. f I . . r : ' . I , 111 A\l1tabula ! county. Ohio. on a ' ro' ! ri . His earlj' years' erc spent as those of most farmers' boys. ) hen old enough , he thaught school in the winters and con- . , H ued farming summcrs. When . eVenteen years old he enlisted in. ba tery g. of the 11'rst Ohio tight rlillcry , the date being January 1 , 1864. He served more than r' half of a three years' enlistment , ' 'f being mustcred out July 10 , 1895. ' " 'rhc jutlge was educatcd in the . . common school of Ohio and at thc Grand River institute at I Austinihttg , Ohio. He studied law in a law ofiice in Jefferson , ' ; Ohio , coming to Ncbraska in the i , spring of 1871. He has lived here over th i rty-t wo years. tIc wa : ; admitted to the bar ami COI1l- melh.cd : thc practice uf law at Pen a where he I'cd I more tiltHI . ' , sevenleen ycars. llc mo\tcd to Norfork and has li vcd here morc , than fifteen years. 'l'he judge , was married in No\'cmbcr of 1874 and has thrce sam" each one a graduatc of the State University , / . - , . . John B. Barns , Jr. , is superinten- ent of the city schools of 'l'e- kamah and has been admitted to the bar of Nebraska. Guy W. Barns , the second son , is in the " employ of the American Beet . ' Sugar company here , having . J / , graduated in the scientific department - { partment at the State Un'ersity. . \ Alfred Kimball Barnes , the third I J. son , is a fellow and one of thc t instructors in the dcpartment of mental philosophy in the Univcr- \ sit" . . lIc graduated in 1902. , \ I Judge Barns has had a long II'f 'f ' and honorable carcer as a lawyer t and public ol1icial. He was elected district attorncy for thc Sixth judicial district of thc state when the constitution of 1875 was adopted. At the expiration \ of his tcrm he was again clected I and sened until January of 1879. \ lIe was thcn appointed judge of the district to succced E. K. Valentine , who was elLltted to congress. lIe wa nominatcd and electcd jUIIg-l' of thc dbtrict in the fall of 187' ' ) anll sen'cII the fnll term which cxpircd J auuary 1 , 1884. J Ie dcdincII a rcnomina- tion Ilud turncd his attcnlion to the act \'c practice of law , cn- r gagiug ill g-clll'ral practice. Hc was appointcd to the. suprcme court coullnissioll J anua ry 1 , IIJ02 , and is now a membcr. Judge Barncs has al ways , been all activc , ardcnt republican and lias attcnded c\'crj' republican coU\'cntlon since and including the one held in 18n.-'I'he Norfolk - folk Ncws. - - - - - - - Low Rates South and Southeast. On Seplcmber 1511nd October 20th The Louisville & Nashville i R. R. will sell round trip tick- cts from St. Louis , Ew'l1nsville , I.ou ! : ville and Cincinnati to the \ following points at the lowesl r ratcs e\'er named. Tickcts will be good returning for lwenty- : one (21) ( ) days from date of snlc and stopovcrs will he pcrmittell - \ on going trip at poinls south of -I hcntuckcy.Tcnncssce stale linc. r FIlOM ST. 1.0Uls'ro . New OrlCIUlS , 12.00 ; Atlanta , i $13ooj Iobile , 12.00 ; 1\1ont- i gumcry. $12.00 ; Uirminghalll , j\12.00j \ Pcnsucolll , $14.60. Plto1 CmCAGO 'roo New Orleans , $16.ooj Atlanta , $015.00 ; 1\lnhilc , 16.ooj 1\1ont- 1omcry , 16.ooj Birmingham , 15.oo ; Pcnsacola. 