Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 20, 1903, Image 7
. , " , " , , " ; : ; : r'l' ; ; = : : or"- , . ' " r. . . . . - . . , T.HE SALES..WOMAN 'I . , I I I' iCompelled to Be on Her Peet the LJlrger Part r . or the Day Pinds a Tonic in ' . - . , I Miss Ctlrl n , of St. , Paul. Gives l1er " Experience. \ . y If , I " . - , \ i , ; . , . J I I , MISS Nellie Curtain. 'MISS ' NI LrJIE CUH'rAINO.10 Pearl I S l"cet. St. Palli. liu\l. , head sales- wornU1 111 a epartment store. writes : "I have charge of lJ department 1I " . I dry goods store , lJlld after standing the l.trger pnrt of the day , 1 would /(0 bume with n dull ncbe , geller3l1y I through my nUre bed ) ' . I used Pe- , rullll nnd feci so much better that 1 I JtIn : Jnd from the stor 1I0W. I JrIl0" ' PcrunlJ to be nc best mcd/clne vn the market/or the dlseRses peculiar ) to women.Mlss Nellie CurtJlln , . , Notbiug Is so weakeuln to the humm l.steUl us the con6taut loss of mucus. Catnrrhal infl\lnmotiou of the mllcous Dlell1bl'lIIe pro ucel' an eXII.e fomla- tJon of UlUCUII.Vhether the mucous , membrane b" located In the heRd or 1 _ r - I pelvic Orlllnll , the dlscharse of mucull ' , Is sure to occur. I This dh.ehllr/e : / of 1I1\ICUII \ eonstitlltl' . . . \\'eukeuing drain ; the . , steln cannM I lOllS ; withstand the I01ll nf mU Ul , hell e It Is thnt WI7IIICII ntllicll'iI with catarrhal affectlon:1 of the ilclvlc 01'- /ans / feel tired and lanuhl : ; , wil. h "enk 1IIIck and throbblug brnili. A COllrsl ! oi Pl'rulI111 / sure to ro'torl' ! health b ) " cuuln ; off the weakelllu ! : drain of tlJQ dally \IS5 of mucus. An AllmlralJle Tonlt' . COIljressmall : Mark H. Dunnell , Na- tlollal lIotel , Washinton , D. C. , writes : "Your l'eruna belli/ / : used 11) tnelf nlld many of 11I ' frleuds and acqualut- aneell not ouly as a cure for catarrh hut nlso as an admirable tonic for ph- sical recuperatiou , 1 J:1J(11 : ' rccommellll It to all persons rClulrlnj ; such retnc- dl's.-l\lark II. Duntlell. If 'ou do not dcrh'c prompt and satisfactory - factory results from the Uf of l'eruna , write at once to Dr. llartmnn , giving a full statement of your cn"e , and lie will plcmwd to give 'ou his valuable ad- "Ice gratis. . , Addres.s Dr. Hartman. President of The llartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O. . ' . . . 5iaiNer1ous : . . . . ' , . Jl ur ! lic . ' - . . Head hes . m CENTS. _ . I CUIlESALL . ' = " # - : . . : r ; HEADACHES.s57o,1J I , , I . In 1870 tbe German people barl'lv exceeded 40,000,000 in 185 tbey had risen to nearly 47,000 000 , and ill 1JOO ! tbe census returns gave 56 3-t5.0H Statistics sbow that in tHty years tbp. average beigbt or Drltlsh men bas risen an inch. TJle present B verage heigh t for a , man or 30 Is fi'e reet eight and one-balf inches , 1 have al" " Sbeen-aquarter" ! in bour berore my tlmo. IIIIe ! It ha made a man of mc-Lord Kelson. In the body or II horse that died suddenly at NeWpJI'l ( Yorks ) the r veterInary surgeon who malle a post ! ' mortem exumintion rllscoverd three J lar e stones , ole of thcw nearly as , lar e as a orlcket ball. , r : : : : : = J 'l'ho StlIlIIIICI' ilnth. otlling I : ! more refreshing or Invl/or- / utillg In slimmer .than a dall ) ' bath. Ule soft , tl'1'ld wutt'r and oUlI soap. I"or ' 80ap Is Itleal for the bath ; It Is ( lure , lathers qlllcld ' and ! eu\'es the skin soft and white. 