Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1903, Image 2

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Author of Hey Russl.r.r.'s : Rur.R ,
' : J
II GLIUmOy , " "TIlI 1i' SrrrON nLI MOTlIItR , " gTC.
. , . .
.r ; : : . . _ _ _ _
- - - - - - .
\ :
CIlAl"I' n V-Contlnucl1. ( ) I
'J'he Ilf IIf n IlhYIJlcinn i. certllllll ' n I
I"rJ' IInsetth 11 nnLl nnsntlRfnctor ' o ll ! , No I
100ner , thl'refnrl' , 111111 1.1nr1' ] 1'lfmlltl'in
tetlr ll to hl lihrnry , oftl'r hlH IOIll'IJ' Slipper -
per , :11111 beCOlJ1e II lIIh' ! ( ! Intl'I'c ted In n
took , thnt II ! 'c'ere thunder Hho'\'I'I' , now
ItendilJ'lleedinl ; townrd thcm , IIRh1'r1'11
hI , hy mut to. red th unlll'r , end 1:17.:1) : ) . ; i
Uhtnln : ; : , thnn rot tot.tot , came ot the
leer , :11111 0 call for sun'lcus nhout two
II1l1el ; off ,
"Well , " he tholl ht , OR he . . .nulled UII'
tn hili fnlthCul horHe Sulton , "I can , IH'r'
k/lps / , hl1\'e n , 'IeoI his ) . ; hostshlll un our
10hnck , If wo hl1sI'n , , "
ir I ) tlluchl'd hlH horH 011I1 IlIet ! are In
llie Ilorlmess , Beforl' rlnchlll ) . ; thl' home
J ( his I\Uenl ) , the storlllVns ludeed
111m , ,
"tIc Iin l'red Cully nn hour , hopln It
" "DuM nhnte , IJUt n..tellll , 11.8 fm'J' seem'
ttl to InCrlI1Re with l'\'l'ry hreuth. Ills
pntlent hud fnllen Into 0 quiet "lcl'lI , 01111
he wes onxlous to ho ore. Donnln ; : hlH
rilbber cent , wllh lis [ Irotectln ; : hood well
( rn Wll o\'er his hnt , hI ! Rtnrted hOllle.
Pitchy dnrknes ! ! he encountered oil the
'VoJ' , rellerel1 only hy the vivid flnllhes of
'lshtulnJ ' ; thnt darted hither nnd thither ,
"fer the luley 81.y , while the wind , C\rle !
tikI' , sou hl'd thruush the tall trl' of the
' ' ndS surroundll1 Glendennltt lInll ;
E''O n , seemln ; : toutlwr Coreo with eoch
n , broke 10000 lIoln ) Into Cury , 11I6hln/ : ,
tria thrashlul ; tbe branches In a fCllrfnl
Suddenly n hrllliont 110Rh of IhhtnlnJt
tnusl'd hi ! ! horRc to shy to one Ride , whllo
. cro ! < h oC tllIlIHler olmnRt nlpollell hllll ,
Rnl-s lI ; : his e 'el Instlnctl..ely to\\'ords the
IkJ' , they Cell hJ' occll1ent upon the win.
( OW8 of the IIl1unted 'I'o\\'l'r.
= :
hlld I'hlln,1 ; , to the cohln of nn ocenn
IIlelllll'r : , nllll the ! ; ohlln of nlht , Into the
gl'lcl'fnl form of gth,1 NuvCl'all ! , hili
III\'I ' fellow IIIISIIIH1er oC n Cew weels
IH'Cllre ,
Ah , heanllCul , lost mheH How he
101l I'cl 10 ReI' her , to sllenk to her , to he
nenr hl'r. hnt he Iwelthot for him ueh
u pleatlurc'oultJ 1Il'\'Uf ngnin he , so wllh
n weorJ' slh he III'OPIHII the cUl'tuln ntHI
turned to hlH pillow , hut not 10 ! 'Ieep
( ! \'e II , hut to tos II ro 11I111 , IInll stl'lre lu
" 11111 to IlInlllh from his mluel thoush ts
of the ; : Irl whn hod uneu clously suc.
ceeded III leovil1 ; : liO Indellblu un Imllres ,
slon UlOn his IWlIrt ,
We leCt Sir Heglnalll Glendennln
dnHhln III n wild /Iud / furlou0) ' , while
In u fit of "e'xlltlon , down the ralllhie or
cnrrlne wnJ' lenllln ; . ; Crolll the lIolI , The
horse hI' Bnt UHJII WOR ulmost n colt ,
"cry willI end fll'ry , end os he hod not
heen ridden for lIe\'ernl dOJ's wns 1I0rtll ) '
ulllrlJ' spirited on this lIIemoroble morn"
Inl ; ,
'fhe poth"oy o\'er which they olrnost
flew wus very bellutlful , surrounded on
either tlllle hJ' groud old trees , whose soft '
hnuhH ; meeting , II1l1de a perCect canopy ;
oC ; : reen ohove , through which flecks' '
of hrlght hhlo 81'1 II1lght he seen , lInd
through which also , rore slants of sun.
shine ) . ; lIntell , falliug on drops oC dew
thllt III ' Ulon the noddln ; : grnSf'I'S , or
ulun ( little clUUIIS [ of flowers , whose cups
IIIJ' olen , ever turning sl < 'wnrd for n
frcsh SnllllJ' ( oC lIht or moisture ,
But ir fielnohl sow not. end cnred
not fur tw ] bealltr thot In1 so \'IHhlnly
nrounl , hllll. He IlIIel rec"\'I'11 ! on unwelcome -
come letter , one prlsenth1/ ! him a dutr , I
- -
I ,
. j - Tilrn ; U W AS DAS ED UPON A I - STONI , _
\Vhat terri\c : \ slectllcle ( wns this thot
met. h Is eyes'i
' .rhe words oC the boy were fully con.
