Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1903, Image 1

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. UI4Mt .
: L\\Jtllot'.u \
'lIotU H\I !
: . . . _ . . . . . . . . .I 4"1'/1 4
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I - . . . . .
Glasses for Old Eyes :
Particular attcution if ! givcn
: to fitting Spcctaclc for cldcrly J
pcople , Instrumcnts of grcat
! accuracy In the hnJII\s \ ot a rl1\- ( \
. ' ur I optician of long cxpencncc J
/ " - , cuahles ns to locatc the .tronhlc
anll supply Icnscs which will
incrcllse the sight , preservc it
1\1111 rclieve C'C strnin. J
: . AndCI3\ }
B ; .
. . , . .
- - - -
J ;
School Books ,
' 1'
< ? Tahlets
* '
-A NO-
, ' k ,
1" ,
School S\pplies ; \ ,
t1 ' 1'
, 1'I I
; I
'f .
J , G. Haeberle.s.
. ' '
. .
- - = : : :
- - - - -
i7- , t//n.
8 Uncle Sam Approves N
of the husincss IIlcthmls hcre anll S
R filllls that the 8
Custer National Bank
S IIlccts all the rClluircmen ts of thc 88
8 national hanking laws. Its finanS
8 cial conllition is satisfactory in 88
o cvcry way. This inilorsclllcnt
9 from high authority is I1n al1dition8
S al guarantce of
our ahility to 8
8 handle thc accounts mill husilll'ss S
9 of firms IInl1 indh'iduals. Prompt 8
8 1\1111 cnicicnt scn'ice is rcnllercrl . at S
JIIOI\cratc \ charge.
8 8
H. LOMAX , Cashier.
: . / . " . . , . / . : ' : " . . , . . . . . . : '
: : : : : : : : :
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of
Weissert , were city visitors Mon-
John \Vhite has sold his dray
Hne to 11' . II. Smith. Mr. White
has not decided what hc will do.
Btijah Crawford of Corydon ,
1'0wa ' , arrivcd in thc city Satur.
clay morning' to visit with his
daughter , Mrs. G. ' 1' . HobilH\On.
Dcpl. Hevenue Col1 ctor Konkcl
came down from thc west Sun.
clay and spcnt a couple of days
at houe. ! IIe rcturned 'I'ucsday
I 1l,10rnmg. .
On'alVo ters left last Tues-
day morning for Ncvada , Mo. ,
I to havc his arm treated that was
injured last January in falling
from a wind mill tower.
I Hay Zimmerman returncd
Saturday from Whitman whcrc
hc spcnt a week on his claim.
He reports the ranch men still
haying in the sand hills.
Geo. B. Mair , thc next clcrk of
thc district court of Custer county -
ty , was a city visitor last Saturday -
day evening. He had recently
returned from a trip to thc
Mr. and Mrs. Dan'l Kcclin of
Brol\Cn Bow , Neb. , returned homc
Monday night. ' .rhey were call-
ccl here by the death of Vinccnt I
Morrts.-\Vest J-4ibcrty Enter-
prisc , ( Ia. )
\V. E. Swengle of Milburn ,
has sold his store including 5toc1 <
and building for $2000 , to John
II. Cline bell. He resigns the
position as postmaster in Mr.
Cline bell's favor. Miss E11a
Meek wil1 assist as clerk. Mr.
Swengel will move to Aurora ,
Orcgon , this week where be has i
a 320 acre fruit farm. .
'l'hc RHPunrIcAN . subscription
list has reached 55 quire of paper ,
and 1 t is still growing. Our ambition -
bition is to make it 80 quire be-
forc January. 1 , 19Q4 , wh < h will
g-ivc us a list of 2040. If our
fricnds will continue to help us
alongb.r saying a good word for
the HnI'UHTICAN when the oppor-
tun it , . affords the . kindness will
be greatly apprecmted.
/ . . . " . . ' / . . . . . . . . " . . , . . .
8 8
A11 of the. . . . . .
Latest Pattelns.
\Ve will give a Special
Sale for thc next ten da's.
Ten Per Cent Off.
Druggist and Jeweler. 8
: r.r.r.r.b".r.r.Jr.r.r.r.r..r.r.r.r :
- - -
_ . _ - -
, ,
" " ' ' ' 1' ' ' ' ' ' . " " . " . " " 111111" " ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " , . " " , ' " " " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , " ' , , , , , , , , " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : J' ' ; : ; ; '
: W > Y. : ; H = g S ; ; : 11I 11
-AND- I :
i , r.1 ,
.A.DrrG-EI S ffi
J. . . ,1 ! . -
Th is fa 11 WP wi 11 have a good supply of
; i : : R..e1or"t ; C > a s. , .i , j
l This iR the stove wo had such a gl'eat demand
; j rOl' IlHt : willtPI' and ( 'ould not get enough of them. !
