Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 12, 1903, Image 2

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    . . - , - -
I : : : . c i :
, , , , , y , , ( , , , , I. '
I HOI\I BOW , NlmJl , " I\A \
f' - -
. "H , n.1 I It' : . I , . , I'll II 11. . ( . Ii II "I < lIal
1ii0lT 1I/oIIIU / : ,
CUIl1I1111U h'cl'I : 'Itl'r ; 1ty tllnt 1"11 ,
allleH WI to IIU ci'"lnnd whnt 1111(1 uf
: ' cuwllll'l ot.1t I' IleJI.I. llJllld VUiSUI"
" - - - - - - , _ .
I Il CIIUfil' IIIl' drl' OllllOUIICl'
thut "III ' , ,111 Inulll"fl IIr. , hI r.'or ; ' It
tlUI H lIut i'oiow ; tJ'lIt ; , ull lUll ( 'ut 1:1(1 :
wll h II 1:1. : I f ( ' ,
- _ . . . - - . .
- - - - -
T:1l' : J t'/l'1./t. / / ! + CIII'Io'I ) t 11I011011 plCIIIH.i
, 1111'U IJI'HII 1III'Iwd 10llfW 011 tllu puhlic.
; hilt fUI'IUIIIIIII , > IIII' ' lIun ! III ) 11110110.
. . . . . - -
- - - - -
r 1"IIII\\\'Ir ( , , 1111' IIIIHoodlJ : of Wlltl.'l'
III HI ( ' ' ' , 111'111"IIUK 1I1'1ICIl'C'11 : IIIelV
, , J CI'IIl'Y 1'/II'f'III'lllIoIIH , n II III1 ! 'cal"tI
' :1'011 Is "H I'IOllsl ' nO'l'dl'l1.
. . . . _ . _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
i 'I'he MOI'u'I III'J I'I'IHlI'll'il to lJe l > elllllJ. ;
J , , - , . " III 11I11 ' ' till' AIIII'I"
; < , tI"SI" " ! : ' . : ! ( 'lIll' : !
" 1t'1I1I "lInlsUIl III theh''Icillit ' IlI'U uhu
I lII.tly Iu he 11'IHlbll'll wlI h 11111011I11111.
. . , . . .
- - - - - - - - - . - -
- - - - - - - '
, ' ' 'nclll ' ' III'hlll ,
'I'hn lusl HIICt4 tlf l'IICI' , {
l l Ihl' HellI\'e : : \ , cul II' , Isel1l1 11I111
hlK h:1l'1 : I'I'R mon' lIu\I1 * UUOWJ. l\l II'
IlIg Ihe CIII ) l'OIllCM hllh , ! .Jill WJ ll1usl
IIl1vo II ,
. . .
- - - - -
, 'I'll < ! II 1111011 IU'I'III1'IIt of the I.ollllou
J.lll1cet I hilt Ihl' home II ' Is IIl'SLlIl'lI- -
, . 11111 Ills cl IIII1J h II t cll IItl/le / Ulh , ! .Jut
It IlIcl.1 : ! l'I ' vJI'1I1 thOlHJUlIll 'cnrs of ! .Je--
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
FOIIl'l'1I ! ! IIl'I' cellt of Ow wnge'ClIl'U'
I I'I : 01' Ihe ( 'ounlt' ' JU'O WOIIWlI II lilt
Ii Is , Autl tlw ) llIr of Il Is Ihat thl' '
; , dOll't ! : l'l lIu 'lhln ! ; lJlw lot lieI' ( ' ( 'lit of
the mOlwy thut Is 1111111 out III WIII > 08.
I , " [ IIrt'IIIl' ! : ' bll.- ' II ; ; ; l'lIl Journlll ,
" ' " 11\1'111111 II cOIIIIII\lllll ' of nllmcntH he ,
I t"I'lI hU811I1\11 : \ 111111 \ \ Ire. " As thtJ
, SI'I'II.lure hils It , mlcroul' t-hl\lI ue 'O\l\ '
croue , l\UtI J I I ho mkro ( J ,
f _
MI'11I : dssJlI wJl1 11O\Jr ceaw to
' rl"I'l't : ' thllt he Willi IIlIt " ,11 hILI rellch of
the 1 'Cl'lIl11 hl1l'l'\lIs ! Whl'll the llllHtnrd.
: J Iy Oltomlte tool II shul III hIm , Ill'
; . woulll hll'l' Icell , { . : ooll Cur $ lCO 11cI' Ice-
, turo If 111'011l'r1J' hll IItllell.
_ .
! - -
r 'I'hose 1IIII'ClltR will ) 1I\'e I1ll'lr 8'3'0111'-
old ' I'lIle for ' ' '
< hOJ' II II hh'lIulllJ' 11l'Csellt ,
1\1111 hUl'y l11l' Il\Il's IIlstCl' liS the reslIlt ,
111\\'e IlIIhl dcnrly for IUt l'xpcrhmcethllt
. the whole hhtol' ' of Ilrearms I\ud e.\- :
1110sl\'os has heen teachlll ,
' . ' It dOeR 1I0t IIcem quite enlloltltu ! ; for
1 , womell to " 'orl lu the I1clll or to go to
. . sen hcforo the mllRI , liS In 11 alia111. . 0\\1'
8hnmo lies \\"orldlll ; gll'lfl In 10llth ,
80mo mines or of st1tllnfot them In ( lIng '
, ; 8wcnlllhol18. llIr the dll ' ROOII como
. when II sense of houor , with the alll
j. l of lIewlr In\'cnled mnchhlcl'y , shull
. \ ' nmke nil Ihlll nnneccllmr ) ' .
J AftOl' 1111 , It tnlI'S ,1nllan to Jl't up n
tl1'St-c1IlSfi IlItcl'nu t10nn I comllllcntl011
. ; wlthoul nollc , llm'o Is the ttCUl1\l'\
Slnllley DolinI' , or BrItish l'cglstrJ' ,
f : ownCll hj' nn Amerlcun nnd cllrryln
Jt Ihls811\n \ cUl'go fl'om Il Ohlllese lort
J . prevcnh'd ! Jy JIIlIanelH ! gmll10nt , 1'1'0111
: . enlcl'lnJ : the Corenn I10rt ot Yon am.
