Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 22, 1903, Image 11

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I When the b n c k
IIchl's nnll III\IIIS f0
bnl1ly. cnn't work.
( 'lIn't rest. cun't SIt'l'II ,
\ cun't eat. It's IlIml to bcnr. ' ! 'hou ,
SlImls oC nehln hncl < s hll ve hccn rc'
lIeved 111111 cllrcl1. People nre lelll'n ,
' \'i 1ng thllt hnckllche pnltls come frol11
i " dlsordercll kll1ne 'a , thn t DOlln'a } { Ill ,
. . .J , ney Pills ellre every kidney 111. cllre
blndder trollhles. urlnllry I1crllll e'
mcnts , I1I'oll.l ' . dlahetcs , 13rlght's Ills ,
ense. Heal1 this testimony to the mel"
H oC the grentest oC 'kll1ne ' specifics ,
, J. W , WIII1S , SUllel'lntenliellt ot
' . Streets of I..clmnon , Ky..llvlllg on Enst
t Mnln sll'eet. In thllt city , BI1 's :
' "With nw , nl"htlrest hl'oken , owlll"
, t to Irregulllrities oC the kll1ne 's , sun'er.
111g I1ltl'n el ' Crom Re\'ere pains In the
, . sUl1I1I of 1II ' hncl. a11(1 through the kid.
\ be 'II , UIII1I1I1110)'cl1 b ' pllluClllplI sages
, of IIl1nOl'mal secretlolls , I1Ce was 1I11 "
thlllg bllt plell allt Cor 111C. No 1I11101l1lt
, of doCtOI.ItI rel1eved this conl1lt1on ,
'I nlld fOl' the I'eason thll t 1I0thlllg seem.
ed to Ive IIIC I'VCII tlHl1pOrUr ' rclleC I
lClIllll' II110ut dlseo I'lIge . Onc dll ' 1
Ilotll'ed In the lIeW 111l1Iel's the case of
. n mlln who \\'IIS II till l't ell as I WIIS IInd
, " 'us cUl'cd h\ ' the use of Doun's Kill-
\ ne ' Pills. Ills wOl'lls of IIl'ulse for this
" ' -enl'el ) ' were so HIIICl'l'C thnt on the
stl'l'lIgth of his statement 1 WCllt to
, I the Hugh ItIl'l' ( ' ) ' IJI'U Co.'s store 1111(1
, ( got U 1I0x. I found thnt the medicine
! \\'II ( 'sal'tl ) ' liS [ 1owl'rCllla Ielnc ( ) ' re111'
I Ill ' us rCIH'eSl'lIt,11. I eXIICl'lenl''d
IluleI. IIml laHtln r'lIet. DOIIII'S Kill.
he ) ' Pills will III'o\'e II blmslng to 1111 I
tuf"fl'I'l'rs Croll1 I.hlnev dlsorelm's who :
\\111 \ 'rth,111 a I'nll' 'lI'lnl , "
A FHgI.i ' ! ltI.\I , of this great khlnc '
, , nlClllel1ll' , which ( ' \11'p(1 11' . Wnlls , wlil
be 111llllpll to nn ) ' Ilul't oC the Ullltcll
" Btutps 011 1Illlll1cntlon. Alllll'ess Foster.
MlIhul'l1 Co. . Butrnlu , N. Y. For sllle
, IJ ' nil dl'ug lst PI'lce GO ceuts lIer
\ box ,
4 .1
j ? : : tP
, e"p ag : P _
1 , ' \OWERS W aterproof
K m : . I I OILED
, I ; , . ' nUlCl ( or YEI.LOW. '
. . , , . . . , . , . .
" " " ' " " " ' " " .f tA. .IAo"
I I , J E. . " , . " " . . , , . . " , .r..d. .If , . , . . . , d. . , . " " "
fi . n . .111 . . , . . , pl , " ' . . . .d f. ' prl. . Iul " j'
' , tfJr .sUchrs.S'a , If. , . . H. . . . 0- . . . - ,
'I -.l WoM - . . . . "
: \
! 1 er6'rm : J&f. , '
'W .7 tTa-"uf > ' ll2 e.ZlM71r&R. ( jj
. ; : " ( . : .
J'W J\ :1 \
: , . ' A PaeelllalU'r Nceded.-"It Is a
" , Jtreat nllstalw , Mahel , to trine with
f" , the a fIrcl ! ' ns ot a man who loves
yt.u by elleol1ra lng scmo oue else. '
I "Well , he's a tittle sluw , auntie. I
J. . tblnl { lw needs a pacemaker.l > uck ,
We use Plgo's Cure Cor Consumptloll in
t . . . . . preference to ! lny other couh ; medicine ,
. , - Irs , S. E , llor.lell. . .142 l' street , Wash.
tngtQ11 , D. 0. , Ia ) ' 2 : > , l ! ) :
OIiU 1lel ( . .uft.
'INo , my deal' , I hare no compTnt
to make abollt your cooking , hut this
milk is not quite so good as mother's
cow used to make.-Bc.ston Journal.
I \ You can do yom IIJ'cln In halt nIl
I , bOil l' wltb I'U'1'\A I F'ADI LI 8
The 1.IUle Gamo.
1 "Was the c010nel out when you
I called ? "
I "No , but he was before I lert' " -
d BaltImore News.
, Mu. Winslow's SOOTHING RYHUP lor "hll
' " drpll treth\III,60ften : the I1I1lUS. redllces Intla.
maUon , II 1111)'s 1'.1111 Cllreh colle. l'lIce " bOltle
,1 , Iran ' " " ,
, "I' " " " \ . )
. ' - . . "t\1di.veWlfcJ ,
( .
f -
A lICW I'illClal ' dJver"lolI ha ! ; bl'CIi CIlI'
\ , trl\ed by l\Il S Hlisamond Liuthre , rJ ,
\ M'xlco , to. She gwe ! n. party , al (
, 6eventeen cOulles startl'd from he1
\ t 110me In sevel1tl en buggies. Aftci
: drl\'ln ten or tlftccn minutes , 11.1 .
the lIulpes ! stopp d , and each gentle ,
I fi man Iot out and c Imbed Into thl
! , buggy ju t ahead of him. This wa
, J- : kept up all the evening. The challW :
I , of par tners were InterspNs'd by re
fJ } ! rcshments at four different resl
' ences.
:1' :
1- Co\'orlllg lJooks.
