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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1903)
, ' " ' , " " ) ' . " , , , ' " " ' . . . . . . ' : , t . ' . A I ter ounty epub ican " la , M. AMBIIICIUll" , ItDl1'On & . l'UIIUBlIltJ/ . . f" ( \ , 110KEX now , , ; I\'JmllA k t. ; . , f' : \lnll Is or 1'\\ , 1111 ' 1 ! ItllIl Cull oC 1.011 , I , : ' cnsed cusseWICSR. , \ . : Alwnys view 1scelle with a mule ; \ , In It Crom the foreground. oIj , ' , ' . ) \ : When tolll to tnke 1hnck scat tl 10 \ ' -Terage ' mnn will tuke . nffront , J' } ' Anyone In PlIl'ls Is IIItcly to hnvo Bnlitos-Dulllollt 111'01' III 011 him , . f = = : = A mun's true Cl'lnwls keel ) Ilulet when ' " JOlnO one Is I'IIUlllemllll1 ; his virtues , i , . _ , ' - = ; : = = . " Some WOIIUII ! cOlllllle III 1IIl'1I Cor the purpose , oC CXll'IICIII ! sccreta Crolll them. ' , , ' -4' , ' ' ' 'hnt gooll will It 110 us IC the ' ha\'e , , : ' toulIIl 010 slIInlllox [ ! ; erlll ? We 1I11111't ' . Jose him. : 1'ho Chlncso hl\'l'nlcll III'ecl'acltcl's ; I but the CIII'lsliulls I1gm'ell out Ihe IIU' wlllohllo , Pre8 { IUy ho IIIny go COIII'lIushlll/ / ; down the corrhlurs or tlllle as Kill/ / ; i' ) eter Out , I 1'ho do.ctl-Y ; ; ; ; Cnt bnhles nre I10t hel1lthy , Is this to he construed ns n . dentUy hlow to the lIurslllg hottle" i 00011 nllvlce hns n 1II0lletuI'Y vnhw , I It's the other Idllli thut Is IlIullleli out i by th080 who nre rU1I1I11I1 ; n girt en. I erprlse. Whllo n negro nllll n Chlllnll1l\n dlvhl. 'Cd ' class honors at Ynlo , the nthlellc ; hollers of the Instltutloll uro still helll by the whites , Porto Rico hcld n fing dny , nt which firtl'Cll hundred AmcrlclllI I1l1gs were corrl < . > d In pro < : essioll , It secllIs us tr this were n ] orul COIOIl ' , , - - - - , Whllo the eus "gollll : 1I1111vlllunl Is tryllli .IJ figure Qut which Is the hest. toot to I111t for\\'l1n ] the strenuous mUll gct4 there with holh feet. When King Peler un'I\l nt 1M. , ; rnllc the bnllllR plllrcil thl' Sel'\'lnll 1111' ! 11unlll IInthelll. ' 1'he Se\'llIn ! IInHonnl QuthC1l1 Is "God Help the King , " A selontlst nSBUI'OS us thnt the enrth Is good for 20,000,000 yenrs yet , UII' Jess , of course , Iorglln uUlI nner shculll lIechJe to tulw It with tholll. , The lorgeat mnll 111 the \vorld hRS heen dlscovored In Kustjuk , TIUSSlll , Goodl Wc hu\'o so\'eru ] unbeuten Slleclll10ns of the slllllllest right here , It costs SOIllO ) 'Ollllg men us high as ' 2 ooo nch C ' foUl' ' ' , . I' II yeurs' COUl'SO ot Yule , But these 'oung mell wOllld spenll tile 111 0 III ! ) ' eveu It they wero. not Ilt 'Ynle ' , ' 10 bc SUl'e the olllcc shollill sl'I. ! the mall , but uny of 0\11' MutelHnen would tell 'oh t11 lt tlll' 'o III 110 necessity of Illdmg'ln ' tl cellar w on tl o olllce Is going. b ) ' the 'bOIlIlO , " - r An'L'1 ln lt aclo'ntilit c nllocted wllh the ngrlC\llturnl bureau silltes thllt the world's qelJl ! U(1 for hellns hus Illlssell tbo 81111Ply , ' .1'ho l'OIH' of lI1prl'honsion ] In. . J10litQn Jlullcrs IWllnds Jlke a YI.11'\1. rt l ol 10colUotlVcli letting oft strom , IT"A A l(1stor' hils 'preucbl tI/lIlnlit / whnt 'be III ploasl ' , to .cull "the poeko boo waIst , " The. wulst IIlUY bo Immodest , but coiling IlIIhllc uttl'ntlon to It comes nearer to hclng Imlllornl' ' thun the gur. ment Itself" Belo\'ed brethrcn , let us thlnlc twice hefore spel1ldnJ ; three tlmos , I ' J "tJ' 'emIOIhOlllo IInl1 \ ) , lito colltoht ut 'heart" were SOIllO of the IlossossloUfI tor which a forlller membOl' ot tb Prosldont's cabluet declL\red hlrnlff thankful , wbeu speultlng ut 'Pllbllc ' dinner recently , Ho bnd been reo terrln to our mllltlm\\\ionalres \ \ \ , nnd the blesslng otvblch tholr grent wealth l111nost necessnrllr delrlvos them , nnd "I nm gllld 1 Illn uot 1\ rich mlln , " ho sllld , A - rcut mllnr thollht. ! tul people tel'l the -sllllle wn-especlnl. ly these who 111'0 IIble to ndll , " 111m ilnd I am 1I0t II )1001' ) mnu , " Some curious ] Ierson uslted the Inte Ol1ver Weudoll lIolmes about his 1I1t0 , "Seventy.two yelll's youllg" ( not "old" ) was his repl ' , Some 1I1en 11I'0 'oungl'1 at seventy tl1un others IlIO at tort . 