Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 08, 1903, Image 1

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Particular attcntion is givcn 11 I
to fitting Spcctaclcs for clderly
. . , I pcople , Initrumcnt : : : of grcat !
' in thc hands of rl\ll-
arrUTal'Y a \ - .
tlalc optician of long expcrlcncc II
ennhles us to locnte thc trouble
01\11 supply lenses which will
inrrensl' the sight , prcscrve it
. , ; ' " 1\1\11 relie\'c thc eyc strain , I
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&i1Md !
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J. t School Books ,
< , I , ,
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tt"t t : School SuppJies ,
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) ) l : J. G. Haeberle's.
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The Office Safe
h. a:1 : righl ( or a small amount of 8
\1I0Ile ) ' , hut elllY sum abovc that re8
S quin'r ! for the ( lay's cxpenses
, shell 111 Ill' ( h'positcll with thc
Custer National Bank i
' 1'herl' are spl'l'ial facilities here for 8
takingcan' of it , Payment hy 8
rhcllue is lar mOl'l' cOl1\'cnicnfthan
\j paY\1lent hy cash. No nced to buy 88
R n\jney \ onll'r < ; or postalllotes , 8
H. LOMAX , Cashier.
. : .ooo'r.oo.r..r..r..r..r..r..r : : :
- - - - - -
\ A. A. McConncl of. Georgc-
town , was a city \'isitor Monday.
: : : : : : : : : :
L. E. Colc. wcnt to Omaha
'l'ucs ay morning.
C , S. Martin went to Omaha
thc ! irst of thc week.
Jas. Leonard and Walt Glazc
were pmaha passengers 'rucbday .
Mesdames John Willis and Jas. ,
King left Monday on a visit to I
Ncvada , Mo.
Hobt. Skinner and wifc left
Friday on a visit to Iowa. 'rhcy
cxpect to be back next week.
Mrs. S. P. Great and daughter
went to Omaha 'l'uesday morning
to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben
I. Mesdamcs I-Iayes , Garlisch and
'l'aylor were passengers for
Omaha 'l'uesday morning to at-
I tend the Ak-Sar-Ben li'esti vities.
, Mrs. C. W. Beal , Miss Julia
, \ ill is and l\I rs. J as. Predmore
left Monday morning for Nebras-I
1m City to attend the state wo-
men's suffrage convention. '
HeHcrbert F. Judd , a 'young ,
man who was located at Crawford -
ford last year as pastor of the
Baptist church there will leave
this month as a missionary to
l ev. S. P. Morris , Mrs. Dr.
Day , Mrs. Willis Cadwell , Mrs.
Amsberry and D. M. Amsberry
left Monday murning to attend
the Baptist state convention at
Beatrice this week.
'Varren Lang came in Friday
morning from a visit at Lenox ,
Iowa. He says they have no
corn there owing to hail that
struck that part of the country
earlier in the season.
H. A. Moore is constructing a
granary with the material taken
ou t 0 f the old store room he tore
down at the rear of the old hardware -
ware building. It is located on
the bank of the creek cast of the
Shupp property.-Loup Valley
Daniel Barrett of' the 'Vest
'l'ablc has hought the F. R.
IIlutable property in the north
wcst part of the city. Consideration -
ation $ ( ) OO. lIe also has bought
the cast half of thc same block
of the Child's Saving Institute
of Omaha which gives him the
entire block at a cost of $1000.
We understand that Mr. Barrett
expects to move to the city in the
near future.
'Ve have been informed that
the Farmers , Grain Live Stock
and Co-operative Mercantile As-
sotion , at Solomon City , Kas. , of
which John Johnk is manager ,
and which started in two years
ago to eliminate the country
grain huyers and line elevator
concerns , by furnishing the
means for the farmer to market
his own product , has called on its
stockholders for an assessment of
100 per cent. Bdden tly the bus-
ness has not proved as profi table
as cxpccted.
