Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 20, 1903, Image 8

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    ' . " " ' ' ; ? t'I\ ' " " ! " ' j ,
'Y 7\W
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.f ' 'f ' " "
! J ' JJ J JJJ
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t
Rock salt at the Eagle Grocery.
Money loaned 0 ; ' unproved
farms. J AMUS LUDWIClI ,
7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb.
: Don't wait until you arc hailed
o t , but come in and insure in
the old reliable St. Paul Fire &
Marine. 52tf
Just received a new stock of
picture frames , mouldings , mats ,
etc. Picture frames made to or-j
der. Second h .nd goods of all
kinds bought an sold.
39tf South Side Square.
'J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac-
ter. 39th
-Before buying flour visit the
Eagle Grocery.
Applesl Applesll ppleslll
Allldnds ofapples-cookmg , eating -
ing and crab apples at the Star
I W ANTUD-'rO hire two men
I that have families. Houses furn-
, 38tf . West Union , Neb.
: For bargains in real estate or
collections , call on C. E. Gandy ,
j Notary Public , Broken Bow. 9tf
. J. G. Leonard bonded abstract -
t r. 39tf
One hundred ton of bay to let
out on the shares.
7ff Jltssn GANDY.
We have just received a large
consignment of Queensware and
glassware. Call and see them.
, I have a good farm 4 miles
from Broken Bow for rent ; 100
acres . ready for fall grain.
W. A. George & Co. , have just
received a car load of salt.
The best ice cream soda in the
city at Wilkin's drug store.
- -
: Ice cream soda at Wilkin's
drug store for five cents. Try it.
J. G. Leonard bonded abstrac-
ter. 39tf
. .
. .Apj > les , peaches and plums at
the Eagle Grocery.
.Mr. Aaron Pool of Broken Bow
wil1 : supply your wants for NU.R-
S1tRY stock and guarantees sabs.
! f ction. 8tf
W ANTUD-Place to work for
board by steady young man. attending -
_ tending college. Inquire at W.
B : Eastham's office.
I .
. To the ladies : Don't worry
J about what to wear to the fair.
& Drop in at Wilson & Drake's and
get a tailor made suit or treat
: yourself to a swelJ skirt and styl-
lsh shirt waist. Then you will
; etijov the show. 10tf
i FOR SAL1t-Deering mower and
rnke , almost new. Enquire of
: . L\A. Coleman , Merna. 10-11
This ofiice for neat job work.
Just received a car load of
.flour , and we are selling it the
oheapest of any flour that has
been sold here. Try it-at the
Slar Grocery. . 8U
i : Improved farm of 480 acres t
rent for cash soon , also several
houses for sale in Brolccn Bow
a prices that are right. See J .
F. Hutchinson. 10-11
. . FOR SAl.n-Tow.J lots and < !
few five acre lots in this city ,
-Allen Reyner.
Full line of staple groceries a1
t e Eagle Grocery.
FOR RUN'l'-A double room it
the Custer Block. Inquire a1
this office. 47t
The Broken Bow Business Col
lege opens Sept. 7. lOt
FOR SALH-Six room house
best location in city.
'V ANTItD-Four good hay hand
immediately , riding machin
ery , best of wages.-J. E. Myers
Georgetown , Neb.
Branl horts and gro d feel
for sale at the Eagle. Grocery.
Do you want to board colleg
students ? Inquire at W.
Eastham's. .office.
, Allctlon 8111 r
I will sell at public auction a
. my far.m 9 miles south-east 0
Callaway , on l riday , August 28
.1903 , 20 milch cows and soml
other stock. Sale to begin at 11
a. m. These cows are higl
grade Shorthorns of my OW ]
raising. , Many of them extr ;
good milkers. Free lunch a
noon. I. D. SlIUMAN.
"R. E. BRnGA , Auctioneer.
. . . . . . , , : , - , . . " . . ' . .
. . .
. . . .I. . . ' " ' " ' " ' , ' , 2"J" " !
, . . . , . . " " ' " j . , . . " " " " " " " "r" , , . . " - f''J.r' ' . . . " . r. . . . . . .
. , . . -
E } 1 Myel'lI 011 Emel'g'ellc ) ' CurretJ y.
- -
E. l . Myers of Georgetown ,
delegate to the RepubJican State
Convention , the youngest member -
ber of the delegation received the
following favorable notice front
the State Journal last Tuesday
morning :
"E. F. Myers , chairman of the
delegation front Custer county ,
says he voices the opinion of
some of the soundest bankin institutions -
stitutions in the state in desiring
a plank in the platform condemning -
ning asset currency but favoring
an emergency circulation and
providing means whereb , national -
al bank notes could be withdrawn
with more freedom and taken out
with less delay than at present.
Mr. Myers' plan for an emergen-
C ) ' currency provides , first , that
the currency be secured by all the
assets of the bank of issue ; second - I
end , the circulation be Jimited to i
one-half of the amount of the I
bank' ! capital ; third , a tax of 5
per cent bc levied on all emer-
gcncy currency in order to guarantee -
antee that it would be retired as
soon as the emergenc ) ' which
called it fourth had passed. .
