, \ - . siblythe : .e2tcepbon of the candi- iilate for sheriffand th R PUIlI.l- , . ( fAN cloes not know tba t he . WKS on9u1t d. TUE IUCIIINE. 111 EumUld , lo'eatur6 ur IJart ) ' Orllilnuattoli. , tllf anyone thinks a nation of . . . . ' 80OOO,000 can b run except Y' , tllrough party organization he is. , mi taken. " sail\ \ Congressman " " Cannon at the Hamilton club Saturday night. "If it is ruu in : any otlll r way it cC'ases to h a \ republic. " Mr. Caunon's a slrtion will be J . 'd nicd by those who' dream tha't ; -eVery public official would b : virtuous aud all tlle p upl cun- . tent if only the mlChITlr. . 'ou ! . ! b smashed. What i a n'l'uhlic : It i a bodyof dtizcnsllil' ill widell a I , majority ag-r c upon public policie with power to carry them out. How shall a majority be induced - ed to agree ? One way i for . . . ' , cit : iens : to get together , each I . sacrificing some personal opinion .i'l to the general aim. When that is donc a party is created. Itl ; chooses leader and follows them , I uot a persons , but as representa- J. ' . , tives. 'rhus party organization i or a machinc , is created. i ' ! 'he other way re\'cl' ! > es this process. I nstead of seeking , I j ilrst , agreement on a general aim , it seeks a leader. It rallies a majority around the merc personality - sonality of a leade. 'I'hose who advocatc this meth- o boast that the ) ' vote for the , mall an not for the party. : . ' - . . : " \ \ Low Rates South and Southeast. 1 011 S ptemh r IS alld Octo er :2oth : The l.uuisville & NU'Jhvillc R. R , will ell round trip lick , ts fcom St. I.ouis. H IUllsvillc. l.ouis\'ill ulili Cincinnuti to tlw following points : It the I.Mesl latcs el'CI" 1I11111t"1. Ticl..l'Is II ill lit : gOOlllduruillg I'm tWcllt ) . one ( : JI ) tlays fl'blll ilule of sult' IIUlI siopovcrs will be pCllllilll..1 , m goillf. { trip at pllint ) ! > uulh of KClltuckev,1'cllnc'te stllt : Hilt" . Fu ) 1 ST , 1.0Jl TO New Orltuus , fu.oo ; Atllilltu , $13,00 ; : 'trobile. 12. O ; Monl. gOlller ) ' , fJlOO : ; llirmiughulII , Y 12.oo ; Pensacola. 14 , & . PROM CHICAGO TO. New Orl alls , $16.00111111111 ; , 15oo ; J\lohilc. fl6.oojIunt ! , gOllwr ) ' . i,16oo ; Birlllillglullll , $ ISUuj l't'nsacolu , i-18ou. rlWM r.OUISVII.r.l\ Nt'II' llelIlS ! , $14.00 ; 1\tlanlll : -1 LOU ; Iu ill' , $14,00 : MUllt. gomery. 14. ' " ) ; Birminghu1ll , : ' 11.0 ; l'cnsacolu , $14.00. Filar. ! CINCINN.\TI TO New Orleans ! 114.ooj Atlantu , $11.00 ; 1\1ob1le. $14.00Iunl. ; ! . gomcry. $14.00 ; Dirminghalll , f'Il.ooj ' Pensacolu , $14,00 , FROM EVANSVII.I.l\ New Orleuns , $1:1,00 : ; Atlunttl. $11.00 ; Mobile. $1:2.00 : ; Mont- omery. twel"t : tlollurs ; Binn- mgbllm , eleven dollar ! : ! ; Pensu- cola , fourteen dolluro. Rates to Intermediate Points to be tbt : same. Proportionately low rat 10 points west of New Orleans Ug far as Houston. To Jackson , ville , Flu. , and intenDtdiatc ) > oint9 , $3.00 higher thun rate to Atlunta. Take m1vuntage of these very low rate : ; to uluke a trip tltrouJh tilt : South to investigate tts \\)11I1trful re ou rees alill op' portunities , Time : tahles , fulders. maps