01 fitly , Some men nre ne\'er 'olln , Old ngo hovers over thelll bet'ol'O tllCJ reach mn turo ) 'enl'S , 'fhe ) ' 11I'e rottr.1 as soon ns tl1ey are 1'1 lIe. Some mOl are novel' old , but cun'y to the Jntes hours of tllClr Uves the buo 'lIney tlu bUtheness of dlslositlon ) , the fnclllt ; 'tor ' mentnl labor , the power of though a.nd expression , till ! susceltlhllity ) te higher culture which mllrlwd thol owth trom ndolescencc , When it Is here re1l1nrl.OIl thut thl ( mille Amerlcnn Is dechu'llIg s'mltoll1 ] , ot dnwnlng eftel1lhlUC ' no occnslon I lOtered for Indignant reprobation , 'fh , average Amorlcan has so much thot lough moscul1nlty that he cnn slnr enough to dower n less Vlgol'ouS pC < l Iplo , What Is meunt Is thnt the nl1.turll iroactlon to the pnramountc ) ' of th American girl bas set In , As bh IIhnres the pursuits , the pleasures nn the Uberties ot her brothers nud In poses bor commands upon the l1 s1 ] becomes more ma'scul1ne , tl1ey mal femlnlnej her bouldol1 ! square 01 theirs begin to , slopa. She dona tIJ - 8wentl.r nnd thl' IIln7.'I' nud wl'urs hel sldl't , lllOrtl' ! ' nllIl flhol'ter : they tnlt ! to plnll shh'twulsts 111111 c1ocl.ed opel : ! 'Ivork fllol'ldllgR , 111111 1I11h'vel' ) balt ler trouIH'rfl , worn so long thllt thl' ' hllvc to he tllrllcll up lit the hottom , fll'em CIIshi0llel1 011 \erllgllo \ pll ttl'rll , Sorvlnll Jo\'crnnwut honllll , III'SIltl the precorlous Ilosltlon or rllh'rs 1111I1 people , hll ve ! .Joen rlltlwl' 1II0re stendy In the rccellt flllctlllltlonH of guropenn Pllbl1c secllrltll'fl thlln IhoRe of othcr stulos. Dllrlng the Boer Will' 1101'1011 , betwcen 181)1) IIl1d 111111 1I0 { , wlll'n nrlt. Ish consols fcll : . ! O 1IOIIItll IIl1cl Gel'mun Jmpr.rllli 3 ) lCI' celltH 10 , the extJ'cmo declluo In Hen'llIlIIs Willi 8 II01llt8 , Whllt Is 1II0re Htrlklllg stili , thell' llrlce lit the openllJ oC ,111110 , 100:1 : , WIIS hhh- ' or t hllll the hl hl'St II III'I' rellehCll lu the lIerlod fl'OIll 18118 10 JlO ) Illclusl\'e , 'l'hlll IIld 1I0t res 1111 , hO\\'I'\JI' , fl'OIll bllllli L'OlIlhlenl'e III Hel'vlll'lI wllllllgllekil 01' IIlIwlllhl-lIeHH ! : It ) IIII ' , Hel'\'lu III 1II00'1/IIJell / ; 10 the bUlllwl's liS tllhtl ' IIH 'l'lIl'kl' ' 01' OI'l'I'I'I' 01' POl'tllJ.1I1 ( ) I' Ohlllll , 'J'l1l'1'o HitS lit } \Olll'/lIlo \ / II HO. cnll,11 "UlltOlIOIIOIlH ! IIcllllllllsII'IItJOII oC mOllololllS [ , " whll'h , wllhout l'efl'I'I'lIce to the O\'I'I'IIIIII'III , n'I'elvl'f ! a 11I1 1Ie1. 11I11111111'1'1fOl' : \ Ilw hellellt of SVI'\'lu'li' cl'mUIOI'lI , ( II lIet I'lIl'ulll"S " oC'III'IOIIH HIli II ! I'll II WllrH , (2) ( ) 11111101' IIl'CIISI'II , ( : I ) toIICCO ) ) IIIOIIOllOlIeH , ( , I ) ClIstOlllfl dlltlell , ( ii ) sliit IIInllolol ) ' , 11I111 ( ( I ) [ lcll'oll'ulII 1II01l01101 ' , 'J'hls hliH 1111 IlIlel'ostlll- ! : SOIlIIlI , It IIIl1lwli nUl ! WOIIII1' whll I sort of 11 III'e II "tl'lISt 11111 lilt" wOlIlII cutin tlw Illu teol'lII of U Sur\11I1I 11I11101" 1Iy 1ItII'ly , Ollce "llon U time II boy drlftcd nwny Crolll the tel1Chlll/S / ; otl / gooll 1II0ther IIl1d got Illto hllel eo III I'll ' II ) ' . It Is /l / sll'lIl1ge Chal'lllterlHtlc : of the tl1n lu thllt he Is 1I0t satllll1ed with hulll tOIl/h / ; , lIe Wlilltf ! to SPl'Ullll the conta. glen , to extl'lIeI his IlJenlllJeSS to mllke ol'r ! bo's ns hlld ns h1l118elf , Alld ho IItIlIR mnllY cOII\'el'ts , So the ho ) ' who nglll'o III this