1 . . T , , , , , , , II I I I ! . R 1 WONDERS OF OREGON. .r ; a.otJlC of the Aarlcllltllrnl ) ' "eat.orth. J Btlltc Are tnrtlht& : . The Xorthwcst 10 lu'uemlnently the " , "olHlurluul of Pl'o1ucllon on thu con , , ! t1l1ent. WillIam lnclc-o1 Hulne , In l'em'oon's , tellM how a farllwr In the , thl' Hood rI\'er countr. } ' In Ol'egon rals" I ed on four ' , UC1'CS 800 lJUshels of lotn toes tha t nearl. } ' nil ran fl'OW tlm e to eight pO\1lls \ uplece. 'I'herc wus 'uot Au the lot one that weIghed less than i pouud. Squashes weighing us 1I1uch ' us 11 large 1I1au , pUl11pl"u8 U1 > Ilng' thl' 'y Icales ! at the huudredwelght , water- , J U1l'lons larger than the southern 111c1 , . , Ilulunles whose eyes would hulgl' nt seeing the1l1 , turnips larger than one's awnll , penl'S IItHl apples with u clrcul11' ference of half 11 } 'urd , are to he seen at the anuul11 fairs of Snlem nnll ' 1'l1e Dalles. l'ho bIggest l11 > plos , the hlggest pears 1111(1 the hhgest cherrIes ut the Chi , cage exposition wor ! ! CrOI11 Ol' ( gen unl1 the chnrge cannot he Ill/Hll' ugulust . ' tlwlJI that what the. } ' gaIn In size the. } ' ' , i lese In tla01' . 'I'he l'oll1olog'a ) I SOl'Ie , : t1 } ' . \\'hkh Is the hIghest uuthOl'lt. } ' 011 I } " Crult In the ( 'ountra wl\J'led to the : ' State of Orl'goll the WlIl1er ( ' ( ) for I ' l' the It Ol'UcultUl'aI exhlhlt at the Pan .Al11prlC.1n , Thl' "Webfoot Htate" stanl1s Ih'st In the Ill'ol1uction of hOll , raising ulJOut ol1l.thln ! ) of the couu. I tr."s total production , So far us Is Imown there Is no spol on em'th , with the exception or eastl'rn 9rl'gon und Wa hlng'ton utHl UIO lid. olnlng vulle.'s of Idllho , whel'e three I or fom' crops oC wheat n\l \ ' be lIal'\'l'st. . , e from Olll' sowIng' , Yet sluce tll ( ' rst settlement of the countr. } ' tll < ' ; ( , f'volunteC'r" erOI1 hll ve IIN'n 1'I'l:11etl. : A. second crop frolll a secdillg' Is 0111 , , , elnlly reported to hn ve 'Iel e tlll1't. } . bushels to the ncre. . . , ARE THERE TOO MANY DOCTORS " 'hat Cu.nnllinn 1'hlnl < of Overcrowd' I Ing the J'rnfc 3IoIlH. \ ' ! j From France comes the cOIIIlln [ 11l : , 1:0 often heard elsewhere that the l1 . era ! pl'oCesslons 1I1'e o\'erl'l'owdl'll. It i WU ! ; InsUgntc h. } ' the fact tllnt 1'oung pbyslC'lnn In Purls , who wus on the . vel'se of stul'\'atlou , had tUl'ncd shop. lifter to satlsf ' his hunger , All In\'C'.stl. gntlon showed tllat the In8tallcc of , Professlon lI [ ltl\'ertj' WIIS h. } ' no IIIl'nllS nn Isolute one , The reamn gln > n hy J II. Purls [ l1I11l r. Le 'J'ellllls , for tld. . : \ Glnto of ull'alrs Is thnt Fmncl' "hn Ii fmore octors than she wants , " In thIs conllectlon the Canndilln Jom'nul of Ie lchJC awl SIl1' Cl'j' co III P 1\1 e8 thl ! : t situation of the me lcal In'ofcsslon lu , Europe to that of the In'ofesslon III f Onturlo. ' 1'he cOlllparlson Is sigllilieulIl. fj In the rural districts of F 'ance tllll'e arc ahout three doctOl's lllr 1OOCO of 1 ! opulatlon. 111 the larger dtles thl-l'O are 7.4 pel' lOj ( ) U1Hl 111 ParIs 10,0 ; , ; I per 10OCO , 'l'hrouglwut Ontario we arl' blcses with 11.4 doctol'S ' I . Ilel' 10,000 , while In till' { 'it. } ' ot' TOI'onto the phy. slclans nnmhel' twent. } . to tllC' lOOO { ) , , noughly speaking , therefol'e , then' Is i In Ontul'io douhle the nUlllher of } lhj" I slelnns per head of population thnt II . ' there Is In pl'Ofesslollallj' o\'ercrowdel ! j . , li'rance. At first sight It wouill appear , .that the couditlons of the 1IIIcnl : 111'0 ! Cession mllst ue twice as hall In this ) 'province as In the Fl'ench I'elmhllc. , , 'hls woulll , howe\'er , b un cxu gerat- \Cd \ view , 'l.'here Is u mnt'rluldlfCerence ; In the circumstances of the two coun , , , itrles , 'l.'h average of wealth Is hIgher , 'bel'e amI the follUln ) 0011 Is more scat. I tered , Still the oycrcrowdlll of the 1111ecllcnl nud the other professions as 'well ' , Is 1'Ilpllllj' hecomln u serious questloll In Outarlo-Tol'Outo