Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 17, 1903, Image 3

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- - -
t : Uobort Durns' cottage nt Ayr wa' '
last year \'Islted by over 60,000 per'
. I Rain Cnlls on the cnstern coast 01
[ relnnd about two hundred and el"ht ,
r' ays I p the 'car.
. .
When a younrt : womall of the Phil-
Ipplnc marrlcs , her husband's name
Is addud to her maiden uamc. It
Ihe becomes 3 wldo\v , lhc husband's
oamo Is dlscardcd ,
, , A noY'A "letorT.
Cr088ro:1I1s. 'fenn" Sept. 1 > I.-Orbrn
I J Youn ! ; . the 10.yenr.01l1 son ot Lester
. . . Yonn . of this 'plnce. Is a bright boy ,
, , and on ( ' who Is very well liked by nil
' ' ' 'ho know him.
I It'or somc yeurs Ol'bra has 811fferell
1 . grent df'nl with n Corm or Kidney
f Trouble whlrh " , 'n. ' ! , 'cry nnnoyln . nnd
: whlcl1 mnde him mlscrnblu nil the
\ time. lIe hnd to gct up tbree or COllr
'I tlmcs c\'cry nlJht , nlmost nil bls life ,
" His father henrd of a remedy cnlled
" Doda's Kldlwy 1'11I11 , nnd bought sOllie
tor ( lie little Cellow , with tbe result
that he Is now complelely cured oC the
old trouble. He sn 'R :
\ "Dodd's Kidney 1'1\18 \ soon gnve me
t reat rclIef , Ilnd IIOW I clln 1lIeep 1111
\ night without hu , 'Ing' to g'et 111' . Wc
" wIll nlwn 's prnlse Dodd's Kidney
, Pills. "
II ' 1'lwn' nre mnn ' l'hlldl'en sUffcrlng
l from 1 l IH ) ' and Urlnnry troublcs.
'l'hese dlsOI'del's shonld be promltl ) .
correctt'ti , DOlltl'R Khhw ) ' Pl\1s \ Is 11
811fe IItHt sure remcI ) ) ' fOl' 1111 sneh dc.
. . . . . Musler Ol'hm Y OUII COll\Jerell his
' troubles IInd m/Hle / n well ho ) ' of him.
Belf , l ) ' \lsll1 Dodd's Kidney 101\ls. \
nllll nl1 ' one mn ) ' do the SIlI1lC by thc
BlIlJ1e 11I1'11 II f1.
Parcllis Hhoulll SI'C to It thnt thclr
chl1dl'cl1 : ll'e h'l'lI 11 fllh' challCc III
IIfc. 111\(1 thel'c Is lIothln thllt cl1n 1111 ,
dermlnf' the hf'lIlth of II gTowlllg' ehlld
, , ' , liS much as Klllllc ' 1I11t ! UI'I 1111 1' ) ' dc.
1 t"I1ngelllents.
'I'he grns&hnppels arfllln Forsyth ,
Montana , havc destroye all'e lla-
) . lion In /lIstrlct / se\'cnty miles lung
anc1 IIfly miles wide ' 1' Ie plains arc
otted wit h eattlc that Ita ve starvcrl
to eath because of tle ] lack of herb.
n e.
An Interesting 1IIIIIIIai Is thc t1'ln
fng of Borneo. lls long tors are
Wl b led to the tlgs , and thus act as I
little parachlltes , enabling the frog I
to ] cap frol1l 10fLY trecs and desceud
ra < .lllally.
Asbestos towels am among the lat-
test noyeltl ! s. 'fhey do not require
t slap ! .alld water to clcanse them ,
Wllcn 811lled throw them In the IIle ,
" and in a few minlltes they may be
' rawl ! Ollt , fresh aud clean ;
The ylslts of the stork arv wel.
comedbytheArabs. They have II
' ) Sllpl'l'stltlon that when one of these
. bir s maIn's Its nest on a huusetup ,
the ocellpnnts If , that house are as.
I , silted of go/1 ) / IlIck Cor a year.
r Human ral'es scrape v'r.v 1Ittle toT -
T Iether. :
It costs mOl'e lO IJt.gllcl tI du'ty than
to perform It.
: One \ a Itll1'll deerles another revo-
IlIlI 1001' \ ' the helter.
- - - -
Men seldom pay taxes on what tbey
are repuled to. lie woJl'lh.
)18" lie AC'1ulrCIIIIIHI Ulled wIth Grent
( 'oUlJlh'le IInd rl'dflll iHisl' of the body
nlld 11111111 i" nil nrt 1I0 ! cliI ' gained ,
1'I'rhn\l \ 1I0thilll ; IH'III\H \ one as much
cOIIIl'ut. comfort , halJl llC'sS IInd pleaslITo
II ! ; thee ! > l'olldilions of C:1Sr : , I'08tflll ; re-
sOlln'I'fnl and wclJ-hnlnncc(1
- ( milld and
IIOd ' , that l1Iake of wurk It pleasure alld
llil' dnil ) ' lift ! h tJlJI ) " II/III Ileaceful.
The 1I1'\"OIlS hUII c\lfe busy with a
] ltIllllrel1 dnti ( ' " 1\1111 \ hllrlssed : by children ;
11h ! ' bllsillCss mall. worl'i",1 with the prcss
of ( tail ) ' nfflllrs , dl'lIls. ctc. , cannot clljoy
tli ! ' Ilcace and reslfnl repOSe' nnd hcalth.
ful IIl'l"\"OIlS bal\Ilcl : ! IInless the ) ' know
ho\\ " .