Legislation somewhat along I
these lines was favored by the
bankers' association which recently -
cently met in 'Visconsin and
When questions as to the policy
of such resolutions Mr. Myers
said "many of the opposition
papers out over the state say the
republicans contemplate resorting -
ing to antebellum wildcat currency -
rency in order to delay an impending -
pending crash until after the
next pre idential c mpaign. By
declaring in favor of conservative -
tive currency reform only , this
talk would be stopped and the
people assurred that the republicans -
cans stand for a sound and stable
currency. " J
The streets Flooded.
Last Friday morning this locality -
cality was visited bv . the heaviest
rain of the season. Between one
and two o'clock a. m. the heaviest
rain fell which was folllowed by
another about five o'clock. The
precipitation was two and half
1I1ches. By 9 o'clock th ( > creek
was more than bank full and before -
fore noon the walks over the
Creek on Fourth and Fifth
Avenues were washed out and
two feet of water covered the
streets. For several hours
throl.1gh the middle of the day
travel was suspended between
the depot and the south part of
town. Fortunatelv the amount
of damage was nof great. The
city laundry was flooded with a
foot of water in the main building -
ing and three feet in the engine
room. Mrs. Bangs' residence
property on 4th Avenue was
flooded and the water was close
to the floor in Frank Taylor's
house on 5th Avenue. E. F.
McClure's engine room was flood
ed and the basement of his mill
and considerable damage was
sustained. No wind or hail accompanied -
companied the rain. The storm
came from the north west and
we understand it was considerable -
able heavier in the vicinity of
Ortello where hail did consider-
abledamage to corn.
Uepubll'lln Htllte 1'lcket.
At the Republican State Convention -
vention Tuesday , John G. Barnes
of Madison was nominated by acclamation -
clamation for member of the
Supreme Court.
C. S. Allen of Lincoln , and W.
- G. Whitmore of Valley , were
L nominated for Universl y Regents -
. gents on first ballot.
'l'he nominees are men weU
t qualified for the positions for
which they have been chosen.
_ At present Mr. Barnes is one of
the Supreme Court Commission.
ers and as he was appointed to
that position by the SupremE
- Cqurt it leaves no fP"ounds fOI
anyone to question his qualifica ,
tion for the place. He is no wa )
connected in business with cor.
porations and can be relied upor
111 all matters to be unprejudiced ,
- Mr. 'Vhitmore is a farmer an
stock feeder at Valley and ha !
twice been elected t the statE
legislature. Mr. Allen is ; :
graduate of the State Universit )
and is personally interested it
the success of the State Univer ,
_ sity. He is a lawyer and stand
high in his profession and as ; :
citizen. .
'l'he convention endorsed Johr
L. 'Vebster of Omaha , for vice
president , 1904.
.b Otbcru See UII.
Mr. L. A. Eberhart of York
Nebr has traveled pretty wel
over &lster county , the past fe\ '
weeks , and is surprised at th ,
thrift and improvemeQ.ts he find
here in comparisou witlt iltc
older sectio s of ! ' ) ebr sk .
Mr. Eberhart has beeJ1 ; eye
about the entire state. , an" s y
_ _ _ > , _ . . . : : ii- ! ' " . _ . . . , _ , ,
[ r1117"r' - < rr.'fl ! " " ' ! / } : , , : " " ' ' 'I : " ' " 'j '
. . . J _ _ r _ _
he fiuds no other county such
uniform and nbulldallt crops as
he finds in Custer county. . lIe
says that all traveling men report
conditolls just as he has found it.
Mr. Eberhart has been a resi eul
of York county , Nebr. , many
years , he says he would sooner
JUvest in Custer county land
than in any other place in this
state. He finds fewer mortgaged
farms here than elsewhere , and
also finds more contented farmers
who will not sell at any price ,
than in any other county. Land
in York county is held for $60 to
$75 per acre , and yet Custer
county has had better ClOpS , year
by year , than York county.
Mr. Eberhart admits that York
county had less of crops in 1890
and 189'4 than Custer countl'
Speaking of the present crops 111
Custer county , Mr. Eberhart'said
he had never seen such oats grow
in any state as he has seen in
this county.-Sargent Leader.
1t. . u.
ALT.ISON-August 17 , at Ans-
ley , Helen Alice , daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. C. V. Allison ,
formerly of city , age 10
months and 4 days.
Rev. and Mrs. Allison were
formerly loacted at this place
and they have many admiring
friends in this vicinity , who will
join with the R1tPUBLICAN in extending -
tending to them their sincere
sympathy in their. . great bereave-
The funeral services were conducted -
ducted at the Christian church
in Anslev Tuesday August 17.
I Rev. J. R. Teagarden , officiating
assisted by Rev. G. A. Smith
and the Ryerson Qua'rtette of
this city.
_ _ _ _ . t.
A sweet ! roldell head haa forrottell life's wa ) ' ,
Asleep 011 Its pillow of roses :
WeehalldashuUllI1I' c1oe aalf tired of play ,
Like buds which the summer discloses.
But the beautiful son I' of my birdie Is stlll dJ
And over the lips of my blossom.
I The dimples la ) ' white as the frost 011 the sill.
