Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 22, 1903, Image 3

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$ : ' " ONLY ONE DIAZ.
UO Ie Olle of the Orentclllt l'ractlcQt
, Btntclllllcn of the 'fllllcs.
. Genoml 1'or I'lo Dlnz Is ser\'lng hI.
.Ixth term ns 1'roRldent ot l\Iexleo ,
in 's the ChIcago Chruiliele. He IIns
I . cell nOl11lnntl' for n 11eventh tel'm by
. . e01l\'uIlIoll of Nutlonnl l.Iborl\l ,
I'll Is , It Is understood , Is not In ne-
tordnnee wIth the wishes ot President
, pin ? , 1101' with his poUtlenl plu1I8. lIe
' ; s now 73 'c-nrs 01 < 1. lIe hus bel'l net-
" Ive 111 plJblle lIfo for I1ft . 'enrs , 111111
I'II when reelected 1'rcslllollt III moo he
lnllDe < 1 to l'eslb'11 before his sixth
'Tf fcrw expIred , so thnt uu er the Oon-
) ' .muttoll olle of his Cnblnet ml ht bo
tlecte 1'r05111ellt by Congr s.
Enrl ) ' In lee : ! It wns nnnouneCtI thnt
Olnz would retire trom olllco whell the
work at the Pnu.Amerlcnll Congrcss
, bnd been c0111111etCtl , or that ho woulll
ilDnounco bls doLel'mlllntian not to
III rro Ilnother term. 'I'hls IlnnOllnCC-
1nent wus I ( ! l'Oh'I'll \ \ ' Ith liS IIttlo fn01'
' 11 l\lexlco liS In the Lultrd Stutes. lu
lhts eonnh' ) ' Dlm sCl'1111'd ' to huvo 1) ) ( )
nlIIles uud lu his OWll eountr ) ' 110
IHIII UO 1'1\'lllfi.
'fhe peoille ofl'xl'o : , tI1l' l'llllltllllsts
lutercsted lu thl' < I\'l'loplIIl'ut of thl'
countr ' , the stlltem1l'u : : of thl' world In-
tel'pstl'll III ool1 O\'el'nllll'ut , Wl're of
( lIIe mlmlug-nlust the lll'opofiltioll to re.
tl1' ( ' . Pl'e ! ' < hlent 1 > Iu1. hhn"olf e\'hlel1tl '
hns reellllell his decision to reth e , le. :
caU8e 110 sulll (0 tllO'O : who tr-llIll'rcd n
t'enomlnntlou : "It Is the lIut of eYel' '
cltl1.en to ! 'ern. his t'olllltr ' as 101l
111111 nt ns IIln11 ' 11015t8 as his fellow
citizens ma ' ( h' h'l' , "
'fhls Is u doctrine of cuntillult ' In
oflleo pccllllllr III rl'xlco Ullllel' Dln1. .
Ill' enme Into power as 11 1ll1lItal' ' hero.
[ Ie was elected to the PI'esll1ene ' In
] 870 , because or hIs lIntrlotlsm. his
i courage. his prowes ! In , , 'nr and hIs
. romnntlc CnrCl'I' ,
IIc reth'cll In 1880 , hecnu' > o the COli-
. stltutlon lIrC'yentCtl his rl'-l'leetlon. ] l
'WIlS re-elect cd In 183-1 , b cause the
Constlhltlon lIermlttell rl'-electlon nI1l1
J because the llollle ! wClntell him. Ho
j great wns the l1eCtl of such n mnn at
the bead of the lInt 1011 thnt the Can.
stItutlon wns l11nel1l1ed thnt l1e might
be continued In office ,
rIe 11lls becn Presillpnt t wcnt1"-three
years. IIo hns quldell fnctlon. I10
hns estn llshe < l order al1l1 hns 1\'Cn
the Hepuhllc In'osperlty nllli IuHuence.
lIe Is as mu'h n pOllnlnr llero ns hE. '
was the daY' lIe ontq.'cd ! the rexlcn11
capital tWL'ntojgbt 'ears ago us dic.
tntor. IIe nppeals ns strongly to tlh
imaglnntlon of n romnnce 10YIug peo-
In nddltlou , ho hus pro\'ed himself
to be one of the rlnte"t prnellcnl
statl'sillen of the thill' , IIe has S11C.
co.'dPlI as nn executIye :11111 : ns n dII * "
mati st. nnd the world aeulescos ! In the
: ! lIexlcan 11Isporltlon to reYel'Se the I
'rule ' In repuhllcs , : UHf lUlll.e a mnn
President for life.
1'hcrc Is onJ ' one Dlaz.
Pcoplo I < : at lc/oIS BrclHl.
" 'Yell , IIOW'8 bmlness 1" asked are-
poder of a wholeosole Hour n ent.
