Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 22, 1903, Image 10

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) . Anther of II Roy Russrtr.r.'s RUT.X , "
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alIA P1'Im XI.-ConUnllI. ( )
" 0 , my dellr 118S 1'\'r IIII , the 1'atcl !
< < rtnlnly hll\'c beCrlentlel1 lI\e this tlmel Ire I
! ro think thnt I 8holll11 hll\'e met 1I1\1 ! ! I
four benlltIClIl self , jll t IIR 'Olfltlrt on I
a ram hIe , Is too Cortunnto Cor belief ! I
Wblclt dlrectlen IIhl1l1 we " 0 , Cor I lit onre I
con tltllto lII'relf 'ollr lIevoted ultend' I
ant , "
" Ir , Glendenlilng , 'Ol\ will rxellse me I
If I lIerl1t1l1 YOllr pcr\'l'es , I crime Ollt
for u ( luh.t wnlk hy 1II 'selC , nnll tlll'rl'forl' I
.hllll not certnlnl ' trespass 111'011 ' 'ollr I
time , "
"Pnrllon lI\e , II\Y IIIIKCI , m ' time Is of I
o censeqllence nt all , I IIII1Ht InHist IIK > II I
aecompnll'hlg you , ns I cOII(1I ( lIe\'er n ( '
low o lo\'ely n Inlly to slroll o.rollnd I
" 'lthont n ( Irolector , "
"Sir , " 811111 gthe ] , now rl'nll ' losng ! pn-
tlence , "thero Is 110 11nll/er / : Cl'rt lny ] to I
bo met In the short Wlllk I IlIlcIIII to tnke
In 'ollr linde's grollnlls , But slIlL'O 'Oll
ayer otherwlsr , I shnll IrlRtnlltly returll. "
"You w\l1 \ do 110 1"I1'h " tIling , " Willi tbo
Ineolent repl ) ' , M Hohnrt sprang to her
.Ide , seized her hnllll , nnd 11rnwlng It
firmlr under his nrlll , held Il tight , nnd
thus dre , , ' her bnck to the wollt , "When
l11roposo wlllking with n chllrwlng girl , I
asunll ' do It , "
"Sir , relellso mr hand. I hoye no do-
rJre to o CUI'ther. I Hhnll merely ndd
thnt 'our ( IreHOnco iH dHII [ elIhle , oml
fOur wor ! ! oC IInttel"Y nlmost Insulting. "
"NotwlthHtlllldlug that , lII ' deal'cst
IlrI- "
" 10m nelUlCr rour ' eorcst girl , ' nOl'
, our 'nlllel , ' IInd 'ou ! tll\'e 110 right to
address mo In that Ht 'lo. I nm 'ollr
IInclo's secretary olld omnnuenHls , IInll
am bero ll1er'I ' to cnrr ' ont his wlsl\ ( ' ,
and work , 1I0t to he nttenlled by 'ou 111
any wny whatonr , " returned the Indlg-
n:1I1t : Ethe ] , dlr.oncnglng her hlln , nud returning -
turning townrds the house ,
" lIss N o\'ergnll , 10 , since YO\1 \ are
IQ determined , but remelllher , nlthough
: rou decline 111) ' frlendshill , nothlug 'ou
mnr do will ( Irovolto lilY enmitr , end boo
fore mOil ) ' tllI1I 'O\1 \ will spend hours in
Iny COmlnllr'oluutorll ( ) ' , "
EtlJel made 110 nllSWCl' , IInd the next
.101l10nt , rO lItered the hall , Icavin thl'
chngrlnl'll ronth to his hitter rcllectloll ! ! .
In 0110 of Dr. 1 lfelllltcin's vislt J he hntI
b'oll lIresellt'd with :1 flunntlt ' of etcl'etl- :
lng\ \ ) ' choice lIowers by a JI'atcCulllntleut ,
Jnd IIllIldcnlr renll mbel'lnlt the dismal life
Ethel orergai1118 londlng , ho resoh'-
ed to divide them wILh her.
Drivln , then , first to his own home
before sccldng the hllll , ho solectl'd the
mCfrt bonutlful , 111111 COI'mlnl ; them Into n
( rnceCul bUlHlnl't , drove Into the rambl\J
wlUI them in his hnllli.
Dollo'as 111 tlie drllwlng I'oom nnd
laW him leup Crom the gig , with his
floral prize , so stollped quickly froll1 the
window thnt reached to the Hoer , In order -
der to ath'lIct his I1ttentlon , SUIlOslng ( ( ,
in ller extreme vnnlty , thnt ho woulll
' ; ! Itnntly llr'sont thl'1n to herself.
I But to her deell chncrin , he merely
.nI1 O a few pnsllng ob er\'ntlol1r ; , IInd
wl1lked on , cn\'r 'll11 : the coveted Hewers
with hll11. mUng her lips In keen vexation -
ation , lihe muUel'ed os she retreated to
the room "he hntI loft : :
"I will stnr hero and 'fntch for his
return. Somothlng ecmJ ! to tell me thnl
those ! lowers nro for l.hnt odious thul
Ncvcrgnll. If they IIr- "
Shc did not finish her senll'noo 11I1111-
bIT , but the ominous lool ( In her e "el ! 1011 ]
d blttN' feelings thnt wonl seck some
pott ) ' revellge.
Ethel WIIS ( Iasslng through the upper
hnll to her room when Dr. Elfellstcln
I'IlU lightly l1p , nnll 118 he pronoullced her
Ilame to detalll her , she tnrrled until ho
. -oaehed her side.
