Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 13, 1903, Image 1

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, Beauty Ehchalned.
. Designcrs who arc nrl sbl pro-
11uced the origiuals of thc I.a-
dies' chains displl1 > 'cd hcrc.
Some of thcm me damty , dcli-
cate looking little links of 14
k\rat guM hut with strcngth
fllr greatcr thun might hc ex-
lcctel1. Othcrs IIrc heavicr
! ooking without /lciug' / hcavy.
'fhc workmanship of nil is ex-
quisitc alul quality cxcellcnt. I
- -
- - - -
) . School Books , .
School Supplies.
J ' , ! . J. G. Haeberle's ;
. -
- - - - - -
- -
tf1.tll'H. _ .
To 'fake Care of MoneyS
S -thc monc ) ' of all classcs of peo8
8 pl -is the rit\cipalreaSOl\ \ \ for Uw
.t ; oN tional Bank I
Alulthis dnty i ! ! pcrformecl with
" sal sfaction to all concerned. nsi. S
" ness is greatly facilitatccl whcn The "
8 Cnstcr Nulional Hank is l'ermittel S
o to act as a meclinm in financial (1
matter ! ! . Onr dcpositors fin we (1
8 alTonl a most cOl1\'enicnt utilI safe 8
8 mcans for the plyment 111111 coHcc-
lion of moncy 111 distant towns.
8 S
8 H. LOMAX , Cashier.
J".r.r..I'rJ'.h"r.rJ".r.r. . ' " .
" - -
This ollice for neat job work.
m : : : : : : : : :
\V. J.Voods went to Ansley
this mormng on 44 on professional -
al business.
Joseph lIaetTele and John
Rillchardt of McKillley , were in
the city attending thcohl settlers
mceting last week.
J. f-4. Wal1er and wife of 'Val-
worth , were in the city Wedncs-
da v of last week enjo\'ing "the
mceting of the old scW rs.
Gco. Zahn has purchased an
mtcrest in the Broken Bow Business -
ness College , and will move shortly -
ly to Broken now.-Ansh yChron-
Mrs. Will Cozad of Red Oak ,
Iowa , sister-in-law of Frank
Cozad of Ncw Helena , is visiting
with ! 'I'lr. ' Cozad's family , having
arr'cd a week ago last Friday :
l 'rcVie and of Red Oak ,
Iowa , is visiting in this vicinity
with his sisters Mesdams Leslie ,
Rife ) ' , Dent and Cozad and his
hrother John \Vieland of Call-
J ast Friday night lightni ng
struck the school house in Ule
DClluett district , badly damaging
it. 'l'he property was wen insured -
sured and the loss will be re-
covered.Ch ron icle-Ci t bien.
S. D. Butcher , compiler ot the
Buffalo and Dawson count } ' histories -
tories , has taken orders for one
hundred and seventy-fh'e farm
vicws in five weeks and was 75
orders. behind last Saturday
night.-Kearney lIub.
Mr. Streater , a banker from
Aurora , was in AnsleyVednes -
day and purchased the O. B. Fos-
tcr farm , paying $5,000 cash.
lIe on'ered Mr. Zimmerman $50
I an acre for his farm , but Mr.
Zimmerman refu ! > cd the offer.-
II ! 'I'lason ' City Star.
A wagon passed through Kansas -
sas recently , bearing the fo11ow-
ing' 1lsciptionsa's an exchange :
"Colorado and irrigation. Kansas
and stagnation , populistic administration -
I istration and damnation , I'm go-
to my wife's relation and
m" ke 110 demonstration. " 'fhey
ollgh 1 to come to northern Nebraska -
braska where thev need no irri-
g-atiol1 and a m n with education -
tion ran engage in speculation ,
bring along his wife's relation ,
ha\'e a time and free salvatioll ,
with no danger of starvation.
Gentlemen , this is worth consid.
' 4'
I -
! ' ;
W II ail. l-lail. Hail.
It'a rmers protect you rsel ves
in the old reliable St. Paul
li'ire & Marine Insurance
Co. We have S3,000,000
cash capital and pay ollr
losses promptly.
Ras Anderson , Agent.
Urulu n n. . " . , 1'C hrl&.lu. .
