Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 13, 1903, Image 2

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    . .
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, .
: P ler . : RepnbIiCan
p. .1 , " , \ I' , ,
. , X. AMBIIJClmY ; eDITOn.rUm.18nX
. . - . " 1
t1J.nOJEN . now , NEunASK
. , , .
" ' 7 , r' " ' .
f i t' .rbltrnllon should coUtu betore , not
f ! . alter , - trlkB.
" 'i'
f t. noullccloonlng Is never as bad as
I : the poems written obout It.
' f.l" . 'f. ' J rf\pnjr ! ptp } .qbJI.'I ! Jfr.thhOt1. ! !
loin toy that mllllona1rlsm ns eycr
, . .r amused ltaclt wlt'h.
! , I. . : t JDen. 'f.l'o ! cpm ellC.r ) o.aU . I , the
hot sun and tilth nil diiy they Wo'l1ld
consider II : I , . hllrds lp : '
I " The Russian bwr believes In the
j " } open.door polley so long as he sits h !
I , ; . ' 'tho ' , door , It would seem.
: , FollowIng 'the ' Iarnlleorgevltch dy.
I . ( nosty mll' , Olpe ,111 ; a shqrt mo the
: , ( Ir g.r ; orenson.lyn ! . ! 't.y.
, 'I 'du tlmo ; , Bcralls \ will ome
tired t 'sh uUng "u > ng ItVo' King Ka.
rngeorgOTltchl" It III hnrder to say.
" Senator Lodge snys 'that ' our perU to-
r ! oy' 'Ia 'Ilrre pen lble wealth. " , A. IIttlo
" t this brand ot peril would not go so
Some men rUck to a thing like n
, postaglf stamp..1 : 11 'tho 'bettet' atter beIng -
Ing licked Inba ) ' 'CI1'UZll Jon ot what ts
expected ot tbem.
.Ail loni' aa 'your ' 8w the .rt finds I
: ault with 'you , 'you ' are sate. But when .
.he finds tnult in TOu , bo Bure to look
Cor nnother girl. , {
I Solomon Inl all bis , glory was nowhere
hcslde the , boy In unltorm who comes
. .I1 O on hl tlrlJt ncatlon trom the ,
, ! nlJltnq . Academy. " , . I _ .
, ' : 'rho , yoW1 1b n ' ho argue tbllt there
. . , 'Inro , germs , In Ice ; creal11 nre , th OD S
, \ \ o C9mbnt the hcory thnt there' arc ,
; lu crobee h , k' ' , ! l 8. , " I
'b The now King ot Serrla became I
I , rcnUY excitc'd wh n ho was Intormed
! ! " ) l1ist'cl . U rl. Wef'Mn't blame hltn.
'Bef1 g. l cted King ot Servla. II no
. .Iougblng matter. '
. . , ,
. , ' '
IJ IA\Now Jersey mn.n hM toun a $400
penrlln an oyoter. Still , It w1 ! } not be
, I ' ! 1r.iJablo ! to : ADY q1an , who , hns Il good ,
i , H dy . o . . t , somethl , g els to glvo
, It up tOr , o purpose ot huntlllg pearls.
! ' ,
, . .It Is all right to teU us It IB , nQt al.
, . W1lY ; , F n . . Q . ' 011 Ies ! , bp.t ' I11 , the
" qWI cf1t gentlemen who advance this
, oory' , nJ ? { ( Ql r ' and advlso us
; : . .Iiow.'t ' c. . . 'o erlil to believe the
ties ? . . . . .
: It. ,
: ; " "Fluorln gAB .bas 'at last been lique-
t' ' '
{ l'lI d _ , nndpliolldl11od.1'1118 \ only , le ves ,
. , . , ono gns , : lum , ta I pc cxpe l ented
\ " , /InD. / ! ) . , , , U..m. . \ \ \ . . 'H1)j : I \ the so
: , . 101' atmosphere , and It , w111 b hot
, , 'ork' getting any. "
' .
