Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 29, 1903, Image 9

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    rr---- , ' , ! ' " . . . . . . , . " " " -\I'J1 < , . . ' . . . , . " ,
. 'i '
I .
. -
tj ,
. ,
1 l'lcklell l'car , . .
Pickled lear8 are recommemlel ] Cor
" . . < 1oIfelous willter relish. 'l'he r1 1f't !
t' ) .nll most lel'rect fruit Is called Cor.
' 'e and remo\'e Ule hlossom end. I-'or
, \ . . . ry 8even pounds or Crult I1l1o\\ ' : t
, , 1r I UUlo more thl1l\ halt U1e weight of
\ lugar , n pint ot cider vllll'gu' and Il
cupful ot water. ' .rho 8Ug111' , wuter uIIII
\-inegar Is made Into a syrup " , IUl the
.dl1t1on ot selectell spices tlell In a lit-
tie bag. When thl8 bolls lIut In the
II I I pears , whole It they are 8mnll , hnh' { ' ( ]
; It too large , Ilmi let them Flmmer g'n'
; fly tor hliit or thrceuarters ot an
I \ , hour , LIft them careCully into jnrs.
bon the syrup Ul1tl1 slightly tlllck find
I ' U1' over the fruit.
'J' Applc I1nttcr 1'111111111" .
An nppie ba.tter puddIng i m11l1c by
tU < , lng turt npll1es Into n deell ( Hrlll.1
, ndl1n sugar 11m ] a little wat'r. Ilntl' '
flaking until nen.rly tl'11I1er enough. PI' " , !
( Jare the hr. qr by slrtll1 to cther two !
bUlls of flour , tl1'Ie ] tl1111'spoonr\lls ot. .
baking powder I1nci a IIttc salt. Beat' '
\ , nn egg nnd mix It wllh a upCul of
1 f mille. halt 11 cupful ot sugar and two
, " tablespoonfuls of melted buttel' . Stir
! ; the flour Into this mixture uncI 110m
I the hatter over the apples. Bake nbout
twenty minutes and serve with
whIpped croom or a sweet sauce. This
[ ) lHldlng 1lll1Y be made with 001'1'1\19 ,
' " tresh or dried ; peaches. or other fl'ult.
, . " Un I < ell Quincc. . .
rO" Baked quinces are wholesome a11l ]
delicious. Core : \Illi pare them : lnd llUt
tlH'm In : tn eal'thl'n dIsh. 1.111 the
\ ' J cavities with sug-ar and n little g'1'tted
: ' Il'mon rind. Ad ] water In n Imndtncl"
i M the quince Is a very dr " fruIt. Cover
cosely ] nnd bake in It modl'l'lte ovcu
r until tender und a nne red. Servo
I cold with whllpell cream. nuked
1 quInces and apples ma3' [ 1110 ] IC mrd
1 , In combination , baking' untll vcry soft ,
or cored appes ] may be stuffed \\"ltl1
j bIts of qulnco cooled tend"r and thl'll
baked with plent ' ot water iu the bal : : ,
lng dish ,
I . _ _ _ _
: Corn l'tIl1111n/ : .
; For n medlum.slzed carll pucllllng US6
the pulp of hllit a dozen cars of corn.
< Bel1t two I'g'gs together , ndd halt a
tcmipoonful of salt I1nll one and onc.
half cups of milk. Stir in the corn pulp
. mISt bllke the whole for nbout two
I hOUl'S In an eartlll'uware IH1ddlll dish.
J Some people add n tllblespoonful ol
fugar to the es In sUrrln them
t with the other ingredients. ' } 'he pUd'
I ding Is served on the (11nner tnble wltli'
the meat I1S 11 vegetable , and 11:1 : excel ,
\en t.
Chill nncc.
For cWll sauce use ripe toml1toe
I . . .
, . To each eighteen allow two alll1 one-
I "balf cups of vlnear. ( one CUllful of
sugar , chopped grl'1'1I peppl"rs enou h
to malOUI' cupful. three 01110118
chopped fln ! ) , two tablr'lloonfuls of
mlxell groUlH ) , spiceR-elO\'es , Illhplco
and cinnamon. Boll : l toctllel' ulItl1
[ l rich sauce Is form11 and the 11avors
Ilre so well blended that no one Is es-
ecla11y distinguished fl'om the rest.
Pael : : In small jars amI store in n
cool place.
- -
80ft ( ' 1\11111.1" .
One quart ( ot' two 110111111s ) of brown
, sugar , one-Imlf pint of mill : : , one-third
I cup of butter , one.lml ! calee at chocolate -
late arc the In redl'nts , Boll for soft
IXlramels nine minutes. then remo\"o
' , tram the fire nnd stir steadily for five
I minutes , but not until the mIxture Is
, o stlfr tha.1 it w111 not pour Into n
( Jan. Mnrle ort Into squares. 'l'hls cun-
. \ dy w1l1 be rich null crumblr.
