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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1903)
. _ _ . . _ 11' _ , T - - 9"1- - " - - - - - I ' "Y'-Av. , , ft , ' ) A DOCTOR'S MISSION J t' BY EMILY TlIORNTON Author of It HoRus ; gI.I.'s RUII' : , " W II . ' " " ' ' , MOTlmK , " gTC. ! ' . : : ' . . ' . G r.n-no\ - , 'l'lIg 1"ASllroN AlIlg _ _ _ r. : . . _ _ _ _ - - - : ' " " ' : _ - P'l'Blt..II.-COIIIIIIIIl'lI. ( . ) - , "l'hlll s 11l' all lu 111l\11I1 \ with hilll IIftl'r this nllli hu ltll ! . prnMIWn'lI , nllli lid'"rl' " .Ix 'enr IIIISd'll .nWII ' , SIIl'I'lIlatioli h':1I1 : 10 1'lIrll'hl' 1 hllll t hnt he futllIll , hilll'll'lf the 11I/1I , 's or of lIIilllollS. Ih'III'ill ; ' : 1111'11 to privlltl , IIfn. hl ) lillll hl 'hiM1111'1' ' \ ill YOIIwrs ! , ill lII'IIl'r III 1'lIjn > ' hitll I'Jf ill n Quiet Wflr , BtI ! 111111'IIlth "i'lil"I ! hllll ; II j IItrol.e oflarlll \ > 'sl'l 1'1'11111'1',1 , :111. : , 'Ii.ll' . coml'lIl'nth'l'lr ' 1Il'plt'HF ! , , , 'hili' Ihl' IIMt11111a , which hl' had I " ! I' 11 Htlhj"I'I'III fOl' IIUltI ' rClII'H , illrn'IIIj,1 10 1111 IIlnl'lIIll1 ; ' : l'xI'lI1. I "Ullrlll ull thl I hill' 011" " II itd wiMh I hns ueell hl , 111111 , hili Willi to u" , " Ihl' m 'serr of' his hrolhl'I" , . filiI' , nllli /00 \ cle:1r : his OWII ooll 1111 III , ! IIf Ihl ! IIl1jllsl IHlstlll'ioliH thit : 1.1111 \ It. , I.IIII'I ' this wish has he'ollle 1IlIl'olilrolllllill' , II , ' IIrn ) ! ! th\t' : \ ht ! Illar 1101' 1111' w th thl ! ' ! RIIIIII 1\1\11 \ cllllr.illli In hlH IInllll' , lit' haR Ihl'l" ! ' fore decllll'll III IIHlt ) ' 1/11 III t lIIII.i'llIl.e the c/lse for hllll , " "Bllt , " IIl're illterrllptell IheI / III II zell lIstNler , "lhere IIInKt he ollle IIIls1llkl' . I 1111 110 IlIwrcr , IIll11p1 > ' n ph 'flci/ln / ; nnll ' ns sllch , whllt eall I , II. . 'I" ' "l "cr > , thlng , We thillk flr 1II0re thall a Illwrer , " 1'0IliellIr [ : , ( h'a ' . "Of conrse , ) 'OU WOllhl have 10 , , ( ' 11 ronI' prnetiel' ill New York nnt ! settle In 1'lIglulI : ) , 'I'lwre you , II ! ! U JruwlnIlh \ > 'sll'ln / , wflllill aln the confi ellce of lhe Ilcuple , YOII'ouhl be OllllllttcII to pIIlCl'K where 110 0110 else woul , nnd cOlIlll stllll ) ' thl' characters or rich IIn IlOor. "Sir Hl'ln:11t1 ; ml'lHII'nllin lIIarriell , two 'cars IIftor Iho IlIslIllll'lIrallce or his IJralhcor , the Sflll1e III I > ' who WflR to hll"e been his urilll'11 : CfllIstlillce , alltl they now OCCllpr GlelHlenlllll IInli."OU will probnhlr he callcll to nllelHI their flllll' IIr11111 so cnll sce the roolll whl'rc poor - - - - - - - - - - - ; y- - of Ihe hour , hilt /It the urellJ\fuHt tnblo III. ' lIIel hl'r. " 1:0011 : IIlfIrlllll , IllY ! ! Oll , " Hhe slIl , pll'/I'IlIlIllf , 011 hlK ( ! IIlr/lIlCl' ; "so 'ou hnve 1'1'1111'111'11 III SlIfl"Y ! " "I hU"e ; 111111 III /I / peClllllllrr poillt of , 'h'lthl ! \'I 1t hrollht ; a grent chnll 1 ! for thl' hnlll'r , I"rolll this tlll ' I nlll to re' cl.i\'tJ { h'l' tllllI III(1 ) ,1011111':1 : nllllllllll ' . n" I h'\'I ' ! ell ll'rl'l I 11110 nil l'II II'lIIellt ! tll fhtl : I'ITI'I'I , " " : \1\ , ' 1I1'lr : I'arh' : , > ' 011 O KllrpriKe IIW ! " " 'I'hi'l /lI.\'I'IIH'lIt / \ ohlll.'l'11I0 \ : to lIeli III > ' [ lI'M" f'e , 111111 IHIII ill 1III0llt oliO wl'ek to SHWtJ III II "Olllltr ' "iJIn e III gll lallll.h "Oh gllt'le ! " , " : \lfI'lher , , II'flr , OII Hhnll h : , , ' ! , 'ollr ( 'holel' 1111wlll'ther : to flCCOIIIII/III ' llIe nt 41111'1' , or lilloIIIIC to honrll rOil lit > 'our "rol her'K III this cit ' for U few 1II0llths , ulltil I Hllr\'e ) ' the ! ; rn II 1111 , 11I(1 ) flll ! ' es- ta"lIl'h 1II > 'celf. ; III caKe 'Oll relllnlll , I CI1I1 1111 > ' t IlIIe tOllle for YOII , nfll'r I ! ! eo whether It will he n Ill'rlllllllcllt hOllie , l'erhaJK [ I ' ! hull lIot care to relllaill nfter II fl'w 1II01lIhR. " " 1'lIrlt' : , I II refill thl' OCel1l1. nnll I Hhull Iln'utI a foreigll hOllle. 