and descript.e ! literature reo lat \'es to hU1I15 , truck und stock farming along the Hne of the Iouhwlllttloln'lIh \ It. It will bt : st:1I1 upun uppHcation to C. I. . S'rmm , General Passen. ler A ellt , l.ouisvilJe , K } ' . , . - ' - - - - - J- - 7f ' 1'1114 elgnatuTO 18 ou cv"ry ! Jox of th" geuulul Laxative Bromo.Quinine 'l'8Lleu u. . naulkil thbt Iift'a . . cold 4u upe . . . . , - = 172"111" _ _ v Soft Harness - , , . . : . / I YOII CloD wake your ! .ar- ; . . , IINI al1I0fe "II . . 110" . aDd ad tOUih .1 wlrd ' " " , WIII BVltBKA Uur- ne. . OUC You cau I"DI"btu III ltIiI-makilU IlIlIe tlwlc4I "S 1001 ! WI 1& oh110llrU ) ' woullS. iEUREKA _ ( /Ham.ss .Oil Ula u a poor I uk h" bar , IIUI 'Ilk" UUIW. JJIW1. urr " - pUletlnY1 1111I11,01 OUt u. " pUle\ \ 1'"paf " Coo " 114. , "ul1 11 , . . " , . .tlllt , tl h1 , vWfwblllI III -AlJ 11& . . . . , . - . - What they reall ) ' O ii to .save themselves Ute trouble of 'think- 'ing < by selecting\omc leader to think for them. 'PbiB plan works wcl1 enougJI in tiuy cOJUmunitles , where every cithen : ImowR the character of every other. But in larger cn - munitie:3 : it , fails. 'l'his latter metho is that of the direct primary , nowso much fa\'or d by political nostrum ven- dors. Its fruits arc seen in such . persons 015 tlle odoriferous Ames of Minneapolis an the scurrilous Var aman of Mi ! > sissippi , who is ahout to he made governor in spite , of public utteranc s that debar him froUl decent society. 'l'he scan al of sucb leaders an officials as "A.lnes : and Varda mau is the result of giving s\.1J > - port to men alon , illstea of tQ mcn ri'pres nting 'party policies. ! Parlit $ fouudel\ \ abiding prin- , . . . ( : IP I es , am I not on persolla 1. Ihes , which fume and strut and \tnish' ' are lIecessary to a repuhlic. Men . COIII an ga. but truth ahides. ' Parties. because they represent a\ \ ' COllllIlon agreement upon political - cal truth. without which popular g'O\'efl1l11ent is impossible , arc , tht' life of the republic.-Chicago' I IIl r Ocean. , 1t1 'I'II l-Mu-l dn-MItI\l1 : ; \ In'lItluli. ' . 'l'hc following i the program : to he relldered in the United l \'angelical Church at Oconto , Septelllber 26 and 27,1903 : SA1'UHDAY. 21'1. : . De\'otiollal Sen'ice , lell br Mr.1 E. Gookins. I What Arc Some of the IIill- , drances to our Sunday School Work ? ReL. . J. Ke ne. Dis- cussion. Music. What is the Best. System of 'l'eaching in Sun a.r School ? Baplist delegate , Lomax. Music. Assitnment of 1elegates ; by CUlllmittee. SA'rUIUMY , 7:301' : . M. Song and Prayer service , led hy i\1. I , delegate , Callaway. ' , ' . utlda ) ' Scho)1"1 epo'rts. , . Adllre ! > by ReMtle : ; ' f C . ll- aW I\ ' . SUNDAY. SIq'T. , 27. Sunday School at 1.0 a. 111. Preaching at II a.-m. hy'Re\ ' . .I , Holderman. Calla W:1) : ' . SUNDA V , 3 I > . 