firmed ; the most horrid crellture Cllncy
ou11 ] picture WIIS Hlm'ly dnuchl just
" . .Itllln the tower In full , [ linin VieW , A
bhleous fiure WIIM jnlllphll ; up und down ,
81hltl n ; : llIre of what s'eUlecl , sulphurous
llht , while e\'ery now and then It slIlIk
, down only to reappear , Jolu ; : throuh
.the Rllme willI mutlons nnLl cnpers , each
one IIppallhl enough to strike terrol' to
tUle hel1rtll of the superstltluus beholder ,
But Ur. glfenslclll WI1S hy no nwons
' . sUlel'itltlouli [ II1l1n. Ghrnltll , gohllu. ,
' &p'ctel'S , 1111 were to 11I11I mere \'lIgllrles
of a crazed' brain. 'l'hcrefurl ! , while
etnrtled . und harrllil'd for olle llIOlllent hy I
this sllI ular 1IlllIlritlon [ , the next , hc
cooll ' reined In his her e , and thuH . .tood '
1It111 . , colmly conlelllJllotlnl : the scene.
While ! Jtlll slthll : ; thel'l ! upon thu hllck
DC his horse , lo t III cunjectufl' , thu lie
plonlacol hob ohl ; ' , 11lplU'ltloll [ , 01' what.
e\'cr thu cvll geUII1 oC the Hllunted
l.'ower might he cnlll'd , droPlled frul1I
51 ht ; the slrange , lurhl IIht IIlHaJlpenr-
td ; Ilarlmess rllned o\'er the place , ex.
cellt os revenlell by the IIghnin ; ; tlashes ,
11nd the [ Htzzled hut ulldnulltell Ilh'slcion
wes Crl'u to urge his hur : > o ( HI\\'lIrd once
'more to\\'orlls the [ leaceCul cottnge that
be el1l1ed his home ,
Once wlthlll the cheerful shl'lter oC thu
'UbrIT ) ' , he IIclted hlmslM LClldu thl' tll'
1.111' , drl'w nearcr the wox call1lleF , and
flgaln tuok up his hook to read IInullwr
choJlter he fore rellrlll ! ; for the night , But
bl' SOUl1 foulld thot roolllllgVIIS In\lossl. (
ble , Cor eVl'r before the pl1 1' IIItted the
Impish figure he had seen , , , 'lth 1:11 : hornll ,
Us flnmlng e 'eR onLl htleous ! contortions.
OIoHln the bool , thun Iw ' , cnnl'li his head
ogltlnst tbe ton bncl. of his chulr , IIlId
thougbt Ion : : I1nd dueply , . At thll clu l !
'of his cogltntlonr. , nil he Il1ld hilllself
dowlI upon his bed for till' nllhl , ouo re.
iult IIlone wes renehed , IIlIlIle ! ) ' :
' ' 'I'hera hod been n lIlurtur commH11'd
'rl'nrIJ bl'Coro wlthlll Gh'lHl nnlnJ ; HIIII. .
' (111I1 the 111\\rllun'r WIIS stili unknown 11111. ]
at IlIrJ.e , I.'or 8011I0 unaccountahle rua'
flon the tower wus IIlllde to 1IllleOr h
the [ losseRNlon of evil II 111 rits by sOllie ( Jar
tics , al ! < o unknown , "
In hiE soul Dr. gCentlh'lu ( IH'lIered till
drcot\ful \ IIl1pnrltlon he hl111 hllllliclf wit
rlt'ssel ! thnt nhht WIIS the work oC IOIIII
wlel'lll 11l'rson. wrolltht ollt , Ilrohllhlr , tl
Iteell ,1111 the 11I.1lerstitiouR ! lIotorll'ty liucl
11 lIlysterJ' woult ! hrlll ! ; npon II Illnce ,
Ii'hulln , ; RIN'I ) IIIIloN ! < lhll ' , . the toeto ! :
a l1ln Ilro ! ! ! ' 11IIlI , drnwln ; ; IIlihh' Ihe 1'lIr
tlliu Crom thl' Whlllow , C07.t'l1 Corth 111:4 :
( he 11Ilrlm's of tlw nlht. : Bill while thl
storm rtill ruc,1 : , furioullly , alld thu lilt ;
WIIS Rhrolliled h ) ' on Ink ) ' p\II : , no light 1111
peered Crom the direction oC the hnll I ,
whlsp'r forebodlnly ; of tIll' lipecter II
th ( towt'r ,
'rho yonn : : ph 'lIlcloll lIoon found him
lIelf [ lllrRUltl ; ; pnother nnd IIn c1IItiruly 1111
fcrellt train of thou ht , ' ( 'hI8 tlml' th
term IIPss n ! ; before hi" I'YOS Willi tram
( I'rred o the wildly IlIsllI'll IInl ) fOlllllln
WloWIi of tbe : .en , Ills ( Iencdul hoUJ
which he 1IllInt nut to fullill , oud uuw
hI' wns sullulI , morose IInd nllgry ,
On , 011 they flew , Jlast Countaln , stotu'
orJ' , groves nlld hedgoeil. until theJ'
boundet ! b ) ' the ( lorter's lodge , lInd dash.
cd Into tIre Olell road IIWIlY , awny.
SulltenlJ' ! II lore : dog roused from 0
trows ) ' morn I ; ; UI b ' the Iwedh'ss clatter
of thu horsu's hoofs , slrlln ; ; fl'OlII a
dnorwllY IIhnost to Ihe l1ank oC t4e
stllrtled unilllal , hOl'klng slI\llgely as he
dill 1i0.