'l'hc bath shoulll be takcn earl ) ' in tlle mOMllng . or just hefore re- tlrlug at ul/ht. / Er A OIt n. p\IUmn. , As the ( outcome of much painsLak- , In Inyestll.tatlou IhrexlsLance has been delUOlisr rat cd of class of human - man beln s called Ulural Imbeciles. Their essential character IS Iom- ! plete moral Ir1scnsl i11 ty , I e\'eJled : by a total absence of repulInill4ce to the sug esUon of critlJe before the J. f" ' " deed. A dentist In Ioscow Is u wonder in his 1Ino IIo has Invented a SS- tem by which false teeth can be made to adhere to the gums so firmly - ly that In three months it Is dim- cult to. extract them. This Russian tooth-grafter hopes In tlmo to be able 1.0 rival cature by mallu al tltl- clal glruders Lllat acho. . 1/ / An olectrlc gridiron has been dc- \'Ised to klllllles. It st 1nds vertically - ally , aod the moment a t1y alights N. N. U. , 785,34 YOnK , NEB J'e..IIUyCU .l'Ioftuorn."ou.n.I.t . . ( fiTS CIn' day' . . UI' or 1Ir. KII. . . . . Ure. . , N rv. ( I. . . ,14f'el : , 8e d ro. FUEE .a.o 'rlal bottle and 'rulloe. lilt. J1. 11. IU.L. I' . t.W..1I31 . .rcl1 Bt..l'I Ia.I1c1DW.l' . ; ; . . " , . . , w It would never do for a bur61ar to o into politics , because ho wouldn't hn vo never enough. It may be logic. but there Is more lIlt 1ite In tbe country tban in tiJe city apartment bouses. 'rhe United States has ten battlot ships built and ten buildlug. I l\.eadln s rrom the bible arc belhg , h'et1 In Berlin by pr'6r ' sio , al I eel ters , . upun'lt deatll ensues from electrIc I shocle. 'l'i1t3 dead t1y dr ps onto a hUrlzontal sllelf nuleneath Some of tbe be'Jlthlest Pond race- fu11y formed IJeople of Eurppe arc tlle gypsies or Hungary. Tbey arc rarely 111. tuelr cheels are rose tinted and so pure is tbelr blood that wuunds quiCkly heal witbout tbe app1lcatlon or medicaments. Mal < c yourself ncocssary to the world Bed mankind wi\1 \ Ive you I lJrcad. Have a lIeart that ne\'or hardens. a teru per that ne\'er tires , and touch that ne\'er hurts.-OUarles Dleleens. Women go call1ing In a grand opera leey ; Lhey stay at borne wi t1 ! the family to rag tlmc. Drop stitch sLocllngs are straining mine eye ! ' . these , days than , tbe bright sun. sun.A A law receotlY enacted by the lei < ; lature or Loul lana punishes with Imprisonment nnd hard labor hllsbanps who desert or fall to support - port their wlvos anl children. 1'bo \ \ I'es I 01' lazy husbands hang over the 1 lIIantlc a tramp.d copy or the lawl hut this qllory In red ink , "Now ; Will \011 Be Good. " When a girl rc.fuses to marry a dul.e I t IS uecaUBO bo reruses to ask I hr. Brrl tl , ullli.i ii ; ' - . osy Merchant-Well , dr , W'hat dI. 10U want ? Timlt Youth-Y-1'Our daughter's hl\Dd. Busy Mercba.nt-QI.n't ctTe It to you , sir. Eltlm' tnke ber ea.t1re o. leave her. 'We are not .ohc : Ii > > f.n. Iit111lmcnt b . Nature seems to hate : UJ. Bummers arc either too wet Ol' too drr. A weed a1 WIU'S Iet.a nlOllJ1 : . " ' . 