Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1903, Image 4

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    . . ' . _ . -t . ' , ,
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Qfu tCt o. . 'fptb1i ! I' '
r.bll.bod etar7 Thur'.7 atha . oUUt7 Heat.
' 17
D. . . AM8 ElmY . . Edlwf.
"OfIoa In C 'ter Dlock , fourtb Ae. "
Kllter.d at \JOeloMco at lIroken now , Neb. ,
u 1OOO1I I..a mati or \ranml"lou throuKh .
\be U. a. Manl.
. _ - -
aUUlCJUI'T10N ! l'JUOK :
0110 Yoar.lnadvunc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1.00
One colomn , jHr 'month , ' 7.00. Ono.halt col.
. per montbJ .1.00. 'luarler column , Ilor h ' , .W. IAII ' , ' than qnllrLer . column . . , , r.o , .
clIRH'1Jcr10ch } 10f'luonthl
'CanI4lon Grat' } ) IIO. ( .0 conti Iler Inch , or
lAIcal advllrtllliu/it / II centa tlor IIno each
\Ion' .
.Notlce of church falra , .oclablclllnd onlorlaln.
mente where moncy III cburgetl , OIlO.hlllf rlltell.
aoclel7 noLi co. and ruoluLon ! , . one-bait mIca.
Weddlog IIUUtell troe. halt Ilrlce for tlnhlUnlng
1I.t of prcllftntll.
.Death noUool free , b"lf trh A for 11I11111lIlnl (
obitnary noUc 8 , IInd cardl of thankll.
'Legal notleo. at rlll"11 proThled " 1 statotelof
7" Thursday , October 1 , 1903. -
. . .
State Tloket.
. - - -
1'0rJnlige of tbo 81111rolllo Court-
, . . . .or .J.IIUARNII : : ,
For UOieot. at ItBle : ! Unlvrrlt-
, , CU IU.I' S. AILlm.
W. O. WU11'AlOllI' .
Twelfth Judlolal District.
For Jodge of Iho 1'welttb . .JulllclaDI \ hlot- .
O. D. 110iTXTLltlt : . , ,
Ie rn. , ) ' .
County Tlokot.
For Coonty Judge
For . Couot ) ' Clerk
! . O. W. DEWEY.
For . Coouty Trea.ur r
For , County 8borla
For , Clerk DlstrieL CourL
080 . MAut.
For Soperlutondent of 8cbool
J. O. W. L&WJ8.
70r Count ) ' Surveyor
f ; 1" E. VAKANTWRIU' .
For 00Unt7 uo 8or
For County Coroner
County Suporvlsors Tloket.
For Bopo"l.or 8econd DlatllcL-
u. it. CUHIIH'Y.
Hound Valle ) ' .
For . 8upe"l or Fouath Dletrlct- '
' J. . KLUMl' .
Yor Buponllor . . 81xth Dlltrlet.- .
. . . .
' " Ocooto.
Township Tlokot.
For TO"II.hlp Clerk
: . A. D. DANOa.
FOf.Town hlll Tre&lureB
Yor JllItlco of the l'eaee
- J , J. BNYDElt. I
l"orCoJa.tablo : '
L , E. COI.E.
l"or.11oall . Ovorleor. DItrllL No.1 I
' - L.OU8UMAN.
For . Road . OTer.cer. Dl trlct No 2-
' '
For . Road Onrloer , DldrlcL 1'00.3
- P. M. tiTUADLEY ;
For , Bead , Oyclleer. DlltrleL No. " .
- O. R. J.UU'IOIt. :
Har.&ad OTIlr8eOr DIUrlet No II
- FlUtD AUTUUlt.
For.nold OTOrBcer m.trlct No. ( ,
For ltoad OTOllcur Dl lrlct No.7 .
: , : - - \ J."N. WF81' .