" . ' . . " , r. " . . . . . . . . . . " , . . . " "I , " . " " ' " " , ' ' . ' - ' ; ' ! " o _ < , . " " , ' ' " ' . ' ' " ' ' ' --M . " . . " , , " , " < " "I"'l''I''I''I' . .td.1'iI" ' ' < , , ' , ' , ' , , ' , , ' ; ' . , . . . . , , , , , , V.J"-'V'-'Y' , ' , , ' .c- ' ; , , , , , , , ' , ' , ' , ' ' , ' ' > ' c ' ' < ' ' " . . . ' . . ' , , , , , " , ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' " ; ' ; ' ' ' , ' " ' ' , ' ' , ' , ' ' , ' , ' ' ' , ' ' , ' ' , ' , ' , ' ' , ' ' ' ' ' ! I.rt. " ' ' i ' < ' . . ' ' ' , ' ' ' . ' ' . . . ' . ' ' ' . . ' ' . ' ' . ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : \ ' ' ' ' < : .c , " " 'j ' " " ! ! ' . , " . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . " " . !
: r" : " ' : !
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o .
Heating Stoves "
' J. " ! 11
, AaTG-Es1 : : !
, JThis : rail wp will have a good supply of I j
: R..e"tor"t C > ak..s. : I
: Th is is tIll' stove Wp had such a great demand
: : fOI' I a willtpr and could not get enough of them. I
This sto"p will burn slack cunl and hold fire the
: ; same as II hut'e ! coallJHrnel' . Call and see them be- I
. : rOl'e tlll'Y a I'P a II gone. Don't be put off by a stove i
; ( 'a Ilml jllst tU ; g'otHl as the retort.tVe also have a J
' : ; IIl1mlJel' ( If othol' makps of Heaters whicJ we .
.j ( , heap as the cheapest.Ve have the relIable Qll1ck 11 i
: . ; l\1 pa I RtliP I Hn nge ; also the : l\lalleablo Steel Hange , j
, : : tIH' most dUl'ahle range made. i
j Old Hickory Wa ons ,
; : Peoria Corn Shellers , Buggies , lJardware ,
: : : II ' ' ntl Hudd les-the
a 1'1H'SS n - largest line ill tOWll.
, - i G W A I
! ! ; . . P P e
, jl1i' < . .
, r -.r. ; , . t' ! , " : " > \ " " " , , , , , , : , , i , : , , , , , ; .t. 'lM\ : ' ' 'I. ' " ' f.i'.r. : u"II"r. , " ' uu"'U"I ' ' : ii , , : ! ' ! 'h t ; , , : . . . ' : . M . . . , r.t1rotr. , ! ( ; . ' " ' ' . ! . tit . , - ! . : . . : ; ; : ; ; ' . . : ; . : ; ; . . . . . . :
I . ,
, . . ! ! - ,
H. E. Bangs was an Omaha I
passenger Monday. I
E. H. Purccll made a trip to I
Omaha Wednesday. I
J. II. Anderson of Amelmo ,
was a city \'isitor Saturday.
G. W. Applc'was a passcnger
for Omaha Wednesday morning.
1\1. C. 'Yarrington of Mason
City , was in the city the last of I
la t wcele.
li'red Cummings of S\rgent \ ,
was transacting business In thc
city 1\Ionda ) ' .
'V. F. Perry , pastor of thc U.
B. church , left for Lincoln
'Vednesday morning.
G. II. 'rhorpe and E. I 1\Ic-
Clure went to Omaha Monday
as delegates to the High Court
of Foresters.
'Vill Chrysler , formerly of this
citv , who for a number of years
has lived in Cherf ) ' county has
moved back to Broken Bow.
Mrs. John JohnsonleftMonday
morntng for Nebraslm City as a
delegate from the local Equality
Club to the 'Voman's Suffrage
W. J. Taylor has not tolus \
whether he would rather I > ign I
another treasurer's bond or pay
the extra five or ten cents to have
some body else do it.
E. N. Bishop of Gates , was in
the city Satuxday : looking for a
room for his daughter and t ree
other girls , who arc planning to
come to the city to school. I
U. L. 'Ward and wife of Sar-
gent , were city visitors aturday.1
Mrs. 'Vard informs us that they
expect to move back to Broken
Bow as soon as they can get a
Joe Doman had the misfortune
to have his seperator burned
while threshing on the farm of
Will Klatts four miles northwc
of Anselmo. A' frame barn and
a stack of hay near were burned.
