Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 19, 1903, Image 7

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, Anderson , a prominent society
woman of Jacksonville , Fla" daughter of
IRecorder of Deeds , vVestvho witnessed
her signature to the following letter , praises
Lydia E. Pinkhamt s Vegetable Compound.
"DEAR MRS. PINKnA [ : - 'l'here are but few wives and mothers who
have not at times endured a onies and such pain as only 'Women know.
I wish such women lmow the value of Lydia E , Pinkham's Vegetable
Comlwuml. It is a remarkable medicine , different in action from any
l-cvcr knew ami thoroughly reliable.
" 11m ve seen caseg where women doctored for years without perma.
Dent honeiit who were cured in less than three mont.hs after taking your
Vegetabio ; mpound , while others who were chronio and incurable
J. " , ; \1 ( < ' out cured , happy , and in perfect health after a thorough treatment
, , 'ith this medicine. I lu\.Ye \ never used it myself without gaining great
. ) . ' bcmefit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite , and tones up
the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true , hcnco
I fully endorse it.-MItB. H. . A. ANDEnSO , \Vnshington St. , Jack.
liouville , Fla.
Mrs. Ueed , 2425 E. Cumberlaml St. , Philadelphia , Pa. , Bays :
- : 'DEAn. l\tns. II KIIA\-I fcel jt my duty
" , to write and teU you the good I ] 1L : ) received
from J..y < lia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Com-
" " ' : lOunli.
' .
. '
I . , ' I have been a great sufferer with female
; ' , ' , , ' trouble , trying dillerentdoctorsnnd medicines
; . t-- \ with no benel1t. ' 1'wo years ago I went under
, M , an operation , and it left me in a very weak
[ condition. I had stomach trouble , backache ,
' i ; ' " : " headache , palpitation of the heart , ami was YClY
, " , nervous ; in fact , I ached all over. I 11nd
' . . . . . . . : : t . " " ' . " : } ; ' yours is the only medicine that reaches
f a . f 1 such troubles , and wm d ceerfully ! rec-
lj , ; { i Y. 1 t ommend L ' < lia E. Pi kmm's V'egetn.blo
, \ . 1fY' , % I Compoun to all suflermg women. "
'When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation , weakness -
ness , leucorrh a , displacement or ulccration of the womb , that benring-down
feeling , inflammation of the ovaries , bnclmche , flatulencc , general debility ,
Indigc..tion , and n"Vouq prostration , t 1ev shonld remember there i ono tried
and true remedy. Lyilla , E. Pinklmni's Vegctable Compoun at once
f removes such troubles.
The experience nn < l testimony of some of the most noted
\ , i women of Americn. goo to prove , bcyond question , tlmt Lydia E.
I PinJdmm's Vcg-etable Compouml will correct nJl such trouble at
once by rcmoving- . cnuse ntHl restoring the org-ans to a healthy
t : , r- 8nd normal condition. If in douht , write lUrs.l > inldmIll at LYlm ,
J : I Mass , as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpfl .
No other medicine for women in the world has received such wid-
, lI read and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine hits such a
record of cures of female troubles. Hefuso to buy any substitute.
FORFEIT If we c.\nnot forthwith Jlroit ! ! fJ the orl lnI\11etter'lLDd sl "turec cIit
$5 000 abOTtestimonial. . , which will prove tlll'lr I\b olllte , : : t'nnlJ'Nc5 , .
; lJdla E. l'hlkluun l\lel1lcluo CoCo. , Lynn , MaN.
Deep collars Of pan ne , ornamen tell
t trith embroidery or inset laeo , arc
, U1celv to be milch worn io the fall ,
replaclu the cape collars ot lace , embroidered -
! broidered batiste , etc.
Keep your accol1nt ! ! cueCulty : ; don't
anew yoursel t to use your trousers'
pocket os a casl1 re lstcr. It is lee
It is ohecrin tllr 0 deservln young
j . couple to recei'e a oed selld-olY at
. . . < r' < ' \ '
their bridal. At the wedding of
f titerllDJ.t W. Childs and Misi , Jl'nny
ConJn , In LInn , Mass , . the bride received -
ceived gilts \'alued at $2fiO.OOO. 'I'his
reUeves her of conslrJe ahle anxiety ,
as now the devoted pair can start
bouseket'plnr In COZY and comfortn-
, .
ble style.
Dlsraoli tells liS the first new p:1per :
was printed in Venice. It was called
the "Gazzeta. " ' 1'he W Hd Is derived
Crom the Itallm : aD means magpie -
pie or a chntterer.
It you cannot get protits , "et rest.
Tile wear and tear on YIIUr machln.
cry is worth considerable nnd thtJ
wear r\od tear on Yllurselt is likewise
worthy ot consi erat.on. !
