J -
= - - , . . . -
line. 'l'ile.cars . on this road were
carriages , wagon , > or carts , al ways
covered and frequently loaded
J with pumpkins , com , oats ,
wheatstraw or fodder for ballast.
Generally in this case the ballast
. , . .
was 1tl the cabin and the passengers -
gers were in the "hold" of the
ship with the hatches securely
' . fastened down so that no "wool ) '
head" could peer out from under
the loading.
The ties of this road were
generally made of rails split like
fence rails and laid down in such
a manner that they formed what
we called cordero ) ' roads and the
cars passed o\'er them or across
them instead of lengthwise. ,
'fhis was a little rough , but the
cars seldom left the track unless
the engineer wa , : ; i nformcd that
there was a train close behind
him filled with sla\'e hunters and
Fanners _ < . . _ II
Why remain in the North
unll stay in doors six 1II0nths in
the year consllming' what ) ' 01\
raise dl1rin the other six
1II0n ths ?
Go S 1th where ) ' 01\ can work
out doors cvery 1II0nth in the
) 'ear , IIUlI wherc ) 'ou IIrc pro-
during sOlllcthill thc ycar
lulUIII. It ) OUllrc astock I' i er
) 'ou kilo011 r stock lire IIUI\ '
"eMinj. { tlwir hemls oiT" allll ,
hesilles , ha\'c to he protectcd
f rolll the rigors of willter II\ ' '
expens'e shelter.
Hcollomical stock fcclling' IC-
qUIres till' comhination of hoth
: . . l1esh.forlnin anl1 fatformil g
r foods in certain proportions.
, , . , Alabama nnl1 Flowla prIHll1cl'
in almnllance the yeh'cl 1)'lIn
1\11I1 cns < ; Il\"a , the l rst a flesh
prodnccr , allli the latter a fat
producer , :11111 the\ ' lire the
cheapest 1111I1 best fattenin materials -
terials known to the worl.1.
"lore lIIoncclln he male 1111.1
with less labo'r , in general.farm-
ing , fruit and herr ) ' glOwing
, Ilnd truck gardening along our
roarl in the Smth : than in an ) '
other section of thc Vnion.
If you arc interested 111111 desire -
sire furthcr information on the
. liuhject , : ulI1rci's
G. A. PARK ,
Oen'l. Imml ratlon and In-
dustrlnl Agent , Louisville
& Nashvllio R. R. Co. ,
LO'.Jlsvllle. Ky.
, / ' " '
' 'J' "
- - - -
bloodhounds In which cascuntcss
he was vcr ) ' near a depot he would
switch hiR train and tal < e to t.he
"woods , "
'l'he whole train crew oftcn
consisted of one man and sometimes -
times two , who wcre generall ) '
fairer than the passengers his
train carried. 'l'he train was
propciled b ) ' horses or mules and
often YOlt could hear the pufT1t1g
of the eugine for several rods if
the train was overcrowded or behind -
hind time. I ha\'e seen a great
many of these train crews , as our
residence was on the railroadbut
never saw any of thc crew drunl <
nor did I cver know of their
carrying weapons. 'l'he crews
were in uniform so that anyone
might Imow them. 'fhe pants
were blue jeans and their coats
were of a drab color and were
generally cut swallow tail. 'l'he
crew had a peculiar dialect which
was vcry dear to them and very
assuring to their dark skined
passengers. 'Vhen the tra'alers
in the car consisted of a man and
his wife they were often spoken
to in this fashion :
"John thee and Mary had
better stop at this station and
wail for the next train which
may be se\'eral days arriving.
Be careful and don't make a
noise in the depot. "
( ' 1'0 1m CON'l'INUJ\I \ > . )
_ .
- - -
Old man Ingebeit Olsen is reported -
ported vcry sick. Dr. Wamsley
was called.
'fhere was a big surprise party
at S. K. 14ee's Monday night to
celebrate the 21st birthdav . of his
son Albcrt.
Henry Helgeson arrived from
his Wisconsin visit accompanied
b\ ' his brother Albert , who is
going to stay for a while , a he
hopes the change of climate may
improve his health.