A card from Jas. Cosner states
that they made the trip from
BroJeen Bow to Aitkin , Minn. . by
team in thirty days. lIe. requcsts
the address of his paper changed - .
ed from Aitkin to 'Valdeck ,
C.V. . Gibbs made this ofIice a
pleasant call Tuesday. He had
Mrs. E. 'Vcbb's name of Paona ,
Colorado , added to our list in return -
turn for a box of fine Colorado
peac les which he received from
her the first of the wcek. .
Mrs. Geo. Sigler and daugh ter
returned from the eastern part of
the state ' 1'uesday morning ,
where they have becn visIting
for the past month. 'rhey will
spend some time hcre before re-
turnii g to the Black Hills.
Last 'l'hursday was a harvest
day for everr man that had a I .
bird dog and a gun. It was the.
beginning' of the prairie chicJeen
scason. 'l'here wcre sevcral hundred -
dred less chickens in number
Thursday night in Custer County
than there were in the morning.
'Ve note in the Baptist l ecord
of Pella , Iowa , that Hcv. J. 'V.
Meagon of Competine Church ,
passed through Pella last wcek
on his way to Bralton to assist
Rev. Chas. Sloan 111 a series of
special meetings. Rev. Mqagon
was formerly pastor of the Uro. .
ken Bow church.
Fred Vollenwciderof Callaway ,
male the RJWUBJ.ICAN ofIice a
friendly call Ii'riday. lr. V oIlen-
weideris a printcr by trade and
workcd eight or nine years in thc
Courier oflice and afterward
seven years in a New York ofiice.
At present he is running a racket
store in Callaway. .
Mrs. A. C. Baird , formerly a
nurse in thc Broken Bow lIos-
pital and Dr. Job , a lady physician -
cian have bought Dr. C. J4.
Iullin's intercst in the Brol < C1l
Bow Hospital and will conduct it
in the interest of thc gencral
public. 'l'he several physicians
of th ( ' city will have equal rights
a any enc froUl any part of the
country who leed the special
carc that can be. provided at a
hospital that cannot be had at
home. Mrs. Baird has been employed -
ployed as nurse in Omaha since
she left here which givcs hcr an
extensive exp ( > rience , Ilrr many
friends in Broken Bow arc pleas-
cd to know that shc has returned -
I ed with thc intention of remaining -
ing pcrmancn tl ) ' .
S. I , " Clayton made a trip to' '
Omaha Wcdnesday.
W. J. Wilbcr of r itchncld ,
in thc cit ) . 'L'uesda ) " .
Scnator Currric of Sargent ,
" I
was tit our Clt ) ' Monda ) ' .
A. T.4. Mathews of Cal1 l\va ) ' ,
was a cit ) " visitor Wcdncsday.
Ii' . G. Perkins of Berwyn , was
a county se'at visitor 'l'ucsda ) ' .
.T. g. I'ers of Gcorgetown ,
was a cit ) " visitor last 'l'hursda ) " .
Otis li'csenton and wifc came
iu on 42 this morning from thc
James L ! ; le of Sargent , was
transacting busiucss in the cit ) '
Monda ) ' .
W. J. I icc of Hcst , was a
fricndl ) " caller at this ofIicc
Mabel Willing wcnt to Omaha
this morning to attcnd the Ale-
Sar-llen Festivals.
J. 1\1. Downc ) " of Georgctown ,
madc this ol1ice a pleasant call.
lIe rememucred us on subscrip-
Prof. A. L. Jo ) ' , the hypnotist ,
gave a very interesting entcrtain-
'ment ' at thc opera house Monday
and 'l'uesday nigh ts.
Ramah Rycrson went to Omaha
'Vednesday .morning to attend
the plav Ben-Hur and also to
take in the Ak-Sar-Ben.