Iall und , Empire. J Correctec ! lIisiHtnlcc. ; . High Ilrlces oftell pre\'ull III frontlet I \ : tOWIIS , amI those who lI\'e In new set. , \ tlen1l'n ts hecome nccustolllell to the I ' J ; changes awl think little nbout It. A 'j : , man who reC'l'ntlr l'ct1ll'ncd from the J Klomllle t'lIs a good stol'r which Is It pl'inted In thn New YOl'I , Tl'lbune , r People get used to paring big mone ' for tl'llles , he sahl , null two dollal'S for I .Il box of surdhws or lI\'e dollars fOl' n I , pound of bud crff came to he regard. i . : I , cd as reaS/JIIU / hie 11l'1ce , But once I I I bud the s1I1'l1rse ! or ho..rln . un unex- " pectedl. } ' low liI'lep llfime . It was IIlw \ tbls : I hnll a jUlllplng' toothachl'- - wus neurlr willI with It-111111 W'lIt to , n shunt. } ' WhCl'l' I was told there WIIS 1- i n dentist , mill 1 nslwd him to ra w , .m ' tooth , lIe looled me o\'el' , got his ' forcl'ps on m. } ' tooth , 111111 runlcd It out ! ; 1 aCter a couplt' or hard twists. ! "lIow much : " I : lskld , ' " " 'ell , two doHnrs , 1 guess , " said i { tl1e dentist. , I I paid him , ulthough my jaw still IJached , adl. } ' , I "Thut's the cheapest thing I've seen , : round here , " I remnrlwll , as I ga'e I .hlm the mOIlOj' . I ! I " 'Veil , " he auld , "I thought I'd male ' It low , ccmse : 011 account of the bud I , light I pulle the wrong tooth , " 11' I hud to go tllC next da ' nnd ha0 \ the bad tooth out , nnd he made mat- I tel's squal'e h. } ' chu'glng : mo ten dol- : , Inrs. ( I : \ COllcluH . I Briggs-It's' hnd about Winkle I ( and the gh'l he Is engn ed to , Neither ( ft them Is gootl enough fOl' the otlll'r ' , I I I Grlggsl1lt IIwlws j'ou thInk that ? " " 'ell , l'\'e heen tnlltlng the mntter D\'er with both fnlllllles.-Llte. .hlPlt 1\ Hint In J\ch'nncc. , : \\ss \ 1i'lunnlgan-I will give 'ez me 11 : LUswer In n lIIon1'h , Pat. i I ] IIe-'I'hat's right , me darllntj tek , I pllnt3' 11 v tlmo to thlnl , It o\'er. But 1 / tell me 'VUll thln now-wIll It be } 'eB j " : sr no-IIIust1'llted ntts. 1 " 'Iso Is the man who doesn't write a trl1tl1Cul RtQry of hl& liCe. ( . t ) Motto ' the circus lllunu er : Give f"'ery man a. show. - - , . . ) , . , , . 'KANSAS ' TORNADC TARNADOPLAYS HAVOC IN PART OF CENTRAL KANSAS TOWN NE RL Y WRECKED THHEE KILLED OUTRIGHT AND SIX , _ TEEN INJURED - - CRO PS GREATLY DAMAGED FATALITIES ALL IN NEIGHBORHOOD - HOOD OF HAMILTON Ext"IIAlve Jtf'Klon Slorm 8",1'1. And LI t or CU'Itnltlell l'ruhllbl ) ' Nut Cotulleto ) 'rolll'rl ) ' 1)11 III II/II II ell v. ) ' Emporla , Kan. , Oct 8.-1'hreo persons - sons were killed outrhht , two fatally injured and fourteen others moro or less seriously hurt , with enormous prClperty damllge , is the result or tornados that pre\:1i1od : near 111111111. ton , Greenwood county , and near .Allcevll1o , In ColTey countYt Kansas , 'I uesday Itlght 'nw town or Alice- , v11lcwhlch has OO Inha ltants , was Ipractlcally demollshe' . Wires wer e 'proystrated ' , and the extent of the ; storm was not leamed until late IWedn s ay. I Heavy rain and wind storms were general all over central Kansas lWith the exception of those nellr [ Hamilton and AlIcevllle and vl- 'cinity ' , however , they did only , minor damage. In Greenwood anll CofTey counties live distinct funnel Ishaped clouds formed at about the 'samo ' time. 'I'he two largest of these Iclouds struck near AlIce\'i1Ie , and tra'ell ng south west , destroyed lIuild- lugs and crnps o\'er a strip a quarter lor a mile in'width. . At AlIcevlllo everyone of the tlfty houses In town : were either totallv'reele or moved from Its foundation. At Allce\'lIIe but one person , William - iam Druce , was serionsly hurt. TIe will die. Southwest 01 AlIcevllle , In ColTey coun ! y , heavy damage wus done to farmlll property. 'l'he farm house of John EarlwllJe was torn to plecos and four members of the famIly - Ily sli htly injure . 'l'ne house of J. Iw. Atherton was lown IlIvay. 