While a IPlrlt sail It low to my spirit at . . .111 ,
Then carrlel the lambs III his bossom.
Sunday School Convention
A Sunday School Convention
and picnic will be held in John
'Velsh's grove near Westeryille
on Friday August 28 , Mr. Kimberly -
berly of Lincoln , Sunday School
organizer for Nebraska , will be
present , he is an able speaker.
A general invitation is extended
to all Sunday Schools in the eastern -
ern half of Custer County. Come
in delegations. Come in any
way and enjoy'a shady gr : ) Ve- , : .
the children wIll enjoy the 4ay.
and perhaps be benefitted. Bring
your dinner 'baskets ' well filled.
Cbnrcb BerTlc. : . .
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preachfng
at II a. m. by Rev. Myers. Owing to
the pastor being sick the evening services
will be announced in the morning.
Services next Sunday morning at 1 I
o'clock. Subject , "Human Reason
Versus Divine Revelation. " There will
be no servicei : in the evening.
The marriage ceremony of Ivy Maude ,
daughter of 1\o1r. and Mrs. R. A. Hunter
to Dr. Thad L. Farnsworth will be
solemized in the church on Wednesday
evenin September 2 , at 8 o'clock. The .
public IS cordially im' ted to attend.
First of a series of Sunday' morning
lectures on "The Blessed LIfe" at the
M. E. church Sunday II a. m. Subject ,
"Purity of Heart. " Text , Matt. 5:8. :
An evan elistic service in the evening at
8. Subject , "The N me of Jesus. "
Text Acts 4:12. Epworth League at 7 p.
m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Class
meeting at 12:15 : p. m. The pu lic is
cordially inted. . Glto. P. TI TltS ,
- .
Morning theme next Sunday : Con-
version. " Come and see what we really
do believe on this great subject. In the
evening we give the fourth and final lecture -
ture on the "Divinity of Christ. " A
deep interest has been manifested in this
series thus far , which we hope will also
be true of the concluding one. You are
in\ ' ted , A. G. SMITH.
.3,35 Tu Uo ttnl(8 Alld l1.etarna
Via DarUalton Routc'
Account G. A. R. Reunion.
Tickets on sale August jl to Sept. , 5.
Good to return September 7.
For further information ask thenearest
Burlington agent. 10.11
"ow lIate. Tu . .IDCOln V , . . Tile
DuraluKlou Route.
September 7 to II the Burlington will
sell round trip tickets to Lincoln atcry
L low rates , including adinission to.i.the
State Fair.
Splendid attractions have been provid.
ed for 1903'S fair , which "ill be the. . " . 'big
show" of tbe west. -
During the fair tbe Burlington witl , run
stub trains between Lincoln and the fair
b'1"Ounds at frequent intervals. Fare , five
cents : each way. .
Ask the Burlington Route agent for
further infornmtion. 10-12
W ANTED-Heural Indnltrioul perlonl I
each Ilata to travel tor honle eitablllbell . .Inn
) ' ' ' 11 &noS With alar'd capital , to call npon mer.
chante : and alenll tor Iucculful and protltabh
Itne. l'ermau n' eDiagemeu' . Wo 'IJ cut
aalarJ ot ' 18 alld all 'raulluc Xp UIU anl1 1l0t i
111111 ; 'ancld In cub eacb WHk. Kperienci
DO' . . .entlal. ahntton rolerence and oncloll
\lelf'addie..c ' ' ' , v.lope. T. . . NUluK.n , 33
Our.boll : ! t.l.olilc IC"
" ' ' " . . , - . . - . J . . . . . - " , . , . . ' " , . . . . . - - - , , - " " -I. . . .1
" " , : "W' ; , , . , n. . 1"11'- " ' " . . . . 1'I\/f (
. . . . . .
. .
. . .LOCAL. MEN..ON. . . . .
.M --v. . .
Dr. H. C. 'l'albot was RerW1I
visi tor Monday.
Dr. C. 14. MulIins visited Mason -
son City Monda ) ' .
G. II. 'I'uttle has bought the
B. & M. restaurant of RolIa
' '
S. II. Rced of Merna , left here
Friday morningfor SanFrancisco
to attend the G. A. R. Encamp-
J. F. Bryson of Georgetown ,
was a business caller at this
office Saturday. . He is building
a new barn on his farm and sheeting -
ing it with iron.
Silas Thompson and wife of
the South Loup returned yesterday -
day morning from a visit to Ohio.
They were one nine weeks and I
report havmg a very pleasent
W. S. Metcalf and family , who
made an overland trip to Kansas
some two months ago on a visit ,
returned to this city Sunday.
They had with them a camping
outfit which enabled them to see
and enjoy whatever was to be
seen along the route. Mr. Met-
cali says he saw no country while
gone that would excell Custer
county for stock raising.
Andrew 'Veaver of Mason City ; ,
who had been attending the
teachers institute the past three
weeks , called in Saturday to bid '
us good bye. Mr. Weaver says 'I
the teachers are highly pleased :
with the institute and the superintendent - '
intendent for providing them
with so able a corpse of instruc-
tors. He informs us that the
teachers speak very highly of the
fine treatment received from the
cItizens of Broken Bow during
their stay.