1'oday 'l'uesday , there went
o\'er a carload of hogs from the
valley , which was marketed at
Sarg nt. 'fhe majority of the
hogs belonged to Adolf Elling-
son and Ole Johnson , besides a
few loads from other parties. ,
IH ) UND ( , Ht."I .
l\1 rs. Dickerson has been sick
the past week but is better again.
Mrs. Hoach of 'Wood Hiver , is
visiting with ( eorge Foster's
Bessie Smith , who has heen
away from home for the past two
weeks has returned.
Mr. Green and family left
about a week ago for Indiana
where they expect to make their
home in the futuer.
'Ve ha\'e heard nothing about
the new rural mail delivery late-
ly. However , we arc assured
that it will be a success.
John Jerhune , who is feeding
a large number of cattle has
boug-ht considerable snapped corn ,
for which he has been paying 25
cents a hundred , \Ve understand
the price dropped to 20 cents this
'l'he B.sket : supper at the
- - - - -
* , , ; j'I" 'I" ' 1' 'I' 'I' 'I' 'I' " , .l . . . , 'I' 'I' 'I' 'I' ' 1" , I' , " , " , ' 1" ' " 71'
1y , I
h ! G. . I3. Houder , the . Gencral . Merchant , has ! ! . . . . .
, ' "I' .f-I , 111 S t oc k a I' Inc 1. Ine 0 I. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I\f' I ,
r W
t Fancy Croceries , Candies :
t Presh and of the best qualities. 111 his y
h ! ! . Dry . Goods Department . , he . has a large 1 , ! .
' '
' k
' . .h ! ! . asSOr t11ellt of altcos , Out1t1g" Ii lannels , !
, , --1' , Mushns , Clotlul1 ! ! ' , . Dress . Goods , Hats , , 'I\f' .
I . . "I' ! Caps , GIO\'es , Hu"IClns MIttens , etc. , etc. ' .t
. I ,
\ - t , t
. . . , I , . , I ,
1 1" I ha\'e about 100 pairs of shoes left over ' 1'
. = 'tE- from the. old Day stock that I am se11ing t
! ! . at bargams that cannot be found any . ) . \ ! ' -
. ) : : where else in the city. Slippers ane } . : ;
. . " . . . 'I' Shoes from 25c up. , ,
! ! . IC
1 t NEW SHOES. ' * >
, t I also have a futl line of new shoes that { >
* just arrived , for children , ladies and t }
= , ! ! . gents. 'l'hey are of the latest styles and * >
the best of quality. For durability and ,1 ( . . . .
( lI' price , ther will suit. 1-4ocation-Day's : 7i
? t old stand , northeast corner public square. *
. , t
Pure Cider best
, I , . Kentucky Yinegar-the 'I'
. ( ' in t I Ie wor 11 . 11'
, .
' ! Coo. 8. Houder i
i . . ,
' . , *
. . " ; 1'
I , . . . , , ! 'A' Broken Bow , Nebraska. , I ,
' 1' ? f"
' ' ' . , , 1- ! , , , , 1-.J. . ' - * - " , k ' k 1k . , , ' "
$ T $
- . . _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ . . . . , . . . . - . . . - _ . . _ . . . . . . . . " . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
oJ _ ' ' '
. .i I
. f
. 1 , , .
My more having lYould he II sOUcfJ . ' \ . ' , ; . : t . ; : . . " '
. To .make m hunger more , . .
. ,
. '
. ,
-Shakespere , Macheth , iv. 8. " . , ' , :
, . , . . . . . . . " . . I
, . . . . . . . . . . ' . . , -
' ' _ . " . . .
- ' . . . , . " ' .
. . , . . { . . . ' . I . . . , . , .
. ' . ' . " " ' I \ ' . , .
" ' "
. . . _ . . , i I
The tnore Uneed Biscuit you eat ' ) " , , : :
the more want. " ' . . " I
you : . . , : : :
The more people eat them ; , : : . - . I
the more people want them , ' .ii , ' , > , , 1
. . . 1
The more people want the In . : : " . ' " , ; : ,
the more we want to male them' . II
. better and better. . . . . I ! I
\ " ' "
. I , I
" .