I1ho. Isn't t11l1t n lteuutitul mlxup ?
l.u W'CfS hn vo ltecomc thc grl'tdl !
fcmll't"9 ot the "conunercll\l" I1rnnd 01
honCfily , nil dlstlngutshl d trom the n'n !
nl1.lclc- the knnvery whlcb Is uot
( In thclr coutClltlon ) kUIt very until II 15
found out ulld runs toul ot .omc stalu
t01' ) enaclment. Is It not tlmc thn I
tbere sboulll lto nn awakenIng ot con.
8ctonce alllong them , and I1n ctrort te
rostol'U truth to her proper place amen ! ;
tbe I\j ents ot justtcc1
Our mlncrnl resources are 1Tast nll
contlnunl surprise , Our IronDluster :
t 1m0 theIr hllmlll Ul10n 110W source8 oj
SUl11)ly lte 'ond tile Pnclne Oceun , [ or .
over , new procl'sses lire contlnuulJ
l'e1ll1crlng Iron nnd steel pl'Oductlor
prolltnJle ! whcre It hnd not been prolll
able betore. Iron Is cverywbere , tIlll
1IIlnr melllllurgists nre ot the oplnlol
thnt to tulk ot ellllustlng ; the SUIIlIIJ
ot It Is much 1Jle tulklng ot usIng UI
the world's oXYJen or hYllrolen.
' 1'he rccent dlsnstel's to two , 'essels 0 :
till' 1\11\ ' ' S\ll ; l'st ono ot two 110sstbtIJ
tics , mther tll ! ' waters ot the Atlnnt ! ,
cnast nl'l' hUllertectlJ. cbnrlcd or soml
ot our ul1\"nl oll1ccrs lu cbnrgo oC WI1
\'l'ss ls dou't Imow their hushll'ts , I
hl'hoo\ thu'y Depllrtmcnt t ,
mukl' n rl hl Inquiry. It Is hlShl ' lll-
cl'el1ltuhle to 0\11' IIIH'ul ml1nlnlstrntl(11
thut In 1\ lime ot llrotouUlpCllce 8l'11I
ut l1w most cosHy at our wnr'l'iisel
should bl ! Imockhll : holes In tbelr OW1
hulls hel'nmo ot the Inornnco ; : or ClllC
Il'8slll'sS ot those wbose busIness It I
to 1I11\1Il1tc ; tllem ,
'l'ho trlltute tbe worll1 l1Urs Greo
Brhl1hl In Intl'rt'st nnd d"'ldends I
6110\\'U h ' olUt'lnl 1\Jures troUl Londo
tlmt ftl'l' elolUent. ( 'l'he totnl nm0\111
uC British mOtlC ' lonned nUll hl'l"cstc '
I\lIr , : H1 111\l1 \ In l1alln I1ml tbo colonic
( wns 11 little o\"er $ fIOCO.OOOOOO , 0
wblch nIl' ! mtcrl'st pnlll Wf.a ( HOOJ
000 , or 1l1out : $101 per cnllJta tor eyc ! '
I1II1U , womnu I1m1 chUd III EUIIl1a
lrl'Jnn 1 a\ll ScotlnUlI. It bns taken
\ tll'1\1 ot 1lJ.urlng I\nd Instli nt1ng t
url'ly nt thc81 } tl\l'tS , but tlt" ' e.'tl'lul
why l n18h ! IUlports cCleC\i : ! l'3porl
'ellr utll'r 'l'nr I\nd tbo counlry 6ti
, hlC1'cases Its wel1ltb.
. \t Inst "The Slur Spnuslcd Bnnnel
11:18 b\11 ( lucllU'l' to b6 the na11on :
:111t hU111 , und ottlcera IUltl men of tI
11:1.\1 must IItlUld at attenn w e.
, . , . ; , J . >
. - - . . - . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' " . . . . VI" - - -
.tr."WJ\ . . . , . . . . , , . . . . , .
( 'I\'PI' II JII ( 1111111 ; plt"'I1. Anll , hl'tll'1'
1'11111 , Ihl' 111tlPlIHllIIl'lIt , ) hill ! IJI'llerl'd
thnt UIllI' < ! 'I'H lIuII UWII 1II111 ! " 'Imlll ' lit
1I11l'lItloll wlll'1I thl' 111111011111 nil' or
Illy uthm. CIIUIIII.Y I" IJI'III ) . ( IIIIIJef It :
Ihe IJrl'tt'IH' ( ' of otndnl l'I'IIl'.wIIIlIlIn'l !
ot that 1'0 II U I1'Y , 'l'ho U.'rIllIlIlPl' th\ ]
, lo'l'tJlWh , I'lld ' l'I\P CIIlIl ' tlll ! lIrlt Ish ,
hll " ( ' Illujot letl 1IoI ! III thull' "how or ruJ
( IIII'd rOl' lIwlr lIullo/lltl / 1111' , t'll IIi
OI1I1I1t1rt , whum , Wo nrHiJlnl't I II WI ! tuul
11I1'orrl'ctlJ' , thol'o h 11 HcuLllIlIlIlul
fl\'o1'lllg III1I1NoIltJO/1 / lu lIlJ lJlllll'u'
I NI.1lt. ! , let till' bUIIO ) ,1/1 , / ) ' "UIIII HII0
i the I < IIIK , " IIml U\'I'rf ; ) lulse will heut
fn"tl'I' , Uli 11\1'11 , WUI/I"II U1111 ch1ltll'e/l /
S till III I1III'O"II'l'tI 1111I tfl lIs l'CI1I11llulI.
, .
A/III / It Is this HIIIIH ! : o.'ulty thaI lell t
lhl'sl' IH'W l.ull'S o ( 1)1)1' II/1VY / , B ' : .II l
1III'II11s Il't III : ! how IlIlI'e l'l'llecl rOl' 0111'
1I11L101l1l1 Illllhelll , IUlIhN'ehy \ hone
\'eM ,
. . ,
- - - - - - - - -
'l'lw AlIll'l'IcllUH wlLh lullllollH at thelt
lJacl 1 ! huhuuh wllh Iho IIIJh ullll
IIII/'hl / ; ) ' of Ihe 0111'OI'ld lu the con !
