Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 27, 1903, Image 1

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    . , f o""i'\i.i1IUI : : ' " " " . ' \ . , .t ' { . ' 'I\'f ' , ' . ; ' 'Iit"1"0' " ' . " 'n' . " " ' " W.'V" . . , ' " , . . . . - , . . . ' " 'W'- . . , . ; Jo".IIIII.n-1 . : : " " " . f'J"t ' ' ! v'T' " " ' . , . . . . . " ' . . . . . . , : r " " . . -.I"If' f.7'f"O'1"'W"T' W. . "JJF' \ . , . " ' " p . . , . , . 'I. . _ . . .
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stl\to l'\ \ II. ' L\\rntnll \
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. .
- "
. .
" ' , " , Fine , But Not Costly. ,
( . "he luulI1rcds of beautifular- .
ticles in our slOck thut cau be
r purchascd for a'cry slIIall SUIU J
. . is really relllarkable. Don't
belic\'e there is anything shown
( elscwhere that full '
can ) equal
this display. . SOUIC of th J
f'\ . . slllallcr articles of Jewelry
' - Goll1111111 SiI\'er No\'clties , etc.
t" are just as wonderful as the
: . larger things. Perhaps a par.
tiallistwill , assi t iu making
I comparison of priCCS here and . :
' . elsewhere.
, . : J
.eve. . , . . . . . . . .
Rain continues to fall. 2.15
inches fell 'ruesday . and \Yednes-
'day night.
.rhe Redmond Co. will open the
new Auditorium theater at Lincoln -
coln the first week of the state
! A. D. Hunt and wife of Or tello ,
! were city visitors last Friday.
Mr. Hunt favored this office with
husiness call. The were accompanied -
panied by Mrs. Ed. Hewitt of
South Omaha , who has been \is-
i ti ng in Ortello valley for the
past three weeks with'relatives. .
She returnecl to her home Satur-
clay morning.
- - -
- .
' - - -
S'chool Bo k ; , '
< *
. ?
\ )
- ND-
, I , .
; ; "
* School Supplies ,
! ! .
' 1'
' ' ;
* -J.T- " I .
i J. G. Haeberle"s :
_ uu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - -
r ; - iJ
Another Big Departrnent Added to
rr11e Ryersol1 George Co.
Department - Store
: Buggies , Wagons , Hardware ,
Tinw re , Implements and Lamps
- \Vc' are ! ; cling ] the Webster md Reslproclty
School Shoes for tlte boy who kicks his toes
out-gl1aranteC'c1-anc1 a Wcbster Dictionary
free wilh pair of \Ycbster's. Shoes , from
7'5 up. , . . every . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .
7 to 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.36.
r 12 to 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.85.
For I"aclies the li'amous A. M. Legg Shoes.
Prices 'ranging- from $2.00 to $4.00 with a
guarantee to fit a 1111 wear. U@.IIa\'ing pur-
ehasecl all ollr cotton goods for fall trade ( which
we are receiving now ) before the advance in
prices , will be ahle to give our customers
the bcnefit. wc Such as. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .Canton and Outing Flannels. . .
Flanneletts' and Blankets.
\Ve will be prepaired to see you during the fair.
Broken Bow , Nebraska. '
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . W AC NS. . .
, Ye have just received a rar load of
the relebrntecl----x
\V (1 have bought thmw wagons pary ] , and are
in position to 8pll you \Vag'on several dollars less
than the market price. Call and see me.
ACI11 5-Foot Mowers , S35.00.
r.rhis is a hig'h gl'ae mower and sells all over
tlw state for $45.00 cash.Vo fire agents for the
Aultman & 'raylor 'j'hresher-horse power 01' steam
eng'ines.Ve also have the Acme Sweep . and Stackers
and the Dane Sweel > and tackers.
Buggies , \Vag'ons , lIard ware , Steel Rnnges , Sad-
dlt1S , and 11arl1ess. Larg'(1st line in town.
G. W. Apple.
. : : " i ; \c. . . . . . . . ' _ _ . . . '
The Latest A out the County Fair.
Thu prO ! poets for the COllnty ami StrotJt Fair , to be hold nt Broken Dow
Sept. 1 to . . al'O decidedly flattering at this time , Rnd it is an aSsured ! fact
that if the we ther is favorable , Drokell Dow wi1l see the larget ! ! orowd that
ever alBemhled there duriug Fair weok.
The iuformation w ioh comes to the Secretary's omce indicates tbat , not.
ollly Ollsler oounty WIll turn Ollt en masse but that there will be a heavy
crowd from ndjoilliug' oounties. The number of raoe horses tbatvIll bo in
attendance hall alr nd. , ' assllrful n spltJtldid raoing progrnm. The exhibits
in all departments will , no doubt , be the largest und bost. that bave c\'er
been setl1 ! in this connt\ ' . Quite a number of tent shows will he on tbe
gronnds , atHl the conoessions of various kinds already let to privilege pco.
pIe -is al1loziugly lltrgt > . .
