' : \ ur ' { Iit , 'i . " , : . . . . . - : " . , I ' ' " . ' .JI.I. . . ' . . _ . . . I , . . ' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUSINESS POINTERS. -a.f/ / JJ * I J J JJJ ! } J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t1 J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac. r ter. 3IJU ' We now have the Gel en Ni. t . ag-ara line of can goods ; also the , . Defiance line-thc best on the market. The Star Grocery Co. i Fresh fruits at the Eagle ' . r cery. Buy clocks at Ed. . McComas' a'nd keep the correct tune. The best ice cream soda in the . city at Wilkin's drug store. A pickling receipt that never fai1s- : First-Pure cider vinegar. econd - Pure Spices. Third-Good Fruits. These can be obtained of J. C. Bowen , the grocer. J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac- ter. 39tf Ice cream soda at Wilkin's drug store for five cents. 'rry it. New wall paper and plenty of it , at J. C. Bowen's. 'l'he Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church will serve dinner and supper on Election Day. , . Buy your flour at the Eagle Grocery. Dinner and supper of the very best viands will be served on Elechon Day by the Ladies of the Baptist Church. 17-20 The Eagle Grocery for Breakfast - fast Foods. * Money loaned on Improved farms. JANUS LUDWICH , , 718 tf Broken Bow , Neb. . Nickle Alarm clocks-the best made-at Ed. McComas. l . FOR SALu-Tow.1 lots and a ; . few five acre lots in this city. ; " -Allen Reyner. " , FOR SALu-Sbc room house ; best location in city. . 9tf PUTUR SIMONSON. ik. r : . To Custer cou tJ'81I0USek elers. - . ' _ ? J. C. Bowen requests your pres- cnce at his viuegar sale .all next week at the store. Bring your largest jugs. - The Star Grocey Co. has high grade coffees in cans and bulk- t e very best. Try them. FOR SALu-Choice Herefords and Duroc Swine. . Best blood lines. 16tf G. E. CADWULL. Jugs , fruit jars and milk crocks at the Engle Grocery. J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac- ter. 39th Clocks that run eight days , at Ed. McComas' . Go and see them. For a bracer , use Tea Leaf Tea , at J. C. Bowen's. FOR RUNT-480 : acres of land. 'l'hree hundred acres in pasture , good house and well , six miles north of Anselmo. Enqure at th office. 17 tf Bring the very best appetite ,1 you can get to the dinner and f . supper to be served by the Ladies > Aid Society of the Baptist ; ! C.hurch on the day of the Elec. hone 17-2C The'Ladies of the Presbyterial1 , church will hold their Annua1 Mid-Winter Fair. Place and date will be announced later.2C See Ed. McComas' fine line 01 Mantle Clocks. 'l'hey are ele. gant. Husking mittens , gloves , hus. kers wrist ba.nds , furniture of all 1 inds , stoves , tinware , gran it. ware , queensware , stove pipe , dampers , coal buc1cets , shovels pictures frames , frames made 1. < order. JUD ! { AY. South Side of Square. When in need of an Auctionee see or write bim. , ' \ This office for neat job work. LOST--A lap robe , north 0 Broken Bow. Finder pleas leave it at RUPUDI.LICAN office. When wanting good chea : farms or grass land call on Lev King , 5 miles southeast of Masol City , ebq sJca. 18-11 SOHEOULE OF DROKEN DOW MAILA. Pouch tor Wo.\ will clOIO at 8 p.m. . oxcor 81LDdaJ' wbon It will clo.o at IIUlI p m. Pouch , t 'or train No. 010. . . at S a I and tOI No. . . clo.o. at , .SO..m. Mall tor Anile and polnta oan ot Grand lellind oarrlod on tnl No. 44. . , Oconto a of H'no and Tucltenltl. . dall ) ' J CClllt anda , clo. . . . . t 7 a m I returulnjf 1&0111 da CallawaJ' , la , Hc' .lnleJ' daU , oxoept BuDd , clOlOl at 7 a 01 , retnrnlng .awe dilY. 1I.oaltd Valle , via GrHn &Ad Klhln 01010 a7 1B..nudaJ' ' , ThundaJ' &nd Baturda , . . rotnrnln . . . . .0 daJ' . Sumner , Ia Ourn J' . OlOrgetown and U to ' I army , . at IJ.IO. Tuo da ) ' TbUlda , aud Balnl 11&J' tolurnlolf l aro. at 12,80 .amo