4' h ' - - - . " ' , . . " _ . . . . . . . ' , , < " - . . , - . , . . , . . " Allflle lce Crenm. Succcss In ice crenm depends conshl ernbl ' on the method of ( l'cel'.ln . Do 1I0t use too much suit or the lee crenlU wl11 be linrd , but conrsc In teotturl' : nnd Icy In < : onliisteney. ' Three pints 01' snit Is enough for n Il\rge pntul ! t crueltcd Ice-or u guUolI freezCl' . Pnct ! cruclted Ice In Inyers with snit , pnck. I , Ing It In firml ' but mnklng It moist with colli wuter. l c cren111 "hould re- I l1Iuln pnclted for nt lenst two' hoUl's n ftcr It Is ft'ol'.l'1l. It Is bettcr it pQcled for , four or e\'en six hours nf- ter It ll pnee IH CII thor nghl - frozen , Keep It wcH cO\'Cl'ed with Cl'ut'\tcd \ Ice under thl lt luycI's uf IW\\'sllRl1er 1'0' thut the nlr eall110t I'ench It while it I" resting' . , , \ . grnlec1 Illlllie Is It pallltJ lhl addition to u pluln CI'Cllm , lluyurlng It somcwll'llt IIlte coconnnt.llIke Il custnl'll of n cup of grnnulnted lIugnl' , the 'olks of four eggs nllli t\\'O cup of mlllt. Stir the m1l1. OVCl' the lire until It Is'el' ' hot , hut not until It bolls , then ndd the Cl'ellm IIml Inlte ocr the stove nnd let It cool. .Tust he. 'fore putting the Cl'enm In the fl'l ( ! zer ndd a cup of tnrt grnted lI1ple und fl'ceze the crenm Itnmedlntcl ' . The grnted .npple IIhould not he 1I110wed to stand In the custurd , but tlw cream shaull ! be frozcn lit once. Only linne- ly fin vored , tm.t IIpplc. ! ! hould be used for this purpose. Dnrtl80n Pickle. Secure tIle fl'ult with stllllts on , n\l\ not ovcr rlpc. ' 1'0 cyel'Y qunrt nHow six ounces of hlml ) SU RI' nml one pint of white wine \'Inegnl' . Prick ench dll111son In severn 1 pillces with n darnIng - Ing needle. Boll the sugar nnd the ylllcgnr together , nnd pour It holllng' oyer the fl'ult. Next dny drnln the I syrup from the fruit , boll ngaln , adllI I Ing a qUllrter of nn ounce of clo"e8 and a quarter of an ounce of cinnamon - mon or lillce ; tbilll pour It over the damsons ns he fore. 'rhe third da ' simmer - mer nll very Jently , belllg cnreful not to brenk the fruit. Store In jnrs , nnll wllCn eold co\'er with n hllldder. This pickle wlll IteI1 for "e\'crnl years , Bnd is most exe\ll'nt \ with either hot or thl meat. . I .11. _ Champlain J > otntoc"l. " Cook oIle tnbleHpoonful of butter anll one teaspoonrul of Ilonr In a saucepan , and , add cold IJolled potatoes In Borne- wbat tbfck sllces. Mix well with a cupful at stocl. grn vy or mlllt , and Benson 'WIth Fait and pepper. Stew all together for 0. few mh1\ltea , then roe mo\'e from the 111'0 and nlld the yolk of one egg beaten with one teaspoonful - ful or lemon Jnlce Ilnd a little cold wllter. BUr for Il few minutes , ponr In n hot dleh , nnd Rf"r e with chopped par8ley. 'rhls W/l ' of cooking pOtll- toes Is enl1 Mnltre d' Hotel. " - - , - - . . . . . Cherry l\erllljtue. Make R rich pie cruet , a third of an I Inch thlcl.lnd 1mlte n light bro\V11. Have ) 'OUl' cherries stomd , anll sweetened - I ened llbcrnll ' nnd stewed In their own julco until quite thlcl < . Pour Into the \ , nnd ha\'e rendy the whites of three eggs beaten as KIln' ns possible with thr tllblespoonfuls of powllered I Rugal' . Spread this sIlloolhl - oyct' the cherrics an" let