Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 08, 1903, Image 6

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I''I. I' i
'I. ' ,
C ster County Republican
. , M , AMBmCIt1lY , JtDl1'oJt & l'UIIIBIIII )
tIlROKEN now. 1\TmR'\ 11
- - - -
- -W mct' IIl'ohlclII-who \\11I ; { ( 't ItI
IIl'sl ,
_ _ _ : = . : : : - . = : : ' : :
IlIgl'lIlltlll)1' ) Is II IhOl'1I thllt 111I'1\11 UII-
Ill' ! ' v\'el'J' I'O I' oC n Idlill lIelioll.
= - = = - . : - =
'l'lw 01l1 ' I'lIl'e sulpJllo this COli III rJ'
_ flll'es II I 111'1' 1'lIt Is till' slIleltlo of chIlli
1111101' . _
= = = = - . =
'l'hf'l'v 111'0 IIIl1l1r who go to I'll hI hI
1111 IIl1cll1llt 10 Ii 110 Ihell' C\'It'IIII' \ ' ! fro 111
the hl\ll.
t:1I1l' : s the tlmlllllgo Is 1ltIl'llclllnl'IJ'
guml , WillI HII'I'I't III11s1 look 11101'0 01'
Il'ss 111" , II CIIIIII1.
- . - - . ,
- - - - - - -
- -
- - - - ' - -
WIII'II YOII 1':111'1 : got " 1'l'1I1 I'll I" 'Oll
nl'o l'l'I\lI \ : 10 hl'IIu\'e thllt the II'h llllIIlIe
IH / \ hollel' IIHJclm'r : ,
- - - - - - - -
SOIllU foils \ellll \ 10 wlIsh Ihl'h' solle(1 (
llh'I'I'III-1e Ihe
11111'11 III IllIhlIc jllst to :
fl\l't UIII t I hl'los \ ess 111\1'11 ,
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
A 811h'It of 1I11l'l'sI Is I'I'JlOI'lrl1 /\1
I'I\IInlllll. 'l'hls will IH'ohahlJ' cost
rllce : Soli II 1I110lhcI' $ lOOOOOeo ,
- = = = =
' ' WI'IshIrl wlIlsl th\'I'I. '
If n gil'l I'all WI'I\ : / \
dll 's III SIlCl'H lolI , the 1'1111 Iwol'l , 1111
the I1Ct,1 oIT lIur IllIl ) ' th II gl'OWS ,
- - . - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
'I'ho 31'1"1. ' ho ' who Is tllllght to he.
Il'\'u , Ihllt Ilw 11I'11I1I lIcl. Is the hCIoI :
11I1I.t of tllO IIII'I\ ! . ' grows 1IJ1 to hllllgille
thllt hIs wife IIlwII\1I ! ; I\'l s Iu 10 hllll ,
ltI/-ht / ( III llll' 1II111111e of 11'1I111111t1 lieI'
JIIl'UCI"S : ! tl'l'I" II WOIII:1U : Ii ; t : ( ) Iule.-cst.
, -I 111 the 1 lIl11l' thai Iw JlIIU l'S to s'c '
lIt1w 111'1' 1'1I1's . lotll . , as tlIe ; ; 11I 's 1I0wu
Ihe el\l'll.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00
- - - - - - - - - - - -
\\'hl'u It ( 'OIiIeS' CIIOOllIg ! 11 l'olle.
htlwenl' , 1 hl'Y 110u't 111111111' 10 I h\1I1 \ , n
11I1111 ] IIIS Itllot : Ills Ilfil'fullleSs slllllll ) " lie.
l'HIIO ! he hl1lllleU/I / to Ill' IIIOl'e thllu : : : i
or ,10 ) "eH's ! 01' 1111' ,
COIOlllhl1l " ' ' ' ' 1111 111 .
11I'l'fel'lo : WHI' ttl III n.
tlolI , " 0\11' ' ' with 1I1H 1101110
\ , \.lIl\lI\th \
! ' 1'utllI'lIt Is f'olll'whll t 1111111'11 Ur t 110
l'OIlRld'I'lIl1ol1 t IIl1t Soul 11 A UlI'\'ICIIII I'C'
' ' ' ' ' 1I1111t1s1 HU'lhlug.
1IIIIIIIcs 1)I''fl'l' ) Will' to )
A Gl'l'lIIl1n IHlII.cOultnlsslollC'll 011I1'01'
hils hocn 11\1II1sheli \ for III'utllll ) ' 11'1'lIt.
111 111'I\'lIte 1-0 1111 l's , But Ihl'lI a lion ,
cOlllllllsslolICd oflCCI' ! Is 1Iot hl\1'llenell \
with IIIl1lutnllllll the h'lIl1110 : 1I ! ; 111111
hOIlOl' of the al'lIIr.
- - - -
OrH ! of Ihe thll1 s thai AIII\'lcalls ) , ,
nrlJ 1I1\\'II'H 1 I'owlll IIhont Is thl' right
to 11111 , . 'rhls Is 1Ilel'el ' l1IUlltiolletl to
I'HII Hllel1t1011 to the cOIIslslcIW ' of II
IIntlolllll colnhl'atloll 111 the nnllle of lib ,
I'I'I"hlch Is I'RI'rlall ' tlesl-l1etl ! ( Ie
I'a\l ! ; ! ' 10 ( Ijll W , which If > tile 1II0st (11m (
gel'ouR f01'll1 IIf Iutm'fel'ellce with fl'c (
Hllccch tlla t Is Imow1l ,
'l'he' eXllOJ'tR 1'1'0111 the Uultell f.tatl' ; !
to ClIl1atla fOl' thl' Ihl'lIl ) ' ( ' 11 I' jllst 01111
I'll will HIIIOlll1t 10 IIhollt $1riOOOOOO :
'J'IIIH shm\11 H'l = lIlu of 0\1'1' : ; ; I , OOOOO (
1111 t'lImllal'l'll wllh the 1)I'ICCIJlII ) ! J :
lIIuUtlll , 'l'hc 1IIIII00'Is fl'lIl11 Cl\1I1l11 : \
1'01' thl } ' ( , I\I' j liS I I'llIll'eI WUI'C II 11011
: fi : , OQOOO. ( III 111'01101'11011 to 110111I111
tlOll the 1II'011ie of Call1llia lire II ' fll
tlw hlt / CIIStOIlIl'I'M of 1111 11m fOI'I'I 1
IIl1tlolis 'oC IhlJ01'111 fo the lIIel'Chali1
111111 U1l11111fllC11ll'1I'1I ! of Ihe Ullitel
HtnteH ,
'j'lw 1IIIIIISIl'Iolls ' 111\11 , till' Illn 11
l'\'I'I' ' : ' 1,11111 , Wt' mellll , J.I'tH 10 hi
wo\'l , olll'lr. 'J'hl'ce hours 11111'1' till' IIIU
01' ml1l'll' < 1 l'Xel'Utl\'o uhlJlI ' dl'OIlS ' III t
HI'e t hn t Ihe II1hlHII'IoU8 IIIU II la'I'11
I4IClldllt wOI'I. . If e\'I.'rJ.thlll 1M gl
IlIg well Iho 11I1111 of lIIuI'I\l 11 I'xl'lulh' !
I\h1l1t"lca\'os fo\ ' the duy , fill' tllcre !
