sttu hUI tbu an4 .1 I tn e no Iltrrrlt In IIY qllltOI or InLenlll rl\fluUon In thc Sllt ( ' ot 111111 , or nn1 : Inl' ( If thl Unll',1 Htnt ( ! of ( 'olomhll , hiI wil Illnlaln n ' In nlllrllY Ilrrc' ' ' " { , ' ' , l'UIII'"tol wih Illh Ilt'rl'nlloIR 'hl' Ulilel Ktnlll wil cOllltc , Iwrrrtl'lls , hohl Ih"m ' ' 10 ' the II\8 11'1111 10roIII't trnlslt , ' ' \roIII't trlll nl'rOS thl IIIhllS an1181 IIVlflol of l'lthr Ilul'otl or forl'h:1 dlstlrhl'l'H or then , ' " of th" of ' 1'llnml ' \n \ ttltl . thc tl'xI or' leiwr 101 thl Illlrlt or'lhl stp. thnt 111tfl II Irtrlc h1 whllh tl UnlItl ' , lnL's cltlces to Irl'serve the Icltrnlly of thc of , ' oh. IILIIII Il ni In Inpo'll ni I//tol 01 this UO\'Crlelt to eOllly wih lhl' rllllsllon ( of the In'Ehlclt or the Ullec HtnteR ot Cololhia tor I torce to Ilrotcct the IltllUI of 1IIIIn trol I boly ot Inslrgcltl uf thlt cOlltr1) ) , ' 'he IHr. IIOSO ot the Itllllltol was to gUlrllteo tbe forllll l1Lhl18 a/lllft olIJ' , seizure . or Invlslo1 lyn Atorly-Oelernl Ipcld , under dnte or NO\lher : 1 , IBO at\'lbel Secreary lewnrd 11 CotoWI " 1"101 thll traty i cnn not be posed thnt Ne\r ( rlndn Invlll tbe Unltell tHltls to heeome n Ilurt to the Intlstle Irolhlls of tlnt Oo\erllelt , 101 dlt the Ulllt Htltl's becnle h01111 to tnkl siiel : II the dOlelUl' broll of New Urllndu , ' 111 i did ' ( New Ultel Stltcs IUlrnlt'e Ornllia II the fOVfrlglty 11t property areI the tcrrltory. ' 'hIH wnB ns Ignllst otber nnl , " ' torel1 ! OrCI'lmcltB I or tour 1IIIIrcd J'nrs , ereI since sborl1 Atlr the dicovery ot thll Icmlsphcre , the canal lerOU9 tle Ilthlll bal lccl IIlullel 1"01 two seoro rcnl It his hccl work nt , ' Whel Ilde It Is to Ilsl for the Il , I iII i n/es II to alter the Glogrllhy or n eOltlent nnt the trato routlS .If tbe worlt. We blve sbowl 11 c\ory tlenty we hl\'e nciotltel or Ilelptcd to Iclotnte wih thl peoiliel II cOltrol of tle IthllS nli wih tor' ( thereto 1111 IltolS II reerclce 011 101' tnlth . slltlmt teed II obslllll 011 ollcn. tonf ; 01 the ole Illd to the peoll11's of the ItllUS , Ild 01 thc oU11 Illc to the ch'lzcl world wboMe rOlmlrclnl rights we nrl' " hy "atllllrclll Ilc ! ulrlltleil/ / . our nltol Wc bu\'e IlllO our duty to otb. 1'1 Iu Ilter Ild II HilIIl nnd we hnre showl our OWI rlgbts Ut10Kt , torblnrllCe In exnctng 1n8t Sll'hluldr tbe Irt Ihore referrll , trcut ' ' to n ) COlcllded hl'twcel thl rlpre- ' of the of ll'ltnt\IS Hellblc Colomlln Ild or our hy the - Oo\crlmelt WIS