eellt11I1 ) lellrlled to lie , to III1Cer , to Ih'IIII. , to ClIl'selllll / 1111 these things wJI'e hllllcil liS'h'tlles III I the smull cIrcle III which he hud heell I Inltlnted , At hellrt he wlIsn't n hlld fellow , hut he Wll8 wCl1k. 1"lnl1l1 " ' , 'he . wus c/l\1ght / stell illig , ulIlI wus sellt to the lelllll'lItlul' ' for oue 'enr , lIe , did u lot of thllllIII , In his Itttlo stolle cell he dlHCO\'l'I'I'd th/lt the WilY of the h'lIl1sgressOl' Is 111 wu 's 111\1'(1 , uud the one IIII/ht / ; ) . resol\'o he IIIl1l1e wns , " 1 will he ooel , " lIe 1II0/lllt / It , too , lIe hl1 u foolish notion thnt ho could Wllllt out of IIrlsoll 0110 dllr , beglll lit the spot whel'o he took , the WI'Ollg roud , look the world In the fllce IInd sturt IIl1ew , When the tel'll1 WIIS elided he wl1lked out Illto Goll's sunlight nnll we lit to wOl'le , 'he blld thoughts were gone. the blllll1\'lng was only n memory , and I ho weut to work nlmost hl1PPY , lIe got u job liS bl'l1lwllllln , nnd did his duty liS a lUun who owell soclet ' noth. Ing beyond whnt hlld been Iluid behind the gl'llY wnlls of the greut prillon , SocIety , us n whole , nevCqulto forgives - gives a hllmnn being for 11 crime , Thel'o Is alwn 's II 8011I0 ono to gl\'e the stl'uggllng IIII1U n Idclt III the fnco when ho needs n helping hllnd , The anoymolls letter writer got III hlR llelld. Iy worlt. "Yoll hl1\'o nn ex.con\'lct In your ellllllo ' , " WIIS the burllen or the mlssl\'e , nnd It ronched the mark oml lost the 'oung bl'lIlwmnll his pluce. Mon do not IlIte to worlt wIth ex.con. vlcts ! If thor I now It" , .lhel'e , Is II slleuldng Ceellng thut Ihe fellow who hns heon In the " " ' . "pell" ISlI't fit to liS. soclatp with free men. ulld lIobody cares to go Into 1I0tnlls , Yes , the ' dls. chnrgClUti' \ ' poult llt10ry IJrnltemnn , find III the boo1ts of hell 'a 10llg Ilery crodlt mark wns sot down to the cur who wrote the anonymous iotter , 1'hQ young mnn ? The lust honl'lI of him ho was Idle , tryIng to reu1l1111 hOliest with the rene ! to rulu wide 011C1I l\llIl \ the narrow wny to respectllblllt > ] nl. most bnrred. . , - - - OLD MASON A I ) i\'XON \ tiNE DEING RESURVEYED ' 'i'hi ) work of l''estol'lng 111111 remnrk. \\'Jg \ : the Inson IIU1l'DlxOII line Is I'll ] ) . Idly u urlng comllh.tlon , I1IHler th su. per\'lslon ot cOlIIlHrlent onglnecrs Ill ) ' pointed jolnt1 . by the Stut s of MIII'Y. land l1ud Pennl > 'I\'n1lIu , In Avril. 1001 , ol1ch Stll te 1I111)1'Ollrillted $ irOOO tor thl ! 1IIIl'IIOSl' , No Illlestlon of tel'rltor ' II > IlIvol\'Il \ In the r OUtt'\IC ! bllt the hlsllrh. , , Oi THE nOt'NOAHI.1m , I - - - - . - - - - - - - - - _ . . - - , Int rl'st In this Imaglllllr ' dl\'hlon 0 North 111111 SOllth , wnrrnnted u I'enlllrk Ing of the 1I11 1U1I1'1ied : Ollt b ) ' ) ( l\f\01 \ nnll Dl on In 17113 , . Hock Imd ( , lIrth mOl1l1l1s uSl'l nt thl ! tlmo 111:0 : stili In exlstellce to dl'JIIOII ' . strnto tllO thOI'Olllhlll'l\s of the ol'l lnn slIrrey , J\n erron lIs Il11presslon ol o tlll B thnt the IIno Is thh.tJ' fcot whit but the tuct Is thllt the lIne Is 1101111 lluuJ' , 1'ho tnlse III en Is due to the tact the the original surrey JlecCStJltatro II thh . ty.toot path through the wlillel'llC1i1 I. signs of which 8t1l1 relUllln. ' , fhe natlonl11' ' bl\d hnblt Is not steu' ' lu" , drinking , gnmhllnc 01' IOlltlnlr , b\ 11aln ] , every-do ) ' exaIK"rl t'- ' . . . , ' , . , ! . . < ' . ' . , ' " ' > ' , , ' " " ' . . . . . ' l' : . . . . - - - - - - - - - . ' . . . " , " ' " ' " ' , , - . . . . , ' ' . . . , - , - - ' , [ . , ' 'r. ' ' ' . . . , . " : 7" . . - - - - - - - - - - . : IDITOllAlS OPiNIONS OF GREAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAPERS ON . . . . IMPORTANT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUBJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . = . ; : ; . . . . . . . : . . . , . . . . . . . . - ; . ; ; . : _ - ; . . A Combination of formers , orgnul7.lItioll clllled the Allle1'lclln So lely of I lIII. ] t ' , conslstlllg or farmer& & ! 