Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1903, Image 7

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, . , ' .
r -
" 'erlllct HllrJlrl.o to Conrt Jtoom At-
tendlwt" . lIut n'u'I\ SLule ,
. " 1. , . by l'rl ullur.
Cynthlana , Kv. , Sept" -After n
trlallasLing e1..dlt . dlls the Jury In
the case or urlls Jctt. clJllred , ; with
the llIurd"r ot J own Marshal COf'k-
tell at Jacleson K } ' . , .lulv 21 , 11102 ,
Rendered 11 v rdlut uf lIllty and tlx-
ed the punish ! lit at dealh.
The J'lry ' reLlred lit 2-14 : p.m. When
the Jur } ' enlered the COli It roeJm at
6:1U : p.m" ufter a rel In 011 a verdict
Qlliet rol lJed for a few mOIllI'nts.
Jett's mother had gone away earlier
'JrHer the Imprrsslun that 110 verdict
would be leachcd , Bud th ( , ver kt ot
death , coming al.lOut two huurs alter
the Jury was ollt , was a surprise to
ever } 'one III the I ollrt room.
The readlll at the verdict did not
ntI ct .feU , uut his brothel wus'cry
much distressed. Ills moulh qulvCl
ed alld he slowly turncd pale. Jut :
predous 't'l the Jury reachln IIn
agreement J ud ( ' U borne , thlllk Inlet
J. . thlt , they wOlild not reach a verdict
tuday. srnt for them Ifltendlll to
call elY the srsslou fur the rest uf I he
day llut the Jllry sent ! Jack word
that an atreellll'ut ; had bern rOJicherJ ,
ild Ihat II wuuld bn ready to nport
, II HndinA to the court within th'e
EIIJ.dl McKinney served as foreman
of tile Jury and after the dolivt.rln of
tIlC veldlct to the COUI.t the jury
'wa polled. The dcath lienlelic
"as I h'n read to J eLt by Clerk
1' . J. llulJlson , after which tile
rlson'r was g'vl'n over to the
ulJtod'Jf , 1.1 ! dCPIlt.y shl rllTs Mr.
8lanlon. Jett ! la\\er will file a.
moltlon for a new trial tumorrow
wornlll ! ! , and if tlte mellon is uver.
ruled he will appeal Lhe caiooe to Lhe
wurt 01' aplleals Ilt Franl-.fl.lrt , Ky.
This has heen tile second trial or
! Jurtl. . . Jett on the charge of mur t'r.
In the IIrst trial for the murder of J.
H. ! arcum at JacksonKY'1 Jett and
Thomas White were sentenced t.o Jifo
'mprlsoument. '
r : ;
Oleveliwd , 0. , Sept. 23.-'rhe barJly
mutilaled blo Y of MI s Olive Ha } I ,
twenty-two years If ae ( , was found
IylnA' aclO s the Lake here ral.way
track a.t.lIe \ entrance uf GOld 111 park.
it was at Urst SUPPISI , that MIss
Hayl had heeD Idlled by a trJ.ln , cut
latl'r the police sLated that an loves-
tl atlon , Ieveloped tlmt the girl had
b ! en murdt.Jred amI Ii 10 budy plac , d
I Lhe track where a. train had cut
It In two , Miss ItaYI IiverJ with her
brother , Dr.Y. . l' . R LvI , In Glenvllle ,
3 suburb. SlIe was Imnd"oll1e and
hl h y respectt.d. Thus far the case
is ellshrouded in mystery.
' 1'he throat of the Irl was dlscoor- )
ed , a thollLh she had been ch" " , I'd.
Iler hody had been 1I10st terrlhly man-
h'cI by a train The body was cut
completely In Iwaln aCfllss , while the
IImhs "ere hlOlH'n and lrllslH'd. : Whrn
the bo y was l'xamhll d..t the mor lIe ,
a cut In tile head , which It Is Iholl ht
could 1I0t lave bren 1IIIIcied by Iho
ca 1' . . was 1'011 nd. Dr n LY I , the Yl,1I ng
\\111 ' III'S brother CXlIl't's'H'd ' the beller
that she had been II1l1ld'roll and the
the 1.laced on the track.
Bitten by n Rattlesnake ,
Ca1l I\\'UV. Neh. , Sept. -The
tourteeo-ycar-old danghter of Glorge
Wllrle. resllilnL ! jll'it Sllllttl of this
placr > , was b t.ten uy It rallll'sllalec.
J II , r father "a. . cllttlllft corn and the
r tlrl : : , toet ! ! hl'r "Ith a lll'othcr Ilud sister -
ter , wele 1)tclln ( the flldder an'l
the binder. They \\ere In a hllrry to
11l1lsh thll work evellln , und
she alld the other children were 1'lIn ,
D I nl ( a race to see wlto WOlllrl ; to
the ( ' 1111 ut the lIeld II/st / , hell sh
( ( 'It s ImethlnL ! sllnl ! her 011 the hlilld
Site 1001l'rl at the place Ilnd dls'o\'er ,
cd two small plal'e. . 011 the hllnel flom
\Vlllcil SilO could sq1leezc J'u'd. ' , 1\ t
the time slle , III uhL ! ! n"tllIlI " \Jf IL ,
and \\I'nt ' , n with hnr worl , . It
Is : she will leCo\'or.
Ten Years for Dtflulter.
1"1'Bliven ' Cnnn . 2:1 : .