Th is stO\'P : wi II blll'n slnck t'ua I and hold fire the
: allwls : a hard coa.l bllrner. Call and s e them be-
, : :1 : 1 01'th y :1I'P : a 11 gone. Don't be put on by a stove
ea llpd .II1H as good as the. retort.Y also IHl\Tc a &H
! nlll11l\I' ) of otlwl' makes 01' lJeaters wl11'h we sell aR "
; chpa p as Hw eheupest.Ye have the rf linble Quick ;
l Ieal Htepl Hallgo ; also the Ialloable Steel Hunge , [ i
" the lIlost d IIrn b Ie 1'1llgoe Illude. '
. p ! dco Ch I t. ! ! O I dWUl'e ,
II n l'IleRS and Hadclles-the largest line in town. J
( 'S ; I * G W A pp I e , : ! 1
" fM , llV : . : . , . . . . . . 'X' , , ' . ' , ' , :1l- : , , , , : , " : ; , . , : . : , , , , , , , , , , , , , X , , , , ""'r.r.t."u".u"Jt.r.--r..r. . . .M ' . , , w , ; ; ; : " , , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & " ! < : ! . : t . . . . ' .to . 1' ) i .
. I
, . . ' . .
. J. t
. -
I O. II. Conrad is building a ncw
barn on his propert ) ' in thc cit ) ' .
H. ) ' .1. Pickcns of Berw'n , was
a fricndly ca11er at this otlice ) 'CS-
Lce Leep of Milburn , was a
fricndl ) ' ca11er at this onice
'l'uesd ay.
Jas. Woods is building a house
west of li'i ft h a vcnue bct wccn
Cedar and Custer Streets.
Scna tor Currie was a ci tr visitor -
tor 'l'uesda ) ' . ' 1'he RHl'UllIICAN
ac1mowledges a friend I ) ' call.
Mrs. J. M. Kimbcrling left last
'l'hursday on a visit to Oconto ,
Eddyvi1le , Kearne ) ' and Grand
Island , and will be gone about
four weeks.
Mrs. O. J. Riddle of Sutton ,
arrivcd in the city yesterday
morniu ' to spend a few days visiting -
iting wIth her brother , Hev. J.
R. 'l'eagarden.
l\f s. Jml Kay wcnt to Hari- !
sonvl11e , Mo. , ) 'esterday morn111g
on receipt of a telegram that her
father was scriously injured by a
runaway team.
Mrs. Der1VaHon and Mrs.
Enie Varner returned Monday
from their visit to California.
'l'hey report having enjoyed a
very pleasant time
Art Dean and wife ofVest
Uuion , were in the city ' .ruesday.
Miss Gertie Dean , who had been
visiting here for ten days returned -
ed home with t'lemVed nesday.
E. Kinzler and son of Mason
City , were in thc city 'l'uesday.
' .rhey improved the opportunity to
combine busincss and pleasure ,
Besides attending to business
they took in the show.
Deputy Johnson of Lincoln , is
here working in the interest of
the Highlanders of this place.
He expects to be here two or
three weeks. He added thirty-
the to the Ausley lodgc recently
wIllIe there.
Mrs. R. C. Barrett and hcr
daughtcr Ruth of Des Moins ,
Iowa , arc visiting for a few days
in the city. Mrs. is a
sister of J. R. Dcan of this cit ) ' .
Her husband is State Supcrin-
tendent of schools in Iowa.
B. O. Hesteiler , the republican
candidate for district judge was
a citv visitor ycsterday. Mr.
Host tler is a fine appearing man
of about forty ) 'ears , a good lawyer -
yer , a man of high morals and
ver ) ' popular as a citizen at home.
R. A. St. John , Editor of th
Gibbon Heporter , was a friendly
ca11er at this office 'l'uesday. Hc
came up Monday night on No.
43 , to visit his brothcr at the
hospital , who was hurt in the
train wreck near Halsey Monday.
C. A. Scott , superintendent of
the timber rcserve at IIalse ) ' ,
who had been married but three
or four weeks , lost his wife white
visiting in Colorado a few days
ago. Mr. Scott is we1l lmown
to a number of the citizens of
Broken Bow.
Will Kenned ' and wife , who
have been vIsiting with the
. Kcnnoyers in South Dakota the
past month returned home yester-
day. We understand that Mr.
Kennedy was so well pleased with
theout look that he expects to
move Ithere in the near future.
H. C. Chasc , Sr. of Mason
City , died ' .ruesday , S pt. , 2C ) .