SIJI'llIllloll of tllJ gUI'UIIl'/lUS IInll to UIIJ
' ' " 'l'he OI'II ! .
Hurlll'lsu ur our COUUll' "lIlell ,
11111' ) ' I'leh 1111111. II : ! Hol the rec1llieut o
lIwse fl'llJIlllshltll : ! fUI' IIc l'llII II ot nr.
l'ur,1 , 10 lIa ' auooou or $ ' 100UUO for n. .
sleulIl 'lIcht , IwulI Il III cUlIIlllllslon !
111111 ( JII tel'lulll nil bCOIlWH ! IHwh 1\
111111111'111 ItlxlIl' ' , Oilly IIWII of the I' { . "
! iOIlI'l'Ui : ul' I he \11 mll'l'hlltfl , , r. p , lol.-
IIII , ltIehlu'll 'I' , W1IsoII lIud the Uouldll
CIIII lIulI do such thlll18 , lIm'e hJ
Ool'lWlluK ' " 11111Ierh1l ' ' , '
t , JI'I'IlIgl'11I1l1SOT\ \
or thl ! cOlllmodol'e , who foulIllud tlld
! ; 1'Jlll rorlunl' , Illlll u 1I1l'1'J 11111'11 ' ; , IlIvlt.
ull to Gel'lIIl1l1 wnlt's to l'hulII with
the J\lllsJr : , 'l'l1f.'n Iho : Lll'r gl\'l'fI
ol'tlcl's In lho POl'tS lit which ' -nnd'r'
hilt mll . loucll III thut COUlltl'Y Ihat hb
Iw uccorocll fp clllI nltcllilon III1
c\'or ) ' courlesy hy the bl l11\'n UII\ \ ( ! [
lliliu of IIICUl'l'IIIJ : the I'oyal ( llsplJlIuro. !
It Is a COJUlUIlIul , mlml ) ' 011 , 1I0t a 1'0-
l1ue8t , to wnlt Ullol1 this 'outhful
A III C'tlclIlI , Olle woult ! thlilk he WCI'C
It 1'l'IUrlllng hero whu hlHI 1I1llIIIJulsh : ,
I'll hImself Oil Iho l1eld of l)1\ttlo fo !
( ] l'1'IIlIUl "S glol'l1lcaUon hlcnt1 of thll
hell' to II colOHsnl 1'0 I't III Ie , In gll
tllo l'OJ'lll uowlllg tolst ! l'll'lws III ju : .
118 pronollnccd , J\.111 EIl\\lU't1 lIke
AlI1el.IC'IlIs01101'11113' / lH1t he has 1spe ;
dJII nITc-ctlon fOI. thol' ! ' whose wl':11t1l
runs 1111 the \\'n3' fl'om nft ' 10 len ht\111 1II111l01l ! ! . ' 1'0 Ihe nrlslocratIc C "
lhls oltelal1l1Ce IH " ' the
\"IIJnrlt on pnl
of the . > ' ' nnll lJ1'uzl'Il ' "
lIo1''lgu , IISS\Il'I1JlI"1
on thnt of the Yllllkee , If Ihe I'o 'a\ \
I'ulcrs dl"lll I ' ( ' ! l like p\1'tll\lll : ' tQ
scholars llIal nl'tlsts thlH WOI' . 'lot ll
tlO hlld. ltllt lo IIIllnlfeHt It for 'h .1
wllo owe evorJ'thlnj ; 10 the IIlIhty ' 'oI'
Inr Is 1I011l1nghuI'I ot an oull'l\o : , . ; tllI
the l1.\'el"slon with which this fam llnr ,
It ' \'Jewcll docs not affeel Iclug 01
lalsOl' , Cor the 11r1lctlce Is gl"owlllll
with the lI1ultlllllcatlon ot tho'CI'Y ,
rIch. AnJ' nll1ll , 110 IIIl\ltl'r how de-
I1clullt he Is In ollieI' l'csl1ccls , tf he hn
IUI Illcome of .IOOOO 1\ WCl'e \ : UI , II
h ! ' ca1'e : : ! to , dine wltl1 I he ruIN'S 01
11'OIIO hr dlsllcUsht ! ; hospltlllltr C01
, theRe notel1 IJlJrsonoJtos , But heoull
ho foolish 10 II ttoll111t It on $1,000 01
$ l , OO 11 we'I , for such nn IlIeon\ \ (
dOC'i 1101 cut III1J' Jlg'\\1'e with I'o 'alt
nt I.oullon or Berllll , YOII JUllst 11:1\ : "
11\0uJ ' to hllrn 10 get within lIu
I clmrmClI elrelt'i nllli to hc ( 'hcci. hJ
jowl with the mcn who 1'lIle 1II1 h1J
I empires , H 0:1 , It .1 Is where hi : ; 1II01ll'J
counls 11I01'0 than ehurncter nnll brains
, We hll\'c hnll the Ice agc nnll the h'ol
I ne nud IIOW It Is the mOil ! ' ) ' IIC
Whnt next ?
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
, Uo , . " 'ho Can't AIIlI 01' tlllall IR" I1R\4
Itnl'lIe..t Vlc" ' . on "Clylc. . .