18.co. Fuo1 J.O\llSVIJ.I.Jt To i New Orleans , $14.00j Atlantl\ r $11.00 ; 1\lobilc , $14.00 ; MOII1- gOlllcr ) ' , $14.00 ; lIirminghum , foll.OOj Pensacola , $14.00. FRO1 CINCINNATI TO New Orlcans , $14.00 : Atlanta , $11.00 ; Mohilc , $14OOi Mont- Komcry , $14.00 : llirullnghalll , $11,00 ; Pcnsacplu , $14.00. j Fuo : . ! HVANS\'lI.I. TO Ncw Orlcans , 12.00 ; Atlullta , II.OO ; Mohilc , $12.00 : 1\1ont- \ olller. > ' , twelvc dolllm.j llirm- , f' ' ' . IIIglllun , c1e\'cn dollurs ; Pensu- cola , fourteen Ilollan ! , Hakll 10 Intcflncdiatc Points to he the bailie. _ " Proportiollately low rates to " poillts west of New Qrl ans liS " ; far < .IS Houstoll. ' 1'0 Juckson . : : - - , ville , 11111. , alill iutcrUllI1 atl' } Joiuts , $3.00 highl:1' thall mte 10 Atlanta. Take ud\'llntagc of thesc VCr ) ' low rates to make II trip throu h thc South to illvestigate Us wOlldcrful n $ OIl n cs 81111 op. pOltullitil:1. , Timc tlllllcs , fnlder" , UlI\)1 ) ) : . . .1.\ 111111 lIescripth t ! littl1.1ture rl'- r lath'cs to IUIIIlo ; , truck 11I111 stock _ farllliug 111011 ( ; thc liuc of the , . LOII1Hvlllu I 8 ; Nnllhvllle . , . . It. It will be bClil UPOII npp1icatioll to C. I. . STONn , Gellerul Passcu. tcr ; Ageut , Loui'il1c , Ky. , , . . . - , ' . . . I ' ; IIJ tIR ' , COIIIIIIIIlOI'f ! ( J'e . , ' . f' . " . . " . , . 'l'hc law rcquires all children betwecn the ages . of 7 and 15 , " - - unless exempted b ) ' some of the claims hercinafter mentioned , to attend school , two thirds of the timc school is hcld in their rcs- pective districts. Attendance is to begin with the first opening of school and to contiue consccu-- lively until the required time of I attendance is completcd. It i4 the duty of school directors anl county superintcndcnt's to see that this law is complied Wittl , and an ) ' one , ofiiccr or 1 > arcnt , who fails to comply with thG law is liable to a fille for such failure. l xemptions.-Pupils living morc than two miles from le school house b ) ' the nearest practicablc route arc exrnapt from the provisions of this act unless transportation i furnished. Pupils - pils compclled to support themselves - selves or those depelJdent upon them are cxempt as arc also pupils - pils who reccivc instruction in pri\'ate or parochial schools. 'I'hcre is no excmption liar provision for pupils staying out to help in farm work. 'l'he law is explicit and none should bear ill-wi l to those whose duty it 15 to enforce it. J. G. 'V. L WIS , County Superintcndent. CV't'I'II , ; CI N 4'1.t , - - - Sunday School 'l'cmperance Day will bc ohscn'ed at CU1ter ! Ccntcr Sept. , 20th at 3 o'clock p. Ul , A good program will be ren- , dcred , consisting of songs , rcci- tations and spcccIH's. An offcr- ing wi11 bc taken at the close for the bcncfit of the "Christian Orphan HoUlc" of Councii Bluffs , Iowa. A cordial invitation is extcnded to all. Edna Russom , Iva Street , I-4oU Hains , Committee on lusic ; I-4ce McCracken , W. C. C II , ur ' "c nc..crnUc