Therl' Is n'ar. . I.' and foremost
the > siomlll'h mllst 111' cOllsulted. 1.1hat
1/1I'.IIH It'a\"llI utf I."n\.c nil/wllllclr / , for
till' teUllrorul'r slill1ll : nt nnd the reslllt-
in : : d'prl.ssion I. . II " 111' ( ' I'llin to lhe lIer.
\ " . ) bysll'm. flllIl thp whole condition of
" ' . Iii a lid hllJlllilll's 1' ' ' . . , , , upun slomllch ,
1I.'r\ ' , , nlill lIIind.
Slnrt with the SIOIllIle > h , thllt Is rhe
1..1 "tOIlI' to thc 1hule > ar < 'l. . . Stop IIEinl ;
tllln s lliat hrcak duwn its Iower. IIISl't
lis nl'1"\"ons enel' r nntl Ilre\'cnt thc
pr"pl'r di\estion \ of the fU < 1 IIntl thc can.
, .tllll'lIt IIlnnllfactllrl. of healthflll blool (
II nil nl'r\'cs , brnlll awl ti RIIOS.
i \\"hl'lI rOil IlIlt con'ee tnko all POStll1l1
r l'o.nd Cot1'ee. 'l'hnt Is likl. stoJlJlin the
I'n 'IIH'nt of illterest fillIl 'IIl1.ting on 1\
1lrl'l'1" where "Oll nl'e loanln lIIono ) ' nnd
r..l'i\'int ; Intcrest. 'l'he t00(1 ( rl'811118 I\re
.111111011' . You stop polsonln the SJslom
\ \ It h eoffcc nlld slnrt bulldhlt ; 1I11 the
torol.l'lI ' dOWIl lIel'\'C cells by powcrful
1'"Ulrnts ! coutn llI'd In Postum , These
fire pllre fooo ele\llrnts ably selecle(1 hy
1' (1erls for Ihc ot "
( IHlrp68e IlIppl"in : ;
jU9t the tIling rl'llIlrl.\l b ' Nllturo to per.
form this rebllildlng.
l'heso nro solhl. sllb tnntlal fnds and
( 'nn be1rO'l.'n \ clenrly to the atisfacllon
of nnyone. b ) . personDI experlenco. 'l'r ) '
the chnJJg-e 'ollrself nnd nole how the
old condition of allnttered nerves and
worril'd mh\l chanscs to tllat [ cellng of
reslful poise of a well.balanced ner\"olls
srRtem. . :
1.'he mDllngln ! ; pll ' elnn of a b'glcnlc
nnltnrlum In IndlnnR says Ulnt for fi\'t
'ears In hl $ practice he has alwlt ) . ! ! In.
listed npon tlle pntlents leaving off coffce
and tnkln1 : Postum Food Coffee with he
most poslt\\'e \ , well delinOtI result ! ! /1\111
with snNsfaction to the mOtt coll/irmed /
coffee toper.
( . TIle Doctor's nnllle " , III be funrlshed
, by the Postum Co. , rtd. . nnttle Creek ,
: Mlch.
rJ ok In each packne : for a cOI'Y of
the fn.mous little book , "The Head to
Well v llIe. "
l'lcRlmut Incldcnts OccuI'rlur : tIlt
'Vorhl O\"cr-tu'luJ:1I thu t At'e CI.ecr'
CuI to Old or 1ollnJ-Iunuy : ; Bclcc'
tIons thut 1ou : Will l uJoy ; ,
" nr , " cln Itned the Imle ttllnr , "de
yon cross the trl't'r ' time : rott se (
11I0 to Ieel' rrolll l1nyln thnt IItth
blll 1"
"Car'tnlnl ; not , " rCilllell the delln
! ] UOllt ,
" 1'I1IJn wh ' do 'ou In\'llrlnhl ' do It ?
nskoc1 tilt ) knl ht ot the Iron OOSf' .
" 1'0 Ite'p 'Ou from IlsldnJ : 111 to pnJ
It. " replied thc IlI\rl ' of the olh'r pnrt
Her l x lIerlcllcc.
"I Just Imow , " Fnill the sick woman
"tItn t It I should die my huahn.n
would torget me IItHl mnrry Ilgllln. "
"Don't let thllt WOrt. . ) 'ou , dellr , " replied -
plied her friend who hlul married IJ
widower , "he ml ht II1l1rry n nln , llll !
It wnuld enl ' mnke hllll rcm rnber yo\ :
mor klndl ' . "
Coln..c 1 Theolo , . .
. . r- . . .
P1'I ( lUll Il1nl' tIat de t\\"eh'l
'n'o'l'slc. { Wnt. l'uII1111 III ell.
HI' IIIIIIl-lIuh ( , de twe1\'e 1I11oss1e !
cull1l111 St. l'ptel' Clll1l1111 1)0:111 'o
< ' \'nh II 11' ' Ihlnl\ln' lint nWII ' , Wb '
If HI. Pctl'I' WIll' clIll1)l 1101'S 'o' eYllb
t'illk lint 1'00tl'I' : dUll crow 1II0'n once1
Hits It till : \tlFI'IC ! < .
WIr. lcs-Dol's 'our wife mls 'ou
" , ! l1'1I 'ou arc IIwnr from home ?
[ Iglps-- ! o ; , hut Hhe fl'elnelltl
ml sps II1C wl1l'l1 1'11I lit hOllle.
WI ! ! lps-Wh ' . how's thnt ?
lIg lcs-IIcI' 111m ISII't IIcclI1'nte.
- -
UM'IIII 'J'hill\ : .
I'omWIIS the Illfi1'I'llIlje oC COlln
IJeIlrofJue IIl1d llss' Gotrox fi 10' "
match ' !