' 1'he praolfce of catin arsenic Is
prcva Ilent amen the pellsantry 01
the mlluntalnolls districts ot AustrIa ,
lIun ary and France. 'rhoy declare
that this polson enables them to
ascend wllh CISO : hei htvhlch they
could ollly other wisp climb with great
l < ; trf' ; ; < ; to I I If' InnL'S ,
. " - . , . - - - . . , .
Ic , - " OlliS SUo..HY nakuli au Ap.t. 1
Doswn , MM " : NOT , J. , ) fIOb
An nppenl rur the lulTnrlDIf pcop1
or Maccdoula has becn Issued a'i tul-
10Vs \ :
The underCjI ned cnrn ( ' tlr nsk tht.
prompt IInd enerOlll ! nsslstanco ot
our CelllW ! citizens to rcllu't'o the ler-
rlulo distress which ntll1re'HlJs
tllJonglll'tlt Mac dOli In. It Is cSll-
muted U1.It liS many as a hlllHlrcd
thousand hlll1lelt 59 peuple , ll\r el '
\\Olllell and clllidlell , lire UJrcnlcnod
wIth death , IUIlIlY havlllg IIhel\d '
5I1CClIlI1l'o,1 to exp.sllro IIn < 1 slal\'a-
1,1011. , ' ' 1'1Cl \ hI of a rigorous wlutor
Is alrendy lip III Ihe COlllllr } ' , IJractl-
rolnrl'IIIj.monts \ fur rl lief nro b , In
mnde , similar to these which 50\'CII
'el1rs ago S\1ccc'stlllly ! collected Ilnd
dlstllbutcd lUore than a mlllh n dol-
Inrd wlt.hout loss or dellY to SI\\'O the' '
surv1\'ols ut the ' 1'lIrklsh UlaSSllcres
hi , A rmeuin. 1'110 crushed IInd l1omo
les3 poplllnllon 01 Macedonia , In the' '
stress or the unsuccessflll struglo ror
III erty , is sUlcI , wurthy the sympa-I
I thy of the A IIlcrlcun pcop1evLJo
have ne\'er rnlled to respond to tbl
roll ot blllnlm sulTering.
Donatlolls lire to IJc sent to Kldder,1
Peal10cty & Ce. , Bankers , Deston , '
The appeal I'J si Ded as tollO\\9 :
Gov. Jubn L. BatM or Massachu-
selts , Ma 'or j'atrlck A. Colllns ot
UostOI\ , United tates , Senator GeurlXe I
E' . Iloal , ] " . .GoW. . MUIIlly Crane :
of 1asachusetts , Bishop Wllllaml
La wrellce of Massacbusetts , lre .
\\'l1ll1l1n J , 'I'uclcor , lHtmouth Col-
le. o , Bumuel B. Oapon , LL. D. , president -
ident of American DUllld at Foreign
Mhsions. neU. . l ! ' . Dole , president
oC ' 1'I'oentlctb Century Clue , Dustou ,
Hot' . Gcor e A. GUld .n . , D. D" pastor -
tor of t bo Old South Con ro al1oual
Uhurch , BlIbtulI , Ue\ ' . James L. Bar. .
ton D. D. , forui n sccrctary of tile
, \ merican Hol1cl , UuDr. . Fmncli\
' or . ! fIrst llllptist
II. Run lc' , pastor
lhurch , lllstl.II , lres. W. II. r.
l ! ' ' 111 II ce , D. D. , BrowlI Unlverilty ,
Pro\'idcllce , Arthur E. Ululce : , odltor ,
Manchester , N. H. , Hobert ' .rreat
P.tllle , Boston , Cardillo lJlzH' ' ,
pr sldent oC Wellesley C l1' ! c. lleuja-
lU n ] ' . ' 1'rllel.JluoJ , StJCIOLal' } 01
American l'tuce Soclety , Mrs. Mary
Murt'JIl Kellow , Bustun , Ht v. Ohr.r : ! 's
G. Ames , pastor Church or the Dls. '
clples , UllltJllan , BostOlI , Re. . . 1' . H.
1'rothlllJ.ham ! ! , Unltarlall pastor , Boston -
ton , Fla Ik A. Day , Uostoll , , John
Shep.lld . , uoston. II. A. Wilder , Xew-
ton , Mass. , Ohalles A. IIopklns ,
Brookllue , Mass. , Edward Wltitill ,
\\'lIltIIlSVl11l' \ , Mass. , GCOIgo E , Jrellh ,
DrocktJllu , lIlass ,
The Bl'ufIof ) Officers ot tt , ( ! Re
Cross Suclety is 1I0W In ses lou in
e" " YOII" cOllferrlng COllcerllI nJ. !
the propo'll'd plans of rcllet , and is
with this com-
In Clllrl : ! > polllhnce
mittee. 01111 : ; ha\'o como to MIss
, lar a Bal tOil for Ued ewss liel vitoI' ,
alldit is Imllwn that ; \Iss [ llal'llI Ii
deeply COIICl' In , d pe'EO HIlly and de-
-I It s that the A l1Iell.'all Jo : a , IlIl1al
Hed { JIOSS shall be utilized If It Is
thou ht tllat thr , ugh Its InstnJmollt.
aIlt V the slllfetilllZ ( 'aD lie mOSL c.ect- ;
IIII11y leal'lll'd aile ! lellcverl. MI ! ) ! !