To oover paper bound books take
two pieces at cardboaHll a tiny bit
lurJer : than book. Paste fly 1000\'es a
front and back to cardboard , which
of ccnrsa Is outside. ' .rllen take a
stt I p of stron cotton c10thl paste
I t down lJack of book , hu vo It wide
so It11l cover u bou t ouo I neb of
each piece of cur < 1Loard , thereby join
tng the two pieces together. Now
put a co\'er of brCJwn paper over all ,
pastlllg'securely , und your decorated
cover goes over this ,
' 1'ho books may lJe covered with
decorated silk , plqua or duck tr you
paint or emhrolder , but the simplest
way Is to cover with tlssuo papar
( nut crepe ) , Flsto a pretty cnrd on
the front aud ufter cuttln ! ! tItle nnd
autbor's name from old cover arrange
thorn prettily on the now ono.
- -
' .1'he Young Wfo ! Exp1nlns.-Seed-
mall-"You know ma'um , you don t
ha\'o to plaut your potatoes wl.lOe : ;
you can cut them up In smaH pieces , "
trs. NO\vmarkot-"Yes , I know :
that might do vety well It we always I
wanted to raise potatoes for Lyonalse
or for mashing ; but we should IHO } ) '
ably deslro to have potatoes served
\ \ hole , now untl tben-Bostun
' '
A BIble was elfectl\'r.1y used to ban.
Ish the nevlls UllPosd to occupy the
blJdy of a slcl { mau in HawaII. At
Urst au euucated phy lclan : was cuI-
crt ; but as he failed tofIve ! rellof , a
natlvo medico or Kuhul1o , was
brought to the Invalid lie whacked
the sullercr over the head with a
Bible , tu thus dr Ive oat the dcvll' ,
und his treatment was so perslstnllL
and vJJorous tha t the slcl < mau died.
The Best In \ ' .rue State-"Ycs , ,
suh , " said the ] { entucklan , remiuls.
cl'ntly , "ha were the best je gec
evah had In Kalntucky , "
"Whv , I didn't l\now he was .1
judge , " said tlw stcan er.
liThe Lest In the Statc , sllh , "
allJrmed t.he lIaLlve ; "ho could tell
to the minute how old a brand 0'
liquor wcre by merely tastln' It-
Cluclunati Commercial ' .rrl une.
lreparlng For Squalls-"I asy , "
exclaimed the haigard looldng man ,
as he dashed Into the druggist's ,
"got allY soothing syrup'J"
"Certainly , " auswered the drug-
Ist. "What slzo hottle. p1casedr"
"Bottle be banged I" r jolued he
of the haggard look. "GJmme a two
callon jUg full of the stull , It' ! ' ;
twins -.rId.Bits. .
S P A R E M OM E Y rNvr.STETJ In onll
H n ' 11111"1 : HI 0 c k I" " ,
mild" IIlImy men Sn
delll'ndently rich.0 hne , near IlclII'er , Iwo ol"
III'"h11 ( . 'rol'.rl. . . . . . wllh l'x < 'cpllonallv oo,1 .bowlllf ,
"lIh .Ioek for onlo lor "t'v'lollllcIII ( 1'"rllU. . . . Itl
Itrottll" lIoor I.rl. . . . , . , w.I" . 'uluhllt ' IIIliI 011 l > lo\Jett ) '
om'ra re."oll.lhl " < ' ! lank ref"Il'nee. 1II11'rlti eOlu
11I1..1011 rnr sellhur slock I\'rho 10" rl'lIll1l"I'II1 llolI
Si3.50 & ! i3 SHOIES , IEN I
Yon can save from $3 to $5 yearly by
weRrlng W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoci.
'rhoy 011111\1 these
that have been costIng -
Ing rlJll from .JOO
to $5.00. 'rho im-
mOllso sale oty , L ,
DOIl1I\s shoos pro\'es
thoil' slIpurlorlty over
all othol' makos.
SrM by rutall shoe
, Iealers e\'orywlauro.
[ , ook lor name aull
prlco on hottom.
Th\l : 1I01lgrll. Q CN { 'or.
ollRColt ( lrOfO. Ih"r" Is
1'\1118 III lIollllla. .hoe. ,
( 'orlllla h the hll'ht
I'rR'lo ! ' 1'\t.Lcalhermlllle : , " ' , , '
' ' . 1'i 1' ) ; :
P" " C"I.r 1lId , " tilt" . : \ Ii /
" '
' "
Ou $4 'l1I1 LI , , , tlnno't , .
! Ed'lP " " uftl/ed ftt .nII" ' :1 ,
shp. . b1 mall , 2jj f'ell' extra , ! lIuNlrat.d
i'alalog free. 'f. I. . 1I0UlIr\S. DrOtUoD. IIIUN.
A J'OUI1 ! : ( man was passim ! arollnc
tbe plate in II Jlmaica N. Y. churcl :
and as he pallsed at the pew of I
spoiling friend. the latter , In a whi. , .
per. aslwcl : "Holv llluch in the poul
J 1m" II Four dollars aud se\'en ty
Uve cents. " "What.s the flrs1
I choice ? " liThe heathen. "
1 > re\'lol1s to the JI1tcration OJ [ 111
wa tel' uSl'd by the pI ! hIlc III Berlh
alld lIambllr , the death rate fron
i' typhoid fever in these cltle , > average !
Iino III every 2,600 In ha itunts , Dur
IlIg the six years aiter the lustala
tlon of tllter 1'1allts the dC'ltll rat ,
has decreasec1 to one In 11,000.
A committee of the citizen' ! at Nor
( , , ] 1. were bef"re " the board on puu1l >
IJlllldlllgS to. et action on the 11m
u"yillm for the Illsane. 'fbeyer
, Issured that work would bcgln soon
' . ' .
Unr Jlol' " Aroused.
"Miss Fussay packed her trunk ,
very hurriedly this mortlln and
started tor llur llarbor , said tbo llrst
summer J:1t1. : I
'IYes , II repUed the other , "I tbl1l1d I
she has hopes of beJrIK iusulted. " I
"Whnt 1I
&lSbe's been rc'adlng ! about t1lnt I
young lieutenant up there WIIO sat I
the of ' chulr.-lhlll1-
(111 uru It girl's . -
delphla l > ress.
I A certain New Yorlc po1ll11cluu
has a poor opinion of the capltul city'
the nation. "Wh\"ho lilt's
o . \ , says ,
a hum p1ace. Nearly every Ioeezer ! !