Short l"ura'stlOIt9.
Butter dalntlJy molded aud serve
tin a tiny lettuce lrof Is pleasing.
I A spoonful of keroselle In bolloo
I fltarch ke'pfJ It from stIckInG' . but do
ot use enough to malte It smell of the
. ' ll.
Scatter on n carpet when sweep ,
lng , and yon will 110t only 11ndlt has 11
cleanslnl- : effect , but that It also keeps
. .way moths.
A hoopIng teaspoonful ot puh''rlzcd
chocolate for each glass of lemonade
malees chocolate IMJlonade. that 1'3 n
change from the usual Itlnll.
'ro prevent cheese becoming moldy ,
J- wrap It In a cloth which has bN'n
dipped In vlnf.l1r ( and wI'unf ; as dl'
IlS possible. Keep In a cool place.
Oareful housewives ahrays have et.
tra covers of heavy muslin over the
I tlelclng of Ih'lr pillows and mattress's.
which are taken oct at stated Intervals
Ilnd la undercrI ,
Epicures that thel'C Is a nnt-
I1ml afllnlty hetween ! Jle tla vor of mint
1nd peas. and both English and } < 'rencll
cool.9 usuallr arId 11 sprIg of mInt to
everr mess of { )1':18.
To clean bamboo fU1'111t111'e , fIoCru ! > 11
, with 11 small brush dipped III warm
water and flalt , as the salt pre\'euts Its
I turnIng yellow. 'l'reat , Tapanese I1nd
I IndIan matting In the same \\"ay.
I After scnl1nt ; fish Ilnd picking ducks ,
cese , etc. , dl you ever try rubbInG
them well \\1t11 n damp cloth ( Upped
In corn meal ? 'l.'ry It ; you wJ11 be SUI'
priced to 8ee how nicely it cleans
Wben making jam , preface opera.
tlons by pouring a tew drops of 81\1ad
pH Jnto the preserving pan and tbln
rubbing the 011 over the bottom with
. . plNe : of sott paper. ThIs w1ll prevent -
vent the : am trom at1cWng It the stirring
ring be lcsa conataut than it OUiht
to ba.
- -
- - -
ItulOJ1e Semllltt : the Bulle , With Ibl ) ' 1'11.1
In the LeHui-Nearlj Nllle ' ) IlIIniuml
ltuJeelud for , 'Inotu CnnslII.
W ASnHWTON , Oct. 24.-'j'he an.
nllal report clf CUlUmlssloncr "General
Frane ! p , S.l1'gent of the bUIellu 'ot
humilratiun sho\\'s lar e Illcrease ot
stelruge ImtJll ration Ulhat uf thQ
plecedl1lg yeur , tl1e a J.tregate fur the
fi , cuI ycur ot 11)03 ) IJcing 85'I,016.m excess -
cess over that of last year uf 208 : lOa ,
or : :12 : ptr cent. ' 1'he statlsllcs SIIlJ\1
an luclcase in hlllulgrutlllll tWill all
fllrelgu S I\lrces , sugLestlng us the
chief cause uf the h.tlux uf alleus Ill.
t I tht } United Stutes durin the } 'C'ar
tllu In ucements olTered to settlm :
here rather tlluu any special call5e
( If lscol1tellt In tlleir own countrlls.
Of tbe total steerage llIlrnl ratlllu
tllere came flam 1 urlpu 814,507 ,
; i'olU Ash 2Ulia ! ) an : ! frum all uthel
suurces 12,573. If to these ligures
are added tlll/se / leprcselltlng thu lot.
'al arrlvuls of alien cabin pilSSe1lJ.ters ,
( H,2liU the result will show that the
\ tOlal lrumlglatlon of ullens to the
: UlJItCl1 Slates during the Yfur IIgjrc. (
I ga ted U 1 , :115 : , or 105,043 11I0re tlJac
the greatcst number heretofore re.
: purted for auy ooe.year.
The great ! st number ot Imml.
' rants , 230 , , CDlne from Italv , an
; i oercase of fJ2 , .17 orer la t year ,
while Austrla-IIungary lurnlshed
011. an Increase f a ,022 ; Hus' ' lu ,
13GLU3 , IIn Illcrca e of 28. 7.J0 ; GI r.
: ID.I11 } ' , 40USa , an iucrcaso of 11,78 ;
: Hwed < : lI , 44.023 , an lucrtase 0115,1:14 , : ;
, Irelan , : : I5nO. : au ir.crease f 0,172 ,
and England , U,2U > , an increase uJ
: 12.a,14.
I or the oJicntal countries , Japan I
rwas foremost with lJ.U05 { , ! IU ir.creiJse I
, . ot 5,098 , whUe Chlua contributed
2,201 > , un increase of BUO over last
, year.
