Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1903, Image 5

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    . " " " --v'.rr , - - ' . . . . . '
History reveals the fact that a
great majority of our bcst'mcn
. . reccived thcir education iu Christian -
tian collegcs.
r' ' - _
.i nOUN. . ( HU..o ; .
Albert Lang is busy drilling
w Jlter whcat. IIc expccts to
put out about 85 acres.
Ethel Pearson will begin teach-
'v iugncxt l\IOItllay. IIer school is
, 011 thcast of 14 tch ficld.
Wc arc informcd that Andrcw
\V ( ' ; l\'cl' has becn l'm ploycd to
. . tcach thc Prairic Center school.
'rhc Howard hrot1un : ; ha\'c
commcnccd feeding lheir stecrs , ,
'rhcy ha\'c a linc lot of two . . year
old-1 !
'I'he people of 1\Iudt1. ) ' l\Iills
disl rict ha\'c votctl , to continuc
their Sunla ) ' School for anothcr
1\11' . < Hhson of Loup CilY , has
just complcled a finc hridgc o\'cr
Muddy Cn'c ! < at J. l . f4ang's
t > tace.w'l'hc . bridY"c b is on thc
, county hnc.
Bcn Powcl1 , . who is working
for 1\11' . Lang had the mtsfortunc
. . ' " to upset with a wagon. No I
j damage was donc cxccpt to thc
. I wagon. 'rhe hill was stecp and
Ben had hard work to keep ahcad
I of the wag-on.
'l'he farmers have come to the
conclusion that the corn is not
: . damagcd so badly as was expected -
ed atlirsl. Howevcr if thc recent -
cent warm weather could havc
heen had bcforc thc frec c the
.1 yicld as wcl1 as the qualitj' would
havc been much bcttcr.
0-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
: : DEl . . .i. . mISmr
Mllkl' II HI"cI lty ot Vrown IIII lIrlllglJ Wmk.
1'dCl'S rt'1I801lSh10. '
All work gllllrllnt"f"\ '
I IIlIlIml set ! 11\0 I"forl ! g , llIg ol owher1.
omro-In Blollll ! Bnw lIItt ! Bllilk IIlIlhllllg.
Broken Bow. NehrnAt. . . .
- . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . . . .
- -
Low Rates South
and Southeast.
On Scptcmhcr IS anrl Octohcr
! Otll Thc I.ollisvill & Nashvillc
R. R. will sell rolllllltrip tick-
cts frolll Sl. I.ollis , HI'ans\'ille ,
! .ollis\'illc ntlll Cincinnati to the
followin points al thc lowcst
ratcs cvcr namcl1. Tickels will
he Iood rl'lllrning' for twcnty-
enc (21) ( ) clnys from dalc of sale
aJlII stopo\'crs willlJl' pcrmittcd
on g'oing' trip at points sOllth of
Kcnlllccy-'cnncsscc ! statc Iinc.
FnoS'I' : . LO\JIs ' 1'0
Ncw Orleans , : ; 12.00 ; Atlanta ,
r , 1..00Iohilc . ; : , $12:00 ; . 1\lonl-
gOllcry ! , $12.00 ; Blrmlllgham ,
12.oo ; I'cnsacolll , $14.60.
FRO : ' > I CIIlCA < : O 'I'D.
Ncw Orldns , $16.00 ; Atlallln , ,
$ I .oo ; 1\lohilc , : ; 16.00 ; l\lont-
go II ! C. . ) ' , : ; I ( , . ( > 0 ; Hi rmi nghalll ,
$15.00 ; Pcnsacola , jIH.oo. ;
Fltll : ' > 1 L01IIS\'JI.I.1t To
Ncw Ul'1I'ans , $1.\.00 \ ; Atlanta
1$11.00 ; 1\Iohih' , $1.\.00 \ ; 1\lont-
gOIItl'.y ! , $ q.oo ; Birminghalll ,
'f.11.OO ; Pcnsacola , $1.\.00. \
\ 1'0
Ncw Orlcans , $1.\.90 \ ; A tlllnta ,
j11.00 ; ; 1\lohilc , $14.00i 1\lont-
gOlllcry , $ q.oo ; lIinmngham ,
IIOO , ; Pcnsacola , $ q.oo.