dA1. I' . ' OtIGt houra trow 11.00 a III to 8.00 m. BUE r' cia ) " trom6U p. m. to III& ! > p. m. f.obbJ' 0 0 . weekda , ) ' . trom 'l a. ID. to 8 P. m. 8unda a f : a. m , to B. 111. General dol1Y1rJ Dot open But dlllD n11n1 u heretofore , L. JLJ.nn. P.M' I . . " . . . . . - - . . . _ . - . . . . _ , . . . . . . - - . , - THE OLD RELIABLE Absorutclv 4.u'O THERE IS NO SllBSTITUTE I _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ ' nOUNU ( HUVH. Mrs. Pearson has been visiting with fricnds in Omaha the past weck. Albert Lang has about finished threshing. He has two or three jobs yet and then he will pull his machine home. 'Ve were mistaken last week in rcgard to school bcgining in i the higher grades in Round Grovc district. It will not com- mencc until November. Mr. Anderson of Mason , while working on the railroad track ncar Mr. Smith's. placc had his hand-car run into by a stock train and badl , } ' wrecked. A few days ago white gradinf ; he was caught by the morn1l1g fiver. - Fortunately no serious dam-age was done. A farewell reception was given Mrs. Bingham and famitv on Thursday evening of lust week. The next day tbey left for Richardson - ardson county this state. A large number of friends and neighbors gathered in and surprised - prised them on their last evening 111 Custer. Refreshments were served and the evening was pleasantly spent in conversation and playing games.Ve wish them success in their new home. ORTI I.LO. Waller Day movcd his family into the Staats house last week. D. V. Joyner of Broken Bow. was in the valley last week visiting with his father and brother G. O. Chas. Cass' barn is ncarin completion. It is quite an addition to Ius farm and will be handy and convenient. J. 1\1. Fodge and Rosella Joyncr were visiting at A. B. Cornish's on Wood River last 1\1onday , . returning home on Tuesda } ' . J. R. Bilker has a brother and sister-in. law visiting with him , having arrivcd Wednesday of last week. They live in north Missouri. They will make a visit of scveral weeks. Geo. Hu hes made one of his semi. monthly ViSitS to the Bow Saturday cvcn. ing and Sunday lnst. We cxpect that thcse trips will continuc until this ternl of College is closcd at uny rate. We arc rcmindcd c\'ery little whill that election is close upon us. And tlll candidates are such sociable fellows thai we fecI that if only wc could vote for at : of thcm. how goO ( thcy would feel. It ] thc past wcek we have met an evel : dozen. Hvcn Brothcr IIand is makin a house to housc canvass , amI leavin with "His Platform" : each he mcets am it looks so nicc , but he is ashamcd to sa ) whose nomincc he is , or who is hll Political } taUlcr. NI W IIIU.I NA. WiIleel was a visitor at Brokcn Do\ ' last Wednesday. Oak Robinson amI wife visitcil at 1\lr ! { cllars Inst Sunday. R. R. Robinson and wifc wcrc 1\1ernl visitors last Tucsday. Anua Edmunds of Broken Bow is visit. ing at her homc here. 1\1r. RoberL' ! nnd wifc visited at Mr Edmunds last Sundn } ' . I.ula Williams visited at Willie Wil. lilllns Saturday and Sunday. . 1\1r. Shoemakcr and famil } ' of BrokcI Dow visited af. R. R. Robinson's Sunday . E\'cr'one is tired of thc wind and dus but thc } ' must indurc it as thcre ill n ( , choice. Mr. Itlcming anll wife , who have be 1 visiting their daughtcr 1\1rs. Oscar Bow ley rcturned to their home in Oklahoma 'fhursday. laUln.IC " 'I.E. J. E. Evans of Berwyn , wiI offer at public auction Monda ) ' October 191903 , at 10:30 : a. m. at his residence one-half mil ( northeast of Berwyn the follow ing described property : 16 milch cows. 7 steers , coming 2. 9 yearling steers. 1 heifer , coming 2. 5 yearling heifers. 20 calves , heifers and steers. 1 bull coming 2. 1 bull coming 3. 4 sucking colts. 1 colt coming 2. 1 brown horse , 6 years old weight about 1300. 1 span of young mules , wel broke. 20 head of shoats. 