1"1'\\ , Sept 2:1Oil.
y"r ' 1' . Hhf'r\Iod , , the 11efl/llltln / ! cash.
Ic or the H'HII ' lip II t Nullullul hlll\ \ ( ,
w. . . S' utellel' ( ) 10 tell rears In p'l-or
by .J IIllge 1'Iatlill the Uldted btutes
COUI t. ,
fall Down t he Precipice.
( , I..nnc1l1ll. fo'pt. , 23I ur tOllrlst !
Vll0 Wf'ro l'lIl11hln the I'arell mOlln.
tlllll , In CUlllherlllllrl } 'eShrdilY , fel
- ONI1 n urecfplce auti were idl11d
ft : : 'fhomas , D. W. I , Rept. 24-
' ( 'ho Gazctto uf the llrltlsh lslal1
St. l\IUs says :
"J he 1110 UllJt tor the helpl1l" hald
of the J.ovCfIIl11ent : to be extended
cau nut be 11IlICh 10nj.C r ddJyed 11 I
the laborlnlt popuatlun ) of the ISlands
of t 1llt alld Nu\'is ure 10 bo I'l'pt !
I1'UI1l .stur\'Utluu Ao applloIn condition -
dition IJ { poverty exlsti. 'llllJ esllltes
1111'e beeu compellrd to ) esseu their
eXJ clIses owll'l ; tu t e Illnot drouth ,
and able llOclled 10111 alldOlllen ure
lIa rdly c < I1'nll' [ ; enOl/All / to 9\1P1 > Y their
d . .ily'an s. "
'lhe 1'lllIes o { the Brltlch ; Isllllld ot
St. V Illcon t blallll S the go\'e1'l1 IIIl'lI t I
( ur the lulsory pre\'ailltl sluco the I
\'lIlcalilu eruptiOIl Iu lhut Islulld , lid. i
dlu that star\atl II aurl Ihsease are
killallg mauy pelsrHlS , ulld that a
lalgo lIullIlJcr ure imlf 1I111edlnd /
hl.meless. I. tI.IlJlcr.s of both sexes
! .Ieup lu sheds lIud tattel cd tellt3
, trJctl'd a YI'111 ago , "hal'tlUls of dI-
I '
3 llie allll IluuJOralily alld a dls"raco
I tu the colllll } . "
Tllle"gc. : Pur Boston ,
LONIJON , Sept. 3.-l'o the straills
) f .a 1'11.1 Star SpalJl-tled Balluer. ' " .
" laIClllnlo : ThrlJu h Ue'l'jla : , " alld
DtherIIlI'1'lcall UIIS , sUllle two huu-
dred me.lbers 01 the h'lllorablo artillery -
lery COl1llUIIY left thdr Llllldon alll.-
) ry tllduy allll loot , a tmlll lor LI vcr-
puul , to ellllJark 011 the lJulllllllon
Ine htealucr bJ.l , ) l1ower , houud for
a'lstl/n. ' / Mass. A IUlgc cru\\d ur
lafelltJ , of the artillerymen assembled
! arly at the a'l1ldry to wish the artl1
Cly.1 "SUCI essful ( Hll1lpligu. , " ' ] )1.I11Y
n"lJlhers " of till ! cOlllllall.v who pllrll-
: Ipaled IfI the re\'IO\lS visit xpress
! IWell regrut at , lH:1t11. ( ullIIlJlu 10 ac
: ulllpallY tIle dnp\ltill : dctachllleflt ,
Nh1le I hosr. g dllJt "ere evl ulILly delighted
lighted at the pl'USpcct.
l rll/r / tu the depal'tllle of the nrtli-
el''lJlOn , Lleutcl1l111l Colollel till ! El
If Der blloh ! , CIIIIIIII.llrllllft , paraued
hI l'ompIII } ' , \\hl se smalt 1IIIII'01'1IIS
Iud j.UlIlJ : allglllllclIL < : r uu . : xccl
'ent ' \ III III'
A splclldld relll'ption was extcnded
; olhc hrI.lJlcrIIlI'n 011 lhel. . Jrnval
It LI'qJO 11. Tile IrHrI 1lI11'or ami
Itlwr cit.y ol1lclal. , mct thcIII at tllo
'allwa } ' SI/IlIIIII / , 1'10111 hlch the COlll-
a ny run r clll to Ute Ilccks , \ \ here
ilwllsallds la1lw cd alld gu.o
111 cIIlIJu.llstic selid-ilit
As Ihe la\n 'Wl1' ! salll'd at 8 O'I'lurk
; hb e\'l'r.iri . Llelltcl.lut.Uol'lllel . . the
, lrlot Dellbh \ ! I'CCI'IVUlllhe Joilow
II tel grlllU from the kill\ ! :
"I 1ISII } 'UU alld the hUIIlI1 ahle artl1
er } ' cOlUp.\ny \ a ! { Ilod pa-sagt. out and
I slfe r tlll'l1 home. 1 fl'1'1 cUII\'ll1ced
Ihat YOII will ilil meet with a 1lI0st
patlrying lec' ' ptlun In Ih ( ' UI itld
ItaLes , ( ; ojl uod ) EIJWAIW , [ t.
"Uaptaln Uellel'l1 } and Oulunel. "
Tries to Cummlt Suicide.