Fno : ' > 1 HVANS\'JI.I.H'1'O
Ncw Orlcans , $12.00 ; Atlanta ,
' . 1\lohilc . 1\lont-
$11.00 ; , $12.00 ; -
gOlllcry , twch'c dollars ; Birmingham -
ingham , clevcn dollars ; Pensa-
cola , fourtccn dol1ars. Rates
to Itltcrlllciliate Points to hc thc
Proportionatcly low ratcs to
poinl ; wcst of New Orlcllns as
far as llollston. ' 1'0 Jackson-
villc , FIll. , 111111 intcrmetlialc
poinL ; , $3.00 higher Ulan ratc
lo Atlllnta.
Takc I\Ilmntage of lhcse vcry
low rates to makc a trip through
thc SOllth to invcstigatc its
WOllllerfll I rCjOIl rces 111\11 op-
Tillie tahles , folllers , lIIaps
aJlII dcscriptivc literature re-
lal'es to 11II1I1s , trnck 111111 stock
farmillg aloll thc Iinc of thc
lullis\'lIIn & I\Sh\'iIIH It. It
will he selll IIpOIl applicatioll to
C , I , . S'I'ONE , ( enl.'ral l'lIsscn-
gl'r Agl.'lIt , l.ouisdlle , Ky.
Physician & ; Surgeon.
Oil1co In ro'nr or the 11111110 of COlllllwrro. HopI.
. ! tmrn 11th hOllso WI'HI of Iho . . .ttKt r.hllrch.
llrolloll IInw , N"lrnRkll. "
CAl\II ltON & H 1 I SI ,
[ f r'I ) 35 uIcel1 l'S
H/lnrn tj IInllll. nOlllty lItor.k. nrnkrn lIow. Noh.
! lll" ! ! eEn1m lllil'a ! illu W 1lP.
RIIII Dllroo .Toroy 110' ' ; < hrf'lllInl ! Rohl. 11091 hlOOII
, t /ltthtlrr.III . 11lr , PI4 , n. K. V.\lHVIH.I. ,
- " IIrolitlil Buw , Nuhr "kR
ROSS G. l\OORm ,
I ! lfal 08talli aUllloall hrokor Olllco In RoallT'
lIIo k. IIrokcn 1I0lf , Helmuta.
. . -
- -
: y
: , ,
. - _
. ' Mrs. J , 1\1. Itotlgc IIntl Hos lln JO'lll'r ,
were In thc Bow one 11a ) ' lasl . wcck , to 110
sOlll R ioJ1pi ng.
J. A. clcnbargcr ! fillIl wife fil1Il P. I. .
Beal5 fiIlmothcr took tlinllcr Insl SIIII.
tin ) ' , wilh 1\1ilctrlll1ill. !
Mnrioll Coopcr has rClltcllthc farm of
1\1 rs. Alllelill JOIICS , for u xl ) 'cnr , 11I111
willlllo\'c illto the homc nt once.
. .
H' wo onr ) 'ollllg IIIcn , accolllplllllCd
h ) ' thcir hest girls , visilcll at the homc
of I d. Dny in " 1\lIrckn" 1.lIsl 511111111) ' .
'rltc wimls of thc past wcck wcck , havc
vcr ) ' lIIateriall ) ' aillcl in Ilryillg up thc
corn , 111\11 rem tls liS lIlal wc IIrc still III
0111 Nehraska.
1\lilo Hmhrec 11I111 wife of Jincoln ,
Nehraska , nrrived allhcir Brother's , P.
e. on last 'rhmslla ) ' CIII will make thcir
futurc hOlllc iu this count ) ' .
1\liss Hlllma Rc'ncr of Custcr Ccntcr ,
is tcaching the school in District 54 , nl\ll
ho\I'I5 al hc homc of J. A. Moore. Shc
is fn\Jrllhl ) : spokcn of ns n tcacher.
'rhe Semi.annual , clection of thc SUII'
day School Insl Snnda ) ' , resllltcil in thc
election IIf IIatr ) ' Ashlallg1 } il } plllcc of
CICII\llc Killcllhargcr , who is allclllling
Collegc al Grall ( Islallll fnr lhis tenu.