'l'hu Northwestol'u l1.ler
I l'Olllplulllt thnt wl1.l tull on dent ear
It mourus the lost a1't ot wrIting' ,
loss which It attrlhutcs to the uul"er' '
sal typewrltel' . It plends , ns man )
lIeW8111l pel's 1\11(1 mell I\lId sOllie old' '
t1181110nelteuchers plet1ded , tOI
Ulllre uttention to UIO rudiments h :
the 8chools , But whut 18 the usc'II
thc t3'pewrlter hils hud much III d I
with thc wlWln of legible hnllllwrlt' '
In , nt lenst It should hnyo 1ucrcasel
, thc nUlllller or oed spellors. Yet SI1l1I
tug' Is depal'till , too ,
Onl bOJ' : ) 1111\\ gIrls hnd to lenrl
. to wrlle 111111 1i11l'1l lty mcallS or hnrl
work , 'I'hl ! WIIJ' to 61)ell Is to tpell
' 1'he waJ' to write 18 to write. 8th J
wcre the mold3' Iheol'lcs ot our tnUIl'r ,
) nlld J:1'nlldtnthcl'u , , Imlll'ovel1 luul se :
entitle lIlelhodu oC tenchlllg h:1\'e come
DIIl't'I'l'nt'll'WS or Ule COU\I1I1\\tI\'l :
\'nlue of studll'S ) lro\'nll. Our ehlhln'J
lenrn , or arc Ul'I108e11 to lenrn , 1\101 I
. thlns ! than till' ' ' ' unfortullute PII'I'11t :
, uSI'd to ; Il'lU'1I them III 11 jig nllIlUkl ,
sto ! " to 111 thH C , with 1II11UJ. III'et ! :
thrlll 1111\1 frlllli IlIlll tJoUl'lshcs , 1111 ,
th050 wl'etl'hrl1 thrcc H't ; I\re OIJl'nl ;
derlletl ,
II Bur.lnefs ; nll'n , owlns to theIr wau
'ot trlllnln In the modern fushlllil
s Ihk vlolelltJr , Iunr ot tllem 8n ;
II thnt tJll'r cnn't tl't : ltO's trom th ( ' pul
I , ltl' schools who en 11 write 11 ; ; 0011 , pili II
s hnud , sllell well , or e\'ell ( 'OUl1t nlli
rocl\Ol1 w11. "Cll1'r 'llIg ltUlHlles 18 : \ ]
most or them lire III Cor , " we hennl :
lI\l'rl'hnut Sll ' the ( ) ther day ot the
Ilru ul\ \ : ; of tIlO march ot ImpI'o\ ' (
m'ul ,
Doubtkss suC'h11 nssertJou 18
snnl e rXa ! ; l'\lUon. Aud ltuslnes
I\\t'll i'houll1 not Il1slst 011 theIr nnt
qulttl'll UO\J IlS , _ \ ltoJ. may be Wl'a
In nl'1tll1uetl " IIlal 'ot 110 nble to sill
t1 son : ; or hwc'rr Qlll'UeRt vlrw
nllout "civil's , " , ru e him b . what 11
k110WII , 110t b ' whnt he has 1I0t bN'
hlUght to Imow , Besll1l's , llHlchhlcr
will uPI1ly the ( \clIl'll'uclos ot Niue :
thill , lUultIlll1entJon nllli 111\151011 m
wOIIlIl'.l'fullJ' elnl't. : ! SI11'11lng , like edl
cntlou , Is belug n'torl11C't1. Why ( ore
1\lIyboll . to ICtirtI Il whllo It Is 111
; " Uull1 or UI1Cel'tllhl stnto ? Wrltlul : '
ill ulrcnd ) . obsoll'tc.I'llhmetlc 1111\ ) 1 :
Ie 0111):1 sun.lvn1. Busll1ess mon cxp
n , too wucb.eT York Sun.
" ' T' > - , , _ _ " " _ _ , . . . , . . . . . >
- - - - - - - -
1111\11'1 \ WOIllun.
MrH , Pnre ,
wI r ( ' ot O. B.
Pnrl' , n prom.
IlIrllt 1'1"1-
( \Pul \ or UItM-
Capsicum Vasfl'lil1
Put Up in Collapsible Tubcs.
A Suhlllintn tor Rud 11i"'rlllr to Mu tllrtl or " "y
alh"r plllOlcrlInl1 "lIIlIot hlillor the 11I0' ( 11 lIcn : . .
.lcllI , ' 1'ho ' 1'11\11 \ nJlyllljt : atl.1 cumtqllllht.1 or
thll urdu.u IIro wonl , rrul , It1 III 6101' the 10011"
I.Oho tit OIlC" , III1J rl'lICVI ! he.lllnclll' 1111,1 , 6c11I1IcII.
WI ! rco IUllnpl1ll1t Rl1 : hI ! I'st IIn.l . " , . .st extprnnl
COllnt..r Irrlu.llt In..wnaiso 111 all exler'"d rUIl e.
d ) tor l"ulIS III till' ch..t IUt,1 , Ionllleh 111111 0.11
rhellll1l11 " 1 , npnmhltI UIIIIIJUly ! CIJII1IllIlnls
A trlnl will ' ' " 1V11It6 . .ilL In tor II. RI1Il It
will I" , tl11l1l1l l'rIJI' " IlivAlunhl' , IlIlh. . 1"'n-.hIII ,
Inll ' ' ' "ItJ tLo " ' , .
rallolu ) I'Mplo , . . " ) "Uoit ot all ) 'lJllr Irepa.
I'rll'o Iii c'lIU , nt All drll i-hll , ur nlhlr 1111I1NI ,
or hY1plll1llliot tl1\1 \ nlll"ullt to usln Io.lno ; : .taIDI's ,
"c will 81'U I ) 'IU n tlillO' hy II'all ,
o nrtkl" 8hollhl he " " . . , , " ' I Y thc pUbll" IIn ,
II ! " Ihc . "rIlO carrici our lul1c1 , as olhcrwJ.e It IS
oL 91'11111111' ,
. , Stute St. . New Yurl. City.
JIJ'"II Tubu ( ' 0 MI' tbll Ips
, (1)81" ' ' ' ' ' ' III' lIlI'\IIO \ I.'vpr rn..cil . ! ,
. \'It A hUII./r..d mliliolis ot th"rn , , " ' I I
; . . , ' ? 110011 801 < 1 In the Ulllt. , , , M14I"jj HI
" <
(8\I\\ \ , II 8111 1" ) 't"l\r , ; ' ' ' 11I1P' ' 1" " , I
h"RrlltIlTII , sick hI'Rhll'I" , , / '
1tt' 8 , 1",1 "realh , Rort ! , . 1111/1'1
t'vllrIIl1lt'r l1I"e' IIrl,11I1trom : L\ , I. . I'o.I ! : . , I
11011I11111lro rellcvl'l1 "r " " ' hv IlltJllIIs 'fI\IHIICS.