1\1. Dt'\'otional Service , led. bytht ; r.odi Baptist delegate. . . Is il right to o'trer rewards iq tlUI' tllJjay ( School ? R d'fern Ilclt1g'atc. Llnion Services of the Young 1 > > eople's Societies , cJU1I11encing 7 p. 111. Song-"God Be 'Vith You ' 1'1.1 ; . Wc Med Again. " A 11 SU1 ll y Scl1001s arc i n strtlcted to send elelgates uHl contributions to par expenses o.f th cou\'ention. ' . W. ' 1' . WOOD\ ' , Pre . Southwest District. OUEA'l"SU W. l'Il lIlJeli I'otbertl Oreetetl Jill Urg'6 ( JI'uwtll1ud I > > resent 'HoOlt' ' bow : North Platte 'l'elegram : 'rbc Campbell Brothers arrived in this city Sunday I1Ioruing with their cit'l m ; consisting of 22 large carJ a nd It IIlo u\ell \ thcir an imals and tellts , 011 the how grounds 'north of the tracks. IIumlrcIIs of p o- I'll' wcre there to see them Hl. load. 'l'he mammoth new aan. \'as h'lIts arc the largest ever . s ( 'n ill .this city. 'l'he parade Idt thl' groullds ahout 10 O'elOell allli wa > ; one of the J tH'S aile ] most up-to-date we tlfave e\'er witncssed. At t he afternoon IH rformance the big tent wa packed to it ! > capacity and judg' , ing fr m the hearty apP'laus \vhich greeted all the high..cla ads in the rings ant ! mi air We II1m.t say that ( he Campbd Bros. are strictly in it this , y arNe No ganlblinggrafting : or game ! of chance-are allowed upon thl show g'roun s , and the cirCtlS i : co ucte ' upon a mora } anal.L.1\Bi . ness' priuc.iplt' . 'rh : lwlp o1.tlli : circus se m to be JI rfect gentle lU n anti h 1\'e cUlllltlct d thcIII I se\'el } as stich whilt' ill th city. Clluphell Bros' . how will . x l1ibit iu Broken Bow on 'l'ucsda ; September , IY. 14-1. . - - - - - - \ \ A . . . .i'tm er,1 IIIJU hluIU . LltU u. I . .eb I.a . : _ tel , , ,1 for bll1Ur . , " 1111111.1aluo tur. al1" wtlh a IIIKII c"IIIt. . . Ij call ul'UU we' ' cliaul. aud "lIe"U tor locuudlul .ud IIrollhbl IILO. r . WUII"t ollKaKllwent W " ) I } ' . C ; " la"r " , uf 'lIS . . " alllr"8I1u , 1:11 > " " " " twit 1I0t < IIIII . .dullcd \ ueb eacb. wJck. ! .K&p.r1'IIC uo' .tutla1. M'eDttuu rlllerlluC41 .ul1 Dciol . .1.1141..11 r .lIt.lop. . ' 1' . . NUIOIII.U" a DdrtHlnl' I : , LbIC' I , . . - - - - - , - " . . . . . . . . r. . . . CollelrC ! N . . F. W. Myers was a vi1. ! tnr MOlIllay. Prof. ZahJJ visiteit the , , 'ic u'rt . ) ' f Ga es V ihiesi ) ' . ' . ' . At he pr sent time' 5R pupil are enrolled in college. ' 'I'he. beginni g class in hook- k.ccping ; trc luit1g''cry good work. : G orge Scott spent last"'SUlula ) ' visiting lti parents at WC-4t- ! en'ille. . . N.ellic l mpneht Qf l ) 'no , ' is 0.1- 'So one of , the new stuc1ents fa1dng thc business course. Bcssie Pi t ta wa ) ' has cou1pletcc1 the shorthand course and. is nov . taking the busine ! > s coursc. Miss Pearl Zahn visited friends in Anslt ) ' last Snturc1a ) ' and Suu- .da ) ' . She re'ports .a delightful ti me. me.Mr. Mr. Ii. W. A IlIshcrr.r has opened - ed up the ' 1' h lraph ) ' elepartin dt wi\ht.hree shllents. ! . We hope thJ .U\.tmber wilt. increase. .Prof. 'Gar1i h 1.1a opened a ingil1g school' for th benefit of the students of the , Business c01. ; lege. 'l'hose attemt1ng' consider ! I .i t v. ry enjoyable us well. as hcne- ficial. Messrs. 'Ped. Osborne , Clifi1 Marquis , ' Roy'Mllrquis nd Orinl Shaw , ami the .Misses pearl Dewey and Maude 'Marquis : , are , jthe new stu ents 'who 'enter 'el , : \IoJ1da ) ' . I"O ( S n' . 