' " . , . " ' . - " . . . . . . , . . . " . , ; . ; . " . . . . . : : ' ! " . . . , . , " ! . . . . . . _ . _ . . . " : . , I , ' ' " , . ; " " " " " , ' ' ' ' _ . . . . " 'j' ' " " , I ' \ , 1w . . ' 'I. " . ' . . . . . . . . . . " ' " " , . 'f. . . , . . . - . . , ' , . , . , , ' . . . . . , . , / . . . . . I : , , USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN , . . . I S'1'ABLISJIED 1882. 'l'IIE OIi'FICIAI4 PAPEH OIi' CUS'1'EI COUN'l'Y. T ARGI S'l' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUN'J'Y. . : - : - : VOL XXII. I BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER lO,1903--EIGHT , PAGES. NO,13. I _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - - I - I ( , _ _ , . . . . . . - : ' " . : . . . f , iI\ : , ; .Jrl ' - - t Y J. ' . , : /10 ; ; , , , : : r. ' . ; : r J. : " " ' , ' > r/i" ' : ' . ; J 11 . , . , , --7 < " ' ; ' 11' : . t : : - ' ' I fj . , " ' . . . . . \1/1. I . \ , 'i" . "Z" " " iJ 11 ; ' I , & , , ( ) 'l ) ! Jr , , ' \j'\ ! { ' ' ' , ' " ; Ii ' . \ ' . . " ' ' , .r. , : - ' r.a. ' ' ' ' I I " 't-t' ' : > : : ' ' I' , I ' : . _ ' . \ ; - \ filL _ - \ . ' " \ ' \ , , /,1 , ' : , r' " - - ' ! / 1/ ( ' ' \ \ ! J 1/ ' " 11 ' " , . - - - - J The Before t1nd After illea is usel } consilerablc } , uut it illu ! trates the way some see a . persou before and aftcr wc have : lIIa e a 00(1 ( pair of r : : ! I " Th. " ' ' O . ' w the 1II0st important , still , the fillin should bc carefully enc as it is I herc.011 can havc any killll of clips you want bllt we re ( ' . ' ommellll the Anchor for most \ people. I J \ 1 . . . . , . - - - - . . School B nks , 'I' * . ? .1' a\es \ t { t ' . -ANn-- ! - . 'I' ? : > r- Sc.hoot Supplies , ! ' 1' 1'k ' 1' * -AT--- . ' ) 1' .J. G. hne h t' I. . - ' " . . . . . . . . - r 8- ' , There's Money In It. Thc expericnccil bllsiness lIIall S will tell yuu that thc ouly safc way1 to kecp moncy is ill a ballk. It S 8 can then he IIgclI by the owner , hy N means of checks , but is not at the S i-posal of an ) ' olher pelson. A S 8 lmnk account and a check book o facllitatcs all business transactions 8 ill\'o\'ing ! the pa'lIIent of monc ) ' , ' 'fhe , S Custer Natlonal Bank is a strou institution al\l } solicits 8 your accounts. H. LOMAX , Cashier. ) " .r.r..r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r/.rJ".r.r.r.r.r.A - : : : : : : : : : : : : m 11A. . Amsocrry and wife were \'i iting the Fair"l'lnirsda ) ' . ' [ lhis ot ice aclctlowledles a , . fril'llllly call fr'om.Jl\Irs , 'l' . J. W 0011 of I ason City. li'rillay. , I. C. Predmore Was a city vis- itor'I'hursday. lIe reports that Wl'st Unilln precinct is all righ t. \lr' ; . Henderson of Lalce couu- ty , Indiaua , is v siting. in the city with her parents , Mr. and r-.11s. Cha . TIipsley. l uemont Pigman , who has heen'isiting in the vidnity of Gihbon for lhe past six weeks returned - turned home 'l'h ursda ) ' . . I J. O. Jackson , Guy Frazier an Nels Anderson were amoug the I1llmher up from Mason City - , ' ) ' 1IurSday , attending' the li'air. I ra and Blanch Hunyan of MaRon City , attended the Ii'ail' la t ' ) 'hursday. 'J'her' were accompanied - companied b ) ' Mr. aud Miss HUIl1l'ry. C. C. Bacon of T4ake county , Indiana , arrivcd in the cit ) ' Monday - day night on a visit with hi uuclc. Chas. IIipsle ) ' . 'l'his of- lice ac1mowlelge a friendly call. li'rank and Nellie Amsbcrry came up from Mason City li'riday on a'isi t. 'rhey were accom- putied ; by li'red McCombc of Buffalo , \Vest Virginia. 