Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 15, 1903, Image 2

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4. '
Author of . . Hov HU5SgLL'S Rur.It , "
SO . . Gr.rnmov , " " 'rIlE FASlllONAm.F. MO'rIlltR , " ETC ,
- @
CTIAPTrm IX.-Conllnul'll. ( )
"I nlll Hr ) ' glad to 11I'lIr It , " IxclnllllCiI
: JIJnrlo , klndl ) ' , "It 8 e1llH like II pll'lIslint
Illot , nnd I think this llllrl ! , frerJI nlr
will lIen lIt 'HUI' helllth 111111 Bllrilfl. [ I
else hn\"o sct-tle here , havln ! ; boujht n
vrnctlce. "
h hnll we o to Hlr HI'j.inl\ld now "
retlll'ncd Shl' , lit the end uf their 111Ii.
mnled convl'r lItion. " 1 llrl"\unw Iw Is
aWIIw ! II ) ' this IllP. ' "
, " 1'es ! lit onl'C , nnll 1 hope I shnll find
him morc ellsy thlln hc wnll this morn-
lng. "
Dr. EICenstoln mnde quite a long clIlI ,
. . he hnd IIIuch to do to mllke the hnro.
net comCortnble Cor the nl/oht / , nnd liS
Ethel foIlW hllll hnndlo the lujured mnn
10 gl1ntly , nnd seethe him with Idnd , en.
courllgln ! ; wor s , she felt thllt he IIIust
possess n heart or IIl1uost wom:1\Iy ] Ceol-
ing , nnd her Interest IIn lI l11lrlltlon
deepened ,
Arter r nrle 1 lfonsteln withdrew , n
IRte dinner wns IInnouneell , 1111I1 In the
4inlnJ ; room I/ndy Cuustnnce ' [ I ented
to J1tlllJl her nellhow , Hobert Glenden-
ning , 111111 nleeo , Belle , his sister , the
tormer greeting hpr with ratlter an Insolent -
lent look or Rlllllirntlon , the Illtler with
a bo , , " expreo ! l\"e or hrtught ' contemllt.
I.'roln thRt moment gthcl saw that
l10lthtr or thl"SO ) 'Ol1nl ; peuillo would 111'0-
5'lOte her hnpplness willie she relllained
under this roof.
Mr. Glen cnnlng did con\'erse wlU\
her , but It , , 'as with such nn e\"idcnt Rlr
of cOl1ulleJccnslon thnt her fl'Iles [ ! wcra
b'rll' ! nnd colli , whllo his sister remained
, Uent lIurlng thc w110le meal , with the
I tltcoptlon of allswerlll ! : one or two qne ! > -
Uons nil.e by Lndy Constance , which
aJlSWQrs were gl\'cn In n cold , mechnnlcnl
way , that tel or n mind lIre"ccupic IInd ;
'he trntil wns , this 'oun ! : Ind ) ' wns
lurprisell , anll not nt nil lIlt.nsell ! , with
the IntTlliction of such II rnrely heRut ! .
tul girl Ilito the ! JOIltC o\'cr which she
held SWl ) ' .
hl' wns Intellsely prollil IInd selfish ,
and felt tJlnt here might bl ! nn lufhwnco
tT.ortell lipon her few Rl1mlrers that
au1ght InterCoL'e wllh her I > rosp cts.
The llro81'cets partlculnrl ) ' iu'iew nt
prtent were the winning of the henrt
and hand or the nolIh'slclau lately sct-
Ued In the place.
She hRd heen Introduced to him at the
bomt' ' ! oC II Crlend , aud hnd ndmlrell his
unt benrlng , hRUllsollt1 ! face nnd quiet
, Unners , and Installtb' hnd rl'flol\'ed to
IhJ' , il'go to his henrt.
ACter lea\'lng the tnble , thu Indies re.
I d to the ll lnzzn , rollowl'd b ' : \Ir.
donning. As nello lIalUled t 1I1uck
Doom ono or the "Ines a few flowerR fOl'
) .or necle , I.n y Oollstnnce turned to
Jtbtl : aud rcmnrlced :
"I S\lPP09O 10U hn\'e uo rricnlls In
\ ls'lclnltJ' , 1I/I\'Ing bllt just IIrr'ed. . "
Ethel hesitated , while 11 faint blullh
MltultJd brow and cheek RS she rllllle :
"I hllTe foun ono hero \'ery unoxpect-
til1. Dr. Elftnstcln. We crossed the
.1IantJe on tlte snme vMsel , IInds m ) '
aunt Willi takcll very 111 during tllO0) ' .
It O he nttended her , nnd conselluentb' ,
bDClllne well ncqualntl'1.l , "
Instautly nelle'li nttcntlon wnN rlntel (
br th o remurkfl , nntl with 11 snecr she
.xc1n..lmed :
"I presume , then , 'ou wn'lliitl hlll1
I. . aftonloon In order to renew the nc'
IUlllntnnce. "
"PRrdon 1I\0 ! " replied Ethel , with tlls'
1 ot1. "I wII'IRld 110 ono ! We met cas.
caUT on this plnzzlI RS he wns ubou1
l teriug : to BCO Sir Heglnnl , antl con.
versed for a few moments. "
"It 10011110 mo Cor the rnture , wher
. 111\1 uncle's IJby'8iclnn"hits him , it wOlllt'
bo well for ) ' 011 to rcmemher that 'Ol
aow occupy the llolrltion of II subordinate
And there fore shoultl lIot lIut on the nil ,
of IIn equnl to Rttrnet his nttontlon ! " wai
tha rude IInd un 111\1) ' 111\0 r pl ) ' .