In Wnshlngton 1ves \ ofT the ovorn-I
ment , and them thnt dou't lives off' '
them that docs , " I
To establish a record In shoemak-I
, n pair of ludy's shoes was mude
at u factors In T.JYlln , Muss , . In thlr.l
t CII mluutes , The job required I1tlY- :
seven operators IInd the IIS0 of fortJ'-
two mnchlnes. There were one h uno ,
I dred pieces In the t\VO shoes , and aliI
these parts were mndo and adjusted :
III the time named.
I hav nevcr seen a man or n wo. ;
man yet who had got abllvlor bolo the :
Inlluence of fashion In seine de ree ,
A coql1et seems to me to be one !
who dorsn't moan moro than huit she )
se7. ; while a prucle 17. OtlO who doesn't
saymore than half she means.
Pur n Bntl Bnck ,
SnbraI011t. . , O < : t. 1U.-A rrot man
mell In this nelr.hbOl'hooll , : uSl\1 to COlli.
( llnll1 of IlIIlnR III the back , but now
! wlll''oh' olle cau be Coullel who hus UII ) '
slll'h houhle. :
II' . Gottlieb 1II1 Is largfI ! ' responsl ,
hIe 1'01' the IU1II1'O\'emellt 1'01' It wns hc ,
who tll'st of nil foullll the rellled ' Cor
this Bncl"lche. lIe has l'ecollllllelHlcll
It to all bls CI'IClllls null nelhIlO1'S , , uull
III eVer ' cllse It has hnll won erCul suc'
ll' , [ lJ1 SI1)'S :
" 1 < ' 01' lllnln''onrs I hall been troubl(1
with IIIJ' 1bl ne 's 111111 llalns In 111
' ! lUnll of lUy hnd. . I tI'led lIIall ' mCIl. ,
dnes but ellel 1I0t ell'I'I\'e IIn ) ' IH'lIeJIt
UI1t11 Inst Cull. whl'lI I hought 1dozell
! Jo.cs f Dodl's Klth ' Pills. Arter
uslll tllPll1 II few IIII > , s 1 lIegnn to 1111'
IIrove , 111) ' hll'I. qllit achlll IInll I Celt
heUm' l\IIel stl'OIl I'I' 1111 :11'0111111. :
"I will 1.1'11 t hem III the house rl ht
alol1 , Cor 111 m ' ollinioll thc ' I\l'e the
best medll'lne In till' 11111 1'l < ot to-lla ' ,
anel IC m ) ' hncl. shoulel hother lIIe
nsaln , 1 will I'se nothll1 else. "
' \'hu , Shu J.nujhcd.
George-1 : ou do tlot call on 1II16S
Rosebud now ?
Jacl\-No , I got dl gustcd , She has
such a coarse laugh.
Georonevel' ! : ( noticed that.
Jack- You would If you had been
within hca'ing when I proposed
to her-New York Dally ' 1'lmes ,
A new 1/ghthouse / costing over $2 -
500,000 is in course of cletion at
Sf tin of Beauty 19 n 010/ Forever
n ll'crrY.Ar.ltm Arl r ll , ElI ; : ; Av lWl 1\l ; :
1 : 0 n.llloTPltTltn.I'.mp'ps . ' , F'rt'Ckl. .
" " ' : : Moth l'ol < 'lH'S. " ' ' ' , , : ' II ,
. .en i ! < .I1..ues. an\ \ IIKo"L',1 , u"
. . " , g ; ; IH' Uty , and d.n. , .
eo. . . - 0 tlcll''lInn. tt I , . ,
. . ; ; . . " " stnod the > 'est of 61
t : -:3 : : : TP"'S and " ,0
. . , : ' 5. . harlllle. . we lit , ! . II
. ; ; ' " tohesurn'llapro" '
t. "
. .
crl , mo.lo , Accepl
. : no COUlllcrtctl 0'
.Imll , r name,1Ir. r. .
A. Hare Mid to a
lad , of the hltlllIO'
IZI ; : ' ; ' : ; ; : :
1 r"commend ' 0 < 111"
auI's Cream' aa thf
' . le""t harmful of all
VU \ . . . the Skin prtpar. . .
. - < ' . . . . tlons , " For 0&16 b ,
. "
F " all llrulllll.ts ana
raDC1Oood. De.lors In Ihe U. II" Calladas and Europe ,
. . . .nnT nOPKIN ! ! , Pmll'r. S711..t JODes lit. . N. y.
To prOVE : the healing and
cleansing power o ! Pax.
tInc 1'0IJ4 : hntlllcptlCl
we will mall 1\ io\rge trial
packaJ.c with booc ; of In
. . . . slructions nb oJutclJ ;
frcc. This is not tin )
sample , buta1a gepackal'e : ,
enough to convlI1'e : mynnt
, : .I ,7 of its value. Women all
. ) .
- ovp.r the counlry are pral ! > -
Ing Paxline tor what It has done In local
. tr catulent of fcmalc illl1 , curing nllinflam ,
mallon and discharg s , wonderful as n cleans
Inl : Taglnal douche , for sore throat , nhsal car
( nuh , as It moulh wash , nnd to remove tartar
, ancl whilen tht : leelh. Send : 1' postal
carr ! WIll do.
Iuld ' " dlIl1'trhto . . . . ent I.tatd II ) u. to"
, enll. Inrl'18 IJOL IlnU.r"lun ' , , , " , , , , .
t , I"AXTOH CO. : > IU ! ; oluI"'hlj , Awl' , lIoIO ! , ' . .an
It you Ican't reach a l1lan thrll his
I" arl thilre Is llO lI"e In trJ'lng tn
r a'h him thl'lI h'z head.
1L Is t ) IJnpal'atlvly C'ISV to see 11
\.thost , whPII YII ( ion't want to ; hut
L : \ ( ) i1. ] ) : ) J'ler tlian to 1I11d oneby
'Iuntlng ' for It.
II Is S'StCIll"Be Core I as k you to
prescrlbo fOl' mc cloeL'Jr ' , " salel the
ll'ltlent with the shlllY black coat ,
. 'I shou1r ! lIkl' to k nllw wha t systenj
Villi IISI' . " "Ca < ; h , " replied tlle doc
tor.-Chlca o 'l'rl lJlle ,
j all "owol trouble. , aPl'endlcltll , bll-
CU HE 10nllll'll , bn.t hrenth , hatt blood , , , 'Iud
( on the . .hH'II&11h , blontell ho'el. , 'oul
hotUh , ; . , l'hu(1r . ,
J1uln. after CIUIIIIlh'ur tronh e110' " complexion
luul.tlzd'HJ"'hell : Tour bo\ dOIl't 1110\0 ro n"
larl ) ' ) 'ou ate lI.tUIII , .Ick. ConUtaUolI klllll Inore
l'eolo than Mil olher dr.eR.e. to nthcr. It la a
atarter for the chroule aliment. and JonlC Tnara o (
.lIl1'erhl" that eomo aOnr"'nrd. . No hlattor what
all. ) 'OU , .tRrl takln" C&l'iOAItRTS - ' ( or JOu
, viII . noycr 1.1 well and bo well all to-dRli' unUI
, .ou pUI Jour bowel. . Take our adYlco , .tare
wltti OASCAn 'J."fi to-daJ. ! ander au ab.olute KUarw
. &ale. So cure or BlonoT hJUDded. . . . . .