, lark-Sul'l' . he wnf1 In loyc wlU
his title /11111 he was III lo\'c with hel
COlli ,
- - -
CallHC 'fur HlllllllneH > I.
"Oh , look whnt a l\'ett . I\llten , mnm
ilia ! " ( 'xclnlmed "mall lIarr ' .
"Yes , " I'l'IJIIld ! his 1I10.her , "and , just
thlllk. It ne\'cl' cries. "
"Well , 110 wo 1111 1'1' , " rf'Jollled tlH
'ollnSlel' ; . "It doeslI't hn.C Its necl ;
\\'a sllfd.Bx cha Jig ! ! ,
I'lIttlnHim " 'j" , : : .
" ' { 'hpl'c Is somelhlll IJCcu1l11 I' 11 hOUi
thp lI1elltal llIalwuIJ of II WOllllI II , " salu
Fogs. ;
"Dol'S I1n ' eXlllanaLlolI o wllh thai
rcmarl , ' ( " IIsl(1 ( his hetter Iwlf.
" : : ; 111' , ) thln " nns\\"et'Nl '
, \ \ the pari } 01
the IIl'chlllc. " othl'l'o's : \t 1' ; ; , Peel.
cm , fOI' IXIIIIIIJll' ! . Sho's uttm'l.y 1I1111hh
tll hnlHlle thc 1I10st gClltic hor'se , 'el
she dr'cs hcr husJalHl ! around wltl :
( ' :1 : "e. "
"Oh. t ha t 110NHI't pro\'e nnrthlng , '
l'ejohll'll Irs. P. "l'ho horsl' . 'O\ :
IwoIs a Yer ) ' Intclllgcnt I\nllllal.-
Chlrago C\\8.
A Unit ! neell.
. . . .
' .
, \gll. . -Oh : 1'11I lIot ulII'easoJl1hle
hut till' 1111111 who 1II111'1'los lIIe IIIUSt a'
ICII 1011 ht' IIrll'e :
11111111 OWl' 'Ollllgf'l' slstel'-l shoull
.IIltlt Ihllll , ISO , tlI'lIl' ! 'l'ho bravest 01
Ihl' IJI'II \ " ( ' !
- - -
) C\"Ulilou.
. .
I Ildll'l 'ou nd"CJ.tlse all the corn
flll'ls of hOIlIl" ( " nslwd the sumlllcl
hoII'III'I' .
"Cf'l'tallll ' , " allswered 1 lIrlll l' COl'li
tos'I'I : , "hut then 'ou know SOIllI
hOllll's ntll't so 1)O\\cr(1I1 comforlnblo. '
-Wni'htllgtoll Htnr.
f'hc " 'aM HeusltI" , , , .
II nsba III1-So we nl'e to hn'e our ol
cool. hll c1. . h ?
Wlfc-Y s : ! Jilt Co I' goodncss' 8alt
don't lot IH1\ ' hear you cnll her old I
Nn Nerll Cur 'J'holll.
"jlIl'lill . " : - ; : ld the sweet IIttlo wlCe
"I h:1\ : ' ( , just hou ht n pall' ot shoes fOI
$ H ntHI 11 plllt. of sill. stockings tor $0. '
"I : I' n t rott ! " cxclahned the POOl
huIJfind , "I wlh I hilt ! married a rueI'
lJIllld. "
11\ the t'llllle CIa. " .
FOI''I n Atlllehf'--\I'e thcy 011 thl
allio 1111\110 soclall ' 7 .
. \ m.'I'll'all-Oh. . } 'cs : they exchnn 1 I
snulls J'1' ullI'lr.-'t'owlI : ' 1'oplc8.
, "
, '
- , ,
Another I'redlctlorh
IIYes , " sighed Ule youth In purpc ]
BUSlenderll , "tliC old gentleman cRught
me hugglrlg his Iaughtor nnd UIl'1I
there WIIS n slorm , "
"You IIlloull1 hnve ! I'nt n report tc
the wenUrer l1epnrtmwlt , " chttclded bIl
frlcnd In l1ucl ( trouf1t.'r\ ! ' ,
"What should I hll\'e s'nt "
"The sturm was CllllSClI by henv ,
IOCR I IlrcSsUre. "
On Clnrk 8trcet.
111101101" exclllhued th ( ' IIInl1 with thl
grIp. "Wh ) ' did tllnt cllr stop so sml
dellly ? "
111'hcl lost n wnshcr , " chucldcl1 thl
pOllcemnn 011 the corner.
"Off the wh ( > t'17"
" .NOj Ihe ) llntforlll. A OhlnamnJ
tumhlNI ofl. "
Cn' ' ' ' ' ' nnll ItfTect. , I'nt ! 1 henr yO\
went out o n Rtrlk ( ' ,
I'll t-1.'hot's rl ht. 01 sthrucl , CCI
sh 01'1 01' hOllrR , 01 duuno.
Qulz7.fIII-Dhl rOll et thlII ?
Pat-Ol did. Ol'm 1I0t wUl'rkln' nl
nll , l OW , lI'go17)1
Bchcmc That l a lIel.
"Sn ' , " exelalllled the mlll1 In n honr81
whlRIer ) ns hc met hlR wife nt thl
depot , "didn't I f'lcgl'llph 'ou not tt
brhlg "O1l1' mother ? "
"Yes , " IInswCl'ed she , "hut shc open
the messllge ntHl illslMtet ! 011 comhl !
nlong to lr1\'estlgatc , "
l lIrnell n He"t.