COllnt" COllv..ntlOIl. The Ilelllocruts of Cusler County are herehv callcll to mect in mass convcntion in Bnkell Bow 011 Sl'Pl. , 19 , for the pur- po e ot placing iu nomination candidalcs for counly ofl cers 1U1I1 transnctiug such other IIlIsiness as muy rcgularly COIIIC hc- fllr it. Allllclllocrl\ts of the cOllnty are urgell tll he prescnt. Dr. C. I. . Mullins , Chairman. R. G. Moore , Scc'y. lIs'l'ld : Snlllt } . Seltonl Cunvt'lltull. ! Thc following i the program to he rendered in thc' United l vallgclical Church t Oc nto , Septcmber 26 and 27 , 1903 : SATUHDAY , 2 P. 111. Dc\'otional Scrvice , le ( r J.r. 1 . Gooldns. What Are Some of the IIin drances to our Sunday School Work ? l ev. L. J. Keene. Dis- cussion. Music. What is the Best System of 'l'eaching in Sunday School ? Baptist delegate , Lomax. Music. Assignment of Dclegates by Committee. SA'l'U1WA ' 7:30 . . \ , : P. 111. Song and Prayer ser\'icc , led by 1\1. . delegate , Callaway. Sunday School l eports. Adllress by Rev. 1\Iiles of Call- away. . SUNDAY , SUP' ! ' . , 27. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. Holderman , Callaway. SUNI > A Y , 3 1'1. : . nt'\'otional B f\'ice , led Ly the I40di Baptist delegate. Is it right o oJler rewards in ur Sunday School ? l edfern . dcl gate. ni n Ser.vices of the Young , - - - . . , . . - - ' . "I 'i. \ . , . , _ \ . -1.\ ' { I ' r\ In every town t and village. may be had , the 'Mi a Ax 181 Greasl II " . that makes your , , ' ir horses glasl. : , . . , People's ' Societies , cClttlm ucing 7 p. m. Song-HGod Be With You 'rill We Meet Again. " All Sunday Schools are iii- structed to gend dclgates and ontributions to par expenses of the convention. W. ' 1' . WOODY , Pres. Southwest District. N' 'V IUtl.UNA. Mr. l dmunds and wife attcnd- cd church at "Merna Sunday. Wi11 Doman and familJ visited at R. R. Robinson's last Sunday. Will Kellar and ' 1'on Cristie were Ansclmo visitors last Sat- urday. Oscar Bowlcy and wife are the prou parents of a baby girl born to them Sept. 10. Mr. Gift of Merna , will prcach at the school house next Sunda ) ' after Sun a\ . ' School in thc mor - iag. John 1i'lcUliIIH " and family who ha vc been visl ting the past week ' with Oscar 'ilowleys returned l'hursday to tiietr 'home at Mason - son Cit ) ' . Thc steam threshing . machinc belonging to Jol l e l..and Frank Konell was badly burned last 'Chursday ncar Merna , where thr shing. Among those who attended the state fair la -week wcre : G.uy I obinson , Jol111 Bowley , Davc Rob rts , Ernest Cuttcr 'and ' 1'om Cristie. 'rhey report , a good time. . Bert l obinson , who lcft here for 'Vashington last spring , re- lU1'IJct ] ' home the 6th of Scptem- bel' . IIe has heen in Idaho and Utah , but thinks thcre is no pJace like Nebraska. School will begin at the obin- son school house Septcmber 21 , with Miss Poch of llroken Bow as teachcr. Miss Jessie scon of Ansclmo IS teacher of the New J-Iclena school which began last , . ' Monday. Hazc Williams and wifc returned - turned - 0 from Linc ln ' \ . . nda . I ) ' , : . where th.ey ha\'c been Vlsltutg lh past week with their' son , heo. WilHams. ' 1'hey also attended - " tended the state fair at f.i nco'ln \vhilc . gone. HO\'NU - . ' , - , . AI.I.R" ' . Adolf IWingson threshed his rye and it went 35Y , ; bushels . per ' acre. S. K. Lee got 3 ( ) bushcls pcr acrl' of his wintcr wheat that he has threshed. School comUlcnce.d here last Monda ) ' with 'Beatrice O' rien as. teacher. 