1'el'hallS I hnll ht rl'lIIl1ll1 , UsOll sny. " n ' the elo'ie of the wc'llrR : , Imen' sicill was ( 'ol1lfortnhly I'Rtahlishl'l1 III n roolll flll'nlHhe,1 with hl'l' OWII fnllliHlIl' thlll K , while the SOli sIICCNlled III ,1111- posin ! ; of the n'Ht , nR well m ; his ) lrac- \tcl' , nlHI hall 1'lIgaed ! n ) lnssuge 011 the Ocennlca , A short "IRIt wng then ) lallt to rr. Hnlllal [ 'c , who 1I"e him fllll directions I how to proceed , allll lIIany IIIlnllte detail ! ! till ! IlIacI' nu inhauitnutR , I'romlKing to write weekly , keellll ) him luforme of e"l'n' mo"cmcllt , the YOUII 11I1111 II few I hOllrs la''r was IIpOIl the olltWfil' uOllnd - - - - - - _ J . , IIlallor wltli III ! nllllr. Do ) 'OU thInk thcro 1M n l.h'lIlclall 011 Iwnrd ? " " 1 11111 0110 1II ) ' ulf. M ' unllle Is Elfen- sleln , of Nuw Yorlc , Hhnll I sl'c her ? " "If ) ' 011 will hu ! ! O Idlltl. " . StOPIIIII 111111110 , ollr "J\lIIg { rlt'ud 811- \'lIlIcetl 1rIlIlIl' to thc hel'th , where ho fOIlIl,1 Mr : ' , NO"l'rllIl1 ' III n flllllllnlf COlllllllolI , eallRed by cdrcltlc exhnllstlon. With the rclltelt ! RYlllllnthy , the doctor at OIlCO nIllIed ( ) propcr r'storallveH , which fortllMtely hllli the deRlrcII effect , IIIHI ROll II the YOIIIIK lrl'8 felus were cllhllctl. "Yollr nllllt Is better 1I0W , and r thlllk Imllll'lIate dllllJer hns IlIlssed , llut 1 will IIOt dec'l"c ) ' 011 ; Itcr cllse Is he 'oll 11\1- IIInll Rklll to cllrc , " "I know It , doctor , nllll Rhc IIIHO Is well nwnrc of her cOllelltloll.I : ' lillClo died lu Nl'w York a few 1II0llthli IIJ.O , IInd III tuldlllcllre of hllll she cOlltrnctl'd th. ! I'oh ! thlll hall ell etl in eOIlKllllllltloll. Our fUllllly phY'it'lall ! thO\IJht \ ; Hho mllht Ih'o to r llch IIII' only reillth'es Wc hll"c 011 ellrth , r"shllnl.ill \ r.h' l'pool nllll , 'icillil - . Do011 thllllc , tltlNor. I hilt Hlle will SlIr' \ ' \'e' I\IIlI , "r 11\l1l1l1g\ ! Is 1I\1l1lc " , "I trlst [ so , OO'HI ' IIlIrllillJ.oftell \ nc' clllllllllshe'sr mO/'e / thall 1III'IIielnell. , . Wo will 110 ulI Wl" 1'1111 , Uur IItlltl'l'llfJlIIH nre flll'tllllntl'ly IIl'ur I'lleh othl'l' , so Hllr time that I pall hI ! of SI'r'I' . 110 11111 hl' ! itltle to IlIfol'lII III. ! . . . saltl lIlt. 11.11'1111' , IIH Ill ! hewed II lit I Il'ft Ihe 11111'1'0\\ ' ci II II I'tl'l''I ' : , 911l' aftl'rllooll ns 1':111'11' : WtlS stnlutin ! ; 11)1011 ) dee ! , looldll Ollt 111'011 thl' Vllbt ol'l'lIn. he 1'eHIIII' l'OIlMl'lolIH Ihn n Ii-ht ; : Htl'JI Irall " " "ronl'llI'll 111111 hnlll',1 'Illite' ' Ilt'lIr , It wai11:1'1 : : ' I"'l'I'J.\'III1 \ , While he"illllill ; : to COllsIIIl'I' ' whl'thl'l' hii" Jll'es' enl'e " 'ollitl III' III'Cl'IllIlrlo , 10 hl'r , : \11 ex- clallllli illll of terror stat'lIC'tI hilll , IIlId J.llIlIl'IlI : ; II/wIll'll thl' HJlOI Whl'I'l' she stood , Ire I1I1W Ihlll IrC' WIIS ! 'tr \ ' II to stendr hl'n'1I'lf , belllJ. : tli7.7.r from n lilltl. Ill'n 1III'I'h of Ihe KlealllC'l' , Jlrilll.\'llIg \ to her Ride , hl' IlIstlllltir Offl'l'pll hi IIrm , sl'III . 1111 she grllt..fllll ' IICel'JlIl'1 it : "Allow lIIe to IIs 'llIt > ' 011 to U 1II0ro qlllet plncl' where motloll wl1l lIot he so Ill'rcel.lIhle . , " " 'I'hlllll. : > ' 011 , " 1'1'1111'(11'11 ( till' > ' 1111111\ \ ' ! ; irl , "I HlIlIIHIRe 1 ollghl I lilt 10 "CIIIIII'e 1IJ1011 tle k nlolw , 1I1111 I'11 liS I nlll 10 t he sea , hilt I alii RO cOIl1Iletel [ > ' fllsclllntl'll by nil thl ! ' ! restll'ss SCelll' , A IIl1t il ! lel'lIII\ ) \ ' , " "I 1I1"'er 1001. 1IJ1011 a SCCIIC liI.c this , " said Narlt' , 111OlIghtfllll ' , "without fel' ! . ill lilY OWII Httlelle'l" . Whl'lI cOlllparl'll to the _ \ IIrIlHIIIhnlltl \ thnt holtls Ihe hollows - lows III Its ; ; I'aSll. 1111,1 , rlll"s the wln s 111111 storll1 ! ! , Bill it ' ' ' 'I'JII 'Illite cllhll IIgaln , Will rOil 1101 jnin nil' III n prollle' , / , i - - - - - - ( , / I . ' A 1 1\SII Ol LUll'I ; I ltI'I Al D \ "H1GlI'I'I. " gC'I'AU1 I . _ _ _ = - - - - - - - - - - Sir Arlhllr 1I11 ! hiH HIILI fllh' , 111111 CUll .hul ) ' the locatloll of the (11111' ( ' . "l.'orIII this trollhleIr : , ! tIlJlllel'e , as i 'wo will stili cnll hlll1 , will 1111) ' 'Oll hlulIl. Romely , Five thollsall (11)1' ( 1IIIIIIIm shall be yours liS 101li' : nil ho IIv's ; all,1 nt hi" tlenth Oll wl1l , If HIICC ( Hflll , he