. lcd l entlcUl'en who aRsume Ito
t > ' -in Inl Judgmh1Jt' ' Pou otl1er l rgymell ,
, O 1bt'l v .iot JtluHl' I ownl : denomination ,
" need to be remlndd tMt there Is an
r ll.\volth , commltudmclIt- ; Jch9 \ or
root \'nlue oven though It wus 1I0t
. . . . rl\\"en 011 the SllIaltlc tublets. It
.i'ctds : . " ; JMlnd , ) 'our. own bU9Iuess. :
: n . , T l trei s. Qt p'olionnl . 'I'I\"I1JrIM , Is
' '
' ) ' t06 'sred rol' ny InHgullgo to
' ' ' 'l iv UJ unl\'ennUty that It'I'onch OI1CU
- : hadIn , lFurolCo But It Ilny tonpue tHee
o lnnlhs , It Is IIktly to be lJl1g1l9h ) When
'nie Emp ror1 ot Olllnn telesralbC1l , to
; ] , tbo Mlkndo ot Jlpiln messngo lot
. 's 'mpath t ! > l' the d'lltb , pt n relaU'e ,
II he sent It In En lIsh , , nUd the Mlkndo'E
' ) reply WIlB also 1n Englsh. ! ; English , II
I , uO doubt cAsler to telegraph thnn Ohl
, ' , . \'C8e , ut the , &e.lecUon ' of h'1igllsh In
stend ot eomo other 'Europeau lun
: , , unco Is slgnlQcnnt.
' . ' , ,
C . Unelo Bl1m moves 80 quietly I\nd
BW1ttIy that very tow people would bl
" 'nwaro ' ot the work rolng on at th ,
, 'Ilew torlti1cntlona it It wore not 'to :
the neWSpapCTB. For the PlI&t t\V1
fears at Oushlng's and at Gl'eat pin
, .mond Islnnds two ot the most mod
.ern and rm'Ongest , toras on the .AlIal1
.Ie scuboard ha'o been In process 0
construction. They are the results 0
the highest cng.neerl11J . ; 81.111 In tll
laud. The t-ortl cations embo r th
IIltcst alld most approved points I :
'mIHtnry conBtruction and both fort
" mount bnttell'ft ot tbe largest guns I
the , , "orld. When complete Pori
11111d , Me" will bo the mO t st1"0l1g1
tortltled port In .Am rlea , uUll ns
strategic' ' point one ot the most in
, : portant In tile country.
'When the grroUy atlWcted Mrs. Yro ,
Dlnn rC1Celd her dlvdrce In a MIs80u
court she was so ntuch nffected thl
sllQ taInted , WhUe wo hl\\'e not clos
I ' atudle the m4IlIlefS end customs 4
dh' reera , 1VC suspect that th s WI
rnther bnd term , qulto unwomanly al :
\1DdlgnUl \ , < 1 , 111 tact. Our very bo
. people , II Nu\v York , Newport u :
' " I'
Chicago , wOuld scorn to be gl1nt ' of l ]
nctlon exhtblth g BUch a 8w'prlalng la <
or. . sl.'lt-co11trol ; st1l1 we musl : not to
. I get thnt , ur Very best people usual
"havo a wedding dJlte 00 nC r at bar
I hUlat. . they reaUze tho. , Nsponslpl1l1
. 'hlch rests UPOll them and nerve thel
. -Jel Cft , to , extmordJnarJ' t'IOS"OO8I.o
; ' .hlorcove . , J1 oJ , rst ti e- \voman Is (
. ' , vorced-It she belongs to thq ordlQAt
. rcepCttabll : fUldLVlQ , JlB&her.omoUo . ,
al nature 0\ercoU8s ' he ! ) 1n time"So :
becomes 'cuBtdlneh\ "thlt oide' ' I
meets it calmly nnd uD1llnchlngly. L
us not be too bl111lh wltb-beglnnel 1a remOO1ber that It takes a art
II . . ,
. I ; . . . \.I. \ . . . . " . . ' ) . ' . . ,
d. , \ < 0' . ' . _ ' , _
I ernUolI or..two pt , t.Jo higher soclnl lito
, to , tace the e\lyorco \ cqllrt aR 000 9f
I th atulo'hlg 1.11.peces8aJ7 \ Incldeutfl
wblch 8hould be I'ncountcrcd with .
10 , ty for nn a 'tPcrb.lndrreronce. ' . }
. . . . . , , c ,
"More men rail frolD the wnnt of
. torce thnn trom wnnt ot Judgmcnt , "
said Dr. Smith , ' \\'l \ o'prIlched the bac.
cnlllur ate sermon at New Yorl ( Unl.
'vernlt ) . , "and it woulll nllPcnr that cd. :
ucatlon aftn ! tellda to redu o
than neld to a UIIlJ1'S forcctull1C'88. "
This "cr ' dertly hits the nnl1 on the
. .lJ. . { l J.lIwl 'tlge .d.ov.elopl ! au _ on ,
, nt ) ( nn IndlsOfiltioll } to take rllJlII. Iti
111M I c\"elollS smlflbllltlc that are' 001
I1noly nttuned thnt the , p08.'iOOSOr ot ,
thom Is apt to gJ n 10llg way round 'to ,
nvolll a shock . to them , and thorelJ 1 ,
Joses tli rnc . Sorlle Ignol'lU1t mnll' '
wlUI narrow vision lias ! lecn nothing
but a 8110rt cut o'cross , and has tnkCI
It. Whllo Imo\vledge : , contu800 ql1(1
rcnden"tl timid by Its breadth .ot v1c w ,
Is weighing compllcntons ! aJld cousld.