"llelle , " luterlloscd Ind ' Constllllce
" , 'hot'h ' 1111 her Cnlllts , was IIntllrllll ;
klnd-Itenrtl'd nntl j\lst , " ) .ou forgl't thll
Miss Ne\'ergall lu coming to liS tloes no
COIlSO to bo a gentlewoman , "
"Or , a Ientlowomnn's poor relation I' '
WII6 the cutting nllswer.
hA remarknbly beRlltirul one , how
.TOr , " 8uld the brother. "SR ) , llelle , '
he nddlld , to\81I1.1I ) , " ) 'OU mllst talw car
It aho will cury ul'sOIlor ) 'onr beRux !
The IndlgnRnt girl JII\'O him n Ilamc
of withering scorn , bllt IIIw'eI ) ' sal , wit :
All IInlry toss of her head :
"Let her bewnl how she InterCere
with mo In any wnyl A word to the wls
1a Bufficlent. "
Ethel could scnrcel ) ' control her In h
allnt feellnJs , IU she listened to the c h
.ultlnr remarks : JssuinJ ; { rom the lorel
) Ips of the glrll:1ll : sl1eaker , but nrte..l' a
. ! lort she did control them , alld WlUl01
. word turned IIwa " and IIgaln souj1
, the side of the Invalid ,
But he found him Irritable , nnd hnt
to please , and the mOlllent pl1ssed In It
room becall10 Intolc'rably long , nn sl
ilhed for the time to como when 81
could retlro to her own npnrtmeut , e\ ' (
thou she Imow 11 strange Rnd anno. .
Ing duty would follow her there.
I 'ln\ll , . the baronet tel her It sl
Will wenry to go , nddlnl : hUl'sltly : "I n
tired alrently of gazing at yo Ill' pll
fo.ce , " then more khllll ' , liS ho saw sl
Willi stnrtlell by his I'ough wa ) ' of spell
Ing : "I hopu I f'hall reel better In tI
morulng : Ir so , I shRIl 11I.0 to hu\'o ) . (
rend to 11\0 , or , liS .ou IIn erstnnd 111 II sl
1,111 listen to a BOU/ / : . "
CIIAP'11Io1H. X ,
As nn elegant clock , with ol cnthcdr
chillies , struck the hour of teu , thl
with n IInle Cnce an trombllng hnn
lighted n enl1lUe , Ilosh'Sse ! hcrself of t1
Itrnnee looklug knife , thcn olH.mlng tJ
wardrobe , IInd drawing back the bo
It llped Into the IJaSjJl1ge nnd from then
throush tlte &mall oor III tlte PPosl
She Cound herself In n Ion ! : , Sl1'n.lgl
dark corridor , tbnt led directly to wh
She RCih ald 1111sUrel1 ner Wlltl the Ham
fd Tow\r , At the l'nd where she stoe
howevc" on the left hand side , W811
'oor , tuteucd with an old.fa hlon
Iron hook. Thill lell to the ruin , nnd'
with R bentln : : henrl shrolHIIed It.
Clooe by the dOllr ! lhl ! found n smnll
covered basket that she know Ulnst con-
tRln whnt rJle 1I0ulht. Grnllillus lt quick-
] ) ' , she ngaln fnKteued the door , 1ft Sir
Hlglnlld ] II/Ill InKu'nctcII her to do , nud
11/111'1'11 ; down the cor'rldor.
'J'here IIhe foulld the entrnnco t the
tower , Rnll l'cfol\"ln ! : to tnke some briJht
II 11I1 sh III ) ' dny 10 visit this 8pot , she turu-
cd , ns she hnd heeu directed , to count out
the Illlmher or Pllnels on the left hnnd
wnll , und hnllledintely dl1 > co\'cred the
fnillt crllck , thnt tlhe Imo\\ ' must be what
she slIuJht. lru.el.tllIJ ; the 1I0int of the
knife , she turlled three times , when the
lnnes ! pnrtl'tl IInd there III ) ' t'he ' shol\"e8.
Ollenlng then the hRl\iwt , Rhe round
food In ! ; llIall pieces , conlsl'ing of broken
hisenlts , hits or chicken , 1I0tntoes , und
< Iulto R ClIIlWtlt ) ' of meut , cut In mouth-
! 'nls , 'hIR she plnced on the . .Ik1IVl'S
upou the wooden lllute 011 which It WIIR
heRltcd. Then ! : ently ! < hovlnJ ; the helves ,
they slowly whirled IIround , nnd when
the slime side retuMled to her , the plnte
stood upon It empty , rea y to be lllllce
ngnln in the bll1'ket.
" I'hnt nIle mnst hnye heen truined , "
! 'he thou1ht , "to cmllty the Illl1to and return -
turn ItI"
She 1Il.enell ! . Cor n momcnt , but nll was
Rtill. Shoving to the IIRuols , IIhCound
that they reloeked themselves , so tnklng
lip cantllestlek , knlCe nnll hasket , she
plllced the latter 1I11\ln outBl e the door ,
CaRtened It securely , nnll renched Iter own
l'oom in sllCety.