In nllllition to gclling cnrpct 11I111 mall-
illg' for thc ncw church , the ) 'O\mg peo-
pIc hm'c pl ccll IIC\\ ' window shallcs for
all the winllo\\'s ill lhe wcst , and il is a
milch IIcedcl impro\'cmclIl. 'rhc ncw
sloves me oncrelll11ul ! will hc pul lip liS
SOOIl n < ; possihlc after thc ) ' arr'c. .
'l'herc will bc a mecting of
Cal11p Guy T4ivingstolt No.3 ,
Nchraska Socicty , Army of thc
Philippines on Saturdaj' evening
Octoher 3rd , at 7:30 : in Dr. C. 1-4.
1\1ullins offIce. All membcrs arc
cxpccted to hc prescnt as thcrc is
sOl11e husincss that m11st be attended -
tended to at once. All Sth Army
Corps Soldiers are it1\'itcd whcth-
cr mcm hers or not.
C. T4. MurT.INS , Prcs.
\ V1D. . GHAN'l' , Sec' ) ' .
- I - - . . ,
America's Greatest Weekly.
T'-I I E
Toledo Blade
oledo , O io ,
Now' and Larger Building , New
Presses. New Stereotype Plant ,
New and Modern Appliances
Inevary departmont.
'l'he ' [ 'olcdo Bladc is now in-
stal1c < 1 in its ncw huilding , with
a modern plant and cquipment. I
and facilities equal to any pubh-
cation bctween New York and
Chicago. It is the only wcekly
newspapcr cd itcd cxpress1y for
c\'ery state and tcrritory. 'l'Ite
News of the World so arrangcd
that bus ) ' peop1c can morc easily
comprehcnd , than by rcading
cl\1 herson columns of dailies.
All cnrrent topics made piain in
( 'ach issuc br special editorial
ma ltCI' . wri tlen from i nccption
down to date. 'l'he enl ) ' paper
plihlisher1 cspecially for pcoplc
who do or do not rcad daily ncws-
papcrs , and 'yct . thiyst for plain
facts. ' 1'hat tillS kmd of a ncws-
papcr is popular , is pro\'cn y
the fact that thc Weckl } ' Bladc
now has ovcr 160,000 yeartj'
suhscribcrs , and is circulatcd in
al1 parts of thc U. S. In adtli-
Holt to thc ncws , thc Blade
pu hlishcs short and seri at storics ,
and many departmcnts of mattcr
suited o every memhcr of the
( amily. Only enc dollar a year.
Write for frcc spccimcn copy.
Addrcss ,
'l'Im BI.ADH ,
' 1'oledo , Ohio.
'I'he RHI'UBI.ICAN and ' 1'oledo ,
Blaelc , enc ycar , $1.35 ,
. . . . . . . . .Iel' " 114'nc/cd U , . . . . . . . . .
1'1111 Oll I'III. N ( ' . Ii. 03 $ . I
, . . .
. . ' .
. 'tiA . .
of. ,
. . . ,
. ' : , i
J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of
I'uro Hr.nlrh pn.1 8cololt 1'01'1".1 . HI'ort. . lIorn Cat.
tlo My hi rtl nllllllll'rs 4:1 : r.nwil. Will r.1I1II1'lrU :
. . . hn..II , " : 111111 ' ! I111l1t ) ' will. IIny west of c'hlcat-o. :
My OXl'l'rlAnrll hnN hUjht 11I0 thllt IOJ'lv. , Iood
RIIRfllr.tllln. hrel'llIlIlcU : II rnll t 110 ralsod In
this altlludo. 1 I'XI"Ct tll raise thorn
hero tllO eQual hf OIII'tllhu ; In Iht U.
Ii. Inlow IIIWII om hulIl4 HII1\lIhlo lor Ihl . "nil
next YCllr'1 ! .orvlro. Mv rows 1I01 h from 1400 III
2000 11011111111. VI\IIIII 111111 t co tholll ,
. . . . .nollier In. . . .
I'nlllps. Wind , J\\1I1 \ , Tanlts. FlttlngROn80llnn
KIIChu' ' ' , oto. clc.
Broken J1ow. NllhuRkl\ .