'c ( ) " . . . "GeoPearson .and Mr. Duncanl dnel 'wife "took in ( he State Fai r. . at Iiincoln last'week. . . ' . . J. 1 . T-iang has about fil11shed , putting up his alfalJa crop which was heavy this ) 'ear. He has ( ,0 : , acres. I l'he old settlers , picnic 3tHl reunion - union at Ravenna was well at- feiH1ed uy the people around hert" : 1'hey all r . port having a good .t 1lie. We understand hat Mr. Ome ) ' , principle of t e Litchfic : d schooJ. . IS the : repubhcan candl ate for count , ) ' superintendent in Sherman - man county. . Mr. Omey is a fine young man atd ! we should he glad to se him elected. The heavy.frost last week. was \ ' r ) ' clestrlicth'e'to 'gardens and [ r l' k p tcl'ies" ' s. ' n 1ch of the. wHcl hay . .ancl : COrlh Howcver , ' much of. the corn was sufficietly matured to receive hut 1ittJ cHun- agt : . . Owinc. . t ' the , scarcity . of , help. tl"lere was ver . ) ' lIttlc prame hay.math' h ( for .thc free1.e. Miss And sot of Mason , . is teaci.ing . qlc pr maf ) ' graete it ! the Hound Gro\'c school. ' ! 'h l1igher gTales will be t I gli ( by Miss Grif1 th but will , not begin until Oclober. 'l'his school is' an xa.mpl.e of , gru\cd : \ coun.try' SC1001. ! 'qie' < iues lOn of grJu t.n.g' the rural schoolR should r .c lve more 'attention than it lms in th . pa.t : , 1t1" " N- ' . 'l'he I-iadies of the M. . church are planning great t1\ings \ for' eJection"cra ) ' . . Merna once mon hasa paper that we trust has conte to. stay .andmay . prosper in our midst. Rev. Powers of Green , was over here on Sunday last amI preached in the Baptist church Imorning'an evening to a large and appreciative audience. \Ve are al1 in the hands of some kinds of grip. Mrs. C ry. Roy Stanford and Dr. Morrow are a few In town thatare down , while Chas. .Zachary has a sick horse and Mr. Kaupp with other in the country. We are having stiring times at Mearna. I-iast li'riday evening I things were moved at a great rate. Fortunately none of our young men w re IUoved out , but we hear that they will certainly be moved F li'riday night's performance - formance , S repeated. Rev. W. l . Mathews preache ! his last sermon before conference at Merpa on S n ay Sept. , 27 , in the Ulornmg and at Maple Grov ' " at' 3. We understand that he will go to Conference not only S paid lip at all pOints but over. - paid at several , as two points an 9 alrea y ahead. 'l'his we thinL _ speaks wd1 for tht' g nerosity of the memb rs an frien s as we1l - a for tilt ! ( ' ! l cit'ltc ) ' of tht' Ste. wards. . 'l'he Nehraika ! Conference oj 'I tbe M. P. church met in this citj 5 a llort time ago. 'l'here wt'rl' present l e\"s. Dady , Chase , : Strickler. Bradley , Miller atH . r. Grabam. Business sest > ions wel'l I : held ( luring the da ) ' and preach. lng-services in the evening. 'rh4 "I . Ul0St interesting matter as ftll I. Q Merna was conc rned that thf oj , . - . conference ( lccidcd was that Rev. W. C. Miller was to stn ) ' with us : utothcr ) 'ear. We arc glad to greet hU11 for his second term ai d "fr1ts lhat. hisst-a1..thi ! . , y l\r may he tleasant ) to him and profi- tahle to us all , as we believe it has .heen in the In t year. 