' .rhe task r"Clulred of her hnd beell n
IIlnlulnrly unplearRnt one. She was n
hra\'e ) 'OUIII ; girl , Rnd hRd endured but
few foellnR ! or fear , bnt she had trem-
bll'd , hecauAe the thlll ! : required so muoh
lIecree ) ' . She lsllked m'steries or all
Idluls , and her honest , open naturc re.
\"oltl'll froll\ the whole work.
One thing she d\el ! ed to do , she
shonl tuko somc 1I\UMlill hour to ex-
plol' ( ' the ruinll , llll thnt Haunted 'j'ower ,
so thut she might hecome nccusto1l1IJI1 to
a1\ \ the dangers IInd peculiarities of the
lllace hefore other oU1ccs were require , ,
lit her hnndR.
With t1 R resolntlon stili In her mind ,
she Rousht the luxurious bl'll thllt IIwnlt.
ml her , and there fell at enc ! ! Into n
jlll'aiant ! slel'p , fl'ol1wltlch R11e lIeyer
IIl'oused until the bright rnya or another
nwrninr sun stole Into her room.
:5prlllglnIll : ! , she r < 'ERed n won nR
pOIslble , and ollenln ! ; her door , found
h " I\lostlolling ) 1mulll , tha t the rl\mll .
11111 not rise \lntll IlIte , n their bl'lH\ldast
hour , WnR from ten to eleyen.
All heln ! ; IInl"t In the 1"lom or the In-
vnlld , slit ! returned to her 0\\1 apartment -
ment , IInd fllslenlns the door slJCurely ,
refiolrcd nt once to stnrt upon her explOl
Itl expel1lt1on , U8 she felt thnt Rhe would
he for nt IOMt nn hour IIncI a hair unob.
flCryl' , nnd mistress or her own time nnd
With a .IIWo or the trembling ncrv-
ousness of tJlt ! nlgltt before , the brllY\ . !
girl olned the InterYeulng doors I\nd
st\lpell \ into the corridor. A1WIIS \ fold-
ell In the snme Rolemn stilllll'HII thut mRde
the IIll1co oPllrL"SSi\'e on the IIre\'iou. !
nl ht.
-She re < ; ol\'el1 to eXlllore the ruined
llal'ts heforo she suuht ! till' tower , therL'-
I fore unhooked the door , IInd steplled out.
As she 11111 so , she noticed thnt Ule co\-
ered bRsket WIIS still there.
'l'ho door op'Jwd lrect1 ' Into 11 Amllll
rlcket ) ' hl1thlt \ led Into se\"erlll lare
rooms , 1111. dust ) ' , ntoulll . lIud more or less
dlllliliclateli. Broken wlndo"'R , torn wnll
IHIIJel'S , hnl'e'afters , seen through Immense -
mense pln < 'O'I where celliuls hllli alleu ,
were e'er'wlll're'Isibe. ] . Some rooms
were mlet1 wltlhroltcn rurnltnre , IlleeclI
of 01 < J ehlnu IInd rralmenls or time'worn ,
ca'lItoC ( clothing.
Nthel lool.ell at these dilupldRted ob.
jects , nnd fOllll\l herself " ' 0I111erln , ; why
Ir Helnalt1 ! hRd not had the whole lIu1\ \ .
cd dowlI anti remo\'et } ? Its dl'slrnetlon
cerll\lnly would heihten : the \'ullll' or tlro
IJroJOrty , whllo Its pre eneo enl . Sllolc
of neglect IInd untllllncss.
Ono thing bhe ohlcrvcd In her ramhle
tltere WIIS an easy mode uf Cl'ress and In-
: ; ress to this IJRrt lute Ute hnll , IIntl
" marks or l'eelmt rootstl'PS on the , floor
told thnt thlg fOI"med UH' cntrlln < 't ! 1.IRce
ti ) the pel'SOIl who prepRl'el1 nn. l"llught
the fol she was nihtly to lllace un till
Iron ! .heIYcs.
Another thing strnelc her ; In a1th \ (
premiscs there was not the IIIIhtest ; OlJ-
llenrllnco or the conconlelr 1'0011I , Only
hare , blank WRI1 appearet1 upon the sldl
where she knew It must bt. .
Hotrnclng her R'tepfl after 1111 hnd beer
eXI\1l\lncd , she refastened the door , 1\111
then sougltt the Illtuntl-d l'ower. 'hl
oor lending to this was clOfIed , but no
bolted , EO she opt'ncd It , and crollHlnl
qllite B Inrge FCluare plIlCt' , IIlte began au
' " ' IIhht of IItnlrs. ' 1'Jle
l'OlIlllnS" u 101S' ! ; stepl
wore steep , nnd not nt 1111 easy , and "h.
hecame very tlretl before she renchI' (
the top , bnt prC6. lng ou , she did rellch It
hut not beCore she 1II\IItJI"d to rCtt upon I
hrond flat Inndlll& & : ; lnllied ! , 100 , with her
rur , nt nn UneXIeete BIht : thnt ther
preseuted Itself.
1 t wus the stulYet1 hnaso of : \ mall
fixe IIpon wires , thRt workNI upon th
ilallll' principl us the jUlI1l1lnj ; jneks ofte :
bOlllht to 1\I11I1Se chlhlren.