1 top buggy. Seven months time will be given on all sums over $10 win interest at 10 per cent. Frc ( lunch at noon. . . . . n i The Ncbrn9ka Unlltlst stntu Convcntlon Thc thirty-sixth anniversary uf the Ncbraska Baptist State I Convention convened at Beatrice on Monday October l ifth and closed its sessions on l rtday Octobcr ninth. 'l'he"Fcreword" of the Convention was " , ! 'he Evangelization of Nebraska. " 'l'he entire program was arranged - ed to bring practical methods and full knowledge of facts to the attention of thc churches throughout the state. 'l'he topic was considered from the point of vi < : w of State , National \Vorld-widc influences. ' ! 'he dut ) ' of Baptists toward the religious - ligious needs of Nebraska was made to stand out in striking manner , but it was always with the view to enlargc aud more effective service through out all the world. 'l'he standing of the denomination - tion in the state is a matter of much gratification to thc workers - ers here and all over the country. During the last threc years the number of churches has increased - ed five per cent. , the number of pastors fifty per cent. , the number - ber of baptisms three hundre . per cent. contributions to state work have increased fifty per cent. as also have the contributions - tions to all beuevolences. 'l'he Board of Managers were enabled to grant all worthy applications for assistance for support of pastors - tors , and three churches were granted gifts to enable t hem to erect church buildings. During the Convention the delegates present raised $1045 for church edifi : work in the state. The attendance was large and the sessions were declared to be among the most deli g-h tful ever held. Beatrice and ber citizens were thoroughly successful in providing every comfort and courtesy for her guests. D. M. Amsberry was re-elected vice-\ > resident , and Rev. S. P. Morns of the Broken Bow church was elected a member of the Board of Managers. 'When the new president Rev. J. H. Conley D. D. of the First Church , Omaha - ha , announced the standing committees - mittees for the year , the chairmanship - manship of one of the most important - portant among them , that of Systematic Benevolence was given to Broken Bow in the selection of her pastor for that important work. J. G. W. Lewis of the Brolcen Bow churcb was appointed a member of the Committee - mittee on Education. The delegates - gates attending from the Broken Bow church were Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Amsberry , Rev. S. P. Morris , Mrs. L. M. Cadwell and Mrs. Clinton Da : } ' . -X. Cllurcb tter'Vlcc. . . CHURCH OIt GOD. Thcre will be services at \Voodmali I Hall ncxt Sundar.at cleven o'clock. All are cordially im'lted. , Rev. II. IIaycraft , Pastor , . u. n. ClIURCH. Sunda } ' School nt 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rcv. II. E. Myers. Sub. ject , "The Throne of David. A cordial 111vitation to all. . . Rev.V. . 1. . } ) erry , Pastor. 1\1. It. ClIURCH. Services at tht ! 1\1. E. church as usual Suuday. Morning subject " 'l'he Christian - tianVarrior. . " Text Deut. 20:8. : Hven'- ing topic , "Stagnent lools. " 'l'ext Hzk.4:1I. : We extcnd you an invitation to attend. Gco. P. Trities , Pastor. I'RItSB\'THRIAN ClIURCU. Scrviccs ncxt Sabbath morning at II a. m. Subject , "The I.anguage of tlie . Palling I.eaf. " Evcning scrvice at 7 :30 : p. 111. 'l'hc pastor will preach his 6th sermon on thc "I.ifc and 'rimes of Elijah. " Thcme "Hlijah Undcr the Juniper Tree. " Y. P. S. C. I . at 6:30 : p. m. 'rhc public is cordially invited to at. tcnd these ! 