IIIl11illi' cenl1 ' rewllrtled , UH hl w\ll \ , Hill { \III' lilgnl'd , CIIII tcstlf ' , : ' " ' wl1l . ' 10 ' hlll1 hlJ' "Arc 'lIl1 lI\ ! \ Herl'e nK wishes ? Will ) ' \lllIll'rllll , , ' tire taKI. of cleurl" his good 11111110 of thl' f01l1 nR' II\'rilons ; cnst 11(1011 It't" ' ' 10111HIIIHI" IllIrhl ! which 'l'herc was n \ [ HIIIHI" ; tIle pnle fuce of I'le ill\'ulltl l > eellu.'tI 10 grow 11 I tnlle [ llIhllllel' his ell er aze , At lell\'th ! \ the Rllellcc waK hrI I'1I h ) ' Dr , ElCellsteill , who Hllitl In 'I eahll , RlcHI : ' tOIlO : "I w\ll \ IIl1dert:1l.e It. " ' ' ' ' ' " Ulllrmllrell Ihe sick 'l'hllllk 'Oll , 11I1111. ns he'1'lnchcII fortH hIs hllIHI to Chl ll that of hili vtor ! \ , "I.'or thiil 'ollr 1"01- ( 'mn pI cd I.\'e \ , I 1\1 \ ; ' Holell1l1ly Ilromisl' to _ plnce III rOllr hallds , tlrl'oll\'h \ III > ' , the 'el1rh' HUIII uf five thullstllli : tloHIlf : ' , nnll I will als. ) Ilrovltl\ for pllir flllltrl' , sholllll IIIr dealh oeellr hl'fm'e 'ollr I a l. Is comlllele , 'l'hill will of mille i. . Ill , rel1d ) ' lliclateti. uIIII 0111 , ' II wlIlIlI III ' si ' nnture. Ir. Gra ' . I will now 81111I111011 Mrs , Siebbills nllll Oil , ) Ofrlll ' tllr\"UlIls lr act I1S wltllesseK , while I wrlm III ) ' 111I1111 to nt ) ' IIIE ! will 111111 h.t : lllUllt. " MrfC. St\uhllls 1I1It ! II nrrlet Bevier I hl'l 1I1I1ced their IIl1meR oPllIIsite 1111 " , HlIl'sse' ' to the solellln trnllslletloll , nlld 11111\1 \ withdrew , nCler : 'Ilr. 1tl111)I : 'e hnt ! de : aln' thelll to hill the cOllchlllll1l Ill'elJlr : , to cal'r ) ' Dr , NifHlIl\tel1l hncl. to thc dlJlot ! 8S he h/ld Llehwli ( II:1K : illg the lIih ! 'wHh tllelll. " \\'hen shall "Oil hI' n'nlh' 10 lea"I' fo I-111jllInll " alk tl Ir , ltajllwl'e , 1111 h held his hUlul lit partlll , "In nhollt ! ) lle wHl'k'/I tlllle I thllli. enn settle lilY OWII nffalr" . 1I11t ! IIrrnll ! : hOlllc for lilY IIInlllt'r 11111'1111.111) \ ' al lence. I IIhnll tal" , the firMI 1II'I\IIII'r C/lO , nlld wlil ClIllle n nlll to receive fill ther IlIslrllctlol\l ; l > efor. . 1 luan ! , If ) ' 0 wish It. " ' 1'hu9 Oluled 1111 hlll'n'll'w which Wll d'stillctl to uc the CIIII CO of hrhlJ1I11.\ \ I light e\'I'IIU1 of lhe 1II0Kt hturlllll ! : charlll ' of which wo1I1 ter , the du\'eloplllelltH plnce our hero " 1II1t1 IICf'IIl' ' ! 1111I1 elrclIll .tnnccs so terrl " IIl1el trl1\'le ! \ III t1l1'lr II ; tura that COllld they hll"o hllm fnreto mltrht hl1vo ClluJlel1 III/lilY / 1IH1l11l'lItll j hesitation. OIIAP'J'I.m . III Dr. F.lfenstelll did 1I0t IIl' hili 1II0th cm his rutUI'II. 011 Itt'COIUlt of IJJ" , biloU - - - - 1'11',1I1Ir , Hllrrl/lIlHlet ! h ) ' HII'\IIgl'rll , II il ! 1I0t a IIIlItter of sUrJlrlFt ! thnt U ftelillg of "e\I' : llesfi 111111 allllost desolutloll erelll o"l.'r hilll , Ho tllrlll'd IIWI1) ' frl)1II his Ilnst of ohser'ntioll 011 etk uIIII sOIl ht the mnre 1I\'l.'Ir lIalollI , 'l'lIldllg a uook frolll 0111' of Ihl' tllhll's. h ! ' nffl'.tl'll to rl'nll. I're I.'IIt1) ' hili l' 'I'1I reKte,1 , IIWII 1III ill- Ille-a ell IlIdy , who I'cellletl in fpehle healJh , UR she lealll.'d hac ! . lall\'lIhll ! \ ' 1111 ea , ' chnlr , while her IIIIII ! fnco nllil i II It t'l1I I a 11'11 1i-lIre ; 1IIOIe ( of III'olongl' IHlf' : ferlll\'II ! \ , hilt II Ilatlelll spirit , Her Ilark e > 'eK cOlllillllail ' wllldl'I'I'tl : towllrds Ihe oor , Dr , Io:1fl'lIl1tl'llI : ! OOI'tI ! at hel' wilh III' cl'en"llI ; : illl'rcl\l : , SllIllll'nl ) ' a hl'i\'hter \ look floated Illto thn IIII : "s I' > 'I'K. I.'ollowhlthl' . \ rallo : of hl'l' vlsloll , hI ! wus Imrprhoetl II I Ill'lwllllll ! : lIlI. ! , II111S1 ( WI'fl'd picture of 'ollthful 1I0llIt : ) ' hi' 1I:1l1 : eHI' "CI Iwhehl. it wa all I'lIIhnllled III the pursoll of : t 'OIllIJ : ! \'Irl \ of uhnllt I"pnlr HlmlllCr ! ! , who 1111I11 IIII.\'I \ ' Ih'pw lIelll' , Hhe II\lO.I' \ ! , 1111I1 Ih. ' 1IIu1..tiilllllIICCl'lItlf of her vuil'e tillt. " 1'11\,1. ; . with Ill'Ilhl ; , . . . " . \ IIlIt UI'I'U'III , ( ' , lire 'ou weal' ' ' / 1 sta 'I'11 out IOIl\'I'r \ tllIIII I inte ltll'lI , hilt [ cOllld not hear 10 lose slht ; of Ihl ! , fllillll'i1 ! pe'I. of th. , IlInd WlJ ha"e Idl uehllll , liS , It hllR liB 11IHaj'IIeureli ' no\\ ' , 111\11 \ 'I hI. ' sea , the ! lell , the , I'np hi lie snn , ' al Ihls lIIolllcnl Is oil I"'l'r > ' ltle , rlshll.