Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 06, 1903, Image 1
' , . _ . < _ , " . . . " . " . ' " < . , , . . / I'.o . . / " , . c. . . . . , _ . , , _ . : . : . _ . . . . . . . _ L.I I , . \ ' _ ' , ' : - _ : ' " . 'r ' " ' \ , 1 . . Llt.rlirlau oUle' , J .tate tl\lI \ , - - . . , . . , . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . , ' , ' USTER ' 10UNTY'EPUBLICAJ. . ESTABLISHED 1882. TilE OFFICIAL PAPEH Ol CUS'rER COUN'l'Y. I4ARGEST CIRCULA'rION OF ANY PAPER IN l'HE COUN'ry. . . _ . I " ' . . , " . . VOL XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 6 , 1903.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.8. ; i ; . ; . . I" . . < : ) , . - - _ . . . . . . : . \ . I : \ ! I . , I You May See " . . out on the world in a new wa ) ' with 111) ' glasses. What 'ou havc seen may be only Q hint of : what you ma ) ' see. Seeing 11 thing with vour own e"es is not ulwu.J ! con lusivc evidence thut you see corrt ct1y. You sec lluuugh a wimloiv. but the gll1 9 " may be , imperfect 01" t le window - J dow sotled. You see mth your \ e'cs , but their refractive power I ma ) ' be faulty ; thus you see but I 1 ( " . half what you might with pro- : perl ) ' adjusted glasses-my ' : . . kind. 1\1) ' business to remedy . ' eye defccts which if neglected J may prove scrious. rJ' I t . . I - - . - \ School Books. \ , Tahlets -J.NU- I I I r.ho)1 ( Supplies , , , I -AT- i J. O. Haeberle's. I . _ _ , _ ( _ _ ---M r II I I "he most int re till 1"t'(1ling flit" thc Il\1siness l11all is the bunk Look. It should have a greater fascination for him thull the ups ! llId downs of the market. To possess OIlC of the absorbing books is easy. Deposit - posit the daily recdptJ , etc. . with the. . . . . , . , . . . . . . . Custer National Bank "be money will be absolutely safe in our modern vaults. Your ae- counts will be carefully kept. and pa'ments can be made anywhere i by means of our cheques. H. LOMAX , Cashier. 8 " " . " " " " " J J"J"JrJ""J"J"J.r b ; i : : : : ] . - B. .I. 'l'ieruc ) ' of Anstey , was a ril.\ ' \ ' itor Wednesday. II. r. Sullh'au weut to Liu- I 'olll un btlsincHs 'l'uesday 1I101'U- 'ing. ' I i 'lorence and 'l'ava Burke of Anslcy , We1'e visitiug in the city t he middle of the week. Clrde Adams of Seward , i'l ! ' here 011 a week's'isit , having come down from' the west. Jerome 'ra'lor of East Custer , had two cars of hogs and cattle on th Omaha market M\nda ) ' . G. A. Betts of erwyn made this ofiice a friendly call Monday atld had his subscription ad\'anc- ed. W. H. Reeder and wife , and their son , Clarence , of Merna , at- te tHh d t he old set tlenl picn ic Wednesday. . Gene Chrisman had his barn alld its contents des ro'ed .by tire .l\lnnduy. 'l'he loss IS estunated a1 SIOO . He carried $400 insu- rance. J. J. Douglass and Geo. B. Jair of Callaway , were in attendance - dance at the meeting of the 01 < 1 settlers. Mr. Douglas dates back prior to the organization of the count ) ' : II. F. Grab rt of Berw'n , iR favorably spoken of asl good material - terial for county supbr'visor of , his district. Mr. Grabert is one of Cl.ister county's successful farmcrs and business men and should he be the choice of his . distri t he would , ; nak a. . capable . aud conservative officer. . S. Osborne Qf Grand Island , . passed Ithrough the' city Monda ) ' I mornir g 'on his , l'v.ay home from I IIot.Sprjnks\ \ " n. where he had be . with' hopci ; of getting re- lid 1'1'0111 rheulnatism and neu- ralag-ia , hut did not succeed. He has heen afllictcd sll1ce the first of ra.r. Prof.V. . W. 'Vaters has been I lin the city several days visiting with friends and relatives of this I \ ' dnity. Prof. Waters informs tiS t hat he is est a blish i ng a bus i- \1'ss \ a1d1ormal \ college at Col- : 1I1nhl1s this state , and will open up ahout September 1. He has already secured about fifty pupils anll expects to start with a large i . enrollment. 'I'he R PUBI.ICAN. wisheH him success in his new ell terprise. /Ut- - - - - W HaiL Hail. HaiL [ 1'a rmers protect yoursel yes ill the old reliable St. Paul l1'ire & Marine Insurance Co. We have $3,000,000 ca.h capital and pay our 10se8 promptly. Ras Anderson , Agent.l , . . . .Uun J.nv. lOCelruttlo. G'aEa . - . - - - - - - - - - fIfw i ir 11\ - rVVIJSrErvvt : : E : ! ! f.