BarloD says that the ' 1'urklsl1 GIIV-
ernrutnt dining lite Armeilian relief
. \ork III 18Ui ; accorded aid and she lJe-
111'VC'6 ' that tile Rl'd Cross may be of
I qual Lselulne.s ; In the plcsl'nt emer-
cncy ! \I1.s Bart'I. ' ! may IlO in per'
SOli. 8111' says , "I lDav feel It lilY
dllt.v to go. " The rules ot tile Brit-
ISI ) Red Crms do Utlt aJllllt of reUd
movement'l except In case ot Iwt lIal
I\ar. amI then only ulldor military
duection. But tile British fioclelr
\\'rll co-opera I e Intormul1y nnd is ill
clmmunlcation ( witb MIII ! ! Bnrtoon b ,
The conntry office is the best prl.
mary school of Journalism.
No mun 10 absent minded enou
to tor1ct : to ao to his own tunoruJ.
Mother-"You busband Is ro\vln
Daughter-"Mercy I Why do YOt
tl1lnlc O't"
Mothl'r-"TTe does not kiss me hal
; so atrectlonatdv us ho did berml
ou wue IlIalrll'(1.
Ie !
r , " . ' , , - . , , , , , . . , , , , , , , . , , , . . . . , , . , , . - , , , , _ . . '
' "
' " "I'IT' ; ( . : ! M > ; ; > ; ; or ; ; : ; ' ! ; " ; : ' ; : : .Hr.-.l' : ; ; " ' < 'I"- " " " ' ' ' ' ' * : ' ' ' . ' * a.-H' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Jj ?
. - , -
lI l
I ,
, .
% e Cosmopolitan Magazine
Force'flil-Ol-igina/-Unafraid-Ill all , Entertaining
/he eosll/opoJ'itall occupies a positioll distb1c/IU its Ot011. 50 sho/t
storiesl alld Olle , 0Ilo'el cOll/plete 1l0vels appear
b1 ita pages each uea/ .
While giving greO\t attention to fiction and entertalnmenl , It ha.s a ddlnite plan beyond.
It may be likened 10 a greal modern university with a million and a half sludenl reade A yeu's course embraces what
Is most important in Ihe scientific field , what is most interesting In inveolion and dIscovery , what most enterlainmg In travel
. and adwnture , what is most valuable in the world of buslI1ess.
And especially in woman's field Is it Indispens3ble. The most careful selection / made to secure the real thinkers of Ihe
world u contributors to its deputmenls of household organization and womanly education and progress.
A portion of each number Is edited with reference to the woman 0/ / the world , anolhrr to tbe woman of the home , another
J to Intucst : youth , and sun anolher for Ihe man of afbirs , covering equally Ihe clerk lust starUng in life and the caplain of industry.
t I - < , II. G. Wells' semi-scientific story of adventure and the marvelous
will be begun in the November issue of The Cosmopolitan
Edhtd bv John Brisben Walker On nCW5-stlJnd.'i. . Price , 10 oentll
- ' 'rt"'L > > 4.o ( , ; . . . ( d."i , , ; /i.'Sj / . - . . - , _ . . . > 0 .0 : . . . . .
. . . :
_ , - - , . . . - . l _ - . " . . -
- . . . - -
j1r D
. .
( nhll"1 IIl'nconst In n st1'l11 ht lln 1'1 '
2 m III lies. " , hl1 fo11owllll : the Ills nllll
outs It la : . ! , .ISn 1111I , ' , Bel\\'Cl"ll Int
ICloy Point mill QIIOIh ] ' hcnd thcre l1re
11rtfour IIghtholl II ,
! _ \ 1.ewl8to1l ( le. ) WOllllln I : < ntII' Cor
her Imsl'nml till 0110 o'clocl. thc other
nlsht. Intl'llIlIng to dlscllss with hllll
the lnfllltll'OS or his oln s 011. I ! ' 1 II-
1I11 ' hl' I"'C It 1111 IUIlI Wllllt 1111 tnl\l \ !
olll ' to 111111 him In hcd IIUll flU , , , ! I\sll'l'p
Iltll' for 1I1nll ' hOllr , 110 hudll't 1Jeeu
0111 lit 1\11.
I Io < tt of liS III'C bol'll with IIbollt thl'
f nmo m lItlll cllpllcltr. 'l'h slzu ot
I the bl'nlll Ilot'S nol dltTer'l'I" ) ' whll'l ) '
nmollg ml'1I , In UlO1t ! lIIen thc bl'nlll ,
I11Cll1dill tht : ' lIel worl , or thc UCI'\'OIlS
Srstt'1I1 ; , weIghs behTI'CII thrL 111111 tour
110111lIt'l : I\lId hIRIlIlIl'C niL'r In tlluCI II !
