Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 10, 1903, Image 6

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I Authur uf II Ro\ ' Russ : I.I.'S RUI.F.
I , I < < IIG"Jt > t'RO"Tug I"ASIIJOS IIII MOTnJ-H , " gee. I !
IIi _ I
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I. : : ;
, ' PI 1.1"1'I' ll I.
Tn hIs 1I1111 IIIIlIy' pll'lIHullt o 111 CP nil
Hrondwuy Bill Lellluel GrIlY , U IIIIIIIIII ! '
atcll 101111 nnd weeessflll III w'er , III Ih l'p
tholllht. III hlR hnllli he Iwlll II IpUI'I' ,
'hlch , nfter n few mOlllt'IItH , hi' u/-IIIII / :
cnt'eflllly rend. As It refl'rl4 tn III'nplc
and eYI'IItH to hI' lIIelltiollell oftell III tilt ! I
remnrkaule stor ) ' nholll to h ! ! rei II tl..l , we
"Ive thl. ! COlltelltR elltll'e :
YIlIkl'rH , AIII'II Hi. IS- .
Mr. Lellluel Gru ) ' :
Denr Sir-it Is with JI'I'lIt llillleull ) '
tflat I lien the followlllit. hl'llI Yl'r ) ' ill ,
: but :19 the ObjN'1 I hllYe III \11'11' h ) ' thllH
nddressing ) 'ou Is of Itl'ellt 11II11I1I.tlllll'I' , I
will write In liS fell' wOI'II > I as IHlI-I lhle.
You ure II wllre behllIII : ) ' clllllhielltial
1I1h'lr r , thnt I c llectetl tn linll for Eu-
lope shortly , III orlll'r to IItlelllpl III 1111'
Tuyel the m'stel' ) ' Allrl'ollllllillg till' tlllIth
of Sir Arthur GlelldellnilH. ; . III whose fatc
1 nm so deelll ) ' Illterested. .
I wlshClI to'Isll , III sOllie , Iis/-uisp. / : the
lown where Olelldl'lIl1ll1J : 111111 Is it 11'1 t.
1'\1 to beeollle nCIIIt:111111.d wllh till ! l'l'es- '
ent blll'Ollct 111111 1.1111) ' COlIstllIlCI ! , his
wlf with thu IWllh'w alltl IIlece I' ill-
InILh / thelll , nllil to lellrll' sOIll'lhill .
If posFlhle , nhollt tIll ! nlll ) ' sister who
mnrrled wlthollt the cnnsclIl of ht'r falll-
It ) . , nlld who , thcr'fol'c , wn lliSOWIIl'\l \ h ) '
her rehtl'ei liS well ns n 'II\III \ j. ; 1' !
whom It WIIS said the ) ' hnt ! Illllllllell.
I deslre , nlllo , to IIII1W ] 1IIIJlliries III
rebnrd to the IIr l'IIIe chu'uelel' : of All'
toino Du\'ul , the yulet of the Jr'SI'lIt HiI'
Heglllul Wrllllcllllill ! ; , nllil 10 stllll ) ' eY-
erythlllg thut IIII/ht / buur 1111011 till ! III'S-
tcr ) ' of the cnse.
I rerat to IIny thnt III ) ' Ilh'sicinll e-
elnres It Irllpo < tlhle flJl' me to IIlulel'tllle ,
with suCol ) ' , tlis ! jOIlI'I1l' ' . Whnt do 'Oll
thillg of III ) ' Rl'llIlIlI ! ; Ihlther II slIhstitute ?
I hnye III mirul ' 'llcinll Dr.
It ) 01111 ; ; Ilh ; ,
] nrle Elfenstl'ill , who l'I'shles ill 'ollr ,
city. 1 " 'I'llc 10 nsl < 'OUIto hUllt hirll UI ,
lor me. 1'IenRo 11I111:0 II fl'lI' irlllull'ies
liS 10 his cll'Clllustallces , dlsllosilloll IIlul
abo-o nil , II'hethll' he Is UII 1'lIcl'elle nn
conscielltious IIIUII.
'Iufo111 me In reg:1rI1 . to lhrse lIIuttel'S
at fin enl'ly Ilatp. It fuyol'ahlo , set n !
time wlllJlI YOIl call lIIeet hllll III III ) ' rrsl. :
dence nnd eXillnill 10 hllll Ihe'lIeellllul'
'JlIISlllolI I wish hllll to IIIlIh'rtul\l' III III ) '
lwhllli. Yo III' lIl'eHl'lICU will h { ' IIhsolllteh'
ccussar ) ' , liS I hI ! disease with which I
mil nlllicted forhids lilY elltel'llll ; illto the
IOllg eXlIhlllatiollH thut IIII1Ht he li\'ClI , III
orour to Imlrllct , hllll III the 11e1'flH'lIl1l1lce
of the work.
Yo III' ' ' . . I'te. .
Ll'O : IL\PI'I' IYI .
To thlA , II few hOIll's IlIllJl' , the folioIng \ \ "
Ing relll ) ' WIIM Ilelllled : .
. Y. , Allril 10 , IS- .
Ur. Leoll HUPllelye :
DOllr Sir-Upoll the l'ecehlt of ) 'ollrs
( If the Jjlh [ , I exnlllilled the clt ) . dlreclory
I without delu ) ' . I fillil DI' . mfellsteill'/i nil.
dress 10 he 4 i I' x'ton ' treet.
'Goln lit Ollce 10 tlie lIel/-hhol'hood / : , 1
wnrlletl from u I'ellllhlo HOllrce Ihat the
10IIIIJ : IIInll hilt ! II l'l'rr slllnil ( ll'nellce ,
therefore , IiIHls It tllIlclIt ! ) 10 RIIIIPOl't his
, , 'Itowetl ! motlll'r nllil hhllRl'lf 111 comfort.
'l'llis stille of his lillllllces is 1I0t tlIe
to Illek of ellor ) ' . for he Iii hHlefllthuhlo
III hlR cfforts to IWIIfit ! his Pllllelll ! ! , bllt
those who ( ( ' 10 him for IItlvico nre ,
nllfllrllllll1lcl ' , the Yl'ry poor ill the relon !
of hiM hOllle.
lIe 1M 1111 excl't'IIIII ly cunselcnllfllls IIl1d
, ootl 11I1111 , nnt ! frulII nil 1 enll lellrn ; jllst
the olle 10 IIndel'tlll.e the 1IIIII0rtnnt hllHI.
lIess which ) ' 011 11roIIOe , allt ! which 1
fllllr nllllrOVI' .
I will lIIeet him flL ) 'onr ritlt'IICI' ) , on
Ihe oyrllhll ; of Ihe 181h. It wOllld he
well to slJIul hllll II tele rllm 10 that ef.
fect II. IOIl 118 ) ' 011 receive thl ! ! . YOllrs
\llIcerely ,
, I.1' [ { ml , GltAY.
It Willi 1\ t1I1I ! IInd drunry ( llctllre thllt
. the r 'rs of Dr. gllrle 1 lflHlHlelll l'esh',1 ,
IIIJOII ns he trlhnek ! ! lhe Ilice ellrtllln > l
thllt drllped the LJltrlor wlrulnw of hl
COZ ) ' home.