Oil < ! "III W'lIlJrllltv 1lvo : r"l\.f \ \\l1hl , IIV'DIY '
11I11 > 111"3 , 'I'lit" Ih".cCII' pa\'kl\ ! " Is Cllouljh
rur urlltnar ) ' occl\lnr" , \ II d. U ! : IKlS ai'll ( Icw ,
$3 .Q & $3 8Hi OES I I
You cm : cava from : ; > 3 to 5 YCI1Tly by
wearing W , L , DlUglt1s : ; ; 3 , O or3 : slices ,
' 1'1111 ] " , thow
that h\vo ; h'en I' , , t.
Ing ) 'JU ! rUIII S.00
to : ; . ( ) ( ) , The 1m-
mllll IJ 1I.11IJ ofV , I"
I > ulI lIi : sho"1provcI
thoit , supC1fiol'iLy OVer
r.lloLhor lIIakclI ,
SIJ.I by r"LI1i1 IIhoo
tIcalllrli o\'lIrywhcro , \
Look for II\JII.I : ; nlhl j.
"rl ( \ 011 hOLlo'n , 1. , j
Thol l1ouJb1I't" { 'or. " ' 'o'tlJt ! '
on"elllllroy , . . Ihrrt' h " " " ' . , ! ' '
' ' 'Iue III 1111I111'1:10 : .hO 1 , ' . I
{ 'oronll h lho h"lh .t I . . . . .
gmllo l'atlutlwr 1II1I11e. a' ' , I'
rw ( ' . .loOr flfI' " , , " , \ \ , , , X.1f.
Ou , Sol ( JIIEi 7 ( lilt' 'nn"ot 'Of rcun'/Hri / 'I' . . . , ' , I' . ' '
Slwt' . IIf inRI ! . r 't'nr. t'lrn. ! lIu'lr1td
Calalolf tUb. " , I. . 11111"1" , ' Ii , IIrOl'I. , UII. ) ( . .s.
It 'OU takn tlw l'ulIlatlf1ouL \ 0\ '
ohl a e , thllre Is I't trlUdl uf CIIIIY-
I.ltlng else left to bra UII.
01110 ItI'WI\rtl , tHOO.
rho wallers of Ihl , paper wlll bo plen'(1 tll
! I'anl thai 1111110 h nllel,1 : 0111' tlrcallud ,1I'oao
Ihat cll'lIco hili I1I"HI al1lu 10 I'IIW In all It ,
' ( ; \I-U" ; 1I11111hat 1 < (1IIlrrh , lIall' t alarrh Cllre
" Ih" \ ' " ' kllO\1 n In tllo medll'al
! ralernlt ) ' : 'ularrh IJcllll ! : I I'IIIIllIullollal ,11 , .
1':1-0 , reqlllre , a conillt'Ullual , tr..allllcllt , lIall' "
ClLlarrh Cure 10 tlk : ( ' Inll'm.III ) ' , II IIIII : , l1rt'l'Il
on thn bloo < l UII.I . 11I111'(111' Hlrla'Oo ; n ! Ihe ) ' lt" " ,
Ihereby dll-ll'O ) I lilt Ihu rOlllllhllion or tht' < II , I
eaM' , linll 1:1In" Ihl' I'atlont Ircllllh 11) ' hlllldlll
uplhn cOlhlllllfloo :11111 aL.lllllt nattlre In , loIn ; :
II. ! . \ \ orThl \ ) proprlelo ham o IIIl1ch lallll III
lis 1'lIrntlfo powers 1hl } ! Ihey ntler Oue III1Dtlrod
IlolhHs lor IIIIY 1'11'0 that 11 fall. to p'lre , : : , cud
tor IIs1 or 11.1sll1ll0nlali , . , F. J , ( , ln : iEY & co" TOleotlo , 0
Solll by DrllltI ; < li , j oC ,
1.aU' . l'Alnlly 1'l1Ii I\ru the hest.
The Palnce of Manufacturers at
the World's Fair Is ncally Unlshed ,
I l'he m'tln entrance In the centel' ( lr
, the fiOllth tucade , Is the must slrlk-
Inlo : f atnre to be erected , 'l'hls ell-
trance Is 11 glcat archway 150 tcet
hl h.
'rhe builders at the World's Fair
hl1\'e I1nlshed le frame work for the
, l' 'rolean Alps , one of the bIg tea-
turcs un the Pike , 'l'lle Lreat round
struclure Is now rccel\'lnl { the CIIUt :
IIf stulr and the pe:1ks tower l1iJ.h
above surrolln lo structures like
snow-capped moulltain tups.
Friend. Sa , . II tIe , . , Watl Yon
Look. "
Whnt happr dn's ; nre those when nil
, our fl'lellll : > Sll ' "How well J'ou 1001. , "
\\'e clln hrlng those dl11 : 11) ' 1titUl'
care In the selection or tooll just U
thl J'olln m2\n dill ,
"I hnll : : IlIftt > l'11 from dY'll1l'lIsla ! ' tor
I thrl'e J'l'arll 1\1\11 Inst SU1l\mel' wns so
bad 1 W:1 unnble to utr 1Il1 school , " he
1I11 "S : "I WII : ! Yel' ' thlll nnd my 1I1I11l'
ute nt times wml 11001' . while n lIln it
WIIS ern \ III , I was Illzr nnd Ul ; ) ' teed
. ulwlI's Usc\l to ter111ent Instead ot tI ! ,
I ; e lll nj ; ' . CI'ossne5s. unhullplnes3 und
nen'ollsness were , "el'Y pl'owlneut
' s'mlt0111s. ;
"I.II te tn the slimmer I went to vIsit
t\ sIster nntl there I SII W II mmell
Grllll"\utl' , I Iml1 l1rlll'll at this ( am.