I Of the total number or stcoragt
. aliens 131'to were lllah s aod 243.UQ ( ]
were females , of WhUlU 102,431 were
. under four leen YOJrs of u e. There
were uf these : .Ian whu ( : ould read ,
but CI ulrt not write. and 185jj7 ( ( whe
, COUld lIelthel' read nor wilt" . Tile
total amIJunt of muuey brol'ght by
: ttJelU Into the UI1ItI.Jd Stut'S was
: Exclu"lve of those denied admlss ,
: ion aL the land boumlarles of lhe
Unlte States 8,7Ua alll.Jn hnml rauts ,
were rejcrled ; : for Val ious causes , tl.1e
I ndmber of rejcetions bLipg nearly
, double thuse of tlJe prcl.edlug year.
I or tl1ese 5SI were IMupers , 1.773
were alllll'tl'll iVith dIsease and 1,080
were cuntract laborers ,
Commls'iluner ll1l-eot : ; : : stron ly rec ,
ommends that an examination by
, cOlupetLnt medical ntllclaJ be made I
of hnll1l ralJts un IJehaJr of this 101'\ ; ' .
ernment at torel n pOlts of embaJle.
uLlun , He bell eveR thflt sle11led phy.
slcians , representing Lhi5 government -
ment , should b9 detailed for this
Cummlssloner Sargeut , In view 01
the arrval of UIJpl'oxlmately 1OOOOao
I ) IlUmlgrants 1I11l1uully , urges LhaL h'g.
Isliltlul1 be enncted to Impro\'o the
'quality ' , morllIy and Intellectually
10f Lhose admitted ,
Tribute to United Stutes.
HEfiLIN , Oct. 2-1.-1'he land 01
unllm ted posslhilitles , " a bool ,
wrlttcn by L. 111. UoldLeruer , n
privy cOlll1l:11I0r or I'ommerce , who
matle a visit t J the Unltel1 St.ltes In
] UOl , was pUbllshed t"dav. In the
conc'ucllug chapter , written after tlHJ
r < , cent events I n Wall street , JIl'rr
Goldbcrgor s'IYs : " 'rhe 'ecol1om Ie
I glunt merica , Hods the st.rong ront.'j
of Its pc\ver In the soil of Lhe cOllutry
which , after ( ! veo' storlIl , gives uo.
lliultell pllsslblllttes for the rapid reo
cuperatlons of the high moral rorc' s
whll'h 1I\'e In the AmerIcan peolJle.
"Thoy repudlato any and every
Identllleatlon with sluupefs and
cheats aml they lire strugg1lu stCJad-
toward firmer ground. Ever'y
where \'If ! tind nervous energy ; ever-
where devc1"prnont. Science Ilnd art
: : tll' t.'ll\lul.t . ( JCI per and deeper root ,
nud tllClr 1l1'J"IOIulent " [ spirit Is IInled
wiLlI sincere admiratIon fOt. creative
labor. "
Kr tz Under Arrest.
Firp. LOUIS , Oct , 2.1.-A special to ,
, the Post-Dispatch flam Gundalajara ,
1 Me Ice , sa\s : Charles Krutz , a
Dlrmber of the St. LouIs city council ,
I Indicted on a churge or bribery , who I
jumpcd n $ O.OOO bond , wns arrested
tnclay on oule rs trom the federal \JV-
ernment at Ultv of Mexico. He will
bo held until omces \ Ith requl.ton !
pupers flom the United States ar-
I rhe.
OTTA WA , Ont. , Oct , 23.-In thO )
8enatoyesterda ) ' Ir MacKenzIe Buwe1\ \ ,
leader of the opposltlul1 , asl < cd for In. !
furmation concerning the Alaskan
boundary award ,
Mr. Scott , for Lhe overnment , re-
pllcd thn.t . the most Important reason
why the Canadian cotJ1mlssloncrs did
not approve of the awald was LmL ! It
was not a judicial document decl'lun. !
Sir MackenzIe Bowcn sal t that It
was unfortunate that In e\'ery case
when ne otlntlon8 1m'e taken place
betwe\n the Unlled States and l n -
laud , where Cannl1n was alfected , the
Ur.lted Slates diplomals had succeeded -
ed In 6ecurln IsllI1 : s which comllliuld
the must Imllortant points or the do-
minion. 'I'here was the IRlalid rl ht
oPPoRlte the harbor of Purt ArLhur.
I In the case of a dlt1lculty , he said t.hat
I Island would have to e secured by the
BritIsh people for , If tortllled , It
would command the entrnnce to that
harbor. Unll'ss that , was done the
United Sta.tes . could secure it amI with
the IInns they have at present would
be able to destroy the whole conneo-
tlon between the east and west. It
was the . with the Inland or San
Juan , another secured by treaty nego-
II O\f , " said Mr. MacKenzie , lithe
United States wl1\ \ command 'Fort
Simpson. In every case Canadian Interests -
terests were fmcrlllced.JI
Senator Mc lullen said that the de.
cislon would create as much dlssatls-
, faction In Canada there was In the
r1'ramwnal and In Ireland.