'OHT.tr.I.O. Hev. W. C. .Miller was returned to this work for thencyear. . Mrs. Ashbaugh 'is' suffering with tooth ache the . last ) . few days. C. D. Day and wHe'went to the. "Hub , " on Saturday , returning that evening. . 'l'he school childrcn arc giving goo l reports . of Miss Luce , their' teacher , and thi\tk \ she is all righ 1. C. II. Cass , is' having a new barn erected , on his farm , this 'weelc. A. D. lIuut is the car.pcn- tel' ill charge. - G orge Budd has purchased Ule residence of R. 'R. Duncan in Merna , ' a'nd will move "into it i11 , Ule ncar future. As he is to old ! tp farm , this is as it'should be. Some chickcn thi'cve visited the henncry of M. J. Beals one night last wc k and helped themselves - selves to about forty . of her choice B. P. R. fowls. No clue as to who the miscrcants were. 'rhe weather is fi 1e since the heavy frosts that. feU 'l\tesday' . .anWednesday nights 'of last week. Much corn is badly hurt anc especially is t.his true in the fields hat vere lut.har.d by the hail that fell on Ju1) ' 13 , as it. was set back at least a week by the beatirig'it r 'celve'd. ti' . C. Embree'is moving from t.he Pool rauch , a small , granary .that he bought of Stouffer and , ' . He . it on.his 'LYQu. . w.i.ll , placc on. .new site for Ius future home , and expects to b g.i the erection of a new house'on the sa 1e. place , thi ! > fall. 'rhe building will be " 18 : : < 28 with fourteen feet posts , a td a wing 14x22 one stor ) ' hi.gh. UI'lftUrrnt ( : ounty' COII\'elitloll. - - - - - In pursuance to call the d mo- crat county couvention was heid in this city Satuntay . afternoon. Jr. C. L. Mu1lins , was . elected chainuatt a1(1 ! Abe. M.oore , , secre- ? ( ary. he fOllowing . ' ticket was . 110in i n t _ d : I Qr. cQ ty j c gc' . , E. J. llQb- litYi for clerk of District Court , JoiIII II IeY . ; for : tre'asurer ' . , J. ' H. Decker ; I"or count ) ' clcrk , Herman - man Camphell ; for ! lur e'or , M. 140 I-iambi fpr copntysup rintend- 'ent , John Lewis ; ( or' . c ) Unt.r assessor - sessor , Clyde.Car.1oSi . . " for I coroner , Dr.lorrow. : . . . " 'l't\\'nship t cket . nominated , as follows : 1'ownltip clerk , .J as. I-ieonard ; Justice of the peace , II. J. Shinn ; treasurer , l. M. l-qmberling. . . .Ou mot \V.B. . Eastham was electe J chairman of the county central ol111nittec an empower- ed. to hoose a seCretary and he and. th secretary were authoriz- r. to till any racancies that might occu 'on the ticket. 'I'hn IIII11Rrcl Hull Ordlullllce IlIlh'ft'nlt.cI. 'l'he Billiard 1.1all ordinance on which the cit ) , council has been working for the last three months met its defeat on the tllird reading - ing on 'Vedne day nigh t last week. ; rhe ordinance was drafted with the view of prohibiting - hibiting hilhanl halls in compliance - pliance with the \'ote on that question at the spring election. 'rhe ordinance received a. favorable - able vote hy the members of the council on the first and second reading , but when it was put on CHICHESTER'S ' ENGLISH , : PENNYRDYAL PILLS , , ! . . . . . . _ , o 0\ . . . . S 110 ( II. . , 0 \ . COo. . c\O\ 1161 / / co f\\.o tltllt . : . .t. . Alway. nU.bla.L..le..J uk. IIrultIl\ , , " ' ' . . . . . . & ) OI&III'I'aI& X..tU.IIII. 10 .J auo1 : tJul4 ual lllc lIuu , . . . . . . rlll"o1l. ! willi IIIU. . . ! " .III. , . .k. uu . . 