'l'hey returned home Sunday. . n. g. Cadwell's IIerfor bull carried of Swdepstakes at the County Fair last week. Ed. is i justlY proud of this as he had to comj > ete with some of the oest horthorns the country produces. Andrew Horn and wife , who ha\'e heen located \Voodbine , Iowa , for some time where Mr. Horn had a barber shop , have returned - turned to Brol n Bow with the view of making their home hero. Mr. Horn will work in Jake John- . son' harber shop , t . . . . ' r \If' We Try * To Please ur Customers. ili . It' : ' ) 'JT A'I' is why we sell strict- I Iy high grade unadult- : : : I" " erated drugs. ' " 'rIT A'l' is why our priccs are III so re sonable , and It' , I " : t ' ) 'JIA' ! ' is why we are care- I II' ful 'u1d accurate I'll I I' ' " "I I fill i ng prescri ptions. : : : : III . III II' ! 1(1. : ( Vlc ( O MAS ] . If' . , " URUCCIST. ' " t iJ JJ JJ J J JJ JJ ) , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P' NS.q . . .WAC NS. . . \ \ ' p hayp just l'\'pivpd : \ ( 'nl' load of till' I'plpbl'uted _ . : _ - , - - " OLD HICKORY KENTUCKY WAGONS ! \ \ ' l' ha n' hOllg'ht thcsl' wagons pn1'1y , Hnd Hre in IWHifion to wll YOII \Vag'on sevel'lll c1011nI'H hiss thnll t 1) ) ( ' mal'kpt l'i'p. ) ( 'ull nlld HPt' mt' . Acme 5-Foot Mowers , $35.00. This iH n hig'h gTlldp n1OW1' and WlJH nIl OYPI' tlw Htatp I'm'15.0U ensh. \ \ ' " lU'n ng'nnts for the I A lilt IIInn & 'l'nylol' ' ) 'hI'Pslwl'---.hol'sP pownl' 01' stpnm , l'ng'inPH. \ \ ' ( ' a Iso I1n\(1 till' 1\'nH' Hwcep and Btackel's I and tlw J ) anl' t\\Il' } ) and HtnekerR. . I . . . . PEORIA COI N SHELLERS , ,1. , BlIg'g'il'S'ng'onH , HIU'dwlU'P , Htppi Hnng s , Hnd- clips , nnd , Ilnl'1H'SS. Lnl'g'llsl' linll in town. - ( G. W. Apple. I \ . . . . . . . , .a. . : ? - - - Jas. I < 'airl cld of Mason City , wat in thc city 'l'hursda ) ' . D'ron GIO\'cr \Veisscrt , wag tal < 1ng in thc fair 'l'hursday. ' 1' . C. H. Bayerhofier of CURtcr , waR a city visitor 'l'hursday. A. Ioore of Ca11awa ) ' , was athollg the city \'isitors 'l'hurs- day. Senator Curric of Sargent , I visited the coullty fair 'l'hurs- : ay. ay.Jas. Jas. Chittick of Etna , was in the city ' ' 1'1I11t'9daaUt'nding the fair. J. G. Hogue of Merna , ca11ed li'riday and had his namc enroll- for the HHl'uur.ICAN. J. J , Douglass of Ca11away , was in the city several days ' last week taking in the fair. Jules IIaumont of Elton , was in the city se\'eraJ days last week I attcnding the county fair. P. H. MlInk was awarled ; first premium on his Duroc Jcrse ) ' Sow at the County li'airlast week. G. E , Cadwell got first premium on a Duroc male pigat the County li'air last week and first on Duroc sow and pigs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bridges of Cambria , Iowa , are \'isiting in the city with their daughter , Mrs. Chas. Garton. C. I . Gandy and wife rcturned Monday morn1l1g from , Hastings , whcre the ) ' havc been attending the Old Soldiers rcunion. Miss Madge Kay left last Friday - day morning for Perue , where she wilt take a two years course in the State Normal School. Mrs.Villis Cadwell and chil- drcn , who havc been visiting in Illinois for the past two months , returned home last Thursda.r. B , J. 'l'ierney's fine herd of short horns drew sever l l rst \ ) at tIlt ; Counly li'air. Ie got' flrst on Ius bull ami on a cow : D , C. Konkcl , deputy rc\'enue collector , spent c\'cral days in thc city last week visiting with his family and attending thc county fair. 'l'he city schools opened Monday - day with an increased attendance over Jast yeal. . 'I'he high school has ten more enrolled than thc l rst week last year. Mrs , J. A. Armour and children - dren rcturned the latter part of last week from Hot Springs , where they had been for the past month recuperating. At the meeting ot the republican - can county ccntral committee last 'l'hursday night Alpha Morgan - gan was re-elected chairman and D. M. Amsherry , secretary. A. Fonda of Oconto , was in the city 'l'hursday attending the fair. Mr. l 'onda brings favorable - able reports of the political out look in Wood H'cr precinct. Charle.r Penn , comm.u1dment of the home' at Milford , spcnt several days in the ci ty last weel ! \'isiting' the fair. 