? ?
- - - -
r TWf Ei '
'TVVI E : : . VVI : ( : ! : ; ! I
( ) rerinn. . Hukes . " , 1
1. . . Dcenng'13indpra , i
" lcel'ing' , Mowers , I
DeOl'ing Bindel' and I ewer HepairR , :
ep1'ing' : Mfinila and PU1'O Hisal rrwine. .
Now is the t.ime to look tip what repairs you. .
will wnnt.
AClne 5-Foot Mowers , S35.00.
rl'his is a hig'h grade mower and sells al1 oyer
the st.nte . for $ ,15.00 cash.y" are ngent.s . for the
Aultman & : rrayIo1' rrhreshe1'-horse power 01' steam
eng'ines. \ V e It Iso hnye t.he . Acmw Sweep find Stackers
and t e Dune t3Wel\P \ und Stackers.
I Bllgg'ies , 'Yagons , arlw \ re , Stoe 1 HUllges , Sad , :
dIeR , and HU1'\es8. , \ ] ll1'geRt line in town : , Thank. .
t1 ing yon for pnst favors , 1. U111 yours truhr ,
" ; EP
i ,
One of the most succesful ! and daring aeronauts in this COlln-
try has been contracted with for balloon ascension and parachute
drup during the Fair at Broken BowSeptember 1 to 4. 'l'his promises -
ises to be the greatest aeriel siaht ever witnessed in Custer
county. Prof. Davis , the Balloon ! { ing , who ma\ces \ this ascension ,
guarantees to go higher than any living aeronaut.
. . - . .
A shooting contest which is attracting unusual interest , has
heen arranged to take placc at th9 County l'air ! in September , between -
tween Capt. Hanly , champion rifle shot , and three of the best shots
in Custer county. Hardy is to break 200 glass balls in the air w1th
Winchester rille and ball cartridge , tn leHs time than threc men wit 11
shot guns 'can perform the same feat.
Floyd Fields of Dunning , ' was I
a cit.r visitor Saturda ) ' .
Judge Gutterson went to Kearney -
ney the first of the week.
" C. S. Martin made a business
trip to Omaha the first of the
G. H. Tuttle and family f
Giles , are making their home in
the cit ) ' at preHent.
Mrs. J.V. . Clay and childrcn
of Ansley , who had been visiting
in the city for tcn days , returned
home last Thur day.
F. M. 'Rublce and famih' ami
P. II. Marla } ' and famil ) ' f Ma
son Cit . , are on a ten days trip
to Spint Lakc , Iowa , for an out-
J. A. Hutchinson and family
of Giles , arrived in the city
'l"'l1csda ) ' and wiIl , rema111 some
time before returning to their
J as' . 'l'rolter ofV esterville ,
died ou the 7th inst. , age , 78.
His remains were shipped to
Iowa for burial.Ve were unable -
able to learn further particulars.
Wm. Cosner of Merna , made
this office a friendly can ) 'ester
day. He informs us that the
25th of this month will be IllS
59th wedding anniversary. He
is now in hi 81st ) 'ear and is
able to support httllSelf and wife. .
by his own labor. lIe is rcmark- I
ably strong for a man of his age.
'l'he concert givcn last night
at the Opera House by the Wesleyan -
leyan Quartette , under the super-
\'ision of Supt. Lewis for thc
teachers was a most excellent
entertainment. As it was pro-I
\'ided especially for the teachers
in attendance at the institute dnd
. free to them they no doubt ap-
predated the compliment.
Martin' ! , . White , field man
for the Nebraska li'armer was in
this vicinity last week looking
up the pedigree herds 9f cattl e
and hogs in thisloca1ity. , Among
the places he visited was Dr.
Brenizer's herd of Shorthorns , G.
E. Cad wells's herd of IIerfords
and Duroc Jersey hogs and
Stephen \Vilcox's herd of Duroc
Jerseys. lIe reports that these
gentlemen have especiall ) ' fine
II. C. Stuckey , one of the
pioneers of the South Loup , helped -
ed to swell the crowd of old set-
tl rs last week.
Ras Anderson was a victim
'esterday evening of a practical
Joke that cost him two chickens.
