Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 10, 1903, Image 3

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'SPC' ?
, Kansas City , Sept. 5.-An unkllowlJ
IneRro I , caught In the act of stran l1n
Mrs. Margaret. . Gemhn , a , white wom ,
n , In her homc at Armounlale , Kan ,
suburb , yesterday afternoon , es'
: caped to the Kansas river , where he
drowned blmself rather than run the
hances ot blJln lYQched , a ( rowel
; havlng chased him to the bank of the
, stream. The woman was serlouely
urt , but will recover.
, Mrs , Gernhn Is a widow , forty-five
\ ears old. ncr husband and son were
( drowned In the June 110od , and she
lived alone. The ne ro , a black brute
t thirty , called at the house about
j noon and entering stealthily demand-
J cd 1\rs. Gert\hn's money. When she
" 'Insisted that there was none about
the house. the negro threatened to
kl1l her , and " her by the throlt
, choked her until she wllInconsclouF \ ,
when he 10clwl1 her In a cls3t. When
, she revl ved he d ragged her from' the
closet anll 011 her pel'slstant rcruslI : to
tell him when' She kept her mone ) ' ,
the ne ro I' 'peatedly choted ! her.
Nelghbol'lnomen broke Into the
huse after Mrs , Gerahn hal een In
th . P Iwer ul' the negro for thr'e : :
k hours and found him standing over
\ 1 the prostrate woman , sinking his lingers -
gers Into her Ilm"at.
'l'he negro hlll'ried from the bouse
, and ran to the Kansas river , two
: blucks dlstanl , wheru he hired 1hDat
I and ordered the owner torow qulcldy
to tlC ! \lIssuul'i shure. lIe started to
do so I'o-hen the negro stood up In the
boat and with the remarl" "I have
li ved luo long to d Ie at the end oC a
rope. " dived lute the water , lie
drowned berore the spot could be
j. reaclled hy ot ! tel' boats , and the tody
has not yet been f , und. For Liberty.
, Birmlngl11.lo , Ala" Sept. 5-Four i
' couvlcts wercshotatPratt mines prls- ,
'j I on at one o'clo'k ) 'esterday moruln
In an attempt to escape , the woun ed :
wen being Torn Fay , shot In le ; .John
{ Brewct' , wo ntled In back ; mchal'd
' 1 Klnnebecl" shut In abdomen ; and
Thomas lel7.ell , wounded 111 shoulder.
I Ur'er nnd Kinnebeck w\1l \ proballly' '
die. All are white men serving terllJS
: ranging frol1 : tllU to twenty .reins , I
t 'l'hey had se ured a qllanlityof dyn-
I amlte and bew : an upenlng- one
f of the pr s JI1. They ran thl'Ough this' '
and hurled sticks of dynamite at the :
I guards , Tile alter opened fire with :
't Winchester rilles and succeeded In :
preventillg wlmt might have been a !
l wholesale dell \'ery , !
7 J. H , Emery of Pike county , serving :
; twenty years , was the only one to es.l
cape. 'l'hecrowd was led y Tom Fay,1
f who was the youngest member of the :
I. . . . Camou : ; ; Mill Duncan of safe :
, blowers , I
" I
City Is Full of Fanatics.
I Washington , Sept , 5.-l\linlster
Leishman has cabled the state dc-
f partment that owing to the dls-
l turbed conditions In Constantlnop e' '
an additional kavass , or detective
1 Corce , had been stationed at the
f American legation. This acUon wa. . .
( taken on the suggestion of the Turle-
Ish ! ! overnment. which has assured
the American minister that II" will
use every precaution to protect all
. foreigners , but has warned the diller- '
. cnt embassies and legatluns that It
\ would be well to strenthen the
force outside the buildings.
In casp a necp-ssl ty develops It Is
) probable that the 'furlcish govern-
; \ lIlent wllbe \ reqn sted to a low the
United I3tlLtes to send a detachmpnt
of marinEs from the bl } uadron , which Is
I eXJectedto [ arrive at HeriuL today.
T/.1e / Unlled States has no authority to
senri a warshl p Lllrou h the Darda-
: ane les , and would have 10 have the
cllI1sen't of Turkey and nlo : ; ; that ot
I I other European powers to do so ,
, Minister Leishman In hi' > cablegram
'I informed the dt p'\rtment that anum-
bel' or overnrnents havc landed nmr-
( Ines In Consta'ltlnople for the protec-
tlon or their embassies.
1 While tlw cundltlon existing In
t Constantinople , as well as In other
, portions of 'l'ur ev. I ! ; extl'Cmelv un-
satlst'actory , the Washlnwon go\'ern ,
I 1. ment d'les not uelle\'e that there If
r anv serious ahead , notwlth'
I standlnH' that the tone of the dls ,
pa tclll's from ; \lIuister Lelshmar :
l sho\\s unea.lness. :
, i Last Trip.