1I ; the member of the Atherton'famlh' except a younl ! dau hter escaped 111- , [ jury. She : will probablv die. ' 1'he other Injurell lived four miles wesl of Hamiltonwhere , within a limited ) ocallty , nine farin hlluses were de. stro'cd. Man ) ' slllal1 lIulldlngs were turned over ane ) hundreds of stacks or hay and corn shoels scattered. Life Crush cd Out TIumbolclt , Neb , . Oct. 8.-Wore. Ias reacbC'd here of the accidental and probably fatal Injury of Charles Scholpp , a young German rarm hand , who for several years has been In th ( eUlPloy oC L. J _ Sejtrlst , a local furm. er and stocluan. ( Scholpp recentlJ left with a hreshinjt gan for west. ern Kansas a1d while in Norton county a few daJ's ago fell from a water wlIJ.on : , the wheels of which passed over his chest , almost crush , IIII the 1I1e out or him. For a ICJnll Itlme he was thou ht to lie dead , bn1 lafter lJard worl { sOUle sl ns ftf lifE were rillticeable. ' 1'he physlclar. ! fears IntCrtJal injmles alld holds ne , hopes of his rel'o\'ery. 'rhe younll 'man ' was abllut thilty years or age 'and unmarrlerJ. - " . . / - - ' - - Offered to Sell Position Emporla , Kun" Oct. 8.-T JUdgE lepllilger 0 : the Kansas City , Kall" mercantile eluo , who is here gather. IIIIInformltloll ! Oil the allrgltlons 01 bool1Jinjt made ai.alnst ! the Kansa ! City huard of education , ProfessOi Sawtell , principal of the Elllpola hllh s'hool , Is quoted as sayhljt : III was an applicant lor the prln. clpalshlp last year anel was inful'lnelJ by a third person that 1 could ha\'e' the lobfor :100 : , I tllrned dOIn till ! Holosltion. ! A secorHl prop'sl'loll , was ad\'ancect and I tllmed It d'lwlJ ' without learnln what it was , I found out many things that wcro rot. ten to the core and am willing to tel' ' them lIeforo a grand Jury , " Plofessor Sa\\tell will go to Knn sas OIty next Fllday to aid In the I Dvestlga lion. Stroke nay be F4tol TIumholdt , Neh. , Oct. 8.-Durlnr , the thunder storm at an curly houl l'uesday morning , Tohn Gutzmor , II youn farmer living a few miles north or the city , was struck US lI htnlnl { and fears arc stili enter. rained that his injurlos may prove 1 fat a ) . I ] CollisIon Causes Explosion : 1 Spti ng field 111. . Oct , 8.-1'110 en , I Int' of a hlcago , lIurlington $ . Quincy pas < ; on CI train , which en. tered the \'Ilfds at BeaHlstown at th , ' rate or t..enty miles an hour , earh I hls lUorninz , lert the maIn track bhrnugh an 'open sWitch Ilnd dashccl Into a strlnl { f six 10ilctcd oil tunks Jt1 the side truck. ' 1'IVO of the 1111 anks exploded. settln lire to the : ars and sheds nearlly. 'l'he mall car ) f the passenHer train waD consumed mtirely , end tbo train Is almost a : .otal wreck. - . - - . . - - OPEN ROAD IN CHINA UNITED STATES WILt. GAIN COMMERCIALLY Washington , Oct. n.-Tho stnt.t de artmeltt was Informed that tile Aruorlcan-Uhlnoso commorc1tI treaty hils heen si ued at Slmnghal , I1rd ! that the JllllantSe-Uhlncbo tleaty will bo sl nl'l. 'I'he cahlegrnru aunouucln the signing or the treaty IVIIS sent fmm St1l111 hai nnd WIIS slg'1ed hV Minister Con ( Jr , Consul General Goodnow IInd Mr. Seaman. the three commlssionors who l1l'lotiated the instrulllent. An Impclial decree by the Chlneso ov- I ernment has mlldo the treaty efTect- h'e ns fllr as th\t : government 19 con. cernecl , but it must bo ratlllc1 by the United States senate hefore tlle ratllicutlons eun e exchanged ud the tleaty put In operation. Great satlsrnctlon is cxpressed at the stat" dcpartment lit the outcome , as It llIakes It certuin that the t\\O P'II ts In Manchuria NIIl be opened to the Unltel States , no IlIUltor what the outcome as to the nr ollnllons for t\JC , \ e\'acuation or that territory , 11Ru < ; sla llIay be. 'I'he a < ; SHrnncr that Bussla has previously 1 IYen , and tlj which this go\'el'l1lUent would inSist - Sist tI pen lI hereneo , i tha t tIIo treaty : U'ran oments matn with Chlnlll co\'erlng ll1ncllllrlun 110rts will be' ' hlnlling upon the Husshm go\'ern- men t. 