the pie balte ngaln until It Is I lI1ht brown. Serve cold. Strnwherry PIIIIlin ! : . One quart of Rifted 110Ur , two scnm tnhll'Rpoonfnls of butter or butter nnd good RWect lurll , hnlt a teaspoonful ot Ralt , two teaspoonfuls of baking pow. ' der , mix well. tlll"l111111 Pl ough milk or 1\'ntcr to form nffift dough. Roll out thin and Rprelld with berries ; roll It up nnd tie III II cloth. Plnce In n stenmer and stellm until well done. Ghllcrbread CaeM. ) [ \x \ thoroug'hl ' together halt t pound of flour Imd four onnces of butter , then nl1l1 four ounces of brown sugltr , one e : ; : ; . II teaspoonful of ground In : ; : > r and two tllblespooll- fuls of 1II0Ia ! 'Ie'l. ' : Rtlr all tO I.ther Il. nln , and droll t lble poonfuls of Ihe batter on thl' IlIIklng-tln , I\nd hllite till cooled ; : th01'ouhl : ' . v , . riOll8 t.c. : . for A III IIIOllln. A little ammonln In tepid 'wutel' will soften 111\11 cll'lIlIse the slln. Spirits of II 11I11I011 In Inhnll'd w111 0 ' .l'U relleye a SC\'I'L' headnche. Doorplates shou1l1 be clralled hr mb- bing with n clolh wct In allllllonla nnd wnter. If the color hUR bet"l1 tnlton out of slllts by fruit slalns , ammonia will usunI ' restore the color. ' 1'0 brighten ea1'pet8 wipe them with wnrm wuter lu wlllcb has beell poured a few drops of nmmonill. Que 01' two tahlcspooufuls of ammonia - nia ndded to Ilalof \ wnter w1ll clean windows better than 601lP. [ A few llrop8 In n cupful of warm water , nllplled cllreuH ' , wl1l remove spots from JlalutlnK8 IInl1 chromos. When ucld of an ' Itlnd get.'I on ( 'loth. lng , I3plrlh ; of ammonIa will Itl1l It. Apply chloroform to restore the color. Keep nldtel , sliver omnmonts at\(1 mount.s bright by rubbing with woolen cloth 6l1turated In spirits of nmmonla. Grease spots may be taken out with WE.'flk ammonia In water ; lay so f ) white paper ver Bnd Iron with a hot Iron. Ammonia applied two or three times on a fresh cold-sore will Itlll It. It will drIve It away It used wbcn . ' thl' . cold-fiore Is first lelt. . . - . Genlup Is only rullt , patleU c. JJ'orgl vo thyself 11 ttlo and otb rs much A good m un docs good nierely 1:1 living. What dol's thllt lady seem'to be takln ! ; up ? An elevator. l"nore thlllat which ynll do Dot i wlInt tu grow wIthIn you-IO\'e lor hn te-g . O'rmnl l"nrinc'r + A nA . . Rich 1"01111111111 , [ o. , .Au . 1i.-nc\ ' . Jos. PO\le \ o ( this 1I1al,0 Is whhllr uUll \'oiuhly klH1\\\I \ ns n 1 ) I'I'J : ' 1I111Urlo ) has . \lolle 111111 'Is Ilolt g n lCh rQr 1119 pe ll1e : 110 1'9 yer " l Jl L brilo\'t'it 6 $ ' . . c Qr li'le ' (01' tli rllllhtll , l cs9 tift hls. pastQrn'ork. . . ' , -.1 HeIr. . 1'01\e IlIItll ; " ' .n r r \ ! , Uon a Rtatemcnt 11111111' to him h ' a I Gcr.II.Inn farlllI' whl } IR , . mcmh l' dt 111'9 cOI1srega tloll. 'I'hc II ' " 'S \\u \ lIIe III G'e ' c 'l1ol'lIerer ; 1\1111 Uti hns 'gl\'C11 nOh' . Pope this h'thr ! ; I "IAtHt'llItc1' I RulYlrcd > r ' t\l\1l'l wth HhelllllntlslII. ' I cotiltl neither \\'allt nor rlele 011 hors l.mclt nol' d nllY ftrlll work. "I' tool. lIIedldlle (1'0111 dln''l'clIl doctors - tors , hilt tllC'r elll1 not do 1IIe ! II Ilr o\d. 