'ber. " "IU..II.uI"o" . . . .tuU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h.Uuu. .0. &q.1. tiU ) 01 ) 'our 1Jru ctn , , " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Of lell "u. In..taIfl ror I..r.ul. Te.lI. . . . . ' " , u&oI..I. . " " " Ihlht rur L. . . . . . . . . I/II/.r , . . . . . . ' . . . . . ' . 1 > 1 .I..ru 11.1 ; 'U.UUUT..UUIUIIIIII" dullS " 1 ' . . toll 'UruUI.II. . VttICUl'tt.tN" OIUIIIoUOAI , 00. .IUU . . . .H.u. . 't..r. . . . . . . . . . . . t'A. , . hlll1t1. . " 'I. ' I'AJo. , . 1 ' - - - - - : : - . . . > I. . . . . . . - . . . - its final . passa.ge the members of the council ( ti..i cd and it fail- cd to rcceive a. lega.l majority. Those who voted for tb ordin.- nnc were Apple , Bruce aud Munk. Those who voted again t the orclilHlncc- were Conrad. Mar- tilt and . \Vitsou. 1'he volt' bl' ng a. tic the mayor cast his \lote in the anirmativc but that did not give it a lcgal majorit ) ' as it rc- quire four mem crs pf th council. . _ - - - - - - Xm'lIlI1rn L'ACldc nnllw ) ' CUflllIUI } ' . " - - - CroolstonMinn..Tuu 15 , 1903 : To Whom Concerned : Campbcll Brothers' show played - ed in Crookston to large crowds both for the afternoon and cVen- ing performances. It is 1. good , 'ilean show , and the managers and attendance are ent1emnuly and courteous. W. E. HAND , Agent Northern Pacific l ai1way. Campbell Bras' . show , vill ex- hihit in Br01ten Bow on Tuesday , September 29. 14-15 ' . U"CK ' 1'0 TIII U. . . . HOUE . 011 September 1st , 8th : ulIl (5th and Octoher 6th the nurlillgtolJ offer.s round trip tickets , goot1 thirty Ila's , to mnny pofnts in Ilidiana anti Ohio at u lure and one third rate. All excellent opportunity to visit old friends ill the east. A9k the ticket 'agent for further particulurs. (2.16 - - America's Greatest. Weekly. Tr.rE : T 0 I'e d 0 B I'ad e' Toledo , Ohio. Now , -:1l1d Larger Building. Nuw Presses. New Stereotype Plant. 'New Clnd Modern Appllancetl In every department. . T'he ' ! 'oledo Blade is now installed - stalled iu its new building , with 'I ' a m der'n plant and equipment. and facilities equal to auy publication - cation between New York and Cll icago. J t is the. only weekly newHpaper edited expressly for every state and territory. 'l'he Ncws of the W orlel so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend , than by reacling cumherson columns of dailics. All c rrent topi-cs made plain il1 e lGh issuc ' by special editorial matter. writtcn frol11 inception down to date. 'l'he only paper published. especially fpr. people who do or do not read cIa II ) ' Il WS. papers , and yet thirst for plain facts , 'rhat this kind of a ncws. pa.per s , popu.1ar" . is proven by the fact that ( lle Weekly Bta.de now ha.s' over 160,000. yearly subscribers , aud is circulated in all parts of the U. S. In addition - tion to the news , the Blade p blish.cs short and serial stories , arid many departments of matte.r suited to every member of tbe fa'mil.r. Only one dollar a year. : Wnte for free specimen copy. . Address , 'rUR BLADE , 'roledo , Ohio. 'l'hc } { I\PUBLICAN and Toledo Blade , one year , $1.35 , . . . . - - - - E : : arIST : R Bf MULLINS , M , D , Makel a Hllcclalty 01 Orowli IInd lJndjtn WMIr l'flc 8 rUlioualJh" , 'III wurk guarantoed. c.1t 811I1 161111I0 Iwtore I { Jlng olll\.h"r' , Ontco-In IlIuJu'n lJow 111'\11 lJaDk Uulldlng. IIrokoli lIow. elJru8"1\ . o. 1-1. CONUAD , . . . . " Do.ter In. . . . l'umll . Wtnd. tollll" . Tanlea , IllUlnga , Oa801l0 nl1'lell110. ! . etc. IIrokcn lIow. NelJrulr.a. , . , - - - . . . . . . . . .lIerd Hellded ny. . . . . . . . . Cdm'OIl Heot. No. 177,035 , , . ; . . ' , . . i.:1 . : ' . . J. ( ; . 1l1ENIZEI , Breeder of I'ulo ! lcolcll DI , Hcoloh 'r""I"It1 ! ! hurDorn CII lie 11 Id 1I1I1I.b.'r. 40 cow. Will C.1Wp.1 'II br1011 Aud quail ! ) " 1114 110) ' . , elie of nblcllj ( ' I , nl. rIIlDCI ! ! In hUKbt lOCI tba10 vivo cue MlllfacllnD. breel1lng clllIut \ he raltled I ttilu altllude. 1 expect to raltle ther here tllO eQual of , ulftblng r.lud III Ih. l d. I n w baV" : M buUe IIUltablo lorbl , au I nuxt Jur'a eenlCIl. My COWl weIgh from 1400 'OOO "ounltd UOIUft IInl1 .cu thOln , , - - \ , . 1 - ' ' ' 'I : _ _ , BANGS STUDIO. Up-to-date Phot grap..hg. First prize winner at 'stafe association - sociation 1903. - - . . - - - " DR T. L F HNAWOltrn . DENTIST , . . . . . .OMce In n.atty DIotk , Dr. n.1' . 01 ! \Iftnd. \ . - - - - - CAM I HON & lUCE lt. ff0L-I)0YS e 8 U9 ell l' $ .AT IAW. lIIOw 8 aOIIIi. Jln t1 Dock ) , Brouo Dow. Neb. 1\1. DORRI . s. . . . , .1laaluDai'4t& : . AI. . .h. . , . ur work III onr IIno dOlln prolOptlT I1I1.t In nra\.clnl8 \ ordur. orned Ib"p 00 Ibs orllor WI"t m tbo bO'o boneo. GIV Uti A. TIU" . . . . Urokeu ( Jew , . - - , Nobra.ata. : ' CIJIN rON OA Y . . . Physician & 'Su geon. Olnco In rcnr of Ibo o1t ot Comm.reo. 'R"el' deuce 6th bouio WOIt of ( bo dtillUlt ohurcb. Urokoo Dow. Nttbrlllllln. : . ' D H. . C. L. l t ! LLEN51 Physician SurgeolJ. : : ud tt&lr\Vlly Crom WD \ oud III Ueolty Block ; rulldcnco"lIrd WOIt M te. churob. on 80IDD Bldlt ot MtnJIE:2frJrokou : lJo\Y. . NclJraaka . - - - - Dlt . l . . O. & . "Y. . E. : ALBOT , PHX lG ANS i.S .RGEONS. Od1o.a lIV1r Haoberle's Drug ttore. ! Drnkoulow \ , . ' , Nliht& ! " " . , - - CITY AIUjlU : : ) lOP , , _ II. O. HUTTON , Proprietor. Flret-cla \York. . Hour ! too' oJl tlrokuo 1I0w ! llIilo IIIIUk , IIrokali Dow NolJr,01ta. . . W A. TBOMPt30 : . CONTUMJ'1'On & nUILlUm , , prPlal111 aol1 eelhn.lell on ahortoottcu. } 4fOkonlJow. NcbrllKka. . WILLI OADWEI414 mm" : ! I'a.JIlll1m : IDk.2. ] w , h. 114/.1. . ft..1I.1I4utuy. . The hnaIJllfl'.ntnlJln VelJrll k. . . Io'nrm IIIUdl $ tO to f.I5 per IIcro. . tIt'lOt dne 10n l1otl ChtJ6P. . . . . . 'HALL & II ARTLEY , Itenl edotc. Loan. lIul1l08l1r' nllco Write 01. . . . , . . . . . . . . . , nrllllgtou Hunte. 4t 'lIt. NotJrMk. , . H ILL SIDE HERFORDS and IJuro , r""cy ( > g bTl'dIud old. o t IHood oltlJolrclua. Addfll"80 O. . C.UV.ELL. . Broken uow , NobrARlrn J. J. I:3NYOEH : , . . ; 171 il 1IWilD rI"'l1 " , WIIIi.AN o'rARY l01I' l'U III.IC kio .Ju " 01 IIII ! I'uuco , ! < \ , IJClllllllltDOOl1tt'lD tu co' ' IUU I.I IIII/ni / tnk n , pcodlotl vouch. 