'cn'ices , ClIRISTIAN CHURCH. Jessc Teagarden will speak at both the morning and evening services next Sunday - day at the Christ1lln Church. Thc morn- ling scrmon will bc relntive to "Amic- ' . tions. " Miss Minnie Shinn will render , a solo. by request , entitlcd "Mother Siceps Beneath the Daisies. " "Jcsus at Church" will be the subject of the even. ing discourse. and the Ryerson Quartette - tette will sing in their usual IJlcaslng , manner. mblc School , C0U1mUt110n and , Y. P. S. C. 1 . at the regular ti111e. We , would be pleased to have you assist by your prescnce. lIAP'rIST CIIURCH. lIible school 10 a. 111. Divine worship 11 a. m. Topic , liThe Office of Dcnom- inationalism. " p. 111. Junior D. Y. P. U. Under the Dlrectiou of 1\Irs. Ams- berry. 6:30 : p. m. Senior D. Y. 1 > " U. I.awrcncc Hollandsworth , Icader. 7:30 : p. m. The Service of Gospel song anl sermon. 'l'opic , IIln a Rut.Vcdncs - day 7:30 : p. m. The week. niht prayer mceting. Thursday 2 p. 111. 'the I.adies Aid Society meets at the church. Elbert lIubbllrd-\u Imlh'ltlual. By Will A. Cllllilbell. tlIlor of Tbo Kuocker. Like Grover Cleveland , Ex- Sheriff of Erie CountyNew York , Elbert Hubbard ( divorced ) is an Individual. 'l'hough the I author of "The Hetired 14'armer" does not think that the ex-sheriff I can compare with the author of , , - - . . . - . . . , . - , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - " . . . . . . . - Ayers Doctors first prescribed Aycr's Cherry Pectoral over 60 years ago. They use It today more than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon it ror colds , coughs , bronchitis , consumption. They will tell you how It heals inflamed lungs. "I hAil a very bad cough for three yean. Theul Irled Ayer' . Cherry I'cctoral. ) tYloro IUIII ! werlllOOO healed aod m , cough dropped . " awar. MRB. l'nA L nTDU , Gutbrlo Centre. la. 2.5c. . 5Oe. . 1'1.00. J. C. A vim 00. , All drU lllu. for l.ow..lI. Ma. . . Old Coughs Ono Ayor's Pili at bDdtlmo Insures a natural action next morning. I a Gess ; ; essig , and founde : I of the Hoycroft experiment , he has written a criticIsm of both immorals. Mr. Hubbard is one of those envied by all broad minded , " whose ears long closed to eartbly things catch heavenly sounds , " and thougb it is im- possibe for all men to be sane enough , to approach tbe truth Hubbard teachcs without endangering - dangering their souls , it is well to know of the men. who transformed - formed the actual with beautiful - ful illusions. ' o On beautiful plate finish , deck- el edgl' , book paper , we have printed 600 copies of the criticism - cism and distributed the type. Each copy is signed and numbered - ed by the author. It is printed on one side of the paper only and has red head bands. Withal , it is one of the finest specimens of ] printing ever done on paper with mk. It can be sold to anyone , but can be had with the Magazine - zine , The Knocker , until January 1 , 1905 , for $1.00 , had and receiv- 'ed. 'l'HJ KNOCKUR SHOP , 17-18 Blair , Nebr. ltlorkct Iteport tor TodllJ' ; . GIIAIN- GIIAINWheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 .54 DarloJ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Oatl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 R'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .35 Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 LIVII : STOOIt- DOIrI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 80 Htoers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 . 3SO COWl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.5. @ 2.751 l'oULTRT- Cbloktm@ . per poond . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .06 I Turkeys , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OS PIIODUC.- Dntter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Egg. , pH 1I0zln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 MIPCKLI.A1CEOU8- 1'otatooe. per bushol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SO ' Onlone. per boebol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.OtI Uav , Iwr too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Hlrawdor cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Bogllr. Granulated. per cwt.