'hell I tl'll'll 1 > oIlI'fI ( IhhlC' : - Illlls pro- cm'ed for IIIC b ' Ii ( ) ( hl frllnul. A fh't. I hud tnltllll the fit'llt box I felt 1\1t'I'nll ' (1 helll beltl'r ; 1 \\'IIS l'ello\'ell of the pnln 111111 could wllI. 1\1111 chOI ) wood : and the cOlltmctlon of III ' IIlIgers bo- WIn to reRo'l' ) . i "Now RIIIl'I hn " 0 tlll11 six 1II0ro . box . of 1 > 01(1'11 : ( Khilley Pills I flel. ' ell n : l11I 1\1111 nlll able to do u\1 \ the I work Oil the ( HI'III. " Locked 0111 , knlttlllJ. : girls of Dover , N. J. , ha\'e organllCd It co.operatlve knltllnlt cOlUllany. Nothln can le5son the dl nit.r or humanity so 10tJ : as the religion or love , ct unseillshness Ilnd devollon endures , and no ono c n desll'OY the Itars or tbls faith for us so loug as we tee I ourselves capable of love.- Amici. 8100 He\"arl , 8100. The rl'lIllers or thl paller will be plca et , to /i'nrn / thllt Ihl're Is lit Itn,1 ouollrvadml 111'1':1.0 that clcll o ha hl'I'1I able to cure In 1111 It. I Ia u. . IIIII ( tlmt t Calarrh. IIlIlI's C tnrrh Curl ! Is Ihe ouly poslth'e I'uro knowlI to Ino IIU'IIICIII fralernlty. Cntarrh belnll' II contltnUmmt III _ CI e. reqnlres II consUI'lIfonalln'lIll11ont. lInll's Catarrh Cure Is takec Iniernlllly , lI'tlnt ! , : directly on the blood nndllJurllUs MlrCal'os ' of Ihe sylolII , thereby dostro'III ! : the Cuundlltlon oC the Ills- OM" . and h'llI 1110 patient h ' ! : ! : Mreullih ) hulllllnl { III' thl ! ( 'on tltutlou nllrt a.lstlll1 ; nullro : lu dolliit It. ' ! work. 'fho pruprh.turs'llo\'o Mlllltlch fallll III Us.cllrnth'o power tllllt lhe ) ' olTor Ono llurlllrlJll Hollars Cor ItU ) " , 'a. " thllt It ClIlI 10 curo. cl\lI lur list oC tclIl11olllal . I Allrlrl' ; ' , F. .J. I'IIP. ) Y & CO" Toledo. 0 , . Solo by JrtIttI ! ! l . 7c. lInll's Family 1'111 rr' the h ( ' t , I glvo It as my cJelibomto alld solemn convlctilln that the IndIvidual - ual who is habituul1y tardy \I' \ meet- In an appointment , will novel' be respccted IIr succcssru11 in lite. - W. Fisk. PI"o' . . Cure tor Conl'lImplion cured meet ot a ttnacioul' anti perllltrnt. ! couih.- Wm. n. Harrlao11 , 227 W. 12ht tr t. NII York , March 25 , 1001. rrbere Is noulJ made so Rroat but' ' 1.10 may botb aced the help Dnd sel- rico and st Dd In fc\r : of the power and unkindness , overD or tbe mennest : lr mortals.-Sencca. Appointments ODce made , become . : Iebts. It I bave made an appoint- alent wi tb you , I ewe you. punctu- l11y ; have no right to tbrow away you I time , in do my own.-Oecil. . loin. WInslow's SOOTHING BYIWI' Cor IIbll- :11'1'11 : teetblng. of1cn8 the IIUI11S : , relluccs Inllll- illation , lll\8 paIn cures ollc. 1' . Ice 25 < ! bottle Lost wealth may be replaoed by I Industry , Ilst kno"led o by study. I Illst bealth by temperance or med- , Icioo , but lost time Is gene forever. : -Samuel Smiles. . : Hero Is u new occupatior for a woman : unshine companion. Woman are Rettlng positions for jhls sort or"orK In Now Yorlt. 