TOfJURJ.l'l. . y'n..n
th. . . . , bOl : " HI'.1. .
GUARANTEED c'rn wl\a . .ft"V It I.
o OT"r .tx a' " "n ' . .UXC4 , .
J'pur ' , - = " " " 1 < " C "n "nv
almll"r . . . .dlr1ne I" 'he worhl , 'rhla , . Q" ' " ' ' ' . , , 'oor..r
lI'.n& anerll , . . . .eI " " . .I..t te.llmon"I , 'V. . \ " . . I. . lib . . " . .
will aell O\HC.\nl-TIIi .banlo.I . , . 1I" ( I Co 11:111' : . . n. .
, r.r &II : ' , : ' : " , "l t , : .I' " ' : : I' : . : . " ' ; : lr' : ; I " : : 'r :
DO' a.lhn.d , . .neru" , , 0"1'1 r.lo relurA the . . . .II..d . . "Ua
bux . "d th. " " ' " b01 < to u' 1)1' bUXI . or lb. . .r" ( . ' . ' ( ro , .
; : oe' " " : r ; t'.ru : "t' " ' : : : ltf : : i : " " Dr..bau _ 'tr'&o &
dny. "i1.aUb will .nloklY ( ollow .nd , . .n WIII'I. : . . , lla. . . . , .
. .
J'ou ant atartflt ! llae " . . . 0.-(1..0..R . It'CIi. Uk . . .e. . bT mall.
' "drill' ! i'rilU.II\Q : ll1lIIBDI : CO" l1f IOIlX. or CWCt o.
. , - - - , . , , - - : - -
l c < l"lm'cll hy the (1ovcrntllcnt nt 40
, Ccnt8 1111 the I > olhcl" " . I
\\'hnt IIec011les at the 11Iutllnted coin '
! II ellll' > .tlon which lJali vrobnbl ) ' tore-
I'll ltt4elf 1111011 thl ? , cOMlcWrllUon of I
1 "I'r Oll , 1II111Ir\llllrly when iI pltlJIC'l.1'I' 01' $1 wltll 801llCOU ' 1I Inltllllll
Hcrlltl'h'll on It lllht' ! ' ! 11 throwr. buck
ull his hUlllIs. 1'hcI'c Is ot ( 'our , , , , ! 1\
f'l'tl'l'al ! stntlltc with 1IIIpN.11'rlatc lien.
IIllIeR lI alllst the IIl11tlllltloll ot coin ,
hilt thc \'cI'nge Amerlc n Bo\'crl'lgll
Cl'11IS to think WhC11 he et9 n colli
It IR hlR I\\'n IWI'solllll lIropaty Inst IH' '
ot n rm'nSIIl'of ! \'lIll1e9 n11ll n jiortllbll'
l'l'Il'eseJltnt\'e ! ot tnllllble boldl11 8.
' 1'111Ie wns when nenrl1 l'\'cry chlll\
wore Ilbollt Its 11eek. llJspllldN\ ! ' A
stl'ln or chnln , sOllie al1\'cr coin. from
a half.l1lllle 1111 to $1. 'I'llnt 1rllctlce
hns Cnllen Into deslletmle , but tl1c collis
thellll'l ! reN l\1'e stl ! III clrculll tOl1 ! ,
llItllate slhcI' , n11ll h ' QJutllntlon 18
lIIea11t all ) ' Ill'I'COl'llllltion lIt tllo Ioln , ( II'
sel'l\teh or defncenll'111 nl'on It , ' ! . re.
dcelUed hr the O\ el'UllIl'utt ' 0 pl'r
cent 01' Ibl fnee'lIlnc , 'j'III.o ' " , . lIttj"
Icss tha11 the 1ll1l1'1t ! 11l'lec 0' the 1\11.
\'el' of' which It Is c011l1l0 e \ . 1\1Id 11\11"
lIoscl ' 80 , Cor It Is the Celleml ftIII' '
to dlseo\ll'n e IIllllpcI'lug or ruJ'elml \
with the coin oC the rc\lm. : 1 I , 110
rl11le to IHISS n 11I\1tllntcd coin 11111It
Is a cnse or let the reeeh'er txw\1' ( ,
I'm' he 15 the 1111111 to he btuele. I'roh.
nhl ' l'\'I'r Illel'chnnt In the COJrst It
his III1SI11t'SS c\'el'r lla ) ' 111 the j'l'nr g'is
n certain nl1l0llut of nHH II tl'll colli.
Unless he01'1'5 It ofr 011 h ! l'Ul > tOm'fS
It I1Il1st bc t\ll'nel1 ! n at tbe b.I. : , and
thb ls the IIsulIl dls1'oHIlo11 11111\\ ot
It b ' relltll ( hl(1 hOllses. It 111 talt.u b '
the blink nl1 rlf'lJt , hut ut Its III/jr .t ,
nllll not 11/1 fuce'uille
" I\1It1ntl't1 RIIr Ii d"I'oslteli e\oI' ) '
1111.\ ' , " tlahbct : 'Vltz . .hrl1 , who ,
Among other : hlnghns cll-tl'gc of t1lat
hmnch ot tht' IJu.ilness oC the : -nl\ollll : \ :
Bank of C.Q1Il1t1'lce , " ' ' 'e cl'.I't ' 0111'
custollll"rs "lIh the .10 pCI' C'lIt ( thl !
I'lIcc111110 \\'u Clln l'ellll1.e from \hn
governm 'nl nnd ( OI'w\I'd the roln nB
fnst 118 U"\'IHJJulatell. to the 'j'I'N""ll1 r
DCllllrtllH'1I1 \ Wnshlugton. 'j'lle no\ '
'ernmem 1/1 'l"Cl'r I'trlct ubout mutllllt.