The \'arlou ! ! uurnotions that have been advertiscd , including tbe balloon
ascension , Iht ) hronco ridin by Dilly llinder , tbe , vonderful rifle shooting
hy Captain lIurdy , aud the sham battle by Compauy M , etc. , etc. , are all
positively Itrrllllgdd for , and willtaku place. I
'fhe Fair , this year , will have the grandest array of entertainmen that
tle ! people of Custor oounty have e\'er 8een at anyone time. A strouf {
feature of Fair \veek at Hroken Bow will be the splendid attraotions whioh
have been arrunfed for the Street "I\ir at nigbt. The streets of Droken
Bow will , in every way , pnt on a oarnh'al p'pearanco. Brilliant illumina.
tions have hoen provided for. Platforms will be ereotod , and tbe free open
air shows will be put on so thnt they can be viewed by the enormous orowd
to the very best dvantage , Miss Hose Vinton is uuder oontraot to put on
the slide for life , a wonderful and thrilling feat.ure in wbioh she sliJes
own a 'rope ' fastened to a fifty. foot to\Ve , , hanging by the hair of ber boad.
Three export trick bioyolists are expected. Oharles R. Dean , a renowned
song and dance artist , hU9 been oontracted tor. Anotbor strong attraotion
of the Street Fair will he mo\'ing' pictures , which will be exhibited on 1\
huge oanvas in opeD air , t intervalil of ten minntes eaoh evening. No
OOllnt ) ' li'air in Nebr ska has ever pre3ented the attrnotiODs that are posi.
li\'ely nnder oontract t thia lime. tt is the intention of the tnansfement
to give the people the hest ontortltinnent , ever soel1 in , N ebraBka.
Dr. W. E. Talbot was recently
re-appointed surgeon of the First
Nehra ! ka regiment and "anks a .
:3upt. Lewis went to Kearne } '
Mon ay to serve as a member of
the examining board for candi-
dateR for \Vest Point Militarv
Accademy by appointment ! o
Congressman Kinkaid.
S. P. Great has secured the
Redmond Opera Co. for the week
during the fair. 'rhis company
is well and favorbly known to
the theater going people of Bro-
kcn Bow and will prove one of
the attractive features of the
weck. .
- .
- - - ' "
, . . t , H : : 1111fI'U .I-r ; ( ,1f "f
: t :
W e T ry ffi
To Please
Our Customers.
: t 'l'IIA T is why we ell strict- ;
: t 1) ' high grade unadult-
\11 erated drugs. ' "
: t TIIA'1' is wh } ' our prices are ;
so reasonable , and :
: t 'rUA T is whr we' are careful - : ; :
ful and accurate in ;
filling prescriptions. :
Rev. H. E. and Mrs. Myers are
the proud parents of a boy that
arr'r.d at their honie the 22nd.
Company M. left here ' \Vednes-
day noon on 44 tor York , where
they will remain in camp until
; the 31 , in drill and experience
cam p 1if .
D. F. Brown and wife of
Osceola , Neb. , visited Custer
county the fore part of the week.
'l'hey came to attend the funcral
of Mr. Brown's brother , Dr. J. G.
Brown of Ansley.
. 'J " _ _
To Take Care of Money
Sthe moue ) ' of all classes of peaS
8 pIe-is the rriucipal reason for thc 0
S existaucc a the 8
Custer Nation l B nk i
And this duty is performed with
R satisfaction to. all concerned. S
Business is greatly facilitated when 0
R the Custer National Dank is perS
ti mitted to act as a mediulI1 in finanS
o cialmatters. Our depositors fiml
II we afford a most con\'enient and
6 safe means for the payment nnl ( col-
8 lection of money in distant towns.
S H. LOMAX , Cashier.
) # 3"J"J"JQ".rJ"J"J".rJ".rJ".r
, t"tt"t"t"t""t"'t"t" " , " " " " " " " " " ' " " t"t"t"'tt"tt""t" " " " ' , " " " " " " " " " "
- -
BUJlies ! ! BUlllies ! ! BUllllies !
- -
- -
: : : : In a few days we will have a car of Dunlap : : : : :
= = Buggies right from Pontiac , Michigan. : : :
= = 'l'hcse buggies lead the procession and are one : : : : : :
: : : : : of ' the best lines of huggies on the market. : : : : :
E : 'Will cost you no more than a "Cheap Jim Crow" : : :
E : buggy that the paint will drop off in a few = =
= - = months. Buy a Dunlap and you will always be - : : :
: : : : : proud of it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : - : :
- -
E : Beurkensland Mandt-two of the best. ' 1'here -
: : = is the best warranty givcn on these two of an.y
E : wagons on the market. Can and see thcm and
= = vou will be convinced of their merits. , . . . . . . . . .
- -
- Drills ! Drills ! Drills ! Drills !
= = \Ve are loaded to the muzzel onVheat Drill
: : : -both TIoe and Disc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- -
- -
- .
