Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 22, 1903, Image 4

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    - - -
, I
fll . . . . . . , " - - . .
iu ter orO. JepubUcon
1'l1bll.bed every Tbunday at the County tlellt.
D. X. .A.M.8DEmtY. . Etl I fAr
8-00co tn Cnltor Dlock , Jrourth An.'i'1'
allured aUbo L > 08tomco at Droken lIow , Neb. .
U 1000114.41&11 maUor tor tranlmlnloll througb
\be U. 8 \ Malta.
Olt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11.00
Olle cOlomn'I'u month , ' 7.00. Ono.halt col.
Wlan per mon b $4.00. Quarter column. r
_ n l , 11I.00. 1.o8/J thAn Iluarter column , W
utlb per locb per month.
Cardl on Qut p.go. 60 oonls Iler Ineb , per
LocaladvorU lojt 1ceDI. . or 1100 each lo.or.
'tton.Notice ot church talre , loclablo/J and onlortoln.
Dlenb where mODOr Is cborKcll. ono.hnlt rnt08.
80010ty noUce. and rC80lutionl , onc-halt ratee.
Wedd1ugnoUcee free. bait llr\ce \ for publl'hlng
ltat of prcl ntl.
Deltll noUcos tree , half rlc8 lor pubU8blng
ebUuary noUces , Rnd cardl of thanke.
, LegalllOUCOd It ratca provided hy aatutclI ! ot
' .rhursday , October 22 , 1')03.
State Tlokot.
. -
I'or , Jodge or tbo Supreme Court-
J.1J,1J , NII. :
Vor Heienh or IItatt : ! UolvenUy-
. , CnAHLC8 8. ALLICN ,
. Lancaeter.
Twelfth Judlolal Dlstrlot. ; .
For Jlldlt8 or Iho ' ! 'wnltth Judicial Dl8trlct-
I I O. 11 , llOSTJCTLEJ ( ,
, County Tloket.
I For County Judge
: . . . A. AUMOUH.
} 'or Count1 Clerk
For Count , Troalurcr
i W. A. OROltOb : .
For Oount , 8horUl
! lor , Clerk DIBtHct Court
ORO 11. MAlH.
For Superintendent of SchoolR
J. 0 , W. LEWIS.
For . , Ooooty Hurveror
For Oount , Alle'sor
For County Coroner
Vlt , MomtoW .
County Supervlsor Tlok6t.
I'Jr 8upenllor 8econd DI.trlct-
u. F. C1l111:3ry ,
" Houud V.llef.
For . Sapunl.or Foulth Dlatrlcl-
, J. n. KLUMP.
. Klump.
J'or SupelYhor . ! ! Ixth DI.trlcl-
A. 1'0NDA.
, . . Oconto.
Township Tloket.
FOT Townhlp Clerk
'For . ToWnlhlp Treanlrea
For JOilico of the Pellce
J , J. 8NYDEIt.
} for Con.tablu
\ , L , E. COI.E.
I Fqr. UoalS Oer.eer. DI.trll t No.1
For . Road Coraeer. Dlltrlct No
} 'or . ROld Oferle8 Dlltrlcn.o , 3
, For.Kold Ovenoer , DI.trlct No.
I . j O. B. UEU'IOU.
I i'or Uorod Overauer DhUlct No r.
FRED AI1'l'IWlt.
I Yor . . . . Uoad Ovoucer UlRtrlct No.
I Yor Road Oveneer DIUrict No , 7
: ' . ' J. N. WF8T.
i '
F. 'E. VanAntwerp , the repub-
, hcan candidate for county survey-
I or , has no occassion for concern
O\1t 'hi . re-election. , The only
. q\testion of sl > eculation is whether
11:1s : or Armour's majority will e
the larger.
- -
"There should be no question
r.w th voters about who to vote for
cp nty assessor. Jules Haumont
is'\ one of Custer county's most
hjghly respected citizens and suc-
i c ssfull farmers with the educa-
, -
; I
I' ,
, .
j' I .