'l'he principal points of the treaty Ilre hrlelly as follows : 11'lrst-SetUl'lIIent or Ihe lon vexed qucstlon uf interna ) taxatlun In Uhlna. Second-TIeorAlmlzatlon of Ameri- cans' J'luhts or rriiclence ; throughout thl' empire for mlsslonarv worl. . 'l'hirri-lrotccllon of patents , trado. marks and coyrl ! htJs \ Fourth-Mln In rl hts. Ii'lth-Openln [ of new localities to International trade In the r1art of the empire In which the United States lias vast commorclal inter- csts. Slxth-RI ht to carryon trade , Indnstrles and manulactures In aU parts of China. Articles 1 , 2 and 3 refer to the rlchts and Ilrl"lle es of diplolllatic ollIcels , consuls anel cltlzpns or the United State" , In Ohhm and om body a numher of clJIIJ.c ( . Article , I Is the most important of the treaty. By It the ChlrH'se JOV- ernnment. rccognlzin that the pres- ent. HSlem of 10\'Ylll dues upon ! -toods In transit awl especla1Jv the system of taxation known as lIkln , Impedes the free circulation of commo tltlrs 10 -tenerallnjury ! of trade , undor- tales after the ratilicllIlon of the tcaty , and at a date tu lie I1Iutual1y all'ced upon , to ahanrton the lo\'y 01 Illcln and othrr tlUnslt dues throuJh- out the e\tlplre and to abolish all the harriers and tax stations lIIalntalnccl for their collection , : 'I'he Unlt.ed States , In consldl'rallon of tlJis ehange , a recs , if all other po .vers havlnJ ! tJ'eatles with China do IIIe- wisp , to pay at tllo port. : entry on all Its Imports Into ChIna surtax 01 one and one. halt tlmps the tarln : llIIport duty , By this ImYlllent the } .shall secure complete Imlllunity from all other taxation whatsoever with ! In 1ho empire. Exports from Chlnll shall pav 7U pC'r cent. acJ\'alorcm ( as at present ) . The whole amouut 01 ; tIle duty beiJJ Colll'ct.ed at. lilH ! port of exportation. All this 0111clals he- , lIe\'o may lIrln ahout a co IIIplete and salutary rerorm jll the fiscal : ulJllin- Istlatlon or the empire anel enahle the celltral 1.0\'eflHllent to dl'rh'e much I\rfer : ! slims 11'011I the Internal taxes than It now dlles when the cmt vf collectlo'l is perhaps IIfty per center or t he IV IlIIlp. By anot her artl'le ( tJho Chinese ov- el'lJlnent a rpes to the estalJllshment or bonded warehousps hy dll1.ells 01 ] the Ullited tates at the open ports of China. Bvartlclo 7 Iho , Ohl11'se government - 1 ment , IIrecol.nlzlnl. ! that It Is ad\'an- i ta l'olls for the country to develop Its milleral l'eS01JI'Ct s anc1 that it is I ' e irable to att.rao't flll'el 1as \ wol1 a I Chinese eanltal 10 e1lllHlrk In n.inlng entl'rprisfls. . " a l'l'e wil hill a year frolll thusllniJJ of the treaty to con. . cludo the revisloll or Its mlnl1Jg rl'g- , 'illations ' so that cltlzclIs of tile 'United States may be able to c rry on 111 ChlnC'se te11'ilol'Y lJIinln oper- : allons ancl other nece sary business ctnncctcc1 thl'l't'wlth. , A rUeles II , 10 and 11 pro\'ide for I the prote'tlon ( of trarlpmarks , patents I anel c'opyri 1 ts In China. , By articlt ] :1 : , t he Chinese gO\'crn- ' mellt a lefS to take the 11tCeSf.ary ! \ st'ps to pro\'lde fOl' a uniform uallon. al coluagfnlch shall he a legal ' tender' ' hl'Ougl1Ont the emplw. Article ] .I I'l'lat"s to CI11npse ChristJ J lans and to missionaries. Jt insllles rte to the former tI } ( ! trec excrclso of t their rellglon and protects them against the injustice of the native I ot1Jclals while 1I0t howc\'eJ' , \ remov- Inl. ! them flom tl1elr JUI Isdirtiun or clalmt nl. ! for A 1Ilrrlcan mlsslona rlcs the rlcht to Interfere with tlw ( 'xerI I clsC' of the n ttl\'o authorities of their I jurisdiction over tlnlr nationals To the mls , > lonarles it secures \\hat the ( ha\'e sl\lI ht for years , a rerOlnil ( Ion or tlll'lr rl ht Lo rent andlerise In perpotllity such property as tholr societies - cieties may need In all parts of the emplro , . C A t the rrquest of the Chhleso.IOV- ernment an article has been Incorporated - I rated In the treaty hy which Ihe n Unltrd States consents to the pro- hllllUon or t.he , Importation Into China or morphia and of Instruments for Its InJection. , A nollwr article or the treaty provides - vides ( or the openinl { to Intel'llatlon- I al trade III Uw same condl lions and " manner as other places now openec1 to IlkC' tradB in Clllna or the cltlC's or I I Ii'C'nd'l'i.'n . [ I'll plulden ) and Antung , r the tlrst tlle capital of the l\llIlIchur- Ian pr'J"ince of' SI1Cn-t-Chln ! and the latter a pOl't 011 the Yalu ri vcr on Llw roud lIetween Mukdell Iwd Wlju In KOI eJ. : ; ; . : : v. Blown up With Dynamite , I' ' Sault Ste Marie , 1\I1'h , , Oct. 0 , _ fl 31H er 1 teot of the A lon a Celltral II ralllOl.d trael , nlar tile Consollclatl'd r.alO : iupl'rlor company's brlclc 11 nt WliS hlnwn lip with d'Jfunlto I'ho dyna nitrrs were o\dentlv ( [ ) . I too reat a hurry t ) do a CIII . II Ilete j. . " . 'l'ho' traelc WlrC'pa ' I' ' . D' ' ! d with : IIWe t oubl' .d trail s ' Lre rUlllllng liS usual. [ II SOlll 'c the attem pt Is charued to Isgruntled imployes or the Consol- I ated company. . Nebraska 8otes ' .rho supreme court couvClll'd ntl Llncolu. . , . , - * * . . Arthur Nelson or BeatrlcoVa ! ; se- \'crely bl ttell on tlto lurt leA by a dog. . . . . . . Mrs. .Tohn .Tolmmll , an old resident Dr lIear Beatrlco , IS dead at the age Dr 71 ' ' ) 'cal's. . . . . It SUllCr Illtetlllent ] , 'o\\'ler of TJlllcoln , has desIgnated .L'rlday , October 23 , as .L'lo\\'or day. . . . . , . eral f"'nces were partially c1estro'cd. I 'rhe lire slarted from lln lls11 pile lert by a steam thresher.'t. 't. * * It A tramp ent.ored . the store or May- how Bro , at BI\'el'lon and stele a rille IInd some shells. * . . ' 1'he walnut c'rop at Papl11lon Is the I JrA'st in years One man picled tlrty lIushel ! ; 111 0110 day. * * * prairie IIro ut 1\Ioorehead , burned 300 IIc'res of sllla ) ) raln , allil sO\'eral meadows and the hay III stack. - Scv : * * * Chllrlr.s S , 1'lsher , a cl\'il war \'et- eran , dletl at Nebraska City. lIe was a memller of 1111 Ohio reglmont. * * * OeOl'ge Wt'sterman , a well knowlI Germall farmer or the Humbolclt countr ' dIed Tuesday artc1'IIoon afLer 0. bllor ililless. . * * \ ITunc1rcds of tons of hay an sOllie out buillc1ngs were cllnsulOod In II prude tlrl ! , whIch started eight miles west of Bassett _ , * * * 'I'Jc ! Catholics are holclln a , ten- day mlssloll at West lolut. 'l'here Is a 1trJo : attenc1anco present of both Catholics and l'l'otestallt ! ; . * * * Miss Estell P.lyne and Charles ] 1. Wahlquist were married at Hastings. 'l'he grr'om Is associate edItor or the Adams County iJclII' ' crat : It . . 1'ralll' Bender , 'the TJlnenln farmer whn mysteriously dlsaPllcarec1 two weeks ! lAO , hils retnrned , but Is 1111- able to say where he has been. It * * The salooll or Lacy & Co. , at Col eridge , was ollterecl by bur/Iars. / 'l'hey secured $10 III chan e. F , II. ] ) eel's meat marlt was also rolllled ! J f $ :1. : * * * 'rhe new Gerlllun Lutheran church at Orete was dedicated Suuday. Ministers were In aLtenrlanco rrom 1111 o"er the sta tee 'nlO chmcl1 cost $1,000. * * It Geor o Peterson , who Ji\'os III I 1I0lmesvllle , hus helJn sent haclto : i the asylum at Lincoln. 110 was tlleH I last winter , but was dlscharJed as , cured , : It * It I Whllo cutt.ln It bar of railroad I ' Iron at Beatrice , 1'earl Bates had a gash several inches long cut In his right arm by a piece of steel strlldng 111m. * * . 'rho Yenlel 'rolVnslte company ha [ jeen Incorpomted with a capital 01 SGOOOO , The company 1'0'111 do a real 3tatlJ uslness at Verdel , Kno ) , ' , ounty. , I It * It 'I Miss Emili Herre andl\fr , Marlon ' 1 lames , wern married In Fremont. , rlwy will make tholr future home In , ; Phoenix , Ariz. , where the groom I . 