110 n .cd for dlsplu ' of his Jlcellllll
Iluullllcs , Ir C'o.thlll Is goln I
the n l or mlll'I\cll OXI CUtl\.o uhlllt
Ilults uqnee ' III ( ) l'lel' thut his 1'1'11\111 \
11011 ' ' 1I0t he ' '
1I11 C01l1111'01l118011 h II !
ACCJ'lll1l1 : to the , Mother GO ( )
l'h 'lIIu It wus the I\lng al111 lIot UI
1J1l1'1'1I who was 111 the COUltlllghulIf
l'ollntlll oul his Il1UIIl'r.1' ' 110 clln'\ '
l'IIUr In the United : -5llllt's , 'l'wl'lIt ;
I wo WOlliell were I'cl'entl . 1'111)11.1.\1 )
1'01' lIIolllh III the 'j'I'CIIlI' ' '
a \lI' 1 > 1'11:11' :
1II1'lIt , cOllllllng the hills In Ihl' I'
"I'I''e'IIUlts , 'J'ho 111110llnt whll'll t hi
\ hUllIllod WIIS $10:1,000,000 : , 111111 till
101lllcl thnl the SIIIII wus just whllt
"hllulll hn\'e hcell , It Is lIut 1\110\\ ,
\ \ hether the Idll { ; who l1nl1 thl ! hlae
Ill'll 1110 for IlIlIuer toulld his l1'I'a ,
Ill' ) ' In so sntlsfllctor ) ' n co 1Il11 tI 011.
YOul' 1U0st .llcl\HhtfulaclUlllnll1l1l'e \ )
thl ) IIIlIn who gJ'OWS 011 'OU , YOIl Imc
) l1'ollle In IIlollt ) . who do not uln 'O
II 1111I'cclll tloll : c\'el' ' ' tlllle ) ' 011 1111
t 111'11I tlll' ' IR'l'1II lIIom shnllow II
lIIore Jletl ' thlln heCo\'e , IlIdl'I'II , Ihe
111'1' tllllos whell , your dlsco\'el'loM
IImel' chul'lH'tl'I' within the dl'do
'olll' IIBtol'ln lions l'llll so II1Ul'h to t
. I'O\'CllltiOIl of IIl1ltrlness Ihllt 3'011 f
in dllngel' or helll COlUIellod to d
cOUllt'l1l1 hUIIIIIII nnture as n dllce
IlIg shllm , Bl1t the tunn who ( ; I'O'
Oil 'OU sn'os ) 'OU fl'01l1.s"lIlrls .
\'l'I' ) ' 1111 ' 'ou nt'e Ihllllll III h
I'Ollle fnctol' ot mnnhood that 'ou h
1I0t I'Xllt'cted ; e\'el' ' day ho I\'o\'es
11 ncw test to IlIlYe resources
sll'l1I ! - h 1111011 which 'ou ha\'e I :
t'Olilt , d In , 'Oul' ( 'Stl1l1I1tO of hlll1. # '
I'el" I shlCl. the 1I1'1-lnnln , ; things hi
III'ougllt. fOl'tll fl'ult IItlol' thclr 1,1
' 1'hll t Is whr t he world h1\8 hccn CuI :
, \ 1II' ll\llt.I'U1I101'S of W1\r8. I 'I'hl'\'e
I'lll t n "lllrlt of hostility betwecn
tiOJ I1nll. thl ) fruit of thnt slllrl1
hluW hc . 'l'ho JllIn t wl1lcb llI'Ol1u
It I uot ) 'ct deud , but It 18 d11I1J
, \
, ruot 111111 III h"III1'hes " , , \ IIlItllt'r In'l' hns
/ ' ' IIlulltl'l ' ( , which Is IIlt'l'IHly 1H' ln'
lI'l1/oC / 10 O\'I'I'llIIllow ! thl' 0'11 oUe ,
I Jo'\'Il'IlIllhll'l- ; ! , : \\'IIA It II I w(1 ( 111111 111'/\0 / \ h
! ! 1'1 lilt. : ' \ntlllu-c : " ' 1'1'111 to 111- " ( O/Il'hlll /
I olil 1111' rl'II'IUlI ' hlllll : to 0111' 1I1101hl'l' ,'1I11 Ilr , ,11I\1 < l11.t ; till' 1111'11111'illJ. : IIHI ,
, ' 1'ho Killer of ( it'l'lIt 111'1111111 1I0t 101lli
nAil l'1'1I1I'U1'(1 IIII'Islt ! 10 1' II llIlId I"
I iht' 1\11I1ot O\ \ ' l'OI'III III , 111111 l'xh'IIIII'(1 (
, hili , 'IAIL 10 Itolll'111'1' ( ' Ill' l'nlll'1I Oil
"l < > IOI' 1' U\JIIIIIIl\,1. \ \ A 1)11 ) IIlthOIlg'h hc 11
I ' 1'I'OII'Rtatl
tile 011I1'1111 hoal1 of 1111'
( 'hlll''h of JoIIJ.t11l1l11. : hI' hllll 11 fl'lel1ll1
IlIlel'\'h'w with I hi' I'ol't' ' , 'l'hl'lI Ill' WM
1'1'1'1'1\1'11 III I'lli'llliS ; the J.t111'ft of the
IIl1l1oll , 111111 I'I'I' ! < IIII'II t LOllIH'I I'llon nf ,
tl'l'\\'III'(1 ( 1'1'1111'111'11 tile en II. 'I'ht' wel ,
' ' ' III , " ' '
t'OIllO or Ihl' gugllsll Idllg' I'IIUI'O
" or I h ' FI' lll'h I'I'rsltlt'111 III gill > : '
1111111 WIIH 1'10 ' hl'III'l " 111\11 \ till' I'XIIl'l'1 ! '
I'IOIIM of 1'l'sJlt'I'1 IW slt\l''I'e \ , thllt OliO
hl 1I111101-t' ; rOI'gel Ihal Ihel'o WNO
, ' ' ' ' " 1-l'1'loIIS IlIn'I'I'I'III'CR hel '
( \ 1'1'1111) ; W'III
j /W\'I'I'nllll'lIls / Ihl' ' l'I'III'eH'lIt , 'I'ho
111I'1t of l'ou'l1ll1l1ol1 which 10 : I' 1.11I tn
IU'I'\'IIII ( ' 1111' iOl'I'I 1I oflll'eR 111 the COIl'
tllll'II1111 1'1I1l1nll- , ; , 11I1111' Ihe 11'1111 o
1 ln 1'II\\IlI.n : , Is 1IIl1l1ll'esll'l In the 1101
IIl1'slic IIn'lIh's 0'1' Ol'cat 1I\'ltllln. \ 'I'hd
1,11IJ.t 1'1'1111) " Infol'IIII'l ( II Ilfil'III1I1WIII
1111' ) ' I'omllllttl'l' Ihlll he l'egar'lIl'll It n : (
a I'll ' ll'lot It , 1111 t.10 . 1''sllcet the w181\1'9 \
01' Ihl' 11'1I:1IItH : III fl'l\Inlll the III'
\"ls111111o : of thl ! 1J'lsh IlInll JllII'chllSn hm. .