" .
k . Glasses That Suit R
: , Your Eyes are what you want when 8
f' ' , you need glasses at all. Glasses
that are tlot what your eyes require
I may be u hindrance instead of u I
I I help to good vision. It is also ver ) '
I ' . . important that the. . . . . . . . S
hold the glasses in 11 proper posi. ft
. tion in front of the eyes. It will R
, f cost you nothing but II few 11I0m.
, \ ' ents of your time to step in and R
see if you nec glasses.
: F. W. HAYES ,
" ; . : f ELEl & OP'J.'ICIAN. 8
( West Side of Square. Ii
J : , QCf"
'I' ! _
, . . . . . " ' . . ' , J _ _ _
tional qualifications nccccssary tIJ
cnable nim to 1Ilal < e a most cffici.
ant oOicer. IIis election is assured -
ed by a large majority.
'l'hc United States has won
over Canada in the mattcJ of the
Alaskan boundarv. 'l'he Canadians -
ians are very lI uch displeased
with their ] ng1ish brethern of
the commission , who acceded to
the Unitcd States' claillls in the
At all ) ' and aU timcs you ma ) '
call you will find Geo. W. Dewey
in the county clerl < 'sol1icc att ( nd-
ing strictly to the Iluties of his
oOice , while his opponent is OIlt
day amI night trying to pursuade
the voters to turn him out , but
the ) ' won't do it.
_ _ h _
'l'he Beacon does not deny the
statement of thc ] WUIIJICAN
that the present pop shcrilT and
his deputy , Hichardson , collected
on distress warrants and milage
$5,784 , of which 1I0t a dollar of
the fees for milage was accountcd
for to the count ) ' .
Supt. J. G. W. I ewis is vigorously -
ously looking' after the school
work of the county the same as if
no election wcre ncar at hand.
He feels contented to leavc his
case in the care of the public.
Such loyalty to duty will be amply - .
ply rewardcd a t the polls on
elcction Da ) ' .
- - - - - -
'l'he board of Supervisors is not
a thing of secondary considera-
tion. In fact , good , clean men
shouI'd always make up the board
of supervisors-men who are a
business success. ' 1'h ( ' voters of
the Sixth district can ne.ver do
themselves a better act than to see
that A. Fonda represents them on
thc next county board.-Loup
Valley Queen.
- - - - - -
Because you hear nothing about
our county clerk , Geo. W. Dewey ,
do not forget that he is a candidate -
date for re-election. Mr. Dewey
has made such an ideal ofticial
that the opposition can find nothing -
ing to say against him. He
should be returned to the place
by a handsume majority.-T40up
Valley Queen.
'l'he Sentiment in fa vor of
Hostetlerlthe republican candidate -
date for district judge , grows as
with the near approach of election.
Since the s loon canards about
him have been thoroughly e x-
ploded his chances ha\'e greatly
improvcd in Custer Count ) ' . We
predict for him more than his
party vote in Custer county.
B. O. I ostetler , theRepublican
condidate for District Judge ,
spent a day in town visiting among -
mong our business men and calling -
ing on newspaper men , leavil1g
on yesterdays train for other
points. 'l'he 'l'HIIIUNH acknowledges -
ledges a pleasant call from the
gentleman and must say was vcry
much impressed with the gentle-
man's appearance and think if elected -
lected would make a fair and impartial -
partial judge for this district.-
' .rIte Calaway 'fribunc , ( Dem. )
'l'he Beacon last week appeared -
ed greatly chagrined because the
statement in the EHl'UlILICAN the
week previous associated the pop
sheri IT fees in collecting delinquent -
quent taxes with the treasurers
expense during the term of his
oq ce. This is not to be wonder.
ed at. It is the sheri IT's office
above all others that the Beacon
is striving to keep under populist
control. For the last tweh'e
years the Beacon has been sustained -
tained by the fees from the
sheriff's otUce. It sees the ship
is leaking badly and if it can but
save th sheriff's otUce ouf of the
wreck it is willin for the rest of I
- - - -
. , . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . " " . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I
'Jti ' ; J .