'l.'he su denness of his ollpellrlng ! Iro\ '
cII ton much for the ner\'ou oranlza'
tlon of J'oung 'elllJest [ , who , ot the 1I1lu :
I1I11J tlOIIIIII , j1I\'e tHich 0 Hhorp , qulcl. .
hlewurd JUIIIP that hu dashed his rideI'
frolll the slIlldle , IInd ! lltl'lll'd hllll O\'el'
his heml , exactly upou II ! llIe of Htone"
that had buell left b ) ' tllo rOlldlide fol'
l't'IIIUVIII where he 1:1) ' in
, : ) 0 mlHlnlug
While the horse lIuusl'd not III his lIIa
conro , hUlllan t' 'es Sll W the IIIhCIIl'tUIiI' ,
IInd kind hnllllln hUlld : > went to tlw 1111
istanee of the wonllded hal'olwl ,
'I'he 1I1Ighll'st touch creat d thl ! deep.
e8t lIon ' , but that Iw IIIl1dt hi' carried
hOIlll' was e\'hlellt to 1111 , thel'uCore 11 lit.
ter WIIS ea'II ) ' l'OII , It'Ul'tcd , IInd wilh Il
much tenll < ! rlless'118 ' IHJSlilblu the HUn'Urel'
was tloCtI ) ' rulsl'lI , [ IIIIC d UIIIIII it , ulIl , . "
tlll'l'lI to tllUull ! , 10 whll'llI lIIeb.u , ! '
! ; ur hud ht' n SCII IIhe:1I1 : with IIII' nI'W1.
whlll ! llllOthul' hud rushed ore for the Iloe
lor ,
B ) ' the time the Bnd Jlrocellsloll hnd
rcnehcd the ; : roUlIlIs of tIll ! mails ion Dr.
[ < ) I I 11I1tclu WUtl on 11111\1 \ [ , rel1dy 10 SUler
Infeld ! their 1'lItruUCI' , unll to 1IIUnUI'
tlll'lr Jll'tlress ! up the stnh's to his LL't1
. \ftor n thorouJh IIn careCul Infesti
! ; l\tiulI , which CIIII. ell Jreat onulRh , 111 lid I'
e\'hll'lIt b ) ' IIItul..d ) with cursu ! ; ,
till' ductor hnslelll'lI to rl'llly tn nil IlIIlIu ,
tlellt demond , 10 JtIIOW the eXllct Iruth ,
"I 1111I hllllll ) ' to Inform yonr lurdshl1 [
thnt the Injurll's , while severe , Uft ! 1101
, IIl'l'ISSorIlJ' f Hal , " WIIS thu honest repl ) ' ,
I " 8hnll I 80011 be ovcr thclII" " wa thl'
nuxt 4)IH'btioll thnt ISlul'd Illlxlnusly from
I tlw Ilale IiIHI uf the tlntTI'rer.
" 1'011 will nut , [ 11111 grio\'l'd to IIICorlll
) 'OU , Your hll ( If so Injurl' that J'ou
will he helllil'ss for 1\'I'uk. . . , nu ) ' , 111011 tllll.
while 'ol\r \ spinu nllio hall reeeh'I'.1 . u ter.
rihle wrcnch , "
"l > oeur , I enllllot lie hel'o 11 slll lc
nl ht ; ( mUlit get 1111 , 01111 ; :0 arounll IlIJ
110111\1' , " returlll'd till' Illtll'lIt III grl'ut cx'
r Citl'UlI.'Jlt , HtrivinJ ; to I'al e himHelC it :
\'lIln , whilt , I-n'ut : drop : ! oC Ilcriplrntlol' '
) gathen'cl 11111111 his Jlule hrow.
" 1'11I1 tll'l' 'lJllrHt'lf thllt It 18 II\1(1OFHI
hll' , YUII IIIUS ohl'Y ordl'rji. nllIl 110 Iwr
I. fl'etl ' ( Iulut , [ f ) ' 011 C\'l'r e1 > llI'ct to wall
ala In , "
"I tell J'O\l ( cnnllot lie here , " shoutel
Ihe l ulTerer , In thl' ! : routt'litlgollY 0
1111 lid. " 1'011 Ilon't kllow whnt ) ' 011 sUJ
whell ) 'OU 11I-n1l11l11 It , ( nlulIl , I wl1l h ,
nrollnd by nlht. It b oC'Itul hnlor [
lunce. "
"I Cl1l1l10t hl'lp It. ' 1'ho deallnJS 0
Pro\'ll1euce ara mllterloul ! , but ulrlolr' '
. , . , " . . . . . , ' , . .
.J. , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - . . . . , - . -
Inevltnlle , Your hip Is llrolen : 7' "
8plriU It ! IIIJurrl. nnd J'uu nre nlr' ; ' OUL
Cor lIIonth ' " WlIs the doctor' rlerloull Lilt
firm n'llly.
I "Doctor , allSWur tIIO ono ( ) IIt'6t1 on , 0111.1 ,
I nt J'om' peril , answer truly , Is there
, IlolI cr oC delirium ? Wl1l lilY mind Ilvll
Wa ) ' uudor this awCulllIln' \ / "
I " ( thlnl , nut , Y ur coustltntlon l II
, oed one , end your lIer\'OUH systelll no
t all shnttcrell ; but oC coUl'se 1 do 1I0t
: say Cor a certulutJ' , os these thlllgs UN
I IJe\'ond , n IIhJ'Hlcllln's knowletlc. ! "
"IC then' IH the lenEot . oC that
within twcntJ'.Cour hours I I1IUst Imow it ,
nR I hnvo business oC'Ital hllJlortllllce
to trnnRllct , " " -
" 'I'here IH no uonger within thut tillie ,
rest /lR8ured : so try end cllim J'furselC ,
for the snlw of J'our Crlends , " returned
tile Iloctor ,
Sir Iteglnold wes Hllent 0 moment : thrn
hlR UJ'C:1 rested hllif 1I\IUlrlnlly \ upou hi ! !
weeJlln ; : wife nnd nluce , theu Ii cd twm- !