He-Yes , I suppose It WII ! ' ! n wCu11)
001 of the "gO"CI'IIJ' ) " to lel1"c nil
this 1lace. but I don't cnrc Cor It. III
WIIS too III'aeLical It I 1un to ha'c l'ea11J
good tasle.
She-Stili 'ou ought to hc gll111 tc
haII Illaec IIIw this to 1'est In artC:1
} 'OUl' Calher's lahOl's.-BI'ookl'n , Lite ,
Whnt IIc Wllntcll.
" , \11 I ask for III ' cllellt. " ! : mld till
III W 'C1' . "Is justice wIth a lJl J. "
"The oilllORlllg c01J11sl'I. " saltl the la ' "
.l'r 011 tlte olhN' side. "asl.s Cor SOIllC'
thillg' his cllellt Illt'call ) ' Itns. lIe's got
ahout as hi : : II Jn ' Cor a law ' ( > 1' as C\'CI
ot Illto thIs COl1.t.YOlllwl'S States
Helll 'rl'UII hlc.
"UOW at.c 'O1l1' collections. doctor : '
I1Rlwl ( the In \ \ " 'er of a 'ouIIg I. D.
"Slo.C1' ' slow , " was thc rClllr.
" \\'hat Sf'l'\IIS to hI' Ihe II'ollhlli ,
1II0Ile ' tight ? " Clwrlcll ) thc II' al light
"Xo , " 1'lI II (1(1 Iho 'ouIIg IIIIl dls
IeIlS\l' . "the tr'oulJlo Is nohod } ' OWl"
IIIC au "thill . "
HiM Fllthcr' " , 1't'l1I" . I
I\ \
( ' . (
' 11" , ,
" : : " '
. , . \
. . . . . .
L ' I
"YO\ll' father Is a hl1'll : " ' 01'1"1' , IS/l" /
hl" ! "
"Y's , hut Ill' Ittl : . hI : , 1''IlI'II. . .1m-
think how Iall ho lIIust be .10 see ! tin\
< ; u\lel'IOI' \ 1 nlll 10 him. "
The 1.II..t.
"Th' olll ' ch 11' a It.thot . l'xlsts th s ,
daj'f. ; , " sal.l . till ! .1nllIlO1' Ilhllof.olhl'nll ( ) .
"Is will I h' ) lollpl'\IIOII I ha t slhlIl1ls : tI\
lh' C01'llCl' a11 hilI ) ! ; 1lIl1e : ! ; O\'C1' , A 11'11
belllHl , hc : : lIs ( mill fill' ul 1"
- - -
Helll 'fhin ! : .
Iaude-l lIoticed a dcelllcll coohlesl
hetwcen .ou I1l1d 'O\l1' Hallce
nl ht. "
Glal'a-Olt. then 'oll snw us
Icc crea 111 to CthCI' , dill } .ou ?
A It 1'n. : . , . 1I0K" ,
"I thllll. 1'111 1I0t harll to get
\ \ ' It h. "
"Fallh , lIa .thl'l' a 111 I. I'IUIII"hill ! I
Illlfithl'CStl Is doltl' IWI' '
"I , 'lis II1eHII :
that 0\'crlool,8 lots a \ . thlngs.-Puel , '
AM HCI.rc..cntell.
"Hco hcre , laIIlIlO\'II , " salll the 11 II g I' . '
tennnt who hall paill three months I
1'1'11t ill 1111 ' ' " '
nUll'I' , 0111' huuse Is Cull 0 : I
scwer gafo.
"YeR , " I'l'p1l/(1 ( Ihe IIUHlIOI'l ( , Pl1lml\ , '
"I lOW 'IJII thai \\'hl'lI 'ou I'clltl'd It. '
" , ToW lIIe what't' ( tllll'lf'd the 1I11q1 :
111I I'I ' ,
"That there wus:1S / ' 111 1'C I' ) ' 1'00111 , '
nllswel'ed the wllj' 0\\111'1' ,
J\1l1ldnJ : Hltnilclf l'opUlllr.
E1'IIle-Slllce lIal'l' ' Bltwlaco hllll hi. .
lIal11C stlll1lJl d 011 his clgal'ottes Itl
gl\'os thelll a WII . quIto fl'el'I ' .
laYes , I gucss ho wall tell hll
name III o\'el' ) ' OliO'S 11I01lth.
1I1.0nll II lilt.
"BI'lIlo Is IH'l'Ur elon'r. "
"In whnt wa ' ? "
"Wh ' , when we1'0 goln throllgl
the tunnel IlIst:1Il of takillg 11. I"S8 I
rcmnl'lwd that the tmlll was slow , "
"What dill ErnIe sa ' : "
"Shu said the tmln WIlSU't the onl1 .
slow thing 'in ' that (111111 ( > ] . "
" ' 11 , . 110 tnnll.
It wns III the 110lot } restnurnnt 0 ,
one of tire great ralh'oluls. "l\lr. Hantt , '
snld the sweet shlgel. , "wit ) . do ) ' 01
stalu } up whllc dl'lnJ.lng yoill' coffee
All the rest oC U8 sit down , "
"Bcclluse , " I'l'pllcll the comedlnt
boardcr , solemnl } ' . "I WIlS nlwllYI
tnught to slalul ul fol' Iho wcnl , . " '
AII-\ rOil 11I1 Cutchcr.
1\IJcl-Who WIIS the catcher on III
Goat 1111I tellm ? '
Jinml-BllIr Mlllllls.
1I1Icl\O-WII8 he a oed cntcher ?
Jlmm-IHhollll1 8n ' so. Ho eaugh
de first ball , den he caught l1e menslCl
trom Swilcs ) ' Smllh HII' when he gO
lOmc hc c1\n ht u lIcl\lIl' .