C. - U. Richardson , the demo- ,
P9l ! . candidate for sheriff , has
rcon for complaining about
s me of his "fool friends. "
1. ( those who are so in-
te , stcd about J. O. 'faylor's
mqr l , poli.tical and business
e rd will' stop to inveshgate
tq . : record of their . own candidate
- -
Uey may be surprised.
. &upt. Lcwis has proven him-
selfespecially well qualified to
. - - -
Glasses T.hat . Suit
Your H'es are what ) 'on want when 8
you , need gl18ses ] at all. Glasses 8
that are n < ? t what ) 'onr e'cs reqnire 0
may be u hindrance instead of a 8
help to good vision. It isaso vcr ) '
mportant that the. . . . . . . . 8
od ] the glasses in a proper posiS
ttt ( in front o ! the e'cs. It will 8
cost you notlnng bnt a few 1110111S
en.t'of ; ! yonr time to stcp in and ! 1
ice If you need glasses. ti
, F. w : . II : ) YES ,
'p " "ELEJ & OP'rICIAN. ft
. .West Side of Square. S
. . . .r..rJ"J"J".Q"
1 1 .
. . .
. - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . < " , , ' ! " " " " " " " ' " , . . , ' , " . . , _ " , . . .o. < .
fiU thc position of county super-
intendent. He has not enl ) ' the
educational flu lifications but is
en rgetic amI p gressive 111 his
mcthods. HIs' n : jorit ) ' will be
countcd hy , the hundreds. '
The peoplc know when they
havc the right man in the r ght
place. It is 1 s' fact that makes
certain Judge Armour's reelection -
tion by an increased tIlajQrity.
lIc has no occasion to ! loose alY
sleep over the result of the clec-
tion on his own personal account.
Those who met B. O. Hostet-
tler in the city yesterday , were
very favorably impressed with
him. I e is a man of fine ap-
pearal ce , genial , int lligent ,
able lawyer , strictty tempcrate ,
moral and very popular at home.
Pnt his majority in the district
at 1000.
'l'he public has fouud in G.V. .
Dewey and his efficicnt deputy ,
Joe Pigman careful aud painstaking -
taking officials every rcady to
; ccot1ltnodate their constitutents.
More geni'al and accontIlodating
men for le position thry occupy
could 110t be desircd.Vatch for
Mr. Dewey's increased majorities
when the returns come in.
F. E. VanAntwerp has but little -
tle occasion to worry over his
c ances , fQr rq-election. 1 e has
as his competitor , the same Lamb
he defeated two years ago , when
'there were less than
thete are today. He has the advantage -
vantage of a favorable reputation -
tion as a civil engineer and an
accommodating oOicial that he
did not have before.
The voters of the Fourth supervisors -
ervisors . district . , are fQrtunate' in
' \
'their candidate for supervisor on
the repuqIican ticket. Mr.
Klump lias long been identified
with the northwest part of the
' , and his strength and.
means . have . done . . much in its' . ' .
developement. He is able and a.
successful business man , and if
; lected will be a v l able member -
ber of the county board.
- _ . .
The ta pay'ers know the difference -
ence between collecting delin-
quent taxes with ( istress warrants -
rants and a PQrsonalletters. The
letter plan may cost the treasur-
er's oOice a little more , but it
o.s . not pile up' ' sheriff mileage
against t4e co nty and the in-
dividuals. That is one of the
reasons that the taxpayers will
vote to ret ln V. George/in /
the treasurer's office for another. .
The Sixth district could , not
well have found a man that'
would fill the position of C01llIh ; '
Supervisor better than A. l\ond ,
the present candidat on the republican -
publican ticket.
His long reSIdence -
dence in the vicinity of Oconto
fully apprises him of the needs
of that community. He is a
man of fine business qualifications - .
tions and is popular with his
people. His ele tion is now
practically assured.
'l'he republ ic' ; - - ere very
fortunate this fall in selectilu"
their candidates for
connty -
ervisors. In the second district
p. F. Christy of Round Valley ,
was the choice. He is well qual-
, fied to fill the position from both
an educational , and practical
\Htsiness \ standpoint. It would
have been a diOicuIt task to have
made a sele tion from that district -
trict that could have filled the
position more intelligcntl.y.