Iwh'l's , liS IC In dl'l'JI study , Ulon the flll'l'
of his ntphuw , while hitter 81hll esellpl'tl
hlH white , tremhllng 1ils. [
"Drink this , 11I ' demo sir , nud It will ,
I hOIH ! , rl'lIl'\'e you , " 8uld the oetor lit
IURt , udvallclnJ , : to his IIlde with lIome
IIJuld ! lI1edlcine In II ; : lns8 ,
"Answer , first , \\111 It dellden thought ?
If It will I CII nllot IIwllllow It , ns I ho ve
11 tel'rile , ! Ilrohll'm to he lIol\'l'd : beCore lilY
mllHI cun I'est , " WOII the strnno ) relllJ' .
"DI'lnk It. It I1II1Y fJothe ( poln , blft , I
nS8Ul'e 'ou , uot prevent renl'ctlon. "
So the trl'lIIhlln ; : hlll'Ollet swollow.d
the potion , IInd thcn becllme silent and
though lful , Dr , I lfentltcln welted until
ho SII w his pnllent clllnll'd end 11I0re (11111'
hIe , then procceded to replace the bOllo
of the hroken hll and orrange the 8uf.
Ccrlr In the [ losltlon mo t Importnnt Cor
the success oi his surJery ,
After Iving eXlllclt directions to Lnlly
Constollce end : 'Ilrs. I"redon , on old Cnm.
IIJ' nnrse , for his Curther treat1nent , he
withdrew , 11rol1lisluJ ; to return by enD.
No sooner had tJlC door clORed upon his
retiring form thnn Sir HeglnahJ ordered
e\'ery soul to lel1 ve the roolll except Luty !
Constllnce , merely e ( llalnlnl : to the wou.
dl'rlng 0lle3 that he must consult bis
wiCe IIpon n matter of Importance ,
"Constllnce , " said he , when he saw
thnt his order hod heen 0 beJ'ed nnd thut
they were II10ue , "Go to my IIbrllry IInd
get IIle from the locked drllwer of my
bookcase , a letter which lies upon tIle
very top , The Iwy J'ou will find In my
\'est ( locket , "
Lolly Constance Instolltly did ns he dl.
rected , oud the letter frolll his dend sls.
ter wes once morc III hlH hllnd , 'hls
time he rend It In 0 direl'l'l'lIt 1II0ud , In.
8teod oC OIlJ.or ( , one could see Intellse sut.
Isfuctlon In his eoer eycs ,
"Now , I will tell you the request mode
of me In this letter , " and he repeoted to
her the worlls rend bJ' his niece and
nephl'w , I1R the ) ' stealthily IloRsessed
them8ch'cs oC Itsh COli tents. " 'hls girl
needs 0 home Cor 0 fcw months , 1 need
80llle prl..ate IIssistnncl'lnd J'ou necd
ome ( lerson to nit ! J'OIl nnd the nurse Ie
taktug eare of me , or Ilt leoRt , In omlllllnll
me , If thl ! ! Ethel IR wllllnl ; to do ns I
wish , 1 will pny her Cor her ser..icel
well , onl1 thus my sister's dedres will
he cllrrled out , Wh t tlOY ) ' 011 t the Ill'-
rangcment 7"
"I nm perfectly wlllln to ftcqulesce
In whet J'OU thlnl , best , " wns the meek
repb' of the wife ,
" 'fhen gl..e me a paper and pencil
\\'hlle I writes a telerollhlc dlspntch.
"There , " sold be , hondlng her the fol.
] owlng messn e , addrc.'iscd to the person -
son alluded to :
"Sir Gleudeunlng Is III. You can bo
useful here If yon wish , ro come Instant.
Iy. Answer , Will be met ot station. "
"Onll the coochmon : tell him tu toke
Terry and J\ > with all speed to the office
und see thot this Is Rent Ilt once , III\Vo
him wnlt for un onswlr. "
A short time elapsl'll only , wheurat. .
thew returne with this meRHage : "I
\\11I come to J'OIl on the four o'clock
train. "
A few words concisely written , hut on
them huun Iontrnln of terrlhle o\'ent
that the mo\'elllents oC tbe dreud future
could I110ne uufold. ,
( To be continued. ) '
1\JolIl1 ) Snow.
During the past wluter a UeW evlco
tor removing snow from city stL'l ts
, V:1S [ Iut lu USe , It Is called a sno\V' ' .
, uelter , Il huge mllchlue ror thoroughly
_ 'Ieallh ; the strcots , Poplllul' : 'Ilechat1.
i < ; s , sa's , thu t t1 } ( lIlel ling Is doue rap'
, Illy IInd economically by menlls of Il
'IOt'UJt' blast which Is hl'oul-ht Into I.
. .eet contnct with the suow.
' 1'he lIleller COllslsts of II douule-elld
. ' with ' ' te ' .
I.Il'unce 11 IlIl'ge 1'Il Ilrea S\I1'
.Houlltell hr II hOl'lzolltlll watm.jacket
111I.1 el'e.celltshapell ! crOis.sectlon :
, \'Ith two IIIl'ted I.-shalc1 [ tlues. 'I'ho
IImlnslous of the 1Il0ltm' are th ( ! salllo
IS those oC IIn or luary truck ,
'rhe lIleltel' L'i mountcl1 ou wheels ,
tllIl can he IlIslI , ) ' IlIU\'cd fruIII Illace to
, llace by It tCIlIII of horses , 'I'he WII ter.