\ \ ' 111111 Rlllldll In ull Its bClilltr , Shall I I lend 'Oll to 'our stllh'roolll , allllth' ? I'I'r. , hals it woulll he at ; well for 'on to Ii ( 1101"11 hdor 'ou uecollle 8cn lcl.11111 fll I lit. " "I fl'el rather lIzz ' ' ' It'e : ( noIII ) , lint will tlllw > 'our utl\'lcl' . " HiKIII' ; Hlllwl ) ' , Ihe fecule wOlllnn lean I'll 011 IIII' , . , tI'on 'UIIII ! ; IIrlll of hUl' niece 111111 hO 1111 " 11 III II Iitah'roOIll qlllll ! 111.111 , III\ ! ( lIIl' IHI ) . ; Iml ; h > ' hilllsl'lf , 111111 th , ) ' 11111I ; ' : ph's ! 'i.\II tllllill'll l'nlllellt'lll ) ' , thn the ' wlIrt ! to IJo clo t ! lIl'hhhors llllrlni Ih'O 'IIJI' , lI"lrl1 ! ( la 'K IllH'sctl III ratlll'r nil 11I1 l"'enlflll'a ) ' . hrlhtell'tl ! oecaslonullr 11. . n ) \'Ihlll \ ) e of tlw rCl\III \ I.\'lrl \ , , , "hoHe nlllll III' fOllllt1 to be IWII I e"ertall , 0110 1'I11IJ:6 : 1111,1 btOI'lIl ) ' ( III ) ' WUII ra" hitll : \ II closl ! whl'n , Il'avhl ! ; the dam IItmll pllllrll of tht ! tlecl , wherl ! hi' hll paM"11 eOllllln of hOllrd wlltchllll.III \ 1"\111'11 slty 111111 the storu1llIshl,1 wavc : Dr , 1 lf"IIRtolll , III 111189111110 : hIli Itlltl : rOOlll , "as stnrtlt.'ll hy 11 low cr ) ' of (11 : ilia ) ' cO' tlll1'j'rom : tI" , rOlllll of lrll , Nc' crnll ; , followe Imlll'llilltely by the ( ' 111 frl\htl'lI'tI \ fnce of lIer IIlece , who e : er cln\rIlNI \ : 11I'1 " ( .h , sir , 80mothlug dreadful Is 11 - - - - - - - - - - nlltIe ? 'I'hl' fl'clih ea hl'l'pze will 110 ) ' 011 oed after 'Olll' cOlltillelllellt to the sick rOlllll of ) 'lIlIr IlIvlllhl III1I1L" Dr , E1fplI"tdn 1011I111 hlK 'onll com- ( onllioll 1111 inh'1Iigellt 1I11t1 hrlllinilt COli- , 'er > laUnllaIiHI. 'I'he flls ! ! lllltinn of her t'1\1th'nll'll \ IIIl1l1n'ri : IIIIPl'I''I'Jtlhlr [ wove a fe lillJ ; of hlh'lIfe IHllllirlilion 111'0111I11 his hellrl , of which hl' WIIS iG'lIorant , IIntil Ion IIII\ ! 10 ' ' ' ' 1'1'1 Whllt , hnd he reallzml the Illischll'f it WIIIIIII hl' \ fulure fc'lins : , hl' \\1111 hI han' Illude II ( lut ' at oncc to > III II III'l'S'I , ( ' 1'0 he contlnncll.1 - - - - - - - - OnLwiHIII the I'lIlIetl. lIel' Wolt'1111 Hchlel'hl'llIlIl , fOl' 11 1011 ; ; tllIlI ! chipI' clII'L'esllollllellt of the . \s oclllle(1 Pl'esl' ' ! Itl Bel'lill , tolls 11 RtuI' ) ' of his hllli weel s thl'l' " , ' 1'hl . \Ollllllt : ; l'I'llt'atH the tall ! . Hchll'r hl'n:1I1 hilll I\'II IlIfm'lI\lIt1ol1 of u tOt IIIIII\IIII' lIIt1lII110ut the Iwlsel' , 11111 WII" o\h'I'1'11 \ III ! t'IIYI' , I 'I'ltl' . \ 1I1l'1't'1I11 ! II hllssatol' ! secUI'el 1\ \ I'\SIII\ ( > III' t wo Wl'el H rot' hltll , (1m' ill whldl hi' I'ollltl w1l1l1 UII his alTlIll's hilt he WIIS II lIIal'I"'ll 11I1111 , 1I11t ! tll' ' Iollce HIIIIIIIIWI'11 hllll III ht nl\l ( In ' , At IIll1t hhit UllOlI tllO eXI1lllIml of ) lllIelll II stun''lllhlllllll ' of hllllsel 1111 the frollt IIOl'ch , with lis Imck tc Wllt't ! thHlt'pet , alill while the pollc 1.oalollsl ) ' wah'hl'(1 the 1111111111 ' ho WII tIall > ' slllllllll ( ; out h ' n Rhlo 1I00r an ! ; olll ulllllolestell ahout his busilles ! ( lIs uIHe(1 ( III 1\ 111I11' of bhw JojJles all nil oltl sloueh hat. 'l'ho 11I111I11\111 sat III the ch II 11' , wit olcasslolllli IlItl'l'I'lIlltlolls , t'I'OIlnillo I the 1I\UI'IIII1 till h'lI nt niJhl , 111111 Wl1 " IlIIlh'll Illsith' h ' a fitrln I.t 1 > eltlllle , 011 tilt ! lIIot'lIltl of lIery "Oil Sehle 111'I11111'11 Ih'llItI'tUt'O for the UlIll Htntl'1I It Wllil IUt'llecl wlt ! : I woode fnco to\\'I\1'(1 the "treet , tlspln'lns ! IHtul1I 111I1CIII'(1 for the cllillcaUon ot tl poll ( ! ( ' , 1'1'11 III II ! ; : " ' 1'hulIls ; 1'11I ol ' , " I yn In Jo1UII"OIll ) ' . Mother-Io 'ou thlllie that 'OUI Ulall hils lIIatl'llIIolllul Illtentions , II , delu' ? Duu1htl'l---1 eel'tulnl ) ' dll , mnl ilia. He tried to eJI1\'lnco 11I0 IURt nlg lIUtt 1 1001tCl.l . pl'etUl'l' III thut two- , lar hut 1I1an In the one thut ce o twelltJudgo , , " ' - _ , " 'U'IP. I . + 'H' + + + + 'H + ' : - + + + + + + + ' + + + 'H + ' t : 'r.OLD " 'r. I FI\VORITES t l + + + + t- + - t'I - + + + + The AJdlOonll of \\1lntl Whntl What ! \\'hllt's the neW8 from Swat ? f\ll lIews , lJn nuws , COIIICS h ' the cable led 'l'hrollgh the Indlnn oceun's ucel , 'l'hrouh ! the I'erslnn Gulf the HI'I Sell , I1l1d the Ied- Ilerr\lIeflll-he's : lIe/ld , 'l'he Akhoollll Is deadl l"or the AldlOolld 1 mourn ; Who wOIIIIIII't" 110 stro\'e to disregard tht , IIIl'K : tge stern , Bllt he .Akhomlll't. Dend , tllntl , clea ! ( orrow Swats ! ) , R\\'ats , whll hill' with Akhuolld "h'II , : -wats : , II'hom he hath oftcn le 1)1111'111'11 to a Jor ' Ul'l , Ol' to VICtOl' ' , . \s the ca e IIIhht be , ' ' Swals ! ol'ro\l' , ' 1'I'IIr : ; shed , Shcd 'tpars like wfltor ; LOlli' rent Aidioollil is enll 1'hllt's Swats the mntter. ; \ollrn , City of Swnt , Your great Akhoond Is rtot , But lalll 'mlel worllls to rot , Ills mortlll 1II11't 1110110 ; bls soul was cnllght ( fiecIIlIsc he wns n good . \khoond ) , Up to th\ bosom of' Iahountl. , 'I'hollgh cnrthl ) ' wnlls his framc 8urroul111 ( For e\'r hnllowed be the ground ! ) And scel1lres mock the lowl ) ' moun , AIlII sa ' , "lIe's now of no Akhoon ! " I lis HIIII Is in the slde-s- 'l'he 'aZIII'I' ! ; bides thl1t uend above his lo\'ell : \Ietrollolls of Swnt. I1e sees with larger , other cyes . . \thwart nil earthly tD'steries- , Ile kllows whnt's Swat ! , Let Swat uur ' the great Akhoonll \\"Itlt a noise of mourninj ; I\nll of Illmen- tation ! Let Swat hllry the grent Akhoond With th'c noise of the mourninl : of the Hwnttlsh nation ! I'allcn Is nt len th : 1'1 tower of sirength- [ I K sun is ,1inunell ere It had mooned ; Ileu1 : Iics' .he great AldlOond ! The Jreat AldlOond of Swnt lt IIOt ! - ( corge ' 1' . Lani an , I.cedle Yoweoh Strnll ! ! . I haf von flmll ' IeI'll Ie 110) ' , \'ot ollles schust to. mille kllee ; Her IlIeer Rt schap , er cren test rogue , \8 cfer 'ou dit s'e ; Ill' rllllS , IInll schulIIlS , unll schmashes. . . clills : III nil l > al'ts off er house- nut vet off tlot't IIc yas mine son , : \lIl1e Iced Ie Yawcou Strallss , Ill' - = et tler mensles ulIll tier mumus , UIIII efer 'dlng tlot's oudt ; lIl' shills mille glllss off Iner ! bier , Poets schnuff in o mine krnllt ; lIe IiIls mine ( Ilpe mit Lill1ul'rg cheese- Dot VI1S er roughest cbousc ; I'd dake dot \'rom no oder boy But leedlo Yaw cob Strauss. - lIe dalces tIl'r lIIilk ban for a dhrllll1 , l-lIt1 tnu ; IIIlne calle ill dwo , ' 1'0 make der schtlcks to ueat it mit- : \lIne eraeiolls , tlot "OS drne ! 1 llinks mine head \'ns schplit ahart , llu kicks oUJl liooch n tOIliC- Bllt lIefer lIIiml , er bo 's yns few _ I.ike tlot rOUII ! ; Ynwcou Strauss. Ill" n81 s lIIe qlll'stiollS sooclt ns , lose : Wbo Ul1illtS lIIille 11080 so rCII ? Who , 'all It Cllts tIot schllloocith hlllce oullt YroUl tier hair Ulon mille he ? Unll , ' ) ( ( ' Ilc "laze oes "rom der Inmp Yelle'cr tie tHm 1 douse- How gall 1 nil tJo ill8 ! e gsulain ' 1'0 dot schmnll Yawcoh Strauss ? I 80me imes llink I schall0 villi lIt sooch a azr per , UntJ vll\h YOllce more I J.ould lIf ! reat Dn henclful ! 11inltJs onRhor ; But "ell he yali ashleep IIIled \ , So I.\'lIlot \ a n 1II01lse. I prarR er Iorll , "Duke nnydlnJI5 ; , But leaf ot Ynwcoh StrllllsR. " -Charlcs I.'ollen . AdlllllS , MINT CROP OF MICHIGAN. CUlllllollln FlIl'lIIuf CUIIJI'eM : , ; > lnIl1l TOlld the l.IITJ"t : , ; Field III thc Wor/tl. 'l'hero Is It plot of gl'ollll III southerl ] l1chlglln " , hll'll III'oba l ) ' 1I0t many generations IISO fOl'me lIart of th - lake of that nnlllO , In course of tlm It became II I'I'esh-watm' swalllp , af \'allll'lcss a IIpce [ or pl'Opel't ' as ml h1 be foulIt ! . TO"lla ' It Is a Ilrosperous CerUlo farm , UIOII which ono of the - I most Inter 'stl1lg Illllustrles of th ! worltl Is l'onllul'lull Oil n largo sealo Ditch dlg llI reelllltlll'l1 Ihh ; swall\p sa 's the New YOl'k ' 1'1 III ' 8 , the I1ltche : serving I1l'st a ! ! 111'1I Ills. lalt'r for I1TI : : atlng pUl'lloses , I0llmllllll111 1'111'111 , liS Il hils been IIl1m o ell 1 > y Its owner , Congl'esHl1IlIn 'l'olld s Is nbout lwo miles wille 111111 Is a : II Unt ns n lIucl , Ilonll. 