Cl tIwUil'B' ! ljllMe ' noth.
! ) g : , Ign , 'scch1g
Ing but the end to be attltlned dnd tlll !
monI J , plung 9 b1(11I11y ( and rocklCfr6ly
onwnrd-and triumph fl. 'l'he educated
mon Is npt to spare hlmselt nt crucJnl
tlml'S. lie Js nllt , too , to plnco a tAtr
10\VCt' estimate UI'OImaterlnl 8UC M
Ulnn. < 1000 the 'gnorant ' , man. lIe se6
tar morc In lite Ola l a wanh back n.nq
a tull stomach , nnd so his asplratl lIl1
nnll effort/ ! are iJlvlded. It Is perhaps
not 1 > 0 much a Inck ot torce as n dl.
vision , ot It. . Dr. Bmlth has 8Cored a
l trong point ngnlnst hlghcr edueaUon ,
It wo are to look upon mere scffIsh
nehle\'emcnts ns the stnndard ot 8UC ;
ccss. But , on the other hllnd. the edu.
cntc ! } mnn has subJective dollgllts J'l' '
depandent ot material nchlevement
that inust bo counted ! tHe the reckon ;
Jug. . "
It Is A problem , sn11 the Baltlmon
"News , thnt menns much to the lua So
trhll nnd 'lhyslcnl ' 'wcll.bolng or , Il , largq
PQrtloll ot our lopulatlon-the probleni
ot ml\stel'lng and . \lBI11 the ralntnll In
the MississIppi watershed , Ins tend of
permitting It to go 011 nn nnnual ram ,
page , 11 monnce to the nl1ml'TOUS popu.
, ' 11ltlOlI skIrtIng the bunl.s ot the rIver ,
There nre nrlcJ. Innds along tlle COU1'60
ot 1I1e Missouri which need bndly each
SC:10011 the flood wnter ! tent down to
wel1 the IQwer lIa8188Ippl1 'ent.s lu
the ca1"ly 8prlllg. Itl all the tCl'r1tpry
drn t cd by the ullJ'er MlsslsslPII
scarcely a sonoon pl\SSC'S when t1lere Is
not n loclt ot ralntall at a crltlenl time.
Forests throughout thl\t region hnyo
been swept awa ) ' . 'Swump ' land has
been drnlned. Ever ) ' challnel Is opel\ \
nn 1'rI. , nnd as soon as 'tho winter
snOW8 melt the wnters Jmrry over tllo .
trozen ground Into the rlrers' , amI
th o Is a flood , Scientists ot to.dny
have founel that not only nre the tor.
, 'ests Importnnt In the prC'Sen'ation ot
lIto-glvfng moisture , but they nlso tCI1l1
to prevent floods , Even the dust ot
the dClSert playa Ita part , tor' meterolo-
gists tell us that without It rain clouds
would probnbl ) ' not torm. Mon , In
fkV ! ruah for wooltb , sC'Ctn to hll e de-
ilU'd d the country r foress Ilnd de-
vcloped ' drn IUo 8ysleDl which
menns nlternate flootl and dl"Ol1ght , It
might be well 11' tiler would now 'tt-y
to lenrh sol11ethlng ot the' conditions
under which nnture will supply mols ,
, ' , ture without n dehIK ( . Bduglng about I
JhcsQ , < ; ol1l\ltlol1s , ) Yo tld SC'CII more nd.
, ' \\11Itn/CQus / to to s 'lIIlUetrlcl\l tlevclQp ,
111cnt nll much sl\rer .rOl" dwcl.ers } up.
on 1.1'll\t : 1'lver " LQ\"eo buildIng UlUSj
bo supplementeel by more ext nslvo ntj
tempts to hold 110Jd water where IT
tnlls. , ,
\ . rich , self-mudc Chlengo mun hl\t
put hlmselt to n l.1"en.t denl or troublll
, to wrlt n oqk tf.ltUng } to show by stu.