I ! \ew y"rk , S3pt.5'l'he old White
Star Liner Germanic arrl\'ed yes tel"
'f day from [ , Iv'rpuol and QUtenst.O\H
. ' on her last vu'age of the sea-orl , mal ,
; In\ ! the run In seven days. tweivi
\ hours alld twen'y-four minutes , ' 1'111
r Germanic will r ( < tul'll to Liverpool alii
lav up In l'eserve to await. the lutl1l'l
t dlspnooltlon : of thH'l'SS I' I lIel' slst1
ship , the Hr ttanlc' was 1'0'c1 rt'Cf' II I 1.1
j to he bro en np. 'I'he G"I'manlc lIal
been [ { 'l'en tly overlauled tu meet tht
j s'line fate.
1i 1 i Servin Badly Unsettled.
Belgrade , 8ervla , Sept. 5-A num
bel' of ol11cerli of the NI.h and othe
garrlsolJs in H ( 1'\'la have been arrestel
in connection wI th the Issuance of t hi
' proclamation demandln the tria
I' : by court-martial of the conspirator
I .who were concerned In the assasslna
linn ot King A lexllOder , Queen Draj : .
I. and their mlnlst } ' ) ' , and threatenln
I to resl n their commission It the dl
-nand was refused.
. . . . . . ' ' , -
- - -
- - - - -
Grand Island , Nebr. , Sept. 7.-Wbat
Is considered as an attempt at kidnapping -
ping , or a worse fate for the little one ,
'or ' the action of some half.wlttcd person -
son , caus.d considerable excitement
In this clt ' yesterday. On t\le previous -
vious evening the little el l1'-year.old
dlluglHcr of Mr. and Mrs , McAllister
was forcibly dragged away from In
front of her father's store , taken
through an alley , Bnd only released
when her cries were presumed by the
criminal to attract attention , when
she ran back to tne store unharmed
with the exception that her little nrm
plainly IlIdlcated the force the man
had used.
'l'he little clrl had come down town
with her mother at nine o'clo k In the
evenln to get hcr fath r wlw maintains -
tains a fruit stand , and take him hOllle
In the carriage , 'l'ne ' father was not
at once ready to go home and I 1'5 , 1'1c-
Allister hitched and went Into the
store. The daughter stood on the
outside of the do , r , leanlnl ! against It ,
, when a man walled up and took her
by the hand , leading l1f'r away , She
was at Urst not alarmed , thinking the
man was playlnJ. ! with her. Hut
when he maele for across the street
and the opening uf a alley she became !
Crlghtencr ! . and particularly so wilen
upon ellteriJ the alley he told Iler
she would never see her Cather and
ml ht just as well con1e alon quietly ,
'l'he little girl tngr.ed : away with all
her little sllength and the man tool , a
firmer hold on her upper arm , dra -
gin ! , ! her into tIll } alley. She then
be/Jan / to scream and her captor let go
of the arm and mad for the mil- .
road traeks , ' 1'he little g l'1 runnln
back throu h the alley and to the
store , 'I'lle father and others had by
Ihls llme , missed hel' and had set out
to luo c for hel' . They returned to
the viciliity 01' the store Immediately
after thp. 1(11'1 ( had I'otnrned and at
once gave the alarm. The rallroall
men were gl ren nollce and as much
uf a des ription a" tile little girl was
able to gh'e , but the olrencJer has 1\1 t ,
been apprehended , Charles Russel ,
an empluye of Ilu Koehler hOlel , was
arrested but not. . .Identilled by the
little girl , and the tlstimony of his
fellow ' ' that he
emplo'es'inc1icates was
III ued at the time the crl me occmcr/ .
Bussel was glren a severe sweating
process , the po'icc first believlnl. ! they
had the rl ht man , 'fhe Kuchler
hotelltitchen duor Is close to the alley
through which Ihe man ran , After a
thorough inves Igatlon It is concuded !
by the police t hat the man Is Inno-I
cent and that I t was the act of some !
Greek BOYs Arc sold.
