Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 29, 1903, Image 2

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A DOC101(98 MIS ON
Author of . . Rev RUSSgLL'S RUf.It , "
, II GLIt1'ROV , " "THi' ; PAslnO Anr.I MOTIlIm , " ETC.
- - @
. OI1APTIm XIJ-Contllllled. ( )
Thrllstln : : the pit.tol Ilulelly III hlK
If'OckQt. the 'OUIlIt IIIl1n sllrnn townrdl !
, her 80 eucllienly thnt IIhe COllld not 111'-
, hlUl herMlf , IIn cll\sping ller f > 1\ \ fm'm
tIrhtl ) . III his IIlrnll ! ; nrlll8 , he IIftcd hCI'
' OIlC ( ' to the \\'lIltllllo ; COIIYC'OIlCO , plllcl'lI
, ber In It. th\1 len Illnl ; to her hhle. seized
jthe relnl ! . nllil dro\'e rnpldly off , while the
.poor Jlrl ( WIIH III olnlOst n fnilltlllg cOlldl.
tUon , fl'OIl1 dlHlllclIUre nnd frl ht.
After a few II10ments of IntclliJe stili.
IDe , hrolHm 0111) ' h ) ' the clatter of the
' \orsc's hoofs , 118 he hOUlH1ed Oil , Hohert
Iun1cd to her with Itlll hlllg triulDph
k1 his eyes nnd eXllltlllgly exclllimed :
" 1'011 see , my charming ) 'oung friend ,
1118t when 1 BOY 1 \\111 11u a thill1 /
lntend to do It. Now I decide ( } this af.
ternoon to hnye ) ' 011 for n cOll1\1ullloll \ on
4 little dri\'e , 1I11l1 ) ' 011 11I'e 1 hllYO Cllr'
ykd the do ) ' , IIl1d here 3'011 are , seated
r.lly by my side , while wo nre nlJhlnl :
away III grnllli style. Confess now , Is
lIot this jUt tIIentIhl ( ] ? "
"It III not. Sir , 1 thin : : your conduct
Il1n el1t1 ! lIany ] nnd crnclln the extreme. "
"Not nt nil I 1 nssl1ru ) 'ou. I regnrll
10U all the crllel onu , when 3'011 declined
to fa'or llIe with ) 'ollr C0I11111111) ' . Why
TOil tr : lt l1Ie o RtranJlly II ! an enlgllllll
Yon ought 10 feel honored to he allowed
to rlelu with 110 well-Imown , wealthy ntHl
klnd.hearled a mnn. "
"It Is no honor , sIr , hut a eep Intuit ,
he thlls forced to do what III dls.
IIgreenbll. . . .
"I 1I1Il110ge ( It wOll1l1 be yery dIsagree-
I.hlo also to hnve l\Ie kls. : ! you ? "
I "Sir : " was the Indinaute1clall1:1IIon :
! that fl'l ! Ullon Jils car.
"Well , dlr.ngl'cllIhle or not to 'ou , It
1\'oulll he extrcmely agreeahlo to me. I
ttll 'Oll cnndldl ' . 1 wOIlIt ! I\Iw \ to do
It , ) 'ou 111'1 } 110 Hweot and bUlllltlfl1l , hut
1 wllJ rafralll , anll deny 1lI'self that
leollsU1'e , If you keeL } perfecll ) ' quiet , 111111
Uft try to enjoy this rl e while 3'011 hn'e
tbe chance. If ) 'OU do not-If 3'OU malu
thu IC1st fusil. 1 YO1 will O Itl"
mhol llllldo no rellly. She realized
that the eecenl1'le Indlylduai bcsldu
her had her In his 1lOwer. thereforu ae'
knowledglnG' to hersof ] thnt It was hest
tmdC'r thu cirCUll18tances to mnlte no fur-
her resistllnee , shl ! bank bucl In her scat
and reilllllued Rllent IIl1d motionless.
Away the ) ' lIuw oyer the long and 101le-
1 road , lInsslng hrookR , 1I0nlls , trees ,
rocl18 , Indeed ever.thln but houses 1\1\11
lnhahltnnts. Durillg the whole 11rive 1I0t
e word morc'IIS spoCn ] b3' elthcr vlc-
It or or yan1lulshed.
Ethel's facuVIII > deully : prtk' , however ,
urlng the hour that enlllH , > d before the
ea of the horse wns turned homeward.
: , : hllo Hobert's WClS 1l1uUllnnted by a Ilow
lOX Intense satIsfactIon and trlull11lh.
WIHJI1 at length the shlldes of e\'enlng
Ibclnn to nther , they ollce moro nenrod
IGlendennlng Hall. Stollpillg the horse
ibeforo th\'y rellchc ( ] the Illace , In n shol'
red IUld obsenro spot , Hullol.t jllmped
Gut , then turned to assist Elhel froUl the
Sprlnslng ( lnst hIm to the ground.
IEl11el dnrtl d ' . ' '
IIWI1) II 111'1I'er
'cf fervl'nt thnlll' hl\'illl : for her safe re-
'turn ' , when IIhu had ollce moru l'eaehe ( ]
Iher room , ho 1100r girl brullwd : I1w t ) ' tlw
Itl'ars thnt lint ! rcllon d hl'r exclled feci.
lingS ns IQOII ns she hnt ! entt'I'Cd , nnd then
. . .wllh II sinltlnl ; dl'O HI nt her hl'lIrt at OIlCO
.rcfllllred to the slcl ; : IIHIII'S room.
A yolluy of slllluful , hnrd'ortl salut-
oed her elltrlIICU : froll1 the Irrltllbln In-
Tnlld , nnd It was sOlne time beCoro she
could utter one were In her own defense.
'Vben nt 11I9t ho1I'e her nn opportunlt ) '
tto upenk she Informe him h'nthfully of
th oulrllceo\lj conduct of h\9 \ wlfo'is
ne ; > hew.