W. ' 1' . Mason of Gcorgetown ,
made this ofIice a friendly call
. He hall his sub-
scri ption ad vanccd to 1905. i
I , G. A. Luthcr of Piliot , was 1I
friendly caller at this office Tues-
day. He ordered his paper
changed from Pilot to llroccn )
'rhe National Coursing Meet
will be hcld in Kcarney , October
19 to 23. $5,000 in pri cs and
spccial ratcs on railroads will be
Mr:3. : McNeil of Lincoln , who
has ueen visiting frien s and rc-
lativ's ! in llrokenllow and vicin-
it ) ' , . returncd home 'l'uesday
Ulorl11ng. ,
B. Ii' . M'crs comc in from thc i
State UnivcrsityVednesda ) '
nigh t to make proo f ou his hon.le-
stcad beforc Judge Armour
Prof. Geo. Zahn was a west
bound passcnger 'l'uc day 1I10rn-
illg for Shcridan , 'Yyo. Hc will
visit Alliancc and othcr points
while gone.
C.-1. Kenned ) ' and wifc went
to Omaha Monday morning to
be present at the Ak-Sar-Ben
li'estivities and visit with rcla-
ti ves and fricnds.
Mr . Conrad Snyder. who has
becn visiting friends at1l1 relatives -
tives at Scotts Bluffs and Gering
for t.he past threc weeks , return-
cd home Wednesday morning.
Mr. Adamson , father of J. E.
Adamson of this city , dicd near
Sargent the last of last week.
Not heing able to obtain the
facts in connection with his
death we will givc a more extended -
tended notice. next week.
'rhc Brolccn Bow Band lcft
'l'uesda ) ' morning for Omaha ,
where they wiil cntcrtain the
visitors to the Ak-Sar-llcn Fes-
tivitics and enjoy themselvcs as
well. 'rhc ) ' sercnade the ncws-
papers of Omaha 'rucsda ) ' even-
'l'he town of A1iceville , Kas. ,
was almost destroycd by a tornado -
do October 7. 'rhrec persons bc-
ing'ldllcd anll sixtecn seriously
injured , two of which arc beyond
recovcr ) ' . Great loss of propert ) '
is sustained in the towns and
country through which the tornado -
do passed.
I.cltcr . .tHI.
'rhe following' is the dead
letter list for the week cIHling
October 7 , 1903 :
Wiilard Ii' . Bailcy , Mrs. Annil'
llatcher , Frank Decious , A. B.
Edwards , Hobt. Evans , John
li'redricJes , G. W. Highlej' , Mrs.
John Johnson , J. W. Johnson , J.
M. KiefTcr , C. W. Miller , Mrs.
Edith Moris , Lon Shipman ,
'l'homas N. Smith , J alee Scvartx ,
E l. 'raylor , 1\IiSR Kate 'l'a'lor
( colored , ) Walter Weare , Chas.
G. Williams , W. n. li'owler ,
( puckage , ) G.V. . Kirkpatricle
( package. )
Partics calling for thc . hovc
, will plcasc sa ) ' ad vcrtised.
L. H. J ItWl 'l" ' , ! . 1\1.
- -
- -t
. .
. .
I : want to trude you a Buggy , Carri-
afrO 01' SlrinV uO'on for Horses. .
.l will allow you a gOO ( 1 prIce f or
your hOl'ses and sell you a. . . . . . . . . . .
BU QY : Clleaper ,
rl'han you can buy it frolll any other
denIer in the county. I have Rome
bargains in Second-hand Bu gies and '
Spring 'Vagons-just the tuing for
the children to drive to' school.
C.S.MARTIN , Mfl.Agt.
. & .
- - - -
Nellie McDermott and Olive
Griflith spent Sunday at their
home in Callaway. .
Prof. Minick has tatccn chargc
of the grammer classes while
Prof. Zahn is absent.
'l'hc Misses Dora Bartlett and
Susie Booknau have bcen abscnt
two afternoons this week.
I4. W. Amsberry is absent from
school this wcek and is attending -
ing the Ak-Sar-Bcn at Omaha.
'rhe Mcsgrs.Humphrey , Hobin-
gen and the two T4lvin"rston ! boys
are the new studcnts taking tha
'l'elegraphy course.