I r < 'COI'lIl'tot mCII of sl1lNldllt Ull'lltllllt .
\ ' I. I llr1Inl' , Nl' 1I11(1er tll' 11rr.o . ;
\\'rsht. !
' 1'hlrtr renl' II/O / thl'l'co wcre tWl'utr-
nlnl' : ortrN't rlllh'oad ! ! III { II snchlllicllfl ,
to.lnor ( , ratht r. two 'l'llItI II O. (01'
the I\JOI \ report II' tht : ' Il\tl'Rt nt 111111(1- (
Ulel'O werl' 1111 1'0\111)alile. \ . ' 1'hlli nllm-
her 11119 ItICI'I'a l'l Rhlrt' thl\l tlUlt' . 'I'h
cnpltl\l hWt.\'itl"\l for the two Ilm'lmb
cOlltrl\Rtttl Will' $ i.O:1m : ! : ; : : tml $ lIUlH I. .
lS ; ; . In th errl1C'1'1' ' thcy tmns.
ported .jl : , li 7q:11 : : II1\ROIIJeI'8 ! , In thl'
Illter .1SI : , ; ; nm. : ' [ , hcro WlIs t 1I111es
or mil In un : ! , , aOI1 III 11'101.
It Is 110W ImowlI HInt s\11nl111ox \ Il'r\111 \
nre l'om1l1I1nl'ntl-J throu h thc nil' nf !
well I\S II ' rontl\ct. 'I'llI' 911'1111111) ; ( hos.
I11tl\1 bOl\ts nllchorCll III thl' 'l'hll\111':01 \
hnTO 1lrOlhll'u(1 reg\1lnr eplde\1111' \ III
I' ' ! ! ct : , : rC't the Hhol'e Is IH"\I' ] ' hlll ( 1\
mile awny nm ] therc Itr\M heel1 110
commltnlcntlon , In dlstrlctli O\'l'I'
which the wlnll ha hbwn trom tlll'
h09'1'ltnl boats twel\'o lll'r cOlli ot thl
Inhahltants hn\'e hOt'lI nttacl.l'lI. whlll'
In thc other dlrectloll the enSI'S ha'e
bOClI I B than 0110 IJCr cent.
The stronel' throll h the I11nrlwts of
SI11I Francls < , o will IInd thc Wcstl'l'lI '
I'Cllref'Cntnth'c of the Xcw York WC.llt.
lts.h-a hugc I'rl'nture mll llIJ. : fl'olll
clght ' to one hlmdl'ed 11OlIlId6-nl\ll \
wlll ht' tolll thl\t n Imllnr llsh 1- , ;
cnug'ht III Ih(1 ( Glllt of Cnllfornln wrllh- .
IlIg two hUlldl'l'll IloulHls. 111 the Ital-
11111 < 1UnrIM' at tlll l'lty wlll hc St'cn
tIlt' octollU , or , hl\1ll \ ; "I ) tor
sl\lc. II tel'rlhle arrll ) ' at nl'IIIS or tell.
tnclcs ; not the little < , rl'lIturo n fo It
or two n < 'I'O i ! . 1'011I11I011 III thl' I. : tst.
but \'crltnble monstCl' with II mlllol
fllI'ellll ; o ( pCl'hl\IIS t welyc or foUrlCI'l1
feet. J\lon th ( ' IIpper const thc.e IIni.
I ml\ls have Iwell fOllntl with II rnllial
I 11rerd of twenty-fl\'e tel't-wrllnllmml
the ! 'IJlllt'1' of thc sell. Along thl' 1'0 ft
wlll lJe seen a bliss whIch otten tlIIR
the Bcnll's nt flvc hlmdr'd 110UtH1 ; nlld
ntfontl'rt1 ' hns been tnken n mnck-
crd wl'lghlll nine hundred POUIHlJ. ; > -
BUA'A'eBtl\'e thnt c\'en flshes ( ; 1"OW Inrgc
'In " "este\"l1 wntC'l's. '
Guessing somewhere nror the weIght
of II IJOUlld of II lIn , r. rice , coffee , tcn ,
l'tl' . . Is not t'er.dUlIeu1t to the Irroccr
. . .
who has hnd 1cllrs of ex.