tlstles nnd olhcr fact. that for IHII
I I'osell ' : or success In busIness the collegJ
wUl"l\tlon Is n failure , : \Jall ' or thll
, college people are Innghlng I\t hlm-
I nn be 'ohd question lie dQes ' :0 o thq
I 'extreme ot n\1 extreme' . A' ( tile 1 > l1111Q
. time the mnn Is lione t , and thc ooUIII' '
. Iden In his boolt will' bear 1'rult. ' 1'1101' "
J Is n' thC r ' , snys the Snturtlay Evenhl ! :
i'ost , tl1l\t t1IC hotl ' cnn he properh'
developed olll ' by fo 1'111 S , ot mnnuallnj
l bor which are otherwIse nbsolutcly use ,
less. Hen1ce lboy SCQrns to loorn
tnnning or gnrdenlnr : : or n trade , 111)(1 (
spends years III stud.rlng tootball , hl\11tl.
bnll , polo and bl11lnrds. 'l'here la
thcor ' HInt the 1111t(1 ( cl\n IlrolJl'rllj ;
- l1e\"l'lop < , d II1 ' b ' tOl'ms ot men till h\ ,
, - her which nre othel'wlse nb'solutel '
useless. Let the ordlnnry eollege grllli.
\1nti honosU ' nll8\\'er t1lls elue51lon :
IDxccllt tor "mtltlng : a trent , " hOe \
o mue.1ISO hn\"c ) ' 6/\11' Lntln nnd Gr elti
YO\l1' nn\I .t1cul l'OlUetr.r nnd dlfferen :
Inl culculus , ever becn to 'ou ? t'h
fl\ct 19 , thl\t at the bnflls ot lIH1ell
"sport" 1\1111 mlleh "hl 1Ier education"
lIe9 Ihe 1I0UOII tbat there Is fI\1porlorlt
111 ' 11TIt ' to 110 , or pll\uslbl ' to proleN' '
Itl.tlit ) ' tQ du , whut the mnss of Ulnn
1.lml hn lot hnd the leIsure to lenm tt
do , As the 1'\111 ot h\1l11l\nlt . Is secret
o. i. } ' snobbish , the r ra\"llIg tor ornllment :
rl thnt nre S\11'110SCd to conRtltute tlll
t " enUemnnr' tor t1le uBl-lesB 1Inlld :
Itnd hl\edlll ) fl"lllCTles t1lnt are 81111
) t posO\l to constitute the "Iaay , " WO\)1t )
IS perIsh IUllc11nlt\ly but for ono \lnsm
1moulltnble tnct. 'l'J'llt ' Is-more 1\111
8t more the worl Is Jettlllg to be n Il1nc
Id , , "hore on1) ' t1l0 worker , 0111) ' tl10 1111'1t
In I\Hve "hustler , " enn 1IInlntnin n tool
'k bold. An the colleges will 1111\0 t
:1" : rccos-nbo : Ole tact And to < trop th oJ
Iy beloved , moth.entcn trnl'plngs ot m'ed
ty Nil Thno for ' 1'110111.
n. "Bragg S ' 8 It keeps hIm busy thcli
. . da's elnc ) track o ( hlB social qbl
, "Thnt may bo true ; at any rata 1 :
no doosn't 6 JU to linve time to both ,
b "
wl h his , tlnnt"elal obllgitUons.-P1 1
t1 a elllhia Press.I I
IC t '
ra. Bomo merchants won't adnrt1f
'n- even an a circus elophant. .
' '
' _ L. . . ; . _ ! . . . _ _ . ,
- -
. . ,
J , " . - ( .
, . . . . 'J , .10 < < 6 X ! BROA .
orf : t DlTe " u , . ot Opinion Awon.
Suppotlod AutJutr1tle..Wldt\ , .
of Modl.1I 'Trap.-Elnborate Wa , . In
: \ ' 8uwmerGo1'l'utl Are Trimmed ,
/\'Yhlch / ' - , . .
No" Tort eorrupont1eDe.1
ASIIIONB for lIum.
mer reiehed their
prll11e oDly n' tow
w oka Ulf , their
best dIF.pln ) ' being
10Dg dela'cd b ) ' un.
tavornble wenther ,
yet 1I0W the tnlk Is
'ot ' rail &t'lu. Worn.
en lit Ihe rcsorts ,
not : ret orrr the ta-
tI uell ot the scnllon
In to"'n , n cnsld ra'
ble Item of , hlch
Iny ( n I1ttlugs' nnd
the , othl'r worrlOIl IJf
gcttlng up SU\)111er
dref los. tlp\"cl'\ : ! \ s
nre nlrondr' : anxious
to know , . ha t Is
coming , an JVor J en
In to'n , . d rsJt ! l k.
erR , partiCUlarlY , are on tllO lOOKoUt for
hints ot the comIng IelUlon. Little thnt
Is reliable Is torUlcomlnlC ! 'l'he reason 19
thnt , cnrrmt talhlqns nro much vnrled ,
Ilnd It Is dlffi ult to t'orcsl1e , , 'hlch Ite'mll
of them \VIII taU by the wa , . nnd which
: ; : ; ' "
H BOIlAT ' 1'11 ! [ 1
OTatjl trlmro\n "Xhe ' fa.brlce AN ubt
In wolht , mnDY of 'them noticeubly
. 'WIry. Canvas , volle and etamlnel can
be"orn htto In the IOlUlOll , and' the . .n.