"Mlrs Ne\'el'gl1l1 , I do not know wbebh-
er ) " 0\1 \ nro ns Cond of flowers .ns I nm ,
but I hnve brouht 'ou 0 Cew , boplng
' cheer In " lonel ' du ,
they mn ) you ) "our )
ties. " ,
" 0 , thnnl. 'ou , doctor ! They will , In-
doe , ns I love them denrl ' , 'l'hese are
perfcct bonlltles I1n 1 shnll prlzo thom
\ghl \ ) ' . "
" 1'hnt rO'lle , I think , will IIdorn rour
tlllir to perfection , _ \Ilow 111e to fnllten
It there. 1\1 a ) ' I ? "
With n lllenrcd blush the ) ' 01111g Ilrl
bent her hentl , I1nl1 with sldllf111 lingers
Enrlo Illn d It just IIhove her S111 nil ,
white enr wltel'e It ncstll'd lovlngh' , add.
Wi n new chl11'11to her bright ) 'OUIII :
Just liS he118 finlllhing n step np'
proachell , anl1 Belle , who coulll l10t re'
.traln her curiosity nnother moment , 01
.ho heard him Ilnl1se on the lIoor I\bo\ ' !
and tben 11I11ke 801110 remnrlt In 11 10\ '
tone , cnme upon the Sel'lIe ,
Just 111 tlmo to see his Itond lenvo th' '
ro.o , on to aeo EUlUl lurn towllrd he
own roam , and dlsappenr with the bou
quet in llcr hl1nd nnd n grutlfie slUll
boverlng nround her lIpa.
Wnitlng until IIlte hnd lIeen the docto
! 'eavo the IIl-emlsCl ! , nnd Ethel ngl1ln 1'l
pair to Sir Hcglnnld's side , the mnllcloll
rid procl'eded dlroctly to thnt roon
where she found the 1I0wel'll cllreCully h
.towed In 11 fancy vuo upon the drL'fI
Wi case.
Seizing them W\Ulout \ 11 moment's hel
-aaUon , shl' turned dlrecUy to the bl1r
n t'e room. F > thel SRt by tlu ! hcd , nnd
bit request WIIS striving to cool 'his hot
ed brow by I. ntly mo\'II1 a flln. HII' '
WI ! : ber ey , to her natonlllhment , s
recognized her ! lowel'l' , but befoN 1
could claim them , Dello'l nngrr voice 1
rested her I1ttentlon.
"Sir Heglnl1ld , " she eXclnlmCll , "I thl
It my duty to Inform you Ulat MlslI N (
erg aU leems to III\\'e forgotten her O
tlon liS 10ur astlstnnt nllr e , nnd 11/ /
dependent , nud selze8 e\'e ' olllorhlll
that olIers to carryon sly I11rtnt10118 w
ientlemen , I jllflt &u 'prised Dr. I lf ,
etein pll1clng that rOBe In her hllir outs
your door , whllo at the 5I1mo time
ino her the e flowers. Do you npp
ot .uch behavlor1"
- "Appro\'e"l Nol Of course notl"
returned , tlylng Into a IIQsslon lit ouce , ,
lIhe wen knohe was SUN to do. " '
Nevergnll , what business ho.n ) 'OU
. cOndu t In thl1t IItyle"l Did I bring
hYeN to form Intrl with lenUeme
. . . . -
" . '
"YO\1 \ certnlnly did not , " wnR the cnlm
reply , "uor hn\'o I done RO , Dr , Nlfen-
teln 18 nn 0111 friend , I1nd n8 8ueh he
r1rl'fientl'll 11Ie with the flowers Miss Olon-
: lennlng hns tnltctl ( rom m , ) ' roonl. Bcln
I11Y own propert ) . uow , I will thnnk Ill'r
ror their rCtiturntioll. " So RRylug , she
rnnche forth her hnnd Cor thcm.
But Belle drew bacle , nnd IICOI'1Ifully
rl'pllNl . :
" .Oll , hnll ne\'er hnve LhMn : lll1ln , I
Ill1SUre 'ott , liS I shnll IlIstnntb' Iwe thnt
vcry stem , lenf 111111 hlld III dC'ltrllyell.
I f 'on do not Imuw ) 'our IIlace better In
this hOllse thnn to Ilt1t 'oursl'lf on nn
qllnllt ) . with its \'Isltors , 'ou must he
taught. Do YO\1 \ tlot thlllle 80 , Sir Hegl-
1IIIId 1" she nllded , nlll\lInl ( : : to him.
"Certnlulr. , TlIst tl1lw the tl'M:1a : Ilway ,
rlnll SO ! ! thllt It III destroyed. I shnll myself -
self Inform Dr. talfensteln. "
"You will not do that , 8l1l'ely , uncle.
He would thcu ho'exed with me , " Delle
hnstlly exc1nlmell. " 1 w\1l \ deFtroy them ,
sillce rOll wlllh It also , hut not nntll 'O\1 \
promise to sny nothlnjt to him ahout It. "
"W'II , hnve It ) 'Ol1r own wny : hut If I
do not , perhnlstS8 ( ! e\'ergn11 will. "
"Sho dnre notl Rhe knows It would
sel.'l1unmllidenly to 11I0unl o\'er the loss
of 11 few 1l0werH that were his t.ICt , In his
Ilresence. I nm not nt nil nfrllhl of her
dollig so. "
Ho EII 'in , regnrdless of thel's be-
se'ehln worda nllli lonlts , the splteCul
gid left the room with her 1I1' ot-ten
tre\SI11"CII , nnll Bthel sa \ \ ' them no more.