HIM 1lf1\cllcl' I\'n" lint lar/l' / uIIII flit
from IIlel'atln . ' '
! 'l'inaes wure IInIlRIIIIII
hnl.t ! , 1I11t ! his blllH fnr Hl'ryles 1'Illlerud ,
11001'1" Ilnit ] , 80 I hilt hl ! hu , Illdeell. 11
IlRrt ! fltrllg' lo 10 11 I'C. '
'Phis flftel'lIool1 hu was pccllllarl ' cnsl
Ilown , fflr his lIIolher hilt ! remhHled hili
thnt lhe IIIOlllh'M relit for the IIl1t h
\\'hl < : h the ) ' l'uRllletl wOIIIl ! ho tlIe In thl'l'l
11u8 , 1I11t1 he Imew hI' hal ] 1I0t one qUai'
tCI' of the 1I11101lllt retlIll'ltI. }
It WIIK 110 wOIltel' , thl'lI , that a RI I
t'Re\llell him liS he tm'III'tI torl'el / Ihl
IIweol.lool.11I1 : latl ) ' IIhOlll l fl ' ) 'I'lirs 0
who ellh'I'I'd the
III-e' : room , holllllll ; U1
( ,1I\1011e III her hlllill.
"II l're Is n trlrrnm ; for 'Oll , I' nrlc
What cnll It he ? "
"I call1lot Bllr , liS I cXIJeell'll 1I0Ile. " h
r'lllIet ! , ollellilltlw mISMIYe. " 'l'hIM I
11IlIll1r. ; 1 11m I'l'qnestet ! to leaye Ih
dly h ) ' the 8 p , III. Irnln Cor Y olllel"
to see II gOllllemUII , who Is nil 111\11111
Oil a mllltor of hllRlnl'ss. Ills lIame '
Ioon HIIIJII1b'l' , n 8lrllll/-e / : IlInme to I\1r.
"Whllt shnll 'on to nbollt it " Mkc
tlw lIIuther , nnxlollsl ) ' .
"I I1hnll 1:0 , of course. 1'he nll'ssll
, "a 'H , ' ) 'ou will be met at the stlltion. '
} II\\ ' ( ' jllst ullout IIl11e to 11115Wrr n CII' '
1I11111111'et th { ' Iralll. "
"Whnl time I1hllll rOil returll ? ,
"It will b , ' Inll' , I kllOW , II\-rJIAII/ / ! II
ulIIII 1II0mlll ; : , Guoll h ' , IitUu IIIIJtllII
\\111I Iwo\\'s bill . , lids will brln ! ; hell
, Ihlll ; : for liS . .
Liller. cloMol ) ' Ilrotectel ! by 1omfOl
nhlll IIlster frolll thl' heI\'Y ( 1'11111 that W :
fu III II : ; , wIth II train of 6rrl01l3 thollh
111 hili mhlll , occaslolllHl by his 110\'erl
Dr. mfenf < telnl'mlllctl his \l'n ' to tl
C1'1\l1I1 ; CClltrnl Depot uud cllten ll tl
rnrs thlltl'ould beur him to his destln
' 1'ho rnln wes failing In torrents us tJ
lI'nlll CI\lno Ihlllllll'rllll ; to the station
\ \'ouIH rlj , IIUtl ullnll slol1llln ; : , the nSII
1'1'01\11 hllnll'd ont , ( lnll 11I1I'61nl : throul
Ihll'111tln ; : : room to the street blJ 'OII
I\'NI ! I'oon lost III the Jloon . 1.110 dl
101' IIml Hcnrcch' II 1II0ment t6 wl1lt.'b
II Ilrl\'lIto coachmall 1IIIIIronchcd , whip
hnlld , 111111 nccoslrd hllll.
"r Itnn' hl'l'lI senL to meet 11 gent
ml1n fl'OIl1 Now York nnmed ElfclIste
. . . . -
- . - I
. \.1'1' 'flil Ihe 0110 ? "
"I UIII. "
" 'I'hl'n ph'use foliolIIe. . "
' 1'/IIJ / 'Ollll 11I1111I'IIH : < IHlII lI/nlt'll In II
hnllll ollll' c/oile / CIII'I'iu.lI' . HIl'l'l't lifter
f < lrl'et'IIS Iru\'I'rsl'll. 1111111 fililllJr Ihe ) '
tlll'IWII 11110 thl' I'Xlellil l'eI'otlllllf / : < of nn
1'11'.1:11111 "I''Iltlelll'l' " .
, \ till' .l'tltllI 1111111 1'Ppl'll IIl'rO iI the
plm 1.II. lhl' Inl' I' tlOOl'iI1'1'1'1' 1I1stllllll ) '
OIIl'IIl'1 ! "r II 1'0101'1'11I'll It 1'1' , \\'ho 1II0t101l.
I'll him 10 1'IIIt' ( . 111111 proCC\'IIt'tl \ to IIl1slst
III I'l'lIIo'IIIhiil / : O\'l'reoul 111111'e ! ol'el' .
shol'l ! .
( 'I'O ilill till' IIIlIrhle flool' of the 10llg
hall , hl' Wllil 1Ii11 Il' 1'1'11 Into II 1'0011I l'le'
lIl1tlr aplloillll'll. 'rhe 1I1' I"ate lire
cast II ch1'1'1'fllIIow / : 111'0111111'hlll' Ihe
l'I'II'et CU1 : ! : < 1'u'cl'lr:11 : / : \'l' hII I , It foot.
IIf1 ! . 'I'h , ' I ullieI'll" lulll for 0111' , nnd
\1'1' ) ' sooll II SUlIIlt\lOIlS ( lJilllll'r WIIS ICI'y ,
I'll. of which he alolle lul'lool , , .
LeayllI ; ; Ihl' tloclor 10 1'lIjo ' his solltar ) '
IIWIII , \\1' \\111 IIl'cl'l'le ! hllll 10 the stor ) '
uhoyu. 111111 to the ( lre"'ence " of the lri\'ul tl ,
\\'ho I' 1II' I'lIt tl'lel'lllhlc ! , dislllich ( had
hroll ht hilll 10 Ihe ( lIIICl' .
'J'lw 111'1'111111 : ; 101' ) ' back 1'00111'us lurse
111111 l'nlll 111111110 1If < . ollellllll ; Illto n room he.
'olltl. whl'r1''l'r \ ' ItIXtll' ) ' " " 0 II IIll ell , for
IllCOlllfol't of the fI1nster.
"lIl1s IICIIIIII' ? "
'L'hl'SI' 1I'IJI'IIs iilflled frlllll thu pale lips
of the slIfferer , II'ho I\'as hlllf sitUIlIt , hlilf
I'l'elllllll ; ; IIplln Ihe' hl'll.
" 11m , ; 1 > 1' . 1' lfellllteili Clune ? I thouht ;
I heu.tI : Ihl' earrlllJ.e. "
"Yoll IJiII. IIII he IR here , " l'ellll'lIedthe
lIurSi ! III1 hOIlRrkcl'per. "I thollght It
hest to ha I'e him taku lllllllPr bcfol'e ) 'on
saw him. I jll'esllllw 'Oll ha\'e much 10
RInntl \ wOllld pl'ef(1' liD ! to he illterrllllt.
cd. He will he with 'Oll in II few mo.
lIIents II W , " '
"I1ns 111Inwl'I'r come ? "
" ol 't't. Iht ; Ihe door bl,1I I'illgs. 1
thlnl , thllt I he. "
"Sct that E1.tllltl with \\'I'itlll ! : mlltCl'illl'3
close h ) ' m ' hud. then o dO111111 : Rhow
holh gelltlellll'lI to this . . 'om ) ; lifter which ,
) ' 011 CIIII ] ea\'e liS to OIl\'sl'I\'es IIlItII ) ' 011
Iwur me 1'llIg. " .
