Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 12, 1903, Image 1

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l : l iS Dang r s
to un ertakc sOll1e thing's unless
I enc can see dearlv , 1\lan ) ' people -
ple should be wcaring gla < ; ses
" ! who are not doing so , They
know therc is sOll1ethillg Wrollg'
with their eycs bllt thcy lIeglcct
to asccrl\ill \ \ hat that sOll1e-
thing is , Wl' lI1ake eye tests
free of cost allli tell YOII what
1 the trollble is. It l'all genemlly
be cured by wearing' glasses of
l "
, .
, , _ _ -
'u - -
SChOO Books ,
1 ablets
I , -ANU-
School Supplies ,
1'I 1
'I'l' )
l J. G. Haeberle's ;
; j
jI I _ m _ . . . . , . . .
1 - -
. . .
- -
t .
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Jrafts all O\'l'r the 1'lIited States. 8
, s The , . , , , .
S 8
Custer National Bank
Ss issllCs drafts pa\'able in all parts of S
S the t 'niterl tlt . . , These lirafts 8
Ss can be obtaincii for an ) ' Slllll , largc S
S or sIIIa11. The party nalllell as
S pa 'ee can deposit thclII to his crcIl8
S tl tII hank
regular or IIpon proper 8
Ss identification , l'onvcrt thcm into
S cash at thc hank npoll which they
S are llrawlI. Banl" clrafts cost less 8
Ss than PostoffiL'c or Exprcss 1\Ionc ) ' N
S Ordcrs and ale saf..r , 8
H. LOMAX , Cashier.
bx JIr. ; : ' . . ' '
Im : : : : : i : : : : : :
Judge \Vall of Loup City is at-
tcnding court here this week.
.T. li' . Drvson of Upton , was in
thc city 'rllesda ) ' looking for corn
Fritz Uhlman of Round Valley ,
made this omce a friendly call
A. Moore and H. E. Brega of
Callaway , are in the city attending -
ing court this week.
R G. Moore has moved his
law ofi ce from the Realty block I
to the Gleim building.
George \Vclsh \Vesterville ,
call cd Monday td had his 11ame
enrolled for the l Hl'UBI.ICAN. . . .
Phillip Zocrb has bought a
block of land wcst of li'if th
Avenuc on which he will build a .
Dr. J. J , Pickett of Scocia , is
visiting in the city this week.
'l'he REPUIIT.ICAN acknowledges a
friendly call.
E. Kintzler of Mason City , is
attending court this' week as
juror. 1'he RHl'UBI.ICAN ollice
acknowlcdges a friendly visit. '
Judge Grimes of North Platte ,
made this office a call Mondav.
'l'he Judge was re-elected in liis
district by a majority of about
The B. & M. unloaded a crew
of gr.aders here Tuesday , who
will put in a side track between
here and Merna , at Custer Center -
ter for passing trains.
Judge Grimes of North Platte ,
convened court for Judge Gutter-
son here Monday. It is a jury
term , and will in all probability
continue through the week if not
Jules Haumon t , coun ty assessor -
or elect , was a friendly caller
Saturday. Owing to the pressure - .
sure of work hc had not been
able to come since the election.
lIe feels satisfied over the general -
al success as well as his own
\V. n. Moody \Vesten'ille ,
was a social caller at this ofi ce
Monday. Mr. Moody was boasting -
ing that \Vesten'i11e was the
banner republican township in
the latc elcction. His position I
is well founded as will bc ! ' : cen by
the tabulated vote in the l mull-
I.lCAN this week.
The District Court commenced
Monday with a jury case in
which Mrs. l\I. Furrow of Prairie
Center , brought suit against Dr.
Pennington chargiug him with
mal-practicc. It is a case growing -
ing out of an occasion of contine-
mcnt some two ycars ago , 'rhe
casc was concluded 'l'ues-
day night. ' 1'he jury brought in
a verdict yesterday morning in
fa\'ol' of thc defendant. H. M.
Sullivan and C. II. Holcomb were
for thc dcfendcnt and N. ' 1' .
Gadd and A. P. Johnson for the
- - .
" , " ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , , , , , . , , , " . , , , . , , , , " " " " " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' 'J' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . " . " " ' . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "I ] ;
; ' WM * ' : t- ; xtI' : : : : : t- ' " " 6 : ; ; : : ( : : : Wt ; : " , : x : t ( ' .1 ! . 'h''i' : ' ' _ .
; ; O : ' ' ' ' g ' .