_ \ \'III'lh'I' \ I'\'hlellce of his f\'Il.'lIdIlJ\'S
III' , wllh hlA qllel'lI'lsltl'll 1J'l'llInc1 '
'I'hl' 11I"'l'lIt IlItl'l'nlltlolllllllllllt . dlffm'
1'1'.1111 Ihl' I'l'll'IH11IucsS 1'01' Ihe tlillol :
: -11111'1 ' whlt'h Ihl' IHI\\'I' : ; hustI'lIcd tl1
1II1I1I1f. st IIftl'r Ihl' slIcce sflll tm'Jllllln ,
thll oC Ihe f.Jlnlll-h ; : : Will' : 11111'l'tI thnl
WIIS1111'111'1' of the new 5111t.1t. Iu
fm'IIII'\ I lilies the 1'lsllIg' of a new \lOW' \
' III t hI' wo\11i follo\\'ed
PI' \ wnR \ \ hy II
1'0111111111111011 of the olhol' 11OWCI'S I
1111 t'lTell'I 10 cl'lIsh It. 'J'hl'l'e will h4
\\11\1'1 ' ' ( ) I : hilt the tlJlle Is slll'el ' com :
III \\'holl war shall he 110 more.
- - - -
0111 ag-n 110 ( ) 'I' IH'IJ\'onts a lIIal
fl'OIll 11110 thl' . ' ' ' ' ,
JCttlll J.O\'Hl'III11IJllt lIel'\
11'1' lahol'IJI' ' ' "
liS a . I'I'esltll'lIl HOllso\"ell
hll H I'I'IIIO\'CII the 111111. The 0111 11111 lit
f'O 10llg 111'111 liS u pltlllbll' HlllJeI'UII'
' ' ' ' Is hll\'I' chllllce. ' d '
ml'l'HI' , to \ ' II . lIlliI' 1
111111'l'llIkle ' ' ' ' ' .
\ \ I'emo\'el's lI\'e 110 IOllgel'
1111I1\0 IhIJ ilia II , Wo 1'1111 this the IIgd
or ) 'Ollllg' mell , Hoose\'clt hlmselr ,
Sl'll\tah , llIrcolIl IIl1d II lot oC othm
JOlllli IIII'll'ho ha\'e ICllpecl Into hlgJ !
' ' ' l\'ldelll' th4
IIIIII'CS III'e IIIl1tel'ial ! \ s that
\'lgol' of J'outh 110 : 1111 h'I'l'slstlhle fOI'co
Bllt Ihls 110 ; Is lIotlleellllll\ \ this ra-
SIH'l'l. g\'Ol' ' n e hils had Its ellll :
1It'lIt ) ' 01IIg1IIl'1I. \ . The wOJ'ld cllnnol
o\'el'lo l IJII vhl , A leXIUllll'1' ! , lIlloleOl
HFoll , Ol' CIIll Iho wo\'I(1 ( fOl'get tlll\
1I1'lIIlallt ca\'oCJ's ha1. ' cnl'\'all ' heell
1II'II'f , iIcll'ol'le 1lIghis lire sho\'I-II\'d ,
'J'III' ' 1II11 ' fo\ \ ' the 1II0mont cause the
! ! tl'lI I ' 0111 tlxell sial's to IlIle : In 1'01\1' \
V 111'1 1'0 11 , hill In Ihn 10llg I'lln It Is the
IIxl'll stilI'S thllt - ' '
g-h'q IIghl to the wOI'III ,
KIIIIIII ollce slIld thut 110 mlln Is IIi
to write 'a uO\'el lIut 11 he Is ,10. U\I \
to thnt tl1\10 \ , lie eXIIIIIIIIl'd , a IIUln'
humllll s 'mllllthll'R 11\0 \ lIot SlltllCIl'lItl '
dOH'lollt'd , his l'olltl'ol or himself 111111
his SI'USI1 or ulTall's Iu'e 1I0t slllllclelltIy
8eCIII'0 for him to eOllllH'ellcllll Hllll 1I0\ ' !
tmy the ( lcepel' fOI'CCII of 1If1' , BI'lIIlnlll
11001 , , ; l'Ollle fl'om ml'n 11I1111'1' .10 , Bllt
till ! heels thal Rtn ) ' with III' , liS a pt'\ \ '
110111111 SOIll'I'I ! oC IIISpll'lltloll IIIHl hll'
III/Ill / S 'lIIlll1th . . a 1'1' , IIll1e times Ollt od
'tl'lI , WI'ItIt'1i II ' 01l11'\ \ ' 11I11 , A 1'llIs <
_ 1I111' 111111 11 I'll. ! I' hns jlllt dodllrcd Ilia t
of Ihl' roe 1'll'lIl'sl 11I11 IIIlIIorica lIot
til't ) ' IIIIHIc ! their fOJ'tlllll'S IIl'fol'e ,10 ,
JI ( . Halll lI111t thl'I' Is all IIIStllH'tI\'IJ
fl'elln a mOIlg' 111111 IIl'Il'I'S t lIa t I ha
) 'IHIIIg' mllll , hO\\'I'\'lI' SIIl'I'l'SlIrlll hd
mll ' lIa'e IH'O\'cll 111111 hOWe\'I'I' hl'lIl
1111 11 t his IIl'OIIOHl'd sl'lIeme IIIIIJ' . ! lel
Ill' 18 1I0t to he Imllllcltl ' trllsl11. Illii
l'hnl'llctl'l' Is 1I0t fllll ' IIIIHle 1111. 'J'hCl'O
1II11 ' II I II IIr mOllwlI t dIJ\'elol ) some ra.
t a I IIn w , I11 Is :1111 : 10 II ) " 10 1III'ces ,
11111 the 11I1111 who ] 11I11 stellllll ) ' 1IIII'sIIell
palhs oC HllcceS8 II II tli the tJlI.tleth mllo.
stolle hils heell IllIsscll hils II II1m foot !
IIIJ : . lIe Isl \1110 \ mllll. Of him 111'0
\1'1\111\1.11 \ \ no l'efo\'cncl's. \ Stn tlslles show
thllt O\'el' no lIP I' cellt ofIIIOl'lcau
hllSllll'SIl mcn filII , iIost [ of the fall.
III'I'S 111'0 h ' 'Ollll IIII'll. A IIUle IIUC'
l'eloS : haR 1'/lIlHell thom to o\'I\'estlmate
thl'h' 110WOI'S , The ) ' 11'IIS11 mo\'u \ thnn
ie t hl' ' 1'1111 holel.
ie hllo"t SIICClHHIClI.
I' . 'l'hl'l'o I1l'el mlllioll jolws , more 0 ,
\ ' - II's ! ! , aholltlcl'ld'nls to hlJh 6111 , hals
! II ' . .1'111'I : IYOl'l. ! . ' 1'IIIws tolls allow 01111
t. whl.'h lias to do wit h a } o'1'1'l1eh oller :
I ! ' hal-olle or thotu IIIIHle with ! ' ! III'IIIs ;
' ) ' so tllal It colllpsesl1l11 : lIIa ' ho 1'111'
' . l'lecl lIat1IlIlel' tlw l1\'m 01' shovoll con
It'I'IIIl'III1) ' ollt of thl ! wa ) ' .
' 11 Ullcle lo'l'Ill1k waR sllowll1 one 0
I. . tllOso OIIOI'a hats to little DOl'olhr. Sh
so let Itl1111I / 0111'11 ollce 01' \\'Ice alli
wnH lI1uch llell htl'll.