' : I
It's just a case of more and more. ' " '
\ \ \ ,
, . . : . .1'0'f . # ' . . . ' . , . . . . . \ I
, , . . , . _ ' . . " . : tI . " " , . . , .
I 1 . , . . . . . . ) .f'l. ,1 , " > ' , , . ' cI . , " - . . " . . . , . " " , " . , ; " ,
_ . . . . . ' " . . , ' ' " , ' . 'h' , " . . . ' , ' ' . : " . . . ' ' ; . , " " It" . . . ' : . . . , -\.i. " " . . ' . , _ ' . _ : ' ) / . . . . . . \ _ . -1 . , , \ ' , : , , rr/ , , ; ! . . : ! . . , . . . . I' . . . . ' $ ; ' . . . : . . ' . . . , . ' . . . . . ' . . ' 1 1 .
. : ' . : . . . < . 't. . . . . : } . . . ' . . . . , : ' . . . : , i . . . : : .F , ; : ' , : " ;
. . I. . , . .f. , ' , ' , ' , U nee d a ' . . . " /j' .lI4 :
. . " . . . . . ' " ; . , . . .
. .
. ' "
"c le Biscuit ! '
You Hear
Is the Sign , I
They are fresh . , .J , ' . ' " I
t. ! lrr .
. -
Muddv Mills school house last
Satur lay evening was well attended -
tended and in e\'ery way was a
g-rand success. A short program
was rendered which began at S
o'clock. After thi5 Mr. J. K.
Pearson , auctioneer , sold 25 -
kcts which brought the handsome -
some sum of $29.00. This with
several dollars of subscription
money will provide the school
wi th an organ. From the way
the buys bul on the baskets we
judge they have a high opinion
of the girls of this conl1nunit ) . as
Ida Riggle is still on the sick
Although in the hail strip L.
S. Empfield's corn made him 25
bushels per acre.
\Vhat kind of oats do you propose -
pose to sow on thanl < sgiving ? I
What you sow you will reap. .
Mrs. J. H. Smith , is visiting.
her daughters at Brol < en Bow.
Jessi is teaching and Nola is in
school. She may go to house-
keepiug and stay till school
trust those who are charitably -
tably disposed on 'rlmnksgiving
while blessed with an abundance
will think of the aged , aillicted
and sick , especially Davis Head-
ley who has a relapse and if we
arc correcty } informed needR the
necessaries of life.
Ileart FauUerllllC.
Undigested food and gas in the
stomach , located just below the
heart , presses against it and
causes heart palpitation.Vhen
your heart troubles you in that
way take Herbine for a few days.
You will soon be all right. 50c.
Sold by Ed. McComas , Brol < en
Bow and Merna.
. , ' . ' . .
I.Ov nA''nH 'V. ttT.
Vln lIurllnll'tOIllIoute' :
$25.00 to Portland , Tacomu , Scuttle.
$27.40 to San Francisco 1.05 Angcls.
$22.50 to Spokanc ,
$20,00 to Butte nllli Helcna.
$22.40 to Salt I.akc Cit ) ' .
Proportionatel ) ' low rutes to hundrells
of other points , including Hig Horn
Basin , W'o. , Montana , Idaho , WashinH-
ton , Oregon , British Columbia , California -
fornia , etc.
H\'er ' dalntil November 30.
Tourist cars daily to California. Persona -
sona ] ] ) ' conductcd excursions threc timcs
a week.
'fourist cars dail ) ' to Seattle ,
Inquire 01 ncarc'It : ' Burlington Route
, agent. 15'24
. - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
l.cUcr I.IHt.
'l'he following is the dead
letter list for the week ending
November 17 , 11)03 :
: l\lary Jackson. Anna Kenney . ,
Mrs. P. Miller.
Parties calling for the above
will please say a < h'ertised.
L. H. JnwwrT , P. M.
America's Greatest Weekly.
Toledo Blade
Toledo , Ohio.
New and Larger -Building. New
Presses , New Stereotype Plant.