\f Heating Stoves 11
; - - AND u _ _ _
I i G-F.S : ii
J. . ! 'J'hi" rail IVl' will hav" a g'ood supply of )
'm e-tor"t C > ak..s. : ;
, . This the' store We' hud such a great ( emand .
: for last wmtm' and ( 'ould not get enough of them.
This stove will burn slack eoal and hold fire the ;
! ame us n hard eoal burlwl' . { JaIl and s 1e them be-
fore they nre all g'one. Don't be put off by a stove I. J
" l called just , as good as the 1''tOl't.Ve also have a : .
I numbei of ot-hcr makes of Heaters which we sell as m .
cheap as the cheupest.Ye have the reliable Quick " . .
, . I eal Ste l Hang'e ; also theI a llpnblo tHee I Hange , "
i I thl' most d ul'abh > runge nUHlp. '
, Old Hickor Watrous. 'i .
; Joliet Corn Shellers , Bug'g-ies , II ardwal'e ,
I , Ilal'lH'SS and HaddIPH--the largest line in town.
. . I
; " : " _ . p p I '
. . . - , ' " " , . , , , , . . . , ' , :9\'i : , , . . . : , , , J. 'i . : . , . , , ! ' 2 , " < ' , ' , " ! "Q , , , . . . , , . . ' , . . . , J"'h' ' S ' ? i : ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' . . _ . . . . & . . .
, . . . . .
I F. D. Mills \Vcsterville , is
attending court.
J. n. Klump of Klump , was a
ci ty visi tor Monday.
Hev. J. R.Voods of Mason
Citr , was a welcome caller
H. Ullom of Milburn , is in the
city this week. scrving as juror
bcfore the district court.
J.V. . Comstock of Ansley , was
a city visitor Monday. 'l'his office -
fice acknowlcdges a friendly call.
'l'he ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hold their annual fair
and supper Thursday , December
10th. td
'rhe Business College at Ord ,
which was rcported suspended
recently is running again in full
Rev. Gco. P. 'l'rites is attending -
ing the mcetingof the Ministerial
Association at Omaha this weck.
lIc will be back Saturday.
' 1'V. . Carr of Stop 'l'able ,
shipped a car of apples to Uns
city last week from Iowa , which
he is disposing of at retail.
Jas. Lovd has bought two
blocks of l nd in the north west
part the city on which he cx-
pects to build in the near
fu ture and move to town.
14uther Pickett has gone to
Overtou to take charge of the
Westbrook-Gibbous elevator , and
may remove his family thcre if
he remains permancntly.-Call-
awa.v Courier.
The case of Ash against Chris-
man for the value of a horse cut
in a wire fence was concluded
last night. 'l'he jury brought in
a verdict this morning in favor
of Ash ior $1.00.
H. II. Hussy of Stand bury ,
Miosouri , who has been in this
vicinity looking after his husi-
ness interests and visitulg Ins
old acquaintances the past week
returned home yesterday.
A. ' 1' . Simms has bougill the
Fra er propcrty of Mrs. Amos
Nohlc in the south east part of
the city. ConsHleration $900.
Mr. Simms cxpects to mo\'e to
the city the tirst of next month.
Mrs. J.V. . Brewer and Mrs.
D. A. Walton have arrangcd to
put a resturant in the Mevis
building on the corner south of
the Grand Ccntral. Mr. Mevis
has built an addition to the
building on the rear.
As we go to press the court
aud attorneys are ryilg ! the LocH
church case. Thts IS a case
whcre $25 or $30 are involvcd bc-
tween a young peoples societ } '
and the church. ' 1'he costs in
the case will run into thc hun-
'l'he case of Peter Fieidiug of
Mason City , against the B. & M.
R. R. for injuries he claimed to
have sustained some four years
ago while in the imploy of the
railroad company was tried } : es-
terday In the district court. l'he
jury found for the defendant.
J. J4. Oxford , a pioneer -of Cus-
ter county , who has been a resident -
dent of the state of Oregon
for'seven or eight years , arrived
in the city Monday with the view
of visiting his children and looking -
ing after his business intercst
here. He has sold his farm east
of the city , two milest Boh Martin -
tin of Missouri , for :54 : , 100. We
understand Mr. Martin expets to
move here in the spring.
'rhe Broken Dow Fire Department -
ment will give their annual. balJ
on Thanksgiving night. 'l'he
Hose and Hook and J-4adder com.
panies of the city have consoli.
dated and thus reduced the ex'
pcnse of maintance. It has beet :
the custom of the fire com pan )
since organization to give a bat :
annually : on1'hanksgiving nighl
for the purpose of raising fund
for expcnses and the occasion ha
always hcen well patronized bJ
the citizens of Broken Bow. 'rht
patronage has not been confinec
only to those who belicve il
dancing , but many outside 0
that class contribute of thei
means on these occasions with n4
intention of attending , in orde
to encourage the boys whosl
: i labon of lo\'e have so often beel
I the means of saving the propert'
I of the city. 'l'hose who enjo ;
II tipping the light fantastic af
Ii assureda royal time by the malJ
! i a 'ers. Full particulars will b
! given later.