, LON ( JON , Oct. 23.-0'\ . cable mes-
sa e has bcen receh'e In London
from l'rNldent ; Roosevelt thanlelnl !
the A merlcan commIssioners and the
counsel of the Alaskan boundary trl'
bunal and expref1slng conjtrat.ulatlons
In t.he name of the pOple of the
United Stat'l't ' on the result of t.lle trl.
bunal'a deliberations.
Nixon Stili on the Stnnd.
NEW YORK , Oct 2J-Lewls : Nixon
occupied the wltnes ! > chair a aln today -
day at the hearing before an examln.
er of the Unile : : ita tes shlpbulcHnR !
' ' ' ' -e and gave much \'aluuble testl.
. . ncy covering the finances and gen-
l'ralalTalrs of the corporation. lIe
testlUed that be had oPPoled the
Sheldon reorganization plun and had
as u counter-proposItion ur ed that
the stock be assessed In order to ralso
tuo amount neccssary to save the
combination from default and hank-
ruptcy , Ills plan of assessment was
oppmed by Charles : . Schwub , hold.
er at that time , of $20,000,000 of the
I stock , who , according to 1\Ir. Nlxun
declared that the stocleholders would
not pay the assessment.Ir. . Schwab
so Mr. Nixon sw.'re . , declined to pul1
up any more Ullles ! ! the Dethlehem
steel hands \Vel' ( ! gl ven preference us
a lien on the shlpbuildln plants to
tllO ! lrst mortgtl e bonds. 1\1r. Nix-
on's testllUl.ny alsu develuped Lhe
faot that tbere was a wide discrepancy -
ancy as to estlmated , earnings In letters -
ters written by tl'easurer Gary to
members uf the reorl-anlzatlon ( com-
miLte , and Samllcl Untermeyer ,
counsel for the bondholders , nsked It
It did not show that there hud been
an nt.tempt to minimize the vulue or
the shlp'ar s'nnd magnUy tle value
of the Bethlehem plant , but tlJe witness -
ness woulJ not say su.
Dowie MeetIngs Draw a DIsorderly
Clowd ,
NEW YORK , Oct. 23.-TlIlrty
, t.housand Deople , according to the
; . estimates of tno p111co , tried to get
, Into MadIson Square Garden to see
John Alexander' Duwle last night.
I Ab IUt oIll-thlrd thau number had
secured , Idllllttance wllen at 8 o'clor.k
Dowie the door s11Ut. When
the : ! O.OOO found themselv. s shut out
the wildest dlsor er pn'vallecl , and
the volico , four hundred stron , were
for 11 tlmo utterly unable to cope
with the mad lush of the ( Jro\Vd.
1\1en find women welO 1\llOcked down
and trampled on and many narrowly
I escaped deat.h In the l'rusl1.
Several limes In"llectllr 'Walsh sent
I n culls for extra r t serv s and It was
: not until tile Ulccllnl. ( WI15 suddenly
I te mlnated by Duwie shortly after
{ ) o'clucle that an\'thlng l'uuld be
done with thl ) crowd.
In the sur ln uf rhe crowd , Grace
Georue , who \ \ as Oil Ilor way to the
i theatre , where she Is playll1 , WIIS
; wept olT h'r feet and tf'illllpled on
: l11d hall hm' clflthlng badly torn. She
uccusl'cl the jlulleo 01 handllrl" Iler
M.s William J. Dudley of 'Newarle ,
N. J. was cau lt t In tile crush and
fell falntlll" to the SI reut. ho was
bad Iy IJrulsCC1. Illspl'l't'Jr Wnlsh was
, near the WI'l11an when she fell alld
with the aid IIf IIrtel'1pillicempn he
rl-scller ! uncI l'anled her to safely.
ReHHal pl'ople were IIrre"ted on
charges of disorderly CurH.lUct ,
Flshrrmen to Form Union.
PEOIUA , Ill. . Oct. 23.-A call has
been IF.8ued ror a moetln" to be held
at Hprlng Lal\C next Snn , lY of IIsher-
men along the IllinoIs I I vcr. A movement -
ment has been started tor the forma-
tlun of a union among the lIshermen
[ 'ur mutth\l protection , and to enable
hem to better ( J t } t the cases that
rt'eterred ( by the various figh ward.
ns.prlnjI Lake , about twenty miles
. .liW hNC , IS une of the best tlBblDH
. r , ulld' 1u Lhe west.
A CierI , ] IC'lIIn\1\ ror J\I"klltJ : 1'811 m ,
tlI&vl18 allil ( le'nur..1 111I.mclOncy.
01110111 lire In lJatl&er.