"Hohert ! DId 3'on B8Y nobert ld so
.lnlolent 1thlnl : ? Wns ho gul\t \ . of so
unpl1l onrtble IIU uct ? " exclaimed the lIS'
tonlshed bnronet.
"Do not bl'lIeyo her. uneh' , " Immlodlatc-
iT lltf'rpoSt't1 Helle , who had mll e It her
! 1n.ltteM to be ! 1reb'nt : " \\'hllt she IIn8
1J utter ! ) ' fl\lso. I do not doubt hut t.hat
Ihe spent the time riding with ) me
:1t'\l1 : : : ; bnt , I IlSIIIIre YOII , It was 1I0t with
rvlY broUler , for ho118 wIth 1110 the en-
\'rc \ afternoon. She Is II wicked elrl to
Ir-l109e 6uch n fulsehood ulOn , so ! lIck a
l1t-n. "
.As Helle uttered this cruel fahrlentlon
Ihe Imeed : spltefull ) ' , "et with ill-con.
lealed trlll1l11lh , towllrds the nmaed
.Ethd , who was not at 1111 Ilri.'purcd for
, "ueh nil artful I1tHl 1111111\1011 $ attuck.
"Sir Ueglnnld , 1 afHHlroOU I slenl ( ;
only Ule truth. It wns noh\.t Glendon ,
11lnl ; who forced 111e Into his cllrrlago ,
tn thus detailled me ataluht my will. "
"Yuu know hetter , " rOl1re ( ] Sir Hegl'
S1nhl. "I wl1no'er \ bellovo It. Lell\ ' (
tIlO room III tnntl . . I do not wIsh to SCt
J'our face lignin IlIItll morning. "
With n cold , hnll1ed bow Ethel leC
at hili hld lng-Ieft , too. wlthont allotho :
word , knowing well that C'Ontrn letlon :
" , 'ould only enrage and l'xelte ! .bo 1111S
alonate and unjnst person hefore her.
.After aho hud isUIpOared Belle nh.
nt once toolt IIIr : 11ullnrt\lro , chagri\lel
that her \lnclo hod not Illstantl ) ' dlsmls
ed 1101' riyal from hIs ser\'lce nud house
She hl not Imow thnt this his 101'1 ]
\lhlp would on 110 account do , os ho ha ,
Intrulltc to Iwr ItCClIlug a lIecret whle :
bade her ser\'lees far too Ylllllnbu ] to h
easily 11Isllen't'd with. Ho IIIlght ho II
roge , nud bO dlsllliss hcr for n ul hl
, but no fllult she mlrht he lIllty oC wou1
'Induc ! ! him to pUI.t with her while 0
' " , 'ent well In the concenld room.
ho next nftonlOon , Ethel felt thnt III
could safely stnrt to the YllInbe. to 1I1nl
'a ' { ow purchllJlH for heNel ! , os at U
Juncb tnhlo Hobert had told La y Co
.tanco ho IIhould lenvo hoUlo nt two th
atternoou to yislt a young friend , al
.hould remain awn ) witli noou ! .ho no
day.As EJIO hud not ventnred beyoud l'
'l1'ounds of the Hall Blnce her IIrrIVI
excolrt on this aftC1'noon. before , she tJ
not know in which direction the pla
.f busluesa lay ; therefore , eoelug Sun
eta"lcs , ilie lod/le / keeper' . Ion , just t
v ,
) ' 01111 thl ! 11aec ] , she stopped antI Inqulre
oC him.
"Oil , yes ; 1 cnn tell you , certnlnly. 00
Rlrnllht orwnrd , ) la/lll / Dr. Blfenllteln's
eottngl' , whlU 'ou will come to a gro\'c
of willows ; IIII/I thllt , nnd thcn UIO
rlllt-on : trnek. nudt out one qUIII.tor of
n mlle w 'oIHI , 'ou will ee 1row of
hOllses ; thut Is thu conlllleneement of the
reul village proper , alld there ) 'ou will
fllld seyornl storclJ. "
'l'hnnklng thu h03' , Bthel o 111m cd her
pnruIOl , for Ihe nCterno\ln was warm alld
111I It r ) ' , allli followed the pnth pointed
out. Whcn Hhu rencla'tl thu cottugo , hcr
e'clI WlIllIIlred ! o\'cr IlII 1111I1I1J flowor-bor'
dlred Inl'dcn. Its Ilrt'tt . . \'Ine-eo\'ercd
porch. nlltl olll'n Wh1110ws. with tholr
hawed hJIIIII ] ! , just rn\'callnJ : the dnillty ,
cool-lookIng , Incu curtnlns withlll , thnt
wllfte hac ! . nnd forth , J11It1y. ! In the
faIntest of nil hrel'zes.
"lIow lfCerently Dr. mfcnfltclll 1m.
pl'f'lHftJ ml'Ith , his I1Innl3' 1J'nrinl : , his
open CouutclIl1nCO , nud kindes ] , eVen
though his IIIrtllllCrs are resl'1'ved antI
' 1uIOt. from thnt valli. ( 'Iotlllticul Hobert
Glolldunnln , " she thou ht. "I calluot
\l1Hlerstnnll cXRCtly why I otor < t thnt
person so tllOroughl ) ' . nor why I admire
thu young IlhYRlelnn : ! oO milch. Ono thillg ,
Ilcrhnllll. Influences 1I\e ; 1 nhva'iI loved
\.f\lllleSS In \I IHnll ; Dr. l lfnsteln la-
hors for the welfnru of otht'rs ; ) 'ollnl :
OIentIellllllll : Is an Illle RIlllIdthrlft , I h'-
In : : merely to grntlfy tbe lllenllnres of his
own hnndlollle self. One. constulltly tIo-
Inood ; / , the othcr-l shoul jud/c / hy
hll : ! looks ! lIllt nctll , ev\\ly \ \ disposed , and
reckless In nil his \\'n 'd. "
Whllu thus thlnldnl : sbo passell tbe
w\\low \ \ gro\'e , nnd the rl\lIroad trnek. nnd
Ioon renehed the storcs. where the pur-
chllsl's were mude to hur onUre ratlsfllc'
Iiou. 'l'hen she retraced her stolS ( , wnll.-
In slow ] ' , In ( J\'der moro fully to enjoy 11
cooler hreeze that Wllil springing up ; but
ns Rhu neured thu rnllroatl Rhe quickclled
IlI'r st'lls. for shu Imew thut u train WI\S
nenrl ' dlle.