Sir Hegil1ald rumnlned excHcd , cross
nlld nerrott9 , for 80me 1Iml' after this
IIcene , nnd 1100r Bthel ( mnlll It I most
ImllOSslbll' to penso ] hl11l In nnythln ! : she
' 1'he 811ht of the flower Ehe stili wore
seemed to nn ! r\\'ato him , ntl1on ] h he
mnde no further < ; ol11ments upon .tho snb.
jeet , but Nthel Celt thnt without n dl-
re"t oOll1mllnl1 she \\'ns 1I0t requlrcd to re-
11I0\'e It.
'l'hercCoro It rcrnlll eI , , 111111vhon Dr.
mfcnsteln retunICd In the nfternoon for
his u8unl Becoul1 ylllit to the flck ! ml\n \ ,
ho fllIIlled , liS his e 'es rt'stl'11 upon It ,
hut ne\'er wns told thc Inte oC the rest of
his offerln , nor honrll of the hnrd words
she hntl endured on account of his ,
friend I ) ' ! ; ift.
OrrAP'I'I lt XU.
After Hobert Glendennlnj ; hlld bceZl'
80 justly remlsell ( by Jathel In the
h'rounds of the hl\lI , he felt exceedingly
III lisell , nnll the more be pondered oyer '
the coldness of this heautlful girl to.
wllrds hlmsf.'lf , the 1110re ho fdt Inclln'
ed to 11\1I118h her wuut of nppredntion
of his mel'its ns a hnndsome , wealth ) "
and pOllulnr 'oung man.
Imll1l'11itltol ' nfter his 10Rt nd\'enturc
with Ethc ] , whllo 'et chaCed nnd sore on
ncoount of it , hili sister gnve him n
! : rnphle OCCoulit of the prl'Sentutlon of
the 1I0wors by Dr. lfensteln , und her
own hOll ] de tructlon of U1l'm , then con.
cl\llll br snrin/ / . : :
"Sho III 11 proud. stuch-u : ) > thin , anel I
do delhht In humiliating her lofty fool.
Inls. I Intl:1al : to do nil 1 cnn to brlnl ;
her Crom the high 11l'dl"&tnl on which she
has llerehed , and If I clln only Incense
Rlr He inllld ngnlnst her , 80 thnt he
will ! 'lend her nWII ' , I sl1nll lie delightL'l1.
Boh , 1 wish ) "OU woull1 help 111 ( ' . "
"I wll1 do nil I clln to reduce her
nhomllt1blo pride. I IIssuro rou , though
I do not onre to ha\'e her sent aWllY. Slto
rhnll , howeYl'r , repent snubbhlj ; me nl !
IIho did 'l'sterl1l1 ' . "
"Snubbin 'ou ! Whnt do you menn 1
Did she reully dnre tt ! do thnt ? "
Hobert then relnted his experience
with tbe subject of their dlscusElon.
"Tho Idiot ! She 110cs not doserye your I
further notice ! IIowe\'er , If I see n
chnnce to lower her In Sir He lnnhl'
l'steem 1 shllll do It. I needful , I shllll
ulso cnll 011 rou for nS1lstance. "
'l'hnt I1fternoon tlte wished Cor oPllor"
tunlty nrriyed.
Belle hnppened to be In her uncl' : I
room n few moments , wheu she henrd the
following con\'er.'II\t\on ' \ lnko plnce , which
gnve her n 111:111 : upon which to work.
Sir Heglnllid hnd receln'd II note from
a neljhbor In rcCerl'nce to 1I0111e yery Important -
portant lrlvato hU9inos8 , which he Coulld
neccssnr ) ' to nttend to Imml'lllntely.
, Wishing some Intelligent pl"Son to see
n'nd con\'crse with Ir. Perldnll In regnrd
to the mlltter , he hnd 0pl:11nell : his ylews
to I thl'1 hefore Belle hall entered , nnd
wnll jUgt Burlng :
"Do 'OI1 think you could find Perkins
! for me , and nttcnd to thlH hnportnnt
, work , 1I8S Ne\'ergnll ? "
"I do. I undentsmrour wishes pel'-
Cectlr no" , : 80 If you cnn dlrcct me there ,
1 wHl go nt once. "
"You hl\d better not go IIround the
rend , us tile wlllit would bo full 11 mile
I\nd 0. hnlf , but go Crom the renr of thE
hall nnd talto n short cut through thE
Ir fiehls. There will only bo u couple oj
bllrs to lower , and the pnth Is direct nnl
IS 1111\1n , "
" ' 1'hen I wHl stnrt lit once. "
"It will only tnke YOI1 until five o'clool
to 10 nnd return. PloRse be us quick a
possible In gottln ! : bnck , us I I..hull ne01
) 'OU hy thnt time. YOI1 understnnd ,
wish ) 'OU to hurry. I neVl.'r ' like n pel
son to loiter when 1 send them UlOn n :
errnnd. "
Beeklng Robert at once , Delle Infonne
him of the erranll Ethel had to transu (
for Sir Heglnnlll , nnd his Iftrlct injun
lion t lnt ahe should husten bnek to h' '
nk "Ho told her the whole work coul
v. 00 nccompllsbed by ( l\e o'clock. No\
'RIHobert ' , 1 Ullnk It would pro\'oko hi
Ihl reatly If she were dotalned until sqve
It ' 0011 ) 'OU not Intercept her on her retUi
Ith ll11d mnnngo to kl'ep her away1"
en"Yes , Indeod. It will bo IIplendld fu
Ido I will do It , It I cannot keep her
he any othl'r way 1 will force her Into
) ve phaeton anll take her oII upon a ride. "
"Do ; then I will Inform his lenb
he that she Wltl aeen riding with &OJ :
,118 Irtrango YOUIII ! : man , "
IIss "nil , lull good ; and If ahe BIlj1l It w
to thl8 ehap , 1 will den1 It in full , "
you "And 1 will come In to lIrove an 1111
n"l" Wh r < I will : rou meet her1" _
- - - - - , - - ,
. ' . . . : : : J , . . ' < of
" .Jnat HIC otlJer 81de of the Perkin.