W SIIjNG'rON , Oct. 22.-Poslmas
tel' General Payne remov'd from 01l1c
\lIchael W. Louis , superintendent 01
fupplleR of the post 111ee department ;
Louis Kempner , chief ot the rcglstr ,
division of the t.hhd usslstant PURt ,
'I malter general's ( JOIce , and O. n ,
T. rry , a $1100 cleric In the postomc
I department , and directed Lho post ,
maNtel' at New Yurk to remove Ottc
I Wels , n. clerk.
'I'heso removals are the Ilrst resul !
of Fuurth AsslstanL Postmasler Gen
eral Bristow's report on the Irregular ,
Itles in Lho post.ulllce department. In
forml\tion of the contemp'aLed dls
charges did not lealc out at the de
partmenc , llntll after 4 o'clock , and a
4:30 : the postmaster general made t\1
olllcial announcement of hIs aotlon a :
follows :
" 1\l1chael 'F , Lowls has been remo\
cd from the ol1lce of superintendent 0
the divIsIon of supplies because th
recent investl/at.lon / : shows thaL he 11 ]
Iluenced the awardlnl { of contracls fo
I Fupplies ; to favored blddel's ; that h
has been extra \'a a. . t and wasteful il
the a mlnistratlun of his olllco nlll
that he has paId excessive prices fo
suppllcs to favored cuntraclors.
"Louis Kempner , supcrluLl'lIdent 0
the registry syntUl11 , haB been removcl
for Incompetent and m'gligent adruilJ
IstraLlolI , for wasleful and recllef1
extravn ance In 6euding expenslv
manIfold registration bouls ; to a larg
number of small fourthclass
ol1ices , aud for vlulatlng the reveI1l ,
laws by a system of petty SnHIg1ill !
IIO.B. 'l'errJ' , a clerk In the dtvlslol
or supplies , Ims been removed fo
mnkln" false a1ldavlts ! an genern
Im1lclency. ! "
'I he postmaster general also statel
that tile postmaster at New York hal
been dlrecled tu remove Otto Wtls ,
clerk In the New York postolllce , fa
cu'lectlng mone } from clerls to lulll
enco legIslation and procure promc
Saw \Vreclc Ahea .
1\EW YORKOct. -Lewis Nixol
wl10 frolll naval COliS ructor becam
! .mllder or warships and the preslden
of Ihe United ! Slates Shlphulldllll
company , was the princIpal wiLlies
a.t the continuation of the lwarllllbe (
ture exanllner Ollphll1lt liS to the af
( airs of the defunct cnrporatlon nl :
tned He did nOL llrdsh his reeltalbu
In the three 110urs that he was on thl
stand lie went o\'er much of the ilia
tory o ( t.lle corporatIon ancl the acti
Of the nH'n proluinent In Its hIstory
B 0 con III med the clal m of the bond
bolders that Mal IJam , counsel tOJ
Charles M. ! Schwab , had sUI-IZt'stcd : I
nUllIberof directors for the shlphulld
Ing cumulnatlon , Ilnd said thut th
pr'posed expeudlture of $2U02OOO tJI (
IUlpruvemeuts at the Bethh.hem stec
worls had heen approved by the dl
tentors over his prmest and warnln
that the action might , In the enrl
leave the main corpora. Ion wlttJoul
( und ! ) , and wreck itIr. : . Nlxun swor
hat after Ihls expenditure was ap
( H'uV d he made several attempts t (
ecure a me tln of the dIrectors am
lhat ) 'Ir. Schwab had I1na1Jy told hln
that ho had Instruct , d the dlrector
10 remain away Irun a meeting.
An effurL was ma e t.o show thai
the dIrectors elected , at the liugges
11011 of 1 r. 1'al11 , had not been l > lock
holders , butlIlw t.he youlI men 0
lhe Corporation TrusL company 0 :
New .Jerney , who sel'Vld : In tile earlJ
days of t.lle comhlnatlun. had beer
{ pvell s'ares ellough to qualify , bUl
Mr. Nixon had no pl'rsonal knuwJedJ. :
of the trarhllctlon.
1\1r. Nlxou tes III cd that , by resolu
tlon or the directors , pa SI d In De
ruber last" " 1\1r. I'am was Iflven I
salary 01' $ lfoOOO a Yl'ar , wllich wal
< llld bacl. to 1,1)0 , precf'dlI1 I'eptem
bel' . lIe ale teHtillld that" IICslde !
his bonus as an 'UJ cr\Hllcr ILlid t.h ,
Silins paul for' he Belltlehern prupcr
h , Mr ctl\\'ab re elved a bhare or thl
promotloll lUolley 11ilrL uf which hI
ga ve to Char eti U a.1 e : ! , of the bruker
"go linn of l1arrls , atel:0. : .