. fi - - i Yf. ; i Mifl .1i ; ! .J.JI'J : l.1f Y't.t'dttmi'1 : lti".if. . i 1
( ' . ' L F RNiAFR TS ' " " 'J
! " .
Apples , Peaches , Pears , Plums , , amI
I I , , Watermellons. . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . R
. , .
l ' . ' , F"'resb. . ' : Everv a V 'i " ; ( :
t ' " -A'1' THE- ilL M :
; : ' . 2 ' .1 : . S f AR GROCERY CO.
' " , . _ .tJit I. . . . . . , ' J'n . . . . . . . . . , .IA-J. , _ . I:7- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . l.trI. . .
: " 'IiCI : I4i'r.i.J' , . . . T'I' : I:7i1. . . . _ . . .wYtHj ! : " . . . . . ' . 'CJj. . ' 1o:1.o' : . . .
. ,
. - " . _ _ _ _ . _ h _ _ _
. .
. . . .
I the crew to sink. But can the
p ople longer afford the luxury
of a pop sheri IT , who refuses to
account for his milage but instead -
stead puts it into his own pocket.
Since it has developed that the
county board did not. compell
'l'reasurer Schneringer to issue
distress warrants in collecting
taxes , can there be any reason
for. isuing- : distress warrant for
14 cents and sending the IsherilT
forty miles to celled it , other
than to pro\'ide a fee for the pop
sheri IT ? Do the voters want such
deals repeated ? If 110t , do not
vote for a pop board , treasurer
and sherilr.
'V. J. Bryan seems to be getting -
ing wiser by expcrience. He now
ac1mowledgcs to a personal friend
lIt1l lt the free coinage of silver
is deader than a door nail , ' so
dead that it will not be mentioned -
ed at the democratic convention
in 1')04. He further stated that
"no other man in the republican
party equals Hoose\'elt in cstee m
of the common people and
especially the west. None equals
Hooseve1t in his power to com-
malHl respect of all nations and i
to weil < 1 an influence on the
world a t large. "
'l'he Beacon said a jurr of
which , nine were republicans said
it was right for Armstrong to
have the milage without. giving
the county credit and that settled -
ed "it until this campai n when .
the RHPUIILICAN mentioned it for
sinister purposes. " Ah ! 'fhere
JOu are again mistaken. ' 1'hat de-
cisiow1. . ; ; ' s been rankling in the
breasts of the voters e\'er since
the day it was rendered.Ve
conceede the jury could do
nothing else with the case .as it
was made up. But it was not
settled right nor is yet settled.
'fhe Beacon says the milage
fee was settled when the court
tried the case in which the republican -
publican county board refused to
allow Armstrong's bill for milage
in serving distress warrants , as
the court held he did not hav { ' to
accountfor the fees. In that the
Beacon is mistaken. No matter is
settled until It is settled right.
A pop attorney and a pop court
tried the case and it is true Arm- the money. , . But the
fees are not his by right and the
will not be settled until
case the
. t , . . .
pcople rise in their might and
sa.y by thcir votes that they will
not stand b ) ' that decision. If
that question is ever properl ) '
presented to a court and jury
that decision will be re\'ersed.
'l'he'oters wIll reverse it this.
'l'n'loa'.1I1.0Httlol1 011 SaIOOI1H. J.\th I'H
' 1'l1nt EXlllnln 'l'II1II8el\'l's.
M rna , Neh. , October 14 , 1903.
Hditor of RIWUurICAN ,
Brokcn llow , Nebraska.
I > HAR Sm-I : cnclosc copy of a lettcr
rccch'ed this 1II0rning which I wish you
would puhlish for thc bcnefit of lilY
fellow temperance \'otcrs in the county.
I 11m sending a similar cOllltllunicalion to
the olhcr'llroken Bow papers for publica.
tion. Respcc full ) ' yours ,
W. H..MI\'U1tws.
Berw'n , Neur. , . ct. 12 , 19 < > 3.