1'hanksg'ing two weeks from I
John Wclsh of Westen'ille , is
attending court as juror.
Jacob Barcus of Green , is attending -
tending court this week as juror.
A. E. Y ouug of Hedfern , is attending -
tending court this week as juror.
This ot1ice acknowledges a social
Mrs. B. W. Lowe of I40di , is
attending court this week , in
company with several young
ladies of that vicinity wlio are
witnesses in the church case.
li'or several days the weather
has been thrcate ing which will
doubtles sen'e as a warning
that the cold atld stormy season
of'the year is approaching , for
wniph we all shouhl be hcttcr
pr pared.
Hcv. L. P. Eplcy of York , has
becn , assigned thc pastorate of
the U. H. churches at llrol < cn
.Bow and Custcr Center. He\ ' .
J plc ) ' was pastor hcre threc or
foor years ago. lIe was presiding -
ing elder of this district last
\Villis and Ed. Cadwell have
.bcen enjoying a visit for a weck
with thelr mother , Mrs. Gco.
Cadwell of Utica. I11. Mrs. Cad-
welllcft yesterday morning for
Kansas , where after spenc1in a
few days she expects to Join
other members of hcr family on
a visit to southern California.
'J'he LOIH ( } h1lrch ( 'USt' .
A number of the citizens '
Lodi are attending court as wit-
ncsses or interested spcctators
in the church trial that has gained -
ed some notoriety from formcr
trials had at Callaway , an appeal
heiug tal < cn to the district court.
We noticc a large llUmber of thc
witnesscs are young Ipeople. It
appears from the statemcnt madc
, by tle , lawyers in the opcning of
le case that a Young People's
Organization of thc Christian
Endem'or had bcen holding their
meetings in t he J yangelical
, church and during the time hcld
socials by which a fund was
created. After purchasing song
hooks and a Bible for the use of
the congregation thc trustees
agreed with the Young Pcoples
Society to aid in certain repairs
ot the church. 'l'he ofi cers of
the church and the society did
not agree upon the kind of im-
provemcnts to be made and nothing -
ing was donc. 'l'he result of the
controversity the Young People
Christian Endeavor Society
changed place of meeting
to another church. The church
then procecded to organizc a
Keystone League to be govern d
by.the rules of the church and
demanded that the treasurer of
Young Peoples Society that had
formerly held its meetings in
their building turn the funds
over to th Keystone League.
'l'his the treasurer refused to do
and suit was brought to compcll
him to do it. The olel society
which holds the funds is said to
bc in a prospcrous condition with
50 or ( JO members , while the Keystone -
stone League has very few.
'l'he prosecutors are men of
mature years and it is surprising
that tIley would let their prejudice -
dice carry them so far from thc
teachings of the Bible , which
thcy are presumed to take for
their guide as to go to law ovcr
so small a matter.
'rhc young People , whether
they were justified in thcircourse
in changing their place of worship -
ship or not can not he censured
for defcnding their property interests -
terests since the suit has been
forced upon them b ) ' their seniors
in years. It would have been
cheaper for both parties in in.
trest to have thrown the money
in the fire. 'l'he cost has alreadv
exceeded a hundrcd dollats : h .
Y sidcs attorneys fees and the euc ]
is not ) 'et.
Whether the church instituting
e I the suit gets the mone ) ' or noi
it will bc looser as the effect will
continuc to exert its influence
against the spiritual progrcss 01
thc church throughout the pre.
s nt generation.
MA \ ' l'AI.I. ) . : x'rU1 SI SSIO .
UO\'C1'UOI' lh'kl'Y lUl1Y IS81111 Cnll rill' Ieg ,
Islnhll II Ir lhl\'CU1IC J.1\W 11'1 ' Ul8-
nJlJll'o\'cll by ( 'ouris.
\Vill the Ncbraslm legislature
hold an extra session this wintcr
Man ) ' of those intercsted in rcv"
enue mattcrs are asldng the
question and are anxiously await.
ing the dccision of the suprcme
court in regard to the ncw law
now heing tested. Go\'erno
Micl j' is utHlerstoOll to Ibe considering -
sidering the advisability of calling -
ing an extra session in case the
revcnue law is dcc1aredunconsti-
tu Honal , 'l'he governor very
much desircs that suitablc rcv-
cnue lcgislation be cnacted during -
ing his term of omce to increasc
the state's incomc without working -
ing hardship on an ) ' onc.