wood , I will hllTo n bome nnd phnlton
wlllting on this side. here Is n wood-
man's rORd there tJlnt lends to the mnln
rOllll ; we can tuke thnt , llnl1 hnve n jollr
I ng rIde. Dut 1 I1hRII have n fuu to
ret her Into the vehicle , 1 expect ; bow-
6\'l'r , 1 shnll mnnngo It some wny , never
{ enr. "
Lnllghln , : : gnyly ever the fun In pros.
peet the two sepl1ratoo to put In force the
II1ll1chl'f they hnd brewed ,
Poor Ethel left the ho1U o without a
IIusplolon of whnt awaIted her ; glad , In
( nct , Utnt Iho could thus enjoy n 911'011
nr er the COnfiUL"lnollt of thnt cloBe , hnrd
dny ,
She lounl Mr. Perkins at home , nnd
soon explained the cnuse of her vl 1t.
nnd transacted We bU'llness ' with which
she hnd been hltru9led.
1'hlll col11pletl'I , Rhe turned hl'r faeo
homewn1'lI , All wcnt well with her until
! 'Ihe ' nppronchl'd the woods. A t their ew
trnnce ! lhe fOUlld , on consultlnE : her
watch thnt It wnll qunrter pnst four.
"I IIhl\ll \ rench the hull Just about five , "
! ! he lhollght , "lIud AO plcnse Sir Heglnnltl.
I wO\1.d \ ] not hn\'e liked belllE ; ' Io.te , nfter
wlll\t \ ho snld. "
Huc1deny ] she \\'ns IItnrtlcc1 hy n HOllnd
nt IIII' ! sid ! ! , then , to her surllrlse nll 1 cha-
Jrin , Hollert Glendenulng steppl'd directly -
ly lu her pnth.
" I ' denr 1Is ! Ne\'erl'nll , thlI. ! I. n elI -
lI htul meetln/t / in n delhhtful pIneo.
Where mny your curiosity hnvu tlll.en
rO\1'/ \ / "
" 1\y curiosity , Mr. Glendenning , toolc
me nowhere. I have merely hl n to
trm1Finct a mntter ot hUlllnell1l for Sir
Hclnnld nnd nm now on my WlItOl11o. \ .
Belns 111 n hurry , I would bo "llIrl to pass
Oil , "
"Not 80 fost , not po fast , my pretty
! : 'lrlj surely ' 01t will linger awhile In this
roml1ntic plnee , now tllllt 'ou hn\'e SOllie
ono to ellJoy the benuties of the wood
with 'ou ? "
"No , rr. Glenenulug , " wns the dignified -
fied relll 'j "I cannot IIngcr n'moment. .
Sir Heglnnld deslrel ( m ' immedlnte ro'
turn , nnd 1 ennllot keep him wnltlng. "
"Ne\'ol"theles8 , mr sweet crontnrl' , ho
will wult j for 'ou cnnnot rt'tlU'1l just
1I0W , ns I Intend for once to fully cnjoy
'our ! jrociety. "
So snylug , the bold young mnn nt.
tempted to tnlte her hnnd , to drnv It under -
der his nrm.
Snatching It Instnntly awny , Bthel fixed -
ed Ulwn him n stern loolc nnd ordcred him
to stnnd nslde.
Not hccdlri her In t110 lenst , he Imp\1' \
dently slipped his arm nround her walHt ,
cxclnlmln.- ; :
"Pel'hnls ) you wOl1ld like thlR wny of
" , o.lklnhetttr. / : . It 11111te8 no llirferenco
to me. "
Shnldn off his nrm , Ethel pushed him
nside Indlgnnntly , then with rllpid step'i
prcasl'll onwnrd. Not a word more wns
RJoken ) by eilher , alt-hough , to her dis.
may , Ethd found thnt he Itept persever-
Iny ! ] 1I ' lH'r side.
As they eIl1l'rged from the woods , Hob- ,
ert . her fh'ml ' with
J.rllsped firm ) ona
hnml , while with the other he llro uced
from IJI ! ! ) locket n pistol , which ho In-
IItantl ) ' I10luted at her.
"Xow , 1I11ss Ne\'ergail , " he saitl , "you
fltllnd Ittill nnc1 hetr : whnt I have to SIIY ,
or tale the COIUeluencct. ! I do not In.
tend to har111 'ou , I ! 'OU Iwep ( > erCectly
quiet : but I dn Intel1d to. [ ' IOW "OU thnt
I I11U master of the situation nt this time.