Bun 11'1 , N. Y. , S 'pt. 24.-Rce
N. rt hrllpa Wl'all hy , t Lou III uu.ll\css
nail , c uneclcd wlll1l1ne lIC the last
'rel-tht , I frljlerator lilies , atlempted
" cOlulIIlt suicide by she tlng. ' 1'ho
) ullet , hrJ\ve\'lJr , mOI'ely lullll.ted : a
luplJrllcilll woulld III the scalp. NlJr
ellru P , wll hills "He , who Is In lJad
healt.h al d t\\O children , hll\'e br.eD
itolplllg } at thl ! Ntllga/u / 11 'lei Cur
wl'lIs. : \ \ lIrry IIvel h. ! > " ! fe's healtll
I\hlch prc\'ellled Itls retlJlnlll 10 t.
Lellis.llIfe he had Ilup'lltant { Jusl-
1ess en a.teIUt ( nls. Is aLll'lhuled ' as
; he Cluse uf bll ! att.empt tu tuke Jis
lift' .
S'l' . LOUIS , Mo" Hepe , . 24.-Reed
. .ltl1rupIIOS ! rep'"tl'd ' altllnpt 10
' ' : I.llJIolt . s Icllle at IHliI 10 was un-
IlIcl'e-bflll. is a hrother of Hl/nlorrJ /
S"l'thruJl wL Idllcllllll\lo.elf ! here last
IUlie I , II fil of d siOndl'lI ( ' } ' as the
res III , IIf ! > Ickncss. I he Nul'LIHlllii no
I ; , U ; III" tit' tile Ol'lIld. ; .
Held : -\ol"hl"IP \ C.lllle tr. St VI.lls
hH'I'l" . ' : rl'al'S a o a. . I he PI' sldelit or
: he . \1\1 rbln It , tfl "ratlll' 1'rllIslt
: " " 1I1all } ' 11" relallli d Iliis P sHlon
1111\11 \ last splln ! . ! . wluw the co I pliny
IV , . ; utJs Ir IIcd \ ) " Illc lis lIlIrl P.clUc
r.tllt'l1.ld ,
/\\:111) / : ' 0,1 , Uerrlckr. Burned
DaIlIlIlHlt ! Texh.s , Tex" : , ; ept 24-
) i'irl' Ihat slarled at nUlln twlay iu
i tile cust eot of tile Rlllle "t ring' Oil
I rllstl'lct d'SI rorerl thl rlyII1' d , ' ricks
I CIlIlo.III ! tL IOlal Ius. . eSl1mated at $ I , -
' 111011.
. , i he principal leer was the \VI'R ! ;
! Oav's ' company. Uthl'r If , . < ; ers IIIC Iide
I till' a\'v 'Cllckl'lr , I m1l1l'1 t Laudi
alld J.llk.on : TollllI CUl1Ipalles ,
Rush Work on Cruiser
I BatIe. ! . , ( 'p" 24A ra'e a ainst
time Is "i' ' I. ! on In Ihe Bath Iron
wurl { tltis wI'.k In "Id'r 10 , 'om.
p" " c tlte < : fuls.'r lJ e\'Ial , d for de.
I Iht I 10 I he .ov l/lml'lIl. / l'IHober I.
; I ' 1'11t' Itat 11. ship OI'JI'L ! , I , WlIlllllls I'e. '
hullt I'l'r. ' ' , Is nu\\ ' takllltool1ape ,
. . : til , ' w 1'1 < or 11'1 III\ ! up tlte super.
'itllletll1'lJ ha\'lnL' 111'1'11 ( ' ' ! un
Desperale " ' ' ' ' ' ' rIan
NorLIl V'rnIlP , I d , HI'pt. 24-
'Vii iam'lIhrslln \ while In'oxlcaled
do\ ' ( ' his ( llmliv rwm home , Mar"a1
I c"\\'ake was appealed to , anrJ upon I
I cn . .rln the hOllse he \ \ IISlIrllHI hy ,
I \ ' IIII"S'III 10 prllcl'NI nu Cl1rlll1'r ,
' 1'111' II1I1ISI1I\I paid nil alien 1011 IIlIrl
\I as hot ILl d : no.talltly ! 1,1 ler ! by
\\1/1 / , . I'ooO" ! " . \ \ I kl'rsfln 11/1101 / < 1111'l'ly
i s'arll d ' "r thl' CIIUIlI rv anrt iplloose !
. \\al > otlalll1.f'illlI 1'"r II" him A : .11 I
I mill' Iwm 10WIWIIL"rs 'II wnJr. .
rounded. but &l1Jt and killed lJiulself ,
( III" 'rrRh , ItClblll'r leUINI Rn.1 Annl hpr
\\'oullttctl In ( I . ' : - ( ! :111\110
'l'lllr l . .ItI'l"
New York , S'pt. ' 5.-1'here " ' : IS a
dra malic revellli Ion 'l'sterrI\Y ) \ In con.
nectlon \ \ ith tIle \'stetnus \ ! death
uf.lohll David K Ipa'lla-I\ ' , the wel/lthy
} 'Ollll NOI raslm clu IUlI1n who WUg
fllllnd dead Iu hl hotel 11III\rtmellts
I Muuduy lust. It wus learned by a
nr\\sp.lper replll'ter that Kllplll rlele
hud beell III 10vI' willi II YOlIlIgOIlUII
! llId thut nllrortullule lIeglect on her
part to un"wer a mill , prop'sul ,
uy t'I'pholle had sri dl.clIul':1led , him
tlmt he pIt b Ihly dcclded to olld It
1111 with sl'lf d. . strllcllon. Silo 13
Iwo\V1I 011 the stage as A1Ino Hed-
Ulond , IIndhen seen } 'rslernuy sllld :
1 " 1 lIu vo all II eng reCllsed to see
r.ewspapl'r people , heclU.e I am not
at all anx lOlls for t.he nutorh ty thut
. this \ \ III hrll1 upon lue. Some of
! the matter publhhed III the mornlllg
I papers did l\Ie so mnch InJllsll1 e thut
1 Jerl I ought to lalk more freelv.
Mr. Kilpattit'k , who was one of na-
tures flobll'U1en , I1l1d l1Iysell' had been
I IIcqnalnled for ell ! ' teen months. I
Jct 111m at the home of a mutual
fl'leud. I lilied him from the bej.ln . !