' 1'hls , however , WIIS nellrly ns lare R
I\f \ ; Its heRilHIII hollowit.h retl blllH
lu plnco \ \ hero the e 'es'ouM be. 110 thn
( \ lighted glnli3 Inl1\p , Ilhll'Cl1 wlthh
WOllhl glvl' a IInlnln > : RIIIIo.\rIIllCl' to thot ;
I.'rolll ouch rltlG hOMIS 1) rojectl' , nn
slto could easll ) ' 11I\nlIno what tlte whol
terrific effect utnst be to al1 ontBIIe bl
holder. 'j'hls figure she saw could b
elevated nnd put in moUon b1 wlrldln
up 11 cranlc to which It Wltll o.tlachet1. AI
rnnemel1ts ! Cor dlffercnt colored )1ght )
were nlso on o\"er ) hand ,
After cllrofully examining 1111 the w :
It , chlnery , unUI she perCectly understood II
at worklnga and the whole wlckl' 111:111 : tIt
Itglre SUIr.naturo.l IIIwearnnce to the to\ '
Id , er , Ethel PIISSOO upwII"11 until she caul
0. Inzo wIthout hindrance froln tlto tl111 wh
cd dews of this lofty place.
. . .
. ,
.A. 110.- _
_ _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ _
'l'IJCII e : < eluuRtlonH oC delight e8cllpe' I
Ill'r , for ther she coulll cnteh nn unobo
HlrllctCll view of the grllnd 1I1111orlllnn Uln ,
slretched for mlle:4 nllll mill's a WRY OD
ever ) ' side. But she ditl not III1 er , Cear.
IIIIRhe : would ( J seell hy sOllie or the
' /IIIuers. nllll her IIresellce reported to
Sir Ho lnuld.
'l'hls.hllt she kllew'oul e d\IJlells' \ !
Ing to 1.11 nt , if he wb.hed It to be II plnco
thut shoul fill every hl'nrt with Cl'nr ,
In or er to keep Crom It visitors by dal
as well lIS by IIlght ,
ClIAP'l'lm XI ,
DRY aCter d'lY pllRsed , dllrlng which
gth,1 became qnlte IIccultomed ! to Ilt'r
routllle ot work , nlld lulO'tly lIel.w\ere ,
In her dlltles. Nothhl ! : dlnlclllt to accom-
11111111VIIS reqnlred Rt her 11I1I1Ils ; lIothinl :
\x'olld \ Ipendlll- " couple oC hours ent'll
morning III her o\\"n room wrltlnl : letters ,
of whlcb 1111 IIIJstraet wnll ta.en ] from ir
Helnad'fI ! ] o\\'n lips ; tlen Rn hour or two
rending the dnlly plllHJrS for his nmnsJ- (
ment. Yery oHen would ho filld a chnncQ
to whisper the qnestloll :
"Do you perform your ( ! \olling tnHks
reulnrly ; nnd well ? Docs 1111 10 on as
safely as I could wish 1"
'l'hell wh/n tlto nlHlwer ' . : alne , "All S'oes
well , " he wonld seelll so slltlHfied Rn ro-
lIevetl Ulo.t she Celt nlroost , happy In gl\-
In the InCorlllR tlon.
Abont II 1II0nbh nCler her arriYIII tit
G lendennln Hall she had been reading
one IIfternoon a work In which 110l'as
llllrtlcnlnrl ) ' Interested , when she WRS in-
terrnpted b ) ' the entrance of Dr. Elfen-
As the bnronet motlonl'll to her to ro-
mulu where she WIIS durin the Inter-
\'Iow , the regnlllr nurse being IIbsent ,
I1nd ns the dOCtOl' might need [ Ollie things
from her hand , uho bccunw Interested III
the con\'ersatlon thllt ensued.
Dr. I lfen9teln was rather a smnll
talker , nnd tltls nRtural reser\'e tendl'd to
mllke his proColslonal ! Intet'\'lews at the
hRII hrief , nnd usunlly contine closely
to his me lcnl'ol'k. .
Bllt this mornlns he seelUed to linger ,
nnd con\'errcd quite freely IIpon mnny ot
the topk'R of the dllY. Finally Ito cml\ "
Uleneed gl\'lnl : 1m Ilccouut of the se\'ero
storm that had swept over the country
the night before Ule baronet's accident ,
nnd ende by relatlllg 'his own ad\en-
tures , nnd what he bad seen In the tow-
"Sir Reglnllll1 , I thonght I would tell
yon this , un ask If ) 'OU CRn explain tlto
mcaning of tlte slltctaele tit en manlCcst-
ed "
"r cannot , " was the repl ) ' Ethel watch-
ell ror with anxiety. "r am told by peo-
pe ] fur nnll near of strllnge appearances
in that tuwer , but I ha\'o ne'l"el' seen 11
thin" or the kind there m'solf , tltel fore ,
put no fulth In the Rtor ) . "
"But 'ou IUny bello\'e me , sir , when I
IINHll' 'on such things nrreully ! to bo
seeu there. Now , In order to satisCy m1
mind , IInd perhnls enahlo mo to e.llllnln : :
the mystery to the rrlghtened InhRhitants ,
I crn"e your kin Ilerml slon to "islt the
premises. 1IR\'e I that permlssion'i"
"It is Imposslblo fa1111' to grnnt It.