Soon Ule plncu was rcachcd , nnd In
stcpplng over It , to her horror she found
the heel of her shoo fUDtelled tightly III
ono of the frogs. With a dOper\lte hastu
she stro\'e to loosuu It ; In volnl Eyery
struJgle only ma e It , as It s med , more
11I'mly weded.
Il\lrltl Whnt WI1S that rmnbllng ? WIth
1)a1ll III's ' I1n trembling form , she heurd
a lstant whistle tcll of Ule swiftly C'0111'
In ! ; truln.
In e ptlir. she IItOOPctl to unbutton the
l\ltoo : hut It wnB a IIUone. . and therefore
Iuu'd to rnnnngc , while b'r tremhlllll ; I1n-
gel"1I 60uIht to un o the CaRtenlng , but
ahe fOllnd thC111 powerless to accomplish
the task.
On. on came the ollJlne. She could
feel the rolls ylhrnto with their motion ,
\llId stili her foot WIIS fast I1nd she C'Ould
not 1110\0. 'l'hen , ono wild shriek of terror -
ror rnng out Ullon tbo IIlr , and oven boo
fore It died nwny a mun's feet came run-
nlnl ; to the sllot.
"ilo cuml ] 1 w\\l \ \ save you ! Do not
Rlrucge-stnlld ] perfectly & 11111" saltI a
voice ill her ( 'ar.
On came the cars ; e\'en then they could
bo sCIJn In the distaneo. One 1II0mont
,1101'0 11I111 she would bu under the fcurful
wheels ; hut n strollg honll cnught tbe
foot. wronehed Ollen the hllttOllS , then ,
liS tlte Itot bro:1lh of the engine was nl'
most upon her , she was dra'n from the
perilous position I1l1d Imow no more.
\\'hen she opened her e'et ! . she was Iy.
ing ou the green grllss , a short Illstonce
from the spot , whllo her hend reclined
upon sOll1e gontlemnn's shouldor. and the
sllme p'rson wn9 gently funning her with
n foldcd newspaper. Looldllit uP. Rhe
met the ennlust e'cs of Dr. Elfcnsteltl
bent'upon h'l"S. and snw tbat he wu
thns Idl1dly snpportlng her.
"It III nil right now. Miss Nevergall ,
You Ilro saCo , nlld will he 3'oursuf ) 111 onE
moment. " he : : IIIld.
"Oh. hut thnt'as terrlhle. terrlblu ! '
she murmured , wIth a sbudder. as hel
C'I ! ! ! closed alaln , I\t the moru rell1um
"It was , truly I While I got to you It
time , tbunk hel\\'ull , thure"IIS not I
lIecond to spllrol"
"Oh , doctor. I can ne\'er Ulank you
for I kno\\ ' now thut It WIISOU who av
cd md"
"Va nol tl" ' , : 'IlIss Novcrgal1 ; \\111110
e thnnkl'd. : 'II ) ' fright , 1 nssure 'Oll
Wit ! ! nearly equal to rour own. "
"How did 3'011 Get the shoo off ? " sh
I1fked. lit Icngth. 1111 bho 1'lIlsed hersul
from his IIrm , 1\11\1 \ glnllced at her foot.
"I never Clln toll ; It wns so surr IIn
, It tool. all my strenGth. But nO\1
! ! IIICO ) 'ou I1re hetter. I wl1\ \ rCa wlu
hus heeol1l\1 of thnt obstlllllto little boot.
In 11 few moments , ho sm1Jl1I ly retl11'l
cd with Its dllniliduted romuills 111 b
"YOIl will scureel ) Iwo\\ ' your ow
( I 1'0 II C1.t ) . . . . ho rumllrl\Cd. "It Is so crllshe
nUll torn. 'l'he IICtioll of the hen3tral
looscned It. un thus 1 cumo off wit
lIlO 611011. "
" : 'II ) ' poor. poor shoe. " sl1hl Ethel.
faInt smile hovering IIroulld her Ilnlu 1111
"W 011 , It mny bettor be ertliJll'd tl1l' '
my Coot ; bllt. renl ! ) ' . tholljh SCllrt'C
wenrable , I mlltH Il11t It 011 ; " nlld 8 ]
rcnchl'\1 out her hllnd for the torn 0
"NII3' , nllow 1I1U to re/ltore It to I
Illneo. " said the doctor. Imoellllj ; besll
h\'r. " h' ( leer chlltl , YOIl hll\'o scarce
trclI lh enough ) 'ct for suoh 11 tusl. . "
With the : ; ro/\tlit / : tentIernel's IIl1d cm
he drew the boot o\'er onu of the 11I1IIIIh
IIttlo feet he hnd er been sUPllorllnl :
\\'omnll , 111Id ns he finished bllttollln ; ; t
\'Cry Cew buttons thnt romnlne , hc IIrOI
ulld heg ( ' ( l her to I.eel ( Icnlt. ! > d IInt11
hroll ht hllhur his horsu nnd Ilg , ns
told hcr he shollid IU81st UlOIl carr1
her home. liS IIhe was , he knew , sl
wenk froUl fright.