1I111 , ao < 1 I tlliule he IlkI'd me. Wo
saw much of each 11th. r fo' ulmost a
} 'ear , when we had u qllarrol. It Is
I rlo concern 01 the pub'lc whut tlJlt :
qllal reI was abuut. lIe madu ml' re
fJl'alcd , If''IS IIf marrluJte alld wlsl1ed
me to I\'e lip Ihe sla ! ' , hut 1 dl'c Iu-
er ! . lIe IIsl. lIll ! for a IIl1al 11118\'I'I'r '
. which 1 prollll. . , d by [ , l'll'fJl1l1ne. bllt
. lalh.d to do so utll after J.l1card uf
his death. "
rIesseng r A Good Shot
Portland , Ore. , Sept. , 5-The A t
lantlc I'XPI' ss n tllo OreJtou' It III-
I ro Id & Navl illlon IIrw , which I , ft
here lit dl o'clod , Thursray ) nl ht ,
\\as held up lIy fOllr ma..leecl 11I1'11 an
hOIl1 ) utl'r neur COI belt stallon ,
l\\entv olle 1\111es cast ot this l'ity.
Une IIf Ihe roblJe.s . was shot and Idl
led by I' xpress M. s-ellg'r ! 1'1'1 d l\or"
er , anti MlIglneer Ollie Bal1'etta
s\rlously \ WIIII11(11 d lIy We sam" hullet.
.A fter the shflotlIIl { the rolJbers th d
wli IJlJut Sl cllrlnl. ! allY bOllty
' 1'wo of the hl hwa'lIlell boarded
, . the train at 'l'lUutdale , a slatilln
ehlllt , en m n s ellt ! of here , and aft er
, I he tlaln had gut III dor way crawled
ov"r Ihe leudl'r , nnd r overlnl { the
( > n llIcer alld fireman toltJ tllem to
Stllp Jt lull. ' post No 21 , wl1lch Is
near COI bett stalilln. \ \ hen the
I train slowed down. two Inore mon lip-
peared. 'fwo IIC Ihe rubhers COlllpel-
led the rr llIeer 10 et out of lI1Ccab
aud accollllHlIiY till m to Ihll CXIH'l'SS
car , \\hlld the I.thers . walclll'd the
11ft man. ' 1 he men carried se\'eral '
I 11th Is ot dyna"I'e , ' IIno whcn they
I caule tu the balg ge I'ar. thllllln It
was the rxprrss cnr. throw a sl ICIat
tile dOrlr. I x\lI'I'ss)1 \ e-serJl.el ! Ko' ner
II IIl'ard the ( 'xllio Iu" , nnd Imllll.dlately
I seculer ! his IIII. ! and IIfJlned ! iile 'rhe
I bullet ph'rced the heart of line or the
lobbes : alld wcnt through hi. . h rly ,
elltl'rlll lh , ! left Urtll8t Ilf E'I- ' , !
ne r BJlrctt wilO was JII t h Iltnd
hire Barrett's'I'UlIll ' Is Just alJllvo
the hUlft alld Is 1101 ncce sIlly lalal.
Bloomll'g"on III. , . .
, , epl 25.--Former
Vice Pn SltlUllt Adl al Iote"s : . today -
day delll'U . cd mous in an IIdd res at
the dt dical II/n of thQ new cOllrt
house for \lcLean county. 1\11' \ , tev-
CllRlln l1ald :
II O occa. < ; lon could arise more appropriate -
propriate than thIs In which to utter
sIllcmn w\Jrlls or warnln II/winsl / an
evil uf lm'l\ler lI1enallce to puhllc wel.
fare than la to lie IIpp.el1ellllt . d Crom
fllrl'I/o:1I / loes.mob rule , In many 10.
cLlltll'S : Ihe spirit of law1I'sslIl'Ss has
as'rled Itselr In most IIldl'olls form.
' 1'he 1,11l1II of a human reature 1 < ; 110
lel-s IIllltd'r when It Is the act of a
mob thall when It IR tll act or an in-
vidual ' 1'I\'re \ Is no ! 'lLI'ety to s"clety ,
hut III an 1I101lM'd pn lIc Sentiment
that will hold enel : fJLrllclpant : Junena.-
hIe tu law lur the r "Ir.'r lIenceH of
orlllle elth2 % ' pe:1 Lralcd or IIb ttcd.