111111 hn vlug Its helUIl1I1I ] r. AN ' nt ImllnJlllllolIH , hns ISlued ! : n bulletin to the fnrtners of tbe West 11Ih'hdng them thllt , by lU nllS ot cooperatlon , It Is caHlly Jlossl.Jle ! to hlllke $1 ] 101' bushel the mlnlmllm IIrico of whl'l\.t 1IIII'Ing the coming sonson , 1'he execlltlre IIl1thol'lties of the AmerIcan &JClct ' of Equity bollevo thnt It Is el1sllr 1I0slflble , If the fnrtuOl's will but exerclHr. n smnll Ilegl'Cl ! of self.restraillt , to huvl' t.he price or whent In Ohlcago l'all e fl'om $1 IIJlwnrd , thou"h the ad\'lco Is gh'en not to InslRt IlllOn mOI'e thnn $1 , fOl' Ihe 1'1'1".on . thnt to hold for hl/'her / pl'lceR would 11'011 to n gl'l'nt IIcclllllulntlon or the wheat sUllllly III this countr ' , which would hn'e II 111811811'0lls effect whell the time CIUlle to 1IIIII'.ct ] the lIext hnt'\'est. ' jlJl1lt\llt , III ' ' ' . of this Ithlll All 011\101111 \ CIU'I'j'llI { ; out II 1111111 Is the hnllOsslhllllr or 8eclII'lnJ , : l'OIlC\H'tell \ IIcllon IIllIon/ / . : hllndrecIR of thouslIllls of hllll\'ldlllllf ! wluly ( ( RlplIl'Htell from elleh other all/I / hn'III III tic 01' no IlJIlllclllnle IlItel" cOll1ll1l1nlcallon , It nlso hils to be bol'lIe III mind IImt the ! : om 111 II Iul WI ! hn ve of the 1lI111'Iwts of E\II pu for thn dls. posnl of Oilwhent Is a comlltlonal ono , It these wcre n Cl1lhl 'e of the Cl'OpS In the gl'ellt grnlu-gl'Owlng COlllltrl s "f the world , of COllrse , our wlwlll growers , If the ' hnll ! .Jeen fOl'tlllln te , wo1l111 Ie ) In n IlOsltion to usl , nllllollt nny pl'lce In rellllOn which the ' anw Bt to demnllll , but whl'n the whent Cl'OS of the grC'ot J1'aln. I'owlng countries lire snt. Isfnctory III Il\U\Iltlt "our snles nt'O predlcatel1 on n willing' ness to tnke thn snme prIce thnt othOl'R nl'\ ! n'IiIII : for ! ! qulvnlellt slIllplles-Hoston llernld , Advice on lIow to Succeed , nre some faint signs of 11 waning In the epl , l1emlc of advice on how to succeell , It Is futll TllETIE enou h , as n rule , for one man to gl\'e allvlce to nn' other In II pnrtlculur cnse wben his adylce hns beoll sought nnd when he knows all the mnln fncts. nut whnt nn litter wnste of time for one mun to ud\'lse nn Inlln1\ely \ lorge nUll wholly IInknown audlellce of nil ages , cOllllltlons IInd nptltlldes , And upon such 0 sUbject ns success ! Whnt Is "success ? " Docs an'bod ' know ? Cnn anybody tcll ? Is It to CU'11 $10,000,000 IIl1d lose frlcnlls , tnmlly IICo nnd \enlth \ ? Is It to become 1'l'eslllellt or Senlltor und lose : I1l1l1ly self.resll'ct ( by trucldlng to bos es , lyIng nbollt one's enl views 011 c\'cr ' Importllnt question an l malting OIJC'5 elf n mCl'e'otlllg mneblno to 1'l' lster the w1\l \ of nn In. Im'est or a COlUblnutioll ot Illterests In control ot the campaign - paign commUtec nnd therefore or the lIarty ? Is It to write 11 bouk to catrh the I'rlwd-11 boolt one must apologize for 10 nil one's aCllualntonces ? 01' Is It merely to I.cep one's elf.re1p'ct , to work conscientiously at the tnsk In hnnd : \1111 to clln' IIOt n rap for consequences ? " 'hcn ShnkslHnre ! IIIIHte " 'olso ' SlIr , " 1.'lIng nwn ' nmbltlon , " he wns e ( lross' Inr. sOlllethlll1t more than the hltterl ess of n sOllrod Imll itl'lckcn Stll teHllInn. " 'hl'noyer a man entertains nn ambl. tlon be 'ond the do\'tlopment of his own Intellect and char. actor , doesn't he mount hllnselC upon 11 steell that hns never yet been brolwn to bridle ? Whnt the deyourers 'of ad\'lce \ on success are really seeldng Is something they cnn neyer find-how to Sllcccll wlthollt W01' ) . , At bottom All tllO , envy of the In ; the bosoms of the not-well.tolIo Is bnsed upon hntred of w rk , 'fhe l'lch man Is not em'lod for his Cllres , (01' hit ! ( "esponslbllltil's ; the fncts that he hl18 to wOl'k und to worrr without ( 'asln ! ; , tbot he ne\"er has a thought fl'ce from l'esJonslhllll ] ' of sOUle sort , arc absolutel ) ' Inol'ell , , All thc I1\'lel' thlllits Is , That fellow doe nt ; la'e 10 worlt , i .filli It Is l up.osil ! tt2 nylnce him thnt he Is mlstnlten jllst " .os J.t Ji. ! 