R. A. Hunter has just had issued -
sued from this office a pamphlet
advertising a large list of real
estate he has for sale in Custer ,
Buffalo , Dawson , Perkins , Red
'Villow , Frontier , Kearney ,
Furnace , Gosper and Garfield
counties and lands in Colorado.
For design and mechanical work
It stands at the head of the list
and iu number of farms listed we
have seen no work that comes
any where near it. Parties that
want to buy a farm in the counties -
ties mentioned should write Mr.
Hunter for a copy.
Miss Maude Jackson , , daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jackson of
Mason City was married to Prof.
Thos. J. Bahr of Eagle , at the
home of the brides parents on
\Vednesdayof last week. Re\ ' .
J. R. 'Woods , officiating. The
bride is one of Custer Counties
most estimable young ladies
and for several years past has
been recognized as one of our
most popular teachers. The
g-room was principal of th Mason -
son City Schools last year and
has been elected principal at
Rushville this year. T4e Rn-
PUBLICAN joins the friends of the
happy couple in congratulatio s.
The state normal school board
have changed the date they were
to visit Broken Bow. Thev will
be here Friday , August 28 , instead -
stead of the 27. Farmers and
business men of the county who
feel interested in having the
school located in Broken Bow
can manifest their personal interest -
terest in no better way thaa to
be in the city on that date and
extend these gentlemen a cordial
welcome. The board will arrive
here Friday morning from the
west at 8 o'clock and remain in
the city until Saturday morning ,
when they will return to Lincoln.
Broken Bow is the last city to
be visited that has put in an application -
plication for the school. The
board is expected to announce its
conclusion soon after returning
to Lincolu.
Each One's Share
would be 23 } ) acres if the earth wus iv ll.
ed up equally. Have you got your sharer
or au ) ' part of it ? If not we can ell it t < : l
) 'ou. We have excellent bargains in
in all irections--in the city , in the sub.
urbs an in 1\11 \ : countr ) ' . Business pro'
perty , residences an farms , We CUll
liuit you as to price.
James Led""vicll.
Broken Nebraska ,
Bow. - - -
, . - - . ' . . - - " - " - - . - . - - . - - -
'W"1' . . ! " , . . . . . " " " " 'F" ' . . ; . ' "fW If ! , ! . . . . ' ' . ! JII.iI " , ' ; . , , " , . ' ' 'I' ' ' ' $ J'1' \ .
. .
" ' . ' ' , ' , .
. ' _ n- . .
- - ' " - - -
" "
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( J ( ) TO ' 1'111 ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "II e1 ; S1ore ;
-FOR- :
SUUJltler dress goods , black and white India linen ,
black and white mulls , white silk mulls , mercerized -
cerized silk chambray , lochiel zephyr , favorite
zeph'r , pigue , duck , almeria batiste , halcyon
batiste and ginghams for waists , laces and em-
Ribbons Velvets Velveteens Silks
, , , , Crepe , y
Nuns Veiling , and Sateens. Also a fiue 'line of
Ladies Low Dress Shoes , Kid Colonial , Kid
Four Strap , Sandals and Dongola Souvenirs.
Suubonnets , Ginghams , Velvet Ribbons.
E. Reyner & CO. ,
. . . Brok.el ) Bo\.v. - - Nebrask.a.
L. ' '
" , ' '
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . .
. . -
Rev. J. R.Voods of Mason
City , was a friendly caller Mon-
da ,
Mrs. T.V. . Bass and daughter
left Thursday morning on a visit
to California.
Jas. Holcomb was among the
number that went down to Ma-
70n City Saturday to attend the
annual reunion of the Hoosiers.
E. F. Myers of Georg'etown ,
went to Lincoln Monday to attend -
tend the republican state convention -
tion to which he was a delegate.
P. C. Erickson of Brewster ,
passed through the city Monday
on his wav to Lincoln as a delegate -
gate to the republican state con-
The celebrated Geiser Threshing -
ing machinery. Never beaten in
a test. 'l'he machine without
si veSt .For sale by
2tf S. M. DOIuns.
'Gene Westervelt , editor ot the
Scotts Bluffs Republican. stopped
off Sunday on his way to Lincoln
to attend the republican state
convention. He went on to Lincoln -
coln Monday.
Geo. Willing and family returned -
turned Frid1y ; frolli a visit of
several months in the east.
They visited a number of cities
of int rest and enjoyed seve al
excursl ns on land and sea whl1e
one. They report having enJoyed -
Joyed a very pleasant time. Mrs.
G. O. 'Vendell and Children of
Dixon , 111. , a sister of Mrs. 'Will-
ing came back with them .and
will spend several weeks visiting
relatives and old acquaintances.
Mrs. G. 'V. Lang of Lenox ,
Iowa , and her sh er Mrs. C. D.
R. Perry of Merna , were friedly
caners at this office yesterday.
Mrs. Lang arrived in the county
on the 4th inst. on the sad mission -
sion of burying her husband , who
died at Lenox on the 3rd of the
present month. I-lis remains
were laid to rest in the Merna
Cemetery. ' .rhe decfased : was
one of the early settlers of the
'Vest Table. He with his wife
moved to Lenox eight years ago.