Steals Femlnme App1r J
Kew Yllrk : - . 2'J.--A ,
Yllrk'rpl. ' . - - lIj.enllemall !
hUIIdur , " \\1 u e iUhllf . Iun lu ar-
tic e _ IIf femiillne wear , has heen 1r
rcst' dill Lhls clly lifter a hunt ot
III re than r.\\o 11I0 II h. . . The ! , I'ls mer
! . ! a\'O the lIallle IIf II II ! : " " . . , alld ex-
, plalll hiS wI'akl1l'hS lor fl'llIllIllIo
, w'ar uy tllO Klal"lIwllt Illat he I. . . all
Imp'r-ollalor. \\'IICII \ his WIIIIIS WIre
IH'arched LIII' pll Ice IUUIIII 11 Illrt'lls \ IIf
1"\1'1 a I s rls 1.1 ladlcs lOt el IIrtlules
alld It WilL 0Iuad of taior made fo-
um.o cothiWL. !
WashlngtulI , D , 0. , Sept. G - Dynamite -
amite was ex l detulldcr ! tht } IHlg. : } '
" ' Ctllllraclor Fcr USl1l1 of the \\'aulh' : '
tLllroad near Mtldlulown , } 'ostClday ;
cvenlll , licr usoll was Idllet ! amll
his buokleeper . Martlu , wasl.d- :
Iy hllrt.
Ir. 1'I'l'gIlS'1U hat ! with him Ule
weekly flay for hiI' Illell.amolilltln to
lloUL , $ ' , ULO IIIIL satchel. 'l'hc slLtdlcl
Is IlIlssln .
'I' Wolllen slIspecled of the lIl1trn c
have beelllll'1'c.tlcI : al\l \ twu other suspects -
pects are surrouJHIld : In IIlIlluan ullet !
Negro IYl1chc 1 111 Tennessee
) Yllcllbl\l' , ' 1\'lIn. , tiept : : u-Sher-
lif JJiIlbull , 111 attelllptln to sa\o
. /10 Ille III'it uegru carl } ' llIdLJlrld : '
IlIto IL mob whIch was stol'll1ln the
llil , WIJI1\.dill a man WhOSO nall1e Is
Ullkuuwl1. ' 1'lto sltcrll ! ' SUIIIII1I1' ' cd
u-8 stance , bUL he au(1 hs , aides \ \ , fO
. , VII'IIU\\l'l'l'tl , the jul , was ellterell :11 : nl
Ihe 1lI1Wlt ! Hllited ne\1I'o Ilallrr
mall a , ot to deaLh III the corrlt1 , I'
'rho Illub was compusoli or auul , t
I \\I1I ! ' , llve pell.I118herllI , : : DI\'lj-
Sill wus alune at the time. lIe reo
HSld to gl\'e up the Iwys und upen\(1 (
re from the \ \ Induw. 'J'lte sherif
I lien called lor th pulice 'L\lo ot1lCt. B
a lid sevI'ral 01 tlzuns rushed to tl e
lall , bill. despite thel ) ' Ill'eSellco tIe , :
lUob lJattered down the \ \ 0 . ( ll.'u door' '
: LL th ( ' lout o ( the slalrs lcadllll { tu tlte'
cllrri or. ' 1'he sherill' ald , 1'0'1made' '
IL dotl'rmlned l'l'sls an 0 II erIn :
tlJle I u prevent I ho mulJ I I o III LJIl ak- '
III In the I roll door at Iho head of '
Hairs aud enterlIl the cell occuph'd
IIv t 1)nr ro , abollt whose neck th"yj
placed a rllilo. As soon as the men.
ell1l'rgl d from the coil It U ( came
I1pparent that tile nelrocou'd nut be
lakell from the jaliInri han ell Cor'
( ear of lIelll Illed Oil , and he was tholj ;
to dl'lLth. 'rhe mob then made In
ITort to e clp ! ' , hut the shenlY awi
his gIHIJd capl.lll'crt three of them.
0111' 0" t hcm , It Is sal , IHIS mllde a
cunfeMlon Imp Icatlll II teen n e . .
Rma.\I \ was unrJel a.rr's , on ! he oha' go
ifa ) sall.l1l1 1\1'8. ' 1 Iz,1 , Eg lesonlLld
it. t.he pl'l'limillary hearill ! . ! the wal' .
rant was amended o ml 10 char r' n.
Ilmple caslof assault. The nl' 1'II harl
\\uved : examinatlll\1 \ ! Iud was awall. .
int ; the actIOn of Ihe.alld / JUf ) ' .
For Stealing Gold ( ) ust
San Francisco , Sept 2 . - William
P. IIllnd ey , asslslant we'ghill/ / erk
In the United tales mint , has bl'en
oil trged ! Jy lie ICt. St'rVh e A\ent
Burus with the allt'g'l'd ' the I t of $ to
In gold , lust. I he d\lst was taken \0 \
! the mint on ' 1'uesday arternoou by
wo rn I ners. 'rhey cuU Id not ha vu
\ deloslt accept..d at tl0 : Limo and
t was carried over unti the next dJ.\ . .
It Is said that lJund ey took a pllr'
' ! Ion of the treasure and secreted It In
l sa. eon near the mint , where It was
: onnd by secret sl'nlce men. II uncI
'oy ' was a. can tidell tlal man In th < 1
/t'ell.hlllg / department. 110 had hart
.har e 01 all deposits and hand'ed
Ihousands of dollars ev..ry day. He
as been employed ut the millt f"r tL
mmbl'r of ycarl , Ills reshmalion has
) een accepted and It Is said he will
lot b persecuted.
Over-Taxes tlis Strcngth.
Deliver , Col. , Sept 2GA ttorues
Al1ell B , Seaman was foulld dead In
) cd In his home. No , 81 herman ave
J IIC , yrsl erd ay morlillf. { . JJ cart : . d I-
lease Is 1.1\'en IIR the calise.