1 morchant. , * * * PassPlshy frustrated an attempt tf. ell the lnstol1lco at Oalland. The : obhers hall suecec ldln ! cuttin ! , ! oul I panel or the n ar cloor when the } , yelO frightened away. * * * -Mllss 'was held over tber remains 01 Ill's. Brld et 0' Donuell ut ] ) laLts. ltoIlLl . The 'hody will he shlpprc ] .0 Burlington , Ia , the forrnpr , , JOUle or the deceased , It ' " ' ' " ' Lot WaltlJrs of Beatrice receIved lOWS of Ihedeat.11 or his falller , the 1eN , .J. Wallers , at Worcester , Ilass , fIe occupied a pulpt ! In ) 111 a 1111 several y ars ago. It It It 'l'elephnnlc connections have heen oll1pleted hy the Fremont Inc1epenel , nt 'l'el'pl1one company and the ' 1llttsmolJth company , making , uother 11 n kin the I ndependen t tule. thane system or tbc atate. * * * 1'lre , destroye 300 feet of corn crlhs , .GOO bushcls of corn anel 300 hushels t oats helonloin to Taylor , 'Iv ' ) ror an n ' 1'oblas. 'I'ho vll1a o was savell rom destr'lIctlon lIy the dl recti on o ( he wind. * * * The Norfon , heot slljtar factory ! IS tarLpelup tor Lhe IlJsL thrw thl illon. The emploYtes ! In the plalll \ ' , ow nil 01 her 300 'rho f Jctory will \1 IJI ) night and day unW JanUtlf } ' . " It * * al IJ ' 1110 Hev. J. F. Bennett , who with \1 Is wIfl' , has heen couduelln meet1 / ; Igs at Humholdt for some tlmo , has : een cal1ec ) to the pafitornte of the w Ical Bautlst church aii' that plaeo. cll Ierl . . " . . . . . . . . . - . - . - - . ROBBERS IDENTIFIED ONE OF THEM WAS AT BYRON BEFORE THE ROOOEUY THREE ARE ARRESTED THEY WILL BE TAKEN TO HEBRON FOR THEIR TRIAL NONE TOO SOON Shflrlrr of Thltynr ( ) unnl , . rrh' . , In Urnll" hhtl\ll \ In the Nlflho or ' ' ' , 'l'llIIn-I'rlullnr lluh1 fur IIlIn , ( Apocl'\t to ! : ! l lo Journ/\I ) GnA ND ISLA ND , Not ) . , Oct. 10. A I-Ireat sClrllllsh : ha ; ; taken place by the allejtl'd bani , robllers caught at helton ancl retained here , Pho prlsonors socuroc1legal couns 1 anel : I potltlon for \\1 It 01 ha lJls COIfHH waR pl'escnted to Count ) ' , Iuclltetul. ! . Jln. The lIecrssary orders were rlrawn upon the shlJrHT t.o . produce the Pl'lsoners In court fOl' hearing a9 to whether , they were unlawfully de. talned IH' not. 'fhe sherllT was husy ancl absent , Ho had the jllry of the 'I'mle , lIIurder trial out for an o\'en- 1I1 health wall < and wa. : ; nol , founel until ho lIrought t.hll JUI'y Into dls- trlot COli rt. 'fhen ho had some hOIl rs In which to III a 1\0 t.le ! return or th. . order a 011 In the IIII'antimo the sherltT or , 'fhayer county , accompanied - panied y tI. n. i.'lshol" prc ldont or the Byron hanlt started for Grand Island and an " 'ld ! at Lhe court house thrclHlual'ters of ' 11huur before the limo WIIS up for thu sl1l'rltT to lIIalo his return. herlIT Taylor then pro- ducecl the prisoners In county cOllrt and SherHT Hensel of 'faylor cOllnt , tool , 1IOsseson \ or thom at onco. Oarroll , thl ! rlllleHer : ) of the trio , was d\flnltely ! dontillell a < ; one of tlla IlIcn In Byron on the day before the robhery hv A lex .Tones , a barher of Bj'I'III. W10 ( accompanied : the onlcer unci hanlwr here. 'l'he story of how Sheri IT 'raylor 01 , Gmnd Tslancl halked the attorneys 'who were trying to secure the r'lease ( 'nr the three men on a writ of hahea ( ' 0 1'1 111 s l'eached ( 'ln oIJl yesterday , f lwrllC ' ' 'l'ayJor learned that a writ . had heen alplled ) for and papers , would prohahlv he ser\pd IIpon him. He was lltixll'ns to hoW t.ho men un. tll the 'l'haVl'r nountv oilloials cnulrl , get toGrancllslllnd. 110 WIIS Alopl1ln : at. the Koohler hotelnnd the reglstel 'sho\\'ed ' III m I n room 22 , As a-ma to teror fact ho was In room 10 , The , se'lreh for him was not sllcccsArlll. : When ho was served wlth the rm. pel'S the lawyers learned thut the money taken ( rolll' the prisoners , ( or whllh : they hold an order nn the sherllT , had lIeen shipped to Lincoln hv Dcter.tl Owcns , who made u llUrrled trip to Grand Islllnd on nn rarly mornln train yesterelny. With the nurse gene and beyond the reach of t.ho . lawyers and the men from whom the money was taken 11 dllTer. orenl. phase or the le al stnlHAle was , presen ted. Prcsldent II. D. Fisher of the Hy- ran BallI , and the ' ' shrrl If of 'l'lIayel , I ounly macie a hurried trip to Grund Island yesterday. 