Rcv. W. H. Mathcws , ' .
Merna. Nebraskll.
DHAR S1R-Yours : of Septemher lolll
at hand IIUll cent llts , noted" ' : I drove to
1\Ierna to sce ) 'ou 1lt ) 'ou werc awa ) ' .
Bllt I will say I an n Anti.Saloon lIIan
and helpcd to dcfcllt the petitiou for 11
sllloon in U rwyn last 1\Ia ) ' alllI 1I1wII'S
will work against saloons , . IInd if elected
sheriIT of Custer ount ) ; I shall il1forc
the lllw : > of , the state. I wou1l1 like to
have seen ) 'ou bllt ClUlllot get tine ! before
elcctioll. Hoping ) 'ou can s < : e your way
clellr lo sl pport lIIe for YOllr sheriff ,
I rcmllitf as evcr ) 'ours ,
J. O. ' ! 'A\I.R.
UI'JlUhlll'l111 "otCl' .
. Do not loose sight. 'of the importance -
portance of the electi'on ' of' the
r'hpublican candidates. for members - '
bers of the h < ; > ard'pf sup rvisors.
'l'he board has.miich - ( { ) , 'do with
curtailing the expenses of the
county when they have a court.
that will sustain thQIIl in their
objection to illegal and exhorbi-
tant bills. . Christie , 1lump I and
Fonda are 'capable men and the. .
1l1an.agement of the connt ) . will' '
be s 1fe in their hands , .
. . . . . . - -
A SIII'ct , 1Ionll the 1Ie f ,
'fhose who claim that a Surctj'
Co. bond for county otUcial is not
as good as a personal end is e\'i-
dcnt1y either ignorant of the
facts or intentionaJJy argue that
way with the intention of mis-
'l'hc United States Go\'ernnent ;
, ollght to be as good authority as
a 2x4 politician at leilst. l'he
government has bcen ill business
for a long period of years and
having had experience with pcr-
sonalbonds it insists that its
imploj'ees secure Surety Co.
bonds. 'l'here are cases where
the ) ' will accept no other kind of .
' 1'110 lien COli UI'owlllg Itccldess.
'l'he Beacon seems to ha\'e been
forced to the corner and is striking -
ing in the air without regard to
consistancy or facts. In its last
issue it stated that a republican
board compel.led Mr.Schncringcr ,
when he was treasurer , to issue
the distres ! ; warrant ! ; with which
he and the sheri IT so nicely
feathered their ncst at the expense -
pense of thc count" , . 'l'he facts
arc that the resolution censuring
Schncringer for neglecting to
collect Uie delinquent taxes f
1891) was olTered b.r Cooney a pop
member of the board. 'fhere
wcre but \ wo republican members -
bers of the bo rd at the , timc.
' 1'he Beacon in the same issue
that it 'makes this false statc-
ment publish the \'ote 011 the resolution -
solution , showing aU were populist -
list but two that constituted the
uoard at that ti me.
HlcllnnlsulI A l'IIISI ' ' " ' "
, rung's HI'llIlt- : .
During the pa t threc and a
half years , C. U. Hichardson , the
fusio)1 candidate for sheriff has
been the deputy of the , present
sherilr. It is a known
fact that the deputy does more
riding in the county in serving
papers and that he is the one
who makes .most of , the returns
011 the.papers he sen'es. ' It \ \ s
under his deputy ship that the
sheri IT's oftice made its big graft
011 Custer County hI serving ( Jis-
tress warrants for delinquent
taxes : Let us look at the figures :
The Sheri IT received fees on
warrants on which he made col-
' . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . , .
lecttons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. . 7. It ( ,0
On warrant's not collected -
ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 403 50
Mileage on warrants
colleded. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 247 37 I
, Milage on uncollecte l . .
warrants. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 334 55
- - - -
. , .