WBB ( IDnv.o : ID1JidID2a : 1J .
wllblock lIurth ot U'liult OlJutl'dl 1I0ttil. I'at.
ronasollclleol. . l'rlco rOll8oualilo.
. -ro > . . . . + . . . - .
- . ' . I ' . , ' . , . . . . . . . , , , ' ' _ < < ' ' ' ' .l' ' " " " . ' . , J - . . , , , Toq7:1'.t' ! ' . _
We Must Have Had the Nightmare I
. . ' . .
Whcn wc bought our stock of Clothing' for this fall , as wc find sincc gctting' in thc stock ,
that wc havc Clothing cnough for two or thl'cc towns thc si c of Brokcn Bow. li'act is , how-
CVCI" , that at thc limc wc\wcrc figuring" with thc din'crcnt fadorics for this stock , wc confidcntly
cxpcctcd Brokcn now to securc thc Statc Normal School ; and thcn again , wc wcre promiscd what
wes suppmcd ; to be somc tt I'cal warm compctition" from the outside , and in fondcst cxpcctation
of a warm timc , wc wcnt to work and Hloadcd fOI' hcal" , " bnt whcn wc rcach thc ( ( opcning" thc
Hb'ar" is gonc ; hc slippcd away deftly , as it werc , but w ( ' still have the load-in thc shapp of a
$15,000 stock of Clothing , which must be shot off-and wc reatil'.c thal we havc got to shoot hard
to disposc of such' stock of Clothing in one scason in Broken Bow , and for thc ncxt Sixty Days
wc witt try to intcrcst ) 'OU with thc Lowest Prices on First-class Clothing c\'cr quotcd
in Brokcn Bow.
- . . . - _ . . - - - - - - - - . . . _ . . u _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - -
1\lcnH All Wool Chcyiott Cassi-
mCI'c Suits , in the late Ii'all Patlel'l1s , 0 0
farmcl' salin linings , specially madc , $ 5
for an $ S.OO Hcller-oul' spccial ] H'iec
fOI' this salc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
At thi p1" cc wc includc a wide rangc
9 0 of NOhhy Stylc suitR , fancy WOI'stCIIH ,
$9 $
black hit'dH 14 yc WorstcdH , plain and
fancy . Ca-Himel'cs , Worstcd Chcviolts ,
etc. 1\IO-it ! of theRc suits are made up
with non-brcalmhlc canvass fronts , specially tailol'cd
to conform to the latest broad shouldcr fashions , anti
not It suit in the tinc but what is S12.50 to
SI3.50-WOI'th it bccausc they will cost you that
p1" ce at any other stOI'C in Custcr County. To rc-
JiC\'C our nightmarc at $9.90.
: : : IYO : : ? OISt :
For this S S , S P tt l ' i t , O Suits ,
attra < : t'e in style and quality can he had from.any city store
, any
. ages 14 to 19 years at $4.90.
as wclt as prICC ; thc garmcnts you may rcturn tt and .gct your No
ha\'c an bccn sclcctcd aftcr moncy back. Onc itcm wc morc scnriccablc . suit was
carcful comparisol1s of thc bcst want. to mcntion particularly cvcr .madc for a wldc awakc ,
lincs in thc markct , and cvcry hcrc is Chitdrcns Corduroy rust1mg boy than a good honcst
suit sold from this dcpartmcnt Suits , agcs 6 to 13 ycars at thc Corduroy , and wc bclicvc thcsc
lhis season is sold with a posi. rcmarkably low pricc of $2.15 to hc thc best. things ever
t"C gnatantee that if it is not snit-an hOs
I per ? 3piece shown for the 1110ney.
: _ . ; :
I ! : ! } y"A } H EI '
Am ! entitled t h st , \ l y \ th i ei , gs 1.35 to $2,00.
aUntion o thc stOI1cst tinc of.Stccp . ! linc ( Shcp lincd Duck and Conluory Coats at $3.00
Duck Coats Blanl\ct
, \ \ll l RuhbcI hncd.Dl1 < k
. : to $7.50. ! vlcns . .
Corduroy Suits at $6.90.
Coats , and Corduroy SUIts c\rcr shown 111 ttus ' . . .
I country. Good Duck - Coats , Blanket tincd B' ancy Corduroy SUIts at $8.90 worth I $10.00.