'l'IIl'1'U 111'0 nc , fences 111'011I111 It , hut the I1ltehes nI'l d lalll with l1IathemlltlclIl Ilreclsioll. A the eXllct center of till ! fm'l1I 111'0 lIll h 1.\1l1dln 8 , from which the whole I n opornted 1111I1 III which 11\0 118 mun ; LS peoillo ns al'O foulld Itl mIII : ' vll1uges As the ylsHol' ( h'lI Wli 1Il'Itho : flu'rl 1'l1e sees stretchlllg het'ot'l ! him wha d [ \lI'I\I'S ( 10 h ' a lulw 01' /:1'1'11 / , cl'IIII.I ; m LCI\\'eS , which nt IIlghtfall Is CO\'I'I'el n with 1\ thlcl111101' , He hecoml's COI : 10 BctOUH of f\ml\'tII : ! ; : Itl the e'e8 1111 \ UllglIlI8t'nbat1nll \ III the 1I0r\ ! . Ion' : lrles 01' the bIg IH'PllI'l'mlllt drops nn tlcl H of sl'II'l'll ! ' ( 'ulHlr of chlldhoo (1I\8S ( thl'ough his 11I11111 , :11 : ; lIe Is , In tuct , el\tel'lllJ ; the IlIr ef \y II\llIt Holtl In the world , where j Inrllised most of the IWllllOrmlnt that I lit IGl'd In the mllllufllcture ot oil fc 01.- Uu'ol'hl cOIII't'l'l1olls In the Unite 1st Stntes , CUlUpnul11 1'l\I'm Is : r busy place , 'r - - - - " , orlonon I1It Itvo 011 the grounlls. It Is cOlllluctell on U10llel plllus. A large 1 > onrlllng house nccommodates 100 men , fwll Congressman 'I'od Il1\s a IHlmmer house nenr by. 'l here nre leu- houses , tarm bulllllngs , warehouses anll a II brn 1' ) ' , nnd a clubroom tor the worlcoHu. ! 1'here Is1. . hurn which Is sald 10 bo the Inrgest In the world. 'l'hls ham solved ono ot the oarllest Ilroblcms , l1ull lhe most em1 > armsslng whIch conCrontClI Ir. ' 1'odd when ho Rot out to cOlHluer tile swamp nnd rOe clulm It trom the WlIstOS and ll1ako It useCul. ' 1'hls wus lhe question as to whnt WIIS to be done wllh the hun- drells allli laler 'thousnnds at tons ot mint hny aCler lh011 \ had been ex- trnclell from It. lIe dolermlned ullon an experlmellt. lIe purchnsed 1,000 nCl'OS of fl1t'm Innd In the northern pnrt ot Michigan 111111 11IIt out to a 11I181m'o . herd of OO shorthorn cat- tle. In the fnll the herd WI1S hl'ought Roulh IInd housed for lhe winter In the bl Imrn. ' 1'110 experllllent pro\'el successful , liS the peppel'mlnt Illants IU'O excellent - lent fodder when dl'led , Besilies there \\'I1S the nd\'l\nlnge of gl\'lng employment - ment to the workmell In the wInter months. ' 1'110 bnrn Is built on unique plans. It Is In lhe shnlll ! at 11 stnr , lhere beIng - Ing hall' a Ilozen arms rlllllntlng fl'om . a sIx-shIed rotunda In the center. : \1Int grows from roots shnllar to hops aud spreads by runners. 1'he enllt'e gt'ollllll , Is soon co\'el'ed after the roots ure Illantcd , 111111 as soli which Is sutlu1 > le for' mint Is IIlso'gooll for weeds a large crop 01' these must 1 > e tirelessly exlracted. Arter the sen- son Is welt allvunced and cultlvullon Is no longer pmctlcahle the weelllllg Is Ilone II ' hand nnll lho amount or labm' rcqulrcd Isl'y lal'ge , At har\'est time the mint If ( combetl nntl carded In oue Illl'l'ctlon h ' means of a powerful twohorse ml.e. It Is fult of snags anll crinkles , like a hellll of tousletl hnlr , Mowers arc then rUII In litO opposite tllrecllou aud the planls cut , The hest .rlel , In quality , comes fl'om lhe IIl'st 'ear's crop , as the all Is 111l1lle from the lea yes antl the tender - der ends of lhe stems , but lhe secontl anll thlrll , } 'ear's crops are salll to 1 > 0 the most IH'ollta1 > lo , as the ' 110 not neetl replnntlng , nor so much \\eollillg. Ench fall the l'oun Is plowe six inches lIeep anll the crall comeS without - out resetting , . STORING STEAMER PANTRY. Lnr c QlIl1l1tItic' ! of SUPIIlIcs Nccl1e to : 'Icet JCI1IUlltl" , Problbl ' not one 11lS5enger : In a lJn- dretl gl\'cs a thought to the magnllm1e of the catll'lng done 1 > r the firllls who ICCII the pantries amI storerooms of OCean steamers stoclml : wllh fee , stulls. An 'et lhe quesUon of meals , sn 's lh New Yorl. 'l'hues , Is alwa .s a y1l111 one to tra'clers , and the quan- l1I ' IInd quallt ' of the footl supplied while one Is croslng ! the _ \l1antle Interests - terests ascetics as well as gourmets , ! tecent Inllull'ios 1 > rought to light the fact that tlto largest steamshIp aHoat uses ] 00 tons of food oyery month. 