IJCrlence In lIuttlllUI1 \
these commodities , hut he
would be npt to find fll ult
with Ule new clerk who
8pellt hl8'alunble time In
pmctlclng to sce how CIOHC
he could ( t u e 8 8 to the
weIghts or tlte dUferellt
commodities. Yet If lhe
clerk , , 'us able to gucss
weights with nceurnc'I -
'table lime would be su\c ( )
lit doln up lIncknges tOI'
the trnde. lIere Is n HCOOp
which wIll ml1ke It unneccsBnry gucss-
lng , ho\\'et'cr , as It wIll l1utomntIcnlly
gnu e the qunntltr I\ml dlsc1mrge any
surplus oyer the amount rcqulrctI , III
, the picture the hnDdle portion ot Ihl'
scoop hns been cut nwny to expose the
workln mechllnlsm by which the sCllle
fCllture Is operated. The commodity Is
shovelcd up In the resert'olr nt the
top , just fiS woultl be tIOIIO with nn
orlllllnry PlCOOp , 'l'he rCBer\'olr bclll/ / . :
8Uf > IJellled h ' n spring I'IIIPPol'teli'cr. ' .
tical hill' , the \"elght Is IlIImedllltely
IlIdlclI tl'll hy Its dCPI'cHslon nl'll thl'
COI'l'CHllOlIllIng mo\'cmcnt ot th hIIH1 :
on the ( lIal In thc tllCC o ( the nnlHlIu.
ll ' settlllg the Hprlllg-Irpssed pawl In
ouc of I he notches Oil the frollt SliP'
portillg hill' of the 111.0011 the welltt ;
II : ! tl'allsfcrrcll to the relll' hl\l'S , wltlt'h
I.lIdo 011 thl' reEen'olr lIud OIJl'lI n JlIte
tlll'OII h whll'h the cO\ll\llotIlty \ \ flOWH
ulltll tht ! ) 'l'Iull'ed ) < 1Ulllltl. y olll ' I'
II1l1lus. As the wllighl IH gl'IHlulIlI ) ' J' ( ! '
dllced hy the outfluw or tile eolfre ,
rll'e or other goods , the Ecooll rhws
null the gute clolcR lIutoll1l1t1cltll ' .
WHilom lnxwell , ot P1tt8 urg , Is
the patclltee.
ProjI'ts/t III tht ! PIIIO Art" .
" -01\(1 MotherWhnt does HCIIr ) ' . . . . , )
\n \ his lettl'l' , puw7
FontI Irlltllel'-lle I' ( " I1snt I ( h , ' hlld
b1 ' whlskol's UII his hClld ho could " , .t
onto the foot all tl'UlI1 till : ! tlliL
" 'hen II mother In 'B down II rWP" It.
Il'cct Is about liS hlstn& ! : as the curtuw
'M : " = w ; ' : : .i iif \ 7 - :
- - = . . _ - - -
Hnllt - : ' 0111110 IIl1l1kllll : ' 1'lIhl .
It IN lIot 1111 l'aR ' tUHlc to 11I1I1I11l' n
"hocl. or ( 'OI'n 1111(1 ( I't It Into II 1I0HI-
tlou wlll'I' the cor 11IIU \ ' lIu hllfleed
r"t\tHl ' 1111(1 ( with lhl' 1t'lIlit eXIIl'IIHl ! ot
luhor. 'l'he Il1I1 trlltloll RhoWH n table
which 11111) ' he I'l'I\(1I1) ' IIIlIlll' of chl'lI11
lumller , 11\111 \ whl'h will IIInterlnlly
Ilghtt'n the III lIot. of corn hUHldll . ' 1'ho
tllhlo mn ) ' lJu 1111\(11' \ of matl'l'llIl nn Jllch
thick nllli thl'er llIl'hcR wldu.
The tOI1 o ( the tnhle IN tcn reet 101l1t
n1\(1 \ thl'cl' ( { 'et wltlt , liJml pleccs Rro
- - - - - - - -
UOUE.UAlHt JlUSKll'tO ' TAm.I .
nrrnned , : 80 thnt thl' ' mny be IISI'II tor
hI\UlUl \ S. nUll the le R , which l11'e two
ted nlld thl'l'l' IlIeht'N 10llJi , IIrl ! boltcd
to till' stdo } 1leceH 80 thl'y will swinK ,
In IIRtng thu tnblo 8wlll thc legs to
the sldl'fI IInll Iny the tnhln Ont on to
the gl'o\lIId , 1'IIsh the shocl. at COI'II
o"\r on thc tnhla , hllye n mlln tlllco
hold ot either elltl by the hnlltlle9 , nud
the 11'ItS will lh'011 co\\'n 111111 the Hhock
Is oaHlly rn1811 nntI In n 110RItion wh'ro
tt mn ' IJl' en1lly ! hnllllle(1. The cost of
thl' tuhle IR Rllllllllllld It I : ! \1 ( ' wl11 ! la\'c
lJoth Ume 1I11l1 strength.-lmllllllnllolis
Orul" . III HheCIIo
An nulho\'lt ' on Sbel'i ) II ! 'S thnt
ruhs In sheel ) nl'I ; 111'1 ' nuhlrnl 118 hllir
' 011 the tnll ot 1horse. . nnd Um hest
: " , ny to cnro for them Is to let them
: nlone , Shl'l.'l' rnlllcrs whosc nnlmnls
lUl'e hecn troubled wltIt gr\lbs In the
bend will not ngreo with this mcthod ,
lcrhnlls , but there IR no dOllbt hut
\'hnt r.cI'e Is too much utlllldllctl trellt-
lJlcnl at sheep COI' this Ilt'I t. nnll much
ot the tl'C'lItmcnt Is cruel In the ex-
rellle. There Is no Iiollht hut whn t
ootl l'nrc I\lId III'opcr teed mnlws the
uheep . .tron ellollh ; to reslt ! ! the II t-
nclc9 or ruhl. ! nlltl ullh'SB the case Is
, \'ory hall IIttlo I\ttl'nttoll shoultl he
ill\1I\ \ to grubs ,
1'lll're Is un WilY o ( ettln ! ; thc pest
but ot tlw Iloele ulltlt'cly. It olle llI1s
h bnd ( 'nll ! ! III the ! lock nml the nlli.