10u need not look round for ussitnnce ! ,
for 1 nll uro you , no sol11 comes this WI1Y
at this hour. "
"ltobcrt Glendenning , " lit last ISluel1
froUl the girl's palo lips , "put up thnt
pistol Imtnntly and allome to pUl'llue
111) ' wny unmolested. Sir Heinnld : re-
qlll'eR ! 111) ' llrcsence i1111110lIntoly. ( "
"So do 1 : lind , what Is mOI'C , I Intend
to hn\'o It , so he must wnit. Do you see
that horse nnd Ilhaoton , behind thote
trees 1 ' 1'hl'y are there exproJsly : to tnlto
you riding. I nsk 'Oll therefore , 110lltely ,
will rOll fl1\'or me with your c0111110ny1"
"No , sir ! "
"Yes , sir , YOll mean. If YOII do not
111e:1U It , It mnkeR no difference , ns ride
with me : rou will. Go forwnrd now , nt
once , to that couveynnce , and let me
ntlsist : YOll In : I aEr.ure ! 'ou I will bring
'ou bael. to the Hnll In good senson. Go
on I I nm d te1'1nlned you sHall obey
mp- ! "
mp'l'hesl' words he on forced by planting
the col mouth of the wenpon aaITIIt : ; hot"
forehond. Now this pistol , though It
1001\Od formidable , WI1S not londed , nu
he knew It , but for the snl.o of enrr 'ln : ;
hla poInt , he Intended fully to frlohten
Iter Into cOIUPl'Ing with hili stran o wish.
But Ntbel wns n brave . -Ir ] , nnd1 though
pule , ahe nev'r even ahuddorell. 1i'lxlns
her eyes fenrlessly on his , she sRld in 11
111'111 , fltl'rn voice :
"If } ' 011 llilnlt It mnnly , or wlso , to
shoot , shoot o.way ! But 1 will uot 8th
one stel ) townrds tho.t phaeton. "
( ' .ro be continued , )
OrlRtobal'A Joke.
A Genon. paper tells this dellhtru ! :
Rtor . nt America'ii expeuse : " 'her
the Duke or Ycragun , the dcsce11l\anl
or Chrhtopher Columhus , vlsltetl Obi
cage ho Inquired nt tlle tl'll'g1'nph olllcc
the chl\re for n telcram to the cltJ
or Columlm8 or ten words.
"Fifteen cellts , " nnswcred the om
clnl , "not InclUlllnt ! the IIlcnlltIre :
which Is wh'ed rl'Ce. "
Whereupon the Dulce wired : " In ,
or , Columbus : SlJaU ylslt 'our cil ;
uext l\1ondn ' 01' ' .ruesday. " Aud b
signed It : "Orlstobal Colon de Toll'
y J.aar ntegul de 11Cerda Rumlre
de Daquedanoy Gnntc Almlranto
A < 101antndo Mayor de 11\5 Judlas , Ma ]
qUCB de Jllmnlca , Duque de Veragu
y de In Vega , Grande de Espana , Sel
ntor del Heine , Caballero de In inslgtl
orden del ' .rowon 1'01'0 , Grau Cruz cJ
. . In Couceptlon do VlUavlcos4 , Gout
11 Hombre de Camara d l Rey de E
I)11M. "
Pnmpln a Rhll'S OMrJo.
Tbe "grnsehoPI1cr" or delTlck el
\'ator now In use by the JAndon GraJ
Eleyntor Company at the Londe
Id docks ha" heen slCclnlly dcslgnp.d tl
v , transshlpphlJ : ; the corn rrOUl the 11011
n1 of UIO Inrgest types ot American line
engnged in tbo grain trade Into lIg1 :
ere for conveyance to oUler coastll
n. yessels or warehouses. Its spout ,
In wbicb travels an endless belt cover ,
a witb buckets , will draW' 1fiO tons
corn an hour trom the hold of 11 vess
When ready for aeUon It suggests t
great stomacb puml ) Ulnt It Is.
' 48 An old bachelor II:1YS thnt 11 mtllTI
bl , dowry lB 11 lump ot lugar Intended
nu11lty the bltternetlB ot tbo dooo.
i tld . . , . . . . . .1 : . . . . . . " .1Itj ! !
' . . . . "
- - - - ' ' ' - _ . - - , -
IIIV- T 17'
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Mony Suicides Due to llnorance. !
nl new suicIde /ltlltls1lcs ll'om Yule Oollege
nil the Increasing tel1llency to self.d'structlon
Tn \v1lch marks the hot sellson are reminders that
Il large number or suicides Ilre'really pre\'enta-
t-1 [ . 1.J1e , and arc enl ) ' due to laclt ot physiological
mlucaton. ! rr college lecturers upon hnlene
and teachers of ph'slologr : would talte pall ! ! ; to
widely Impl' ( ss one sltnple lesson a large and definite class
IJf 8ulcldl would cense to be aUlI the general nycrnge ot'
balliness would be dlstlnctl ) . augmented. 'l'hls lesllon Is
chat de ! Is a temporar ) ' state , nllli In many cases Is
( 'ullrely due to ph 'Hleal or boc1l1 ' causs. : ! 'l'he best remed ) '
for "the bluca" Is a Ilver pili. ' 1'hat gloom ) ' , hopeless out.