J. O. 'l'a.ylor twenty-four years
ago was one of Custer count"s
young homesteaders. He is today -
day enc of the county's
prosperous - .
ous farmers. He is a man 'of
. ! . , < : PJ'jri , : - : ; b ; f & ; ' 1"4 , ( ; : ' ' ! ; ' ' . ' ' ' ' , . \ , ' . , . ' , " . , , l I
' ' : r { J'Jtff : ; ; J fJ'J.r ; ( ; ; : : ' : . .
: .J'jri'
ijji ! ; : . , , ; : tt ; tIit : ' ' . . I
'fi ' IiaWiJIi ! J.irtJ1riLi ; : ; : ! MWJD ! T Wi.iJiNIPJi.i ! ' : ! J ! Ji'J'j,1 : ; ; 1Itt ! : [ : : tIAt' IJ'f : ! * : ! 'f.
. . . . Apples , Peaches , Pears , Plums , and .
. 'Vatermcllons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , r.li1 1
: , ' . . . . - . .r.esh . . . , Eve..V7 ' ) :
/ " . . I " ' , / . , " "J , f. . t1 . - av
I"J ; -AT THE- I ,
II . . . . 1 : . . . " : ! . l.r'rM . . . : "I . . . " . . l4a 'i : ! 1 : < J i 7.I'I.r.i'fJ.r : : . . : : . iYJ.r . . . : . 4 . . . . . . : i..1JG I
. :
, . . " , UlL" " , 'J..J. . 'J } . , - I c.t.i " ! : < " : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ft1 .
. . . I , . .
. . ' . . , . . , ' , . . . . . . ,
< / ' A. : > 4.n..YI'1'1'I"'f'T. ' ! < ' ' '
culture , sobriety , in ustrioug :111 < 1
one who has given half of his
tife in building up Custer count } ' .
Y t there are those who seek to
defamc his character simpl } ' to
defeat his elcction.Vill the
farmers of Custer county become
a party to that kind of business
by voting against one of their
own class ?
\ ,
li'or a number of years the
dcmo-pop candidate for sheriff
has beeu a mail contractor on the
Star routes aud he has some of
the best contracts in the county.
It is claimed that Sheriff Armstrong -
strong is a silent partner and.
while his d puty rides the county
Eli looks aftcr the mail drivers.
Should "Uncle Charley" step into -
to Eli's shoes , then .he will sit in
the office while Eli rides the
county. It is a very nice arrangement -
rangement to be drawing from
the county and Uncle Sam
at the same time. Who couldn't
build fine houses and buy and
stock a fine ranch , with such a
soft snap ? Hadn't we better
pass it around ?
Thc nomination of Jules Hau-
m > nt for county assessor on the
republican ticket was one of the
best selections that could have
been made for that office. It is
a ncw oOice and it is a serious
question with many whether it
wiU be an improv.ement over the
old plan. . To give the law a
thorough trial it should be ex-
ecut.ed by those who are thoroug-
ly competant. It is an office
where rank injustice could be
practiced. But with Mr. Han-
mont in charge the public is assured -
sured that each one will have
his rights protected as near as it
is possible for him to do it. It
wil" not be possible the first year
to assess all property as it should
be , as there are those who will
be able to decd ve the assessor
, th first year as they have the
'township assessors in the past ,
but most of these inaccuracies
wiJl be overcome in the course of
time.Ve predict for Mr. Haul -
l ont a flattering vote.
Years before J. O. Taylor ever
thought of being a candidate for
office as a member of the count ) .
board from Berwyn towns.hip , he
made a record showing that he
was opposed to licensing saloons.
Can those who claim to be opposed -
posed to him because he is not
'a tetotler show as clean a record
for their cand date ? Mr. 'l'aylor
: is not old enough to have been in
the Civil \Var but his support of
'the government during his life i
: tlte best evidence of his loyalty.