$5.bO @ .75 I.Ow I ! ATEtt W tjT. VI" Durllnatoll noute' $25,00 to Portland , Tacoma , Seattle. $27.40 to San Itrancisco Los Angels. $22.50 to Spokane. $20.00 to Dutte and He1cna. $22.40 to Salt Lake City. . Proportionately low rates to hundreds of othcr points , including Dig Horn Dasin , Wyo. , Montana , Idaho , Washing- ton" Oregon , British Columbia , California - fornia , etc. Hverr day until November 30. 'l'ounst cars daily to California. Personally - sonally condu tcil cxcursions thrce timcs a weck. Tourist cars daily to Seattle. Inquire of nearest Burlington Routt. agcnt. 15-24 : DEJXT'IIJIIS-r- : : - R , B. MULLINS , M. 0 , Make a HlteclaHy of Crowo allll IIrldge Wuk. 1'.lc 1 reasoDablo. All work gualllllteod. ( 'all aod eOll lUe before gollig elet'wher1. ' ! Olllco-io Uloken Uow Iatt , Dank Un1\lllug. \ Brokoll lIow. Nebr 8 . DR. w. II. C LE , Veterinarian. Graduate Cblc1jto VOlorloar ) ' 001lege. Dli. eapo. of 1&11 the lower aolmal Ireatod. Wco In Wllk n Drill : : Here , IIroken U. : > w , N b , . - - - - - - - - . . You ma } ' drop onto a Good Thing ; by talkin farm lands to me. If } 'OU arc looking for a profitable investmcnt in this linc we can assist you to find it. We are the selling agents for many l1\1ndrtds of acres of exccllcnt FARM : LANDS in this allli alljoinlug counties. Much of it can bc put undcr cultivation with little trouble. Some of It is wore suitable for pasture. The prices are very attractive. JalneS Ledllvicll. Broken Bow , . . . Nebraska. . " - . . . . . - , . , . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . I . . . r ; ; J THE RACKET STORE IIas just received a large stock of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men's Underwear , Eiderdovn , Outing Flannels and Hosiery For1adics and gentlemen that are being sold at bar- gaiils. Our stock of ribbons , \'elvcts , vclvetines , laces and embroidery will just suit ) 'ou. Bec our SHOES AND : OVE'RSHQ/E'S y . l or men , women and childrcn before purchasing , - and let us save you money.Ve havc a tinc liilc I of glo\'es and mittens , lincd and unlincd , for men and boys at prices that are right. Our. . . . . . . . . ! l 'lllN ) ! L 1llRtB JlE .m.1b. .1ID ! ID1 ! ! Jill ! are beauties , aad the bcst ill the city for the nloney. See thenl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . E. Rayner " " Co. , Brol el1 BO\tv , Neb'raska - I r s. 1\1 DOH.RIJ : : : , mJlU1l3 ! mm'd11nQ AI. kinds of work In our line done prompt ! ) I alld 10 Ilrat-clo8s ordor. Hed Sbop 011 thl' orncr w08t 01 tbo boso bon80. GIVI Uti A. TUfA. . Broken lIow , . - - ' Nlbralka. - - Canned . goods at 'V. A. George & Co's. _ . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lov Rates South , and Southeast. On Scptembcr 15 and October 20th The I.ouisvillc & Nashvillc R. R. will scll rollnd trip tickets - ets from St. I40llis , E , 'ansville , Louisvillc and Cincinnqli to the following points at 'the lowcst ratcs ever namcd , 'rickeL' ! will be good rctuming for twenty- one (21) ( ) dnys from datc of salc I and stopovers will be permitted on going trip at points south of Kcntuckcy-'l'enncsscc state line. FRO1ST. . LOUIS 'to New Orlcans , $12.00 ; Atlanta , $13.00 ; Mobile , $12.00 ; Montgomery - gomery , $12.00 ; Birmingham , j\12.00 \ ; Pensacola , $14.60. FRO1CmCAGO TO. New Orleans , $16.00 ; Atlauta , $15.00 ; Mobile , $16,00 ; 1\lont- gomery , $16.00 ; Birmingham , $15.00 ; Pensacola , $18.00. PROM I.OUlSVlIIH ' 1'0 New Orlcans , $14.00 ; Atlanta $ u.oo ; Mobilc. $14.00 ; 1\1ont- gomerj' , $14.00 ; Birmingham , $ u.oo ; Pensacola , $14.00. FROM CINCINNATI TO New Orlcans , $14.00 ; Atlantn , $11.00 ; Mobile , $14.00 ; 1\1ont- gomery , $14.00 ; Dirminghnm , $11 ,00 ; Pensacola , $14.00. PROM EVANS\'IIIR TO New Orleans , $12.00 ; Atlanta , $11.00 ; 1\Iobilc , $12.00 ; 1\Iont- emery , twelvc dollars ; Binn- 111 ham , eleven dollars ; Pensn- cola , fourteen dollars. Rates to Intermcdiate Points to be the same. Proportionately low rates to points west of Ncw Orleans as far as Houston. ' 1'0 Jacksonville - ville , PIa. , and intcnncdiatc points , $3.00 highcr than rate to Atlanta. Take advnntagc of thcse vcrr low rates to make n trip through the South to invcstignte its wonderful rcsou rces anll op- portunities. 