'I'he i 3lube bas 1011jt : contooded tl1at thcle IS a place In the world for \111 proCessional - Cessional sympathl1.e1'3 : one to whum 1 JUan could toll his troubles , and whu wuuldn't repeat the talc afterI I wa rd. I Maryiand ! Jay at the World's Fair i loXt yoar. will be Suptember 12. _ _ _ - . . .J , "t".tI6tr."i \ 'I ; : ' 'i'J , ; " " , I . : : : : : : : : : : : I . " Free J\tledicat \ . .1' ; < . I , ! j . ' . , . , . ' " , . J' , .AU" . . ' I' . Adv ce to W o en. t : . . . . . . . " ' \ . - . , , I . . . . " ' "n , l' , ' ' " , .t . ' \ . ( . " \ . \1t- " . L'1 ; g' : ' . ' ; U , , FP "JJfl" : . ; Q. # " , " J ' , . . ' , . . - . . . . I . u . , " . . .11 1 , " 1 , \ . , ' - " Ie ( I , . , , \ ' " . . . : : - . . . , I ' . : i ' : . ' ' : \ . , . , . . . . I I . ' 1. , ' I 1 , I , ! . Evcry sick and ailing woman , _ . . . . . E\'cry yotlng girl who saffer ! ! monthly , - ' = ; : : , _ ! riff : . I. : E'ery woman who Is approaching maternity , I , 4..ti-fJ ? ' ' , l . ' I. Every wOlDan who fcels thnt life II a burden. i Every womnn who hils tried' all other means to realn beaU" without IUCCCas , , ,1 Every womnu who Is going through thnt crWcal tlmc - the changc of life - . Is Invited to write to JUr8. Pinkham , Lynn , 1\:188. \ , In reanl to her troulille , and , . ! ' ; thc most cxpert ndvlcc telling cxactly bow to obtai. a CURE will be lent abso- " lutcly free of cost. . The ono thing that qualifies a perRon to give adTicc on nny subject. is experience -experience crcatcs knowledge. . I . . . " - I 1 No other person Ims so wiele an experience with female ills nor such ' ' ' 0. recorll of success It.S Mrs. Pinkham 111\8 had. 'I' 'j OVer It. hundred thousand cases como before her each year. Some : j porsonnllyothors by mail. .And this hus been going on for twenty yea.rsl . ' day aHer day , and day afwr day. . . i , 'l'went.y years of constant success-think of the knowledge th l , I" . ; gaine I Surely women wise in Beeking Iyico from 0. woma.n , vith I such an experience , cspecially when it i froe. ' , ; . . . ' " 1\lrs. HaycN , of Hustun , wrute tu l\lrs. l > > lnlduun when she was In great troublo. IIel' letter uhows the rcsult. ' .rhoro are n.ctun.lly : thouSUoIHls of such lettcrM In 1\Irs. Plnlchum's 1)o8Bcsslon. . . , ; , , : ' . . DrAn rns. PInm. . . . ) ! : - I have been under doctora' treatmcnt for female "I. , troubles fOI' botutJ Urnl1. but \vlt ) ut uny relict. 'hey no , , " tell me I baTe. . fibroid tUUlor. I cannot sit down without A'reat pnln , 1\1111 the tiOTener.s extends : ' , 'i , up my IIplne. I have carll1 down palm , 'both ' back lI.ud front. My abdomen , . ' ! . ( is swollen , I cnnuot wear my clothc ! ' ! with any comfort. Womb I" drel\dfully . ; 8vollen , ILlIIl I h\Vo hUll ' lor tbrcu . . 15 not. : \ ilowlnl ; npclls yearMy I\ppctlt.e . Ii good. . . I cannot walk fir be ( tn rny feet lor Any length of Um.e. . " , } The lIymptomt\ Flbrolll 'l'mDor. l h'l\n In our lIt\.le book , accurately ] de rtbe my' cue , 80 I , vrlt to you for e.dvlco.laba. . E. F. ll.lYEl , , : l 2 i " 1 , . Dudley 81. ( Bolton ) , Roxbury , MILIIII. ' . ' 'il : . ' .j , , , I , "DI : .n MRS. PIKJU .1- I wrote to you dNCriblnr wI symptoml , and. . , t ( alked your ad Tice , You replle < \ , and I followed all'our dlrltCUonl carefu1l1 . for /lcTeral m ) , ncd to-dAY I Am a we11 woman. , , . . Th. U1Io'of Lrdia. : E. Pinkham. , VeK'ctabl Compound , toc t er , " wlt.h . your adTlce , cArefully follo"ed. ent1rely ; upellod : U . t.umor , and .t.r..rJ - ' J , Inod the whole system. I CAn WlLlk mnu. , . no , , _ . , " _ . ' . , . II Your Vegetable Compound Ie worth fin dollr.ra . . drop. I c vln all . women who arc _ an1lc d 'Tltb tumor/l , or ani femlLle trouble , to writ. . : rem forI. I. ad "ice , and R'lTe 1t a faithful trla " - .Mu. E. F. lI.lYM : . . , . 