He had been afflicted ince April
with brain trouble , which was
followed wi th a stroke of paralysis -
sis , from which he ne\'er recover-
ed. During his residence in this
county he made many friends ,
who will join with the RUPUBLI-
CAN in extending sympathy to
Mrs. Lang and other relatives in
their great affliction. Mrs. Lang
returned to Lenox , Iowa , to day.
Legal Notices.
All IIdnrlllemauh uuder tbll head will be
charged for a' leval utes , vii : 111.00 I' r Iqoaru
tor rl' Inlerlloo. lIud 60c per iquaro lor . , .Icli
Inbleqnot : Inledlon ,
"Iquar " la ton IInos or fraction thereat.
- - - - . . . . . . . - - - -
l'ultod 8tl11011 J.aud Office. l
I.Incoll1 , Nebflulea , AugUIIII tb. 1903. f
Notice II h rebv glvon tbat the IOllowlllg named
l tUllr bal tlul ! uotlce of hla luteuti'lu to ma u
lIuII proof Iu ! luppar' of hIs cilim. IIlId tht lIld
ploof wlllIJl , llIadu beture J.I. . Armonr. counly
ludge , at IIrollou ; Dow. Neb. . on ODtoher It 1'103 ,
"I. . : Edwlu F. llyere , for the eonth Kn.t , , 'Iart r
, at Iecllon , Towllablp U , LtIUIO : ' ' 0 W J 11011I0-
IIead entry No , 17b73. 110 namel tlie rpllowlllg
Watnelle. to pro" , bll coutlnnou" rllllilloolio UpOIi
lIud cnltlvatlon or uld Iind. vlz : JIIIII"1 W.
Uuftoker at Oeor I 'owu , Neb. Chl\rlel Hammond
of Orokeu 1I0w. Neb. . Pliler Dock of Ueorgulown.
NilI/r. , Artbur 10" IIlywrll or llroleen ! luw. Neb.
10.15-57 W A. U IIUN. lIeglster.
' , BFT'I'I.1omtN1' .
NOTICE 01 < FINAl : :
lu Connty CuurL uf tu.l : r Cuuuty. Nllhralka.
To 'be Orellllorllolill "tin. Iud to all whu are
Intnellelln Ihe ellat" or Nlluc ) ' E. Mhlwell ,
'I'allo Nollcs , Tllat W. 'r. l'OWIIU , execnlor 01
Ibe afor..vald . KSlate , lias I110d a replln III hili
Iiolul < ' a8 sucb , anll alln tbat Il.Io IIIII. . bo 1\1"
. , roe,1 anJ tlUl' b lie Illlcbargell trow furlb"r
ollllglt\ou \ Ih..reto , IInol that tl.lo O)1)IIIY ) JUIIco
mall. . IUch Oldr 11810 tbo dldtrlbuUun of Uld a.
, "It lIeloUlll101 ( to laid 81'ltll III uloy leoIU JUI' "lid
tllllilablll ; auti hi dedljlIlue th. . b lr. enUhd to a
' ' 'drIlID bail ! IIdlal" . l1ud 10 rau' luch otber re'
lIer a uu ) II , deemed DeLlIs"r ) ' In the dnal
. IUelUeut of .11111 IIltate.
lJald ILlillerl.l. . . . been leU. > r hearing 0'1 the nlh
dlY of S"pComber.l\11X1 , at 10 o'Cloca. II , m . . , tll' ;
l'olmtv Cuurt Hoow , In IIro eu Uow , N..brukl ,
" , wl.llch thu snd placlI 1111 parll 1I lu.
'erelt l ! mlly " ol > d IIlIueafil co.c rulug tll"
IIIwe. Ualed tb . bIb dl\Y or AugUlt , 19113
U-U-5 L ULI J. A. AuuoUIi. Couuty Jadge.
, . UnltelllHillei 1.lIlId Olllc. . . . l
llro en Oow , , l' ' elJugulL 'j. 1903 f
I Nollco h hersby ghlln Ibd Ihf ! rollol\ln nam.
ed 'IIUI r h. . 11I llnotl' of l.IIlluleull u I" luaoe
I1l1al pr"or Il1aU\lllorl \ of hI. claim No , : ' :65 : : ! "lid
tllat hid I'ro"l will be 101110 " IOIII 1I1I1/1."r / . allli
lI"cehllr at IIrok"u 110. . . . Neb. ou : ; I'L. 1:1 , 1\10:1 : ,
\'I1 : ! OOlorg" I. Warrlll 1IIIIII ll low , NO'b. ,
for tb" 1 1Iei ! cIIOlIIl. 'l'own.1i11l IIIoorlh ,
Hallgu W weaL ul b I' U , 1DIWIIS \ Ibll rollowlnac
wlluuo llo prove hla coutluuoUa reald uc. . upou
aud culUvaUuu or IIlIld laull. vlz : Alva Iulilli ul
IIluk.eo How. Neb. . lIa'ld ' of Uru""u
Uow , ril b. , Wllllaml\lrlugltubil ! \ 11 Urol11111 Uow.