I.ooklni : around , mthcl SI\\V , for t
first time. his horse Stllll lllg qlllutJy
he the rondflde , n short dlstanco from I
[ II , track. where ho bad left hlw , to rush
lId her ftsslstance.
cs nrln lng tbe anImal and C'OIITeynnco
dy hIJr side , Earle turned , and Ldore I
Ie. fnlrly uuderstood hll Intentloll , glUlel
. . . ; . . . . . . _ A _ _ _ _ 00 . . . . . --r _
- -
I her In hIli IInnB from the ground. l1ud 11ft.
In : : her Into tl leat , spunglghtly \ to
her 81le. (
"YOIl ml1l1t not he & nrt1cd nt my pro.
lIulllptlon , MIlls NeverJnll. ltememhe.
phYlllclnns hnvo prlvllegclI othel'll huyo
not. 1"ou nre my pallent 1I0W. UI1I1 IIntll
1 see the C'Olur re.e tnhll8hed on 3'our
\IlS \ ( nnd cheek. I am 111 dnty bound to
care Cor ) 'ou. You are not offen ed1"
lIe hent to gnze Into her eye118 / ho
nskl'd the QuC"tlon ! , IInd bls el1M1est loolc
hrollltht the telHalo hloo hack to her
cheoks. '
"Oh , uo , nol Thnt would bo ungrat. .
ful Ind dl" was the low reilly.
'he rlllo reully revived her , nnd a8 the
doctor took her quite n rolllHlnbout way ,
III order to Ilrolong It. IlsRurlng her It
would he hcnollcllli to do HO , she \\'ns uble
to gIve II untur:11lllrln ns ho helll out
Ills hnn to nllslst her to the , -round ,
when at lenj.-th 'the ) ' dnlvu 1111 to the
elltrl1l1Ce of Glendenning' II all.
'herc WUII a hllPJlY Hl1IlIo stili IIpon
her lips ns. after thanlnulld ! : hlddlng
hcr kind frle1111 nllll'll , und seeIng hIm
11ft his hnt ns ho dro\'a off. Ehu ran UI }
till' plnzzll stepH to pllS8 to her room.
Bllt the smile ynllltdll'ti Instltlltly as
Belie crtme forward from hehlnd the
hellYY screen of ylnell. nn(1 ( with un I1nl.71
look In her eyes. exclllimed :
"WIlnt doell thIs meau' , 1 wIsh to
know If Sir Hcs : nald puys ) 'ou n IHllary
to rl e around I he cOlin try with 3'01ll1g
mon ? I Ihllll Inform hll1l of this ride. "
"As 3'011 plensel1s9 : Olendnnning. It
curtlllnl ) Is not my Intention to keep
secret the fuct thllt 1 have jUHt narrowly -
ly esclliled ellth h ) ' beln ! ; crl1shed hy
the cars. As Dr. IJjlfcnHteln riHlwd his
1IC0 to drng me from dnnger , nnd then
emplo 'ed his IIkllJ to brin ; . ; mo from n
dreadful SWOOII , he eel'tnill13' thoujrht It
110 harl1to restore mo wfey ] to ) 'our
ullclu's nl a8 I was too weall from fright
to walk. "
So suylng , BUIII pussed on , Ica\'hlg the
nnJry , hut nlJtonlslwd jlrl to her own ra-
llectlon8. ' 1'11 nt thesu were not of n01'1
pll'uullt : lIuturo , . the following whlspur
; : : nvo o\'ll1cllco :
"It Is alwnys the way. Wish to keep
one Ilerson I\WI1) ' from another. and something -
thing 1 < 1 IHlre to haplen ( to bring them
tOJetbur. One thlll : ; 1 11m detel"lnlne ,
howoyur , ho shull ucyer marr ) ' Ethel
No\'ergall , If 1 ellll possibly prerent ft. "
Ethel tIlt ! uot entirely reeo\'cr frotJ1
the effects of hur frhht. until after tha I .
lIiht's ; sl p had liery..tI to cnlm her.
nur\'es , nnd all thu e\'ening that folloed
Ihe'us excltetI : nnd scarcely a ble to con' i
trol hel' elf.
Whou she hudo the family gool1 nIght
and loclted herself Into hl'I' room , III or-
d\'r to proceed to bel' nightly tasl. . It was
\\'WI n dazed fucling , and un l1ehing
hou . Nerylng herselC for her uty , how-
e\'er. us well 115 shu could. she Ilroceel.
cd to light her candle , and taking Uw In-
dlspousnble Imlfe , sh ( ' pas1ed through the
wardro e nud passagowuy , Illto the corridor -
rider he'on .
1'0ssctslnJ ! ; herself of Ule ot
food , she remomhered to fllsten the tIoor
with the Iron hook. n precaution the bur-
OIlUt hnd charged her I1lwn ' ! ! to ohsarvo ,
that by 110 po.slbllIty coul she be sur-
llrlsed whllo neeomlllishillg her task , then
pllsslug onwnro , she opened till' pallel all
usuul , and plnced ! .ho lllate oC fee UpOI1
thu shelves.
As she did so she heard distinctly a.
moyement on the other side. which , helng
rather 11I1usual , for sllulleo alone ordInarily -
narily relgued , startled hl'r alrondy ex-
cltl'll nenes so much that she gayo the
shelyes ilie requlrcd sbo\'e , and just al
they whirled 11 WilY. she f.nw. to her hor-
ror. whell too late to stop tlwm , that she
hntI dropped the knife from her haud.
and It hnd gone aroun with the fee .
Brenthlessly she waited fot. the return
mo\'oment , hoplnl : thnt the crenture with.
lu wOllld not o ser\'o It , and thut It would
come hMIt with the plata.
As she waited , a singulal' lou , shrill
nolsu or cry cnmo from within. ' 1'ho uuxt
11\011\'nt the shol\'cs had re\'olyod. and
the plato nlolle apluared. (
Appulled with her own enrelossness.