OIlK tooll berore , ! Jut never WII9 Inter'
csted cno\lj'h ' to trJ' It , Cor I nl'\'er Imew
how l"Call ' gooll It wus , But when I
lIm { ' home we used Grulle\uts iu 0\11'
housl'holll nil the ti111e 1\11I\ 1 soon e.
g:1I1 to notl' l'1l:1nges In lilY bl'alth , I
hUl1ro'Istl'HllJ ' n nil IUU now stron ; . :
null wl'lI In e\'cr ; ) ' way nlld nm bftck nl
chool nhll' to et my lessons wltb en'll'
IIUlI 1111'1\\Ir ! ! ' nlld can rememher them ,
too , tor the Iml1rOye111cnt In m1 mentn ;
[ lo"'t'r Is "cry 1I0tlCI'ble 11 1111 gl't oed
1111\1'1\ III mr lItutllcs whlcl1 1\lwIlY-
SL'i.111l't ! dilllcult betore.
"I IIn "I' no wore at the bnlsyutl1'
toms Iln'n AlIo\'C' , but tel'l fine and
tronj ; and hnppy and It Is mllhty
pll'aslllt to heur m1 trlends any , 'lIow
" , ell 'ou look , ' " : \nme ih'en by POI'
\ Co" Uuttle Creek , Uch.
I.ook In each pncknge tor 1\ copy at
ltul\l tamoul UtUe l'OOk. "The Rend to
Wt'llTIlle. "
. ,
, . . . r . . . . . . . . - . - ' ,
Mrs. Rosa Adams , niece of
tbe lotc Gcncral Roger 110nson ,
C.S.A. , wnnts every woman to
know of thc wonders accomplished -
plished by Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
. . DEAn : MRS. I'INItIlA 1 : -1 cannot
tl'11 "ou with pen nu Ink " , hnt good
I. 't1ia B. PInldmm's Vc etahlo
CUlIlpounl did for me,8l1ffcrin from
the Ills peelllitr to the fie , extreme
Insultudc nnd that al1 ITonc feeling. I
would ris frol1l mr bed In the morning
{ e'liu/r / IT-ore tirc than when I ' 'fcut ' to
\I'd , hut hcfore \Ifed two hottles or
J'dln , E. Pinkham's Y'getnblo
COIHJound ) , I beS't.n to feel the l1uoy.
nney of my j'OuuJjl'r dt.ys returning' ,
CC'SUlJO reR'ular , ( 'ouM do more work
nnd not. feel tire than I 1111.11 C'fer ' been
lib : " to Jo beforl" , BO I continued to UEe
It. uut.H I wa 5 rcslOl'cd to perfect health.
It is indeed n. hool1 to sick wom'n IInd
I heartiJy n'comID'ml it , Yours very
truly , Mus. ] los. . . . ADAI ! ! , BHJ l th Sl"
Louis'fllle ' , I\ ' , " -toOO fofrlt tfoIolnnt 01
abo. a IcU" pro tng gcnulncnc$8 ean/lot to proJucr,1.
' \YO\IEN. :
Don't hesitate to write to : nfl's.
l'iukhnm. ho will lIndl'l' tnl1l
ymu' case JJl'fl"tlj' , autI w111 tr'at
'Ol1 with lntlut'liQ. . Her : HiYico
fl'ce , 1\11(1 the address Is Lynn ,
l\ No woman eycr rcrrctte : : < 1 ! : : ' wrlU'Jl 111' , mlll he haa
l1clpctl thousnnd ,
- . . . . . . - - . -
. : : : : = . : -WJi ; 'lZ"- - - =
Xr ; : , .
G l.Vil IJ"/SlI k'fj ) '
ASK YOUR DfAlm : rO Hlf
t'TENDING OVtD r'10 : f : TttAN
if HALfA ( HITUD.r : ' "
, . ,
, : : TOWt Jr.s rmenl o.l'ld i'-
-F ' hal Me md ; of Ihe bt.t 1fi' ; ; /
mtllcricJ : > in tbc.k or ydlo'ft r i
for e.1I klnd of wet work ,'ACTIO 113 GL' Atm ; ! > IF- yOU nCJt TO
THi' : SIGN Of THI : fiSH ,
I , J. tOW lt co. . r.OSTON , MM : > ' . , U. . A ,
. " ' - ' - - - -
.tJr. '
Tlmre 11. nolhln Lut a 11Iilakle
will keep a p1'0111 allUall ritch to the
cud Uy hiz 11 re.
lr8 , Winslow' . ! 'OTIII ( G SYItUl' lor 1:1111'
, rmll1ecs 111:11\ : "
drt'll tt'clhl"It , olll'II' Ihc UIl1S
UlRtlOlI , RUnys Iltlill cure. culle , l'dcc lIlJott11)
t'llm people ate nut happy unless
they are in pUlsult sumtIJill im'
possible to 11ud.
I'rnlt ; ! ' ! ! ! ! will nol : \Jtlln ooll dyed
with I'UT\\ 1 1"\IJEI.I'SS : DYES ,
ObStllLCY : lool.s well enulf in a
mule or a Jate. , est , but It Is lIeltl1er
ornamental nlJr USl plwJ ) in a man ,
. - . -
The ornate brld es o\'er the main
lagoons at the World's Fair are now
beIng erected. Mans or the smaller
brldHcs IHl\'e becn finished.
Work on nel iulll's national pavilion -
ilion nt thp World's Fair has lIcgun ,
' .rhe bulldln w11l stand in front or
the Arhnlnstratlon ! nulldln and
west ot the Chinese pavilIon , It
wlll be ot steel brought from Bel ,
Ium , The Bchnu ] ! building will
be vIsited by Kln Leopold next
PIso'1I Cuu { or Consumption cured m.
or tpn\l'IouI : l\utI persistent coub.- :
Wm , II , Harrison , j W , l lst street ,
: \cw York , l:1rch 5 , Hl01.
'I'he young ilia n \ \ ' 110 learns a trade
Ilnd Is nut to I lazy to worlc at It , Is
bettl'r equipped to 1U'et the Imltles
of lite in atter ycar tllan is tl10
ptlupered : son , , 'ho inherits a fort uno
In dollars ltut none of the habits of
Industry. Leun a trude , 'oun
man , 1l':1In n tlaclt.- e1tlico un ,
Tbo Shortest Wn , .
cut of r.n attack ct
0" aJ ' I.
l'1fjeUr'a gla
Is to use
Sf. Jacobs Oil
V'btch a tod. r.ct only : UTa renet ,
b\t . ; 'rOmjt CUI' ! ! . It . " 'Ihes. '
au I , a : .rods Iho tJlcrbc. :
PriC4 , 25c. c.nd 5Oc.