'rhe class in vocal lessons have
. non had any lessons sincc Monday -
day as Prof. Garlich is attending
the Ak-Sar-Ben at Omaha.
Several of the studcnts arc
talking of a trip to Ord , to visit
the Ord Bnsiness Collsge an also
spcnd a few days visiting friends.
Ii'lorcnce Emmerson will be
abscnt from Collcge the rest of
the tcrm as she is going to teach
hcr homc schoo ) at Jackson
Prof. Zahn left Broken Bow
Monday night for Shcridan ,
'V yo. , and cxpccts to be gone a
week. He is looking in the in-
tercst of the College.
- = " - _ _ - _ _ n _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---1
Blue U. p , l ocks from pri e
winning stock cocJ { ( rels for salc.
75 cents th is month.
Nm.s T4U1t.
! .OW It.A tt 'WILttT. I ;
Vln lIurliliactOIlaoutt : ) ' I
$25,00 to lortland , Tacoma , Seattle. Lt
$27,40 to San lfrnncisco Los Angcls. ,
$22.50 to Spokanc.
$20,00 to Buttc nnd Heleun. 11
$22,40 to Salt Lake City.
Proportionately low rates t. bundredt ! , I
of other points , including Dig 110m ' ' I (
lIa1\in , Wyo. , Montano , Idaho , Washington -
ton , Orcgon , British Colum ia , Coli-
fornia , ctc. I
Hver dny until Novem er 30.
'founst cnrs daily to California. Personally - .
sonally conducted cxcursions three timcs
o week.
'l' cors daily to Scattle.
Inquire of ncmrest Burlington Route
ngent , 15-2 < 4
: - . : - . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :
All of the. . . . . .
Latest Patterns. ii
'Vc will give a Special
Salc for thc next ten days. I
Ten Per '
Cent Off' .
R Druggist and Jeweler.
Q .r..r..r..rJ".r
: "ftm\M"M \ : M mf. ' : fM f/i 'MMf MMM
S. P. GROAT & CO. ,
I : Embalmora and Funaral DIm -
m : rootura. Wo haTdfl1dertaklnlr OOUlh
I : IIDll l'unoral ! Caf. Oall wlepnooe 6J at
aJj Rny time-day or nhht.
I a s. P. CROAT & CO. , a
IIroken , . .
BE Dow - - - NubrR.ka. a
Qim : ! i WWW i-rniW i 'f. .
: r.f : O-J.I : : : : : - " " " "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . # .r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I' or sale at bottom prices. For the next thirty days , I will
S olTer at a big discount under former prices , Young Cows , 8
llcifers and Bulls , mostly the get of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'rl"l.ICl SET ,
one of the hest bulls and best breeders to be found anywherc.
( ) -15-03. M. E. VAN DEN ERG.
: OJOJJOI'r.rJ.l.r..ll'r.OJ.I : : : o--.r.r.r..r..r..r..r..r.'J".r.d
r , . , li rr , It 1M , ,1/M'tll . ( II ; , 'M 't't/Mn 'lt . , . 'tltltlt 11 ' . " ' ' ' ' " " n"H , fl 1M n A IUJ" " " '
: : fr ilirnmn II nritr.l1T1mmrnfiliI 1nrnnrrt11 IIn.1i1iinnffiili'rTlt. ' 1r1i'1 iTlr if1irr lli' miiir1iiliilh'lffiMi'i ' ,
. 'a : : SAVE : XOU. H.QQS' B USING 'q
( t .
c : g \ .
; 11. . 1--1" " lu'Oe k a V aCClne. . i
r [ log Cholera Cure , Preventative. I
I ts average record last ycar is ( j2 per cent. saved of all 3
hogs trcatcl ( , regardless oC th conditlOu of the hogs at time
of tr atmcnt. 'l'his record is not equalled bj' any other ! ?
c : retn dy 011 the lllarl < et. Ii'or further particulars , addrcss ,
! : '
liI ! , S. J. L NER : AN , I . ,
: l rokeLl Bo'\iv , Nebr.
I c , . , , ,
i ' U 'u I
Wlj J J iJ\J\W\Sm \