When these thlns were first whispCTe
'llbont twent-fiye yenrs a/o / , we , liS 11
famll ) ' , were exce'dlngly Bnno.ed b ' con-
IItalt'Isltor > ! to the 8110t , nnd the thing
lJOcnmo GO mnch of 11 nuilJnn e that It Wllit
cloHell roreve ! rrom 1111 IIIHpeetion. No ,
) ' 01mUHt not ask this , doctor , o.s I eau-
not eou ent to the plaeo bolng euterct1 ,
Rfter being EO 10llg sealed. As It Is , tnko
my word for It , nn bo satisfied. It Is
merol ) ' a"a nry or the bruin , nn optical
delusion , something better to be forsot-
tell. "
Dr. EICensleln 8uld no more , but In-
\\'ar ly resoh'e to P/lY / a surreptitious
\"iRlt there , If not II permitted one , ns this
m 'Rtery he determlrwd shonl be unrav-
As he rose to lell\"e , he happened to
glnnct. ! towRrds the ) ' 011111 : irl opposlto
to him , and S.II w ht'r Itead bent low o\.er
thc book she hel , whllo R RRd and pained
cXllresllon had IloRted over her spellldng
fa co.
co.Arter i
Arter the rendlnl ; hnd conelu e , the
uronet i1atc1 he won ] exense her further
nttendance npon him , thereroro she Rtllrt-
ed Ollt for II rllmble o\"er the : ; ronnds.
She hnll not ) ; ono fnr , before Rhe regretted -
gretted haylnJ ; done RO , liS she WIIS joined -
ed n sho"t dlstnllce from the house b1
Hobert G 10lldennlnl ; , a person clle lnstlne-
th'el ) ' llisll1w1.
'l'hls 'lInll : ; man WIIS n great udmlrer
or n prell ) ' fRce , und from the first look
lute 1th'l's ; speaking eyes , nn UIJOn
her rare bpnut ) ' , he hR Ilelmowledged
thllt he hud ne\'er seen a perRon thnt so
exul:1.I : ) met the standard of the beautiful
he hnll ralse In his sonl. But h'r proud
bearlnIn / his preHonce , her shrinking
Crom his approach jR\"e such evi cnce of
her dislike that he Celt Irrltllted , nnd eOI\-
i1l'ijnentl ) ' determlnell to nnnoy her In
e \'I ! r ) ' wny { k)8slble dnrlng her stay at
, tile hall.
( To be cOIIUnnl'll , )
Ic8scnlnJ. : the Itlllr. !
A cel'tullwoman , suya th New Yorlc
TimeR , hlld been uHlng the mlll1s Cor
fraudnlent 1I1l1"pOHCS. Aller the casu
hud been rendered , Ule I'oBtmuatcl'-
Gcnernl 15Bued un order barring her
L letters from Ule malls , 1.'hen Bhe sent
him 11 pa Uletic letter , IlBkln , : for Il 111'1-
"ate lH'nrlng , that she might lay her
cnse before him.
"I Ceel aure , " aho , , "role , "Uln.t If I
could ct 11 chance to look strtlght
Into your beauUrul brown eyes , you
would hcur my slory. "
'I.'he l'oitmuster-Gcnernl , after thluk-
Ing the letter o"er tor 11 few mo-
mentIJ , 1ndorsed It : "Respectfully ro-
terred to UIO Secretll.ry or War tor advice -
. . vice , " and Hent It to the War Depart-
e ment.
In duo course or time It came back
with this Indorsement :
"IUBk one e .e.-Ellhu Root. "
Alderman 'l'lmotlIY P. SulIIvan was
Hlll1HlIng with 11 part ) ' of trlcmls at the
cutrUlco ot the uldNmlLuJc chumber
last Wc ncsdu ' discussing the political
Rltulltlon Ilull othcr kindred subjects ,
when Berne one remarked :
"I teU you tl1at tlJo American clU.
zen Is an lIutocrnt. "
"Well , " repllell the aldermun , "ha
mllY bit ooru an uutocrat , but trom 1I1I
l > rcseut signs he la Illlblo to dlo 11D
aul crncked.-New York ' 1'hnes.
( .allltalillt8 In Purill.
Xot moro tltlln 2riOO persons In Parle
Itll\"l n cllpltnl or aa much na $ OOOOO ,
n11l1 uearl ) " one.thlrd of those are tor-
ellner3 ; ,
_ ' -'JI
- ' . _
Chnnse In , . 'nllhllllill Arc Not llolllenl
) ) c'tilitc ' "rollhecy tll 'l'llI1t J'ITect- :
Some HII actlon for Oo\"nll fllr the
CllmlltlC Colli HenSOll ,
: -e\\ York currc811011C1cncc :
g \ \ ' slnnlll\1'dll III
the el\llllo 'lIIent oC
wOlllcu Ih'1's > ! goolls
nre of l'sllecllll In-
tert ! , IIl'ea nse of
the nbltllllllnt llrollh.
ecles , of IlIte , of
rndlcnl chungell. But
ull thelle slrnlller
Ilown to a CRlrl ) '
, hul"ll restriction of
the rou h Cllhrl'R III
ollllioor 11I111 rou h
Rne ! relld ) ' ne , nnll
of the smoother
cloths to jowns
Illanned for more or
Ie'.s , or drt'HHlnefs. ,
In RII clse , while
ill ere Rra mnny
minor chnnges or
foIlyle , mlll'h III left
to IndlvldulIl tRstO.