Mr eaman was h01'll at Rhlpman ,
Llaeoupl'I cuunly , Ill. , In ] 8U2. II 11
I\'as l'.Hluated at j\tollmo lth colle 'f ! .
lonmllulh , , 111" alld mHrledl [ " R
J ' unle Bahcock of I hat cll.I'oml g-
' 10 Ih'n"l' ) ' aboul. I1rle11 years ago , JIll
Ilt onCH entered pulitlcs and wa < ;
! 1l'cled cl y atlortley ulldl'r 'layor
\rll1 II 0 rn ! ' , ser\'llI two years. Ho ,
lVa. . chnlrman or Lhe rl'puhllcall stalu
committee for t'everal ' years. lie was
ttlorney ror se\'eral corporatlolis alld'
( loll ) a arLe practlc < J.
! r. Sl'aman was IL very larle man ,
; \'el 1hl nr ov'r : mo pUllnrls , hu' , nevl'r-
t".leo.s " ! was very ac Ive During the
tecen clmrter eamp Lif.n he Sl rellollsly
JPPost'd the ar1optlon Clf the propllsl'd
harlCr , rnaklll ! . ! speeches e\'l'ry ,
I L IS he loverl that the stnL' n or I his
: : Lll1pai n , { , Oil ph'd wi tll t.he exees < ; 10 1
orplliencr , produced the fa 1 stroke
, C heart dbease.
Au InCrta8 nil t\round
UhlcaJto , HI'pt. 26An Increase I }
\'a ' a to 8,00n em ) eyes of the twenly
ar alld 0 0 lIollve repair shOI'S ' or Ihe
Jllicago l\'lri Norl hwesteru railroad
has hel'n ' rantl'd The Inoreusc mralls
adril'ional ' ' ot 300,00U
ill I'xpl'nse , a
rear to the ctlmpam' .
Strikers Put 011 prckets
Minneapolis , MIrIll" Sl'pt , : : O.-One
fillre Ihlll rl II 111111 Is now 1'1111 n III .
I\'hlUllll1i1lces four Clut or the Seven-
Il'CII that are nHlkln a shuw o ( opel"
J tlll , ' 1'lle pickets ha ve succlJedl'd III
IlJrlllll new men a\\ay. The strllwrs
! la\'c IIUW calico out the watchmen
llid Ilromen. ' 1'he lUlls ILre endea\'or-
IIII. ! 10 s'curo a Ill ht shift frum
III11CJI1/o / : the UIII\'l'rslty htlld nts
\aor , lIayrlfls Ie 11.1) ' r l\tstcd t.110
111111 ownerS LO a : IIltral .
- , . , .
_ _ _ I _ . _ _ . _ - . , ' ' ' . . . . . . - .
- . - . . . -
1Ijhh'l'll I' ' ' ' 1I1l IIIl I hn 'I'rR'n ' nlld
All Uut ' 1'11'11 lei . . . .1 IIr IIIJured
-l1ulII" " III' : lInn ) ' "t
" 'IIMhlllllIlI.
Charlot to N. C. , Scpt. . -VI\1t
illI1l1 tI.lllI No. 07III the SUllthcrn
railway JlIlI1ped Ihe tracl , IIClIl' 1),11\- \
rille , VII. , kllllll 111110 mell aUlI In-
lurlllg 3e011. .
'l'he tmtle where the aecldont ClC-
wI'ed I II'e 1llllllh'l'd f'et ! lonl ! IInd I
! "caled all a sharp cU\\'O. Bu lnenr
Bruule119 a lIew mall on that III\'Is-
11111 01 the Southl'rll , 1\1111 it fs salr ! ho
Cllllle t\l the curve ut a very hlllI ; rilto
uf speod.
A I-rcllt : crowd ot penple wera soon
at the 'Iccne ot the \\'Iecle. Nu 11110
'In I1ny of the cars hlld Illude 1111 dTIIl t
lo JIIIIIP 111111 the hodics or all thuso
! clllell : lfld IIIJIIcd , Wl're foulld In tile
\Vlccl\ll \ o oC the dilIerellt curs to
IYhlch thev bel. n ed.
All IlnJl1Iclll1 upllllol15 thllt hll\'o
\een \ IIscI'rlalned a ree In lvll1g ouly
ono calise for the \\'rcele , the hl h
'Ipl'ed and the train on the sharp
:11 r VO.
'l'l\e en lne ha'l gene only nh'1ut
I1fty feet ollihe trcstlc wllcnltsprall
' , ' 1\11.h It fOllr
fl'1Il tile trlcle , cal'lyllig \
lI1ulll'lUS and all eXI\reSS car. ' 1'he
Iloitle , a wo ( d ' 11 structure , ale gu0
WilY 100'a splcellIIlty \
At the fout o1l1e \ I rustle Is 15hll. : .
luw strca1l1 with a rocle bu.lom. !
81 ti"lu tills Lho engille nil/I / ear' ,
were reduced 10 a mass of twlstl'd
Irlll1l1l1c1 stel'l , 1111 dplcces of splint-
clcr : wllid. ( A5 thn cars \Vl'nt dowil
I h"loueh " rl Llle IIlth's of the HI vcr-
sldJ COLllIlIlIlIl' ' , " , hldl Is'cry clu 0
' .0 Ll1e tl'eslln , .
Civil War UaYI. !