, aclwt fOl'ms the bottolll of 1111 11'011
rrallw 01' hex Illto which the SIlUW IIII1Y
10 sbo\'cll'd direct fro III the stl'eel , 01'
nto whh'h II lautl of snow III11Y ! Jc dl.
rcctlJ' lIulIIJed. [
' ' ' ! ' 'olw 111111 Is
'I'ho CUl'lllCe : Jm'ns ( , largo
' ! IIoug'h to hold / ( ( ' Il't1uld : Il t 1tlmo. .
I'he SIIOW Is placed III lllrl.oct contlct
, vlth the hcatcII IIUIIS , IInd Is mcltedas
tliRt liS a 1"It11J ; ot hlborer ! ! cau shorel.
"GuJ\ln \ " tlm Public.
L'lo\'ern' L'j ; S m'e IIOW In senson ,
1\11I.1 lIle II1UIIICl'lI of the rew remaIn.
' at the 'Jultl'd KlnlIom
1111lullm'les ! ;
: \1'0 dolll ! ; their ! Jest to Itel'l ) the lIIur.
Iwt sUPIlIed , SU , ) ' ! ! the Loudon SJOrt. [
II ! ; Dmll1l\lIc News , Olle ul1el''y
ue\'er sOllls les : : ! thl\lI 2OCO J.ul1s' e ; ; a
.0 1.olldJU C\'CI' , ) ' SIt'III [ ! ; , ulld these lire
nil retlllll' to a cl'dulous ! puhlle us
III ! e ! ; 11 of II\IWIII [ S. or COUl'se , the
men III the tl'ude kllow lINtur , nnl !
, elJllnllJ' , or COllrse , they [ lilY lIomlual
prccs ; ulid muke hi : ; llrolUs.
1'1'IUllon I 1""la 111 "I'UIIY.
"Vm'y otlml , I iilllwSe , " sulll the In'
IlIhltlve persall , " , ) 'ou al'e ccolve UJ'
Illpal'lmtlJ' dlel'vlnJ. : : ; ohjucL'I or charity
, \'hom ) ' 011 ( ) lIlotl ) ' hell ) . "
"Y ! ! ! ! , Itilleld ! , " refilled the woutth1
Ilhllnllthrollst ; " 1l'1I just 1I1w thrown [
mouey II way. SOIllUl\UW8 \ the "cry ll
lilt } 'Oll thluk will nllvl1rtlse 'Oll mOQ'
Ilu\'er sziy 11Yord about 1t.-Phlll1doi <
Ihlu Press.
Spel\kln tCl'ms are to bo CO 1Ii1l1 01
II a Cllr In UHt tolupbouc boutt. .
. . , , . ' .
\I \
. .
, , .
, . . . . . "
. . , , ' . . .J. . . . . , . . . . _ . . . . .r' . . . . . . . . . , , _ . . _ _ < . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . _ . . .or.o ; : . " ' . - , a-- . . . , . < . . " , " , . . - _ . _ . . - - . - . . - . - ' .
- _ ' 1& _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . I
- - - - - - . - . - - . - _ w. . . _ _
- - - - -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - - - -
. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . .
[ nterprisc of Medicine.
" \ V DH Y IIl'at 1\1111 1I enloul way oC Increnslng
tile numJC1' ! of the diseased Is to widen the
. ' ( lellnilloll oC dlselLSe until It becomes all.em. :
braeillg , Here stllllds ,101m Doe , In tbe 'ear
't4 'U03 ' , I > oul1l1 In wind , 11mb and bruin , lIe Is
iZ C "V , lOt Il patlcut ot IIny I1h 'slclan , nnd he never
" , , " " . . . ( 'hle. 'BUl the t'Cllt au prol1tablc Bcheme of
1II0derll buslllcs ! (111111 ( c\'crJ'thlllg Is buslnl'ss nowada's , ) Is
to t't"e IHOllle lIew WUltS 111111 tllI'lI supply those wants ,
' } ' 1':1ch : IL mlln to smoJee and then 'ou mn , } ' sell him t.obacco.
Gl\'e him n dlllell' : e , I1tHI then 3'ou Jln ) ' sell him attelll.lancc
IInd melllcille , rcdlcal science , thel'cfol'C , must Invent n
disease to lIt ,10hn Doe an male ; : him Il patient , A neural.
olst : ( the technlcalllllllle Cor the dl'ummer or trade.bullder
of medlcnl science ) Is set to watch ,10hn Doe , lie observes
thLt : John , once In n while , CJ'osses his legs mechanically
amI pulls at his shin , "Aha I" exclaims the nel1l'ologlst.
"l'\'e got hIm , ,101m Doe , : rou arc n kratopodomalllacl"
Poor Johll Doc I : ; ; then In the tolls , What 11 horl'lble
nf1llcllon , this mania. with the sesquipedalian name I A form
of degeneracy ! : 'Ilay Icall to sel'lolls conditions unless
chccked nt the start ! Thus say his wife and Cl\mlly. echo.
Ing the l1oelor , and thus John thlnl.s. A way to the doctor
RIIlI the th'ug storel Yl\nlsh pence of mind , gone acter de.
( lurted health , Behold .10hn Doe , henceforth poor yale-
tUdlnarlan , turning oyer .hls Income to prospel'ous gentle.
men of the mcl1lcal profession. And yet John Doe ! s ex.
actly the same ns 1le WI\S before the habIt of crossing legs
IInd pulling at one's shIn was denominated a dlsCl\se.-San
b'l'unllsco Bulletin. .
Formers Need ! lelp.
liE Orange Judl1 Fllrrne-r calls attention to the
T labor famine on the fnrms of the West , Fl\rm.
ers everywhere are conCronted by n. most dls.
coura lng lack of farm lahor. Agricultural
operations arc gl'eatl . curtalled simply because
It Is Impossible to get the sen'lccs of the nec.
eSAAry human labor , 'he farm household S well as t1IP
farm suffers for lack of Inbor. There Is n. great demand
tor domestic servants , and the ' I\t'e even IIcarcer thm
"hired men. " The Farmer su gests that the city peoplr
who need or des-Ire country life but arc without funds
6hould take ud\'antage of the situation and offer tllemselYes
as help for fnrmers and their wh'es.