It all means IIn extension -
tension oC the porlod , ulrl'ndJ. of consicl. !
eraho ] lonth , In which I'llch wOlI\nn ml'I' 'I' '
do milch liS she Illollfles , [ IIRls and ,
[ nRtn't9 n\'er hn\'c hnd n onjCT : YII _ I
. . _ _ IIr _ _ _ : . _ 1"1" 1"I'Fl. _
- -
- -
silk , thl'sO uSllnlly IIccolnpRnlct1 'by halld.
, " 111110 tl'llIIlIIln s of otlll'r SOrtH. A jrllIt
11111 of Cunc ' hrllill will bo .
( ) ull'tl III .trlln'
mlng rOlljh woolens , IInl1 wool Illco h
f < 1 'lilh for tholll , SlIIooth cloths fOI
drest.uIIR nre 1II11eh olRhorntcd , J1he
oolls will HtlllHl compox ] trl'lItrnent het ,
t'I' thlln will the runJh stlllTs , nnd thl'lI
, \\11I cnrr ' ofC greater onrlchlllent. So
what with luchlllHl1n ! s Hllll IllInellln 1
Crel' clllpo.\'lIIent ] of cmhroll1ery aud 01
' 1llIflsolllenll'rlo , hel\rllnl-s : 11I1\1 lIto ] glltt < ' . 1' ,
) .0111' hrollilclolh wlntor dl'CSH'1I11 IIIny bt
: ullllo'lt : IS elllhol'lItc ns It was Inst win ,
: tm' ,
Hlt'e\'cfo I1ro a Centlll'l ! Ihnt , , ] wultl hR\"e
1'1I 0 'nttentloll. With 1111 thnt hnH been
l1lcl , 'nu ] " , ow , uhnut chlln "s In the
si : I' or lucutlou IIf their llUn'lI'ery little
hils hel'lI IIc'tlll1pllshell tuwarll IOlsel n/t /
1I\Oir \ I'III 01'aIClICSH. Xor III their I 111 pOl-
tunl'C liS II fl'lItlll'of ! till ! wholc get-lip dl.
lIIinlNhl'd III the leRst ; If JlnssllJlo , It Is
Inert'nsl'll. 't'ho elbow IH the st 'lIsh loca.
tlnn Cor the plln' , or puffs , Cor In many
i models tJrc fullnesR Is 11I\'hled Into soy'
I , 'ral pllffll , 'l'llI'n th III\ ' ! of th 'I1Ilf1
nllY Ill' , as flllits tllwelll'l'r , all the WRY
: rom 11\I I' to rllther 131111111 , PulTs stili
or ! ' slllllhed , to IIWW ] cuntrlliit In lleeps
nf nn inlll'r Flel'\'e. Cliffs II1U ) ' be or im.
Ilrl''Rln' lIi1.e 11\1\1 rich ornnmentutlon. At
the swuclpr ] ! the long , IIIlhl'ol < on line still
is follnwcd h ' SOllie , hut I'palllette finish
oC mnnJ' formH IInll shoulder cnpo nr.
1'm ( 'lIIent l in jrcnt'lIriet . lire lit hnnd
I for tho'e who waut them. Inco coliarR ,
oo , of the tll'epest ! lorls hille tI\O \ ! 'holll.
Ilers III mlln ) ' Ilreswq , bnt thl'sl' uro mude
to fit Ilown elosel ) . nnd disc\osl' \ the nRt.
11I'1I I ou tillie ,
' 1'he 11h'erslt ) ' thnt Is the present out.
look for winter Is sll ! : ested b ) ' the clotb
cation. Indeed , nbsolntel ) ' cssontial fea.
tm'l'S ha\'o heen so few In Ule fllshions
or the past J'eal' ur so , that it seems almost -
most ns ir women II1I ht hope for per.
lUanent freetlom from thom. Probllhly
thnt is too IIInch to expect. Yet It seems
hnr to bellevc thnt before long' ull worn-
ell , short ul1l1 tall , lllnmp nn angular ,
will hn ve to confurm . to the Hamo fuw
Gcnerul rnleil ,
, Tllst now the an ulRr fijlIre : III Cavored
b ) ' fushlons In cloth skirts , lIigh time
it WlS , sllrel ) ' , for the st-Ies of the tight-
I ) ' fi tted.hips ( ' ( ) ( , one of considerable
lengUI. too , were d'cldellb. rongh on
wOlI\en whose nlltllral filIre wnsll't at
10llst rnlrl . good. Now the womull to
wholl\ the tiht ; skirt wns thorollghly be-
eomlll nel'tls look Ollt sharp thut the lIew
Fchemo whil'h eqHeiully [ nttraets hOT for
Rrrtn in flllhlesII lit the top or her skirt
do slI' . ( make Ill'r luok thlrt ) ' { kutHls
hen vier thnn IIIII'eull ) . Is. B ' the IIame
tolcn , wOlllen of h hit jreater pltllnpllOss
will find milch 11IIIIenlt . In chooslnl { a
sUlisfllctOI' ) . mOlh''Idle ! the IJleatings ,
thirrlnJs. Iltherhl/s / and o on exactl ) '
suit too fIlldl'r hips It ) ' IldlIng to them
what the ' IRck , thl'se nrrun cments
I wou't do n t nll Cor Cull hlIJs. ' 1'he IlItter
cnn ho better su lL'tl h ' one or the 1111\11) "
! l1 'II \I\odl'ls of 'OIH11 sldrll. ! . A00'
Ih'"p 'ol.o IUmnll ) ' w\I1 \ IIIIrefl'I'1I11le. .