Inldn : : ! terself kllOWII 10 Ihe doclor.
the 11111' : < 0 1III1'0dllced hllll tn Ir. Urll ' .
thell lell tlte war to the sll'l , mllll's II1'eS-
"IIere is Ir. nrnr , It. . H\lllel : ) 'e , 1111111
thi 1M 'Olll' eXIcctell , Cdellll , Ul' . 1.lfl'lI- : :
stelll. "
! tlChllll : forth II thill , white h 1111I1 , the
nltl lIIan IIlIIlIell Ceehh' , 111111 betweell
strll/tlIuJ / ; hl'eaths 1II111111J1'11 10 sa ) ' :
"I 1111I I'er ' Jlall 10 ICI' 'Oll. "
'l'nl\n \ Ihe ( 'mal'inlcd hllllll ill both hi ! ! .
I nrle mfenslelll III''ss'll It tell l'rl ) ' , anll
In n loll' tOile full of feellllg rC"flOIlilell :
"I nm glllll I eOllld come 10 'Oll , bllt
sorr.'err sorrto , see 'ou so ill ! "
"Yon mllRt wOllder I\'h ) ' I Sllllllllonl'd
, \011 , nn elltlre strlllller , to IIshle In
this IInceremolllolls wllf , bllt I hll\'u im'
pOI.tllllt hllslness to Irllllsuct. 'l'lIlklll is
slIch all eXel'tioll , m ) ' Inw'er. Ir. Grll\ , ' .
111 list explnlll for mo III ) ' wlshel-l. 111111
whr I SCllt fOl' ) ' 011. "
'l'hese worlls were littered lit 11111'1'\1118 ,
for hi" , Rhol't hrl'lIthill/- ' ' '
" hrl'lIthillIlrp'I'lItl'll / : lOll/- / :
1'I'IIIeIlCPI. RlIII ! ; elltl ) ' rl lellslng his hnlld
1 lfl'IISll'hl 1001 , the rent CIORI ! hesltle till' '
he , while Ir. Grllr S'lltl..1 hlmBcf ] In n
hUllineslI1.I' ) ' bcshle the tnhle.
CILU"l'lm I I.
" 1 > 1' . mfelllcill ! ! , " Muld Ir. Ora ) ' , "III\ , '
cllellt nnd frielld , Ir. Leon HIIIIIII'I 'e ,
II ! , : HI ) ' 011 sec , extrellllJlr ill. 0111' friend
Ib a lonely mllll , hllyillit 110 relntl\'eR IIY.
1111 ; 10 wholll he wishes 10 len ve his lare
fOI.tlllle , IlH hns dlctnlcd hll ! Int will
allt ! testnlllelll , IIUlI liS hc Ih."It.cs Iu slJ1I
It hefore he 11I:1) ' he IIlInhle to 110 so , It
WIIl IIOCeRSllr ) ' for hllll to Ree ) 'UII 111'-
Stlllllll ) ' , fll'e\'lolIlJ 10 fllnelllg his nallll' 10
Iho dnClllllent In II'hi h I ' 'lIitd011
, , IIIn ) , , \011
urH lIt'elllinteresled. . " ,
1 lIl'le mfelll-ltelll slllrlt'il ilK he hellrll
tlll'ft ! wlmll-l , 1\1111 100lH'Il fl'om the Inw 'I'r
10 tlw illyalhl heshl him.
" ' 1'011 111'0 slll'llrllll'll , lIaturlll1 ' , " n ulll
relImell ; Ir. ( ; 1'11) ' , "nnll Ilrubnhl ' WUII-
Ih'r whnl11' : . HIIIIJWI'e kIWII'll of 'Oll.
, I will I'XIIIIIIII this lit ollce. ' 1'0111' Cather
, I\-ns Georl' ; glfl'lIl1lelll. a welHmowlI
l hallker ; III ) 'I'III'S olle h ' Ill' lIhl h' .
nnPIH'I 'e II lIe\'er-to-he'fol'otlcn ; : Her\'lct' .
/ ! COIIIIII'\ wall follow.
ell h ) ' n lonl : IInd dllll/-l'roll / : Illness , wlll'lI '
he 11\ ) ' I\lolle 1111I0111stl'anlel's. : . nllllost
1Il'llectcll , 111\11 he nUl'llIlrll 10 his WIIIIII !
- lila' n hl'othl'r. IIlIt\l \ ho'IIS 1'11111'1'1) ' COli'
ynleHeent. 'l'he ) ' lIIet oftell II fl l'l'\\'ltrll ,
I nllil tlll'n lo t f < llht of ( 'nch other. YUill' "
of lIilellce 1"181'11 , when nccldl'ntnlt\ ,
II'UMlet1 nholll thl'\'l' 1I101Ihs I-Ih I ClJ thnl
II hll ! Leneft'clol' WIIM 11ellll , IInll his' 0111)
snll'IIS II 1111'11:1111 , : , : ; ; Ilh 'slclllll III el\
YOI'I , . Ile hils Ill'lIr of ) 'Ollr fl'nl'les
l'nIl8cil'lItlIllM ! mllllllel' of III11Clhl1'nur : I'll
I' ; : a I'lIll'nhl ' , 111\11 \ Ihls 11'118 u charaelerlstll
\llrtlclIllll'lr \ : wishell tll I1nt ! III HOIIII
, \'oun ; : fl'II'11I1. " 'hen. thl'l'efure , hll
henlth ellllt'ulr fulled , he lh'termillell tl
benl. ! for 'Oll , nllll flrrhllps IJlllce his IIf
fairs III 'ollr hI\1II1s. "
" . \II 'lhill ; ; Ihllt I cnn 110 within thl
rane of honor allll Illte/-rlt / : ' , I I > hllll h ,
fllelsell 10 IInllel'tnIte , " Nllrle III1SWl'1'el1
"WI' fult O. 'I'he cnsc tlli'll Is this
hut , of course , 'OU will l'eeol-lIl7.e : th
flet that thl' hllor ' of ' '
: ! ! 0111' frl llll's lIfl
which I 1hull he ohll/-I / : 10llIfotl ] to rm
Is 10111 III strict eOllfilleIlC { ' . Will \0
lit III'olllise 10 I'r nl't ! thut eOIlIIt1l'1I1'U II
11' . ! tlll'I'1"I1 trll'it. I\l'\'er \ to III' lolt ! to allolhel
01' ulltll all that III now myslel'lous hus hl'1 !
IH\'UIIl U\I'n ) ' ' 1" .
.t. , "I will. "
1\1 " 'l'hl'lI I will 111'0c'e . 0111' fl'lulIll WII
ti thl' ) 'OIlIljOl t SOli of Sir Geoffre ) ' Ull'l
r , delllllllJ ; , rcshlhl ! ; III n I/lrle / tOWII IIUI
IIp 1.1\'I'1'lOul. ! 'l'hlll jentlolllnll 111111 m
110 dnulhlor , who mnrrie lInlllllt : h
II. wlsill's , nnd three 1oIlS. Arthur , wI
wnulll In ca l' of his denlh ! lIICCl'ClI I
hI' thli I It Ie ; 1tl'llInlil. : I0 I 'earl'ounc !
ut nlld Pltzru ) ' , the ! ; elltlell1flll 'Oll Ijl'lJ b
ml fore ) 'ou , whoso lie\'ero llomestle 1II1sfa
h t\llles III1\'e hoell so ! ; rent thnt for till ! In
ItI ,'c Yl'nr ho hns hl'l'lI ohllget !