'l'he suggestion Is an excellent one. The anemic , ner.
. . .ous clerk wonld do well to qnlt his employment and go tf'
the country and tr . bard mannalol'k , 'he city Is fnll
ot dlssatlslled persons who IH'obably never will he satls
lied In the city. Why shoull1 not some' of these hl'eak a wa '
fl'om the l1eluslve nitracth'eness of the clt . and et out
where thm'e Is need , or them ; o from , . . .hl're they are not
wanted to where they arc In demnnl1 ? Why would It not
be good tor ailing shop girls and nervous teachers to o I )
the country h011seholl1111 IInrd work ? Of course , but hard
ph 'fI'al Il\hor Is
just what mentally tired and lIe1'\'ou
( leople ortell need ,
The social relations of tarmers and their help are 110t
'mch ns to offer a ! Jur to the most hlgh.toned , 011 the
farms the help , whethe-r men or women , nre pnl't of the
1I0U50holl1 , There are no distinctions. E..erybol1y work ! '
hal'll nnel the > Care Is the for all-
same allI1nnenprJlI' " .TfJlI\ml.
, . . . . . . .
' , '
UHHllLY : because Its cause has su 1'111' 1'e-
P malned unrecognized , the Get-Hlch.Qulck habit
contlnuoo to spread , The art of st a y work.
: ; ' , t manshlp and thorough knowledge of the craCts
f ' < i.5 ' . , shows signs of d'lng out. 'l'ho young' man of
\1 J' to-dn ) ' Is no longer the probable moneyed cltl-
iWI1 of th'e.and.thh' , IIe alms at helng a mllllonalrl' at
ao , and rails blUerly at fate Ir his golden dl'eams he shnt.
tl'l'l'd In the ward of a workhouse ,
Hush for luxury and rush for 111 one ) ' are synonymous ,
In Its enlleavor to keep pace with this Increasl'd cost of
IIIXUI' ) ' , thc mol1ern genemtlon succumbs to the Gl't.Rch. !
Oulel. habit. Ien of this stamp co\'el' the maxlmul1l
a"ulOunt or ground In their lmslness In the hope or stJ'lkln- ! :
'It gel -bcarln ! : patch , The ! become jncl.s-of-all.trades and
'uhlt'rs : of none , They tr ) to rUll beCore they fire comp" .
WOlillcrfnl Chnn&e : In the Life of 1.01'11
Balfonr , Bnllr"ltl's 1 > r.emier.
Those who twcnt ) ' years figO Imew
. \.I'thm' ,1. Balrour , the IH'cseot gnlIsh ;
[ ) I'Pllllel' , well Jwver exuecte 1'11a t hc
would n ttiln tile
high om e which
he fills to.l1a ' .
None ot 118 dl'l'llm.
ed , 8.Id 111 ol liS' ,
soclate 01 his In i
1885 , that Ile woulll .
ever becouw a 8UC' .
cessful polltlclall ,
let { \Ione Il g"re'J.'l
s tat e II 111 n u. As
IH'l"sllluut o ! the 10-
c al gO\)1'lIl11ent
hoard nnll se:1'e.
wry for ScotlullII
u ; < ; .l Al.i' { ' ' ' 'X-j ' ; ; itl
he had manl&e : to
\ HTIIIJU J. lIArI'OUIt. 11118 8 n I h h 18
: I\lll' of Iloln anyt111ng remarlmulc.
I" was clever enough , Imt he Shllpl , ) ' .
lJullu't ! tale bho tTouble to work. It' '
" ' ! ! Iued to be almost too muC'h bother
'I ) him to lI\'e. He seldom got out of
,11'11 , befm'e the afternoon , nnd ortcn he
I 'outl ! 1I0t go to his olllce for t,1I ree or
.11I1' dUJ's at 11 time. Dispatches oorell
lilli , Parliament was a llulsallCII , I1n
tll' olllcials or his department tore
lwlt. hair over hl ! neglect to Iw(1p ( nIl.
Ilolntments fin slg-n Important lIocn.
: tH'nts. 'l'hey never expected him to
, 'ead them : if they could get him to
, I n them a week late the ) ' tl1(1ught
rhlmsel S luck ) ' .
Well , this WIll ! the man whom IlOrd
. . ; a IIshur , ) ' nl1polutl > d chlet sccretary for
1l'lalul In 1881-ono of the stormiest
111'I'loll In the modern hlstor , ) ' of that
, 'llIntr ' , or course , ever 'uolly mgcd
lIul salll thut Salisbury had nlolutl'
Ill ! most lIul1t mun he could 1Iu'e
' "uudln " a da "ri march , slmpl , ) ' beclmse
: Iat mun halpelll'tl to he hlH OW1\
lI.'pbow , 'l\ho Irish members wuro de.
' 1 htl'C1. 'I'hc , ) ' thought t.hey had got
I IIIlIlI of stm w fOl' their chief oppo.
Il'at. Parnell I110no IIlI W the tl'\lth ,
. .
Dun't doceiYUIl'sehe ! \ , " he toll1
III' l'ollL'lues. " 811111.\u1'J" \ knows what
II ! 1'1 Ilolng , 'l'IH'I'O'Ogrl1t dl'al more
'I 1Ialtol1l' thall he hils who\"n 11:01 : , ) ' \t.
'Ie , , ' 1lI tt : 'v . . , Ul to be the ijt1'\u eolit
- - - - -
- -
- . : : . - : . ; ; .
tent to walk-forgetting thnt an Intima to knowledge of the
parts Is esscntlal to an cngilleer.