Camp You 11 lot , \\'est lolnt , I y"
flept. 28.-1'hn lirst eXlIltolllelit In
tills part , of lIardln CIJUlltV since 18\4 ( \ ,
wlell General 11111'11 pllcer } a detl/eh- /
ment 01 1IIfllniry on ] I'ort HIli , Ilshort
IlIstalllJO ft'IIIII West Puillt. was \Ill'n \
th' . Iwople yestc rila V n. they , : zed In
aslolll..hmellt IIpon Ihe aulvul o (
trainload after tralllio Id uf enlisted
men allr ! their cqllipmellt : A Ito otll-
er tlw rallroarJs had ell-thteen troop
I mills on the scherule ! IInd many of
thrill had IIrrl v , d antJ the corr.nJll1l1s :
harl Iwen assl ned to thclrhcllllIUart- (
1'S uefore noun
Peter Gabriel Again Ll1l1ded
'l'eeumsl1h. Nebr. , Sept. 28.-J > etm
C1ahrlel and \rcade uro Rgaln In
rouhlo. Peler Ims cal\s \ d the ol1cerl !
\lluch \ trouhle In the past. While at
work In the Arcade hotel he entefl'd
Ihe 100mlceuplt d by the lanrl ord'H
family , and toul , $ llll money from IL
P"Cetbook which contailler ! ovm O
lie Itt ! tur Llneo n on the IIl'st train ;
where ho was apPI'HlwNtc.L ! ne had
) pent the mOlley. He was recently
; Imtcnceri 10 I.hir'y do.'s In Iho coun.
: y Ji'll fur S'eallnl. ( a WiLluh , buL al' the
'mr ! of ten d.IYs 1 he Ot\lICl \ paroled him
pl'l dln god ( , hehavlor. He Is now
_ .orvln\ . ! the tWl'lIly dL's : on the od )
.COI'I' , after which he will beIV ! ! l1 an
Iwarillg ill I hl' recelli. al1l'gl'd theft , .
' 1'111. lInk'rs toOk clmrgeIf , John Co-
IIlIrn. a tran er herea.houts , who had
toeell worlelng ull Sam Uanoll's farm
l\ilst \ IIf I his CI'Y. ' COllIrII is elemented ,
110 was "rull 'ht to Lhi. , city anI ) the
Insallily c.lmm s < ; lon eX'1 rnlm d IlIIn
afrl'r which : ' Gllmmlnf. { " took
him ' 0 "lie LIne .In as llIm for the In ,
S lI1e. 'l'lle man IS age : I UUUt forty
) 'I'ars.
There " "ems to he no clue as lo who
pol-oncd SI1l'rIlT CllllImlnl.'s b1o/ld / ,
/IOUIIIIs. / 'l'he gull } ' plLrt.y ur parties
had 10 enter tlw barn 10 ( eed ! .he an.
Imals the POISIII ! : IlIel the \\ork was
do'olno time betwren mldllight allil
! 'at.urday . Iftornillg. ' 1'he ol1lcers think
poss by : cerl al II parties whom the ,
I dois hts : calisI'd some dl comlll\lre re-
I cl'JJtly ml : } t IHIVlJ done the cOI\aldly
wurk LI\fI\I \ h 1.11:8 : helief c.LI1not bo
, slibslanth.telt , The d ( ) s were ( . : oed
! , mllers and " ; hcrlll' Iuullnlngs ; fcel
his lOSS keenly'
- - -
FouOll10 Ir horl
\\'i\lhln ; ; lo" . Sept. 7.-Throllgh Ill.
or ler dtsll1looslrft ! him from tlte ov.
crnU1enL survlc ( ' , it lJeo.une kllOWII 10-
nl\hl \ thai. J Itn' s 11. BeattCUI' IIf ,
I'en years a sistallt to Ihe IIlsbllrsh g
l'lerk In the ol1lc01 the aurJltur for
tUll'nt had been found
1.111' war dep LI
slllrt , i,00 III his accolllllS 'rile ! > hurt-
age WiL. . ITHue j.ood ! by re atlv , It 1I\'lng
I Illinois. lie Is furty-I\\'e \ yca.rR old
IInrl IS s .Id to IHL\'e lLt , 0110 tlrllo resided
In Mallu 11\ . Ill.
. . . . . .
. . " . . . .
. .
' ' .
Nebraska tN.pies
The NodolK s l 1 r flicfol'y Is i' dtlJ
to b uu ils nJh Uctubcr . . .
" . *
n , Dankh 'If Flills City , tl civil war-
\'clerlln , Is dcallt the uge f 87.
" It
' ' . bund
l'he twenty-sl'cond tnrnnt.ry
( . .tit0 UII upeu-alr cuncert : . ut : . West ;
" II II -
The N ebrllska 01 ty pullco are u'lnk- .
In IL CI u"l1u uj.CllluSLlIgr.tut8 uud
"IWpO U"lI . "
" " It
l'roprlcl.ol Strcet or ot the S recter
Il.L.JI , lCl.te : , tell uc.ld 011 Lhu atrue18
ur J UIJllu Mo.
. , . . I
The Boone . o Inty flllr has opened.
.1 , , llJlon with l.Yury prflsllect uf 11
.uccesorLul : bl' 9.II.
It , . "
Captain llllnle , IIml old resident of
1'11111 > Ult ) ' . drelillthis IIOlue ! lud \ \ s
uII/I1:11 / In : : ) Leel COllllty.
. .