'rhere were twenly in attendance the first day. Last Saturday thc repubHcan convention for the sccond supcr- visors district was held here. F. G. Christie was nominated for supervhmr. 'l'hcre were two other candidates , viz : Herman Grabert and Will Sargent , both good nu n , and either would have made a good su pel'visor if nominated - inated and elected. nut Ii'rank Chris ie was thought to be ( e bcst known among the people 111 the Cistrict : , therefore he was selected. He will , if lected , make one of the best supcrvisors the county evcr head. " . TIt"I.O. : . - - - 11' . C. Embree spent a couple of days at thc Bow last week. A. D. Hunt amI wife were doing - ingbusincss in the Bow Saturday - day , returning home Sunday. Corn is fast making itself and if the frost will h ld off enc more week , there will be a pretty good , crop , in spi c of hail and , wind' all through July. No threshing is being done in these parts , and it is hard to guess whcn thcre will be as thc threshermen are not anxious to get in thc hail district. Hev. G. B. Strick\er \ , who was our pastor last year , made us a visit and preached for us Sunday afternoon. lIe was much pIcas- ed with our new church. l very enc is hustling to get up hay , and corn foddcr cut , cx- pecting frost cvcry minute , and no wonder for the sun has hid itself antI mcrcury is s1idin down e\'cr since last Ii'riday. Mr. Lestcr 14cwis lost oue of hts jjnger by hung it groUlll1 olT in thr cogs of a horse power 011 last Fridav. Hc reachetl for thc ureak to ; 'top the machinc , PIC wind was blowing hard , and , HI some wa ) ' lott bis bal1ancl alHl in falling Ill' caugnt in thc wrong place , rcsult , he will gt't a lay oIl' for a few weeks. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - " , " .111' " " " Cn ' ' 'K , " New. . . 1 . J. Pittawav has been em. plo'e 1 as solici'tor for the c > l. ) " , e. Mr. Pittaway is a very 'nble s 1icitor , consequently his scrvices arc alwars in d mand. Miss Ada ] ddy of Callaway , was thc last new student to cn- roll with us. Our cnrollmcnt is fifty-onc. glc\'cn studcnts ha\'c entered since the fin t day of school. lr. Lewis of Comstock , a for- mcr student , has a position of assIstant operator at Anslcy. Durfec IIllt of BCrW'l1 and Arthur Conrad of Broken Bow , are among thc newcomers this wcck. Thc Misses Ettlerson , Gustaf- son and Rector of Broken Bow , and Miss Hatfield of lls1ey , en- ! tercd tUis week. Seba Lec lcft Monday to accept - cept a position in the Grand Island - land Sugar Beet F'actor . ) ' . lIc would have rcmaincd in collcgc .several months to take rc\'iew work but thc salary attached to the proffered posItion was too tel'lpting ' to let it go by. Youn1r men who ha\'c had both the b siness and