IHe purchased a box with half a
.dozen spring chickens of a lady
aud left them setting on the
wtlk. ; He telephoned his boys
of { the purchase and instructed
them to come down town and
take them home. Before he went
home he observed that his chick-
elS ! were gone , but supposing his
own boys had taken them home
he did not mistrust that -lle had
been victimized until he reached
.Uome nd the chickens not there.
'This morning when he cnme
down he hunted up the marshall
nnd imparted to hun his tale of
woe and finally agreed to give
two of the chickens to the marshall -
shall if he would locate them for
him. The marshall was not long
, in findin the stolen chickens ,
but b ) ' Uus time Rass tumbled
to the racket and declined to
sware out a warrant for the perpetrator -
petrator and counted himself
lucky to get four of them back.
But it will be hard to convince
him that the ntarshall was not
an accomplice.
, . ,
O t . " " ' . "
We Try
wTo Please
Our Customers.
TIIA'l' is why we sell strictly -
: : : ly high grade unadult-
\II erated drugs. "
' 1'IIA'l' is why our prices are ;
w so reasonable , and 'f
TJIA'1' is wh ) ' we are careful -
ful and accurate in
: : : J lling prescriptions.
i i i
I " " " " " " "i" " " " " " " " " " " , ! " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " , ! :
. - - . . .
I Bmlies ! Bmnries ! Buies ! ! !
, = = In a few < 1ays we will have a car of Dunlap : :
= = Bu gle right from Pontiac , Michigan. : :
' ' ! 'hese buggies lead the procession and are one : : : : :
- - of the best lines of huggies on the market. : : : :
: Will cost you no more than a "Cheap Jim Crow" : :
= = buggy that the paint will drop off in a few : : : :
= = months. fiu } ' a Dunlap and you will always be : : :
- . . . . .
- . . . . . .
- : : : : : proud of 1 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . : . : . : .
i - WAGONS. . . . . .
: Deurkensland Mandt-two of the best. There : :
= = is the best warranty given on these two of an ) ' : : : :
= = wagons on the market. Call and see then anc\ \ : : :
: : = you will be cOt1\'inced of their net \ . . . . . . . . . = =
Drills ! Drills ! Drills ! Drills !
\Ve are loq < 'e ' < , to t.h U\tt ; o1 on Wheat DrillR
- - - hQtlUQe \ < \11 < 1 D\sc. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
i -
- - . . -
: : : : : Harvest lS past , make yonI' wife l"ugh , h } ' huy- - : :
: = ing her a White Sewing lachine the hest : :
: - : : : in the \vorld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :
; ; ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
1- -
- . .
' . - - t
. .
We have just received a car load of the Celebrated Burg
Wagon direct Ifom the factor } ' . \Vc" guarantee the Gear
of this wagon to be made of Oak and Hickory , thoroughly
air-seasoned and soaked in oil , before being painted-in fact
one of the best wagons mndc.Ve sold two cars or them
last season and never had a complaint , and while the olber
fellows were furnishing new wlieels , we ncver had five ccnts
of repair bills on all we Hold. 1i\3)"l'here is a few of those
Minnie Mowers left , that we havc had such a run on.
It's not often ) 'ou can get a mower , guaranteed to be as
good as any 1110wer lnnde , for. . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And don't forget we are heulquarters for PIano , Deering" '
and McCormick sickles , sections , ) eger platcs , glr.1.fd.i ! , et . ,
at oue-half tbe lrice asked by other dealenin fact , this is
the house tbat saves ) 'ou moncy 011 a1l kinds of farm ma-
chinerVe have a second-hand trorse Power 'l'hreshiug
. Outfit in tlie very best repair , wbich we want to sell cheap.
. . . , . .
- -
- - -
, I . . " . " . / . : . . " . . . . " '
F.r.h'.N".r./r.r .rJ".r.r.rJ".rJ'1
'I School Boards I
Preserve the dignitr of your
office by showing good judgment - S
16 ment 111 the purchase of
8 for your district. Hcmem6
U her that H. A. Watts makes 6
S it strictly a business to keep S
, . 8 all school sUJplies at all 8
times. Step 111tO the po t
S office store and "figger" ou S
: , 8 au Exchange School Book 8
Order , and then pat your-
: N self on the back. Mail 01'8
: 68 deI's promptly attended to.