1II1. ! l1Io..lq n 'l c'l ' th I.ol'q ! e ullllln clng Iha t ho wOlihl no I , anll could not , illhire It 10 chlll1 e plnccs WIt1 ! he Kh } 2f ntl ! ! ! nn nper ! , r 2 ! ! 11I1 l ! I , he 111111 IlCen bl'ed from ehlldhood to the dllllllte of rO 'l1lt . . It Is eall to rell80n men Into n belief In the multl1'lIcntlon tohle p.nd Ihe InV Q ! lPj\loJ ' ! ! : ! .II , Il11nosslbl lcginll \ "h'l 2n I e k to den10nllh'alo the propositions about lIie thu t fiI'O "pnln' ] ns the nose on 'YOUl' ' fnee. " There Isn't room tor 1I0llbt thnt the only escnpe trom wrotchedlh'ss In this' . . . ' $ TAKING . "A DAY - . orr. " " " . \ 111I1't . If 1'rlonl18 , men whose pro- eHllonli lellvo them lIttle time for rest n' III11UHl'lIIl'lIt , wellt Into the country :01' : II tWl'ntr.four bours' holiday , reso. IUh'lr dl'tl'rmilled to free tholr millds fOl' thnt Icnth ! of time from all 1I11ms cOllul'etl'd with their work. " 'l'hel'e's to bo no tulklng shOll , " sllid the IlIw'er , , "on penalty ot oxcluslon 1'l'um the cOl11pl1ny , " Il1ld ever ' one ugl'eclI with hllll. ' 1'ho morlling WIIS spent In 11 long tI'll 111 ( I nlung country roads ; tlI9n came u hellrt ' dlllner at noon , tollowed by nnother trallll ) , which was brought tea a I'Utm h " II hel1vYshower , 'rile com. I IlIIlIr I'\'t 11I'111.11 to the Inn whel'o they W\'O ) to pnHS the night , Il1ld tound a hl'lght Ih'e II wlIlting them , "Xow let's hllYO nu evelllnlt of quiet' ' c.lljoymcnt wltil thl"SG books , " auld the duclor. "I see there are n Dumber here or " , hleh I'\'e henrd und th lt Ill11von't 1'(11111. Whn do ' ' " ( t 'ou suy'j" , \1.\11111 \ e\'el' ' ono ngreed , Ilnd IH'C' KUlllllbl ' thcn'o WIlS no sound In the ' 00111 HII0 tile rncl.lIng ot the lire , tbo 'loft I'IISUO of the pnges of boolt or UIII jl.lne : , and nn occnslonnl cOlltented slh ; , "Loolt 'herel" Mid the law'er , sud. lIenlr , "Whnt's thnt the doctor's got IlIlIhle his boolt 1" "gh ! " said the doctor , hurrll'l1ly 'l1l'11stlng n sl11nll red book and n pcncll Into his pockot. "I-my mind boll just wlIl1Ilorcd to a CIISO of-well , novel' r mind I" "Come , now , nil of us own up wbnt we'ro really doIng I" sl1ld the III W "C1' , IInd It thereupon appeiJ.rcll that the schoolml1ster hnd dlscoveroo all educn' . Uonol report among the mnJ'llzhll's und wns rending it , and bnnltor hnd bl'Cn ! rtud 'ing the stoclt exchange rOllorts , unll the clerg'man hnd a slip of pnpor on which 'ho wns'Innldnl ( notoo for n sermon , "lIow about you , " sulll the doctor , turning to tll0 legnl member or the party , "lIave you l"e.\lIy bcon reftl1tn that magl1zlnc1" "I hnvotI Mid Il\w'or hfilUn , the \ ) , ) ( him tbo book. "Shako it and see 11 I've concealed &Jl1 paper. . " ' ' < . . . . . . ' . . . . . . - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ . . _ - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . world Is throllgh work , plenty of hard work , and that to Induce any mnn' to work there must be COlllllulllon-com' pulsion of respol1f1lbll1ty or comlllllsioll of necosslty , Yet who bellevc It In the bottom of their hearts 1 Not mal1)- Collier's Weekly , Man-Mode floods and Desolation. EFOHN 1862 there wus a good boating Stbre of wa er through the ollOn scnHOn In the Western rlv. B er ! ! , ' 