: \Ve are aware that loyalt ) .
: or disloyalty during the
; civil war is not an issue of this
'age , as all are loyato \ the
'government by force of circumstances -
stances , if not other wise. But
truth and honesty is just as much
a factor today as it was in Bthe
sixties and the friends of Mr.
Richapl on who seek to manufacture -
facture , evidence to defeat Mr.
'l'aylor will do wen to look about
their own doors , lefore they commence -
mence to make charges about
Mr. 'ra , 'lor they can not substantiate -
stantiate and that are not true.
\Ve have studiously avoided
personalities and shall continue
to do so if the oppoRi tion will
deal fairly with the republican
candidates. But we do not intend -
tend to play the coward amI see
the character of any of the republican -
publican candidates traduced by
misrepresentation without resenting -
senting it.
. .
- - - - - -
'l'he base falsehoods , the
friends of C. U. Richardsoll are
'circulatin against J. O. 'faylor ,
he republican candida te for
:3heriff : to defeat } lim ought. to in-
. .
rease 1 llS vote with t 1 lose
who believe in square deal-
ing. 'fherc seems to be
nothing too low for some of them
to resort to in t11eir efforts to tro-
duce his character. First they
circulatcd a story that he came
to Nebraska an escaped criminal
from Mipnesota , and cha.nged
his nanle from Olesen to 'l'aylor
.tp prevent tletection. . Fortuna.te- '
, ) " the story reachcflMr. Taylor's
. . . - . ,
' . ' ' ' ' / ' , . ; : . ' . / " , . " " " ,1 ; . :
" _ , , , _ , . " "
friends iu time to diHproye it b _
fore election. 'fhey next circulated - I
lated that he was a beer guzzler
ant1 that he always kept it b ) ' the
keg in his home. 'l'his was quietly .
circulated among the temperance I
people hoping to p. : > ison their ;
minds against him. It was !
shown up that _ he not only does I
not keep beer in his house , hut
that he has not tasted a drop of
beer for twent.y-eight years. 'l'hey
put up another , a very nice
schcme hy having a jug of whiskey -
key shipped to his address. A
number of the demo-pops were
at the depot and saw thc jug and
and the nathe of J. O. 'fay lor.
How delighted tIle ) ' were ; yes
now they had him. Imagine
theIr chagrin when Mr. Taylor
started an investigation to find
who had ordered it and declined
to take it from the depot. Mr.
H.ichardson denies that be had
an ) ' knowledge of either of the
tric1s until after they were start-
ed. J4et that be as it may , it
shows the class of of people that
are giving him support.
If the voters of Custer
county want tOI be represented
by a man who stands for sobriety
alHl respectability , a man whose
word is as good as a bond , one
who pa's his obligations with
100 cent dollars , a man
associates are among the better
class of citizens , they will vote
for J. O. Taylor for shp.riff.
I1llutlllntlllotctler. !
The question of the comparative -
tive fitness of Mr. Hand and Mr.
Hostetler ha been seriously considered -
sidered by The Democrat , and
we unequivocally assert that 0 1r
conclusions are that Mr. Hostet-
ler should be elected judge of
this Twelfth judicial district
and we do not doubt he will be. .
-Kearney Democrat.
A Mlstllk ( ' .
The fellow who says that the
same person wrote the editorials
for the Chief and Bcacon last I
week is off his "co-whirl. " I .
While they used the same.
thoughts they were in different
clothes. The same fellow did
not do it. But what a mistake
it all was. The public has been
waiting a long while in vain to
see those promised biographical
write ups of the pop ticket , that
was promised early in the cam-I
p'aign. Come boys let us know I
what they have been doing the
past forty years.Ve know you
told us that Judge Gandy has a
block of stone in the Court House ;
Dick Miller was a Spanish-
American soldier and , that Mark
Schneringer got his work done
cheaper than \Valt George ;
that the Lamb that was once
Take I.lIXaUvo Drama Qulnlno Tablels. All
IIrUHFlstB refund the mall ! ! ) ' If It falls to cure.