Kalamazoo , Mich. , Sepl , 7.-Antho-
ny Demers , proprietor of shoe shl- ) '
Ing stand , confesged that he pall $ joY
for Nicholas Demogf.eor. ( a Greek boy' '
thirteen years old , who ran away from
him Thurday. D mer" was "sweated"
and hi revela ! Ion of a system of child
p .onage Collowtd ,
Every year boys arc being picked up
In the st ! ets of GJ"eek ; cities and sold
In this country , 'rhe purchasers pay
flom 50 to $75 Cor a 5 or ( j year old
hy for the tlrst year. Tile ser.ond
year the price is ad vanced : ! 25 , .Each
succeeding year a small advance Is
mode until the boy Is of age. Then
the purchasel' must take his chances
with his purchasl'
Anthony Demers an t a brothel' ,
Alex , arc at the Iead of a shoesl1ln
Ing orani7.atlon which operates shoe-
. shining parlors In Kalama7.Uo , Battle
\ Creek , Jackson , tiuuLh Bend , St. .10-
seph , Benton Barhlr , Detroit. . and
: Chlcago.
< < : With possibly two exceptions , the
Iworle of polllhin shoes Is at , done by
'Greek b IYS whose ages range fro n live
: to elgh teen yea rs. The hoys arc
shown how tooHsh \ shoes ancI a lowed
Ito pick up all the Ell lIsh they can ,
'rhere their education ends , nemug-
I 'gear ran away ( In aceount of abuse ,
. 'fhe Immlgl'dtlon comml SIJllel' .
: have been coml1nlcated with ancl ar-
: , I . re"ls are likely to follow.
I Score Vjr lnla ( lovernJr
I ' Riohmoml , Va. , Sept , 7-An In
dlgnatlon meeting of abouL fiUO cltl ,
zens at Chase lIty Faturday adopted
re.olutlons : harshly call In ! ! the govern'
01' to nceount for respiting the thlrt )
I days "Dr" Baroflcolored , condClnnel ]
. I , to be hanged with Adclerson FIIIChl
who was execut.d last Tuesday for ar
attempt at asault upon a lady lIvln
'near ' Chtse City. 'l'he resolutions
I 'amonH' ' other t.hlnf.d ( , Implore t.he ov.
ernor "not to make It neces'ary fol
good dtl7ens to take the law 11111
theil' own hands for the procctlun IJ
, their \\ves ! aud chl'dren '
I Glrll ! Ur owned In Pond
Albany , , y , Sept , i.-Three girt
trom the t. Joseph Industrial "chool
an Instil Ul Ion for orphans , wel'l
drowned In a pond Ir. St. Agnej ; ceme
tacy here Four girls from 'ile schoo
were having an outln , They fOUfll
"ul11e planks and made a raft , 'l'h
[ L
frail thin\ \ ! sank with them In deul
. \ wuter. Man' O'Urlell , aged nlneleen
Grace Bums , elJ.htecl1 ! , and Maml
, Green , lghteeu\\ore the ones drownel
. . _ _ Of _ . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . -"L.- . ' . . ' . . . - " u - . . . ,
- - -
, -
. ,
. ; ; f.f. . : . - ! .
REVOLT . . . . . . .
- . t.
. . -
. . . . : : . : ; - : t-r.t. : a.-- : : ; :
" 'nl'k of Arlll RII11lIIlIIlIlIltlon nre
nl'llIl ; CmlI.I'utl'll h , . the It , . .
ullltlulIIMIII ,
New York , Sept. 2.-'fravelers from' '
p , nan1l\ report the Isthmus alight ,
with II res of a new revolution , accordIng - ,
' ' dl from San ,
Ing to a 'L'lmes patch ,
J Jse , Costa Rica , ' 1'11U Indians ha'e
, t1'Iseu and the Inlo fol ewers or Gcn.
Uenjamln Herrera arc musterln In
the mOllntaln villages preplLrntory to
! Iolnlng an oranlzelt ! , [ In'olt. caused oYI
the rejecllon of the ! 'anama canal
tr aty ,
nun Ireds of stacls of arl11 confis ,
j < Lte , hy the Coll1mlJlan go\'ernmenl \ at
lie close of till' late revolullon , have
leappearcd from somc mysterious
) u' , e. With thp. arms l1es IIlIImunl-
lIun frc"h fl'om factorll s , showing the
movement Is not spasmodic , hut
carefully p1anlled ,
'l'ravelers I'rm Panama to Plonta
, \ rcns say that In Panama It H rr-
p Irtrd tha.t General lIel'l"em has dl , .
IIPPl'ared I'ro1l1 his hOll1o n ar BOrota ! :
and Its presumed to lie on his way tu
the l'itl1mus ,
If this IS twe Herrera probably will
19a1n assume command or the revo
lutlonary forCl's ami cast his lot with
the isthlluslpe'peas , his In-
t mtlon had till' late revolution trrm-
Inated In fa\'or of the liberal party.
Gen Vlctonlan Lorenzo , who was
l.In fshed to Coucall artel the /Surrcn- /
rIer of the 1\lIel'al \ forcls last December -
ber has escapN ) alld Is preslJmLd to tIC
In the marshes mal\ln IJlsay back
lo 111e Isthmus. Lo en7.t ) had ; ,000
Indians In his lollowlng , ami It. Is be-
lIevcd he will hLVe : little dltllculty In
l\IJying the 0111 forces I r he succeed
JI making his way back to San Carlos
or tony contlguou point.