Neb. . GeOll1I ! 'l"ewvlar uf Lillian , Nub ,
, \/.14-53 \ / J&XJtI WWTJUItUl. : Ue lller.
. . . . - - . . - _ . . _ , - - , ' . '
_ _ c _ _ -
TulC IIT.t. , K 0. ' N ICnnASK.t. , l
CUBTlln : COUNTY. f'
To 111bo \ DevleeeR lIud I ejlatep8 : , ami all persooa
IUlelellUHI In tbe Eetate ur Jarob Hklllmn
111 ceallell :
Wherent ! . W. Alllrlln Jonos. 1relgn Itxccillor ,
ha. led III lilY oUlee "nlnslrumelll 1IIlrilui t Ilg to
bR II trllo cOl'Y , nI prnllllhJ 11t lenl uf th la.t
Will aud l'clI8lallwul of JIII'OIJ HklJlIl1\11. : U"C II. '
ad lale III IIl1nenloli Conuty. N J , lld a Vetl.
tlon prayhg to have the 81111e lIhulILcII , 10 Iro.
lIute In tlll11 COUIlt. . "lIleh will I elato" tu lilltl.l
r.'al allll I't'rtoulli ' c tat'hcr I1\'on \ ' I haye ap-
polutcd 'he < Jh : Ihy of AII U'I , 1'103II III u'olock
III I he lomnnoll , ilL my uWI'lIln lIhl OOllllly. al
Ihe , llIIu II /l1I\cu ) IIU 1111 < 1 oil CUIICIHIICd , UlllY
1Il'I'oar ' IIUll coutl'.t Ih. . proh tlllli the III\Ule.
I lu ' 1' IIIIUlnny Wlwreot. lllllVo h reunlo lollny
hllDII "ud "mxed my omelal 8elll , tllle 51h d y ot
AugUt. 19J3 J. . . . . . AI < } ICUII.
.1I ,51 ( 'ount , JUdKC
NOTH.J 01 < ' HALR.
In Ibe Ustdrt ( ollr : or ( 'II ler arIUII ! ) ' , o" .
Inlhe IlII1t1er III Ih. . I .tate . r
William 1I.\loh \ II. , Uec afcll , I
Notice I' hcr lI , give. . llllllln lUrt uauce of an
ord r of CI"rll' " I , OUlt raun. Jullg. , of the
District . ' 1111,1 of ( 'u.lor cou , Iv. N"I/ra8ka. made
ou Ihe 15th Ihy 01 JUlie , A. 11 191J3 r 'r Itw sule ot
Ibe lIeul 1oetlilo hor"hllllter llebcrlb'll ' tbere will
bu 80ld at theltallt rrout duor or the ( JOurl lJouse
In Brollen lIow , . : ualer Counlv. Nellrllska , au the
11111 daul MCjJlemher , A. U. 1 3.It 10 o'clnck a. J
m. lit pUblic ve'\lluo ' 10 the hlgheet IIldJer lor
c.$11 IIIIIIUlIvhlt'11 OIIII.half 11I1"r..t Iu the follow-
Ilig , Ie.rrilltllll..r I 1 > 81111e. lo.w\ \ ! :
II ) 'rho sunth h.1t or the "orlh Ua , ' quarler.
till' Norlll I R81 qU1rter of the /InUlh / : 1'1I8l quaner
aul ! the HOUlh lta1 qllarl..r lit the NIIIIIi W"s ,
quarter of "trllon IraUl'Im (15) ( ) 'l'olIslall' , Four.
I U ( I ) North rony . . UI ) W"lnl ( he btll I' . m.
(2) ( ) 'J'he Soutb hllifot the l'.urth W..t qnaller
lIulllllo Norlh 11111 uf 'be Ho'Uh Wcal qU lltr of
section 'I'bllly two (32) ( 'l'owu8hll'4'ou \ , h , . II (14) )
North lIall " 'l'w..lltV (21) ) WesL III tI'l ' ! 6th p. m.
(3) ( ) 'l'hlll'lIrcel of I"ulln the IorIO . .III qUIlIO
III tll , ' South 1 lI9t corlll'r of Ib" ulh 'i1t quar
ler or thl' Norlb KasL qunrler of H cllon tYolnly
oue (21) ( 'rown-hlp etvtuleflu (17) ( ) North Hlugll
'l'weuty ave ( 'Z51 West 01 the GIh 1' . lit bnd d 1I
cilbelllllore I.rllcni"rly , lie follows : COnlmenc _
Ilig at the Sruth Kast COiner of ( hll .alll orth
Klillt quarlor , rlluulul. : tI'oUCIl ' W lIt 'I'wcnl ) ' live
anll 'I'wo Hundred NlUely Sevell Tuouundtbs
lIods. tbeuce North twenty ae IIlId 'I'hce 'I'clltbe
HOd 1 thence a8t. 'l'\\euty ave oDd 'l'wo UnnLtr.
