. . - . . . ; ; . . . . ; ; ; , ; . . . . . . . . - - - - , Guster Gonnty Republican : I . . J ( . . lSD lU1Y , JtDlTon A rUJltlBllJIl I I Ia OKEN now. NEDRASKA . . . HUIU 11fliUlIIlJ" l vu turm."I1 W1VIJil tide out. Tet\r nro to women what wett.r . .ords are to men , Ancl Ii'ranco won't 1 > 0 content 'WIth bnlt-morocco eIther. It'll n lu'ly colll thnt dOCSD't tW"Il . tan when 'ou cnll bend . A New York nle6lrl ! hn9 mnrrled a lOunt , ftncl Lnura Jean Libby 1a vln. Ilcated nt Innt. , .A. tblD womnn who tried to l rn " "IIow to Get Filt for " was told to , buy It at the butcher's. Mary MacI Ilno saya tbo future 1 11 : Into wlUlout RtrJng ! ! . . It rpoy nlso bo ; c10scrlbed as nn untooted ! lute. r1can trusts WIWt the eartb , nnd f , the Amerlcnn pottery trunt Is fill\ld to , r be buying I ngllsh clny beds In pur. ! , ItUUlCO ot. Ulls policy , ( , The OJllcngo blcnmlfrt who bnd eight r wlvee snys that 60 fnr as women are OllCOrlled ho "Is dont' , " It looks more u it. he were undone , W. E. Henluy , the celebrated author , tot.t an cstnto of $5,000. I"blcb would be almost hnlf enough for ono of Now. port's urldway dinners. There iR a ccrtilin suggl' t1on of the w of compensation In the vlans of : Ulo Ohlcllgo University for a foot. . ' all ! leld and hospltlll adjoining' , " CCOl'dlng to a leamed sclenUst , nn . . ablo.b dJcd sunllower "suclts up 14 pounds or wllter In Us lIfeUmo. " And it doesu't groIn Wa.Il street , either. , , An Eustrrn contel11)Jorllr ) ' hns nn nr- f. " Ucle on "l'he Clgllrette Vlee. " Its grll ) n tbe : rounger generutlon of the trou- m-weHrlng vllrluty dOL' seem , 'IsL' " like. It Is now thollght thllt Downger I m- , reBIJ An of Chinn canllot Il'e mOl'U than II 'ror. Aillsi thllt 'enr mny cost the Flowcr ' I\lngdom : JearM uvon frors of rcllentance. . \ Let prnlse be gl\'cn whel'e prnlse hi flue. In de\'otlllg thu procccd.q of hN nSl\tlollul lecture tuurs to the fouml- , /11g / of a home for drunlalxls' w\'es , i , plothers and chlldrL'tI , Carrie Nation has done a noble work. Dr. WHey SlIys tha.t baldness Is a proot of civIlIzation , nnd tbat WOUlan has Ion ! ; ball" because she Js stili Il _ vnge. 'fbls suggests the question . , wlletber Dr. Wiley would l'Utber rolllT ) a baldbendoo womnn or II so vag-e , t. : , : The late l..ord Sullsbury wns a hnp- . , , ' plor man In hIs chcmlcnl luborntory " 1' than In the lIouse of Lords or nt tbe : ' foreign ollice. II Is \'oc\tlon ! wns 11 & , 1tcllht. : ' 1'ho by-lndustrJes of st.utl'S. ' . . . JIlCD , It we Ulny so tenn tllem , rl\ngo I " , from agrlculturo to Z'IUOUC Investlga. 4 . UonlJ , " , ' " ' 'I 1 ' " - : : . . . . j 4'ToWCTS ot Bnbel" Is what a New ' ' " , ork mnn calls tbe tull buildings going , _ . pp In that city , 110t bCCAuse they ar4 ! , - fIO high , but because tbNe Is u babel ot ' . , ongucs among the workmen cmIlloyed , ' em them. Irish and Germnu , ltnllall . . . . IUld Scotcll , with now end tlull1 tnn. . tive-born American , work Bldo by side f i : A mllllonnire In N.y York And j. woman In Ban Frllnclscc : . ave committed IlUlclde. J. Plerponl j" orglln Is losing money and vreatl 1 IJvc"r1 day ; a busbe1 ot diamonds be 'onlIlns to John W. Gates hnye beer l , .to100 ; Andrew Caml'clo Is 8nITerln bntold nJonll's nnBe of his dls ace rul wealth ; aud John D. Hockefellel Is stlU forced to live on crackl'l"8. PltJ 'tho poor mllllonnlrci There Is an } lOnest nnd sincere ego jlsm abont the German Empero blch mnkcs him lituud ou : t cool ani J'\rl't.'tihill obJcct among the pompon I d platitudinous monnrehs of th /world / , Wlslllng to pny tbe hlghes ) mpllmeut he could thlnlt of to hi ptd IlreceptonJ , e said In ecrect 11 Ills speech at Cassel that tbL'Y were ell tlcd to the grnUtlllle ot the Illltlot or they helped to mnke blm , WIIlInn he great nnd Sl > IC'lIldld thing 111 11 hat drear ' waste the " a ro "nlty 0 I urope would bo wUhout Wllllullll I l IIans MoUer , a newspnper edltC1 find vroprletor who lately died , " 11 ja tull.bladed Esltlmo. When NOI I CtI1.8kJold , tbo DnnJsb explorer , wnR I recnlnnd thIs mnn acted nR his guld , \1 frho scientist , struck by the Eskimo , fnteIllgence , helped him to a know edge of Danls11 , and on his retunl 1 popenhagen sent him a small prJnUJ1 putllt , wllb dlrectlon8 for using I a'be man uot only mtUJtercd the "a : reserYatlve , " but edited and prlnt ( : f1 little pnper In Danish for nnt\'es ! 