From Chorrel'ra comes the r < , porl
that he Is Itl that localIty musterlnl !
the Indl ns. At Boujoulm Colonel
Alcuca Is in command of well mob , forces , .
D spatches from a Bogot'L corr. '
pOlJden' , sa.ys a Panama dispatch te
the Heralu , aeclare 'that t'le PlIIama
canal treat.y . was Jejected In the ! ! enatc
btcauso ! of the Imperative nature 01
the notes recrl vetl from Secretary 01
tate lIay and Uni ed Sm'es Minister
eallpre , These notes , the corresoon.
dent dcclares , were re al ded as oc ,
The naln que\'lon ! now JlsCtIRl ed I
whether the nlted States will b
willing to entpr Into nelZotlations 01
will simply leti the matter drop and
take lip the Nicaragua route ,
It was aftm the tr aty was rejectpd
exchane ! wept up'o 12,000 pOl' cenl
- - - - -
Terrible Dlsense In < " : UDn
Sew York , S pl 2-\tenaced : hV r
disease which has hat1l'd ' the hesl
medical skill of the Island the hea1t1
dl'parlment ollleials of Cuba ha ve I'IJ
p'led ' to the authorities of Columbl :
u , Iversltv and .Jelf"lson medical ro'
lege of Philidelphin. fOI air ! III detcr
mining the lIalllle or the disease ,
The most emlnenl , ) JaLholdglsLs anI
ua 'terlologlsts of . InstItution
ure workill In conjulldlon wit.h th
medl al I1l1thol it.les Of the lIIar'lI
hospital and ruhllo health depart
ment , In an elfort to c1etel'lnlne tli
nature of the disease' A I details II
the lu\'estlJaLJon ale refnsed.
'J'hedlsease In many of the syml
tons re.ellJble" the hnbollic ) Jlagm
hut it Is said to he IIIOl'e swift III It
) Jro ress , and more deadls In Its 1'1
fects , It Iltst appeared sonle 1/Ioolf /
a o In the Isolated town oC Dalq\llrl \
province of Hantlago Men rmploye
In the Iron mines In that locallt
were allected , 'the dl ea'e dil1'nc
yie'd to treatment and tile lIIol'tallt
was tea'r ' ) than In yellow fever ( j
an ) ' 1Indred disease.
A merlca Coins Po reign 'Money. '
Venezuela will have coilled at tt :
, I1hlladn'Jh ) la 111 In t 4OUO.UO ' , hl,11 , \ \ :
In silver. A bolivar Isort ! . J. }
COllts , anll Its name Is pr IIIOUIH'C
1Io.lre.\'er , with the accent on 1I
middle s 'lIahle.
- - " -
l.ooldl1g for Il1dlctmens
Washllllton , Sept , 2A numler I
the Illspectors who have bt'cil In\'e
tlgatlng the alT IIrS of the ollIce oC tl
assIstant attorney enerJI fur tI
, postlllllce departlllent were In ( ' 01
sultatlon today with AsslsLar
United States Attorney 'l'a a
I relard Ing postal matters heCore tl
rand jnry. Altl llUgh It Is possllJ
that the jury may rcach an
I mt'nt to return one or more incIlc
mOllts auy d lY , It Is nnt nllw untie
L paled that t.he decision of the ) UI
will be IF-ported before Friday ,
- L. . . . _ ' . . . . " . . . . . "U" . . ,
- . . . .A.T.Imt3 _ . . . .
- - -
Oyster Bay , rJ. I. Sept , 3-A man
1\'lnlt his name nc ; Honr ) ' Wtllbreller !
was arrested at Sagamoro II III late
; \Ionday . white making a per-I
sl..tanL demalld to see President :
Hoos.velt , 'fhe man was nrmed with
a re.lver : , fully IOlded , ire was taken
to the , 'lI1age and placed 111 the town
Shortly aCter 10 o'olock Monday
nljtht Welbrenner drove to SaKamoro
11111 In a phl\eton hug y. 110 was
s'opped by the S'Cl'et service opera-
th'e on dnty.'ul1bronnor \ sa. d ho had
a IH'NJtnl engagement with the presIdent -
Ident ami desired to see him. As It
was lon after the heurs when \'Is-
Itors were received , the oOlcor dc-
cllned 10 perm I t him t 0 ( ) to the
hOIl e , the mall Inslstel , but the
ot1\cer \ ttll'ned him away.