- - - - - -
Wholt'snle Jail Ucllvcry.
rIt : ES I ON , Ia , Oct , 2A : ! whole ,
laIc dl'lVClY ) , II' whIch sevclI men ( 'S'
taped tuue ! pllI'U : heru , 'l'llev es.
raped by unhll'l.Ig \ the caloto dUal
I'd. ! } a WOUd.l1 key and hreakllJ 0111
Llle UJ Ick \ \ all. Two were r1' , n
dalr counly , sent Ilerll for safl
leepln wtllJe the IlI'W lull Is helll
built. 'rhe othOls welu awaltlll
lhe actlun lit I ho rl11d : jury on I
ehurloCC ot hm'ollY I his the I1ttt
luccessful Jail deli very bere wlthlr
foul yeam. -
Nebraska 8X..otes
; ;
I 'l'ho Wlsnor nlvn.\ \ closed n.
ucccssflliVeel. . Saturday IIIht. ! ' 1'110
were laro ! each day.
While drlvIlljt a team In a cornfield
Peter E1senmen er of lIumphrey
Ilceh'cd ! ser lOlls Injuries. 'l'he team
: an I1way and dla lc.1 ( the wllgon
her his body ,
.Alban Bmlly , son or Oushler l mlly
) f the CIlIzlln's bunk at WIsner , hud
\ fool. crushed under 11 passenger
'imln. 'l'he Iud wus jUlllplng on the
: rnln tor a sllorL rldo.
The Maxwell stllte bun'or ' Maxwell -
well hils Inc orporuted with a paid ull
wpltal of $5,000. W. 11. McDonald
Is president and W. II. 111ul1ler cash.
ler ,
'rhe postolllco drpal'lment has ap-
Ilolnled the tllllowln curriers In Nebraska -
braska : At SIIl'lng Hlwch , re ull1r ,
John l'ler ; suhstituto , Jolin Uun.
I A wl'Rthound frelRht on the Rook
Island crashed Into u. work tralo , at
I Falrbury. ' 1'ho en lne of the f1'I'I ht
IInd 81'\'eml cars were bact1) ' fHnll.Jhcd
up , lmL no Ih'es were lost.
I II. D. Dodo dorf"a tra\'elln sales ,
for the Fremont ' com
. . : .
pany , dll'd at Norfolk ulldayven ,
, i In of a sLroke of pllralysil. ! 'j'he re ,
' 111\\1 na were taloll to 1 'rell1l1nt.
, AL LHchlleld last week sparls frou ;
, the BlIrlln t.on Hyer set 111'0 to n. th-III.
rhe next t1'llln , a frel hl" flWppl'O
and tlo ! crew fUII ht the lire. Grall )
, t.o the yuIlle of HOO was burned.
II I I TlworporaUon papers hll\'e be"
hcucd ; to the new Banl { of t dlson , In
\ Furnas counly. It starts hushlest
with $ IiOOO capillll. C. A. Miller II
lJrlsldent anrl G. P. gmlth cushier
'rho funeral of Ansun lIowltL'h (
( lied at his home 111 Arlington \lon.
e dllV , will t.alee place tomorrow. Ile
c' ' \V.IS . 7:1 : yelll's old and was ono of thl
Q 1I1CL ; settlers III Wasllln ton COUl\ty.
) Arllclf9 hll\'o been flied hy Wlllhurl
N. Slelnner and he will he } lcrmilled
" by tlw sLate bllllllll board to con.
d duet a private banldll business al
1.1 f4pJinl-vlew. : 'Ihe capital stool { 11
I $ " " 00.
E Burglars at Fosler securl'd ROn1l
e tools from n. blnctsmlth shop , an (
entering the 8'ore or t3chmllnJ
llrotherl.o1 , blow opln the safe , seeurllli
about ! f00 In money and maldnl
oCJd their escape.
'rho l\IlsRourl HI"'er DIRpatch com
pany of Hastl n s has flied arLlcles 0
Incorpora.tion at Lincoln with n. . capl
tal stocl < of $ fiOOOO and with W. II
I Fer uson , A. L. ClarIce and Ula.rellCl
I J 1\1 lies as Incorporators.
I )
Miss Carrin Orawford anti Ulrsse
1Imwn were married nI , the hOllle ' 0
the bride's moLher In Koarney. He ,
Gcurgo A. Beecher ollldatln . J'h. .
Jrool1l Is the eldust son of J dlt'
Bruwn of the Kearncy Hub.
A "reat revIval Is In pro"rJfS ; In the
I t. E , church In Dorcill'ster , "him !
I fifty have professed convmslon r > O fa ;
I , from persons l'lghty-two Ylars : 01 ngl
to mlddle'a ed peoplc , fathers , mulll
. ers , ) 'oung peopl and child ren. 11 , .
whole community Is awakened.