" : -
1).1I111e col1 ( ' OllOllod Ill , Creto.
\IISi IIcrtha WI.lIl1co . oC UUIIIIII1 has'
leun lUll e pl1)'' lustillctur.
, . " "
Geneva reports a bllllding 1100n1 ot
UIIIHIIIII I.rullorl lUllS , IUOort : ur 1I e . .cw .
: i.1 uctUl'CS bOlllg I CShICUCC9.
It " "
'l'ho rcnmlns of Harry Mid 11eton or
Neblllsim Clly , shut III lauslls CILy ,
uJ\'e 1 > 0011 blOU ht homo for burial.
" " "
William Ranme1 or Neb.rnsm ) CIty ,
dOIll\Jcr.ll1c couuty RII(1Crlutcndent ( ,
Ims rcslgned I1ls p'jsltluD ' on tbo
" * "
l1all county IS to'oto n nln on the
qucsl10n IIC sellln the court 1101150
squllro lit Graud Island rur DO les9
than $10,000 ,
" . .
John II l > alntcr ot SOlltll OI11nl1n ,
aliI 1).8 ) llIrsls M. SIll/ires / oC Nth- !
ratlca Clly were uulte in murtlago
1t Ncbraslm . Ulty.
It. . .
A cnr 10rtdrd with hrJr1es ! jumped
Ihe tlllcle in the 111110n l'acllilc yards
at [ 1'reIllOIlI ul\d \ several of the ulli-
mills WOlO Idlled.
II . . II
The corp'lrato t'xl1tnoo ! ! of t1in
.100H's' NatlfllHlI IIUIII , ut Sewllld 1.1\8
lIeclI eXlellded lIlItll the closll of busl- ,
21 IUOJ , j
lIess : : eptemlJcr
It it : It
1'mmer C llt1ty uLtorncy 81oano ot
Grnl'\'a was tlllen slHldclliy III with
c"nvlIsllJIIS ) ut. his ullleo. It fo
thuught 110 will recover. ,
* * *
Mar } ' Jllntzon , the wife or pro.
mlnent l\Itll1nonlte , died Ilt her hOl\1o
1I1IH ! Ueatrico. 'l'l1e tunolal wus hel .
Crom the church neUI the c1ty
It * *
llrldgett Cllnnlu ham , formerly 01
Pia lIamo'ul h , has sued Putrlul { Cun-
nlllLhaul ! In Mills COUllty , Iowa , for
$ l , OOJ for ullcled breach ur prumise.
" " "
' 1'ho wcddll1 or Miss Minnie Walker -
er IInd Olllllics Durham of North
lIenrl , tool , pl.\co at the residence or
tbo brldo's sister , Mrs. O. A. lluck.
It * It
Frank : : . llentJer. a farmer Jiving
ntlrth ur Lillcoln , hus' mYlltel'lollsly
dl1llppcared ! from his hOll1e. 'fwo
y IIrs UftU ho malle u sllullar dlsup-
" It it
' 1'he Il\borlnl ! lIIell of Ueatrlce held
a lar e meollll ' in ) hilt town. The
Hev. CUll D. Thllll1 p on of . lrHI\'er )
WIS present .HI < J addressed the gatl1-
erillg Oil
" " *
Jo ( lwllrd [ ( ! 'l'ch , a veleran or thl }
1lv1lVllr : Ulld a f"nn'r IllIlcer III the
navy , lIit'd U' his hllIllelll/\II1'ilVllrth.
lie wa. , II yell1s old and will ho
) , hy the Grund Arul ) ' 'or the
pu hllc.
* * It
The BIlle Hill C eamerv cornp'1I1J
has JlIit Illeri art.It'le5 of Itll'OIllfJrutlllD
with 1I1aplla ! ) stilet , IIf & , j IJO' ' and
I with A , CLlrk. W , II. It'l'l'gIBud. , and
. H. Tyler as pl'lrclllal stuckhulder
It " "
Cnnclflerable ; dallla o was d'lno tote
to 'he corll cr"11 Iwar 0,11 Iway by
the frllsts. lL Is cstllllsted t.halJ 75
Iwr cellt was 111 Ide soft b } ' the frt st' ;
alll , tl"J hot "ealllCr tulluwllll { Is
, uukllJ the curn suur.
It " 11
St , John's Catholic church at.
C\lJlhlld : \ e Wi.S I hc scene ot II dou 1110
, eddlll. ! . .1..I.n Brinkman of 1101-
bllde a"ll 11..s G.lrrle ArtlJ.tud ur
IJalullrldC , ! , allli Ilenr.v Arlhaud und
\ ! I"S III rv 11111-11011 , al.o : hrtll uf Ua m.
b. . , > u , wore the cOlltractlllg , pal ties.
It It It
Hl1l'lrl h Wall-er of Uotterel1 town-
' ; 'llp D ,11\l' , \ : cuunly , hai withdrawn
Iii II. cl IIlItion to 1111I for 1lIlInty :
.s.e.s , Ir 011 the republican ticket and
\ \ iii pllt 11(1 ( It VlgOlUlB calUpal n for
tllo 1,1111:0.
tr * . .
Otto lIellIelln cr ct Beatrice , W fa
, \1 rested " 11 the charge ut steallnft . \
1.1'11111 01 horses frllm Ills ratllor. plea-
dlrlllIlIlY ! tll the chilr.te. ( lie was
I S'lIteuccd ( to uoe year Jl } tbe pEultCD'I