1'hlll I'I1nged In the Ohio nnd lIsslsslppl from twelve to fifteen Cect. Now , In lI a1'ly nil the rlvors , there are perlolls when the water 18 very hIgh , IInll other pcrlods whell It Is'cr ' low , 1'ort ; ) ' 'C'lrs ngo the sllIllllel' rivers nnd streams In Ohio , Penns 'I\'Hnln , IInll ew l'ol'k-1l1nn ) " of tbem Ced by sllrlngs-hnd II reglllllr 1I0w the yent' 1I'l'Ouhd , uml WC1'O 1'1111 to till. ! l"'lnl" , , The I1Inll who t'elUl'ns to bla old home III thefO Stlltes 1I0W lIudH these creeks Illld rh'm'lI nlmost IIry III tbe Sl1ll1mcr nnd l'I1/llIg / ; torl'ents In the spring , lllnr of the 811rlnlH flllllOIlS forl ' years 11&0 & nl'c 110 lon/or / In exlstellce , Strenms tbnt tlwn gn0 n reglllnr 811J11ly of wlltel' to hundreds of fHrllls are now In the Hllmmel' time Hlmply a sOl'les ot pools , ven In our largest I'Iver8 In tbC ! lll' ' sellson there Is scarcel ' WI1 tel' enough Cor nnvlglll1on , while In the sprIng come grent fioolls llI.e thnt recently rnclng In the lI sotll'l nnd Its trlhuturles , There Is n renson COl' tbls chllng . Fifty 'elll'8 ago the native fOl'csts In Ohio , Ponns'I\"anln nnd New YOl'k were In theIr wild state , The tJ'ccs bnd not lOel1 cut IIml till } underbrush hnd , not ben clellred awnj' , Now these forests have nil been cut. Whcro there were Sql1l11'O miles of forest there are no\v sClInro miles as bare of t1'COS as tbe prairIes In Illinois , . ' ' the headwnters of nil rh' F01.ty 'eal's ugo our greut r systems were In hlghlnnds co\'ored by trees , Gruduully In. l'Ollds were I11ndo upon these forests , nlld the mountulns In whlcb are found the fountulns of the OhIo River system nrc now denuded , In the mountain regions nt the sollrces of the MissourI nl1l1 Its trlbutnrles two.thll'ds of the timber hns been cut. In Wisconsin nnd Ilnnesotn , on tbo heall. waters ot tbe l\lIsslsslI\pI , 00 per cent of tile tree8 huve been cut. ' . . Had tbo lOl'csts on the mountnlnl nnd CootWlla not been cut or been destroyed by : reat fore t fires , the snow would not hnve molted quIckly and the hoovy rainfall would , In part , ha vo been retaIned In toreot I.\uds , Unller lu'esent conliltiolls , howevcr , the thousllnlls of mountain strenms run wllh ovorflowlng bunlts to the rlyol's , and the great rlvor becllme a terrifIc aent of destructlon-Chlcago Inter Ocean. Worning to Strikers. all know from past experiences thrlt It Is quite p03slblo for the members of a grent com. WE ' , In all except theIr , food supply , to sub. slst wben the outputs of mills nnd tnctorles are I'educed to less thau huJC of the amount \vblch \ It Is possl. ble fOl' tbem to produce. But such II 81l1lttlng.down menns thnt the grent mass ot the wage.earnel's are no , longer In receIpt of l'arnlngs which rIse In any degree nbo"e what Is necessar ' to merely maintain exls ence. Under such condItions the operntlves In AmN'jcan fnctorll's are made to realize by palnCul personnl experience thnt there are other qual1f1cntlons bosldes the better rate of wages nnd the minimum hQuz.s : of dally work In determlnln whether their condition. Is or Is not a sntlstuctory one. 1'he man who can find worlt only tor one-thIrd to one-hulf ot hIs time is ordhlnl'II ' hnrd pressed to support his tamlly , 'and hellee we would RII eit i the lii i orgnnizations t lat , wNe ] thel ' dl'.llIJd ! ! ! In , IOJ1Y . n es may be just ones rind worthy , of ddermlned \ .malnt 1iilnc , such . demands S ! " tlh ! , e " d with lscrllnlnatlon , olld tl10t sympathetic strikes , whlclJ dl , r1'Rn o .1 nq , 1511ould , b depr l\ted ! ! ! ! l ! l t a.dyocated , We say this because It Is enslly possible , by 0.11 xtenslon of the troublls we nre now having , to so p lrnl "ze Indllstr ' as to brIng what Is known ns buslne pl'osperlty to a prompt nnd tor some yeara to come , 