1 'Whom he had tRUg t the langunge 411 p'e art of rCildlng , 110 dJd 80 muc : to tnstruct and enlighten his countr : en that wllC' his death wns a ; aounced many of the Dnnlsh new - penJ apPl'lll't'tl In mournlnl : , Mall ' 'ldJtora undertoke to educate their sui , crlbcra ; few iO ao far lUll to troc them to rend. . The llolsteln cow hall been TlndJcn The genOo boTtno In black at , "hlto , who make-a wcb a pretty ; , . .ory tor tbo lan illcape artists , hi fiIeued . : all auap1cJon ot dvlI . , . .I : " , ' , "i. . . , . .i ' . -,161. , .tM..t , . ' . . . , . . . . . " " , 1 . . wntere < l , chnllcy , or nltulteraled 11I11I , lit her 11I1111 III dl' chmt In hutter fat II IR not her fnult. She do's ' thq hCflt Hht' cnlo' on the food thnt IR Ilro\'ldN1 tor h I Tbl III the verdict ( Jt till' lIt.n" ' " fflt .commlJl8lon nnd the Chll'ngo 11I11 b : "tant ntter nn nr"IYRls of III : . . . . 'es ot mlllt t/llen / from pure nlld rado Holsteins In n dnlry In Deltnlh County. Only one ot these 8IUnllies falle < l to corne up to the rCllulrcments of the city ordlnnnce. ' 1'ho lIolRteln cow cnmo orlglnlllly from Schleswlg. Holstein , a province ot Pruss In , tor- merly a duchy of Denmnrk. 'I'bo Int- ter being one of the greatest bultI'- mnltlng count.rles In the world , It flCOllI1I rnthcor curIous Ulnt tIle lIolRtol1l cow on coming to Amerlcn should he aceult cd of giving milk with no butter fnl , In It. ' 1'ho IIolRteln will not be shot. as ono ot Oblcago's milk dcnlet"l ad. vIsed. The mlddlo class Is becoming 11 sal- nrled class and rllpldly losing the economic - omic and moral Indopendl'tlce at former - mer da 's , Sl'S the Indelolllhmt. But It hns not crosed to be mnde up of forgotten men. Every other class In Roclety receives con.alderntlon of BOnll' klnll-deCerentlnl or s 'mpnthetlc , 11/1 the cllse mny lie. Every otber c1a R enjoYR IiOme flharo of the "genernl prosperity" when times nre good. 'l'hl' salnrlcd man 1.1 notoriously nt hi" WOI'8t cstnto when ovelj'lIody cl < ; o II , milking money. It the Rulnrled mUIl were not unselfish he would pray fer venUy for buslne& ! dlRnster nnd Ind.us- trlul depression. tor then ouly has bls Income a fnlr meusure of purcbnslng power. The yeurs slnco 18n haye balm "ProRIJCrous" beyond all precedent - dent , The trusts. capltnllzed nt oV'r $0,000,000,000 , hnve made untold mill- Ions. The wnles of Inbor hnve been forced up , nfter much hnrd flgbtlng , 20 to no per cent. Snlurles have remained - mained praetlcnlly uncbuugod. Meanwhile - while , the general level of lrlcl's hils rloon 30 per Cent. Breadstuffs nnd fal'lII products genemlly ha vo rlseu eVCll moro thnn this nmount. 'rhus , whlll' the mlllJonnlreR hnve douhled or qund. I'lpled their fortunes. nnd the wagl'- el\l'ners 111'e obtuilled In ndvnnc n IJ rt of the Increuse of living , the snl- IIrled Ulen , Incltllllng the lu'oCesslounl clnssl"S , nro not more thnn lullf ns well err as they wel'e sevln or eight yeal'R nr-o , " 'hat , then , Is to hi' the fnte of the snlarled 11111n ? ' 1"hI8 IR 0110 of themes mos ! Rel'lolts questions of the thllL' , 'I'h'o snlal'led closs Is e\'ldently to 1m n IlI'ge one. It Is to Include a mnjOl'- Ity of those men wbo hitherto hll ve controlled Alllercan ! pUhllc ollnloll. ) Whnt. III to he the eITect of the III- crruslnJ ; economic dlRndvnlltl1ge of