'rimc tables , folders , maps nnd dcscriptivc literaturc rc. lati ves to l(1nds , truck aud stock ' fanning along the'linc of the foulRvllle & : Nashville It. It will be sent upon npplication'to ' C. L. STONIt , Gcnera1 Passenger - ger Age lt , I.ouisville , Ky. . . . . . . . . .ller Ilellcred 11\ ; . . . . . . . . . . c'rlw.olI Scol , No. 177,035. . . . I ' t . I , . ' r . ' : ; ; $ : " f W'Jlct jiI'II. ' . . . J ; 1 , } : ' ! . : ru. J. C ; . BRENIZER , Breeder of l'ure Scotch nll Scotch Topped Short Darn Cat. tie AIr herd nnmber 40 COW8. Will compare h , brc dlng alld lIuaUtl with any welt or f1hlcajo. My eXperlenc haa hOibt mo Ibat In , 'Ivo good MII8facUon , breudlnlt caU e IUUAt he raised In this altitude. I oXllect to raise them here the eQual of IIlIfthlnl : rathed III Ih , U. ti. Ilh'W bavtJ : : : > buUs Bult blo lor tht. , IInd lIext year'l ! .orvlco. My cows "clgh trom HOO ro 2000 pound@ . Cowo and I eo them , - . - . trolted Htalls Lanll Otllro. l IIroken lIow , No br . Oclober 1:1. : 190J. f NoUce l h relf glfllo that Iho tollowlllg'I. m. I'd .0Uler has dIed l.ottCII of hi. Intontlon 10 lIIako IIlIlIt proof In nPllort of ble claim , No I nnd I h.t proof wlllllu lI1al1o betoro lte"IHI'r nnd HI'- ceher lit IIroken ! low. Nobra.ka. ov:11 : 1903 , vlz : WILLIAM 0 , UltAND&NUUHG Mern ! > , Ntbraskafor the EH Ne 8ccUou:16 : W , nw IIcctlon 2 , TowII8hlp III ortb , Ulllgll91 Wlst IIf blh " . )1 110 IIlluea tbo tollowlng witno'PCle to "roVe hla colltillUIIQ' rcsldeoco opou anll coiliva. 11011 t'lt "Id land. vlz : Charlee F. 110Hter nf 11m. /len Dow Nobraota , lIlareDco A , Swlrk IIf IIroken 1I0w , Nebrtlsllv. ltabort J. K"lIey ot Merna. Neb lI.mnol W. FOlter IIf Morna , Nuhrsdka. IS. -.II : JUIK WIIITrlI4D , Ul'glller , Ulilled I:3late : Laod OWce , l Urokeo 1I0w. Neb. . ucloll r 7. 191J3 . f NoUco Ia hereby glvon tbat Ibe tollowlDg'DIIID ed aeUler b&l 1IId : notloo r ber Ilitention to make DUll. root In SUI1IIOU at b r claim. IIl1d thlt lIa'd ' proof will be lIIado betoroI'giller \ and Ito. I elv r at IIrokrn Uow , Nebralk" au No' mller 13,1903. vlz : J > boAIU. IIUSTRlt of IIrokon Uow. Nl'hralka , for tbllil. R. No 'O33 KNw , Boctlon :15 : , ' ' . I , N. nlillgo:1\ : . Bhe namel tbe to lowlnl ( wltneuo to provo bll contlnuona rOlldence upon and cul11vtloo of laid land via : Uobert A. Uuntpr. Mabel fODk , Daniel \\'oU. , 06011:0 cbmldt all of IIroken Uow. obrulla , J4KaB WlUT&UUD. 17tl. . lIeglster , . . . . . . . . . - - _ III * , Ijo" r1lT " . . - - - - - _ . . ' " a.v. . . . . - Legal Notices. LIWAL AUV & 1tTISRME'I'J'S. AU IIIl1'crll8emcllla unllcr tbla ) wad wl\1 \ be chllrgel ! for lit lel'al rall , vlz : 51.00 lII'r IIqnuI ! for firllt IIIHortion. nnll fiDc Ilor squllro tor caell lub eqno t III ertioli. A "square" It' tOil IInoli or fractloll thereor. - - - ' - - - - Unltl'l ! : : Il.I\leli 1.111111 Ollie. . l IIrokeu Bow. Nl'b. . Sel't. 30.1'101. r ! ' ; otlce II hurelly gh'en that Iltu fOllowlrg-lInw. cd 1I' lt1or hllllllll'd uotlell nt hllllllleulion tu wako i I1URI IImor In SIIIll'Ort of hIB clnlm , 1111I1 Ihat .ald : llroor will bu IIInlollerlte Hellllter Blld Hecolv r at Broken ! low , Neh . 011 Nn'emb r 6. 1903 vlz : Elt\'R , . . 1 ALSI'c011 , or IIro , ell lIow , Neb. rLlr tbo h'-i. ! s c 13. 'I'll. 1M JIg. . :11 : , W. II" namell th" IOllnwlllK wltne.II"A to jl"\'U II can. thluouP relldcnc. . IIpOIl alill ( llltlvatllJ , . ul 511111 laud. viI : : 1110 < ' u. JIIonlgvlIl riAlou. 