" Iotal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 784 00
Pop sheriIT's maintain' . that
they do not have to account for
the nilage. .You see from the '
above figures that the , sheriff and I
. } is'deputj' got. the magnificent I
siun of $3,608,20 out of the ( lis-
tress warrant business for w'hich
no alcounting was made to the
, ,
. ; - - . - ,
. )
Orotor , Entro Nons Club. '
17G Wnrrcn"Avcnue ,
OurOAOO , ILL. , Oct. 22 , 1002. . '
ForJ1carly fpur. . years I suffered . . .
'fr ' m 'ovarian troubles.'Iho doc.
tor insisted , on an o Crntion ns the ,
only way to get well. , I , however , '
strongly objected'to nn operation.
1Iy'liulbtu1d ! { elt dishe tencd.ns
w 1l as I , for' home WIth a sick.
, womnn is dia onsolnto plaeo nt ,
best. A.friendly drnggist nc\viscd'
him to get bottle of Wino of
Cardni for Jno'to tr.Y. nnd/he / did so.
I began to mprovo mnfQwdnJ ! ! Md ,
myrccovcrywns vcqrnpid. Within -
in eighteen weeks rvna"another
' '
( &J , " " _ , , ,
I .
' I
I " - . ,
Mrs. Stowo's letter ahows OTeryj
woman how n 1omo is saddened by I
, , fomala wcnknca nnd how completely ,
Wino of Card i cures that siclCi
ness a d'brlng8 health nnd hnppi- i .
ness in. Do not go on sufIcr-1
iug. Go to } : our druggist todny
ana secure n 1.00 bottle of WiDo.
of Cardul. . . . - '
' '
. . '
. . . .
. . . . .
- -
- l - - < t > 1 " " U
- -
r'i II iant
i-s the Light
\Vo have vurchased for our 1903 fall trade ,
200 Lamps of the 1903 patterns-they are 'T
lwuuties , and can only be appreciated by L
seeing' them.Ve have r
' Stand , Hanrri l ! and Vase Lamps
This is the lul'gost Lamp Sale ever carried
011 ill Custer county by anyone ho1tse-
Prices Reasonable.
r t it ! a sight worthy of seeing to look into
' show window of Lumps. Do not miss
the n rout Lamp Rale. . !
. . . Y OIll'R fol' Light , -
. . , ,
J. C. BOWEN , i
) . N Ol't1 } Hid } , - - B1'oken Bow , N ebraskq. "t
. _ I _ _ _ - _ - - = -na _ _ lA _ _ _ _ u _ j I
. _ _ _ N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ _
- -
count ) ' . Do you think Mr. I
l icha.rdson would do d i fferen t I
were he elc tcd than he has one
a depn tj" .
1.0' " ! A'I'Ili'I < ; ! 4'r.
"Iintl linclO&l.l : ( loIltf : .
i25.oo ; to I'Qrtlll11l1 , Tacoma , Seallle.
$27.40 to San Francisco Los Angels.
$22.50 to Spokane.
$20.00 to Butte.1lI111 Helena.
$22.40 to Salt Lake City.
Proportiollately low rate : ; to hlllulre s
of olher poinls , illclUllin lli Horn
Basill.Vyo. . . 1\Iontalla , Idaho , Washing-
lon , Oregoll , Uritish ColulIILia , Cali.
fonda , clc. " .
Evcry day until Novcmher 30.
Tourist cars daily to Californill. PCI'-
sonally cOluluclcd excursioll ! > lImt' tilllc !
a weck. .
' 1'mirh t can ; daily to Seat He.
Inquirc of ncatesl 11111 ling Ion Routt'
agent. 15-24
. claurc' r"tC"M.
Services lIexl SahUalh 1II0rning at rIll.
III. SIIIJjccl. "Walking with GOII"
Evcning scrce at j :30 : p. III. 'l'he pas.
lor will prcach his jlh : ; ennon 011 "I.ife
allll Tilllesof Elijah. " Thcllle. "NuLoths
Ville'anl. " Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 : p. III.