New and Modern Appliances
In every departmont.
'l'he 1'0ledo Blade is now installed -
stalled in its new building , with
a modern plant and equipment.
and facilities equal to any publt- .
cation between New York and
Chicago. It is the only weekly
newspaper edited expressly for
every state and territory. 'l'hc I I
News of the 'World so arranged
that busy people can more easily
comprehend , than b ) ' reading
cumberson columns of dailies.
All current topics made piain in
each issue by special editorial
matter , . written from inception
down to date. 'l'ite enl ) ' paper
published especially for people
who do or do not read daily newspapers -
papers , and yet thirst for plain
facts , 'l'hat this kind of a newspaper -
paper is popular , is proven by
the fact that the \Veekly Blade
now has O\'er HJOOOO yearly
subscribers , and is circulated in
all parts of the U. S. In addition -
tion to the news , the Blade
publishes short and serial stories ,
and many departments of matter
suited o every member of the
family. Only one dollar a year.
'Write for free specimen copy.
Address ,
'l'JIH BI.Aun ,
'l'oledo , Ohio.
'l'ite RHI'UIH.ICAN and 'l'oledo
Blade , one ) 'ear , $1.35 ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -
CAl\ [ ( RON 4tnJ gSE.
ff r 3s 8 u9cllJl : rs
AT J.-\W.
Jloom II anll II , Hoalty Dloch. Broken Bow , Neh.
. . . . . .Honler In , _ . . .
l'urn\lR , Wind. JltIlJ , ' 1'anlt , I/ltllrll " " 01l80lln8
KnclnclI , otc. ctc.
Broken IIow , Nobrsllit/l.
11. O.lIUTTON , Proprietor.
Flrst-cl8U worle , Hoar HoolII or Jlrokcu Jlow
Stat" Uatlk , IIroliell 1I0w. ebr& kll.
' 1'ho hoet h8r RlnH'nl\lLuskll.
l/l1rmlnnds IO to : f25 lIer IIcre.
: : ! om" I1no IIIII het ! cheUlI. . . . . .
\tenl \ estnto , I.08nQlIId Insur-
IIIICO.Vrlto ut ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
l\l1fJln toll Houto. lIrcellt , l'iohra8kn.
Dlt. 'I' . J H.NS\lt'I'IJ.
omcoln ICC8lty Hlock , Dr. 111,88'8 01
. , . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . . . .llcru JI ndcd IIy. . . . . . . . .
CllmulII Hcull , No. 17,035.
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ii i I .1 : \ } w . . . I .J' .
' ' " ! I ' I :
! 1. : 'C" f .j " Iw ,
, t ! : \ I .1 , ] t '
, , . , . , , /I 'i ! , . . . .
> 'oA' -Wr ; , ' " . , . . , f ! ? . I V t . , . l .
.1 > ' ; ! J
. ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . . , . , ri l.\
- - -
.I. ( ; . BRENIZEl < , Breeder of
1/1Iru Scolch "nl18cotclI 'J'IIII'p.ll Hhort 110m Cllt-
v.IoJ My herll tlulllhl'rll 41.1 COW" . Will COll1ll8ro
. II hrlwdllll : IInll 'I(8111) ' wIll , IIny weBt or Clllcafo.
/I / , ( ) ' OXJIUIHDCU h H hu lIt IOU that to Ilvu 110011
" ' ' 'll ractlon , bret'llln CllttlC 1111191 bo ralsod In
UIls altl\.udo. I eXllect to raise thum
hero IIIC equal /llIythlul ! rlllhed 111 Ib < l.
. H. lu"w 11I'u ) Imll. . Hllltuhlo lor thl- . /11111
next ) car'I fervlrl' , Mv ( 'mv > \\elgll troDl HOO to
J ; ) ) ( ) ( ) pound 101/111 nnll reu tllcm ,
- - - -
H"II' tlltu 11101110811 broker , OOlce In 10\ll1 \
Bloclclrnllcn \low , Nebra loa. ;
Physician & SUl'geOn.