! lnd falle 'lng site knew 1I0t what us the ,
l'elmlt. the torrlfic , hnlf frnntlc girl. ,
could ollly tra w to the pnnelR. with 1111 I
the oXllelBtlon posslblo , and Wen hnstily
I'elurn the basket , fusteu the door nnd I
. sIJck the safety of her o\\'n npnrtll1ellt.
; What wna uow her dut . ? Should . .he I
I II1\U1l'dlntely seck the bl1ronut. who Wltl
llrobably asleep by thIs tlll1u , alld tol\ln \ ;
him the mlshnp. ask what waa to bl
done ?
ol 000 could not thInk this course 8
' 1'ho bnronet exceed.
. wise ouo. WRS nn
InKly Ilnssionate 1IIan. Such n tnle. nl
this hOllr , would throw him lute a whir :
of ner\'ollJl anger that might cause dnm'
age to the hreken hip. the hOIlOs' oj
which. 1111toped \ , bnd by this tlmo com
lIIellced to unite.
( 'ro bo eont1nu d. )
Alllh 'R'Inllol" Chnnto's .Joke.
Amblls l\dor Choate. Ilt the dlnllel
I'CCIlt ! . 1I\'en him In Loudon IJ ) ' th
PII/I'lms' / ChllJ , sah1 :
" I ) ' eln tlon htonIght Is II'l'at
It II' II'I'nt 1114 It WI\R on the occlIslol
or m3' lll'st In w lIlt. ' 1'hn t was a hIlPP ;
tlmo. I I'euwmher that 1 hnll 8a
1J1'00l1ln uml IIBe. ' 1'he IIrtel'noon WIl
g1'll ) ' . 'l'ho Inw as a cl\l'oer seemel
hopeless. SUlhlenlr thol'o WI\S 1cl1l1e
nml an excellent casO oerol'ed 1110 by ,
wel\lthy ml\n. An hOllr IIlter 1 got
sccond case. It was Incredible. ' 1' " , '
l'I\SeS , m ) ' Ih'st two CI\Hes. und bet
gIven me the SIUlH ) dllr.
"lIow 1 , , 'orltcll thut nl ht o\'er In
n two c.nslsl ! 110w 1 thought about thm
s. us 1 WI\II.ed olllcewul'Il wIth m ) ' J.l'eo
III hug the lIext mOI'lIlu&1 & I remombl
1) ' thltt Ii 81mbhy Iersoll. t\ccostlng mo ( ]
I\ '
Ib I wn suld :
" 0111 clothes ? Anr old clothes i
tll Be 11 ? "
Ih. lIe seemell to be rl'nrdlnJ & ; the g'l'cc
I ) ' bl1b e hll . 1 hell1 It U1 > fOI' him to Be ,
" 'Oh , 110. ' sulEl I. 'uo old clothes , III \
re. CI'lend. New suits. ' "
! st
n All ICnow the 1\IINWo\ ' .
I '
H' ' 1'he tencher WIlS temul ; llel' clal
he tliings 1I0t found III the text-hook ! ! .
hI' "When uII.thlng Is l'UIcutcd U ) ' lUlU
Ul : 1)11)0118 It gets to uc cnlloll u 'sll 'lnl :
till she slthl. "Now , whcn u thllll : Is r
lCIh11 nml I\cce1 > ted 1\8 1fnet by e
h er'bodr. whnt do we cnll It 1"
'rho Intelligent 1)1\1 > 118 UI1.'iWC'I'CtJ
cllOrus , "A chcs.tllutl"-Ncw Yo :
Ihl' ' 1'lerc ! 111'0 lUoro fugItives trom 1
red justice thl1J1 there 111'0 fl'om justice.
_ _ _ _ -'In1.
" 1II C8 nnll Jollclchl thllt Arc 8Uf1ll08el1
to Iru ' "C Becn Hcccil tly Boru-HII.IIIL : "
allli UOIII H thut Are Old , Cnrloll. 1\1\11
LIUllhnblo-Thc 'Ycek' . llUUlor.
JIl1rdupp-'Ily : wlfo Is sIck , doctor.
Whllt wlJl ) 'ou chal'go Cor attl'ndlug
her ?
l'h 'slclnn-'rhree dollars 1vlAlt. .
HItl'II1 ] > PWellCl'w ( ! don't cnre to :
cntPl.tnln'Isltors. . Couldn't 'ou malw .
Il a tell.mlnule call tor a dollu" : , I
l'l'cllnrlll : ; for the HIli.
Wedel'lr-I'IU leamlng to SWcar In
l'rench. ,
lnJ.ll'fon-necnuse why ? . I
WI'IcJ'IBecausc my wlCc hus
tr\II , Cerr'd hel' II/ltl'ollne / ! to :1 Pl'ench
m 111 111 1' . . .
lIc 'VnK cnrfllJhtetl.
r . . _
. , .
Hm'gouulster ( uowlllg polltelr to
scarccrow-.rhe ) man Is certainly
ragljL'd-looklng , uut llC Is Indeed polIte.
Whcreln 'l'hey Differ.
Llttlo WIl11o-Say. pa , what.'s the
difference uetween a hmc.'h and a
IUl1cheon ?
Pa-A lunch , my son. Is a light dIn.
ner and n. luncl1.con Is a light lunch.
NnturuDelttlctlon. .
"As Cor me. " said the hoastful stran-
gel' , "I don't know what fear Is. "
"Ah , " o sel'\'ed the man , ,110 car.
rIed one eye In a slIng , "then ) 'ou arc
a bachelor ? "
Grcnt uIvntloll.
"Superstition Is 11 great thing , " saId
the returned explorer.
"Speaking from experlence ? " asked
the close fl'lend.
I "Yos , sIr."hy. . on the last voyage.
when wo were just a out to famish ,
eYery man discovered n. rabhll's foot
In hIs pockct , Ilnd we had rabbIt.foot
60U1 > . "
II { n r1e. " .