shorthand. course are in great demand right now. The new management. have two desirable positions thcy cannot fill. Silver Weddilig. At the elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. Lucian M cCatulless of this city Saturday night occured enc of the plcasant cvcnts that . helps to makc lifc wortn living. It was the occasion of thc twcnty fifth. wedding annivcrsary of Mr. and Mrs. McCandlcss , at which fifty or more of their neighbors and fricnds assembl.ell to help celebrate. 1 ! or more .than twenty one ycars Mr. and Mrs. McCandless have resided in this vicinity and their childred have grown up among' us. In all good works they havc been forcmost.and the high moral tonc of this community - ity has been brought about by I thcir assistance. ! A vcry pleasant social time i was spent and refreshments cn- joyed. It was 'near midnight when thcir guests departe l , wishing them continued happiness - ness and prosperit ) ' with the hopes that thcy may livc to ccle- bratc their Golden Anniv rsary. 'l'he ) ' were kindl ) ' rcmembered by 'their many friends with tokens of friendship of which thc following is a list with thc namcs of the doners and those present : Mr. I\n.1 MrA. B1 Ck\VBIl nnd Icl\rl , 1 sot Bllver BpOOf1B. Mro , A. W. Gnndy , flilvcr oako pln e. Mr. and Mro. O. H. l'o(1r d , "liver pflppor nnd snIt celll\rB. Mr. I\nd Mrs. J. A. Preston , 'l'nc. > mn , WRBlllnRton , opt I s I\nd Uver frllit basket. Mr. I\nd Mro. Frl\nk Wel en- retlter , Bet oilvor spoons. Mr. nnd Mro. C , U. Rlchardpon , 811 M holl. Susl- Wlloon , Ray I\1cCnndlo88 , hatter knife , BURnr Hholl nnd ornnm lIulln. Air. lUll ) Mrs. I'lttRwny. MrR. and Mra. 'fhornpe oo ; Mr , alld Mrs. McBirnlo. r.ir. alld I Mrs. 'l'borpe , Mr. aOlI Mrs. I.omnx , Mr. . I\nd Mro. Shaokelford , Mr. nd Mrs. Lee , Mr. hnll Mrs. LRnterman , Mr. I\nd Mrs. Cox , Rnd MIs9 Sa1ll0 Rankin. beau. tUnl silver breRlI plRte and nut bowl. Mr. nnd Mr . , JeABe Gandy , _ Mr. Rnd Mm. C. II. Jetfordo , silver butter dish. Mr. IIml Mrs. McComall , oYDler fork. Mr. nnd Mrs. OeorKe. fruit Indle. Mr. and Mrll. .Iewutt , Hllver. Mr. I\nd Mra. I. . 8. You' , l\hcomh , 11l. , Allver bUlter knIre. l\lr. nnd Mrs. 80lleod MIR Wllllo , out IIlaRo : nnd Bilver wnter pitcher. Mr. nnd MrB. S. M. Dorrlo'Alrll. Tahl- thn DorrlEl , ml Mra. Brown , pickle dllb. ! Mr. C. Griswold. Ltltle Hook , Wu h. " sliver oard plato. Mr.l\nd Mro. L. E _ Cole , oliver bon bon tmsket. Mr. hml Mrs. WlmlnuRle Imd Chl\rles WlndnliKle , sliver olike bn ket. MIBA' Hortle Orr nOil Willie Orr. RUJl\r sbell. Mr. and Uro. Heeler , Bilver toothploK bolder. Mr. and.Mra. Humphrey , sIlver - . . . . . . . . , n ' - . .rJtt:0 . " , - . : . " , , . " . - CtiICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS _ ,0 0' Fiou \o\\ & ' SU o ' O { \ . , / _ \o , . , tUt co i 0. . . . .r. . . Alw..y r lIalilu. 