The 1111r artl'I' , l1ncln I'rall\t \ hOIl ll
Is 11 11\\ ' silk ha t of t hI } shllQ' , 1101l.CI )
IW In p.\hll' \ kllll1 , allll sellt II hOllle. Wile
III' i' ' , \ \ pllt to his 1'00111 Ihat IIIJ'ht : ; , IItll
! l't lI'lolh ' came rUllnlng 1\lol1J : : ' the hll
1111 I wilh whlll 100kl1 ! 111\0 a hI lick accol
! rlo t1l01l.
of " 0 UI1I'le 1"1'11111 , , " fiho sall1 , "this 01 ]
of O ( ' lI\\'full ) ' hlll'lI ! I hnll to sit on I
ho hut l'\'ell IIOW I ClIlI't el It hlllf.shut. .
1M' " 'hnl 'J'h ( ' ' Cull J.h'llIJ ; III laIlH" . . ,
I\- How III this fOI' a 'OUIIJ : : ' 11I111I stlcldll
\\'S to his lt1 ! t ? llelll'r Holon' , acl ; ; (
III. who lI\'es ole\'I'1I II1l1us lIul'llll'lt : t
1111khlsoll , hils lIe\'I'I' Ill'clI 011 :11'11111'011 :
:111 : tralll , lias 111'\1'1' Ii't'll a Cl'CI1H ! 1101'
III I'I''US ! IUlI'IIIII' , hils 11O\'el' heclI IlIslllt ,
of tJlt'a h'I' , 111I1) 1I0\'el' hecll 1I10\0 t hf
JOt t \\'I'I\'IJ III lies fl'ol1l llOllW , hns IIl'\ "
tnsll'll IIqllol' l'xeellt liS a II1cl1lclw ! : u
1I11s Ill'ell 011 a stl''ct cm' 0111) ' t wlcu
IIYt' hll'l ' IIfu , Whell Bolon' COIl1CS to to\1
1111 , hi' lIIal\CII the H'III III nllLl hack 111 tl
I of 1Il1ll'1I11l.t ; , t tll1 hOll1o 111 tlillO to
hns hIM Cllthor's dlnl1or. 'l'ho ohll'1' Hell
1111' 111111 hlR SOli' hn1' 110 W0ll10ll rol1'8 nl
l Is I hn ) ' ( ) UII II1I i docl ! UI cool'lnG' , W1\E
ced III , 11'01I11I al111 hOll8ewol'l , Jcnornl :
: , , Iu - . tehlson G1o o , I. ' " ,
, ' " . , , . . . . . . . . . . . , . _
, . . ' , . , , . . . . ' ' ( " " " ' ' ' ' ' ) ' '
_ a : .
- , . . .
'I'w LI.- - - -
, ' , ' -
. . , . .
- J'.A
: : : ; ) .i r , > [ D ; . , , O . ' i ' .
1/ '
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, .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - . -
Flood nnd r ire ,
' I : IlIIl't of our 'O'lI'I' ' drowlI\ while IIlIotlll'r
h 11I'1\ \ , III II 1101 thlll wo du f'0 little
O 'to ' IJlC\'cllt cnlnllJitlcswhlch1) ' ! ( aWII ) ' Oil ! '
, , _ . . . ' P\'olHl.tles ! aUII OUI' 11\'I'S ? I'lItll thl ! IH'el1 hI"
' ' - "
, ' ' \
, l'OIlH'6 cxtr'lIIe , It Is dlflll'ult to 1"01'111' ( ' In w : ;
'or the . , . " ' . , . " , " " " ' \ wh < 'l' ) h. . , . " "nllt , . , with
, ' 11\111\"lIlulIls , llIl'h Ihe auw sll'Jls
tilt dl ! h'l's of lItan \ \
W01I111 I'Plhwl' 1100118 that \\'oulll l'ellllCe 11t'oul hts , 111\11 rOil.
i1) ) IIl'n II ' 111'1'\ \ , l"I'l'st S U l'l' : ul 111 II 11'(11) ' IotOl'I'l' : ! ! aud Ills.
11'lhutol'S of 1\:1II1II11I'S8 \ : , ) 'pt \\1' , wllo ! > ! ' Ci/llutl'\ / " Is ! > l1 IItIH'h
Ihe III'I'J' oC Il ! ' nnll10011 \ , 11I1\'l ! fOl'l'sll' ) ' ! tl\\'H far Inft'I'IOI'
10 lhe foreRIl' ) ' laws of IIIIIII ' CO\'l' \ ( 'nllllll'lcs. At the
I'ato ut which clcstl'uctlou IIIIrxeectls rI'JlIt\l.'ln , IIII' wliolo
RUJlpIJ' of C01'csts , iliA ClllCllllllpll , will dbaJlJlP1I1' In anothc\ '
! ; 1'lIel'ntlon , " 'IIl'IIWI' thl' ' lootllllllte ! 1)\ exa'I'I'aICII : 01' not ,
" ' 1II11'h Ul1l1 ' ' ' little Is IIIlIloullt.
ihe fact thut"e destl'oy (
ell , ' 1'1101'0 ' Is IIt'essln ; ; nl'1'11 I'm' u mOI'egol'OIlS ! 111\11 II hem I
nollcy. 'l'hls Is thl } 1I10si IICI'IIII1II1'nt unll IIII)1ol'lunt ) 1I0int to
r\'llel'llto , In conuectlon with 01\1' \ 1)J'csent IIIlsfol'llIue , al.
' ' ' ' whIch alight to be
thollgh thol'o IU'l ! olhm' 11II1II'o\'emenls
' . anll ' ' ' ' ' . Hesl'l'\'ol's !
\\011 within 011I' Inglnult ! 0111' enll'I'JII'I'o. !
'ollld allVUl'Ontly he lll'I'I1I1l'11 ; 10 rcrel\1' the surllius wuto\'s
n tlme of 110011 , with the alldltlollllllllh'lIntuo \'eleasllll ;
h m In time ot nl'(1. In'h 1II0\'e sl1'ln cnt l''gnlatlons
Iiong rallwuy IInos ml ht diminish fo\'e8tllrl's. 'rhe 1)\'lvate
Illllh'ldual whoso ahnlldolll'll Clglll' 01' bontll'o stal.ts a con.
' 11I rntlon Is bl' 'ol\l \ the re1\ch of IH'actieul ( 'ontrol , IIc will
'xlst , amI contlnlle to lItal\C the worllllay \ hca11) ' for his
ex-Istcnco , as 11)11) ) ; as the c\'l1l1lnlll nlBl the , tralllil-onc of
) \'hleh , h\lll''II , he oCel Is. WI cannot l'XIlct 111\'lllaI8 ,
IllIther compullies 01' rull'OHls to 11'0 nIl thull' scarch for
( ' :1111 wllh : , 01 o\'cn 1\1' chlllohcl : Inloll'nco , Ollt oC pure
bmw\'olonco. 'rhey wi dl tro ' fOl'OStS fOl' lItoner , and
; 11I'lule1111'1,5 C\'om lazlnps8 . , as Ion : as slch II'uctces
al'c pOI'lItHtel. I'he dnt of those oC lS who al'e ( '
lu the natlonnl wl'lfal'e Is to aglatc Ult t:1lo : U11uatonal
lelslntlon ' chl'l'ls thc ' ,
: pils IOl'e lIJ0n gonoll recl\l'ssness
We Cll nO\'er he safe fl'01"lntoll lIatlls fl'eaks , hit ,
when W put 01' IItllds 1\\11 wis to I , we can doc\'ease her
, mthreals und rl\ke hOl' wOI'I , 1I10l'e smoothly In mau's
or\'lco.-Collels Weekly. "
Stn.OQUo : Lfe of the Unied States.