"You would be 8ur1lrlselhe rl'-
plied , "to lalow thnt In the time of
I'l'neral Ilro'pel'lty we are selling' le s
, 110m than In hnl'd times , FI'OI1l lSII ! :
to 180 ; ) 1 soW 11101'0 Hour thou e\'r 1) ( ' .
fore or sInce , Business Is thrl\'llI In
IIlnn ' lIn , but the countr ' Is too pros-
iJerous fOl' the 11011I' men nud the bak-
Irs , " ,
"Why Is 1L ? Shnplr becnuse the Plo ,
jJle havc mone ) ' enou lI to buy other
hlngs thnn brlnd , When the country
2s luu'dIP people get nlollg' on bread
us the staple of tlll' tnble , Now tlll'Y
llse the fl1nc ' ccroals , hreol.f'lst foods"
cau use mOl'l' mcnt 111111 vl'letnbles 01111
, enl'roll ' eXlliIllll theil' dl t , which , of
OI1l'se , les'iens th < . > dl'lI1l1n < 1 for broad. "
-WH.illngtoIl Stnr ,
HntlH'l' Embnrl'nsslll .
A Wnshlngton frlenll of Mr , noell
Dnrned her fa\'ol'lte cat for him. One
morning , when the Spralwr wus culling -
ing on her. he Rtrokpd the ent , nnd
uBI.ell its nnme. She hnstlly invented
.a name. 'not IIIdug to tell him that It
, wns " .Mr. Heed , " A minute Inter u
stern yolee sounded on the staIrwur : :
" lr. Heed11' ! : , neell ! Arc 'ou In
, the porlol' ? Come out of thel' ! ' . 'ou ras.
' ! ! Whnt ' ' In "
'Cn arc 'ou doillg' there ?
: IJefore nny expluJllltion could bo
: made , u whlte.cupped maId lJUt her
hend In the dOOl' e\'ldentl .
: , \ una wuro
'of ' vlsltOl's. IInll cl'led :
"Come Out of that IJl\I'lor , now , I
tell 'on.1' , Ht'ed ! "
How to gat lU ushroII11.
, An gllgllbh lad ' In Jllpnn bought a
( : : In ot mushrooms Illlll fouud the Ilh'ee-
tlous translated Into BllglIsh as fol.
lows : Directlou-If se\'erul persons
- wlll be cat thIs In thnt mnnner they
sbnIl teel satisfied nutrition anl1 very
sweet or it enn Il\1t In the hot water
tor the hnlf hour nnd then tnlw off
the Ud. The ' shall \)0 proI101' to ent.
It can bo supply without putrllllty for
lovernl years.
Amm'lrm's OilIest 1\I11IC9.
The 01l1cst mInes In Amm'lcu. are 10'
cated In [ Jssolll'l. They nrc the lend
and nickel mines In1a < 1lson County ,
whIch were worked b ) ' the Indlnns ns
en.rl.1lS 1720 , fUld have b < . > en mined
contlnltQusly nlmost ever since. Tho.
mlnoi ! were ncqulred b ) ' a Frenclunan La [ otte. who ullwed thl'm
after himself ,
- - - - - -
noullll IJlolI.
I , " 0 , TOIllm ) ' , where did 'ou get 8ueh
& swollen IlOse "
I " 1VeJI , papn. I jes' bit thatnewshoy
I' ' oneo--n-n' tllen he Jes' flt-an' t-
, " , n' fit. " I
I J TclllllJ ; the ' .rwllls AJuut. j
\ "V'altb. Irs. O'rIarll , how d'ye tell i
I hlrn twIns apnrt ? "
j "Aw It's nIs-1 I
, ) - sUcks me finger In ,
Dlnnls' moutb , nn' It bo boites , I know I
It'8 Mo1ke.-IIurvard Lampoon.
t. ' . . . . .l. . . . . . . .
" I
, LEXINGTON , S. U. , Oct. 10.-
The trial of JUUles II. T'JIlOlun , who
WIIS charged with the murder of N.
G. Gonzales , editor ot 'rho State , In
COIUUlbll1 , on Januury 15 lust , ended
In an IIcqulttnl. : ' .rhe jury before -
fore whIch 'I'J1IUlan hus been on trlul
alnce September 8 , brought In a vcr.
dlot of not u\1ty \ , thus cndlng a
judIcial hearing which has engros ed
the attentIon of the public ot South
Carolina as none other blls In the
] nst quarter oC a century. 'l'he Jury
wns out for twenty hours before arriving -
riving at a verdIct. Never was a
euse in South Cartlllna courts more
vhorously contested t\1un \ this. ' .rho
solicitor was usslsted In the prosccu-
tlon by fOllr other In wyers.hllo the
ccused WIIS defended by seven In w-
yers , an exceptional array of counsel.