'rhe Jluhlic is cordially intc , } ,
At the l\l. H. church Sunllay 1II0rnin/ / {
the suLjec ( f'tl e s rlllon is "The Cross
hcfol'c the Crown. " Text 1\Ialt. 10:28. :
'I he 'c\'cning sut.'ject will he "The Chang-
less QUlIJit.of. : In. ' 'l'ext Jer. 13:23. :
The chorus will . sinh / th lIIomillan /
c\'cit\ug. Cco. 1' . 'l'ntcs , Pas lor.
Sunday school at 10 a. III. Di'incVor -
ship ut I I a. III. Topic : "IIcartHclps for
Hcart Hurls. " Juniorll.Y.P. U. at3 p.lII.
IIllller ; the dircclion of Mrs. D. 1\1. Allis-
W A : > iTED-SuYArnl Intln trlou JI rSOnB In
ench IIUo to tnY-1 for house l'.tal.JlIsbed eleven
lenrs 01'11 wIth , dae capllnl. 10 call lIJ10n mer.
chantflniul M eull ! for I'ucccsllnl nnd prulltAbla
lIuo. . 1"'IlUllllent ongalemcnt , Woplly cash
Rl\lary DC $111 ' 11\111\11 trayirlng , ( xlwmc nnd holel
1J1l1 ndmncCllln cu h Ollch.week. HtporleDco :
nOl t'P8 lItlal. lI1 nllon relerence and COCIORA
R'IC.addle88ul f'1IYOlcp ; 'l'III NATIONAL , aH :
Dcarborn t t. , l.hlcugc , I
" - - -
- -
. - \ I
berry. B. Y. 1' . U. at 6.30 p. n1. A
Young Pcoples meeting of the-very be5t I
chllracter. Preaching I1t 7.30 p. w : SUI ) .
' '
jcct : "The Tilles of el1 Mcn. " 'Mid. 'i'
wcek prayer time Wednesday 7.301 > . w.
The Iarlies Aid Society meets at the
church Thursday 2.30 p. w. Teacners
mccling Saturtll1) ' afternoon at 3 p. m. .Q.
' ! 'hc Ladies of the Presbyteriall
church will hold their AnilUal
Mid-'Vinter Fair. Place 'aQd
date will be announced later.20
FOH RENT-480 : acres of land.
'l'hree hundred acres in pa ( ure ,
good house and well , six miles
north of Anselmo. Enqure at
this office. 17 tf
. ,
Gctting up steam with coal is an
easy matter. 'rhere is a lot pfheat
in every'square inch of t. It is
the most economical steam coal on
thc Ull1rket. Gel our prices'on
quantities. For household ns
.CC > .A.J : : : : . . . '
i5 the ideal fuel. Il is "absoluteI
frpe fr m sla atH ! dirt and 1 er
is 110 excess of smoke or ash to
dirty thc cooking ute1sils" ! Ilnd
choke the grate. Your ord rs : will
receive prompt attention. . . .
Dierks Lumber & : Goal Co. ,
? , . : . ; : : . ; .J ; : : I'rll' : ; : : . . . . . . . . . .
VYVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVyvvvvvvVVVYV : : -i- : : : -i- ; : ! Y : " ; r : \ < ; : ; q y , ; x 9 $ vvv.v.v 9m Qm m . ! !
i . . Broken Bow Stearn Laundry ml
. < <
il' . : ) has secured J. G. Carpenter of Des . < <
1 ! < ! > ) 11.1' , ] o\va. II' ' a. . . . . . . . . . < <
. ) . . J .
; 0 f mnc years experIence 111 St eam
, . ; : 14aulIdry. . . Satisfaction assured.
1' ; > ( J1VC , us a tria I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
! 't. . >
> W alton & Val : ner. : :
[ _ . . ' ,
Ah AAAAAAAftAftft A . a AA
! m w. ; M : : cl j.'M . ; t ! ; t ! I8" , aM. - t
- _ . . _ _ , . . _ - . . . . - _ . . . . . . -
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, [ ! ! 1Eci = : ' , E'r = lffiffi @ } r.
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'Phono . No. ' ' 19.
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H. T. BRUCE , 'Manager. .