'l'hi:1 : oOicc acknowledges a friendly call. Mrs. W. 8. Swan and daugh. ten ; , Mrs. li'orscyth and Mrs. Burk Idt 'l'uesl aY morning on a visit to their old' home in Ind. It is their first visit there since they left , fifteen years ago. J. G. Brenizer took first pre' mium on his herd of short hurn ! at the County li'air last wcek Mr. Brenizer has a fine herd 01 cat tie and Home of his i mH vid uaI ! have no supcriors in Nebraska. Congressman M. P. Kinkai ( was in the city 'l'hursday alu li'riday last week attending thl fair and looking after the rura route demands of tire county ' ) 'he l lU'Ullr.IcAN ol1ice acknow ledge a friendly call , 'I'he upsetting of a lightrd.laml in the centra ) telt'phon OOICI \\'a the occa ion of ! lome excitc ment Momlar night. ' ) 'he hey responded promptly to the fir , alarm , hut before tl1t y arri\'e ( t he lire had heen exti ngu ished Hut little damage was sustained 'rhos Darnell , attorney for th Anti-Saloon leagnc of the Stat wil1lecture at Weissert Sunda morning and evening in the 1 E. church. Services at 11 a. 111 and 7:30 : p. m. Mr. Darnell is I fine speaker and will interest bot' old and young. 'l'his will be rare treat for all who can atten . - , l eD. . W. Crane of Kcaruc ) ' , was in town 1\1onda ) ' . Ira P. Milts of Arnold , was a city \'isitor 'rhursda ) ' and li'ri- day.Isaac Isaac W. 'l'aylor of Anselmo , made this oft ce a business call l < 'rida ) ' . S. T.4' Glovcr of Drr Valley , kindly rememhered this office with a friendly call Ii'riday. J. A. Ke11enoar1cr aud famil ) ' of Merna , were \'Isitors at the county fair 'l'hursday and Ii'ri- day. l . R. Barnard of thc Canaway Queen , attendcd the fair L'hurs- day. This ol1ice acknowledgcs a social call. Lewis Kimber ing , daughter , and Otis Kimberling and wife of Arnold , were in the city attcnd- ing the fair last week. . \D.-Thomas 1-1. Brown , at his home , ( I miles south of Ocon- .to. 'l'he deceased was. born in CtSS ; county , Ill. , March 15 , 1838 , and dicd August 12 , 1903 , of paralysis from which he sutTered for about 7 months. He joined the army in Co. D. 114 rcgiment of Illinois infantry the 22nd of August 1862 , and Herved until the close of the war. After the war he came to Nemaha county , Neb. , and resided there up to 1884 , then moved to Caliiornia , and was there about a year and then came back to Neb. , and settled in Custer county , whcre he rcsided up to his death. He was faithful and true to all dur- his life and was never known to utter an oath. lIc was .d80 a temperance man , he leaves to mourn his loss , a wife , 2 sons , 1 daughter and 3 brothers , all living - ing in Custer county , except one brother living in Cahfornia.I I ItlARRIIJD. ; OVURTON-POHTItR.-At the residence - sidence of the bride's parents near Berwyn , Neb. , Sept. 2nd , 1903 , OY I ev. Del1is , George II. O\'erton , and Miss Myrttc POI' fer ooth of Berw'n , Neb. llAJ.J.m--S'fnWAHT.-At the Grand Central Hotcl , Broken How , September 3rd , 1903 , oy Hev. Hell is , Haymond C. Dallie and Miss Jrssie Stewart both of Westen'illc , Neb. - - II list ( .t h'l' N IUIII'II fol' J .1I t' . Thc a ol\rnce } session of the rcpuhli- clln Jllllicial convention mct lit Grand Is1an < 1 1101111:1afternnoon } to Imllot for u"cUlIIJjelutc for Jue gc. Thc same. 01 < 1 vote. of 19 for Gullerson , 18 for Hostctler , I : ! for Cook ane } 6 for Wall WIIS countcll for a thousalll } or more times without any chnn c. Aftcr supper thc Wall m n changed their vote to Hostctler givin him 24. Gullerson and Cooks votc remaince } the SlItlle , After ballotin for two or three hours , the Wlllllllcn changed their six votes to Cook. 