IllS remains witt be conducted
from his residence to the train at
1ason Cit ) " Oct. , 2 , at 9 a. m.
under the auspices of the A. Ii' .
and A. M. order of which he was
a mcmt > er. His remains witt he
shipped to Strawherry Point ,
Prof. A. L. Jor the most fam-
011S and fcarless hypnotist that
e\'er cast the spcll of this m's-
terious and wonder working"
powcr , part'zing comicolitie , .
side-spliting situations , thorough
going tests of the wonder scicnce
of the country will exhibit at thc
Oper I 1 I.use Oct. , 5 , 6 and 7.
Good music. Popular prices.
" "Hlnc. . " COUIIC NeWH.
Mr. Lowr ) ' spent Saturday alul
Sunday at Ansley.
Prof. Zahn was abscnt from
co11ege 'estcrday afternoon.
'I'he colleg-e students have in-
creased their number to sixty-
I three since last report. ' .
Jack Lea , Frank Ij\arritor and
- - : -
1. arnk Robinson arc among thc
new students this week.
.T amcs Ctinebcll of Custcr Center -
ter , is a ncw studcnt this weck
in the 'l'clegraphy departmcnt.
' ! 'hc Misscs Bartlett went on
a visit to their home at Gates to
see their parcnts , and also to at-
tcnd the wedding' of 1\1 iss Maple
Ash , a former student of this
Col1cge was dismissed last
'l'ucsda. } ' on account of the Campbell -
bell Bros. circus being in town ,
and a numbcr of the students
wished to attcnd the show and
have a good timc.
OIUTV A. " .
Doria Whitncy , wifc of Carl
Whitney , daughter of the Rey.
\Vm. and Hanna IIercock. lIcr
parents moved to Custer county ,
Nebraska , 12 or H years ago and
settled on theVest 'l'able.
Doria , , : as born in Madison
county , Iowa , Dec. , 2 ; , 1883.
She marricd Carl \Vhitney on
January 1 , 1900 , and dcparted
this life Sept. , 25 , 1903 , aftcr a
short ittness. Shc leavcs a hus-
ban and a small child , mother ,
brother and sister and a host of. .
friends , her father and an infant
l1 ul prccceded her. She died in
the triumphs of a living faith in
the Master. Hcr cvery day life
was a IIoly Sabbath and hcr de-
was to please her Master.
She was a mcmbcr of the church
Chrrst in Chr ! .tian Union.
' .rhe husband has lost an cstim-
able and affcctionate wifc , the
nether a lovely daughter , the
brother and sister a loving sister ,
the church a levotcd christian
and the comll1Unity feel the loss
of Sister Doria. IIer funcral
was preached at theM. E. church
Sept. , 26. by the writer. Her
remains were taken to the Cliff
Cemetery and laid to rcst by the
side of lovcd oncs , who had pre-
ceeded her. Many werc the ex-
prcssions of sorrow for the heart
broken husband and friends of
the deceased who havc the s'm-
pathy of a11. \V. J. H.
to JaHre" Hervle " .
SlIlI ay school at 10 o'clock. At II O.
III. tlte pastor will prcach his lost serlllon
here. A cordial invitation to 1111.
W. P. l'HRR\ ' .
1n , CHURCH.
Thcre will ue \reaching \ sCf\'ice lit
the 1\1. H , church Sunlll1) ' as the pastor is
at Confercnce. 'rhc SlInlll1Y School lit
the usul\l hour. 'l'hc Union YOllng
Pcoples scrvicc in the evening.
GHo. 1' . TRl'rHS , Pastor.
Bible school at 10 a. III. Divine wor.
ship II a. III. Topic , "An Antidote for
the Bitter. " Jnlllor B. Y. P. IT. 3 p. III ,
\Jnl1cr \ the IHrcctiou of Mrs , Alllshcrry.
S nioB. . Y. 1' , U. 2 : 0 p. III. 7:30 : p. III.
Gospel service. 'fOpIC , "Thc Silllplicity
of the Gospel. " WCllncsrllty 7:30 : p. III.
will he praycr time. Othf'r engagcmcnts
will be ItIllIOUnccI\ \ from the pnlpit on
Serviccs I1Cl SalllJath in the lIIorning
at II a. III. 'rhc 1II0rning servicc will he
devoterl to a Snnlluy School Rail ) ' servicc
whcn thc following progrtllll will he
renc lercll :
I. Singiug It ) ' school-"Huil to the
Ionl's Anointcl. "
2. Chants-Ionl's Praycr ,
3. Responsivc Scripture RcltHng ( hy
4. Prayer by Jllmes Whitchclld.
5. Rccitation-"A Iitllc Maill's
Sermon " -Hglanli\'e Skillan ,
6 , SongI.illic of thc Vallcy"-
hy class of Hi rls.