'l'hls cllormous quantlt , } ' is none too much I'nl' hllllry ; pn ! : < ; n' ! 'I'S lIud for the crew , who ulone uumbel' 0"01' GOO 111111\-llluals , The oeean steamships COlltl'Uel with the calCl'el's fol' a 'ear's SUI.plll's . , sllpulll tlng that the pro\'blo11s must 1)1' of the hest qUIlIlt ' procurable , 0110 of tII'se : catm'Cl'S Is of a statls- tlcnl tmn of 111lntl , and hils Ugmcd out that 11' It wm'e Incumbent upon him to fill the slorcrooms or :1 modern oceau , lineI' with foodstuffs sunlcleu t fOl' II whole ) 'ear's'o 'nge It would requIre a IH'OCI'ssion or carts dl'a wn hy 1,000 horses to conyey thom to tlle ship , and tlJat this pl'ocesslon woulll 1 > about 10m' miles long , lIe SIl 'S that the sUIIII1 , } ' of meat for a tweIn'month woult ! comprise ] 8 ( tons of hoel' , a100 sheep , l'eprese11t1nl ! ultll't ' lOlls of muttou , 10 : tOilS 01 In III h U lid lOJO ( pounds eacl1 of pori ; nud'eal. . This would mOllu an allow , nlll' ' of uearl ' l\\'nt - tons of meat fOI ral'lt "ura : , : " , assumhl that the sltll crfls H'd thtlnullc twe11t ) ' tlllll'l ( smgle'o 'ago ) IIm'lug the , } 'eu" In : ttlllltiou to this , chlclwus , Ucl. I1nd othm' pOUH1' ' allll ga111e to till 1I111nher of UUOOO arc usc , anti fort ' 11\0 ton'i of lIf1h , fl'esh uml dried , In chllllug lobster ; : amI sardlues , fit'O ueed cd to satlsr ' the appetites of lho litiS SeUCl's. ' 1'he 11101'11111,1 ; rasher of hacOl 01' ham conllomus GOO Inuoceut pigs tl theil' Inst slupulnud ] r < 'IU''flenls an ad , IHtlolI of t welltH'e tUIIS or ayeI' tl Ihe sl1lp's 1'fl'lgIH1Itol' , SIx hUllIll'ol1 tons of 1I0tatoes aI" oaten tlm'llig the yellr h ' lhe ship' . patrons , _ \ SUPII ' of Hour for Ihls sam - stl'amm' makes : ! SO tOilS of hrend , lUll the clullnllt- buttm' used to SIH'cal - on the staff of life should mnke the 11\ ' , erage lI'a'elel' nshamcII to look a COIn \ In the facc , ggs 10 Ute numhcl' a 300,000 , turning the scale at the a [ Ilroxlumto weIght ot thh'teen tons , ar nlso supplied , antl 10,000 gallons 0 milk represellt a light estltllatu of th IlaiUlUtles of lac leal 1111111 consumcl ! . ' ' ' ' 1 1118 nutl 'l'he catercr lu'ol1ucl' > 1111 pOI'S to IH'O\'U that he wns not exa erlltltl , III1 1I0inied out one ( iocl IIll'nt shtwltl that twent ' , fi\'e tOilS 0 I'ofrco wm'o usetl durlug HlO : ! all 011 IInll' , the ( IImcllslolls or which nre 11 I\'CSl'nt the mnl'vel of the shlll1 > ulhlll1 , , "ol'ld. Hc explained tllllt the Items mlJl tll' > lIcll 1'elll cl'ent enl ' n few oC tl fOOlIttUI1' which he sUPIIles ! , 1\1\11 II f1 tII'e out on palwr tllnt the tea COI lImetl durln a 'ear's'o'uges woul l lI swimming bath six teot dee 11I1l1 11ft , . ftot long. - - . 'l'ho wise mlsslonnry secnreth an al Jlllimollt am01l1 ; the vegetarian Q'lJ 10 )1' hl'lI thell , . , , I II I 1I'1'lIe Oldest Cede of Laws In the Worltl , " Imllortetl by the Messrs , Scrib- ner , Is n trnn81ntloo by O. H. 'w , Johns of the recently discovered HIllD- ulllrnbi cotle. y Ii' . S. Dellenbnugh , nuthor of "Th , Romance of the Colorado Rl.ver , " pub- , IIsl. ed by G , P. Putnl1m's Sons , Is now travolln In Utah nnd ArIzona collectIng - Ing mntorlal for forthcoming books. Hussell SturgIs has just hantlcll In to Dodd , Mead & 00. the lDanuscrlpl , ot his rewrIttell , paraphrased , aug. mentetl nnd trnnslated version at WH. helm Lu1 > ke's "Outlines of lhe 1Ilslol' ) ' ot Art. " " 'I'heolh : lloolt , " by , y , J , lIollaml , Is to he u eomplllion'olume : to the nulUor's work on hulterlllos" It will IIppeur In the full with lhe Imprint of " ' Doubledu ' , Pnge & Co. ) )1' . 11011:11111 hns 1 > een at worl. 011 the bool. fOl' sev- ernl 'ears. The nuthor of "HIs Daughler FIt'sl , " Arthur Shct'burlle Hnrd , } ' , WnS Unltcd stutes minister to Sl'r\'la 1'1'0111SHn to IDOl , but those were less excIting times there IImll the present. Ilo Is I now at the hen(1 of the American em- hnssy Itlndl'W : , Pl'ofessor Pe1'elynl Lowell , hcad of lho Lowell Ohsel'\'ator ' at Flugslaf1' , Arl" has just 11U1 > lIshed a book of six POllu11l1' lecluros on " ' 1'\e ; Solar S 's. tem , " In whch ! hp has much to say I1bout It\t's , hll\'III made special . - . stud - of thIs Illanet for some years. .Tenll Webstel' , n girl whose first hool.Vhon PLll'ont to College , " hns heen fa Yorahl ' recelyetl , Is 11 gl'Hutlnleco or Iark 1'wuln. nero father - ther , Oharles 'Vebstel' , was one of the partners of the III-fa led publishing firm or which Iark Twain was a member , AInsworth's "Oltl St. Paul's" Is 1m- portetl hy the : \lessrs , Scrl1 > ner In the "Cnxton" thin llaVel' relJl'lnts of fa- mons I'ngllsh : nO"l'ls'e ha\'e also E\'el 'n's "Dlnt' ' " III slmllnr for111 , ' lloth volumes ha \ I' lIexll.le ! leather co\'ers alld lire cxccelllngl ' attractIve III executIon , Street . ' \ : Smith , ew Yorle , nas Is. sued In attractI\'e vaver co\'cr , "Weo [ acgl'egor , " lho wlllel ' read slor ' ot the canllr Scotch 'ounstcr ; , who dip- lomatlcall ' wIns o\'er hIs pareuls to hIs way or thllll\lll ; ; , Parents will get ntUI : ' a good laugh from lhls Ilttlo 1 > 001" whll'll can bo had for : ! ; j cellts , r feel lII e sa 'llig .to au ' , } 'oun ; ; girl who illcllnes to I'h 'me , "Don't sl'nll- melltalize ! Write more of what J'ou see than of whnt 'ou feel , : lIId let 'our feelings renll1. tlt 'msl'l\'es to others In the shnpe of wOl'thr acdons , ' 1'hen the ' will be naturnl , lIud will furnish . . . , } 'OU with something wOl'th wrltlng.- , Luc - Larcom. Charles lln llell LoomIs , In , udtlltton to "Cheerful Amel'lcms : , " expects to 11\\'e a hors' hook IHl1 > lIshed In 11 few wOl'ks lIu'ou h the Lothrop Publlsh- IlIg COlUllanr. : It Is onUlIed "A Part- rwrshlll III11I : lc. " "You see , " he atltls In a rel'ellt cOlUmUlllcallon to a fl'lend , "It Is th1'eo 'ears sillco my lust book came out 111111 so r fl'cl justified in comlllg out douhle. " " 'rho o\'els 1111I1 Poems of Oharles Kingsley" 1I1'e lIelll reissued In1. . " 11- brary etlllion" b , } ' J , II" ' 1'IIrlor : & Co. I l"our volumes 111'0 HOW ut hand , two of lhem beIng "IlCl'OWlll'd ' the Wako" , l1utl the other "Alton Locke. " 'rho slIeclal feature of this edition Is found In lhe Intl'Oductlons to the several worl.s , prelllll'oll h ' Iaurlco Kingsley , the eillost son or the lIuthor. lIero are some of thc gifts showered UpOIl Anthon , } ' Halle lho Othol' lI/1.Y whell he weI'lell ( his American hrlde , ! lss Elizahetll 81l'lllon ; Edmund I Gose : , n liquor sot ; 1t's , Humphry " ' 111'11 , a sel ot'Iallhew \ Arlloltl's p0- ems11' ; \ , allt11'S ! : , . .J1. : . llarrlo , un nnl1que cl1hlllOt11' ; : . allliIrs. : . W , L. Com'tlll' ' , II coal hex , : Uld the Authors' _ Society , n silver IlItlleh bowl. .rho l'owel' ol' COII I'tII. , Durlllg HIe hl:1.zard : which struck Inllls : : \ at the lIId of April the G1obo oftchboll pullllshed a good Ozark stor ' . Down In the Ozarl. I'oglons or 1ls- [ ) SOlI\'I h ' SOIllU chalice II newsllnller strn 'ell Illto II bellightell nelgh or- . . . . hOod. , 'l'he IIlltl\'l S got holtl of it , IInd lost 110 time In nlllllng' 11 lUan who coulll renll , all Iwlllg IIl1xlous to hear the lIews. Olle 111111I fisl.ed the reader : "Whnt lire the ' llolllg down there \\'lIshlllgtoll , 1I0W ? " " 'l'he ' are dolllg lols of things , " the l'lndm' I'l'pllcl1 , "Congre s has just pllssell II law ndlllllg two more months 01to the , } 'em' , IInd 'the ' nro both wInter - ter mouths , " 'I'ho questloller jtuulll from his Sl'nt e sll 'llIg , "U'l'mlnee , whl1.1 Alld I IIIU just out or l'oddll'lJeslollles Itp- ! tIstCl' . 1 lIolI&h to J11i 111m. 110110 Cllnrle-8a ) ' . lohl , } ' , tr tlat Ila " ' bites mo ho dies , sco ? I.\I : \ ' -1 bellc\'e , } 'ou ; 1 don't see ho , he coulll l'eco\\-Baltlmoro , Ameri- can. JlIIW It IInpJleuml. U1nllSo Bl'a tl'lcl1 Is IInall ) ' mnr- rll" lIow dill she co III a 10 tulw the l. plun e ? T the-She ! didn't. She WI1S sho\'ed off by six youllger slstors , 'l'he ) 'Ollll/ / ; man who fi ul'cR on mar- ) , ryill/ / ; nil helreRs Is npt to o\'ol'loolc the 10 fllct thlt ; tlto heIress may I1lso haya some Iol1owlcdco ot tDuthemaUcs.