Suon at'lcl'l\'ard Wellbrenner re-
tUrtleI ( , and agalu Insisted that he bo
allowed to see the presldcllt , If only
10rL : minute. This time he waft or-
dl'I'ed awa ) ' and warned not to roturn.
, /IHt / before q u'clock t he man re-
tlllncd a third tlmo aUlI demanded of
the ollIcer that h . shuuld be permitted
to see the president at once. 'rho :
olllcer's : eSIonSe was to tale the man
fl'Om.h s bll gy and put him In the
sta1l1l's ' , where lIe W < lS placed under
tlto guard of two ta letllcn. Arc-
roh'er was found In the buggy. Later
Wellhrenner was hrought to the vII-
1.lgo . and loced ! upg 110 Is live feet ,
, eight Inchl's hi h , twenty-eight ) 'curs
of age , hilS a mel1UIl1 ! sl7.ed dark mustache -
tache , IJ acl < eyes and evidently Is of i
Gerll1all descent , 110 resides In Sy.
: oRset , about live ! ml es In'al1l from
o ys ter Bay. 11 P. was well dressed In
a suit of dark n1l\torlal and wre an
old-Cas loned dlchy ! hat. . It Is thuu lltj
bv the olllcers Ihat , Wellbl'enner was
accompanied l\r two OtillCl' men , as
thclr footprint ! ; were found In the
mud alongsh1e of the bu gy trac's.
III view or tills fact thn ol1lcer on duty
telephoned t ) the \'Illage f JI' aslslauce
an was soon joined by two other sec-
r < Jt service "WI1
While Wellbrenner talked rationally -
ally to lhe ul11ccrs l\Jondil ' nl ht. it
sCjms : ! evldcnt fl'OlI1 his cOl1versa1\ol1 \
today that he Is demented , II e said
that he had received telej.raphlc com-
l11unlciltlol1 from the ( ) ) 'thldent dl-
rectlng him to ciLIl at Sagamore JIIlI.
Ills IJng y was taleen to the 10cl\1 IIv-
ory harn
When asled what hud become of
the li , Welldbrenner replied :
10h , the prcsldent hes taleen care of
Iti 'hlt'S all right"
Welldbrcnl1er is regarded by those
who had seen him to e 11 dangerous
At S ) osset I t Is learncd that the
man IS the ! Ion of a truck farmer , and
Is one of three bml hers , He has t0
. sisters , 1'he family Is respectable
and Is laeld In general esteem.
Welld brenner , several years ago , had
a nervous a tack which rendered him
mentally helpless 11'1' a day or two , but
his family supposed that he had heen
quite restore I by medical treatment
he recelvcd at that time. Since then
'I he had manifested no symptoms of
mental ab eratlon. He had no s'lclal-
Istlc or ana.rchlstic tendencl J , so far
I as kno'\'n , neer IH\vlng been Inter-
j' es'ed In any ques Ion . of the kind. lie
wa. " emplo'ed daily on his father s
Wel renner was arral ned today
heforel1stlce / Pranklln on comp alnt
of the secret 0 vice operatlyes who
p'aced him uader arrest. Wellbren _
ner's brother W 111111.111 was preseu t at
1 the examination.
.J u"tlce 1'raOldln , It U"stloned the
- prisoner about his movements last ( His repllcs were made In a
qniet tone of volcp , but they Indicated.
appat'l'lItly he'ollll a douht. , tlmt the
man Is crazy
Wllel1 a"I.d why he went to Saga-
more III I. Ite replied :
- . ' I went to see the president about
his rlfluuhter Alke"
"IIaci'ou , an engagement with the
f pr sirJe. t' "
"Yrs , "
, I/ow / was t.he . enla cment madt ? "
"I talla'd with Ule president last
nl hL. " rf'plll'd'ellhrenner ,
" How did YOIl tltlk with him ? "
, Oil , J just talq'd "
'IA sort , or a wlmess ) tall" was It ? "
y"s , that Is IT , a wlrcl's talk. "
"Why old you want to see the pre ! ) ,
Iden t a I-Jou t lIss A lice ? "
"Iante,1 , to marry her , "
IIniel rou ever Ree1lss : Hoe < ; c\'elt ? "
uYf'H , I aw her nlht ! hcl'ore last , "
"Yes , I saw IlI'r nlghl , he fore last. ' :
hWllpre d III you see her ? "
I' A t , my home , "
II Did hhe ' "
o OVCI' thore.
uYesshf'came 1'1 ' a rrd autonlO lle. '
"Who accolIJpanled hel ? "
10 "lIl'r br ther 'J'hroduro. "
rii .Justlce Franklin after the examilla.
d Lion , conclnded he wou'd ho dWell
hrenner tllllil an ItIlJuirv of lunac )
id cllull lie helll upon his case , ' 1'I1e cx
IC amlnatlon then was p'Jstp ' med IInti
' ' 'recl , 011 A. T , & S. P.