" 1'he ' are n. famlly of marked social
I distinctIon. "
" " 'hy marked ? "
"So people w11l lenoIt , I suppose. "
A HCll1lnder.
C1erl.-lIere Is : m or er from Smiths
I for two quarts ot uerrles , but It
doesn't sa1lnt kind ,
Groccr-Send them lllberTlos. ' 1'hey
: ) \VO us 0\01' a hUl111re dollnrs.
Ylctlml7e' : nt I.nllt.
n. TIll ! 1 < ' 0011111\1-1.11\11111) ' , hlowod I
0 some uloomln' tltkr nln't hln al1l
plt\chell m ) ' 11Ocl.l't 'nnlwl'cher.
Con\ht till III Hchnnn.t.
IY "No , " suill the filiI' lrOpt'letor ot th
In ' ' ' 11l'1\I't "I cannot bo '
refl'lgel'ut01' \ , ; ) 'OU
in wlCe , but I'll he II sister to ; ) 'ou. "
r ' ' ' 1'h\nl.s : , awfulJ3' , " rejolnod th
18 ) 'outlt who WIIS lefat the post. "I
tl1el'o hi uno thln I need 11I01'0 tlm
lIuother It Is IIn I' : el'ly s3tel' to 100
after 1110 II1HIIH'\'ent me tro111 mul.ln
m 1\ fool or 11I 'self. "
a. '
) " 1111elll'lII < Artl"t.
l I'll'nd-l1\w dhl you eyer get thu
ben utlful l'ell suurlse.
Artlsl-I al.otched 1tOlUlltO. .
83 Which IN WI..c"t.
'rho Opt1I11IHl-Suuhluo : : AlwaY8 to
117 , , lows rulu.
' 1'110 l'cssl1l1lst-1tnln nhvuys tollow
8UIIShluc.onwrvl1le ; Journal.
1\- _ _ _
thartl ' . 'ruvul.
In l'bo Actor-Do 1111111) ' I1ctors como i
rk thIs locl111t4
'l'he Fllrml'r-Shouht 9UY 00. Wh ;
1 cllll'l ! tcep n fl'It'O bocl1u'Jo the b03
Jl. ulie 1111 tl.1o 1'I1l1s to 1'ldo thoUl out (
to\\'u 011.
_ . . . . . . - . . . - - " . . w _ . . . , . .III
- - -
A " 011111 : Allntomillt.
SOUle daYB ngo two little tellows ot
i lit III 13 'ea\'s hCl\rd older people
speuklnJ ; ' or skeletons. ' 1'ho 7.year.old
Lo ) ' lIstenell Intently to the conver811o
tlOIl. whell the cIder uoy , with nn air
of HUIrlor Iwowlcd e. said abruptlYI
"You 1I0n't Iwow whnt 11 Bk leton 18 ,
1111I1 I 110. "
"So 110 I ! " replied the younger. "I
do ] mow. 1 Imow for certalu , 1 dol"
"Well , 1I0W , whut Is It ? "
"It'H hOlies with the people ofll"-
Llpplncott's : 'Ilngazllle.
A "Ilorc Hoom.
"We're u tt'lfte upset , " saId the mnt
who lIyes In It 11l1t. "Hnd to 'talcc Il
OUl' wlutel' clothes out or the haIl
cloH.t. "
"Wh ) ' , ! IOW " 'UH that' , "
" ' 1'0 IHlt up n cot In it : friend tro ,
out of town tlropp < , d III ; ) 'esterdny ant
r'nt the nllht with us.-Phlladel
1)l1ln PresH.
Pnltl fflr Her Trouhle.
' 1'HH-Hoxlo "s ) 'ouug widow has $2 ,
000.000. I hear ,
, TI'Hi-Yes : : but just tllluk of camlnl
thllt mueh monl' ' III one year.
'ress-Why. she dIdn't enrn thf
1I101H'Y hl'l'Helf-
.JosH-Of course she dIll. Wasn't shE
mUlrlel1 to him for a ) 'eur-I'hlladel
! JhllPrest ; ,
Wlllle-gr-darllllg , w.\V.hnt nn
these heayy Rounds 011 the stnlrs ?
: 'Iludgc-'l'hut's only Impa walking Iv
his sleep.
Willie ( skeptically ) - Does-er-d-
does he sleep with hIs slQes onBal' : '
thuore Arnm'lcan.
WOI'l\e thnn Lottery.
"Lo\'o , actm' ull Is a lottery. "
lilt's worse thnn thut , my boy , tOI
when a rnlln IlI'IIW8 a prize it frequent
Iy cOHts hIm 1\11 ho's got.-DetroU
Frpc PI'ess.
enc ofInny. .
: 'IUfJdns-llow does 'our fl'lend
Hookcr l'olld hIs time since he retlred
from active uuslnesH ?
Blfldns-Oh , he flHhes all summe !
alld lies alJOut It all winter.
1'lIttllll : 11111I 'VIle. !
IIe ( on tbe ueach-What ) a pty ! tc
go iuto the water with that prett ,
uathlug suit.
Sho-Oh , I 11m not golllg into th ,
wuter. Tbls Is the suit I take mt. SUD
bu th In.
Nevel'Yorc Them.
"That chap must Imve come out here.
to starve. " said Amber Pete.
"Wh ' so ? " asl.ed the now arrl\"lllln
tbe Western town.
"lIe's It collar salesman. "
AccoIIIOllntlnJ : .
) leudlcaut-Cau you hc-lp Il poor mllr
out. sir ?
Pat 1'I1I't-l ; am sort'Y 1 am too stou
to gmnt your request. uut I have Il hi ;
bouncer lu the olher room , and he " ,11
gl\'e you auy assIstance you need.