8n rrc th'e ( ! ndlnBoston Hernld. THE FARMER IS A TYRANT WHO COULD NOT WEll BE SPARED IXI , } t1l11e out of ten when you scratch 11 tarmer you scrntch n ty. rnnt , " Sl d a suburban man who always has a now th ry In his \'est N pocltot. "It's a tnct ; Pm a tarmer's JrandHOn , a tarmer's son , and a farmer myselt , so I know what I'm taklng Ilbout. ' , fo own Innd and have solo control of eyerythlnghls o .o lights on Is what mnlos a mlln 11 tyrnut. The mnn who bosses fnrm hnnds nil day , and who bosses horses , cows and pigs from morning till nIght , nnturl1l1y gets to 'bossing his wlte RUlI bls sons and daughters , lIe Is czar of his smnll rural Russin , nud It tnkes firm hnlld to hold hIm dOWII , That's why so many farmers hn0 tellds wltb other flu'mors In their llel h1 > orhood-so IIInny czars naturnlly come In conflict , nnd full out. out.01'0 : than any other man In the world , " contlnu d the amateur preach. er , "the mnn who ! I\'I'S In tbe country needs a good , Brm-handed , high. tempel'ed wlto to hold hIm In , and mnke him beha\'e hl11l8elf. Eyery tnrmur who will tell the truth will toll you this. The farmer's wlte must be a good fighter-for she hns , In most cnses , lots of fights to fiJtht , She has to fight tOl' her chlckolls-the tyrnnt-Carmer alwllYs trlcs to meddle wltb his wife's chickens ; she hIlS to tlght for college educations for her sons anll dnll hter8- Sh\1 has to fight for ull their prlvlle es nnd pleasures , 'I'he a vcrnje : fnrmer nevcr can understnnd why hlB children don't love farm I1te ns well os he docs , 'fho turmer's wlt hns to keep pence b twen him and hts nelghbors- she has too orten to contend to gl't a horse to go to town wllh on little pleasure jaunts of her own , 011 , these tlhlngs are all true. In too many tnrmel's' fnmlIles , "T1Io tl1rmer Is a fin fellow , and the world couldn't spare him , but he doe8 love to boss to beat the bnnd. 'l'wo ot my daughters hn\'o mnrrled fnrmers , Rnd I put mischief Into their heads In Iood season Ilnd taught them how to hold their own , A man rORpects II. woman who won't let him have his own woy too much , My wlte has regulated me unU ! I'm pretty respectnblc-and thnt's why I see all these things ' , Most tnnners are bIg tYl'filltS- , sIr-Dotrolt Free Press , "Xo , "O11 ho von't , " ndmlttl'l1 the doctor ; "but the mllJ"Ilzlne Hc ms to OIH 1 Illlturally to this : trtlcle , m ' Cl'lend , " 111111 he sohel'l ' pn8sed the mll IIr.lnl ! to' Uw clergymlln , who rqul nlolld : " 80me CurIous Cilses of Clr. cUll1stnntlal E\'hlenco III Orlmlnal 'l'I'lnls-Youth's Compnnloll , l\iil Solumon nUll Her Lovor. A woman WIIS wnlklng In n pnhn l'OVe when n 1111111 saw hill' nml Il11s. teucd I1fter her. Whell she nsltl'll 111m why he followed her , he rl'llIel1 ) : "Ueoouso I am In love with ) 'ou. " "And why lire 'ou In lo\'o with 1II0 ? " she nskcILy : sister who comes IIf. tor mo yonder Is till' mOl'O beautiful tbn11 I : go amI fnll In love with her Instelld , " 'rho mnu complied oill1 wont baclt , but 01 Y to look , upon a woman na , " , ugly ns sin , lIe wus vexed and returned turned to the first women Ilud said tc bel' : " did ' 111'Cel\'e " "Why 'ou \ me1" And tille mode nJlswer : "Dld 'ou not nlso toU mo 1\n un truth 1 FOI' tr 'Oll were ron1ly In levi wIth mo , wh ' IUd 'ou turn back t. . the other womnnNew York Sun. 'No I1enefit DcrlvCll , I'rtlc--Dld you b al' my rleh old UIJ clo wns dead'j Gusslo-1'\o ' , whnt did be Icnve you Bcrttc--Nothlng , Gusslo-W..II , whnt's tbo good ot hi being dead-I.n Rlro , 'fho women often spt > k ot some on who looked beautiful In dl'4th. NoUe t'hnt tl10 Ull'n lll'\'cr usc thnt'U'd 1 : connection with the dcad1 . _ \J."II' * ' , \ ' . Jtd : - - - c. , . . . . . . - > - . ' , ' " r' , " ' ' ' \'lI'i : ; ' "I''f. " " , _ ' \ I ; I I . . . . . 