More than n hundred witnesses gave
testimony , about as man } on one side
as on the other , and nine lawyers
ar ued hef re the jury-
Mr. Tillman left on an afternoon
train for hIs homo In Edgefielcl , IIC-
companied by hIs wHe and friends
from his bOlUe county. ,
Rot a sound had emannted froUl
tbe jury room , whell , Judge Gray con-
yened court ut 0:3U : o'cloclc to' ,
IndIcate thatan agreemcnt l1ad beent
reuched. UI vII bus I ness was talee
up and moro than un hour had
elapsed beloro word came that the.
JUIY had determined upon a verdIct. ,
'l'he jurors lIle In and took thelj j
sents they had occupied fl r so
days. 'fhe defendant occupied his
customary position amen hIs Inw-
'crs , taclng the jury.
"Gentlemen , have you a reed uponj
[ J verdlet" waS the time worn ItlqulrYI
made by the clerk. ' .rIle foreman rC-1
plied In the al1lrmatlvo , and aL thel
same tillle handed the .verdlct to thel
clerk. It tllol hut an Instar.t to readj
It , and whcn the words "not ullty" ,
wom heard. some of the friends rJfl
the defcndant gave \'ent to their feel- ;
lugs II ] a shoutthough the COUlt had !
previollsly admoulshml those present
not to mulee any demons ! ratIon.
' 1'he motion by cOl\nsel \ for the de-
ren e for the lschar ' of the deFend-
lint was ImmedIately signed by .Tudge
Gary , the soIcHor : assentin , dnd
Tillman was at liberty. WIJon t.hc
Ic al forrnalilies had been gone
through with. 'flllrnan , walked up to
the hench and shook hands with tIle
lud e after which he sllOok the
hands of each of the jurors and later
was surr undell uy his frlenns , who
xtended their congratulations.
He left the court 1'01111 In company
with hIs attorneys , bllt parted with
them at the front door to go across
the street to the jail , visIting that
Institution for the last time to gather
lip his elTects. Ho has beun In cus.
tody since January 15 , his application
for hall ha "ing he'n ! refused.
Mrs , 'fill man and tile defcndant's
mother were not In the court room I
when the verdict was nnnouncccl , but
the former had heen aPlJrlsed of an
agreement and was at the jail to
await the announcement and met her
husband there. ' 1'110 mother had
heard at her hotel. some two blocks
! lway , that the jury had come In and
was hastenll1 her way to the court ,
house when shl ! met her son coming !
tlut on the street. Learning the rc-
suIt she threw her arms around hIs\ \
nlcl ! . Later all gathered ut the
hotel wl1ero they 'received their
friends and relatives. Senator 1'111-
man was not present having gene to
hi ! ' > home at 'l'renton , where hIs wire
Is recovering from I n Juries recei ved
In a runaway accident. tel'gmrn !
was sellt hIm advising him of the
'fhe court In the Indictment chargIng -
Ing the carr lng of concealed weap- '
OilS was I noreCl durln the trial and )
the jury toule no action on It ,
After the verdict was announced
the cleric lJolcl up the pIstols which
had Ugured In the trial and olTel'ed
them to the defendant , who waved
thelll olr , saying : " 'l'hey are not
III I ne. "
James n. ' .rlllman , after his acquittal -
quittal made the following statement
to the Associated lIrrss :
"I Ceel very grateful at the reslllt
of the \'erdlct , but at no t.1mo did I
apprehend any serIous cOllspqueDces.
I , of course deeply rej.rot ( the death
at Mr. Gonzales , lJut I was forced to
do what I ( lid. I have never apprehended - :
hended a convIction , tor I felt that
I dId no moro than anJ man would
have done under the same cirrum-
stances und what I was compelled to
do. My posH Ion was tully stated 10
, the testimony I ave on the stllnd
"I did not 11 I' for a chan e 01
venue because J was convinced that
on account of the prejueJco ] In Hich-
land county that 1 could not Iet a I
fair and hnpartlul trIal in that ,
county. I felt sure as soon as Ill }
CIISO could be presented to an Impar1 1
tlul Jury , I could be .Indlcated. 'l'he I
veralct has justified the correctness I
ot my judgmen t. " j
Firework Are An Evil.
COLUMBUS. 0. , Oct. 16.-The
state buard of health adopted a resolu
lion by which their secretary Is dl- I
rected to take steps to prevent the
sulo ot "toy pistols and oUJer explo"
slvo appurtenllncrs. " ' 1'ho rel"lutloll , I
recites that six hundred persons were 1
killed , ono hundred made hllnd , and {
ono thouslwd lithers Injured on the E
last Fourth of July. 'fhe bo.ud
theretore deolares It to be tbo dut , 1
of healrh authorities to abolish the !
evils attendant upon tbe celebrutioD t
ot lndcpen.dence day. J :
- - - -
_ : - . . ; ' _ ; : : - . "hO .