We IIn"o no wish to dc-uden the can to 1mort' trenu.
ous life , which , llappll ) ' , seems to be l'clichlng the ears oj y
our captains ot commerce. Dut we would point to th. . ) . -
dangct's of uncheckel1 ambition which the ranle and file ru
In their race to Get.Hlch.Qulck , Men who l nrn the spend ,
Ing cnd of 0. business first arc apt to form the wnste prod ,
lIet ! ' ! of a Stnte. In their hurry to build their private ! tome
In a day , nnd to cnjoy all Its costly pleaslII'es beCore theJ
have ha any time wlll\le\'el' to realize whether It Is tlrmlJ
I't upon Its foundations dlsnstm'
, oCten beCnlls tile Impa.
tient wcalth'sl'elters : of to-day. 'l'hey 110 not Jl'I\Sp thn. $
the od s arc all with sounl1 lu'lnclple anl1 s 'stematlc melll'
od ns against mere pace , 'oo oCten , In consequence , the1
prol1t neither thowselves nor the communlt-London Bx.
The ! lome Inrluence.
IIE family and the home arc the Couudlltlon
T stones or civilization , and In an especial sense
arc they the pl'OlS ) of a free go\'el'nment. It 11
. t1te home traIning that mal\Cs the virtuous .
W cItizen , nnd If the rIght Camll ' Influences are
lacking , tile results fire bnd citizenshIp and lmd
ItJen. NothIng can take the plnce of 1I0me tl'alulng or muke
up ror the loss of It. 'he school ' , the college , c\'en the
Influences of religion , arc the'nlds and complements of the
homo training , 'he family guidance an Instruction hcgln
from the earliest years , wheu the chlll1 Is most Itupl'esslon.
'Ile , and when Its mind nnd charactC1' are most plnstlc , anl\
Ilntinues untll the yc-ars of discretion , The most rigid
self.dsclpllne ! , the most careful nnd long continued educa , '
tlon which falls to the lot of the 1II0St Cortunate ) 'outh , can
! ; carcely eradicate the tendencies
formed In early youth ! n
: In evil home ; and the great , simple lessons ot honesty ,
truth , love , mercy and virtue , whether tnu ht by fOI'mal
Instruction or uneonsclousl ' ImblJed ! In the II.tmosphere ot
3. sound , honorable house-hold , lea \'e t1lcl.r Impress upon the
lUan or woman till the end of life , alld hn ve theIr power. I , .
ful . , detel'mlnln Influence upon chal'acter find. destiny ,
It Is , therefore , of the higheHt hnlOrtanl"e , both
tor the st\lee ot the Individual and ot the nation , thut thl\
beneficl'Dt home Influences ot a good Camlly shoul enclr.
cle the yonng comIlletol ' , and eyen follow them wherever
they go out Into thQ world. We I\re ! ; O bnsy tlmt In too
uany Instances , where the parents nre Intelll ent en pugh to
Imow the value of blndlug theIr chlll1ren to the home and
1eeplng them close under Its shelterIng' cal'e , the 'oung are
.Hmnltteel , through mere carell'ssness , to drift awny Ins'n.
< : Ibl ' fl'orn the 110me and loosen Its sacI'eel ties , This orten
:1nppen9 : because children aud parents 110 not hn'e I\musc--
t\1l'nts , dh'erslous and Intel'csts
In common , nud ! ' : ometltncs
becuuso the elders 110 not make dUe allowance for the nu-
ture of youth.-Phlladelphla Ledger ,
Should Ministers learn 0 Trade ?
CIJEHGY IAN ot Philadelphia. who bas cx.
A amlned the statistics ot the various Pl'otestant
denomluntltlns. and , has been dlsturhed by the
Dumber of ministers who fil'C wIthout a chnl'ge ,
. stron ly urgcs all young men who Intend to
en'er tbe ministry to learn some tmde either
uerore or atter their ordination , His Id a Is that besides
giving the minister a certain eXIcrlence , which would make
his mlnstratlons [ in or out of the pulpit more sympathetic ,
u trade would In many Instnnces , be 1\ good thing to fall _ "
back upon. It Is cel'tnlnly Irnllortfiut { ' . .nt III soltle WilY or 1
other a youn theological student should caine Illto practical
contact wltlt the busy world. In sOUle caS 8 , uowever , ( t
would be a dIstinct loss Cor
the church
to hu0 a ) 'oung
man who Is very Ivltlentl , ) ' called to the mInistry spend
n.ontlts In hreud.und-uutler worl. at an a e wheu his time
woull1 hetter be gl\'en to other thln s , [ ore geuernlly , per-
hnps , If the pl'esent Inl1lfference with respect to the mnln. .
tennnce of churches In II largo numbcr ot smull communities -
ties 18 to continue , the 'oun minister will Ceel jnstifled
In protecting himself against possible [ Io\'crty In the tUlure
by first mnklng hlmselr IH'ofIclent In some tmde or Pl'ofes.
slonl\l line beCore he sceks ordlnutlon-Xew YOl'k Ohserver.
chief lIecretnry for genel'ations pust. "
And $0 It proved , I'accd at Inst with
a n Immensely dlf1lcult nnd hnport.'lnt
tUi ) . , 11.1follr [ altered his hl1hlts 1.00n.
pl tel , ) ' , 'l'here was no more 1'lng nbel1
unlit noon , no more neglect or huslness ,
no mOl'e scorn for petty details. lIe
roge with the lal'k even after a hard
ulght's ses lou In the House of Coon- i ,
1II0ns 111111 worked hard all lIay nnd ev.
er ' da , ) ' Ilt his otllce , When he becllm < >
chler secrl'tut' , ) ' he Imc'W no more llhout
Irish nn.'alrs than the I\vm'l\ge IUl\n In ,
the stree > t , but In les3 thnn n month he
SIH'H'lsl'tl the permanent ol1clals ! br hi. ' !
tlwl'oug'h ' Imowlcdge of e\'er ) ' uralle.11
of IrIsh go\'cI'nment.