, . 11\0 III thIs 'OllItryl1Iter ! thoI / lmllll
en nnme of Hnlillel'e. "
III "A short thll ! ! ufter thu deuth of JI
pnrents , Cor the ) eXlllred wlthlll II fc
Ie' mOllthl of cach other , nllli ufter I :
In , I brother Arthnr hnd 1'10 Illto IJOscRRI , '
, - , - . , v , < . . ' _ " . _ _ _ , . _ .
of hil tte , ltte llrlllolil uro'e 111 WOOl
Ihe , ! seelllell to
hrtllr ! 111t el bile :
. ' .
thel cI.cPllln/I )
"lelorl , the secoTl1 Mi. hnr IIn Igly
morose OIIIIJilon , thnt W pcclInrlJ
" : IRllrrlthll nll whrlle\'er the oppor
tlllity . ocelrrel ho delghtell III Jettll'
' .
1.'I7.roy . Illto dlAl'nce wih the youn ,
"Jhell 'olln mell hlll n Yer ) ' prelJ
, socll'ly ' eueh
COllilll II whoiu tle ) tok
exirele IllelHlre _ Ilcr nume \\110 Con.
Itl11Ce folol'e GlllIdl'IIII . I wnl sooa
11sco\'ere,1 , thnt tw nffecll'HII ' f the
) 'Olllg /11'1 Il1e Cl'llcrll 111011 Sir AI
thlr. , 11111 tl ! kllolll'dJe IIS ! umel
nl'lr foloWI'i1 b ' n hl'lrolhnl.
"HeJlnnhl , belllJ IWlllewhut dlsnplolnt.
d Iht ! ! he COlld not will IJrlze , '
. tw UI'
derluol , 10 I'I'POI.t 11\'url lte Inten'lowl
of n IllIrll ' 1110l'tlt 11111 IIcclllenlll n :
tlrl thnt I.zroy hnl wih this lady tc
brother , ' ' ' ' '
hil I'asthll n'l'I' Rlllstlr IJhl
I pOll I hl'llI. IIldllljllrillJ / J1'1 hthnt
' ' \ ' ' to hhD
Fizroy Will 1'llll'II\'ol'inJ SIIPIII/llt
in her fu 1'01' .
' 'Phlll Irtflll Itory Ilfl'lall'l the 'o\lnl
1I0hlellllll , nlll l'nlll'll a \ur ' hi tor Illtel
\'i'\I' . ' hllhlll1tly 111'11111 ] e\'erJ
of ,
IholJht 1IIIrfel.tICe decllrin tl
trllh , thl1t hil Ilc for Uunftlllcl' \ :
lIIurlI.I'olillll ) ' . ' 1111 Sir J\rthllr refls
Ill to bellel'l ! , IInll the ' Illrtell III nller ,
I"itzro ' cxcluilhlJ. ; ill u 10lllellt of 111
! ; lIlrlll.t ///1011 ni he lef him :
" '
'Y'r ' \\11. thllll , so If It Slis ) ' 011
w\lt , IIHI'k IIl 'ou shnll 'el I'epellt 'Ol
\llIjlst ncellsntlll , lul , lS I Ih'e , shul
lIeyer rlpea t Ih Is hIIUI. '
"Cll'llIl ; tIl' 11001I he IpolH' , he sl ( ' (
pNl Ilto Ihl' hall :11 stooll fnce to CIIIE
' \ ' . ' \/llet / of
wih AltO I' lu\/I. 111' hi
brother Heglllnll , allll frolll Ihe
luol , he gn\'e hll , , II'izl'o ' eOIHcOI thlt
hnl eilher 111IISl' ! ] ' IslllIll or
. nce
deltul ' henrll Ihl' Ilfol.tlllnte llarl , .
" ' 1'he Ilrother. ,1il 10t 111'1 a nll thnl
dar , hut enl'l > the III'xl. 1"11.1'0) " ' Wil
' b ' , . ' 1'0
iwllkl'lIet ni 1111lal tUlllt. hi
horrol' he was 1011 Ihat' HiIrlhlr had
Ilenpeal'l't dlllill : the IIllht. Iis bp
hnd ) een o'llil'll ns 11Ial , hul he hnd
probn hi > UPIll 1111',11'1'1'11 or'prr h:111 :
10111ed , as whie 110 tl'II''S of his bOll
cOllld hi' found , rl'ilellcs of n ( 'ontp , I
wel'l' on I\'pr ' sille.
"Hlooll was 111011' ' the "I'd alll foor ,
Ihe willtow S'lt was cOI''rptl .
wih I. II
thollJh he had " 1'1'1 Ih'lgell thronh ; I ,
IlId thell ) r lIIeaus of a rOIJe let down to
Ihe Jrounll heol. 11'01 the /1'18S 10 In
orn:1lcntnl luke nnt far illiant were
il'l'eJullr Ilntdll' of the ! nm ! hllan
' . Blroll 1 thnt.
101' Ins eYe
'disco\'prel1 'I\hllt IlIlw wns thorollghly
' ' for the hOII ' thc '
dl'alA'd : gr1\ h the
sile of It WIS slIl'II'II , unt a Rot hllu
In which ' could ' ,
lef no effrct. n CorIcould bl bUl'ied-
"But , whie sllcfird with grie O\'Pl
hi hl'olher's loss , our '
, pOOl fl'jcll WS
made IIwal'l that the tnpl' ; of Slsllcon ,
( oillted to hil with slllgullll'l ) ' flltul e\'I.
deuces of Aullt. '
"A dagger with his UIII ensra\1
IIIOn the hnl11e WIS fOUI\1 h ' the hed ,
side , 011 Ihe IInor. its hl\ll' : stl wet with
hlood. Hl'lIrnth the w lloS'lt. . cauht
UpOI II ual , WIS n frallent of clolh
which. UIIOI ielreh II'in ; : matI. ltl
cXactl ' Into ' III '
u l'Cllt a dl'ell inl :
of his , Uilit was fOIIlt ! halJiu ; AOWI
" . \1 he cOllld cOllel\le wns Ihlt sOle
nuklo\11 ! 1Il'lr hlli strllck the falll
hlol nnll lfer litenll ! these articles
from hiM ' .
prl'lIte rools. hl lef the
Iin/-Ier / : lrpsely non tiw , nntI '
( ! ( leer 10'
tnrllld the torn nllli hloo ' Jown to thu
coset , III orter 10 fastel sllslclon 1(011
him. nll thls [ hlehl themsl'lyes.
"To Inl : I 101 slor ' short. In duo
lime the tl'illl took ( lllce , ulll Sir HeJi-
Iwlll n lellllll1lll' . who hnd slccecdl'd to ,
the title. lestlell 10 the hltcl' Ceelng
thlH hnt cxlstet IItl\'len the brothers.
le ISO ] hlclltlfd the Ila gel' IIlId dress.
II SOWII liS hl'lolI/-ill/- / : / : thl ( rIRoller.
Antoine DI'nl tstltlt as flll ' to the .
threltlnillA lalJ.llJe IReil to the le. .
casl'd on thr tay 11'1'10119 to the mur.
del I ) his brot-her.
' 'I'hl trial was qllite lenJthy. bllt re-
flled : n his n llIllll 11111 dlschnrge
from c'IHIOI ) ' . Bllt IIlthough freed b ) '
IIItl popllar oinloll relailled ni'
chnllcll ! , alll IInahle to ellll'e thu cl ,
1\'erted looks of hl former friends , h
lef his hOle mil emburkell for . \merlcn
ullder 11 ISS II 1(1 IInle.
" .rrlyill III : York , Ihe slrnlll 01
/-rlef / : thlt he hllt 111ergone so toh 1(011
hi" Ilrl'OI ! 1)I-I 'm Ihal he'ns IIIII !
U(011 II hell of se\'I'I'\ jhwsl ! . 'l'heu II
WUH thlt ' III' fnlher sOIl ht hll Ollt IUl
nllrrNI him ' ' . . \ his
so tel\lel'l ) \ftlr re
eO\'er . he rCiQI\'ell \ to Ilel'ote himself tl
l'ISIIlSS , nlld tllls forget hil t'olhlei
and misfurtlls.
( ' 1'0 Il ( onthllll'll
. ' \1) :11' ) )11 Xut Sil :
\u nulo onsll ' clharrssell
sOlewhnt n sent-llrlled 'UUII tonch
11 Wl Ihout to lle ln I Hln lng los
SOli 01' dn ' wh lI 1 Imoc It th
school-room { leer Iltcl'I'UIII cil .11'oeooI1
IIIs. ' 1'11' } Ipllchel' WPllt to the 00
: <
nld usherl l II n 11011ntoll fl'OI ,
Illillnolt 10111l'IJlnu's . cluh. " 'he
tw 111e : W'l' l'olfol.tnhl ' IH'nto
I , 111 ( I\h lu\1 Isslllwll 1 c1'llcnl , II
' "il ' , the ' '
tl'lll : ttttlh' telehO' l'eSUle
the slnjll ; lel-lsol. It WiS OIC of he
most sttIIllt I'ul's of Iclon tll
\hen COIIII . .i' WIS II'psellt o\'erJ
t hil : sholld :0 Oi eXlet ' IS usual.
OUl 01 he' 1)1118.11' : ' 101me ,
olo\hnt sh ' : Irl , hl < 1 geol ni
\'olcn , unll the tll\hm' wns nnxlO
Ilgo. 1m t she should 1Is\II ' I to11 \'nl
" : , Inrr slw sal , encourn :
luI ' . "whou 1 count four , 'ou 1
I. H\ to sing. Atentoll , chlhlrcn
Ilsln ! hel' Ilton. "OlO , two , thre '
I'elllHlng ! " Tlw chlhh'ell snl 1m
' . hut ' " nUo'olco
I 11' "s \ WIS mls81n
"I < lln't henr rour yolco thnt tlll :
' [ nrr. Il'mHmhe' wlln I cOlnt fOI
rou 1t { to ! lll : ext \'Il'se. ehlhl'o
o Il. t \0'- " : Inl' ' wntlhlll th { motl
of th tench"s ' " '
( 111S nlxlousl "t're
Hl'IIIfll ! " The chlhh'cu's sl'\ '
h'chlt Ing out unllhlell h ' : lllJ
stl'ong nIo.
"Iou't 'IU 11'1 Iw slnlllg , [ I'
'JI' ' thIs \orRO , now-onc , two , tm
Wel , whnt Is I ? "
! r. llr ' hnrhwn , . 1 HI WIS sh )
( t wl/UI ! hel' Injct. , "Plensc:1
' " she sahl , " '
- ,
IInt'ool'I 1Jreathtesslr )
Ht lold mo to Rln when 'ou eoult
four In < you only count just to tbl ,
' ' " ' .
o\'er tme-Youth's ! COmllllou.
111 Somothuc : U llU Illwl I tool
: hlmseI lcenuso his ! let b
' .
1" hl\'o owu way.
- - - , . . , , - , . - _ . . . . . . _ . . . . .
I . . . . . .r. j'1 : . + . % . . : . . ; . . . : . ; : . - - + + + . : . - - : . ,
t . - - - - - - . -
tOlD - - - - - - - - - =
, J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, . . :
-.H + + . + + ! : .O. + + : + : : .H + H. + . .t.
Curfew J11.t Not HIl ! TO.lhht.
Slowb' ' gl lnltl'l4 Slll wn ! etllg
O'el' ' .
III hillloJH fil IWII
} , 'III1ni I hI 11111 wih hllul ) '
At the l'toile of oUC sUI dl ' .
AIII III la"'t " I'\'S klHSI't tl fOI'ehend
Uf fnll' ,
I IUII nlt 1IIIIden .
Il' with foolstlI ) 101 ] Ild wen . 1' ) ,
Hhl wih blllll.V toltll Iwlt. .
le wih1'1'11 IWIIl. Inllllll thollghtlll , ,
She with 111. so cold nlt whie , !
Snll 10 hush Iwr henrIs wit Ihl'ohblng ,
"CIl'few nlllt 10t rlul to'IIIht ,
"Sexton. " Bellll' white I 111 fnltee < ,
10lnl ill : tn I Il l'I'iloll ' ohl ,
Wih is IOIlI' 111 111 gluolII ) ' ,
Ilm'K. cohl ,
Wih ls wils Illml III
" '
1'I'e U 10\1'1' III Ihlt Ilrisoll ,
DoOII'11 IhlH'lr ' night 10 die
At thc rlulillJ of I he el'few.
. \lId ' lu'l Is .
10 l.thl ( lil-h. :
CI'OIIUI wi 10t 1011 till ! ! ulset. "
. \ hl' ' ' ,
\11 ! Ils I'w SIIIAlI whie
she ' hu ! < ,
.s hl'thlt til ! whlsllr
"C\CCW IISt 10t riu to-IIIht. ;
I" Hesie. " calll ) ' f pol" thl' Iextoll , .
I''er ' wO'11 ( IN'Cl'd hlr 'Oll ; hl'1I1.t ,
Like ' of .
tle IliC'IIII ; 11 Irww.
Lllu' ' ' ,
I I dl'lllr IollOI'd dlrt
, "LolIg , 1011 ; : .I'ell' " , 1'\0 1111 Ilic curfew ,
Prol thlt ; : hul ' shllowct tor ,
\'er ' l'\"enlnl just lt Ilnsl't
I hne toled the twilht hour.
I huyo ' '
dOle I dllt' cyer
I TrIld to to it jnst ntll ; 'i ht ,
! 1'1 0111 I wi 10t fllcl' ;
it rill . "
Clrfew Ilst : 101Ight.
II I Wihl hur e 'e ! 11111 Ilale hcr felltte" ,
ISleII /lt whie her thou./-hlflll / : brow.
WhieIthll hl' Ilcred hosol
Hesi lIIalle solemll'ow. .
! ! I \'ow.
i She hml Ihtlld , whtlc Ihe j\ e rend.
! Wlthollt n tear 01 sigh.
" thl' rill of the rfp ' .
.t illJ I \ 1\
; die. "
Hlsel 1111110011 mlst
And her breath came Cnst ald Clster ,
I . \n her "ycs gl'e\\ ' ! : 111 hright ,
In she ' . ,
I 111 Illertole 11'IUrl.d .
, "Curfel slal ! not rin to.nlht. ; "
'Yith flicl. stell ! ! Iw bOllled ( olwlrd ,
. Slnll ; withlll the oM I'hm'cl , Ioor.
0111 , ' slowl ' ,
Lef tIl 111 tl'eulln ;
Puth 11'0(1 .
so of Ild ( huCort.
! ot one 10lellt pnlled the mnillel.
But ' ! ! . ,
wih l 'e ant chel Iglow
I olntr\1 11 ( the gloOI ' tOWPI' .
" 'here til' hel sWIm ! to11 fro ,
And sil clmhpd Ihat dll"tIndller
On which fl'l 110 rnr of llht.
UIJ IInd 1 ( hel' whiu IiW snrlll ;
" . . "
t I "Cllrfew Ihlluot rill ; to.night.
ow shc's reachc the , 111der ,
O\'r her hal ! thc ; relt darJ , hel.
/ is the 11001 hellulth her
Like the Ilatll\'a ' < own 10 hel.
So the ] ' Is .
" (0111'0111 tOIJlIe . 11\11)ln ;
' , 1is the hour of cm.fl\I' IOW.
: Anll Ihe siJht hns ( 'hiet hel' h0101.
Stoppetllwl hrellth al1 tled hel' IJ'w ,
Shul slw let It 111:0. / : . lIe\el
Flnslwd her e 'ei with slll < cl Iiht.
. As she srn ; II gl'nllped it Ilml ' .
" ' . "
"Cnrlow 8hal 1I0t I'ill ! to-light.
Olt she s \\n 1 : , fil' Olt.
, ' a sed. of lIht ,
.Il cir seelllt ( ;
Below there. twixt heln'lI 1111 ellrlh
, snspendClI ,
As the hel IWI1 10 111111 fr.
And the ! Ixton nt Ihe hel rlHle ,
Od unl 111'If , hel\l lot thc hel.
Sadl ) ' thoulht thaI tw\ ht clrfe\\ '
! lll ; 'olnBIHsel's / : flIlC'11 Kllrl ;
Still tl 1nldln ( hlJ. ; 1011' l111 ' ,
And with Is of trembllrl/- / : whll' .
Sni to hlsh hcl' hCa' ! ' ' wid throbbllls.
"ClrCew Hhlll lot rilltolIi / : ht. "
I was o'cr. thl' hpl Irllsl'll ilwn 'III .
And the ' ' .
mnilell Ite(11111 1111' IOl'e.
I ' , 0111 ' ' .
Fir11) tll 11111 1lh'l'
" 'here for hlll rl'd ycnrs helore.
foot IIOt ' pI ' .
Hllmlll hlil bel'l 111 1'11.
'l'he bru\'e ' , that
\ lel'l 11l hll Ilolle
Shol II hI toll ] 10111 ; Ules IIfl'I'
. \s the ' 'S of '
I'I Hellll ; 11111 .
Crimsoll with .
al the Ikr heall
' Al'll ; lil'l'sih hl'lll" " , ofhle ,
ehllth'I'II ,
1el tll en/-er / : Istninl :
"CII'Cew did 10t rln , : : Ihnt nlht. "
O'cr thc lJistnllt his come' CI'OIItI.
Bes4 ' se's hil Inel hl'l' hl'ow.
Laleh' I I Ill \llh fonr ulla 11SliHh ,
las 110 nllxiols tl'lrs : 1I0W.
At hlH fCl't Rho tell-l hrl' stO'r.
Shows her hanlls 11 hrlsell 111 torn ,
All1 her flcu ! HI s\t11 Inl pleal1n ;
Yet wih sarroI . ( Hil' 1111't II , .
'ronchrd ' his hrl.tlh 1I111111 lIl ) ,
Ll his Irllh IlsI ' Iht ,
"Go , ' lo\'er ' . ' ' ' ,
YIII' \ 11'1' ; 1 Cl'ol\el
" "
"Curfeshll 1I0t rlnA 10"IIht.
" 'ile the ) ' SWIIII till' Inss'e pOI'lals
Le the Ilrlsollpl' forth to die ,
Al his hrlJht rOIIl ! IIfo hl'foro him
' dlll'lu'lIell ' .
euth the
glllh Ikll' !
essll' COII'I wih lylll ; : fotlitcp ,
Ei 1 low with ] 0\1' Ihh t sweet ,
KIIItln ; : on thc 1\1 Ile'llu ! him ,
Lnrs his PII1'doll at his f ct.
in his hra\e , Rtroll/- / : : \1 : hI clnlps her
KlilRld 11m fnee IIlltlrne < Inl whie ,
\Yhh'll're . "nnrlll ; . rOi haye sn\'l ] IIIC
ClIl'few rillit thnt . "
dil lnt IIht. ;
' ' .
-Hose IlIrtwlck 'I'horil.
- : - - = : - - - - : I
- - - -
' 'hleh 18 Yet Beautiful , Uu
A Ci , '
, '
'e ] eea )
It. Umler c"et ' mooll II which I 1'\ '
g. lhc clr there WIS n I < eclll'l' mO,1
c , which wns hard to dullc to , 1 'selj
lr blt which seNlwl l'I ! > I"lr " ( Oi'
n ! 11oU11ell Olt of Its ) llh'ls 111 It
1m "qualor. \cIIe Is . 11'al11fl1 nml '
! cl so Illttll. A el whll'e the Ileoille
of the world hn'l' husted nlld tl1
,8 Iclod , thl1t has heel I glut mnrt ni
COSIOols Ili 10W Is 1elther , II mol
. In nll ' othe !
) ? patlelc Is dlcnr thll
C. It Is Iw the 10Ic ' 111 ] desollte oj
Igc of n woman In whoe sllo1 ti
'I ' wis atHI bel IX of \1118hed tme hu
Iss 111111 their COlt , su 's II ctlllOllel
o ot tbe New Yorl , :1111111 l xll'ess.
Is ' ' thnt ' unt
um'lsolnhll' In
CI I I (
co mClt of dlsl'l'SPct lt Il ) lght Hhoal
arllo , aud ' t ! omelmcs I felt I. : ' 1
vlry the t gl n' / . l tl the SPI'I'I/ : "
of of the f/len hrhh. 1111 In It sonhlthll
1m tlglc yet 1lunld , le t \ (1'f of
buuutul nld hlCh bol \ , "mUlh 11
I. . " ' . . . . . . . - . ' _ . . . . . . . . . . " 4
pnlslon or IlschnllC hnl l1a ! l11
10wI to thc lfe of the strClt8. I CII
tllcrstlll the wl h . which Howcl !
hld cXII'CSSCI 50 1 c. " IIre that the
dend cHIt of Hii ) ' might ni hc wnl.
cd UII nld lef slowly 10 fiI Into ruils
) ' thcl8clves : their presellt cstute Is
not dlgllle 111 the < test thlt llngs
the tOlrlst to them cOles lIi I' . lls-
tltllg the luleccler of e\losl .
'rlw worst of I ni , 50 fnr lSeilee
Is eOUCl'I'led , Is the feclllg thlt the
elp Its humiation Is not 3'ct Cut
' ' ' ' , those
1'hSI 11'11111 chm'eh towel's
wils thut 10UI'I' out of Illumb. 11101'
Ise ' ' ' ' III the st ' '
otll' l'hllltl'l'S ( thlt be
gll with thl' fiI of the Cnmlllllc ' 'ho
SCI whIch ClUl'culee mlY . somq
tme be Is1'1 \c. IJltlo h ltte ,
' fecI , tbesc
( I CllIIOt blt mOllmcnts
wi crllhiu 11s11111)enr ) lS the rt-
ton ples SO IU tldcr them ;
! SII1
'ou shrlnl , fl'om the coIn.
111 lresngllg whel ' edl.
IloUS hltcr e\er
lce slnl hn0 lele n wn3' Illto 1
1lle'll hIl II , Iml the tdes of tll
AII'lntc , lS the ' sweell hnck nlld
fO'th , wi 1'01 IC1'OSH tl slll { thlt
WiS Plllcl'
HOIthll : of this thought eale to
. ' lut ' ; ' , I
1 ( on I ! 101'\lg thel' whcl
lllhld 1 towm' Oll : ! col\1 II height
to thl t of St : lllk's , 111 ) Jolwl dowl .
on the cl 111 ] the Iu eons thnt el.
e'c < It I II ' thcll II Iho ! lll ht.
' ' . ' I
hlulliCul ( l 1'1110tS. slnl I' thal
h.ll 1Ingil { 1-Hlo. d , Iho t thl' size
IUII shull of : Iulhatnn 1flull hc.
low CUIII street 1"1'01 ethel tU\\'CI8
thc { ms wCI'e rlll ; lng. 111 the hrls
5.'I'I\d to IJ'oclllm how complet'l '
the plstns gOlle : hoCr remond .
the dtr CI'OI the tllck of mOllem rom.
ICI'ce ; ho\ Isl'll'sS iow the npltag
tha t 11\1 11Hle It :1el t.
1 11 IShlll to sar I , blt the snnl
esatn 1'lle to me that I l'nH mbe : '
whell I 1 I Ill t 11 hour In CoIIO ' Is-
lund I fel' the su 1 lll' WIS : olle Uld
the cOlcrrt hllscl'e hO\I : ( ( ] up nl11
the Bowcl' ' had '
lghts hl'cl IllrlwJCl1
-n d ! olnto tceln ; Iulto ll\'OI'ce <
frol llnly. I tWiS IlcII'essll ! lud . ,
bole\'o Ice. me , I was glad to lea\'o \
- -
Uehlte for Fool. " ho \\rlt : ame.
il Pnhlc Illcc' .
'rhe who sol s h '
mlu , ( 10tolet
III aClml whm'e he has no
II ! Ils J\IC
lusllless to I1t I lelel ' 111'ertses
his . I or
OWI Slllless. nliddunls
tli : tnJ ( h'l'W 1101 Plollont Hoose.
\cl a stlgll ! rohul , I ' tacldlg
thuh' CU11 : UIU the trulls of thl' '
gl'eat Sl110LIS nCU1' Saltn Cl'IZ. ' '
P1.sllllt sugpsled thn t the canis
be tOI IloWII , alli the snggestol wus
acte1 ! 11101 with II'eat ald Ilmedlate
olthlslasl. which. howc\c ' , doe8
not 1)'I' the trcs frum slmlnl del
011010 II the fmUe.h ' Is It tlll .
lolle must I'eeorll the momenl.
Stil ( .
ous ocenslon of their \'Islt to I 10t.
alII pillce h ' clOIJpllg Initals 01
t'ce tlll.s 01 scr wJng lamcs wlll
h'lll IWllcl Whll'e\'or 1 \faee suit
ahle 101 Ilslrltlon Is IH'csclltel tc
' gazc' !
-heh' restess
SOI'el's Igo thee \\'nS n TltoIU ; : ,
' of the Kn.glls of Some
com'cltol .
' ' held In Wnshlll ton
thll ! 0' Olhe.
BCllps thl' 1'11llt si's there Well
II t1 l'ulilal a fl'Ploillc of uncxnl
Id stntoll who dcslll' to go dowl thl
I lulollll lS fal usIOllt : "e10n
'l'hp ' W\l'l' qull' II1gumt when tle
10\11 thllt the tOlls of \ashil/tol
Ili his wife were lOI'cl'ell Illches < eel
with thl' ClltS of dl llgntef tu the COli
\'plloll. a II the t more eal' < s wel (
' hl'O 1 n In ' \ ' ' face of tholl
0'1 \'eI3'
l 1 ; tll''eI3'
. III chnrgc 0
I llll'st. whie tl oleluls
the groullds smlell elleol'Illgl ' 1
' ' . You call'
t1 dlslll of Ilste oI' :
go to : Iagal without beln ; Ilfotme
.Iohll .Tole :
thlt Hlith nUl Iltllll
wer { at thc II e of the I0'SI'shol' 0
'l'UC II ] ' of II t we 'I. ; 10r cln J'ou In
thl' dome of the Caltol at Wush
Slllc )
IIItOI wihout celug al : ; 1ul Ilel
elll l'elollls of distnguished llmberl
who h:1't : II'ceeded 3'OU. , , 10 10
bell'"e 111 'hlJ ] ' haR 'et defaced th ,
Grnll Clu 'un of the COIIJ'lllo , he
elUSl' It Is : ollwhat dlteuI to wrll
11ICS thll'e o thlt tie ) ' enl be ICe
b ' those who ( ' ' . u
COI I fel' 11 10 011 ,
, whn Is { lolgh of \'a1111' tn lcne
In t 110 wOlhl 11'I'lll I tl' the ( ! fac. '
Ilnt Illess Il wus S1'I' that tle
bed " ' else wOIII ] \ltlle81 0111 I 1 I I tIt
"I'I'ces alld rocks can't he l'usl ro
It ) }
teltll a n Illst sleh oltrgcs , but lll
Il hll11ns 111 ulI ol ht to b
, Ihl'OI h the SUllal' ' IJllshlcnt 0
offendels.-nloold ' 1 Eagle.
- - - - - - -
GliIJ.e ! .
Some henrts there 1l' which Iwow 10
Cul frition
Of nn ' hOIJe ; blt ofentmes along
' .he dlu'k mission there : IllIs II lO/l , on 10yIII
Acr08s the silence brenls 11 br 0
. SOIlI !
. \ o1en dnr , Ilrhnl ! with one Ihus
( . comln _ .
' 1'0 dnys , dr
slen tenr5 111 ! woult swlf
t A slh'er ulght , when earth's discorll : !
, , ; strumming . ,
Is , Iolt II music . ho.\rd of 81lrit , ears !
- . \ - suetcN (
. : 'r Colow..fnst hrlhtlef this , 'lfe of II'uIlSle )
brnth ; 'I I
ROlllo Iltlre $ could 10t ' benr nh Slel
/11 ll-htues : ,
Ho Got withholds th ir jO ) ' tll : ft (
UIUlo Hculcl 81) ' ' :
Do mun who leu'es r.OO hchlu
I hll to en'et I lonument o er h
( II\'O coul hn\o bought n hel ) II' '
11'llso wil $ : o wuth of SOil
tllllhlC , hut fur ' ' '
tllwts some 1'l'a801 01' ntl
I . Ilohod ) ' Ihl'l 11'lt him on to de Icl < c-
1etlol 1 I'eo Pross.
'n .1 Al ell 1IIrold l1n 1001s101
I. ' 'lnfslller brl.lDlu wlb ; sust : 1
: ' I su 'j 1 IlsI'nlr bt'ulwlll Is I sort I
I IItil' to WOIU1 lud chUll'eu IJnssCI
II : Il
"YV - . . 4. 'r' " , " _ ,
SlferluJ or a hlrJ' " Crew for I.nde at
] ) rllldll Water.
n mny sl'II'lso ROle 1'1'11rs to
J lonrn fhnt II ' ' llU3 1 '
, te I7nbeth'8
grcl11111 , Sir Uehnrl 11 wId IIH ,
I , Imown 18 "t ho cOllt'to SI'lllll , " I IUII
n dstlll ulJllarts 01 hoat:1 : lils
I shl ) , IJI found the wnter so dls'loU
to ho wholesome , "
, nnl nomIHhllg
Sllol 11 the Ilddle or the nlncteonth
ec1tur 'sellol hn < such I sblu hy , Inll
orcn suflled tht'ough the Ilek 01 'i.
A 10110' mldshll lrlj II the Blt b
nl\'Y ' I'cculs. In In l.ttcle II MI < ul. Y"-
1m's Mnglzlne. the Hufern ! eldul'cd
durIng I cruIse 01 hont11 I. [ H. Xl'I' I "t
ophon tu the Sout h SI'IS , Hlxty yonr
fO.I .
I or sixteel dn 's , hc 81 'H. , wc , 10'
mined becalmed wlhlll 81ht of li ld ,
l'lftng to nml CI'O , C'oR8In 111 I'L"
cI'osslng the e < latol' wih wel' 'llg
tertol. 'rho sun stl1cd \ '
nt us steel.bluc , ' ,
ftom n sl'r Ild e\11 .1
uuder th Ilouhle I WUIIA8 thc Ilich
II Ilul fl'om the Ilms. fO thlt I
cloggc , . 01' fel't IS Wl wnla'll the
II thl' Ildst of tlSI' sm'I'Ollll ! !
the ordel' wus JI'III to l'llh\'l' the "
Ilownlce fi 111nl\ll ; Wltll' to OlO
pilt PI' dar fO' paph Ofl'I'I' Ild 111
ThIs IIOIIl'IH ! l'\'PII Olt II one
IfsUC nt noel ' UIII'H ' )
dm'lng tl 11Iier
hOII' . 'rho Illnl consl tld oC Hn It Jlnk. )1
which had llPU HO Ion ; In hl'lnc : ml
Wl8 so hlld thnt It woull ] ti I' 1
hnndsoJe 1)0181 In sl\lful hllls , or r
of lJlk that shll'llpd In the holng
to ltle more thl 1 hurd' 1'111 Ot .
{ 'O\'sc thc 1'lsUI of Ruch n dlot WIS I
thl t when 111mel' was 0\01 not I 1
droll of wntll' l'emnll1 to the 1100
folo\s 101' thH Ilxt t \ eutr.Coh01's
of hl'uluA Illt. 'l'he Cow who ttled to
sl'e some COUIllt ( Impossllle , COI they . .
had 10 Illaco II whlh to socmo I
Cl'OI t hllt' hUll'0\'h1 lt shillma tc ,
In this stlllt men Coi hnel , ' 01
\'llIcglr , of which (1lh meSH had a II
cml 110\llec. ut 11 their rlglug
thirst they ' were ' 10t ! 1 ts Ill Jlrely
to molstel' I'thoir mouths wih the
Stl'OI Icll ; the ) ' mixed it wih sal
wlte1 Iud Illk It In Iurgc . 11Ulnttes ,
' .
/11 the te11110 on'oct ma be Im1gin.
ed. ' 1'he mou wCI'e fll'I ' Iwoca'd !
o\'el I ' this horrlblo mlxt1e , und 1011.
cd In In the .
ugoulos forelste.
At lust , 01 : I1 ' 20th , wo slhtl < (
the IIlll O of Snn Dns , amI the
01101' was Illcdla t113' glvon to SII\'e
out u ga lon of wntl' to { 'ach Inn.
Dsdplll WIIS CorAotcl II the wlde t ,
; 10Ht .o 'ful l'OUCIRIOI . IR It was IS lld.
; Awl so , ] Il , -thlee < U3'S after leu\u : (
! Cllno , 01' II'I\'atolls cnle to / \ 111
; 1"01 the last sc\'cnt ' -se\'ol dn 's of ou
\'oJ'lge we hnd 1\'I'Iel a speed of
one hour. record fet
.ust mlo UI 1
slOWlleS8 which I sell'cl'I ' thlnl , the
Innlls of son lCe coull belt.
I lT BOOKS fOR $80,000
E. E. Smlth0's , the : York stock
I 1nnll1latol' nlld , UOW hol s
sJottsmln <
the wostOI ' In future bool. lt. .
. tng , hl\ll ! WOI $80,00 y IcChes. . f
" vlctor ' In the
. nl "A Illlom Ilndlenp
n t .
. : Ihcfu ( ' was [ 1chlsed 118t wIl.
tot y Smathcl's at New Orleans. ' .ie
I ; him 11 the ham1cnp
both ! uJulllst
to 1. ' 1wo uetl It tllse
e olllis 1'tld Sma twrs O\'C1 $ lo.oon-
' . "Kid" Wllm' 1\'lng him I cheek tor
I' $3 , tO , whleh Is IIRO 1 westol record
e , (01' 1 slnglo het
I tI ' ' thc thers
. Inmolll ( I 1ce
I. relwmlwl'd hl Iwll ) In n t 1Iellli
o Wlr , ; 1\'ln Ildl'oth , the tlllll' ,
I $ i.rOO ; GrlY , thl jOllw ' . $3,000 : tl'
stl hlo lol'emlll , : O ; VI YI < , who
"ru s" the hm'He , $ OO , mi < tle boy
who cll'cI8es the horse , $100. 1's.
HI < roth , wIfe of the trhwr , recel\d ,
1OOO fOI' Il0wing Gry to 11 < 0 : I {
Chellue ' . le W/S to hle lldon 111 1
own hol { ' . r
Hi ht " ' 1) ' to 11ihc.
Au amusIng Rtor ' Is beIng tll\
e 1101 ! hi W 't's of 1 Wallool ) elslnt
who gOlle to law uelhtol' .
. hil wih / ;
\ In I cou\cl ltlou wih hIl luw 'II' II
It suggcstcd 81'U11 ( the maglstrto 1
couple of fue < lwlts.
" fOl' ' , " hisjSI'I' .
lfe sll / < \jSI'I'
" ' ' . "
"I rou do 'ou'llose the ense.
If 'rho ju < ; lent WIS gl\cu In his
It fl\'OI' , whu he turllo to hIs Ilw 'lr
I 11 8111-
"I HCUt tl duels. " Astoulshuwnt
on the Iltel"s palt tured to ndmil'
lou when his cleut coutuue , "Hut
I sent the1 lu my nelghbor's IIHue. "
Aucollola tl Ht I.
"I ISsue 'ou , " s/l < the Ilel'slstellt
Inswor. suItor , "that " I wi not tlle 'no' fO' nn
"You Iwedll't. Il alY ' ) 'es' upon ono
co11lou , "
"And tha t Is ? "
" .Just'lsl , 10 It I 1m lutermllell not
to Ilrry ) 'ou uudor any l'h''ulstnn ,
eos.-Phlhulelhhl .
- ) PrclI.
A oy ne\'er cousl cr hlm5l'lf n mnn
uut bc IJossesse u bunch ot ko's