Ing coIn , rl&htfullr & : : 1:0. For l'xull1ph' ,
'mppose out of u h\llHh'cd 811\'er dollars -
lars onll so 11I11ch t411\'C1' Is tnlwn liS
mIght tIC ) xtractcd Cl'om n hole hut
IIttll ! : I 'g f ! I' Ihlll1 tll ( ' IIOll1t of II IWIl'
c l. Jr Ihe llIutllated l'0111 WIIS 1111 , w.
ell to pass cUl'rel1t ut Its fuec'ul1tJ !
the IH : llIegs wOIIlll he u 1I1'0lltllhie Olle ,
' 1'ho o\'el'nmcllt IJI's IChS thllll the
\'ullle or the slh'Cl' III till ! coin hecausl'
thllt Is the bpst wa ' to 11I coUl'ase this
method of stcallllg. Thel'e 10 a IIl'm
III Chicago which PII\'S ; GO c nts IIn(1 (
III sOllie cnses us milch no r.ii CCIIts 011
the llollal' Cor mutllntell slh'er , It call-
not be stated cl'rtnllll'llnt thch'
game Is , but ) Iosslbl ) ' t1IC ) ' hn ve ngents
to shove the colli lit Its fllce1I11le
IInd so Ulalw an ellorlnous III'otlt.
"l\Iutllntell bills ure ul50 redel'J1lclI 11) '
the goVe1'llUlent. the rule belnlthllt
when three-firths ot u b1I ; Is sellt 1:1 : fol'
redemption the fuce'lIll1e will be ! laid
tor It. E\'eI'Y IIIbills 111' ( ' tllkell itl
ut the halll.s which hu'e oUll1v11 1111'11'
usefuhll'ss , 'l.'hese lIl'e either 10 : hIl : ! ! ) '
WOl'1 IUlll llIuch ( lntched thut thc ' wl:1 :
not holtl to elher 01' ha " 1' blell t 01'11 ,
< , ut , burned or othel'wls ( ' 11Il1t11utl'e1.
So long ns thl'e-lIftlls of' thelll Is In
existence thc ' will be tulell UII. . III
conllcctlon with this Ilrllctlcc of th.
! 'rellsury Depnl'tlllellt ' u elcl'l. ' ill UlIl' 0. '
the IlIrge Chicago hll 11 1'1 ; ot hl1nsllf
Into serlons tl'onble ' ( > 1I1 ' last Wl''I. . Ill'
WIIS In charge of th ( ' mlltllated coin
'uud bill husilless o'r his IlIstltllthn antI
cOlleelvcd the Idea of 11I111.lIlg a Jttll' :
pl'l\'nte 1II'0flt , so he dlllllCtl al'tlstll'lII\ ' : ; '
nlll1 soon run his shipments UI so
high that the depnl1mellt IJeenllle sus.
111elous a11(1 sent Bp'clnl a Wllts to In.
\'estlgate , It was foulld that he h,1I1 ,
been syst'matlcallclipping ; aud Ilu't-
Ing nnd hnd mnde flulte II hll'ge SIlIlI
oCC the gC\'ernlllellt , Wil'li al'letell
II ( ' hnd ahout $ 100 In mutilated 1111 ; III
his Ilossession. lIe I to he aled f I'
this offe1lSe , IIJlI If fOllndulltJ' ! wi I
he I'ent to the Ilenllelltlar ' 1'01' IIClp ( 11
reurs.-KalHms CltJ' , Tol11'lIal. '
1'Jotllllllll III t"eld"1II Stolcu , lIeclIlI'\e
It J. . IIIf11cult to Hell ,
One Idnd \'alllahle plate Is Belclol11
/tOI'll h ' hlll' lal's , thollh : : th ( ' 1I1'tal
or which It Is 1I1HI'I : fal' eXl'ePlIs SjJ\'I'
III cost. E\'el' ' colleg ! ! cwmlcnl ] InlJol'-
atol'Y 11I\(1 scores of fll ct 0 I' ) ' IlItlma-
torles costly vess'ls mnde ot
Illatlnlll11. 'rho IIlnlll Illctal Islsunll '
worth IIbout Its wplJht : Inold / : , nllll
mndo UII Into el'lIclhles I11IlI othel''l'S -
sl'ls IISIlI ! lit Inllol'atol'lps It Is I11Il'h
llloreynllluhlethall III Its orlllIHII' ' fOI'Ill.
The makel's of slIeh WIlI'l' , 111 fact ,
mllst earn Ill'ge : 1)1'0 ) II ts , for Uwh'
charges arc hl h , ulthollgh the metal
Is made Into the simplest J'Ol'li1S , with.
oul : I1CC'01'l1l1on of nn ' SOI't. A till ) '
cl'uclhle hohllll } lprhlllR ( olll ' II gll1 Iii 8 or $10 , 111111 some of the lal'gel'
vesselH used hy chemists arc worth
Beveral hI1111'ed ] ) dolllu's ( lach. accol'd-
IIIto / : the Xew Yorl < TllIle .
The yalucof thesl. ' vesspls Is so gl'ell t
that the ' 111'0 101'I.ell 1111 e"'I'.r IIlght III
II snfe In : Ul ' ' 'ell-c'Jllllllctl'll chl'lIlll'al
In hOI'1I tOI' ' l1ull fl'eellwlltl ' cOlmteJ\ \ .
DllIlIa ed vessels all I\'CII thl ! hlllllll ,
( , Ht SCI'HIIS of plntlnum wal'o. al'l ! ( 'IIl'C ! .
CIIII ' h'flsured ! , IIl1el BPnt to thl' rletJ' : '
Cr0111 time to tl1uo In ordcl' to III ! Illalle
0\01' Into uew vessels. 'A elwlIllst hus
sOlJlewhat the BIII11e feel1nl ; tuwal'd hIs
1111It1nulll IIlate that a housel.pevel' haH
towllrl1 her solll1 sliver , hilt th ! ! phem.
1st's vlate Is worll1 fur mOI'e tl1a11 jUl '
nllt the Illost ell1lwl'ate wl'o\l1I1 \ ; slh'el' ,
. . . .nI.c. It Is JtJ.a. . .lIIch mor'e lialllo to
dlIl1ne. : ;
'I'he ( lresence of a S ! . 11 qUAntity of
. . . .Ill In II 1I0t crucible at plllthJtllll Is
, lwl ' to bl'lng ahollt '
PUIICtUl'O at the
I'Uriblo. A Ill1nctur,11 eruelhlo must
I ) to the factol'y , alld repalrR arc ve1' '
" litly. Much of such '
) 1\'are use(1 hero
, _ , - ; : = , . J 17f . ? ,
. " -
, Y"
Is mndo In " little PennlylvnnlR tom.
u , n Nllllth. ' 01'111 , 1I11l1 there nrc few
workmen who lIulierstl\11\ the art 01 :
hnlldlhlIllntlnu1l. / \ .