may he alled If Amel'lclln domeste hahts ! ha\'e Dl'l
sol lhln , . . 10 wlh the fl'cqllcnt bl'eal , o\"IS ol' Amerl.
can IWI'\S. In lll'halls the majol'I ' of cases , In clps
ateast , th ( lay 18 mlmll'uhlJ' arrangcd So as to sin" tlo
lJslnl'ss mnn 10 rest whall'\'cl' IInt he gets lute hed , I
IIS come wihin ou\ ' ohsol'\'nton that , II 0111 civilzation ,
tl1re al'o threc systems of Ih'ln Ollt Ihe ordillary wOl'ldng
IIIY. ' 'lol'n Is the French ystn , which Is that of Uw
contnent 01 El'opo In : enemT ; lhere Is the Englsh s 'stem ;
Bnll there's ' the Alerlclm s 'stllIt. 'l'he last comblnl's the
hlcf Ientll'es of the othol' two. The En lshman gocs to
Iol'k Into :11 comes away el' ] ' , but du\'lng- ' - hOI's
'Ie ' W-GI'ls 11 the lmo , Ils lunehcon Is lght , and ealll
las l1-III'll1lls It his dosk. lO\ ' thIs ho makes U } h ' a
, llomely t\'ealf/\ft and I lelslel ' dlnncr ; \hle ho has I hI'
, 'al'I ' of Ihe the ' of the
' , llrt lorln nnl later Ilal'l nfer'
100n to . hlms'l 'J'he I'rclchluu. 01 the othehnnd , g-oes
to .01.1 ea\'I ' , I1nl \orls 11111 ti 100n , 'l'he AI11Ieal
' ' the ' with which th ' .
Is upt tv Illel'I'atc enel' J ll'enchlan.
\ol'ls whlo Il Is \orldng , Bllt at noon W01'I CellSIR , 11\1
ho slls 10 an ahun , cooked , ' ' \ ' '
do\n Jnt lenl wel cooked1'1 SlI'\'l'd
' I'alen alletlte and In .
\d wih } poace.
Afer his dejeuner he his his pot \'Ole , his sJole ,
,111 porhnps a ; ume of dominoes Ol cards. whllo he 11s-
( 'usscs poltcs , the arts , or the topics of the la ' . lIt. 11'15
his two hems of rlCl'esllllent as a malll'l of COlS ( ' ; hI has
no 1111'1dll.t1 ; of conscience al wasllng tmo , her Iolal'chlu : ser
or t one t'lsl' " ot : of
Ilart Il > ole sholid ahe\l hll.
EH'n the lahol' { . who 11Illa eats his cold IIlla\ ( '
meal II a dll h 01' hohlnd a plio of hOllls. . genl'll ' ; It <
down In Em'opo to n decel table. deft sel'wd. allli.
ho\o\'er coarse his Coed , has tle to ea t ot IIlrwl:1 t ha 1
lS the lowol' anllals. 'lln. wih mlll elI't'd : anL
cll'el'll , 111111 holy Rlrcn lhrnod and I'rfl'lslwd , lahol'in
mun nl1 ImRIIl'ss man retul to thel' tasl.s , to worl. hllll
and late , 'he Alerican 1o'StOI : , us WI 11\1) > 1 hi , COl'
hlnes the chlet fcatmes of Ihe otllr two , The . \lIIe\'lc\ :
OC Grcat llcn Contrilntct Grcut , to
' , .
1lelr 8ncce 1 in IiCe.
Benjllln 11nl\ln ; , who Is fumed
COl' his \ ' ' thai Is .
. dlsco\'or' lghtliing cec.
u'lcl ) , and who Ill'ollucell the Amer-
leal cllonlll Ilosial R 'stcI , 1111 who
tl'h'loro , lS wi he rcnlllholed ,
lul'ed Al 'lca at thf 'olt of Frnce
as mllistor IJellJotl dl'J' , was ono
of the oC earl '
loadold 1II01lel
In the stud ' of '
natul Ind nltu\o's
la w's , IIld no the least In domostc
sclonce , Ils Ilst maxll was : "But
not to dullness ' ' , "
; dl'llk not to eIC\'Itol
reJlorts Ihe London Oterln ) ; WO'ld.
gyon In his ) 'outll his mind was tied
i wih schemes for ulaton 1\11 I
uhlllnce , all he set hefo\'c hll the I
' talol : , of IIcqll'hiJ . : the hahl110 oC CCl-
'I lain cal1nal.tues hnld upon slm.
Ille 1\'ln { ; 1ll.hahls oC thought. Ils
' .
COlstllt en'Q.t was to hetm' the con.
dllon of 1111.1,111 , a 11 his lothOl8
\I'I'e Intensel ) ' practcal ! ,
The recoll ot tile lfe of Aumhal
Lincoln Is trcyed hack to that time
whun ho was seen slttng 011 a
fcnce In one or America's Mmal " 'cst.
e'l Yln I'S , wih a II w 1101. In one
hlll IInd wih a pllce or maize hrclul
II the othel' . . \hmh\1 \ 1.lnloln was n
l' lall of sllplo habits , al1 his great.
nl'KS was to extellt '
slal . 11'I111ent
lIJ1ln thlt 111'1) ' slllllcl al11 good.
111SS which ga0 Rtrenlth to COl'
, tdlll'l' , mln < IInl hod ' .
1'I'llln'h'l the OI'I.'at ( ostm'od Iho\'o
'ul Igl'lclm' ( and the cult\'atons of
fruits a ld'ceta bles. I Is \ '
; ellLra'Ol
to hl'nl'lt hil 1I011ie wn. hlsed Ullon
thl' IIltu\l la Wl Ile'talnlllg to tll.
hlalh n\t " ! 1plo l\WhHss \ , He l'ec ,
o nlz'll the : deato
. \tl eyor silco \ to
the ml\ls l the lea < ell of thn GCI' ,
mil lS , t hl t : hi' bol ' Is the lasls , 111
lust hu ! lllllc anl completol . ' nour-
Ishl',1 II 011'1' to'ct the solllor ,
Iat smtll 01' the 1t'Itnlt.
Ilsll1l'I'I's gl'atol'k hal Cor Is
hasls thl ! l'I'CIllllol or the slllle
1's 1 o na t \'U , It Collo\oll t hel
:1\1 : , ' lS I 1'1'1'1 ' I I thee ca10' about a
ne111IUII . \ a\l I neW01llhoo < ,
tl. t IPI'I"la ' , III later II the em.
i'I' . nsmal''s ! '
( I1tlI11111CIul'eL
: > tutelSS tnuJ'lIt : : him , asl shular
( ul.I'Jtlol mil I'easonll ' hni tnuh
- . . . . . . . . . . . .
goes to WOI , ( nl'l , 1.e the l rl'nchlnl ; 1,0 I. " _ \ . . I i
111 , ho wOII ; ' hnt'c ; 1\C Ihe Frenchman , he01'1 : ; Jnle
hit , 1\0 thl' EIglshlnn , ho tnlcs 10 t10 10 hllsolf II
1111(111\ ( HIIo : 1111\01 Is Ihe lel'est "snnclq" It Is OttlD
( 'ooleI hall ) I 1(1 ( 11''Co'se ; It Is oCclor sti , perhaps.