TNt 5lGN Of TNt fiSH NEVfR fAIlS
Remlbcr thl whel\'Ou ' Wet
: : \ ) b4)
Wet1thcr ClothIng nd look for the
n me TOWER on the. buttons.
, ft : This i : \ nd thi n : nc h vc teed
for the CI : : > r durin bty. cvcn
, ) 'CM of In re n "ale .
If ) 'Our dc lcr will Mt upplY you write or
I free c to ; ! ue of bbck or yellow \Voter-
I proof ell coat , lickcr.s. "uit , h b , end
here ( toads fc..r olillin s of wel work.
A.J. tow n co. . THe oWEllr ;
lIcnON. HAU U.S.A , .5JCiN r " 'Kl
'rOWER CANADIAN CO. . : , - -
, O"OIlTO. " CAN. : UHn flJIt BR" o ,
- - . . . "
. BilOMO-
- .
. .
A IleaI'll'.hat \ . wlJlllrJ ) lrcsel'\'e lhl'
puwcr lj'self gO\'elnmollt , III fact liS
wldl liS ill lIame " 'list hll\'e fl1re-
t oOlI hL. shre\\lIl'ss. ] solf-rcstraillt ,
the cllulago whh h Icfuses to ahan.
don OUc's olVn rlgh : ' Hlld the /1IsllI-
tcrestnd , 1\llIllly ( ) r(1 ) SCIISO wllll'il CII.
abIes one to do Jusllce to thc light of
other .
1J"lIll' ( 101111' " II , . ( "urn,1
ny Im'III 111'1'111'1111011' . II tI".y , ' :111111I1 : rt'II1 11. ,
III'I'II'CIIlorllllll oC Ihl' c'or. : 'I hl'le I nIOil. .
Ilay III 1'1111' lI"aCII" " " . all' IIml" hy 1'1111',11111
1\lIl1al \ n"I\l'.II1' . . Ih'ahll' " I ( HU'I" ! h1111 III
, 'alIII'11 I'ullilltlnll , of thl' tIIII'III1" , 1111111. . . : of tilt'
1':1"1:1l'hlIIITllh111'11 : : : , III' ' IlIhl' 1:1'111111:11111'.1 :
11111 IUl\o U "tllllhll1ll " : 'IItill-lllr hll"I'1 h"ar
1111 ( . IIIIwllell ! II I. . I'IIU , , 1" 1'\1" \ " . ' ; h'IIII' ; , " h
till ! 1I".ull. , 'lilt ; ; 1111' , . . 1111' IIllIalllll\lIolI \ , 'au lit
lal\l' " 0111 111101 tlili III hi' 1".lorl'llln ' \ . IInrlllal ,
1'011111111111. ' will ho .1I'lroYI'II IOIl'wr
/IIIII' ( 'a'l' hl'arlllf It'll urn , 'ulI.1 , hI' I atat rh
, \ 'lIldllolhhl \ hill 1111 IlIlIallll'lI ' l'illlllIlolI , ot
till' 111111'01" ' , lIrfll"I" .
WI'I 11\ \ ! ! 1\I' 0111'Iltwln'll \ PnllaN fur nil )
I'll ' , ! ) IIf (11':1fll" ( : ' , ' ' ' hl'I'alhl'rll \ 1111111'11111111 ;
hi' l'III'eoi h ' lIul \ " CIIlarrh ' .
) ( ! II" CIItJ Inr ( 'ir
clllar , . fl'l'l' . , ,
F. , J. ( ' 1IIJ : JCO : , . 'I'olello. ( ,
Hell , II ) ' IIrllLht. ! ; . jc. , ! ,
l1al1's 11111111) 1'11IIrl' / III. , III'st.
I ,
Lach' of strellJtlllll1d ! lac ! , of CO I Il'
ngl' I1l1til lIIen fm Sf'lf-go\'erlllirelll :
brlltal un'III.allce. eny , or all111H,11. , .
festallon of the sllIl\ ( \ . of sclllsh 11I .
rlj.anJ ! . ; , ale fqUIIIIf.ltnl. .
\\'e arc nl'\'cr wlthollt D botllt ! ot I'ISO' : ; '
Cm'c for Consllllllition In ollr hOIlM'-
Irs. 1.1. I , SWJ'zc : , W"kltn. Olda. , AJlI'I\
17 , lUOL
Ancr : lean telegraph Instruments
cllek 111 Slhclia and In ltav ] , 11'11110
our telel1houes ure "lte1Jocll' t throll 1I
by the Chinese , gast 1udluIII01l and
g H'It IIIIS. !
The maehln.e fol' wlnllowln gole !
bl LIlWln away llu gravel whllo
the Itca\'I''r gold grains fa ] ) Into are-
cet t : clo Is to be IJs d I n A IIslrl , : lIu
4 i . I , . . '
In luh1Jc ) life thaI , man . Is othe hpst , 1
re I' s. . n tall \'e ( If each of u who secl " , . ,
t,1 d 'goud la each hy cJolhH oed to
. .
all. , J , I
It Is all inflmous thlng'llI 0111
A merlcall life , and fun/lamcntally
tr'aClJeI'Ou'i to our Institutions , to
IIpply to any man auy test sav ( ' oC hlsl
, . , . . . . .
prsllnal worth : ' ' / " I. ,
People show themseh'es jnst as IIU-
lit fill' IIb rLv \ ' hether they submit
L I anarchy or to IHanny. ;
Gerl rllde CIghlan ) has returned
for 111 I'll nee Ed ward Islund , whcro
, he has been spendlnrt her varallon ,
In hCjtllll1reparntions : for her' stanlnl. !