ths : Il11)1ortnnt ) pal1. of the COllll11unlt ' ? What will lIalIJen whcn Ihe most In. telllgent thll'd-nnd b - all odds the mOBt mornl third-of our 1I011U1I\tlon finds thnt It cnn no lon er I\s..qocillte with a thlrll which admits Ilone hut mllllonnJre9 Into "society ? " Whnt will hllppcn when the gTe-at middle ClnBBl"S , fl\clnl ; the Increl\slng cost of IIvlDg and' the dhnlnlshln ! ; rnto of Interest vt SIIV- Ings , 1llHls that It cun no longer : make a d'cont provision tor old IIle ? Will It tnmeJy suhmlt to soclnl Inferlorlt . nnd settle dmm to makQ the bcst of a law b-tundurll ot living ? AUlhor Allllrclutcs Prul86. A young mnn , with n richly bound volume under Ills arm , who had n climbing the hrown Btone steps of the I ous ; > . S ulon ! ; Massaehusetts a , 'enue , WlIsblngton , hlld l'enchL'\1 the vo.1t.1bulu of each nnd hlld then desceudcl woar- 1I ' to the slllewalk. WhatevC1 was his ml lon , It was plain Oint he wall discouraged as he made bls way to the doorway of No. 17G5 , Ho was met bere by n man , and wben tb young man began : "IIere I have a book , " It seemed evident thn tbo door wu to b. closed. "It's Wstory of the ROTolutionar , War-tho best written and most au. tborltaUyo-Lodlo'lI 'History of the Revolutlonllry Wllr. ' ' ' Tbl. hUlt .PV ll of the young book IIgent bad a pecullnr effect upon the guardilin of th door. lIe sccrUl d Inclined to hC1U' more. Invited - ed Inside , tbe young mnn told of the value or the book , not only from the standpoint of authenticity , but at the fllct UIOt Its author WIIS tlle closest persotlal nnd poUtlcnl frlC' d of Presl. dent Itooscvolt. ' 1'ho agent bccnm' most elofuent ) , nm } the words flowed ellslly from bls lips. Ill. ! lIstenl'l" seemed more nnd more Ilensed with wbnt bo sllld , and llnully exclnlmed : "Young man , I will take your book. " " 'Yhnt.'s the name , please ? " "lIonry Cabot Lodge , " -Dl'trolt Tribune. 1\Ianllno" " 01' II. IJlttlo J\lnn. Se-el'lll da " I "R ngo hnppened to hoard a cn.r which was crowded. It. , lIttle mnn , perhaps ho wnR tWctVf 11' 'Clrs old. oITered mo his scnt wltl1 IS a charming bow and smile. 110 80011 rtound 11 scat , but popped up when an , in other woman entel'ed , pulled ocr hI ! e. cap , which wns fringed , ,1th rngs , on 's wlt.h such n jolly , wldo smllo , mnd ( 'I. room for the n " "comer. I"lvo " time ! to In ns man ' minutes that smllo brokl IS ; over tllo face of the young travelCJ It. as he I."avo his soot ngaln Ilnd agnln rt amI soon c'errol : ' In UIO car wus 8n1l1 ! d Ing In s'mvuthy. No ono thougbl to whether his . clothes were whole 01 Id 'IgNl , but.OOlue one said : "I wlsl :11 mlo > 's enjo "ed beln gentlemnnly nl . y. much ns ho docs , " and a fine-looklnl . n. man relllnrlell qulto loudly to hll 51elghbOl' : "Thllt's the sort ot munll IY ness that nmdo our PresIdent. " h. 'I'he boy heard tl1ls remark nnl I looked /lround to 8eo who was mnnl1 It WtlS IiO naturnl for him to smile ani to be 1 > 0111.0 tiLII t he was not conscJolt t of beln ! ; remarknble. _ . . Ie- It you wear a tnllor mndl' suIt , don' ns strike a man wearl a hand-mo-dom a tor a loan. . ; . , , " . , . . . . . . : A , : . . . ' . . . " . . ( 1 , ' , b. . Ii..iit , . ( , - - - _ . _ " T- , - r ' " - . . " " - . . . " , . . . ' . " . . . . . ' . " " " ' _ : . , . . . . . . - , - . ' 'OJ' . - . . , ' ' & ? " . . _ i _ _ M c" , ' > > - , , ' ' -r ' ; 1'I 4'r , , . - - - - - - - - , , , - - - - . The Utltle.If ; \I/1lher. . , A mothcr nnlll / wife should not for- I gl.t thllt she owes lIollle lIut ' to her- , wlf. In the strl'flS of ( amlly IIC ( ' , In tlw c'nrcs of brlllglll 111) children , II1I1I1Y women do tor et this , . . . . ne ' ( al'y I tllllt thr1 I11l1st shield the lloor , II/lrll- worldnK , lIrenll.earnln hlH hllIllls ( rom nil the trouhles and allno 'nncell of the home. Iror him there Hhould he BlIlI' Ill'rll at the fire lLlId n Cllshion 011 the halr. A nd the ehJldrcn ? ot course , they mURt be cloth ell jllRt 09 well nil the lIelghborll' youngsterB , even thouh ; tll ( ! I mother jOCS 'wlthout n new winter I cont. .And the dall hter lI1ust go to 1111 m/ln1 / ! 