Ilble pl\\t \ } 'to fo1Jotor bel' who haa to
practlcq llconoro , . Is to make her .ummer
hllor " 'D < < 10 till I-.te . In tbe fall , : when
Itm be flOllble t.o know de1nlt ! ly
wlultI. I. ' the pt9per thIne. It Ie d\lItp- \
polnt1n , , to have a lawn mad. and think
that 70U nre ftxod tor the coming le&lOn ,
and then to han that particular eQrle
Iluml."TWI . b the cue with
. . ' , . .
_ . . . ' i . .dI . . . . . L L - v- . . . . . . .I. . ' .
. . : . . . - , , : = ; : : = . . : .
tho.e who ha a lot of Iblrt wal.t lult.
made earl1 In the IprIug tor lummer.
Not In the r1 . . . . . . there ner
wider chelee of wrap. . Vef7 few , tight.
t1ttIor jackets are worD , tor this gar.
ment looks be.t when , It 04n be worn
tJlht1 , fu ned. but there Is an abun' I
dance of 100lle coats : And jacket. , and It
Is Cl1moat hnposslble to be out of irt7le It
eely Tour coat III lI ht In color , of coarse
weayo IUld loolle. MaDY are white or In I
craam colo1'll ! , but ! ueh are by DO menna
the 0011 proper thlDI , tor WOIJen who I
requln ! a wra-p that mnst Irlvo hard ser.
vice recogulftd the ImpracUcablllt1 ot
these early In the SlUOD , o turned their
IrttenUon to more lervlceable ODe1I. A
white wrap may be euentlal tor cvenlng
dren WMr , but toe ; ordInary .enlce tane ,
blul'S , KraYI and red. Are uallabe. ! Red
III prett1 , but apt to look wann If the
dny Is IInltry nnd hardly Ia wille choIce
( or a woman 'who bu't to bare but one
wrap. Many lineD ones arc , een , but
look frceh tor suoh a soort tfme that they
must bc"OM1 with dlecrotlon. Pongee
contI ! are rcl1t tavorlt8ll , even though
the ) " need frequent prfllslnf : to ke1.\p UII)1U
lit condition. 'Many ot thm are brlgqt.
( 'ncil wltb a bit ot Mltchlng or cardinII'
In color , Ii IIUle ot which rellevel greatly
the trying ponlfee shnde. Unlellli 'wani.
nn hns a fresh comple lon tht. color 1.
Ilpt to be very tryinG' ' , and the addltl < m
C n bIt of color next the ra 'Will hal
'much , } < 'our RciocUot11l trom the current
dI81)la ) ' ot COllts and wrnps are pictured' '
hel't > 1't t. 'In tbe Il1ldl\l 16 n oo1CTO wrap
of lIJht bm cnilvftIJ 'cloth trimmed with
brnld ot darbI' shade , ' \VI \ tabfJ em'
, broidered In shndcs of brown nnd with
i hrown " , Ilk taslWls. In the group nr"
n IJark blull tnfl'etn , cut In tlrcular
, .
, \\1\1 \ h01d over , 'Xhlll nnturlllly Is th
tlmo when new tenture- . are few In the
shops , IJQ Uttlo evidence ot whnt III com.
Ing cnn be seen , nod when the shopper
, tnkes to ad\llIlng : 'Ylth uPPOled ! 1\tth ri.
tit'S. she becomes contused b eallso IIhQ
'finds ' much dlvlrslty bt oplnon ( nmon ! :
thelll , ERrly fnll st'les wl1prob'nbl \ ) ' he
these of Bummer to most Intct.tll Rnd pur'
poses. 'l'hen UlC older tnshlous1'111 blend
Into the no\.v , Inlt)1\d ! ot cO llng to nn
oDd with a right-about. 'hIB hns been
the why for 8e\o rl sentons,1 n develop.