) t Ent rprlRc , Kan" ept. , . - Asp" .
sclal fre ht train on the A tchlsun
10 Topeka l Santa I < 'e railway can'Jlnl
10 t.hlrteen passen ers In the cabuosl'
11- backed Into an open switch here
It } . 'Ive cars of merchandise and the ca
rt boose were wrecked. ' 1'hreo passen
1e er9 were seriously hurt"ll's : , ; \1111111
e GlaRro , Kan , foot , ( 'ut und heal
e. hrulsed : .fo eph Kocllll1over , lIope
tKan. . . collar hone hroken and Intorrt
I , Inlul'/rR. / may clle : lIenry Kandt , Wood
r1 bln , Kan. , arm Injurcd.
' : . ' . . . ! .i..Aoi.j ! " - . . . . . . . . , ' 101 \ ' " " - . . : _ . . . .
- . . . -
- -
- -
- -
8I'I'I'I"cnhr ' IIII"h 11"tn by fce"ll'r R
ht ) HIII'I , . 'rhrun'h the l""I- nII
" 'h'el 1\1 1.lIst VUIIIII.
! \tW York , Sept. " . - Itellance , the
A 1I1el'lcan cllpllefendor , yeftlorday won
the third ami IImll race and the serloB
for that fa mOils sea trophy , the 1\l11or-
Ica'A Clip. In a dense fo , whicil prevented -
vented vlalon he'onll 200 ) 'a1'lls , Rhe
tlnlshcd till ; : ce at Ci:3U:0 : : amid tlte I
I\cola mttlonl [ > of lhe assem bled l1eet. .
Slmllll'Oel { Ill , after ntlllllllg for
moro than an hour III the fog' , miss.ed
tlte IInlsll IIno , p:1s'ied : ' hy I I , nail I then
retul'l1ed to It frum the opposite dl-
rcctlon , As ltelltLnce wa then being
towce ! through the tlcet , yacht , ensl ns
lIuttercd from her truel , an,1 spreaders
In celehrat 1011 or Iter'Ictory. . Sham-
l'ocle III did not cross the IInlsh line.
AS often said of of the hlitorlc : mce
wllel ! the \ lIIerlca won the cup ,
there was no SOCOIII. (
'rills successfulrelult ! was ach eved
only afTer four futile attemp s to sail
ulf the IInal mco and aflOl' the ont-
come 1m I becn adml. . tcll hy even Sir
Thomas 1 1 pton tel be a foregone con-
Ministers cnlled To eth 'r.
SullSept. . .I.-A ( 'ouncll IJreRlde,1
O\'er by Prince 1'erdIlHllld anll attendee -
tendee ! ' by the IlI'cmler and minlslcl' . . .
ff Interior. war and jllsllco was Itelll
Ilt the pa. acl. : III I uxir. ( ) tul : nea l' Val'-
nil , yesterday II dellnlle news was
receh'ed today regarding tlIo , opel'-
al Ions of t. ! ) ( , I nsu fI.'en ts across the
frontier , Bands v.1rylng In st l'cngth
no dally passin ! ! over the hOl' el' .
'rhe insurgent general slall Itas Is.
mce ! a prUllillJatlolJ tlJrlJugllOu t Iac-
edopla askin for the wPl10rt of the
" , hole popull\Llon alld plllntln out
that the re\'oltltl'Imrlcs are not lI ht.
Inl ! for a nelgltltorln pr.wel' , lIut. COI
hunnn rl hL5.
More lighting Is repurted from the
istrlct of DLJrlle. 'I'ho ' ( 'urles attack-
2d the revJlut.tfJllilrl Co" al the villuge
) f Dlmberl ane ! both sIdes sulfercd
hea.vy losses Cl.'llIl1anv or AllJanlarl
troops p3sln through the valley ot
Kltschoro was SllLlIllhtcred by revolutionaries -
tionaries ' 1'110 'l'urk loh troops recent ,
Iy made an at t.IIIJ ! pI. to talco a pass
occupied hy IlIImr l'n1.6 throu h tll (
valley of the Siltesk river , hut. were with grea.t loss.
Fight With Insurrector- "
Manila. Sept , 4.-The J 010 constat )
1Iiary has been In conntct. . with a bodJ
rl' ' Insurrectos in tbo pflvince ot CII. '
vi te , near the Lagnna do Bani , ane
killed twenty of them during a shan
! ! ngagement. 'l'he constabulary hac
Dne man killed durln the light. Ro.