- Dem'ing' Hakes Deel'ing' Billdel S , Deering : Mowers , Deering Bindel' a nd I o\Vpr Repairs , Deering' : Manilu and Pure 8isal rrwille. . N ow is the time to look up .wl1at repairs ) TOU will want. I A ' is5ut r P' ! } II sOa . oyer the state for $45.00 cash.V. . ' Hre agents for the Aultman & rraylor rrhreshm'-horse power 01' steam engines.Ve also have the Acnw Sweep and Stackers Wand the Dane Sweep and Stackers. PEORIA CORN SI-IELLERS. Buggie \Vagons : , Hnrclware , f'teel RallgeH , Saddles - dles , nnd IIarness. Largest line in town.rrhank - . ( ing' you for past favors , 1 am yourR truly , G. W. Apple. < MW W W W WWWWwww w w wwwwwwaww 1j 1 j FREE TENTS AT THE FAIR. 'l'he Secretary of the County Fair is receiving a large number of letters from those who want free tents during the Count ) ' l air. 'l'hose who secnre these tents must write before'August 201h. . . . . . - - - - - - - " - AN AUTOMOBILE RAC . An l'xciting e\'ent a1 the County Fair , September. 1 to 4 , will be un au1omobile race. 'l'he arrangemen1 of this attraction bas beell in prog-ress for a n.tmber of weeks , and thc management are now able to announce that. it will be the real thing. ' 1'he distance will be lwo miles , and the two machines secured are supposed to be the fastest ill western Nebraslm. 'l'his attraction will be well worth seeing. - . - - Alvin Burk , who hag been sick for three weeks , i'l ! ' oulandaronnd again. P. E. llurnnett of Cozad , made this office a business call the fimt of the week. Mrs. Dora Barcus went to I in- I coIn , ' 1'uesday morning on a ten days visit with her parents. A number of people left 'l'ues- day morning for Lincoln to 011- tend the Epworth League As- sembly. " Prof. Zahn of Ansley , came up last Wednesday to look after businesg and returned home Monday - day morning. Prof. B. B. Hawthorne wcnt to I.fincoln 'L'nesday morning. He expecls to stop at other eastern towns while gone. D. C. Konkel has been in the city several days visiting with bis fami1) ' . He will return to bis field of labor to-day. Andrew \Veaver of Mason City , is attemlinglthe Teachers Institute - tute this week. 'l'he RIWUBI.ICAN office acknowledges a friendly call. Mrs. Geo. P. Trites received a telegram Sunday announcing the serious illness of a friend in Chester , Neb. She left 011 44 Monday for the bed side. Ed. IIaumout of Elton , wa a city visitor Saturday. He reports - ports that the hail Tuesday night week destroyed the small grain yet standing and badly damaged the corn. 'l'he Broken Bow Gas Plant has laid over a thousand dollars worth of mains the last two weeks. 'l'hey are plumbing the Reality Block and have several rooms already lighted. ' 1'he Harry Day store has changed owners agaltl. Geo. B. Houder is the new proprietor. Mr. HoudeI' took possession the first of the month. 'l'he Hl\pun- T.ICAN wishes Mr. Houder success in his new business. C. S. Martin's reputation for cheap buggies has extenddd beyond - yond the limits of the county. He sold and shipped a buggy to W. D. Blackwell at Cardova , Ne. braska. He reports having shipped in six cars of buggies , implements , twine and machinery It1 tht month of July. He sells machinery implenlents . as far west as Hyanms. J. B. Bryan of Ansl'hno , was a . friendly caller at tins office 'rues- . day. He had a leg and ribs broken - ken and otherwise injured internally - ternally by being thrown from his wagon by being thrown from his wagon by a railroad train at Anselmo the 27th of last March. He was confined to his bed fifty five days and is now only able to move abou t by u e of crutches. Duw-Un.I.-In this city July 31 , Mrs. Hill , wife of Wm. U. Hill of ' 1'riumph , of dropsey and heart disease , age 49 years. 