'Vhnt Alw\'fI lInlpC-\I ! .
She-Your proposnl was quite une : ! :
IIe-'l'hat uelng the cnse. you shoull
bn ye been preparcd for it.
wh ' ?
Sbe-Beclluse )
lie-Because Il'R the une pecte (
thllt nh\'I1)'s happens. ; ) 'OU know.
All In the Fnmily.
lTc-Will YOII be my wire ?
She-Certallily not.
lle-'l'hen will fa
- you grant me-one
yor ? -
She-What is It ?
He-Bo a mother tf ) me. . Father i
goIng to propose to : rou to.n1ght.
'J hen He POtuleretl.
Hose-Isn't It fllllllY , Ir. SIlPP , hov
olle persou's feellugs nlroet others ?
Charlie Sapp-Ilow do ) 'Otl menn ?
Ilose-Wl1y. ; ) ' 0\1 saId you felt uotte
when 3'0\1 traveled. and so dId ever ,
one around hore.
When tile postman IJ1'ought the ' \VIE
ow only n. blL :01' her mourning gown !
sill ! hllrst Into tears.
"lIow crlll'1 :1IId Indelicate to milk
me think or enrtbly thIngs when m
Irler Is so newl" she walled. "ill
s.ldes. the gJ\\ns don't flU"
IIIK J\nllwleltuc : or HIZ ; : .
"Some Ih 'Rlclnllti dl'clnre , " I'omarl
cd the titn lIsI Iclal1 , "lhn t there In 11
m\lch st\'el1ljth In a cOllple or eggs 11
In n pOllnLl oC ueeC. "
"Huh I" 8uortl'11 the actor. "nl'o yn
o sure they mout1ouctl beef 01' r..lmburl
t er checso-Phlllldelphlll Prcss.
k Her J.ltIt ; Chnllce.
g " 'l'hat mnn , m ' dear , who C'Omlts lU
Is rllUwr fnst. the ) ' say. "
"IIe'lI hl1Y to e 1111ito fast or shot
: t \You't let him gut awll ) . . . .
-BlIllhuoro Pres : > .
Ahollt Womcl"
Some womell lire clmll obsen'ors 111
I. 1111 women al'c clothes olJservers. .
SOIUCI'V 1lI0 J ournlll.
- - -
' " A 1.0111 : Job.
Newsum-I 611IP080 ) 'ou heard th
Drngg hl111 committed suIcIde.
o GrewslllU-YolI menn Dregg , tl
IIclt-mnde : IUI\U"
Y. Newsum-Yes.
GrewBum-Woll. well : ro ho finlsbl
) f hlmsolf nt lut , -lhillldelpb
l'r. . .
" . .
, . .
- ' - ' , -
"her l'owcn Cur. l\lnlro rt Jleh.If. . . . .
b ; , Cuttlnlr ulr ItH tfJU"Ih , , , I ) ' .
. .111 nrtlclc on ltussla V JlJlIshc(1 ( 111
'lDuropeull. 11 jourlllll or 1101'.11I tional
bftuonee Issued In 1'1\I'ls , 11H ! II ttl'l cltI :
ko little nttcntlou III till' l'\II'OlIUII
Iress. , l'ho l1uthor Is the Duulsh pub.
leist , BjJrllstler1ll. ' Bjornson. lIe II\ ! '
IUUlCS that ltussla Is IIn uIHleslmble
'nd ' dnngoroUB clement In loj\ll'olll' aud
lslu , nnll a9 11 Dlcnns ot tl1\val'tlug her
urther ud'Iuce lrOposes thllt olher
iUlt10ns stop slI1 > pl 'lng her with mono r
.y. Sluce 18U9 , the writer l'stimatcli , L
Russia bas b01TO\\'od Iluroad jOOOOO- " " "
) with whlcb to build Heets und to
less than to ' ' ' ' ,
llalntalu an nrUlY no l'S'
! u.bllsh the gold atandanl nnll build \
lall\\'nys , and M. BJol'nson Beems to
: nkc It'ery much to heart thnt "lhe
nrger pllrt of thIs orelgn gold , whIch
'as Ulnlntnlned the Russhm Institution
Ind er\'e Its pll\us of o1 > III'c1Son : ; amI
If cOllfIuest , has Hewed from tbe coun.
: ' or 'I1bert" . . I\Ild fl'l1tl\ "
t'y ; ) , equallt ) \ \
J1ty. ' . . f
"It Is admitted lu l rnlJee nnd Amer-
cn. " : \1. Bjornson gOl' ! ! on to say , "tl1at
without l"rcllch goll1 the ltusslan lust ! .
, ullon would III1\'e goue to BUlnsh long
Igo. No centrnllz ( ' ( } lOwel' , eyen tbe I
best , Is , for nllY lellgth of tlUle , ealahl"
If Ioyernlng HO many anl1'al'lccl pee
hs. X'o Il1l11d , no mutter how pow ,
! I'ful , can strl ! ch oycr such au enol'
nOlls tCl'l'ltor ' 01'IIute so lUauy con-
J'ar3' df.Btlnles ! , created ' varied cll.
lIntcs nnd b ' ' "I\clal and
11\I1I1l'OUS \ rc-
jglous differences. llut what tbe best
to YI.1'n 111 I.'n t , what the most powerful
and cnunot perform hecomes chnoa
1Iid mlse1'IlHter a fe-eule autocrutlc !
' ' hlU'l'lI1cmtlc InstitutIon
lWPl' 01' a :
'Itl t Is merconal' ) ' ami memlaclous , un. I
tn Ie nnll o1 > pressye. ! Without tht !