. _ " _ , . . , , ,
- - -
IlItlr\'lolv wllh l'lr t SU I'ot nrnuht
Out at OilloluIIIIII 'rrlnl-It/1I1 ' 1'011"
01 II"\U ) ' Tr"n ncllon. . .
OINOINNAT1 , Oct. -Dnrlmr the
Isecond trial .0C MllIel' and Johns i
tor consplrac ) ' 'n ' connl'ctlon wi th the I
recently exposed postal fraud ! : ! , nine
' wItnesses \\'ore oxumlned and Llw gov-
'ernment has four more to cull. Court
wa : in session from 8 a. Ill. until
after Up , III ' 1'ho prIncipal witnesses
were ! tyan and the 01ll1.Ial8 : ( rolll Wash-
Ington. The defense was no taken hy
surprise uutll In the afterno. ) ! ] , when
the sten , . raphlc reports oC the prl mto
secretaries of Fourth . \ssistllnt Postmaster -
master General Bristow and o ( General
Hobh of Inten'lows with ltfJllor were
Introduced as o\'ldenoo.
Joseph'f WMson. secretary and" I
s enogl'tpher to the fal'th assistant
postmaster general , testlll d to lmvlng
heen concealed In the olllco of his
chleC while General Ho'Jb and Ohlet
Inspector Cochran had their IIr3t In- :
tel'vlew wi th M Iller about the reports
0' ! .he postol\Jco \ Inspectors regardln/ / :
the declslor.s In the ] tyan case and the
discovery of his rela.tlons with Jones.
aut did not Iwow that a steno l'I1pher' '
, was concealed In ho room , as ho
e1ld In the last case wilen he made an
equally lengthy statement and sIgned
t.he report made hy 111' . ' .rums. ' 1'ho
extent of the aetectl "e worle that
has heen done in these cases hy tho'
go\'ermont was ne\'er dIsclosed until
durln { { the afternoon selslon , when
\'erbatlm repurts of these intorvlews
of MIlicI' were suhmltted In evidence ,
notwithstanding the ohjectlon and
excepLlon of counsel for the defenso.
It Ii now leowJl that more of the
detecti vo worle of 'the govern men t
w11l he disclosed tOlUorrow when
postol11ce Inspectors ure to takc tl1o.
stand. :
When the trials war 0 resumel ] lo' '
day the direct examination of , T. , J.
Ryan was st III In 11l'O I'ess , At Lllo
adjournment ot court last nIght
.J \HIJ.e \ ( 'l'homlSOn tl10lc under ad'Ise -
rnent the ohjection of counsel to
RYlin tcsllfyhg to whut Johns said'
IIe then read from his orIginal
stenos.raphlc : notes all that was said
( Juring the two hours aod more that
these ol1lclllls were thus questlolllng
M11Ier rcgaIdInJ. ( the case. It rrquir-
d ono hour and n halt for him to
read the nllte. which he went over
mUt1h more quickly than the -
vIew was carried on , ' .rhe dlfferenco
( f an hour In I hue was accounted Cor ,
by the witness beratsc of tile IJeslta- !
tlon of Miller at times during thu In- '
ten'Jew , The sensutunal ) appearance
01 Watson on the stand was followed
10UO afterwards by Charles II. Robh ,
a slstant attorney general tor the
pos1ol11ce department. being called
IInd he produced a copy of the transcribed -
cribed stenographic notes of his Rec- ,
ret Iry , Mr. ' 1'ul1ls. of another long'
Inteniow with Miller wlHln the sumo
partIes were present , ;
At the l1r5t meeting of ! Imler
wIlh Robb and Cochran the defend-
to him about what Miller may ha\'o
said to John concerning future dim-
When C0lll't con\'ened today JudRO
'l'hompson decided that a prIma facie
cuse had becn sulllclently made out
tll permIt the testimony of Hvan to
be admittod. Counsel for the defense -
fense excepted to the l'lIllnJ. ( , and the
eXlmln.ltlon : of yan hy the govorn-
111 nt oounsel was resumed.
Whl10 Hyan preceded : ! to repeat
In detail a conversation between
.1ullns and himself In a room at a
'rene lIaute hotel , durIng whirh the
witness claimed to ha\'e made a contract -
tract with .Johns for $ .1,500 for a favorable -
vorablo rnllng trom Miller , counsel
for the defendants Interposed tro-
quent CJbjertiolls \ \ hlch were overruled -
ruled by Jud 1J Thumpsen. llyun
also testlUed that all his fnture
transactions lVero with Johns as the
middleman up to last DecoUJber.
when Johns came' to Cincinnati and
the ) met In roolll at the Gibson
house , where Hyan ave Johns $1,100
In cash and $3,100 In twu checks.
Hyan continued his story abJUt subsequent -
sequent transaC'tlon III which ho sac1 !
