Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 17, 1903, Image 8

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    , , 1J - _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ' IJ. C. Mooabstracting. : - . 2lf
Rock salt at the Eagle Grocery.
! ' For bargai s in reaC est tc
I collections , call on C. E. Gandy ,
Notary Public , Broken Bow. 9tf
J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac-
ter. . 39tf
One hundred ton of hay to let
out on the shares.
Before buying flour visit the
Eagle : Grocery.
- - - - -
Apples ! Apples ! ! Apples11 !
I Aij. kl11ds of apples-cooking , eat-
I ing and crab apples at the Star
j W ANTRD-'l'o hire two men
I that have families. Houses furn-
38tf West Union , Neb.
I FOR SALn-Tow.J lots and a
, few five acre lots in this city.
-Allen Revner.
I , . . - ,
q I Money loaned on improved
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb.
, !
I 'I '
I " ' Just received a new stock of
\ p cture frames , mouldings , mats ,
etc. Picture frames made to or-
der. Second hand goods of all
kinds bought and sold.
39tf South Side Square.
, $10,000 worth of goods to be
Glosed Out at MUNK'S Clearing
ale , in the Realty Block I All
must go. No reserve ! Men's ,
women's and children's shoes at
any , price.
- -
, Call on Mrs Zahn , the new
milliner , in the Rawson building ,
est side of public square. All
new goods and up-to-date in
style. ,
FOR SALE-Cheap , two stoves.
: ne cook stove and one hard or
sOft coal burner. Call at t'his '
office. J
If you want to make your
money go a long way don't miss
MUNK'S Closing Out Sale , Realty
Block , next door to J. . Os-
born's Grocerv Store. More
: goods for less money than can be
I Dought in Custer County.
! . .The Broken Bow B siness Col-
I lege' opens Sept. 7. lOtf
I . , " The celebrated . Geiser Thresh-
l11g machinery. Never , beaten in
a test. The machine without
9 ves. For sale by
2t S. M. DORRIS.
. . . , -
- - -
Don't rorlct for the next 60
days you can get morc goods , for
less monc ) ' at MUNK'S Cleanng
Salc , in thc Realty Block , than
you ever got beCore.
- - - _ - ' - _ _ _
To thc ladics : Don't worry
about what to wcar to the fair.
Drop in at Wilson & Drake's and
get a tailor made suit or treat
yourself to a swell skirt and stylIsh -
Ish shirt waist. 'rhen you" will
enjoy the show. 10tf
FOR SALH.-A fine home with
teed well , good buildings , bearIng -
Ing fruit trees , etc. All of block
6 , Jewetts addition to Broken
Bow , Nebraska.
11-14 Ansley , Neb.
Bran , shorts and ground feed
for sale at' the Eagle Grocery.
Good d.oubie barrcl shot gun
for sale or will trade for a good
wheel. Call at Huckleberry's
bicycle shop. It
'fo Custer Coullty's lIuuaekc'I'Iprs.
. .
J. C. Bowen requests your presence -
ence at his viuegar sale all next. .
week at the store. Bring your : .
largest jugs.
- - - - -
Just rcceived a car load of
flour , and we are selling it the
cheapest of an ) ' flour that has
been sold here. 'rrv . it-at the
Star Grocery. 8tf
- -
J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac-
ter. 39th
Full line of staple groceries at
the Eagle Grocery.
For a bracer , use Tea J-4eaf
Tea , at J. C. Bowen's.
'rhe ladies of the Presbyterian
church will have a cake sale on
Saturday in the building cast
side of square formerl ) occupied
by P. H. Munk. Sale commences
at 2:30 : p. ' m.
A rare chance to get a dairy
farm. The cream business is
bere to stay and we have a bargain -
gain for some one. Price , $800.
100 acres of farming land and
balance grazing land.
13-15 Sargent , Neb.
FOR SALn-A : dwelling house
near tbe public square , suitable
for dal boarders. Enquire at
this office. 13tf
This office for neat job. work.
FOR SAI.E-Six room house ;
best location in city.
Apples , peaches .and plums at
the Eagle Grocery.
- -
. /
. .
Remote , barbaric and unpeopled lands , from the frigid zones of the poles to the
hot cllmeg of the Equator , forest fastness , Inpenetrable jungles , burning desertsl
mo ntaln crags and lhe broad plains h ve contributed jJrofusel ' and have yleldea
their .Stranjte Members of the Animal World In a COMPLETE GIGANTIC
COLLECTION that has never before been seen since the historic deluge , when
the Patriarch Noah assemble his grand collection in the Ark to J3reserve from the
pluvlan downpour , the Birds , Beasts and Heptlles of the c lrth. Object lessons In
animated nature brought to your very doors. All earth's treasures , embracing
Animals famed for their ferocity , rarity or beauty , which Includes the tinest sJ3ecl-
mens lllve of the huge blood-sweating Hippopotami , Stately Giraffe , Monster Elephants -
phants } Ferocious Carnivorous Lions , Treacherous Tigers from India , Beautiful
Strlpea Zebras , and all of the strange monsters of the sea jungle and forest.
Strange forms of life from remote lands. Birds of bright , brilliant Ilumage from
the Islands of the South , and thousands of olher strange and cunous ? animals.
In the Forenoon. Well worth a 10urney of .00 MJlas to Inspect.
. YW SHOWs DAILY at I and 7 p. m. An Bour Illven to the nhuLlaDd
. . " -Cullum Carroll b fore the COlnmoacement of thft CircUM allc1 UlnQOdroDlIa .
. . , . .iM. . . _ PorformLDcu. :
'i'i'f ' , . , . .
( " . ' WILL EXHI81T AT
"BFI.C : > : B.ELV : : ECC > , .
TUBsday , Seotember 29. . 1903.
. . " . -
. .
. " , . .
, .
' : . " U r ' 1 IK.
. _ . . , a' . . .
I New wall paper and plenty of
I it , at J. C. Bowen's.
Room for more boarders at
I Mrs. King's. Board by day or
week. 13 tf
We have just received a large
consignment of Queensware and
glassware. CaU and see them.
A pickling receipt that'n ver
fails- :
First-Pure cider vinegar.
econd - Pure Spices. .
Third-Good Fruits.
These can be obtained of J. C.
Bowen , the grocer.
W. A. George & Co. , have just
recei ved a car load of salt.
. . _ .
- - - - - - -
The best ice cream soda in the
city at Wilkin's drug store.
_ .
- - - ' - -
Ice cream soda at Wilkin's
drug store for five cents. Try it.
FOR SAr.n-Choice Herfords
and Duroc wine. Best blood
1 ines. G. E. CADWELL.
J. G. T4eonard bonded abstrac-
ter. 39tf
, .
Broken Bow was called upon
to surrender one of her fairest
daughters on Wednesday evening -
ing , September 16 , 1903 , when
Mr. Richard James , Jr. , of Lex _
Ington , Nebraska , took for his
bride Miss Lula M. Lee of this
city. The ceremony took pl co
at the home of the bride's parents -
ents , Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lee , and
was witnessed by the immediate
family and a few of the most , in-I
timate friends of the bride and
groom. ' .l'he nuptials were con-
sumated by Rev. S. P. Morris ,
pastor of the Baptist church .of
this city. A splendid wedding
supper was served immediately
after the ceremony. The .na.tur-
al beauty of the bride was
brought into tasteful prominence
by the quiet elegaIJce of her 1V ( d-
ding trousseau. ' bridesmaid
was Miss Eila Den' ! , who had. .
been the. intimate friend of the I
bride for a long tque. .
groom was , tastefully a.rra.yed in. .
the conventional black and . a.s' '
attended by Mr. J. G. Carpent.r ;
Mr. and Mrs. James will div pt ;
their time between Brok n Bqw
and Lexington for a while. T
groom is identified w.itll lti ?
father in the hardware Qu in
at the latter place. . . .
The RnpuBLIcAN exten s coJ:1 : :
gratulations. - : -
' \
_ _ ' 1
l'awpbeU Brothers Greeted by Iurge
( } roml aud Present Guod Show. ,
North Platte Telegram ; The
Campbell Brothers arrived. in-this
city Sunday morning with their
circus consisting of 22 large can
and unloaded. their animals and'
tents on the show grounds north
of the tracks. Hundreds of pee. . .
pIe were there to see them un-
load. The mammoth new canvas -
vas tents are the largest ever
seen in this city. The parade
left the grounds about 10 o'clock
and was one of the finest and
most up-to-date we have ever
witnessed. At the afternoon
performance the big tent .was
packed to its capacity and judging -
ing from the hearty applause
wliich greeted aU the high-class
acts in the rings and midair we
must say that the Campbell
Bros. are strictly in it this year.
No gambling , grafting or games
of chance are allowed upon the
show grounds , and the circus is
conducted upon a moral and business -
ness principle. The help of t.his
circus seem to be perfect gentlemen -
men and have 'conducted themselves -
selves as such while in the city.
Campbell Bros' . show will exhibit -
hibit in Broken Bow on Tuesday
September , 19. 14-15
Cnn lor tbe Deluocratlc COUllt"
The democrats of Custer County are
hereby called to meet , in mass con\'ention
in Broken Bow on Sept. , lC/o for the pur-
I pose of placing ill nomination candidates
for countf officers /lOll transacting sllch
oUler buslUess as may regularly come be-
for it. All democrats of the coullty Urt
I urged to be present.
Dr. C. . Mullins , Chairman.
R. G. Moore , Sec'y.
} 'Ire at .Aullelmo.
- - -
'Ve learn fromJas.Lindly of An-
sehno , that Ale'x 'P.arkison's livey
barn in Anselmo caught- fire this
morning about 2 o'clock and
burned to th.e gr und.
Mr. Parl\ son hud four of hiH
own horses , one transicnt , cows ,
three rigs , threc set double and
one ingle set of harnes and tcn
tons of hay burne . No immr-
ance. If is a hard blow as the
property all he had and he
will be compelled to resort to da.y
work for support. 1I0w the lire
origiuated is a mystery.
Card uf 'I IIIUk. . .
I hereby desire to publicly
thank W. H. Robinson , who I
fond my wife's pocltet book and
left it at Haeberle's drug store.
Such evidence of honesty is lJigh-
ly commendable.
C..rd of I . . , . . . .U. .
- - '
We hereby extend our sincere
thanks to the friends and neighbors -
bors , who so kindly assisted us
during the sickness , death and I
funeral services of our dearly -
loved husband and father. be-I
- - - - - -
I.etler Lilt ! .
The following is the dead
letter list for the week ending
September 15 , 1903 :
D. P. Brown , G. J. lreland ,
Abram Olson , Mrs. Etta Pike ,
1. C. Stahl , O. C. Thompkins.
Parties calling for the above
will please say advertised.
L. H. JnWET'r , P. M.
cl1urc' rvtc " ,
Sunday School at 10 o'clock. Prcach-
ing Ilt 11 a m. and 8 p. m. l\Iorning
Theme "The Twcl\'e Spilts in Canaan. "
Chancellor W. P. Aylsworth of Cotner
Uni\'crsity , will speak at the Christian
church next Sunday morninI : and even. I
ing. Chancellor Aylsworth IS one of the
foremost scholars and teachers of the
west and it will be a rart treat to hear
him' .
Bible School at 10 a. 111. Di'illeVor -
ship II n. m. Topic "The Transformation -
tion of an Ideal.II A barywne solo by
Mr. J. G. W : Lewis , at this service. 7 p.
m. ' . Y.'P. U. Miss Anna Edmunds ,
Leader. , E\'ening ser\'ice 8 p. m. Topic
"The Hand of Pate. " Wednesduy 8 p.
nJ. Prayer'time. 'l'hursday 2 p. m. The
adies Aid Society.
A. H. Copsey of 'Vestervi11e ,
has p r . in 100 acres of winter
. Mrs : T. W. Dean and daughter -
ter , Gertrude , of. West Union , IS
visiting in the city this week.
"Frank Wallace . and Ed. Purcell -
cell we'nt to Ravenna yesterday
mOlning ; to run a stand during
the Carnival.
Rev. J. R. 'Voods of .Mason i
City - , was in the city yesterday
on his way to Bethel U niou
chu.rch , northeast of the city.
Mrs. D. M. Alllsberry , who lJas
been visiting at Corydon , Iowa
and vicinity the past month , returned -
turned home yesterday morning.
Judge Gutterson went to Ger-
ing , Scotts Bluffs county , to hold
court the first of the week for
Judge Grimes , while Judge
Grimes held court for him here.
C. A. Chapin has accepted the
agency for the St. Paul Creamery
Co. He will buy cream and sell
separators. His office will be in
the Johnson building adjouining
Johnson's blacksmith . shop on the
A number of the young people
of the ci ty left Monday morning
for Lincoln to attend the'Vesley-
an University. They are Misses
Edith Lomax , Millie OrrGeanne
and Ina Sullivan , Messrs 'Vill
McCandless , Chas. 'Vil1dnagle ,
Linn Su11ivau , Joe Orr , Frank .
J. R. Dean , II. J. Shinn , II. 1\1.
Sullivan , E. R. Purcell ar.d Jas.
Stockham went to Ravenna today -
day to attend to pop judicial
convention. ' .l'he ) ' expect to get
the nomination for a Custer
county candidnte. It oug"ht to
be an' easy task as Kearney has
the republican candidate.
W. A. Thompson of this city ,
has been awarded the contract to
build a new frame school house
in school district No. 50 , in thl'
Barcus neighborhood. 'l'he sh :
f the building is to be 20X b
feet with 10 feet posts. It is a
matter of pridc to see s.o mall ) '
frame school houses talC1l1g the
place ot the piolleer sod.
NUI'lhIH'1l 1'111111l1l Hull"u ) ' ( ' 011111111I ) '
- - -
Croolcston,1\t nll.Juue 15 , } I ) 3.
' 1'0 Whom C tfcernerl :
Campbell Brothers' show play-
ed' ill Crookston to large crowds
both for the afternooll and c\'en-
iug performances. I t is a good ,
clean show , and the l11a agers
: : IU attendance are gentlemanly
- - - - - _ . - . - _ - . . , n. . . , . - , . -
- - - "
, - _ . - - I
. ,
. . I
- N . . . _ _ _ _
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO TO TII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: e1 ; S-tore
Summer dress goods , black and white India tincu
black and whitc mnlls , white silk mulls , mer-
l'erized silk chambraj' , lochiel zephyr , favodte
zephyr , pigue , dudc , almeria hatiste , halcyon
batiste and ginghams for waists , laces and em-
broideries. , "
Rib bans , Vel vets , Vel veteens , Silks , Crepc , ) . 1' . ;
Nuns Veiling' , and Satecns. Also a I lle tine of
Ladies J-40W Dress Shoes , Kid Colonial , Kid I
li'our Strap , Sandals and Dongola Souvenirs. \
Sunbonnets , Ginghams , Velvet l ibhom1. \
E. Reyner & CO. , \
Brokel ) 130\.v. - - Nebraska.
. . . . - . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---II ! ' - - - - - - ' -
. . .
v - - . - - . . " ' - - rand - - -
- - - - - - '
and courteous. W. g. HAND ,
Agent Northern Pacific Hailway.
Campbell Bros' . show will exhibit -
hibit in Broken Bow on Tucsday ,
September 2 ( ) . 14-15
I.ow nnteH 'VCMI.
The Burlington olTcrs round trip tickets
as follows :
DCIl\'cr , Col. , and rcturn , 14. 70 , Junc
I to Sept. 30.
Colorado SprillgS , Col. , allIl Icl rn ,
$18.75 , June I to Sept. 30.
I Pucblo , Col. , aUlI return , $19.60 , JUu
I to Sept. 30.
Glenwood Springs , Col. , at 111 rclurn ,
$28.25 , Junc 1 to SClt. 30. .
Ogdcu , Utah , aUl , rclurn , $3:1.90 , JUIlC
I to Sept. 39. '
Sall'Lakc City , Utah. allll return , $32.-
19 < > , June I to Sept. 30.
Deadwood , S. ! J. , and returu , $14,05 ,
June I to Sept. 30.
ad , S. D. , and rcturn , $14.05 , June 1
to Scpt. 30.
Hot Spring , S. D. , nnd return , $10.95 ,
June I to Sept. 30.
Custer , S. D. and return , $11.60 Jun
to Sept. 30. Ask the tickct agcnt for
particulars. 52'14
- - - - -
W At.'l'KD-ScveruJ IUIu trluue 11' reoull lu
each elate to tuvel ror houet' . .ellltJlIHheil clcvull
) ears ae < 1 with" large call1lal. Iu call UI'OIl IIIl'r.
chau18 IIlId Mgellts for uccc ful 111111 prollt.hll1
11" . , . Pelmalluut englllcuwllt : We'kly clI 1I
alllrf or $ It ! IIII ( } all travollllK cJtI'I'ruc 1I1It ! 1I0h"
blllR allYlUlctJll In clIMh ellch wcok. Jtl."rlelluu .
nor e aelltlal.I'nhon ! relerellce 111111 tmCIIlM"
/le1C.alldel8e.l . , lIvelope. ' 1'UII : NATIONAl. , a'\4 \
Dearborn Mt. , lhlcago ,
America's Greatest Weekly.
T14 I
Toledo Blade
Toledo , Ohio.
New and Larger BuildIng. New
Presses. New Stereotype Plant.
New and Moelern Appliances
In every department.
The 'l'oledo Blade is now installed -
stalled in its new building , with
a modern plant and equipmcnt.
and facilities eqnal to any publication -
cation between New York and
Chicago. It is the only weekh'
newspaper edited expres'sly feir
every state and territory.rL'hc
News of the " \V orld so arranged
t.1tat bus ) ' people can more easily
comprehend , than hy reading
cumberson columns of Ilail ics.
All current ' topics made piain in
each' issue by special editorial
matter , written from inception
dow11 to date. 'l'he enl ) ' paper
published especially for people
who do or do not read daily newspapers -
papers , and yet thin t for plain
facts. 'l'hat this kind of a newspaper -
paper is popular , is pro\'cn by
the fact that the Weekl\ . ' Blade
now has o\.cr 1hOOOO.yearly
suhscribcl's , and is circulated in
all parts of the U. S. In addition -
tion to the news , the Blade
publishes short and serial stories ,
and many departmcn ts of matter
suited to every memher of the
family. . Only one dollar a year.
.Write for free specimcn copy.
. Address ,
' 1'IIH BI.ADH ,
' 1'olcdo , Ohio.
'rhe 1 HI'U1I1ICAN and 'I olcllo
Blade , 011 ( ' year , $1.35 ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Each One's Share
would be 23' aCI""s if th C\I : th wa ! ; di\'i.l.
, ll1p elllJtll : } ' . . lIu\'c } 'OU got ) ' 11\\1' \ : - > 1.lurI'
or an } ' part of It ? If lIot \ \ ' CUll dllt to
} 'Oll. We htl\'l' C"Iclll'lIt bargaills ill
' ' ' '
1111111 dircctiolls--.ill the dty , ill tht' lIh- .
urhs nUll iu thc cOllutry. Busiuess pro. i
pert } ' , rcsidem'es ulIII fanusVt' t'an
6uit you us to pricc.
Ja111e Leel.viull. .
Bro eu O\ ' , - - - Nebrasku.
- : - : : " _ -ftr
II "c 1' : 'I' ( ) " 'U I ; ; C H. U 11.0 U 1- : .
011 Scphrnlcr 1st , 8th nUll 15th al1l1 \
Octo cr 6th thc Burlillgtou ofTcles 101111.1 . "
trip tickcts , good thirty dnys , 10 IIIUUY
pomts iu Illdiallll mill Ohio ut U fUlc uUlI
one third rate. Au cxcellcnt OppOl tlluity
to "isit old fricnds in the Cllst. Ask the
tickct agent for furthcr particulars. 12.16
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
JnltrlH t Itclort IOf 'rollaa ) ' .
UII.U- .
\\'lh'l4t . . . , . . . . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . .IS 56
IIblloy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . 35
Ullt8 . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2b
Ityu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . . . . . . . . J
U..rll. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . . . .3J
1,1" ' : HTOCK- .
IIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5211 .
1t..Jr . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 . ) ( It 3.O
I'nllLTILY . .w - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f .5 . fI 2.75 \
tJhlckelJ tI"'I' 1"111\1\ . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .Ou '
'l'urlwys , II' " 1'111111.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,0:1 : :
1'lODUlJIJ- !
Ilrtttt'r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : : . . . . . . . .15
RggJ , I't'r ' "u IL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
1'lIlIllooe. p r hl"hul. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .50
O"I..u . I'ur ' tJlI IItI. " . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . LUl ,
lIaVolwr IOu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 I
ijlrl\WllOr cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Sug..r.l1rRnulatcd , I'er OW1.$5.60 @ 6.75
ROSS G. 1OOI g ,
Attorne\.at.Law. \ '
Helll . , elu\u 1I111l11l 11 IJroker. om 'U III H all )
Block , l'ruk"11 1I0W , NtI.lfH kll ,
I -
Legal Notices.
_ _ n _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .
I , CI I , AJ > V"1'ISJ MK"i'1' .
All 1111verll emtJllls Illlll r this hcull will tJo
chllrg II rur ut I..vul rllt . vir. : $1.00 " , 'r IIquu. .
tur IIrHt III.erllon , IIl\1j llc I'er Mllllllre fur ellcll
dUhMeIIIU It InourUulI.
A " IIUllr. . " I. lcllilnod or rraclIun thul'eor.
- - - - - - - - -
Unltoll Stalc' Land Ollleu , l
IIrokoll H.lw , N'bflldklO , el'lowtJ"r ! ! , 19OJ. r
NllIce 1M hordlY I.vell ll1at Iho rOlh.wlllg'lIl1w ,
, HI runler hu. I1I LlIlOllCo 01 hIM IlIleullou tu ilia. . .
IIlInlllr .or lu MUllllort ur hili , 111111 that , al < 1
proot will hu m..lIe h f , , , , , H glt"r 1111.1 . U..cdver ,
at IIrokonllow. NoLlra k" . UII Iclllh r 17. I < JOJ.
vl : . . . 1111411I ( I ICw IIg lit , \n.e'lIlll. ' .lIrn"ka ,
for the H IC. 'fI , 11j3'J. , , IJW { e ! , 'II' { Se\'lIol1
13 , 'l'ownshll' 1'1.1 . Utaute : 25 IV. lie " "Ule" tlJl
101)1Iwlll ) : : IVIU..U. to IIwv" , hl8 cUIJII"lIuUI 10d ! .
IJt"IU : 111' ' < 111111111 1lIllI"'tllin or .11111 1.11.1 . vlz :
( JOII 1'1..111111111 ot Merllli , Nl'hr. . .1 < Jllu I' ' ' ' ? or
, ' ' 'rna , Neh , gllwunl lIay ot l uI..I.a \'lilley ,
Nellr. 'rltllk Iulrlllur of All' till"I : h.
ta.IS-53 JAmy WUIT&I\b:4IJ \ : , II. gl'l6r.
- - -
l'nllt1 ! Hla ce Lall.1 011I c ,
1.II1CIlII1. NI'hruoku Augtlel Ilth , 1'111,1. f .
Nollc" 1M h..u'hrIvun / tltlallhu , , ,1111"g I1lIwell ' 4
ettler hili IlI..Illwllc" ot his 1111..1111 'II I. . IIIlkl : ,
l1ulill'rollr III oUPl'ort ur hi. cllIlIlI. Itl II lLa at eal < 1
\IUHlr \ wlllle 11I > lle lIelllre.f A. AIIIIIur. county
jUlIgc. . .t IIrllk 1I Uow. NctJ. . 111I OJtutJcr hI. 1'103 ,
vlz : j,1I1\11I I" . Mcr , rr UII ! .1111111 U".t ljD&rt.r
01 I\I'CllolI , ' 1'lIw..h'I' . Utlt.It" \ : :0v. : . .JoIIIO.
tcIIII"lIlr ) i u lb3 Ilu 111I1I1 ! tlo : follo\\lI.g
lVt" . . . " " , I" . .rllv , III. " 1111 'hIli .u' rcslJellbe upou
" "II ell tlVlIllIU IIf . . .111 11,11. vl1. : , IUIH s W ,
l1ullllkcr 01 ' . , , "rg tllWlI , N.b. t h..r. . , IlhlulIIlIlIll
of Uro"11 Bow. elJ . P..ler IIcck lit 11 orl'I..wU.
Nehr. . "rlllur I l'f' ' of IImkun lIull' , Nuh
10.15-5 ; W A. CJIlIlbH. : lIegUcr. :
IJII\1e(1 \ ( ! illitell I.tallll Olllec. t
llru"culloll' . SutJUgUIL ; ,1'10.1 f
Nllllrt ! I lIurully glvo. . Illat III" rulloll I" IIblll.
"lIlettlcr hUll 1111' " 1I'llra , IIC 1.ld Illtellllllll HI ilia. "
IIlIlIl . .r.or 111 oUI'I'Clrl ' or hi" chtlm No. 2 52 Ilull
tllM 11.111 . .ro..r II IlItJe lu.llu 1..rl1. . 1I.I.r..r ! , ; II II I !
lI1Oc'tvllr nl , llroken lIow. NelJ , UII Sept , . I , 1'10.1. :
vi ? : Ul'urg. . I , Wlifrlu . Ihllkell II II IV , th'b. ,
for the " ! v II. ' Sccllnul . ' 1'own.hll , llj t-urlh ,
1t1i1lI.O : IVtJSlofb 1' . I , liar nUlie. till' lullllwlug
. . . . . . . . , .
willi. Ills
ol.rovc IOlltIlIIlUU" : r"Mitl lIcd I.lull
allli cuhll'allulIlIl al" lallll"I : ' \IVlt HIIIIIII . . '
HwkunllllIV. Nt'b , . 1)11\111 . . .b'.ujh ' uf Ilrok..11
ill IV. . ' 1 , h . \ \ " l'LIII : : ! lIrlngllll1bu 'If llrollell lIow.
" II. . 1111111e ; 'l'IHllpl.r..r 1,11111111. NIII.
"I 14-51 ; JUIK \ \ ' ' Ht
1I1'I'tIII < : AU , I lcr ,
l'ultc(1 : ; lalt'81. nLl Otllcu l
IIrnJ.I'u 111111' , t' < ellraeku. AlIg1l012 , 10\)3 , r
Nlltl' ! I. IlI'r..lI ) . .Inn IblailLe rolJolVlII IIb'U
e.1 , .ttler 1I11 IIle.lnotlCIHlr IIh l"lelltluu III IlIukt !
1I1I/lII"uur III .lIl'l'ort ' ' IIr III1'1111111 No. 1j3'Ilull '
Ibllt lIulll "r..ot "llItJc lIIullo I..rllr6 1I"I I.ICf IInll
lIucl'lv..r III IIrokoll 11011' . NctJmo" " OIJ : ielll " .lIor
11j , 1'101 , y. ' 1C0tJcri II. IIl'lItllurll e.s IIUI..lllali
tor : "olrhllhl. MlIllolIrllr / t. . . 101S a 111111 t. S1I11 (
'cclloll I ' 1'oll"lI 1I11' 1:1 : : North. ItUlIlO : ' ' 0 "e.t 01
tllh 1' . M II. . lIan Cllihu 10Ill'II'11I1l wlln.c III
limy" III coulllluo r Rhl"lIce UI'UIi 1011I1 ClIlllVlatlOIl
ur d/ll1l 1111111 , V'1. . I'rc@slIIlUI J. IUchuII.tllI or
UroKell 11011" . Nell. , HUUlUd 'l'uoley , ur IIrol..1I
Bow , N..tJ . Alhert II. I.Jhrlllllllli of IIrol.1'1I 11011" ,
eh. , "lIlI1e Slnglolt ( of ! low. Nell.
Q.H-5\ , IAMtI WUITJIlIlAII : : : , lIe:11I1 ! : r
_ . _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
o It II F..U'1'0 8110W CAUSE.
III 111.1 m.lrlct Courl 01 Cu.tor County. NolJr'hba.
llohl'cclI IIltulJllry all talllllllli.lra.
Irlx III Ih cotlilo ur JfI@uph 111111-
hllry.lIe t'Rlell , 1'11I1nlll1.
I"Je"erlck II 1111 II II r ) ' . I'rliuk 111111'
11111' ) ' . 1 < ' . .lInll1 IIbUhur ) ' , lIa.I,1I
lIantJury 111111'.111 \ lIanhur ) .
hl'lr. ul J..PI'I.II . I1l1utJury. Ih'c ' 1 < 8'
el' ' , lJulollll..ut .
Nllw oulI&1 " ' :1I.t : .ln1 uf JUly , l'JU.I. ' IIII ClU811 , . " t ,
CIIIIIIIn IU 1111 hIJlanlIHOIl , UI l'ell1l"l1 ' IIr lIeh"cCI\
Ihlllllllry. 111111I uilitfalrix of Ihl1 U'IIII. . tiC , IIIIIUI'Ii
IIlIlIhnq' , Ih'lrllu.l : , HUltlll : rtlurall 111,1 "I.I
JO t \'h lIullhury III hI. Ilf 1 1111 ha I I u , IIt.Bt
111111 I \ . .lh'"r II u 1I0ndiur II " "ell for ttJ. . HII" of lho
1I0rll1ea.1 1IIIIIrll'f nlllrclloll "ILvell ( III III tll\VU-
IIhll' Ihlrr..1I1131111HIh III rlllll : " twelll.III.C 121J
wI"t.11I I U'lm " ' " 11,1N..bll III& . 1111.1 . Ih'uallt'r
lliulllllteHl.\t' . 11111 1110 I'Urt'hoHO ' price " " 11I < 1 III
M'hl b01l1l ror 11.1"1'11 h. " . b"11 f..lly " "hi hI' Illu
" 'Alguoet ! IIIUf"Ur , 1111) : iluck y 11111(1t'lIig. \ . . 11 : .
III 1111 k II ) ' , li"ll 111,1 th'1v IIrt' 111I1111..11 IUI IlCIU fur
11,1 , ! PlIllll'rI'UII cb : 'ha thu h"II' I&t 'uIUIII . .II
I'tH. " ' , . III" " . ' ' 'II hi bIt,111 .tllt. . tar6 "d tolluwlI :
IIttJ cn 1IllIlhur , ) , IIr I" 1lIllIuor.tIIlU \ 01
.1..e.IIII , I'IIIK l'IIIIIIIY. 1)1\ ' " ' .
l'lcllcflt'k I1I1hl ry. HUn III I"'rOA.II , lItJ. ! : ! 2 , )
Y"1I8 , Polk t'ullllty. II\\OR ,
I"rllll Ihllllll. ! . 01111 , f II'r"Hell , ! I " 111 ; ) etlrd
1'1111. ; l'/llI lY I..a.
Falnl. U II' IIr , Ihll.lhl r , I , IUl' ' ' " II , I.g d
III yellr" . I'nk , 1II ) I"w
111111" 11.1 b or ) , ell II " 1.1..1 . t : , I H , . . , . .
1'111" VII .Ul . I wa
l'.nIUtallllllry. IOU III It I' I\.l'J , "K 1l Q cau.
Polk IllItluty , 10IVa
'hll'rll ' ) III IIIIII Ii ) ' toJ 1I1I1"'I1IH HI'lIt. . 1111 < 1
11"lhur It Ih..1 "t 8hhlllr lIIhd 1IIIIIe . .IIIHuy " ' .
I'IIICk"y ! 1IIIIIUcorce " . IlH'II..y In IIrCIIf.\IIIIUt !
, ,1Ia h.tI l..rIU "t . .1a111 . Imllli rllr . . .I . .LI
It III. Ih..n tOil' . ullierell 111..1 a.ld 1.111111011 IJu
. . ' 1 rur 110 lulUK III , " . . ( llstrlcl Unurt 11,1(1111 III
111'0111 ; 1I0w.11I CUliler ( JOUllty , "Cblhl" " " , UII Ih
1'Ilh ' 1111) or SCI.IOlUlodr , 1'10.1. : lat Ihe hour or lI'D
o'I'loCI. " UI , or 1\j HUOLt t"tIII"'I.r 11. till' IIU' . .
( "II Il' 1I"lIrl1 , at which Umo lu < 1IIIICO 1111 pelaOU.
IlIturrol.llu Maid OltltO are ordered to Ind .
Hllow IItll'U,1C auy th6ro lie. why tit. . pr.y"r 01 .
. .IIII'd.tlolI 8houlll not IJ6 Kr.&ut..II , 1a11l1 Itllat 1& r-
COI'v IIr Ibll orll rb. publlsllod rOfllls coullcl'ullYu
II " 1.1:11 : III tile Ouetlr
! County JltlIublll.'lIu. II Week.
I ) ' 110.11 a 1'111' r publleh"IllIt 111 ! ! aallillroken liow.
\ \ IIlItI. . IU r 1Iall.111I11I Jilt < 1ay ur JUly , 11103.
l'UAUL"al , . tJUTTKltaoV.
Jullgd or thl : ' } 'warllth Ju.llrlal III .
I trleL ot Ncollla.kll11 \ 111111 rnr UUMltlr
\ \ A IIIIINOTIIN "TbW : 4111
: j'B-SO '
t1uruI1V rur t'clllluu'ar .
. .