. \ lHl liS he wO/'lte nn learned his
character I\nl.1 will gl'ew stronger , 'he
lary.'Ilelllatlng Ihllosopher who
couldn't mllke U [ ) , his mind ahout nny-
thing bl'cl\me In u few short weeles the
stl > rn adminIstrator ,
StTl\ngo to SOIY , this man , , ' 1/0 hns I
risen to the top of the tTee In Urltll'h
[ ) olltlcs Is no lever ot pollllcs , lIe Is 1\
politician , by family in1luence nnl1 ,
chance , not by choice , ' .rhe nephew or
r..ord Snllshury , Arthur J , Bnlfour"I1S
"horn to the purple" nnd lIestJncd Cor
Pllrlh\ml'n.t from his Eton da 'fI , Dut
his tastes arc literary Ilnd academic ,
1I0t polltlrol nnd ( In\ctlcnl. lie cares
more for the honors whIch ha\'e heen
sl1owl'red uJlon him bJ' an the Bl'ltish
unlversltles In recognition ot his
uchlm'coments In philosophy t'hau ho
does Cor his political tame.
"Olve me my hool.s , m ' golt clubs
nnd leisure , " he once S11ld to a tl'lend ,
" : \IIll I woull.1 ask tor 1I0thing 1II0l'e ,
I ' ! tleal In lite Is to read 11 lot , \\'I'lte
a little , play plcmt ) . or golf lIud h:1VI'
nothln : ; to worry n bout , It I coull.1
Ive up politics anl1 retire to.mol'row
without dlsor/"I1nlzlll / : ; thlns : IInd neg.
lectin : ; m ' duty I wOllld ! : Iadl ' do so , "
An l mllil'e I.OI.t for W"nt of the JU ht
nft of Hillin ! : U/lhlt.
An old lelend which mnkl'6 no pre-
tM\SC to tt'1lth' tells how , a klugdolll
WIlS ! est for walt : at 11 hO6eshoe : null.
nut It rNcnt'olllm ot fobcr ; hstorlenl :
nnd hloJrnllhlcl\l 11111 po o , "TUOU lIy
Ouuut d"lIl"1r:8oll : , makes It appear that I
, ' \ .
the Empress Bugenle , nfter the bat
tl of Sedan , lost the chlluce to preserve -
serve the ell1lre [ of her husband b
not possesslug exnctly the right BO/'I
ot rll1ng : hl1ult. It WIIS the evenln'g 01
Sl'ltcmber 3 , 18 O.
'hc news of th surreuder of the
F'l'ench nrmy nnd of the Emperor N:1'
poll'on lit Sedan hnd ! ' : preal1 nbout
PI\I'ls , contlnul's \\1'ltct. . III
a \ \ London S ( )
clct . , 'l'he clt , ) ' 'was excltcd , and thc11
was tnlk or n revolution l1nl.1 the uan
Ishml'nt of the Imperlnl fallll1 ' . A
this juncture Emile de Gll'IIl'l.1ln , I
I11l1n wllO was trusted hy the l'l11pres
IIml who hnd lu1I.1
no little e"Ilel'l IICI
dmhl ! ; f1r\'lous chnu t of govel'n
llIellt , nrrl\'L" at the 1'II11\ce of till
'l'ulll'rles , "If 'uur mnJ'sty Wel'e te
ul1lelr [ on hOl'seunck III the mhlst 01
tlte Ileoplo , " Oh'nrdln "
snd. ! "lInli an
1I0lUlCO the 1I\)111'l\lIon \ ) of the emC ( ' J.J
In fn01' ot the IIl'lnce ImJlerlnl , 'o\U
own nssuml1t1on of the title of em-
pl'ess rI.l'nt : , nnd the alpoilltm'nt 01
'hlers us prime minister , the ell1lllrl
might he sllnd , Something must b , A 1.
done to hlnl the tll1l' . "
'J'he eml > 1'e3s uccfptl'd the IH\lre {
But when this lender of thl ! world' ,
fashion sought for II proper costllm ,
Cor her pl'rCOrmnnCl' It could not he
C , uud I 'l'hl' enl , ) ' rlllln hahlt In tht
Tu1erles ! was II : of gr eIl
emuI'oldered. with :
gold , IIn silver ,
mn e tor a restnl huntlnJ. ; oecnslonj I
nn the hilt WIIH II no Il sji fnntnsll
thr"col'ncl'ctl '
1I0'nir of the eJ1uch 01
1.01lS : Qulnze , ' '
'l'he l'IlIllI'l'SS felt that
It woulel not 110 to IIllpl'l\r In this f.IU't
I n such nn OCCII/foll , IIcr I\lpeltla'lce [ '
In It might h\\'e ,
\ \ the OllJloslte l'tree !
upon the 1II'0111H trom that which sll4
In m dl'd , 'h ! . ' 1111111 hnd to be gl\'CII
1111 , the empl'lOSS nnll the
' ,
IIl'hle ! . ' hn
( I 111'1 n I were lIa.1Ished. nnll the Xnpo
Iconic cmph'u was II t : III cud ,
IUl\llun'H B '
1'111 Hnlotoo n nny.
In London eleh dnr ,100 chllllrc > n ar ,
born au : ! O
ellter Beh061 for the ! lrst
tlmo ,
A chnperoll oes to a h'I'8 111culc to
see that the . '
J.ll'ls belm ve ; a etllpcrou !
: : o ( ' ! ! to a boy' ! ! plcllic to see thnt thl !
hO'B don't ent the refrlhlbments tOil
. .ln ,