- - - - -
- - -
- - - - -
-t"tC > IL i EIj. : b. . !
And wc are glad , of It , for t thcre a talc"-lts '
. . y h.angs a shecp's tall-and wc arc thus cnablcd
7J. to cr l1 e raol l n 111 Vlool ul1 rwcar :
I ? - - _ : _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ 1tl1al" _ _ " : _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Shll.t 1 ! . ; casc and Mens Drawcrs-50e 15 pound 1I1111el'wcar Wool Flcc'ccd can $1 25 Val ue in Mcns Ii'ancy Wool
. hc honght anywhcre , hnt these . g-anncnts 5 0 C J Sh rts ; D'awcrs . , made specially 9 8 C
: u'e 3 pounds to the dOlcn hea\.icr than any fOI' fine Li ! - . tn , le , ancl flllly wortll
YOIl cvcr saw at this spccial pricc of ours * 1.25. Onr special prlcc fOl'lI is ale .
_ _
Onc CaRc Mcns All 'Vool , Camcl's JIa 1' Shirts and Dmwel's , these g-al'mcnts al'c vCI'y .
} finc and will not scratch the most scnsativc sldn-considcring the tinc flIality , thcse - ' )
are vcry chcap at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . g-al'lnent . . . . . . . . . $ llf)5
- - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - -
I - - -
. " . Fun i , ? i.l ( , l : ' . : : l I ' . : t l. . . .t ( er.\ < : ' . I.l l. 1 1 1 1 lowest Prices
I.T lrc cas f C Uon BI111 ct , - 1H I C\ R f Cotton Batts , bought laF - ? uary - ,
wInch wc arc clhl1g for less mOtlcy that1 t.hc tard ) ' 111cl'chant pays for thcm. .
.1 ' WIr 9 o ! ? r . ( E , ,
[ .
: . - . . - - ' . , . . , . - . . . - - , ' - ' , . " ' . . - . . . .
" - . " - " - . . . 1 1 . \ I
- - - - - -
II. O. HUTTON. Proprietor.
FlrRt-cln 8 worll. 1t0 r ! loom ot Ilrokl'lI lIow
SIlitu 11'11. ' IIrnken IIlIw. Nohra kR.
_ CbNTHAl.'TOH.'i ! lIIHlCIC.
rIRIIR IIlId ORIII1IIIII'8 on shortnoUr.o.
I'roken lIow , Nohra6kll.
Up-to-e1atc Photographs.
Ii'irst pri e'winncr at statc association -
sociation 1 < J03.
nit 'I' . fJ FAltNHWOltTlI ,
rromco In lIelllty lIIor.k , Dr. JI"R 'R oi
S.1\1. \ DOHRfH ,
mmll.3h ! : ! ! .C.Jla'fi1no ! !
. AI. kln'h ' of work In our 'Uno dent ! prol1l\lIS \
1U11111I lIut-chl. " ortl..r. lIolt 8ho011 \ Ibl'
ornor wo t III 11&0 & hOle h01l80.
C II.t UH A T..A.4
Ilrokou 1I0w. . _ . , Nebralka ,
- - - - - - - - - -
Dlt. O. IJ MUI r.EN5 ,
) hysician SurgeOIJ.
211,1 , SIalrway from WRit orulln Realty IUoek ;
ro Ilenco. , 3rI WillI 101 I . rhnrch. on RIII1IO 81110
of "trOt't. C--U-Ilrok"n : " lIow. NohrllRkll
D itS. It lJ. & w. ] . 'l'A T O I' .
011100 ov'r IIl10hl\rh"N Urlll : Hlorn.
IIrokflll lIow , . , Nohrn."a.
W. n. lloU.I. . A , II. HAnTlotlY
The hOlt hllrgAln ln " "ehrllRkll.
I' rm hUlII& $10 to f S I'cr ' IIcro.
Horn" 11110 IIIII hclchenll. . . . . . ,
1t0RI e tnto. I.olln IInd InAur.
IInro , Wrll" 1111. . . . . . . . . . . . ,
IIQrllnJlon noolo. 8nrg nt. Nohr Rkn.