mnl t'lllnnhle It will pny to l1ut It
In the 111I 111111 ot n sldlled vetcrlnarlon
for trell tmellt. Do uot ust' the often
; I1lh'lsell methOlI ot rllnnlllg wlre8 lIlJ
the nootrlls or the nnlmalR In Il nlll
endl\'or to pierce the grubs.
ftcrn pl'r ( : : > r J rr I & : R t I' J.R net.
In ) Jrcpllrln IlInd fOl' IrrlJntion b '
the c11C'c\t ' \ ! ! ' 8tcm the "rldger" In crOIlS'
Ing the IIrst rltl es when mnlthlJe the
( 'ross rlttseR brenJ,1I down the first , nnd
1110 COI'nerR ul'e t hereore Impertect.
I or l'el1l1\'llIg \ tllt Sl' corncl's nUll filling' '
l npR In the l'II1ge9 the jump Rcruper 01'
horse 8crli11el' Is used. 'l'hls Is the work
TnE JUUl' IICnAl'En.
ot the blncksmlth. The benm ! ! nre 1A
"Y " ItA. InchcH nnd 30 Inchcs long trom
the drnft ring to the beml downwnrtI.
'rho 6ho\'ol 18 of No. 16 sheet Iron 24
Inches lonl ; br ] 8 Inche8 deep. The
handles uro those use ( ) on nny cultivn ,
tor. 'rhe benms nre bent to IItnnd 0
Inches forward or u 51lUnre plllced Qn
tOil of the bellms. 'l'hc brllces 11/0 / o (
% -Inch roulld Iron. The sho\'el Is
! llI htty cupped to mnke It hold mol'c
"k\rth.-Denver Field nml Fnrm.
- -
Bronchltl" 11CnlvcB. .
Thc , vet Benson. In mall ' section ! ! ot
the cOllntIJ' , Is responHlble ror thc
tl'ouhlu In calye-s , Imown ns IlIlIg
WOI.1I1S , 'rho worm Is small ' " 111
threlul.1I1cc nnll getR Into thc \\'llIlllIlpo
oi the Clllf , Tlw trollble Is thollht ; to
II due lar ely to lhe calveti tll'lnldng
from pontll1 , which cnntnhl the egs ; of
the WOrl1l11 nl\ll IIIHO tram pnstlll'l"l-
wet /rollnllH / : , 'l'lwre IR. at prescnt , 11f ]
1'I'IlI1'dy whll'h mn ' hc relicti IIpon , R < J
that the ht'Ht IJlnll Is to preHnt th
trollble. It lIos8111le. and thlH clln h'H1
hI' tlolle b ' kerplll ; ; the clII\'es In 0
wal'm. dry hnm nnd Rcphlg' ' tlll\t th
watrr they drink ts from a well alld
IUI pure as poRlhlr ! ! , They should nol
he nlowlo.d ! to Jll\8tllr until the rIlR
Is dry , nor l\hould wet rI\fII be ted t ( :
them. ' 1'be plall o ( Inj'ct111 all 01
tlll'pl'nUlle Into the windpIpe Is 1101
\'cry fatlstnctory. but It Is the belli
IhlnknowlI / , ntHl In some eURI ! hn ,
( Jroved salisfactory. - Indlnnl1llh
Itn.lInll'e : CRrrler. ,
Tbe cnrrllr ! which COU\'cys the enRtJ
lI e to the 11110 Is II gl'I'a t COIIIIUlIIl'r 01
( IOWpr , IIlId (01' II''t'I' ' 11111 11110 11111111
11(1 drlvell ( IIHter thnn III good ror tIll
rtlllnlll Cllr , 10'01' thnt 1'tII ! on 1111 (
11 1"0 ( or l'OJl\'CIIII'III'U III rl'l'III1 ( . .1t It
'WI ' tHr to hl111 t ht. IOJl 1101 1111I1'1' IIUII ,
' . :0 : tpet IIbo\'u tlw roulltl , 1"0\ \ ' " 111111 :
. .IIl)1I , I (1'1.t 11C1tgl'oUIIII lIud III III : ' : < < .
tl'l't IIho\'o III qultl' IIlItraclol'Y ! I1wi
: oll\'lmlrllt.