Inforcemonts havc already left Manlll
for the scene of the disturbance tl
: ; ubdue thl ! IIJ5urgents , who havi
taken up a strong position In thl
mounta1l1s which Hank Laguna.
'rhe executlva council for the MOl'l
province hnH been orlmnlz d In accord
ance with till' hili recently pas..ed b ,
the .Phillpine 1'1IIlI1lsslon provldinl
for the government of the } \uro [
' 1'hls council Ib cum posed uf tL & : o
eruor , secrotary'nglneerattorney an ,
superintendent of l'Iehools
Mnlee Ready ( or Argument.
.London , Sept , -'rho Alaska
boundary commsssioncrs : held thel
IIl'st meelln ) 'csterday In the cor
ference room of Lhe foreign ol1lce.
l'rior to the lormer asscrn llng tlJ
cornllll.slonels ! met In their pri\'at
c nfcrence room and sel. ctod HeLlnal
'I' . To'er of , the British diplomat !
service , formerty at tachell to tI :
1ef.lslation ( at'ashln lon , and recen
, Iy mlnlslcr to Slam. to be secret < 1ry (
the commission. ' .J , It CarleI' , s"
oml secretary of the Unltcd : ; : atl
, emhassy , and Mr , Pupe , a represent :
tlvo of tile Canadian go\'ernmnll
were appulnted as the secrctarie
: LOrrJ Chief J lIstice Al verstlne . . . . .1
, subsequrntly chosen chairman of tI :
COIIIUiJl > slllll ,
It was 'nnnollnced oral ar ulJlelJ
\II oultl CIIIIIIIJellCO September Iii.
Vict m of Loop The Loop ,
Sl. Pitul , Sept. . .J.'rho "loop tl
lop" ( 1 ebho.\'at. the fall' grourH
, claimed Its sccond victim ThurtJ a
, afternoon , I'rank I"u I 1.111 , the late !
man to try the dangerO\bexpl'rlmen
- was Injured andlIllLY die. ' 1'he opel
atorcul'h hImself Itlillie ! a lar o ba
"hll'il rolls down IL 1111 g chute al
around the loop , Toda v I lie ball III nil
the loop nil right and went halt WI
ILl'Oulld when II , fell , strlklnJ , : the Ire
raftel'H at. Ule bottom and burstopen ,
\ . \01& _ . ' _ . . , : : a.'IL it. . . . ; . . ,
l . _ _ jfIi
Nebraska 8oies ;
MI'l. ! ' Jtlmcs MorrlA died ' ! 'l1uIsdny
n ght ut Juhtll towl1 , nfter a short , )
'l'he Oass county prohl ltlon con-
\'entlon will he hold In Weel1lntt
Wa tOT , SeptelU bel' 5.
' 1'ho : ' second district Judicial tlcptt -
lIean convontlon will be hold 111 Nob-
r.191m Ulty next Tuesdny.
James Blair. who squalted cn tbo
site of Linwood , Nebr" May 10Lh , 185S ,
celebrated his soventy-t1.1st birthday.
Dr , J. n , Oarnes , stith. ! buperln-
telHlont ot the Anti-saloon lenlotue .
has or nnlzed a lelltuo : 1t r.1pllllun. i
Mat MelJhnly has been'IIPlIclnted
Postmaster Ilt Slocum , Holt count ) ' ,
I II pillce of I L. Erb , who 11\1.5 \ bcen
II II It ,
. "
1'he It'cddlug or JohnW. Uelldthk :
and M ISi Hn7el lJ' , Ol1nlrunt oecurcd ,
at , the homo uf the btlde'f.I pl\rent at . i. ;
IIII'I'a ) ' rJllIrsrlay o\'enlUK 1
II * * '
( icorge ( 'ostor. 7 ( ' ye us lit nle died
: tt j l'arllf'.V ) 'cRterdny. 110 had oulfor- '
cd ft'OIIl 'h'op oy for the last sixteen
UJIIU th1.
. . iI' . ' . '
IIIHOld s iilth , 11 Wahtlo lao , was
huvcd ( rolll II coal shod upon which
ho was plll'lng. . hy bls sistoI' l1ud I
1)1'1 klIt is II rm ,
It ' * ' (
A eOtllllCl.I lre examInation tor the
IpjlOlnlment of a cadet to the mill-
illry IwalolllV ! at West llolnt. Is beln
1eld Ill , ! J asllnHs
< < - * it
, TIIII1I'S Ollila , , "ay of Kenrllev was ad-
IIlhwd IIISIIIIO and lal\cn t.o Lho I sy 11111
.t 1lncoln y stl'l'lay. ( lIe " ' < 13VII [ -
\I'd liver rell IOug tll\u\1les. \ , .