'l'hey nrrlved there arly In the afternoon and fOllnel that they were nOlI ( ! ton S'OIl. : The ] IHlsoners were heln talClHl horore bile court tor hrnrlnl ! on the hlllleas I : orplls case. ' 1'hey were at once I I lrrestcel on the warrant In the hands ' Jf the 'I'hayer countv shcrlff. I An IntJrl'stln clrCllmstance hm :01110 t , IIlht that may helo toJl'nvc / , vho Is the owner of the roll of hills ullollntlnl { to $511i round In a locker n the Urnwn resldoHco where the nenVoro call1 ht. A 1'1 or the roll ha ( ) IJOen tfm ncl Carroll her rO\\'l'd a lC'IHl prncH of Rherltf Sammons of Bllifalo , 'onn ty and wrnle on plI'o ! or paper . thc IIlnrp. < " ' ' ! ; Clfilli. 'I'hls pirro of paler . ler ho phll.pd In llls po ( { ( ) . At hat time ol1lcel's did not 1000w how Juch mOlIl1V was In the ' 011. Later vhen the roll was I ount.ed tills clr- nmstance was reea 11(1 ] t was said that McDermott , the mill whn \ Va''Isltlng with the trio LL the Hrqwn rpsldl\nc'c , ha' ! heen ' , akell tf'l the jail In Bulfalo eonntv. 't Is alleled : I hat he hid some mnney n that eOllnty and the rail 1" ad dee - , e tlvl's want to dn some Inn"itlaa- Unn alnn his 11r ] ( ' , a1l houlh I hny lIacle nn chanw : tJalnst : J\1'Jennott. t Is believed that at leo\st $1,000 of IldcIen money has not heon fOllnc ) . , I cmbers of the tra i n I'rew In charllo If No. oil whcn it'as held up at \ lIIazonla , 1\10. , nn Heptemhrr 22 , 1'111 he taken to IIellron to view the Irls1mem. Mr. Malonl' said Inst night that here Is no question about the Idrn- Illcatinn IIf the throe men , so 'ur as r.lat ' . 1 to their ha"ln Ijpen aL Byrnn 110 nld.t lIefore the rohhery , the day , ( 'fore the rohhery and tlle o\'enln 'rrrelling. ' ' 1'hey wrl'e not s'ln ! In hat vlclnlt.v after that date. It was aid they came frolJl the snnLh to Inon , . nvron Is alrnn < ; t 11I1 the ansas-Nehraska line. 'I'ho Pinker- Dn cIoleetlvo IIg'IWY sent a man to irancl Island as I\oon as the news of 110 capture spread. Illinois Equal Suffra lst , rOLn TJI1.Jt t. , -'I'he "tllto eon olltlon of Ihe rqllal sutTraulsts closer , sterclay ( ! venlll with addl'ps'lPS hy rs Bllell1. : . 1IlIrotln or ChlnllLo 11 rHI H'y. UlIl1 Shaw or PI1I11l'lplllll [ , II Ils'us"lng ( the question whelhrr \ ' Iltlnq hy'olll"n wOlllri 01111 < ; 1' rneC' ( ] .Ielde. . RoOI'Jllphla HW\\'II ' saId t resident Hoosevrll's thp"rv W'jS t 'rnnu ' , that clllngrr of ' ' 'II'/ ! slllclcte t 'as not In lack or 11I1'lIl1rrs hut In e tcrlOJ tlolJ of physical IIncI Intel. . t eLua. being. Rev. Jato I111 hcs of lJ ) hlo Grace eoleoted president s ss . J , MANY AUE IN DANGER . . FLOOD AT PATERSON , N. J. STILl. IMPEHILS LIFE . PA1.'En.SONt N. .1. , Oct. i2-FJoud COIHlitl01l9 I1t Plltersoll Impro\'ed lIlIt IItLle. 'l'ho wlltels are at their max- Irnullltnnd lI1thtugh the dnn er or IIro i und IHopert ) ' stili Is I reat , there was II enural feell ng uf rellof today he- ause or the fllct that Re'eral 0 Lho bl or retalnln walls and water ate.q had been IIhlo to withstand the plsh or the lIooll. 'I'/rou/hllut / / ( the day hundreds lIr men undur the Slip. erintellllenco of Mayor Hlnchelllfo wo o lit work strengLholn Weso ) valls and glitcH. : Scores of lIersonsVero removed ( rom their hOllies. A rat mallY dwolllnlC houses collllpsed uud mllny 11101'0 IIro feady to colla1lse : , : but It Is bcJ1vcd thllt there hils lIeell IIttlo loss of life. 'nlC IIIUlldll lion ur the low Iylnlt 'lIsLrlCIS of t110 city has resulted In InconcelvlIlIl' ! damllge to prollorty. 'ho lIood , howc\'or , Is lIeglnnlng to I'ecode. A number of lIulldlngs fell today tlllcl1111111Y ethers have beell under- mined. If they do not filII they wll1l1o lit least IInt.enahle. Spl'llle : street h1l1 is rllllln IIway plecemoaland ouly a n 11 tlle muro than two feet or dirt ill1d stone seperate the falls lIasln from the hlg black : race throngh whle1IIIIIIons / or J.tallon9 or wlltor lire rushing every hour. 