mont thatl cool' springs land Intel summers
' tIIny have nsslsted. The blending pro
'cesscs nro 1I1enlnnt , an"how , especlnlly
'for women of limIted DlOl\nfl ,
'l'hes I'roccs.'lcs are EAlg ( 'ft < 'd' ' stronlI '
by the new wool fa rics offered for onrl ) "
tnll tnilor lIul1s. Thc e b'OOPS vary very
IIltJc fro tll" pl'.cscnt ones , The ) ' in-
chulo many tnncr suHln's ! : ; showing t > ltllcr I
neels. dots , etripes or' tanct fi\.r'e-8. ! \ 'fill
-ot which points to leBS { 'Inhornt\on \ In
D1nlco'lIp , but It won't do to be Rur ( If , n
widespread cllnoge In this dlrectlonl ,
I/lIIY / , new fnbrlcs show' ianer bollrB ! , ,
oft n on both sides of thl oods. 80 n lot
of Hie border cah be se l In the 'j'Own ,
, This border Is lIubmlltcd ns 1lIuh9 ltutp
for Inee , pnssementerle nnd other ( 'Inb-
_ r--
110unr.c , nnd finished w\th \ blue pauQ- ;
mrnterie nnd RlIlIshm Ince collar ; a nat.
1'111 color pongee bnnded and stitched
with red. nnd n light tan vol\e \ liolf-etitch-
ed and finished with Irish IlIce. Besides
nil these 8t'lIsh rtH , there are beautiful
, III Wrl\p8 \ , " "hleh nre _ IIn expensive
s.rllde because they mum hn"e IIDlnr of
It silk that hns body l'\1ougb \ to iet thu
Ince out well nod ghe : it tinllhed , ap-
pcnrnnco , Iollt light colored loose COllts
: Ire adorned \vlth Ince' collllri or other
, Il\ce trimmings. 'l'he , h I'vy laces re s-
i l1ecll\ll ) ' nttroctlve In such uses , as they
9tO ) ' In 'plQc much bettei" than do lighter
oneil ,
In some \\'lIl'h 811118 alld waists ot white
linen it III hnrd to sny whether the 5uit
III Illce trimmed with linen , or linen trimmed -
med wltll lace. The lace insertioDs often
111' ' ; ' so wide' ' that' , there Is DS much' Inee
! ! 1\tJwin ! as linen , nnd on one waist the
, ontlre top and ! lottum wer Qf Irish lace ,
n bnnl ! ( If white llnen jll9t be-loW' t1 e
11I1st . 11I\11 neros ! ! the elhow bcln tbe only
ll lm shO\nn ! , ! . ( lIch th FIt/De Is true of i
white I1I1\tS \ nnd ot linen dresses genel"-I
all ) ' . TJ.ree n ( , hol11 nr pnt , in the scei i
enc ! of to'tlay's plctuN'd rOl1ps. 'l'he fir t
was 11 whUe I inlkerchlef " "cavo trim'
met ! with I'mhroidere(1 ( IInlnsook Inser- '
UOIIS , Below It Is n light blua linen fin ,
! ahed with lusertlons ot , yhlte embrold'
cry , aud Ilt the 1'Icht baRd La anothel
1\'hlt. IInl'n elnbornteU wlth MedC : < < 11
Itra\Tn 'f\'ork. 'llhe\lDlnl town oj
thlll croup \TIlII white fi ur.d 'WIlIlS , wiU
IWlt'.rtloul of point po farla lace. Iil.t ; .
lownll are D.ade UI nrl drflaUr , anc
as this picture , the l m1IDel
dreg.up III mueh elaborated , It certaa
11 dote not COIlvoy aDT hUlt of aJmpllo
it ) ' for autumn. . . . .a _
' ' 11'q - ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ,
r PI ! " " -1. 11' -'If !
_ JlIIII W -l\J111. .
_ . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ ,
LiT. , US i .ALL JiA.UGH.t
, . I I ' . , . , ,
Plenn ut Iachleuta OC urrluK tll.
'Vorld Over-SII.hllltl tltu tAre CJleer-
Cui to Old or YOUuK-l < 'unu , . Sclec.
"Ion. thnt You win J I1Jo , . .
" ' twice " she BRld
"I've retused George , ,
"hut It's 110lSl' . "
"Nolsc ? " t
"Not a bit. IIe bellevcs In lred - -
tluntlon. "
"Whnt hns thnt to do with It7"
"Wh ' , he thinks I'm predestIned to
he bls wife , nnll ot course , It thnt Is
00 , I'll simply 11l\\"e to gh'e In , no
ufntter whl\t pnlla snys. IIo can't ex.
pect me to dcfy tat . "
J'n , . ) In , . In bbt. :
Mlles-Shortnl1 mnrrlecl nn helrcs8
11\8t week and ho declares she Is all
the world to him.