'rhe deceased came to the citv the first of last week for m rlical treatment and was under the cart : of Dr. Pennington. She leaves a husband and three boys rang-ing in age from 8 to 1L years to mourn her death. Her remains were taken to 'rrhunph for burial. Miss Zeda Grant , formerl ) ' of 1uis city now of Urbana , I1linois , has been complimented with the promotion to Lady manager of the Urbana Suspel1d r Works , with which she ha- ! > been associated - ed as an mployee since the factory - tory was t rst started about six weeks ago. Her promotion carries - ries with it $10.00 a week salary. The Editor of the Rl\PUUI.ICAN acknowledges lhe receipt of a sample of the work of the factory the compliments of Miss Zeda , which we accept with thanks. They are in quality and make I equal t those mannfactur d by the oldest houses in the country. - - - - ' - ' - - Ross Humphrey commenced work last week in Haeberle's drug store with the view of learning - ing the business. ' 1'his office acknowledges a friedly visit yesterday from J. He Lang and wife of Lit chtield who have been rcsidents of Custer Co , since 187-1. Miss Brownrigg , teacher of short hand in the Business Coller.e of this city the past year left L'lIesda ) ' mornin& , for Omaha - ha where she witt visit prior to ltaking up her work in the Busi- dess College at Ord. MAHIUl1'At the residence of I bride's" brother Lute Sheppard , Saturda.x , August 1 st , 1903 , W m. M. Stonrl to Miss Mable Shep- pardob th of this city. Rev. Geo. P. Trites , ofiiciating. 'R. A. Hunter'g mother , who has been visiting here for some time died Saturday night at the home of her son. She was in her seventy sixth year. Short funer. . I al services were held at the residence - dence of Mr. Hunter Sunday afternoon by Hev. D. A. Shetler , pastor of the Presbyterian church. Her remains were ShIPped - ped to Litchfield , Ills. , Monday for interment , where the regular funeral services > will be held. 'l'he remains were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. . . . . . . , . . . - - - - 5t . . ' . . . . f ili"I "I rj\ W e T ry ffi To Please Our Customers. 'rUA T is wh ) ' we sell stricl- lyhigh grade unadu1t. . erated drugs , " THA'r is wh ) ' our prices are : t so reasonable , and ; 'rHA'1' is why we are care- ; \II 11/ ful and accurate . . in \II fill' lUg prescrtptlons. : Ed. McCOMAS . III i > RUQCI9T. 'I' . BJj'U'.JIIt"jttj..t.n.q' .u BJ-j'U'.J-I-I - " - - - - . - . Dr. G. W. Kirkpatrick of the west tahle , was circulating amollg the old settlers ye terr1ay. Mesdames W. II. Grindol of Decatur , Illinois , and 14. II. Win- gate of Chicago arrived in the city yesterday morning to visit ther sister , 1\11'9. J. C. Moore .l few weekf . L\.RHl D-Barcus-Paine-A : t the residence of l ev. II. E. Myers , Sunday noon , August 1st , 1903 , I. H. Barcus and Miss Bell Paine \Vestervil1e , Rev. Myers , ofiiciating. 'I'Ite bride is a well known and highl r respected - ed lady who located with her parents near Westervil1e in an early day. 'rhe groom i one of Custer Counties best citizens , aUd enjoYJ ! the esteem of all who know him. 'l'he l PUlII.ICAN extends - tends congra tula t ions. ' 1' . A.Vright formerly a teacher - er in this county in the \'icinity of West Union invaded thh sanctum Monday. Mr. Wright informs us that he is located in Chelan , Washington , where lw is engaged in the mercantile busi- ness. He has been theft for the past thirteen .rears and still likes the country. TIe say. ; Howard Graham formerly uf Uti ! } city is county treasurer there , serving h ! second term and that his son Charley is married and is depu t.r treasurer. lIe says l"1'rank Samp- SOil , Loyd Pershall and Mr. Call1plll ll , whu are there from this count ) ' an all doing well. - - - " ' ' - 'W'I . WAGONS We have just received a Cilr load of the Celebrated 8urg Wagon direct [ rom the factory.Ve guarantec the Gear of this wagon to be marle of Oak and Hickor ) ' , thoroughly air-seasoned and soaked in oil , before heingpainted-in fact one of the best wagons made.Vc sold two cars of them Imt s ason and ncwr had a complaint , and whilc the othcr . fellows werc furnishing new wheels , we ue\'cl' had five cents f repair bills on all wr. ' tJold. Jlt ' " 'Thcre is a few of those Minnie Mowers left , that we have had such a run ou. It's not oft n ) 'ou can get a mower , guaranteed to be as good as any tno\ver tnadc , for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36.00 And don't forget we are headquarters for PIano , Deering" and McCormick sickles , sections , lcger plates , guard , etc. , at one-half tlte price asked by other dealers-in fact , this is the house that saves j'ou money on all kinds of farm ma- chinery.Ve have a second-hand Horsc Power Threshing Outfit in the very best repair , which we waut to sell cheap. C. S. . MARTIN , Mfl ! . Agt. - - AND DEAIAER IN- AN'rI-TI UST GOODS. ti _ ' . . t - - - . . . .o-.r..r..M . .r..r..r..rJl' " School Boards Preserve the dignity of your ofiice by showing good ju < 1g- I ment 111 the purchase of S I SCHOOL SUPPLIES for your district. Rel11em- g ber that H. A. 