, . I " , - ' . ' . " - " .
- - - - - - -
I - -
Plcn nnt IlIchlcnta UCCIII'I'III ! : the
Wor1l1 Un'I'-HuJIIIII tllnt.\I'e theeI' "
( lit to Old III' 1'111111\-1 < ' 111111) ' 8e1ec.
tlonK III/H / 1'0u Will 1 lIjo'y.
f1Sij AIH'III11Did rou rl'lIlIy I1ttenrl
her wmhlltll ; ?
: \188 Wr'I I-Oh , ) ' ! ' , Illdeed ! And
I ! 'lIjoJ''d IIIJ sclf Inllncnsl'ly ,
1IfI AfCI1I11'11111 ' l'Ol1l1 ' ?
; ! ; ' - 'OU ,
WI'\\lII-l1m' dIdn't fit
. \ " \ - own
hl'r at all , IInel I hoord Ro\'c1'I11 I1l'1ll1le
lIay she loolccd n lIl'rCJct frlJht.
Hcl' IIlIly Comment ,
" : \\"crthel ! I. 1I1J' dl'ar , " 8/11d the
IIInsculllle IJOrl Ion ot the comhlne ,
"thlH'e lire n 1I111l11wr of m'n III the
world 'who lire my 111111111 luflrlors , "
" , rohn , " rl'joillcd the wife of hIs hos ,
om IlS she loolwel hllll IH1UIII'e III the
I J' ( ' , " ) 'ou wcre III wnrl1 n l'OIl II rll1cd
( , Ylllc , "
Pre 110 t'c I.
" " '
lIe-If I should 1.lss you , what would
you do ?
SIll.-I Ile\'er lllcet a cOlltiugel1cr till
It hapICUS ,
lIe-But If It should happen ?
She-I'd meet It fnco to face.
- - -
Sure to Pop.
" 'Vhere a1'l' l'lU olng , .Tnson ? "
qucrled the e ; : "r Kcutuckr.
' 'GollI' down : atildn Lec's to pop
the questlou , " l'l-piied tlllJ lalll J'outh ,
"liut 'ou hn\'c J'our gun , "
"Yes ; If I find Bruce Bradle ' .s nhNUl
G : Ir.e I'll pop hIm. "
1"0'8 " 'II"IOl1t.
Lllth 'Wlllle-Wl111t are dh1denlls.
pl\ ?
-DI\"ldcllds , my son , are wbat the
stocldlOlllers et utter the dlrcctors
IIllproprlnte their shure ,
True 1.0'c.
' 1'he Count-So you rcally l1e1Je\"c that
Lord Poorman's marrlae ; wIth the
Amcrkan helres8 was the result of II
lo\'e match ,
The Duke-Ot course It"as , At fi3t
h ! ' InsIsted 011 haIr n mlJllol1 , ltut fln : -
1 ' 1I l'eC' to nccept four huu red nnd
nluel . .th'c thousand.
ncnl\"t \ Ic tOI' ' ' ,
" 11aye rou l'e\'lewcd that new book
( 'nUlled "The Editor's Purse ? " nsl.ed
the critic's other hnlt.
"I mercl ' glanced n.t It , " repliC't1 the
masculine end ot the sketch. ' ' 'l'he.e's
1I0lhin 111 It , "
UaCul I "Beet ! ! .
The old colored pnrson gazed lit the
swarmln ; ; mosquitoes with a I1lgh ,
" 1'C's , " he mused , Old em dah mosqul ,
tOl'S om smuhteh den I Is , Dcy kIn
I.l'ep de conrelaUon ; : awnke en I
l'an't. "
" \VeU JIIl1na : ed.
, ' ' ! : \ . . . . .
" " : .
Hcl'sWht males you so subdued
nut ! queer ?
'rom-I guess you'd be subdued , too ,
if 'ou had n mother and { ather , tour
sl " 11'1'5 ; , two grnndmothers nud two
; ramlfntJlcrs to hess you ,
l clllll1lne Charity.
'Llyth-I wonller If Dolly Swltt Is
rlally as ltad as she Is paInted ?
l:1ymo-I don't sce how she can be.
She certnnl ! : > ' does pnlnt dreadfully. "
l nlllterrnlltcd Chlcnso : 1I11n.
"Whnt of mr future ? " nsked the talr
malt ) .
"You111 ne\'er h'tloW' whnt srlet ot
fiorrow Is , " nnswered the ( o-tunc teller ,
' ' . \ml-w1l1 I marry : " querIed th (
Cnlr one , anslously.
"Su-t : > . " rttplle the visIonary , prophO : '
rRS , "I'our rImes. "
Pl'lerH1ty uLe"tlon. ;
BIs-l'm : ; proud ot my tamlly tree
) ) Iyou I , ought to whItewash It.
UIWhlewash : Itl Whnt tor1
DIs-To ; ; 1 C' 11 the Insel"tS 011' .
I.nn.t of IIt" .
Sho-Wh:1t : Is your Idea of utopia 1
III'-It Is 1 > rlItJI ! ' u pl\ce whcro al
the lubuliitants are ena cd but nOTeI
" : DArry.
" . . . . . : , . " . . . " r. ' - . . . . " . . , . , . " ! " . _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . -
. , _
- - - - " -
Not npD..tltlolI" ,
rnJsrfl , CntchC'1n has Jmt been
l\'orced from hr.r rth hllsbuUlL
Gl1ell-I:1 : thnt ro ?
MIINI-1"cs ; nnd , strmge to 8UY , eaC'n
t111\0 \ she , , "ns led to the alt.\r on n Pri.
GIIl's-Wl"lI , I suppose 8he will Iceej,1
It 1111 until she hl\R acquired her UI1r-
teenlh ' ' to It tbnt wJU
teenlh'lellll'Y , just 8 O
brenk hm. 1'UII or tou h luck ,
11 lilt 011 11 1 clll " ' .