1..11" . . . . , , , IIrugglll for Cuu'utH'rtU'N : INUI.NII : : III U , , " aod . tAuh. . . . . . . , . lII .00110.,1' talllu ll . a n..r. ' . . . . l . < . lr.1 d..1.ro. wllh IIlu" . . .ub.tt. rlbboo. tuto. . " . . .do 'DlII.UullIuy ut ) ' ( ur Urunlal . . , ur hltU < l II' , In .1"1111" r"r . ' .1'110'1' . . . . . .U. . . . . . . . . . ' . .1. aud " " "II..r rur . . . . .lIt. . . . . In UII' ' ' . II , . . . . . ' ' , . , .h'rq ' " .11. JlI. ( lU'j''S111110ull < l. 10112 : liT wJl t"UIIKI'\Jr , OUIUllkR1'b:11 : OU Jr.rIOAJ. 01) . . .uu JtJ..I. . . . . " . , . . .r. . . ' .ULA. , Po& . HaMil" . . . .1. " " . " , . 1 : - - - - . I nut o'Aok Rnd Dlok , . I\1rO. L. J. Gnu- dy. beautuul chinn dldhl lr. IlOd Mrs. B. IC. Warrlok , Mr. nod MrR. Conll\l ( SnYder , Mr. nnd Mm. N. 1 < ) . Armotronlt , Mr. nnd Mra. Andrew Snydl\r , Mr. nd Mr . ] . 11. Prettymon , Mr. alld Mr . II. M. Snlllvl\n , Rov. Rnd MrA. G. P. Trltos , Mr. I\l1tl Mrs , W. ll. gn tham , Mr. Rnd Mrs. IF. D. Shol > rdBon , one dozen llver knlve I\nd forks , one dozen I tcn8poono , o e dOMU tableopoono , bCl\u , tUully on rAvod. Mr. and MrD. Ityer- Bon I\nd Bon8 , beautiful out ! lIMO and ollV(1r fruit bnoket. ! 1.0" , " RntcH , vclle. . - 'J'he Burllllgton offers round trip tickets nR follow : Deliver , Col. , nuel retufll , t4.70 , June J 10 Sept. 30. Colorado Spriugs , Col. , ml return , 1018.75. JUIIC J 10 Sepl. 30. l'ucblo , Col. , and retufII , $19,60 , Junc J to Scpt. 30. Gtenwood Springs , Col. , amI rctunt , $ :18.:15 : : , June I to Scpl. 30. Ogden , Utnh , RlIlI return , 103:1.90 : , JUuc J 10 Sept. 30. Salt Lake City , Uinh , null retufll , $32.- 90 , June I to Sept. 30. DClldwood , S. D. , 1It1l1 rclufll , 1014.05 , June 1 10 SCIIt. 30. I.end , S. D. , amI returII , $14.05 , JUuc f to Sept. 30. Hot Spring , S. D. , RlII1 rclUI1I , 1O.95 , June 1 to Sept. 30 , Custer , S. D. aud relurII , 1J.60 Junc to Sept. 30. Ask the ticket agcnt for particulars. 52. 14 - u cn : : TO TInt 01.U IUHIU . - Ou Seplember fst , 81h and 15th lIud Oclober 6th thc Burlingtoll olTeres round trip tickels , good thirly dll'S , to Uluny pOlllts in Imlinnn ullil Ohio at n fare And olle third rote. An exccllcnt opporluuity to visil 0111 fricnds iu lhe enst. Ask the ticket ageut for further pnrliculnrR. 12.16 America's Greatest Weekly. rr I-I E Toledo Blade Toledo. Ohio. New I1nd Ll1rgor Building , New Pre8:16S : , New SterootYOD Pll\nt. New and Modern Appllancos In every dopartment. The ' 1'oledo Blade is now in- stallcd in its new building , with I a modern Jlant and cquipmcnt , und facilitics cqual to any pubh- cation betwecn New York and Chicago. It is thc only wecldy ncwspapcr edited expressly for evcry state and tcrritory. The News of the VV orld so arranged that busy peoplc can morc easily comprehend , than by .rcading cumberson columns of dailies. All currcnt topics madc plain in cach issuc by spccial editorial matter , written froUl inception down to date. 'rhc enl , } ' paper published especially for peoplc who do or do not rcad daily ncws- papers , and.Yet thirst for plain facts. 'rhat this kind of a ncws- paper is popular , is proven by th fact that the Wcekly Bla c now has over 1,0,000 ycarly subscribers , and is circulatcd in all parts of the U. S. In a (1i- tion to the ncws , the Bladc publishes short and serial storics , and many dcpartmcnts of matter suitcd , o evcry member of the famil ' , Only one dollar a year. 