Giles-So he's getting rendy to col.
lC'Ct t he debt , eh ?
IIlt's-Whnt debt ? .
Gllcs-Wh ' , the one -his , , 'itel wc l
him. I heard him SIlY one tlmo that
the world owro him n'lI\"lng.
rnlltlhlK Amel1lt1e. .
" ' - -
Growler-HII HI ! Carn't rer look
out 'wher' ' rer' n.comln' ?
'Omnlbus-Garn ! Shut up , Jnck-In-
the-Box I-Punch.
Mont of the Storletl True.
. . story Is told ot a New EnglIlnd
minister who often sproks In behalt ot
a charity In which he Is interested. At
the close ot one meeting at 'which he
hat spoken with great effect and II.
Illrge gain for the chllrlty hall been the
direct result' little old
a woman ap-
prollched the mlnl8ter. "Oh , " she Mid
enrnestly , "I've been so Interested In
hearIng about thOIlO poor door chll.
dren ! , .And I suppose a great many ot
those storle8 you told are really true ,
aren't they ? "
A. rn.lo" Inve tment.
"Wall it worth while to send , "our
tour daughters to that tnsblo'nable
school ? '
"Sure , Ono eloped while she was
there aDd the othcrs. came home en-
gnged-New York TJmes.
l\1Uat Take Ditl Turu.
nraged Header-I hn ve come 1n to
hOI'Sewhlp the editor.
Olltce Boy-You'll have to walt , sir ;
there arc two others ahead ot YOU-
How Bhe Cured Dim ,
{ othor-Y u say your husband no
longer spends his evenlngll at the club ?
i , Dnughter-I 8000. broke 'him ot that.
"How dId you mllnage ? "
" "Before gOhlg' to bed I 'put two easy
ehall' clooo togethca'Jby the parlor fire ,
antI th n heltI a match to a cIgar until
the room got a tnlnt odor of smoke-
N'ew York Weekly.
" Iiy Not , Indeed ?
N , Ane-WIlIle : , I torgot to wInd my
wateh this morning , Will you brIng
It down to me ? ,
WIllie-Why don't you let it run
dowpN'e \ \ ' York Sun.
Growlnt : LIke 11 Weed.
; Ir 1
"Wh ' , Tommy , how' you do growl"
"Y 8.lntIQ , I think they water mc
t'10 much , Why , I'm bathed nIght nnd
1I10rlllng , "
Jncb R.ul Fnncl.I.
"l1oes It cost much to live 1n the
I 1. ' ' ( " I\skl'd thQ rurul' ' ) 'outh.
" . \lIout "the sl\m fiS It costs to live
; 11 the eOllntry , " replied the , ,111ncc
SHJ ; " , "l\1t It costs lIke tury to keCi ) up
nlll1ll'l\lIee8 ; , "
" . \ . sounmll' , " snld the thoughttul
1II1l1l , thou htfull ' , "Is something that
we cons Iller to bo worth n. whole lot
moro thuu Its value.-Chlcngo Eyen.
lug I'ost.
Couse and l ffe.t.
"Wouten e\"ldentl ) . ba\"o no sense ot
h\1luol' , " l'crul\rkcd the bald-headed
) lhllosopher.
, "Wh ' do you t lnk thualy ? " IIlIked
the 'outh with the IngrowIn < < mus-
I tllcho. .
I "It thc ) " had , " replied the phUosopby
dispenser , "they WQuld never get past
II the love , hOller and obey pal't ot the
. mal'rJago ceremollY without . an audible
glg&le. : "
, _ _ _ _ _
' '
- " " ' M" . ' - -
. . . . . . .jllllllFn' ! [ _ " . - -
. ' .
. .
\ IUl tlan Notion t Bt .t.lrem.
1. An' officer onco'dk d an IrlSl mari' ' It"
ho know what stratagem W118. "Yee , . . .
'ot ' COUrtlO I do. " ' 'Then : ' ntd th. . .
I officer , "please expllLln one to mo. " Pat ;
i ( after five minutes' paulSe ) : "Suppo e- : "
I you were rJni at the enemy nnd y.oJi '
IJ'un short ot ammunJtlon and you don't J
I , , 'nnt the enemy to know , why n.11yoo. '
I Itava to do Is to kC'Cp on tiring , "
Correct/nil / l\U..pprehentllon.
" .And this , " exclaimed the traveler ; '
trom the old world , emorglng trom Ws ,
stllte room nnd gllzlng dreamily Ilt thd ,
"Is tree A rJ- . . . .
ore line , nhead ' 9f , .hlm , ,
" V' "
lCaJ" "
J'"No , " said the bored loolJng pati's Do }
ger In the steamer chair. "That I' "
. New York City. " .
Mode n Ml tRke.
"You dou't melln to say , doctor , that.
You , ' : nti : l''ll , p ple's a.g y , t1 pl
teeth , the same nB It they were horses. .
. ? ' " .
. "Certainly , mndam. "
Whlc explains why this particulAr- .
patient neyer went ngaln to that par- ,
'tlcular dentist.
_ , Nentne.tI.
"I MY , " SIllel the man who has to-
bonrd ut , " 1'\0 tound the Ideal. plnC .
a t last. "
"What Is the atlva11tage ? " asked th.
man who has married ,
"Tho neatness ot the plllce. Thl\ '
landlady ket"ps Il the lelt.over crusta'
6C'parllte aud labeled , 80 that each m
geta his own brend buck In the brood.
puddlng.-London Tit-Bits. " I
Bhe wo. n Troftnure. :
Towne-That was n brave act ot Ure-
' Into the water to .
ban's--rushlng &n.VQr
a woman trom drowning.
Suburb-Brave fiddle8t1cksl It WIll' '
merely an act ot selfishness on w. .
Towne-Why , how can you MY that ! '
Suburb-TIlo womnn' he rescued wnJ. .
n. cook that had been with him tor s .
month8-Ohlcago News.
He1'ne rropa ed.
Miss Oharmer-How did Fred propose - -
pose ?
Miss 1\Ulyun-He said ho didn't
know what he would do unlesD he go\
oo e money right awn.y.-Baltlmore.-
A. SlIgbt Dlfferonce.
Haggard Looking Room Hunter-
Llttlo girl , does your mamma kee )
boarders ?
Honest Little Girl-No , sir ; she tn.kotl'
bon.rders , but she don't keep 'em.-
New York Herald.
OpportuaJ.t , . .
" '
Sbc-Y : tlI\VIl Is' R\Iff' rlngten'Jbl '
trom go\it-hc cnn 1ii1 'dly move 'hilS"
foot '
Hc-Bhh Jo\"e , I1ss Goldlo ; some.
thIng seems to toll me to ap k to blI1l
about our ellgl\gemcl1t to-day-Ball
Jore ,
, As to the quoJlops ,
"It's a shame tIle wn ' the e Squal.
'lop ' children are owlng , up'Ylthout
I any pllrentul restraint whatever. "
, ' . "Yes , , , . ; when their , motber , joIned t'h.
woman's lIternrr society nud began at. .
tendIng all the ! lleetln s Ir. Squnllo
got sort ot reckless and joined n. don'\ , '
worry c1ub.-Chleago Tribune ,
A uUlUan Clod.
Tcs.s-Sol1o mell are a\Vtully slow1
aren't they ? . I
Jess-Xes , nnd they're so aggra.\ "
Ung , There wns ono sat alongside 0" ,
me coming down In the car this morw
lng ,
Tess-You wern't trying to tlIrt wltb
.Tess-Gracious ! no ; but he was rea
Ing Il no\"el , Ilnd ho WIlS never ready t
turn the pnge when I wRs-PhlJ. : le1
phlll Preas.
Her J'reference.
"ShnU I a mlnlster gns betore eXt
tractlng 'our tooth ? ' , nsked the den
" " 'ell , " nnswercd the fair patient , . . ' "
from Il back townshIp , "It -doesn't
cost nny mare I'd mther ) ' u'd g1V4
mo elect1'lc light. "
No Troub'e In lIouije.J1nntlnl : .
Hlcks-I understand tilllt
y u an '
Jilll.lns lIn'e both tound deslrnblo new
tenements ,
WIcks-Yes , .Tanldns moved Into m ]
'fint unct I moved Into Itls.-SomervUlQ
Journal. .
\\"n't Hnpcr..tlt/on. / .
GHoG-Roblllson Crusoe must har4
been a quccr sort ot chnp.
MUes-Becnooe why ?
GUaDecluse It wns FrIday O'Ve1'J
day In the wcek with him.
801nothlol : " 'ronc.
Me ker-Thcre s crape on the dee
over the way. Old man Jones must b ,
Mrs. Meekcr-I haYen't seen the dee
tor there t r over a week.
Told the Trnth. . '
) . . .
Edyth Aunt Margnret uae4 to IaJ -
she wo'uldn't marry the best man 01'
Mnymo-And did she keep her"WOrd1
Edyth-yes ; but ahe got manie4 juaI'
the wme. . _ _ . ' _ _ _ _
. - . - - . - , , '