Carne T..ongfellow died at t.he ham
of her sisler , Mrs , Lucy Stonle , h
Wahoo of consumption. DeCl'aSI"
was a sIsLer 01 the late P. R. Long
. fellow , who died at 1\lountaln Home
, Jdaho. JaRt July. The funeral' wa
held from the residence , Hev MI
, I Darby , pastor of the Methodl- : .
I church , olliclatlng. Interment was It
! S,111rlse cemetery.
II I A quiet wedding occurred at tll
, I residence of Mr. and 1\Irs. Fred Hallj.:1 :
" , in P attsmouth , when Rev. II. B. Pur
. ' ess unIted Miss Edna A. Ollv'r ani
t William O. Wescott. After thu cel'u
! mony 'he rillal cuuple depated ( . ,1 ,
, a wedc1ln trip to the cast. : rhei
) future home wl1 he at Hocl < 8prlrl f.
I S. D. ' 1'ho bride , who IS a daug" tel' 0
I : B. A. Oliver , was a Jormer Plattl1
I mouth Irl.
I Mrs. Allen Prlco died at her homl
, In West Kcaruoy , after 11.1\ illness 0
. tour or live Yl1.rS . duration. DcCeatH : (
. was born In Jell'ersoll cOUllty , KII !
r tucly , January a , 18-17 , and came Ie
r Kearney III 18\J8. \ Besides her husbal (
I SilO leaHs t.o mourn her , thrco daugh
1 tel'S and a son , 1\Irs Bessie Urowe. .
t of amalia , 1\1 \ IRses lollic and Bt1Id 01
Kearney and Thomas H. Price of Sar'
, I
. TIo'lbers blew the safe at Plcasanl
Dale , fourteen miles ' cst of Lincoln
\ First reports IttdlCitted that they so
sured f.3,500 , ut it was stale
- ( JII the u.uthorlty or the bal'1 '
ol1lcers that t.he roulJen ; gaL notllllJ
d l , . at while tlley wl'eckl.Jd the safe and
- lcw on t part of one bide of the build
) II they left befuw reachlnz the re
) cl'ptacle where the cash was hcld , cvi
dellLly lJeln frllhtened : : away by clt. !
eIJS \ 110 had heard the cxploslon.
S. A. CurtIs , ! 1. . farmer lI\'in flvj
. miles nort.h of Stella , lms It curlosl tJ
. Ilia t.11r11'cuged ' pl . j Lis abuut ! > III
. weeks ( , ld and oelongs to It lar e lit
r ter. It haM two perfectly formed hind
Ii le s \ \ lule there It' only one In frontl
coming unt of the middle ur t.I' (
, I breulit. Mr , Ourtls ! i1)'S ! the pl nee !
: not seem to be Itlconvenlen rcb ] ) ' III
l' '
deformity and els aruund os lively II
: ur the otllers , IIc has n [ JloturE
ml1de IL In n uod pOSI ! S' ' , , ) 'JIIJ the
[ lu It.IUTOCCEiS. - .
. I
. ' :
. I
. .
J On.T UITJBY , Rns. , Oct. 2G-
review of nlltho troops In camPI 13/ : /
000 In lIullllJer , wns held Sl\turda t"j :
mornln\.t \ In Smoky lUlls fiats , at thO : . J.
southcrn end of the reservation and , ' . .I
' . '
us n purely mllitnry spectacle It JJ ' . . )
tloubltll\ \ , In this Ioulltry : , at lellst , \ ' ' 1'
It ' r1'hcre ; /.t
wus ever surpas'ied , wns an I
" ' 1
nusenco of the glitter nnd ay colors I . ;
Jf holiday occasions. ' 1'ho uniforms j' ; ' 1 ' ; ' 1
were tor Ihe most part Btalned with I ; , ;
harcl work. but the men , after weeles I " ) . ! 1.j
of drill , were In I'xcellent condition" ' t
and when they strenmc In long I % f )
close set rnnks , past the revlewlnll ; : <
stolid , ( ] en. Ian ITl\mllton of tbd I
British army could not cont.aln hl9
expressions of pleastlrr , and repeatcd ,
Iy expressed his Jl'I1LiI1catlon. ! gven , \
the subaltern9 ( If the regular armY , I ' "
" 1"
seemed pleasm ] wlLh themselvcs and , ,
a'l the W01'ld at t.ho conduslon of I : J '
the redew , IInd that tell' : ! , ns milch i ,
liS anything can , that the alTalr was
a IlIOst drcl.lve sllccess. I ' .