ed Inety Hovell 'l'holl audUls Huds , theuJo
80nlb. ' 1'1Vl'lIly ave IInd 'I'hree TCI.tll Itoda o
place 01 beglnlll ! : . conlalnlng lo'our (4) ) acres and
Ibe bame , , ' { . .tur d by dee , ] or l'ollveYlince
fruUl Will. \ \ ' FrazIer and wlfl' , 1.luua J. " 'razler
to Ihll Ralll William If Uo"III , wlilch said deell
Ir c..rd.d III Hoot. . lo'lve (5) lIud l'I1\1e \ 12 Iu the
Der.d lIecords 01 CUlll r coullty I'oobrll.lla. '
( ) ' 1'hd parr 111I Iho I'oorll1 ' Well quarlor of
( bll Nllrtll RaI' qnltlor of Mecllon 'reu (10) ( 'rown-
IIhll' II'lIle.u ( lfi ) Norlh Hauqll Twenty 'I'llroe (23) (
We8t or Ihe Ihll blh p. m.11I ( 'uster Couut ) ' , Neb.
an,1 onlbe Sectloll lines b twoen t-IlcllUflS IIIU
(10)lod ( ) 3 , ame 10wn.bllI alld un 1' ruunlug
Ih uce south 1"lvo lIundrOl,1 'l'w..llty 152')1 ' ) i"eet ,
lIuuce W , , 1 'ollr lIullllrl'd len (410) ( ) rt to tbo
poilit or hl'glnlug cOlltalog 1.'lvo (5 , IIcre. 1I10ro or
11188 111111 tla. . 811111e helug ael'nrlJd hj d e'l 01 can.
veyaure lromllIul' : ! raVI1B au,1 Ita IIllIves to
Ibe lIoill \\\11"111 \ " II. lIobll18 , whiCh a"ld deed Is
rlJcunled III \ 'IIIIIWII"IeVl'n : (7)lIlIlll'aCo ( ) 40 of the
Den,1 U..rordd or .I\hliluder IJounty , Nebruka."t
( r. ) I.ots 'fblr''ell ' (13) ( ) IHld 1o'lIl1r'eeu 114) ) ot r
llIock Ir\lte \ 1I115) III LIII ! ollllillal tuwu ut UrokEn
Uow , Nllhra8ka
Malll 8.1" .hdl remdln 01'1'11 OliO hour. Haled
at IIrol.a u lIow , Nohraeka. Jllh 29. 1903
Huarl1ll\l1 01 tb" 11I11I H b lr or
the Kable \\'Illiam U Ooh.
Ills , D < cea. , I.
ALPU.t. MOIIO.t.H AUy , lor UUl\rdlllll. 7 11-49
In tbe Uletrlc' Ilourt of Cuslor Coullt ) ' , Neb.
1'0 JOIIl'l'h J. BroWI' , lIon-roslllulltdelcfltlant.
You /lIe II-r.-by lJ1I1II1. Illatcrllillo 1llb d.y of
Auguet. 1\103 , M.ry I" IIruwII IIluII lIur 1' llLlon
III rile UI.trlcl CUU t . , f I 'ulllu ' I'unlily. 1'IellrHllllt.
Ihl ! ohJcet IInll pruyer 01 willi h I\r" to ul/llilu a
dlvorc" trOUI you UII 11111 IlIIulitl : Ibat ) OU havlI
wlllflilly IIb lIdoue,1 tllu I'lalliliO wliliont good
clanse tor IIIe t"rm of 1IIU1" Ihun tWII Y 'IIII III.t
vaot II II I ! baVII fatlull 10 IUPI'Or ! .Ialllllll snd
family allhou/lb / : ur utllcll1nt ablllt ) ' to IlJ II" lIud for
'hu cnslolly of the lulilor clilltl , UII ) ' 1.1 ru IV , i , tl.lll
Jeeue uf 'aid mnrlal ! " , You 1116 rtqulretl to an.
sWlJr aald Itlllull 011 or bdor" Muu.JlI ) . 1" " 28lb
d y or H"pl fllhllr. lU03 , MAllY L. 1111011"11' ,
10 U-:6 : Hy 1Al \ , I'IULU"AN ' , Iler Atluruuy.
United Btllle8 I.anll Onlce
IlroJen , ; ow , Nebrllika. AugUII' 2 , lto3. }
Notlcols ber"by I\"cu IliaL tbll followlnl { nuu
ed leltl.r lIulIl1lol ! notice UI bit 1..loulloli tu make
tlnlll proal lu III'I'ort ' of hi _ rlalm N" 839Iud
Illat laid pr"of111 be mlldo b..tor aud
Uec IVt'r lit Oroken ! Jew. N brlls" . , 0. . elll I&II"r
18I'1OJ VIZ : lIoll"t II. lIelltll"rlille , 1111 OUI\llllin ,
for Nicboilis lIIulioug. for' u 10111 3 aUll t , shnn i
' "ecllou I 'l'I1IVIIIIII\1 \ 1:1 Norlh , UIIUjO : :0I'dt 01
6111 I' , AI 11" ualL"S the lolluwing whu"ues 10
I'wV his cuulloull lellllleuco 111'011 . .ud cU.llvaUon .
uf 811111 I..lld. v.z : I'rllIlIIlIlIU J. HlchuddUn ot
Dro"ell tloN IJ. , 811mll..1 ' 1'lIole ) ' , uf IIroken
\low \ , Neb. AllJut n.lJtlllawlu of ru en ! Jow.
f'eb. , .Iamell : : IloloU 01 lIrlkeu 111111' , Neh.
