. . , ' C. . d. _ . . " ' ' " " . ' ' ' ' - - - - - - . - . .r " \ , I' ' , . . . . " ' ' " ' . . " , 'r" , II ! " " " .r. , " " . " , . . , I . , C' , . , . ' . . tl 1 . . . . . . . ' , , _ . . m.d _ . _ . _ _ . _ . . _ . - - - men of Custer.county be required to bear the risk on an official < bond in which ever ) ' other tax. . 1 > ayer of the county is equally interested ? , In a case of a personal bond , should the principal default those ten men would be required to. make good the defalcation , as a i matter of accommodation , without - * ! out a cent compensation. ) I n a surcty company bond each . ( ' tax paycr of thc county bears the . burdcn in proportion to his financial ability. In case of default - ' fault thc com pan ) ' that has to pay thc dcficit has rcccivcd pay' ' for taking the risk. , 'J'he fact that republicans were' ' the l rst incumbents of ofiicc i a Her the la w was passed doc not detract from the justness of thc law , lior does it fo1\ol\ \ ' that had , they becn pop ot1 cials , thc law would not have been a pplicd in the same wa ) ' . \ ' 1'he rot about republican i "Greedy gluttouess , " "Bartly- , ism , " "Steuferism , " Savagery , " I "Millard ism , " "railroad ' ' - . 'l'homp-1 ' \ son" a ld the rcpublicans "want j , rascals for rulers" is to ridicilous I to nohce " , bu tIt sen'es to s 1 lOW t 1 Ie , : law and disreputable methods to ( i which the leaders of the party are compelled to resort in their I attempt to maintain an issue that f has no standing of its own. 1 " ' 1'he worst thing about this I , whole t1ung" sa's .Mr. 'rayJor . "is thc preccdcnt. " Did not the , I l gislatnre of which you was a mcmber provide for thc precedcnt ? \Vas the law only intcnded to apply to pop ofiicials ? If so , you I should havc hid it amcnded be- forc it bccamc a law. IIad Stcuf- " rar and Gcorgc been pops are wc to infer they could have estab- : lishcd the preceden t wi thou t ' ) prcjudicc ? " Such reasoning may ha\'c fool- I ed the public a few years ago , 'j but bJ sad expericncc , thcy havc I been lcd to look upon such demagoguery - ! goguery in its truc light and only i a comparative fcw will hc caught t by it. 'l'he insignili cencc of the expensc of a surcty honl ( for thc " treasurer of Custer coun ty to each 1 taxpaycr 111aes thc issue enc hc- 1 neath thcir contcntion , when thcy t tr' 1.11Hlerstand thc situation. 'l'hc " 1 expclI"e of $2X5 a year would not \ cost the .l\'crag-e taxpaycr over a I \'C cents a year or six ccnts at mos t. I f What taxpayer would prefcr to be enc of t n or OIlC of enc h1111- ' / drcd to sign a personal bond for i any man in ordcr to savc a tax of five ccnts or c\'en ten cents a ycar. Would ) 'ou Mr. 'L'a'lor ? - - - 1 Low Rates South \ and Southeast. t On Scptcmher 1511nll Octohcr 1 20th The Iouis\'iI1e & Nllshville R. R. will sell round trip tickets - ; , , ) ' ets frolll St. Iouis , H ; 'ansvillc , I Iouisvillt : allIl Cincinnati to the following points at the lowest \ 'rites evcr 1111I11e < 1. Tickets will , he good rcturning- for twenty- one (21) ( ) d(1)'s from date of sale " allli stopo\'crs will he permittell 4 on going trip III points south of \ Kentuckey-'cnnessee state line , FROM ST. Ioms TO New Orleans , 1:2.oo : ; Atlanta , 'I. $13.00 ; Iohi1e , $12.00 ; Mont. , gomery , $12.00 ; Birmingham , $12.00 ; l' nsucolll , $14. ( ; . ) . \ FIlO 1 CmCAGO TO. . New Orlcl1ns. $16.00 ; Atlunta , $15.00 ; Mohile , $16.ooi Mont. j gomery , $16.00 ; Hi rllllnghalll , 115.00 : J'ensacoll1 , $ IH.oo. Flto : ' > 1 I.OUlSVUI.H ' 1'0 I New Orleans , 114.00 ; Atlllnta f $1 LOO ; Mohilc , $14.00 ; Mont- gomer ' $14.00 ; Hinninghalll , , $11.00 ; Pensacola , $14.00. f FIlO : ' > 1 CINCINNATI ' 1'0 , New Orleans , $14.00 : Atll1ntl1 , " $1 1.00 ; Mohile , $14.00 : Mont- t gomery , $14.0 < ) : Birmingham , , $11,00 ; Pensacola , $ I.1.00. PltOlll \'ANS\'lII.J. : 'to " I New Orleans , $12.00 : , AUl1nta , $11.00 : 1\1ohilc , $12,00 ; Nont- I omery. tweh't : olll1rs ; Birm- i mgham , tleven dollars ; Pcnsu- cola , fourteen dollars. Rates I to Intenncdiatc Points to he tilt : , same. I \ Proportionatcl ) ' low rates to points west of New Orleans liS far as Houston , To Jacksonville - ville , Fla. , and intel medialt : points , $3.00 higher than rate to Atlanta , , \ 'rake nd\'antage of thesl. : verr low rates to lIIake a trip throu h f the South to investigate Its I wonderful re ou rces anll op. portuuities. 'l'ime tnhlcs , follhrs ! , Utl1pS ; IIml descript : literature re- I ( latives to lunlls , truck and stock farming along the linl. : of the l.oulVlllo & Nnshvlllo It. It , will e sent upon application to C. . STONI\ , General Passen- gcr Agent. oui ville. Ky. , I . . . . . . . . W ryr : r.V : .WA..1l- ; : Sllpervisor Proceedings. ' : m . > > f c . . . .IIIIBERII 01' TilE BOARD. . . . . : : J T.ARTIIUlI , ! 'I ' rltent , . . . . . . . . .m.'t. . . I : It ) o. \ \ . UII'XI'IW4LT ' , LIIIII\D. " :2 : c U II. 'l'UOIIPX , DrokeD Do. . . . . . . . 3 . . I . 4' , , . ALVINlhll.y.\IIhurn \ , . . C' J. II. luJUlllr.,1 alll\way. . . . . . . . . [ j : JV. . l'O"LXT. Ocooto. . . . . . . . . tl I ' . . . . . . . C. GOT1L'Ih lIuau. Ma10D Clly. ; t ; ; : R \ w . .m 'ttii.Ii\ : . . . : tmJiJ SUPT. 1,1901. Pursuant to adjourument , board mct at thc court house in Bro- leen Bow , at 9 a. 111. Present , Chairman , J. W. Con- . ' ie ) ' , Supen'isors Arthur , Green- walt , Hiser , and McGuire. . Minutes of July 18 , read al1 ( approved. Chairman announccd if thcre werc 110 objcctions , he would appoint - \ point 1\11' . Greenwalt on the committee - mittee to ch ck up Count ) ' 1'reas- urer's oOicc. Moved and ' carried , to adjourn till 1 :30 : p. 111. . Board mct at 1:30 : p. 111. . All members prcsent except' Mr. 'rhorpe. ' Afternoon was' spent in comm - m i ttec work. J\loved and carried to adjourn' t ill I ) a. m. tomorrow. I SHP1' . 2. 1 tJ03. , Board met at 8 a. m. All mem bcn presen t except 1\1 r. 'l'horpe. .1\linutes of yesterday read and approved. l oad committee reported as follows on the petition of Vaclav KllIlla and others , for change in road No. Y06 : \V c , your commi ttee recom- that the petition for the establishment and 101' tile vaca- be granted , and that the certificate - tificate for the claim of Ira 1-4. Brown be cancellcd. , J. 'r. Arthur , J. H. McGuire , G. Hiser. I Report of conll11i ttce accepted , and adopted. Committce also reported as follows - lows on pctition of J. J.II i1ho- nck for road in ' 1' . 13 , H. 1Y : j \Vn rccommend that road be 'es- tablishcd from stake No. 25 to stakc No. 31 , and from.stake No. ' 1 to 25 bc rejected and claim of U. G. Brown be allowed for $100 'to ' bc lc\'ied against Road Dist. No. I , Lou } > , and that all other damage claims bl. : rejected. J. ' 1' . ATthur , G. Hiser , J. H. McGuir . Heport of committee acceptl'd and adoptcd. 