tau r III "The Last of the Bolssaes , "
\\'alkel' Whltrsldu will open a nUIII.
hl'l' of now theaters this seasoll with
lIb I.O\\ . ' I/lay. / "We Arc Kln . "
Wcath(1r predictions tor the next
twer'lt 'ofour haUls uro now stamped
on ull Ictters which pass through lho
IHstolllccs , In Mexico. The StUIl11II1H }
10 ; done ut. lhe sarno time thut the
110sta o StUIUPS 011 tllo lellers uro
cuncclc1 ,
No ono cnters or leavcs Inllrond
l'ar In 811nlll wltllOt1t bdwlnl ! ptJltely ]
to the OCCUIIIIIIls : IInd the person
whe ocs Inlo 1storll , n nd a ks for
what ho wlnts ! without 1I1'5t SalllLlll1t
t hn shopkeepor' Is" " Iottsliict'cd : very
11 'IIIUII. credo
I'1JT " 1 I , ' " I ' : , ' : H DH ! : rolor
IIIUI'I' ! : OOrII. ! Iler 1JII'lw : l' . 11II1n otllers.
A II ole ! us well /IS / u huld suloler
died I'cccntl } ' IlL : -ulelll Orcgoll. His
11,111,0'us ' .loselll1 HII hl"vIud / his
a e1 us 11.1 He'as a 1I01dlcl' under
alllielln [ f"1II ' 11UII : : to 1t11i ! , 1I11c1
fUllght llti \ \ IItm lOll , I /Jruve 1111 ox
leam to al'e. : 11 111 lSn ,
) Ir. . Wltl lnw' & UIIII ( ! I H\'ICUI' lor thl !
.If' II ItClhl"I ! , ulll'lI" Ih ' \Itll' , ft'.IIICl' " 111./1' ,
IIIKUUII , Klhl ) ' ! ! ! h 1"11' " .t."tllill1 . l"
The cllllle ) , lho mlst IJatle'.lt1l1d /
llt.Jelllb e 01' 1111 1 1II.lIs , \\'IIUU IlIesllcd
hc 'elll ! Ils 0 UtllIlIICe , alld Is IItterly
c : , .tllsterl , dl'lJlI ( III Its lellces , alld
1I0thlllg III the world wl'l 1II111 < e It
tJUdge 1I , rlO. 'J hc I'alllel l'elllllllls
where It Iuecls , IIl1l1lll , I'l1l1s 011 It
sldn1ud / tllls. : . I.
Gossip ahollt 11 cOllpe ! of babies hll )
OCCIlPIIHI t hu 1\1 tell tlo I of the I'es' "
Jeuls uf ll1lr\'oud. 'l\xas. : ' 1'110 Ia , . (
.allts . IJellJlI 10 dlffel'ellt 1IIIIIIItes hili.
.rcre lJuth Illtsed III the sallie IIII , . :
II I tor. ' .1'lIe two mothers 11011' cllll ,
he S.1me 10Llot , anduulthcr uf thl'l.
wIIUts the othel' illfllllt.
. , . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . .
) .tI"th.Cu. Nl\nlAl"r\u.rTl'u. . " " . . . " ,
fl rs nr. . ( I'IJ'r Ii. . . "I IIr. I\lu. . . . . UrtNU ; lI t' It-
, ( o'Or , H.'t ! , , " , IIII : : ' \ ! 1II"rlall.H ; nuolt..iI. . ,
. -It. II. 11 , 1t.I ILlil. . L'3L . . . . I. . l'hI14'klohln ' , I' "
, \ third tlilltl ) Borelli's cumet hB ! >
heen Ils ! u\'cl cel , .
The m\IlIfuetIIlC ; ; of IIIUlIda ] COlli.
( lIlloI' lJy cicci I'olysls Is uow IIssul'ed.
HUsla's ,11eW IIIIVIII l1o.ram. ! ( to
Huhh III ! I10ti , Is ! > Ix hlllticshills III1
WI'CO al'lIIorcl ! cI'lilsClS.
SeJf 1'l.IIl1Ieo ! Is the lIano : we I\'e
t. I the CgollSlI1 of the lIIall who SIlCo
, ce , s.
'i'nt all eyes lire the mlll'lIl'.i of
sOIlI ; , SOU1l ! arc 1II lelv thc led WIll'
/ IoLhaL ! illilcate tile presence of
I The mystl'l'iolls "trnllca ! ] worm"
. disease wlllcl1 has altaclol ( OOOO
\\'et \ pha1la U IIIllIel' . Is hel n lrea ted
a IIcI \'l'sllga ted 'by liiO r'l\'sicluns
scnt by the Gel'lUI1I1 ( J\'el'I1\11eut.
- - - - -
no c ( 'OI.h/lI ] / , \\111 )1ay ) ] the 1'00 ] of
' ' ' II UISeS"
l'fHlI'10PU'1II \ ! whell ropl1en
: Phllll)1' ) , r atcst WOI' ! . ' IH repro.
. I w'.Jtcd In LOII llll.
" 3. & ' 3 SHOES W
You tan II\VO from $3 to1 / yurly by
wearing W. L , Dougllu $3.60 or $3 ahoea. I
' 1"he ) ' 011111\1 & 110911
that Illwe been costIng - )
Ing YOIl trom 1.00
to 8/1,00 / , 'l'he Itn-
1II0118e 8alo of W. J. .
HOIIJIM shnell lro\.clI
holf.I 'lllfrlurlt ) ' over
1\11 ether lIIakos.