'Watts matces S it stricti ) ' a business to lCeep S S1 all school snpplies at all 8 timcs. Step into the pmt S office store and "figger" 011 I an Exchange School Book S Order , an thcn pat yourself - self on the back. Mail orS del's prompl1y attended to. S See or address , I H'B CI lbS " " " . ' , cf.xU : o"3"J" iO'cr.rJQI'Y ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " Ired Baisch , who has beell clerking' ill Haeberle.'s drug tore' for several years left Saturday fol. ' Madison , 'Nebraska , wher hr. ' will spend settle tim in visiting his parents. IIe will then go to Chicago to enter school and take a thorough course in pharmacy. John Wchcling of the Wet. 'rabIe , brought a blue sand hill crane to thc city Tuesday that his bo.ys killed on his farm that mcasurcd six feet from tip to tip of its wings and four feet eight inches from the point of its bill to the eud of its. . toes. s.P. . GI OA'r & CO. , Embalmers Funeral Directors Wo IIIIVO Unlort/lklnl , : Ooodslnlt Funeral Car. u"n telllPllOoU 63 "t anv limp-dBY or nlght. ; S. P. GROAT & CO. . Broken } jow. - - Ncbms1.a. . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = ' R K B 1 I. Business @ Normal COIIO8. . . ! ! . . I The fall term will begin Sel > t. 7 , 1903. Pupils may s S enter at any timc , but better work will he al'l'omplishcd by being - Is ing present the first day. Our school is complete in each deS - S partment. We have the best eql.1ipments that can be found R tn the state for good work.Ve own our own buildings , site 8 and equipment , and we are here to stay. We employ none but 8 S first-class teachers. Our school is different in many re5pccts 8 from the ordinary high school or university. We aim to rl < < t- s : velope the mind by teaching' subjects that can be usc.l . in our H every day life. Our school is not iutended for those that have the time and money to spend six or eight ycars in getting an 91 education. We select those subjects that a man or lady will N use in their daily life whether in professional work or on the farm. . ' 1'0 those that wish to get work after completing our I course.alld preparing themselves for the work , we will say that there has becn no c1iOiculty in finding places. There is I no bettcr place to secur an education that will aid JOU in a practical way. 'l'here are many reasons .why the young meJt1 and women of this locali ty allll abronrl ! ihould attend t hi\ I school in Broken Bow.Ve ha\'c no saloom. , 110 gambling & . N dcns , no bowling alie s , no place for idleness and vice. W hav three complete courses : Business , Short-Hand & & Typewriting , and Telegraphy. 'l'uilion for Life Scholarship , 60.00. Any two courses , S100.00. l1'urther information given upon application. . B. EASTHAM , J. E. ADAMSON , { L : Seo'y. Pres. I O < Y.Y'/.Y'.Q' , ( ) " JOOt'.Q".rJ'.r J" . 'JCf' ) ! : ' t : . . . . . , , . . : ; ; f , . . . . . " "I't"'ffhA nl.ftttMhft ( , nh i" ' .j r 't , " . . . . , ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' Iifll ' ' lit fMilii'li'IIi'ftffi H i'"fiii'nn"iffii'TTlnrnrrllnnmJ tjnrrrnHl'1imnlriffirmn n i ) . . i. t. . ( ri 6A.V'E ; YO-U : . H.OGe BY USIN : -alj " " fioW : af ' . : .1 E k V . . lIre a acclne..1 U I HoD' b Cholera Cure Preventative , . j ' : I ' : Its averag recordlatl1 year b 92 l ) . l' cent. saved of all I 'I : hogs lr atclI , regardh & ! > of the condition of the hogs at time . ; \ : of trealment. 'Phis ( Icord is not equalled by any other I t , : ; rcme y 011 the tn.arl\ct. li'or further particulars , address , ; ; , I : 8. J. L0NERBAN , I : 13rokell 13tv , Nebr. . . . . ! . , 1111 ) . II \ ' - . ) , m \ . u u'v" . : ! . , . . ' . . . I ,