9.H-5 : . JAAh8 \ \ UITEUUU , lIeglater
OIWKH ' 1'0 snow OAUSb : .
In th Dl8trlcl Conrt or Cuslur Ouun'y , Nebr88 a.
Itehcccli I1l1n ury IISlldlullll lra'
Irlx UI Ih. edtille ul JUIlI1I.h lIall'
lIury , ilclonlell , I'lallll\lt. \
FJedllrlck Uanbury. , ' " , " : lIan-
bu ! ' ) ' . l4'.unll , 11111111111Y , IIII.pj !
Uanbury 11111111111 \ IhIIlJUIY.
1I lr 01 .lolel.1I . IIl1l1bury. d"j : < oa.
t'11 , lIufe..llllllll.
Now 0111hl8 3111t 11 , " of JUly , t9J3 , 1111. c u8e
clime 011 to 11ft hl'afll 11,011 , tilt ! petlll11 01 lIelJocp
IIl1l1bury. 1IIllIlII,18lralrlx , 01 Ih. . , , 'lIllu IIf ,11I . . .b
IIl1uhllry , ,1 < I'cl\lell , UOIIIIII : tourth th L aht
JO llh 1II\IIIIIIry III bl. ! If J t tlld Ilia I , o.lIJI1
onll dollv"r"ll a lIolid lor 1I11 e < l lur Ihll eal" ur tilt !
nurlIua t qllllfh.r or Her-lIuli ulcell ( II ) III t"Wu.
allll'lhlrll. . . . . LIJlnu'lh III rallg" twellly.1I1I11 LJI )
woalIIII'U'lor tnul'Y : , Nob/le" " allli Ih"realUr
Iliell 1I,1t'IIt.\h' , , Ihat tholurcha'III"ICII . .all1.'d III
. . .hl hOllll for II ,1. . . . < 1 h. . b""n r .11) ' poill lIy I hu
a".lguee.llltrt'nC , IIny I" IIluel1"y ulld IIt'nlge E.
Sm'llIey11111 I hili UI' " . . . . , Imllll.,1 III II II. . " fur
the " 1I1lllrI'UI18u , ! Ihll Ihu hulrs at law 111111 1\11
1'0101111" ' IIiLurc"ell 11I811II"III le IIrt ! II. lulluw. :
) lellI1lIalihury. . ) 'nur 1"lIl1onH wlltmv of
Ilec < , uhd [ 'nllL l'III1I11Y. luwlI
I4'rederlck IImlllr : ) ' .11011 or IIi'rellied. ngllll 20
yeara. Polk UOIIUI ) ' . lalla.
i"raliL.lillIlilY. \ . tiunllle' ' ' > I.ed , ajelllS year.
Polk CIIUUty III" " .
F""I. . IItlmury , dalt hlor 'Ir Ilece'ind , ag'd
1I1eur. . 1"111. . ' u II ) ' low.
IIdll h 1I.lub .rhou.1 III II 1'l : Utll ugud H clar. . .
Poll. Cuullly. I IVa.
I'auiliaullury , SUO ot deceased. nKed 9 ) 'eare ,
1'0110Jouuty , IOWII ,
AI\lII.raslf'l ' : sbe lI'ay be urilt'led 10 necul"lIol1
Ilellv"r l1"cu ul Ikld Iremhed to th" hlllltuV F.
HlucL..y alill Ueorgu 1 ( . 'Iuc , , y In accorJ nco
willi t 1I tllrm. ol.ald 1101111 rur 1dc d.
It Is , Ib refor. . , mllor.d tbtlL nld I'lItllloll ho
ct for b..arlul ( al tlld 1I1 lrlct ( : uurt ItJOIU lu
IIrukenllow , lu CUller Vuunt ) ' , Ntibrul.lI , UU thll
I'-tb ' d/lY of : ! Ipleml/dr , 190It Ibe hour of 'ea
o'clocK a. m" or 1\1110011 t'lureal.ur . II. thll 11m.
calll II bllar < l. at whlcl.l Umo allli place 1\11 1'1111.001
IUIIflIllI lllu uld ell ate arll ord"rll < l tu swear and
IhOlV CIUI" . If RUY tber be. Wby thl ! I.r. yer ot
lII"II'"IUon : sbould no' bll gralilud ; aUll tb.t a
cIII" or thll orderb. publlelilld toralx coullecutln
" "like lu 'ho Oaelllr County IIelJUbllcliu , a weill ! : .
1)'nl\vipaI1er VUhllabell" the " , \Illrollllll \ lIow.
Wllu. . . . my lianll tUl1I3l tdtl ) ' or Jul ) ' . 1903.
Judgd or 11111 'rw lhh JUlllcla1 01. .
trlcI 01 Nellrukli. III anll ror t.uUIr
VonD'Y ,
! j'14-ro AUOrUt . tur '
) l'llIlIolillr.
'n " . _ " ' ' ' _ _ , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .