Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 17, 1903, Image 6

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I - - - - - - - _
\ I' ' : : r : :
. r ro , t . .
.B"- - " ; lOW ; , NEDIlASI\ .
' - I
1 , ! .t\ " " ' \ ' : ! 'Iense UHe ( he IIIn t. .
1 '
, , at to the Knl l'r-Lo\'e lI1e ,
ktvv w. ' bOl : ,
A WISl' UlIIU tunkl' Ulall ' (1'll'llIls IIlId
( cOllthlullt ,
- - - - - -
- - - -
Worl' ' I ! ! the 1I00rt'5t cllllllnl III Ihl )
worhl to do b\l luet1t1 on , I ,
At Il'ast hnl ( the work tlonl' III the
world Is o ( 110 lIarticulnr U t' , IIn1l11111 It
' he' ( xerl'lse. I
IIIU ; ) or " I
"A lIew Greek ( 'II billet hns hC1'1I
lIall1ed , " IInd the el1sl lit one or thelll
to 11I'Oll0llnce Is "Phnrmnclllneoulo , "
Somehow the mnn " , 'ho oIT'I'S hnr.
nlnR lIIallllges to ncqulre wC'nlth ( nstC'r
thnn tll090 who /11'0 nlwn ; ) ' ! ! looklnj : ror
them ,
The mlkndo has bought nil AmC'rlc'lIl1
nutoll1obe ! ! , Now he Inn ; ) ' rUII o\'er thl'
IhlsRlnn benr thnt Is stnlllllll [ : III thut
oIlell 1I00r.
Wh"n It conJrellSII1UII ] lllIIlts gllrl ] ( 'II
peeds Among hl8 ruml COllstltuellts hi
the flprlll he eXllects to hnn'C'st n CI'OII
of "otes In the ( ull.
At. . n recent \\'I'llllllI ! ; III Lonclon
King E wal'll nllpellrell wl'IlI'ln/ / red
cra\'lIt with II frocl , coat , tlllls Il1th'lI' .
hllIg : the old trndltloll thnt the Idllg
elltl do 110 wrollg ,
The BrlUsh JO\'CI'III1Wllt haR jI'nlltCl ]
n pellsloll of $1,000 a , 'ellr to , lUUII !
lcCnt'thr , the \nlter. If he hus htHI
the lucl , of lIIost writers the 111 01 W ; ) '
will co 111 0' III hUlllr. :
A Georgia /11'1 / who ncc'pplell a hex
of cl1lld ' fl'olll her rcJeclel1 lo\'cl' n te
some of It IIl1d Is dealt. IIl1t the lIext
Jlrl who gelt ! c1U1l1 ; ) ' will I1roeeel ] tea
< < : a t It j list the snme ,
A It'alnOrtm' restOl'el1n 10Rt Jloelet.
heel , contlllning r , ' 100 to Its OWllel' nlll ]
I was rO\\'l\1'lled with It clgnl' , 'j'hh shows
how IIltle some wClth ! ' 1111'11'nl1l11
I -.nonc ! ' nm ] how Dmch tlll' ' tlsillk of It
ootl clgnr ,
No one has o\'er cleal'lr explnilletl
Why.I11 the summer Bensnn , a , ; 11'1
whose skin would he hopell'l'sl ' rulnell
were she to roll up hel' slel'\i ! : 111111
put her hands lute n dlshpnll half
( ul1 ot 'Tntor ( or n few 111hIUt,8 , can
plnr golt 01' tenuls , hnre nl'lIIed , nil
dny 10llg , or go Into the watel' hath.
IlIg morning , noon Iln night , IInll he
proud of the color aho Ilequlres tn so
doing. Wh ; ) ' Is It. girls ? Don't all
' 'ihout the answer at once.
H business generally was as COlTUpt
ns politics Is ellernl1r , 5n 'H the De.
tl'olt Free Pl'ess , It Is douhtful I ( the
great fuhrlc of IIIIustrr alld COllllllerco
woulll 10llg hold toethet' : , 'l'hat ( J\ , .
l'rnmellt cnll stlll exist nllll IWrfcH'lIl
Its fUllctlon ! ! when corruption Is so
Jenoral Is dill' slmpl ; ) . to the fact thn t
the gO\'l'rnment touches the dull ' life
of the I1 < ' 0plo at few points , It thell'
IInlly hrC'n\1 depended upon Its high
Atulldards most or the populatloll
would atnr\ ' ( .
A rc ont report ot the British luhor
delJartmeut shows thnt the settlelllent
of labor contro'\'ersles by arbltrntloll Is
arowluJ : ; In ( \01' In the Ullltel ] I\IlIj : : .
dom. During ] nst YOO451,000 \ tlls.
putes respecting wages were flettlell
h ; ) cOllclllntlon bonrds nml 1iO,000 lIy
tho'11n.rtlOS thornsel\'cs , WngO'l'arll.
erR receh'C'11 l mch less than In mOl ,
hut taklllJ ; the period of ten 'ears ,
t'r0111 1SHJ.l00 ; : : ! , Ulo whole o ( the tlmo
the stutlstlcs ha'\'o been collectell , there
wu .11 slight nvcmgo Increuse , ahout
i pn $ ! e per bend per week.
D.I. ' nl' water und get typhoid , Drlllk
11I111 , und sot tuberculosis , Drlnl'
whhI , ' and get the jlmjums , Drlnl'
50UP ulld sot Bright's dlseaso , 1'llt
mellt nlld cncourlIo nll01llex ' , I al
1I 'shrs ! :1111 ] Ilcqulre tnxemlu , gat
\'e etllhles and weaken the srstel1l ,
gal lIessert IlJH ] tnle to Im1'esls ,
Rmoko l'lgarettl's anll IHe enrl ) ' , Smoke
1'I II1' : : ; mill ! ; et catnrrh , Drllll' l'olToe
.llIll ohlaln lIer\'ous prostrntloll , Drllli.
willo nllll et the gout. III order to be
l'lItlr I ' health . ono must cat 1I0thlll ,
th'l II I' lIothlng , smolo nothillg , IItHI
lJ\'en hofore breatlllllg ono should IWe
lllllt the nil' Is propel'ly sterIlIzed.
After nil the etTort anll money thl1t
1111'e lIeen anll are bOlng expelHlell
upon automoblle conslructlo l null ull
the necls that bn"o been nnll w1l1 'et
Ill. hrolen III nutomobo ! ! roces , thu ma ,
l'llille that will nbldo with us nnll hl
tlllle111111nnt the "ehlClo dl'a"'l b '
, horses 18 one tJlllt w11l1l"erne ! ten 01
twel\'e IIIlIus nn hour on fnlt'I ; ) . good
l'nnlls , nml which cnn be kept In SOl"
\'Ice without oXlle1lllltures for repair !
that will greatl ; ) . exceed the feedln
amI cnre o ( 11 ] lair of gooll , rell\bl : (
horses nnd the orllhln.r ' repnlrs whlcl :
11'aou / or cnrrlnge requires. 'rlu
prnjudlcc ngalnst nutomoblles that 11
felt h ' lIC'arl ' , , ' ' .
c\I' 'hod who Is nol
: I'le to OWII OIW will disappear betort
tlm alh'ellt or tht' maehille which 11
11\11ll (01' use Itlstl'HI : II ( "lleed none.
- -
- - - -
lmlllt : tlw 1'lIrll\l'an : \ llltUcultlCi
wllh Chltla J\ \ ( ) lit tll' III'CI'jence 0 :
( ) I llon "as I'XI1l"t'Sol'.1 liS to the popu
IlIlJon of thM ! : I'I'Ut .bllltic emplrc. }
J1.t W Cf\.llsUS of < : hlllll has just beel
o1."OlI.pll'11 ' 111111 lilt' ! 'l'llIrns hldlcntl
uH 1. : . . : " 'I'lIi" Uon hnsI \ , . . . . , mUle :
, . , . . , . .
- - . " " " 'r ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
, . . . -.rfNll. , I > ' " ' ' " " ' " r ' " ' ' " - - - - -
, . .
l1Iull'reRtlt Jtltell thnn o\"crcnlculntcd
A t lC'n t It sho\\'s the 1'110rmous totnl
( lOllllllltioll of 4211-1'17\000 , nccordhlJ ; Ie
I he cahled repol'ts. 'rhe numher of In.
hallltl1nt In Mnl1churln , Mongolln.
'i'hlhet IIlId ' 1'url'l'stJ1n wns onlr esU ,
ml1\f'd. \ ' 1'hu9' more tllnn ollO.fourth 01
, " \rorlll 111'0 coutnlned within tlu
(1hlnesl' 1'lIIlllre. Enn thl' British om.
Ilh'l' , wIth Its \"nst possesslolls ot :
( ' \'l'r ' 1'lInUnent , hns 30,000,000 Icss In.
ha hltlI1t : ; tl1nn Ohlna. In 18110 . G ,
, lIllycllflhln esthnntl'd the Inhabltllnu
b ( I1w ( 'nrth nt l.f8iOOOOOO , Slncf
th'J1 the nUlI1hC'r hils hlrrel1Rell at lellSt
1I,1O : , OOO , nJllldn It present totJ1 ] oj
11 , r riO , 000 , 000 ,
- ' - - - - - - -
) Iu'h hn lIeell wrlttC'n or the pOWC !
or 11111 111 C' , Ien are heglnlllnJ ; to I nn
thlll IlIIrll10n ; ) ' , the thlll 'which hns nl ,
WII 'S III'C'n tlll1 nl'C'ollllll1shment 01
n nJlIlI'lIIent , rl'l'rC'n lion n nd Idle hOllrs
rail he made to plu ' a prnctlcal pnrl
III 1"'l'r ' .dll ; ) ' life , A Naw Yorl , booh
1l1IhllRhln house has a ] lhl11o In e\"erJ
room , 'J'lwre nre pin nos In Imndred.
of flldorll's , In the SOllth a pench ,
growl'r l'mJ1lo 'H mllslclltnll to piny an
8111whlln / hili C'mplo 'es nro prepnrhlll
llelll'hNI for canning. Music liS nn aid
to hushll'RS Is just bejlnnln Its Iood
worl" nud the end of Its do\'elopment
Is fill' oIT , ' 1'he teller who works with
hlH hnms ] worls lIetter when he If
pll'a"I'II , If a man has nilmllslc . : In
hlH10111 his grourhlness tllsaPllear. i
wlll'n the hnnd be ll1s to plll . . No Ont
rnn 1'f1l1l11ute whut n lot ot 111 nutUl'f
l'nn bl' hlown to the winds b ; ) ' tIu
wltpJll'r ' of II few bars ot ral.Umc.
. \nd tht'n tht'rc Is the mntter of cour ,
uge. hlslc makes the heart 1Irn\'o
: \11'1'1' words ( ' /111 lIe\'er Inspire as doC !
hU1'1II01l ; ) ' , HemembC'r , howh < ' 11 : I
hor. 'Oll IIsed to whistle whell 'ou had
to wa ! ! , In a darl , alle ' nt nl ht ? 'he
1J1Ia\'t'I'III little tUlle thnt came fl'on : !
'Olll' 11111'sel ] III1H wns IIlmost liS seed
ns n hl llollcemnn at 'our side , 'fhe
othN' dll ' , lames Corrlgnll , n i. 'enr-old
hllhr , fC'1I down n shn Ct In = 'e\\ ' York
ulltl wns hjHlI . Injlll'l't ] . 'l'h ( ' . tool !
him to n hospital nlHI Il\1t his smashed
hQl ( ' 11110 u soft , white bel ] . lIow thE
IIl'I'\'l'H dill ache ! Great dl'olls stood
on thl' lillI'S forchl'nll , a 1111 t1l1all ' hE
n..lwlllf he IIIlght Hili ! ; , ' ' 'l'hen It won' ,
hlll.t mo so mllch , " he said , Permls
sloll wns J1\'en and he snng " 'rIll
Palms , " " 'rho lIol ' CIt . , " "Leul
Klnlll ' I.lght , " In II cll'n1''olce , nnd
then hlessed sleep cnme to him and the
ngon ' was o\'el' , It Iii h'ue that musc !
heliis lI1C'n to lI\'e nnd to die , nnd II
HOII ! : 011 the IIllS am ] In the soul easel
Jlltln 11I111 soothes the henrt ,
' 1'hC' oed farmer Iweps his fencl's up
'j'hi' gooll hOllsekeel1Cl' hnH her lJUl'eat :
nllll sldebonrd rawel's wl'lI orderell
' 1'he succl'ssfull1\1bllc speaker hns encb
gronll of his fncts careull ' Ilrrnnged
"Pllt toelher ; things that belonto. / .
gelher" hns long been recognized ns 8
com'elliellt rule of life , Almost ns uso-I
ful Is "KeC'p npart thlllgs that lIelon
apal't. " On the evenhlj : after Webstel
hnll mnde his rell . to Unrne the twc
Sellators mot nt n recl'ptlon , ' 1'hej'
II\'O\'l'd \ In IIn Illstunt thut their political
'dl : Ijl'l'ell1ent IUIII 1I0t mln led witt
their sOl'lnl amenltlC'R , "Uow are , ot
to-night. ] 111110 ; : " ! ; \ I11111' : , Wehstel'
" = ' 0110 the bettC'1' for 'ou , " )11' , JIII 'n (
luughlngl ' l'l'pliell , nllli the two Il11tag.
ollistfl ! : ihook hands as cOl'lllull ' as II
th. . . , hnd not .hlt ! measured swords.
with thl' cl\'lII7.ed wor.'tI fOl' their arc-
nil , Women filill this wholesome sep
IIratlQn of life Into tlitTerent compl1rl-
ments ! ' 11Cclall ' 111 tllclllt , 'l'he socla
doml'stle u1ll1 rellslous Interest of 8
WOl11l1n ha\'e a troublesome telldenc
to mlll le themselres Insepl1rablr , lIel
Bllel'llIl shnlle of thl'olo ' Int1nences hel
"C'IC'ction of frlendR , Her school 0/ /
ml'dlelnc null hC'r rlm\ ' ! ! . \'h'lsection
dC'termlne her conduct townrll her cous
Ius who nJI'-e or lllflngree with her
8hl' l'rere a dl'essntlller who holll !
s01l\1I1 \ rlews au Imperialism , She hnl
1\'C'n helm Imown to S\lSIe11l1 socIal re ,
II1t1onR with the woman who lIefente
her 111 nn election nt n " 'Olunn's club
Worst of all these confusions nnd In.
t1'\1slonR I ! ! that which mingles sonl (
gu I1In "worr ' " with nil the worh
: JIIII thl' pia ; ) ' o ( the week , " ) I ' hus
hallli hns tlluJht me one lessoll at
Il'al't. " sn hi u 'onn ; ; \\1 fe , "Th/\ / II
to Imow the hlt's 'l'd melI1lng of thE
Ilhl'l1l'l" 'lll'up It ! ' :11111 : to lie uble to uct
nllon It. JJI ) sn "s 1 sholl111 ha"e nnged !
1J1'1'1f \ Into till' gl'llYl' If It hnlln't beet
fOl' hind" Lite Is I11l1n\"I \ , nnd sh (
ets most O\lt of It wl10 Is callabe ! 01
passl\1 \ fl'om 0\11' eXllerlence to anothel ,
, without jlll'"Ith Whl'l' I'lIlIcutlo\1 \ nn
I OIIIIOl't\lIlIt ' 1I1ust como to woml'n a so
' ' ' ' 11hIl080Ilh ; ) " , uull n more ( 'omilletl
! ' ' 'pnratlon In their lhoulht nnll f el
; ill' : lIull conlluct of the things which belong
long upnl't ,
'r'aclIllI 1IIIJ II ) Hl'nll ,
' 1'he Intelligence of nnlmas sCoCms
as a rille , to \lmlen'nted rntIter tha1
o\'er1'ntnl , . \ do lIreeder llescrlb
till' other da ; ) " n wonderful colllo tba
hnd bl'lollge.1 to Sir John I..nbboc
' ' 'I'hls 110 , " he sa Ill , "wonld , wben I
, wns h\1n l"r , la . ut Its mnster's feet :
I carll mnl'ked ' (0011. ' Wheu It wa
t1llt't ' It woull1 fetch a ( 'ani mnrke
I 'drink , ' WhC'1I It wnutl'll to tnl'e
. wl1lk It WOUlll bring n ca , , ] marlC'
: 'O\lt. ' Ir , Joh\1 \ I.ulIboel , trnurd ! It t
; do this h'lck In Il'SS than 1\ menU
. lIe l1\1t tIte ( ooll carll orer the 1I0g' '
; food uud ml1de It bring the card to hh
borore he'oulI \ ullow It to eat , nnd I
the mntter of 111"hlldn nud goln ! ; 01
ho used n 1Ile method. ' 1'110 cnn :
were slmllnr In I\hape I1tHl colnr ; 110tl
11Ir : but th { . writ IllS on them dltTer
Since. tlll'rerore , the do dlstln ulshE
thel11 br the wI'ltln ! ; nlone , It 11111
. trulr be Mid thnt the nnlmnl cou1
rea d. "
I ' \ry time n mart'lell mun gel. ! h
hnlr cnt ho dallrl\"es Itls ' 1'1(0 of h. .
r stronC't'iit hold on hl111.
, _ . . . . " , . - . . . . , . . . _ - . . "
' . + + + + 01. + . . . . . . . . . + 01. ot. " ' + + " ' + + + + + +
. CJ00D I
: J
+ + . +
A certain wOHIly wnlteslp Its ll '
\lnquent \ Iubscrlherl ! In this lI\'el ' ( I\Ah.
Ion : "It Iii n"l thnt n mil II who
sqt1eczC'R a doh : " 1' nc\'cr sq\leezC's his
wife , A Ilnnce nt 0\11' \ subscription
hook lends \I ! ! to hello\'e thllt mnny
women In Uilli section nro not ha\"ln
their ribs crnctell , Come In nllll settle
nnd show that nil's rllht nt home. "
ot long IIgo a certnln door compnny
ft'cel\'l.'d IItl order for n cnrload of
doors ( rom nn mbryo Texus town ,
'l'he order was tilled nm ] the doors :
, rend ; ) ' ( or "hlprnt'nt , when a tclegrnm
\\118 rl''eh'cd cnllcellng the order , nnel
nnnoundng thllt n letter ot eXlllunRllon
wOllld folllo\\ ' . The letter nrrl\'Cd , 11I111
wns foulI(1 ( to he hrlef nnd much to the
( Iolnt. H relld : "Cancel ordl'r ( or cnr-
lend of doors , The town hils s\lldelll \ ( '
gene prohlbltloll , anl1 so man . doors
could not he used In twC'nt ' 'ears , "
Heccllt1 ; ) ' nn American tru\'l.'lInJ ; III
Russlll , who hnl1 neglect < 'l1 to pro\'lde
himself with n passport , wlwn he nr-
rl'ed II t the borders o ( the ( 'zn r's do-
mulns , wns held up h ' IIn omclnl with
It demnlld Cor his IIIISAport. For 1111 In-
stllnt the Amerlcnn WIIS stumpe , but ,
so the storJ' goell , Ill' qulclI ' rose to
the emergellcr. Dh'llIg Into his Insldl. '
110cl et , Ill ! 11\111ed out his life hlstll'nn'e
1101le ' : tI1l1 11I1IIlIC' ( ] It to the Husslnn ,
' 1'he laUl'r gru'el ; ) ' 1001'C'11 the Iltllel' :
0\1' , cnrefullr erutllllzlllg the hupos-
IlIg.looklllg' wul 111\(1 the ' ' -
\ ( IIrl'u of slg--
natures , 'l'heH , with II slIlIsl1l'(1 ( all' . Ill'
hunded hack tile papet' , allll the A 111 ( ' 1'-
Il'all Ilussell Oil ,
'he I1rst Lord . \mpthlll ollce eall \ l
upon Blsmarcl" and , while he wltltell
III IIn : tllte-room before bchlrecel'CI / ]
b ' the UPl'mulI chancellor , out ell1l1l'
COUllt JIal"1' ' Al'I1lm , Cllnnlll : ; himself
\\'lth his hmll11wrchlef , : JIll ] 1001dug' as
If he wl're Itbout to cholw'ell , " he
said , " ] pallllot 11Ilcl'stIl1ll ( ] how Bls.
mUl''k cun IWJthutsmoldng : \ the
strollgeRt JIt\'unas III 'a stun' ; ) ' little
room , I hllll to bl'g him to Ollen the
w111110w , " Whell the lIgllshmnn on- ,
tel'l'll the IIllartl1lent he fOllml Bls.
marck npl1Hrelltlr gasping ( or hreath
nt the 01ll'1I wlllllo"Whut stl'allge
tnstes SOI\1C \ Pl'OIIII ) hllye , " the challcel.
101' salll ; "Arnlm has just heen with
1\1C' \ , 1I1111 ho wns so o\'erpowerlllI , ' lwr.
fumed thnt I coulll stand It no ] ollger ,
nllll hnll to Ollen the willdow , "
A sullmhall 1'hlladell1ha ! lIlIlIl\ ' tells
with sreat satlsfuctloll a stOl' ' 1lIt : : 11.
lustrntes well thc almost 1II'I'elllhle
prowess III egg-a ] 'III of his 11 < ' 118 ,
"Some tlme ngo , " he sas , "all ; : ; : was
Il'ft for n lIe ! > t I' ; : : ; In the place where
1\1 \ ' hells In ' , This lIeste- ! : " the other
du ' , hatehell , allll I hu0 nuw olle lone.
Ir little ehlel" whll"l e\'C'1'al 110,1'11 ;
1\10thers \ cnl'l' fOl' , JIl're'ls Ihl' ( 'xpln.
nutloll of this 1I11'aell'I : : ' hl'IIS arc
sueh stIII ' ll'el's \ thllt 0111' woulel 110
SOOIll' ! ' gl't olT the nest l'/ ; / ! , hit \1 II/ / !
( ] eposltl'tl u fl'esh e ; : Ill'sille It , t hllll
nllothl'r woulll slll ) Oil , unll 111 het' tU1'1I
'II ' ' , Thus h ' lIoZl'IIS of IlIn't'I'l'lIt mothers -
ers the solltar ' pgo : ; was hutchell ,
Though 110 olle hen 'snt' or 'elookl' (
PU It , ne\'erthell'SR it was kC'lt alwt ' : ;
\\'I\1'm \ , nnd In lIuo time there stcllpell
forth from It a lonel ' but vigorous
rhlcl , , " ,
! lln nll1cent ItcrltnleInlutniuefl Ad.
11IirnblSiuce the Tudor Pcriod.
EllglIsh gllrdl'11S lire dlstillguIsheli
from those of contluental gurope , because -
cause theJ' hnvo ball II contillUOus exIstence -
Istence nnd hlstoQ' sillce the Tudor Ill"
1'1011. I tallllll gl\l'llcus \ wcre at theIr
lIest late In the sixteenth cl'nhl\J' ' \ :11111
cllrlr In the se\'I'J1tcenth celltUl' ' , sa 's
the Ardlltect1ll'nl Hecord ; hut therc.
ntter t11 ( , ' lIel'llul'd just as 1111 Itllllall
lI1i declltl { ' ( ] . Dllrlng the eghtl'ellih !
centur ' the locnl alll ] c\1'IlI ; 1111 1 11rlllc's
mailltaillell them ; hut t11l' ' lIltl 1Ipt
hulltl new olles ; : u1I1 durluJ ! Ihe nil\ \ ( ' .
teellth l'entur ; ) ' tlll' ' hllYI' ! 'clIll'I'IheL'n
I > ept III repair ,
'l'hl' 1-"I''II'h nl'lleu l'oh.hl'lI It : > con.
! ; Ul\1l\1nte \ \ eXI1.'ssl.l11 III \'el'l'll Ies lale
III tlw SI''t'IIl'lIth \ l'ellhu''l'hf' , rowu
comilletel ' O\'CI' . hlldowe,1 1-'rl'll'h
ICe nt that tll\1e \ alll1 llm'llIl ; tile elgh.
leenth cCllturr thtH the rO ' 111 ; : nrtlelll ;
nre sOI\1I.'IIIIII \ ; ; morl' than ro 'al : th ( ' '
1\1'1' also nntlonnl. nut sillee thl' r \ " .
olutloll social 1111I ] ( , I'ollomle con IIti ' 115
hnn' not 1'IIVUI'l'1 111 J.'l'I1nce the In 'lnj :
out of lIe\\ ' 1111I1 elallornto ; ; 111'11'118.
Such ; : : an1ells mo a lux\I1'r \ , to lie ell.
lo ' ( ' ( ] onh' h ' the'el" ' rich , ull11
I rellch wC'u1th tlIds to he IIlstl'llmtell
tathel' Ihnll l'ollel'ntl'atl'l ] , lorcoYlr : ,
1"I'ellcll Pl'Ollk while the ' lo\"e the
countl" ' aUll 1Il'1IJht Inlowers \ , arc
-o social that thl' chnrnctl'rlstle eXllres-
slons of tlll'h' n1l1Ie1'n ( IIfl' : tI'O mhnn ,
'j'her hit \"e m\l11' : \ Pm'ls somet hln : ; hoth
of n gIll'llI'll IIn.1 Il Ilnrl" hul 111I1 1\'lIl1la \ I
Frenchmen hl1'C 1ottlliulgell \ 111 I'la h.
O1'ato forma ] gnl'lIl'lIs fOl' thelt. Ih'rsun.
nl ] llensure ,
III I' nglnncl oth l" COllllltlons hnyc
prc\"nlled , g\'l'I' I'm'e ! ' 1'11I)1' ] t\tnl' \ thl'ro
have hel'1I resilient on the soil 1111 ClIl'I' .
etle nnd l'lllclent fiI'lstocrn ( ' ' and
IUUlled ; ; entr - who wC're toI jrC'atl'r I
or less l'xtellt thc real IL'nll < 'l's of the !
l'ount..y . , 'l'hl'r hnc for t he most Ill\rt :
! teen I'ro"l1orous anll 11l'0 I'lo'I\'l' . Ih' . .
In ; ; 011 thdr eot.ltl's1111 : \ ntll11tlng their
oclnl habits to cmmtl' ' IIfl' , COIISe-
l1uel1t1 . throu hout thl' whole of the
1 ! tIlO ohl J.lmleJls : h'e IlI'clI ulterCtI
am ] nt'w 01les hullt : nchleas nllll III.
! luellc.s bn\'e beell C..lllstnllt1 ; ) . cNeJ1lus
In : nnd at the same time the couservn.
tlvo IJnblts of l n llInll , the contlnl1lt '
of Us llte nnd the comJ1arntl\'e abseuce
or rcvoll1t1onnr ; ) ' 11nl ] mllltnrr llisturb-
( lnce bn"e nU contributed to the maw.
r" . . . .
tlmalll'e nltnost unltnl1n Irt'd ot theIr
IIIII/Jllllcmll / hl'l'lIlIgl' of gnrdens , 1.'hero
Is 110 Jlllr/lllel / In r lIgl/lUl / ] to the partlnl
IIl' < 'lIr alHl ruin of I hl' rC'lIt 11lIlIl1n nUll
Fl'l'nch ltrl'IIS ( , gn/lIf1hmell / either
n1l1111tnlll or Im\lrO\'I" \ or they deBtrO ; ) ' .
I It IR lI'ul' Ihnt theh' Imllro\'ements nre
more ( ] esll'llI'l h"c t h/l / n t he ncgll ellcc
or ItnllnnR , hut It II ! n t Icast tlw e\'I.
dence ot n ( resh nnd 1I\"lng Interest.
erne Queer J rrOI'II Mule hy Chlltlren
In Tille. of Hook" ,
' 1'he chdl'C'n ! ! who mnlw use o ( Imhlle
IlhmrleR Ulllla Il . know qulto ns wC'1I ns'
tllf't. ! l'hlC'rs whnt thC'Y' wallt , nlthough
thC' ' mnlm occnslollal mlfltnlws IIIlsk. / .
Ing for It ,
A "CI'y nntllral ( 'onfnllion of n 11I011.
ern'lth au earlier I'lll1Slc wnn In the.
mind of that lima ! ! hey , (0Illstunce ,
who recentl ' lIC'nlllllle ] ( ] "CllIIwog's :
'l'rllveIR , " IInd till' IIhrnrlnll , who flllltily
hulllcC' ( ] him to aCl'llt Gullh'C'I"s In.
fltl'IIII , wnR f'eusn ' hie fol' helll mOl11en.
tn I'J\ \ ' 11\Izzll'l \ ] .
= ' ' the Iltll\ ' Immelll/ltel .
01' was IltllJII'I /
"l'r\'CII alld sa tlstlel ] who reueflted 11
flool , h ' IIanllnl1 Salldl'rHOII , oC which
Rhe could not remC'mher the title. She
ImeIt \\'ns In the IIhrnrr , because
" : \lall1le , Johnson had had It , nlld It
waR lo\'el ' , " I
It wn ! ; quite U:1'1C'8S to Ino\111 her
that no finch hook lIlpearel ) ] In the entll.
1011Ie ; she merel ' thouI'ht , : the attelld.
allt'crJ' stuilld , and procel'de , h ' way
of ellll htening 11 < 'r , to descrille the
( 'ontellts , When she lI1entiollel ] that
one Rtory was ahollt a rl'o pl'lllcess.
the olllcin I mind was s1Uldenlr I1ltllll.
IlIed , alld she rl'l'lvell the fnh'J' ta les
of \lIdel'Sl'n-whlch was what
fohe Wlllltl'l ] .
All 111'ldl'lIt which , as thl' narl'atol'
tl'IIJ - sa 's. would lun'e dell htC'11 Dlcl , .
C'IIS hlmsl'lf , OI'III'I're ] n t till' ,1a'I'80n
R1IUH\'C' 11\'lIlIl'h \ of the = 'e\\ ' York 1'IIhllc
r.lhl'ar ' not } Oll ago , whl'lI n Ilttle girl
-1Il'l'IJlN.S . to sn ' n'l'rr IIttlo glt'J-
nrtll'sI ' hlllIh'l'd ) (01' "A Tale of ' 1'wo
Kit tics , h ' Cha rll'R nIl'1'l'IIS. " Rhe was
lIot of nil n e fol' 1\0n'Is , 1101' fol' thrill.
In IlIcldellts of the Fl'eneh HI''IIulloll ;
the Illlrnl'lnll hl'l' '
saw errol' , Id1llJlr ex-
] llnllll'l1 that C In "Cities" sOllllded Ilko
S , n III ] oITl'I'el ] hl'l' n hoe ! , of JllIssca t
stories sllitable to IIl'I' 'I'ars ,
She was qllite sa tislled to acceIlt It.
It wnR nol Dlcl'1s ! shc wtllted , It wa
"kitties , "
The Sultnu \Iorocco BcclIue n Vel' ' '
. Tractahle l'uJlII.
: \ 1111111bd.clzlz , SlIltan ofOI'OC : -
co , who often In the \a { 'ear Ims
drawn the 1' "I'S of thc wo\'ld to 1I1s
monarch : . ' III nOl'thel'nerlen , I1ns
learlled that some thlllr , , BUrOpl'1l1I l\I'e \
hetlel' thnll some thlllgIool'lsh ; : , and
has 8et out to aCllult'e Ihem , Amen
other thlllts , he learnl'll that Buro-
Ilcans lInlnt , anll he 8ent for all nt'tlst
to teach hi" royal hanl1 the art. 'l'h
artiRt was . \rtlllll' Selull'lder , who tell : ,
I hI' CPllt1ll'1 : : tgazllll' h Is l.'Xl ) ( rltlIce
wit h h Is IOI'lJl ' IIlJIIII ,
.H the nl'st all11.ellce wIth tho11,1. : .
tllll he showed some 01' his slwtl'h.o : , ; ,
"D\lW \ : me a l1Iall , " said the : -IIItnn ; ,
I1. . Sehllcltll'I' Ih'l'w a chal'colIl slwtch
of 1111 . \1I1t'rl/\n In1.1II . , The SIIIt'1l1
took IH111cr and pencil , which ht' had
IIC'el'lsed IIl'ton' , anl1 1\1:1110 \ : n fnll'
COP ; ) ' , The m'lIst eOll1pimencd ] : l1im ,
"Xo " he ' ] "hilt and h '
, 110 , l'eJlIlel ; hy .
GOlw llIi II/ / ! . I shllll be ahle to do liS
, on do , Xow I am enl ' 11 hetlnne : ' , "
Irathel' a mOllest spirit for a lord of
till' l'arth ,
'l'hf' flC'Xt da ' Ihl' SlIltan showed the
IIt'II wlll of till' 1 IIIIIan hl''mJll l'd atHl
streaked : " \\'hy hils thr fl'leud oue ? "
"It wns done In chnrcoal ntHl should
hne heen IIxed , "
"Thonmc chnl'coal we hurn In the
t1rpot : " ! .
"Verr like It. "
"Wondrous ! Clitlst mnke a lIkelless
of one standln ; ; h ' thee : "
"Yes , 111 ' lord , " So1' : , Schnciller
( hew the : \00r18h doc'tor , spra 'cd th
dl'awlng with "l\xl1tlf" \ allll pas l' < 1 It
to thl' thl'rone , where tht' ro 'al I1ners ;
strl'alc < 1 It tltrou h hilt did not reo
movC' the ( ' } , a l'eon 1.
"Wonderful ! " ! 'nlt ] : \lull1l-\h .el.
Azlz ,
'l'helIltan : : SOOI1 leal'nl'll to draw
Cah'l ' w'II , Some of his dmwlngs 111'0
rl')1l'Otl1lcl'll ) In Ihe rnaea7.lne wl h11' : ,
Schncltll'l"s nrtl ] p. , "
JutCl""icwlll II ) ' 1 > . . "t.
'I'I'e practice of eltJlng ( cll'clllar let. i
tel's of InqulrJ' 1'0latlng to most tri\'ln ]
mattei's has one fcatut'e ot fal1'I8S ) ,
'j'he render will dlsco\'el' It In the fol.
lowltl con'C'81JOfIl.nce ] :
. \ populur pt > l'lnllical hall been SNit ] .
lu to ] Irnmlnnt ( men to Imow whnt
bools tlle ' hnll cn'ed ! for most In their
chllilhoad , 'l'he " 1'11Il'lm's Pl-o O.S ; ; , "
"lIohlnsoll CI'IIS0l' ' ' al\l \ n Ilost of com.
mouillacl' cln slcal tltlriS Wl > re poured
Into t1Il'SC I1C1"iiOua : ] paragrnphs , to.
getlll'r with all oec.lsounl ! heel , thnt
fe\\ ' old readers wOlIlII ] Iaye henrd of ,
aud thnt lIull ha\lpcn(1 \ Illto the child's
hnt1l1 lI ' Ilceillent ,
'rhe cool lImft In tills desert comes
from Prof , 81'l'at of Cambridge Cui.
"el'S It - .
"I nm not prcpared wIth my IIn-
swer , " bo writes , "I did not lalo\\ '
when 1 was J"ouugo thnt 1 should be
expccted to repl ' to such n question , "
' 1'IIol11l\lIl. . or XUJ'llernl Joh .
'rho last Conress ! cI'eated 11,31\ (
ne\ . offices aud C'1111110rmouts , at an
nnnual compensation of $ iOi,03D. : : ! As
the Congress nlso abolished 1,815 0 ( .
llces , tile net hlcl'easo Is Dri01 , with an
ngjl'egate : o ( G.SG,1 S 111 salaries aud
wages ,
A..ked UIIII An..were'l.
I.lttle WlIllo-Whnt Is I1nlterr , pa ?
rn-Flnttery , my SOli , Is the l1rals8
'Wo bror bestowell upon othr ( prople.-
OlJlcnlo News.
Mixed I'cktell. )
Strllll : bC'nus nUll ( 'ut Into Inch
( 'ugths : ( 'ut ( ' \ \111 110'C' l' Into cluters ! ;
Ikln tiny button onions ; wnsh nnll
1\'lpe the FlmRII st l'\1rumhers. Pack
tll 1I0wn In a "tone Jnr , then o\"er
l\'lth ( ' 0111 hrlr1l1 thnt ' 1JIII hear up nn
! , I.f'a\'e th pl'kles III this ( or
thrC'e ( lays , stlrrlllJ ; ull froll1 the bot.
tom or thc , Jnr twice n IIn ' , nrnln
Inll pour 1'0111 wntet. o\'el' thl'm nnd
tlllld In : t ( ' 001 plncr for t\\'l'ntr-ollr
bourR 10nl'r : ; , Drl1ln ami pal'k the
rl'Jctahl ( ' ! ; In quart , Jars , lIa\'e rl'nd '
01Il1I \'lnC'ar ! 111 which ha\'e hf'en
' )0111'11 for ten mlllutC'1 ; n d07.I'n ellch
If wholC' C'lo\R nnd prpll'rt'OI'IIS ( , ( our
JlallC' ! ' of l11ace :11111 two tRhll'spool1fllls
) f mllstal'(1 ! ; C'ell. 1"11I thC' , JnrR with
hollll1 \rIl'jR ! 1' , slIllI a tn hllSlloollful
) f Rlljnr for ( , R'h ! Jllnl't of'lrll'nr !
UH ] ! ; rl'I'W on Ihe CU\'l'rR , Stand for
'hree' months hC'fore II.III ,
Stuffed Tolt1nta FnUd.
Sell'ct 111'1'fC'ct fl'lIlt"lIh
\ \ sll'lI1s on.
Hemon' a 5111'1' ( ( 'om Stl'l11 PIIII , then
1'1110thn pull ) \'f'r ' l'nrl'rllll ' 1\1111
IISI' this to 1I11\1'e \ Ihe elatlne jell ' ,
( , ' 11till' \ shC'lIs with ( 'hll'l'C'I1 , shrll11p
) I' ( 'ahha e salal ! ; 1'C'plal'e tols ) ; IIl'op
omlltoes Illto ClipS whleh wlllll'aIln
Illch Illi nl'ounll , SllI1ull'I' till' pull (
wllh 0111' Illllt or hot wnll'I' , spll'ps nnd
hL'I'hs , salt , Ilt1pl'lkn , fOl' 11'11 1II11111t1'S :
3tl':1ll1 ; ad.1 two tahl1'81H1on1'lIls of I'I _
Itlne. soften In Ilttll' rol.1 watl'l''hcu ;
: lIssolye(1 ( nllc ! L'noll h'ltle nl' to suit ;
pillce a t:1bleSlloollflll In hottom of
ClipS ; set on Ice to h coml' 1I1'1n ; then
[ III ClipS anll let bl'collle l\t'm \ ou Ice ,
\\'hen rC'all ' to ! 'l'r\'e , 11111 Into hot
\11 tl'l' a SeI'OlH ] ntlll 11ft out OlltO b < 'll
) f cl'efs-Whnt to Ellt.
oft he\l CIa" , . . Fried.
This Is n lal'l' ; 1"1111 of ( 'lam wllh a
hl'lItll' shell. . ( 'lIt oIT the Il'athery dark
[ 101.tlon t ha t projertR fl'om the 811 < ' 11
'i1I1 ' ! 1'C'1II0'I''lth Inlft' and fingel's Ihe
bl'\1'I ] ] flrln ' '
\ alii fl'om the Inside , 1'hls
1m"I'S the clam In the ringshnJl' In
\\'hl'h ( thl' ' cOllie to mllrlwt I'ometlmes
. ; II'lIn ) : : on \\1111' , I'l1t tlIPm as the '
itrn tulwn Ollt IIf the slll'lI Inlo 11 11:111 :
Jf coW wn lei' , " .11l'1I wanted llr '
tll < 'm hl'twl'l'n t0 towl'ls , dip In bent.
tn C'iwith : n 111 tie \\'ater In It nnll
thl'n In crnclel' mf'nl alii ] fr ' In hot
larll the sama aF ; o 'sters , Drain In a
ola ndel' , Sel'\'e pllell alon : ; the m Idllle
Jf a 1:11'1' : ) : : 1118h with II IJllal'terell meon
mil cmlell pa rsle ; ) ' for garnish ,
He'II' " 1"0011.
Hal ( a cllpful each of rrntell ehoco.
, a It" S\\'cot milk alld hrown sugar ,
hol1(1 ( toethel' ; : until Of ; thil'k as crl'am ,
! -et : ash1e to cool. Cream II hnlt ( 'up
f lIuttl'1''lth a hllif Clip of hro\\'n
'HI ' UI' . heat In two \\'hI11Pl'1I C' s , add
I\\'o-Ihll'ds of n 1'1111 of IIIl1k IInd lIayor
with \:111111:1 : , Xow hl'at In the holled
11I1.\111I" " 111111 two l'upfuls of flour that
lIa\'I' heen twit' ! ! slftell with a heaping
t"IISlloonful of hllidnipowiler. . Bake
In In 'er ; ; , put In l'hoeolato filling be-
tWl'l'n the larl'r"'hen cold anil co\'er
\\'Ith a holled 1..ln ,
Iccd Choe ) lnte.
1'lIt t0 hcallltl tllhll'spoonfuls 01
' 01'0:1 : Into 11ouhl1' hollpr , nnd adll grall-
1II111 - n pint of'ater , Cool , and stir :
1hollt fh'c IIIlnlltlS , hl'at thorou hly , '
ulll half of ' , I
II pint ct'eam whipped lI ht
I : . . nnd "tam ] ashle. to ( ' 001. When coW ,
1111 a I'hol'ola II' or I'Ihl'rhet ' cup one-thh'iI
rull of tlnel - choppell Ice and n lit.
Ul' pO\\"llercll H1 ar. then pour In the
hocolnle. cap It'lth a tllhlespol. ul
1 ( sweetened \\'hlppell cream nnll
.en'e-Gooll ITouFelel'png ! ,
hort sUIJc"tlon. . .
To 1'C'I'I ) a fruit 01' seell cnke moist
[ Ilacl' It In nn alr-tljht tin with n good ,
; ; 011\111 \ npplo. rem'\\lI ! ! : the allple It If
necon1f'S In t he least l1eca 'ed ,
'fhl' Iltl of / \ teapot shoulll alwas lie
left f0 that the nit. mn ' set ; In , ' 1'hll
OII'O\'I'Ut8 mllstlness , 'l'he slime rille
Jf rOUl''e. n Jllll1es to a coffl'e Jlot ,
Limo ! 'prhllded on the fhel'l'S11 ; \
, eC'11 plC'kll's : l1 I ] jam In the store ,
'oom ( l'om hC'comlns : : moldr , 1'he limE
ullst he rellewel1 oe'nslona\l \ - , a If
'oses Its po\\'er ,
( 'aullllo\\'er If ; Jood eaten cold a :
, \1'11 as hot. Boll without hl'l'aldn
.he IlI'all anll thl'OW Into collI wntel
II1tll'alltel1 , 1\111' the roses allarl
nrefullr. Ilt' ' , nnd pllt In n 8ala
Jowl with INtuee lell'C' : ; , Sel'\'e witt
mayonnal"C' ,
' 1'0 cll':1r : a house oC heetles take C
pounel of Jlowdel' l1 borax UIIII ] Jut II
mto a Un wIth n 11erfora tell lid , = 'oxl
dust the borax : IIghtlr oyer the tllX > r
on the walls , anl1 Into cupbonrlls-e , "
l'ywhere , In fnet. wlwrl' the pests al'l
founnm ] ther will soon dls.1ppenr ,
I c cream with hot chocolate SIlUCI
Is conflldl'r ( ' { ] a l1essl'rt pal' excellenci
br mnnr , I or the sauce melt on
oUllce o ( 1I\uweetened \ chocolate II
hnl ( n cup of bet water , ndll one cUI
o ( sugar , and when It bolls pour I. .
) \er half n cup of cream. plain 01
IYhlppel ] , 8er\'o at once , pouring the
Inuce around the Ice ( 'ream , not onr
Butler that does not tl1st quite aJ
tresh n.It I'houlI ] mar be greatly 1r 1
) ro\'Cll 11 ; ) . llItttln ; In n woollen chOll :
) Ins bowl with salt water nnd thol .
lUShly working It o"er nnd o\'er wlU
L butter worker or e\'e a po
nasher. Pour ocr the salt water ar.1
rubstltute II\\e\t mille. worhlng It mtl
ho butter In the same wny , 1 1rA
rull wed with clE.ll' , cold , nter.
_ _ , .ro , .
- I
! row thll La Plntn I'rovIne. . Were.
I.o.t to ] .K1,1tc1
Buenos Alrl's " ' ' "
, meaning "sood nil's'
II' "healthul winds , " WClS 'IJ1med lIy nn
lid SpanIsh { 'xplorer nnn treebooter ,
Pedro de Mendoza , who founded tho-
! 1ty In the 'ear 1 3ri. : ' 1'ho wind blow.
ng lu fl'om the ] 1 mpas wns certn.1nly
: oed , but not so the tInt , swnmpy picco-
, f ground that ho selected for n town.
let the IIttlo settlement grow , dosplte-
ts surrolUllllngs , esplto the Inck of n.
larbor , despite a contm'y ot Indian
" .ars nnd o\'el' two nnd n half centu.
1es ot SpanlEll1 mlsrulo. It srew and. ' ' :
Irospered until , In 1iiG-an ensy dato- ( :
o remembcr-It became the cnpltnl Of- !
ho sreat Spnnlsh , 'Iceroynlty of 1.11. ,
Iaul , which comprised what Is now'
\.rsentlna , Bolh'ln , Parnguay nnd Ur\l- ;
: ua ' . Just 100 yenrs IIS0 Buenos Aires' i
lopulntlon Il11d reached 00,000 , wt-Jel1. ,
: eoms qulto remarlmble when ono fOil. '
Iiders the \"eatlous tuxes nnd restrle-
: Ions Imposell on her colonies , "
In lS0G occurretl the British Inynslon : '
mder Major.Gen. ( ultel'\\"Urd Ylscoullt '
iVl1Ilnm Curl' Berosord , nn lH'Cnt tIm t
lenrly chnngC'd the dcstln ' or half II.
'ol1tlnent , For "the Purple Land thn t
ngland lost , " fiS / \ writer st 'les the- 1
: 'n Platn countl'les , wOllld 11l'obnbly , :
Invo been British toda ' , lI1 < e Cape-
olony , or , nt 1l'lIst Bu lI"h'MpeakhlJ ; ,
Iud Beresford held th elt ' he so enslly J
: nptured , I
Enslnnd nd Slmln'C'1'e nt wnr nt 1
: hIs time , 811l\In beln the all ; ) ' of } : a- :
loleon , Beresford , who hili ] heC'n Rtn- I
; loncd at Cnpe of Good JIOI1C , thought I '
10 would aid his countr ' h ' seizing a
; panlsh colonr , and ImpIIIRI\'el ' set
lall for the Hlo de In Plata wllh IIbout ,
100 men. .A1'l'I\"ed on' T' ' ' ' 'In AII't's , ho , t
:001 : , the city quitI' ' \'III'18e \ ! , and
npture It eaRII ' . ) I' 11"ople1'1'1)
lot lucJlned to suhulil 10 II mel'O hand.
: ul of Insleses ( I ngllshn'n ) ) , and II Clet"
\ few weels' l11'epal'ltlon \ thcr(1 : -
nmced upon the lu\\le1's : \ II nd SOOll
, ' \'erwhelmed them , ' 1'he l1 htlug oc-
'Ut're In the Plnzaa'or : ( ; , the princl. L
, al squllre of the cltr , Wh 1'e Beres- '
or was Intrenched , and this sq\1l1rG
Ins e\"er since been I01o\\'n as 1he Plnza.
Victoria , while adjacent slt'eets , such
IS Defensa ( ] ) efens ) , HC'conqnlsta ( He-
: onquest ) . n11l1 a few othe1'I ! : , were 1'e-
Jnmed In honor of thl' , 'letol'Y ,
But Great Hl'ltulll , uuwilllug to loso-
meh a prize , sNit II murh largoel' force ,
mder General \\"hlteloelw , to recap-
: ure the clt ; ) ' , This eXl11ItIoll , ho\\-
! \'er , ended mueh more dast1'ously. ( :
'Vhlteloclw ' , th1'ough hlR Incol11l'etenc ; ) ' ,
est half his men aud had to wlthdrlH\ " '
:0 : his ships ; 1\1)(1 , to compll'tl' his ( lIs-
Iw SUlTl'ndl'1'etJIl'utl'hleo :
rncc , \Il'utl\'hleo , tho-
tlty acl'oss till ! 1'1\'er-tlow the capital
' U'l'Jlgllay-whlch had 1.Ieeu
11' - gulla ntly
: nptmed h ' ) : separlte force , Thus.
: ho 1.n Plata prO'lrlcC'S'l're lost to
tnslnnll fore\'er-St. = 'Icholas ,
John Jlarrtt , the = "cw : 'tlinl'tter to.
the Ar\cntinc HC\luhllc. \
' 1'he new mlllister \rgel1t1na. . , Tohn
Ban-ctt of Oregon , who succeeds W.
p , LOl'd , was formrrl- minIster to
Rlam ancl Is an au'f
t hOl'lt ' '
on mattel's
J1l'l'tn IlIln to tha
f a l' I'a ' : it. SllIco
1'tl'I : ' In 1002 lr.
Bnrrl'tt has hel'n
commlssloncr gen.
l'ral r..r . the St.
Louis I'XlOsltlon tesla
. \sla and . \ustrn1l11.
nne ] has but 1'0
l'l'ntl ' rl'lured to
, - - , - r- " _ " ; I
; this lountr ,
Jon : lAltETT , Whic mlnlstel' to
Sinm (18D3)11' ( ) : , Barct ! ; tled tl0
( amous clnlm of Dr , :1 . \ , Cheek , 01-
tlnl1g an awnrd oC $ : mo Whl'D
the Spnnlsh WIt bl'Oke out reslSlled
his dlplomntc lost anll wont to the
Phlppinc us 1 Wil correspondent ,
In 101 ho was a de1late to the In-
ternatonnl conference of Amcrlcan
stntes ] leh ] IIIexlco : , Ja t Dccombl'r
he was nPJ1olntod mlllstfr to .Japnn.
but dec1lnl'll In order to complMo his
, .ark for tbe St. Louis exposIton ,
" 'II ) ' .uJcll : eCllcll n 1.IHller ,
I H. Yre'lnnd , the l1rlsllollt of the
: \leh'opolnl StrC'et Iallwnr 'Comllnuy
of Y61'1" Is the ! ; on of a - .
1 \ cC- ;
mnn-Up\ , \ , ] L \'I"l'lllll-nl fomo
he the folow In slor '
tmes ! o
hl : fathel " , I S til fl'trolt Xc\s-'rl.
lIule :
" 010 afcrool my fllther made no
nddress hefI'o a Sundl1 ' school , .1 n.
cob's ladder was the that he
chose to tal Oil , IU afer he hnd told
that beautul hlhlcal slor he said
to the Istelllng chldron : ,
. 'Is there Iny ono hem wlJo hns
. 4
nn quetlons to asl , nhlt : .Tllcob ? "
" 1herl' " 'as a sllencognln my
latbt'r nsIell :
. 'Is there no one 11ele who wIshes
to asl , some qUstlons alJout Jneob ,
anll the In dl'l' , and Ihe angels nscen .
Ing and deendlll ; ; '
"Thl , . time n ltle gl'l said tmllll : :
. ' \h ' wns It. sir , since the ang ls
had wlns , that the ' needl'd a Ind cr
to ascem1 nnll descend on ? '
"Befol'e n q\stloll f0 Intelget nnd
In enlous m ; ) ' ( ather 11turn1lr wns at
a los ne coull thlllk at tothlns to
repr ] , so to gnln tlmc he said :
" 'The question I la\'o been nsked
Is n good one , Ctn nnrhodr answe
It ? Come , '
1ow-surel some It hey
or girl cnn nuswer this queston. Wh '
1I11 tbe angels hn\'e a Indder when
te'ero l'ntowed wih wln s ? '
I "A ltle boy In the hack o ( the
room plpr out :
. 'Mn'be ; ther were moltllg , sir. ' "
Some " 'muon Amu ' ' . .
( 'J'hl.t.
rrs , SnappcOhl ni men are tools }
I. SnnppcYes ? Unforunntey
tor you , denr , the rule does't work
bt way-Pblndelpblu Prs.