rntnecl 111- nte. Tbls trcat ) ' Wil eltell'l Into nL the ' theI'ople ot Colom. Irgcnt BoIl'Itl1ln lt \I'ople hlu nUl n h"t of " ' ICer "X\tI'ls npflllt t by 011 Gorprl1Clt clllclnly to go Ilto tbe Ilter of tbl rOltls Ic'rObS thc l/th1lM bld 11'0 I 01 I cel 11111molhl1 II ( u\or ot the ' ' , In trcuty 1'nllln roul' drlwli/ thll cvery eOlclsslol'IS Ilte to tbo Ploilio ' ' of . We to tle Ol\\'rllolt Colomlln. nnl more ' , thll jlst II tl'lllg wih thel wns ' ns mnke a 011 ! eleloalty 811'h tl i sel'lolO whlthlr wc hnd not g011 IjUlHtol too Illcn'st nt the ' ' " ot fil I ther cXl'I'"se ' 1"81rc to our OWI : for II 011 sl'ruIHIIIIS " PlY 11 posslhle hcil I lt merel1 to tbo \ " ' to { 'nl'I'd ot our 1111 hit C\'I tw IIthtl , who nh'etHIJ' so welker lelghhor uwct lueh ' ' , 'll'ld- wc - to 011 protlltl1 ulI flIIIII'IICI' ) Ill II ul \obslule \\'U8 tu leI dlslrls II Ill wil" 111 thl t 1'1 tJ' , Ne\'ltlllbs the ' ot ' - UO\'rllelt Colollin 10t Icn'lJ 10- tbe ' , , ' It putlut"t trclt ) hit IcIUtllt'd II Ilch Inll'r I 10 111e It \ Ilelt IJ tbe ' ' tbe lme Cololhlal CIHJI'l'SS Idjolrletthat thl' ' nope uf ever - 10t 8cllth'Rt fCIIIlll1 jct- tlt a fl tsflltul'J' I ! el IJ' froU Ilm , 'be luvcrlmclt of 1'0111111 Illde thc trcnlr , 11.1 . Ylt when tl' Colo1hlll COI ; rl/s Wil , " 11"11 to mUfJ' i thc , \011 1Jlllst rltn " nppear Cltol WIS 11111111" I roe : 10t the , ' ' 11) ' rcul clrort tllt Oo\'rll'lt , lote to " b"lUre rltll'ltol Hcvnlltiul in Pllnlln. IllelUalCI ) ' ! tll adJuurulent If ' . a \ ' uut lu Ibl CuIGI'I.1 re\'olulul Irukc a , Tie uf 111111 hit lonl la I I I IleUIlc , ' uf eu- LIe H'puLlc bell wlb 1011la IlbCOllcIICI , out ha I II kl'll Illet olly Ihe of Ibe cOlclusluu ot the ly , \ prusJcCI IU Ih1 I IIter of1. . rlutJhleh , Whcu It \ ' tll couecrl llllme c\'lleut Illt ' ' lObI , tbe the hUIIII""bl ) tlcOIJ' WIO pculle ot 11Iaml Io"e 11c1alJ' lS ouc lal Not n IlOt WIS Ilel U ) ' 1 tll/Ie 111 on tle COIOlblUI Ilbmus II tle Illrest Uonrlllll , Not I Ifc Wll lost In Ibc IccIlplslll111 of thl rl\'OIUllul ' 1he Co' the , truups 10lhlll Illllulll Oi ISlblUS who bli IUII hccI ulpal , lulle cOluln , . leuI.le ut , 11\1 CUIHl wll 111 ' lu la 11 \ . wih 18tollHl1ul ulallli ) nlw Helul. Il wal ii 011111 , ' 11 IIY at IIVlll'd , ' strIct ! tules II the Ilrel"ll'IS cllnr II aeeurlnlce w li Ihe prlnclpl"1 lall dow,1 nud Ibe of cCrllrle8 CISH : lwlrt II bJ documeuts \ ' , teol nlo\'c Ilulld th. Uuiel Sinles ' nul Ice the 11\1 Ihll I wUlld 11II1t I