'flte vote continucd until nellrly midlllght with 18 for Cook , IS for Hostct- lerlll\l } 19 for Gnllerson , The convcn. tion took a rccess until 9 o'clock ncxt moming. ' Blllloting' continncr ! until l100n with out making II choicc. 'fhc cun ilatcs } all releasel } thcir delcgates hut no election - tion WIIS mlIc uutil IIbout 2 o'clock in thc aftcrnoon when Dawson ga'c four votes to llostctlcr IInel Shcrmlln gllve him six which with thc IS votes of BufTalo which hc hart heM nil thc while gavc him thc neccssary 28 , 011 the : 1605 ballot. While it WIIS 0I1l' of thc 10ngestJuelicial ( 'on tests in thc history of the statc , thc hest of hl1l11or continuel } throughout hc- t ween the cl\lulielates as well as the clele- gation : ! . Custtr ! wcnt into the fight rellli ing thut thc fielel WIIS comhinell IIgainst our caneJjelatc. It was with the hopes of , hrea1dng' thllt comhination that wc held out to the lust , hut WIIS not successful. The nominee , B. Q , Hostctlcr is a mall about 42 years olel alII } is sa lI to he all IIhlc IlIwyer , a go1 citizcn ntul very popu111r in Huflulo county. lIc wm fOrllllrly a partner of Congressman Greel ! un II thut while he has ulways he en Il reo puhliclln he ncver was a politiciuu. HI'IIkl'n Huw UUIIIIII"Hi ( 'nlll.ge. 'fhe Broken How Busincss Colle e rc , opcnell MOlulay with the new managc' mentllliller favoruhle auspiccs. cvcrn' ne\\ ' scholars were enrollell line } II IIUIII lIeI' more in prospect liS soon as thc ful . work is O\'er. 'j'he following teacher : - au : in charge : 1'1 of , Geo. Zahn , princi ) Jal , Prof. J. G. l\1inic III Topeku , Kans , teucher in ( , ollllllen'iul < 1cpll tment line penmanship ; ! \Iiss Reeel , HhorlhullIl CI'lle Curios , Mutlltmllllics , Prof. Zulli _ nbo ha ! ! charge of thc preparatory course C'III'I'I U CI'N' ; . , , , , Sunday School 'l'cmperal1cl Day will be obscn'ed at Custe . Center Sept. , 20th at 3 o'clock p . m. A good program will be rcn dcred , consisting of songs , rcci e 1:1 t ions anll speechrs. An otTer iug- will be tulcn at the close fo . . the benefit of the "Christial Orphan IIome" of Council Bluff ! luwa. A cordial in\'itation i cxtel1tlcd to all. Edna Hussom r \'a 8tn.ct , Lou Hains , Committe 011 Music ; Lee McCt'acken , W. C - . - - - _ . - - . . ' DRILLS. If yon expect to sow an , " wheat or ryl' in thc cornfields , it will imy yon to in\'estigate a new drill 1 am showing , al1d which 1 will guarantce to work in any kind of ground. It malccs no differcncc how weedy or wet the ground is this drill wiU do the work. I also have a cnr load of. . . . . . . . . . HOOSIER DISC PRESS DRillS in 10 and 12 disc sizcs. 'l'his d'rill is o wcn tc 10wn it is hardly necessary to Hay that it is one of the strong'cst and best drills madc. 'l'hes drills were bought direct from the factory and no mitldlL' man's profit added to the price of thcm. I also havc scveral Jootl teams of. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . , . . H.ORSES E " C > : FI. S .A. : L. : E ; . C. S..IVIARTIN Mflr.Agt. . . . , . . -AND DJ AIJIm IN- ANrrl-TROSrr GODH. . . . . . . - - Street , Portcr Whitne ) ' , Com- nllttCe on Arrangements ; John R. Street , Sup1. 0111 Mctt1l n ; 1'11111' . . TheThird , Annual picnic of the Old Settlers \Vesterville and surrounding country will bc hcld in John Welsh's grove near WcsterviUc on Thursday Sc\L , 24. A good program is beu1g prepared. Good spealcrs and. . gooc1musicans hoth vocal and instrumental are alt'cady sccurcd. Nor.e but those who have attended - ed in the past can picturc out a more suitable place for a public gathering than \Velsh's grovc. Watch for programs and pm\ters ; rcmember the date. Come early ; bring your dinner ; talk over old times ; enjo ) ' a shady g-rovc ; take an outing for one day that you and your childrcn can recall with pleasure. , - - - - - A WllrUI ) ' 1'1'011111111111. - John Caywood or this cit ) ' , has becn tendercd the position of principal of the shorthand and typcwnting dcpartmcnt of thc Frcmont Normal Schoo1. 