'Vnte for frce specimen 'copy. Addrcss , . 'l'IIIt aLADE , ' [ 'oledo , Ohio. 'l'hc l m'uD.r.ICAN and Tolc.do Bladc , 'onc year , $1.35 , . , - . / - - - - - - - . - : J : > : EJXr-FIS-r R , B. MULLINS I M , 0 , Make II MlIcllllty ! ul Orowo 111111 11 rill III' Wotrk. I'lloes rell80naIJlo , All work ! : uar nlpoel. < : all and leu IIIIII/eroro g.lol : e1eewhor'l. Olllce-Ill IIrnl"'o lIow tltalu lIallk lIulidlog. IIrokoll III'W , Nebrnlka. , II. UON HAD , O.II. , . . . . . . Uealer I II , . . . I'lIm118. Willd. MIII , ' 1'allk . Fltlhlll"OuHolln "nIlIRIIII'oto. elo. IIr.okn . ! flow , Nehrllilka. - 0- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . .llerd II\'nticd I' ) ' . . . . . . . . . Crlm.oo Scot. No. 177/)3. / ) ; . J. G. BRENIZER , Breeder of I'llro Hcotcb .nd Scotch ' ' 'opped tj ort lIorn Cllt. Lie My 11 fit IIn"hrr 4 ( ) COWl ! Will eorUJ'Rre 111111'1'11101 : 1111111111.111' ) ' \\III.IIIIY "l'll or Il&lel\jo. : & ( My Isll ! rl..e. IUHulht mo Ih.10 . : Iv" ( ) od raIIHfal'lInn. hrel'llIlII : call 0 IIlInt 110 ralllod : In this alth.ude. I tUI' ' ct o raise thorn here 1110 eQual or 1I'thllll : rah'cl III III. u. ! t , III W h.'j bull. Hu\tllllio \ lur lIll. . . ,111 lieU ) 'uar' . . .urvicil. Mv COWl \\Olgb from HOO ' 0 -0000 1IIIIIIId. , 1/111I0/11111 HIU IhlJlII , . . - - - " 'I L . . - - . : : : ; " " - BANGS STUDI . : Up-to-date PhotograpHs. First prize winner at 'state as. . sociation 1903. - - - - - - - DH. . 'jIl' Ii'AltNSWOH,1'II , DENTIST , rrOMco In 1I01l1t1 III ode , Dr. IblS'l 01 Blllnl1. . . : CAMl1HON : l lUCUSIC , I - 1I0t'I i E : uIcell , ) YS ) . : rs A'r LAW. 1I0011l and I 9 , noa1 11110ck , Urokcll pow . , Nob. . . S.1\1. DOHHIH , 1J1l l llimDf1' . . At. kt'\lI nf work tn nnr 1IIt' .ll1l1e promlltl , A'id In ul.-elMII ordlJr : 'f , t. , . _ bop onbo orner WO" 01 1110 bosu hllll' Q , GIV. < ; tl" A " 1'1 A' " IIrokoll 110w , ' . - . Nobr.aka. CLINTON DAY , . Physician & Surgeon. o 111 co In renr of Ihll 11111I11 : or Commereo. 1I0sl. donclI Oth hOIl.o WO"t or he dlptiSI oburch. IIrukou Dow. Nl > brRBIta. DH. U. I. . MULIAUNS , : Physician Surgeoli. : :1111 : St.lrw/I ) ' ! fem wn.t end In Realty 11I00k ; ro hlnlleu,3rtl wusl " . K. ohurch , 011 Bnmo 8h111 or . .roet. lIrok\Ju 1I0w , l'icbrllltka I D US. ItJ. . & W. J , 1'ALllO'l , PHYSIGIANS SURGEONS. omoo over Ilaoberh" " nrlll , ( Storo. IIrokoll How , . _ Nohr .h. CITY BAHBUH SHOP , D. O. Hu'n'oN. l'rolJrlotor. lut-aIIlPi Work. Honr ltoOIll or IIrok"1I1Iow " 81111" I hili II , lIrokoll 110w. Nehrll kl\ . . W A. 'J'HOMPHON , , CONTHAUTOIt & 8UU.Dlm , CW-P1RnB : IIlId oBlIlIllllolI UII 8hortnotlee. llro.kuo Uow , NfJbfll8k" WII.JLIS OADW KI.L 11m" il1m ) 1JJlll : nn Jl' ltfhn . . . ) , W. D. HALL. A. 11. HAUTLKY , 'l'hn bOlt IJllrlnlnllln " ' "hrllskn. l'nrlll hmds IO to f.S ! per nero. Hrtlll : 111111 Inll he8 chcllu. . . . . . HALL & H.ARTLEY , Uonl IJllnlo. Loans DIIII tmur. Dllell. Wrllc u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burllllgton Uoulo. SnrgclII. Nobillskir. H ILL SIDE HERFOI DS IIUlt Dnrou .Jorscy 1I0K bred IIlId ohl. 811811J1001I oUhelrclft 8. AlMre " . a. K. Uo.