: ; : : : lJan'est IS past , make your wife laugh , hy buying -
= : : ing her a White Sewin Machine-tIt ( hcst
: : : : : in the \vorll ) . . . . . . . . . . . :1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11 11 11 11111 11111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111 11111
. ' . . .
Of course you are coming. You eo.n't afford -
ford to miss the pleasure of seeing the best fair
ever held in Custor county ; and while you are
there don't miss seeing our. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .DISPLA V. .
\Ve exreet to show 0. cOJUplote line of our goods
and wi 1 haye n representative from the different
fnetories we sell for hero to demonstrate their
goods. I will have received by that time another
car load of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rex Buggies !
All of the very latest styl s. Come aud see them
whether you intend to buy or not. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. S. MARTIN , Mf.Agt.
-AND DJ. Ar lt IN-
I .
. . . & I
- - -
. - . . " . . " . : : . " " . . " . - " " " "
I School Boards
Preserve the dignity of your
office b1 showing goodjudg-
N mcnt 111 the purchase of S
for your district. Hemem-
ber that H. A.Vatt makes
S it strictly a business to kCCI ) S
S all school supplies at aU 8
U timcs. Step 111tO the post
office store and "figgcr" on S
N an Exchange School Book S
Order , an thcn pat ) 'our-
self the back. Mail '
S on 01'S
ders prompU ) ' attended to.
See or address ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
. M' ' M'\'M ' \ 'ifl MMI Mh fl'M''MMM ' ' 'MMM a
; S. P. Gl OA l' & .CO. ,
. . EmboltnorB and Funol'at Dt-
root'lra. WuT. ' . , Ullllcrlllklnl ( UUUlIM
IIUII ulI"rl\l Ullr. Oall tulol11101l0 63 at
IInv 11l1Io-tlIlY or nlilIL. :
S. P. CROAT lit. CO. ,
1troltollllow. . - _ Nuhr8Mlm ,
Q : i' : li't .ii tnWVWk'W : : U'ti'H'MVlW\ ' ' !
- -
New wall paper and plenty of
it . , at J. C. Dowen's. .
- - -
l-lan. I-Iail. l-lail.
Farmers protect yourselves
in the old reliable St. Paul
Li'ire & : Marine Insurance
Co. We have $3,000,000
cash capital and pay our
losses promptlj' .
Ras Anderson , Agent.
UrOlcu.n."v. .rcchroudcl& .
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ - . _ _
. _ " _ ' _
' " " " " : # . " " . " " " . " . " . ; . : " " " " . . : . . . " . " . . " . . . ; .
I II Business @ Normal Collolleoa ,
. The fall term will begin Sept. 7 , 1903. Pupils may ,
: 8 enter at any time , but bettcr work will be accomplished by bc-
I ing present the first day. Our school is complete in each de-
: partment. We have the best equipmellts that can be foun S
: S 111 the state for good work. We own our own buildings , site Ii
I and equipment , . and Vie are here to stay. 'Ve employ none but
: first-class teachers. Our school is different in many respects S
, from the ordinary high school 01' university.Ve aim to dcR
vclope the mind by teaching subjccts that can be used in our
every day life. Our school is not intended for those that have S
S the time an money to spend six or eight years in getting all 8
8 education. We select those subjects that a man or lady will R .
use in their daily life whether in professional work or on the 8
8 farm. To thosc that wish to get work ' after' completing our g
8 c urse and preparing themselves for' the work , we will say ii
8 that there has been no difi culty in finding places. There is h
8 no better place to secure an educatioll that will aid JOu in a 8
practical way. 'rhere are many reasonR why the young men
and women af this locality and abroad shou1c1 attend this 8
8 school in Broken Bow. We have no saloons , 110 gambling N
dens , no bowling alieys , no pl ce for idlencss and vice. We i ! :
have three complete courses : Business , Short-Hand 8 (
S Typewriting , and Telegraphy.
'l'uition for Life holarship , GO.OO. An ) ' two courses ,
$100.00. Further information given upon application. S
g g
Sec'y. Pres.
J"J".rJ".rJ".rJ'.r.r..r.rJ"J'.Q3"J' 3".r..r.rJ".Q'.rJ".r.r.rJ" .Q".r.rJ".r.rJ"Jf. .
r 7M WAAw Wtr1A 1 'MtAa\1fM11 : tM1. < M7r .MMMMf , { M ? M
c rl SAVE YOUR : H.OG6BYtrSIN - '
. . n ; ,
: : ; . . E ure k a V aCClne. . I
I [ log Cholera Cure Preventative. r : :
; Its average record last ycar is C)2 per cent. saved of all tt
: : hogs treated , regardless of the conditiol of the hogs at time '
= of treatmcnt. 'l'his record is not equallell by another . I
: . . : . : remcdy on the marlcet. . l'or ! further particulars , address , . " j
. . . . . , . . ;
: . . : . ' 7 _ 1-3rokcn Bo"v , Nebr. . , N J :
" '
"A ! a il'
; ' m j jJ .wWtro w..vJlJjJWl 'J ' "
- . '
. . . t. : .J