'r Mrs. Anderson , a prominent ' \ . . . GOcicty woman of Jacksonville , r- PIa. , daughter of Recorder of Deeds , West , says : ' : ' ; rI > . . . There ro bu to' " wives nnd : mothers who ha.Te noL It times en- \ I duret ! agonies ILDd s eh pa.ln II.S only women know of , wish such women. knew the nJue of J.I dl E , l inIc- ham's Vegetable Compotmd. It. . Is lit remark3blo medicine , different In action from J.lY ether I e r knew I1nd. thoroughly nU be , "I Imvo seen ca e , . where women" doctored for : venn ult.bout permanent , ' . . . . . benefit who , . , .ere cured In Jess than three months att r t.'lklng your Vege- tabe C < > mpound , whllo otllers who , were chronic and incurable C3mc out curet ! , happy , and In p rfcct heallh\ after n. thorough treatment with this. medicine , I hl.Tc neTcr UBet ! it mymlL r , without go.ining great benefit , A. . few d05cJ : re\torcs : my strength and' appetite , n.nd tones up the entllre , Bystem. Your medicine has been tried and found true , hence I funy endorac- , ItMRS. . R. A , .AXDltMON , 225 Wash. - In . . vllle Fla. I ton St. , J on , - ,600CI forftlt " Ol'lglfla } . / "boo. t"Umorl/ prill/Ifill 1l8f1Uo-\ I" rl8U CClrlllot . . pN1ducwd , . ' . The experience and testimony. of some of the most noted women I of AmoriM go to prove , beyond : . : a qUtitJtion , tllt\t LylIa E , Plnk- bam's VcJtetnblc Compound will I correct 0.11 such trouble at once , by removing the cause , antI restoring - , storing the org-dons to u. healthy " and normal condition. s \ i A purchased fril'nd : n _ ver lasts , Ye ! ! , my ! ! on , 01 durance Ie n. . bri l.t. . . . . . iirtae to conteml , hIe-at a. d1stancl ! , r Frieodship only o lsls between trlll ' t'opl , Gcd remlte sins , bui notconBl'quen - es , It tak s mauy men to build a. shl p , : mt one worm ca.n sink it. Appy ] that , ) Ig fact , you ever noticed tha.t peatlF ( ) . , baracter often form In our soul's S.l'cl' IpotS. A speck of old welLhln the 0111- lonth part of a grain may be easily' een h , the naked eye. A drop of CU' tor 011 in the eye tOo' remove foreign rody Is said to be ! IS efficacious as l1axseed , The Cblnese have a flower whlcb Is wblte at : r in the shade and , bec'omes red in the s\nll ht , Frost has various e1Yets. Under the , ame tempcrature cg s burst , apples Ibrlnk and pota toC ! > tllrn black , The purcbaslng power of money in the days at the Roman emperors was. . lbout ten tl'mes ' what It is at prcs mt , The most wonclerful ve etablo in Lhe world Is the trufilc ; It UI1i ! 10ither rJots. stelD , leaves , flowers Jor seeds , Tbe lar est sum ever olTored tor a , jlamond was $2.150,000 . by PrInce ( , ! lIydcrabad , India. tor the l'Im _ perlal , " A broken 'Wooden borse , with \'fhi , h. Napoleon DOfJaparto played when a chlld , was recently sold for 1,000 rancs , The Qucstlon AU8wcrod. stlll SprIngs , Tenn" Aug , 24- 3 : \Iuny Questions nre being naked or ) [ 1' , C. D , lIolt of thIs 1)loco In rcgarll to his wend rful reco\'er ' , IrQr ov r two ) 'elrs he hus been down with his buck , . lIe was so , "cry bad that he cOllld not e\'on lace hIs shoes , nnd trom this con. dltlon he sUdlienly nppenrml well and strong ns ever. It Is no wonder therefore thnt hIs trlelllls are usklng him "How did ) ' 011 do It 'j" lIe tells them nil : "Dodd's KIdney Pills did It , " and adlls : " 'I'hls remellx Is n genulnc gooll mcdlclne and one thl1t 1 can heartily r colUmend to every. bOlly , "Nvoryone nround hero knows how very b\d I was. . I \\"as so wcuk In my back that I cOllldn't do anything thut nel'dcd stooping 01' bending o\'er , nnd three boxes ot Dodd'a Kidney PUIs m do mo AS you see , as well as e\'er 11 W(18 , ' ' "They certaInly had a wonderful er. ' t n _ my cntl' " c.\ i M _ , , t .t. , ; ! . . : ,