: 8 See or address , 8
! I H.A. WATTS 1
: Broken Bow , Neb.
: , ( br.r.roJCf'/ .r.r.r.r".r./r.r.r./'d
, .
- " - - - - - - - - - - -
Arthur TIoC"ue had an arm
broken and was otherwise injured
by being thrown from a horse
'l'he teachcrs institute will
close a profitable and pleasant
session of three weelm duration
Saturday. I
We un.intentionally omitted
the name 'of ' Geo. B. Mail' , historian -
torian elect of the. . County's Old
Settlerfi Association , 'in our report -
port last week. Mr. Mair has
I served the association' past
I year in that office acceptably and
was re-elected.
. S.P. GROA'l' & CO. ,
Embalmers Funeral Directors
Wo "live Undortllklnlt Ooods and Funeral Oar.
Oal1 tolollDono 63 at aUf timo-day or n\JIit. \
S. P. GROAT & CO. ,
, I Broken now , - - - Ncbmska.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: , . . # . : . " . " . " . , : . -r.r..Q.r.rJ".cG' . : r.r.r.r.r.r.r./ " . . . . . . . . . .
F..r.r.rJ".rJ".I".rr.r..Q.r.rJ".cG' r.r.r.r.r.r.r..r.r.r..r.r.r..r.r.r1
! I II Business @ Normal COlle8. ! . I
The fall term will be in Sept. 7 , 1903. Pupils may .
S enter at any time , but better work will be accomplished by beA
8 iug present the first day. Our school is complete in each deS -
S parhuent. Wc have the best equipments thai can be found 8
" 8 111 the state for good work.Ve own our own bui1dingg , sitc
and equipment , and we are herc to stay.Ve employ none hut
S t1rst-class teachers. Our school is clitTerl'.nt in many respects S.
, 8 from the ordinary high school or university.Ve aim to de8. .
= 8 velope the mind by teaching subjects that can be used in our
It 88 ever ) ' day life. Our school is not intended for those that have 8
: 8 the tin e and money to spend six.or . eight years in gctting an 8'
: eclucahon. We select those subjects that a man or lady will *
: 8 use in their daily life whether in professional work or n the s :
: g farm. To those that wish to get work after. completing our 8
: course and preparing th n selves.for . tl.te work , wc will say .
: that there has been 110 dlnlculty ln findmg places. There is
: 88 no better place to secure an education that will aid you in a .
: 8 practical way. 'l'here are many reasons why the young men
: : and womcn of this locality and abroad should attend tIu 8
: S school in Broken Bow.Ve have no saloons , no gambling N
: dens , no howling alieys , no place for idleness and vice. . We
: have tbrc complete courses : Business , Short-Hand &
: 8 Typewriting , and Telegraphy.
: 'fuition for T ife Scholarship , $ W.OO. An } ' two courses ,
: : 8 $100.00. li'urther information given upon appl.ication. S
: 8 8
: Sec'y. Pres.
. , " . . . : # . : . ' " ' " . . . .r.r./Cf'J".r.r.r.r."cr.r..r./r.r.r.r.r.r.Jf "
! W , . ' . . ' 1if M { J ? NMMMi , { M7(1"M7I.M' ( li nf 1 'Mt ; s :
: : ! SAVE : YOU'R : flOGS B USING ; ; ii
' t : .
: : \ : It )
II..Eureka Vaccine' I
. . . .
I I-log Cholera Cure Preventative , . .1 :
- . . . . . . . ' .
: : , . Its average recorcllast } 'ear is 92 per cent. saved of all I \
: : : hogs treated , regardless of the condition of the hogs at time . I
: : of treatment. 'l'his rccol'Il is not equalled by any other I-
: . : . ' i. rcmedy on th market. l 'or further particulars , address , " . . - , ,
t T. L0l'iEReAN
, . . ,
: . : . I' , , ( 1-3rokell Bo'\v : , N ebr . . ; JS :
1Y ! . \YWI.Im J\YJ..Il\iI \ I8 \ \'lMluwJl \ \