'Jr. ' 11 " . ' 1"1'1\ \ ( " ' \ IHIIII kl0111 of legul plIl'a , . Vi II. Ulllo < , 10 Lllu r' IIr of IbJof : IOIOUwrce. ; llrol < o/ ' ' ! . 6bru6k. . - - - - FRANSE MOORJ , . W IDilPD : ID Ji ] : e ! i , 'l'WI ! IIJockl nortb ot I HIILI1 f..nlr I 1Iotlll , Pili. rOlllqo > IO\Jcllod. \ I'ricoK reuoullblo. .TIME nOLE . .qto.aN : I l ) 'n. ; ' . l..COI" . o."Vcr , 011..1111"1. Ilel 'u. . Cl1lcuflO. u "nc. . .t .Jo..cph. . 1-01 II" 110 , K.u..ti. . . . . Cu. " . . tUIU 1.Q'c CUJ" ; . ' tit. 1..01111" . . . , .d ! i.ln I"ruucl"c. "n I-oillt. . . attt A 11(1oln' " "nd " 'Olltll. " "VI. . . . . No.VI ! Ubuled ex ro81 dally. Lincoln. Oma , ha. tjt , JOIIII ) J liane,8IIY. St Loul . ChICAgo CAge and all Iloln , . , \fIt HDd "Dtb , . 807a.1II No. 4C-LocIII expro ' ' 1) , Itucolu. ( ) ullllll , CblCIIo ! and AIIIlnt O< Hilil ' ' ' ' 1111.10 SO ! t.1D . . No. n-VlIl\t1blllod oxpresl l1.tly. lIul. . , " . HUIII' . ttu Uotte. l'ortlllni1 anti 111Pl1ctJc \ COlld. \ Ilolntll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .Ou aw : : No. 'IS-I.o < : ol oxpreHi .tallY. 'IIIIIIUI' " al1lt . . ; ' , 10wrwel1Awolnu \ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It 58 plD , tlleuplng , dh.tng anti rodlnlol ( chaIr CUt 'tou " . " . tree ) on Ibrnugb tralll . Tlckc" tOl" ull bai ; ' , i lIgu ch Cklld to liny I'ulut lu tI. UulWd IJ\I. . . . . < " . . . ' 1. aud Cllnada , l fullJlalioll , 111111'1 , IImu Ihbl . and \Ickel" c.1I on 0 : wnw to II. L. Ormlb . " " 111. . .r . ) II'rallr. . . . O. I' , A.lJulnhll. N"'r'l . > lIl.II , . " ' j , 11 t 0C \ I',1. . . ' . I . . I - - - I aOHEDULE OF RWOKEh UOW , . , AILh. . ' Pouch for we"t Will ln.o IH " t. IU , 11"1) ) " I Suodar whco It wl.1 CICttl.\1 d I tI w Pooch. ell t fnr . . . .In So , 14 " ' ) ) \ , t t ! a ' , and fUI Nu. oH CIO Uf Ht , I. . , 11 I" . 'fa' for n lo" : alllllolutK "liSIf Or.I,1 l I , , " ) "I"t on tr.l' : No I ' e.Jcooto "fl. of Uyuo 8r.d 'ru.'rv,1 , ctliUy " . rU1'1 ' 1uudl > ycl ( ) " ,1\1.7" m ; r"lu' . . . . .or 8..U\I : d"y I CttilllWliY vlu , totc'ltluley d lI , U&otJllt 8ULdi ) ; clodll lit 7 a 01. rlliurnlut ( IIbll. . . ol"Y. ; HuDnd Vallu , vI. . Grc"o "nd <o" nlolll at 7 II ' I m. TOllldilY. 'rbunl1ay lIu.1 SIlLurl1&t . rotorolog ( , 1J"lr u dllY , ' : Suwnor TIIGuro o" Gour elowu ault UIt01o : - "rrflves at It 30. 'l'ue dll" 'lllllroldny aud ! ! alIr. 1 : dilY re\Urnlrllf t"o. ut 1 ,30 f\U. . . daJ. . . " ( OlUo , huurd herD H.OO a 10 lu 6.00 II rn , nn" d.y" from 1It5 : p. m. to 6411 p. m , Lobhy 0 'on ' - ! w , , 11 d.yv froul 'jl , 11.1. t.u & . m. Buodlhe arJlJ II. m IIIIII III , Ucu"r,1 do \ vcry DOC . npen tUL\ ' l' .I"y ulorulUI ( as lJeretuturo L. It" f''J'T , 1't. . . . . . t . ' ' . . _ . . 'f - - - - - - - - - - I - - . - - _ _ - - - : : - - - : : - . . .c'f : . _ _ _ ' " - - - ' . ' , . . t : " . Oj1CUI.e a Cold in Olle Day 1 A ; ; Takd " "ative IBromo , Quinine Tobl ts. A' rm. .I Ol\Cvery : , ' , . . " , . .IIJIIotIIo..lIOId ! fa.u Ia _ .nth. . 'T1 s ; Signat1Ire , (9 : : ; , rl : ' tJo'1l' . , . II I I