0 CIIIIOII , Albcrt SwIck Lambert ' . IIrrlug , 1111 of IIrokoll Uow. N..b JA IIiB : WlllfEUKAK. 16 21-6:1 : n gl'tor. Uoltoll Stalus Lalld Offico. l Droken Dow , f\lebrallkM , teptembor : 8 , l'JOJ. r N : > tlco 18 boreby g veu that tbe followlng'IJOw , , J ed .eUler hap tiled uotlco 01 hlsilltentiou to m8ke final pr Illf In uPllort of blM cl-Iw , and Ihllt paid vroor will ho mnlle hcr" , e H ! : I"t r 11011 Hpcdver . at 1Iroken lIow. Ncllra ka. 011 Oclo\Ur 17. 1903. , Izi . \ IIIIUII U Ew'"g or Ans llIIe , ) \ " lbska , for the H . " " .1839. , , uw , e w , Scctlou 13. Towndhlp 19 N. . HnllGe:15 : W. 110 lIall1Ca tbe rollowlll Wllulsso. to ) lrove bl COIIIIIIUOU8 resl. deuce upon and eolth'IUon or nld 11nd. vlz : COli IClbman of 10' crllll , Nebr. . .Iohu Craoz of Merlla , Neb. Jo : IWlJrd Oay or Euwkll Valle ) ' , Nebr. \ < 'rnuk ' Lllirmor of Au'chllO , N'b. 13.18-s : ! JAIE8 WUlTEIIUD , Ih'glstor. Ullited StateH Lalld Ollce , l Urokcn Dow , Nebll\s411 , SeptewlJor 21,1003. f 'I. Nollce 1a hereby glvon tbat the followlllg lIaUl' " 11 lettler hila 11eol lIollee of bls lutelltlo'l 10 maku Onal pro of 10 sUVl10rt of his cl lm , nlt that shld proof "Hlllc made b , forb lit glslor and Hecelvcr at Drokou Bow , Nob. . on No'emlwr : . ! , I OJ , ,17. : Mabel J. Wblte , fo.m Jrly M hlo J Snull or All tlmo , Neb. for II. K , t\o. 96 EY.'l'H IIW .c se } { , sw uelj"ct1ou:1O ! : : Tow08hlp :10 : .sorth , Hllng" 21 W. tie 1181&e < l the f.Uowlng , wltne s 8 to ) lrove bls conllnl1 u8 repldenc" upon alld cultl1'a. 11011 of lIald aUII. vlz : Cbarlod Al. 8treU uf Uo0810r. Neb ; Goer ! ! " W. S"I'II. of HooBler , Nell. : Willard E Whltll of Ausclm.I , Neb. : Olin J. Lito of Mcru . N. b 15-:10-59 : JAJJiS : WJljTKURAD , Io ! hlor. UIII ed litatol : 1..11111 Ornce. l Llncolu , Neh. . . ept. :12. : 190J. : f NOlleu III bcrebv II'on that Iho tollw'III : ullm. ellllltU"r has ! lIed 1I0tice or her 11111:11111111 10 mdke u..1 "root III rUIJport of her claim , I.lId Ihllt ald ) lrol\l will b. II1UIIII bl'loro IhlJ t'u.J ly .1I1I1:0 ! " ' Urukell lIow , Nb. au DC'oher I , I'JO : ! 'Iz ; Llliu Challlll. fnrmcrly lu.II' ) s . rUI . . lJe Yo & " II\\-i ! BW .c HJ.cH' f fcrth. . . II / , WII llp 15 NOlth. ItulIlle 20'es.,11 11 : Nil 1jOI. . Sh nnllleH the rOII'II\IIIU WIIUl'8SCH 10Wh I.'r COli' . . . . IIlIuul1s rPIi d" < lI'u 1\\,011 , , /III I ultl\ ' , " " " . , r 8ald ' h'Od. ' vlz : Cl1nrlee L. 110' eu It 111,1.1.11 lIow , J' Neb : " .1111111 K , 11"11 ut Uwl. , . . . II , , , , , Ncll ; l'hllrh'8 ' . 11.11I11I11"11 flf IIr.Jklll BoNI'II. . ; U. A ItId'HI"u u : 1I1I n 1I..w. . .ell. 15.W-bO : . \ . A lHItt : . lCe 18Ier. NU'I L 'JJ : ' 1' , ) Nu HtHIJBNT ! . III tI. " UItllctUnulturCn.lo' t' UIILY. NeIJrlI1 a. UllloIJ ! . 1111 CK , 1'/11111111. / VS . J me 31 IInle , Adl1llui. . lIalur of IIw eSlnte ot JbJII" " U III.ted , Il'cl' ell , et III. 1JII'ud'lnl" ' 1'0 I UID K Ow 1111 , .I ' "u W n"lnn , J.'ranc d 111 Uwlllll Bnd Johll H Hwlnn. minor clllllliell or Sll " A. GWilili. IIcco'8l'd 11.111 U 11. Gwlon. glludl , , " If suhl.I luor chlhlrllu , Villi kllli ea II ef ) UII wll. takll uotlce I halon thl' 71h lIav of Octu- ber. 1'OJ. Ihe 1""lntIiT. Claude 1 . lIawi.lIlld hie Ilet ! leu lu the Dlallllt Court "If C'IIHer I 'ount. ' , Ntbrnll a. Iho 'ILJtct IJnd prllyer at wblch He 10 tOrlclosu two cnaln renl eMatn mort:8 ! ! : s , .X. cluted by Jnlllel O. IIntc8 an I L Arnaud" 1I0ted onll ot wblcb u dllud : JalJllllry 2ht. 1890 111111 - : , 10 8ecuro Ihelr OIiU corlnln promls ory 1I0h' . ror the 11011I or $500 00. wHb 7 per eut aurluul 10 tu st. 1118tl1rllll ( 1111I1 c mlng lIuo .1 lIullry 21. , . 189M. IIpOIl which tbcr Ie IIUW Iteo the 'UIU or $500.00 willt 7 per eont. Inlerl'lt tom Junu"IY 218t. 1 95 , lJud 10 Iwr cellt llilorest upon lIld duo 1111quellt a""lIallutero t Said 1I0h , hlJ.ing beoll LlvlIU : tv J. I , HUbbard. 