'orelb'11el"s aid It woul11 ha'c destl'o'ell ; r
, tself. whether b ' re\'olutlon or hy r
t llhxla. . Wbat , brweyer. woull1 have ;
1een 1U0st natUl'ul wOllld ha'e been a :
e\Jornl dlslntogmtlon of the ndmlnls- 1. . \
1'a lion of the COl05111 ; mnsses of Hus. ;
tIn accordIng to Ii sf'heme of fC' e1'll II. !
mtlon. I
"With the a Id of the fOI'elgner's gold :
III the 11If1I1U1U1fi hIe lUll tel'lal of thl9 ;
( ormldaule IIcculllulathm of In UStCd !
1\1(1 distress has been a le to sub > ilst \
mtll It bl1s beco" e II dnnger to us aU. .I
[ 'uIess II " 'Il ! ' pr..pfatcs : her upon hel
, ' ' , l1l'h ulJ be fol. I
eI.hbo1's-a ; \ \ 1\1' " ( w
owed thl'ou h lonl 'l'urs h ) ' thundL't" , J
'ns ' ! nnd tumults-she will continue to j ?
! Oll\.t \ tbem as of 'ol'e. On this 1101llt "
Ill1sluu ! and fOl'clgncl' agree. But war I
wlll come. If up to the IH'esent limo .r-
the uIl.powerful nnsslan Institution
nns not recoUed heCore lIuy of the
mellus tlll.en to prolong Its exli teuce ,
, , 'by should It I'ecoll hofore wltr ? Wl1at.
\'er tbe rl'Sult of the war , one thing
Is cerIa In-the paYlllent of Interest
" ' \11 \ cease. Hussla w\ll \ thnnk the nld
lveu h ! ' by state bankruptc-Pul >
Ic 011 Inion.
'ypicILI OItJ'11' A mel' cn.
The rl'sults of recent hlYesllgat10IU
, hothnt PhlhHlelphla Is 1)I'e.eml.
elltl ] the American city. In 1700.
, , , heu the fil'-t : Cl'nsus was takell , and ' 1
' 01' nt least two dccades artcrwal'd
: 'hll\dell1hla : contained more Inhabit.
, lilts thlln Ilny other . \merlcan town.
\s elI'l ; ) ' as ] 80 the 110pulnllon oC PlIlI.
I Idelphla was 11,20. According to tb
ensus of ] { ) OO PhlllldelIlila ! contained
1.mJGD7. : or whom 9US,3 7 were nn. .
: I\'e lind 2Di.J40 : : Corel.n : horn. In not
1 Ingle ward or the ( 'It ) ' nre tl1ere
1101'0 foreIgners than nntlles. Ot those
nhallltunlH both oC whose parents
I\'ere born In the same COI'olgn coun.
. .
t1'1. 22l,1 : ! JG claim Irclnnd as the blrtl1.
pace ] of theIr parent ! ! ; ] [ m,238 , Gcr-
: uunYi 3,02D , Bnglund ; 4-1.120 : , Hussla ,
uul 27,060 , ltllir.
or the native horn population or
PhiladelphIa ( DD8.J5i : ) , 8 H.-18 were
1)01'11 111 Ponns 'h'anla , 30.DiS In New
' ( 'rsey. 23,184 In : 'IIl\r 'land , 2.8D3 in
ew York , 20GS8 In Vlr lnlll und ] 0. .
mti In Delaware. Comparut1vely Cow
'esldents of PlIllulelpbla : were born In
OEnglund or the Western Statoo.
l'hat L'4 to say. Phllndelphla docs nets
s exercIse upon those sections or our
e unlry tlJe magnetic attraction exert.
Id by New York.
Of forol11 ! born residents In PhBa.
jelphla only UtiJS4 : nrc nuturnllzed. It
Collows that the political Int1uenco or
the so-called "Corelg'n vote" is Inslg.
' \lflcant.-lIarper's Weekly.
Oatchln ! : Hlna-TL\ll Monkeys.
HIIII-t.nll monlwys , one ot the mos\
mlunble and eXllUnslvc of the smlllm :
lnllllllis. nre eauht : In nn Interesting
IVIIY' . A cocol1nut Is 8I111t In two uud a
Imllnnl1 wltb a 1I1ece of wood runnlul !
Uu'ouA'h It placed lellgthwlso through -t
lhe nut. the two hnl\'Cs or whIch tire
[ 11'11 wn together b ' wh'e. ' 1'hon 1\ hole
[ s cut lIu'g'c enollh : for the mOI'Itc"s
Ja w to enter. ' 1'he monll' ) ' 81110s lite
_ telUllt1u : ; nut from his troo. : Io hop
Liown , lool.s It o\'er , sees the bole nnd
) smells the banllna Inside. lIe Iii fond
banllnlls. Pultlng his paw In. ha
! ; I'I1SpS It. hut the wooll ' prevents 11
[ I'om comln ; . ; out. 'l'hen'the catcher !
IIIIHar nnd t.he lUoulwy runs Cor a tree.
Ullt bo ( 'annot climb becl\use of the
( ) coanut on his 1 > wand he will not let
s' o of thn t. so ho Is captured , 11\ : wIng
? "lIdl ' 1t a tree trunk.
'I'llI' Onncn ( lr Prevoutlnn ,
Choill-Wbat makes 'ou thlnl , 014
' \IIII\I'd thougbt 3'OU had cOlUe to hllll
; 0 borrow Ulolle ' ?
Id Jaclc-Oh , he bl'gnn tnlklllg rhht
_ LWIahout how hard up he was.-
SlImel'ylllo Joumal.
" -hnt J1uII)10IlcII to l\Iuhloou.
III O"1'oole--Muldoon Ithruck bIll wolt. ) . "
, bthldy. . > ,
l10 McKlck-I be In jnll ?
O''l'ool nw : lIe In til' 111l\'seplttlol ,
l' '
-Bllltlmorc Amerlcnn. l'I
! ! 4 A mlln Is punIshed 80 much for tnlk. ' "
J. Ing too treeIy that nn old Ulan usuuJIJ I
ta1b leall thau a ) "oun ono. '