'lAnces ' In the weelt ns Bhe 111'(111 , else where , vlll be her place In the young 19oclety ? And BO the 1110ther Rtll ' 11 at home to w/lsh / the dlshe9 allli melHI th. tocklngs. It Is nll , "cry fine for the husbands nnd the chlhlrc'n ; nnd till mother. bless her ! cnjo ' 11 It. But Ilin'tlilt a little unlllr to herR'Jr , n1ll1 IIm't It her own fllull ? She tnl's It for . : rnnted thnt rhe IIhould sncl"lJIce herself , and tile others tule It ( or gran ted , too , But ITer1bod1 has sOllie rJ ht tel certaJn amount or Ih'InK ( or his OWII endfl. : Eel"ybolly hils a right to a slice of 11111 awn liCe to spcnd ns he or she choolil' : < < . .An the mother should tnltc I It , Not only Bhe herselt. but the whole tamilT. would be bettered If they were , not ollowed forever nnd eterllally to I lean on the mother. It Is not hecamU : I tlwy Slrft close-hc11rted thnt tile ' do It ; It Is 1ll'c llfie they 110 1I0t thllll" nnll In I the motller'B love she docs 1I0t , either , but cheerCully gives heTs'lf , ! whell It would be beltm' to l'ellIlw / little of the ot.hers.-Wolll.'lll'S Home CoUlIJalllon. I Bhonltl lie Nntnrnl JlolIIl'Jn.lcerl , Our mole ( ot living , 0111" love ot home , thu hOller healled UPUII the 11Iotherslnl1 dll ughtel's h > ' most Allier- Ican ml'n shoulll Rtlmula te us to the highest achle\'emcnts In the hOlne life nnd domcstlc. e < 'Onolll ' . Gl'neroS'II ' chlll'lIct'Nlzes almost every mail's - COil-I duct t.ownrd his famllj" , , ) " ' 0111- en havc hall milch to 110"ith this trait In tlm 1I1a cullne lharacter , 'l'he ' ha'e ] JlIstlllcd It In Ihell' chllllrcn. elicited It hy their unselllsh de\'otlon to fath- ers. hushal1l1B nndhrothers"I'he ' havc IWJt nlH'enst with the progrcss of the stron'r ; sex ; thlY hn vc shnrcd the hurdenll nnd SOl'rows as well as the jo 's a1ll1 rccreatlons of the men with whom they hll ve heen aSHucla tell , l'he ' have competed with them III Intellectual - tual pursultB and hn ve commalllied I their lICSpl'Ct and conlldence by theh' ahlllty to lie companlolllO In all re- b1JectS. Yea , more , t.he noblest women oC the nntion have been foremost In the c-stnbllshment of thclr homcs and 1110st I\klllful In the admlllistration of the dOUlesWc nffnh's of th household , In the renrln and educnting oC their children 'nnd In the cllrr 'lng out o ( all pbllanthroilic anll rell lous I utlell Cor t.he betterment of 1I11\nldnd a III I the uplifting of the rncc.- Irs , .10bn 1 < ' . Logan In New Yorl , .10ul'JIlll The COlltltr. ) " Girl. Ahl wrep tor the maid of the u 's Jone by- The talrl'It ' 01' EII lIsh ( losle\- : With the ripe red 1111 I1nd tlw InllJhinj ; e " And a heek like crenm IInd rosC ! ! , She Is nlliht In the 1I00d or the flowing tld. TlIat 11ft" to tile tecmlnl'dty ' \ , For her Ion tor a ountr.1 lite lIus , lied : We haTt 10l'\t ' lIel'--ftud morc'/I the 11111. She h. unl.htd trom .diht in the itY'I " , hlrl , And it' . h" laell'A.dny for the countr IIr1l 11"01' " DO' " 1ft a stltfln ! ; dral1er's rhop In the heart of the town : rou'll find h'r ' ; And I , , 'onder , when ' \'el\ry IInll like to drop , Does I'Ihe ' sllh tor the life hehlnd her- For Ole IIweet greeu fields nnd the lowiu ; : kine. Anll the worl , that was hnlf II plens- ure , 'Ere shp tandcfl the town was a goll1en mille Where the ( loorcst ml ht di ; . ; tor treas. ur < " Wherc "he thollgllt fihe mhht wed with a dllke or I1n en , ThlR foolllh lIIul \'olollll rOllntr ' gll'l , -Black nnd While , Chnrncter In " 'nlldlll : . Steps that nre Ilulel' nre Ill lcnU\'e of el1el' alill a ltatJon _ Turncd In tocs arc oftel1 found with pre-oceUllh'Il , nbwnt-mIlIl1ed IIOI'SOUS , Slosit' } ) ! ! , wlwtlll'r long 01' short , snjgl t a cntle or relleetlve state of mimI , ns thl' en ! > c may he , 'fhe proud slt'p Is Rlow Ullll men- urel1 , 'I'he tOI'S n re eonfplcuously t uru. cd 'out , tlle legs Htrnl hll'rwd. Whel'e a re'neful ; l1urpose Is hid. den uuder a fcl lIed smUe the stel ] w1l1 be sllnkln nnd nolsl'lesR , Obstlnn te pl'ollle who In nr umenl 1 rel ' more on musclllarlt ' than on In , . tellectual power I ellt the feet fin tI . 