" \\'ho , " nsl l'l the ol'Jrluator ot roe
IIUC'lItlOIHI , "lIcconllng to rOllr notlou ,
Is the 1II0M ! lopulm. WOllll1n In the Unll
tl'l Stalc 'J"
"The ' \\110110 tllce ollormt
hlolllll' Illdy110110 J
the $ : ! O ; ; 0111 111l'ce , " rrltled , the old L
ImchelOl' , r
_ . -
G"n:11 Filll.h ,
EmIJ'II-Aull tlld he pine 1l\\1lY an
11IJ after ) 'OU refused to 11I1\1'1'1' hIm ?
I1I\0 \ < ; cl1l.--\o ; Ihe unrntetul ! wretcb
IIl111'rll'1 mlseru uly wcll.
11011010..11 ( " . . .e ,
'l'omllix-Iln\'e 'ou lenrncll to mak
the repairs on J'our l1ut01l\0ltlll \ } ? fi
Bojux-\o ; uud I'm atrald I ne\"el
, 1
shnll ,
' 1'omdlx-Why uot ? { ,
Bojnx-I hit \'en't n bit ot mechrmlcn' ' I I
genllls , 1I01lestl ' , I OlI't bellevo 1 '
l'oulll luvent n wIIshlng machlue.
Tiley 'lIrct , ) " \\1\1 ,
Young IlcrlJltc-AlId 80 we are para.
sites , null nre kllJllIg UIO lUan we ar\ )
In ?
Old lIcroltl'-TllI\t's the case , exaetJ
"An J'ou sny he hns summoned lh
doctor ! ! ? "
"Yes , "
"Whn t wlll the doctors do ? "
"Cnn't tell 'I't , but I am sure ot on"
Uling ; thcy will cnll us hard uames , "
Qllito Allothcl' rattel' .
"Before I gl\'e ' ( ) u my answer , " saId
Ihe UutT-hnlrfll , MllUlIner girl , "I woulc ) ,
IIko to kuow If 'ou ure III a 1I0sltJon to
Iel'p me In the stJ-le to whIch I hun
nh\"nJ's lIeell llecuslolUCd 7"
"If tile .tJ'les dou't change too ofteu
111m , " I'eplled the wlso 'oUlh. . .Othe. . . . .
wise the odds are ill fa\"or of my golu3
I1roke. " .
"ThIs Is thetirst ! Jrend I c\'er mnde , " tile young wltl } ,
"Well , " rC'joiue < l the op lmistlc ImSo
hand , "thel'c's nolhIng Ine stt.1't1n
wIth 11 solid foulld.at1oll , "
Dcticn'c 'fl1rllllt.
l1ss Olde-Harry suld ho'd like Ute \ ,
to be 111arl'ed ! In a balloon , lie's feud
of fl'el\l.c IIII11Tln ( ' ! ; ,
: \llss Hose-Hut why go to the trOll <
! Jle of goln up Iu 11. lJt : 1100n ?
1'ru. . to Her f'X ,
' " 1 ,
Mr , e11opWhy , our halty mlked
when It wus fi\'e months 0111.
lr , Oldwl'l- wonder ; It's n girl
ba y.
' - - -
API (0"1"11'1:11.
SheYound : leton Is rather slow :
Isn't he ?
Hl"-YCS ; he's.lls slow II.S n womlU
\\"nlkln : ; nlon : ; the street reudlng ,
l nc. . . ' tbe Pattern. ,
Landlord-I'll huye to request you U
pay In aLl\'llllce , Mr. ShortlelIh.
Shortlcli-h- , nln.t lU ) truI
good tor \yeek's hon.rd ?
Lnndlud " - o ; It looks llko one 01
tltose emotlollnl trunks ,
Short1el EmoUonul1
I..andlndYcs ; ono thAt LI mal13
III 0 \ ' ( tI.
In the 11I\bt Place.
Askltty the wuy , whut beCAme 01
J'oung Chllllngton who grnduated wlt.1
our class In 'US ? Cold , calculating sort
of tello\\ " , you remember ?
Knowltt-Ycs , I reml.'moor ; and hc' ,
the 8:1IUe CQlll. cnleulntillg ehnp no"
tltnt he wus tlH'n , He's sot a Job IU
bill clerk with an Ice CQmpnny.
Ollt nt J'il'st.
"Sir , " hrgall tlte 'oung rurm , "I earn.
to uslt ; ) 'our llughter's hlU1d In mal'
rla e. I feel that I am not worth ,
ot hl'r , l1ut- "
. .
.Young 1I10n. " Interrupted the sten
lJ\reut. "I fu'ly ngree with you on th:1 !
poillt LInd tlll re Is nothing further to bl
sald on tilC subject. Good eveun !
sIr. " j ,
Her Vlc'T und 111. .
IrS. fltSrall'S superIority O\"CJ
W01111\n Is nil In IllS mInd ,
IIStSOt nil or It , my dear. Part
of It 15 duo to hIs physical strength. \
Too I udl \ \ ' orlc ,
Mrs. St\n' < . ' 111-'l'hero doesn't 8CCQ
to be all ' pleasing 'ou , Ir. Sl1nrllA
You sa . 'ou don't Ilko stt-uk for sup
pe lr. Sharpe-Xo. 1U1l'lmOll ; see , I
hll\'e to use my UI'11\S EO 11llll'b lit IIlJ !
work during tlle dny that tlleJ"l'e vcr ,
tircd wlten I { ; et honll } ' at nl1lIt. I
- -
Hcl' Tc t.
Little EtUc-Do you Jo\'e ll1e " 011
much , 1IIammn ? I
lnlumt1 wldow-Ycs ( ) , my dnll
lln ! : ,
I : : le-'l'hen why don't you nl:1l'1' ) . thl
wiln lit the cnn J' Ntorc1
- - - - -
: \ 111'1..1uumlt lco , , "
"Uatetul tlthl ! " she crIed In t1'4
midst ot tllOh' N1n I , "I WIIS 11 UI.J
oose wlten 1 11I1l1'1'Il'li you. "
I "Perhn 11s so , " rl'lI111111 t Ito srl'l"
: brute ; "I\t IIn ' 1'1te , 3'ou WeN no lII :
e.11.1' hll a d e III h 1a 11 maa ,
. _ . , . . \i' _
- -