} \\1 fl'OI a 1111'1' II his pOII\t , fld not ser\'cd nt nIL
. \ fOI' ' ' ' ' O\ ' tal from
: al ) Illt'll'ctual I'elloe O11111 dlstrcton
thc I'lm falts of worl-lot olIJ' Is It lot Ihought or , bul
the \ 'eIdea \ould he Inl icII to SCOI Fl'om the mODcnl
of sotl fOI'lh to the mOll'lt of , l'otm'lI ml\l ald lody
allo 110 d'IH'I\'el of Ihl'l\ ' 11'111C101Islunent a l' rest
I Is sCI1I'cel ) ' slll e , thel't'1O'I' , Ihat nope should he rIch
In ol nlt Amorlcan \Ilo\s ald ol'lhlnS , nl1d the chlch
'ards II t too of 'ouugen's \ ' - ' ' "
' , h01e ful 'ouug \en's \'cs-lal'11'1"
' '
1 his txtnple Dying Out.
. \ CLAY , ) 01
- , llS iIAIU TJrUS . tJlcal Ilnll
C the South , 111(1 I'ccelltl . at the a e uf ! a , lEas
\as a great lght ( , a I'eat Amc\'lcal II hi !
WI ' , there \orc mal ' IntPI'pstlllg o\'euts In
his le.
The most Intel'ostlglIOllbodIJ' ! , Is tht
fUt'l tll Ilhough hal n sla\'o OWlel' Il' WIS COI\'oltcd
to the doct'lnes of the nholloulsts by Isllllg to a slloech
hy Wllal Llo 'd Gal'lson. This cOI'810u of the tll
I.thtng ; Southerner h ' n speech of the 1ld fl'leml of 1m
manUy Is Iutelsely Intel'estlu , , sllce It IH'O\S how luch
slucere nrsumcnt can do o\'on , , Ith the 10st IIlplollslug
materIal , CassIus ilulcelus Clay was COI\.ted to the i
Idea that 10 man should he asia \'e , 10 was COI\'Olto
so thorouG'hl ' thut he tnlkod aholllonlsm Ihlu h th !
South at the risk ot hIs , ' '
le occasloualy Inh\\'uptng his
speech to fg-ht wih a bowie laMe those who faie to
' hIm ,
1g\'eo wih '
Anotholucldent In the le ot Gelerl Cla3' , according
10 the T.ulsyle Courlel'Toulat Is plesol'\'ed In an 011
Imlutng at the ilotropoltal Art iluse\1 II New York ,
The pailtlg shows the Cznr or 1 uSfa ! wih his stnIT ald
the forel.qn Amhnssadors at St. Potcl'slul'g. Cusshls lar.
celus Clay was the AmClelll IIItl'to Hussla at that
tme , In the 1)lcturo he and the HlIsslan Czar nre the
two mel who ha'o their hnls 01. Ou the oc'aslol . thai
the picture ll'pI'esmts one of the Ithel : Amhassadot.s one
of the other Amhassadors said to Cln ' that ho olght to
I'C1ove hIs hn t In the jH'eselce oC vho Cz/\r. ' 10 this tle
Amm'lcal IJlstcr rcpled : "I tak off IJ' hat 0111. to
those who talof thclr hnts to 10. " .
Ie eXIH'cssod here br113'hat ! "ould SCOl to bo
very good Amol'lcan 10cll'lno. I Is'U good thllg that WI
ha ve outgrown Cassius : Iarcolus , Clny's bowie 10Ife 1\nd
his way of using I to end an argl 1rl fu tt Is a mis ,
fo\'tunc that we la\'e also outgl'own 1lh 11ea hrlof ' ex ,
\rfssl'll . : . t "I 1ke . " of my hat ell ' to these \ho tal\ 01
thl'l' to me.-Chlclgo Amerlc n.
Wealth and the Man ,
? < . . \W g.\Lll Is bl1t relat\'o. . \ 1IIII0n 10W Ie as
" . hut $100,000 I hllh'l'd 'cI's a o , ' Ami Ilen
II this Innd was I III ) oC 1IIIed al'ltocrcy ,
"I an 01ga\'ch3' of sla\'L'ow1LIS , a class alo\'e the
lass who , lke Dr. lllt' 111IIIC'ell spns : nd
r ' dau htl'\'s oC todllY , sti sousht the primrose
\nth , 1001 ol hlman nnhl'e ! I Is much the same tie
world 0\1'1 dny In , IIIJ' out. God Isn't tr 'llg the AIQ'lc:1
peOIlo ospeclal ' . Hather do we Icll'\'e that the sale unto
url laws work now ns hlthe\to. I 'Ol eat too 1uch YOl
Ilnd Iches. I 'ou Illl , too much J'ou suITI'r of va\'lou
11scases and nrc Iwl ' 10 Ile as a whiff 01' smol,1 dls ,
npJlca\'s In thin nil. I J'ou run the aulolll01le agalns { 1
lree ' 01 110 lelJ' to \JlI t 'Ot Ilnd , I 'O' " t'a'el too
fast a lfe 'Oll' arc l'I ' to colih ) with utomal thllgs ,
The earl.\ ' ripe nnd the ea\I ' \oten ar ( WHStc hrOllllcts
of lfe. III gOIS OI Il/-In / ( , dch'II , 1011l tlllg8. 8uCl
a 1al of walh as Pete ! ' COOllr 1I'wlt , who , Instelll ] ot
s\eln alollnd In n 'aclt loadcd wih ClllmI.lnl' , puts
his Into \ ' ' ' ' thllls the ' .
lme 11\'I'IUn slch IUl'l'lous ; ; as ml'r.
CI ' lllP : , the ellctl'lc Intol'111ler all the elect\'lc ( 'on.
\'erter , Is H sll111 I'xI\lplc that them l'e 101 anll men ,
thallk GOl-1I\lsto\l. ! ( Ic. ) ,101Ial ,
Fl'etle\'lck the GrCat , that polical
ecollom ' and domcstc econom ' al'l } , as
s < Jelccs , closely Inlerllked Inll Intl' .
delllIIl'lt In thol. relatons to Ihl'
sinh ) .
Whie II FI'lnce as Ulled Hal's
mlnltol' ' ! Thomls .roferson wrote 10'
silectllg the Idlcaton of a dalhler ; ;
who \\'IM wllh him In Pars : "Of 110-
Icslc ol'OIOm ) ' she can lear nothllg
hel'c , 'et she must lear I somo\lwre ,
as It Is oC 101'e sold vahl than any-
Ihln elsl' . " ' 0 hllo : Crleli Pote\ ' Carr
he salJ : " . \ 1110lg hody lakes a
strolg 11111. , TelTm'sol Iractccd hIs
' h ' mnlnl '
Jll'llChllg slIhslslnl 1I110n
simple lIatllrl fools , and he Inhol'ed
zealollsb' al throllJh his hllsy lfe fo\ '
the IllhlllllllJ : of an Amorlcan s 'stem
of odllcatlol whIch sholll teach len
how to 1\'u II IIccordnnce wih the
Ilws or tltU , le dlcd nt the age or
St , alll hI' hl11 not lost a tooth , 101
WlS 010 of thom defectve ,
All ' 01 H to Plcus" ,
" ow scc here , " said the man who
calod hllSl'lf "III'Ucular , " ali \hol
the oltslio wOI'll calell "CIIS8 ' , " to the
1'l'slam'Hlt waltel' , "I want ) ' 011 to pa '
altl'ItII , HII Sl'r\'o thlll s cXlct ) 111
I lIa ' , 01' I slm'n't cat them , and what's
more , I shl'1't J : ' fothell1 , "
"Yes , t I' , " sall tie wller , head ht'lt
10 \\'II'd , face 11e\011 of an ) ' so\'t of
cx llrosslon ,
"I wallt toast. wel toastl'd , hut 1ot
hm'lIed , hllt < I'ed whie It's hot , set In
thl' ' ' el fo010 Ilnllto , thol sm'\'cd.