7. Recttation-"RoolII for the Boys"
hy Mllster Hugene Iity.
8. Song-"As the time Approach-
ing"-lly School.
9. Couccrt Recitation hy class of
10. Recitation-"Io\c one Another"
by Helcn J\lCCOIIIUf. .
I I. Solo-"justlls I AIII"-Irlorence
J 2. RccitationlitUc oncs for
jesns.Sarah Heltter.
13 , RClllling- " Ancient Colfiortcur"
hy Mahle Punk.
14. Son -"Hcar the Captain Calling. "
15. Recltation-"Thc Kingdolll of
Hcltven"-Gruce Shctlcr.
16. RClllurks h ) " Rcv. n. Augnstus
17. Sccretar's rcport.
18. Cnulle Roll ,
19. OlTcring anel marching song It ) '
l'rimarv cluss.
: w. CJosinf { soug. hy school.
21. IIcncrllctiun.
H\'cniug scn'icc at 7:30 : p. III , The
paslor will prcach his th Iectnre on
" 1He IInll f lnes of Hhjah. " Thclllc ,
"Hlijuh's Return to A hior Scrvicc. "
In thc c\'cning special lIIusic will he
rClulcrcl1. All are corrlially ll\'ite 11 to
these scrvices.
. , '
Wanted. '
. . :
1 want to trade you t Buggy , Carriage -
age or Spring Wagon for : Horsos. '
.I. will allow you a good price for
your horses an sell you a. . . . . . . . . .
\ . j
B QQY : : Cheaper .
'J.'hnn you can buy it from any other '
dealer in the county. I have Rome'
bargains in Second-hand Buggies and
Spring " ' -tVagons-just the thing for
the children to drive to school.
C. S..IVIARTIN , Mff.Agt.
: sIttttttttttt'tttttttttt1tt1tt1tt'tttt ' ' + t1tt1tttttt1t11t11ttttt1t1tt't"1t11 ' "
Heatine : Stoves !
- -
- -
- -
: : : : : A NEW DEPARTURE. = =
= =
= = 'l'he Celcbrated. . . . . . . . . . . . - = =
- -
- -
Beckwith Round Oak Stoves
- -
- -
E Now have a self-feed maga7. ne and will burn = =
: : : : : thc fincst slack coal and retain a fire for sixty : : : : :
= = , hours. 'l'his is the best heating 'stove made in , = =
= = the United States.Vith its heavy fire pot it = =
= = wil11ast nearly a life time. We have a : : :
= = large stock of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . very . . . . = =
I Ranges , I' , ;
, .
- - - - . ,
= =
= = Cook Stoves , and Star Oak Heaters. 3r. .
- - '
- - .
I S. P. Great & Co.I
- - ,
- -
= = All kinds of iron and tin work by a first-class = =
= = \VOrkll1an. . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : :
- -
- -
111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 11111111111111111111111111111111111' '
- - . - - - - - - -
- -
Mrs. Ij1 . VanAntwerp returned -
turned thc first of the week from
a visit of several weel < s in Itti-
nois. She stopped at 1i'remont
on her return to visit her son ,
who is atten(1ir g the business
c o11cge at that place.
S. P. GROAT & CO. ,
: Embnlmora nnd Funeral DI- I
. roe oro. WII hniU donaklnl ( Oood.
and unoral Oar. OaU tolephOnt 63 at
: any timo-day or nlib& .
. S. P. CROAT & CO. ,
. 1JrokoD 1Jow , . . _ Nobr..ka. U
' ' ' '
lW ii'ii'iWi'M Mi'WWMWWWWW twW
. , . .cr.r..r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.M-cr. - " .r.r
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
For sale at bottom prices. For the next thirty days , I will
off r at a big discount under former prices , Young Cows ,
IIClfers and Bulls , mostly the get of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
one of thc bcst bu11s and bcst breeders to bc found anywhere.
9-15-03. M. E. VANDENBERG.
C : : ' " " . ' : . . : ' : . . " . : ' . . , . . ' . . , . # . . . . . . . / . . . . . . " . . . I
I ,
' i ! A7 A r < MlMttHM'MAiA1R. ; ' , 111 1 < J" . , ( t i\7I \ M , , g . ( (
1 I .EUTeka Vaccine..I.
, . . . . , .
L Hog Cholera Cure Preventative , '
ij .
Its average reco.rd last year is CJ2 per cent. saved of all
hogs treate/I , ref.arclleHs of tl1.c conlihon of the hogs at time
jf : of treatmcnt. 'l'his record IS not equalled by any other I
remedy on the market. li'or further particulars , address ,
8. J. L0NEReAN , I
, B..oke'l Bo"v , Nebr.
, .
I .3 \S ijJ m .rolS iJ\rulijmm I I II
. .