"I have not reachcd an opinion
in the matter , " said thc governor -
nor to Thc Star , "and will wait
until after the dccision of the
court is handcd down beforc eri-
ously consldcring the mattcr.
I do not cxpect the entirc law to
be knocked out , hut it it is somc-
thing of this naturc may bc
necessary. 'l'he ncxt two regular
sessions will be rather husy with
other mattcrs and will not havc
t 1m to devotc to rc\'enuc lcgis-
lation that the subject demands.
It is enc thing that cannot bc
handled tightly and hmtcly as
somc other legislation. l vcry
item in a revenue law m us t bc
carefully scrutinizcd for errors ,
for the best legal talent in the
country is always awaiting al1
opportunitg to pick flaws in the
rccord and in the law itself. "
"An cxtra session would be
neccssary if wc dcsire a ncw
re\'cnue law , " said Privatc Sccrc-
tary Allen. "Of course J mcat ]
if the prcscnt law is dcclarcdlun.
constitutional. Next wintcr wi\ \ ]
not be at all favorable for thc
cnaction of good revcnuc legisla.
tion. 'l'herc will be too many
other things to think of. 'l'hc
scnatorial contcst and other
matters will tal < e up thc entire
time.Vc can gct along under
thc old law , if the prcscnt one is
declarcdnot valid , but it would
mean no new lcgislation for
sevcral sessions , " -T-4i ncoln Daily
School IIUIII UC"\IIIII'ill lmlC'ut '
'l'he membcrs of the count )
board started the latter part 0 :
last weck on a tour of thc countJ
to re-appraise the school land
'l'he law requires are-appraise
mcnt every five years. For som
reason the last appraisemcnt wa :
annulled and thc lease holder
are still paying interest on tIll
a ppraisemen t madc prior. 'l'herl
is said to hc leases on scvera
picces of school land that doe
not cost the holdcr o\'er six ccn t
an acre pcr year that woull
readily rent for Jifty cents Ito
dollar. 'rile work of re-appraise
ment will talce a month or mor
as the appraiscrs will havc t
appraise cach 40 acres separatp. .
I.Ow nATI H "vnHT.
" 'Ia IInrllnJto.noute. :
$25,00 to PortlullIl , Tacomu , Scattlc ,
$27.40 to Sun Francisco 1,0 ; ; Augds ,
$22.50 to Spokane.
$20.00 to Butte ul1d Helcl1a.
$22.40 to Salt Iukc Cit } "
} ' low rutcs to hUllllrcl
of t ler poiuts , inclIlI1il1 ! { 1Ii Her
lIas11l , W'o. , 1\t0ll nnu , Idaho , Wa hil1
ton , Orcgon , IIrltish Cohllnbit : , Cal
fomin , etc.
Hvcry da } ' until Novc11Iber 3" .
I 'l'OUril t cnrs duil } ' to Cnlifllrllia , Pc
sou all } ' cOllllncted cxcursion' ! thrce timl
a week . '
'I ' 'l'ourbt curs dnil } ' to Scattle ,
l Inquire of ucarct ' Bllllillgtlln HUl. . .
ageut. 15- :
l"a cd.
r KIN'l'Zr.HR-BlwCKING-At the
. - : -
. rcsidence of the bridcs parents ,
Wedncsday Nov. 4 , Henry E.
Kintzlcr of Mason City , and Ida
1\1. Bcocldng of 1-4itchfield , Neb.
. l eIi' . C. Smith , officiating.
'l'he contracting parties are children -
dren of highly respected families
of the south east quarter of the
! cOllnty and they enjoy the esteem
, of a large circle of fricnds.
, I1'0rty of their 'relatives were
gncsts of the occasion who en-
joycd the wcdding' feast prepared.
Mr. and Mrs. Kintzler. were
the recipents of a large number
of useful and valuatile presents ,
among which was a large anci
handsome Bible the gift of the
father of the groom.
'l'he l ItPUlILCAN joi ns the
fricnds in extending congratula-
Church "crvlceD.
Suuduy Schoolntlo n. 111. Preaching
at II. Prcaching ut CUstCl' Ccutcr at
3 p. Ill. Prcuchiu ! { iu the cvciling nt
7:30 : , Hvcry body iu\'ited uud un es ) > eci-
nl rcquest that ullmcmbcrs bc prcscnt nt
thc morning' sC1'\'ice ulllll1t Custer Ccnter.
I. . 14 , Hplc ) ' , Pastor.
I'R1t511\'l'ttlUAN CIURCII.
Service ! ! ncxt Sablmth 11Iorniug nt 1 I
U , Ill. Subjcct , " ' 1'hc Divinc Model. "
Hvcning scrvicc nt 7 :30 : p. 111. Subject ,
"Thc Mnnncr I1n1.ckinh Overcl\mc Diffii.
cultics. " Y. P. S. C. H. I1t 6:30 : p , 111.
The Pllhlic is con1inll ) ' 1nvitell to thesc
- ,
' ' ' ' ' ,
II A 1'1'15'1' CllUltCn
Bihlc schoool to n. m. 11 u. 111. Divinc ' 1
worship. Thcmc , "Ahlllllluncc. " 3 p , "
m. JUlllur 11. V. P. I' . 6:30 : p. Ill. De. '
\'ulionnl h01l1' of . the B' Y. 1' . { ' . I.cndcr , I
Mr , I" Gcorgc. .7:3u : p. 111 , thc "Glad !
T ! ling" timc. ' ' , "Thc I1incler lI ! { , ;
'l'hil1g. " WCllncsl I1Y 7:30 : " 'rhe hlessc :
hour of Pmyer. " Thursdu } ' 2:30 : 1' . 111.
'fhe lu1ies ( Aill Society lIIecb ; at the
church. . ,
- 1
I We arc plcusc(1 to note the growth in
both attention 111111 attellliunce. "Temp-
tution" will hc the snhjecl of thc sermon
nt II o'clock , nnll in thc evenil1 ! { the pastor -
tor will U ) > OI1 "Ncgligcnce. " Good
music wi IIJC rCllllcrcd lit hoth thc morn-
, iug 111111 C\'ell ng scrviccs. Ilible School ,
Communion IInll V.I' . S. C. H. lit the
rcgulur hourll. l'repuration for the Eas.
ter Market is uuw heing made by the
I huHcor the church. You IIrc k 1utly
in\'itcil to hc prcscnt at thesc serviccs. \
J. .R. 'l'H\AIUHtN , Pllstor.
" 'nice Notice.
'l'he Stockholders of the DrJeen
Bow Creamery Station will have
a mectingat Has. Andersons ;
ofJicc on Nov. 14 , for the , purpose
of disposing of the Creamery 1
building and othcr property bc- : '
longing to said Company. 1'hosc . , ;
i who have not paid thcir notes
arc especially requested to be ,
prescnt , as the company will sur- : . .
. rendcr all notes on condition that
thc stockholders surrender stock. J
J. O. 'l'AYJ.OH , Sec'y. '
Vlo. lIurlh. " u. nOlile. ,
Account Iuternntional I.i\'e Stock Hx- ; !
position , Novcmber 28 to Deccmbcr 5. . ]
'rickets on snle Novcmber 28 , 29and 30.
Limitcd for return to December 7. .j
Ask the agcnt. 21.24 _
J M. ASH , - 1
. [ JJ 'lHDW ' ! ! : J ! 1mll !
or thirty yurH experience , crlcH HalcH and mahs '
a HI'eclllty ' or ucUonuurlu ! : or aU . : IaMse. . Call
011 or wIlle lIIe at 1IrolwII 1I0w , Nebraska ' "
- - - - - - - -
s 3 S. P. Gl OA'l' ' & CO. , I 1
[ 1 : F.mbfllmors and Funeral DI3Q
root'lrs. \ \ C haV" UndertllklDlC Oood. : ! U
a - ' IInd J'uncrlll CHr. Oa111t10llnollo 3 at
3 : IIny UrnI'III1Y or J\hht. : : ! U ; ,
. .
: , S. P. CROAT & CO. , ' 1
I1rokellllllw , . . - Nebra.ka. e : \
e . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . , , , . . .
.n-.nrr < W"UI'U" .nn " " u..nnn'unuXJuXJu..ulI"tnD 'W "UII" UI : IU WI ' ' ' ' u- " " "
o , 1
' . ' ' ' . " . ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " " " " " "
. .
Arriving at the Post
R OfJicc Store. 8 'j '
Is Gift Booles , School
; 1 Boo1csStandard Books S 1
{ . S amI.f4ate . Copyrights. 0 '
18 l ehable goods at reSf '
8 liable prices.
1's H ' A . W a tt s , g
It : Broleel1 Bow , Nebr ska.
l4 .rJC'l".rJ".r.rJ"J".rJ".r.r..rJ"l
, I
. . (
" " - - ;