' 1'he IIIRt IJrl IHletnller General L. ' .1
D. Brant h\l1 : the ( of the lInej
1 L conlIHlseLl the Hecoull , 'l'wenty
IIrst nnd one bnttahon of the 'l.'welfth' '
l' gular IlIfantlY.rJ'hey CUl1.1ln : col. :
umns of companies : m ( ] made n llno
, ! lowing. I
General Bell , superbl.v mounted ani
a whltefacc(1 chestnut , came nex
wi.h \ h Is brl udc , made \tp of th
Htxth and 'l'wenty IICth regular In , , ; I
fantry : nul the FlfLylIflh IowlI. ' :
Gl nerul13el1 has IJren cxtremel ) ' corJ I
tunutu In the makcup of his brigade" ,
fur there ure no thillI' orf.anlzitlun9 :
I u the arl 1Y tl1l1n the Sltxh ; 11\11 ,
' 1'\\cntynfth. und the 1"lCty.llrs " ' .
{ olvn Is wlLhout ( ] f1\tlt ono of the
b st lIat.lonal j.\tlul1 ! organizations In' ,
Ihe ontmtry. 1Is bcarlnJ.t IInd march. ! , , '
In ( 'alled forth warm praise on all ,
sldcs. 'j'hls ( l'I-I11lrnt ( hns ruade a
most favorable Impression on the '
1I1\I'ers \ of Lhe rcgular IIrmy for Its
nbility In the Helll , IInd its work
today showed it , was liS good In the
fallcy points of the game of war us .
wlwn It Is mnrchlllJt over the hills or I
covering long stretobes of dusty ,
roall' ) . The ' 1'h1r d brllnde , under ,
Gellernl Barry , wa9 headed by thol
Mlsonrl provisional regiment , thqt
looked and mnrched exceedlnlly well.\ \
ILs ranls were fullaud wellitept and
Ir , wus highly praised. \
'l'he Second Nebraslcn , that came ,
next , was as oed as the be't : ! ; of the I , ;
national J.tuard IeJ.tlments. Colol\el I , '
McDonnell , on n handsumo dun'
hOl so , was a consplcllous Il uro at
tbe Iwad of hI ! ! rOlllrnent an th \ .
battalions thaL came ufter him were. .
as saLlsfactory to lUOI { ullon us the I
colonel. II I I
'j'he ol1valry brl IHlo , under Gl'nCral\ : <
Unrr , followed the Infantry , anel In \ '
aJlPcar.trlce nnrl1l1al'l'hln It sustained :
It.s . reputation of being a portion otl I "
the IInost light cavalry In the world. ' "j
Nine bat.turlc ! ! ot artillery rumbled '
along after horsmen had [ Jassed and .
Lhen came the prosaic but I1I hly
' tmln , 1n
Important quartermaster's I
tl10 af ! e1'110011 there woru athletlo I
runes : by cnllsted men of the regular : ,1
army on the open ulr ymnnslum be- ) , ;
twcen Fort Hiley and .lunctlon OIty. .
Major 1111 Icc r , the chief qunrLermus- I ' J
tel' , delivered a leoture 00 " ' 1'ranspor- ' 1
tallon , " whIch was hl hly Intorest- ) , ; ' 1
In [ : to the rnl1ltary mcn.
Kilts His 'Two Boy' '
MARION , Ind. , Oct. 20-.Jesse :1
Mu Jlllre , a farm hand , lei lIed his two
sons , live ancl seven years nld , lea f. ' :
11IJ.t their hodles In n fence corner. 1
While a lUau was forming tu lynch " .
him McClure drove to Marlon and "i
avu tllmsllir up. lIe bas bren se-
crlted ! hy the authorities , who fOtH
l110b violence , '
M ( Uluro s'flarnt.erl from Ills wire al Jo
yeal' 3 0. Hho retused to live wltl :
him and returned wIth 1101' chlldrenj i
t. ) her fatlwr's hOIliI' . MeOlurol
: t
Ehood and drove I
hIred a rl at 1
t'I , the farm of 1\1rs McClure's fatherl . '
He found the children playln In the '
front yard and Induced tlwm with
candy to tal < e a ride with him. Ilo
drove a mile up the road , carried the ;
children to a rl'nee curner IInd. shnb
them with a revul vel' . The older ono
wa9 fOllnd dead a few mInutes Inter ,
and the y"un l'r WI1S dyln , a Plle
of tllo cancly slill heln In his mouth. -
T'he alIII'm WilS gl ven anll rrom al
i ( r.urrollndln towns armed pursuor8
I , sta1ted : McClure succeedln In
'reachln : . ( lho Marion jail without be
. Ing CiJ'ht. ' ,
. DrolDcad In the Depot.
RPRJN ( lt'IELD , Ill. , Oct. 20-
I 'rhl' He1' . M. Dillon , a mlnlstc
I cf lhe Melho lst 1 plscopal ohurcnl
I ancl the editor or late years of tbo
, Hochester It'm , dropped clead In th
i waitln room or the Baltimore & 1
01)10 ) Southwcstern runway statio
at Rochester , this c unt , . Do wus
a nat.lvo of : Ncw YorI' atate , was lit. ,
ty.ellht yrars old , and leaves a wlfe
I Physlciuns pronounce the case on'
I of disease , _ _ _ _
, - , r