'I'rusloll. 1111I1 now own. ell b ) 11118 plBlntltl 'rho olhpr or sail I 1II0rtgliel belli ! : d8wd J anu rJIb. . 18'15 ' alld gl ell to 81' . core the IIn1001lt ot sbreu c'Ullln Ilr"CJlpsory Doles of $15.00 "dchmalllrll1g Jat'luary :1t.1 : , 18 % , Janoar ) ' : . ! ht 1897 nDd J/llIlI ry :11 : I , IM M. wlltl 10 per CtJllt. Int-rept fruUI aliI ! Ifttcr IUMturlty. lIoth of s/lll ! worlgllcl cllverlllg the lIortbIe t Ilnarler of I'cCLloli 'l'wenty.olgbt ( :111III : 'faV 11- blP Niliell'cu (19) ( J'jolth , HIIII/IO / 'I'WI.nty ( :1U : ) West nf .bo bU" I' , M. Inl'u8cr CoulIl ) ' , Nebr. Defnnlt havln ! ; beoo 1118d. In Ihe I'ayment of snld notcs end Interesl. 811d III th lax IJ Mcs cd alalllit said Inllll tor Ihe ) ollre IM)4 ! 189 : > slid 18'tJ. end plalnltll having palll the llamo November : ; ' ) ,11 1897 In the 8VIII of $38 07. 111..lnUlT l'rllYIi for 1\ decr o of Iho BmOllut oIu" ou " "hl DUtea. coupon8 tax IccelllU alld DJorlgllgel. IJlld IhlJt 81&lIlllnl1 b" 80hl to .bUsry Ibe amuunt so lonud dne. You IJro u'qnlrElI to lIuswer \lllh'Ulion 'n or bcroro Ihe Itllb , lay of Novcmlt8r , A. \ ) . 1003. \ale.1 ut IIrok"l Uu , , " . tbl. 71b dllY 1 f OC'ober , 1903. 11.4unt > : g. lIATES , 17-:10-63 : lIy his AU ) ' " AI.I'UA MOIIIIAK. NOTICE ' 1'0 NON.H1 SIOENTS. III the DI trlct Court ot Cusler COUIt1' , Nebraska. t'rauk 11 YOUIIL' , f1. v . J , Chlrll'l ! 11 II IIUCU , < .I nl. . To t'IO ' Dl1ltot I.nnn Cororallou. Wobe III _ ve'lIucllt 1IIIIIInIlY. lI nry A W ) lIIall III ! Itu. c.lver..1. I.lweh ' 1IIoru I"I.I. I. . Mlloru , 'I'rull. Illes ; YOII ud ellch ut ) ' 111 nil ! hllll'by lIotltlt:1I : Ihat the pl"lnlitl IIlc,1 III Ilcllllou III Ihll 1I1s- t ICI ( 'lInrt tlf IlIIlor COllnly , " 'chm-ku , 01. Ihe 3011i da ) ' d S""tllllier. A. U , I'O ' ; } , Ille olJJct allli IIrnyer or whlcll are III ron'eto.I' It Clr'.In u'lil ellnlc mOI\J.ltg IIlvell bl tI 0 bllid Oharl08 II lIenntU 10 th" Ulobo 11I"Ut'lit I ( lmpltllY null 1I01V OWllcd by IlIld 1InlutllT , whlrh s.hl 1II0rl. gUw" ! " " ! :1'cII 10 secure tll. . 118)111 ilL of Ihll UIO I'ruuII&orv ' IInto or all ! Cllllrt. ! . II IItJlIlI.,1t . tur Ihe IUDlOr 5ioo.00. Iltlell ( let"b r Isl. 18')2 , alld duo UCloh r 1111. 18'17 , aliI ! 11(111/1 ( Ihe tHlth h lt I'f the North WI'II lJulirler IIno , ho 8ulnh I"alf otlht ! : 'IIorlh ' J. : 1.1 ( Illuce. or ( 'clloll ' ! 'hlrtY four (311 ( 'l'owlI h.pllfte"l1 \ (151 ( Nunh 1111'\ : . . l\Iu I "u (19) \ \ .at or Ihe 11th I' ( ) M , III CU.IU ( Jollnl ) ' , Ncbr8lk OetIlU' IIbVil' ' ! : b. on lU tl" III Ihu I'll ' III III of 11,1111111 "hlllt II. . . , e u , III UIIW lIue IlJu bnm of f7UO.tOI'lib Inll'rll.t the".11 rrt III I'rll ' hI. Ib'95 at 10 per ce t I'"r IIUUlliu , jllllllllltI lruY8 tbnt aald 1II0rl/ltge / be IUlcclmIIIIDd the hlOlI 10111 to atl"t ) ' the mount duo thereoll. I'laltIUt . ! 11180 1"11)8 tlldt the murlgllge IIlvou by . < leorg' . . UIO' IJnl , ro l'oI'r. . A. lJrOl1i 10 tilt ! Dllkot"lorlg'ljo I.oan 011 June 7th , IM.tJ ! , and recorded In IIJOk ot mrlg g . , . lit I' . O 4S6 or the reCords of Cu.ler CUUlJty , . . . "brlJ.klll lie declared to lilt no IIl1n 011 IIlJld I remhel. ann HUbJ .ct to thu a"'tute 01 IImltutlonB , "nil ukl Ibllt the Bame be relllOVtJll II 0101111 trolD tbe tltlo 10 laid land IJnll tbo plalnlltl' mOllglge to bo 'rlor and a lI11tter 1I0u to laid morlg'jlO Allo i Ihat n cerlaln mortglgo Khen b ) ' the alll Oharlu 11. lIonDoU to tbll ulobe Invnlmont Compan , . r dllle" October 1st , 1002.0 aecure the pDJllleot IIf U7. llJnll recorded lu book 43 , plgo 86M bo i , deUted aa jonlor and Intorlor to plaloWI' mOrl _ ) gallI You will aIJ8\Ver eahl petition on or botrfl Ibo 9111.o.lay ! ot Novomber. A D 1903. lJlltcd at IIrokan IIOIV , r. eLrus . thl. 30Ih day t at SoPltlDber. 1903 r1l411. . II You u , 1(1'1\1-111 ( \ 11 , hil Attornoy. ALl'U410110411 I ' ' ' 'TI : . - " " -a " - - .