E.0. . Grove's IIlgl1alnre I on each box. 25c.
"I was. troubled wJlh stomach -
ach trouble. Tbedford' . Dlack-
Draught did me more good
10 ODe week than an the doo-
tor' . medicine I took 10 .
1ear"-HR8. 8A.RA.n E.
SWIlFIELD , mlottnlUe'Ind.
ThcdIord's Black Draught
9uickly : invigorates the
tion of the Btomach and
cures oven chronio cascs of
indigestion. If you will
take n smIdt dose of Thed-
ford's Dlack Draught 0cca-
sionally you will ) Caep your
stomach and liver fu perfect -
fect condition.
Yore sickness Is caused by
constipation thnn by any
other dlseaso. Thedford's
Dlnck-Draught not only relieves -
lioves constipation but cur" "
diarrh and d1 entery au
bep the bOwel regular.
All drunf.b .011
I -ooa' Packac .
"Thodford ' 8 DlaoJc. .
Draught Is the beat medicine -
cine to regulaw the boweta
I have ever used.tI _ MRS.
A. 1 [ . GRANT , SneW
Jerrr. N. O.
CortSJ1PAlII :
. . . . . .
- < J " J. . . -.t.7 ' .
. . . - , ,
. . . - . . . . . . .
. . - .
slain is u M'l'eat ' cngincer. null that
Johnson has taught. school ,
that Joe Osbourne's name is not
"But1ch Grass' " as . Painter . ' said
and the voters were mistaken
when tllCY silid he had held the
office long enough ; that Fete ) '
has been the assrssor in Kilfoll
ever since be was ; weaned ; and
that Fcnemore is not ptedged
to do 'V. J. 'faylor's bidding ,
shot ld he get on the county
board. Weknow that Geo. Grecn-
walt is "a great statesman , "
and that should he be re-elected
there won't be a barrel on the
place big enough to band his
head ; that Huse Brown will
he the expert accountant of t.he
board , if electcd , and that"Unc1e
Charley" has been Eli's deputy for
three and a half years. "But is
that all. Eastham said he had
a war record in a war that was a
war. " 'fell us whether he has
cause to be a better judge of
whiskey than Taylor. 'l'ell us al1
about it. Tell us about how
many Star route contracts he has
had since the war , and how many
lines he has now , how many
miles he can "necessarily and act-
ualy" travel iu going fifty mileR
in serving distress warrants. If
we should have another pop
county board and a pop trcasurer
these would be burning questions ,
in which the tax payers are in-
terested. Do not be backward
about it , quote from the records
and give dates and items in
It will be a mistake to do
WIlS It n Shlll'l' 'l'rick.
What is this we hear about
three gallons and a half of whiR-
key heing inadvertently sent to
Broken Bow. directed to J. O.
' , I'aylor , republican candidate for
sheriff , sitting on the platform
at the depot for half a day , and
then returned to Berwyn ? Is
this the candidate who is said to
Jtave studied for the ministry ,
nd a strictly temperance man ?
-Beacon ,
Very innocent the Beacon appears -
pears . to be.
But the deal wili not work.
The demo-pop leaders thought
they were playing a sharp trick
by ordering a jug of whiskey
shipped here in J. O. 'raylor's
name. 'fhey will find they were
istaken The voters of Custer
county will not sanction such
nefarious methods of cuupaign-
ing as are being used by the
opulist to defeat Mr. 'f a ) ' 1 or.
Ad a rule the voters of CusteJ
ount ) ' ar honest and they will
not sanction dishonest methods.