loolc In e\'cl1ts which drives many to sulc\1e \ Is duo not to
tbe events thcmselves , but to bodily conditions which set up
the state callell " espalr" In the mind. Any despondent
persons whose troubles arc really trlvlnl ma ) ' prove thl ! ; ,
by 1001 ln hackward for n da ' 01' a week to the last (1n '
al.Jundantl . ' . He w1ll find In
on whIch he was ) hUIIP many
cases that eyellts nnd conditions have uot altel'ed In the
least , that the exIsting gloom comes , therefore , from soml'
cause within hlmselt , an he may come to believe that hope
for the hOlleless ellU be pl1l'chased at a drug store. Loyc ,
pal'tlculat'ly I\1110ng t110se youllg people who have been ex.
eculln themselves 110 recld'ssly ol litte , Is , to the p1l'sl
C \1111 \ , merely a definite state or bodllJ congeftwn , whost'
uatural mental result Is melanllcoly , and which can easll '
be alleviated , If not cured , b . simple treatment. And If nn '
lo\'cr or patr or lovers who are thlukln : ; of death wHi con ,
sult nn Inte1llgent doctor , th ( ' ) ' will save tbelr lives at thl
expense ! of 1\ very model'ate fee.-New York AmerlcaIJ. .
The Ifandicop of lack of Education.
ANY men or wonderful natural endowments
d\\'urfed and hanlpored In their Ilfe worl ,
because of theIr laclt of cducatlon. lIow ortell
do we see bright minds In responsible positions.
serving on boal'ds ot directors , as trustees 01
great business houscs or banking Institutions ,
men who control t.ho affairs of great !
! lnd manufactories , who have good judgment and great i
natural ahll1ty , but who are so stuntcd and cramped b '
theIr Inck or early developmeut that life does not yleltI them
one-tenth of what It might had their intellectual and aes
theUe possibilities been unfold.ed in youth. In social Ilfe.
on pUblic plntrorms , In debate , In the higher fleWs ot the
worl 's work , cujo-ment , and progress , they nre constant1 '
lm1lled , embarl':1ssed an handicapped by the limitations 01
Aglln , thousan s ot young men nnd young women 111' (
Iyorltlng In Inferior positions because of their lacl.
of mental culture. Oonscious ot dormant powers which
they canpot get control ot , many of them fret and chaf ( '
un'der the restraint Imposed npon them 1y their own I nor.
Imce. 1'he ' are In the pesltlon ot the Ohlnese nnd oth ( ' ) '
non'IH'ogresslye peoples , who haye gl'ent mIneral , agrlcul.
tural and other natural resources , whIch , bowever , do not
rleld them a hUIll11'edth part of their value because they 110
not know bow to utlllzc them , In the very midst of poten.
tlal wealt1 and vast possib11ltles , these people live In POy-
lI't.y an degra atlon , just. ns nn uueducated man or woman ,
who has uever developed his 01' her mental wcnlth , Is
doomed to. perpetual Ignoranea aud Us consequences-
Influence of land.
'lIE cnuses whIch control the ebb and fiow of
T humanity between city and countt'arc' nmollg
the most subtle antI obscure or social pllc"
110 111 el1l1'he char:1cteristlc ol the people ot all
WJA ff new countrIes Is vIgor. It Is due jo : the ahuII-
. - clnnce ot land ( or nIl tJle people , and the action
fiUlI rc.actloll between land' and man. The life of new coun ,
tries Is rude , but the uourJRhment is abnndant , and the pure
air sends pure blood coursing throuh : the veins. The
flnmc I'copte lIn"o nomc" in CI\VC&
onet Othcrs In Craters.
[ nll ' thol1sal1ds of the peopl&- the' '
earth d" ell beneath Its smflH'C' . ' .rhere
nl'e human Imbltatlons In cnverns
whl'l'c tile light or day neYl.'l' pcne-
tra t 1.3 , and the crater of e-inct yol-
canoes furnlsb. IIhelter : to , scorcs. , TlIe
1I ( > 'ple or ' .rnpuselel no I1cCl to
tl"vel : far when they wnnt 'to. ' take n
: , alt wuter buth. The town is. l.JuJlt 011
piles , which ha'e hoon driven lute
,1\ su l1uergcd coral reef sltuatc far
out In the 'forres straits to the' SiJuth
or New Guinea. OP.t > oslte this extra-
orlInar ' settlement , on the. malnlaUl ,
I ! ! another vlllagl. that Is pl'tchetblgh
In the nil' am01lg the gigantic palm
trees with which the const l fl'1nged.
The object or hoth communities in
choosing these curious sites for thel1'
_ l\n.llIngs ! Is Identical. 'l'b'y dE'Sire to
II ! > Im r < ' themselves against being sur.
priHl'1l h ) ' th'lr numerol1s enemies , 01111
CHIICCIIlIl ) ' they Heek safety from the
_ Ilru\\'lIl1g Dyale henll huuter ! ! .
1'e"lIle allHcted wltb discuses not In-
fl'eluentI ) ' develll strange fads liS rt. "
a1'ls th ' choice ot their abiding
plnces. Xot long since , lor Instnnce , a
number of consumptives agreed together -
gether to dwell within the dlsmn ]
tIepths ot the : \Illmmotb Can > In Ktm.
hwl-r. In pursuance ot thl.s ext.mor.
tlhll1r ' project , hullding material ! ; wcrl
ndulIl1y cnlTicd Into the cnve at con ,
sltlurahle trouhle and expense : , and D
t\n \ ' suhterranean villngo sprang by de
! : re's into existence. When it wa !
cOlllpletcd It wns inhabited hy thlrteel
afllmllles. .
, But , us mhht : hav ( ' been toreseen
the llrofoulIIl HUence and eternal dark
I1l'SM of the llillee excrted upon the un ,
fortuuute ' ! uhalJltants n deleterious et
n fed which fur outwelgbed lIuy brnl.'fl
m tlt'I'ived from tbo undoubtedly Imr (
, r 111'r IIII' nnd equnl.Jle tempernt\lr (
] 9 lIme of the invllllds died , others gnv
rs 111) the eXlwrlment In (11s\'ust \ , nnd th
Ith Hlses so Htrlln ( 'ly anl1 laboriousl
19 hul1t :11'0 now given over to tramp !
In ou'llI WI ! nntl other slmUar chance S (
ed I "
JOUl"ncrs ,
ot IIeUCi' luck hna ottended the lIttJ
el. ( 'nlou ' ot lleoille similarly affilctC1
he . who , a few ' ( , l\rs hnck , settled wlthl
th IlIntiloclcClcmter bay whleh C01
. .Wntes Ilrnctlcal1y the who16 Inter\ \ (
life to Ir th volcaule IBluml of St. Paul , I
. Ill' lndlll. O. Q'U. Hero thQy c :
. I .
result Is 11 race of strong Ulen. When class distinction.
arc marked the gantry saln culture without losing strength. I
'l'hnt Is the highest typo of manhood. It was seen In t11. J
pre-Augustan age of Home , In the chlvnlry ot medieval y'
Westel'n Europe , In the planters of our own Southen (
States In the first halt ot Ule nineteenth centur ' . ' .rhe do \ . , .
velopment of the highest type ot mn.nhood Involves the con. r
denmatlon 0 : the majority to a rude alHllaborlous Ute. But
such men clln be propagated from geneR.\.tlon to generation
only so long ns they remain In thell' rurul environment.
In the cities degencratlon occurs. IIere and them vhor
Is trllnsmlttell through seycral geUCrlltions ! ot city bred
men , at least In , Imllvlduals who mnlntaln the fumlly
name and standing. ' .rJle tendency Is to degeneration , and
the mass yields to UIC tentIenc ) ' . The result Is sl'l'n In the
slums nnd the pocter's fleld. 1'he new m'n who domlnnte
the cities-at least In America-arc country bl'ed.-Snn " 'j
I ranclsco Ohronlcle. ,
future of the Automobile.'I 'I ,
O IE p'oplo hnve I'egnrdell these mnchlnes a9 I r
lIkel ) ' to become formlllal.Jle competltol's of the
street and the steam rall1'oltd as regnrtIs both 'I
. passenger and frelJ'ht : ; transportutlon , and there' , ,
have appenred Ulllgazine Illtlcles to lhls effect , . '
I whose wrIters should know hettel' , As Is polnt- } I
ed out in the current nlUnbel' of the EngineerIng - I
Ing magazine , four or five times us much power ' \0 1Id be' 11
required to move n given weight o\'el' the hcst maclldam ,
road as over ste'l rans , and power Is the great cost ot I
trunsportatlon. lIence it can ne\'el' be that the automobUe ,
on the common pUblic roadway , " ,111 be able to compete
with the ralll'oad car either In tonnage mo\"ement or sllecd.
Accordingly the automobile must remain It veblcle for
pleasure or for transportation In competition wllh the horse
where a railway Is unavailable or Inconveniently . Inrccces.
. . , ' .
sible. The only way to brIng It into direct competition with
the railway Is to put It upon rails Itself , and in that case It
ma.y bo said to ha\"e lost its present character , and become
a railway car for prIvate 01' lJUbUc use , In this aspect the J.
question ot the automobile and Its future merges Into that ' - 1
of the railway car , whether movIng over high rnlls or '
broad fiat ralls , laid In the common public highway , or on
a private way. Considered In this character , the auto car
01' vehicle mechanically propelled by Its own power no
tIoubt has great futm'e , just as the electrIc street car bas.
-SprIngfield Repuhllcan.
Misopplicd Ch rity.
lIE question arises from time to time whether ,
aCter all , much of the charlt - whIch stands
T J readr :11111111lng to aWt t'llmost whosoever
. shall ask Is not doing dcadl ) ' work for the peo-
f pie. It wus lls thought which Impellcd Oar-
, . . . . . .ds0 : 1 'le to say thnt among the most futile ot the
sons of men was the IH'oCcsslonal philanthrop-
Ist. The great curse of the cities oC to.dnr : Is the congestIon
of population In the poor and squaUd dlsh'lcts , IInd this
constant and incl'easlng rush fr0111 tbe count.l' . ) ' to the city
Is not only a source and cause of 01'11110 nnd sluITerlng ,
but or economic wuste of the most dungerous and costly
klntI. 'Whlle the furmers of the " 'est pll'ad fOl' h'lp In
their fields , the cities are filled with the wretchedly poor
who w111 110t leave the city , where they subsist lnr ely on
charity. It Is not alone In the West In harvest time
that labor is nee ed In the countr ' : the demand for labor
at Jood wages comes from eyery farming dIstrict In eyer1'
State In the Union aU the year , and one of the most serious
problems confronting the farmer Is the scurclt . of work- ,
' .rhc rush to the cities continues noyerthcl'ss , and the
poor and Idle 1hul the course of nature and the basic economic -
nomic laws reversed by those who re actuall ' seeking
ways of holplng those to live who deUberately wl1l not
worlc.-Phlladelphla Ledger.