111111 llrml ' on the round. wllik 1ll'avlllilli' ' IIlowly and stnml with the Il' s ilrn1l > vlantcd 111111 tur I\I > ar'- ' - - 'VOlllell III 1'lIhllc I.lfe. AC\'Ordlng to the census report 0 1900 there w're 3,2:10tH2 wOl11en II this coulltry en ; a Cll In mUllllfllctur Ing. nwchnnknl a 111) ) nlrlclliturni Jlur sultR. professlonnl lI'n'lcr. trade IInc trnuspol'tatlotl. 'fhe clt ' dlrL'Ctorle : show 8l'lncely nn occupation whlcJ tileY hn VI' not entered. Colorado , Wyoming and Utnh hav , nuulY women olllco holder ! ! , three r ( ! cent electlonll g\'lng ! the olllce of clt ; lren.aurer to : women , two recelving tl1 . ' , \ 'L , > I\"d. . . . . , Lh. ' , : . ' . , ' . . , , ' h 4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - city clerl'Rhlp and ono rown elcctcd n woman clerk nnd recorder. BoO } Idaho nnrl Colorado hllvo women Sinle BUller- Intendents of public Instruction , thl one In the latter State now servln her third term , ' 1'he nntlotlnl sUJlcr- Intendent ot ImUnn school ! ! Is a Wyom. Jn womnn. \ \ ' 'ollling has two women justice ! ! of t.he pel\ce , n lIuJllber hn vlng prevl- ol1lly held the ol1l e. Bnt oll.ce holdIng - Ing among women Is not conlhutl to the ( ( Iunl fmITrage States , "l'he receiver - er In the UnltcI ) Stntes land ollke at Dnlles , Ore" Js : : woman , 'l'he seconrl WClllllln recenUy hntl been nllrlnted { deputy cleric of the United Slutes Clr. cult nnll 1 > IRtriet Oourts JIl l1nnrllllo' lis , nnll Holly Hflrlngs , MIi8" has II WOllllln dcpnly Hherlrr. Cnre or the C"Jllflcxloll. A womlln even If ph.n ! flln CO-OUIJ ( all crlUcs IC her l'011l111l'xloll II ! I hn t 01 the "Illy nnd of till' ro-.c : . , " liS thl poet : ! suld ( It 0111 , or beUer. of hellllhu hue. hue.But But tor n fnce to he tree from nil ugly hlernlshcs II Is necellsllry Um tJw enernl elrculntlon the hlood III oed , thllt the nervous fJ'st'Jn hl 01 nOl"mal function , : JIIII that the 11Ige5 Uve. genrratJ\ ' and othrr Internal or. gallS be In perfect henlth , Among the call1es : which exert n dls. nslroull Jnfluence on the skin nnd predispose - dispose It t6 skJn disease nre herCll. lIy , Indlgestlblc food , nlcohollc stlm" IUlIls , general nUmrnt ! ! , the II hsol' } ) t Ion of ccrtnln medlclncs ( bromll1es , Jol1lnes , arsenIc , lIIercllrJ' ) , the nppll cation of Ilalc pomatum orlucld ! / creams , powders of Inferior qualll ' , the hn11l1lill oC Irritating suhstnnces , parasites oC the kln , ex'sslve Iwat 01' colli. 111111 the excesses oC violent pas. SIOIl , such liS rage , chll rln , worde. ' ! fear or th ( ' shedlllnl ; of teal'S , nil of which , should hI ) Ilvolde-\\'oman's ] HOllie Comllanlon ; Jrolll \lnfHIIIIII. ; . . III the ! 'Inlll- . 1.ra vlng llChlllll In IIl1l1anapolls I\n ( 'nya ! hie Illnc ( ' n mon ; . ; th ( ' " 'Iml\l't set , " n heautlful hOllle a 11I1 : 'he luxurl's ! which go wit h It. lIss Blellnor I. 'melr hils une 10 Chlcao ; to wOI'I , In tht' HulllIouse SettllIIent and minister to the l > oor of the slums , lIss LelllcJw Is a 11lluhler ; of CaJt ) , J. A. Lemcke , one of the wealth ' Ilnll IIromlll'nt clt- Jzens of Indiana IJ01I8 , who a massed a Il\1'ge fortune In real estate transactions - tions , He gave his handsomc daugh- tel' nil t.he Ildvantnges his wealth nt- forded. She traveled abl'oall , attended Behools of culture , and studied art. Above /lll , she studIed humanity and II i I found It u most Interesting sUbjcct. I Shc undcrlnltrs lwr work In hope at he- . Ing IIble to do om tlllllg worthy fOI those Jess fortunnte tban berselt. Henntifnl Hunl ! ! ! . 