The whiskey may have been
W AIITEDScvemInlntrloU8 ! \ pcrBonll In
each 81Ue to trwl'l for honslabIl8bed ! "Ievell
) earB aDd wIth . .11"1 : " capital. 10 call upnn Iller.
chantll and IIRonlB tor 8DCCCBSCUIIntl \ protlthble
111.0. . Permallent en aICmel\l. Wepkl.J clIBh
IIlIlar , or $18 'lDtllIlI travollnl ( CXllenRe IIDd hotel
hille at1Yancetlln cuh each week. Uxporleneo
nol eBlemlal. MentIon releronco IIlId enelnee
llelf.addreUfll I'volo o. TUB NATIONAl" : I\- :
Dearborn tit. , tblcltge. I
. - ' .
- - J - " ' : ' " ' ' ' ' - - " ,
orctered bj' somc enc se1 \ t to
Mr. 'l'aylor from the vicinity of
llerwyn , as a joIce , but it is more
probable that it was done with
malicious intent. At any rate
we noticed that Mr. 'l'aylor's
politiral cncmies were first to
find the jug and have since becn
making political capital of it.
As soon as Mr. 'l'a'lor heard
of it he went to the expreRs oOice
at Berwyn and tried to asccrtain r
who had ordered it , but the r
agcnt could not furnish the iu-
'l'he RHI'UIITICAN can assurc
those who do not lenow Mr. 'I'ay-
lor that he is an honorable and
upright-citi'en : of high moral
character and that he has for year
heen against the liccnse of the
wh iskcy tra lie. li'fteen years
ago , before he cver thought of being -
ing a candidate for a county
ollice , as a member of the count ) '
board he , 'oted againRt liccnRing
saloons. As late as laRt spring
he declined to sign a petition for
a saloon at Bcrw't1 , which re-
sultcd in defeating the petition. , . . . .
He is not a prohibition fanatic :
but he is a conscn'at man and :
learlessly stays by his own con- I
victions. ' { 'he insinuation that !
he was once a ministerial sh\llent \ I
, . is intended as a rcl1cctlOn againRt . " . .
him because he attcnded a J4uth-
eran college where theology was
taught.Vhateyer his intentions
may have beeu he never studied t
for the ministery , but instead
, took up the regular col1egiate
course. It is a credit to any person -
son , in our opinion , notwithstanding -
standing the Beacon's inRinua-
tions for an'one who can say
that he received his education in
a c.ollege that ac1mowledges the
law of God supreme and adhercs
closely to teachings of the Bible.
# ' 1
Left ont of con.lcration hy
man ) " lumher hn'ers is the fart
that below a certain price 00l1
quality cannot he RecurcI1111 \
ahove another certain price it Rilll-
pI ) " means that sOllie one is chnrg-
II1g an exhorhitant profit.
is fairly . priccll-fair to huyer mil }
seller. ' 1'he qualit ) " is the killll
that will plcase particular people.
If about to buill } n Portable COrti
Crib purchase the rcqnircil lumher
here. 'Ve have a linc of lumber
that is specially : mitell.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co"
: a : 2 a
- - - - . - - - - - - - -
m " . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l ' : .vv.\\ ; m \ . . : . r . . . . . i'\m . . . . . . . . ! x1im'.Y . . . . . ! . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . i . . l1 . . . . : A . : . . . . : . . . : . , . l- . . . . : . . . : . . : . < . < ; . ? . _ . .v ( J'J ; . , . . . : ' . y . : : . . . : ; . : : . . . : " ' . . Y " ! l
i" Broken Bow Steam Laundry
kt has secured J. G. Carpenter of Des C
Moines , Iowa. Hc is a. . . . . . . . . . :1 :
. fi
t C'i
t of nine years experience in Steam :
. ; : 14 u1l1dry. .Satisfaction aSRUfed. : i
t GI\'C us a traal. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .w.
. . .
> ! I
t Walton & V i
Aft . . . . . . A AA . AAA . _ . . " ' Aft AAA _ AAA A A . . . . . . AAftA . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . . ! ,
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I i Before You BuilJ , Consult. . . . . IDJI
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IIDJ Estimates li'urnished Free \Vith Plans and Specifications. II I
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B. T. BI UCE , Manager.
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