HI.I/I II ) ' rulall IIhoo
11'alors ovolj'whoro ,
1.lInk tor IIll1no 1\111\ \
prlco 1111 "ottom , )
ThalIlOIlf11U ! II _ ' ( 'or.
onR ( ' 0 It proI" t hHII II
, , , IIII' III
lIolIfla ! , hol' " .
( 'ornlla I _ 11,1' , hllhl't .
Ifra.I.I.III.I/hrrm.II' / . . , " ,
1'.1" 11. . . . , Nt/I" . N..d. II. ! , ' .
Ol$4 Gilt [ dg Lln rnnllot bfl f'zl/lIl td al 11"1pru , t
Sh/lr. It , lIIallr ! , trill _ n t ra , 11I1I.tut.i
( 'llllog trrl' . n. I. , IIUUUIAS , IIforkoD. ! . . . . . ,
$1. ( ) ( ) HI 0 l'i.I'O Uo : I ) HT BEll I
HGg UPo'I H.
If YOII ( " 'II 1110 IhoM'lt "lit WO-POUDtl It..I
rlln , , " II1l1tlo In the wlIrhl. I\lId IIro wll1ln to b. . . . ,
I 1,1110 II In vnllr OIl n blllllC Oil tlorl'O rnoll bl' tree
trl.1. jut cti thla nol\t \ ( ! 'lilt nll1llrnd It o S1:4n. : ,
1I11r.liulJK , \ : CI , l'blclIlO , Itnll YOII wilt reeel. .
rrro by rrtnrn IIIItIl II I'll : 1Iriuro or UIII .tl'el
r/l1lO ! IIlnl lII:111Y : otbf'f 'ookllllnd boal\nlf \
Itn\"l" , ) ' 011 W , II 1\110 rrwlvo Ihn In08Touder ,
tul 1'1.00 ' h'cl rllui/o alT'r nn IIITer UIII I'hlCOI
the l"ot.II'I' ! rllllRo or heatinl ( 110\0 III th" 1111.
of I\IIY tllllllly , luchIII olTor tII' ! /ltIuU1lu
thft IlInll , 110 III11Uer wh/l Ihrlr clrcumlilluoel
01" ) ' hI' . ( lr hllw .11I/111 tlll'lr 1t1l10ml , nrnII. , , wltb-
OU Um L.'I' oooking IIr bC/ltlu stuvo II1l1do. . .
A Skin of Denuty Is n .Joy Forever.
Du. T. " 'I r.JX UIIIIIIA\lh'M uumNTAL
OIUAJlt , Ult lIAUIIJAJ , . .r.AlJ'l'U'UU.
Co " . .nn , . . Ton.I'hn"leo , F..k I. . .
: ; ; ; . , Moth ' ' . . , likln
! . ) ; ! dllt'a _ , an , ' " , 'r , lenl.h on
= . . ; 1""ly. aDd
. . . . : : :3 : 0 drl..dlon , It It. .
. : : . . . . 'tI ) olno < lllte h.t ot 61
. .
I . s . . " 3 \ : " , . . . , , . an. ' 10 .0
. , S j ( ; hurlllle. . " ' 0 1..10"
. ; ; 0 10 h" .ur" tt I. prop.
" .0 rrb mad. . Areel,1
I : : fbY f \
. 10 < 11 or the hftlll-IOn
. . , 1nll.,1 , "A. lOll
- - " , / " . " , " , " .
---"U ,
" . I r'"lnmell < l'U"ul'
P , Mill' . ernm' u tb.
. . ' . I..t Iomltul , ot all
V. the Skin pro" . , . . .
, - - < . . . . . . . ! lnll. . . . t'or"o ! h ,
" "II 1I/'lIlrlClola and
nncl.nOO\1-J n..h' III ! I. . . . U. II. , Callo < lu aliI ! Europe.
" " HI' . T III1I'RISII. 1"01"1'.31 ! 1re..t JontlllL , N. y.
To prove Ihe healing Rd
clcanslng powcr of l'nxo
tine 1'uJjct , ntlllcntlc
wc will mall 1rgc Irlal
. packmc : with blJ of In.
. slrucllons IthHOJUtCl7
1 . Crec. Thl Is not n tin ,
samplc , hullIa Rc package ,
f- " - cnouch 10 COU\'IIIe nnyone
} . ! - , . : .I of its valuc.Vornen I\U
" : ; " -5L = - OV' f Ih. ! counlry nrc prals.
1111 : 1',1)l nC lor whal 11 hits donc In locul
t1"l1l1tmunt nf fChllllo III. . . , curin ! : olllnl1lIl1'
m\t1ol1 : nnd dischafI's. ! : wondt'rlul os n clenn ,
101 : vaRlnal dOllrhe. lor sore Ihro\t : , nnsal cn.
( nuh , ns n rnmllh WI1S11 , 1111I1 10 ft'tl\OVe \ tatlar .
nnd whlll'lI the Ice/h. end ; a postnJ
Cl1rd will do.
H"ld h , ,1'1111101. 01' . .nt ' " . , , " Itr : U' , 1 > 0
nil" . Inrl ! IoU1. " 'au.ruNI" ' " . "ar."II' . " .
. t'AXTuN GO" 2 I 6 Colu bus AWII ,00'10' " Man.
- -
: Uhullg. a Ohlnese general , has becZl
1\'clI 1IIIe position III tile Russian .
army' to com nllnd the Ohlncso sol.
dlcrs Intely enllsted by the Hnssinns.
II e has 01,000 .men.