1'1''n It. . ! with care 1111ltlnllm vessels
' nllnOllt Il1l1estructlblo. ' ' '
I\l'e 'I'he'y seem
to 8UrrOr tJothlng t1"om the hl h tern.
Ilol'nturea to wblch the1aro exposed In
thl ! IlloorRt'II"J' . 1111(1 however loug In
Ulle , 1brlHk rubbing renders them 118
\t'alltlrllll \ , llrlght Aa on the dny when
thl'f ( 'IWH , trom UIO tlletory. ' 1'hey
I'l' ordlnnrllf cleaned. howo\'cr. by
Ille all.IIt Illol1 : ot hot wllter nnd neld
eolutlolllnil : hcf rudl1llllj lese In
wl'&llt ! bl : uh11111 .
Oao rN\SOn why plllrlnllrn hnpl
II\l'1ltS arl ! Reldom stolen bY' burglara
110./1 In ! he Cnct thnt th"1 nro not enalll
\1IlI'poSC'l.I of. 'lJo metl\l I" hnrd to
nll'h , 1\11I1 n In-g" VeR/ll' : Is not cnRII ,
humlllel'cd O\lt tJt recognition. I'll wn.
h'Dlem's nro shy oC nceelltlng Article.
of Illntlnllm , b..111180 BlICh Ill'tlcle8 ,
hll. vlng n cOlllplrat.h'IIIt' : ; nnrrow 1181\
IIle not hnrd to truce. Sml\lI crl1clhlee
IIml plallllllnt wlrc nlll ! 1'Olb do OC-
cnslollll\l \ } ' disappear fr < J11i Inhol'l1torle8 ,
lIut the lar er 1I'lIcl..1111'e I'Rl'el ,
stolen , When n man ) " 'elwn tll hllllsell
111 1\ shop with n 1I1t ! tll I In the
nel hlJI'hood of $ : ! r.o a Ilol1nl1 COl' sail !
he I nntural1y expectell to tel1 how
II CI11110 Luta his possession.
-Ir Jo" . . . Hector Uelatell Inchlcnl
nf J'"rJy : Nnrthern . : xlllllrftlloll. .
AIIlOII the passellgers all bOlli'll the
stcnmer Aorungl , reaelJlug VlctOl'iIl , n ,
C , n Cew lIars ngo. WDR Sir , Tnmes
Heclor , SIr , la111es Is now 70 'cnIB 01
I\ge \ , h11t Is still deepl ' Intcrcsted 111
( ; , 'olog-Ictl rC8cnrches , It was In hh
c1wnclty liS 1loluglst ! tl1nt he dlsco\ ' .
erc. the Klcltlng Horse II1SR In the
Hol' ! , > , lI1ountl\I1I8 \ , which hils becn utll ,
11.1.11 h ) ' Cmndlall : Pllcillc HIIIII'ond 111
Jlll1l.ln Its WII ' Illto BI'lIlsh COltllll'
ilia. I ol1nt Hector. In the Uoel.les.
cOl1\lI\cmornt \ the visit of the geolo.
gist 111111 expiorcr to Western Cannlll
SII 'R the Wlnnilleg l I'ee Press ,
Illtl'l'\'lewed hOlll'll the '
\ on AOI'IUlJI ,
SIr , TlIl1Ies becl\me \ 1'l1Ilnl"cellt " of hlJ
eXlllol'lltions thl'ou hout Unnndn. It
WIIS In lS1i7 that he' dlsco\'ol'od the
Klcleln : ; Horse pl\SS \ , 1I1ll1 1\11 nccldeut
whll h led to the nlll1le stili nffccts him.
lIe WIIN 1.lcl.l b ' U horHe hclonglnl ;
to the eXlllol'I\tlon PJ1l't ' allll belle\'cll
h ' tIle remulnlug 1l1C1l1lJel's to ha\'o
h ( ! n lei lied , His grl'e WIIS llug 111
the } IIlSS aud PI'IIIIII'I1t1ons Were llIade
for the InllI'l1Ient of the bolI ' . whcu
signs oC liCe wel'C 8hown. 'j'hus119
SIr 'l'hol1las sua tc1cd f1'01l1 the grll VC ,
IIo WI\S \ sent out to CllnlllIlhy the
Coolllnl ! olllee to rcport upon the CIIU"
actCl' of the countl' ' , , which was then
helng leet to the 111111son'8 BIIY COlli'
1llIlr liS 111 for nothlnl ; hut thc Cm
Im c. For Co Ill' 'em's he WIIS engag.
cd In explJrlng fl'om I.alw Superior
\ \ 'CHt1Il11 , Sir , I nmes discovered the
l'I'lll'S oC the westem IlI'nlrles nnll ot
tile 1II0llntnln8 , nllll hr 11ls l'ellOrt dill
lIIuch to \\'lIlwn IItI Interest In the
1:0,11111' ) ' , As he hlmsclf 8n 's , he wns
thl' IlI\'I'ntol' or the Ilhl'ISC "Cel.tl1o
III H , " whlcll hns ever Bltl'e heen used
III de'cl'lhlllg IIw 1I00.thWl"st gl'l1ln
IUlIIIR , lIe vifJlcd the Pence IlIver VIII ,
h' . " 111111 l''pOl'I ! Ullon Its richness , lIe
IIh ( ) ( 'xpIOl'eel thl'ou h the llOl.thm'/1
1,00.tI01IH of Bl'ltlsh ' COIUlllblll , liS wcll
liS I he 1II0re out hew plll't , thl'Ou h
wh'eh the Cnllllell:1tl Pllcilic Hnlll'oall
: , o\\ ' IIISH , s. Yal1eoll\'l'r 111111(1 : ; WII8
111,0 : tI'll'el'sed h ) ' hllll 111111 lit ! pllel1 hl
lull'I'\'le\\cr with all 1 < llIds at queB'
jOIl wu ; : ding the de\'ololll1Jent t Its
l'I'SIHI'ces. :
"lIl1ve the ) ' ever Counll the cant on
the \\'cst side uC tIle Islnlld 'et 1" he
"W'II , It Is thel'e : I hnve Rnmples of
It I gatherecl m 'selt , " he COlltlnucll.
SI.IC : J8n : Sit. , IUII1l'8 ' has been dlreC :
tOl' oC the gco oglcal slIl'vey ot Now
e.IlIl\ll. : \
PnlllllllSlfllttcil : JlUIIHC , . .