Jol1ns wanter ! more funds rIght along
Imtll the ' , Itness
\ IIlIally made a
stntrmont of the whole matter to Ihe
[ lOstOIUCO Inspectors and mudo no ,
[ 'u I ther etrorts to J.ot ( bets on thoraces
races through the matis ,
Supply of Food is Scant
MODILEAlu. , Oct , -Accordlnjt ;
lo Information received by steam-
Ihlp trom G ; > orgetown , Grand Oay- ,
nan , the condl tlous on the Islands
IS a result at the hurricane Rlld 1100d
ire deplorable and the people ar"
mlTorlng from fever. It is also I
tated thut the supply of teed Is I
Icant. ' 1'ho fever Is at.trlbuted to I
: be decaying ot sap trees wh'ch ' welO
: el1ed by the storm and tl1e uumerOU8
: uttlo that perlsheC1.
. " . " , . : < Ui _ ' / " ' : " \a. , . _ : - - " ' " J..o1't..A'ou . ' .
. . . - . - -
" - , . -
- - , -
. . . . . . - . . " -'r" " ' ' , . . . . . .
Nebraska fetes
The supreme court con\'cncd at
Lincoln. . . . . . . - . . . ,
Arthur N lson or Beatrice wal ! RC-
\'erely bitten on the lert le by II dog.
. . . . .
Mrs. John Jobman , un old resident
of near Beatrlco , IS eae ] at the age
of 71 years. . . . . It
Superilltel1l1ent l'owl ; r ot LIncoln ,
has dl'slgnntod ' 1J'rhlny , October 23 ,
as L'lower day.
. . .
eral tence9 were llartlally destroyed.
'rhe 111'0 started from an asb plIo left
by n steam thresher.
't- - . .
* *
A tramp entered the store or May-
I hew Bros , at HI verton and stele 1\
tille aml some shells.
. . . . . .
1.'ho walnut I'rop at Paplllion Is
the lar est In yeals One man picked
arty bush l ! In ono duy.
. .
* *
prairie IIro lit Moorohead , burned
300 al'res of small raln , and sovornl
meadows and Lho hay I n slack. SeY :
. .
* *
Charles S. 1J'lsher , 11 cli'll war veteran -
eran , died at Nebraslm Oity. 110
wus a member uf 1111 Ohio regimont.
. . .
George Weslerman , 1well lenown
German farmer ot the Humboldt
count\ ' ) . dIed 'l'uesday afternoon after
11 brlof illness ,
, .
It It
nnndrcds or tons of hay and some
out bul1ldn s WI'rO consumed In 11
praric lire , which started eight miles
west of Bassett.
, .
It It
The Uathollcs nro holdln a ten-
day mission ut West Point. 'l'here
Is n largo attendance present of both
Catholics and IJrotestauts.
* * It
Miss Estell P'lyno ' aud Charles 11.
Wahlquist were marrlcd at Haslings.
'fho ( { rnom Is assoelate editor oC the
I\dams County Demucrat.
. . . .
Frank Den del' , the LlncfJln farmer
who m 'sterll\l"ly \ , , dlsnpl1cared tW ( ]
wecks ago , hus returned , but Is un.
ahle to say where he has been.
* * *
The saloon of Lacy. ' " Co. , at Col
orll1ge , was entered by'hundillS ,
'rhcy secured $10 III change , F. II.
1 cI I.'s meat market was also robbcd
ut $ :3. : . .
* *
The now German Lutheran churc1J
aL Crete WIIS dedicated Sunday.
Ministers were In attenlJauce from
J..o1't..A'ou'r" 'fho chl1l'ch cost
$ -1,000. * . . *
Geor o Peterson , who lives al
ITolmes"JI'e ' , hus been sent bacl t ( ]
the lISylUlI1 at , I..lncoln. Ho was tlJOIe
lasL winter , but was dlschargcd 11&
cu red. 11- . . . .
Whllo ell tting a bar of ral1l'Oad
Iron at Beatrice , learl Bates had a
! lash several Inches long cut In hIs
rllht arm by a plec ! : ot steel strlldnll
blm. . . It . .
.rhe Verdel 'l'ownslte company hm
been IncoflOrated [ wIth a capltnlol
$ GOOOO , Thu company will do a real
estute business at Verdel , Kno )
* * *
Miss Bmily Herre and 1\11' . Madorl
, JamER , were mllrrled In Fremout.
They wl1l 01111,0 their future homo In
Phoenix , Ariz. , where the room II
n merchant. . . . . .
Passelsby frustrated an attempt tr ,
rob the p'1stonlco at Oaldancl. 'Ihe
robbers had succeeded In cuttIng oul
a panel or the rea r door when they
were frightened a way.
* * . .