Urel ' protectC1 against all wlud , no
mntter from whut qual tel' of the com.
IlnSS It mny ch1\ncl. to blow , while bet
nntural . , haths \"arylng temperatures
nre nhvnys Ilvallahle. 1'ho"ery
ground , too , is Iept at a constnntly
equable heat br the Intent yolcanlc
fires wltlUn. AntI , lastl ) ' , food or nll
1"11I1s Is Dlentlful find varied , and In-
chull's such curious and unusual deU-
cal'les as , sea elC'phants' fins and talis ,
cl'Uyllsh nnd otber succulent "Kerg-
uell'u cabbage. " No wouder that mnny
of those who hn\'e IH en cured hl\\'o
preferred : settling on the Island to re-
turulng , to tbelr homes ,
Thnoly "rnrnln .
A noveUst who wns giving n lecture
on the characterIstics and sUlToum\-
Ings of the class of people with wbom
some of his books deal , noticed a dis-
I1PllrO\'lng face In the frout row of
Ust'ners. It wns the face of an el-
del'l ' Seotchman , 1111(1 at tilO close ot
the lecturc the mnn wllited upou tbe
"Sir , " he snld slowly , ntter a sol ,
enm shal.e of the lect'urer's hand ,
" 1'\ ' < " . rend nU 'our books up to this ,
un Uked them ' fulrl ' . Man , } 'OU
woultlna gle up writing aud tak' tIJ
speo.klng to get your Ih'lng , would
'e ? "
"No , Indeed , " sold the leehlrer , so.
berly. "You thlnlt It would be unwise
don't you ? "
"I t would be sne grent a mlstnlce thai
I I telt I must tell ye ma tboughts af
_ an honest mnn , " sal the Scotehmlln '
with gl'Cnt earnestness. "I Bliid'
m 'sel' , ' 110 may 11eed just a wor (
to set him right , and I'll uot deny I
' ' .rhere 0' 'our hooltl
, to him. was ano
_ I tound a bit dull , but as I lIstene (
_ to yc to.ulght I sold to mysel' , "TwlI :
nn so dull os It might hll' been , thn
book , after all. ' "
A 8uhtorru&o.
"Don't you know that it Is wrong tl
gnmble ? "
"YIIR8lr , " sliid Plckaninny Jim fiS h ,
shoolt the lce. "I knows It's wrOUI
to gI1.m 1.J Ie , but dlshero isn't gamhUn'
llishere Is a guessln' contest.-WaslJ
Inb" on Star.
Aocountlu. : for the Trouble.
She-1'ho wa ' to a man's heart j
thl'ouh ! : his stomach.
He-Possibly that's why so man
pOOl' devils have dyspeps1n. . " : " nlUmol
. ,
- r
Severe Nnture of the Ilcmcdy Calcu-
Intelt to Inspire Fcur.
A large 11Iunber of dcaths from
tetanus that ha'e reeenU . come to
light h\\.ests with great Interest any
report of a cure of the much.dl'eaded
disease , The severity and ractical nature -
ture of the remedy , however , are well
calculatccl to inRI > ! t'e almost as mucb
fenr as the original nttaclt of the mal-
ady. Unlllw other kI11l1rCInfectious -
ailments , there Is uMuall . no calculation -
tion for results until the polson has
done Its work b ' attacking tlle brain
and nervous centars nnd producing
the fatal spnsms. IIcnce the only
hope rests in the Injection ot the-
tetanus nntl.toxln dl'ectl ! ) . into the
brain suhstance. 1'he operation Is a
severe nnd 11anrerous one , but is D1
only means lit ha11l1 that nppears to bo
founded on the I'allonal scientific basis
of dlrecUy neutrallzln the poison _
The successful cae ! reported from San
li'rancisco is one in101nt In wblch It
was necessary to bore Into the skull
of the victim for the purpose of intl'o-- : , '
, duelng the neutralizIng a ent. No
more forcible a rumcnt In fa VOl' ot
prevention of lockjaw coul be urged
than that al1'orded by the necessity or
the situation. 1 .
AJtbough or late n Inl'ge mlljorlty of
, the cnses of tentnnus ba ve been charged -
ed to the toy pIstol and poIsoned ca.rt-
ridge , it Is well to bear in mind that
the real cause Is the acc\clental \ presence -
, ence ot tbe bacillus on dirt-soiled
hands , and thnt the microbe , being
naturally deyeloped In damp and fertilized -
tilized ea.rth , can thus bo easily drIven
Into wounds by nn explosion , Husty
gnrdon Implements , nails and the UkQ
are also traquent clluses or Infection ,
e1peclally when they 11l'Oduce punctured -
ed lesions. 'When slleh conditions lire
present obYlousl ) ' the onl1' course to
, pursue Is to cndeavor to IIntlclpato
lockja w hy immecllately cleansing Dlo
wound IInd by Injecting the anti'toxln
locally , Imowln : : ; full well tbat with
8uch an opportunity lost the Illst , most
desperate remedy Is all that Is left. ,
In connection with Bueh facts , too
much stress cnnnot bo 1111d upon the
I1voldance ot all wounds trom soiled
or rusty InstnunentB. ) . .
U our ne"hhors bad ns te , , fllultls
liS oursclves , whllt 11 pleasnnt 01 < \
world thIs would be to Uve inl
. . . . ' '
. ,
. ,