\DWI "I/ , lIroken Jlow , Nebra ka J .J. SNYDJ lt , ' laiDJ > JHJ .l1rd3Q.lf . ] mi ) ANUNO'I'ATtY W" tI ill , l'UULC \I Ju . . . ,1 Iho 1'lIlIce. po'lalllltlJnt.I1D : lilTeD o ( ' 01 . 1'111" 1lIlo 1I101l tak lI. p6nsloll vooch. " " I ) ' oneill/'ll allll nil kinds ot legal 1'IIIor. ' W II OUh . . In Iho rellr or 8 nll ot Iorumerco. HIUIo" " l.Iow. Nobrn8k" . - - _ _ - I F l ANSE 1\IOORR , K1DJJ ( : v ] ID7d ID : aD1In. 'r\\n IJlllck" nOriJa or . 'JlLII U'lIlr , llll "I. Pit. UIIIIIe , : olle\lod. \ Prices r\JIIHOIIIIIII. . " ; , .TiME TABlE BROKEN BOW. NEB. I.'culn , lJenvcr. ' "Iunllu. Ilclenn. - . ' ChlcIIKO. lIutlc , . .t. .JuIIC.lh. . 'orUund , IIU.HA" : cu. , " " "III. I c City. fUr -.unIH. A ud HUlIlfrunclHCU All . .olut" l1 t An.a . . . . .1I..o.ntH And tuntlt.Vette. . - I N . 4I-Yeellbuled : cxlreu dally , Lincoln , OIU' " lIa , lit. JOBeph. lilln .8 Clly , : : It. LoUlll , } hl oligo and all polf11 u st lIud south. .8 U7 a.llI.- No. 44-Loollt oJCIJre8 1,11) ' . Lillcoln. Umlll , , Cblrelo AllIl "lIllolllts CIISI alld " 00\11,1050 a. In. No. 41-V"IIUbu1011 oJCpre s dally. Helall. , t\OIlI. \ tlO. Uu e , 1'0rUand and all Pacll1c COli' " ( Iolntli. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1104 am No. : r-I"cal expr 8 dally , A1IIane" and IlIt"rm"dllllo volllt" . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 58 pm Sleo lng , dlLloK anel reclining chair CUlM ( HOIlI. rroo ) on tbroll/h / traln8. TlckIJ8 lold AOII bii' gage checked to III1Y polnl In III Unltod : ; 11\10. and Canada. lororm"uolI , map. , time lablel and Ilekut call on or wrlto 10 11. L. Ormsby. agenl , . ) r J ( franch , O. P. A. , OnlRhVf NebrllllkA. I . I. . OII'lI ' J1T. Allcnl. . . . - - 80HEDULE OF UHOKIN BOW MAILA. Pouch for weHI will clod II Ht II II. III. . exee , , ' Slinela ) wloen II wIll nloo' ) at tl : Iii 1'm , I'ollch. ea t for r.lu :010. U clo _ lit 8 " m alll rUl Nil. I elo o "t , 0.:10 : lUll. J/IH rllr Anile , aUlI (11111IIIUt \ IIr Orand lei ' . " " "f'led 00 traIn No It OCOlilo ,1of : lIynll and Toeaurvllle. dany 11 ] [ ' cept ' 1ulld"y eI08"8 , at 7 " m : r"tuf IIIK " 811'0 day , CIIUftWIIY VIII , Me'J\nI81 \ dlll1 , "XOI'It lIl1da1 CIO\l'd 1117 a III. rlJlurnlnK 81111U' ' (111) . IIfllIlIll Val1117 viII U"'II and Klton clol" at 7 a DI.Tuelll. , } , 'I'huraday alld : : ! a\nrda1I , rclurnlnlC H'Irll lie ) ' . I'Ulllllur1" IIlIrn' ' ' " Ueorll 'oWII ahd Upton arrfl'O III 11.S : . TUc dl'J'r , rHd 7 aud 1atur. ! Ilay wtllrnllll ( loa" , . H' I'J 31' ' " . ' day. OIUIH houra fWID PI.Ii , . , ) I ) P m. Sun- , Ia ) from 5:41i p. n , " , .1 'T.obby open WI'.k dlYw troll' 1 II. ' .n Itnc1lhf 8:30 : a. In 10I Ii m I jf' . . ' . "pul ! ' , Sun ; . ,1mornhll , : I ) ' I , . ' . , , , " 'ry. { ' . .hIt - . . - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " . . - . . ' . _ . 'L' .r. : " : : ' \ ' T 'C re a od _ in One Day ys. . ) : Take.Laxative . Suinine Tablets. AJ1t " O every . . . . . . .m' . . . .aoI.In12mORths. - . ThiSsign..tpre. , (9. c. box.2Sc.