( -h"ntlcRlly " "rl' < I'r"I'11111' , . "
BpeaklllJ ; ut Ule UHI ur (01'1I1/11 / II IIIIIJ
boracic acId IUI wUk vr..r'lf " . VI ! " " II
. . .
. . . . . . . . - r- ' or' . .
. , - ,
dRily pnller rl'lI1nrkll : " "he rnllkm. , .
i who k1\Jwlll ly denl ! ! In chell1lcnlti
prl"I'\'CI' ' 111111. III n sC'Cret ' nSfnRsln ; DC
III ( II lit II. nllt ] It IR thc fl\crell duty oi
11I\hllc \ hcalth olllc 'rll to fiNal him te
th ( ' III nllt'ntlnry. " 'I'llI' dnll' 'lI1nn wbo
dortonl hlH 111111. ht'Col' IIc ! ; ent1s 11
till' 1111110111111 Is C < luall ) ' crltlllnni. Olt
11I111. ortclI JCtll n tllJlllllc tIe e , heln
"Iu'eE'r\'l'd" nt hoth ellds ot thc IIn
- - - -
IJerrynUnrl' .
1'ho hest growers or bush tnll
IIInku It n JJI' cUce to cnrr ' thclr l1cld
110 10n l'r Ihnll Ilx ! to IIlne 'l.trR. :
tel' thlll time they nre plowed liP , 1
I neltlR Iwln , : rmt In the m'nnllmo
' ' thc crop going. Thcrc nro val
I'lous reasons wh ) ' n Ill'll ot Inspben :
rles or hlackhcrrles tlet'rlorntcA utt
n cerlllhl numher o ( yen rs. The 1)1a.n
hecolllt. ! w'nlellcil with ngl' , thl'Y "
nttul'lu'il hy Insl'Ctll or < < lIRense , 3
they 110 1I0t produce young trultln
w11O(1 ( with nllythlng IIko their prllll
tlnu'Igor. . Irurther thnn tllnt. th4
Roll bt'comclI l'xhnustctI more or
or elelllt'nts ot fertJlIt ' . ItotutlOI1
crop ! ! Is rn'or:1 : hie to 11lIcds ! ! In le3
IIl1eA or ngrlclllturc. nnll not leR8
\ylth ( rl1lt crOl1S thnn with otbe" ,
Wc therefore 1I\llgeRt , ns bclng VI.'I1
8tron ly hllllcnted hy UIO ! !
thnt It \\111 be IIl'9t ( or you YI11PtOTJ
II W lIeltl ot hlnckllerrlcfl nt once ,
to plow UI' the old enc 11/\ soon U8 t
ncw one comCR 111 to bcnrln/t. / In acO ;
ling n nclIeltl , we would Insist upot ;
tresh pllllltll rrom Rome Rood nur et1
or t\'Om \ some , rower who makes
fpedlllt . o ( rowlllg lJlnnta. It Is vera
1100r IlI'nctice nnll poor C'Conomr '
Inlo Illnnls frolll nn oltl tlelt1. In cue
Ihe oltl fioltl Is Intected with dlsolUl
It Is n ( ntnl mlstnlte.-Countrr Gca
" ' /lter JlRrrC1 CRrt.
A Huhocl'lbcr usks for n plnn torVII
tcr bnrrcl l'III't to rUII by hlllld. O
CIIII bl' III II lIe or nil oltl cultIvator If tb4
" I
. -
. . .
" " " - - - - - -
w h e e III nre hll
l'Ilo\l h to Int'ert tb4
nxleln'nntI keep It
oIT the ground. ha"
Ing UIO curve ot th4
rucletree mntIe
hold the bnrrl.'l. ,
hnt'o whnt suits m4
- . , . . lx'tter. It l'o ! Il buga
nxletn'l' . two '
IIln IItt'r wheels nnd .
wngon ttJnfue. A smull plnttorl11 oval
thu II'CIl'tl'ee : carrlcs the bnrr'l. Anoth
1'1' l'On\'clllt'nce plCIIHCR 11I0 moro IhJui
thu < , nl'1Ir'o \ mnllc brush dllma Ion .
Ilitch CI'ORRlllg m ' llI1stureR ; RCt borns !
hI Iho h'1'o\ll1l1 \ nntl my horRes , cows an
hOJ1 : ! CIIII hell ) them8elt'c ! ! toVnt
without sI > ol1ln It ( or ( , lIch other.-
1. Holsorll , III lown Homestcad.
Profit In Chl orJ' .