2 : I Dudley 'at. . ' - . ( Booton ) , Itoxbury , MlLlSs. . ' ' . _ ' ' ' ' ' : ' 'I'\ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ! Ir . lIa. o.1 will l { l1y answer anr : and all letters that may. be ! ad.clrc83ed to her aslting abuut her mnes. , and laow Mrs. . . Pb tham : . ' . J elpod her. ItWIH"ftftOt ftlrtbwlth proct. . . ' " orfa1..11. . . . , t.Io14I1pat'4re/oI / ' , . S5000FORFEIT , whiM will pro , . . Ih a ! > tel , , " c.'n.II. ' . . . . . 1.7011. 1 : . l'Jakhaua 1h111010. ao. , L.JIua . , KaI. . ' 1 - I could never thlnle weB ot a man's Intellectual (11' Ulural character. If he was habitually unfaithrul to his . ppoiu tnentsEmmuns. . What haq bccome or the cuStoUl uf I rebul.lnA II chllrl when It rctllrnNl rrom a tlchlhhors with u bit or Illtsglp or ( Tltlcbtll' ! Isn't It , CUSlHW1'Y ; thcsf' dilY to lau hI nil q lIutc the' ' 1111ds silylnl-'s ! as a pro.lf ur that It Is otJscrvill unci smart ? gxplorcrs JJave Icached within 238 tlllllS or the North P . ,10. out 110 one IHli et apptOJched uearcr tuan 772 lilies of the South PlIc. , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -c. ' , 4 : , . h'1 L. r. - ' . . It ought to be a rllir trade to S'HOP , r rcll l\ns with any Ohrlstlan. bLJLj " wharc will yu Ond the party tbntl , ) . . . It wIhn to do It ? I "j I ! , j , It has been discovered that the , . now comet ha'l threa tails. Ityi111 I ; lIulI11y bu found that It had only onr,1 , ,1 " 'HI ' some 0110 has stepped 00 that , I ' 1Jhe now c 1l1ct Is us ovem t d as the , \'erage wllman's tdn back , east. I , I ' " When wo visit In the country. WP I' j I . 111\0 the hostess disappearance to e ' " folluwod hllme lInJ' ' 11y'by tbe Bound I ! Ilf chickens sqau , vldng 10 tbe hacJe i ' ' ' . . \111'.1. I I , ' mDi J" ; , , = , _ _ _ II ' ! i- - _ _ _ _ . _ " " , . . _ . " - . , , : ' . I . lEi . TillS IS . . , A I - L 100 DOX - GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR 2 : . OA50.A.RtITS : ! ! Oandy Oathartio arB always put up in bluB metnl box , our trado-markod , .1 lona-talled 0 on the cover - ta.blet ootaconal , sta.mpod 000. Never Bold in bulk I Imitations . i and substitutes are sometimes offered by unsorupulous doolero who try to pallh o ' fakes when , OABOARETS oall d tor , becOouB8 the fuk POoYB a little mora profit. Get the genulno OAS- . : O.ARETS and with it satlsfaotlon or your money refunded under Iron-ola.d guaront/Jo. 10,000,000 ' boxcs 0. yoo.r , that's the sale of OASOARETS today. and merit did it. They are 0. perfeot oure tor Oonstipa.tion , Apvondlc1tlo , B11iousness , Sour Stomo.oh , Siok Headaohe , Bad Breath , Bad . Blood , PimVloB , PUos , WOnDS and 0.11 Bowel Diseases. All druggisto , lo ) , 250. 600. Samvle and : o book1e free. AddreB6 Sterling l'tomedy 00. . Ohicago or New York. r.8II , , I . , I . , , , . ' . , . . ' , " . .l I . . " ,