'rhe gllto house Is In 11 very weakened condltl- Ion allll Is IIl1blo to o It l1ruce street 11111 hrealts muoh moro. All day lon boatmell have heen at \\01'1 , rcsculn-t ! people from the lIood d dlsLrlcts. ' 1111C sulrerln In the l1'1rst IInd SecolIll wards 1m ! ! been Intense , liS It was almost Impofslllie to reach the rCHldents here. Several hundred IlerSOIlS were r mo\'ed frllm 1lsel ) ( ! completely SUI rounded by the /lvul / Ilml ready to collapse at any mOlllent. A dozen mom or these houseH later did colaflse and 1I0ated duwn the stro LI1l. 'l'IJO damal.e to 111111 property Is chlelly from the submersion of portIons - tIons of the plants Ilnd grcat quahti- tics uf produots , ' ! 'housands ' or men , women nnd ohlldren will O out of : JIIlIIoyment ! for IL lon tlmo and ' .t ! : : eems altogether prollLlIle : tlmt this lIuod will cause to the 01 ty or Patter- : ; on a greater direct loss or monor and IIrOllCrty than the lire of nearly two ycars a { ) . The J.ross : loss then was ' ) Ix mlllloll dollars , with an Insll1'anco of moro limn four mIUIOIl ! ; . 'l'l1e Joss today Is cst Imated at comldera : ly more than t\\O million dollars , with no Imurancl' . . .I'I ! vo hunrl rOll families a.re homeless. or these ahout a hundred aud tlfty fumllles are belug' ! lheltered In th Apollo hall , while the others nre belnlt , talwn care of In the armort. , Govern- /lr / tll urphy ha viug Issued orders today - day that the armory be thruwn open for this purpose. rhe clty , of Passalo passed a sleep- Jess nilht , it being feared tlmt the Dundee dam would plve away. Tho.t would 1m'c relieved the river at Paterson - erson ILt the cxpenso of the cities be- low. Ii'ortunately , however , Dundee : un Is stllllntaoL. 'fhe sulrerlng at Wal1lngton and DULtonvlle has lIeen very gren.t , as no roller has een able to reach these places. All throu h the dl.trlct [ lOuses 'ILnd ou tlluildl n s , together .vltlt . a great quantity of dead st.ock , 1100y be seen /loatlnf / ! allollt. Seven men are now In , great peril or l1ell' lives In the jp.arnes rothers lrc house on Lhe river margin near latcrson. A pa.rt of the worlcs has : Jcen carrIed away. The men have Jeen In that pHrt whlch remains itancllrlf ! slnco Friday noon. Whllo , hey were trying tu SILVe thousands or lollars' worth of silks , by carrylnlt , hem to the top or the bUlllllng , the itructm'e was surroun ed IJy wo.ter LIlcl the men were cut olr from' 0.11 lsslstanco lIecatlse of the torrent , hat has lIeen rushing by ever since. [ t Is belled that the entire building , vIII e carrIed from I ts foundation In'ess the flood fiubsldes very sonn. 'l'wenty-live brld es are d wn In rassalc Ilnd Sussex countlcs on. , the 3us1luehanna railroad. The maximum rJCI ht or the 1100d , vaa two feeL over the Hood of 11102 , md tonljtht It was practically maln- : alned. 'I'BI N'1'O , N. J. , Oct , 12.-Tho xtent of dallla es done 11\ ' the flood n this section Is now l1egllJnin to Ie fully realizod. A t. least six nnd ) osslhlv all nine of the \"alon and 'oot ' hllctj.les across the Deja ware 'iver IJetween this city and Eastolll . ' 11. , hils heen earrled awaYI Hallroad tralllc on the Delvedero 1I\'lson ( of the l'onnslyvanla railroad Iltwce ! , . this clLy ancJ the Easton has ) Ien ent ! rely suspended slneo Sa.t. Inlay moruing' . A ed Farmer [ ) Ies of Injuries I1OlJDnEGI , Nell.t Oct. 12.-N. , I. \ \ IJltalcr ; , an al.ed ! fUl'IDer lIying 1\0 mlle ; cast or the city was se. 'Ol'ely ' injureclj'rlday afternoou , IInd lied this afternoou. lIe was cro slnR ho hllh ! frado Dcross the railroad ruck just cast of hero.'hllo 011 ho traelc the her < ; es lIecame flight. ned Ilnd bacted down the radut hro\Ylu Mr. Whltakt'r out or the IU I' . fIe sustained 0. couple 01 oalp wonnds and It Is supposed be trtlclou : his head.