The cu1tJ\'atJon ot chlcoI7 In th
country IIH n commcrclal terUlher
t':1J1ltll : ' hll'I'NI Rill/ / ; , thou h conlln
lurgely to "I'CtloD ! ! o ! MIchigan , IlIA
1I01R , Wlscollsln , rnJ11e nnll Nebrlu !
'I'he rlel11 IJcr ncro 18 anld to be tro
six to ten tOilS. hut wIth good CultUl ;
aR much ns tlrtcen t01111 mar be ( ; 1"OWD ,
The I1vcrnge prlco 18 $6 to $8 per t
nml the cost ot growlllg rangea fro
30 to $ .15 per nCt'o. It III stated t1
\lllIler \ norlOnl condItion. the pro
fl'om chll'OI'Y Is 80l11cwhnt greater th
from cent or whrnt. Its cultivation 14
shnllnr to t1ult rcqulretl for beets , nn4
the Rnme mny be saM also as to ba.
VCHUllg , 'rite rool. . ure taken to the
tnclol'Y , Ilud when , vashed are cut Inl\
pieces ahout olw-halt Inch In d.Jamet t
allli ronstcd. Ohlcory hllB . value 8 (
11 foroge crop due to Its nb11lty to pM
duce wcll upon ulmost barren soli , bu (
whclI fed In considerable quantitle.
milch COWl It ImpnrtB 8. bitter tlav
to the milk. SwIne , vl1l Cl.t the
nnll thrlvo on It. and both tlto roo. .
Illltl ICIl veil mny be fed to horaca.-
Amcrlcnn CulUTator.
Angora. . .ad f'heep.
I t would be wcll If the prom1n
writer8 on tl10 subJect ot the Angor4
were to give more attention to poln _
In ! ; out the dIstinct dlITerencl.'s
twcen the sheep And the goat. ' ' ' .
should urge tbe tnrmer with 1'1.13
hrowslng to "ecure the Angora an
thUH secure l' < 'onomlcnl underbrUSbln
hut ( or the olle wbo hll8 nothIng b
IJlIstm'e untI could use the sheep to
\'lnter allvunlllJ.e : Buch farmeril whoul
1I0t In our entlmutlon be ndylbed to at !
tumpt to mise AngorI1l-DroverJ
J oUl'no I ,
Fimntt foIllos.
nnlr 'nl'n with fit'e or six ( 'OW ! ! m"
pl'olltllhl ) ' build n silo. It hUll be
(0111111 Illat tu silo n ( om Held nd
I1I10ut $10 Iel' , ncre to as vllluc , nfted
llItylllt ; for the ( 'xtrn WOI'k , 118 COlD
JlIIl'l'd with III' ' cllrln" , Hc'nce IIU 'On.1
I who \'HISeR \ nu ncro or two for ( eedl
wuuld hll'C n Rllo. whlelJ will III I
( 'OUIU lJallCI ' to Foil ye n ! .l'cond crop ,
clo\'er. SO ' he-II IIR. pl'ns nntI ( otld . . , j
I crops (1I11leult 10 lJt ! matle lute hay.
nre n tlllr ( or POll It ry.
Cllbbues ; mukl' ont ! of the beet snp. II
) Jiles fOI' enrl ' winter. 'rhe 80ft hend
IIrn uselesH fOI' lIIurkct , but JIlII ke gOO
IIt'II tOOlInle \ , rllpe , beet 11'11 t'eB art , ' .
jootI. IIlso bcets. Swcet IIIples nr "
HUltllhlt' . lint Rour ones In too Iftr
lllllllltllll'l : ! hn'e n bud elTect. Secondl
croll I'lo\'er tallY chOIPt't1 and mlxe4
with dou h Is the beat winter BubsU
t ult ! . .1
ARtllrnl IItto : Killer. .
The ' 1'/1111 < < 11111 Hot:1II I CI1 I Departmem : j
pmpOl'R n IInlque plnll tor the extcJr.
1I111111tluII ot thl' dl'slruclJve roachelll
whIch pro ) ' upon orclul\'lls. \ It rE ! < ! OIJJ
I UI"1I118 thl' plt'lItlrul use or pltebd.
I I ( lIIII1IS IIH II OI'1 Ir 1101'111 wnlch dOQl
I 'J'blR IWl'nllnr lIower pOjl..I."t' : t 1
' ' ' , \ ' o ( j'lIlIll1rlll ; ; 111111 killIng 10
) ,81.j.t" , 1\1111'11 1"l'nr II 1'1' Inlo It' ! IIlItlcl11' '
Ill'll " 'lnl ) ( > (1 ( htJSMII\I \ III ij'lrl'11 ot tb
1"l'tllIl'\h' \ " hit or hOIIl' ' Iltm' which UJAJ
h , ' ( , tlIII,1 I hl'I'I' ,
I 1'\11111011(110 \ . ( tllIl111'111 , IIltrl1tes , wiIu '
l , IIlId 11'\11\1111 \