klrt trimming : ! nm mill'll'lIrll'tl , both
III ! 10 ml'lll1l1nll 111111 mnlllwr of allllIcu- [
tlol'Hdf.llIlIlIlIllJ. : > ! nnll "tl'\lIllnl. ; [ > I url !
nnllnr , fVr IIln\lllu \ Jl't.uPl , nntlII ! > cnr ,
t "o , III \ 1II0re' Ilhhl rute J.OWIIII , tHllIlllo-
\llt'lItl'll \ It ) ' IlIee , 11I\lItolUlt'ntl'rle ur hl'lIld , I
: 'Jlore regs ) ' bnlldlllJ1. ! uro nf'Ih'ut
gowlls pictlll'Cd here. III thl ! initial sketch
see a llearl gra ) ' hroadcloth , wl111 la\'ish
trlul1uin of whlto gulpuro supplemented
b ' black vel\'et nnd a lICIt of white clpth.
Of the three gowns tilwwn toeUwr the
left hRnd one wus broml cloth , with
Jtltched skirt ) 'oke and pleuts , the bodice
toppe by : I cream ) 'ak lace collar. ne.
sides this Is nil exulllple of the lIew two.
llleeo ! iuit : ! . Durk rL't ! che\'lot nn blaok
OMlalllents were used for it. ' 1'hen comes
n ) jo\'erel . plain wnlkln suit of ! ; 'ray
zibolllne. 'l'lw8e douhlo breasted couts
uren't Impressh.c for hl'allt ) " , J'et are fin .
Ing IIdol1ters. At the rhht III the next
picture is a mouse colOTed vonitian ,
"titehed IITld ornalllellted with blnck.
' 1'lw'err rouh surfaced materials are
oftl'n trimllled wvth self-hnlldns [ ; , or with
hal1\1111/8 / of like mllteriul or different
wen\'e 01' color. Zihelline ill leuder of
thl' rO\IJ.h \ Cnhrlcs , lI11d is In such extTCU1c-
I ) . hllh fu\.or thnt It Is npprouchlng thllt
stnge or freakish trentment thRt nltrn.
strllllh materiuls orten ha\'e , 'l'he coso
tlll110 remaillin in the concluding pic.
ture Wll8 iIInslTatl\'e of this in n mild
dl'g'rel' . Its wrap WRS ziht'lline of the
most halr ' sorl , nnd In stT'ildn contrast
. " "
' \ S ) H Y : 1"on ODDI'l'CO SIS'1'I XCY.
= _ _ \ : ! _ : _
wltlt the gown. which WRS ehunt\11) \ ' IRce
, 'i'hui > the l'xln'llles of roughness Rlld del
Ica , " " "ere mlltCl. ' 1'he Ince wnll bilici.
the ' ' 'TIIII pu ] " hlue , with trlmmll1 a
cmbrohlerl'tl whltl' bruadcloth Col s nnl
black sill. shouhh'r strRpl. ! . It ) . Itselr th-
wrnll would 110 strlltlnJ ; , hut l"llll1l1) ' oris
Inul7Ip:3 : lire lIIun ) ' .
' 1'ho'tohucl'O leut Is sulll to requl1"1
I\bout tweh'e weeks to cure :
. . .
. .
. , \j \
_ uuuu 1
- .
, ! 'ulIshlllc Coke ,
Sift D. CUp of 1'IIlIulllted sugar n.nd Y
IIdd It to the yollJ of live eggs , first
bel1t1ng lhese until they I\re thlcle. Add r
a dush of snit. Sift thl'ee.quurtet's of
n cup of flour twice with 11 Itulf tea-
spoonCul ot erel\\II of tal'l1' ( : , 111111 ndl1
to tlte eggs nnd sl1ar. Bent fOI' twen-
ly mluules ulld fold III the \'lIites or
lIe\"en eggs whllllJl'd stllf with n teaspoonful -
spoonful ot wltlte sugur dissolved In
one tellspoonful of lelllon juleo nnd ono
tnblespoouful of ol'au e julc ( ' . Butter
n pun , fiour It Ulttlr : : IIl1d hal.e the I
calco In a stcndr onn for fort . mhh j
I.omon 8ollm J > lIdll III\ : ,
It Is the IJnstr " Cl'cam , fUmc as used
In Boston crenm llUl'fs , wfllt white of
'cg'S ' ! whlpllCll to froth stirred In IInd
, tlJen bnlcd. It I'lscs III h lit the o\'cn ;
i should he sel'\.cd Intm dllltel ' , 01' at
h'lIst not I\I10wed to become cold. Use
a quart of mill. , el ht ounces of sugnr ,
fI\'e ounces of Ito\\\ ' ( n henped cup ) , nn
ounce of huttI' , eight cgs. The 'olkB
cookl'd In the II1lxlurp , whl'h must
then he II1l1 e nearl ' cold nml Ita.orcd
with lemon , nnd tlte l'lght wltltes then
added. A spoonful of swectencd cream
In cuch dish fOl' ! : Iauce.
Peach hort Colee.