Oll'co In rcar lit Iho Hank ot Commerce. Itelt.
lIoncu 6th house IVO I or the JapUat church ;
/ lrokelllow. . Nflbralku ,
J DPB : I ; n 'frr ! 1d ANOTAnY
fi1J ill , '
; : J l'UIJLIC
Idll Ju dOl Iho I'oncc. Hpodalnllontou ! Klnn
lo col . 10111ll'llophloDR takfnllcneloll voucb ,
Jr. .1) ' executed allc1nll kind. ot legal paperl
w n. 011I00 In the r ar ot nank ot Commerce.
. \lrokunllolV. Nobrn8ka.
" -
1.1'colu , Denvcr.
CUUI8UI8. .lclCIIU ,
CIIICUKO , uutte ,
"to JO"CIJI1. l.ortll8l1d ,
nI8I1HAH : City , Hnlt Lnlu City ,
tHe ' OUIH. And Hllulfrnncl co
All . .01IitH n t Alld AIII.ulnt.
. . . . . .d "Outll. 'VCNt.
No. 43-Vu8l1buled exprc8I dully , LIncoln. Oma.
Ia , bit. Joeepo. Kan..e City. Ht. Lotoh , Obi ,
cage allillill ! ! OIULi "lilt Bed south. . . . 807 a.m.
No. 44-Locnl expron 11.11) ' . LIncoln. Omaha.
Chlawo alld all 1'011111 oaet end 100thI0 SO a.m.
No. 41-Ve8U1JUled exprc 8 dally. 1I01lllla , Moat.
tic nutle , I'ortlaod BnJ all l'aclQc Coalt
Ilo/ntA. / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6M am
No. 3-I.ocal expre 8 dall ) ' , Alllallc" ant !
IntcrtntodlAte palots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 pm
tleoplol ! { , dlLlng and reclining chaIr CIUI ( loaU
fruo ) on through trllln8. Tlckes lold IInd balr-
Kn o chocled toluy poInt In tit United ttatel !
and Canl1l1a.
InrorlUallon , maP ! ' . tlwo tablel and ticket
tl\lI on or wrt\u to U , L. Ormsby , ageDt , or J
Franch , G. 1' . A. , OUlRbviJ Nobrllllka.
. L. Ot\K8B1' , ARent.
' . /
, h .
- - - - - - - -
POlich ror WCllt will cloeo at 8 p. m. , OICOpt
! lundny whenlL will clo o at 65 p m.
Pouch , CUdt for train No.4 : : 010808 at 8 a 1.1I
allli rOi No. .U clo e8 at , 0.30 a.m. Mull tor Anlley
IIn.1 I'nilltll ' cast ot Grand 18ll1nd earrlt.'tl on traIn .
No , .
Oronto , ,1of / lIyuo aed Tuckervlllo , datly ( II-
cel't 'iUIlo.ay ! CIOS08.lIt 7 a m : returnlug samu da ,
CllilllWUY Vlll , Mc'Klnley dati , eIcept Hunda ,
closc fit 7 a III , retnrnlng Barno dll ) ' .
HnuI,1 Valle , . via Ureen IInd Elton clo.o at 7 a
m.Tuestl/l ) ' , Thuuday and : ! atDrda18 , returning
8altO day.
tlUunor ! via Gurnsey. Georgetown and U &on
arrrlVIJS lit 11.30. Tue day Tbursda , . aud tstur.
day returnlnluao. / . at 12,30 umo day.
O\llc \ houu trom 11.00 a m to 8.00 11 m. 8uI' '
11ay" from bH , ( I. m , to 6:41) p , m. Lobb1 op'
IVct'k daYM trom ; II. 10. to II 1' . m. Bundau 8
II. III. toI n , m. Ueneral delivery not open tI ,
! Jay Ulornlnlt al herotororo , L. llJaw.TT. p. ! '
_ _ t. _
_ . . . . . - , _
. .j. "II--
To Cll1re a Cold ill Ol11e Day : Yf'
Take Laxative Brctmo Quinine Tablets. A 1'71 " 01cvl
(9.c. box. ' -
Seven MDUon hO'e5 sole ! In pmt I montblS. This signature ,
. . .l -
. . .