'I'hc tender was a complete surprise to Mr. Caywood as he had anticipat- cd nothing of the kind. lIc had taught somc in the departmcnt last , ye'-r. ! . ProL , Dakerllltllc former - mer prlUclpal wIll be absent for about a ) "ear and Mr. Caywood will have completc chargc of the department during his abscnce. 'I'u 1.lIt U""I"1i " III the Ih'ulu'll Bllw l''IIlt'tm' ) ' . You arc rClUcstcd hy the Mayor - or al1l1 truStCCH of the Association to remove all weeds , grass and trash on your lots this f ; ll , as the trustees will havc the streets mowed and clcan up all lots belonging - longing to the Ccmetery , and greatty desire to have thc Cemetery - : tery in a more presentablc conlH- tion in the spring , and also it wilt give the blue grass a hcUer chance in thc spring. Parties 50 desiring can have their lots cleaned by the Sexton by payinfJ 50 ccnts to W. II. Osborn , presl- dcnt , or Mrs. C. U. l ichardson , treasurer. , g , Ii' , McCr.Ulm , I Secretar ) ' . . . . . .oco'Q'.r J".r F.rJQf. -TllE- Sherry Comedy Co. Will play at the Opera 8 House Friday even- 8 ing , September 11th. Reserved Seat 35c 8 . . ' , , Tickets. . . : . , , : , After th'e'pla.y , a social dance wilt be givcn and thc 8'ery bcst of music will be S ftlrni hed. 1'hose holding ft reserved seat tic1ccls will be S cntitled to a ticket to the N dnnce without extra charge. . . . . . . " . . . : : . " : ' J ) . - - - - - - Not Corr ct. - . \V c sta ted last wcek in connection - tion with the notice of tbe ew paper to he started at Merna , that C , A. Holdman was a stcp- son of Philip Z'oreb. 'I'his we learn 1'1'0111 .1\11' . Zoreb is a mis- tal < c and that wcwere misinformed - ed , Wc also are authorized by a letter from l oldl11an & Sorcn- son , proprietor f the Merna Herald to maln : the correction. - - - - - - CAI" " ' ) I" IIA.NICtt. - ' 1'0 my friends and those con- ccrned , will state that I dcsire to thank yon for your kindness and assistancc in the care of my hus- i haud during his late sickness , I : , a11l very sorry to state and deepl ) ' re.rret { that I was absent at the I time of his death. Not realizing the seriousness of his iIluess 111) ' mother and I wcre visiting at Colorado Spring's. Before Mr. Osborne left for Broken Bow , he I ! sccured transportation for tiS hoping - ; f ing the trip would impro'.e my r 1 hcalth as I had been in poor , - health since the Jirst of July. I Again Umnking' you all I am : l espcctful1y , : MIU . KA'l'IlHHHN OSDOlqm. I .1 WiMf 1MM rMJfM MMlti. iMMi r M , S. P. GI OA ' 1' & co. , ; ' Embalmars ' 11d Funaral DI- : " : Mt ; rool"rs. "C laT. " , leUdkllll ( UUIIlh ' - " " I"UIIO"II Uur UJI1 lI'IIll01l0 63 at -Ii an IIUI .Iuy or 1.IIelll. . , : I t : I ar S. P. CROAT & CO.j : I . I : llruk , , , . How , - - - NUhl kR BE , , . . . . I , , , . . .n. , " " nunrnnrnnnnnurnnnu'J'unnnn" , , " " " ' " I' ' ' 'u LI" 1J1.1' , ' III" " IJ = I.I.I ' "lJjJ1I.4 . ' - ' ' - - - - - - - - , I iMg 7A'f IMMi. ' . 1Irl 1Mgtl 11'i1tM7AR.1 < M'MMMMMW MdMMMtftrM1rMll , 1 : , at : \o. ' " : " jS . ! 5AVEYOVR } IQG5B1'"U5JNQ : : " ' , , t\ . I ' ' : ' : . : : E ureka V. , I. . . . J I llag ( holera Cure I. Preventative , ! Its a\'cragc record last ) ' ar is IJ2 per cent. saved of all : hog ! : ; treated , re ardlcss of thc condition of thc hogs at time I of trealmcnt. 'l'his rt. ' ord is not equalle oy any other 5 ! I' ' l' , remedy on thc market. li'or further particulars , addresltl II I 8. T. L0NEReAN , f. . . . ' : tj. I , , Brokcr . ) Ben.v , N e1. : > 1' . , , \ t : J ; : ; , c m " ' .A . jMDm J J"'J .