Mis.c ; , vas held over tber remains 01
Mrs. BrIdget O Donnell at Platts ,
mouth.1'ho body w11l be shIpped
to Bmllngton , Ia. , the fonnll
home at the deceased.
* . . *
Lot Walters of Beatrlco received
news ot the death at hIs tather , the
Hev. N , J.'altors , u t Worcester ,
Mass. Ho occuplod a pulpit In
Omaha several years ago.
. * .
'relephonlc connections huvo been
completed hy the Fremont Independ ,
ent ' .relephono company and the
Pia ttsmoll th corn pan ) ' , IOU lei n
another link In the Independent Lele.
ohone system ot it the it . state.
Fire destroyed 300 teet at corn cribs ,
IWO Imshels of corn nnd 300 bushels
Dr oats helonj.ln to Tayor ] & Mor an
In ' 1'oblus , ' 1'ho v\11a \ o was saved
trom destructIon by tbo dlreotlon 01
the wind.
. . *
'rho Norfolk beet su ar factory
wns Itarted ; up for the Ilrst tlmo thIs
lelllon. ; The employees In the plant
DOW number 300. ' 1'ho factory w11l
un nl ht IInd day until January.
* * *
' 1110 Rev. J _ F. Bennett , who wIth
lis wire , has been conductlnR meet-
ngs at Humboldt for some tIme , bus
) Cen called to tbo pastorate of the
ocnl llaptwt clburch a that vInce.
t , H " ' . . . . . , " . : . .
. . . .
, , . . . .
" ' . ' ; r1'l"'l . . , ' . , . " " : I ,
' . . .
, , . , . , ' " . . . . ' . .
" ' .
. . .
- - - - - - -
ST. PEflmSBUHG , Oct. 10.A
newSpaper pUblished at Port Dalny , Is'
IUlthorlty for the rel10rt that the
ritlsh minister to Jap\n : , Sir OharlelJ
Mucdol1ahl , 1111.8 undertalen to medl-I
Il\to between Hussla Itnd J11an : , and
having sccllred Japan's consent to certain -
tain proposals , 1S now negotiating I
\\1111 Russia. 'fhcse proposals are tllat
rtupsia shall restore l\Ianchm Ill. to
China , and that tile prluclpal tuwn
bo open to forell-n : trade : that Rusel ! ) ,
wltllllraw all her troop1\ from Mnn-
churla with the exception of the railway -
way gual'llsj thLt : she renounce her Cor-
estry concessions on both sides of the
Yalu river , ns well n ! ; the Yon al11pho
conccsslons , aud Lhat the , whole country -
try Houth of the Yula he admitted as
belon lng to the sphere or .JapUI. :
A special cOI11I11I sln ( , I1l1der the
presldonoy of the czar , Im8 beun Conned -
ed to consider alfalrs In the far cast. :
It Includes the , ministers of the In.
terlo1' , IInallcc , fOl" lgu alfah's , war al1(1 (
ot the navy , Itud VIt'el'o , ; ' A 'exlclfj
other ll10lllbrrs will be nomhmtell by
the czar. ' 1'ho cOII.mlsilol1 will COli-
shier hudget proposals , measures to
dovolol ) trade and IlIIlustl'Y anl (11'0' (
pose alteratlous 111 tht ! laws ,
YOKAUO.t A , Oct. W.-The .Japan.
ese minister of war , Lleutel1l1nt Gen.
eml 'l'o1'a\lcl1l KI , clenleR that Lho
army IR deel of war and sa 'H that
the cahlnet is UIHLnlll10us In wlshln
pQuce with 1101101' ,
p ms , Oct. HJ-Klng VIctor gm
manuel of Haly ILnd hIs wife , Queen
Hclena , heard mass early ) 'esterdl\Y I
ll1ornln In the Italian chopel here ,
whithm' they drove wlthouLescllrt ,
At a1l0ut \ ) o'clockL : start was made
for Vlncennes to wi t.ness the military
rev low. 'l.'ho streets through wltlch
their m\Jestieli : passcd were not crowd ,
cd , owln to the , early hJur ami a
1'Izziing rain which cuulllluell to fall
Interml ttently almost : t 11 mornlll '
Upon nl'l'lvlnl ! at the rcvlew gruund
King Vlct.or Emmanuel mOllII tcd a
horse , ( ueen Helenll tOll" her IIla < : o In
PrcSlllcnt 1.ollbet's cal"lla e , while
Madame 1.olluet entered the richly
decol'ated royal stand , \\'horo , before
I the ma.rch . pas < ; ed , she waR joined by
. their majesties al\(1 \ the 1'reneh prcsi.
I dent.
' 1'he party mturned to Pa.ris bymy
, at the Boulevards amId the hearty
cheerln of the people. ' 1'he sun had
come out and the crowds werl cnthu ,
slastlc ,
Jt 1 o'cloclc their majesties clro\'Q
in full state 1,0 the yseo IJalace ,
where an olahorate lun heon wu
( .tlven , the guests IJolnJ. ( all military
or naml otllcers and Incll/dlng / ( Jom.
mander Giles n , Hurber , the fJll\'al
attache , und Oaptaln' ! ' . Dentley l\fott ,
'the military aLlacho aL the Amerlcall
; emhassy. II t the lunch Kln Vlctot
11 ll1manllel made a speech loxl1reslnl {
his admiration for the 1'lonch army
and recullln the days when It hlld
fonght side by side wlLh the soldler
'or Huly. His majesty roferrell IIgalll
to the plouRllre that hI ! and Queen
1Ielenn hud derlvC'd ft.oUJ their visit I
to } Iu'ls. :
1'he leln and qlleen left for 1Ial3
- from the 1nvulllles railroad station
lit twcnty-II\'e mlnlltes past three ,
' 1 hey \\1.1'0 accompanied to the sta.
tlon II } ' IJreR deut alld l\IaduUle LOI/ / .
beL , and al l1 the rOil to receIved en ,
thl/slastlc / demonRtrutlons from tll (
crowd. Their departure was wlthoul
aoy Dutf.worlhy ! IncIdents.
PCllred R 1\10b.
ST. LOUIS , OcL , to-It Is hell ved
hy th pol1ce that tlw mystery ot thE
I murder of Mrs Kate fJaurnan , whoile
dead body was COllud Iyln hy thn
roadsille near Normandy 'l'lIursay ( ] ,
hu , , " heen purtlal1y solved through thE
suicide of , fohn Williams , allegro ar.
rested l\S a suspect. Willi ; ] ms , who
said he had reccntly come flam Miss.
Issippl , made several attempts to
sell a revolver and was arrested. no
usserted hIs Innocence Lf the IIIl1rder
but IInally , under severe qucstlonlng
made the remark , . , \\011 \ there aru
others In this. I'll tell you more
ahout it. A small lire oocured near
the jail and caused SOIllO excltemellt
A ftor It bad been extluqulshed ! ; llel"
lIT Henclwn went to Williams cell
and found the prIsoner dead. HE
had hanged himself. It Is thought
that tIle excitellJent caused by the
lire alarmed Williams Into the bollel
that a moll was approaching the jail
to Iyr\cll him , and suarch fOl' possible
accomplices In the I..uuman fUlIr er
Is bolllg made.
Cutter ( Joc to Luke ErIe.
MILWAUKE , \ \ Is , Oct. 10-11I.
wauke'R new revenue cutter left
for Olevelalld. OhIo , today to tala
part In the settlument of the Inter-
nutlonal dispute which has arIsen
lJetweeli the Unltod Stutes and
"unada " over the JlslJln in Lake
l rlc. Orders to proceed at once to
I hut port IInd to report to the col.
( 'ctor of cusLoms there were r e.
el ved by Captain David 11. Hull of
the 'l'uscurort : und the cutter lett
f1t once for Lake Erie.
/ a
" ' 7 > : ; " ! f ! , : "
- - - - -
- - .
I :
"or"lnry Unlit ClII" , , < < 1 Ihn Binner , , , lIh "
IilltH-eh " 1111 ICtlrufretl In th" JndIJi\\I-
or III l'rulnul" Arm ) ' ICCrorll1
111 lIulh CUlllltrlt. .
LONDON , Oct. 17.-Thc morning
AdvorLiser aunuuncl's ' that It ro rotQI
to leurn from n. 1\01l1'CO which It re-
Iards us 1Ie 'olld Iluestion that the deJ
; : lslOI1 or Lhe Alaskan boundary trlbun-
11 vlrtlmlly concedcs the Amorlcan
casl' . I
'l'ho Morning Ad vertlser , which appears -
pears to ho thoroughly ! mLislled with
the 1'011 I1.hlll ty oC Its t.tatement ! , says
Ule news will be recolvcd In Canadllol
with constel'fIllLlon.
lL II \ ' H mu 11 alld detailed explanatIon -
tIon sbowln how the decision will
1\II'ecL CanadL : and nellis thaI , these
who have followed the arllIments
1m ve beclI thoroughly satlslled wIth
tl 0 Jlon , Ollffurd HI fton 's proparatlon
and ( JI'esont.I\Lion of the case
LON DON , Oct. 1The dlnnel
1:1\'en b ' the PI1 rlms' soolety , to the
Alllslwn lJOIIIHIIII } ' 1J0mruission at ,
CllIl'ld o hotel tOlllght , 'proved the
most notaule asselUl > lll e of En lIsh-
mell , A medcans und Uanudlans o\'erl
tHollght. to ether I n London. In ad. .
dillClIl lo the memhers of the commission -
mission the Ul'ltlsh cabinet mInisters -
tors , the Amorlcall ambllssador and ,
mosL prom Inel1 t rejJresen ta II vos at' '
n lIsh ) lu1l1l0 life were pl'rsent. ,
PlolIll\larshul Lord Itubel'tR pre-
sided. Un his tight. sat Ambassadur
Chollt ane ! ou his left Lord Uhlef .Jus- ,
Lieu Al VOl'sono. f..ord IJlI1sdowne , i
SI1' I..OIlls .Jette , Sir ' : Hanley Carlee. ,
the 1lnL ! ' CIUerr ( ) ' , and Secretary'
mllltl Ituot. sat lit the sallie table
whllo other guests were nlstIlbuted ;
lit. sllIall tahles around the room ,
Lurd } toherts proposed the health :
ot King gdl\'a1'llalltl Prcsldent Hoose-
\'ulL In a united toust which met ,
with a conllal reception , 11e then.
IHOllllscd "l'lIeAlaHlm boundary cow-
mission , " to which Lord Alvcl'stono
repllc(1 ( , llaylllg : thllt the meeLh1b' ot' '
the cOllnuisslollersV.Hlld stand as a ,
tIIonUlllont or the feeling ovlde9ced ,
In AIU 'rlca and Gretlt Ihltalu to SC\J \
tic theIr dliTerenccs by n common
sense mothod. Ex- United StutesI
Senator ' 1'ufner , I\nd \ the lIon. Ullf- '
ror Sitton , CanadIan Interior minister -
ter , answered for their rcspectlvo '
countries , the latter sayln ! . ! that 110
! , treater crllllo could bo conceled
a all1it hllll1l1n nllturo than truuble
bctween the Unlt.ed States lIud Great
Britain. -
ProloslnR ( the health ot the An lo.
Saxon mce , 1'OIolgn ; Secretary Lord'
Lansnowno claimed that it had done
mow than any other nationality to
) lrotlloto the arts of lIterature tlnd " .
just aod equal govorument. lIe said : ' :1 :
. . [ IIIUY ( ll'ophesy that our coutrlbu- ' ;
tion towards the happlnoss anel good j Ii
government of the world will not be I ' 11
! ! : sj ! In tIII. ! [ utqr thun it h\s ( leen In
the past , 'l'he two rent brunches I ) .
the Auglo.Saxon Iaco w1l1 bo found
. wJrkll1 shoulder to shoulder , givIng ! 'f ,
an example to the world of the lJeso. j
m ! de of settling c1IITercnces. TIuman
natures Ilro falllbio and we must have i
our IIttio 'dllTerenc09 trom tlmo to
tillie , but an uppea1 to force Is un-
tlnnlmble. " .J ' )
Applause greeted this utterance. I . 1
JlIs lordship refered to the fact j
that eight countries were joJnlng in " 1
: tlle Venezulan arbitration treaty aod {
the pleulJrro ! ho deri veri trolll slB'ning ,
the arl.ltratlon tl'eaty but the Alas- .f
lean tribunal , ho declare ( ] , \Vas by iar i :
the most Imp1rtant eJCalllplo or that ; i
prlnclplu. Jacob M. Dlcklnsan , tbo l' '
AmOl Ican counsel , In respondIng re- .
ferea to the A fro.A merlcan an < 1 .
other elclIJentR ! composlnJ. ( the A rner"j . . . . .
lean population. ,
Mr. Aylesworth , the CanadIan I
commlsslouer , alJsl\'erln in the name
'of Canada , asl , If Lord Lansdowne \
Ihad not lost sl ht of the fact that ,
several thousands of the hest An lo- "
Saxons I1ve In Canada. Passionately , . 1 :
1\1 r. Ayll'sort.h declared that rlOnq .
was llJOf ( ' luyal to K In Ed wllrd than ' I
, "
the Cuna lan , yet there \Vas none
who troUJ a business lind sentimental ' II
point or vIew lUori } appreciated tbelr ' "
nssocltltion wIth America. . ' ,
Mr. Hoot said by the creatIon ot l\ - ,
general stair 11f ; hoped that the Unlt4 , ' :1 : ; , ,
ed States had solved the problem , and ; '
110 trusted that Great llrltaln would
bo similarly fortunate.
Three ncn IndIcted
SP1U ( H'mLn , Ill. , Oct. 17.- ,
Deputy United States Marshal , W , L'I
Wnrd of Bellvillo and Sherlrt G. ] ' . .
Crowe , at : , .Iadlson cOllnty , lett Ed4
wardsvlllo Cor Cairo bavlng In charge
James Rainey and Jarnes and Frank
Uyan , who have been IndIcted by ;
the Ilrand Jury in the United States
district court at Cairo on the churUQ
ot robbIng the mall pouches u , , ' ,
SpFln lIeld Junction 00 ono ot thq
two ocoaslons lust spring whea
poucbea were stolen.
- .Ii