* * ! I-
: Henry n. Orlm s , an HHCd cltll.Cn : "
, f PlaW3I\IOut.h , died' Sunday , lIe
l'avelod rn , I : Ohlcago linn' twcnty- - ' . . ,
lvo yel1ls. ,
. * .
HlIIglarf , orltercdVlJlltul \ cr's reo.
nlllanl atlohl / , Id e last night , I ; '
lecurln$10 III 1II00HlY alld ah mt $2. : . .
\'orth uf pi p'e& to\accl \ atHl other ,
nerchandlso ; .
' " II It
'l'he Sons l llet'll1an at. . Norfulk
ast evenlll tendolc,1 , Il balHluet tel
Daniel , I. Kocnigslelll , lorlller randr I
mstee , \ \ ho fell \'e f'lr ' 1us A IIgeles , I
. Jal.
* * oil
"OIiI h IIn rcd tell t'l ! ' ha ve been er- ,
relell amI several hUlldred more nrol
J lelnc held In reser\'o at IIl1stlnjts tor :
lie s'ate reulIul of the G. A. R _ "
J . . ! I II , \
' 1 ho city Cldlllcil or : NorColk , hy.
I means ( If a twcer , has lust loeatedl .
a car load of hrldgo lumber that hartl J
becn ordel'ed. In a ditch III Mlnnesotal f ;
. 'l'he II1mbel had been In a railroad' ' ! , :
'Nreek' .
It < < It I ; . !
, 'l'l1e Nlcholos COlluty 'L'cnchers' In- 1 !
stltuto , which has bl'en In sessloD at' ' I
Nelson. with 121 teachers In attend-I I
anco , clo\l.d ! : ! : atllrdl1 ' c'Ionlng with' '
. an address tJY Deputy Htate Supcrln-
, eudent.1. , I. McBrien. I
- II' II' i-
I 1\IIss neur.cca Wilson , v.ce president -
dent ot the ( lrst district ot the .Neb- ,
rnslca Federntlon 11' Woman's clu ,
IS dead. IIer I uneml was beld at
( tall. , 01 ty last Sunday.
* * *
l , Stockham matJa er of the Up-
(11110 ( Gralll eur'tipany at Wahoo , wal .
tlliten 111 lust wJCk with appelldlcltls. . t
: > 1111'1 was tulcon to Omaha tu un- .
r , ' ln oper Itlon , .
* * It J
, . \fter IIvlll t ) lrty-"ve years ncar
: : frem'Jnt , Will I a 111 lJlllrmn wi 1 ta ( O J
. rIfle on the carr. . He Is ( ) lnl1t to
II Call forula :11)(1 : ( he hus : not been behInd - {
hInd 0Etel : ' , lIIaohlno ' .IlnC& comlnJ. {
to the stilt. ; , . < Ii .
: t of : : .r
n fhe Ncbmska 9tato Jj'al1 marlDglrs ! t
l' d my the rUIII'J' that (1resccus will 1
I1I0t. . 1J\1 one of tlte attract.lohs this
Ytmr : saylul. : they hUV6 11 . .rlltpn j
IC e IIItwct th'lt the horse will give an ,
xlllbllhlri mile u alnst tlnH , . iII i
II * *
Johll nush of Omaha wa& In LtD- f
coin \'sterday seelclug IIIformllllon
relatlvr Lo the wherraboutH ot his
( , fam's lieuy. who dls
I1fJJI"urerl fro III IIIE ; In Ol1.laha.
.I , IIgllst'U 'j'
* II *
I lIneJ Itusel or St .F.d ward , cl ob.
WIIS uoun liver to the district court
yesterday 011 tile char e of Incrst.
He Is alleged to he : clrnally Imuwn
hl JG-year.old clll'l hter dllrln the
past year ! Jlr' wIre caused It Is ar-
l s '
rCRt .
* II *
'l'he Nelrn.ka ) Hethr.l1l.t , onteren-
Ie ces will he held 'as fulo\Vs. ; At Val- ,
Is ontlne , R pLIJlIJuer vi Llneoln. Sep-
, v tembllr lU : Vrelllunt , lptcmher ! 23i .
t Le\"tfl toll Seplernher o
* * < <
t ,
r 'J'he ' Gagt. lunty Imll1tutl' Ii In
II session at the tJlgh Hchool IJIIlhtltJl1 :
III lit Beatrice. Yesterday I'l'l' lrleut.
Jk Clcmmons oi tli : ! l fOlll1ll t normal
LY IInd Deputy Slate SUIIC'llItld Dt
JI1 lito Brien delh'crcrl adllrc ! , ( ! S. A
. larloe : number of teuchels an' I11enl. '
_ , ' . . . " I _ U _ _ , . . ! . ' _ _ .
_ ' : " l . . . . .a ,