. r t'S , 11' . Well dOle , 10t hl1cd ,
hlllm'ed 10t , sot II O\tU one minute ,
' ' ,
sel'\ (
' ' \nll ( 'oleo , stron ! clenl' , hot , hut
. "
nol sca lln
"Yes , sir. Blacl" hot , no sCHlt.
" . \ld stcnl'-MI'loln , thlcl , Imt not 100
I hlel. , wel d le hl t 10t o\'or olle. "
"Yus , sl\ ' , Ietlul sirloll , IcdIul
. "
"Aud two I ! S , nowlulll eggs , C\'lell
on 010 side olllr. "
" \I' , si. ' 1'\0 ' , fresh fl'lel , on-on
which sllo , . sl'1"
I Is a II'ell ) ' thln , when u mother
( leR , to spoa1 of the vacaut cllr , hut
'ou cln bet I there uro any len In
uio ( Imly , i iu't to rocke
o .
HcarlH. ,
A hecn sent to the arch
of h ' thc
hlshop Vfo1na Catholc
' Southol'n . \ for
IH'IeslM of ustrll leI
mission 10 wear lalls. One of the !
ICHOnS gh'cn foec < I'ln this Ineul.
Incc 1M that the ' 111' ofen mlslnken I
' :01 strlng actO's wll h tholr gha'en I ,
faces , Inothcl Is Ihat lan '
Inl 1t ,
them 110 SlfCel'ln fl'om "lloach rs'
Roro IhllIt , " whll'll tll' ) ' think 10w.
Ing heares wi Ile.
'l'he 1I'Iests do not f1 ' whll'h or the I
two e\'IM anne ' 10l'e , but the ' seem I
to lu ' mo\'c 1o:1'1S : Illon the facl thlt t
tl ' am IIMlal\n foletO't , Calholo
1III' 'nw1 WI'll' hcullH 101ofon
thll Is l'lel'al ) ' SIJlII ( Il Sf1C 01
the lonlstc 01111'8 'l'e hll'llml , anl
\ hOle\'el' t hpI'e Is a n ) ' ooll reason fern
' ' his ' ' that
n 11'lest Il'tll hl'a\'e gmw
prl\'lcgo Is oxtenlll'll to hlli. 11 fact
the wcu\'lng oC lll'III'ls Cl'IIIS to bo 01
the Ilel'laRO alon III Cutllolc priest
hooe whlc wih the Nplscopalan
1I'Iesthooil the con l'II ' Is the case ,
A 01' . ,
01:110 101U.t
'Iho OIHrtor In a tellI'ph lce hlh
lnr chnnces fOl' tl ohscl'\'uUon 01
\'II''llIg phnsl's of 111 1 a 1 natl'c If he
chooses to 1ul\ the hest oC thel.
A 'oun ; ; WOln1 lll'11POt to the Iesl" ,
IInl nsl(11 In I t'l'1hln.tolce ; tor tet
oI'nh ; hlnnls. Shl' " "ole upon 0110 ,
tOl'e It In hal\'es , wlote 1 seCOlld , whleh
she tl'eatol In the sale .war , anl at
last n thl'd. 'lhls lust she hanloL to
the opel'alol' wih a fe\'elsh re < uest
" ' '
thut Il wOllll "hm'I'y I.
'l'hls he 111 , all ufOl' she had ono
he' l'e:11 : the othel' twu fo\ ' his own
1m USl'l I'n t.
The Ill'st WIIS , " . \1 Is Qe\ ' . I , Ie\'l'r l
wljh 10 see ) ' 01 a lln.
. 'l'he . Mceolll Il'l\l , "no tlot wrie or
to see at ' ' '
t. 1I'l'sl'nt.
'l'ho thll'll WI/l / , "C010 It onco. Can
'Ol tll.e 10xt tlln1 PI'ase III/WOr , "
I 1 I l'It Ioole In the W orlll ,
IJ'lw lock to ho 1111l'eln the nnluho ,
Odel' CHil I wi he H I fOI t high , uli
the highest II th wo\11 'Iho Austllall
11nlster ot C0111'rCe has ofercl
Il'jzos ot Joe iOO nld 50,0
crowus fOL' to bett llull tor It
, , : , : = - .
. , . - : : . _ : =
- - -
\ '
nnwa . Routhcr / Juhc Jrnlc UI ) the
] 'lllol-C"rryll 1/111 , ' .
"Spelklng ct 1)lsto ] totll'S 11 somd
or the Htntc ! r Ihe South , " said U mnn
' ' ' , " ' ' mo of a
fl'01 'JelleSSl'e 1'I'IIIIR
II Ihl' hllol'y of the
j\lst fuled :
' of ' te hecnus of
weslel'n pnlt 1) Hil (
' ' ' In h ' him ,
/l /
nil lhll'nl' II 10wn
hns ' ' ' ' ' ' ( hr
\hlrl l'ln slnl'l Il'I'l'pll'(1 ni
Ihl' jlligNI who folm\111 him , I 10W'
hns thl' COI'I' of
111 ( I Ilw Jll01UIltol
, '
b ' th. . ' ' \ \ ' ' ' ' o
) IHI' (
811J1I'III' 11\\111'\11 ; ,
tllo Stile. 'FICt ) 111 ! lxt ) " lS they
Iall It , Is n Ilw hI \011 'l'IIIISSee ; j
:111 : his h.l'l I II \ \ ' hi tllnt l1)Jlol r
illI ( ( the el\'S . 0" " ,101111 111'I'lgn u , wha
fo\ ' ' ' ' . on Iho
WIS 'Oll'
. fIIH' I .111J.t1
el'lmlnll ( Oll.t III Hhl'ih ) " . ( ' 011111) ' . \
" , JIIIgI' ( 1I\I 111 Il1ell 11 his ml\1
10 hl'al : up thl' Ilhl 0" " l'n'\'II : Ils'
tols , ' 10 III th1R II. ! ( 'lollhllohll : : tl1
111 or Inhlg' 1\11) ' 111 ( 'I light witH
n 1118101 Oi hllo : IH"'tI'11 $ 'O 1111 1o'llIll : ! ,
hlu to tll' 1'011 I I\ , ' \\'ol'I\IOItI' fO' Hlxty '
dll 'S , III\'IIJ : his wholl 1\llIIlulstr-
tOI ho \\11' l"II'h'll : flol' this Iulo (
I \ 'I'III / ( 'IIlIt wih I Illslol , n < '
mnllho hI \'IIt : , \u ! 11(1 : i0 1\11
sl'nt to the wO'I\IOIHt' foIolxl : ' daJ'R
\ . (
Ie 1111 to sel\'o tll slxt111's : at hl11 I
labor , 100. 11J1glnolllc 1I0t' tur. !
him Ollt , ' 'he\1' WIIR noOWI'I' thnt j
coul < gl't him ollt. \\8 \ II 1110:111 : of Ihd
l'ufolCClllt of t hllo : I'ull' : . ,
showed a "lst 'll'I'IISI II . t hl t section -
tion ,
"I'ICI ' ' a II\'oml.