1\lo\'ed and carried to adjourn' till 1 :30 : p. m. SHP'l' . 3 , 11J03. Boanl mct at IJ a. 111. I All mcmbers prcsent but Mr. , 'l'horpe. Minutcs of yesterday rcall and , a ppro\'cd. Mr. Grccnwalt presented the following rcsolution , which was rcad : l\Ir. Chuirman : \\'llItIU AS , 'l'hcre seems to henn : error or incomplete record in reganl to the.al- lowance of ccrtain claims for damages on Road No. 764 , accruing within the houn- dl1ry of Berwyn township' , and th t s v. , ral of said claims are stilIlnpai'd , therefore - , . fore , he it . R SOl.VF.D , ' 1'hat all \lnpaill oll1imsou. flaid road which are for. am g-es or riKht of way for said road within 'the ' bounda- rics of ller\\'yn township , he , allowe t he Ic\'ietl against Road Di.trict No. , r. lIer\\'yn Township , anll that upon the surrendcr of thc township warrauts which huve heen issued hy erwyp 1'owshiplor amae : ; on sni road , lhc clerk he , uml herehy is , ordcred to issuu an artier on the county treasurer to pay thu sl1icl cluims oul of IIny moncy in his hunlls b lonniog to Roael District NO.1 j of Bcrwyn Township.GliO GliO , GRICltNWAI'r. Moved and carried , tll'at ' , the resolution be adopted. l\1o\td and seconded , 'that ' the claim of the Standard Bridge Co. for S3 , OO be allowed alld the clcrk instructed to draw wan'an on tlte bridge flllld for the ahove amoun t. Voting ayc.Arthur , Green- walt , Hiser , Daily , and McGuire. . Voting no.-Conley. Chair declared the motion car- ried. 1\1Jvcd ' and carried , to adjourn till' ) a. m. tomorrow. . 5H1"l" 4 , 1903. \ Board 111et at IJ a. m. All members present but Mr. 1'hbrpe. Minutes of yesterday re'ad and approved. .I 1i'orenoon spcnt in com111itte work. Moved.l ud carr eU 'to adjourn till 9 a. m. tomorr 'w. SUPT. 5 , 1903. Board mat at 9 a. m. All memhers present except Mr. Conley and Mr. 'l'horpe. George GreenwaLt presiding. Minutes of yestcrday read arHl approved. Mr. Arthur introduced the fol. lowing resolution : WUlUutAS , It appearllthat thl. : proper. ty of se\'eral persons hus bcen omiU t1 from the assc : > sment rolls for ( the yeur 1903 , therefore , be it R'USOI.V D , That whcn such CIII6- --L. . . I COllie to the ' uowl d e.or th coltnt ) ' , clerk that he request he asseMor of the precinct In which said person rClltttl , to make out 01111 file in his office the property - ty schedule"tmd that then , "pon the receipt - ceipt of said schedule , or schedules , the county clerk is hereby directed to plnce the ! lnme upon the tax list. J. T. ARTUUlt. Mo\'ed and carried that the rcsolution be adoptcd. lm'ed and carricd to adjourn till 1 :30 : p. 111. Sm'T. 5 , 1903 , 1 :30 : p. 111. Head cOlllmittee reported as follows on the petition of D. E. Mills for road in Twp. 16 , Rg. . 17 , be grunted froUl starting point to stake 14 , then run on Scc. line on south side of Sec. No. 29 , to a point 80 rods , more or less , west of the :1 : corner on south sidc of Sec. 29 , to a point to be designatcd b ) ' the sUr\'e'or and record , to bc changcd in accordance - cordance with report of sur\'e'or , and damages allowed as follows : Wm. McGowan , * 125.00 ; J. C. ' Hyatt , $250. O ; E. L. Boy , $150 , . all to be paid bJ' le\i.y on I oad. Dist. No.1 , 'Myrtle Township. J. T. Arthur , J. H. McGuire , G. Hiser. Report of committec accepted and tlt1opted. In the matter-of thc. claim of 14ydia Clark , for damages to the s sw,7. ( , Sec.11618 , caus d by the location lof rend No. % 5 , the. appraisers 'filed ' a 'suppl m ntary report rec mmelH1 ng that the said Lydia , Clark be allowed an additional $30.00. Moved a d carried that Lyida Clark hc' allowed , the ulH1iliona1' $30.00 as rccomll1enOed uJ th appraisers. Head comUli ttee also 'reported' ' as follows on , petition of W. H. Judkins anil otl ers for real in 'L'wp. 18 , 1 . 25 : We reconl1uenltlmtpetition : hegrant- eelnllli Ira P. Mills he grantcd pcrllli - 1ion' for'stock lnlte on s feJ ; ( , Sec. 4- 1'p. 17. Rg. 35 , same to be 16 fcet widel with railing , a1ll1 to } , e constructell nnd 'maintained at his o\Vn cxpensc' ' and that Hic following clnims fOI' damakcs he , allowed - lowed : Ira P. 1\1ll1s. . . . . . . . . . . 160.00' John Reese. . . . . . . . . . . 160.00' Jo crPb M. Walker. . . , . . . . . 25.00. All to he paid by ! e\'y on Roael Dis1 , No , ; 2 , Arnold townshll. ) J. ' 1' . Arth'ilr , J. H. McGuire. G. Hiscr. Heport of committee accepted , and . adopted. L 'Committc also r ported as follows - ! lows on petition of ' 1' . J. 'Voods , and othcrs , for road in ' 1' . 14' , R. 17 : . We recommend petition he grantell unci P. H. 'Marlay he allowed 100 cloJlars as 11 11 III ages to his land in'th.1. ' : S\\'J. . ( . , Sec. 5 , l\I. 14 , R. 17 , to he palll hy levy'on RoalllJist. No4 , Algernon township. J. 'I" Arthur , J. II. McGuire , G. Hiser. ' ! 'Report of cominit'fee accejted I and adopted. Mm'cd and secondcd that the county clerk notify Chas. West- brook to show cause , why theas- sesscd valuation of a parcel of and in thc ne:1 : sw:1 : Sec. 32-16- 20 , should not be raised to 845.00 , for { he ycars 1902 and 1 C)03. ' , ! Carrie(1. Mr. Daily presented the fol- . lowing' ' rcsol u tion : WlniRnA , Certain claims for damages on Road No. 812 , were y mistakc , aI- lowell on RoaU 'Dist. No.5 , Kilfoiltown- ship , und WlIltRl ( S. Saitl clnims shoulcl have Been allowed on R ad Dist. NO.3 , Kil- foil township , therefore , 'he'it ' RUSOI.VliD , 1'hal the county clerk e , und herehy is , instructed to correct the Irecord in IIccorllance with the abovc facts , 11Ull certify till. : action of this board to the Co. treaslll'cr. A. DAlJ.\ " . Moved and carried that thc resolution be adopted. Mr. Greenwalt introduced the fbllowing rcsolution : WlInRl\ , Sees of Art , VII , Chap. 55 , Ht\'ised Statutes of tlte State of Ne- hraska , provides for the cl tu lislulIent of a 'County ' oa d of' Health Bnd the mak- itlg and cnforcelllclll. of liU flUltinc rules anel regulationtl , .therefore , he it I Rnsol.Vl\D , That thcre he estahlished a county hoar of health , to be composed of eight memhers to he appointell by the chairman of this 'hoard ' , ! mt hoard of h alth to Hu mit to this hoard at itM No- ' vemher 'meeting' ' IIIRet of rules alld regulations - lations for the prevcntion ulIll lipread f contagious diseuses. G o , G"ltl NWA1.T. Moved allll carried that the resolution - elution be adopted. Moved and seconded that the laction of this board taken on ! S pt. 5 , relative to the allowance of damage claim of U. G. Bowman - man on Knehoueck road'be recon- sidered. Carried. Bridge commi ttee reported as follows ; 'Ve your committee recominend that the following claims be allowed - lowed : J.1' . , . . , . , . . , . " . $ 85 Chas , Harmer. , . . . . . . . . . . 7 25 1\1. O'Brien. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 12 00 C. ] . Hoe , . , , . . , . , , . . . , . . 13 50 Geo. Greenwalt. . , . " . . . , 2 ( , 80 Benger Hard ware Co. . . . . . 4 50 J. C. SIyder . . " . " " " . . I 00 J. H. lcGuire . " . . " . . . . 3 70 G. lIiRer , . , . . . . . , . . . . , . " ' 1-1 70 Geo. Greenwalt , } Co 111. Al vin Daily , Report of. cdm n [ H e 'accepted and adopted. . . Road committee r 'ported as fol1ows : We your committee re omlllend that the fol1owing . c1ms : \ be allowed - lowed : .T. H. McGuire. . . . . . . . . . . ' $47 75 C. l . Luce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7 50 N. J . Armstrong. . . . . . . . . 38 55 H. W. Buckncr. . . . . . . . . . . 12 55 R. W. Buckner' . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ,00 , 1" . E. VanAntwetp. . . . . ' 1' 45 ' 00 1" . E. YanAutwerp. . . . . . . 42 50 J. F. Hutchinson" . . . " " 3 50 G. Hiser. . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . , 47 50 J. ' 1' . Arfh ur . . . . " . . " ' " 46 20 R. E. Glass. . " " . . . . . . . . 3 50 J. R. Tea'gardcn , . . . . . . . . , 3 50 C. R. Luce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 11 00 A. Lamphear. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 A. I amphcar. . . . . . , . . . . . 7' 50 W. S. Mctcalf. . . . . . . . . . " 11 00 W. S. 1\lctcalf. . . . " . . . . . . 7 50 J. H. lcGuire , J. 'L' . Arthur , } Com. G. Hiscr , Heport of comlllit tee accepted .and adopted. Erroneous and delinquent tax committee reportcd us follows : Wc your committec recommcnd that the following erroneous tax claims be , allowed : , l : E. Br ga" . . . . . . . " " . . $ 1 28 1. N. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 ' \V. Sopcr . , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . 6 50 ' 1' . L. Li'arnswortb. . . . . , . . 38 99 F. L. Readhead" . . . . . . . . 2 00 and in thc matter of .the tax sale on thc g 'Sw ' } ' allll'Wy.i Se:1 : , section 16 , township HI , rangc lY , we recommend that count ) ' treasurer be instructed to rccall tax ale ccrtificate , all costs and pcnaltles thereon. Also in thc matter of tax sale on the Ne:1 : Se:1 : , scction 23 , and Se:1 : Nw } and N Sw } ' , secti n 24 , in 'townsHip 13 , range 19 , for the year 1894 , recommcnd that the county treasurer bc instructcd o rccall tax sale certificate , pay thc holdcr thcreof all intcrest , penalties and costs , and that all interests , pcnaltics and costs bc collectcd from county treasurer , who issucd certificate. Wc also recommcnd that claim of J. D. J. Semler for refund of $7'00 taxes for the year 1886 be rejeoted ; and that the county clcrk be and hcreby is instructcd to takc from the assessmcnt rolls of thc city of Brokcn Bow the personal assess- incnt of A. H. Vanlandingham. Also that the county trcasurer bc instructed to purchase for the county tax sale certificates on thc following' real estate and present the samc to thc clerk for , assignment - ment upon the pavl11cnt of not less than thc pri e namcd for each lock : 45 ' 0riginal Calla- way , 50 pcr cent 'of 'tax ' ; lots 5 , 6 , 7 , and 8 , block 12 , Purdy and lng-rams addition to Callaway , 50 per cent of tax , plus advertising - ing ; and-that thc proposition of \V.'rhomson 'to purchase taxes on lot ' 12 , block 13 , : T. 'P. GanUy's : idilition to Broken Bow be rc- ferred to thc. gcneral board. G. Hi&er. . ' J. H. McGuire , } Com. J. T. Arthur , Moved , and carricd that the report - port of the committee bc acccpt- ed and adopted. Moved and carricd that thc county treasurer bc instructcd to purchase tax salc certificate on lot 12 , block 13 , J. 1 > . Gan y's' addition to Brokcn Bow and - present - sent the samc , to clcrk for asslgn- mcnt upon the paym nt of facc of tax. Poor farm , court housc and jail committee reported as follows - lows : We recommend , that the following - lowing claims be allowcd : E. C. House. . . . . . , . . . . . . $ 84 00 J , W. Conlcy" . . . . " ' 1" 13 00 W. II. Osborne. , , . . . . . . , 50 00 W. II. Oshorne , . . , . . , . . . bO 00 G. C. Drak . . . . , . , . . , . . . of 20 WiIOsbornc , . . . , . " . . 5000 John Pirnic" . " . . . . . . . ' 200 00 A. B. rown & Co. . . . , . , ( , 00 Jphn Pirnie. . . " . " . . . . . 100 00 Alvin Dailv. . " " " . . . , 12 00 S'l1l i rcs B r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 25 'Alvin'Uaily , l Com. Cco. Greenwalt , f Heport of conlluittce was accepted - cepted and adoptcd. I"innnce committee reported on county treantrcr's ! semi-annual statcmement , which statement appcars in full in other columns of this paper. Chairman reported as follows 011 appointments for board of health : , -Sept. 5 , 1903. I hereby appoint as memhers. of the county hoarll of health Dr. _ . . . _ . - - - - - - - - ' 'J'O cun Jf . . . , ( o..n IN o'ut n , , " " rake Iauttve . IlroUlo < l'llulul' ' 'I'.h"'I. . All "ruJl I.11i r..fuul1 Ibl ! 111111I < 'I If 11 tall. In rur" E W , I/rUV.'d / .1 lIalur..l. ou l'Aab bOI : , 2,5 ( ' , - - - 4 _ - \V. R. Pcnnington , Geo. Green. . wnlt. Ahin Daily , J. H. McGuire - Guire , G , Hiser , G. H. 'rllOrpe , J. 'L\ Arthur , J. W. ConIc ) ' . , J. W. Conlc , Ch'm. Co. Board. Claims committce rcported as follows : We ) 'our commi ttee rccommcnd that the following claims he allowcd : Geo. Green \valt. . . . . . . . . . $ 4' ) .to .T. W. ConIc ) ' . . . . . . . . . " . 50 75 P.D.SmithCo. : . . . . . . . . 4265 J. ' 1' . Arthur. . . . . . . . . ; . . 23 40 Geo. W. UCWC ) " . . : . . ; . . . , 34 6 ( ) : J. It. lcGuire. . . . ' . . : . ; . . . . ; 25 00 Aldlt Dail ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 00 : PHn L. Mctcalf. , . . . . . . . . 9 93 J. S. Bcnjamin" . . . . : . . . . , 20 A. . .R"Humphrcy. . . . . . . . . 250 00 I Onc . : " : ; hocmal < cr. . . . . . . . . . 2 60 PurceIH3ro . . . . . . . " . . . 189 88 StatcJournalCo. . . . . . . . . 5000 Gco. W. Dcwc ) ' " . . . . " . . 900 00 J. G. Hacbcrle. . . . . . . . . . 15 00 ' . I4al < cman & J arsh . . . . . . . 12 00 G. Hiser' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 50 Hattie A. Pi 11lan , , : : . . . 14 55 J. G.V. . 14ewls' " . . " . . . . 110 00 J. G.V. . Lcwis. . " . . . . . . 33 33 Geo.\V.Dewey. . . . . . . . . , 3100 Bcal & Wimmer. . . . . . . . , 28 08 Gco. W. Dewcy. . . . . . . . . . 25 00 Jos. Pigman. . . . . . , . . . . . 1-1 00 and that thc claim of JIa.mmo1111 Bros. & Stcphcn for $38.25 and John C. Wade for $72.50 bc laid dver. J. 'r. Arthur , C . } om G co. Grecn walt , Heport of committee accepted and adoptcd. Mo\'cd and carried that Supel'- visor Arthur bc instrudcd to havc the ncccssary rip rap work donc at the Omaha bridge on thc Middle I-4oup. Judiciary commi Ucc rcportcd as follows : Wc recommend that the fol- low11lg claims bc allowcd : N. E. Armstrong. . . . . . . . $1 15 1-4ogan Sammons. . . . . . . . . . 1 26 J. H. McGuirc , G. Hiser , } Com. Geo. Grccnwalt , l cport of committcc accepted and adoptcd. Moved and carricd that thc , county clcrk bc and hereby is in- structcd to draw warrants 011 thc proper funds for all claims allow- cd at this meeting of the board and to hold the claims of all , pcr- sons owing dclinqucnt taxes. Minutcs rcad and approvcd. Movcd and carricd to adjonrn till ' 1'ucsday , Nov. 17 , 1903. - - " : JErISr : : R. B. . MULLINS , M , D. Makes a fpeclaHy : ! or Crown alld IIrlllcu W"rk. } ' /Iccs . reaRonable. All work guarRo enl. nail anti sell IDO beforll11111 / ' : eluwhero. Olllce-in Droken now tllnt. . lIalik IIlIlhllug. Droken Bow , NebrnRIUI. ROSS G. MOORE , Attorney.at-Law. Heal eslate alldlolll broker. Olllco 10 Hel1l1y Ulock , urokeu now. Nubrsska. II. OONHAD , o.II. . . . . . . Dealer In , . . . Pumps , Wind , Milia , Tallkp. FIUlugs , GKOolinc &nglneft , 010. etc. Jlrokon Jlow , Nebraska. Try f r Wh 222 South Peoria. St. CnIOAGO , II.L" Oct. 7,1902. EIght months ago I was so ill that ! 'Was compellOd to lie orelt 'down nearly oJl the time. My I .tomo.ch WIlS so wenk : and upset that I could kcep nothing on it and I vomited froq.ucnUy. I could not urlnato wIthout grent pahll1ud I coughed eo muc1i that my' throat and lungs were raW' t and sore. The doctors pronounced - nounced it'DriBht s disease ! IDd others said it wns consumptIon. It mattered JltUe to me what I they , called It and I had no do- , Bire to Iivo. A lstcr visited mo I from St. LouIs and naked me if I h d over tried Wino ot Cardul. I told her I had not nnd she bought a bottl" . I believe that Its ndmylife. Ibeliovomany women could 1InTe much ufl'cr- l lug it they but knew of itnalue. J . .J. . . . Don't yon want freedom frot1 pain ? Tak. Wine of CArdul and lD e one supreme effort to I bo well. You do not need to be J a weak , belpless 1Iufferer. You can haTO a woman's health and : do a woman'lI work In life. Why not 1Iocure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggillt to- day' I 'WI" UI _ _ u. _ _ _ _ _ _ - . . . BANCS SrUIJIO. Up-to-date Photographs. li'irst pric winncr at state as- sociatiol11903. - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - Dlt. ' 1\ ( J. FAHN8WOH.1'II , DENTIST , promcu In ICoallY Dlock , Dr. lillis' , 01 Plltnl , . CAI&HON & HEESE , Glf101'-90YS 89cczl1 l'S A'l' LAW. UnoolP 8 anl , 0 , Healty lock , tlroken U"v , Neb. . . - . . . - S.M. . DOIUUS. mllmua ! 911l1\1n1a. \ AI. kh1llft of work In onr IIno done promptly 1\1111 In Ilrat.lnM oreter , 'l'"lIed Shop DO tha orner WOftt 01 the ho.o honso. ( H"'lt UH A TIUAI. . Urokun tlow , . - - . Nebra.ka. CI INTON DAY , Physician & Surgeon. Olllco In rear ot the lIank of Commorre , Reftl. donco 11th hon.e WU.I ot the .J ptl.t chnrrh. IIrokon Uow , N"brllftkll. DU , C. l . MUlLlCN5 , Physician Surgeou. 21111 Stalrwlly from , , "e1t onllo , HClI\ly \ JIIoolc ; roftltlonco.3r,1 , tot. R. church. on sarno 81110 at troot. D'f'"Urokou 11019 , Nebraska , . D HS. H. U. & W. . 1'A LBo'r , PHYSICIANS $ SURGE9NS. o III ell oVI'r 11.01l0rlo'll Urug Storo. IIrokc,1I Jlow , . - . Nohralh , CITY HAH. EH , SHOP , , H , O.lIUTTON , Proprietor. Flr8t-olaps work , \tear ltoom or tlrokrn DolY Blate lIank , IIroken How. NebrlkR. . \AT A. THOMPSON , . . . . . _ CONTIIAUTOIt & IIUILDER. t1Yl'lllnlnd I1s\llllatlls 00 hortDotlce. Jlfokeu Dow , Nebr/l8ka WIIJLlS < JAOWEfJIJ IIIJ.6' lrQm aml1 Irn3f8 ka. . . w. n. JlAr.L. A 11. 1I4I1TLKY. The bOlt h/l' nh1l.ln " "hmflkn , l nrllInlld. . . 10 to f25 . .or cre. Rom. . IInIlIBIIhc : ch..nu. . . . . . I-lA'LL & l-ARTLEY ! , . nonlll.tnlo , LoanA end InBur. ance.Vrlleul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' lIurllngtou Itouto. SArgent. Nobraskn. H lLI4 SIDID HERF9RDS alld Duroe Jer.ey nOI : bred and oltl. e tblOol1 oflhclrcI8f1B. AIII\r""II.1I IC. ( DWICLL , IIrokon lIow , Nebraska J. SNYDEH , . . DP : ] t.i Qp mIJ , ANDNO\bttllc : \1110 Ju "or thnl'o cl1. RperlalatteDtoDKhoD 10 col \111I11 11".1\1008 \ tI1k D , p"DslonvoDCh _ , ra. " If 1J3'cuull\nd ; 1111 klud ! ot legal paper W II , Oltlr.u III LJII ! r..ar ot DaDk ot Commerce. Ihokon low. ! Nehrneka. . . - - - - - - F I ANSE MOORR , m : an ! lP : ] li " 'ID J1J } . Two. . . uckri nortH It " ' 8,11 , Ol'nlr. . , 1I0tel. l'at. ronn.o 0IlcI10d , } 'riCl'S reaeouable. , : . ' - - - J . TIME TABLE BltOIrEN BOW , NJ H. . .I' eolll , Denver , OIU""H. IIelel..l. ChleulCo , "litle , . .t .Jo..e. . . . . . -ortlllnd. .CunHa , . Clt.y , U.H l.o.l e CIIJ' . , \ HI. louIH. And iln Jl'runcl.cu " " ' . . . .olnt. . Un..t nd . . . . .11ulll' " t Aud "IHltll. 'VcHI. t . No. . ' 9-V"lbulell OJlIr"flp IInlly. Lincoln. 0108' ba , t. Jnlllllill a lIu8" " City. 1St. Louh , Chi : 01110 and all poln ' dUIII Dod e'Hllh . . , tj IIi B.IU , No. .It-.oclil ell'reBO : ' . " 1)0 1.lncoln. Om.hh. ChlcRrzo nnl ! I\U..OIIIU . eaat RUtI NIlUlb.1O SO 1UI. . Nn. H-Vcstlbnlc,1 , oxpre"a dAily. Heluua , ti/lf' till IInllo , l'ortlaoit IInd nil } 'acillc COI1Bt 1101111" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . .6o.a nm No , 43-Local IIxpre 1i..11)11I811. . . . . . ' nl1 Illtermedlc.to willi. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .11 fl8 pm tlleol'lD ! ( , dlLll11f aD II rcclllalnJ ; chair car.UI \ ' " Ireo ) on Ibroulh train. . , ' 1'lckHB Mid and b : - ao chock..1 to "IIY 1.lutln tta Unltod tltatn tud Cl1IlIl. . , InformAtion , mUl'B , tlmo table. and ttckot call OD or write to 11. L , Orm.by , QglJot , or J Frauch. . U 1' . A. , OlDuhlli Nebrll I ! " . I I. . OHVeRAVflI. . ; OOHEUULE OF DROKEN DOW MAILA. _ I'ourh fur W6Ht will oI..e 8t 8 II , m , . IIXCOllt ' tlUIIIIIwhf1ull will 010..0 at 6:15 1m. I'clch , 011.1 'ur train No. 12 ole f111 lit 8 a m aUtI fill No , H CIlI'IIII nt , CI.3U a.m. Mall for ! 'II IIJV 1\l1Illolllt. . oll/lt IIf Urallrt 18111011 cQrrled nn11110 \ No 4. Oconto ,11of IIYllo aLe ! ' 1'uck"rvllle. dnlly ox- CI'pt nllllll ) clo",1I , lit 7 1UI : rduruluq . .mu dlY Clallul."y vita , " ! tlc'ltlnley dAily eJCIO : t SUlJday " clt. " " . /It 7 a III , retllrulllK snmo dll ) Hound VallllJ vi. . Urecn I\nd fltlJlr.loo \ at 7 a . - UI.ToeIl18) ' . 'rbundl1) Rnd tI..ltP.1ItJIJ. roturolng t slla. , 1111) SUlllller ylll Ouru. . ' ) , ( t\/rL\OWU : Rlltl Ul'ton " urriVO. lit II 311 , 'l'ue"duy 'l'Onrbd/L1 and tJatur. { , lay rl'tumlu ! ! ICIUIlI III 12:10 : I\ll" , , hIY. Otlln' honrs trom 11.00 n rn to lUll ) p In , Son- .Iays rroll1l1 : 51 } . m. to 6,111 : I' ' " ' bby OpOIl . . . . .k dAYt ! from j' . m. to II l' 111"'IIJlhS 8:31.1 111 1018 m. IIclJcral dlllh'I" open lIun. : ' 1"7 morlJlng ' 'I hOrlltntort ! 1. ! ' ' ! I\OIn. l'.tII' - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - . - ' , . , , 'w . . . . . . , " . . , " , - it ! " . To : Cure a Oold ill One Day . : . . . . } . } 'S. : , , Take Laxlttiv- mo Quinine Tablets. AJ11 . . . . . veij' ' . . . . . . . . . . (9. c. , . . box. 2Sc. : . "V ft M1UIe .O M .12 .oaths. TIili ; .sign Pr . " - . . . . . . . 'j ,