. . - - . - - -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1\Icns All Wool Chc\'iotl suits-latest COl'onation
Styles in black and whitc , hlaek with
white and gold mixtlll'cs , ctc. , CVCl'y 9 0
slIit thol'OlIg-hly tailol'crl , and well $ 6
wodh $10. 0111' special pdcc fol' this
salc $7.50 and , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wc al'e showing" an clcgant
linc of hig1 ! gTade sllits inVOl : terls 5 0
anrl CasHlmcl'cH at $12.00 , $13.50 $16 $
$15.00 and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'l'hCHC Huits are all malIc 11 ( > in the
late t tai101" ng farls-non-hrcakahle fl'ontR , hig-h
parlded shouldcl'H , hand fclled collars , etc. Visit
any city and you wiII pay 20 pCI' ccnt morc for thc
samc goods.
J.'J. SN YD ] H ,
. .
" - , . , ANI )
m"-4 .Y ' ] ' ) tll'l 'ila.I . . . : ffi 11I'tI. ; : , . NOTAHY l'UlII.IC
' &I II.JII del Ihu l'ullcn. HI'Jrllll ' IIIII'IIIUII ! KI'I'on
to cnl IIIIIN 1\JJlII llIon tllk IIIII'IISloll vOllch ,
3r ' . Iy oxorlltol 1111,1 , ,11 klllrls of Itignlll llorlt
IV II. 0111011 In thu r"lIr of lIank of ! ; ullllllorco ,
.lIrokOlllJow ; Nohrnskll.
I'ouch for WONt will CIOAOllt 8 1' . III. . OXCOII' '
Hllllltll ) ' wlllo ! It will r.10 ( J _ t II : 15 1'm. ' .
1'00l11t , Oll"t for train No. tJ : 01011014 lit R n 1\1
IInll fur No. 4t CIIlIlOK 11.11I. AlRIl for AnRI , ,
1I1\l111011I ORllt uf Grlllll 1111"111 ollrrlullIlI train
No. U.
Orollto'l'l\ : ! tYIlII Rnl11'uckon'llIu , .I . lly except -
cept ' : ! IIIIIIIIY CIO UR. lit 7" m : rl'IurllhlK Itllmo'cllIY
CI\II11wllY ViII , Mc'lUnley dlllly OXCI'l't Hllmll )
CIOKU lit 7 . III , relllrlllnK HRIIIU IIIIY.
JtuullIl Valley vl.1 . Urtoullllnli .Utoll r.looo I1t 7 h
1II"TIII'aIIIlY. 'l'hllrslIIlY 111111 : ! lItnnIIlYH , r"IlIrnlll
Bluru rill ) .
8ulllilor ViII ( Jllrnhuy , ( h'orf uloWIl IIn.1 . UlltOIl
arrrlVo III 11.30. 'rlluItII 'I hurRllllY allil Hlltur
rIy rolurnlllK 11111 VOl lit t.311 : MUll ! rlny.
O lIH hOl1r14 from H.OO II In to 8.00 P III. 8111I ,
, IllY" frolll 5 : 15 II. III. to 0:411 : II. m. I.uhhy ellen
wutok day from j II. III. 10 H " III. 8un.ln , I ! :3l :
11.11I. 101/11 , 10. UCllerll1 dOl \ vllry not OI'CIi rlll
cloy ! nomlng n horotuturo. L. II.JKW.TT. 1'\1'
- - . . . . - _ . - 'V - .
1 * ;
llHUIillN now. NEB.
1.I'cnln. Dcnver ,
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Ht. I.OIIIH. A lut Hlln IrrnnclHCCJ
All . .ulntH 1IIHt .And All " .UIIiIN
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Jaa. MI. .los > ! I' " lallK , , It . st. LouIs Ohl
081:0 : rlll "II 1'01 It I. Hit It IUM l'Outh. . . . Ii 01 a.m.
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110. UQUe , l'orUllnll IInd nil I'aclUc COll8t
polntA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OO-lllm ,
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Siooplng , IlIlIhlK' anll .rpdlnlnl ( chaIr curs (80a"l (
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call ' on or wrIte tI ) 11. L. Ormsby. agent , ( lr J ;
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To Cure a Cold in One Day' t ;
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qvcq MDlipn ho'\cs sold In past 12 months. This signature , . (9 , C. ? 'V'V , hox. 2Sc. '