1t will he gn1t1 ( 'Jng to American WClnHII ! to be lolll tha t a French artist anll scuilltor has .IUllt unnonnCl'd that , so Car n.'l his eXllCrlence can prove It , Ihe most hcautiCul hands brlong to n" American womnn , When M. Bredelle visited America rC < 'ently he met In DCll\'er Miss l"alln ' Hosl'nthal. of Umt eltJ' , 1If1(1OaR attrII'tcd : at once to tile Ile1'fcl't shapl' of lll'r hands , nUll beg- tl'd pOl'lIIl'slon to male a plaster cast. This l'llst hns to P\I'ls gone : \ anll later will he IIroducell In marble. Jlcwnre or Ncrvnnl ! Breakdown. A WOl1lilll who docs not sleep sound- I ' Is 111 danger of n nen'ous brClk- down , A wOlllnn who finlls herself wl'akenlng In nerve strengUI must rest. 'rhls rffit lIlUNt he 'lItema tic , not spas. mllc. ( She mllst hrealt up tIle a'Cus- tonwd routine of Iwr worlt , though she nced not give up all worl , . She must do all thlnls modern tely. She mum rJse la te Ilnd reUre early. I'nff , ) ' Bycs , PuCty IIlnceR under the eyes are grn- erlll ' due to some sort of Iddney.l11. / . m'nt. Cold water should be taken very freely. IIlIO It a pract1co to d1'lnlcl glassCul halt un hour hefore eaeh lIleal , and another two hours af- t'r , and thc purt . places w1ll not only vanish. hut Ilw complexion will hI' ! ( 'll'H\'r \ and the general health 111uch ImllrovCll tine n. . 00011 fiB Another. A wlCe wantell hm' husband to sympathize - pathize with her In a fmnlnlne Iuarrel ; but he reCused. sa 'lng : "I've lived long enough t.o . know that one woman Is ns Iood liS IInother. It not : 'Jetter. " "And " ' ) the o-tnsJerated wife I. retOl'tCl : } , "have Ilved 10llg enougH to learn thllt ono nun Is just as bad as another , It not worse ! " Cornercll. "I clllled on Mrs , Dangerly this nctenloon , Edward , IIl111 sbo told me how her husbund run wild wblle Slll' I WIlS IlWIlY at the sellsl le. " "Who ? nanterly'l ; : You surprJsl' ! me , I'm sorl' ' to hear It , " "She sa 's he behaved just dread- full > ' , " " 8hl\me on hlml" "Ile played ( 'ards and went to the thrllter e\'ery night. " "Awful. " "Yell , I dwnrd , amI Mrs. Dangerly S:1J'S 'ou were his boon comilanion In all hlB or l's , " "II Iror shame ! I'm nobody's boon ' . COI1lIl1nlon. Who-who told her ? " ' 1 lr. Dungerly. lie hns confesse ( ) over 'thlng. " "Confessed I Well , of nil the bloom , Ing Idlotsl"-Clevelund Pluln Dealer , 'fhe Unltl { Stat < ' 8 Imports of tropl cnl und semltroplcal truha lOOOOJ ! ( a day. , . : . . . . . . . , : { . . . .tJ.t. . . . . . . . = . . . .t - . . . . - - - - - - - ; ; . . - , , - . r - . " ' . " . . . ' . " . . . - , . ' . . < ' ' , . ; . , . " , , " " " . \ . " . , . , - 'SISTERS ' Of C"ARITY Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs , Colds , Grip andt Catarrh-.A Congressman's letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . : > ' . ; .I ; . . . : " ' ' ; : . ' . ; : : : ' ; " : . . \I , f. . ' , { ; { " , , : : . ; . . . . .j/ ' . , . , , I . 10" t : : } ' ' " . , ; 1 . , ,7 , . ; ' I ; ' II I I I I 1 , 1 I . II I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . . . .0.- yyyyyyy.y.yy..y..yyy. _ Y' In e\'cry coulltry or the civilized worll1 i IRters of Charity nre known , Not only do they minillter to the , antI 'intellectual ' ueeds of the c lor/oes / com- [ mltted to their cnre , but they also ! mlnlstl"r to tlwlr hOllily needs , With 80 many children to take care or Rud to protect from rllmnto nnd dlHeaHe , thes wlscI1d prudent iBters have round l'eruna a ne\'er tailing sareJ.unrd. Dr. IInrtmnn receives many letters trom Catholic Sisters trom nil o\'er the Pnlted Stn tes , A rl'COlllml"IHI rerently fl'rcl\'ed frolll n Catholic Institution In Pl'troit. 