\'ICI 1 . ole , lse , 111'0
, ' ' : of Al'lmnl
nelt , 'el.todo ) 'OUIg 1:1
sas WI ! aJCslll fol'ull''IIg' n . 111stoll
lo was g1'l'I ' 1f ) ' lul IIt ) . 'I'hd.
GO"I'lor of _ \ 11IIIas. Ihl' two Ulited
Sta es S III 10l'S , COI les > mcn al < oth'
el Ilfuentlll mel t'll' < to got tha
jUITge to tllll\ ' the judgmcut , hut hI
would ! ot 10 I. ' 1I'pH Iillg I Iule do
strors It , ' he 5111- all ho Iotlck : to It
" , Some lme ufe\'wal'll H ) 'OUII miD
walkl'd UI ) to , Tudgc IH'IgIII lu '
1OtllllU of a iIemphls [ heel , 'Isn'
this , Judg0 ' ? ' Slllll the 'OUI
mun. 'No , 111'1:11 , RIIII the julJI' , 'I an : .
, Tohl Inl'1l ul. 'But ) ' 011 lre the crlm :
Inll cou\'t juc o : aron't 'OU' ! ' pl'1slsle .
the 'Oll mnl1 , :1 (1 whel on the
, ' saId the , ' '
belch jlllge 'hit hl'1e nlC ;
else\llre out of thl' cOl1troom 1 am .
, Tohl Inl'lgIII. 10 hlil reco.tllze ; , , !
the ' ' thl' ho
'OUlg mll fl'OI lllllg f
'B ' the \ar. jlldgo , ! ' ! uld the 3'oun ( I ,
mal dl\'ocl ' , whll } thl' ) ' WC1O tll\n $
Ucl'oss n tahlo , 'pm t "ncy 11 slxt
rule ot ) ' 01S Is 11 right , foIt hrol\
of ' ' hahlt , thnt oC
me a Yel' hld cat
r 'II ! ; I pistol 1''I'I'hcre I \Ilt. 'I'h ,
Fame thhlg ml1 h'e leen said by
' ' who hnd heon
mal 'O\lg 11111 b\oked
of the same hahit II Iho same wu ' . " -
Now Orleals 'rlmes.Dmlocr t.
Acre oC Corn Eq'llhl oyer Two TOi ! o
Cent ,
Suhsttutl's focOlli hll " 0 fo\ man :
yeD\S commludel ( atl'lItol nll ospe
clal ) ' BO durll the Inst I'lglt or 111'
monthA II the Unltl'll StltlR , with coa ;
pI'lcos lt Iblo\'lal nglll'lS lS a 1esul\ \
of the allthmcltl' IIIIIOIS' 5t\'I\ las\
rear. Peat nud h1quelell sawdust
\0011 , ni , u 11 11111) ' othl'l' slhstuncC .
hu , 'n Ul'en \ cOIRllellol , and .1
I10n tllm also 101 , thlH Inst Ja\'tlo
11111'1 ' hn"lng 101'1 Rpol,1'1I of lS some
Ihll ; Illll lew , thongh , as. I mlltp !
, ' Cou lon hl'l't
of fact 1'01 his Co\ u tmc
1 < ld as flWll1 the fll'lIIllg dlst\'lcl ! 01
Uw : ' of ' (
sectols tll' UlllC
Slatt's , fll thlt , too , \ Ith'ory SltS
' ' ' ,
Iactor I'I'sIs
. ' ' ' , It ' '
II J.toIQ'al Wl' WIIS rC'og'llz (
the\'e thll t WWl ' WIIS I hUIIIln.
alld cIIIIald cealas expllslth
flH'mel' Illle I ehl'l 1111' fl'l 11 I th"
Ilrler , nlthough 10 1(111111' 111terml !
oC thelI'clatln' ( ' ' IU
IltO ! elc'lc
hel'1 made uum n shlt tlmo IIgo
whl'n tl'sts01'0 malIc hy th' DOIl\'u
lelt \g1lclt\o oC the UII\'ol'sltJ
oC eblskl , IoH : , 'R Cassll'I"s )11gnzlna
'I'hos ( showel , a mOi ; ; oUIthlnsS
tll t of eo 1 , which , If hl'lel , wl !
'Iel from 22 , : 2OOO to .J,02.100G
units , 10t cOlltlg the hcat Ihat coul4
he oilallrd f\om the stalk. SllId
a tOi oC gooll cOlli wi gl\'e up C1O
Iholt 20,000,000 to 2GOOOOOO ullts , at
of oull ench ) 'cnr Is \ 01
IIc\e ! c1\Jnblc
which Is oqunl to
1II0lluclll > : flel frOr
0,8. 01' 1.2 : to lB O\ 2. G tOiS of coaL
'L'he stlik IH'obllhl ' Inc\'oase
stlik1 this
. .
h ' ' ' .
umoult olo.folth ole.tlh'l.
'J'e OXI\ll'lce gailed f\om. holel
tests wih 1'01 flel lade i alll11
dou tll wilI hl'l' (01'101111 ho :1 :
Il'uclcul 1'111 10' the geloltlon o
JlOWQ' lIullss I WC'U hUl01 II some
! pcelul II'IICO thltollid Ilslo tht
IJU1'foct cOlbllstol o\ \ ' the \'olllto mat
to' which IOJ'ms so In\I' U III'centug (
of the wlolu 1'011 , nld which Is d\'lvol ' ,
off II u COll1\t\'el ) ' low he1\t. SOI. .
1'011 of uulolute stol\l' would nls ( .
he dt'slrlJll' , silce the 101 blls lp
Ilr uld 11t : ho II'eltllItr II'ell , muk ,
llg the wOII. of I hl Il'elclI \ ' ( ' unlu.
OiS , ald al the SUIC tle tOldlug t4
I'uuse IUI'ollllete cOlPUStOI h ' tht
I'xcess of < old ul 011 tel'II throu ! .
the Ih'o dool' . } ldol1htedl ' com ml "
ut tUIS , ho U chell ) uI11 ocollomlc :
Ilel 101 dOllstlc USO. I Is cloulle !
. \Hl ) O't' l'ushUlllcl1 Ihul coni UI
eOltllllS hnt U \pI' ) ' slal ImOult 01
181 , I 1'IS 111111 , ' wih II hltOIS' '
heat , uml thlH . Is Illt to he destluctl\
to the t'ast.ll ) IIIIISs o tl stO\'O
Ill'm , . \ ' ,
Ignll. UI\'ofol ( lilO speehl
l \1 ot ! l'-1 lX , tl/lt wi 10t 00 hi
h ' Ihe ' , . '
ju\ed ) II'Ut : thut w1 utl.
Izo'as l1wh oC the heat lS posslolo
"hould o UIII1
A It'u\'lt'hlll BI'IUI )
' 10\1Ic1 1IIIn't lpe 'I It Mr
' h'll I hiM ' ,
rll OIl1't Iflpl'UOOi She wa ( .
there. llml'111 ; lut heaulul wonlu ! r l
1rowu- , sho's 1 l'eJ nhli bel"
) ' 01 1\0\\ . _
'l'u wn'W < I , I I this occlslon shl
not 011)'l ; .1. d , hnt she
) pouQ
" , '
Phladllh "I : ' . "S.
I ' .