Tile 1II0nt which so orten SUl'l'olllleo
: , ,1118 and castles In the 011 ] lln 's I ,
' , ' . . l'l\e1'all ' Ih' ' and flllell
: I ) \ up , hut
SHIII ! 1'lIl11l'lw hie sllcclmens still rc.
11111111. l'erhllils till ! flllest example of a
lIIoatPl1 house Is IIollIIllI hlll1J IInll ,
Ill ! l'I oC 1.101'11 'l'oll'nnache. In Suf ,
, \llt. ! allOut eight 1II11es ( rom Ipswleh.
Tiw dl'll whl'llI e still I'l'nullns , nllll 11
:1 : , ' IIcpn l'uI8l'el e\'el' ' IIlgl't (01' mOI'1
t ' . ' UtI'el. ' lIullth'ell ' '
1.:1 : ) 'cU's : , the IIl1elelll
, ' : ( ' [ I atlon 1)lJln OIHicl'ved e\11 thougH
! 'C' I : ' ( 'd or It has long passed h ' . ' 1'h4
: :1 : ) \\'Idell t RIIl'I'Otll I1R Ilcc1s Castlp ,
tWill' nldstollp , Is 80 wille thntH may
almost hll called n lalw. 'l'he anelell !
EjJI : ! < ( 'Oll1 } ! nlaee at W'lIs Is slll''Ounlll
cd ' walls which ell close lll'al'l ' se\'ell
L C'es oC l'ounll , ancl IIr a moat " , llIc
Is SUIIlIec11th } wntor frolll St. Aul
( h'ew's Well. A vCllerl1hle hl'ldgu spall'
the mont , ; . ; 1\111 < ; access tbl'ourh U
IOWIl' . ate.wt . to the '
! ; ; : outet' COllrt ,
CIII'O ' lr IlIlillllllllll.
'j'wo llstlll ! I\I'IH > 11 Berlin physlclnns.
l'roCf8s I'S gmll 1.schl'J' ! IIUlI ron : \1l'1'
I IIhn'o / : dl co\'c1'l\1 what th'r regnl'd
ns 1111 Inl'nlllhe ! CillO fOl' Insolllnln ,
'l'l'r : ( 'nil It "el' ( nal. It lJas hc'n IIsed
" , : \h I'cmnl'lwhll' 1''SU1lS , It Is said , III
n 11It'1. : ( ' Beilin hmllltni : b ' PI'Ot. LIIIl'u ,
l'ec1 ! , who CXIII'I'S ( 'S the JlI'IlI convictIon
that no oth'I' IItClllclllC to pro uce sleel :
alllll'olll'hl's vI'l'onl\l \ III eertalnt ) ' nlld In ,
tl'nillr. : lie nl1mlllbtercd 4GO dost's
to tilxt . Ill1tlellts Ilf lIoth Fexes nlld'n. .
rlulls IIg { B. gllch 1I10l'nlng aflcI' th" "
dlls' th ( ' rllt/put / was CI'I'I-h , nml felt nil
If' till' Il'lll 111111 Iwcn'hull ' nntural.
III nil of the CXlll'l'hlll'ntnl cases till !
lIenrt 111111 lun s l'el'fol'lIlcd tlll'lr CUII < : '
lIolis with tilt ! llt1l10 t exnctltude.
A1'1I111.1' III'1011'11 ; l alihlnllH ,
'I'he PI'IIIl'e of Wnles hns taken hl
. Caillel"s pnln'e as ar ! ter at men's
fnHhlollB , lIe seldom WI':1rs a. . 6Uit
, 1I10l'e thall two or three times.
Some lIlell l\l'O born great , Borne
achieve II'cntness nUll otbers manng. .
to Jrow smalllU' eJLCh day.
. ' 'III'.vr'T. . , , . , " 'T" " ' ' ' ' ' ' '
' ; :
- , - - , .
JMucnt4d ! 01.tnn ,
II A school for oysters , " said a Pbl
ndolphln dealer In I1sh , IIJs an lustl
tutlon thut JOU would Bwear coul
not exist , for oysters nro notor loWl
Cor their stupidity. It Is , howevo .
11 . , filet lhat there nto I\1llny \ oyst
schools. An o 'stor's Intelll encc
limited , but sllliit has Intell1ltonc .
Yeilrs nlto cortnln wlso IIsh denle
cllsco\'eroc1 ' that If you take nn o'st , r ,
suddenly'rrom Its subaqucous bed I
opens Its shell , whereupon lhe Uf
Ivln water lnsldo It 1111 escapes ,
nnd the orstor dies , llut Ie you ex. .
pose un oyster to the nlr gradua1lr.
lIttllllt I t out of the wnter for a teW'
minutes , alld then returuln i
nltnlu , It grnduaHy leattls that t. I ,
keep I ts shell closed when out of the
wntor Is the best thlrllt tor Its l1eultb./ /
' .rheso In\'esll ators foulld that tholl
could tll ; < e two o 'sters , ono tralnedj
nnd enl ! ulltrnlned , aud the trained' '
CI\'sler , lceeplnl { Its shel1 c10sed wbl1
out of the water , would lI\'e a IoniC
't1mo , while the ullt.ralned one. open
hllt its shell , would die In ate" , , "
hours , 'L'horeforel tralnl n schoQ\1I \
for oysters were established , r1'he
sohuols arc lu 1l1lpCIlrarwo tlothlniLi
moro than rl' corvolrs lull of water. ,
Oysters Ilro put In thelll , and thll
wllter is drained ocr IInd then ro- ,
tUl'lleci I\Aal n. It Is kept ocr Cor .
few minutes at first. then tor telIIo
minutes , then for hnlf nn hour , andl
so on , Oyst rs In these schools lenm
that the ' wll1l1vo IOllltest nnd Iwcp
healthiest uut of water If they h01d ,
( , heir shells tI ht shut. As soon ar.
they learn this they are "raduatol1,1
and ItO out , Into the world.
u" , , ' , . ' 1'hl.1
Wo offer 0110 1I111111roliIIIr \ ) 1I0lVl\fli to.
11'au or Catarrh that l'lIl1l1ot 110 euru < ! b1 ;
IIill' : I'alarrh CUrti.
I , ' , , I. 1'1\I \ ; o ; gCO. . . l'rnJlQ" Tul/lfln. 0\
Wo th. . . IIll1hll'IIlIIU,1 hl\\n Iwu\\'l1 I. ' . , I. Cht'n\ , .
rnr till' lat Iii rear . 1111I1 hl'lh'\'u hllllterh'I'U \ ,
hUllllrahh. hi 1111 ( II"IIIU' IrnlhllcI\n' ! . :11111 : IInlu ) .
l'hlllY 111110 tn carry nut III I ohllallull ) lIIaloll1 ,
IIwlr 11 rill.
WI , ; I' & 'I'lIIrWholn alu nrllltloil'l'l'ololoU. ! ,
\\'A'IIISII. IINS\S & 1.\lt\'IX , Wholenl.
! : ! ! , , . Tnll"lu. 0 ,
111111' , t'ntarrh l'tII'el tll1 < Ulllntornally nctl'
IlIrectly ul'un IIw hi 11I11 I 111111111111'1111' ' ; lIriac ( '
Ihn , " ,10111. l'fku ir.tur \ hulIIu. lIulll : by a
\rlll ! I'IS. 'f"lIl11unllits " Creo. '
111111' & 1-1111I11) ' I'IIIQ nTl' Iltt' IIl'st , !
A pal1Ol' In South 1\Ic 1ester , 111-
dlan 'l'e1'l'ltoI'Y ' ; states that a llelrQ I
crlmillalill the ChiJctlw : Natloll wa I
so lwlly srared by lJeln arrested
that ho turncd 1111 IlShell ray and
hils ncver recovered his proper color.
Since thell ie'ral colorml tlullIsel
thel'ea bouts ha ve hecullIe IIllsehel VOUB.
and are cuurtlnit nrrest. FO thnt tbo ,
CIIay ho scared alld bleached ,
' 1'I1e olll.fashloned method ot bal' >
rlll the bedroolll wlnduws of schoot-
hoys 111 England Is responsible COJ :
the burning to dcath of two Eton
oys , A dormitory cnught Hrc ancl
two victims were caught ) I1l < e rat : :
In 11 tl'ap. ' 1'lIe ' bars are the old do.
vlca for Iceeplllg the bOJ's b tholr
rooms II fter hcc1t1ine , III order to pro-
Vl n t them Crom going 011 IIlgh t la rks. I
1\Irs. King , ot Corpus Ohrlstl ,
'l.'exls , IIwns mora laud than any other
woman In this cuuntry , : perhaps In
the world. Hcr holdings amount to
] , : IOO.rOO acres 101atcd : In the eountlel
of Nuces.HIc1a'goStarr , und Cameron.
Her lute husband , Capt. KIII . waa
one ot the old time cattle barons
tis. King has about OiiOOO cattle .
grazing on Iler hroud acres. I
' 1'he mall who wlolds his 1Ittle bum i
mer Is alwnys interior to tbo WUII be I 1
I .
"k nocl < s , " I
Ullllntl , . 1\lolc Bddy ! I\lcn \ tllill 'Volllen. '
'j'1C "spolk " child usuHlI ' 1ll1l1"8 . I ' :
weal. , slcl < ly mnn 01' womnn bL'Cnust ;
such n youngster 1111S Its owu wal _ , j
ahout dlct lIud PlltS IInd 11I'IIII.s thin , ; . '
tllat lire unfitted for IIn ' tJtollluelJ , oud I ,
slekncss results. 'j
. .
"I WIIS nlwu 's n dtlIcate ! sl1ollc4
child , I\1ld 1l1 ' 1IIII' nts uset ! to Il'I me
dl'lnk coJTCL' hecause 1 wou ] cry for '
, i
It , " f1n ' 1:1 : n Georgln 'OIlUb WOllllln. .
"When I elltcrL'll scho 1 1I1 ' nen'oulto . '
lucl'eaf'lluull ' ' th uht <
neBS ! ( m Il\l'ellts : ; :
, It was IW tn 1I1 ' going to s < 'llOol , 1:10 : :
, the tool. Ule ollt nglliu. lIul I ; uot 1 '
gct nn ' helieI' tUl my III allllchC : : ! got
I \\'Or'e IIU wt'al.ouetl IIII' "u Ihat [ WI1. . '
! uutIl COl' nn ' duty , S JlIIl'tlmcs I woul. ,
go 11 wh } L. ' dn ' wltLutl nu ' othOt J
1IOIII'IIllIlleut tllllll II Clip of cofTee ,
II I I "Lnst 1'11l'IIlg I hlld II ) ,1111 nttllk at
the GI'llllle , uml wlll'll I recovered I I
tOlllllI tllnt cotree uauseatl,1 lIIe so [
coultl 1Iot drlul. It , IlIl eVl'n n Ce\'r
swnllOWR woulll I'uuse n terrible burn. i
IlIg lu my rtollllll'h. It WIIS nt this
time thnt a frlt'lld who IlIlll Iweu much .1 n
heuctlted by tlal' use ot Pmrtum tiUg. j
Jl'Sted tha t I 11' ' this teed drluk , ( ' 1
round It sllllply dellclollsllld / hn0
I used It e\'I'I' ! ' ; lllce uu the results 'iii
. Rllea I. fOl' Ihl'llIsei VI.'S. I hn0 glllnc.s
12 IIOl1lllls IIntI m ' nl'rvC'S al'o as stl'fldy
' nnl.'H ,
111:1 : IIn
" "I con"lcll'r rn 'se1f well alul stron
nnd I Illlllw It n point now to tnlw a
ellil of I'otllm with crwker or tWI II "
u 1'0011 ns I l'Ollle lIel1110 I'rom school . :
III Ihe IIftel'I1oon. Po-turn with CI nek. i
l'rs 01' a blHclllt UIlII\l'R 1lI ' luuch\Oll \ , It i
et I'talnl ' Sit ved 111 ' IIft , fOl' I Imow
( 'ufTt'o would hn ve Idlled me In time '
hnl ! I contluu'd dl'lul.llIg It. i. . ,
"I 11I1\'e uouug girl fl'lenl1 , 1st'noc. . : < { . '
l'nl1ltel' , who dednres nothing stl'lJgtb-
ens IInll rcfrcslJes her like 1'0stll111 , '
onel ahe hns II little 011 stove In ber
olllce nnl1 Ull\kl.'S 1\ cup at Po tum at : . '
uooutlllle. I have recommellded thl.
wonderful bc\'el'nge to Illnn ) ' ot my
Cl'leluls who Imow wbllt It hils done
Cor 1110. " Xall1c given by Postuw Co. ,
l Unttll. ' Crel'l _ . lIch.
Look In eaeh Ill\eknsc for n copy or
the fa1110IlS tittle book , "The Road to
I \V c1l v III e. "
- . Lj