1I.h , . rl"nllR 118 ( ollowlI : Dr. S. B. lInr/man , Columbus , Ohio : DCl1r Slr--"The young girlwlJO used the p'ertlna W115 suffering from laryngItis - tis , nnd 1058 01 voice. The result 01 tire trclltment was most slltlsfnctory. Sire fotllld grcllt relld , mrd after further tlse of the mellclne we hope to be l1ble to Sl1Y s11e i3 ent/rel ) ' cured. " ---Sisters 01 Clwrlty. The 'ollllg ! ; iI' ( \\118 under the cllro 01' ' thl' Sistt'l's of Chnl'It . nud use { 'el'una for clltllrrh 01' the throat with good I'e- suits as till' aho\"e I'tt'r tl'stif es , 81"1H ) tn The Peruna [ Pllicine Co , . Co. IlImhus , Ohio , Cor 0 free book writteD by Dr. Hartllllln , - DISG nACED , First New Yorker-"Wbat lias become - come or Delancy ? [ baven't seen i. blm tor an a e , Sl'cond New Yorker-liD , be was rUD over by a' streeL car In Pblla- 'delphla " FlrsL New Yorkcr-"Wbat a dls. race I'- mnrt Set , Men In power ba v DO real tnends , I.'car unites us al1 in 000 com moo bondale. A DECIDED A'f'l'RAOTION. Miss Citymald ( II ] the couDtrr- ) "Why Is It that you country people ) when you clime to the city , always Io to some then ter tha t. Is preseD tlng a play lull or c'untry scenes-turm. houscslIelds. :1lrlcultural : machinery , bay , nag : ns al d such tt1Ins ( ; ) ) ) Mendllw-"Wall don't Farmer - , wo care so lUuch for tbo plays ; but I just tel1 you I t ) . . a mIghty comfort to sit aud enjey country scones with- < ; Iut mosquitoes. ) ! WIIA T WE IA Y EXPEOT. Forclltner-"What meaDS tbls grent pocC'sslon ot bicyclIsts ? ) ! Clllzen-wl'hat Is the now Army of Peace going to Washington to demand - mand that Cnn rcss abolish all tack ! aclurlc. ; andruot up all bushes tbat , ) ' bear thoms BOTH FEEL What Proper Foml Doe. tor Doth ; \lInil I1nll Bml , . , Ph'sleal health , mentnl , henlth , In- decd ulmost e"er 'thlng good on this earth dl'pl'nd In great mOl1snre upon proper food , Without health nothing is worth while and health can he won nlmost ev. er ' time by pl'OIel' ( eelUng on tbe scientific - entific food G l'nIJC-XutS. . \ . l1l1rornla tl'l1ll\ed nurse proved this : "Three 'ears 1lj0 , I wus tal\Cn very slcl" my wOl'lt ns a trained nurse having worn 1110 out both In body 111111 mind , nUll u1l'lIlcluo flllled to relieve mnt ull , After seeing a number oC physlcillns 111111 speclllllsts IInd gettln no rellnf I WIlS Yor ' much dl couracd ! nnll flt thllt I would die of general nOl'\'ous II UI ) Ilhysical collapso. " r ' condition WIIS so bed I ne'er 1m- nJlued food would help me , but on the OI1\'leo of a fdellli I trIed Grupe-Nuts. ' 1'he first pn"ekllge brought me so I11ul'h relief that I quit the melllcines nnd used Grope-Nuts steudlly three timeR II dny. ' 1'he result was that within six 1110nths I hnd so coml > letely regained my Rtrength und bellith thllt I WIIS hnck nlll'sing ngaln lIud I teol tbo 1m. pro\'ement In my bruin power jnst as plnlnly us I do In ph "slcnl strength. "A fter my own wOIIIIerful experJ- el ) ( 1' with Grupe-Nuts I bave recom- ml'nded It to my patients with splen. did RUCCCS9 uUlllt haB worked wonderll In the cOllrs of mllny Im'ollds whom I ha vo attel1l1cd profos910nally. " Name I , Iven b1 Postum Co. , Battle Creek , ' . Mich. Look In each pnckage for a cop , " ot the fnmous utt10 book , "Tho Road to . . WeUT1Ue. , . " . . . . . - , - . I , . . . . . , . , , . .y. . . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ T _ _ The following letter ie trom COtlj1"l'sJ- mnn MeeklllOn. 01' NnllOleon , Ohio : 'I'h ! ! Perunn Medicine Co" Colunlbns , O.t ! "Gentlemen : "I . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' hnve uRed severnl hnttJNI or Pcrllnn nnll tee I grently , hencflted there' II " .A'JII. by Crom my ca- " 4 I t1\rrlt oC the hend , \ nnd feel enrour- 6 ' , a el ) to belie\'e " " ' t hilt Its con. ,1,4 , , ' ' tinued u e will . "Jf. 