ClilJ'U MorrIs Is to lI\'c In Colorac1o
Sllllns ! , CoIn. , whme ller husbal1tl ,
Jo' . U. llarrlott , hns commissioned
his ngcllts to purchase u hous .
- ' ,
FALL ! LKDN E Y : "CHILL So " 'J I . : ;
. . . ,
V'ith the chilling all' ( If f.t11 COIIICS 1111
" 1I'1\ lax ll wcak l hlro\'I1.- , I lie 1Imo
IIpn'lJilnoy : Pills II 'q nl''I1I:111I0W :
' ' ' ' ' : ; 1'11 tllU worltl o\'er as lhe chief
, Ki. ll'Y ' 1111I1 JJmll1cr : rl'll1cdr.
. \ ( ' 1Jh , hal'ks ' arc cas/ / ! . IIIp , har'k. 111111
lIill paillS : OI'crCOIlW. S\\'I'llillA' of I hI' I
- . - - - - . . . . - - - - . . . . . .
IIl1llJs . , ' ] " 'Vanish'I. . . 11- . .
11I11 dl"opsy signs : They
c I"rcct. mine " .It h hrlcl dust 'sedlmcnt , j' 1-
111gh col\.lrell \ , 1'1111hI' passing , f drIltbllng.Jj
fWIUl'I\C ( ) ' , het ! Wllttlll . Doan's hltllllJY " /j
PiIIH n'mo\'c calculi 11I111 gra vcl , r , ! .Icvo'
hl'ar ptllpllntlon , sleeplessness , hcndllch . ) ; t1
\I1"\ ' II ! IJ'S ! ! dizzincss.
> , .
- . - . . . . . . - - / ' . , t. ( ' , I : . . . . I
Itr.rUI"II'I' ; bl' - " It "n lIAxTrn : SI'n , R J Jol j ,
' ( "JIIII'lll'hl'umhtls h. I cOIIIII - " I rj > ein \ llho trt' MI\I ' 11
h\'L 110 I"clacC 11'1I111 tIle II "c. 1110 orJuall'li Kllhll'Y l'JII , .
f.r . . I ! It'all to lII1J1ror. ' 1111 ' .o/ ' five J.'ars I June hl1lt
I. . ill ; : lI"III1"IIhUlIll'lo IIUlI /llilch JlUIIlIIlIllY linck. which
1'.1 1\\ II 1111\1' : " ut 11111' elnt ; : . Ihyslclt\llll ! ! lIl nroso ( rplII
. ; I.-lll , nll.l. allllllllh tilJ'cILrll /IIY kllluc'Ii. Fmr boxes or
-.e IIC. ! I 11111 nlall ( ) 1 1lIew 1I0llu'0 KllIlIl'.I'l'llIi haT" I'll'
fllIIII. \1'II'Ilrllllhll..1 n IlI0d tlrcly CUrt'I ! lit" . I
leal1ull h lilY II aIel' - hnillo llalnlc 1 Oil n 'II v'l fe to the's"
"n' " " ( nllr RIIII fi1'C thnl' ! ! 1\ Jlllls , nn,1 , I wimt olhers to
IIIht : 'J'hat tl'tlll"l < \ Is Ol"r "uow It. " 1 > .11111 : DAns.
. . 11" " /111 < II1l' " 11I01 n I 1':111 N Me - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . lJuxtcr 81'1'1111:11 , :
n : " -,3 1IIIht Ihl'uuh. My I _ . "
1 Inckl1eh'j han" 'J01l II 1'1'1' nil BU 101lC. III110h R\IIII tOf PO' , . . - - . . \I.YDOTlI. ' \ ' " A.- " I BIIC.
the : , IIcrfllllied ) Iclllo I tl"'Cl ! Otwch'o monllJ'
1\ K ' / ' " 'STATC.--- _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \\'lIh pnlll In thoRlIIl1l1or
Po ; . . I.lIlall' ) 1'11111. : lilY
I "ur r , . . . ItllLl hnr. nlldl tIl , hack. ! edlclllcl ! nllll plLs ,
, J so. II . ICEII . . " ' ' ' 'IK ' > II 10
, . . . . . ' . ' 11'1'0 . \ . . ' " '
) olily
.Kt..r.lIlhutII 1'0. . IIl1lruln. N'Il1100'0 glt.\O t.'lIIll1Jl"llr }
Pn'blllclIlllldII'lIIc. I . " .lr'I , 1"'Ulllclcu ! , "Titu " 'I < ln. . Oil bcl. . . . tellet)01111'1i \ Kldllcy 1'111.
] Iuliallll , Stalu IInnl. . , , , t ,111' . cUl"e IIIU , " ] . " . H. JlIIOWS , .
L - _ . _ " _ _ _ ' " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1"1I11II0utll , ' .Do.
. .
q reatest in t e Woaold .
A MILLION GRANDMAS all over America poInt to OASOAltETS Oandy Oathartio as the
moat perfeot family medicine over dlacovored. Good , kindly , tendor-hearto old soul-grandma
trI08 to help ethers by tolling of the good thingo she has learned through experience , and so the
sale of OASOARETS is nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The wIsdom of years of experIence -
Ience with her own health , and grandpa's and her children's , and her ohlldren's ohlldren's has
taught grandma. that in OASOARETS Cundy Oathartio has been discovered THE ONLY
PERFEOT F AWL Y MEDIOINE for all bowel troubles. childroD'B discasos , diseases of the stomaoh
and liver , siok hel1.daoheB , blUouBnesB and bad blood. Best for tue Bowels. AU < Y'ugglsts , 100.
250 , 500. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped 000. Guaranteed to cure or your
money back. Sample und booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy 00. , Wongo or New York. 58&