To two cups of fiour n d fout' teaspoonfuls -
spoonfuls of haklng powder , one.hnlt
spoonful of snit , onL"-qunrter cnp of
butter and one tnhlespoonful of sugar.
l\I1x : with milk Ut1 spl'cad on two
round buttered paus. \\111'11 done , re- l
mo\"e and butter Ullller crust well ,
spread with PCf1cltC''l ! ' , pared aud cut
Into Eoctlons , sprinkle wl'll with sugar ,
an put o\'er the upper crust buttered.
Cover thc top wltlt penl'hes nnd ut'-
range pIeces nrounel the outside edge.
Coyer with whipped cream.-Gooc1
l > illent'Ile Cohhler. . . .
Four slices of plnenlJllle cut In dll'e ,
one lemon IInd aile ol'lInge s1lccc1'cry
thin , eight tll blcRpoonfuls of sugnr , enl !
pint of Iced wntor and olle cnp of
situ \'C d Ice. Plure the fl'1.llt In a bowl ,
strew with the Imgut' nnd II little Ice ,
11nd In ten mluutes adll the Iced wuter.
StIr we1l 'and ponl' Illto glllsses halt
full of shaved Ice ; decorate with ripe
terries. '
Peach 1\1.n."c.
Mnsh and rub the peaches tltl'ough u
colnnder , IInd for e\'er ' cuprul of the
trult allow heaping tablespoonful of
powderl'l1 sligar , If 'OU lIa'e n quart
bf the fmlt , Hdd to It half an ounce
of gelatine , dllilso\-e ! In ns little water
liS posslhle. Add a few drops ot
bralldr , and fold In U pint of stlnly - 'lI
whipped creum. Put Into a moW and T
pack In Ice ,
Sa1tell Cllnned J > ene.
Shell the pells IInd utlx n half-pillt
of 1 > II1t wltlt ever ) " qUllrt of peas. Stand
o\"er night nlld In the 1I101'nlllA' ( lI'aln I \
off an moisture unll pack the lleas and , :
salt tightly In alrtlgl t jars. Seal tlte j
.jnrs nnd wrnp elll'li In dark paper. \
When the peas urc wllllted souk over i
night , then cook In the usual way. \
I'otntoe" "kct In lIa1f . he1\ . 1
Select medlum.sized potatoes , wush , !
using u brush , put. In a drlppln. ' ; pan
'nnd hake In n hot o\'en C01't . mlnuteH , i
or until sott. Cut In hllh"es length. ' ,
wise , scoop out Inside , mnsh , season ;
with bntter , salt IIlId pepper , IIl1d 1 :
molstcn wIth bet ml1l { . 1'1 '
\1\ \ \
Green 'I'omllto Pic. I
This pie shoull1 be utl\lle with uppm I .
I1n lower I'rusts of plain paste In tb I' '
usual mnttner. 1.01' the IlIsll1l' slice t1t11
tomatoes thin , tH'1'nnge on the lower I '
crust , ndd one.ltnlC cup of sugllr , thQ
juice of one lenten , nud n Fllllnldlng
of elnnall1on. II \
I rictl BAllomul with Cherry Hnnce. 1
Cut some hanallas In two lengthwise . I
nnd ran In powllereil maCl1l'oons. Fry }
till 1gooe ] brown III hullel' . An'l\IIQ ; : .
In a circle , puttlllg 111 the cl'nter some I
CUl'L'lI1t jell ) ' with : \1U'IIS'lIll1o Che1\ ,
rles In It. u
J > iclc1ell trllli : HeanH. t
nemo\'e the strings Ilnd boll the
beaus until tender In sllghtl ) " suited
bollhlJ ; water ; put Into glass jars , llour I
heuted splcee } Ylnegnr over them aud .1 l I
seal up tightly.
' ,
Short t1I11o : HUonli. I
' 1'0 clelln zinc wlsh first In hot soc11\ \ i
wnter un then ru\ \ ) with a flanuel !
dlppe\l In tUl1lCntlne. j
Ants d18111.e ho1'\x , so sprlnlle It
over shelves In pallh'les , etc. , whl"I'o I
they m'o trouhlosome. I I ,
A Idtchel1 stool Iii a grcat comfort t
n de1lcate womlln for slttlllg on when I
washIng dlshl'8 or t'lennlngpg'etahle" : ,
For watel'lroolillj ) ; hoots l1Ielt to. j'
gl.thcr a little l1Iul toLV suet nthl hees. \
wax , t'uh It O\'CI' the soicii I\lhl 1:1IzlItlr : : ;
on'l' the edges WhI'O t1w btltcht'8 ! Ire. \ t ,
' 1'0 remove hard putt ) ' pnss n hot Iron / ,
. .
over It. 'l'hls will soften It , 1\11L1 thus
a hl'olwlI IIl1nl' of glnlis cun be cusHy
remo\'cll wlthuut ' ' I
\ InjUt' to the wIndow
) slIsh. \
'l't'a IInd calfee pots I\t'e ! lnlOng the '
Idtl'l1l'1I utensils thl\t . lira ne\'er thor-
' l'l ' l'd. 'l'he
ollghl 1'1111 ordhll\r ' 11I1\111 L
will slllllll ' rinse them out Utllpr ! Ih\ ) r
raucl't r.UlI put them 11\va ) ' to dr ' at
thelt' own sweet will. Illstead , Ihey.
shoul be fre'luentlr nilI'd with water
to which se'cl'al spoonfuls of SOOn '
l ) lJl\\"e hl'Cn uddt-d and set to hell for \
'erernl ' hours on the bnck ot t1tc store ,
1I 1 I