'f fully erl\heate II 1. U ) . disel1se of thirty Dn' Meckb . i ' " : ' n. renrll' IitIlIHlinj ; , Davitl Iceklson , " . " t . . . . . . . . .1 Dr. Hartman , ( Ull' of the Itl'st known' IJhyslrlans and surgl'ons In the 1 nlted Iates1S the firlit man to fOl'l1Iu'ate I'l'l'unlIt ' ' his olllI ' \ \\'I1S throu'j1t : gClliuR IlerSI'VerllUl'e that it was Introllul'ell to. the mellienl III'ofrll8ion of this country If 'ou do not Ilerlvc prompt nUll satis- ( Ol'tnr ' results ( rum the IIse of Perunn. wrile Rt Olll'e to Dr , Hartman. i\'lll 11 ! full . , tlttl'l1Il'ut "C jour cnse 1\1\(1 ( hI ! wilr hI" I1ll'nsl"/1 In ch'c'ou : his valuahle nd" \'ire ! : I'utis. . \IIII'1"8S ) Dr. JIutman : , l'resldent 01' The lIartllJltn Sanitarium , Columbus , O. 'rho total IIl1mber lit employces or all the I'orpolalloml Is 400,000 andl thcy receive In wages Dearlv $200)- ' 000,000 , The employees or these com. blnatlon' ! Dumber unly 8 per cent o 1111 employees In the II1.torle'3 ' in which combination would bo possl. ble , Children are a eODstaD' : mxlety. ! The only time we kan consider them s'lfe Iz when thcy ore fast asleep. We always dlsplse those wllom wel kan flatter. EUPHEMISM. Doctors Wlre.-"rrave yon tel 1\1 IS. Blank tllllt ber baby Is deu. . and dumb ? " Old Doctor-"Not exactly ; but I 11II\'e told her that It the little glr grew up amI marrIed ) her husband ! would be devoted tober. . " Even t110 bees will rob a wenk hl , o. Its bunny ) just so a weak Batto ' taIls a vlkthn to Ml. aborlDIl stroDg ! one. Dish \Vnahln la Wlntcllr. ousl'kecpel"naturally drud dlah1 w llhlng In winter , owing to tbo taet thatl It chops the hand ! ! 3nll reudcl"/ ! them hard nnd rouh ! , Mnch ot the IDJl1rl bow. ' evcr , results from the use ot ImllUre honp. It I\'ory Soall Is IIled In wu\hlnlt1 dlHhes and the hnnd ! ! ore cllretl1l1y rinsed' ' oDd dried , the.1 will not chft\ ! . EIJIMXOR R. PAUKER. What a man Its unjllst11lz harder , tc han onto tbaD tlle hot eud oor a/ / poker. 0111 Sofns , TIacr.s 01' Chairs , et " fltn III' 11 'ed with PUTNA I IfADNLESSI DYBS , , Yu kan't malc a m\Il ! think a"kord-i 11I to la w , yu may mike hIm aclt 50'1 III : who knl'w II Jrate menuy trnd. , e3 11. sure to b ( ! mIster ov nun e. na re15ell PISO' . Cure tor Conmmp- tlon nearly 1\1'0 years , ! lnd find nothlnr to cOlllllare with It- Irl. Mor l1n , Berke- ey. Cal" Sept. 2 , 1001. The only way to find out. all about a man 11. to set hIm on the top round 07' the IlIdder tlnd then sta ncl elf .nd take n go d square look at him , Mr" Wln 101"S COOTIiINO ; RYHUP lor hll , dr"11 tccthlllJEolleU8 Ihe 1/111\11'1 ' , rl'duc'fI Inl1l1.-I 11I11.\1011 , IIlIaysl'tllu I'nreh rollc. J'llcc2. > . ! botUII. 11 applne5s 11uz he en den ned so ot-I tl'I1 , IInd 111 so menn } dllTcrl'nt ways ) , that I am almost ov the oplnyun thatl It don't exist lit nil , , Capsicum Vaseline' ' Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. A SlIblUtule for and Surlor to Muotard or all" other I'lnller , aud . .III noL blhter the moot delicate okln. The pain all"'ln aud euralIYe Quulltlel or Lbl , Of\I.I.I : ern : ! c aetoIJ : 1 tI toolbaobe a'i \ \ ' . . reeo'II mend It . . . the Ii" " , , end la r..t elt .mall counter-Irrllall' kno"D allo " . an ellerDal remld , rut ; palul lu tbe ehuI' ana Ilomaeb and aU rhnwa o , . neur"I.lo IIDd lIuUI , complaillto I It. Irlo.1 "IIII'rofll . wha' "e olalm for It , and II "III bel . rOlllld tn 1..lu..lulblallllhe boutllhold. MILD , r lal"I' h Ihe..1 ot all , ollr p."anlloul. " peep I l'rloel6 renlo , a' all drulUllll.o. Dr Dlher dealan , or 1'1 Hlndlnlllhioamollu' to ua In po&laia"lam.w 't hnd lUll II' , bu b , ulall , N. . artlolelhOUld Ii. . aoo'p\fl < 1 1 > , 'hi pablJa 001 _ tlul laW. earn" our label , . . otber"lIa It II 1.01 unuln. . . CllfSfOnOUGIi MANUfACTURING CO 17 State Strut. I/cw / yilt CIty. - ' _ ' . ! : " . .r. ' ,